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SDP199700092 Staff Report Preliminary Site Plan 1997-09-16
• STAFF PERSON: ERIC L. MORRISETTE PLANNING COMMISSION: SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: OCTOBER 15, 1997 SP 97-036 FIRST CITIZENS BANK and SDP 97-092 FIRST CITIZENS BANK PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to construct a bank of approximately 4,650 square feet with four drive-through windows (three standard windows and one automatic teller). Attachment A is a reduced copy of the site plan. PETITION: SP 97-036 First Citizens Bank First Citizens Bank petitions the Board of Supervisors to issue a special use permit for drive-in windows [Sections 31.2.4 and of the Zoning Ordinance] associated with a bank, to be constructed on 1.352 acres zoned HC, I-Iighway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor (Attachment D). Property, described as Tax Map 46B4, Parcel 1 [part of] is located on the southern corner of the Route 29 North/Timberwood Boulevard intersection (Attachment B). This site is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District and recommended for Community Service in the Hollymead Community. SDP 97-092 First Citizens Bank Preliminary Site Plan Applicant seeks Planning Commission approval of a site plan to construct a branch bank with drive-through windows and an automated teller machine as described above. CHARACTER OF AREA: The property is located on the southern corner of the Route 29/Timberwood Boulevard intersection (Attachment C). Adjacent property zoned PD-SC, Planned Development - Shopping Center [Forest Lakes North Shopping Center] is across Timberwood Parkway to the north. Adjacent property to the east, across Fortune Park Road, is the location of the recently approved Forest Lakes Car Care Center [SDP 97-037]. Adjacent property to the southeast and south is the residue property of the subdivision plat currently under administrative review. Gateway Village Townhomes, Zoned R-15 [Residential], are adjacent to the residue property to the east. Worth Park and McDonalds, zoned C-1 [Commercial] are adjacent to the residue property to the south. Property zoned C-1, Commercial is located to the west, across Route 29 North. Page 1 of 5 This site is a graded and cleared lot. The proposed property entrance is directly off of the proposed Fortune Park Road Extension, which connects Timberwood Boulevard with Worth Crossing. The subdivision plat creating the lot, as well as the Fortune Park Road extension, is currently under administrative review. (This site is located at the commercial entrance to the Forest Lakes North Community.) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This area is recommended for Community Service in the Hollymead Community. Banks are a listed use in Community Service Areas. This proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: 1. SUB 95-042 Forest Lakes North Commercial Area - On June 12, 1995, the Director of Planning and Community Development signed the plat to create 3 new lots with common area, the Worth Crossing extension, and Fortune Park Road. 2. ZMA 96-026 Forest Lakes Association - On April 16, 1997, the Board of Supervisors approved a rezoning of 0.1 acre from R-15, Residential, to HC, Highway Commercial. No proffers were attached. REASON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: The drive-in window aspect of this proposal requires special use permit approval by the Board of Supervisors. In accord with Section of the parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, the Commission must act on the applicant's request for a modification to allow one-way circulation. STAFF COMMENT: Staff will comment on the special use permit and site plan separately. SP 97-036 First Citizens Bank Recommendation: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval subject to conditions. Page 2 of 5 • Staff Analysis: Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, Generally uses involving drive-through windows are traffic intensive. It is anticipated that there will be no significant traffic increase associated with the proposed use in the adjacent residential community of Forest Lakes North. The majority of the traffic will be to and from Route 29. Because the nearest residentially zoned property [Gateway Village Townhomes] is greater than 600 feet distant, it is anticipated that headlights from the use of the ATM will not create a substantial detriment to adjacent residential property. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby, The site is located within an actively developing commercial district. Banks and associated drive-throughs are consistent with other uses in the district. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, Staff has reviewed this request for compliance of Section 1.4, Section 1.5, and Section 1.6 of the Zoning Ordinance and finds no conflict with those provisions. with the uses permitted by-right in the district, The proposed drive-through is accessory to a by-right use and is in harmony with other by-right uses located in this primarily commercial district. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance, Section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance provides no additional regulations for uses involving drive- through windows. and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The Site Review Committee has identified no adverse affect on public health, safety, and general welfare. The Department of Engineering finds no major internal traffic circulation concerns with the proposed development (Attachment E). The Virginia Department of Transportation [V.D.O.T] has not identified any major traffic concerns (Attachment F). Page 3 of 5 Summary: Staff has identified the following factors which are favorable to this request: 1. The use is consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The use is consistent with Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff has not identified any factors which are unfavorable to this request. Staff finds that the proposed use of drive-through windows is an acceptable and expected accessory to a bank. Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval of the proposed drive-through windows with conditions. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. Drive-through windows will be limited to four [4]. SDP 97-092 FIRST CITIZENS BANK PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN The Site Review Committee has reviewed this site plan and may grant approval subject to the Planning Commission waiver of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is requesting a waiver for one-way internal circulation, due to the use of the drive- through windows (Attachment G). Section of the Zoning Ordinance states "One-way circulation aisles shall not be permitted, except that the commission may approve one-way circulation in such case where the same is necessitated by the peculiar character of the site or of the proposed use such as but not limited to uses involving drive-in windows and automobile laundries". The Site Review Committee has reviewed the applicant's proposal for installation and maintenance of control devices such as bypass lanes, signage, and pavement markings, and recommends approval of the internal circulation waiver. Recommended Action: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of the one-way internal circulation waiver request. With approval of the requested waiver, the Department of Planning and Community Development can administratively approve the preliminary site plan, subject to the following conditions: • Page 4 of 5 Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The Planning Department shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained. The final site plan shall not be signed until the following conditions are met: a. Planning Department approval of: 1. Landscape plan. b. Engineering Department approval to include: 1. The plan shall be sealed, signed, and dated by an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor with 3 (b) license, or landscape architect licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia; (This can occur when the plan nears final revisions) 2. Approval of grading and drainage plans and computations; 3. Virginia Department of Transportation [VDOT] approval of grading plans and computations. Per VDOT, the road plans are currently being reviewed for Fortune Park Road; 4. Approval of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan; and, 5. Engineering and VDOT approval of the Fortune Park Road Plans. c. Albemarle County Service Authority approval to include: 1. Submission and approval of final plans to address fire flow. Required fireflow is 1,225 gpm @ 20 psi. Records indicate that the fire flow serving this site is 964 gpm @ 20 psi. d. Albemarle County Architectural Review Board issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness. e. Approval of SP 97-36 to allow for the use of drive-though windows. ATTACHMENTS: A - Site Plan B - Tax Map C - Location Map D - Applicant's Special Use Permit Request and Justification E - Engineering Comments F - V. D. O. T. Comments G - Applicant's Request For One-way Circulation Page 5 of 5 t ay In OATH: • i he.6.t..wae A P.P..T U.WO Pp.c.1(Port of Let B) , pal Aon of -1.Dw Ao.. Seas M TI6. 09.1016 p..OS:O.B.1071 0.EL 1e65 O.So1-.2(prat) y,a93-.9a(ewlk OR 226 thk N46 P.100(PM1) ar !sect floe A.wr1. P.O.Bee 5202 O.rrne.61.vA 22902 Can..Purchaer/0.sspr.A ��' FIRST CITIZENS BANK r1rH OB...Bon• Attn: Themes S rr,» .O.Bee 27131 kept.MC 216,1 •rn j r• Norma.geblct M.N.DNb1ct Al'• ' S, PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN •p1 Bp•bent b•...et. pw,enNy VA 22902 U.S. 29 NORTH AND WORTH CROSSING 5n.Ptan nAssoc...M�A•, 9Cl.lC • ]'100' CM Ep^.•' s A Poet 0.n Be 3 .. oe m.P.L ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Os '•N.C.22656-006E VICINITY MARamon,T.pnene (419)677-2000 2onh9 11C EC O....,ortr;cl Et rtn9 C.ehrm. =.1,_...,:.....tn1f =Nb of M. P.....a U.. Son•with w pOU m6 Ate.Sp..s Sp uee pnw ew l r.r. Ph.t (212210) S.t.«..: rsot -SO'au.e..9 ID'per.,Eenun.Pen hone She ane Rev-hone Pan.p h.y.m. 412.6.6.2 rvrr.e.he...-1/150 SF. pro.e 4 Prier et. tr. arle-(reduced e00 S.F.re P/puctket et rroent)-1 space/250 Sr gran no...-'2 spec...once♦ Por•'n9 P.o.e.: 26 Soot. S L..Dee.: Peon 6 AfterAfterCOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE B.bnp D si Di 2650 Sr.(ha.Amy) es Op_ 1T.60 0 e6 Sf ,pOR 29,I SF SOS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Pa..a 0 Sr. 06 29..2.Sr e2z GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR SITE PLANS TOTAL 1.352 ACRES 1001% 1.152 ACRES 10011 fey Or ortyco Mao so Loy. Ero .w e e . nem,.a ...A..rt.m. ..pr pm.. ®... NOTES: .▪..oe.n a..my,sty,mro. 1 The�y�.