HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200018 Plan - Approved 2022-12-16LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ---- ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - -- VACATED PROPERTY LINE MFA/SFA BUILDING SETBACK SFA BUILDING SETBACK ACCESS EASEMENT DEMOLITION 10 10 PARKING COUNT 1.00' DIMENIONS GRADING EASEMENT - 310- - 10 INDEX CONTOUR ----31G--- 12 INTERVAL CONTOUR 31x .5 SPOT EVELVATION +10D 311.5 TC x +10 00 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x + 0 D rx TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 311.5 B W x + 0 ew BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION RETAINING WALL STAIRS RAILING BUILDING ROAD -EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD- CENTERLINE ROAD -FRONT OF CURB ROAD BACK OF CURB CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB CG-6 STANDARD 6" CURB AND GUTTER A71 /F-N CG-12 STANDARD ACCESS RAMP SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING 0 PARKING SURFACE CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING CONCRETEIPAVEMENT-SIDEWALK RIPRAP 0 ASPHALT 0 0 GRASS TREELINE X X FENCE UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE ♦ } OVERHEAD UTILITY ---_---�- -----��J UNDERGROUND UTILITY m m OVERHEAD UTILITY GUY O MANHOLE STORM LINE - RD RD ROOF DRAIN qp Ot o DRAIN INLET DRAINAGE EASEMENT - - - - - - - - STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER PIPE - S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL W W WATER LINE WS WS WATER SERVICE LINE 0 WATER METER ® ® WATER VALVE AND BOX ^FDC AFDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION �FHA '*FHA FIRE HYDRANT ACSA EASEMENT GAS GAS GAS LINE OWNER/DEVELOPER Cameron Property Cville LLC 6805 Morrison Boulevard Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28211 ZONING NMD - Neighborhood Model District ZMA201800013 (Rio Road W) was approved on July 17, 2019 ZMA201800013 includes application plan, proffers, and code of development AIA - Airport Impact Area EC - Entrance Corridor Rio29 FBC District - Core Area along Rio Road frontage and Flex Area behind Core. This site is proposed for development using Rio29 FBC District Standards. NOTES: 1. ZMA201800013 and ZMA201800013, along with all application plans, proffers, and codes of development are no longer valid with approval of a final site plan utilizing the Rio29 Form Base Code. 2. Parcel 45-100B is approved for development per SDP201300063. SDP approval vacated with the approval of this plan BUILDING STANDARDS Building Requirements in Core Character Area: Provided: Building Height: 2 stories (min.) 5 stories (max.) 5 Story Multi Family Building & 5 Story Self -Storage Building Ground Floor Height: 15 feet min. 15 feet ground floor height Block Length:200-350 feet Block Length averages 375 ft. Travelway is provided within 250 ft Build -to Range: 0-10 feet 69.42% of the building facade is within the build -to line Avg. Pedestrian Entrance Separation: 60 ft max. Avg. Pedestrian Entrance Separation: 26.41 ft. DISTRICT Rio Magisterial District SOURCE OF TITLE DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (parcel 45-100 (0.78 acres)) DB 4509 P48, DB 1292 P131 (plat), DB 297 P544 (plat) (parcel 45-100A (0.77 acres)) DB 4356, P399 (plat) (Parcel 45-100B (0.76 acres)) DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (plat), DB 996 P650 (plat) (parcel 45-101 (1.32 acres)) DB 2130 P30, DB 2130 P25, P27, P28 (plat) (parcel 45-101 B (0.44 acres)) SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary and Topographic Information was compiled from an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Plat prepared by Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. on August 13, 2018 and revised on February 26, 2019. BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 1988 FLOODZONE FEMA flood insurance rate map (community panel 51003CO278D), effective date February 4, 2005 shows this property within zone "x" and no portion of the property within the 100-year flood plain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the South Fork Rivanna River Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES This project lies within the Albemarle County Service Authority Jurisdictional area for both water and sewer. An existing sanitary sewer line is located on the property and an existing waterline is located along Rio Road West. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontle:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization amt lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply v .th the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backfiow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. FIRE PREVENTION Two existing ACSA fire hydrants are located on Rio Road West. One is located approximately 300 ft. east of the site and the other is located approximately 250 ft. west of the site. Both are on the south side of Rio Road West. FIRE RESCUE NOTES During construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please note them on the plan: 1. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 2. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 3. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, provide access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather conditions. 4. Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code VDOT NOTES VDOT's land development south staff (540-967-3715 or 540-967-3716) shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any anticipated road/shoulder closures", "The permittee or his or her designee shall report all work zones in the VDOT right of way on a daily basis at set up and take down to VDOT'S Smart Traffic Center (540-332-9500)", "Copies of all independent testing reports to be submitted to VDOT for verification", "A minimum 48 hours advance notification of a proof roll of both the subgrade and stone base is required by VDOT." "All areas excavated below existing pavement surface and within clear zone, at the conclusion of each workday, shall be backfilled to form an approximate 6:1 wedge, against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic." And that "Traffic shall be maintained during construction of the tie-in and mill of the adjacent travel lanes." "water lines, sewer lines, etc. crossing future VDOT maintained roads have to be sleeved with ductile iron pipe "two (2) times diameter of the utility line)." And "A video (3 electronic copies to VDOT) of all stormwater systems carrying VDOT runoff or runoff under a future state road is required to be submitted to VDOT for review and approval prior to paving operations. ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition AM PM WEEKDAY Use Description ITE Qty IV In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Mini-Warehouseing 151 92.175 1,000 SF 5 4 9 7 9 16 69 70 139 Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) 221 88.0 Units 7 21 28 22 14 36 239 240 479 Trip generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic. VDOT DETAILS Contractor shall construct all improvements per applicable VDOT construction standards Found in the VDOT Road & Bridge Standards. At a minimum, the following standards should be reviewed: 1. VDOT 315: WP-2 asphelt pavement widening 2. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (general notes) 3. