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SDP202200073 Plan - Submittal (First) 2022-12-29
E ?I 0 LITTLE EXPLORERS DISCOVERY SCHOOL 1. Owner/Developer: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 2. Engineer: Woolley Engineering 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434.973.0045 3. Parcel Information: TMP 56A2-01--16, n/f Tabor Street School LLC (0.80 acres) Property Address: 5762 Tabor Street Crozet Virginia 22932 P Y 9 Magisterial District: White Hall Proposed Use: Child Day Center with Parking Deed Book 5541 Pg. 360 This property lies within the Entrance Corridor Special Exceptions proposed with this plan: Narrower drive aisle than allowed by Ch.18 Sec. 4.12.16, Narrower sidewalk than required by Ch. 18 Sec. 20B.7.A. 4. Existing Zoning: DCD (Downtown Crozet District) 5. Setback Requirements: A. Primary Building Setbacks I.) Front -Minimum: 1 foot ii.) Front -Maximum: 10 feet, except up to 20 feet with administrative modification iii.) Side -Minimum except from accessway or alley: 0 feet iv.) Side -Minimum from accessway or alley: 3 feet, except 1 foot within a building facade break v.) Side -Maximum: 20 feet, except with administrative waiver vi.) Rear -Minimum: 0 feet B. Secondary Building Setbacks: i.) Front -Minimum: 1 foot ii.) Front -Maximum: Prevailing building pattern, as determined by director of planning iii.) Side -Minimum except from accessway or alley: 0 feet iii.) Side -Minimum from accessway or alley: 3 feet, except 1 foot within a builidng facade break iv.) Side -Maximum: Prevailing building pattern, as determined by director of planning v.) Rear -Minimum: 0 feet C. Parking Setbacks: i.) Front -Minimum -As an accessory use: no closer to the right-of-way than any existing or proposed structure on the lot. Parking areas shall be located to the rear and/or side of the primary structures, ii.) Side -Minimum- As an accessory use: 3 feet iii.) Rear -Minimum: Of eet 6. Planned Land Use: Child Day Center with parking (9,970 sq. ft. = 28.5% of site) 7. Maximum Building Height (by Code): 50 feet 8. Adjacent Properties: TMP 56A2-01--15, n/f Tabor Presbyterian Church Deed Book 3406, p 212; DCD Current Use: Residential - Single Family TMP 56A2-01-01--16A, n/f The Square LLC Deed Book 4708, p 37; DCD Current Use: Unassigned State Route 1012 - High Street Right of Way TMP 56A2-02-OA-2, n/f Charles F. Shiflett Deed Book 468, p 600; R-2 Current Use: Single Family Home TMP 56A2-02-OA-3, n/f Mary Ann Gibson Deed Book WB118, p 384; R-2 Current Use: Single Family Home State Route 691 - Tabor Street Right of Way TMP 56A2-01--10A, n/f Christopher L & Ann M Gutshall Deed Book 5004, p 541; R-2 Current Use: Single Family Home TMP 56A2-01--10, n/f R&H Partners, LLC Deed Book 4024, p 567; R-2 Current Use: Single Family Home 9. Datum and Benchmark Reference A. Foresight Survey, PC - 912 E High Street, Suite C, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902; Physical and topographic survey dated August 18, 2021. FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED INITIAL SITE PLAN SDP202200028 WHITE HALL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 10. General Construction Notes: A. The abbreviation V.D.O.T. made hereafter refers to the Virginia Department of Transportation. The term County refers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. B. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. C. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. D. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. E. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. F. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (ho(zontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. G. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. H. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. J. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). K. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. L. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. M. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, including access to within 100 ft. of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13 ft. 6 inches; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather conditions. N. Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. O. An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site. P. Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. Q. Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of special; hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. R. Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office. 11. General ACSA Water and Sewer Conditions 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper ACSA officials at the start of the work. 2. The Albemarle County Service Authority shall have access to use the airspace above the locations of construction for the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of imagery collection. 3. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown are only approximately correct. The Contractor shall, on his own initiative, locate all underground lines and structures, as necessary. 4. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications, as adopted by the ACSA. 5. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 6. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 7. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of the pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals, and water lines, etc. 8. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 9. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 1 O.Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 1 1.The Contractor shall be responsible to comply with the nolead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 12.The sewer lateral beyond the connection at the sewer main shall be private. The sewer lateral stub -out shall undergo the ACSA low-pressure air test to satisfy County testing requirements. Visual inspection of the sewer lateral stub -out shall be witnessed by the County Building Inspections Department. This inspection shall occur under an "Other Plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the Contractor. 13.The sewer lateral beyond the connection at the manhole shall be private. Visual inspection and pressure testing of the sewer lateral shall be witnessed by the County Building Inspections Department. This inspection shall occur under an "Other Plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the Contractor. 14.The fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve is private. Visual inspection and testing of the fire sprinkler main downstream of the gate valve shall be witnessed by the County Building Inspections Department. This inspection shall occur under an "Other Plumbing" permit which must be obtained by the Contractor. 15.AII flushing of fire sprinkler mains shall not occur until approval is given by the ACSA. 16.Prior to backflow prevention device testing and the establishment of water service, all backflow prevention device installations shall meet the ACSA Backflow Requirements as detailed in Section 8 of the most recent revision of the ACSA Rules and Regulations. 17.A deed of easement and easement plat for the utility easements, approved by the ACSA, shall be recorded prior to any water and/or sewer service being established. 