HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202200094 Staff Report 2022-11-30ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #/Name ARB-2022-94: Rio Point Final Site Plan Review Type Final Site Plan (Third Review of Site Plan and Second Review of Architecture) Parcel Identification 06100000016700, 061000000167C0 Location 878 E. Rio Road (See Figures 1 and 2.) Zoned Planned Residential Development (PRD) / Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner/Applicant Rio Pt. LLC / Cline Design (Caleb Robinson) Magisterial District Rio Proposal To construct 328 multi -family and single-family dwelling units in apartment buildings and attached townhouses with associated site improvements. Context The property is occupied by a house, sheds, agricultural structures, and open fields and is elevated above the John Warner Parkway and above Rio Road at the Parkway intersection. The Parkway borders the property on the northwest and west. The Rivanna Trail runs through a park easement adjacent to the Parkway. CATEC is located across the Parkway to the north. To the northeast, east, and southeast are residential developments including Belvedere, Reserve at Belvedere, Dunlora, Dunlora Forest, Shepherd's Ridge, River Run, Treesdale, Stonehenge, and Stonewater. Visibility Buildings 10, 11, and 12 (north, east, and west elevations), and Building 6 (north elevation) will have the most visibility from the Entrance Corridor. Portions of Buildings 1, 8, and 9 (east and north elevations), and Building 7 (north elevation) will also have some visibility from the Entrance Corridor (Fig. 3). ARB Meeting Date December 5, 2022 Staff Contact Khris Taggart PROJECT HISTORY A farm was established at this site in the 1920s. Standing on site is a Craftsman -style bungalow from ca. 1929 and several outbuildings, mostly sheds. DATE APPLICATION/REVIEW TYPE RESULT 8-15-2022 ARB-2022-17: Rio Point Final Site The ARB provided comments on the final site plan and preliminary architectural drawings. Given the changes that were requested, the ARB intended to Plan review the revisions at a future meeting. 3-21-2022 ARB-2022-17: Rio Point Initial Site The ARB recommended approval of the initial plan with a condition related to the relocation of the stormwater facility located north of Buildings 8 and 9 Plan out of the landscape buffer and to a location that would not have a negative visual impact on the EC. The Initial Site Plan was approved with the condition that the stormwater facility be located so that a 30' depth of land within the buffer on the Parkway side remains available for planting/screening. Figure 1: View of the subject property from Rio Road, tooking south. 11 $7 .17 171 .14 —1 4. "7 114' 'A 1 7 1111 D 1 1-7 1 —4 M 110 16- \A 18� 1114 .... ................ 61 167A ISM 114 61A 11 A 7 7 uaAMl �14 711 1117 7� 7-1 "T Figure 2: Location of the vroposed Rio Point development. ':4 Figure 3: Current site layout plan. 3 wtlhrdll4 GMY Y[ATIf.4 SOW➢SII4 KAM4 �NN41 yr.NCyp KYI IIOq SIYb11G S[Y1 WVKAI('Jl 11(AIG)yIIL iN•YIMNI INVMI/.I{11411[N WILNMI Wl11Mi fMMti! ILIN MI) �:[YlMI If 14 Nl%N INMM>.W11Y11H1 W90N1 nun Fx� :, dNp1iN aurunlrx NNIr. aoalm�no �rtrN M«u +n. w.OYYIflW 81OIi Nif.A Figure 4: North Elevations of Building Ty .F.Irx or erunu ..n. aw.eswrrx NamoNw W ]OO MSWT !F/YYR TWOgVB gV1p Nq MT1Fl1 W6CM0 )e B, 8/15/2022 (left) and 12/5/2022 (right). ■ QgVA Figure 5: North Elevations of Building Type D, 8/15/2022 (left) and 12/5/2022 (right) 4 ASPHALT SHINGLr FIRFR IMINNTAL H(" (:FMFNT LAP 51DING PANEL ASPH I.7HIN LG ROOF MCfAL RAILING SIDNE VENEEH Figure 6: East/West Elevations of Building ,—R CEMENT PANEL NORQONTAL LAP SIDWO ft" Types B, 8/15/2022 (left) and 12/5/2022 (right). l C C l` 'I AM Figure 7: East/West Elevations of Building Types D, 8/15/2022 (left) and 12/5/2022 (right). ANALYSIS REF GUIDELINE ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS from the 8/15/22 ARB Meeting from the 8/15/22 Action 12/5/22 12/5/22 Letter GENERAL GUIDELINES Purpose, Compatibility with significant historic sites, ConWatibifily with the character of the Entrance Corridor I The goal of the regulation of the design of development within the The site contains a ca. 1929 See the recommendations Some changes have been See the recommendations designated Entrance Corridors is to ensure that new development Craftsman -style bungalow (I% -story) listed below on the made to the building designs listed below on the within the corridors reflects the traditional architecture of the area. and several outbuildings (I -story), architectural and landscape since the previous submittal. architectural designs. Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, which are being demolished to designs. These changes include that proposed development within the designated Entrance accommodate the development. The revisions to accent roof forms Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the significant scale and footprint (79' x 153', 84' x and materials as well as historical landmarks, buildings, and structures of the Charlottesville 144', and 79' x 152) of the larger material, detailing, and color and Albemarle area, and to promote orderly and attractive buildings mean that the scale of the changes to the building development within these corridors. Applicants should note that historic architecture of this site are not elevations. replication of historic structures is neither required nor desired. reflected in the new development. 