HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201000029 Letter of Revision 2010-04-06Na I BC RR SPENRIKLH 14M POWEI ELEV.: 2440 LEAKE SQUARE TAX MAP I.D.# 032AO- 02- 00 -OOICO 84 LUMBER COMPANY SPIRIT SPE PORTFOLIO D.B. 718- 385,388 PLAT ZONE: HC 4 -_�__ Vs 5• a htiR6 %6ti iLt 01 �% -197 011�/ 9 NORTH 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET I Hrch .eon. 'V/ /• O !' A n 0 b . �2 -0 PG. °5 a I TAX MAP I.b.# 032AO- 02- 00 -001DO LEISURE LANDSCAPES, INC. D.B. 1175-�f {�A14 D.B. 1133-21 PLAT ZONE: H l t I 6`6'1 I� e V T— J O J ■n F V. Y yX W NJ Gin � z < Ul : � s5 O C E lu W �E S p Vp * a'' r v V \� �� i GN yi l �p UCe"N Ii % /V//D . \R�� ACCES ESMT. VV E de '' \REO V 47 x y H t' L 1. The specimen highlighted in YELLOW along Route 29 represent trees that have 1 a g \/ been removed at the direction of an arborist working with MJH because they O 5 were dead I dying I diseased. We propose to replace these trees, s a \/ a. 2 White Dogwood (DW) — replace @ 6' HT. _ - x 41 / N L b. Greenleaf Holly (F) —replace @4'HT. , 2 3 N G N 2. The specimen highlighted in ORANGE along Route 29 represent bushes that is D current lyr ld the rument sign that swould replace p' g M P speciesthat will bm ore aesthetically pleagcombined with the new Be a. 16 Juniper (JU) and 6 Princess Spires (W) are called out as existing to O 1�Q x remain V„01 0 - - e b. Would like to replace with (2) 6' Boxwood Fastigiacia, (8) 3 gallon C o Knockout Roses, and (10) 3 gallon Franklin Gem Boxwoods J n CURB GU ER _ �— 3. The speumenhighllghtedin GREEN west ofthe existing building represent bushes k _ N / shrubbery that currently exist that do not match the species called out on the ESS previously approved existing conditions plan. ogre, oe /ovo3 p' a. 2 trees called ut as Red Sunset Maples (C) on the approved plan are A su 1-4 ;0' SE E \\ �OP��';P �g9 actually Greenleaf H011y(F) rser. 09/04!09 �y.• b. 14 shrubs called out as Hellen Holly (R) on the approved plan are actually P Arse GOMi -NtS E , , a OWN R DEVELOPER: ENG INFER: Ivotioa K^' a combination of (7) H con Holly plan (fi) Boxwoods, and pa Azaleas JEFFERSON HOSPITAL RUMMEL T MAIN R & KAHL, SUITE c. the approved existing conditions plan to 29 a d the Leaf Spires in T I I- OGAT1ON5 459 LOCUST AVENUE 80f EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 1000 the center parking island between Route 29 and the existing building. AoolTlotas � oe /� /� CHARLOTTESVILLE 22902 RICHMOND, VA 23219 Km z 4 exisT. PKS. \/ /y \/ specimen hi 24 Gied LeafSpires(L)exist unvov y PHONE NO.: (434) -982 -7038 PHONE NO.: 804)782 -1903 4. me specimen highlighted in:* represent trees that have been removed to tFrr� LoeAnors ALOrr> �q FAX: (434)- 982 -7016 FAX.' ('804) 782 -2142 accommodate construction operations. We propose to replace these trees. PROPPIT ROAD 45140A O J. a. Japanese Ma le entrance FB_vt I L.or `I' CONTACT.' MICHAEL R. SPATZ CONTACT: MALACHI M. MILLS PE p lT) on east side of door located at the southern (2/045/09 F to the existing building - replace @ 5' HT. s T nrrE AA P 19h BA FoR ROPO ,p EMA IL: michoel.spolzOmJh.org EMAIL: mm1 //s®rkk. corn b. 9 White Pines along the northern property line adjacent to 84 Lumber— PA ReLOcAM ONE M PER ARe QR�F Q \ O-�O R \�G� c. 1 Auastn'n Pine along the northern property line adjacent to 84 Lumber— iy A� 2'ti" g'�' AND PROVIDED EX/SRAIG PLANTS WERE NOT LOCATED BY SITE replace @ 4' HT. of /p/10 1 P J o �P NO g N9 SURVEY. MUNCASTER ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE 5. The specimen highlighted in BLUE represent trees that are currently proposed REVISE L16HTIN5 PER RK4K P \'` BY ROGER W RAY d' in the existing sanitary sewer easement. These trees will be shifted north so MARKUPS' 'J \P �9 G \ PLAN DATED 11 -15 -96 WAS TAKEN TO THE outsida 4W' 6a1�F• N ,, \\��O ASSOC /AYES, INC. SITE AND USED AS A BASE FOR LOCATING that they are outside of the easement and they are approximately 5' off of the x Nom \�Sj 00' .SON 16 AND NAMING EXISTING PLANTS ALL