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SDP201100024 Correspondence 2011-04-19
Me.an Yaniglos From: Brajesh Tiwari [btiwari@mckeecarson.com] Sent: Monday, November 28.2O11 1O:4OAM To: Megan Yaniglos Co: 'Bill Mueller'; 'Stephen von Storch'; 'Bob McKee'; Chris Mantle Subject: FVV:E&BC Approval lettecdoo Attachments: FW: SOCA Updated Plans Good morning We submitted four copies of the Final Site Nan to you this morning for your signature. Please let us know vvhen a signed copy of the plan is available for us Thanks. Bn*jesh F.omm. BrajeshTiwad [mai|to:btiwari©mckeecarson.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 22 2011 3:38 PM To: [Dyanjgbs©a|bemade.org Cc: 'Bill Mueller' (biU.mueller@socaspot.crg); 'Bob McKee'; Chris Mantle (cma n.com) Subject: FW: E&S[ Approval letter.doc FYi With approva| the Final Site Plan for SOCA should be consider approved. As per your November IG"' email, we subrnit the four Copies of the site plan for your signature. We will also submit two copies to Max for his record. Thanks. Bnaje,h From: Max Greene ID]ai de.orol Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 3:05 PM To: Brajesh Tiwari Subject: E&SC Approval |etter.doc Brajesh, 1 was able to approve the plans today. Please send me 2 copies of the plan and narrative. Thanks, Max Me.an Yani• los From: Megan Yaniglos Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 9:18 AM To: 'Christopher Mantle' Subject: RE: SOCA Updated Plans k tine. \l'ou can submit 4 copies for signature, and vve %/yin sign them once the N.,X,P0 is approved. Let me knovy if you havt,. questions, Thar!i<:, ycu. Ailegan Ydnigios, A SIA Senior Planner A:ben County Cc.,mmunit- Development Department Har•liv Services 401 IvIcliltire Road, North Wing \,:irginia 22902 (43-4.26,5832 300 tx: 417; From: Christopher Mantle [mailto:cmantle@mckeecarson.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:23 AM To: Megan Yaniglos Cc: Brajesh Tiwari; 'Bob McKee'; Bill Mueller Subject: RE: SOCA Updated Plans Please see the attached Project Data Sheet with the old DB and PG numbers listed with the Tax Map Parcel, 17,)o you require anything eke for your conditional approval of the final site plan? Thanks, ChristDpiTur rkfirKEEC., and Sport Concent.4, Uri 4,1 4 r"1 r Auchikects Consulting Engineers Land PLinners ) it only to the ,. of tn:,:3 frOiViCitial 01 ehr0 rt 15 ackitessea ancl nay contair: frformation that is privile!..ed cott,dntiai and exempt mm awl/cable if the reader of this message, is i the intended tecipient or the emptoyee or agent responsibie f del ve'irig th rness, to Pe /010P:100 'ecipeot, yoti 310 i7e nor!fied any dissernim3tion, chstribi:Ltion c o copying of this cornmticic. is strictly prohibited if hove yer.:'efved this 170rnoxi 7; j. et! aw'nediateiy 9 tete-pi 0 'VO ernaii and de16te this file from rhailbo), From: Megan Yaniglos [mailto:myaniglos©albemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:40 AM To: Christopher Mantle Subject: RE: SOCA Updated Plans Can you put the old DB and page number on? And not the new/proposed one? Gther I think tnis is fine. Thanks., Megan Yanigios, ASIA Senior Planner County Cornmunivy Development Department Planning t.13von 101 tylcint ire Road, North Wing Vicginia ph: 41-3;;,'96.. 7;004 43X/2 126 From: Christopher Mantle Lmailto:cmantle©mckeecarson.comj Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 3:08 PM To: Megan Yaniglos Cc: Brajesh Tiwari; Bill Mueller; 'Bob McKee' Subject: FW: SOCA Updated Plans Megan,, Please see the email below from the client relating to the SOCA Fieldhouse adjacent parcel, Would it be possible for you to give us conditional approval of the final site plan pending this informatiort Please see the attached email dated September 26''' addressing your other comments, Thark Lq,.? ri tdc! Field St.- Concpts, !Act • 1- 94 ) I C t E. F CA R N apc ,6,rohitcc.ts Egrets * Land Pies iritei?ofect OtPy for use of the incL‘,/idual Of eitity to which it is add,' 6..5sed and rriay coritahn information that i privA., contienti,-Y4: and e ertpt ( 7 Oil: re under ap if the of this rne,'2saL'ie U.-3 hot thf.:? intended recipient or the .-miployee Of agent responsible delive.'wg message tc are notified i i disseminatson disirit)uttoo c•)t copying of this corrunotm;ation ptotiThrted If ou have o?ceived !his 170t,, us immechatel)," C y tet(:?phone of via et dc-?leie thiS flOtli y(Air f7?.j//box From: Bob Hauser [mailto:rhauser©stonehaus.net] Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 2:54 PM To: Bill Mueller; cmantle@mckeecarson.com Cc: Brajesh Tiwari; djensen©wwassociates.net; Bob McKee; Adam Swartout; Stephen von Starch; Natale, Rick J CIV USA INSCOM; rkroner@scottkroner.com; leckystone©comcast.net Subject: RE: SOCA Updated Plans Bill, 2 I will be happy to get this infomnation, however, it won't be available until the SOCA plat is of record. Currently this property exists as one parcel. | will say that | have never heard of a site plan being rejected or held up due to the adjoining propertys information. Perhaps Im confused. Bob Robert M. Hauser CEO STON F | | |�~ F- [-1/�\ \k )�� 2421 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 434-951-0999 (direct) 434-981-2034 (mobile) 434-975-3542 (fax) 3 Megan Yani9los From: DeNunzio, Joel D., P.E. [ Joel .DeNunzio ©VDOT.