HomeMy WebLinkAboutACSA201300002 Minutes 2013-12-11 ACTIONS
Board of Supervisors Meeting of December 11, 2013
December 12, 2013
1. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m., by
the Chair, Ms. Mallek. All BOS members were
present. Also present were Tom Foley, Larry
Davis, Ella Jordan and Travis Morris.
2. Work Session: County's Five-Year Financial Plan Listen
—General Government.
3. Recess.
• At 5:09 p.m., the Board recessed.
6:00 P.M.—Regular Night Meeting
4. Call to Order.
• Meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m., by
the Chair, Ms. Mallek.
7. Adoption of Final Agenda.
• ACCEPTED the final agenda.
8. Brief Announcements by Board Members.
• There were none.
9. Recognitions:
a. William B. "Petie"Craddock
• Chair recognized and thanked Mr. Petie Listen
Craddock for his service as the interim
member of the Board of Supervisors
representing the Scottsville District.
b. Duane Snow
• Chair recognized and thanked Mr. Duane
Snow for his service as a member of the Board
of Supervisors representing the Samuel Miller
c. Rodney Thomas
• Chair recognized and thanked Mr. Rodney
Thomas for his service as a member of the
Board of Supervisors representing the Rio
d. Ian Buchanan—The First Tee of Charlottesville
• On behalf of The First Tee of Charlottesville,
Mr. Phillip Seay congratulated and recognized
Mr. Ian Buchanan for his selection and
participation in the Nature Valley First Tee
Open at Pebble Beach.
e. Albemarle High School/VSA Charlottesville
• Albemarle High School students and VSA
participants, Tanner Wood, Joshua Rocker,
Shannon Flanagan and Daniel Blick presented
Supervisors with books of poetry.
10. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public
Hearing on the Agenda.
• Rodney Rich expressed his concerns on Listen
closing the Ivy Landfill.
• Rit Venerus, a resident of the Walnut Hills
Subdivision, spoke on the denial of claims filed
with the Airport blasting company.
11.1 SDP-2011-1. Hollymead Town Center Area A-1 Sarah Baldwin.Proceed as
Special Exception to Authorize Variations from the approved.
Application Plan and Proffers Associated with
• APPROVED Variation Request#1 to reduce
the square footage of Building J,while
reserving the remaining square footage for
future development, and to change the parking
lot configuration and the number of parking Listen
spaces as described in the Executive
Summary and consistent with the Application
Plan entitled "Hollymead Town Center Area A-
1 Minor Site Plan Amendment,"last revised
11.2 Special exception for: Terra Voice Music Home David Benish: Proceed as
Occupation Class A, modification of Section approved.
18.5.2.e of the Zoning Ordinance for traffic
• APPROVED Special Exception to modify
Section 5.2 (e)of the Zoning Ordinance to
allow an increase in permitted traffic
generation for HO-2013-160 above that
allowed by Section 5.2(e), subject to the
following condition:
1. No more than 30 clients per week
(Monday through Saturday).
11.5 Joint Board of Supervisors/School Board Letter to Clerk: Forward letter to County
Legislators, re: support for three issues of concern. Attorney's office after Chair's
• AUTHORIZED the Chair to sign the joint letter signature.
on behalf of the Board of Supervisors.
12. Pb. Hrg: ACSA-2013-00002.Thomas Jefferson Clerk: Set out conditions of
Foundation, Inc. -Albemarle County Service approval. (Attachment 1)
Authority(ACSA)Jurisdictional Area Request. Listen
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ACSA-2013-
00002 with added additional language.
13. Pb. Hrg: ZMA-2012-00003. Out of Bounds(Sign Clerk: Set out proffers.
#6). (Attachment 2)
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ZMA-2012-
00003, Out of Bounds inclusive of the proffers Listen
dated November 18, 2013 and signed
November 25, 2013 and the Code of
Development dated 8/26/2013.
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED the special
exception for a critical slopes modification for
ZMA 2012-00003, Out of Bounds as
recommended by staff.
14. Pb. Hrg: ZMA-2012-00004.Avon Park II(Signs Clerk: Set out proffers.
#898►91). (Attachment 3)
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ZMA-2012- Listen
00004, Avon Park II with proffers dated
November 21, 2013 and application plan.