12. Stormwater Management A. Stormwater from a majority of the proposed parking area will flow to a level 2 biofilter. This biofilter contains both a gravel diaphragm and a pre-treament cell to meet the design standards of 2011 DEQ Specification #9. B. The proposed biofilter meets the State Code for water quality and water quantity requirements under 9VAC25-870-65 & 9VAC25-870-66. 13. Parking A. Existing Parking i.) 3 regular spaces ii.) 0 HC accessible spaces B. Proposed Additional Parking i.) 14 additional regular spaces ii.) 1 HC accessible space C. Total Proposed Parking 1.) 17 regular spaces ii.) 1 HC accessible spaces 14. Fixture Count: A. Kitchen Sink/Wash Sink: 2 B. Lavatories:5 C. Tank Toilets: 5 D. Dishwasher:0 E. Washing Machine: 1 F. Hose Bibs: 3 15. Building Statistics: A. Existing Existing Building = 2,505 sf Existing Shed = 721 sf B. Proposed Wooden Open -Air Pavilion = 165 sf Wooden Open -Air Pergola = 192 sf 16. Trip Generation: A. Source: Use Code 565 Daycare Center (ITE Trip Generation Manual - 1 Oth Edition) B. GFA = 2,505 sf C. Trip Ends Per Day = (2,505 sf / 1,000 sf) * 11.12 = 28 trip ends/day SIGNATURE PANEL Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Planning Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Engineering Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Zoning Division Date Albemarle County Division of Fire and Rescue Date Albemarle County Building Inspections Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date VICINITY MAP DI G3 B 4� \ THREE N ❑ d e ' OTCHED RD \ J-h F<US 0 JARM 0 ti� uBRq °NST �Ll ❑ o d ?NS AP �O RYAV ill. Op RD\�u P or ° SITE o �� TABpRST C? Ca o ,0PS o ° °p i lilLL ofla Qa❑oaf o o B ❑ w y d°jfl ❑ ❑ O O � ® ra fl ❑ a ROSENKRANS of ° O o Pj�PRO55�N ° c SCALE: 1 "= 500' SHEET INDEX ❑ C 1.0 Cover ❑ C2.0 Existing Conditions Exhibit & Site Demolition Plan ❑ C3.0 Site Layout Plan ❑ C4.0 Site Grading Plan ❑ C5.0 Site Utility Plan ❑ C5.1 Utility Profiles ❑ C6.0 Stormwater Management Plan & Details ❑ C7.0 General Details ❑ L1.0 Landscape Plan ❑ SL1.0 Site Lighting Plan ❑ Filled Box Indicates Drawing Included in Set WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN J O O Z U � Q Z w ry > O LLJ J U Q � ) pco J ^ IL l_L � O W � 110: Z O O U W LU F_ J COVER SHEET Job Number: 21070 TH OF vj�r ERIC W. WOOLLEY Y LIC. NO. 37088 G ZONAL S'% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: I Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: C1.0 1 of 10 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT AND DOES NOT THEREFORE NECESSARILY INDICATE ALL ENCUMBRANCES ON THE PROPERTY. 2. THIS PLAT HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY CONDUCTED ON AUGUST 12, 2021 AND AUGUST 31, 2022 USING MONUMENTS FOUND TO EXIST AT THE TIME OF THIS SURVEY. 3. RECORD PLAT IS RECORDED AT DB 3013 PG 141. 4. SUBJECT BOUNDARY IS LOCATED IN ZONE "X" AS SHOWN ON FEMA MAP NO 51003CO229D, EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 4, 2005. THIS DETERMINATION HAS BEEN MADE BY GRAPHIC METHODS, AN ELEVATION STUDY WAS NOT PERFORMED FOR THIS SURVEY. 5. SUBJECT PARCEL IS ZONED DOWNTOWN CROZET DISTRICT. 6. OWNER OF RECORD: TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC; SOURCE OF TITLE: DB 5541 PG 360. �^�p SSMH \ \ LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE 1 L0'10 S 851 W 20.71 L2 N 7670416 W 20.10 L3 S 13'43 51 W 7.48 L4 S 10'24 48 W 186.66 TMP 56A2-01-15 TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DB 3406 PG 212 1 8 PED kFH I WV(X2) 1 15" CMP ' INV-708.5' WN • LEGEND CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE FIFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FH FIRE HYDRANT IF IRON PIN FOUND LP LAMP POST OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PED PEDESTAL SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UGT UNDERGROUND TELECOMMUNICATION LINE UP UTILITY POLE VLT VAULT WM WATER METER WV WATER VALVE Existing Conditions Exhibit DRIVE 0 STUMP , QlSTONI WALK 0 --- x� x PATIO N O 30' 24.2 m N 3 P1UM idai Sys `r 1-1/22 FFE- "W 4. io 718.57 ��E 8 010,2 N c 21.8• ;1,IO(x ro I` FFE- 3 .71� l 717.74 FFE CRAWL 0 x x PAVED 715.07 Z FFE DRIVE 0 718.36 i1 FFE- UP 715.94 0 TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC 0 4" DB 5541 PG 360 2' 0 0.80 AC 8 h 4' PAR © Q\ 20' EVER " 8" MAP B CIRICT C 2i � � 166- EC 74 CO 5' DEC \ •MAP 1 0 0 ELECTRIC ESMT. WMI DB 1364 PG 739 \ ' +• 0 3' RBUD (DBL) HDGR - - - IF � TABOR s� ri UP PF YAR HSR 691) HDGRW VEGETATION LEGEND • CMP MAP MAPLE INV 13.2' CED CEDAR , PAR PARADISE e RBUD REDBUD IF DEC DECIDUOUS WAL WALNUT IF EVER EVERGREEN I HOL HOLLY HDGRW HEDGEROW TRPL TRIPLE I DBL DOUBLE UPD/ 0 SHRUB N ROSE BUSH REMOVE EXISTING PAVED DRIVEWAY \ TMP 56A2-01-15 PED I \ TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I \ DB 3406 PG 212 / I 15" CMP \ �\H I INV-708.5' \\ \ WVI I I\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'R I I \ \ \ _ U VLT O® WM / I � RIARL p �T SST RT69 \ \ REMOVE EXISITNG STUMPS LEGEND: SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION DI = DROP INLET -I = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW ELEV = ELEVATION o = PROPOSED STORM PIPE EX =EXISTING FFE =FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION # O =PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE HDPE = HIGH -DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV = INVERT LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SD = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN 30" - STUMP TMP 56A2-01-16A II THE SQUARE LLC DB 4708 PG 37 S 79`41,0 6 T, �E 7 85.51 7C' �� IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER FENCE �► _ / \ \ DECIDUOUS I / 22" HOL X--�_ 12" HOL STONE L M / WALKCID TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC DB 5541 PG 360 J p / 0.80 AC /I II I I 6" MAP DECK x 4. a .. PATIO 4 . 4 4 4 I 1 N I 4 a 3 I n II I I^ I J UGT UGE T X / I a / 12" PAR .4 a 718.57 #5 762 I - I / 12" DEC FFE- 1-1 12 a I 4 \ UGE 1 STORY / / 6" DEC FRAME 6" PAR (DBL) - - l / FFL` ` / / �_ ' i i - - - - :717- - - -I- - CRAWL / SHED / a / e° DEC `715.07- \ l ;W j i \ FFE- 1 i X / / ^ 10" CED (2X) \ 718.36 I \ 5" DEC �-_ I O 1j J/ 12 WAL z I I i--- -- \ I / `\ I / -____ FFE- W b l I I PAVED / / / \ / 1 1 GRAVEL - I I DRIVE �' `-- '��? LP \��-= \``� / 715.94 DRIVE I l- II I I I I 7" DEC 30/1 4" PAR REMOVE EXISTING 9 / \ i i LIGHT POLE 4" PAR a ; / o I 1 I Y REMOVE EXISTING I 12 PAR / PAS (2x) I CONCRETE WALKWAY `\ \\ 8„ WAL Q� i O I I I 1 � 1 O 1 \` I / i/ ( \�l � l Cti GRAVEL i % / \ DRIVE UGT %� j % \3C �- UGE UGUG--U�� ` 4" PAR /T MAP I� I • II � �DGE /--'� 20 EVER ' �---`\ / _ � y T_� lfclRlc ESAITUc\ Ucr\ Da I b 385 3 pG 217 \ II I I REMOVE ELECT , ' I 1 do REMOVE SELECT � I �/GT � I , I LANDSCAPE (TYP) LANDSCAPE (TYP) I U \ ! I 8" MAP I ` 5 • DEC • //� i- -� II I DBL I 1 a I I LP �'--. % �V I 14" MAP I Q \ (E)OSTING OAK TREE) IF WM i \ _ j `\i REMOVE EXISITNG TREE �cF I I 6" MAP II \ RBUD (DBL) USE �(� / -_ E ` UGE. UG 7" MAP -1 ' � / � USE UGE i fLd \ I /I1 6. � 3 ,.