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:28 AM To: Megan Yaniglos Cc: Philip Custer Subject: SDP - 2011 -00024 SOCA Field House -Final Site Plan SDP-2.011-00024 SO A Field House Final Site Plan Mega I have reviewed the revisions for the subject plan and all VDOT comments have been adequately addressed. Thar ik I .. eI Joel DeNunzio, P.E. VDOT Culpeper Land Development 434 - 589 -5871 joei denu zia vdot_vircginia.gov_ From: DeNunzio, Joel D., P.E. Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 8:59 AM To: Megan Yaniglos Cc: 'Philip Custer' Subject: SDP -2011 -00024 SOCA Field House -Final Site Plan Megan, I have reviewed the referenced plan and have the following comment: 1. Colbert Street West was designed for residential use with parking on both sides. In these residential situations parking is sometimes used and the design assumes that most people will utilize offstreet parking. I am concerned that this site will utilize a lot of the street parking and two way traffic will not be able to pass on the street. This may lead to the need to restrict parking on one or both sides of Colbert Street West. In addition, the intersection with Belvedere Blvd was not designed for commercial type development and the same problem may occur at the throat of the entrance requiring changes. 2. CG -12 Curb ramps need to be provided at the connection with the sidewalk. 3. The entrance detail on sheet 12 appears to be a type CG -9 private entrance. This entrance will need to be a CG -11 commercial entrance. Also, please show the proposed entrance grade. 1 4. Show sight distances at the proposed entrance. 5. The most current version of the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards is dated 2007. Note #1 under Standards and Specifications on sheet 2 needs to be updated. 6. No steps are permitted on sidewalks within the Colbert Street right of way. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Joel Joel De Nunzio, P.E. VDOT Culpeper Land Development 434-589-5871 joel.denunzlogvdot.virginia.gov 2 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Bill Mueller (BILL.MUELLER(i)SOCASPOT.ORG) From: Megan Yaniglos- Senior Planner Division: Zoning & Current Development Date: Revl: September 20, 2011 Subject: SDP201 100024 SOCA Fieldhouse- Final Site Plan The Planner for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will recommend approve the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] I. [32.5.6(j)] Show all the easements for all the utilities. No easements are shown around the sanitary pipes. Revl: Comment not addressed. The easements are still not shown on the plans. Label the easements around all proposed utilities and pipes. 2. [32.6.6 (a)] Provide the deed book and page number for the new adjacent parcel once it is recorded. Revl: Comment not addressed. The deed book and page number provided is incorrect for the subdivision plat that created the lots. Provide the correct information. 6. [32.7.9] Show all the easements and utilities on the landscape plan to assure no conflicts with the proposed trees. Revl: Comment not addressed. Easements are not being shown. 7. [] Provide street trees along all existing streets in accordance with this section. If needed provide tree wells in the areas along Belvedere Blvd in order to meet this requirement. if there are existing street trees, show them. Revl: Some of the street trees along Belvedere Blvd are shown in the street. Revise so that they are not in the street. Please contact Megan Yaniglos at the Department of Community Development 296 -5832 ext. 3004 for further information. 1 Service Auth6rity 6 TO: Megan Yaniglos FROM: Alexander J. Morrison, Civil Engineer DATE: 9/15/2011 RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: SDP 2011024- SOCA Field House- Final Site Plan The below checked items apply to this site. ✓ 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: ✓ A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service ✓ 2. An 12 inch water line is located approximately 140' distant. 3. Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is Gpm + at 20 psi residual. 4. A 8 inch sewer line is located approximately (ON SITE) distant. 5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. ✓ 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7. and plans are currently under review. 8. and plans have been received and approved. 9. No plans are required. 10. Final and plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting tentative approval. 11. Final site plan may /may not be signed. 12. RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections. 13. City of Charlottesville approval for sewer. Comments: • Domestic waterline should be a 2" tap with a 2" line between the meter and main line. 