PLANT existing sanitary sewer. ear, F a. 8 Red Twig Dogwood (BD) H — �� \G SITE PLAN PREPARED AND PROVIDED NAMES AND LOCATIONS WERE TRANSFERRED TO b. 3NetfieStevens Holly (NH) BY RUMMEL KLEPPER B' KAHL, LLP. CAD TO CREATE THIS EX /STING LANDSCAPE c. 1 River Birch IBN) - please note that the River Birch shift will be slightly PLAN skewed in order to avoid the existing storm sewer L L of 4 pF AL.e , riro- GIRGII`51P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 August 8, 2012 Rachael T. McKinney, PE Rummel, Klepper& Kahl, LLP 2100 East Cary Street, Suite 209 Richmond, VA 23223 RE: SDP-2010-29: Martha Jefferson Health Services Outpatient Care Center @ Proffit Road Tax Map032A0010200001 A0 Dear Rachael, This letter is to approve a Letter of Revision for changes to the landscape plan for the above-referenced plan. This is your first Letter of Revision for this site. Please note that a total of three Letters of Revision are allowed before all changes to the site plan are required to be submitted in the form of a new site plan amendment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, of Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: /SDP-2010-29 ARB-2009-53 RKK 2100 East Cary Street, Suite 309 I Richmond,VA 23223 I 804.782.1903 I 800.510.4755 I 804.782.2142 I www.rkk.com William K.Hellmann Emeritus David W.Wallace Stephen G.Zentz J.Michael Pother August 8, 2012 Thomas E.Mohler Mrcrrael W.Myers Mark M.Dumler County of Albemarle James A.Zito Department of Community Development Ms. Megan Yaniglos Joseph A.Romanowski,Jr. Senior Planner Michael L.Krupsas^r Lars E.Hill 401 McIntire Road „rrrn,y Peacock,Jr. Charlottesville,VA 22902 Martin C.Rodgers Kenneth A.Goon Richard J.Adams,Jr: Reference: Martha Jefferson Health Services Outpatient Care Center @ Proffit Road John A.d'Epagn er Application for Letter of Revision Barbara J.Hoage Christopher F Wright Owen L.Peery Nancy R.Berger on Swart A.Montgomery Dear Ms.Yaniglos, Davod G.Vanscoy Henn J.Bankard,Jr. There are five (5) categorized revisions to the previously approved landscape plan for the James E.Ridenour,Jr. Martha Jefferson Health Services Outpatient Care Center @ Proffit Road. Robert J.Andrvszak Ravrrmnd M.Harbe•on,Jr. 1. The specimen highlighted in YELLOW along Route 29 represent trees that have B.Keith Skinner been removed at the direction of an arborist working with MJH because they Kai on B.Bald eyed Saadat were dead/dying/diseased. We propose to replace these trees. John C.Moore a. 2 White Dogwood (DW)—replace @ 6' HT. Eric M.Klen b. Greenleaf Holly(F)—replace @ 4' HT. r,r d E.Rousenerger 2. The specimen highlighted in ORANGE along Route 29 represent bushes that Thomas M.Heil currently surround the monument sign that MJH would like to replace with Robert D.osterm111s' species that will be more aesthetically pleasing combined with the new Barry L.Biaudt landscaping. Malachi M.Mite Ill anus A.Burnett a. 16 Juniper (JU) and 6 Princess Spirea (W) are called out as existing to Brian L.Hepting remain M i h,,el V.Gaffney b. Would like to replace with (2) 6' Boxwood Fastigiada, (8) 3 gallon Lee C.voweli Knockout Roses,and (10) 3 gallon Franklin Gem Boxwoods David A.W lloughby 3. The specimen highlighted in GREEN west of the existing building represent bushes Car_iann D.Wicks / shrubbery that currently exist that do not match the species called out on the previously approved existing conditions plan. a. 2 trees called out as Red Sunset Maples (C) on the approved plan are actually Greenleaf Holly(F) b. 14 shrubs called out as Helleri Holly (R) on the approved plan are actually a combination of(7) Helleri Holly(R), (6) Boxwoods,and (2)Azaleas c. The approved existing conditions plan specifies 28 Crispa Leaf Spirea in the center parking island between Route 29 and the existing building. Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists RKOC Currently 24 Crispa Leaf Spirea (L) exist. 