\ \ _ � \\ � ELECTRIC ESMT. 4 \ DB 1364 PG 739 / 1 _ I IF\\ - �- / - I I I R MOVE PORTION OF E ISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY HD W GRAVEL I I I DRIVE / Fj CMP 4" R DB (TRPL) , _ 300 INV-709.5' _ IF U P 30n r / / �30f 30n \� --_ HDGRW 30n \ V 15" CMP \ INV-713.2' / I I 15" CMP I BURIED I \ I I 1 I REMOVE [EXISTING] I I I LIGHT POLE I MILL & REPAVE PORTION REMOVE EXISTING I OF EXISTING ROADWAY HEDGEROW / / I 10 0 10 20 I tale: 1" = 10' L 1E 0 WOOLLEY EVGIVEERIVG Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN I O O `U^ v J Z W > O�LU � `U^^ Q) <Q Q � LU m Q W ILL 0 1:: OD Z 0 U W LU EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMO PLAN Job Number: 21070 ERIC W. WOOLLE; LIC. No. 37088 12-14-2022 `J'ONAL E% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: 1 " = 10' Sheet No.: C200 2 of 10 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering 20' WIDTH PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX IF S 7 0 6 0� I 85 . 5 � Pc II x— PC p II I O 1 STONE 1 WALK �C O I1 O TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC 1 DB 5541 PG 360 0.80 AC 5.5' WIDTH CONCRETE SIDWEALK DECK ° J 4 4.. J / VDOT STANDARD CG-3 CONCRETE CURBING 1 X 4 I 4 4 1 ° PATIO I 4 a x 4 1 a/ _4 4 a� 3 I HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN (SEE SHEET C7.0) 1 J 4 J ° 4 � k a I 1 4 I I 4 FFE- ./� ° a J° 4 / PAINT STRIPING (TYP) a 718.57 T/' 5 %62 x FFE- 1-112 ° 4 I ISTORY / FRAME BLDo I EX. PERGOLA OVER GROUND -LEVEL 8'x24' WOODEN DECK LED SHOE -BOX LIGHT FIXTURE SEE SL1.0 FOR DETAILS ENTRANCE SIGN STATING ONE-WAY TRAVEL CIRCULATION SEE C7.0 FOR DETAILS PROPOSED NEW STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX TMP 56A2-01-15 1 Q PED TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH y DB 3406 PG 212 f _ 15" CMP O° rH —-KV-708.5' 1 ® W�/(X2) — — — — GRAVEL DRIVE ....................:. SIGHT \ — — — DISTANCE 205 FT. — — (SDR _ — — 1 .............. � — .................... O® WM ................ i.............. \ IF I V`�RO STR��T BLS y�rl�7�ST RT 691 Roy LEGEND: CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK DI = DROP INLET ELEV = ELEVATION EX = EXISTING FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION HDPE = HIGH —DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV = INVERT LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SD = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN PROPOSED NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION 10- = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW o = PROPOSED STORM PIPE O= PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE UP o FFE CRAWL 715.07 cP, 768 FFE- 718.36 TMP 56A2-01-16A THE SQUARE LLC DB 4708 PG 37 II II IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER FF _� N E� k X_� x 1Polo OAF VZO STORM TURE j 6' i ONCRETE SIDEWALK VDOT STANDARD CG-2 CURBING �— VDOT STANDARD CG-12 RAMP TRANSITION FROM VDOT STANDARD CG-2 CURBING TO VDOT STANDARD CG-3 CURBING SIGHT DISTANCE LOCATION STORM STRUCTURE HATCHED AREA DENOTES APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF MILL & REPAVE EXISTING ROAD 12 FFE- - 715.94 SHED i 1 1 GRAVEL DRIVE IF �1 INV-709.5' �-15° CMP BURIED 4' x 8' BUSINESS SIGN SEE C7.0 FOR DETAILS ' SIGNT p/STq�CF GRAVEL •. DIAPHRAGM BIOFILTER PRE-TREATMENT CELL LEVEL 2 BIOFILTER (SEE SHEET C6.0 FOR DETAILS) I I I 1 I 1 Iw 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 / I 165 SF WO, OUTDOOR PAVILION 1 I HATCHED A EA DENOTES A PHALT PAVEMENT LED SHJITUREX -BO LIGHT FSEE SL1.0 F DETAILS I I �q W � I I I II 2' LONG TAP FOR CG-3 II TO MEET ASP ALT ELEVATION N EACH SIDE OF GRAVEL IAPHRAGM II I I I I I I ill = 10' E ?I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN J O O U Z W > > O Lu U _J Q a Q ram^ v J m V) J Q ^: LL O LLJ 10: O O U W W F_ I SITE LAYOUT PLAN Job Number: 21070 zx of ERIC W. WOOLLEP A LIC. NO. 37088 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: 1"= 10' Sheet No.: C3.0 3 of 10 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering 20' WIDTH PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX 12" OUTFALL 1 0 PED INV OUT = 708.70 O° IIFH ® WN(X2) III v CONTRACTOR SHALL HAND -DIG AND TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONFLICTS PROPOSED NEW STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX TMP 56A2-01-15 TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DB 3406 PG 212 �15"CMP___— \ GRAVEL — DRIVE \ 128' - 12" HOPE STORM D _ — — RAIN — U OO WM \ BLS yyl�11�ST RT 69� J IF TMP 56A2-01-16A II THE SQUARE LLC IF DB 4708 PG 37 1 X S 7 06 _R I 185.5 I 85 � I II x x IF 0.46' SE / F �_ _ OF CORNER ENCE �� _ _ _ II k I 1 STONE 1 WALK X 1 1 I1 1 p 1 TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC I 4 1 g DB 5541 PG 360 I 1 Q / 0.80 AC DECK 41 1 a / a 1 � � J 1 4 I 1 / a PATIO a I ' � a ✓ �c ° �FU� 3 1 /a Q a E UGT T I 1 UGE 1 i N0 {�76/ \ r 4 / // I FFE- a 4 1 a 718.57 52 1 FFE- 1- 112 a 4 UGE S TOR Y I FRAME 8LDO. I I Q 1 1 NI 1 FFE 1 CRAWL SHED 715.07 1 / %%/% / FIFE A 1 % Z 718.36 .o' FFE- I J 1 715.94 GRAVEL I Q DRIVE n ell /'% %j'j/ a O 1 0 o I 6() 1 I STRUCTURE 3 24" BASIN WITH DOME GRATE 1 / TOP =714.50 I 1 INV OUT = 710.50 2 / INV IN = 710.50 STRUCTURE 2 ' 1 4' MH WITH DI-1 GRATE �� I TOP = 715.20 ' INV OUT = 709.80 I J INV IN = 709.90 ` ` �•.���.''.•.• 1 E .ftft� 65',6„', AT UG —� UGE \ — — �.�PERFpR 1 ED — I 5.4 - ` `' -E CITRIC ESMT. \ \I - \ 13F4-RG 739� GRAVEL 1 \ _ IF IF \ _ L1 CMP - \ INV-709.5' U P n IF 1 30n ■I �II�II�II�II■ CONTRACTOR SHALL HAND -DIG \ 3Dn AND TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONFLICTS \ H-20 LOAD RATED STORM STRUCTURE j LEGEND: SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: I \ CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) I CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION DI = DROP INLET --- 10- = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW ELEV = ELEVATION o = PROPOSED STORM PIPE EX = EXISTING FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION O = PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE HDPE = HIGH -DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV = INVERT I / LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE I SO = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN I I \ UGE 11� 3Dn 39n 15" CMP BURIED 19 IRI II II II II I I I I I I I I ill = 10' E ?I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN SITE UTILITY PLAN Job Number: 21070 TH OF VO ERIC W. WOOLLE; A LIC. NO. 37088 L o 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL S% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: V = 10' Sheet No.: C5e0 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering 5 of 10 E ?I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 Storm Drain Profile FINAL LO SITE PLANcq c o J N wCo O CL o U � Q Z W Length (ft) > > O Lu J U a Q LU In — J Q ^ LL LU/ � O 1� O O U x W W I F- J UTILITY PROFILES Job Number: Sight Distance Profile 21070 o TH OF t,, �. ERIC W. wooLLE� A LIC. NO. 37088 a Ao 12-14-2022 �ysn l ry ry �SSIONAL S�G Ln Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: LO Scale: V 10' Sheet No.: Note: See Layout Plan on Sheet C3.0 for Sight Lines C591 6 of 10 o Z EXISTING GRADE m o O N PROPO ED GRADE 720 ^ o �'; 720 10-YR STORM = + I� HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE 3 II w h o E CC _c � L (V N � 715 O -- --- — 715 Pipe 3: 66.62' - 6" PERFORATED O II W Pipe 2: 6 .03' - 12" HDPE @ 1.05% PVC UNDERDRAIN @ 0% 710 ��� Pipel:l28.74'-12"HDPE@0.87% 710 —.—.—.— — — — — —.