2 Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience these sites as ensembles of buildings, The architectural designs of the land, and vegetation. In order to accomplish the integration of buildings within this development buildings, land, and vegetation characteristic of these sites, the have been provided. The overall Guidelines require attention to four primary factors: compatibility design of these buildings is with significant historic sites in the area; the character of the contemporary in style but uses gabled Entrance Corridor; site development and layout; and landscaping. roof forms and building materials (stone, standing seam metal, and 3 New structures and substantial additions to existing structures should respect the traditions of the architecture of historically board and batten, vertical, and significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area. horizontal lap siding) that are Photographs of historic buildings in the area, as well as drawings of reflective of those used historically architectural features, which provide important examples of this within the County. The use of these tradition are contained in Appendix A. forms and materials provides a minimal connection to both the local 4 The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as a guide for building design: the standard of compatibility with the area's historic architecture and the historic structures is not intended to impose a rigid design solution surrounding context. for new development. Replication of the design of the important historic sites in the area is neither intended nor desired. The A note has been added to the plan Guideline's standard of compatibility can be met through building (sheet LP1.00) acknowledging that scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture demolition permits are required prior which is contemporary as well as traditional. The Guidelines allow to demolition and the HPC's policy to individuality in design to accommodate varying tastes as well as document historic properties before special functional requirements. they are demolished. 5 It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking a careful balance between harmonizing new development with the existing character of the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant historic sites in the area. Structure design 9 Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, doors, During the review of the rezoning, the Revise the white used in the The white used in the Revise the building colors materials, colors and textures should be compatible with the forms ARB provided guidance on the building designs to color(s) building designs has been and/or materials to use and features of the significant historic buildings in the area, architectural designs of the that are more muted in nature. identified as SW7006 Extra darker/warner colors to exemplified by (but not limited to) the buildings described in development. The Board emphasized White. A combination of this help better integrate the Appendix A [of the design guidelines]. The standard of the need to reduce uniformity and add Revise the color of the accent white and a light gray (SW development into the compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and forms which diversity to the building design. For standing seam metal roofs on 7604 Gray Screen) are used surrounding context. may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as the buildings along the Parkway, Buildings 8 and 9* to one that for most of the elevations of traditional. The replication of important historic sites in Albemarle finding ways to break up the mass is more coordinated with the most of the buildings. These Revise the architectural County is not the objective of these guidelines. (such as offsetting/staggering portions overall architectural design. light colors are expected to drawings to note the of the building and/or two-story (*Buildings 10 and 11 in the emphasize the buildings in manufacturers and specific hyphens) was identified as important. Illustrative Site Plan.) the wooded context of the colors for the asphalt Parkway. Using wanner earth shingles, stone veneer, and The buildings closest to the EC Provide perspectives from the tones would help the standing seam metal. remain 3-stories tall with a 30'-50' Parkway with and without buildings integrate more into landscape buffer between them and landscaping and with and the context and result in a Provide physical samples the street. From the EC looking without the future building. more appropriate appearance for the paint colors, asphalt through this buffer, the elevations that for the corridor. shingles, stone veneer, and will have the most visibility from the Provide samples for all standing seam metal. EC are the north, east, and west materials and colors. The accent standing seam elevations of Buildings 8 and 9, and metal roofs on the main roof the north elevation of Building 12 (all have been removed and the Building D in the architectural roof now uses a single drawings). Portions of the north, east, material (black asphalt and west elevations of Buildings 4, 6, shingles). 7, and 10 (Building B in the architectural drawings) will also have Perspectives from the some visibility from the EC. Parkway without landscaping have been provided. The The north elevations of Buildings B perspectives confirm that and D feature stacked front gable roof topography and siting of the bays at either end that are clad with buildings result in visually stone at the base and a mixture of prominent buildings as seen board and batten and horizontal siding from the EC until the above. Between these two end bays is landscape buffer matures and a side -gabled central wing. When helps soften the appearance viewed from the lower vantage point of the buildings. of the Parkway directly below the buildings, at which point the roof would not be visible, this wing may The architectural drawings have been revised to note the 10 Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of buildings. function minimally as a hyphen. The proposed paint colors for the elevation of this wing features buildings but the minimal color and material changes, manufacturers and specific as well as variation in depth, which colors for the asphalt includes recessed porches to help shingles, stone veneer, and break up the length of the building. standing seam metal have not However, the color (bronze/gold) of