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698 www.serviceauthority.org kid McKEECARSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • CONSULTING ENGINEERS • LAND PLANNERS 31 August 2011 Megan Yaniglos Senior Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SOCA Fieldhouse, Preliminary Site Plan (SDP201100024) Dear Ms. Yaniglos: Pursuant to your letter dated May 20 2011, this memorandum addresses the comments pertaining to the Final Site Plan for the subject property. Our responses are listed in order and concur with the numbering system, which was employed in your comments. Responses for each of the comments provided by Engineering, ACSA and Building Inspections are also provided below. One copy of this response letter has been made for each of these departments and included with this re- submittal package. Please distribute it to all concerned. Response to Comments from Megan Yaniglos, Senior Planner Q es. 32.5.6(j)] Show all the easements for all the utilities. No easements are shown around the sanitary Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Existing Conditions Plan (sheet 03) and Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). c )f32.6.6 (a)] Provide the deed book and page number for the new adjacent parcel once it is recorded. esponse: Duly Noted. Please see the Existing Conditions Plan (sheet 03). . [32.6.6 (j)] The LLF needs to be set at 1.0. Revise the lighting plan and photometrics to reflect a 1.0 LLF. Response: . [32.6.6 (j)] There cannot be more than 0.5 foot candle spill over at property lines and right of way l . There are areas where the spill over is more than 0.5 foot candle. Revise to meet the requirement. . [32.6.6 (j)] Provide all the cut sheets for the light fixtures. It needs to state that the fixture being proposed is full cut off. Response: 6. : 2.7.9] Show all the easements and utilities on the landscape plan to assure no conflicts with the • .posed trees. Response: Duly Noted. Plea a see Landscape Plans (sheet 08). S • r. ��( Gr[72. "7 ] Provide stfeet trees along all existing streets in accordance with this section. If needed p rovide tree wells in the areas along Belvedere Blvd in order to meet this requirement. If there are existing street trees, show them. Response: Please see Landscape Plans (sheet 08) for both existing and proposed trees. Affiliated with Field Sport Concepts, Ltd. 301 East High Street • Charlottesville, VA 22902 p: 434 . 979 . 7522 • f: 434 . 977. 1194 • mc@mckeecarson.com • www.mckeecarson.com 'ow" OF A r/ 4� 11111 -�@ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: SDP-2011-00024, SOCA Field House — Final WPO- 2011- 00026, SOCA Field House — E &S & SWM Plan preparer: McKee Carson (BTIWARI @MCKEECARSON.COM) Owner or rep.: Belvedere Station Land Trust; Robert M Hauser & Stan C Manoogian TRS Plan received date: 7 September 2011 Date of comments: 27 September 2011 Reviewer: Max Greene The site development Plans for SOCA Field House submitted 7 September 2011 have received Engineering Review and do not appear to meet Albemarle County minimum checklist items for approval. Please adequately address the following comments for final approval: A) Road and drainage plans (SDP- 2011 - 00024) 1) VDOT approval is required. Comments will be forwarded when received. [DM905] 2) Please provide more information on the Benchmark for the inspector /contractor. Description, location, and any other information will help with inspections and site approvals. 3) VDOT designations could not be located on the plan sheets as stated in response letter. a) Please label the entrances and curbing on the plan sheet to match the details provided. b) Please show where each type of curb begins and ends for inspection and bonding purposes. B) Stormwater Management and Mitigation Plan (WPO- 2011- 00026) 1) Please submit a SWM Agreement to be recorded in the County Clerk's Office. http: / /www.albemarle.org /upload /images /forms_center /departments /Community Development/for ms /Engineering and WPO_Forms/Plan _Review_- Stormwater Management BMP Facilities Maintenance_Agreement.pdf http: / /www.albemarle.org /upload /images /forms center / departments /Communitv_Development/for ms/Engineering and_WPO_Forms/Plan_Review_- _Stormwater_Management BMP Facilities Maintenance Agreement_Procedures.pdf You may contact Ana Kilmer (Albemarle County Department of Community Development) at ext. 3246 for further information on bonding procedures and Maintenance Agreements. C) Erosion Control Plan (WPO- 2011 - 00026) 1) Temporary Paved Construction Entrance detail does not appear correct. Please use the detail found in the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual: http: / /www.albemarle.org/upload /images /forms center /departments /community development/for ms /design_ standards manual /Albemarle_County Design Standards Manual_02- 12- 2010.pdf 2) Please replace the gravel curb inlet protection detail with one that has an emergency overflow capability. The detail shown is subject to frequent clogging and subsequent flooding or damage to surrounding areas. Once these comments have been addressed, please submit 3 copies of the revised plans, calculations, and 'ngineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 narratives to Current Development Engineering. Current Development Engineering is available from 2:30 -4 PM on Thursdays to discuss these review comments. Please contact Max Greene at 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3283 or email mgreene @albemarle.org to schedule an appointment. [17- 204.f] An application for an erosion and sediment control plan that requires modifications, terms, or conditions to be included in order for it to be approved shall be deemed to be withdrawn if the owner fails to submit a revised plan addressing the omitted modifications, terms or conditions within six (6) months after the owner is informed of the omitted information as provided under paragraph (B). A • C �� 1, COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 229n2 -4596 - - - - - — Phone- (434) -296- 5832 -- -- ____ _ _ - ._ _ .. ..._ __ - . _... _- ._._..._ - -- Fax -(434) 972- 4126 Steve VonStorch Stoneking VonStorch 107 5th Street S.