— �p� 00 O n 00 II II II II II N co co 705 Q Q � � a 705 700 700 695 695 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 SCALES: 1" = 20' HOR 725.00 1" = 5' VER LINE OF SIGHT 725.00 � � o II N II + N EXISTING GRADE = 720.00 �" w N w 720.00 r Q w z Q w 715.00 _ ------ —� 715.00 — in 705.00 705.00 700.00 700.00 —3+00 —2+00 —1+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 copyright ©2022 by Woolley Engineering 10 CONCRETE CURBING a ASPHALT PAVEMENT O CO PRE-TREATMENT CELL SIDE SLOPE 1:1 SIDE SLOPES FILTER FABRIC #57 AGGREGATE (OFF-WHITE COLOR) TYPICAL GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM DETAIL N.T.S. 7- 0 FZ < w � w � OJ 6 w < m _ � O ww x� Q P Ln NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WITH A FLOW RATE OF > 110 GAL/MIN/SQ FT (GEOTEX 351 OR EQUIVALENT) e �S%i� -®SHWA Ii/n TYPICAL BIOFILTER CROSS—SECTION N.T.S. SIDE SLOPE EXCAVATION NEED NOT BE VERTICAL 6" SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN PIPE NOTE: SCH 40 PVC PIPE PREFORATIONS SHALL BE 3/8" PERFORATIONS AT 6" O.C. POST CONSTRUCTION BIOFILTER DRAINAGE AREA (TYP) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE = 0.47 AC. IF 1 X �_ -_ - S 7 06 " 85 . 5 _ � Pc II x- PC p I' Pc I p 1 STONE 1 WALK p I1 p II II IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER FF N E�_� R �X__ II x TMP 56A2-01-16A THE SQUARE LLC DB 4708 PG 37 Ic TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC 1 DB 5541 PG 360 p / 0.80 AC DECK 41 a / a 1 c � J 1 4 1 / c PATIO a I 4 a I ° a ✓ � a a �F 3 UGT Q a 44 GF UGE //S 4 I ����FFE - c 7T6.5� 762 FFE- ��ON__1-1 1�r4ft aft 1 FRAME BLp�GIN aft aft 1 _ FFE ■ 00 1 CRAWL 2 FFE- j LLJ 718.36 I o I TMP 56A2-01-15 TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DB 3406 PG 212 15" CMP -XV-708.5' GRAVEL — DRIVE UGE O WM I� TABOR s 1 V ARIABL� � Or , \ j NOTE: SEE SHEET C5.0 FOR STORM PIPE DETAILS SEE SHEET C5.1 FOR STORM PIPE PROFILES LEGEND: SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION DI = DROP INLET --- 0- = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW ELEV = ELEVATION o = PROPOSED STORM PIPE EX =EXISTING FFE =FINISHED HDPE FLOOR ELEVATION = HIGH -DENSITY POLYETHYLENE # O =PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE INV = INVERT LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SO = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN BIOFILTER - LEVEL 2 CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA (ACRES) 0.31 SIZING (FT2): DESIGN SURFACE AREAAGE 550 DEPTH STOR(FT): A: MEDIA DEPTH 3 B: GRAVEL DEPTH 1 C: SURFACE PONDING 1 EQUIVALENT TOTAL DESIGN STORAGE DEPTH 2.15IO ELEVATNS SOIL MEDIA - TOP 713.50 SOIL MEDIA - BOTTOM 710.50 GRAVEL LAYER - TOP 710.50 GRAVEL LAYER - BOTTOM 709.50 TARGET REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME Tv (FT') 906 1 1 1 I _ 1 1 A = 0.31 ac. C = 0.79 Tc = 5 min. CTRIC ESMT _ I(F \ U P I `�� ` n IF 30n I � Biofilter Maintenance and Inspection Schedule: ` 1. The Biofilter side slopes, and embankment, shall be mowed at least twice a year. Bare areas shall be reseeded and woody growth removed. \ 2. Debris and trash shall be removed at least once every two months and at ` times when accumulation prevents the structure from properly functioning. 3. Sedimentation deposition shall be continually monitored in the forebay and the basin. Any accumulation of sediment shall be removed. Disposal of sediment shall comply with Virginia Department of Health and State Regulations. 4. Inspections of the basin shall occur at least once a year for the following items: Visual Settlement, Cracking, Misalignment, Erosion, Adequate Groundcover, Trees or Shrubs, Rodent Holes, Seepage, Debris, Undercutting, Scour, and General Functionality. Any problems shall be repaired immediately. I I ft�SHED aft � I 1 I 1 1 I c I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 UGE 1 / I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 W , FFE- GRAVEL --215.94 1 DRIVE I Q o ,O 0) 1 \ I & Q � 1 p/ I I 1 I I 1 ; 1 UGE UGE I UGE �1 1 1 GRAVEL DRIVE 11 - IF CMP INV-709.5' \')� San San 15" CMP BURIED GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM 1,:» 1:�7\iw•Iq►1[�Igl�rir1117KLZii y►�L�1111J1i 550 SF LEVEL 2 BIOFILTER WITH UNDERDRAI (SEE L1.0 FOR PLANTING DETAILS) 10 II I I II II II II I I I I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN J O 0 'U^ Z W > O LU UCL, _J Q U� ) O � LLJ m v I ^ l_L Q L11 IL O LU J O � U W LU F J STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Job Number: 21070 TH op ERIC W. wooLLEP A LIC. NO. 37088 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL S% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: V 10' Sheet No.: C600 7 of 10 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering RESERVED PARKING STD. R7-8 HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGNS N.T.S. #4 REBAR STANDARD CG-2 (WHERE NO BACKFILL) rL PAVEMENZ 6° 3000 psi CONCRETE CONCRETE CURBING (CG-2 TYP.) Page 6H-54 September 2019 Typical Traffic Control Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.2) aulls Guidance: 1. Sign spacing distance should be 350'-500' where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less, and 50V-800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph. 2. Care should be exercised when establishing the limits of the work zone to insure maximum possible sight distance in advance of the flagger station and transition, based on the posted speed limit and at least equal to orgreater than the values in Table 6H-3. Generally speaking, motorists should have a clear line of sight from the graph ie lagger symbol sign to the flagger. 3. To maintain efficient traffic flow in a flagging operation on a two-lane roadway, the maximum time motorists should be stopped at a flagger station is 8 minutes for high volume roadways (average daily traffic of 500 or more vehicles per day) to a maximum of 12 minutes for low volume roadways (less than 500 vehicles per day). For additional information see Section 6E.07.' Standard: 4. Portable Temporary Rumle Strips (PTRS) shall be used as noted in Section 6F.99. 5. Flagging stations shall be located far enough in advance of the work space to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed andlor stop before passing the work space and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching opposing traffic (see Table 6H-3 on Page 611-5). 6. All flaggers shall be state certified and have their certification card in their possession when performing flagging duties (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for Flaggers). 7. Cone spacing shall be based on the posted speed and the values in Table 6H-4 on Page 6H-6.' 8. A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating, flashing, or' oscillating light shall be parked 80'-120' in advance of the first work crew. lion: 8. A SLOW (W21-V 10) sign' may be required in this area to give advance warning of the operation ahoad by slowing approachin traffic aftie prior to reaching the fla;ger station or queued traffic. Guidance: 9. If the queue of traffic reaches the BE PREPARED TO STOP (W3-4) sign then the signs, and if used the PTRS' should be readjusted at greater distances. 