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (method of installation) 4. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (type a) 5. VDOT CG-12: Detectable warning surface (type b) 6. VDOT CG-11: Method of treatment connection for street intersections and commercial entrances 7. VDOT CG-6: Combination 6" curb & gutter. 8. VDOT CG-2: Standard 6" curb 9. VDOT MH-1: Manhole for 12" - 48" pipe culvert 10. VDOT MHA Frame & cover: manhole for 12" - 48" pipe culverts 11. VDOT DI-3A, B, & C: Standard curb drop inlet 12. VDOT IS-1: Standard method of shaping manholes & inlet inverts BUILDING HEIGHTS The front multi -family use building shall be 5 stories (one floor below grade on the north elevation) and the rear self -storage use building shall be 5 stories (Three) floors above grade on the south elevation). EXISTING USE Vacant land PROPOSED USE Permitted Use is proposed per Sec.20C.6: 5-Story 108,575 GSF Multi -Family building (Core) 5-Story 92,175 GSF Self -Storage building (Core) (Retail sale & service) 0.43 acre Linear Park (Flex) (Per regulating Plan) PROFFERS PER ZMA201800013 Proffers, application plans, and codes of development approved in conjunctions with NMD zoning of this site shall no longer be valid with approval of a final site development plan utilizing the Rio29 Form Base Code District standards. LAND USE SCHEDULE Existing SF AC % Building 1,451 0.03 0.8% Pavement/concrete 8,760 0.20 4.9% Impervious 10,211 0.23 5.8% Turf 140,289 3.22 79.0% Woods 26,984 0.62 15.2% Total 177,484 4.07 100.0% Proposed SF AC % Building 40,150 0.92 22.6% Concrete & pavement 63,359 1.45 35.7% Impervious 103,509 2.38 58.3% Turf 73,975 1.70 41.7% Total Site Area Including ROW 177,484 4.07 100.0% FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): New parcel area = 134,631 SF = 3.09 AC Building GFA __ Multi-FamilV Building + Mini -Storage Building=108,575 GSF + 92,175 GSF = 1.49 Total Site Area Total Site Area 134,631 SF CIVIC SPACE Sec.20C.11-A - Civic Space: Required a minimum 10% in Core Area & a minimum 15% in Flex Area Site Core Area: 129,517 SF X 0.1 SF = 12,951.7 Site Flex Area: 23 854 X .15 = 3 578 SF INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO SDP202200018 TAX MAP 45 PARCELS 1005 100A, 100B, 101, and 1016 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1°=1000' Agnor Hurt Goodwill Sior,q:& v Elementary School 0 14:01, Donation Center VANNA RIDGE 0006 J �0 JQI T.JaMaxx 41 Q 9 JOANN Fabric and Crafts nod w:' TobeysPawn SlOC MQ �/o erc,.o PO SITE o WOODBROOK PARK BERKMAR d0 05f J' acac Fitness & Wellness ONDOS Center Albemarle uare a► a `FOUIdFASONS ; VILLAGE OFFICE r CONDOS o ALDI 63 RAINT NCI*'l "I S 1403 Pa,kinq Lci9 _ BERKELEY ,1� _ Ch" Ttbttesville Fair ion square 19 RIO EAST PROFESSIONAL Total Civic Space Required = 123951.7 SF + 3,578 SF = 163529.7 SF Total Civic Space Provided = 18,749.2 SF = 0.430 AC Map provided by Albemarle County GIS Map Services PARKING SCHEDULE REQUIRED PARKING: Spaces/Unit Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinance Sec.20C.9-A-2: Residential =1 Space Unit 11spacex 89 Units = 89 Spaces Required. Unit Non -Residential (Excluding Hotels and Lodging) = 1 Space 1,000 SF of FA 1 Space - 95,345 SF GSF= 95.35 = 95 spaces required. 1,000 SF of GSF Total Parking Spaces = 89 + 95 = 184 parking spaces required. SHEET INDEX PARKING PROVIDED: Per Albemarle Count Code of Ordinances Sec20C.9-6-a iii a parking reductions in minimum required spaces is requested in Y O, p 9 O q p q C1 COVER SHEET conjunction with this application. C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS Residential = 100 spaces (including 4 HC space) Mini Self -Storage = 19 spaces (including 1 HC space) (parking modification request is provided for this application) C3 SITE LAYOUT Total = 119 parking spaces provided. C4 UTILITY PLAN Sec. 20C.9-A(5): PICK-UP OR DROP-OFF ZONES: Required: 1 space per 20 parking spaces provided = 20 = 6 spaces required C5 GRADING PLAN Provided: 6spaces C6 LANDSCAPING PLAN BICYCLE PARKING SCHEDULE C7 SITE SECTIONS Required bicycle parking perSec.20C.9-B(3): C8 ROAD SECTION & PROFILE Residential uses: Short Term: 0.1 spaces per bedroom Non-residential uses: Short Term: 1space per 4,000sfofGSF C9 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE Long Term: 0.5 spaces per bedroom Long Term: 1 space per 10,000 sf of GSF Residential bedrooms on site =70 C10 ZONING COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW 70 x.1 = 7 short term spaces required 1 space x 92,175 + 1 space x 3,170 = 23.04 + 0.79 =23.83 = 24 short term spaces required 4,000 sf 4,000 sf C11 SITE & ACSA DETAILS 70 x .5 = 35 long term spaces required 1 space x 92,175 + 1 space x 3,170 = 9.22 +0.317 =9.53 = 10 short term spaces required 10,000 sf 103000 sf Provided: 7 short term spaces for residential 35 long term spaces for residential 3 short term space for non-residential 1 long term space for non-residential Total: 10 short term spaces provided 36 long term spaces provided. SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. 9 A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albermale County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. STEEP SLOPES Preserved slopes are not present on the property. Managed slopes are shown on APPROVED by the Albemarle County Sheet C3 with labels showing which slopes are to be disturbed. Community Development Department GENERAL NOTES Date December 12, 2022 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on File # SDP202200018 Application Type Initial Site Plan information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer Lead Reviewer: Mariah Gleason shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior APPROVALS to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractors expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Current Development Planner Date Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, Current Development Engineer Date manufacturers specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. Architectural Review Board Date 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. Fire Official Date 13. Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC ANSI A117.1-09 and the 2018 Virginia Construction Code 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream Building Official Date manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. 15.All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. 16. Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional Albemarle County Service Authority Date requirements and permits for demolition projects at 540-562-3580 x131. 17.All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of the public sewer and water main(s). 18. The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department(ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, Virginia Department of Transportation Date 9 P P water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection. 19. The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities 20.not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/bui Id i ng (s). 21.The Special Inspectors report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTrFSVH.LE VA, 22902 70STIN@SHW-ENGINEEMG.COM ,F ALTH C-,l O o? v JUST n moo. HIl I,j6. 