been noted on the plan. the accent standing seam metal roofs at the center of these elevations does not appear to coordinate with the rest of the overall design. The east and west elevations of Buildings B and D, while varied in depth, don't achieve the diversity in character, material, or color previously requested by the ARB. One way to achieve this would be to extend the stone base up to the first/second floor. Additional variation in colors could help to break up the elevation and add human scale. No physical materials/color samples have been provided with this submittal. However, both the palette and notes identify the materials which include stone veneer, board and batten and vertical/horizontal siding, and fiber cement panels. The building elevations, particularly the east and west elevations, feature a substantial amount of white siding. The white appears stark; more muted tones would blend more with the vegetated buffer. A perspective of the overall development that excludes landscaping and the future building would help illustrate the visual im acts of these elevations on the EC. 11 I The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale 12 Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a cohesive whole. The approved application plan states that "buildings within view of the John Warner Parkway and adjacent to Rio Road will include a variety of architectural materials and colors, porches and projections, and offsetting or staggering portions of the buildings, in addition to the use of projections and bays, and possibly two-story hyphens, to promote diversity of architectural character, to reduce uniformity among the buildings, to establish human scale, and to break up the mass of the buildings and the roof lines." The end bays along the north elevations of Buildings B and D feature stone at the base, as well as windows, stairwells, and recessed porches that help to establish human scale. The building designs use changes in materials and roof forms (front gable for the end bays and side gable for the central wings) in addition to projections and recesses along the elevations to help reduce uniformity and break up the mass of the buildings when viewed from the 13 Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building design While the building designs do not should be relieved using design detail or vegetation, or both. feature elevations that are blank, the amount of white used on the east and west elevations results in walls that lack detail and differentiation. Revise the east and west sides of Buildings B and D to increase diversity in architectural character, materials, and colors. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, increasing the height of the stone veneer at the base of the elevations and more variation in The stone veneer previously provided at the ground story of the end bays of the north elevations of Building B has been removed from the current design (Fig. 4). This change increases the uniformity of the building elevations and removes a feature that added human scale and helped to break up the mass of the building. The north elevation of Building D do not feature a stone base as mentioned in the previous staff report. The north and south elevations were mislabeled in the previous submittal (Fig 5). Revising the design of the north elevation of Building Types B and D to increase the stone up to the first story of the EC facing elevation would be appropriate. Slight revisions have been made to the east and west elevations of Buildings B and D (Fig. 6 and 7). These revisions include changing the wall colors of the balcony bays from gray to white and the central bays from white to gray, replacing the shed roof from above the balcony bays Revise the design of the elevations that will be visible from the EC to use additional masonry and contrasting wane earth tones to help to reduce the scale and uniformity of the building designs. IL colors. with a gable form with decorative trusses, and adding decorative panels that use accent paint colors between the windows on each floor. However, the white and gray wall colors are light and have little contrast between them, which does not help reduce the uniformity of the building designs. Revising the elevations to include additional material changes and wane earth tones with greater contrast may help to increase variation in the building designs. 14 Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting devices At the August 19, 2019 meeting, the None. At the August 19, 2019 None. should be used to unify groups of buildings within a development. ARB stated that connecting devices meeting, the ARB stated that were not necessary in this connecting devices were not development. necessary in this development. 15 Trademark buildings and related features should be modified to The buildings do not have the None. The buildings do not have the None. meet the requirements of the Guidelines. appearance of a trademark design. appearance of a trademark design. 16 Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be highly tinted or No specifications on the proposed Revise the architectural The architectural drawings None. highly reflective. Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should window glass have been provided drawings to provide specs on have been revised to include meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall with this submittal. proposed window glass that notes that the window glass not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not meet the design criteria. specifications will meet the exceed 30%. Specifications on the proposed window glass should EC guidelines. be submitted with the applicationforfinal review. Accessory structures and equipment 17 Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into the What appears to be ground -mounted None. No changes have been made None. overall plan of development and shall, to the extent possible, be mechanical equipment is shown to the locations or anticipated compatible with the building designs used on the site. (sheet LP1.00) in various locations visibility of the proposed around the buildings within this site. ground -mounted mechanical This equipment is not expected to be equipment. visible from the EC street due to the frontage landscaping along the Par kwa and the 30'-50' landscape n buffer between the EC and the equipment. 