10. When a highway -rail crossing exists within or upstream of the transition area and it is anticipated that queues resulting from the lane closure might extend through the highway -rail grade crossing, the temporary traffic control zone should be extended so that the transition area precedes the highway -rail crossing (see Figure TTC-56 for additional information on highwa),-rail crossings). Standard: 11. At night, flagger stations shall be illuminated, except in emergencies (see Section 6E.08). lion: 12. Cones may be eliminated when using_a pilot vehicle operation or when the total roadway width is 20 feet or less. 13. Standard:' 14. When used, three portable temporary rumble (PTRS) strips shall be installed across the entire travel lane adjacent to the BE PREPARED TO STOP (NV3-4) sign. The portable tem porary rumble strips shall be monitored and adjusted as necessary during the work shift to ensure proper placement on the roadway. R'hen the PTRS are installed, the RUMBLE STRIPS AHEAD (iV20- V26) sign shall also be utilized. 1: Revision 1- 4/1/2015 2: Revision 2 - 9/1/2019 MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC PLAN VAN ACCESSIBLE STD. R7-8a AV EMENT 16" I NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH THE COLOR OF THE EXISTING CURBING. CONCRETE CURBING (CG-3 TYP.) N.T.S 4" CONCRETE 3000 PSI HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT LIGHT BROOM FINISH WWF6X6- W2.9 X W2.9 IDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN FINISH GRADE SLOPE e'P�--•�--,--- 4" III III- 4" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT #21-A COMPACTED SUBGRADE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION DETAIL m » 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT » SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS, MAX 6 O.C. EXPANSION JOINTS, MAX 30' O.C. September 2019 Page 6H-55 Lane Closure on a Two -Lane Roadway Using Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.2) GV3 MGM ar30 OVON 3HYt 3N0 i SAM r Weans dDig 01 038Vd3Nd -- 32 z oM m • m+ • 9'P 9'£'Z S310N 33S NOLIVIS H300Vl3 PTRS SPACING (CENTER TO CENTER) POSTEDISTAMORY SPEED LIMIT S40 MPH 10 FEET 41.55MPH 15 FEET > 55 MPH 20 FEET PTRS OPTIONAL nommomo 0 e • • • r + 004 ROADWAY CENTER LINE PTRS SEE NOTE 4 & 14 1: Revision 1-4/10115 2: Revision 2-9/1t2019 3: Revision 2.1-11/1R020 ENTRANCE SIGN DETAIL N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1. DETECTABLE WARNING TO BE PRE -FORMED PLASTIC INSERT WITH SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT IN LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. 2. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY TRUNCATED DOMES. TRUNCATED DOMES TO BE STAMPED IN TOP SURFACE. THE COLOR OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SECTION SHALL BE YELLOW. 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP FLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REQUIRED BARS. 4. IF RAMP FLOOR IS PRECAST, HOLES MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BARS SO THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES CAN BE CAST IN PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF PRECAST RAMP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-4. 5. REQUIRED BARS ARE TO BE NO. 5 X 8" PLACED V CENTER TO CENTER ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE RAMP FLOOR, MID -DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER 1 1 /2". CONCRETE CURBING (CG-12 TYP.) l t -_ G20-2 (V) - 500 ± 50' - 100' BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 - 80' - 120' SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIRED BUFFER SEE TABLE 6H-3 50' - 100' FLAGGER STATION SEE NOTES 2, 3,5 8 6 SEE NOTE 1 w2oa SEE NOTE 1 BE PREPARED W3-4 SEE TO STOP SEE NOTE 10 NOTE 1 RUMBLE STAIPs W20-V26 SEE ANEAs SEE NOTE 15 NOTE 1 ONE LANE W20-4 ROAD SEE AHEAD NOTE 1 ROAD �- WORK W20-1 AHEAD PLASTIC POST CAP (TYP) WELCOME TO LITTLE EXPLORERS DISCOVERY SCHOOL -WAY ►FFIC 4' 1' NOTE: PLYWOOD SIGN WITH POSTS SET IN CONCRETE 4"x4" TIMBER POST (TYP) - 6' SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY CURB- 2' SECTION A -A PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT R SECTION B-B B 5.5' ------------ 12:1 MAX. oe TYPE B PARALLEL #5 DOWELS, 8" LONG AT 12" C-C GENERAL: 1. THE PROJECT PARCEL IS A CORNER LOT LOCATED ALONG TABOR STREET AND HIGH STREET IN CROZET. THE PARCEL FRONTAGE AND THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT ARE ALONG TABOR STREET. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF ROAD IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG TABOR STREET (SMALL URBAN ROUTE 691) IN CROZET. 2. THE PROJECT LENGTH IS APPROXIMATELY 170 FEET ALONG THE TABOR STREET FRONTAGE. MILL AND REPAVE OPERATIONS WILL EXTEND FROM THE EXISTING EDGE OF ROADWAY TO THE ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE. APPROXIMATELY 1,910 SF OF EXISTING ROADWAY IS PROPOSED TO BE MILLED AND REPAVED. 3. A NEW LOW VOLUME COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE IS BEING PROPOSED ALONG TABOR STREET THAT WILL SERVE THE PROPOSED EXPANDED PARKING LOT. AN ANALYSIS HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND IT WAS DETERMINED THAT A RIGHT TURN LANE AND TAPER ARE NOT WARRANTED FOR THIS USE. 4. TRAFFIC ALONG TABOR STREET CONSISTS PRIMARILY OF LOCAL RESIDENTS. 5. THE EXISTING POSTED SPEED LIMIT FOR TABOR STREET IS 25 MPH.ALL EXISTING SPEED LIMITS ARE EXPECTED TO BE MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL (TTC) / MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC (MOT): 1. THE MAJORITY OF WORK WILL TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. LANE CLOSURES DURING CONSTRUCTION WILL AFFECT EXISTING TRAFFIC FLOW ALONG TABOR STREET DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. FLAGGING OPERATIONS ARE ANTICIPATED FOR THIS PROJECT AND SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA WORK AREA PROTECTION MANUAL, 2011 EDITION, (SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 REVISION). THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MEASURES SHALL BE USED: A. TTC-23.2 - ROAD CLOSURE ON A TWO-LANE ROAD USING FLAGGERS 3. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION PLAN: 1. PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNS (PCMS) SHALL BE USED TO NOTIFY THE TRAVELING PUBLIC OF ANY SUCH MAJOR TRAFFIC CHANGES 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE CHANGE. TRANSPORTATION OPERATION PLAN: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM VDOT WHEN A LANE CLOSURE IS PLANNED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE "REGIONAL TRAFFIC OPERATIONS CENTER" (RTOC) WHEN THE CLOSURE IS IMPLEMENTED, AND AGAIN WHEN IT IS REMOVED. THE RTOC WILL IN TURN PLACE THE INFORMATION INTO THE "511 VIRGINIA" TRAFFIC ALERT SYSTEM (A SERVICE OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC SYSTEM). 2. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 911. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF LOCAL NON -EMERGENCY NUMBERS: COUNTY FIRE: 434-296-5833 COUNTY SHERIFF: 434-296-5807 STATE POLICE: 434-293-3223 PROJECT PERSONNEL: TBD ENGINEER CONTACT: ERIC WOOLLEY, WOOLLEY ENGINEERING: 434-973-0045 INSPECTOR: TBD REGIONAL TRAFFIC OPERATIONS CENTER, SHIFT SUPERVISOR: 540-332-9500 VDOT DISTRICT PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER: LOU HATTER, 540-727-3201 3. ANY TRAFFIC INCIDENT (IF APPLICABLE) THAT OCCURS DURING THE LIFE OF THIS PROJECT WILL BE DISCUSSED BY THE CONTRACTOR, AND THE ENGINEER OF RECORD TO DETERMINE WHETHER ANY CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL ON THE PROJECT. TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE PLAN (TMP) GENERAL NOTES: 1. ANY REQUIRED LANE CLOSURES MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY VDOT. 2. LANE CLOSURES ARE ONLY PERMITTED ON TABOR STREET BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 AM TO 3:30 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. ALL AREAS EXCAVATED DEEPER THAN 2" (TWO INCHES) BELOW EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACE AND WITHIN THE CLEAR ZONE, AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKDAY, SHALL BE BACK FILLED TO FORM AN APPROXIMATE 6:1 WEDGE AGAINST THE PAVEMENT SURFACE FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. ALL COST PLACING, MAINTAINING, AND REMOVING THE 6:1 WEDGE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PRICE BID FOR OTHER ITEMS IN THE CONTRACT AND NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED. 4. TRAFFIC SHALL NOT BE STOPPED ON TABOR STREET FOR LONGER THAN FIVE MINUTES AT ANY TIME UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. TRAFFIC SHALL NOT BE DETAINED ON HIGH STREET AT ANY TIME, UNLESS DIRECTED BY VDOT. 5. LANE CLOSURES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ON HOLIDAYS, WEEKENDS, OR ON FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY-MONDAY SURROUNDING HOLIDAY WEEKENDS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY VDOT. 6. ANY CONTRACT ITEM(S) NOT SPECIFICALLY NOTED IN THE MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC MAY BE SCHEDULED FOR CONSTRUCTION AT THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION, AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 7. VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND CONNECTING STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. PROPERTY OWNERS SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY ACTIVITIES WHICH WOULD IMPEDE ACCESS TO THEIR PROPERTY. IN ALL CASES IN WHICH EXISTING OR ESTABLISHED TRAFFIC PATTERNS WILL BE DISRUPTED, THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOTIFY ALL AFFECTED RESIDENTS AND/OR BUSINESSES A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE ANTICIPATED DISRUPTION BY DISTRIBUTING DOOR-TO-DOOR NOTICES. NOTICES SHALL INCLUDE DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF THE CHANGES TO THE EXISTING TRAFFIC, FOR ALL TRAFFIC ENTERING AND EXITING THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. A COPY OF THE NOTICE SHALL BE FORWARDED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF WORK. 8. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE SET UP AND SPACED ACCORDING TO THE VIRGINIA WORK AREA PROTECTION MANUAL, 2011 EDITION, (SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 REVISION) 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL AS DIRECTED BY THE VDOT AND/OR THE ENGINEER SHOULD FIELD CONDITIONS WARRANT. 10. CONTRACTOR MAY REDUCE LANE WIDTHS TO 1 V MINIMUM DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS THAT ARE REQUIRED ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. PLASTIC POST CAP (TYP) LITTLE EXPLORERS DISCOVERY SCHOOL 4'x8' BUSINESS SIGN DETAIL N.T.S. A 5' -► ESTABLISHED 1989 NOTE: PLYWOOD SIGN WITH POSTS SET IN CONCRETE 1 B 1I 4"x4" TIMBER POST (TYP) TYPE C PARALLEL & PERPENDICULAR PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT 12:1 MAX _ 121 MAX cLe- 000000000000000°°°°O°O°°°°°°°°0°OO°OO°O°O°°O°°O°o° T I 50%-65% OF BASE DIAMETER TOP DIAMETER 0.9"-1.4" 1 BASE DIAMETER 02„ TRUNCATED DOME DETAIL 6 11.6"-2.4" v-C 0000000000 B 0000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000004 1 0000000000000000000 J- 0000000000000000000 1.6"-2.4" 0000000000000000000 2000000000000000000 C-C o0000000000000000000VARIABLE4'MIN. TRUNCATED 0.65" MIN. ~� PAY LIMITS A DOMES NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH THE DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL PLAN VIEW COLOR OF THE EXISTING SIDEWALK. E ?I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN O O 'U^ Z W > O LU _J aQ a `U ^^ v I L ® m (.0000) J Q ^ � LL 0 UJ/ 1� 1--_ 0 Z D 1 O Ir U X W LU GENERAL DETAILS Job Number: 21070 TH OF ERIC W. wooLLP A LIC. NO. 37088 I�OAA 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: V 10, Sheet No.: C700 N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S 8 of 10 PLANTING SCHEDULE (SEE BIOFILTER PLANTING SCHEDULE FOR BIOFILTER ONLY) SYMBOL SPECIES QTY. SIZE / NOTES 3.5" CAL. @ 30' O.C. D ACER RUBRUM (RED MAPLE) 1 STREET TREE (SEE BIOFILTER PLANTING SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL STREET TREES) O EUROPEAN HORNBEAM (CARPINUS BETULUS) 2 1-1/2" CAL. © DWARF FOTHERGILLA 23 18" HEIGHT @10' O.C. (FOTHERGILLA GARDENII) ® DWARF ENGLISH BOXWOOD "SUFFRUTICOSA') g 18" HEIGHT @ 6' O.C. (BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS O OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA 3 18" HEIGHT (HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA & CVS.) PERENNIAL PLANTING BED 220 SF wW = BIOFILTER PLANTING SCHEDULE SYMBOL SPECIES QTY. SIZE / NOTES • ACER RUBRUM (RED MAPLE) 3 3.5" CAL. @ 30' O.C. STREET TREES CW ILEX VERTICILLATTA (COMMON WINTERBERRY) 4 18" HEIGHT g F IRIS VERSICOLOR (BLUE FLAG) 8 1.5 Gal. JP EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM (JOE PYE WEED) 12 1.5 Gal. TREE CANOPY CALCULATIONS le In YRSI ISFC. 32 7 9AI SPECIES HEIGHT AREA/PLANT AREA/SPECIES ACER RUBRUM 20' 397 SQ. FT. 1,588 SQ. FT. CARPINUS BETULUS 20' 177 SQ. FT. 354 SQ. FT. TOTAL PROPOSED CANOPY 1,942 SQ. FT. (0.04 ACRES) EX. CANOPY (TO REMAIN INCLUDES PRESERVATION BONUS) 0.09 ACRES (0.07xl.25) TOTAL SITE TREE CANOPY @ 10 YRS 0.13 ACRES (1697OF SITE) REQUIRED CANOPY (SITE = 0.80 AC.) 0.08 ACRES PARKING AREA LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS PROPOSED PARKING SPACES 18 TREES REQ'D PER SPACE 1/10 TREES REQUIRED 1.8 = 2 TREES PROVIDED 2 MEADOW MIX: 3LB. LITTLE-BLUESTEM (SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM) 1 LB. BLACK-EYED SUSAN (RUDBECKIA FULGIDA'GOLDSTURM') 1 LB. WILD BURGAMOT (MONARDA STREET TREE CALCULATIONS (SEC. FISTULOSA) STREET FRONTAGE DISTANCE 185, TREES REQ D PER STREET FRONTAGE 1/50 TREES REQUIRED 3.7 = 4 TREES PROVIDED 4 PARKING AREA 9,970 SF MIN. LANDSCAPE P^R PARKING AREA A^%c 1 LB. BLUE -STEM GOLDENROD (SOUDAGO CAESIA) ADD FALL OR SPRING SEED TO MIX - DEPENDING ON TIME OF PLANTING LANDSCAPING WITHIN PARKING AREA (SEC. FALL- 1LB. LOLIUM MULIFLORUM & LOLIUM PERENNE SPRING - 1 LB. COREOPSIS TINCTORIA & RUDBECKIA HIRTA LEGEND: CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK DI = DROP INLET ELEV = ELEVATION EX = EXISTING FIFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION HDPE = HIGH -DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV = INVERT LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SD = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN (1) EUROPEAN HORNBEAM-CARPINUS BETULUS (1 - 1 /2" CALIPER) (3) OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA - HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA & CVS. (18" HEIGHT) PLANTING BED WITH PERENNIALS 220 SF AREA I IF 1 X_S 7 9. 