HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201300132 Correspondence 2013-09-17 W
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 11:47 AM
To: 'Nena'
Subject: SUB201300132_Briarwood Easement...Deed of Easement- New Drainage
I have received Tom Foley's signature on the deed and the plat has been sign/approved. These
documents are ready for pickup and recordation in the Clerk's office. I'll leave it at the
front desk of Community Development.
Christopher P. Perez 1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development (County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
Original Message
From: Nena [mailto:ulcwww0embargmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 7:38 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: Re: Out of Office AutoReply: SUB201300132_Briarwood Easement. . .Deed of Easement -
New Drainage
Chris, any word on plat & deed?
Nena Harrell
of AL
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
Date: October 23, 2013 .j;,.,)7 7-'-,...
Greg Kamptner /51 =-�(
County Attorney's Office
401 McIntire Road . --
Charlottesville,VA 22902 "� f
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Project Name:SUB 201300132—Briarwood Phase 1-b-1_Easement Plat
Date Submitted: 10/22/2013
Dear Mr. Kamptner:
It appears that the applicant has appropriately revised the deed of easement(drainage easement)
associated with the Briarwood development for the above mentioned plat as you requested in your
initial review of the document which provided for approval w/minor edits.The Deed of Easement
appears ready for your approval to form and signature by the County Executive.
At your earliest convenience, please review the deed of easement and have Tom Foley sign the
document.Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
cperez @albemarle.org
(434)296-5832, phone ex.3443
(434)972-4126 fax
Christopher Perez
From: Greg Kamptner
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 1:31 PM
To: Christopher Perez; Nena Harrell
Subject: FW: SUB201300132_Briarwood Easement...Deed of Easement- New Drainage
Attachments: County Attorney Approval with Minor Edits 10-15-13.pdf; REVISED_10-17-13_Deed of .
Easement- Drainage Easement-Silkwood 10-10-2013.doc
Nena and Chris-
The revised deed of easement addresses my comments.
Yes, the dates used to describe or identify the documents should be consistent and accurate.
Greg Kamptner
Deputy County Attorney
County of Albemarle
gkamptner @albemarle.org
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:31 AM
To: Nena Harrell; Greg Kamptner
Subject: SUB201300132_Briarwood Easement...Deed of Easement- New Drainage
! have looked over Greg's required revisions (attached) and I do not believe your revisions meet his comments.
I utilized the revised document you submitted and revised the draft in Track Changes as this is what it appears Greg
requested in his revisions.
Greg please confirm that the attached document ("i EVISEE) 10-1.13...) meets your requested,required changes.
Also, Nena to answer your question:the dates the respective owners sign the plat and deed does not have any
consequence on its approvability. Rather the dates of substantial consequence are the dates which describe the
plat...such as "the plat of Lincoln Surveying dated August 29, 2013, revised September 26, 2013."these should match on
both documents.
Wirer; please confirm the above statement on dates.
Thank you for your heir).
1'. 3 zre=,1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 1CountyofAlbemarie.Virginia
401 McIntire Road!Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.58 32 ext.3443
From: Nena Harrell [mailte:ulcwww(a�embargmai!.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:31 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Greg Kamptner
Subject: FW: Deed of Easement- New Drainage
some Nage'
Please see attached revised deed. One question is where to insert"Plat Entitled". I added it at the beginning before
name of plat. I am meeting Briarwood President later today to have signed so would appreciate knowing if this is OK.
Also, please confirm if it is acceptable to have date on deed and plat different since she has already signed mylar.
From: Carolyn Fletcher [mailto:ulcwww2Ca�embargmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:09 AM
To: 'Nena'
Subject: Deed of Easement- New Drainage
Carolyn Fletcher
United Land Corporation
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:31 AM
To: 'Nena Harrell'; Greg Kamptner
Subject: SUB201300132_Briarwood Easement...Deed of Easement- New Drainage
Attachments: County Attorney Approval with Minor Edits 10-15-13.pdf; REVISED_10-17-13_Deed of
Easement- Drainage Easement- Silkwood 10-10-2013.doc
I have looked over Greg's required revisions(attached)and I do not believe your revisions meet his comments.
I utilized the revised document you submitted and revised the draft in Track Changes as this is what it appears Greg
requested in his revisions.
Greg please confirm that the attached document ("REVISED 10-17-13...) meets your requested/required changes.
Also, Nena to answer your question:the dates the respective owners sign the plat and deed does not have any
consequence on its approvability. Rather the dates of substantial consequence are the dates which describe the
plat...such as "the plat of Lincoln Surveying dated August 29, 2013, revised September 26, 2013."these should match on
both documents.
Greg please confirm the above statement on dates.
Thank you for your help.