15. Pb. Hrq: ZMA-2013-000001.The Lofts At Clerk: Set out proffers.
Meadowcreek(Sign#15). (Attachment 4)
• By a vote of 5:1 (Rooker),APPROVED ZMA- Listen
2013-00001 with revised proffers dated
November 11, 2013, code of development and
application plan, and APPROVED waiver of
Section 20A.8(a)and (b), Mixture of Uses and
Housing Types;waiver of Section 4.12.2 c.1,
Number of parking spaces, and waiver of
Section 4.2 Critical Slopes of the Zoning
16. Pb. Hrg: ZMA-2012-00005. Hollymead Town Clerk: Set out proffers.
Center(A-1) (Signs#33&35). (Attachment 5)
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ZMA-2012- Listen
00005 with proffers dated October 1, 2013 as
directed by staff.
17. Pb. Hrg: ZMA-2013-00007. North Pointe Clerk: Set out proffers.
Amendment(Signs#61&62). (Attachment 6)
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ZMA-2013- Listen
00007 with amended proffers dated August 5,
2013 as recommended by the Planning
Commission and staff.
18. Pb. Hrq: ZMA-2013-00002. Pantops Corner Clerk: Set out proffers.
(Sign #66). (Attachment 7)
• By a vote of 6:0, APPROVED ZMA-2013- Listen
00002, Pantops Corner with proffers dated
November 26, 2013.
19. Pb. Hrq: SP-2013-000015. Mahone Family(Sign Clerk: Set out conditions of
#12). approval. (Attachment 1)
• By a vote of 6:0, DEFERRED indefinitely SP-
2013-000015. Listen
• By a vote of 4:2 (Dittmar/Mallek), APPROVED
SP-2013-000015, subject to two conditions.
20. Pb. Hrg: ZTA-2013-00006. Residential and Clerk: Forward copy of signed
Industrial Uses in Downtown Crozet Zoning ordinance to County Attorney's
District ("DCD"). office and Community Listen
• By a vote of 6:0, ADOPTED Ordinance No.13- Development. (Attachment 8)
21 From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters
Not Listed on the Agenda.
Duane Snow:
• Spoke on Mr. Rit Venerus's earlier comments
on airport blasting claims.
Rodney Thomas: Listen
• Announced that work in Belvedere is moving
along and is close to completion.
Jane Dittmar:
• Thanked outgoing Supervisors for their service
to the County and their help to her.
22. From the County Executive: Report on Matters
Not Listed on the Agenda.
• There were none.
23. Adjourn to December 12, 2013, 3:00 p.m., Room
• At 10:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Attachment 1 —Conditions on Planning Items
Attachment 2—Proffers—ZMA-2012-00003. Out of Bounds
Attachment 3—Proffers—ZMA-2012-00004. Avon Park II
Attachment 4—Proffers—ZMA-2013-00001. The Lofts At Meadowcreek
Attachment 5—Proffers—ZMA-2012-00005. Hollymead Town Center(A-1)
Attachment 6—Proffers—ZMA-2013-00007. North Pointe Amendment
Attachment 7—Proffers—ZMA-2013-00002. Pantops Corner
Attachment 8—Ordinance No. 13-18(8)
ACSA-2013-00002. Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. -Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Jurisdictional Area Request.
Amendment of the ACSA Jurisdictional Area boundary shall provide limited service as follows:
1. Sewer service to the Monticello Main House area, including the main house, president's house, staff offices,
original gift shop, restrooms and other existing structures on the property on December 10, 2013 consistent
with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic District (TMP 78-22).
2. Sewer service to the Visitor Center(also TMP 78-22 and 23) and other existing structures on the property
on December 10, 2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic District, and
a map correction to the Jurisdictional Area Map to include the visitor center site for water service.
3. Water and sewer service to Kenwood House (International Center for Jefferson Studies) (TMP 92-01),
future administrative campus and other existing structures on the property on December 10, 2013
consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic District (TMP 78-25).
4. Water and sewer service to the Robert Smith Center at Montalto and other existing structures on the
property on December 10, 2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic
District(TMP 77-31).
SP-2013-000015. Mahone Family(Sign #12).
1. The proposed subdivision of Tax Map 89 Parcel 62B shall only be permitted as a "family subdivision"as
provided by Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code; and
2. The family division period to retain the property, as provided by Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code,
shall be extended to thirty(30)years.
December 11,2013(Afternoon-Adjourned and Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 11)
than the fair market assessed value for those properties that have qualified and are being
taxed under a land use value taxation program and(2)adjusting the funding formula for
Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville which does not currently reflect the
revenue sharing agreement that exists between the County and the City.The revenue
sharing agreement results in our ability to pay being overstated,and brings approximately
$2 million fewer state dollars to support our schools.