�11..1a.1cwtwrcm.e•1 0 T....w.atr,nw 1 n p,.orT.mvm.p.Tep.pe s TOOT DRAM a.aR norm 2' ryrUhy.ep^s eaS4 04•0p.00as trwbii ptY=ene-Rae,ZPT2{ee"° ,. cr. 1 Pawrnwt..rnm.. 6•piA Be.Stone er.t....ryer^a To..T 2.5 eN-2 a.a.a a m.o.m.r.ry 1.5•SN-2A • Put¢.T1t .a r0m...T m....L.AMa O.MOM Ye 1•12009 DOn. CMTalbm e.m m U.SO.S. s Ormr.a K mta.r.Own¢rr e AL▪L..MT�60.0. ..Tart.-... r. warmmho b Au abort w.we.t ap® oa OVR � e ve .A. qr.p6.o..w..rtAY,,sr e:T an..e.r mr. H C E '.;r..1. In obltlw 1e the abe•rot.the 1.re.19.1a1mw. 1- e.h.1 Ans..on a.she plan. ..es1..0.0.0.T..6....The.lament must. 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H ' , CI,IN3WHDV.Id , - - ill 1ns- )..,•ri J.cAr-r -1flf 21- 1997 11 :56AM FROM BLDG/ZONING SERVICES 604 972 4126 3 ATTACHMENT D Special Use Permit Application DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST; (Please attach additional information as needed) This request is to grant a special use permit La First Citizens Rank _far drive-thru windows and ATM for roperLv HC_ located nt the southern most corner of the intersection of US Route 29 and Timberwood Blvd. known as portion of Tax Map 46B4, Parcel 1, in accordance with Section 22.2.2 of the Albemarle County zoning ordinance. The plat for this parcel_ ia currently under • review by Albemarle County. • • JUSTIFICATION: (Please attach additional information as needed) First Citizens BaQk must have drive-thru windows and ATM to provide financial services to its customers. This drive-thru is an accessory to the bank which - is common with most banks. • OFFICE USE ONLY .FA3 MAP'PARCEL: oc:.-tlo col 00 2. - -= 3. �:... — S -_ 1?-- s (Luis!o ZONED:` it k C. •-REQUESTF.DUNDER ORDINANCE SECTION: `V 4 • i - . • 1 ") E3�ISTING:USE:" ✓D-c:ciA— - 'pROPfJSEIYUSE: �.�^ �'j el r i✓e 44,r`' :HISTORY,: r� ' S `�3 3L 01'1)6, © ZMAs and Proffers: la • SPs:. D Letter of Authorization aGJ�V.As: of A ATTACHMENT E COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering&Public Works • MEMORANDUM TO: Eric Morrisette, Planner FROM: Andre S. Williams, Senior Engineer DATE: 3 September 1997 RE: First Citizen Bank(Forest Lakes) - Preliminary Site Plan (SDP-97-092) The Preliminary Site Plan received 21 August 1997 has been reviewed. All previous comments have been addressed. Therefore Albemarle County Engineering hereby recommends approval of the Preliminary Site Plan. Final approval shall be subject to Albemarle County Engineering approval of final site plan requirements and the following conditions: [Each item is preceded by the applicable reference to the Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise specified.] 1. [32.6.1.] The plan shall be sealed, signed and dated by an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor with 3(b) license, or landscape architect licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This can occur when the plan nears final revisions. 2. [32.6.6.d.] Albemarle County Engineering approval of grading and drainage plans and computations. 3. VDOT approval of grading plans and drainage computations. 4. [] Albemarle County Engineering approval of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 5. Albemarle County Engineering and VDOT approval of final road plans for Fortune Park Road. As of this date, our records show a revised road plan was submitted 26 August 1997 and is currently under review Albemarle County Engineering has also reviewed the one-way circulation at the drive-thru window and found it to be adequate. If you have any questions concerning this subject, please contact Jack Kelsey or me at 296-5861. ASW/ File wdkNCONKFI..PSP ADG. -(i'7 97 jiHU) 10 :09 VDOT TEL: 804 97S /59 P. 002 'ATTACHMENT Fl 4IL COMMONWEALTH of VIRGI IA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 701 vDOT WAY DAVICHARLOTTESviLLE. 22911 1. G.TUCKER R.GEHR COMMISSIONER August 7, 1997 RESIDENT ENGINEER Site Plan Mee■ing August 14, 19'7 Mr. Jack Kelsey Department of Engineering 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Kelsey: The following are our comments: SDP-092 First Citizens Bank Preliminary Site Plan, Route 1720 /, <> Entrance should be aligned more perpendicular to Fortune Park Road (90 degrees) 2, <> Stripe entrance for three lanes 3, <> Drainage computation will need to be reviewed i1 <> Road plans are currently being reviewed for Fortune Park Road • \ �l • • • • • ATTACHMENT G Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. August 20, 1997 U P.O.Box 33068 Raleigh,North Carolina 27636-3068 Albemarle County Eric Morrisette Department of Planning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SP97-36 Dear Mr. Morrisette: Based on comments from the Albemarle County Zoning Department, the Special Use request for a drive-in window for First Citizens Bank Preliminary Site Plan, SDP97-92, should have also asked for a waiver for one-way travel through the drive-in window. It is our intent that the drive-in windows and the bypass lane be one-way travel as we now indicate with directional arrows on the preliminary site plan, as one-way circulation is typical of drive-thru facilities at financial institutions. I am requesting that you please amend the special use request, SP97-36 to include a waiver for one-way travel through the drive-in windows and the by- pass lane for the First Citizens Bank Preliminary Site Plan. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Ver my eter p, Project Manage PAB/mac H:\PN\01103748\COUNTY.LRT ■ TEL 919 677 2000 FAX 919 677 2050