45183 III s`SIONAL EEO INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REVLSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. COVER SHEET 18.030 C1 � I \ 1 \ \ 1 1 1 / I 11 I I\ I II II I \ I 1 > I 1 1 / I I 1 I I I\ II / 1 II II I % 1 II I 1 I II I ! I II I 11 II II I I II I I 1 I I / I I I I / I / X I II (UTILITY POLE \ LINES (TBRt \ I / E COMPANY I GINIA DBA \ E TURYLINK B 4716-51 m a >: ° w = r = Ln CC)r 0 Q m r W, l m 11X Qo �a Of 1n m I m o � o EASEMENT TO ALT OF VIRGINIA I I D.B. 4592-425 1 / I % 1 \ I \ / 1 � \ I I \ I i I \ I 1 —\ I / X r U RED / \ \ �//3j01„5ANI7AR>-SEWEiR -- N39'0,R'l4'(E /� ,/ ESMT./ ------ 27\76' D-6. °270-Z1tJ'4 / a�W \ PLAT / / off- FC 1 \ `\ I �\ /���\ ,/\ N`-\ _ \ //19 MH- fi0P=48� /i i �� / ( /INV�479.09 i pE�XISTINT QF\ \\/20 s�QN rARY TREL E t E RE 0 SE�\E MT\ (-71D.B.q�0 / / i I T /7 - _ TCM. 45-1100C\ RE RES NT �H z I /����AT- T OWNER: TO DINM oNIN sdo xl I / \ I I I � 1 1 I I D.B � 3651+-62 \ RIO 9 FB FLEA\ / D.B. 27-544 PLdT RIo2� FB I-1\ o \ ;� II \\\\\� \ \\ \ \ \ D.B. 12W-03 PLAT AIkEA P x. \ I` \ 1 I 0.7B ACkS / I % \\. \ \\\ \ // I I I\ \� L _� \ I \ d \ 1 \ k \\ LOT 1 I � 4 I USE: VA�ANT 1 1 \� \ / \ \\ \ \ 1 \ \ \ ZONEDI C1 /AIA/E/\C TP=4 7�- \ . 1 I st \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'BIRCH ` LY \ \ I / \ 3�s.'� 37.33ro9" \ I 1 \ I I EX. SAN. PIPE ` ` \ \ \ 2\QU,AD. \( N I I , wl:l 1 \ \ ��� \ I I l I I SIZE TO E FIELD \ I \ I �ERIFIItD) \AOLL 1\l\ 1\\\� / VAANT I 11 I 1 \\ \ram \ \ ♦ ( l Ic IIIMI 51173— / Bu LDWG/ TMl 45 10QB / I I \ I \ ♦ \ \ \ � I 1 P — I \ \ \ OPz. CMA P O�ERT�ES, ZINC. / ( BR) OWNE�: K$R I \ �y \ ♦ \ \ I /J /INVEISTM NTS,I LLd \ \ �� \ HOL♦v \ \ a 1 -1- - 24' \ 1 \ k \ ♦ / I ' 11138�-454�PLAT I D. 4 564399 ►�I� 1 ROPL 1 I `\ \ \� \ �`,01 ♦� I\/ \\\1 3lACRES\ ' .B. 97 54 PLA TBR \ Q \ p ), \ `. \ \ '` �E�\A \T SALE/ ERVIc�\/ EX. / D.B. i29 1_5 PL�IY' P RED PAVEMENT / / / - �W -- / L TZ \\\ TM 45 0 c., 0 1 I ` �EID\HC�\/AIA/�C (TBR) \\ /0.70'ACF Cn \ \0 'ER:\CAMERONT�OP Y--- / ANT/ / O Po�1A5" \ \VCVILLE, LLG.AN, \\ �� �� cH / �/' ZO C1yAIA/EC OPLARI I° - / - � / / 0U6 11 �\\ 1D1B 2130 g5, \ \ \\ ♦♦ j I ` \\ \\ /%%/%/ GIB&LIDAR bAT 1 -- �/ / / B. 2130 \�0 T� F L I O 671EY//DATA ti // / / / I (36R 1 ° 2 \\44 ACRES T \ 1$ OP AR 'T PE REMOVED 38 .B3' °Q 1 \ q39*14' . "E I / / / I I 18" MAPM IJS VACANT \ \\ \\ \il w 1 1 STORY / / TM.145-110ox 1 I (TBR) / ED\V D/AIA/EC/R029f W/ BSMT CON,C. OWI,ER: CA I EROIN PKOPEI TY I 18" POP AR (TBR) \: \FBC �f \\ \ \ \ i ` I\ \ — — -- / BLOCK WAVl 2,4 \ 1 - - - I (TBR) ( R) C\ ILLE,I LLCI. I S4NITARY $EWE MAP DECK D.Q. 4509-48 1ESMT. TBR MANAGTO - (TBR) D.B. d2924131 'PLAT\ \ I �-B. 127\0-721 ��j�\\ NVT479.69II 11 \ \\ / /\\\ \ ( d" WALL D.B. 2\97-544 PLAT s — /I OE \ \ �J4. NV-479.81 \ �� / \ ° I pISTUR ED /0� \ ROCK \ 0..7 ACRES \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ NV 479.86 \ 1 \ �/ v v v v �v�\ v vv I/ vv I I '\ \USE.\ VAC�T BONED\ NMDVAIA/Et,/RIO�\9 / / / \\i `� \ \ \ \`, \\ F15(' \ \ \ (TBIR PINE\ `` \\ \ \\\ I I / / l I) \\ 4D SICJ (TBR) / ; \ M1y� CH PILE `.: \ \ \ \\ \ 15" \ \ \ \ 1 \ �' l , = GRAVEL \ / \ 'S \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I - .�./ (TBR \ U LITY �„� \\ ll`'"'PPPPR) \ \ \ \ LIE (T�1) \ \ '� ` f Y PO GUY \ \ \\ - ,\ \\ \EXISTING BO\NDA� Q\ \\ \ \\ \I �\.\ \\\ i//� 1 II I i II I\ \\ I &LIES \ \\ \ \ C` \ \\ \ \ o � \\ \ \ \SANITAKY SEWER (TBR) \ `. . \ h N ESMT. \ o I 0 \D.B. 1270-701, 704 PLAT y V v v v C' EX. TEL` - \ � I �- 1 \ 1 TM. 45-100 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 26, SANITA Y ` ` 7� / RIP -RAP (PNNEVCAM RONI PROPERTY \ 1 \ \ \ SEWER ESM . .a/ DITCH (TO PED, UTTII Y I w J 1 I \ 'j I CVIL� E, L4C. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ D.B. U270-711 1\ `` M REMAIN) P M (TOARHYLE AN) �`� / �1 7B& 180P\2 T \\ \ \\ p14 PLAT\\ 3. 4 /30" OAK i - / 1 I�' 1` - / (TBR) L Q.78 \ACRE$ 1 0 ` '. IF USE: V�CANS 1 / -X. P9gD- / ZONED NWD/AIA/1 R102'9 31GNI ' C6� i/ 1 FB �1 PfOF1ERtY LJN I l I 36" WHITE / I 1 I I 1 I I I A�CQRDIIJG O I o OAK TBR) I 1 11 11 I 1 1 11 PROPERTY L(� \ I I i PI�ATIREOOR DI1 1 � \ ,RIJD OAK // II,, IN D. 99 5/01 1 / --- J 1 1 1 I I I Y LINE (T4) I \ 1 \ ACCy�RDING T I `� / 1 I I I/ \ (TBR) 24" : ���`. ULCH I BOW 1 PLAT 1RECORDE� I I I I 1 I EXISTING I I 1 1 1 1 MH-1 I 1 1 1 \ IN D BI 904-63 I � V I 1 \ ILE 1 1 1 1 i OPg480.1d I I I l / i\ (TBR) I /I Y i INV=14741.671 1 TIIA A413 \ V 477)95 IP�bPRI IE INC. \v / I NV-47 1.70 I D,B/ b4-162 31 PLAT v 24" RED / / / ' N ­-_,NV=477146 IDIBI 46bfi1�6 1�i2 PL,FrT I OAK `TBR) / // // I I /I I 1 d 80 \)A ES v / / EXISTING ) I MANAGED / / TM. 45-101 / 1 1 TREEUNE to : i -BOUN ARY \U B: AU 0 \ POLO SLOPES TO BE / / E REMOVED O4€RLAP 0.d011 � — -- \ DISTURBEDi ' PROPERTY CVIILLE,iLLC. I I j I // A�E— �O� � WC�\AIA/E ECMA ------ D.B. 21� 0-3' I / I f I I\ \ / \ �n \ RIP -RAP D<\TC�i \ \\ \\\\ \\ \ \ I / D.B. 996- 50 PLAT I \ I \ \ D.B. 21 0-2 MANAGED / / 27 8� 28 PLAT // / / / / /20' SA�ITARY \ / Co / \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 i ( ,`$ BOUNDARY � VERLA,P \ \ \ \ PRIVATE SIGN SLOPES TO BE / / �1.32 ACMES / / / / SEWER ESMT. \ /i \ \ \ TBR I (SLOPESDISTURT i �' / / � \, \ / \ _ .$� 0.027 A\ P \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / b.B. 1270 706, Ex. io' ( ) / / / USE: VACANT/ / / / / 709 PLAT \ /\\ \ \ \ \ �\ DI— e N I / / / ZONED NMD/AIA/EC/RIg7 9 / \ \Ae \ 1' / \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J r iN \ \ / MANAGED / FBC // / \ \ \ 49 \ X \\\\\ \I TOP=527. 8 \ I / �R \ \ / I .� \ \ \ \�- �\ SLOPES TO BEo / / \ \ 4\ � � \ � OPERTY LIME \ \ \ \ i BENC�MARK: \ \ DISTURBED 0 / \ \ \ / I 1 // CORDING TO\PLAT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ TOP 0 DR Q(' INLET I \ \ \ \ 'x e \ \ 1 N/ RE ORDED IN D\B. \ \ \ \ \\\\\ \ \ ELEV;,TIO 527.78 \ �� TREELINE (� / // / \�� 8 � \ \ 4, i / 100 -225 \ \ ���\ BF�REMO \ -� / / 1 \ NITARY�SMZ �4� oa Q D.R' 1063-609 \ - MANAGED \3,/ �'.\ \ /.`n h /� \ / / I I / SLOPES \\ \\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 -----� ---1- 1------- -- ----- --- _ - / \ \ \ \ \ 5 / PROPERTY INE ACCORDING TO PLAT V 1 FRECORDED I D.B.P ED \ V V\ VA \ AA \ v\ \ 996-650 II SURVEY ��ASW 407.saT _ -�___--' _\ �► \ \ I -c _ �___�__�_ MF-1 i S12°58, „E\\ \ \\ it I AR DATA I B UN13ARY i' i --- _- _-T61�491-06'� UND'AR i,�- / \ .�. 1 / / i �OGEy2CAP / 16.41' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ I H 1 / ///// i' j—x Lx max'- =x �x j \ T ACCESS ESMI�T. �\ / I I D.B. 1037 52i I IO�J6i,b.3x/ �i �� -i — 1 I I INV 503.46 \I \ \\ \III 1 1 ///Tl 45 105 C 45CC102 I I I I I OIWNE� ARWaQD \ / // / \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\ \ \ I OWN R: KILMLR ASSET \ gROgE IES, L.L.C\\ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � \ \\ I 1 1 1 1 I I D . 1870-119 \ / -- \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ PR T CTION TRUST, \ \ B. /10Q5-225 PLAT GEOF RE D. KILMER AND ` 111 I \ �`' ENISE 437, 441 \ \ \ .B. 4755— 49 V 1 I PLA I D. 1 86-91LAT I I I \ I .01 AC E'S / \ \ \ \ I I I l AN HC A A\ C / D.B. 1 05-225 LAT \ I l \\ / / DATED PRIL 28, 16 4ELF—S RA`G& 0. 8 ACRES \ \I l \I \I \ \ USE FFICE/RETAIL- \ \\\ \ \ \ ZO D C-1/AIA/EC � \ \II \\ \\\ \ \' \\\\\\\\\\1 / 1\` 1\\ \V\ l `\/�I1((,/�\\ \\ SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 F. HIGH ST. CHARLOTTESVH.LE VA, 22902 434.227.5140 r��� TH op O v JUSTIw4vH1 .1110. 