• Virginia Retirement System Funding-We support the restoration of funds to the Virginia
Retirement System without shifting additional burdens to localities.One change that
would be particularly helpful is to provide a multi-year projection of locality contributions to
the system to allow for a planned,thoughtful budgetary approach,one that avoids the
need for last-minute programmatic reductions that harm the classroom.
Item No. 11.3.Copy of letter dated November 26,2013,from Mr. Francis H.MacCall,Principal
Planner,to Mr.Bob Headrick,Nest Realty,re: LOD-2013-00021—OFFICIAL DETERMINATION OF
PARCEL OF RECORD AND DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS-Tax Map 60E1-00-0N,Parcel 1(property of
Dogwood Lane Properties LLC),Jack Jouett Magisterial District, was received for information.
Item No. 11.4.Copy of letter dated November 19,2013,from Mr.Ronald L.Higgins,Chief of
Zoning/Deputy Zoning Administrator,to Evergreen 651 LLC(do Ms.Therese Elron)re: OFFICIAL
DETERMINATION OF PARCELS, Tax Map Parcel 059D 1-02-0H-01400(property of Evergreen 61 LLC),
Samuel Miller Magisterial District, was received for information.
Agenda Item No. 12.Public Hearing:ACSA-2013-00002.Thomas Jefferson Foundation,Inc.-
Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA)Jurisdictional Area Request.Request to amend the
Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA)Jurisdictional Area Boundary to provide sewer service to Tax
Map 78,Parcels 22 and 23,and provide water and sewer service to Tax Map 77,Parcel 31,Tax Map 78,
Parcel 25,and Tax Map 92,Parcel 1,located on Thomas Jefferson Parkway(Route 53)approximately 2
miles east of the intersection of Scottsville Road(Route 20)and Route 53. (Advertised in the Daily
Progress on November 25 and December 2,2013.)
The following executive summary was forwarded to Board members:
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation("TJF")is requesting Albemarle County Service Authority
("ACSA")Jurisdictional Area designation for public water and/or sewer service to parcels and buildings
owned and/or operated by it as follows:
• Sewer service to the Monticello Main House area,including the main house,staff offices,
original gift shop,and restrooms(TMP 78-22).
• Sewer service to the Visitor Center(also TMP 78-22 and 23)and a map correction to the
Jurisdictional Area Map to include the Visitor Center site for water service.
• Water and sewer service to Kenwood House(International Center for Jefferson Studies)
(TMP 92-01)and future administrative campus(TMP 78-25).
• Water and sewer service to the Robert Smith Center at Montalto(property leased by TJF
from UVA Foundation)(TMP 77-31).
These sites are located east of Route 20 on Route 53(see Attachment A).The parcels are
designated Rural Area in the County's Comprehensive Plan and are located in the Scottsville Magisterial
District. Public water service is currently provided to the Monticello Main House area and Visitor Center
site on TMP 77-22 and 77-23. Private sewage facilities currently serve all properties subject to the
request. The Board conducted a work session on November 6,2013(See Attachment A)and at that time
set a public hearing for amending the Jurisdictional Area Boundary as requested by the applicant.
By policy stated in the Comprehensive Plan,public water and sewer services are intended to
serve the designated Development Areas where growth is encouraged and are to be discouraged in the
Rural Area because utility services are a potential catalyst for growth.Public water supply and sewer
system capacities need to be efficiently and effectively used and reserved to serve the Development
Areas.The continued connection of properties in the Rural Area to the public systems results in further
extension of lines from the fringe of the existing Jurisdictional Area into the Rural Area,potentially
straining water and sewer resources and the capacity to serve higher priority needs.
As acknowledged by the Board at the work session on November 6,2013,there are unique
circumstances that relate to the request for public water and sewer service to the parcels and buildings
owned and leased by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. The Monticello Main House and Visitor
Center sites have a very high level of usage and visitation;approximately 440,000 people each year.
In addition,the Monticello Main House area has historic resources that could be adversely impacted by
the installation of new private sewer systems. While there is not a documented health or safety issue
associated with the existing private sewage system,there could be a significant impact to TJF's facilities
operations and public health if the sites were to close due to failure of the aging private sewage facilities.
In addition,if the existing drainfield site could not be used(already repaired once over 30 years ago),
significant land disturbance at the Monticello Main House site would be needed(most likely at the site of
Jefferson's orchards).Given the archeological resources on that site,TJF strongly desires to leave those
areas undisturbed so that archeological resources will be left in place for study sometime in the future.
