HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA201500001 Executive Summary 2016-05-04 C Albemarle County
�JRGIts�A Legislation Text
File#: 16-313, Version: 1
AGENDA DATE: 5/4/2016
ACSA 201500001, W.A. Wells Request for Water Service
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for public water service to serve existing residences on
TMP 046000000023D and TMP 046000000023D1.
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Foley, Walker, Davis, Kamptner, Graham, Cilimberg, Benish
REVIEWED BY: Thomas C. Foley
BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting ACSA Jurisdictional Area designation for water service to two
2.3 acre parcels (TMP 046000000023D0 and TMP 046000000023D1), each with an existing single-family
home. The parcels are located on the south side of Polo Grounds Road, just east of the SOCA field site and
south of the Montgomery Ridge development. The parcels are located within the designated Rural Area and
are in the Rivanna Magisterial District. Polo Grounds Road in this area forms the boundary between the
Development Area (north side) and Rural Area (south side). A spring located on the Montgomery Ridge
development property across Polo Grounds Road has historically served these parcels, but has been failing
and is no longer a reliable source for water. The on-site well now serving these parcels contains a high level of
iron and sediment, which make the water undrinkable and have caused damage to water filter systems (see
the applicant's request, Attachment A). The Virginia Department of Health has evaluated the information
provided by the applicant and determined that the current wells create a health issue (see Attachment B), and
there are no other viable well locations on-site where potable water can be assured.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal 2 - Critical Infrastructure. Prioritize, plan and invest in critical infrastructure that
responds to past and future changes and improves the capacity to serve community needs.
DISCUSSION: The Community Facilities chapter of the Comprehensive Plan includes Strategy 9a regarding
the provision of public water and sewer service, which states: "Continue to provide public water and sewer in
jurisdictional areas." The explanatory text following Strategy 9a is provided below, and the specific criteria for
the provision of public water or sewer service to the designated Rural Areas is underlined.
"Water and sewer jurisdictional areas ensure the County's Growth Management Policy, Land Use Plan, and
Develop Area Master Plans are implemented by guiding the direction of public utility placement. The areas
also permit these services to be provided in a manner that can be supported by the utility's physical and
financial capabilities. The jurisdictional areas are those portions of the County that can be served by water or
sewer service, or both, and generally follow the Development Areas boundaries. Delineation and adoption of
utility project jurisdictional areas by a local governing body is provided for in Virginia Code §15.2-5111. The
Albemarle County Page 1 of 2 Printed on 4/6/2022
File#: 16-313, Version: 1
boundaries of the Development Areas are to be followed in delineating jurisdictional areas. Change to these
boundaries outside of the Development Areas should only be allowed when: (1) the area to be included is
adjacent to existing lines; and (2) public health and/or safety is in danger."
Strategy 9a addresses the fact that public water and sewer systems are a potential catalyst for growth, and
that capacities need to be efficiently and effectively used and reserved to serve the Development Areas.
Continued connections of properties in the Rural Area should be the exception, as the further extension of
lines into the Rural Area will strain limited water resources and capacity.
While water and sewer services by policy are intended to serve the designated Development Areas, this
jurisdictional area request meets the Comprehensive Plan conditions for a Rural Area service exception noted
in the criteria above because water lines are located on adjacent property to the north and there is a health or
safety condition present on-site. There appear to be no other likely viable private water supply options
available on-site.
BUDGET IMPACT: If this request is approved, there will be no budget impact to the County. The property
owner will bear the cost of the water connection.
Staff recommends that the Board set a public hearing for June 1, 2016 to consider amending the ACSA
Jurisdictional Area to include Tax Map Parcel 046000000023D0 and 046000000023D1 for water to the existing
structures only.
A- Application's Request and Supporting Information
B - Email from Virginia Department of Health
C - Location Map, with Floodplain and Development
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5/3/2016 t Albemarle County-File#:16-313
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# T.
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File#: 16-313 Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 4/16/2016 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 5/4/2016 Final action:
Title: ACSA 201500001,W.A.Wells Request for Water Service
Attachments: 1.16-313 Att.A Applicant's Request,2.16-313 Att.B Email from VDH,3.16-313 Att.0 Location Map
Executive Summary
AGENDA DATE: 5/4/2016
ACSA 201500001, A.Wells quest for Water Service
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for public water service to serve existing residences on TMP 046000000023D and TMP
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Foley,Walker,Davis,Kamptner,Graham,Cilimberg,Benish
REVIEWED BY:Thomas C.Foley
BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting ACSA Jurisdictional Area designation for water service to two 2.3 acre parcels(TMP 046000000023D0 and TMP
046000000023D1),each with an existing single-family home.The parcels are located on the south side of Polo Grounds Road,just east of the SOCA field site
and south of the Montgomery Ridge development. The parcels are located within the designated Rural Area and are in the Rivanna Magisterial District.Polo
Grounds Road in this area forms the boundary between the Development Area(north side)and Rural Area(south side). A spring located on the Montgomery
Ridge development property across Polo Grounds Road has historically served these parcels,but has been failing and is no longer a reliable source for water.