45183 ► Q 'IONAL ��Cs INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REWSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. 18.030 EXISTING CONDITIONS Scale: 1 C2 20' SANITARY SEWER ESMT. D.B. 1270-711, 714 PLAT 20' SANITARY SEWER ESMT. DASHED NE D.B. 1270-711, TM. 45-100C REPRESENTIN Vyr E 714 PLAT _ ZONING DFVIS16N R1029 FBC FDEX H" �RK R1029 FBC - 0 =z AREA (APE)(. •-$•, NEW ROW/PROPERTY LINE I CG-12 \ \` NEW ROW/PROPERTY \ \ \ LINE -1 \ WOODEN FOOTBRIDGE 6' WIDE WITH RAILINGS EACH SIDE I STREET A _ DRAINAGE A. o GAL TO P—U LB IC USE ,�• S i <' o cw— DEDICATED 30" STOP R2. v5 - SIGN ; .g°SIB �yAtK CG-12 ` RO.5' 10 PARKING \ �\ CG- 2 SIDEWAL .a :.&•K'- `\ `\ `\ •r'fi''. CG- I® R2. 0' e •° a CG-12 o NE V. . 50.0 1 STREET •8 PUBLIC 0 `� ra'. DRAINAGE5b ESMT NAME SIGN 1,411 SF 6 "'3 ,, I I' ��•.^`_ °r�° CLUB ..a - AMENITY ON o MAX BUILD -TO- " ` GROUND` I ` _ � SANITARY SEWER LEVEL aLINE =10' k.� G o D.B. 1270 721 0 BUS .O' .04' I R`?O. _ I ,ri o STOP __ NEW V.W. o ACSA ESMT = is ••� BUS STOP ` I ` 1,759 SF SHELTER & BENCH FITNESS/ I - 21240 SF AMENITY ON NEW OUTDOOR GROUND r ` n a ` I I L 3 L EVE J .. RECREATIONAL i . ROW/PROPERTY AREA LINE I > I 15.0' I 2 20.0' ~ PICK-UP/ SANITARY SEWWER DROP OFF i D.B. 1270-701, ` Y•. I ;I ZONE 704 PLAT ^' SPACES EX. TEL. o I � _ I - - I _ rn 20 SANITARY BOX, TEL. :P- PED, UTILITY N' - SEWER ESMT. `. MANHOLE I;� ..y�t� D.B. 1270-711, , (TO REMAIN) I18. 2410 , I Y 18,435 SF 714 PLAT EASEMENT TO CENTRAL 4 092,175 GSF TELEPHONE COMPANY i a;.� I o- OF VIRGINIA DBA - m SELF STORAGE BLDG I 5 STORIES CENTURYLINK _ `O - 4 I z 3 STORIES ABOVE GRADE D.B. 4716-51 •, E( D_.. o HC I o 1 2 STORIES BELOW GRADE SI N �3 O TOTAL BUILDING AREA=92,175 SF CD v1 1 ° J �` Ld I Iw— i 3,170 SF COMMERCIAL SPACE ON GROUND FLOOR - p rr .' 18,545 SF ME (GROUND FLOOR) 6 0' ly a0 of > � 21,715 SF MF (BASEMENT, 2, 3 & 4 FLOORS) 0 18.0' - I 35.0' 3.• 105,403 GSF Mt UNITS 26.10' / W C7 w.: _ O TOTAL BUILDING 108,573 GSF , Q O 86 ,N, �. MULTI -FAMILY APT BLDG I o 5 STORIES •.°VWd' I �� m •O. (2) PICK-UP/DROP 0 4 STORIES ABOVE GRADE P TSWM o OFF ZONE SPACES _ / c� 1 STORY BELOW GRADE AGILITY I0 /1 W M / EASEMENT TO d - , COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA NEW V.W. 20.0' D.B. 4592-425 II R�0 PRIVATE SWM 10.0' FACILITY ESMT O I / 20SANITARY WER G ESMT. o D.B. 1270-706, ....' _ Q ...... u� • """' - 709 PLAT 20.0' BENCHMARK:/4- TOP OF DROP INLET / _ - o ' ELEVATION=527.78' ° 108.06' 1p 10.0' ANITARY ESMT ,N /�= / B. 1063 ... o / / MANAGED • 01 6 20.0' G-2 REMAIN TO MAX BUILD -TO- 120 130' PRIVATE SWM LINE =10' 4 5 O FACILITY ESMT�- -F �- — _. .(_PICK-UP/DROP OFF ONr \ �X \ 30' JOINT ACCESS ESMT. D.B. 1037 527 D.B. 1035-465 PLAT TM. 45-105 TM. 45-102 TM. 45-173 NEW PROPERTY LINE CLASS A -TYPE 2 LOW -MAINTENANCE SHARED USE PATH TM. 45-94B SHIMP ENGINEERING8 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVH.LE VA, 22902 JOSTIN@SHW-ENGINEERING.COM I�TH pF o�S`� U JUSTHIMP n moo. 45183 0 �`S'SIONAL E�� INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REVISION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. 18.030 ti SITE LAYOUT EASEMENT TO CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA DBA CENTURYLINK D.B. 4716-51 EASEMD COMMONWEALTH OF VIF D.B. 4592 i - ---- -- ... D. B. 1037-527 N V=503.46 D.B. 1035-465 PLAT TM. 45-102 TM. 45-105 173 IELD -80.18 74.67 s s )ITCH �r SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTrESVR.LE VA, 22902 70STIN@SHW-ENG]NEERWG.COM O� JUSHII Us. 45183 c14� a SIGNAL INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REWSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. UTILITY PLAN 18.030 a a ,9 a 44EP \ +18 \ o Tc 19 �\ 1 9= 44 J 18 8 Q I18 0 18 1.40% II 20 9 18 \ 19 a J 18 19 a 1 µ 18 1 a d . a 19 I 1 J 18 8 a I Q 19 " a 1 18 Q 9 O EP J 8 O oi4c V 419 a. ' I a SPOT ELEVATIONS AT HC PARKING C5 SCALE: 1 "=10' EASEMENT TO CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA DBA CENTURYLINK D.B. 4716-51 /2i0'• SANISAR)�3EWIJR ESMT./ �i0'Z1PLAT/// '-----v 20N TA�tY SE-SEE\ 4� M $ t \ TM� 45-1100C\ N i : ; II \ �7T4, \ \1 �y ► � I // I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 \ \ 1 \ t\ I� � \ \ \N";.�z. 1 \ / (/� \ I11 I \ c� \ GROUND COVERT NCt ENAAILL SLOPES GREATE THAN \ 7. W i i i i _. • :':;c..;: ': \ \\ \\ \( 1 \ \TM� 173\1 AEWIv. lV '.. ... -. \ V A v AVAV VAA I I I V w wl w » �PUlJ�L C \ 41 w1 w w —w \ s 04 _ \ I\ imp / 5 1 ° 11 •/A• DIVIq)'E GE / DRFy1NAGE ° �. 1 I •. .I,:.._ / / / ° O I I I 5 I 0 06 38 ` I 06 Io6 \ 068 6 I1 38 06 I 06 i 38O I\ 063 \ 0668 I \ 05 OS \ P \ \ \ 68 93 \ 05 5 1 N o N AT HC II .•.I_ ... I I I SANITARY $EWER �, \ I \ `:":.:}. \ \ \ ESMT. SPOT E�EVAT O J 1 ' - B. 1270-721 A SEE DETAIL A\ \ �� 3 PARKIN G d N W V.W. \: FOR SPOT I ` \ \ \\ s. \ :..\: \ _ CJ SCALE: 1"=10' �CSA ESMT I I I I 1 1- , A. - ty�, I aow ELEVATIONS SEE DETAIL® \ FOR SPOT v — \\T— ELEVATIONS SEE DETAIL® \SANITAY SEWER I V A ry v v FOR SPOT s0\ ESMT. ELEVATIONS �\ 06 V D.B. 1270-701, g V 7LV4 PLAT EX. TEL. I .:� � .� � _,Sr� ,qIP V � d . I I \ -_ - g — \ \ 2d' SANITAf o: J. BOX, TEL,. I I I e \ `,, _—I. I \ \ SEWER ESM PED, UTI TY LOW AIIjVfENANCE Na v— l D.B. \1270-711 I I 1 \ MANH LE I -_4 I .1f� I "• 55 1 GRO 17/COVER ON AL;=yS` (TO R/F IN) I /� I ,a_ -• -� \ —, �\ �1 \� 6 \ \ 1 \714 PLAT`\ SLOP =GREATER THAN RAI GE \, I� 3:1 I \ -, �DIM�DE "\\ f Q - v 6 D— / / I N cow —// 11 I 1== 1552076..5 LEVL F LLJLEE4 FFE517.050 LEYELL3 2 M960000 1 \9 LEVEL 55.50 1 I I s `s,�4of O 99 LEVEL 1 RIFE ` w r 29 ,F / / 7 T'1 ITIMI 4 �4B o / / I I\: / / I P 5 o CILITY X ha: \ \\ GROUND LEVEL FEE _ �L9.80- _-_ ./ // .. I I I I I I I I I J/// \ \I I I II I I 1 II l w / STREET LEVE1- FFE = 529.88 / EASEMENT TO COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA I / / — _ 1 NWV.W. D.B. 4592-425 */ II I \ \ 15 1+ /9VATE 8WM 1 AGILITY/ESMT/ \ \ \ 1,,!,'.a.:: • I II � I I I I I I / / / / / IA ®� 1 559% - -_- „ o�✓ // -/ / /2S0E' SANITARY 15'WER ESMT. 6.B. 1270\-706, 799PLAT \ \ \ 14 l \\ \ / \ BENCHMARK: TOP OF DROP INLET \ I 100 ELEVATION=527.78 .+. II s :T- \ — \ \� \ \ \\ \ � � — / I � NITARY�SMZ \ I ,�� / \ \ � \ \ \ \ �\ �..... \ s \ \ a .�' 06 — '° MANAGED \ \ \ \ TO 0 �,. SLOPES w I / REMAIN I \ \\ \\\\ \\\\ \ \ \\ \ s>0 oLOW GROUND COVERT ENANCE ON ALL x —x — —Xx 30LX _Jx \T \\\\\\ \\\ \\ \ \\\\\\ \\\\\\\\ I\\ ' JOINT ACCESS ESMT. \ SLOPES GREATER THAN + A 'Lzx- X' /�X � D.B. 1037 527 \ + D.B. 1035-465 PLAT TM. 45-105 TM. 45-102 15 58W 94T 1 a 0 15 + OOHP—EP 33 —TC \ 05 16 16 94Tc + W \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 15 1 0 1 + SPOT ELEVATIONS PARKING 30 0 30 60 90 2�LOT LANDSCAPE ISLAND C5 SCALE: 1"=10' Scale:1"=30' SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTrESVR.LE VA, 22902 70STIN@SHW-ENGINEERWG.COM O� JUSHII 1T 45183 aSI(JNAL INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REWSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. GRADING PLAN 18.030 C5 Landscape Plan: PROPOSED LANDSCAPE Reauired: Pre Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .7-Table 2, Street Landscape Separation - 6ft in the Boulevard standards. Plant Plantin Common Minimum Height Total g Area of Total Provided: 8ft landscape strip separating the Boulevard Symbol Type Botanical Name Name Cal./Heig at Height in Quantity Canopy Canopy uercus Bicolor p ht Planting 10 Years Street Landscaping: Large