HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE202200161 Application 2022-12-13• Alk rnwl• county
Zoning Clearance Information
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~ is a Zoning Clearance?
A Zoning Clearance is verification from Albemarle County that a proposed use. whether It Is a new business or other activity
(see Zoning definition of "Uso'), satisfies all requirements of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and ensures public
health and safely. A Zoning Clearance Application is reviewed by the Zoning Deparbnenl, Building Inspections Department.
as well as any other applicable departments or agencies.
A Zoning Clearance In Required in the Following Cimumatances
• Opening a new business
• Changing or expanding an existing business
• Buying an existing business
Moving a business to a new location or changing its name
• Before natural resource extraction
• Any uses listed to Section h of the Albemarle County Zolirld Ordina tie as requiring a Zoning Clearance
lime Required to Apply for a Zoning Claarancs
Before filling out a Zoning Clearance Application ensure you have or have done the following
[� Tax Map and Parcel number or Address of the property. Include sudetunitmoor number, if applicable.
Description of the proposed businesshtse. Include any and all relevant information such as a description of the
business, the number of employeesnumber of shifts, availability of parking, etc
A Floor Plan A sketch or an architectural drawing of the total square footage of the use If using less than the entire
structure. note the location within the structure. Note the square footage of and use of each room,
Provide notice to the owner rf the applicant is not the owner. Within ten days of applying for a zoning clearance, the
appllcant, it they are not the owner of the parcel andlor structure, shall )Norm the owner that they have applied for a
Zoning Clearance. Please fill out the roan on page 3.
Other ApprovatslOocumonts if applicable.
• A Qi It .Q"n D(gr3. Rgp_o_r,, Is required it the parcel is zoned Industrial (Lt. HI, or PDIP).
• Heatth Department approval Is required for food preparation or if the parcel is on private well or septic
• Bakeries require USDA approval.
• Any addilional approvals the Zoning Administrator may require Including Department of Social Services and Fire +
• If you have any questions feet free to contact Staff at (434) 296-6832
Subrrdtling an AppOCatlon
Once you have all the required information provided above-
1 Fill out an application. Please complete page 2 In its entirety
2. Submit an application. Bring or send a completed application to Albemarle County Community Development at
401 McIntire Rd, North Wing. Charlottesville, VA 22902
3 Pay. The application fee can be paid for in parson or onlgg:. If paying online please attach a copy of your payment re-
ceipt A Zoning Clearance Application will not be processed until payment has been received.
4. Notify the Owner 6 you are not the owner of the property please fill out page 3.
® Zoning Clearance Application
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Clearance Number
Fee Amount: $ 61,36
,,pplloaeon lee 5:9. Te Olagy Su wge 6236
Receipt *
Date Paid By.
Check k By
Applicant - Fill out the entire page below and return to:
Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville. VA 22902
`� Albamaib Count'
�a'. 41'Iry FL.WrT'I.', rj
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Name: lCoun. ATArc. 9wo-is.ac
♦Nell Address:
�,� _ MF
Mailing Addrets:I
11 EA1WarMit,irt
Phone 0:
of o—ararip
7e 07
Tax Map and Parcel
number andfor Address
of the Business:
17 S $ 1 D H i6.L (.� a'r syl
i^_Npgt�TTtfv,rn.s A
, J 21901
Parcel Owner.
$CT lZib PILL aLiLlf
Nwv Wrinea Ckwlpe or uaa ❑ Clwrpa
Chelya d Name
Check ♦Wary tlrat apply:
f.r= r�,q--
Deaaele sroerednas kwww"me. TIn111N0lamolwaaa.manbaral YWr, avetpemyerfawlera, and wryeddabret Mo
04I([IGLC-044L Na,iialNl. Are rue 7-
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Previous Business on SM :
Fi or Plan: Pbex ederh eidw an aeidladural drawing Or a r[oM of e.a proposed b.saleas Yldka" en beat in al Warn, e.e
ages of rooms, s.e Mail ulure nooteva d ax.a:e, and Wavy additional INamatlnn
Total Square Footage Used
for the Business: IZOo Sr
Is the Parcel Zoned V. MI, or PDIP? Yae 2 "Ne Il va. m oat a ce fed . --Waxers ReRx1 iCEAI
W IN there be food preparation?
