HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA201500001 Application 2015-05-21 Community Development Department Albemarle Coi 'ty :Intire Road Charlottesville V.=22902-4596 01CC (434)296-5832 Fax k434)972-4126 Planning Application 'PARCEL /OWNER INFORMATION IMP 04600-00-00-02301 Owner(s): WELLS,WILLIAM A Application# ACSA201500001 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Descriptior ACREAGE Magisterial Dist, Rivanna Land Use Primary Residential -- Single-family (incl. modular home[ ] Current Af0 Not in A/F District v Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas EJ [APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 1537 POLO GROUNDS RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22911 Entered By anielle Roth Ej Application Type Amend the Service Authority Jurisdictional Area 15,12112015 Project W. A. WELLS Received Date 05/21/15 Received Da..,E Final Si.itimittai Date Total Fees 130 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 130 Revision Number Comments Legal 2,d us APPLICATION(s) 4 Type Sub icatto Comment APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION CoctactT1pJ Name Address CityState Phone PhoneCell ' :ELLS•WILLIAM A. 1537 POLO GROUNDS ROAD CHARLOTTESALL 22901 ;Ilmsfy Cv,tact WILLIAMS WELLS 1537 POLO GROUNDS ROAD CHARLOTTESVILL 22911 4345311000 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Application to 444. Amend the Service Authority Jurisdictional Area "s Amend the Service Authority Jurisdictional Area = S130.00 Project Name: l.-)• L-91C tt,S Tax map and parcel: 4ci 2 S v Magisterial District: P.P.Zoning: Physical Street Address(if assigned): /,s/,S d•" /-5 3 7 POLO GAc)c1 fVI , GH aria J/4 Location of property(landmarks,intersections,or other): ,S 1 /Z 1 G.4 3 Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Qt...)/4 fi IL W.A- W ICAO, /� Address/, 37 PO&O G'lbO&03 R9. City C U?t.4S_ State VA Zip aye?/ Daytime Phone Alt) 3 31' MOOD Fax#4 ) 9 74. - // i (i E-mail Owner of Record 5 vxa. $Z- A S f9*100 a-- Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): S A.*,Ix. /9./Lb Jt Address City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail FOR OFFICE USE ONLY TMP# , q �( Fee Amount$130'00 Date PaidS-41-4 5 By who? w 4 V el i lS Receipt# (1 ` Ck# 16� By:7"5 6`.- c'C[jnVwT f�j Tn - County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 5/1/06 Page 1 of 2 Jurisdiction area designation requestea Ell Water and Sewer 0 Water Only to existing structure(s) Water Only Limited Service (Describe in justification below) Current Service Area Designation No designation Water and Sewer Water Only to existing structure(s) • CI Water Only ❑ Limited Service (Please describe ) Justification for request: Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate,true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Owner, Contract Purchaser,Agent Date Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory 5/1/06 Page 2 of 2 William A Wells 1537 Polo Grounds Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 (434) 531-1000 Fax (434) 974-9136 wawellsexcavating©embarqmail.com May 1, 2015 TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Re: Hook up to Service Authority water To whom it may Concern, I am William A. Wells. I have lived here for 58 years. The spring across State Route 643 was deeded to us for drinking and bathing purposes. The land that the spring is on is now owed by Montgomery Ridge. D & D Landscape was working around the spring and it was damaged. There are two wells on my property, one serving 1515 and the other serving 1537 Polo Grounds Rd. The iron content is so high that it has damaged several water purification systems that I have had. The iron has ruined my clothes, I have a orange tint to my skin, stains in the toilets and in the washer. Charlottesville Allergy and Respiratory Enterprise said that I am getting to much iron. I have to buy bottled water for cooking and drinking, clothes are now done by an outside source. I am requesting to be put into the service authority jurisdiction area. I am not able to correct the well water and the loss of the spring, due to the damage, that has been used for over 50 years. Montgomery Ridge has agreed to deed an easement for the waterline and the service authority has also agreed to hook my property to there service if you will add my property to there jurisdiction area. Thank you, William A. Wells W.A.Wells J5/09/2015 1515 and 1537 Polo Grounds Road Charlottesville,VA 22911 Dear Mr.Wells, Thank you for taking the time to discuss your pending request and plans for access to Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) water. It is our understanding that ACSA guidance directs this access -and all coordinating materials and work-to originate at a point directly adjacent to, and southeast of, 1834 Natali Lane; in the Montgomery Ridge Neighborhood of Albemarle County(aka across Polo Grounds Road from your address as noted above.) [Reference attached map next page.] Additionally,we understand there is a requirement for an easement to trench and bore two water lines to be run from Montgomery Ridge (point of origination as noted above) under Rt 643/Polo Grounds and to your two homes on the subject property. We appreciate that you have indicated the following to us: • Your intent to personally oversee and execute the general contracting work required in accordance with your professional business resources. • Your intent to minimize any ground cover clearance and other activity related to aesthetic appearances of the grounds in and around Montgomery Ridge that may be associated with this activity. For example,you believe any tree removal required will be very minimal. • Your intent to minimize any other disruption to the Montgomery Ridge neighborhood by way of time required for the project,noise,etc. • Your intent to seed and put down straw in any areas disturbed