18 The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the Trash receptacles, a car wash, None. No changes have been made None. Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting, these features will garages, and a mail kiosk are located to the placement of the still have a negative visual impact on the Entrance Corridor street, away from the EC street and are not carwash, garages, mail kiosk, screening should be provided to eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, expected to be visible from it. or the trash and recycling b. Service areas, c. Refuse areas, d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical areas since the previous equipment, review. f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar security fencing devices. 19 Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and may consist of. a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing. 20 Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed to The location of the stormwater None. The location and landscaping None. fit into the natural topography to avoid the need for screening. When facility within the landscape buffer of the stormwater facility visible from the Entrance Corridor street, these features must be fully remains unchanged from the initial within the landscape buffer integrated into the landscape. They should not have the appearance site plan. A landscape plan has been remain unchanged since the of engineered features. provided with this submittal which previous review. shows an informal arrangement of plantings within this facility. This arrangement is expected to soften the amount and regularity of the grading of the feature and maintain the effectiveness of the buffer. 44 Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new drainage Multiple stormwater management No changes have been made patterns) should be incorporated into the finished site to the extent facilities are proposed throughout the to the locations of the possible. site, including a very large one in the multiple stormwater southern portion of the development, management facilities which won't be visible from the EC. proposed throughout the site. 21 The following note should be added to the site plan and the The standard mechanical equipment Add the standard mechanical The standard mechanical None. architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the note has not been added to the equipment note to the equipment note has been Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." architectural drawings. architectural drawings. added to the architectural drawings. Lighting General Guidelines 22 Light should be contained on the site and not spill over onto A lighting plan has been provided. Revise the photometric plan to The photometric plan has None. adjacent properties or streets; The plan shows spillover above '/2 eliminate the spillover above been revised to eliminate the footcandle near the entrance to the %footcandle. spillover above % footcandle. site north of Building 2 and near the travelway southwest of Building 1. 12 23 Light should be shielded, recessed or flush -mounted to eliminate The pedestrian light fixtures (Forrey Revise the pedestrian light The cut sheet information for Provide cut sheets in the glare. All fixtures with lamps emitting 3000 lumens or more must 11 Post Top) emit 4553 lumens and fixtures to ones that emit less the pedestrian light fixtures lighting plan for all light be full cutoff fixtures. are not full cutoff fixtures. than 3000 lumens or to has been removed from the fixtures. fixtures that are full cutoff. plan but the fixtures remain on the lighting plan around Provide fixture color and the pool area. Additionally, color temperature for all no information has been light fixtures. provided on building - mounted lighting. Lighting Revise the lighting plan to with minimal impact would provide complete be appropriate given the information on building - parkway context. mounted lighting, including cut sheets, It is unclear from the schedule information, information submitted if the fixture colors, lamp color bollard light fixture, which temperature, etc. Lighting emits over 3000 lumens must emit less than 3000 or (52001m), is full cutoff. be full cutoff and have a color temperature approximating warm white (2000K and 3000K). Revise the lighting plan to show that the proposed bollard light fixtures are full cuttoff. If the fixture is not frill cutoff revise the fixture to one that is or one that emits less than 3000 lumens. 24 Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not appropriate for The maximum footcandles and the Revise the lighting plan to The lighting plan has been None. display lots in the Entrance Corridors. Lower light levels will apply light loss factor (LLF) used to note in the schedule the light revised to show an LLF of to most other uses in the Entrance Corridors. calculate the photometrics have not loss factor and maximum 1.0 and a maximum been noted in the schedule. This footcandles for the site. A LLF footcandle value of 18.3 fc makes it difficult to determine the of at least 1.0 is required and for the site. maximum lighting levels for the site. lighting levels that do not exceed 20 footcandles would be appropriate. 