06" E R 185.51, PC x x II x- PC p II 1 I p 1 STONE 1 WALK p I1 p TMP 56A2-01-16A THE SQUARE LLC DB 4708 PG 37 IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER FF N E�_� x- _ _ DECIDUO)S\ � X � 22" HOL %' ,12" HOL x c TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC 1 DB 5541 PG 360 Q / 0.80 AC DECK 41 I 4 1 / a PATIO a I 4 a 1 � a✓ �4 a_ �F� 3 30 1 Q a UGF UGT E STUMP d I 4 / /// 5 a 4 4 I FFE- a 4 a 718.57 762 I FFE- 1- 112 a STORY �. a FRAME BLDO. I CRAWL_ 2 / SHED , 715.07 / W ' N / i % �'. X 718.36 % FFE- /,/ // 715.94 % 12„ MAP 100/0 j® 10 DEC 1 J R' P L P�JPi . CW• �•�r.W 3„ RBUD BL) _ ��• ANO CTR 13b14 739 F GRAVEL `� -- IF --\- DRIVE IF RED MAPLE - ACER RUBRUM _ I ." STREET TREE ALIPER @ 30' O.C.) n \ 30n I i Landscape Notes: 7. Tree Wells 1. Marking When the ground level must be raised within the drip -line of a tree to be preserved and All trees to be preserved and protected shall be marked with paint or ribbon at a height protected, the plan shall show, identify, and provide a detail for a tree well. clearly visible to equipment operators. No land disturbing activity shall begin until the tree g. Tree Walls \ j SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: marking has been installed by the contractor and inspected and approved by the County Engineering Department. When the ground level must be lowered within the drip -line of a tree To be preserved and \ + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) protected, the plan shall show, identify, and provide a detail for a tree wall. 2. Equipment Operation and Storage NOTES: + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION 9. Trenching & Tunneling ALL LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING SHALL BE Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic, and the storage of construction materials and soil shall When trenching for any kind of underground water, sewer, electrical, cable, telephone, or MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY CONDITION BY THE --- 0- = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW not be permitted within the outside drip -line of trees to be preserved and protected. o =PROPOSED STORM PIPE other utility service is necessary within the limits of tree protection or beyond the limits of CURRENT OWNER AND REPLACED WHEN 3. Erosion Control Measures and r Management Facilities clearing, the separation from the trunks of trees shall maximized to the furthest extent NECESSARY. REPLACEMENT MATERIAL SHALL Temporary erosion control measurreses aannd//oor permanent stormwater management facilities Possible. Tunneling shall be required when deemed, by the County Engineer, that COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN. O =PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE locations shall be coordinated such That They shall not adversely affect trees to be trenching will significantly damage feeder roots of trees to be preserved and protected. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS / preserved and protected. Compacted UTILITY AND CONFIRM LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY 10. Damaged Trees & acted Root Zones g P LINES TO ENSURE NO CONFLICT WITH TREE I 4. Fires A. Any damage to the crown, trunk, or root system of any tree to be preserved and PLACEMENT. Fires shall not be permitted within 100 feet of The outside drip -line of trees To be preserved Protected shall be repaired immediately, in accordance with the practices in the Erosion and protected. & Sediment Control Handbook. Care for serious injuries shall be prescribed by a GROUNDCOVER SHALL BE GRASS OR MULCH professional forester or tree specialist. UNDER OTHERWISE SPECIFIED VEGETATION. 5. Toxic Materials B. Soils which have been compacted, over the root zones of trees to be preserved ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED PER THE Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the outside drip -line of trees To be and protected, shall be aerated by punching holes with an iron bar every 18" over the root SPECIFICATION OF PERMANENT SEEDING STATED preserved and protected. zone. The bar shall be driven 12" deep and moved back and forth in each hole until the ON ESI O UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. soil is loosened. 6. Protective Fencing ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE \ No land disturbing activity shall begin until the tree protective fencing has been installed 11. Removal of Temporary Protective Measures STABILIZED WITH A MEADOW MIX by the contractor and inspected and approved by the County Engineering Department. Tree protective measures shall be the Iasi of the temporary erosion control plan measures removed during the final clean-up \ 15 CHURCH 12 VARI R ABLE IyI�7�ST RT 69 j Roy 11f RCU IVIHrLC-/1L.CR RV DRVIVI STREET TREE (3.5" CALIPER) ENTRANCE SIGN GRAVEL DRIVE UGE --,----U T� IF UP w Z ■ii�ll�ll■ 7 3nn UGE a I a GRAVEL DRIVE I w ^ I � O 1 I w ^ ► a 15" BUI 1 1 1 I 1 I _ 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 / I® 1 I II I I II 6" MAP �12" PAR �12" DEC -6" DEC 6" PAR (DBL) -8" DEC -10" CED (2X) 5" DEC - 12" WAL 7" DEC 4" PAR N 1 rn I Q) - (� 1O PAR 0) I 1 , C3 z I I 8" MAP (DBL) � I 6" MAP 7" MAC I UGE II RCMP 4" R DB (TRPL) I INV-709.5' I 30n I (1) EUROPEAN H RNBEAM - CARPINUS BETULUS (1-1 /2" CALIPER) (7) DWARF E LISH BOXWO�JD - BUXUS SEMPE VIRENS "SUFFRUTICC (18" HEIGHT 6' O.C.) I (23) DWARF FOTHERGILLA - FOTHERGILLA GA DENII I (18" HEIGHT-2 ROWS STAGGERED 3' @ 10' O. .) I I 10 0 10 Cale: 1" = 10' uL�l� 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973,0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN J O O 'U^ v J Z W > O�J U CL,Q 2 ® LU I ' v^: LNL � LL O LU O O ^� 1� W LU - J LANDSCAPE PLAN Job Number: 21070 EETC W. wooLLEP II,4 -1c. NO. 37088 I�OAA 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL �% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: V 10' Sheet No.: L 1.0 9 of 10 copyright 0 2022 by Woolley Engineering ESX1 LED r�x Area Luminaire lag" Introduction The ESX LED area luminaire provides the combination of best product, best price and best -L _ delivery. ESX is ideal for one -for -one replacement Specifications F I of HID area lighting and provides up to 761/6energy EPA 0.40 W 10.04 m=) savings, long service life and fast payback. W The ESX1 delivers 8,000 to 25,000 lumens allowing Length: 19.9" (s0.s cm) it to replace 15OW to 40OW HID luminaires. All ESX Width: 12" (30.5 cm) luminaires feature adjustable light output, providing Height: 2.9° (7.4 cm) two light levels from one product, allowing greater flexibility in the field and on distributors' shelves. Weight: 11.2 Ibs (5.1 kg) REEMEW H All luminaires feature a reversible arm that allows for mounting on both round and square poles. Eight configurations of ESX1 luminaires are stocked in Acuity Brands distribution centers. Ordering Information ..' � � �iiYhTlfi� Lament Wms . .. , , , e 4000X ISOWto250W ESXI LEOP2 14,000 98W 8,000 50W type 120-277V ESXIIEOP240XR3MVOLTUPABLSODBXDIA2 '269PG3 00194994838302 400W ESXI LED P/ 253Nq 190W 21,000 146W rype3 120-277V ESXI LEDP440KR3MVOLTUPABLSDDBXDM2 1269PGB 00194994838340 347ASW ESXILEDP441MR3HVOLTUPABB09XDM2 '269W 00194994838364 Types 120-277V ESXI LED P440K RSMVOLTUPABLS DDBXDM2 '269PGG 00194994838418 347-480V ESX1 LED P4408 RS 11110H UPA BLS DDBXD M2 •269PGN 00194994838463 5000X ISWVt0250111! M1 LIM 14,000 98W 8,000 501111 Type3 120-277V ESXI 010250)(00011 UPA8151)D8)mM2 '269PGY 00194994SM55 40OW ESXI LEON 25,000 