HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201300042 Correspondence 2013-03-25 PHONE(434)293,4251
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Megan Yaniglos September 11, 2013
Albemarle County, Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Va. 22902
RE: SUB201300042 - Old Trail Block 14 - Revised Final Plat
Thank you for the comments we received on April 22, 2013. Attached are 8 copies of the
revised plat, 2 draft copies of the Private Road Maintenance Agreement, 1 copy of the
recorded SWM/BMP Maintenance Agreement, and 2 copies of the Old Trail Village
Devleopment Summary Table.
Our response is as follows;
Planning Services, Megan Yaniglos
1. [14-316] VDOT. Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation is required.
2. [14-317] Instrument. Provide an instrument for the maintenance of the private streets
to be reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. A template is provided for your
use. Also, provide deeds of easement for the storm drainage easements.
Thayer Reback with Woods Rogers PLC, mailed you an electronic copy of the Private
Street Maintenance Agreement for your review on 9/13/13. I have attached 2 paper
copies for your use as well. I have also attached a copy of the SWM/BMP Facilities
Maintenance Agreement for block 14 which is recorded at D.B. 4399 pp. 533-536.
3. [14-428] Dedication. Is Glen Valley and Fielding Run being dedicated with this plat?
If so, please state, the roads must be dedicated for frontage of the lots. If already
dedicated, provide the deed book and page number for the streets under which it was
Glen Valley and Fielding Run are being dedicated with this plat. This is now noted on
the cover sheet under "Notes"(at the bottom). I now also note "hereby dedicated to
public use"on sheets 2, 2A, 3, and 3A.
4. [14-435] Surety. All bonds must be posted for all improvements prior to signing of the final
Noted. The developer is working on this now.
5. [Proffer#2] If affordable units are being constructed, they need to be shown/indicated on the
plat per this proffer for tracking purposes. If not, provide a supplemental table that shows all the
blocks to ensure that the affordable housing proffers are still being met.
I have attached 2 copies of this table for your review.
Engineering, Michael Koslow
1. Final plat approval cannot precede final road plan (SUB2013-00025; not yet approved) or
WPO plan (WPO2012-00013, for which an amendment is being reviewed separately which
contains stormwater management(SWM) easements) approval for Old Trail Village Block 14.
The Road and WPO plans have now been approved.
2. If SWM amendment proposes to treat runoff from Block 14 off-site, please modify easement
note on sheet 3A "variable width drainage & stormwater facility maintenance easement."
We are no longer planning to install any SWM facilities in the open space and this easement
has gone entirely away and I have revised the plat accordingly.
3. Please indicate proposed water and sewer lines, proposed drainage lines and structures, fire
hydrants, and proposed stormwater management facilities after approved on Old Trail Village
Block 14 road and WPO plans.
Proposed water, sewer, and drainage lines and structures are now shown on the plat.
4. A VDOT accepted public road or a subdivision - road bond will need to be posted for roads
proposed with Old Trail Village Block 14 site plan prior to the approval of the final plat.
Noted. The developer is working on this now.
5. Subdivision—water& sewer (by ACSA) and WPO (ESC and SWM, by the county) bonds
will need to be posted prior to the approval of the final plat.
Noted. The developer is working on this now.
6. A stormwater management maintenance agreement will be required for Old Trail Village
Block 14 prior to final subdivision plat approval.
As previously stated, I have attached 2 copies of the recorded block 14 SWM Agreement(D.B.
4399 PP. 533-536).
7. Due to acceptance of runoff from public roads, please modify proposed 20' private drainage
easement at SW corner of Glen Valley Drive and Fielding Run Drive to be a 20' public drainage
easement on sheets 3A& 4.
This easement has been revised accordingly.
Fire Rescue, Shawn Maddox
Fire and Rescue have no objections to the Subdivision plat Old Trail Village Block 14 created
3/25/2013 as long as all street width, no parking and minimum curb radii requirements can be
met with the layout provided.
E911, Andrew Slack
The applicant should contact this office with a list of three (3) replacement names for'Meadow
Valley Circle' This road name is not available for use. The road name 'Claire Mill Circle' is valid
and has been added to the reserve road name list.
Both private alley names have been revised to (pre-approved and reserved) Nobel Leaf Lane
and Claire Mill Circle.
Again, thank you for the comments, and feel free to call/email me with any questions or
Sincerely � �
Nathan rris
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` *rye (434)293-4251
Megan Yaniglos May 14, 2013
Albemarle County, Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Va. 22902
RE: SUB201300042 - Old Trail Block 14 - Revised Final Plat
Thank you for the comments we received on April 22, 2013. Attached are 8 copies of the revised
plat. Our main goal with this re-submittal is to address all plat related comments. We will
forward required deeds, maintenance agreements and other instruments as they become available
to us.
Our response is as follows;
Planning Services, Megan Yaniglos
1. [14-316] VDOT. Approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation is required.
2. [14-317] Instrument. Provide an instrument for the maintenance of the private streets to be
reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. A template is provided for your use. Also,
provide deeds of easement for the storm drainage easements.
The developer's attorney is preparing the road maintenance agreement and deeds. We will
forward you this information as it becomes available.
3. [14-428] Dedication. Is Glen Valley and Fielding Run being dedicated with this plat? If so,
please state, the roads must be dedicated for frontage of the lots. If already dedicated, provide the
deed book and page number for the streets under which it was dedicated.
Glen Valley and Fielding Run are being dedicated with this plat. This is now noted on the
cover sheet under "Notes"(at the bottom). I now also note "hereby dedicated to public use"on
sheets 2, 2A, 3, and 3A.
