HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400021 Correspondence 2014-03-11 Jonney Otto
From: Chris Henry[chenry@pbmcap.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:56 PM
To: Jonney Otto
Subject: RE: Riverside Village(WP0201400021)
From: Jonney Otto [jotto @albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:54 PM
To: Chris Henry
Subject: RE: Riverside Village (WP0201400021)
Hey Chris I found your guy. We are all set. I will see you tomorrow at 1:00 here at the County office building
William T Goodman 11/21/2011 11/21/2014 36773
Jonney Otto
Albemarle County
Engineer Inspector II
Office 434.296.5832-Ext 3245
Cell 434.981.5154
From: Chris Henry [mailto:chenryftbmcap.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:47 PM
To: Jonney Otto
Subject: RE: Riverside Village (WP0201400021)
Sorry for the typo. Goodman's RLD license # is 36-773 according to the phone conversation I just had with him.
From: Jonney Otto [jotto @albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:45 PM
To: Chris Henry
Subject: RE: Riverside Village (WP0201400021)
Hey Chris,
A SLD license won't work as a RLD substitution, also not sure what a SLD is exactly. We will still going to
require an Responsible Land Disturber with a current state certification.
Jonney Otto
44110. Nftir,
Albemarle County
Engineer Inspector II
Office 434.296.5832-Ext 3245
Cell 434.981.5154
From: Chris Henry [mailto:chenrypbmcap.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:36 PM
To: Jonney Otto
Cc: Jeremy Glode; iustin(ashimp-engineering.com; boodmanexcavatinglic @yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Riverside Village (WP0201400021)
Thanks for getting back to us on this. We would ideally like to hold the pre con meeting tomorrow afternoon (06-05-
2014). Please let us know if this is possible. If not,Tuesday morning would work.
The attendees for the pre construction meeting are:
Justin Shimp
Shimp Engineering
(434) 953-6116
Dino Goodman
Goodman Excavating LLC
(540) 894-3342
Chris Henry
PBM Capital Group
(540) 353-0183
Goodman's SLD license is #36-773, expiration date 11/21/2014.
Best Regards,
Chris Henry
PBM Capital Group
200 Garrett St., Suite P
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(540) 353-0183
From: Jonney Otto [jotto @albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:14 PM
To: Chris Henry
Cc: Jeremy Glode
Subject: Riverside Village (WP0201400021)
Hi Chris,
I just received your project folder`1 'r Riverside Village (WPO201400021) with 4 copies of the approved plans. I
can set up a Precon with you as early as tomorrow. I will have to get the engineer here on board but I think
the mornings are the best time to have these precons. An RLD will have to be acquired prior to the meeting
Prior to the Precon I will need the following info
• A list of everyone attending with contact info (name/address/phone#)
• Your RLD Contact info and their Certification number
Joriney Otto
Albemarle County
Engineer Inspector II
Cell 434.981.5154
The RLD should inspect the site frequently throughout the project, with careful inspection at
installation of critical measures (e.g., sediment basins) and at the end of each phase for phased
The RLD will need to coordinate to ensure that appropriate parties (job superintendent, foreman, etc.)
available to participate in the inspection. Additionally, communication with the inspector from the
Program Authority may also be required to coordinate on site visits. The RLD should be familiar
with the
plan and construction schedule ahead of time. Any required repairs or corrective actions indicated by
RLD should be made immediately. Any plan modifications recommended by the RLD should be
discussed with the Owner and Plan-Approving Authority prior to implementation on site.
The RLD should also use a standard checklist when performing inspections. Most of the items on
that checklist refer to a specific Minimum Standard (MS). The items from the checklist are listed
✓ Are there any denuded areas that require temporary or permanent stabilization? (MS-1)
✓ Are soil stockpiles adequately stabilized with seeding and/or sediment trapping measures?
✓ Does permanent vegetation provide adequate stabilization? (MS-3)
✓ Have sediment-trapping facilities been constructed as a first step? (MS-4)
✓ Are perimeter sediment trapping measures in place and earthen structures seeded and mulched?
✓ Have sediment basins been installed where needed? (MS-6)
✓ Are all cut and fill slopes adequately stabilized? (MS-7)
✓ Are all on-site drainage channels and outlets adequately stabilized? (MS-8&9)
✓ Are all operational storm sewer inlets protected so that sediment will not enter the system?
✓ Have stormwater conveyance channels been adequately stabilized? (linings and/or outlet
protection) (MS-11)
✓ Is there any work going on in live streams that may require stabilization or a temporary stream
crossing? (MS-12, MS-13, MS-14)
✓ Are utility trenches backfilled, seeded, and dewatered properly? (MS-16)
✓ Is there any evidence of dirt or mud the road? (MS-17)
✓ Are there any structural practices that should be removed because they are no longer needed?