Christopher P.Perez 1 Senior Planner
Department of Community Development County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road l Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwww @embargmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:31 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Greg Kamptner
Subject: FW: Deed of Easement - New Drainage
Please see attached revised deed. One question is where to insert"Plat Entitled". I added it at the beginning before
name of plat. I am meeting Briarwood President later today to have signed so would appreciate knowing if this is OK.
Also, please confirm if it is acceptable to have date on deed and plat different since she has already signed mylar.
From: Carolyn Fletcher [mailto:ulcwww2 @embargmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:09 AM
To: 'Nena'
Subject: Deed of Easement- New Drainage
Carolyn Fletcher
United Land Corporation
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 10:55 AM
To: 'Nena Harrell'
Subject: Drainage Easement for SUB201300132 - Briarwood Phase 1-b-1_Easement Plat
Attachments: County Attorney Approval with Minor Edits 10-15-13.pdf
Attached is the County Attorney's approval pending minor edits which are noted in the
document. Please make the required modifications to the document (f you have questions let
me know). Once you have updated it appropriately, you can either resend it to me for
verification that all corrections are made OR move forward with the owners signatures. It would
be wise to have both the plat (last revised Sept 26, 2013) and the deed signed at the same time.
Once your owners sign both documents in the presence of a notary you will need to provide
these documents to me or the County Attorney to gain Tom Foley's signature on the deed. Once
we have Tom's signature, the plat can move ward with being approved.
P. Perez i Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 1County of Albemarle.Virginia
401 McIntire Road l Charlottesville.VA 22902
434.296 5832 ext.3443
From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwww(&embargmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 1:04 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Greg Kamptner
Subject: FW: Drainage easement
Attached is deed and plat for revised drainage easement. I will be at County today and would love to have plat and deed
signed.Any possibility?
Would appreciate anything you can do.
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 4:28 PM
To: 'chris.kean @lincolnsurveying.com'
Cc: 'Nena Harrell'
Subject: SUB2013-132 Briarwood Phase 1-b-1 Easement Plat
Attachments: CDP1_sub2013-132_Briarwood Phase 1-b-1_Easement Plat_9-25-13.pdf; DB3833PG262.pdf
Mr. Kean,
Attached is the comment letter for SUB2013-132 Briarwood Phase 1-b-1 Easement Plat.
If you have any questions please give me a call, thanks.
Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle.Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
Original Message
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 11:14 AM
To: 'Nena Harrell'
Subject: RE: 5 lot plat
Yes, it was assigned to me the project # is SUB2013-132 easement plat. I just received it on
Tuesday the 17th and there are a couple other items in my que ahead of it.
Once I finish up those items I'll begin the review of the plat. I have to work through the
items based on chronological order of when they were submitted/transmitted for review,
otherwise there would be no true order because everyone is in a hurry to get their projects
approved. I'll keep you posted. Thanks
Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development (County of Albemarle, Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville, VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
Christopher Perez
From: Nena Harrell [ulcwww @embarqmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:24 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting fof-Briarwood_SUB2013Oee29""'
Thanks,Chris. I did not realize either of these had to follow a submittal process. I agree that it will be fairly simple for
both the revised drainage easement and the final plat for the 5 lots and surely they will be assigned to you. Obviously
time is super important so appreciate anything you can do to move them along.
From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperez @albemarle.org]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:43 AM
To: Nena Harrell
Subject: RE: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
See my responses below in green.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Nena Harrell [mailto:ulcwww@embarqmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:28 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
We are going to move forward with the 5 lot subdivision right now. OK. I dropped off the mylar and the "Second"
Supplemental Declaration yesterday. The supplemental declaration for the plat below wi become the Third. The
supplemental declarations are exactly the same except for the plat reference. I believe th bond we currently have
posted (bond#0383159)for the opposite side of Jersey Pine will cover these 5 lots. That and includes the road. Road
is built but final surface is not down. We already have water and sewer in as well but I wil confirm with Jeremy that we
do not need any bond. Ryan really needs those five lots. When do you think we could ge plat signed? At this point
have not received the platAl_checked_my_bot.15`thing.this.A.M,it most likely will appear in my box later today. Once I
receive it Niseie`where it's at and exactly what we're talking about. I'll let you?mow:
n another Briarwood subject: the revised drainage easement plat that we brought when we met 9/6 I believe e met
on 9-10-13, Michelle said she had reviewed but the planner needed to review and I assume that is you I believe I ill be
the planner reviewing this plat; however,today is the true submittal date of the project,thus the project curre tly
has not been assigned to anyone yet,2pm is our distribution meeting, until that meeting I won't have it. I had
scheduled a meeting with the Briarwood HOA rep to sign that plat today(You can have the plat signed if you c oose to;
however, I'd advice you not to be the plat has not been reviewed yet and there may be required revisions hich will
require resigning). Is there any way you can review—assuming it is you. Once it's distributed I'll put it i y que, I have
a couple reviews ahead of it but will do it in order. It should be a fairly simple review.