The on-site well now serving these parcels contains a high level of iron and sediment,which make the water undrinkable and have caused damage to water filter
systems(see the applicant's request,Attachment A). The Virginia Department of Health has evaluated the information provided by the applicant and
determined that the current wells create a health issue(see Attachment B),and there are no other viable well locations on-site where potable water can be
STRATEGIC PLAN:Goal 2-Critical Infrastructure. Prioritize,plan and invest in critical infrastructure that responds to past and future changes and improves
the capacity to serve community needs.
DISCUSSION: The Community Facilities chapter of the Comprehensive Plan includes Strategy 9a regarding the provision of public water and sewer service,
which states:"Continue to provide public water and sewer in jurisdictional areas." The explanatory text following Strategy 9a is provided below,and the specific
criteria for the provision of public water or sewer service to the designated Rural Areas is underlined.
"Water and sewer jurisdictional areas ensure the County's Growth Management Policy,Land Use Plan,and Develop Area Master Plans are implemented by
guiding the direction of public utility placement.The areas also permit these services to be provided in a manner that can be supported by the utility's physical
and financial capabilities.The jurisdictional areas are those portions of the County that can be served by water or sewer service,or both,and generally follow the
Development Areas boundaries. Delineation and adoption of utility project jurisdictional areas by a local governing body is provided for in Virginia Code§15.2-
5111.The boundaries of the Development Areas are to be followed in delineating jurisdictional areas.Change to these boundaries outside of the Development
Areas should only be allowed when:(1)the area to be included is adjacent to existing lines:and(2)public health and/or safety is in danger,"
Strategy 9a addresses the fact that public water and sewer systems are a potential catalyst for growth,and that capacities need to be efficiently and effectively
used and reserved to serve the Development Areas.Continued connections of properties in the Rural Area should be the exception,as the further extension of
lines into the Rural Area will strain limited water resources and capacity.
While water and sewer services by policy are intended to serve the designated Development Areas,this jurisdictional area request meets the Comprehensive
Plan conditions for a Rural Area service exception noted in the criteria above because water lines are located on adjacent property to the north and there is a
health or safety condition present on-site. There appear to be no other likely viable private water supply options available on-site.
BUDGET IMPACT:If this request is approved,there will be no budget impact to the County. The property owner will bear the cost of the water connection.
Staff recommends that the Board set a public hearing for June 1,2016 to consider amending the ACSA Jurisdictional Area to include Tax Map Parcel
046000000023D0 and 046000000023D1 for water to the existing structures only.
A-Application's Request and Supporting Information
B-Email from Virginia Department of Health
https://albemarle.legistar.com/LegislationDetai l.aspx?ID=2703266&GU ID=6AF871 E1-7088-47C0-AA2A-60D EBB591AAD&Ful(Text=1 1/2
Attachment A
William A. Wells
1537 Polo Grounds Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911
(434) 973-2819
February 9, 2016
Thomas Jefferson Health Department
1138 Rose Hill Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Re: Public water
To whom it may Concern,
I have been living on this property since birth. My parents had permanent deeded
rights to the natural spring that was located across Polo Grounds Rd that is now owned
by Montgomery Ridge Homeowners/Subdivision. When Montgomery Ridge was being
developed, we noticed about a 50% drop in the amount of water coming from that
spring. Around 2012, D & D Lawn Care was removing large dead trees and drove over
and around the spring damaging the water source even more.
The well I have dug for 1537 Polo Grounds is rich in iron. I have had several water
treatment systems installed by Culligan that is not taking care of iron problem. This is
my 4th system, the iron clogs the system and burns them up.
The water is not drinkable by human or pets; Can not wash clothes because of staining
them; Water out of faucet is reddish in tint; stains tubs and toilets and leaves a orange
tint to my skin; and a trouble odor to it.
I have to buy water for myself and animals; take my laundry to the laundry mat. I have
spent thousands of dollars on water, replacing toilets, tubs and fixtures, replacing
clothes; going to a laundry mat and cleaning products to get rid of stains.
I have had Wilson Well Drill out to locate a new location for a well however he said a
new well would not help. This area is rich in iron. I have septic fields not public sewer
so that limits me to where a new well could go because of setbacks to buildings, drain
fields and fuel tanks.
Montgomery Ridge has granted me an easement for a waterline to be on their property.
I have been in contact with Albemarle County Service Authority and Thomas Jefferson
Health Department. Both are working with me to get on public water.
I would benefit tremendously being on county water.