❑ Yee 21160
tseble 0 ad.eta
LI f"filift ❑ eaak
a yea, provde vl+pw, osprbwd Of Nader approval
a en caviar♦ Wave, provide Viglme Deleftare Of Memo ap.wal
a On -Pil-. pra.lda Yagmis Dapartivam of Ilasm e ppla>,'d
Is the Parcel on public water or private well?
Is the Parcel on public sewer or septic?
WIN you be pulsing up any new signage?
2V- No
s yes..Mein aopopmte eW prnat Ward lir min a below
Will there be new construction or renovations? 2yN No
Pless s list any applicable Building Pemdt fie:
x yp, own appmprew euamp pe n and iepemA a IM+w
Zoning Clearance review cannot begin until the application above .s complete and all applicable fors and fees are submitted.
This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which It Is approved. it you change, intensify, of move the use to a new
location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required.
I hereby certify that I own or have the awr i s permission to use the space Indicated on this application. I also certify that the
information provided Is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand
tharn and that I will abide by them.
Signature �,TlY�- 1--� Films♦ 579PNCN WW+1PKFY
"r Mt»marte County
Zoning Clearance Applications
�a4HY.dnW 'iA Qf4i
Applicant - If you are not the land owner, please fill out the entire page below confirming that you have either
informed or are going to inform the owner of your zoning clearance application.
I certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application,
SpVTM Aru^ c Nidd+NL dbg AfRActL t2
<leararca nurrGer provaed by Starr or W wms mma
to SZ T 7 1 6 N 1 LL Lt C- _ the owner
Nams of iandownm on record
of Tax Map and Parcel Number IaI I-Zro Urn Ce„ rL G.rtto Z'V ut,V,Zis °by either delivering a
r rar nuxzr ar rxnparry
copy of the application to them in person or by sending them a copy of the application by
mail (Please check one of the following below)
❑ Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
[' Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
Date 12 /? I2L to the following address.
1ZO Nrr,L bt.L (J6-%(4,30D6;ufilI& 121FryprtAT,A✓IA.4A 30334
(Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this
requirement. Please see staff
f for
help determining this information if needed)
Signature of Applicant , 77J
Applicant Name Printed'7e-4e- W k,plery
Date IZ/7/ri
For Albemarle County Staff Review Only
Proposed Use: I _
P.Iti d: Yee ❑ No
Pe,mmed by Sacllem,
Supplementary RegulMlons:
A I-"- ble Spdd Use Penet (SP):
APPlmable ReaMinpe (atN:
Applicable Ste Reu (SDP(:
duce Ism approved ale plan areadared cttl llr peeaN, to poking Iepui nennisaW be dW nw W tla SDP. Some
parking rspueam are dai mlhed or a ZMA or of an approved Code atDeaeNprilNd.
Parking Formula:
OetMd iy:
QSm Pien ❑zieft Oresooss Dew LEasiedno
Total Square Fo~ of the Uss:
Required nunbor of parking specac
Assoclerd Cleereeoes:
❑Yee ❑ No
Is a am tnspeaon neoosearyy:
ISM Inspection on (dec):
Te ConSmc
AdditW oe 4000 of approvi apply b Faeworks area CIvl9lmaa Trees
Connubm of Approval:
Approval Information
❑ Approved as proposed ❑ Approved with conditions I I Denied
❑ Sackflow prevention device andlor current last data needed for this wto. Contact ACSA, 434.977.4511 ext. 117
❑ No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance
with the existing site plan.
❑ This site complies with the site plan as of this date.
Additional Wes
Building Official Date
Zoning Official _ Dale
Other Official Data
Counly of Albomena Uepartmenl of Cwnmunny Davelopmod
01 Mcinllre Road Charbheevllk, VA 22902 Phma. 4]4.296.96]2 Fan: 434.972.4126 4