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Brajesh Tiwari McKee Carson • 301 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 Belvedere Land Trust Robert Hauser 2421 Ivy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 Summer Frederick Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Re: SOCA Fieldhouse Parking Determination Dear Lady and Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to provide a written record of my parking determination for the SOCA Fieldhouse use. It is my determination based on your information, that the regular operation of this use requires 60 parking spaces. This determination does not • cover parking for tournaments. As we discussed in our meeting on April 5 parking for certain activities such as tournaments, will need to be managed. I will explain this more fully in the proceeding. The site plan dated as last revised on 4/6/10 is consistent with our discussion and I am hereby approving the provision of parking as shown in terms of number and location of parking. As we discussed, we recommend that you provide a curb cut from the new parking lot into the vacant area that is intended for a future school. This will provide an • area for convenient overflow parking. This parking determination is made in accordance with Section 4.12.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. This determination results in fewer parking spaces than the number that Page 2 SOCA Fieldhouse Parking Determination April 16, 2010 would be required per Section 4.12.16. This distinction is based on two reasons: 1. The proposed SOCA indoor facility is not the same use as outdoor soccer fields in terms of usage and parking generation. 2. SOCA is an organization with an extensive history in the team sport of soccer in this region. They have sufficient experience to both understand their parking needs and to make any necessary adjustments, so as to avoid or minimize parking conflicts. In this determination, I am relying completely on SOCA's experience and proposal for parking needs for this use. SOCA plans to utilize the fieldhouse more in the winter than other seasons when outdoor fields will be available. With few exceptions, the staff or coaches are family members of the players. Thus, these staff do not generate additional parking needs. Saturday will be the peak day in terms of parking generation. These peak days will generally involve two games at one time with some overlap at the beginning and end as teams finish up and other teams arrive. Based on the typical team size of 10, there would typically be no more than 40 players there at one time. With the overlap (teams arriving while the prior teams are playing), 80 players would be there. Based on SOCA's experience, they need parking based on 3/4 or 75% of the number of players; therefore 60 parking spaces will be needed. There is play on other days of the week; however, those are not the peak days. The concession area will serve those who are onsite for soccer and will not generate independent traffic. Therefore, as an accessory use to the soccer, it does not warrant additional parking. The weight room may be used at non -peak times or by players who are there for play. Therefore, the weight room will not be factored for parking. While earlier plans proposed parking on some of the internal Belvedere residential streets, that parking is no longer proposed as necessary to meet the parking requirements. Those streets were not designed and are not wide enough to • accommodate regular full -time parking, such as for Saturday soccer. They were intended for "informal" or "intermittent" parking that may involve staggered vehicles, but that does not fill the streets with parking on both sides. In our meeting on April 5 we discussed the practical issue that people coming for soccer may choose to parking on the residential streets if more convenient parking is not readily available. It will be important for SOCA to be in conversation with the Homeowners Association to prepare for and address any issues that may arise. We recommend that SOCA be proactive about this and solve any problems that may develop. SOCA acknowledged that in the event of parking conflicts, they can stagger the two games so they begin at different times. It was also acknowledged and is a critical point, that major events such as tournaments, will require significant planning and managing. This will likely involve the need for off-site parking and shuttle service to the fieldhouse. Page 3 SOCA Fieldhouse Parking Determination April 16, 2010 I hope this information is helpful and satisfactory. If you have any questions or comments you wish to discuss, please feel free to contact me. In order to make this an official and final determination, I am including the standard appeal language per the - Virginia Code. If you are aggrieved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it within thirty (30) days of the date notice of this determination is given, in accordance with Section 15.2- 2311 of the Code of Virginia. If you do