QBilSwamWhite Oak 2Yz" Cal. 11 31 14 299 4,186 Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .10-D: Deciduous Tree The minimum Planting Requirements are as follow: • Reauired: All trees must be planted parallel to the street in the landscaped separation zone, pursuant to section 20C.7.H.4. f } Large American Elm 3 • Provided: All trees are lanted arallel to the street in the landsca e se aration zone. {:�''(I Deciduous Tree Ulmus americans &cvs. (Princeton)1Y2°-1/4" Cal. 10 25 8 397 3,176 Provided trees in the clear zone along Rio Road W: 7 Small Deciduous Trees (Cropemyrtle) Large / Quercus Robur English Oak 1Yz"-13/4' Cal. 11 31 5 329 1,645 / // Provided trees in the landscape separation zone along proposed local street: Deciduous Tree / /2/.0"]SANITAR�-SEW�R 8 Large Deciduous Trees (American Elm (Princeton)) ---- - Large Acer Saccharum & Cvs. Sugar Maple (Green %"-13/4" Cal. 11 21 14 195 2,730 ////// / / ESMTy Deciduous Tree Mountain) � / / // Dom. /1 °170-Z1 t,7�'4 / / PLAT • Reauired: All trees and other vegetation species must be from the recommended plant list. Large Sugar Maple (Fall • Provided: All trees and other vegetation species are selected from the recommended plant list Deciduous Tree Acer Saccharum & Cvs. Fiesta) 1Yz'-13/4 Cal. 11 21 10 195 1,950 Large • Required: Each development site must use at least five different species selected from the recommended plant list, with Deciduous Fagus Syi vatica &Cvs. European Beech %'-13/4' Cal. 10 20 12 177 2,124 no more than 20 percent of one species used. • Provided: More than five different species are selected from the recommended plant list throughout the development site. TreesLarge Deciduous Nyssa Sylvatica Blackgum Tree 3)/2" Cal. 15 23 7 181 1,267 • Reauired: At least one large tree (2/2 inches caliper measured six inches above the ground) must be planted in the Trees\\ - interior of parking areas for every ten parking spaces provided. these trees must be evenly spaced. Small • Provided: Fourteen na(ea) forgevereate(2�arknhescaalperrovidedfe0the tsix hese mbstebehevenouspaced. d) are planted in the interior of Deciduous Magnolia virginiona. Sweet Bay Magnolia (6'-7') 6 16 8 113 904 parking Y parking P P Y P Trees Interior parking lot has 92 parking spaces with eleven 11 large trees Swam White Oak proposed. \ \ P 9 P 9 P O 9 (Swamp ) P P Small \ 1 I \ w l \ I \ I/ ��Ej2 \E MT'\ \ 1 There are nine (9) parking spaces along the travelway on the south west side and two (2) pick-up/drop-off zones \ 1 D SH b, IN \ I \ \ 9:B- 1, XO-171' \ - Ornamental Lagerstroemia Indica x cvs. Cropemyrtle (6'-T) 6 9 7 77 539 \ with three 3 large trees Swam White Oak proposed. TM. 45- OOC RE RES NT4 NTHH ( ) 9 (Swamp ) P P Trees \ 1 \ ONI ISIbDeciduous I \ \ ` RIO 9 FB FLET\ Syringo meyeri "Palibin" Compact Meyer Lilac (1'-1Yz') 1 2 32 44 1,408 \ \ • Reauired: Landscape plans must be prepared and sealed by a licensed landscape architect (as defined under code of shrubs I \ RSA Deciduous Caryopteris "Longwood \ I I I R102d FB 1- O \ I ( \ \\ \ 1 \ Virginia § 54.1-400 ), a landscape designer certified by the virginia society of landscape designers, an arborist Blue Mist Shrub (1'-1Y') 1 4 17 10 170 I shrubs Blue" \ I I A EA PP X. certified by the international society of arboriculture, or a horticulturalist certified by the virginia nursery and Deciduous (1'-1Yz') 1 7 15 landscape association. This requirement may be waived the agent. Vibumum x "Juddii" Judd Vibumum 38 570 I I / \. \ _ \ • Provided: Applicant requests to waive this requirement. shrubs ,`,' (,7)\LY\\ Open Gross Lawn / \� \ i•: " \ / ) / \ \ \ \ 1 1 \ 1 \\ 149 2,055 20,669 Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .7-H-4-Table 4: Not To Scale Total • Reauired: Landscaping Requirements in the Boulevard Area: Large shade trees at least 2% inches caliper (measured 6 _ I / \ \ \ '"'' BIRCH inches above the ground). The maximum average distance between trees must be 50 feet or less per block 9 ) 9 P length • Provided: Large trees are not provided along the Boulevard area as VDOT clear zone do not allow more than 4" diameter trees. 1 I I I\ \\ J 1 1 \ \ 1 1 \ \ �s� \ 1 \d \� .\\\ \� ;: \ LY Parking Albemarle C Per Albemarle Count Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .9—A-7: I / I 1 / / \ I\�1��—i-_' � \ •'\ °o l \ I \\ Y • Reauired: At least one tree must be planted in the interior of parking areas for every ten parking spaces provided. • Provided: 14 Large Deciduous Trees (Swamp White Oak) 16 Deciduous Shrubs (Compact Meyer Lilac) 6 Deciduous Shrubs (Judd Viburnum) `; \ I \ I —\ I W I' i \ \ 1 I I HOLLY 1 1\ \ 1 \\ \\ \ // w ITMII �5�173 \ \\ Civic Space Landscape Reauired: I ( / • I 1 I 1 I EW V. 1 / f• "^ f_� \ \ \ \ \\ \�\ \ \\ I \ \ \ I ) / Per Albemarle County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 20C .11-C-Table 12: 1 f I Q I I I / / wI I IMP �LC <. 1";� \ \ \ O\ A. Required Elements in Linear Park: �� HOLLY B•Trees Additoal Elements in Linear Park: I ( /- / 1 - I w y+ f W I I F • Open Grass Lawn ` \- \\ / I W� 15�%�R�D�lll Civic Space Landscape Provided: I \ / W -I- "�'—r Lfl / /\\ OAK/ • 14 Large Deciduous Trees (Sugar Maple (Green Mountain)) _ W"'� ^ •` I \ ( I �, \ > Kn>'"`:" \ \ / \ \ 1 // / • 10 Large Deciduous Trees (Sugar Maple (Fall Fiesta)) 1 �I- .. I; ; 1 I / / o I 1 \ 15' \ ` \ \ 11S" BEECH I I \ 1 \ \ / • 0.43ac Civic Space Provided in which 0.33 ac is an Open Grass Lawn I - _ W — w I {� � ." ^�„% °, I / 1 I P AR � \ ' •. \ - \ \ / I I 1 \ \ / / / / • In addition to the proposed trees above, there are 2 existing Large Deciduous Trees and 3 Deciduous Shrubs to remain in the Civic • Space 12 POPLAR Landsca e Notes: I e ti ;"% / NE �N "s r...:: P e \ 1 DRFj NA 1 \\ \\ 4 \ \\I l 1. Contractor to apply 4' diameter by 2-5" mulch bedding around all proposed trees, and mulch bedding around shrubs. Ii ESMT 2. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 3. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is I Q 1 I la I / / y-� I I I ;: I ` / I @I:! \[r, r \ \\ \ \ I prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. V. \ - \ l \ 1 \ 4. All new planting shown on the plan will be completed after building and road construction to avoid tree planting damage. / ." � .•—•� 1 1 I / -°, is I I .I I � I Sl�NITARY $EWER 5. All disturbed slopes 3:1 or steeper to have low maintenance ground cover.' IESMT. \ \•. =_; / 1 1 I 1 6. Perimeter parking lot trees to be 2.5" caliper. / "� I I I I _ _ - \ 1 \ \ \ I �.B. 12710-721 \ \1�` \ ,i \ \\ \ / I ( 1 I 1 7. Contractor shall plant all landscaping by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy N/yV V.W. I I ao ° yROI 1 \ - 44 \ - \ \ `�Y \ *_-�""- \\ \ \� 1 11 \ SHIMP within the development. I I I a°" F I \- \I ` \ \ \ \\ `i'' \ • 1 8. All site plantings of trees and shrubs must be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is CSA ESMT prohibited. shrubs and trees must be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. PP 9 I •� I I I `" \ I�I \'I �� \ \ \\ \��` �`\ '\•. \�'.'•�" \ \\ / // / I / / E N G I N E I N G 2. LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 F. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOITFSVH.LE VA, 902 JOSTIN@SHQ�iP-ENGWEERQdG.COhI 22 .I......-..