HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201300038 Correspondence 2013-06-03 *NW Nape
Ana Kilmer
From: Ana Kilmer
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:57 PM
To: 'Randy Hill'; 'Michelle Simpson'
Cc: Kenny Thacker; Michelle Roberge; Esther Grace
Subject: wpo-2013-00038 Rivanna Pump Station and Rivanna Interceptor Tunnel
The $237,100 water protection performance bond has been posted and approved (erosion$62,380; stormwater
$174,720). The permit and first year inspection fee has been paid. The stormwater agreement was recorded on March
13, 2014.
Please contact Kenny Thacker to determine when you can set up the pre-construction meeting.
Thank you
Ana D. Kilmer
Management Analyst
County of Albemarle
Community Development Department
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
Michelle Roberge
From: Michelle Roberge
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:59 PM
To: 'Blake, Hugh'
Cc: Randy Hill (rhill @adamsrobinson.com); Glenn Brooks
Subject: RE: RSWA Pump Station Spoil to Burnett Commons 3
Thanks Hugh!Thanks for validating that Burnett Commons Phase 3 is a suitable site for the excavated material from the
RWSA Pump Station and Interceptor project. I will go ahead and approve the WPO regarding the pump station and
interceptor tunnel within the Albemarle County limits since there is an approved disposal area in Charlottesville,VA.
-Michelle Roberge
From: Blake, Hugh [mailto:blakeh@ charlottesville.orq]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:50 PM
To: Michelle Roberge
Cc: Randy Hill (rhillOadamsrobinson.com)
Subject: RSWA Pump Station Spoil to Burnett Commons 3
Hello Ms. Roberge:
The Burnett Commons Phase 3 development has an approved Erosion and Sediment Control plan. They, also,will need
suitable fill to replace the poor material that is being removed at this time. The availability of clean fill from the RSWA
work seems like a welcome outcome to meet that need.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
Hugh K. Blake,PE
Civil Engineer
City of Charlottesville
Neighborhood Development Services
610 East Market Street
Phone: (434)970-3188
Email: blakeh(a,charlottesville.org
February 3, 2014
Erosion Control&Stormwater Review
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Attn: Michelle Roberge
Re: Moore's Creek WWTP- New Rivanna
Pump Station and Interceptor Tunnel
Response to comments
Dear Ms. Roberge:
Please find below response to comments made for the Moore's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Also
attached in this submittal are updated drawings, soil stockpile quantities, and updated stormwater
calculations and figures.
In response to comments made by Albemarle County, Hazen and Sawyer offers the following on behalf of
the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority.
E&S Comments from Engineering 7-1-13 Michelle Roberge
1. Please show tunnel profile within Albemarle County limits only. (Gray out section within
Charlottesville limits). Label the station at end of County limits.
Response: The section of the tunnel profile within Charlottesville limits has been greyed out
on sheet C31 for clarity. A station label has also been provided at the County/City boundary.
2. Calculate amount of borrow from tunnel and pump station.
Response: A soil excavation and stockpile quantities worksheet has been provided with this
response to comments.
3. Show proposed grades for stockpile areas and label cf or cy of stockpile in each designated
stockpiling area. Note max grade for slope is 2:1. (We need to verify if stockpile locations are
Response: Proposed grades for stockpile areas are shown on sheet C6 and C11 for
informational purposes only. Stockpile locations are at the discretion of the contractor as a
part of his means and methods. As shown on sheet C6 the max stockpile volume for
Stockpile Area#1 is 550 cv. A stockpile with a volume of 1,720 cy is shown within Stockpile
Area#3 on sheet C11 to show that this area can accommodate the total amount of stockpile
anticipated(1600 cy)for this project. in addition to the areas provided in Stockpile Areas#1
and#3 a portion of Stockpile Area#2 will be made available immediately upon the start of this
project's construction activities.
4. It appears a staging area for tunnel boring is required near the pump station. Show phasing since
pump station excavation may not be possible until after the tunnel is drilled.
Response: The contractor will excavate the entirety of the pump station limits and tunneling
operation will take place within these excavated limits. The limits of the tunneling work shaft
have been added to sheet C6 for clarity. Excavation phasing will not be needed.
5. Please note that previous design under WPO2008-79 was approved to allow no treatment for
area north of pump station. This current design is mimicking this. Please note that for all future
projects impervious area should be treated to the maximum amount possible.
Response: Comment noted.
6. Certain pipes for storm drains changed. Provide updated calcs, sealed and signed.
Response: Updated calculations(sealed and signed) have been provided.
7. Change note 5 on Sheet C10 to revise potion of note to"...perforation shall contain at least 6
Response: No 5 on Sheet C10 has been revised.
8. Contractor shall provide manufacturer's certification.
Response: Note 16 on sheet C10 states that the contractor shall provide certifications to the
engineer and the county's inspector during construction.
Two(2) copies of the modified drawing set and modified calculations have been provided, illustrating
the responses above. We trust this information will allow you to complete your review of the WPO and
SWM applications. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Bret T. Edwards, P.E.