December 11,2013(Afternoon-Adjourned and Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 12)
Land disturbance for a drainfield would significantly damage and alter an area adjacent to the Main House,
which is not desired.Finally,there are historically significant and invaluable resources and materials/
collections located and archived on these properties which are in need of adequate fire protection to better
ensure for their long term preservation.
An additional unique aspect of this application is the new 250,000 gallon underground water
storage tank proposed on the Montalto parcel(TMP 77-31).The water storage tank would serve to
improve the fire suppression capabilities of the entire Monticello complex including the Visitor Center and
Main House area(due to the higher elevation of the Montalto site).Given the site's status as a UNESCO
World Heritage site and the number of annual visitors to the Visitor's Center and Main House area,
additional fire suppression capacity is an important consideration.
Although staff believes that the request does not meet the guiding principles provided for
expansions of the Jurisdictional Areas,due to the unique circumstances set forth,staff believes there is
merit to amending the limited service designation to permit service to the site consistent with the
conditions of Zoning Map Amendments ZMA 2004-05 and ZMA 2007-23. The Zoning Map Amendments
for Monticello Historic District(MHD)limited the scope and scale of future development to what has been
previously approved by the Board.No additional development would be proposed if the jurisdictional area
request is approved.
The property owner would bear all of the costs for connection to public water and public sewer
Staff recommends that the Board approve an amendment of the Albemarle County Service
Authority Jurisdictional Area to provide limited water and sewer service to TMPs 77-31,78-22,78-23,78-
25,and 92-1,and that water and sewer service continue to be provided to the Thomas Jefferson
Foundation,Inc.complex only as approved under ZMA 2004-05 and ZMA 2007-23. Amendment of the
ACSA Jurisdictional Area Boundary shall provide limited service as follows:
• Sewer service to the Monticello Main House area,including the main house,staff offices,
original gift shop,and restrooms(TMP 78-22).
• Sewer service to the Visitor Center(also TMP 78-22 and 23)and a map correction to the
Jurisdictional Area Map to include the Visitor Center site for water service.
• Water and sewer service to Kenwood House(International Center for Jefferson Studies)
(TMP 92-01)and future administrative campus,consistent with the approved application
plan for the Monticello Historic District(TMP 78-25).
• Water and sewer service to the Robert Smith Center at Montalto(TMP 77-31).
Mr.David Benish,Chief of Planning,reported that this is a request for water and sewer service to
the Thomas Jefferson Foundation properties,which include the Monticello site and mountaintop area,the
Visitors Center,Kenwood,and Montalto. Mr.Benish said that the properties are zoned Monticello Historic
District but are within the designated rural areas,and that designation was given in the mid-2000s. He
stated that water service is already provided to the mountaintop area and the Visitors Center,and they are
already in the jurisdictional area and have been served since the late 1940s and early 1950s. Mr.Benish
provided a map highlighting the Monticello site and mountaintop area,and said that the surrounding
properties are the Visitors Center,Montalto,and Kenwood and administrative campuses.
He reported that a study conducted in 2011 by the Foundation determined that a septic system
serving the Monticello house and mountaintop area had reached the end of its useful life,and a
replacement was needed. He stated that the treatment facility for the Visitors Center has also reached its
useful life and needs to be replaced. Likewise,the septic system for the Kenwood site has also reached
its useful life. Mr.Benish said that replacement of the facilities would impact archeological resources,and
there is concern about the viability of providing service to the area given the high volume of users. He
stated that an outline of impacts and issues is included in the staff report. He added that he has plans for
expansion of the existing service and proposed service in the event the Board needs to look at them.
Mr.Benish said that the jurisdictional area policy within the Comp Plan calls for providing service
within rural areas only when there is adjacency to existing lines and there is a documented public health or
safety issue,but in this case there are some unique circumstances with the property that merit
consideration for public service to the site: the high volume of usage on the site,with an annual average
of 440,000 visitors;its status as UNESCO World Heritage site,which consists of cultural and historic
resources of high significance and worldwide importance that require protection;and its zoning of
Monticello Historic District to reflect the unique character and activity onsite. He said that by providing
public water and sewer to the site,public sewer would avoid the impacts to historic resources,
archeological sites and artifacts through the installation of those facilities in the mountaintop area and the
Visitors Center in particular;and public water service would provide for more reliable service to the high
volume of usage and also provides for fire suppression to these important resources. Mr.Benish said that
there have been no failures to date,but part of that is due to the diligence of maintenance of the site.