�. I \I \\ \ \\ \ I \ \ F \ \\ \SANITARY SEWER g \ \ \ ESMT. \ D.B. 1270-701: \� EX. TELLI/ I I I I _ \ _ \ 1 _ \ \ \ 2d SANITA Y� \ I \ \ I 1 / I 1 TH \\ �° PEOX, TIEITY I 1 I - V AV ,` V - � V A SEWER ESM �' \ ` MANH�E I 1 ,I \ \ iiilll \ \ D.B. \1270-711 ° v � A�( TOR hGAIN I %pro �� \ a A AV A V714 PLAT`V EA _S�jENT TO CENTRAL / ( / ) TLE' HONE COMPANY / / •. 1 I 1 -\ I II� I\ \ \ 1 1 \ \ ;µ� I I I 1 I 11 I 1 f�S P \ / I , hti�: I I \ I I\ \ \ \ 1 Iry I I 1 1/ I U JUS?T�o. HIMP a \ 'OF VIRGINIA DBA J �. aI' \ Y I I I 11 CENTURYLINK �� //' /! 1 \ 1 li P� \ \ 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 45183 D.B. 4716-51 FaD- / C I1 I I1I 1 \ I I III r �I NI (D� w Ld o¢� OK a 86 CD P L.." TE /SWM �cILITY I I ° i I i I I \ INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN E w - o I \ \ 664 WEST RIO \ 1 \ EASEMENT TO I COMMQNWtALTH OF VIRGINIA _ .� \ I / �- _ / / / - 1 I 'O a} N�W 1 I D.B. 4592-425 I / / _-- - RIVATE 8WM I I \ I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \\ 7FACILITY/ESMT/ /20' SAIIJITARY J•'<: 1 / ,III SEWER ESMT. \ > NOTE: SMALL TREES I I I / I ®� / / / / b.B. 1270 706, \ / \\\ \\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\ 1 \ PROPOSED IN THE VDOT / , / r. 0 709�LAT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA CLEAR ZONE. N a I I a Y \ VDOT CLEAR ZONE / y /' / \ 's� ; \ ; \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ SUBMISSION: \ OUIRES NO MORE THAN v 4" CALIBER/; o� v v 2022 03 21 NITARYSMZ \\ A \ \\ \\\� �\\ REWSION: v v 22 A O� / 1 \ SLOPES TO -. 0 .I�.I8 063 ° I \ < MANAGED \\ \�\ \\ \\ \ \\\� � \ 12 X� ,x \V / / / I REMAIN \ V A A V A W. SWM FACtITY oz 0 x —x x —XI xTz 'z —x \ \ 1 30' JOINT ACCESS ET. FILE NO. D.B. 1037-52�' 1035-465 PLAT \ \\ \11 I I I / / TN%/45-10S\ /f /// /// // // / 30 0 30 60 1 \ 90 18.030 \ `I TM. 5V02 \ i II II11 I j \\\ \1 /' ////// Scale:1"=30' \ \ \ LANDSCAPING PLAN STATE ROI i I SEMINOLE TRAIL s, \ --�------- 30 60 90 550 550 545 545 540 540 535 535 530 N W FIVE 530 525 STORY SELF 520 STATE ROUTE 29 EX. 520 515 SEM NOLE TRAIL EX. BUILDINGS 510 510 505 505 500 EX. PARKIN 500 495 LOT q1nFWA1 K490 495 490 485 485 480 - - - --- ------------- ------ -- ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- - -- -- 480 475 _ _ 475 470 -EX. LANDSGAPE EX. LANDSCAPE 470 465 465 460 460 09+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 SITE SECTION A A SITE DEVELOPMENT RELATIONSHIP TO STATE ROUTE 29 Scale: 1 "=30' Rp 30V?JO M0138 A801S L/ ' a // / 3aVa0 3Ao8V S31ao�b S31aols -- / 11 II II Ome 1dV kfWVj-u1 nw II I II II I I I I I AS0 £LS'80l ONIOnInB UV101 ��/ r.... p DI -ff / I 1 I I I I I I I .o. S11N 3W ASO £07'SOl (S800�3 b-'8 'Z '1N3W3SV8) dW �S SlL'LZ .I © AS 9LVZ6-V aV O(1110UIn lvlol I I I I I (aooT3 aNnoao) jw-3s-trs'el /' _,.yl.: o o A \ \ I 1 3Q�Va0 M U38 31101� Z 30 a0 3AQ S Ia01 1 £ \ 1 I I 1� L I I 1 L I I -6. ?JOOUj ONnOaO NO 3 dS lVI0a3WW00 AS ¢�'£ / A \ OU8 3 Va01 An3S\ N / m ASO SLl'AF75 If \\ \ \ \ \ ,0'OZ \ r 1 4+ \ `� \I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ti \ \ \ \ \` .:•i:=� \ \� \ \ \ I 1 O \ \ \ \ \ I aNngao �SjiINi3jVq 1 oo o \ \ .i \ \\'... \ \ 1 \ 1 ASL'I, / \ 0 • r 30FF'/ 60 600 600 59s 595 590NEW� 590 585 585 580 1 580 575r LINE570 575 570 565 565 560 560 555 555 550 550 545 545 540 mlumumu 540 535 535 530lI 530 525 525 520 520 515 515 510 510 505 505 500 500 495 495 490NIF 490 485 485 485 480 475 475 470 470 09+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 EX. PROPERTY EX. PROPERTY _ 0 CO NT APT BLDG OF BUILDING CI IC SPACE AREA NEW FIVE (5) I I STATE RAILING ) i ROUTE 63 I 0.001 26.00' 24.00' 26 00' TRAILI TRAVELWA I TRAVELWA TRAV LWAY -- - I + _ - — LOADING LANDSCAPE SHIMP ENGINEERIN 3 2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 F. HIGH ST. CHARLOTrESVH.LE VA, 22902 434.227.5140 �- TH - O ff 'off J� v JUSTIHI .lio. 45183 'IONAL INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REVLSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE N0. SITE SECTIONS 18.030 SITE SECTION B-B 30 0 30 60 90 C7 v D ° D °Q v D W [tCP O CAL S REET v ECT10 A -A 0 6 O 6 V D� v v D i °N7 D v' D v v D v 0 ,S g IN7CIO D 0 ° 0000 9 00o 0 D 0 0 oo0 p 0 0 000000 00000 "v 0 N O CJL— ^ J PROPOSED ROAD PLAN C8 ROAD A: SECTION A —A .2' RO -40 e �0 o �O wz ow ow �8.0 105' '0.5' ROAD I Iflt'1�1 II CL I I I I 2% 2% gq 4"- 3,000 SUPERPA�/E (TM.) PSI CONCRETE 12.5" BM-P5 (TM.) 4"- VDOT K21A ly_VOT "BASE BASESTONE 6 ry21A COMPACTED SUBGRADE (TM.) MIN. CBR=6.0 COMPACTED TO BE FIELD VERIFIED SUBGRADE MIN. I I CBR=6.0 I TO BE FIELD VERIFIED (T .) I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF NEXT PARCEL TO ADD 6' CG-6 ON LANE R0Q,A4D LANE STREET CL CG-4I 6' LANDSCAPE 11 SIDEWALK 6' LANDSCAPE STRIP AND PARKING STRIP SIDEWALK 2 LOCAL STREET A SECTION 10 ° '° 20 30 8 Scale: 1 "=10' I C C I I I I Q I C L I I O II I II I I I (Slope O+OC I 1 I I I I 30" STOP SIGN BERKMAR DR. PVI STA11+00.00 r �iA1 +i5.z5 vi 51AI1+is.5u PVC STA10+26.50 PVC ELE 518.87 PVISTA12 VC ELEV531.06 PVI ELE1529.59 SLOPE _ST —14.25 PVT ELEV519.12_ PVI ELEV508.22 +50LOCAL STREET A 1 +00 G� 1 1 +50 12+00 12+50 DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE 1 30" TOP IGN t PROPOSED ROAD PLAN C8 / TM, 45-100C PVT STA1 3+24.75 VT .86SLOf �D• 13+00 1; 30" STOP SIGN _ 11� � Scale: 1 "=30' 540 535 530 ,.,, M_ o 525 520 515 510 OO NO +M > a PVI STA. 11 +00.00 _------- ONE } HJHJ 55W 5- 5- 0n PVI STA. 12+50.00 Sy F- p 400 N + O Q W 55 a 0- 540 535 530 525 520 515 510 — 505 -- - 505 CONG ETE BASE 500 500 495 495 S119GRADF MIN 490 C) CBR-15 490 In N N N O m {� M 415+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 5 4 LOCAL STREET A PROFILE C8 HORZ: 1 "=10' sp-'� VERT: 1 "=30' SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 F. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTPFSVH.LE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHW-ENGMEERING.COI �- TH - O� 'off J� v JUSTIIHI 1 . 45183 'IONAL ��Cs INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REVLSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. 18.030 ROAD SECTION & PROFILE w ------✓----- ---\-- - - --/ / \ \ J --- — -- — -- — — — / /— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / - - - — - - — - -/ _-----------�---- \ (RIO ROAD WEST) LINE OF SIGHT oc mN --- -- - 75 R/W 415 SDl-\ vm Nm I \\ ------------------------ - - - ----------------- \------------------- L--------------------- \ \ \ - - \ \ J--------- - _ — — , j 1 '�--- — O —02 oo~ \ \ \ \ ❑ zmm \ _ I mxA0 n I \ \ yr \Nam\ \ \ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + OZS r / \ 26_ nK \ ---_.---' \ /---- --- / / Cb o / a \ ----------- \ ' // 0 L J \ EXISTING ENTRANCE - INTERSECTION ri�)SIGHT DISTANCE HORZ: 1 `10' VERT: 1 "=30' 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' -------------- \ — — — — — — — — — / / I --- 1--- — - - --- -- - -—-- — - — -�- -- -- - - —- ---- S-TATE�LITE 631�-�- — - - — -- N -D I �- \\-- ---- (RIO ROAD WEST) oc -\ 75 R/W \ uw 0A \ —1------------------------------� — —m \ \ \ 440 SDR LINE OF sicHT_ - - - - - - :;F 5 0` _.StDEW/+.--,' II- \ I o I r _i ❑ j � 1 zmw m A oeq II/ Jcn/ YYYY / \ \ \ \\ ----- -- -- \ - /- w 4100 Lb \ / \ ' —� 1: \ o / I \ 1 I - - - - 12 \ \ - y y - -18 � PROPOSED ENTRANCE INTERSECTION 2 SIGHT DISTANCE C9 HORZ: 1"=10' VERT: 1 "=30' n n qn an on Scale: 1 "=30' p TH O� v JUSTIIHI 1 . 45183 ► IQ;, 'ZONAL ��Cs INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REWSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. 