not file a timely appeal, this determination shall be final and unappealable. An appeal shall be taken only by filing with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning Appeals a notice of appeal which specifies the grounds for the appeal. An appeal application must be completed and filed along with the fee of $120. The date notice of this determination was given is the same as the date of this letter. Sincerely, Ot e- , l r Amelia G McCulley, A.I.C.P. Zoning Administrator Cc: SDP 208 -2 SOCA Fieldhouse • Ms. Megan Yaniglos 15 July 2011 Page 2 of 5 Response to Comments from John Diez, Senior Civil Engineer 1. Please provide a benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography. An existing utility or other known position n will suffice. Response: The requested information is presented in an inset (1" = 100') on Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan (sheet 03). 2. All entrances must have VDOT designations (PE -1, CG -9a, etc.) Response: Duly Noted. Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and Site Details (sheet 11) 3. VDOT approval must be obtained prior to site plan approval. Response: Duly Noted. 4. Curbing on all parking areas and travelways must have VDOT designations (CG -2, CG -6). Response: Duly Noted. Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and Site Details (sheet 11) 5. All edges of pavement with no curbing must be specified on the plans. Response: Duly Noted. 6. Please provide arrows on all existing and proposed storm sewers. Response: Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) for the stormdrains arrows. 7. Direction of flow change (or deflection angle) in each drainage structure must be 90 degrees or greater. Revised: The angles of the pipes may stay the same. However, please lower the invert out at storm structure "IN -2" from 478 to 476 so the discharge can drop 2' down before its change of direction. Response: Revision has been made as recommended. Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and Utility Profile (sheet 11). 8. Please provide the specification for the dumpster pad stone base. Response: Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and Site Details (sheet 12) for dumpster pad detail. 9. Please label and show existing and proposed ground on the drainage profile. Response: Duly noted. Please see Utility Profile (sheet 11). 10. Please show all utility crossings on the drainage profile. Response: Duly noted. Please see Utility Profile (sheet 11). 11. Please provide a proposed pipe and inlet drainage area map showing acreage, hydrologic coefficients, and time of concentration. Response: Please see the attached drainage map and calculations in the narrative. 12. Please provide calculations and inlet type for Inlet #1 Response: Please see the attached calculations in the narrative r, .. %IS lid Ms. Megan Yaniglos 15 July 2011 Page 3 of 5 13. It appears that the application number used on the E &S plan indicating an existing sediment trap is incorrect. The correct application number is WP0200600048 and the existing sediment trap is no longer active. Please revise. Revised: I have researched all of the previous plans and found that WP0200600048 is the correct application number that must be referenced. WP0200600048 was the approved early grading plan that provides the design for the existing sediment basin. Please revise the existing plans to reference this application number and be sure to label it as "existing E &S sediment basin to be converted to bio- filter ". Response: Duly noted. Please see Existing Conditions Plan (sheet 03), E & S Plan (sheet 04) and Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 14. No inlets are shown on the proposed cistern. Please show how the cistern will receive the runoff (roof drain, gutters, etc.). In addition, please provide calculations from the proposed cistern to Belvedere Village Green. Revised: I have reviewed the plans again and verified that the cistern is designed to capture the runoff from the proposed building's roof. Please show the roof drains on the plans. Response: Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and attached calculations for the roof drains design. 15. The existing biofilter cannot be used as a sediment control facility. Engineering recommends two options: The first option is to provide a sediment trap southeast of the existing biofilter so as to capture the sediment before it enters the biofilter. The second option would be to convert the biofilter into a sediment trap, and then convert it back into a biofilter once the site has been stabilized. Revised: Please disregard comment #15 as we have clarified that the existing site has a sediment basin that will be converted into a bio - filter once the entire site has been stabilized. However, the plans needs to be revised to correctly illustrated the existing condition and application number. Response: Duly noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 16. Additional E &S comments may be forthcoming once a perimeter control has been shown. Response: Duly noted. Response to Comments from Joel DeNunzio VDOT Engineer 1. Colbert Street West was designed for residential use with parking on both sides. In these residential situations parking is sometimes used and the design assumes that most people will utilize