4. [14-435] Surety. All bonds must be posted for all improvements prior to signing of the final
`qiure NNW
5. [Proffer#2] If affordable units are being constructed, they need to be shown/indicated on the
plat per this proffer for tracking purposes. If not, provide a supplemental table that shows all the
blocks to ensure that the affordable housing proffers are still being met.
There is no affordable housing proposed with this block. The developer is currently preparing
a spread sheet for tracking blocks relative to affordable housing so that moving forward we
can more easily track this information. We will forward this to you when it becomes available.
Engineering, Michael Koslow
1. Final plat approval cannot precede final road plan (SUB2013-00025; not yet approved) or
WPO plan(WP02012-00013, for which an amendment is being reviewed separately which
contains stormwater management(SWM) easements) approval for Old Trail Village Block 14.
2. If SWM amendment proposes to treat runoff from Block 14 off-site, please modify easement
note on sheet 3A "variable width drainage & stormwater facility maintenance easement."
This easement has gone entirely away and I have revised the plat accordingly.
3. Please indicate proposed water and sewer lines, proposed drainage lines and structures, fire
hydrants, and proposed stormwater management facilities after approved on Old Trail Village
Block 14 road and WPO plans.
Proposed water, sewer, and drainage lines and structures are shown on the plat. An easement
plat relative to the WPO plan and enlarged off-site SWM basin will be submitted separately.
4. A VDOT accepted public road or a subdivision - road bond will need to be posted for roads
proposed with Old Trail Village Block 14 site plan prior to the approval of the final plat.
5. Subdivision—water& sewer(by ACSA) and WPO (ESC and SWM, by the county)bonds
will need to be posted prior to the approval of the final plat.
6. A stormwater management maintenance agreement will be required for Old Trail Village
Block 14 prior to final subdivision plat approval.
We will forward this information to you once it is made available.
Fire Rescue, Shawn Maddox
Fire and Rescue have no objections to the Subdivision plat Old Trail Village Block 14 created
3/25/2013 as long as all street width, no parking and minimum curb radii requirements can be
met with the layout provided.
E911, Andrew Slack
The applicant should contact this office with a list of three (3) replacement names for'Meadow
Valley Circle' This road name is not available for use. The road name 'Claire Mill Circle' is valid
and has been added to the reserve road name list.
Both private alley names have been revised to (pre-approved and reserved) Nobel Leaf Lane
and Nobel Leaf Way.
Again, thank you for the comments, and feel free to call/email me with any questions or
Sincerely, /
Nathan Morris
Nee, Now
�®oo A��,
zr ��.-�,s:
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
January 3, 2013
Scott Collins
200 Garrett Street
Charlottesville, VA. 22902
RE: SUB201200103 Old Trail Village Block 14—Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Tax Map Parcel 055E00100000A1; 055E0-01-00-000G0
Dear Mr. Collins:
The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on, December 18, 2012, by a vote of 7:0
approved the following:
1. Section 14-233 and 14-434-Authorization of two Private Streets within the Development Areas
(Meadow Valley Circle and Claire Mill Circle)
2. Section 14-422 (E)(2)-Waiver of the sidewalk requirement with conditions
Conditions of approval for the sidewalk waiver include:
1. No sidewalk will be required for Meadow Valley Circle and Claire Mill Circle private
streets as shown on the preliminary subdivision plat for Block 14 dated 12/5/12.
2. Planting strips are required for all other roads within and adjacent to Block 14.
3. Section 14-422 (F)(2)-Waiver of the planting strip requirement with conditions
Conditions of approval for the planting strip waiver include:
1. No planting strip will be required for Meadow Valley Circle and Claire Mill Circle
private streets as shown on the preliminary subdivision plat for Block 14 dated
2. Planting strips are required for all other roads within and adjacent to Block 14.
4. Section 14-218(B)- Preliminary Subdivision Plat approval with conditions
Conditions of approval for the Subdivision Plat include:
The preliminary subdivision plat and waiver requests were approved with staff's recommended conditions
as noted below.
Planning approval to include:
❑ The plat shall be subject to the requirements of Section 14-303 (Contents of final plat), as
identified on the"Final Subdivision Checklist"which is available from the Community Development
❑ The final plat shall address all minimum requirements from Sections 14-410 (Standards for all
street and alleys) and 14-412 (Standards for private streets only).
❑ Virginia Department of Transportation approval
Engineering approval to include:
❑ The plan must meet all engineering requirements of the Water Protection, Subdivision, and
Zoning Ordinances in addition to all engineering standards detailed in the County's Design
Albemarle County Service Authority approval to include:
❑ Final water and sewer construction plans will be required for review for
final. The plat must match the final plans.
Fire & Rescue approval to include:
❑ Hydrant at the corner of Fielding Run Drive and Glen Valley Drive needs to be located on the
northwest corner of the street.
❑ Minimum Curb Radii shall be 25 ft.
❑ Fielding Run Drive and Glen Valley Drive will need to be 36 ft FC/FC to allow parking on two
sides and maintain a 20 foot wide unobstructed travelway for fire access.
❑ Claire Mill Circle and Meadow Valley Circle needs to be marked as fire lane/No Parking on both
E911 approval to include:
❑ The applicant should contact this office with a list of three (3) potential road names to replace
'Meadow Valley Circle'. This road name is not available for use. 'Claire Mill Circle'will be added
to the reserved road name list for this project.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to
contact me at(434) 296-5832.
Megan Yaniglos
Senior Planner
Planning Services
Cc: March Mountain Properties LLC
P 0 Box 370
Crozet, VA. 22932-0370