25 Light should have the appearance of white light with a warn soft A lighting schedule and cutsheets Revise the schedule and The schedule and cutsheets None. low; however, a consistent appearance throughout a site or have been provided with theplan; cutsheets to provide have been revised to indicate 13 development is required. Consequently, if existing lamps that emit however, the cutsheets do not indicate information on the fixture appropriate fixture colors non -white light are to remain, new lamps may be required to match the fixture color or color temperature colors and color temperatures (black) and color them. for the area light fixtures. The manufacturer's website indicates that for the area light and pedestrian light fixtures. temperatures (3000K) for the pole -mounted and bollard 26 Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate colors for free- standing pole mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors. the specified fixture has a color lighting. temperature of 4000K. A color Revise the schedule and temperature between 2000K — 3000K cutsheet for the bollard light The lighting plan has been is standard for lighting in the ECs. fixtures to specify the same revised to specify the same fixture. bollard light fixture on the The lighting plan and cutsheet note schedule and cutsheet. pedestrian light fixtures (Forney 11 Post Top) but these fixtures are not shown on the photometric plan and lighting schedule and no information has been provided on the fixture color and color temperature of these lights. The lighting schedule and cutsheet note two different catalog numbers for the bollard lights. 27 The height and scale of freestanding, pole -mounted light fixtures The height of the pole -mounted Revise the lighting plan to The schedule has been None. should be compatible with the height and scale of the buildings and fixtures has not been noted in the note that the height of the revised to note that the pole - the sites they are illuminating, and with the use of the site. lighting plan. Fixtures heights should pole -mounted fixtures mounted lighting will be Typically, the height of freestanding pole -mounted light fixtures in not exceed 20' including the base. including the base will not mounted 15' above the the Entrance Corridors should not exceed 20 feet, including the exceed 20'. finished grade. base. Fixtures that exceed 20 feet in height will typically require additional screening to achieve an appropriate appearance from the Entrance Corridor. 28 In determining the appropriateness of lighting fixtures for the An arrangement of Holly and Cypress None. The site plan now shows a None. Entrance Corridors, the individual context of the site will be taken trees has been added along the building west of the two into consideration on a case by case basis. perimeter of the parking lot west of buildings closest to the Building 9. These trees, along with Parkway where a "potential the 50' landscape buffer, are expected future building" was to sufficiently mitigate the impacts of previously noted. If this lighting on the EC. building is being constructed with the rest of the development, then the lighting from the site will be sufficiently screened. 29 The following note should be included on the lighting plan: "Each The standard li ing note has been None. The standard lighting note is None. 14 outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more added to the plan. on the photometric plan. initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle." Guidelines or the Use o Decorative Landscape Lighting 30 Light used for decorative effect shall: A lighting schedule and cutsheets None. No decorative landscape None. a. be compatible with the character of the Entrance Corridor. have been provided with the plan. lighting has been added to the Compatibility of exterior lighting and lighting fixtures is assessed There is no decorative landscape site plan since the previous in terms of design, use, size, scale, color, and brightness. lighting proposed in this site. review. b. impact only the immediate site. The effect of the illumination should not be discernible from distances along the Entrance Corridor. 31 Where used for decorative effect, outdoor light fixtures shall: a. be equipped with automatic timing devices and shall be extinguished between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and dawn. b. be shielded and focused to eliminate glaze. Glare control shall be achieved primarily through the use of such means as cutoff fixtures, shields and baffles, and appropriate application of mounting height, wattage, aiming angle, fixture placement, etc. c. be cutoff luminaires, aimed so as not to project their output beyond the objects intended to be illuminated; or non -cutoff luminaires, equipped with glare shields, visors, barn doors, and/or other similar shielding accessories as required to meet the following criteria: Light distribution from all lighting installations shall be cut-off at all angles beyond those required to restrict direct illumination to within the perimeter of the landscape feature being illuminated. d. never exceed 3,000 lumens. Further restrictions on lumens may be imposed by the ARB. e. not be modified to reflect seasonal colors. f. be of a number that is compatible with the scale of the object and the development to be illuminated, such that the light emitted will not over -illuminate or overpower the site, as determined by the ARB. Landscaping 7 The requirements of the Guidelines regarding landscaping are A landscape plan has been provided None. No changes have been made None. intended to reflect the landscaping characteristic of many of the with this submittal. The plan shows to the arrangements of area's significant historic sites which is characterized by laze naturalistic arrangements of ornamentals and laze shade 15 shade trees and lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order ornamental and large shade trees trees along the Parkway within the Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings into along the Parkway that meet the EC shown in the previous the existing environment of the corridor. frontage quantity, spacing, and size requirements. submittal. 