offstreet parking. I am concerned that this site will utilize a lot of the street parking and two way traffic will not be able to pass on the street. This may lead to the need to restrict parking on one or both sides of Colbert Street West. In addition, the intersection with Belvedere Blvd was not designed for commercial type development and the same problem may occur at the throat of the entrance requiring changes. Response: As discussed over the phone, the concern traffic issue was discussed and resolved by the client and county staff during preliminary site plan stage. A letter from Amelia McCulley (Zoning Administrator) dated April 16, 2011 addressing any traffic concern is attached with this response letter. Ms. Megan Yaniglos Ns. 15 July 2011 Page 4 of 5 2. CG -12 Curb ramps need to be provided at the connection with the sidewalk. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) 3. The entrance detail on sheet 12 appears to be a type CG -9 private entrance. This entrance will need to be a CG -1 lcommercial entrance. Also, please show the proposed entrance grade. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) and Utility Profile and Details (sheet 11) 4. Show sight distances at the proposed entrance. Response: Duly noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 5. The most current version of the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards is dated 2007. Note #1 under Standards and Specifications on sheet 2 needs to be updated. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Project Data Sheet (sheet 02) 6. No steps are permitted on sidewalks within the Colbert Street right of way. Response: Duly Noted. Revision has been made. Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06) Response to Comments from Alex Morrison, Civil Engineer, ACSA 1. Sewer lateral should tie into indicated existing manhole on 8" PVCsanitary sewer line. Response: Revision has been made as discussed. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 2. NE corner of field house (near IN -2) is encroaching into indicated existing sanitary sewer easement. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 3. Clarify extent of concrete pad and fencing at G -12 in respect to sanitary sewer easement. Response: No revision is required as discussed over the phone. 4. Show profile of sanitary sewer and storm sewer crossing. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Utility Profile (sheet 11). 5. Show profile of storm sewer and waterline (between meter and tap) crossing. Response: Duly Noted. Please see the Utility Profile (sheet 11). 6. Tie into existing waterline should be a direct tap. Response: Duly noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 7. Provide fixture count so water meter can be sized. Response: Requested information was sent through email and also attached with the submission. • Ms. Megan Yaniglos 15 July 2011 Page 5 of 5 8. Add more separation between the fire line and the domestic line. We will need the fire line to be at least 3' from the outside edge of the meter vault box on the domestic line so we have optimal room to work if we must service it. Response: Revision has been made as suggested. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 9. The fire line will require a backflow prevention device (double check device). Response: Duly noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). 10. Call out insulation on the domestic and fire lines where they cross storm since the depth of cover will be less than 3 feet. Response: Duly noted. Please see the Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). Response to Comments from Jay Schlothauer, Inspector 1. Relocate the sidewalk ramp near parking space 59 so that parking spaces 58, 59 and 60 are all adjacent to a sidewalk surface that is flush with the parking surface. Response: Revision has been made. Sidewalk ramp has been made flush with 3 spaces and has been relocated to parking space 56, 57, & 58 so the ramp will meet grade with sidewalk prior to connecting to the terrace. Please see Grading & Utilities Plan (sheet 06). We trust that the attached plans and response letter will adequately address your comments and will be sufficient to expedite your review and approval of the preliminary site plan. Please call should you have any questions or comments. Sincerely yours, Brajesh Tiwari, P.E., LEED AP enclosures: See Transmittal or ` "O County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Bill Mueller (BILL.MUELLER @SOCASPOT.ORG) From: Megan Yaniglos- Senior Planner Division: Zoning & Current Development Date: May 20, 2011 Subject: SDP201100024 SOCA Fieldhouse- Final Site Plan The Planner for the Zoning & Current Development Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will recommend approve the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] 1. [32.5.6(j)] Show all the easements for all the utilities. No easements are shown around the sanitary pipes. 2. [32.6.6 (a)] Provide the deed book and page number for the new adjacent parcel once it is recorded. 3. [32.6.6 (j)] The LLF needs to be set at 1.0. Revise the lighting plan and photometrics to reflect a 1.0 LLF. 4. [32.6.6 (j)] There cannot be more than 0.5 foot candle spill over at property lines and right of way lines. There are areas where the spill over is more than 0.5 foot candle. Revise to meet the requirement. 