He presented a table summarizing the unique circumstances for each of the areas requested for
service.Noise,odor and maintenance issues were also raised in terms of using a central system for the
Visitors Center as a replacement—and the preference for efficiency and safety for long term usage was to
go with a public system. Mr.Benish said that staff always looks at comparable circumstances when
looking at unique situations,and in granting service here the evaluation included properties in the RA that
are zoned for other than RA uses,and that is exclusive of old zoning or stale zoning that isn't consistent
December 11,2013(Afternoon-Adjourned and Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 13)
with the current policy,the adjacency to water lines,and the significance of historic resources onsite. Staff
have been unable to find a comparable site within the rural areas that has those characteristics. He said
that staff is recommending limited service to the area,which includes the four areas he had mentioned—
the mountaintop area with the Monticello house area and surrounding building,the Visitors Center area,
and the Kenwood house with a future administrative campus site,and the Montalto site. Mr.Benish stated
that one additional item staff has added since creating its report was a reference to the actions for limited
service as being"to these areas"and"consistent with the approved application plan for the zoning,"which
further clarifies what buildings are permitted for this site that could be served.
Mr.Rooker asked if all of these sites are under the control of the Foundation. Mr.Benish said
they are all either owned or under long-term lease by the Foundation.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Ms.Leslie Green-Bowman,President of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation,said that the
Foundation is grateful to the County for its devoted and long partnership with them for the stewardship of
Monticello. She stated that the site is the Commonwealth's only United Nations World Heritage site,
welcoming 440,000 visitors to the community annually. Ms.Green-Bowman said that Monticello is at risk
if they do not address aging water and sewer infrastructure issues. They ask the Board to approve the
application to connect to public water and sewer. She said that they are in a unique zoning district and will
cover all costs associated with the connection,which is essential for both visitors and fire protection—and
there will be no cost to the County. Ms.Green-Bowman stated that this is the only historically and
environmentally responsible option available to them,and the only option that will conserve and protect
Jefferson's historic landscape.
Ms.Valerie Long,representing the applicant,commented that everyone is very familiar with the
proposal already,given the details provided in the previous month's meeting. Ms.Long said that their only
request would be to add some clarification for structures shown on the approved application plan,as there
are some existing structures that are permitted but are not expressly referenced in the list of conditions.
She stated that the applicant contends that the proposal meets the County's policy for adjacency and
unique circumstances as well as health and safety risks,and thanked the Board for its support. The
applicant will be happy to respond to any questions from the Board or public.
Ms.Mallek asked if the structures she was referencing were not listed in the MHD. Ms.Long
explained that they are shown on the approved application plan,but the conditions list most of the
individual structures and state"as consistent with the approved application plan,"but do leave out a small
handful of structures such as a small maintenance facility behind the main house and some other
maintenance facilities in the parking lot. She stated that they want to ensure they avoid any future
questions about the structures that are not specifically listed. She suggested that the condition be
rephrased to"any existing structures'as of today's date.
Mr.Timothy Hulbert said that the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce has a high
regard for the places that Thomas Jefferson built and remains an advocate for"all things Monticello." Mr.
Hulbert said that the Chamber supports the Foundation's request to Albemarle County for modern,safe,
healthy water and sewer service for Monticello and the Foundation's properties as the logic for approval is
simply overwhelming. He stated that the Foundation seeks to serve the many visitors who come here as
well as the staff in an efficient,modern,healthy,safe infrastructure system while bearing all costs for
access.The County's regulations should be flexible to accommodate this request from the Foundation.
There being no further public comment,the Chair closed the public hearing and placed the matter
before the Board.
Mr.Rooker stated that he supports the proposal,and wants the record to reflect that this is a
unique circumstance whereby it is in a designated rural area but the property has a special zoning district
attached to it. When the Zoning District was created,it had an application plan that specifies everything
that Monticello can do on the property. He said that this allows the plan to be realized and allows the
440,000 annually guests to use facilities that are more appropriate and in keeping with the needs on the
mountain. He added that he normally would not support extension of the jurisdictional designation into the
rural areas,but this is a special circumstance and different from a typical request.
Ms.Mallek agreed,adding that the original land for the Moore's Creek sewage treatment plant
was Monticello property and was donated to the locality to develop that. In a way Monticello deserves to
be connected and protection of the archeological aspects that might otherwise be destroyed by further
septic fields is a really important issue to be considered.