Thank you,
William A Wells
c_ncV . : fit �o+ �` � 9 r'1 1 e
118 Buckingham Circle, Charlottesville, VA 22903
February 9, 2016
1537 Polo Grounds Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22911
Re: Iron problems in groundwater well
Dear Mr. Wells,
This letter is written to offer an opinion regarding your persistent iron problem in your
groundwater well and to recommend a solution.
The site is located at 1537 Polo Grounds Road in Albemarle County, Virginia (Figure 1). It is
understood that your present drinking water well, while adequate in quantity, possesses very
high iron content. It is also understood that central water supplied by the Rivanna Water &
Sewer Authority(RWSA) is present to the north of Polo Grounds Road.
Geology, Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality
In most cases, groundwater quality problems can be attributed directly to the rock formation in
which the water is derived. According to the United States Geological Service (USGS) and the
Virginia Division of Mines& Minerals (DMME),the site is underlain by the Lynchburg Group of
rocks. In Albemarle County the Lynchburg is subdivided into four of five separate units
(depending upon location), each representing a distinctive environment of deposition and/or
geochemical signature.
According to the Geologic Map by USGS and DMME your property in underlain by a belt of the
Lynchburg (ZIm) rocks that includes graphitic phyllites, black graphite, and pyrite bearing
phyllites and slate (Figure 1). Pyrite, an iron bearing sulfide mineral, is so plentiful in this
formation that the Ohio Sulphur Mining Company maintained a mine on Proffit Road, probably
for the production of chemicals used in the paper industry or for sulphuric acid.
Conclusion & Recommendation
The presence of graphite and pyrite is the likely cause of the iron in groundwater supply well.
Based on the geology maps,your property is dominated by an iron-rich formation of stone. The
subdivision of the Lynchburg rocks is gradational and imprecise (except in the case of the
amphibolite units).
Since drilling another well could result in a similar water chemistry given the ubiquitous nature
of the formation and the uncertain dividing lines between the different units of the Lynchburg
Group,True North recommends that you make efforts to obtain your water from the RWSA
given the proximity of the supply.
If you need additional information, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to
contact us at your earliest convenience.
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Sincerely, �.•.40i.TH �, ••
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Vincent Day, PG i
Geologist �� hI/b Ov•
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Source Mao:GoogleEarth&USGS/DMME
Kiyoko David
L.C ester,M.D.
David L.Chester,M.D.
Richard A.Stewart,M.D.
Charlottesville Family Medicine Marisa D.Christensen,M.D.
MaIlre E.Durieux,A.C.N.P.
Kathryn J.Jaouette,F.N.P,C.N.M.
Deborah M.long,F.N.P.
lesle S.Raiford,C.F.N.P.
Jil York,F.N.P.
Lisette Kinselo,N.P.
February 2, 2016
Re: William A. Wells
1537 Polo Grounds Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22911
To whom it may concern:
Mr. Wells's water at his home is not suitable for drinking or bathing.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact my office at (434)973-1831.
Kiyoko Asao-Ragosta, M.D.
3025 Berkmar Drive,Suite 1 Charlottesville,Virginia 22901 Telephone:434-973.1831
Attachment B
David Benish
From: Kirtley, Joshua (VDH)<Joshua.Kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:18 PM
To: David Benish
Subject: Water Connection Request for William A Wells (1537 Polo Grounds Road)
Attachments: water Itr.pdf; dr letter about water.pdf; WA WELLS REPORT WITH FIGURE.pdf
Good afternoon, David. Hope that you're doing well.
As discussed over the phone, Mr. Wells has requested that I review the attached information and to make
recommendations as to the best remedy for his drinking water needs. He has indicated to me that the water
has damaged plumbing fixtures in his home and has caused health concerns. Additionally, he has stated that
the poor water has created a hardship because he has to buy drinking water for himself and family along with
his animals.
After reviewing the information from TrueNorth Environmental and Dr. Asao-Ragosta, I don't see the
likelihood that drilling another well would relieve Mr. Wells of the poor water quality. I concur with their
assessment based upon my experience with permitting private wells in the general area.
Given the information that Mr. Wells has provided which indicates health concerns, along with the close
proximity to the public line, I would make the recommendation that permission be granted for Mr. Wells to
Please review the attached information and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Josh Kirtley
Josh Kirtley
Environmental Health Technical Consultant
Onsite Sewage and Water Programs
Thomas Jefferson Health District
From: WELLS W A EXCAVATING [mailto:wawellsexcavating@embargmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:03 AM
To: Kirtley, Joshua (VDH)
Subject: William A Wells
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Tammy S. Agee
W.A. Wells Excavating, LLC
1537 Polo Grounds Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
ACSA 201600001, Location Map with 100 Yr. Floodplain & Development Area Bounda ATTACHMENT C .�.
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Map is for Display Purposes Only•Aerial Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Other Sources April 18,2016