8 Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting different types of plant materials that share similar characteristics. Such common elements allow for more flexibility in the design of structures because common landscape features will help to harmonize the appearance of development as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is centered. 32 Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should include the following: a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees should be at least 3% inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on center. b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area should be interspersed among the trees required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern. c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or low stone wall, typical of the area, should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and fencing should be reserved parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of road right-of-way and utility easements. 33 Landscaping along interior roads: The proposed layout, across most of Revise the landscape plan to The landscape plan has been Revise the landscape plan a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads. Such the site, makes the same planting provide trees in the available revised to show trees in the to eliminate conflicts trees should be at least 2% inches caliper (measured six inches space available for pedestrian way planting areas between the available planting area between street trees and above the ground) and should be of a plant species common to the trees, perimeter parking trees, and buildings and sidewalks, and between the buildings and utilities/easements. area. Such trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center. trees for softening long building elevations. However, trees are not along the parking row associated with the trailhead sidewalks. This change and the change to the layout of Shift the three trees east of 34 Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways: a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior pedestrian provided in most of these spaces. park. the trees along the parking the garages to eliminate the ways. Such trees should be at least 2% inches caliper (measured six row associated with the stormwater pipe conflict. inches above the ground) and should be of a species common to the The trees along Rio Rd. meet site plan Revise the landscape plan to trailhead park provide more area. Such trees should be located at least every 25 feet on center. requirements for size and spacing. Medium trees are shown near provide large shade trees, 40' on center, along the parking consistent spacing of the trees interior to the site. However, 35 Landscaping of parking areas: a. Laze trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located sidewalks in some locations but the area between the there appear to be some IE 40 feet on center. Trees should be planted in the interior of parking spacing is generally wide and clubhouse/pool area and the discrepancies and/or conflicts areas at the rate of one tree for every 10 parking spaces provided inconsistent. It appears that more stormwater facility. with the easements and trees and should be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the consistent spacing could be achieved interior to the site. parking area. along the sidewalk near the parking b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 2'/z row for the trailhead park, and along The landscape plan has been inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground); should be the sidewalks west of the two revised to show large shade evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the area. townhome blocks. The parking row trees, 40' on center, along the Such trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently south of the clubhouse/pool area may parking area between the large to maintain the health of the tree and shall be protected by also be an opportunity for perimeter clubhouse/pool area and the curbing. parking trees. stormwater facility. However, c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking the three trees directly east of area's impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure There are 500 parking spaces the garages are located over a 24 inches in height. provided, requiring 50 large shade stormwater pipe. trees. The Code Required Planting Plan (sheet LP1.00) states that 51 large interior parking trees are proposed. However, only approximately 25 trees are located in the interior of the parking lots. The proposed lots are more linear than traditional parking lots, and the trees are not evenly distributed throughout the paved parking area. A more even distribution of trees throughout the paved area would better integrate the parking area into the overall site. However, there are no "extra" parking spaces that could be replaced with tree islands. Adding trees in the areas between the apartment buildings and sidewalks would bring the tree counts closer to idelines requirements. 