P ' cipal Engi -r
HAZEN AND SAWYER Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
4011 WestChase Blvd.
Environmental Engineers & Scientists
Raleigh,NC 27607
August 27, 2013
Ms. Michelle Roberge
County of Albemarle
Department of Planning and
Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Re: WPO201300038
E&S Plan Amendment
Moores Creek WWTP
Dear Ms. Roberge:
This resubmittal is in response to comments made by the County of Albemarle in
regards to WPO201300038. In addition to the updates to the plans addressing
comments by Albemarle County, RWSA has eliminated Contractor Stockpile/Laydown
Area #3 from the project.
Please find attached two (2) copies of the revised drawings, two (2) copies of the
revised narrative with supporting documents and calculations, an E&S Amendment &
SWM Plan Resubmittal Application, and the associated $480 review fee check. Also
included in this resubmittal is two (2) response to comments letters and addition
information. Additional information includes, RWSA's perpetual easement on TM 78-
21 H, a letter from RWSA to the County regarding the status of easement acquisition,
and Virginia DEQ Certificate to Construction and CSX crossing applications.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information or
have any questions.
Bret T. Edwards, PE
Principal Engineer
HAZEN AND SAWYER Hazen and Sawyer,P.C.
4011 WestChase Blvd.
Environmental Engineers & Scientists Suite 500
Raleigh,NC 27607
August 27, 2013
Erosion Control & Stormwater Review
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Attn: Michelle Roberge
Re: Moore's Creek WWTP- New Rivanna
Pump Station and Interceptor Tunnel
Response to comments
Dear Ms. Roberge:
Please find below response to comments made for the Moore's Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Also
attached in this submittal are updated drawings, updated stormwater and E&S calculations, and figures..
In response to comments made by Albemarle County, Hazen and Sawyer offers the following on behalf of
the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority.
EBBS Comments from Engineering 7-1-13 Michelle Roberge
1. The SWM management application and fee have not been submitted at this time. This review is
for erosion and sediment control only.
Response: A SWM application and fee was submitted on July 17th and comments were
V received by H&S on July 31St. Our response to these comments have been provided in this re-
2. Since it is not clear if the tunnel is being proposed at this time, also clarify if the stockpiles are for
both the pump station and interceptor tunnel, or the pump station only. This information is
necessary to determine if the proposed erosion control measures around the stockpiles are
Response: The interceptor tunnel is proposed for this project, although the stockpile areas
will only provide storage for the proposed construction of the pump station. All material
excavated by the tunnel boring machine is to be hauled off site by the contractor.
3. Any stockpile taken offsite will require a permit.
Response: We understand that any stockpile taken off-site will require a permit. All off-site
stockpile and/or dumping areas where stockpile and spoil material will be disposed will be the
%/responsibility of the contractor, and shall be coordinated and permitted by the contractor at
that time. RWSA is aware that this area shall be coordinated prior to the preconstruction
meeting in order to prevent grading permit delays.
4. The erosion control measure for the stockpiles shall wrap around entire stockpile location.
Please show on sheet C5 and C6.
Response: Erosion control measures have been wrapped around the entirety of the two
✓ remaining stockpile locations with the exception of small openings to allow access to these
areas. Stockpile/laydown area#3 previously shown on sheet C5 has been eliminated from this
5. On C5 and C6, all construction entrances shall be, at a minimum, 12'x70'.
Response: Because Stockpile area#3 has been removed from the project the construction
entrances shown on sheet C5 are no longer necessary and have been removed. The
V construction entrance shown on sheet C6 is shown as 12'x70'and a Truck Wash Rack has
been provided.
6. The access road, from note 7 on sheet C6, shall show a CRS. The slope shall not exceed 10%.
Roadbeds shall be at least 14'wide for one way and 20' for two way.
Response: Both temporary gravel roads shown on sheet C6 are for RWSA personnel only to
provide access throughout the plant during construction. There shall be no construction
V traffic on these temporary gravel roads. All construction traffic will enter and exit the site
through the use of the construction entrance shown on sheet C6. Please see notes 7 and 8 on
sheet C6 for more detail.
7. Please place the TS and DC symbols on sheet C5.
✓ Response: TS and DC symbols have been added to sheet C5.
8. Stockpile#1 is within the floodplain. Please relocate outside of the flooplain.
V Response: Stockpile#1 has been relocated outside the limits of the floodplain.
9. On sheet C5, I recommend placing note#19 within the limits of Stockpile#2, so it is clear this
area will only be used after the completion of the digester project.
Response: The label within the limits of Stockpile#2 has been revised to show a reference to
note#17. This should provide more clarity to the restriction of the use of this stockpile area
during the digester project.
10. Is the proposed gravel entrance for RWSA personnel temporary or permanent?
• Response: Both gravel access roads shown on Sheet C6 are temporary access roads and will
be removed at the completion of the project.
11. On the SW corner of C6, I recommend revising the silt fence to follow the 316 & 318 contour. Silt
fences do not work well on slopes.