4. The specimen highlighted in PINK represent trees that have been removed to accommodate construction operations. We propose to replace these trees. a. Japanese Maple (T) on east side of door located at the southern entrance to the existing building—replace @ 6' HT. b. 9 White Pines along the northern property line adjacent to 84 Lumber— replace @ 4' HT. c. 1 Austrian Pine along the northern property line adjacent to 84 Lumber— replace @ 4' HT. 5. The specimen highlighted in BLUE represent trees that are currently proposed in the existing sanitary sewer easement. These trees will be shifted north so that they are outside of the easement and they are approximately 5' off of the existing sanitary sewer. a. 8 Red Twig Dogwood (BD) b. 3 Nellie Stevens Holly (NH) c. 1 River Birch (BN) - please note that the River Birch shift will be slightly skewed in order to avoid the existing storm sewer I have attached a highlighted plan that reflects the current landscape conditions. Thank you for your review and consideration of these revisions. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,or need additional information. Sincerely, Rummel, Klepper&Kahl, LLP _Kk y � __ Rachael T. McKinney, P.E. Senior Engineer S:\public2\SITE\08-Projects\MJH PROFFIT RD\Letter of Revision.doc RKJK LETTER OF 2100 E.Cary Street TRANSMITTAL Suite 309 Richmond,VA 23223 Phone 804.782.1903 Fax 804.782.2142 Sheet: 1 of 1 Total Pages: Date: 08 August 2012 To: Albemarle County Job No.: 809-030-01 Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Project: MJH Outpatient Care Center @ North Wing Proffit Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attention: Margaret M. Maliszewski Principal Planner We are sending you: VIA: In-House Circulation ® Plans ❑Specifications ❑ Samples ❑ US Mail ❑ Messenger( ) ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ ❑ Overnight ❑ Copy of Letter ❑Change order ❑ FAX COPIES DWG NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Copy Revised Request Letter Describing the Proposed Changes 2 Copies Revised Plan Showing Proposed Changes These are transmitted as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑Approved ❑ Please acknowledge receipt of this material ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Acknowledgment of receipt not required ® As requested ❑Disapproved ❑ For review and comment Remarks: Copy: Rummel,Klepper&Kahl,LLP Signature: L.S k0, t) �LC\ Rachael T.McKinney,P.E. Senior Engineer If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. „, application for Letter of Revision "j ” fKiN��' 1Letter of Revision=$100 Final Site Plan Name and Number: ►l. _ ♦ r►11111101&144 L F1'" i_ V e� .211-4 t CFA c�C PAS ( CA{►-- C t-i e @ Pi)--c---\V-C' i- AvS Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): t. . ..a,,____ ` t,i .,_ tr. k a.A a, _ _ Address 7Jfl C) F . LAO-� SC. ,'�CF ci City EILI State '4 A, Zip 4. 2...2- Daytime Phone( )1 E Z„= 1 ' Fax#(aciD,Te. 2._.9—\7.,._. E-mail c n �I{\ne; o' c'li,,1L.cc -c Owner of Record .NAP--CAA J .'1>---, C }��") Pt`CA�-.— Address P U . j N/Ths`}--- 21 nQt (- City (' State N(\ Zip. Daytime Phone a a 4) 1i \ ° ? Fax#( ) E-mail u 61,1„ _ . tee; a,,l., r� Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The appropriate fee, XThe site plan number that the change applies to, XA request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, X4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan,or on an 11"X17"copy of that portion of the approved final site plan. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify thatst2informationprovided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best o jy knowledge and belief l__, i' ,,,,' 7,– / /Signature of Owner,Agent Date /06aa Id C O-Hrel I A43L1 •Co 5'-! - 730(o Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR# tfi (] �f y �l�- {/� q--3 By:Fee Amount$ '� Date Paid t�� I�f L By who?�'"��ii,,L'n�{���ceipt# �` 'V� Ck# ���J�"'�By: c�I l,(,(?:. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice: (434)296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 1/1/2011 Page 1 of 1