18.030 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE CORE AREA: 1 29,51 7 SE X 0.1 SF - 12,951.7 LEGEND ROW FLEX AREA: 232854 X .15 - 32578 SF DEDICATION TOTAL CIVIC SPACE REQUIRED = 12,951.7 SF TOTAL CIVIC SPACE PROVIDED = 18,749.2 SF NATURAL AREA = 22, 2 S NAME ROW DEDICATI AREA=0.553. NOTE: SEC.20C.B(A) REQUIREMENTS ARE M ET BY SEPARATING THE BLOCK WITH A TRAVELWAY + 3,578 SF - 0.430 AC TM. 45-102 = 16,529.7 SF TM. 45-105 -173 ,TURAL AREA -0.511 AC A. 25-100 VISED AREA=0.43AC AC SPACE (LINEAR PARK) DICATED TO COUNTY OF BEMARLE � CIVIC SPACE � (LINEAR PARK) NATURAL AREA OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREA SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 F. HIGH ST. CHARLOTPFSVH.LE VA, 22902 434.227.5140 p TH O� v JUSTIIHI .lio. 45183 'IONAL �� INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 664 WEST RIO ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2022.03.21 REWSION: 1) 2022.10.18 FILE NO. ti 18.030 ZONING COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW Scale: 1 "=30' cio FRAME & COVER ORE RO © c .L • Ma[ PIPE cou=unc \ E (SEE FIG. S--D,E) SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION NOTES: OI _ 1. WHERE A SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTS TO A MANHOLE STREET SURFACE OR TIRE •x- _ AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS w NON -PAVED AREA snr Cwvw FOR aSE ON ATSAGNED SINGLE FNdLY E �,i'� INDICATED , THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL wESlcExnAL swaCEs ON uv0. RF;9:EnnAL EN ?RE $ LATERAL PIPE SHALL BE AT LEAST 0.2' HIGHER THAN THE NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL Z SLOPED AREA J� Axn IRMGATw saacEs $ 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5 IN ANY '.="`•`sic`+; N:"`a. 1"^'•P TQ u TOP (CROWN) ELEVAT10N OF THE THE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED ER , L� I TO THE MANHOLE. DIMENSION EH Er g 24"MI 1'-0" MAX 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INTO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL IN11AL BACKFILL* 2'-0" OI „� �° BE CONNECTED USING A PIPE SADDLE. 8"MIN (6" LIFTS) 3000 PSI CONC. BASE xme: EMBEDMENT NO SNORTED MONGs Q * THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SHALL BE 2% BY HAND OR APPROVED BENCH SLOPED TO FLOW a ss G (1/4" PER FOOT 1 SPRING LINE O MECHANICAL TAMPER CHANNEL 1/4" 1' MIN RUBBER COATED STEEL 4T A.. A ��G / DUAL SERVICE �' OF PIPE Lo 1> STEPS CAST IN PLACE 3'-0" MIN 4 Q HAUNCHING rrnAmEsa➢n. Tp•AIM 'I^F cwnuNc (. EG, `. >r2 4. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER 2' MIN N0. 68 STONE - - 1 OR AP°Nrnm Ew,L BEDDING 6" max PRECAST REINFORCED J r `� �✓r k °' DIAMETER OF 4". 4" min ` CONCRETE SECTIONS 12 MIN rTrrEx g.. Lai o O" RING SEALS < 16" MAX SOFT c°Paw Z ey o 5. ALL SEWER LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER FOUNDATION (SHALL BE T "t - 6 Lo OF 3 FEET, REQUIRED WHEN SOIL BRANCH MINIMUM ELEVATION Oj TV S CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE 12 _ ) I DIFFERENCE ACROSS M.H. 5" 4'-0" FDA oSE OR DET,CHFU AI F,MLY SALT ALL PIPE) C l� a FROM INLET TO OUTLET MEIEARNCT I'RLNCEP - �R TREATED T 5' RESIDENTIAL SWMWE WHERE AR IPRIGA➢OM SHALL BE 0.20 FEET. �-^- ,. 2 x 4 �e CONCRETE VARIES ��� E eE FINISHED GROUND MARKER q DEPTH OF FLOW FILLETS SINGLE SERVICE CE M5! 2 CHANNEL TO BE "GE -am �R 3/4 DIAMETER OF 1) SAOOI25 SHALL HE 110; oR rr<PVE CONTRIBUTING--�W�._- CAST RON MD NOTE SEWER. • _ I- fTi19YE] GRADE 1. OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE A FILLETED INVERT FOR A SMOOTH•e., 12" t2,-�S• O BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. NOTE: TRANSITION OF FLOW BETWEEN 't FLEXIBLE CONNECTION 'I`'MWENO -METER 2. FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED INLET & OUTLET PIPE SHALL BE HALL '1 r ➢OW WITH STAINLESS STEEL ALL CONNECTIONS TO PROVIDED. u I ( IL AND COMPACTED, AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 68 MIN. 6" BEDDING STONE SHALL BE PROVIDED BAND EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL � BE CORED AND A FLEXIBLE NOTE W/ N0. 68 STONE M`"'X" I C0V`E"� � s p= PLUG END OF Ll 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" 'AI MEND GOUaUNG F MAIN LINE SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION BOOT 1. BEDDING THICKNESS REQUIREMENT SHOWN IS MINIMUM AND SHALL BE 1 yS, ! �" �" 2s F BEDDING OF NO. fib STONE wD INSTALLED ` 1" • E E SECTION o SPECIFICALLY DETERMINED BY THE CONSULTANT FOR THE SOIL CONDITIONS. MEreR �x € ^� 2. THE CONSULTANT WILL DETERMINE WHETHER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE EXTENDED OR NON -EXTENDED BASES. 3. ALL JOINTS, LIFT HOLES, INLETS, OUTLETS TO BE SEALED & GROUTED «RPORAnw srro (;'`Ml;n. r',.•,a'"'.y',;a` x�E�is•aY AID OR 9AT VNOER T 1 TYPICAL MANHOLE PLAN INSIDE AND our.n TYPICAL SEWER PIPE µD¢ran( INw «_ `'X•�"w°RE'E' 0 0 Iwy1 TYPICAL MANHOLE SECTION ""MLxINOgEMM, LAN, SHOWING BRANCH TIE - IN EG 2M>ND M, OQOAE INSTALLATION IN TRENCH SHOWING BRANCH TIE-IN TYPICAL SERVICE LATERAL I\STALLATION NTS METERS) IN LINE WYE-TEE NTS N.T.S (5/8" & 1" TYPICAL MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FIG. S-3 FIG. S-I-B FIG. S-I-A PLAN NTS N.T.S TD-27 TD-25 MG. W-6A FIG &I-0 VARIES TD-10 TD-31 R ACSA: SEWER PIPE ACSA: TYP. MH TIE IN ACSA: TYP. MANHOLE ACSA: TYP. SERVICE ACSA: MH FRAME & SEWER SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION INSTALLATION (TYP.) PLAN VIEW SECTION BRANCH TIE-IN (__4__�LATERAE INSTALLATION 5 COVER N.T.S. FIG. S-2 C11 )NOT TO SCALE � C11 )NOT TO SCALE � C11 )NOT TO SCALE � C11 )NOT TO SCALE �C11 NOT TO SCALE TD-33 ACSA: SEWER LATERAL Q m°' 6 CONNECTION I , 2 PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS " POST WITH GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL � CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS. __ __ AS DIRECTED, MARKER LOCATION MAY 9E SUBJECT C11 NOT TO SCALE r i0 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL NOTE, MIN. 60' DIAMETER MANHOLE sOx 45 REDUIRED. REMAINING BACKFILL SHALL D . mG o NOT CONTAIN ROCK MATERIAL 4, " PLUG 36"MIN LARGER THAN 5* IN ANY A< ( FINISHED GRADE M.x. STEP ,1� c RYP.) ➢ROP MANHOLE PVC CROSS 24 MIN . r ( za" IN INITIAL BACKFILL DIMENSION z I _ _ _ e• e' e" a' 24"MI USE APPROVED FLEXIBLE RUBBER MIN MIN. MIN, MIN. B' BOOT. NTIAL BACKFILL* r _ 6" BEDDING 8`AIIN (8` LIFTS) I i 10 #68 STONE EMBEDMENT • THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 1 I ADJUSTABLE TRAFFIC RATED E� µ BY HAND OR APPROVED FOR ALL BENDS FOR TEE OR WYE ITTINGS II VALVE BOX W/ LID ' * STABLE SOIL ROCK SPRING UNE MECHANICAL TAMPER II ►�"'G• GRSKETED BE OF PIPE WIDEN TRENCH TO - Z u STOP COUPLING NOTE: HYDRANT MUST O CHARLOTTES - NO. HAUNCHING ACCOMMODATE o - z7• *SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL EQUIPPED WITH CHARLOTTES- N0. 