190W 21,000 146W Type 120-277V ESA LED P450X R3M IT UPA BLS DDBXDM2 '269ptn 0019094IM31 Types 120-277V ESX1 LED114SOXRS111VOLT UPABLSDDBXDM2 '269PH2 O0194994836518 Note: Luminaire ships set on high (mitchable to low). All luminaires feature adjustable light output, a reversible arm for mounting on round and square poles (drilling template 920) and dark bronze finish. The lumen output and input wens shown are nominal values. Refer to the lumens table on page 3 for specific values. Ac(essorles:Orderos repamterstakV number. Catalog Number Description OCode UPC ESXWBADDBXDU ESX WBAwall bracket, dark bronze finish '270SST D0194995092826 ESXIHSU ESX1 louse side shie14 dark bronze 0272VS8 00194995602926 Note: Accessories are ordered and shipped separately from the Luminaire. '. LIM01VIA One Lithoma Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone:1Xi 1-OW-7SER'V(7378) _ A10H7//VO. 02021 Acuity Brands fighting, Inc AX rights reserved. SITE LIGHTING CUTSHEET - FIXTURE "A" N.T.S. NOTE: ISMOUNTING HEIGHT uthonia ESXI Area LED Rev. OW7722 Page 1 of 4 I II p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 pSQUAB _.00 T P �6A2-Q1p 1 C � 00 P.00 p.00 P.00 0.00 'P.00 4J.00 0.00 I '0.00 .00 F 6 IF DB 4708 PG 37 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.oq D.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 nc��`CS 9°41'06» I E 785=�-- I p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.k0 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 `�Z.Ze.00 '0.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.0 0.00 p.00 II x x IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 A-00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 A �4�0 �.� - �0. o� p.00 p.00 'P.00 'P.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 'P 00 p.0 -P.00 4).00 .0.00 p.00 p.00 4).00 p.00 4).00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 4).00 4).00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 4).00 4).00 4).00 p.00 00 A00 P.(ko -oe. --�P_.00 4).00 g.00 .p. 0 4).00 �� 1 STONE p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 .00 " p.&'LK p.00 p.00 p.00 _A.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 X 0 p.00 j 4).00 .00 p.00 1 I I 1 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 A 0 p.00 p.0 p.00 p.0 p.00 1 p.00 p.00 0.00 TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC ! w 1 DB 5541 PG 360 p 0.80 AC p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 p.01 p.J 01 p.01 p.01 QE@K p.01 4 p.01 p.01 p 01 �.01 1 '0.01p.01 p.01 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 .0 p.00 p 00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 i a I J J I 1 X k 1 4).00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 4).01 p.01 p102 p.02 pXO1 .01 .01 4 p.01° /4 p,01 p. 1 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.00 p.00 p.00 p. 0 p.00 .00 p.0 '0.00 p.00 p.00 a PATIO a J 1 T / 4 a p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 0.01 0.02 4).02 Ip.03 0.03 p. 3 a 3 0"02 �D.02 4,0. 2 2 p.02 2 40.02Q 2 p.01 4).01 p.0t p.01 0.01 p.01 x01 p.00 p.00 f00 p.01 p.00 p.0 1 a J /° a4 4 I 7� 00 (�.00 (S.00 r1.01 r�.01 r�.03 r�.04 I 7� 06 r1.07 .0'7 .07 .07 )> 04 .03 .04 (� 04 (� 04 r1 03 7'1 03 r1 (� 02 (S.01 (�.01 (1 01 (1.01 (S.01 r1.01 (1 0 0(1.00 (S 0 Y N N '0 '0 N M I f' f' p / p f' N N f' f'• N N Y '0 - N I 'P Y f' Y c FFE- 4 � a 718.57 762 p.00 p.00 p.01 0.01 p.02 p.04 0.07 1 0.10 p.13 p.1 FFE- .15 0.13 p.12 p.10 p.09 p-tO12 AO 9 a 1 p.08 p.06 p.04 .4 p.0 p.02 p.01 kp.oi .01 p.01 .00 DRY 1 Q FRAME p.00 p.00 p.01 p.01 p.03 p.07 '0.111 p. .27 .33 p.34 p.34 p.18 p.19 P. p.21 p.17 p.14 p.12 0.07 p. 6 p 05 p.0 A02 k p.02 p.01 p.01 p.00 NI 1 FFE CO ' ''% 'i; CRAWL SHED 4.00 0.00 p.01 4.02 4.05 4.11 p.19 % 0.72 x% p.73 pAku•07 p.52 43 38 3 p.38 p.33 p. 21 P. .1 p.09 p., 7 46 4.03 4.02 4.01 p.01 Schedule Symbol Label QTY Catalog Number Description Lamp Lumens per Lamp ESXI LED P4 40K R5 LITHONIA ESXI LED LED 21,000 (30 A 2 MVOLT UPA BLS 4000 K, TYPE 5 DDBXD M2 DARK BRONZE FINISH NOTE: THIS LIGHTING PLAN DOES NOT INCLUDE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES LOCATED ATTACHED TO THE EXISTING BUILDING. X � ► �%%%%%% 718.36 X\� p.01 p.02 0.07 p.15 . _ 30 p.85 p.72 .77 p.85 p.86 .5 6 p.18 .12 p08 0.05 p.03 p.01 p.01 0 �I p.01 p.03 p.08 A I p.4 % %%'r �.15 p.9fFE- 9 p.50 AVEL' 34 .1 _f1 p20 p. 11 pp. '0.01p.0 .03 .01 GR DRIVE n p.00 p.00 p.01 p.04 p.09 p.25 I ,3.25 t3.98 j .71 J.29 A 5 p.32 � 14.16 p. 7 p.04 p 01 p.01 p.00 p.01 p.01 p.04 p. 1 0.28 p 6 ,4.47 5.6 g %/ j� �y�% � j, 7 p.e 0.20 .00.04 p.01 p.01 TMP 56A2-01-15 Q PED TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 j;j% I DB 3406 PG 212 / !:j%% j%01, 1 I _ _ ' j / p. p. 8 �.4 p.23 p.099 0.04 0.01 0.01 I- - - 15" CMP p.00 p.01 p.02 p.05 p.14 p 313 .11 �5.05 p.77 ; I U° rH --KV-708.5' --___ O b ® W�(X2) - - - _ _ _ _ GRAVEL p.00 p.01 0.02 .15 1�35 / �.04 .01 -�p. 1 cz4 \ - p.00 p.01 p.02 - p:0 _ p.15 Ip.34 p.61 •p.0 �.55 3.56 .77� 1.41 p.18 r�i.6� p.03� p.01 �.00 -1 '11 Q & 1 \ .00 2 D. 6 .1 1 .27 0.5 s'1 22 .66 I .34 O.1 ~ � .01 .00 WM \ p.00 p.01 .02 p.05 .10 1 p.20 �1.44 J.68 �.81 )8 0.56 1 0.29 p. 1 p.04 002 4).01 0.00 \ p.00 p.01 p.04 p.107 p.72 p. 4 ®s�.97 J. .97 0.88 p. p.74 (10.431 p.21 .08 p.03 .01 p.001 p.00 TABOR ABL L� tT��17 t� �.00 p.01 p.02 .3 � .4� \p.48 �5] p.50 ��/i��•p.48 p.72 p.85 p.50 p.219 p.15 p.06 p.02 p.01 p0 0 p.00 1 ill )T6 1L - R 1 - -\ I p.00 p.01 p.01 \ p. p. 17 p.21\ _,Q24 p. � �3� - p.22 p.24 _ 0.33 0.40 p.47 0.49 p.48 1 p. 9 p1.17 p.09 p.04 p.01 p.01 p1.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 p.02 p.02 0.03 p. �.04 11 D. p.10 - - �Q`0 p.1 1�1 \p.18 .21 p.23 - �Q.23 ji;f�A✓EL 15 p.09 p.0 p.02 p.01 p.01 p.00 p.00 � � DRIVE \� MI li -�� IF CMP I p.00 p.00 p.01 p.01 P.O1 n 1 0.01 p.02 0.02 p.02 p.03 \p.04 INV-709.5' lJ F p.0 .07 # )9 p.10 p.10 p.10" p.08 p.05 .03 p.01 p.01 p.00 I p.00 p.00 I \ � ■I II�II�II�I ■II■ p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 p.01 0.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 0.01 p.01 0.02 p.02 p.02 p.02- ` 0 .05 p.04 p.02 p.01 A. 1 p.00 p.00 p.00 15" CMP I j BURIED p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.01 p.01 0.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 '0 0t----_'�001 / p.02 p.02 0.02 p.03 p.02 0.02 p.01 p.01 .00 p.0 p.00 p.00 I I \ p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.01 p.00 p. 00 p.00 '0.00 I I I p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.QO p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.010 p 01 p.01 '0.01p.01 p.01 p.01 p.00 p.00 p.00 .00 p.00 p.00 1 pm p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 .00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 .00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 I 0.00 p.00 I I 00 10 0 30 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 '0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 p.00 0.00 p.OQ p.00 p.00 \00 p.00 p.00 p.00A AA I tale: 1" = 10' E I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (34) 973.004 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN I O O y rU^ v I Z W O�LU U�Q � C� = w Q � m Q ^ Lau ILL O OD O U W LU F- I SITE LIGHTING PLAN Job Number: 21070 OF ERIC W. WOOLLE; LIC. NO. 37088 s 12-14-2022 `J'ONAL E% Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: 1"= for Sheet No.: SU 00 10of10