Thanks so muchforgour--help, -----
4...r `.+°
From: Christopher Perez [mailto:cperezOalbemarle.orq]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:54 AM
To: Nena
Cc: Scott Collins; Michelle Roberge
Subject: RE: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
I have received County Attorney approval of the legal docs for SUB2013-29. I know your organization is
contemplating revising this plat and amending the road plan(as the subject of the emails below) for this portion
of the development and only setting to record 8 or 10 lots with this plat, Sub2013-29. As you know the
proposed plat changes will require revised legal documents and a new County Attorney approval; however, I'm
sending you the current County Attorney approval on the off-chance your organization decides to stick with the
current plat and not do any of the revisions we recently spoke about. Thus we're currently in a holding pattern
pending your resubmittal.
Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:28 AM
To: 'Nena'
Cc: Scott Collins; Michelle Roberge
Subject: RE: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
The subdivision plat will be handled as a revision to the existing plat SUB201300029, so once
you make the changes and submit I'll send out the revised plat to the reviewers...inner
departmental revisions normally take 14 days to respond to but this plat will also be going to
ACSA, so they may take 21 days. Also, you'll need to revise the legal documents to account for
the last revised plat, thus the County Attorney will be required to re-review them. His review
may take 14 days or 21 days (the sooner you submit the revised legal docs the better).
As for the amendment to the road plan, I'll leave that up to Engineering to respond.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road i Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Nena [mailto:ulcwww0embargmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 10:01 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Scott Collins; Michelle Roberge
Subject: Re: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
Thanks-what would be review time from time we submit?
Nena Harrell
On Sep 12, 2013,at 1:11 PM, "Christopher Perez" <cperez @albemarle.org>wrote:
Here are guidelines for the road plan amendment:
1) The submittal for the road plan should be a 24"x 36" plan that shows Jersey Pine Ridge Dr up to
the new turnaround.See the attached image that clarifies what Engineering is looking for.
2) The road plan fee for this amendment is$250 per 14-203(E)(1).
3) If the road width, pavement section and grading have not changed, then Michelle Roberge will
be the only reviewer.Submit an approval letter from ACSA stating they approve the revisions to
the sewer line and that the revised sewer does not conflict with other utilities or affect grading
of road.
4) Please keep in mind that you will be required to submit another road plan amendment when
you finish the buildout of Jersey Pine Ridge Drive.
Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:30 PM
To: 'Nena Harrell'
Cc: 'Scott Collins'; Michelle Roberge
Subject: Follow up email to the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029
This email is to follow up on the 09-10-13 meeting for Briarwood_SUB201300029 (Lots 14—22
phase lA-1, lots 15 -23A phase la-2, Lots 48 —53A phase 1A-2, Lots 43 —47 phase 5)that
Michelle and I attended with you and Wendell. At the meeting you inquired about subphasing
the plat which is under review in our office in an attempt to move forward with developing and
selling of 8 or 10 lots per market demands and avoid bonding of the entire Road and W&S for
the rest of the lots depicted on the current plat. At the meeting you propose the subphase line
would be between Lots 50 and 51 and Lots 20 and 19 and the possibility to revise the plat to
place a temporary turn around on the plat and place a note on the plat that would state something
to the affect of: "No buildings will be built or permitted on the 2nd phase of the plat until W&S
and Road bonds have been posted for these sections OR the improvements have been built and
accepted into the system".
I've since reviewed the subdivision ordinance and discussed the above proposal with senior staff
members. Per my findings the above proposal does not appear to be permitted as currently
proposed, rather to accommodate your request to avoid bonding the entire road which was
approved for this phase would require the applicant to revise/amend the Approved Road Plan
to depict a temporary turn around between Lots 50 and 51 and Lots 20 and 19. This would
require submittal and review of a Road Plan Amendment depicting the temp turn around. That is
how it was previously handled for Lots 54—59 on Jersey Pine Ridge.
In addition to submitting an amendment to the approved road plan, the applicant would also need
to revise the plat currently under review in our office to only show those lots (8 or 10 lots)being
platted, the remaining lots in this phase should NOT be depicted on the plat and should be
labeled as "future development". The area tabulations on sheet 2 of the plat should be revised to
reflect the revised proposal, as should the title of the plat. The applicant would essentially be
revising the plat under review in our office to only record 8 - 10 lots. ACSA would be required to
re-review/approve the revised plat. Notably the legal documents would need to be revised to
account for the changes and the County Attorney would need to re-review/approve these
documents as well.
I have discussed the above with Engineering and how it relates to your existing approved road
plans and they have provided the below schematic to show how they would like to see the road
plan amendment when its submitted. Once the road plan amendment is submitted Engineering
will be the predominant reviewer.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 Mclntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443