by your activity which may require such attention as to ensure basic ground cover and erosion control. The Montgomery Ridge HOA has reviewed the request,and based upon our stated understanding and the above considerations we approve the request; in line with ACSA guidelines and recommendations,and without waiver of any liabilities you are subject to under your proposed work plan, or any rights that we hold therein. We appreciate the relationship that we have with our neighbor across Polo Grounds Road, and look forward to a continuation of that relationship, and the good communications at its foundation. Good luck on this project and please keep us posted on any changes,updates,progress and/or anything you may need from us to facilitate quick and efficient completion of the effort. Respectfully, The Montgomery Ridge HOA Board of Directors Amocan, President(571-215-6754) Carl Grebe,Vice President Jeff Dalton,Treasurer Lisa Lyons, Secretary Karen Schwenzer, Member at Large Johnny Duncan, Member at Large • 7'Service Authority •— 1817 -----/ ... 'r- �f:.e.-s-3 �f Mrr9rtvyR¢i-9 / 10961 1822R 777 \ till ` ,ers: \\\ ----T - _ i _ - ----._ __ I—toll > ,azs `---...____, t / 2 ,,fN,t 2 w. Mgkrs 1 .soh:n 4/ Ro"'' oi' Pa'•1; Ln ! I JS -0 1Ii1$w / /4Y°4k Z ,/ r---. 20 iz'7-- .4 3er • viiv+.+�r'1616 ) / / ,�o/0 C �5 ? /,. °stnt15 • ar/ 1837/ // 1 / / ��' ./. // �/ ' • / y/ \\.. \ .„. rs. - / / r'♦ `�� / , 1\ '\ \ J--7 —1 .„... ,..- , .... .. ,, N,./: \ -- ......,, . ,,. ., -..........„ ,. , .. . / ,.........„ - N. / //' /, DISCLAIMERL`�- L 1 �`` " Utmues.sUuctures,lot lines,end an appurtenances indicated on this map �`� \II we intended for general layout and reference location only This pnntout is not Intended for any other use than for preliminary planning and genera. `� _ \ location purposes. The utsihes shown on this map are believed to be _ .. accurate.however,recent utility Improvements andior system changes - _ r •\ may have been updated in our mapping since the lane of this printout — N`• - \ Contact ACSA directly for specific utility locations / Aenal Imagery o 2P07ro Commonwealth County of l Virginia / I _ (\ M v"F. Parcel Information Property of County of Albemarle / /i \\ s S\\ Webmail Page 1 of 1 Webmail wawellsexcavating@embarqmail.com Sketch of Service Connections From :Alex Morrison Thu, Apr 30, 2015 07:18 AM <amorrison@serviceauthority.org> 1 attachment Subject : Sketch of Service Connections To :wawellsexcavating@embarqmail.com Mr. Wells, Attached is a sketch of the water lines to serve your residences. Alexander 3. Morrison, EIT Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (0) 434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (F) 434-979-0698 Like the ACSA on Facebook at 20150429121029261.pdf 268 KB http://mail.centurylink.net/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=C:-86288 4/30/2015 Service Auth♦rity ,/ :v. 7 / Cam---- j —. rn3�(-,ncmar3 �MrngmryRgl 1695; ' 18221 �i Il823) Q' / �u Obi MntgmryRg-1-10�' it 18281 ' 11829) i �,4„, Mrn R 1-11 7 , 9 \ ..-,;-.„,,,,„C,„,....-...0.. -—)'G..s,-i„.i--k., ,-..,-....-.-.:,:. .N_._,_</..___.._N//„„ _)-_,,,1,-, 1834` : g20501 1841 \` 2 w- Mokr5 .StA:n41 Roo'' o� Pa' 1; L n 1848) NoS a .1 Bove !Se'ru• 4 6 5 f"efei 1,167/ N. / . \> / <11 - -- . -- -------) N) ----'''..\\2/7"-NN\-.N ,\\ --r_h. DISCLAIMER L-_ L_ ' Utilities,structures,lot lines,and all appurtenances indicated on this map '^J are intended for general layout and reference location only This printout is not intended for any other use than for preliminary planning and general - -- location purposes The utilities shown on this map are believed to be ,- --,w�� �� '—� accurate,however,recent utility improvements and/or system changes ' - may have been updated in our mapping since the time of this printout. \� N\\---� Contact ACSA directly for specific utility locations. �J � Aerial Imagery®2007 Commonwealth of Virginia ( VA W`\\- E� Parcel Information Property of County of Albemarle �r� \ v' Webmail Page 1 of 1 Webmail wawellsexcavating@embarqmail.com Proposed Water Service From :Alex Morrison Thu, Apr 23, 2015 07:17 AM <amorrison@serviceauthority.org> Subject : Proposed Water Service To :wawellsexcavating@embarqmail.com Mr. Wells, I have been reviewing your proposed service (under the assumption that the Board will support your application) in regards to costs and location. I have reviewed the code further and it appears that since this is a new service to an existing building (no development proposed) there will not be the requirement for public fire protection. With that said, the cost to connect will be much lower than we originally expected. We will be able to set 2 meters in the cul-de-sac for Natali Lane, adjacent to the open space. From there you would run 2 private service lines to the residences (in the same trench to save money). The private service lines can be 2" poly (we may want to run hydraulic loss equations to ensure you have good pressure at the house under flow conditions. Static pressure will be 122 so you will need a private PRV), which will be a lot cheaper than 6" DIP and a fire hydrant assembly. You will also not be required to clear a full 20' easement of trees like you would with a main line. This also removes the requirement to have an engineer draw up construction plans for approval by the ACSA. Unfortunately I have not been able to locate a good unit price for 2" poly installation. I know you mentioned you had some friends who did water work. You may want to contact them to get a unit price for the line extension. I will continue to research on my end and see if I can come up with something. Thank you. Alexander J. Morrison, EIT Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (0) 434-977-4511 Ext. 116 (F) 434-979-0698 Like the ACSA on Facebook at http://mail.centurylink.net/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=C:-84841 4/27/2015