88 STONE - - ANCHOR IF I DROP PIPE STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND MLLE THREADS WHICH IS BEDDING 6` max REOUIREO. < PIPE STRAPS THE LOCAL STANDARD. _z n (STAINLESS STEEu THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A 4" BEDDING OF Q1 4` min TIT• �M f Go SPACED EVERY _ j)68 STONE. LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES OUNDATION (SHALL BE BEDDING AS 2' VERTICALLY REQUIRED WHEN SOIL REQUIRED b N , 0 (2 MIN z' TO to' CONDITIONS ARE UNSTABLE 90• RESTRAINED BEND (p7Q•) ALL PIPE) FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDIT'..ON PLUG PIPEVENT 18"-22" ALVE BOX SHIMP qq 7 CU. FT. MIN MI M J. GATE VALVE A • •° " MWN )!68 STONE T T a y • SEWER N . PIPE SECTION 1-1 SECTION 2-2 ----- 4' I INITIAL BACKFILL aMl 6" GATE ' PLAN UNSTABLE 9 a 8° B° 42"MIN i . , VALVE ENGINEERING NOTE SOIL MI MIN. _ MIN MIN. ' • ' 8° x 6" LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PIPE DEGREE DENT DIMENSIONS VOL TEE ANO PLUGS VOL O #68 STONE !{� TEE L OPEN CUTS IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN EXISTING VOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PROFILE J� SIZE OF (FEET) CU.YO. FEET) CU.YO. �RANULAR FILL AS BACKFILLED ENTIRELY WITH NO. 21A STONE. MIN. 6' BEDDING WITH NO. 68 STONE '. '' c BEND L H T L H T WATER ONE APPROVED BY ACSA 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE �. 2. FOR DUCTILE RON PIPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH SHALL BE SCRAPED G � BASE AND THRUST AND COMPACTED. AND ALL STONES REMOVED OR A 4" BEDDING OF NO. 88 90 2.50 2.50 3.01 0.24 .'p I. HEIGHT OF THE VERTICAL DROP PIPE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE ACSA, BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN TWO STABLE SOIL OR R CK' STABLE SOIL OR ROCK' BLOCK AGAINST 45 2.00 2.25 2.60 0.15 % ' 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 4" & 6' ZOO 2.25 2.50 0.15 (2)FEET. UNDISTURBED STABLE STONE SHALL BE PRONGED PP t/2 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.10 1 _ ! SOIL. STEEL PILE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHW-ENGINEERING.COM 3. WHERE ROCK IS ENCOUNTERED PIPE SMALL BE INSTALLED ON A MINIMUM 6" 111/4 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.10 � 2. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE SDR 26 P.V.C, SIZED THE SAME AS THE INCOMING PIPE AND CONNECTED TO �I BEDDING OF 140. 68 STONE 90 3.66 3.16 3.21 0.48 2500 P.S.I. THE DROP FITTING WITH STANDARD GASKET JOINT. NOTE : RESTRAINED JOINT RTONGS 45 2.66 2.66 2.77 0.26 CONCRETE A 4 2•M 2' BEARING AREA. WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN 81. 22 1/2 1.65 2.16 2.69 0.13 3.16 2.91 2.66 0.32 THRUST BLOCK- d 3. VERTICAL DROP PIPE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO THE MANHOLE AT PIPE JOINTS. STRAPS SHALL BE MADE OF 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, IN ADDITION n 1/4 1.66 2.16 2.67 0.13 - a. STAINLESS STEEL 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED TO POURING CONCRETE, A STEEL PILE SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. 9O 4.83 383 3.42 0.83 ,4', u - 4. SHAPE INVERT AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM DROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE POINT ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. 10" & 12",45 3.33 3:58 2.95 0.43 3.83 4.00 2.63 o.5z " A TOSPRING LINEOF MANHOLEINVERT. 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS. 11 1/2 1..33 2.58 2.86 0.24 Nr 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED 111/4 1.83 2.33 2.84 0.18 a S.OROP CONNECTION DISCHARGE FITTING SHALL BE ORIENTED AT 45 DEGREES, INTO THE FLOW. NOTE TYPICAL SEWER PIPE IN THE TRENCH. LT 1. THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER THE PIPELINE : CHANGES DIRECTION, CHANGES 6. VERTICAL DROP PI PE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT 90 DEGREES FROM THE ACCESS STEPS. INSTALLATION IN TRENCH SIZE 500 ENDS AND AT VALVES. 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLED MOH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE E CONCRETE. Q 2. USE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE. NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE 7. MINIMUM 7METER ETERMANECTI REQUIRED FOR ASINGLE 10" OR 12" DIAMETER DROP CONNECTION, OR 2. MAINTAIN A 3 1/2' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT 3. NO CONCRETECONSULTING SHALL BE POURED ON ANY PART OF THE JOINT. TWO 8"DIAMETER DROP CONNECTIONS. ( INCLUDING DITCHES) O 4. THE CWSULTING ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE VERIFY THE TYPE &SIZE OF 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND ALL THRUST BLOCKS. DUCTILE IRON WATER VALVE BOX. "Ts TYPICAL GATE VALVE STANDARD INTERNAL DROP CONNECTION 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. -3 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. FIG. 5 O JTT NTS NTIJO FITS N.T.S. 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP U JUST JUMP > FIG. W-3 FIG. W-5 FIG. S-1-C2 NTS HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION, IF J FIG. W-2 REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE I . 45183 TO-34 TD-3 PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. r ACSA : CONCRETE ACSA : INTERNAL DROP roe TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL ACSA: TYP. SEWER PIPE ACSA: GATE VALVE 11 ACSA: DIP INSTALLATION 7 INSTALLATION IN TRENCH g FIG THRUST BLOCKS g (TYP.) 10 CONNECTION C11 NOTTO SCALE N.T.B. .... C11 NOT TO SCALE C11 NOT TO SCALE C11 NOT TO SCALE C11 NOT TO SCALE TD-6 6" - 31000 PSI CONCRETE 375 M 1.5 D B L ACSA: FIRE HYDRANT AT 28 DAYS OR STRONGER. 12 . ASSEMBLY INITIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WIRE REINFORCING OR 2 E - #4 BARS AT 12" O.C. C11 NOT TO SCALE 0000 0a0aO00a0a00: 4.675' S° V 664 WEST RIO 4" COMPACTED ' I -I -I -I 1-DTI- VDOT #21A RESERVE D 2C -III-III-III-III COMPACTED SUBGRADE B X X MIN. CBRELD 425 4.25 _ 1 AC C E S I B L ° o H" M N. TO BE FIELD VERIFIED PARKINGI- --� �6, zc 13 DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL IDS F � M' MIN. I 6� AN. A . 1 (225 FOR CWPDINIO lE1FR) IF C11 Not To Scale IBA ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MAR R'ACCMLE F. _.. :. <:.::. ,..:.., SUBMISSION: A a •c . . 4" - 3,000 PSI 4" 6 I� �° 2022.03.21 ..`4 M. CONCRETE e < • _ a ' < 4. REVION: ������� 4"_VDOT #21A BASESTONE (]S FOR COMPOUND NEVER) 1)2022.10.18OOOOOVAN ,M MIN. COMPACTED SUBGRADE A 37' AN,4 CCESSIBLE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED 75 25 12' MIN. WNGNUT LOCKING ASSEMBLY 14 TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION ©� *�RA C11 Not To Scale R7-8 NOPARKING LEGEND- GREEN(RETROREFL), WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE(RETROREFL) BACKGROUND -WHITE (RETROREFL) "Reduce spacing 50%. **See page 631. A*•See page 6-2forarrowdesign. NOTES: 1. PROVIDE A 6" THICK GRAVEL BED BENEATH THE METER VAULT. 2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR -IN -PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL BE 8". 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND. TYPICAL METER VAULT (2" METER) FILE NO. Q Q 18.030 A 1 e c 1 D 1 E E 1 s N J X L 1 12 1 6 316 1 A38 1 15 IDD a 19 Ian sa;B 1.5 1131 IL B 925 1 AN 1 22 1D 50 24D S1114 IS IWHXHIDAI'RLIIXM DMLcrIDxu AIrLUTIa1 [MOM LEGEND -GREEN I EIBGRE T.EC NEIB RAc MOM LEGEND -am (mrMBEREGIMn BApVA01RD-WMIE RIETRmEMtECINEI BAIXGRDINO-BLUE (Iik IRdIERFCiNq 2" OF SM-9.5A SUPERPAVE O O O O O O O O 6" - VDOT #21A 00000000000000o BASESTONE `COMPACTED SUBGRADE SITE &ACSA DETAILS 16 H C PARKING c GN /GE MIN. CBR=6.0 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED C11 NOT TO SCALE NTS FIG. W-7C TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION ID-16 ACSA: TYP. METER VAULT 15 FOR PARKING LOT 17 (21) METER) C 11 C11 Not To Scale C11 NOT TO SCALE