Mr.Davis said that staffs recommended conditions would be what is before the Board on the
screen,and adding in the appropriate place in each bulleted recommendation"and other existing
structures on the property on December 10,2013."
Ms.Dittmar moved to approve the recommendations for amendment of the service area
jurisdictional boundary as presented,with the addition to the conditions for each bullet point the language
"and any existing structure that is also there as of December 10,2013." Ms.Mallek seconded the motion.
Mr.Davis said that it is important to point out the recommendation is for limited service as defined
in the recommendations.
December 11,2013(Afternoon-Adjourned and Regular Night Meeting)
(Page 14)
Ms.Mallek asked what"limited service meant"because she wants to ensure that water and sewer
was available to each of the four categories.
Mr.Benish said that the other designations provide for any service regardless of what
development takes place,provided that it is consistent with zoning—and this means that it is limited to
these structures.
Mr.Rooker said that in a prior report,the Board also had information that this would not in any
way limit capacity elsewhere.
Mr.Boyd asked if this meant the applicant would have to come back before the Board if they
wanted to build another building or expand an existing building. Mr.Benish said that would be the case if
the building is not on the application plan that was approved with the rezoning,and that is consistent with
what the applicant has requested.
Roll was then called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr.Thomas,Mr.Boyd,Ms.Dittmar,Ms.Mallek,Mr.Rooker and Mr.Snow.
NAYS: None.
(Note: The conditions are set out below:)
1. Sewer service to the Monticello Main House area,including the main house,president's house,
staff offices,original gift shop,restrooms and other existing structures on the property on
December 10,2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic
District(TMP 78-22).
2. Sewer service to the Visitor Center(also TMP 78-22 and 23)and other existing structures on the
property on December 10,2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello
Historic District,and a map correction to the Jurisdictional Area Map to include the visitor center
site for water service.
3. Water and sewer service to Kenwood House(International Center for Jefferson Studies)(TMP
92-01),future administrative campus and other existing structures on the property on December
10,2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the Monticello Historic District(TMP 78-
4. Water and sewer service to the Robert Smith Center at Montalto and other existing structures on
the property on December 10,2013 consistent with the approved application plan for the
Monticello Historic District(TMP 77-31).
Agenda Item No.13.Public Hearing:PROJECT:ZMA-2012-00003.Out of Bounds(Sign#6).
PROPOSAL: Rezone a 9.42 acre property from R-1 Residential(1 unit/acre)to NMD
Neighborhood Model District which allows residential(3-34 units/acre)mixed with commercial,
service and industrial uses.Maximum of 56 residential units with the preservation of an existing
residence on 0.68 acres for a proposed density of 6 units/gross acre.No commercial is proposed.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:Neighborhood Density Residential-residential(3-6 units/acre);
supporting uses such as religious institutions,schools,and other small-scale non-residential uses
in Neighborhood 7.
LOCATION:Located on Barracks Road(Route 654)across from its intersection with Georgetown
Road(Route 656).225 Out of Bounds Road,Charlottesville,Virginia 22901.
TAX MAP/PARCEL:06000000006500.
MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT:Jack Jouett.(Deferred from November 13,2013.)
(Advertised in the Daily Progress on November 25 and December 2,2013.)
The following executive summary was forwarded to Board members:
On November 13,2013,the Board of Supervisors heard the above petition and voted to defer the
application at the applicant's request.The Board stated that the proffers needed to be revised to
coordinate the timing of the traffic signal improvements with VDOT's replacement schedule and to clarify
the owner's obligation to maintain a downstream drainage channel within the Canterbury Hills
The applicant has revised the proffers to reflect changes desired by the Board. Proffer 4 has
been amended to provide that the Owner will modify the traffic signal at the intersection of Barracks
Road and Georgetown Road to accommodate the extension of Georgetown Road into the project
either when requested by VDOT or as a condition to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy,
whichever occurs sooner.This amendment will allow VDOT to ensure that this new leg of the signal
will be upgraded in conjunction with the remaining legs of the signal under VDOT's current
replacement schedule.
Proffer 5B has been amended to clarify the Owner's obligations to maintain the downstream
drainage channel in the Canterbury Hills neighborhood.The revised proffer establishes deadlines by
which needed repairs will be performed,requires the Owner to submit an inspection report to the
County Engineer,allows the County Engineer to require repairs to be performed in less time than
proposed by the Owner if deemed necessary,and provides that the maintenance and repair work will
be performed to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.These revisions will improve the enforceability