5. [32.6.6 (j)] Provide all the cut sheets for the light fixtures. It needs to state that the fixture being proposed is full cut off. 6. [32.7.9] Show all the easements and utilities on the landscape plan to assure no conflicts with the proposed trees. 7. [] Provide street trees along all existing streets in accordance with this section. If needed provide tree wells in the areas along Belvedere Blvd in order to meet this requirement. If there are existing street trees, show them. Please contact Megan Yaniglos at the Department of Community Development 296 -5832 ext. 3004 for further information. 1 Megan Yaniglos From: DeNunzio, Joel D., P.E. [Joel.DeNunzio @VDOT.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 8:59 AM To: Megan Yaniglos Cc: Philip Custer Subject: SDP-2011-00024 SOCA Field House -Final Site Plan Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Megan, I have reviewed the referenced plan and have the following comment: 1. Colbert Street West was designed for residential use with parking on both sides. In these residential situations parking is sometimes used and the design assumes that most people will utilize offstreet parking. I am concerned that this site will utilize a lot of the street parking and two way traffic will not be able to pass on the street. This may lead to the need to restrict parking on one or both sides of Colbert Street West. In addition, the intersection with Belvedere Blvd was not designed for commercial type development and the same problem may occur at the throat of the entrance requiring changes. 2. CG -12 Curb ramps need to be provided at the connection with the sidewalk. 3. The entrance detail on sheet 12 appears to be a type CG -9 private entrance. This entrance will need to be a CG -11 commercial entrance. Also, please show the proposed entrance grade. 4. Show sight distances at the proposed entrance. 5. The most current version of the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards is dated 2007. Note #1 under Standards and Specifications on sheet 2 needs to be updated. 6. No steps are permitted on sidewalks within the Colbert Street right of way. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Joel Joel DeNunzio, P.E. VDOT Culpeper Land Development 434 - 589 -5871 ioel.denunzioPvdot.virginia.Qov 1 A OF A ,, �w SC '�t �'IRGINZP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: SDP-2011-00024, SOCA Field House — Final WPO- 2011- 00026, SOCA Field House — E &S & SWM Plan preparer: McKee Carson (BTIWARI @MCKEECARSON.COM) Owner or rep.: Belvedere Station Land Trust; Robert M Hauser & Stan C Manoogian TRS Date received: 20 April 2011 Date of Comment: 3 May 2011 Engineer: John Diez The Final Site Plan for SOCA Field House, received on 20 April 2010 has been reviewed. The plan cannot be approved as submitted and will require the following corrections before approval can be granted: A. General Review Comments (SDP201100024) 1. Please provide a benchmark location, elevation, and datum for topography. An existing utility or other known position n will suffice. 2. All entrances must have VDOT designations (PE -1, CG -9a, etc.) 3. VDOT approval must be obtained prior to site plan approval. 4. Curbing on all parking areas and travelways must have VDOT designations (CG -2, CG -6). 5. All edges of pavement with no curbing must be specified on the plans. 6. Please provide arrows on all existing and proposed storm sewers. 7. Direction of flow change (or deflection angle) in each drainage structure must be 90 degrees or greater. 8. Please provide the specification for the dumpster pad stone base. 9. Please label and show existing and proposed ground on the drainage profile. 10. Please show all utility crossings on the drainage profile. 11. Please provide a proposed pipe and inlet drainage area map showing acreage, hydrologic coefficients, and time of concentration. 12. Please provide calculations and inlet type for Inlet #1 13. It appears that the application number used on the E &S plan indicating an existing sediment trap is incorrect. The correct application number is WP0200600048 and the existing sediment trap is no longer active. Please revise. 14. No inlets are shown on the proposed cistern. Please show how the cistern will receive the runoff (roof drain, gutters, etc.). In addition, please provide calculations from the proposed cistern to Belvedere Village Green. B. Erosion and Sediment Control Comments (WPO201100026) 15. The existing biofilter cannot be used as a sediment control facility. Engineering recommends two options: The first option is to provide a sediment trap southeast of the existing biofilter so as to capture the sediment before it enters the biofilter. The second option would be to convert the biofilter into a sediment trap, and then convert it back into a biofilter once the site has been stabilized. 16. Additional E &S comments may be forthcoming once a perimeter control has been shown. 1 :S1)4 -,> P . 1100(32.1 - :)C i C €cki - . i€ tz. '13E , � ; c �. :€ : ..._ '' ) 024 `s {ICA ( °i::Izi ir3 €a:g:- Pn :.doc Albemurie County Service Auth+►ri tY TO: Megan Yaniglos FROM: Alexander J. Morrison, Civil Engineer DATE: 5/2/2011 RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: SDP 2011024- SOCA Field House- Final Site Plan The below checked items apply to this site. ✓ 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: ✓ A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service ✓ 2. An 12 inch water line is located approximately 140' distant. 3. Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is Gpm + at 20 psi residual. ✓ 4. A 8 inch sewer line is located approximately (ON SITE) distant. 5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. ✓ 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7. and plans are currently under review. 8. and plans have been received and approved. 9. No plans are required. 10. Final and plans are required for our review and approval prior to granting tentative approval. 11. Final site plan may /may not be signed. 12. RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections. 13. City of Charlottesville approval for sewer. ✓ Comments: • Sewer lateral should tie into indicated existing manhole on 8" PVC sanitary sewer line. • NE corner of field house (near IN -2) is encroaching into indicated existing sanitary sewer easement. • Clarify extent of concrete pad and fencing at G -12 in respect to sanitary sewer easement. • Show profile of sanitary sewer and storm sewer crossing. • Show profile of storm sewer and waterline (between meter and tap) crossing. • Tie into existing waterline should be a direct tap. • Provide fixture count so water meter can be sized. 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698 www.serviceauthority.org - 1 OV AWN COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 April 14, 2010 Bob McKee McKee Carson 301 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: SDP2008 -127 SOCA Fieldhouse - Preliminary Dear Mr. McKee: The Department of Community Development hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced site plan. The approval of the preliminary site plan is valid for (1) one year in accordance with Section of Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code. Therefore, the preliminary approval shall expire on April 14, 2011. If the preliminary site plan approval expires, a new application must be filed and processed. Please address all of the requirements and conditions listed below and submit eight (8) tentative plan copies to the Department of Community Development. This letter must be submitted with the tentative plans, as a checklist, to document that you have addressed all requirements or conditions, or the tentative plan will be denied. Erosion and Sediment Control, BMP Stormwater Management, and road plans with the associated applications and fees must also be submitted with the eight (8) tentative Plans. Once the tentative plan is submitted and reviewed you will receive comments from all departments /divisions /agencies that have made comment on the tentative plan. Any further responses must be made directly to each department /division /agency that has further comment. After all aforementioned departments /divisions /agencies have granted a tentative approval, you must verify with the Planner that you may submit the final mylars (2 sets), two paper copies, the final site plan application, and final site plan fee to the Department of Community Development. Signing of the plans will occur within one week once it is determined that the final site plan mylars reflect all tentative approvals. The final site plan will be subject to all final site plan requirements (Zoning Ordinance Section 32.6), in addition to the following conditions. 1 The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final site plan for signature until tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained: Zoning & Current Development approval to include: • Plan to meet all applicable items as specified in Section 32.6 of the ordinance. • Plan to meet all applicable requirement found in Belvedere Code of Development. • Parking layout and numbers in accord with determination from Zoning Administrator. Please contact Summer Frederick at 296 -5832 x3565 if you have questions or require additional information. Engineering approval to include: • [Chapter 17 and Design Manual] Approval of the ESC and SWM plans. • [Design Manual] Approval of the site plan. • [Design Manual] Approval of the road plan. Please contact Amy Pflaum at 296 -5832 if you have questions or require additional information. Albemarle County Service Authority approval to include: • Address all Albemarle County Service Authority requirements before final site plan approval can be granted. Please contact Gary Whelan at 977 -4511 if you have questions or require additional information. Fire & Rescue approval to include: • Must comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. • Approval is subject to field inspection and verification. Please contact James Barber at 296 -5833 if you have questions or require additional information. VDOT approval to include: • A CG -11 type entrance must be utilized for the entrance onto Colbert Street. Please contact Joel DeNunzio at 434 - 293 -0011 Ext. 120 if you have questions or require additional information. Inspections Division approval: • All applicable requirements of the building code must be met. Please contact Jay Schlothauer at 296 -5832 if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Summer Frederick Senior Planner Current Development File: SDP2009 -127 2