Response: Process piping in this area has been rerouted inside the limits of the existing
asphalt road in an effort to decrease the disturbance of the vegetated Moores Creek stream
buffer. All land disturbance in this area has been eliminated and silt fence is no longer
Stormwater Comments Engineering 7-31-13 Michelle Roberge
1. The pre conditions show 2.32 acres being treated. Post condition shows only 1.78 acres being
treated. Please provide treatment for 2.32 acres.
Response: FES#1 has been replaced with a proposed manhole, rerouting stormwater to MH
A which will discharge to the existing 18" FES shown on sheet C9, its pre-exiting conditions
destination. This updated stormwater network will eliminate the concern of discharging
untreated stormwater to off-site properties as well as keep the pre and post condition
discharge point into Moores Creek the same. Updated calculations have been provided as a
part of this re-submittal.
2. For SWM facility, provide more detail, dimensions, and cross sections of each chamber. Clarify
baffle details.
Response: Sheet C10 has been revised to show more detail, dimensions, and cross sections
of each chamber and baffle details have been clarified.
3. Verify all items for VSMH (3.12A-5 to 3.12A-8) are provided.
Response: Notes on sheet C10 have been revised to address each item listed in the VSMH's �+ r
Construction Specifications for DC style Sand Filters. 4 S o;er-fcam.- `57-
O" out f eot,44
4. Provide manufacturers certification.
Response: A note has been added to sheet C10 stating that the contractor shall provide
;/manufactures certification and shop drawings for review to the engineer. Copies of each will
also be provided to the County's Inspector at this time.
5. Disturbance of 100' stream buffer will be allowed per 17-321.1, but a mitigation plan must be
submitted and approved. See Albemarle County Design Manual.
Response: It appears that the project's stream buffer disturbance is exempt under Sections
17-321.1 and exempt from the duties to retain, establish or manage the stream buffer under 17-
319B. There will be no disturbance to any of the existing vegetated Moores Creek buffer as a
result of this project. All disturbances within the 100' stream buffer will be for the installation
of process piping within the limits of an existing asphalt drive. Once all proposed piping
installation is complete the disturbed asphalt pavement will be restored to its pre construction
condition and elevation. All construction, installation, and maintenance, of the proposed
piping will comply with all federal, state, and local requirements and permits and be
conducted in a manner that protects water quality.
Two (2) copies of the modified drawing set and modified calculations have been provided, illustrating
the responses above. We trust this information will allow you to complete your review of the WPO and
SWM applications. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Bret T. Edwards, P.E.
Principal Engineer
and a
Hazen Sawyer,P.C.
4011 n and S Blvd.
Environmental Engineers & Scientists Suite500
Raleigh,NC 27607
July 11, 2013
Ms. Michelle Roberge
County of Albemarle
Department of Planning and
Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Re: WPO201300038
Dear Ms. Roberge:
Please find attached a check for $300 for the Stormwater Management/BMP Plan
application as well as the revised application for WPO201300038. Please note that this
is not a new permit but a revision to a current permit application.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information to
complete your review of WPO201300038 or have any questions.
Bret T. Edwards, PE
Principal Engineer
Attachments '
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August 23, 2013
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Rivanna Water &Sewer Authority- New Rivanna Pump Station and Rivanna Interceptor Tunnel Project
SDP 2013-00033 Moores Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant—Minor Site Plan Amendment
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Rivanna Water& Sewer Authority(RWSA) will need to acquire four(4) new permanent sewer easements
for the construction of the Rivanna Interceptor tunnel portion of the project. The New Rivanna Pump Station
will be constructed on the existing Moores Creek Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility which is already
owned by the RWSA. ERM, a real estate acquisition firm has been contracted by RWSA to prepare easement
documents and obtain the easements, with the exception of the City with whom RWSA is coordinating with
directly. Below please find a summary table of the four properties for which easements which will be needed
and a status of the property acquisition efforts to date:
Property# Parcel# Physical Property Address Property Owner Status
RWSA met with the
78-21B 2100 E. Market Street Collett M. Thach,Trustee of the property owner and an
1 Charlottesville,VA 22902 Collett M. Thach Trust appraisal of the
easements is currently
being prepared
ERM is currently
2 78-21A 1906 E. Market Street Lucy Sydner Cocke Co. working to set up an
Charlottesville,VA 22902 appointment with the
property owner.
ERM has met with the
3 55A-148 202 Riverside Ave. Dimitra A Costan & Beverly L. property owners and is
Charlottesville,VA 22902 Catlin negotiating the
RWSA has forwarded
4 55A 147 Ave. the easement
Riverside Ave.
Charlottesville,VA 22902 City of Charlottesville documents to the City
55A-151 and we await the City
Council reading
schedule j
RWSA will not be pursuing temporary construction easements on TM 78-21H as we have an existing easement
on this property to operate and maintain our electrical facilities and the right of access to our facilities. We
intend to request a temporary construction access easement in our negotiations with the property owner of
TM 78-21B. Easement acquisition is anticipated to be completed over the next few months and prior to award
of the construction contract. Copies of all signed easements will be forwarded to the County when obtained.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if additional information is needed.
Michelle Simpson
Senior Civil Engineer
cc: File
Jennifer Whitaker, RWSA
Janice Carroll, Hazen &Sawyer
Brian Porter, Hazen &Sawyer