✓ Do any structural practices require repair or clean-out to maintain adequate function? (MS-18)
✓ Are properties and waterways downstream from development adequately protected from erosion
and sediment damage due to increases in peak stormwater runoff? (MS-19)
If violations of a plan or potentially hazardous situations are noted,they should be immediately
reported to the Owner. The RLD may be able to suggest economical ways to achieve desirable
corrections. In any case, it is wise to set a reasonable deadline for accomplishing necessary
Plan changes or cases of non-compliance (such as commencing land disturbance without an approved
plan) should be addressed with the Plan-Approving Authority and Program Authority as appropriate.
The common thread in any successful plan implementation is the need to reach timely solutions to
issues that arise on site prior to and during plan implementation. By becoming knowledgeable in the
Virginia ESC Program, developing a cooperative working relationship with on site parties, and
exercising common sense,the RLD can facilitate efficient and economical plan implementation.
April 10, 2014
Mr. Max Greene
Regarding: Riverside Village
Early Grading Plan (WP0201400021)
Dear Mr. Greene,
I have attached 2 copies of the plans addressing your comments dated April 9, 2014. The specific changes
are detailed below.
04( 1. All topography should be at least visually field verified by the designer within the last year
[18-32.6.6, 14-302, Policy for date] Please state this on the plan.
A note regarding the most recent visual field inspection has been added to the cover page in the "Plan
0 IC. 2. Limit of disturbance appears to run off the page. Please show all areas on the plan.
The limit of disturbance was shown incorrectly: it included the future Route 20 improvements, which are not
proposed as a part of this permit. The limit of disturbance has been updated and is now fully shown on the
�3. Please show dust controls on the plan.
Dust control is now specified on the plan.
4. Please note on the plan that it will be critical for the contractor to keep the roadside ditch
separate from the site so no off-site water enters the sediment basin#1, or else the basin will
need to be enlarged to accommodate the additional drainage area.
A new display is now provided, showing the full drainage areas for the sediment basins for the current
Early Grading Plan (Phase I) as well as for the anticipated final grading (Phase II). SB-1 is designed to
accommodate the maximum drainage area, including off-site areas. The offsite drainage divides were
determined by a visual inspection in January 2014.
/5. Please show the stock pile areas for topsoil or state where the topsoil will be taken off- site.
A designated area for topsoil stockpiles is now shown.
¢, Please update management strategies and sequences notes for this site. Appears to be for
another site near a fire station.
Thanks for catching this error, the text has been updated to reflect the current plan.
7. Does site have excess fill or cut material in excess of 10,000 cubic yards? If so, please show
or state on plans along with location of waste or borrow area.
T grading design for the plan has been adjusted to reduce the height of the retaining wall and the
equired import material. The fill material is now less than 10,000 cubic yards, so a designated borrow
area should not be necessary.
. Please show staging, parking, and/or materials storage areas or other construction related
areas on the plan.
A construction staging area is now shown on the plan.
CrK— 9. Please place a sediment trap at the top of DD1 to catch the runoff from the proposed drainage
swale. The drainage swale perpendicular to a diversion will cause the diversion to fail.
The drainage swale has been re-designed to curve into DD1 instead of entering at a perpendicular angle.
6 IL 10. Please address MS-19 requirements.
A note regarding MS-19 compliance has been added to the narrative.
11. Please place a note on the plans for the contractor to maintain the drainage divide to the
0 l(. basins as shown on the plans to prevent overloading either basin.
See response to Comment#4: the sediment basins have been designed to accommodate the maximum
flows from Phase I versus Phase II.
X12. Basin#2 needs safety fence and signage.
Safety fence and signage have been added to the plan for Sediment Basin#2.
13. Please show the dewatering snout on the basin details.
The dewatering snout has been added to the basin details.
4. Please clarify the location and design of the emergency spillways from the basins.
The emergency spillways from the basins are now shown in the plan to match the calculations.
X15. Anti-seep collar for sediment basin#1 detail will need to match the calculations.
Thanks for calling attention to this error, the computation for the both the detail and the calculation sheet
was outdated. Both have been correctly updated.
16. Please show the baffles required to achieve the 2:1 inlet to outlet ratio and construction
Baffles are now shown in the plan and the standard detail is shown on C5.
,1-7. Please show a typical section for each temporary channel or diversion, referenced from the
plan sheets. Existing ground should be shown at the maximum cross-slope on the plan.
A detail showing the dimensions of typical DD sections has been added to sheet C5.
'$. VDOT approval for entrance location will be required.
The developer is applying for a temporary construction permit.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest opportunity. I may be
reached at: Justinshimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-6116.
Best Regards,
Justin Shimp, P.E.
Shimp Engineering, P.C.