36 Landscaping of buildings and other structures: During the review of the rezoning, the Show the buffer planting The site plan has been None. a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of ARB determined that a landscape locations on the landscape revised to show the locations long buildings as necessary to soften the appearance of exterior buffer with a mix of deciduous and plan. of all plantings proposed walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation should evergreen trees in a naturalistic within the landscape buffer. be determined by the length, height, and blankness of such walls. arrangement was needed between the The revision confirms that b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other buildings and the park easement. The the arrangement of plantings structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures; "drive ARB also determined that there will be appropriate and thrx" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at should be a depth of 30' of planting in compatible with the 17 least 24 inches in height. a mixed naturalistic arrangement surrounding context. within the 50' buffer. The landscape plan shows that a depth of 30' within the 50' landscape buffer has been reserved for planting and the buffers between the buildings and the park will have a mixture of shrubs and ornamental and large shade trees in a naturalistic arrangement. An arrangement of Holly and Cypress trees has been added along the perimeter of the parking lot west of Building 9, as recommended by the ARB during the rezoning review. These trees, along with the 50' landscape buffer, are expected to sufficiently mitigate the impacts of lighting on the EC. 37 Plant species: a. Plant species required should be as approved by The plants are found on the various None. The plants are found on the Consider revising the the Staff based upon but not limited to the Generic Landscape Plan lists. various lists. However, one of invasive shrub species Recommended Species List and Native Plants for Virginia the proposed shrub species ("Alleghany" Viburnum) Landscapes (Appendix D). ("Alleghany" Viburnum) has to a noninvasive species. recently been identified as invasive. 38 Plant health: The following note should be added to the landscape The standard plant health note is The standard plant health plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to included in the landscape plan. note is included in the reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is landscape plan. prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of theplant." Site Development and layout Development paftern 6 Site development should be sensitive to the existing natural The designs of the trailhead park and Revise the layout of the The layout of the trailhead Reevaluate the trailhead landscape and should contribute to the creation of an organized the northwest amenity area have been trailhead park so that the park has been revised to park design to establish development plan. This may be accomplished, to the extent provided. The amenity area features a associated paved area is not remove the turning loop in greater visual interest and a practical, by preserving the trees and rolling terrain typical of the wood trellis structure, dining tables, the primary feature visible favor of a native meadow. stronger sense of place. area; planting new trees along streets and pedestrian ways and and a fire pit with associated from the EC. Provide a park This revision moves the Options include, but are choosing species that reflect native forest elements; insuring that furniture. These features are bounded design that addresses the paved area associated with not limited to, any grading will blend into the surrounding topography thereby by an open lawn and a intersection and presents an the trailhead park away from incorporating the public art creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to the extent practical, wildflower/meadow area. This area is appropriate face to the EC. the EC, but the meadow lacks installation gazebo, 18 existing significant river and stream valleys which may be located expected to have minimal visibility a sense of place when viewed landscaping, and on the site and integrating these features into the design of from the EC and any features that are If the path featured in the from the EC. Bringing the walkways/trail surrounding development; and limiting the building mass and visible are compatible with the perspective view at the public art installation, connections. height to a scale that does not overpower the natural settings of the general designs in the overall Rio/Parkway intersection is gazebo, walkways/trail site, or the Entrance Corridor. development. proposed, show it in the site plan and provide appropriate connections, and/or landscaping into the proposed 39 The relationship of buildings and other structures to the Entrance Corridor street and to other development within the corridor should The trailhead park is located at the landscaping. Coordinate the meadow area may help to be as follows: north corner of the site and includes a perspective views with the create a stronger sense of a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike paths, and turning loop, a parking row, a proposed site layout. place and a more appropriate pedestrian walks should guide the layout of the site. gazebo/shade structure, a path appearance as viewed from b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor street should connecting to the sidewalk at the EC. be parallel to the street. Building groupings should be arranged to Building 8, and trees and shrubs along parallel the Entrance Corridor street. some of the paved areas and The path featured in the c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent pedestrian surrounding the gazebo/shade previously submitted and vehicular circulation systems. structure. These features mostly perspective view has been d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to provide create a paved parking area, not a removed. continuity within the Entrance Corridor. park. A more frilly developed park e. If significant natural features exist on the site (including creek with reduced paving and amenities valleys, steep slopes, significant trees or rock outcroppings), to the that address the intersection and extent practical, then such natural features should be reflected in present an appropriate face to the EC the site layout. If the provisions of Section 32.5.2.n of the are needed. Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance apply, then improvements required by that section should be located so as to maximize the use The illustrative plan and the of existing features in screening such improvements from Entrance perspective from the intersection of Corridor streets. Rio Rd. and the Parkway show a f The placement of structures on the site should respect existing sidewalk that is not shown on the site views and vistas on and around the site. plan and the landscaping plan does not appear to account for a sidewalk in this area. Site Grading 40 Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the site to The plan has been revised to include Revise the site plan to note the The site plan has been None. surrounding conditions by limiting the use of retaining walls and by bottom -of -wall and top -of -wall specific color proposed for the revised to specify the color shaping the terrain through the use of smooth, rounded land forms elevations of the proposed retaining retaining walls. for the retaining walls as that blend with the existing terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are walls. The maximum height of the James River. generally unacceptable. Proposed contours on the grading plan shall walls running parallel and Revise the perspective to be rounded with a ten foot minimum radius where they meet the perpendicular to the ends of Buildings clarify the level of visibility of The perspectives have been adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve a natural, rather than 8, 9, and 12 is 9', between Buildings the retaining wall on the updated to include a view engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in height and taller, 8 and 9. northeast side of Building 8. without landscaping from the when necessary, shall be terraced and planted to blend with the EC. This perspective landscape. A perspective has been provided that confirms that the retaining 19 shows the view of the site from the wall on the northeast side of intersection of John Warner Parkway Building 8 will be located and Rio Rd. From this perspective, it behind the landscape buffer appears that the retaining wall on the and screened from the EC. northeast side of Building 8 will have some visibility from the intersection. However, the orientation of the retaining wall in the perspective differs from the site plan, making it unclear how prominent this wall will be from the EC. The site plan has been revised to note the retaining wall material as Anchor Diamond Pro with a rock -like texture and an earth -tone color; however, a specific color has not been provided. A color that has been approved for other sites within the EC is James River. 41 No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within the drip line The existing trees/tree lines appear to Show tree protection fencing The site plan has not been Show tree protection of any trees or other existing features designated for preservation in be shown consistently on the plan, but on the grading, and E&S revised to show tree fencing on the grading and the final Certificate of Appropriateness. Adequate tree protection no tree protection fencing is shown on plans. protection fencing on the E&S plans. fencing should be shown on, and coordinated throughout, the grading, the grading plan, and it still appears grading and E&S plans. landscaping and erosion and sediment control plans. that some grading is proposed with the drip line of existing trees to remain. 42 Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Tree protection fencing has been Appropriateness should be clearly delineated and protected on the added to the landscape plan, but none site prior to any grading activity on the site. This protection should is shown on the grading plan. remain in place until completion of the development of the site. 43 Preservation areas should be protected from storage or movement of heavy equipment within this area. 20 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. The appearance of Building Types B and D: materials, level of detail, and colors. 2. The appearance of the trailhead park from the EC. 3. The proposed landscaping: between the buildings and the parkway, at the interior of the site. Staff recommends the following revisions be reviewed by the Board at a future Architectural Review Board meeting: 1. Revise the building colors and/or materials to use darker/wanner colors to help better integrate the development into the surrounding context. 2. Revise the architectural drawings to note the manufacturers and specific colors for the asphalt shingles, stone veneer, and standing seam metal. 3. Provide physical samples for the paint colors, asphalt shingles, stone veneer, and standing seam metal. 4. Revise the design of the elevations that will be visible from the EC to use additional masonry and contrasting warn earth tones to help to reduce the scale and uniformity of the building designs. 5. Provide fixture color and color temperature for all light fixtures. 6. Revise the lighting plan to provide complete information on building -mounted lighting, including cut sheets, schedule information, fixture colors, lamp color temperature, etc. Lighting must emit less than 3000 or be frill cutoff and have a color temperature approximating warn white (2000K and 3000K). 7. Revise the lighting plan to show that the proposed bollard light fixtures are full cuttoff. If the fixture is not full cutoff revise the fixture to one that is or one that emits less than 3000 lumens. 8. Revise the landscape plan to eliminate conflicts between street trees and utilities/easements. 9. Shift the three trees east of the garages to eliminate the stormwater pipe conflict. 10. Consider revising the invasive shrub species ("Alleghany" Viburnum) to a noninvasive species. 11. Reevaluate the trailhead park design to establish greater visual interest and a stronger sense of place. Options include, but are not limited to, incorporating the public art installation, gazebo, landscaping, and walkways/trail connections. 12. Show tree protection fencing on the grading and E&S plans. ATTACHMENTS Attach. 1: ARB2022-94: Rio Point Final Site Plan Attach. 2: ARB2022-94: Rio Point Architectural Drawings Attach. 3: ARB2022-94: Rio Point Perspectives 21