HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202200072 Application 2022-12-29• • APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION 0 Request for a waiver, modification, variation or ❑ Variation to a previously approved Planned substitution permitted by Chapter 18 Development rezoning application plan or Code of Development OR ❑ Relief from a condition of approval Provide the following 1 copy of a written request specifying the section or sections being requested to be waived, modified, varied or substituted, and any other exhibit documents stating the reasons for the request and addressing the applicable findings of the section authorized to be waived, modified, varied or substituted. Provide the following 1 copy of the existing approved plan illustrating the area where the change is requested or the applicable section(s) or the Code of Development. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. 1 copy of a written request specifying the provision of the plan, code or standard for which the variation is sought, and state the reason for the requested variation. FEE = 523.12 Application $503 + Technology surcharge $20.12 Project Name: Little School Current Assigned Application Number (HS, HO, CLE, SDP, SP or ZMA) SDP202200028 Tax map and parcel(s): 56A2-01--16 Applicant / Contact Person Eric Woolley, PE Address 210 5th Street NE Daytime Phone# (434 ) 973-0045 Fax# ( Owner of Record Tabor Street School LLC Address 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Road Daytime Phone# (a3a ) 205-4177 Fax# ( City Charlottesville City Crozet State VA Zip 22902 Email ewoolley@woolley-eng.com State VA Zip 22932 Email littleexplore rsd i scovery@g mail. con County of Albemarle Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 7/1/2021 °= COUNTY OF ALB15WAITRLE APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGE If the person signing the application is someone other than the owner of record, then a signed copy of the "CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER" form must be provided in addition to the signing the application below. (page 3) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign By signing this application, I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner of the subject parcel(s) listed in County Records. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application, I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. dVw-�o A Ate) Signature of Owner / Agent / Contract Purchaser CA�Ti&ill�kv, Print Name FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPLICATION# By who? Receipt # II IlyI11 Dates L�3 y - 205 - H ki I Daytime phone number of Signatory Fee Amount S Ck# Date Paid By Revised 7/12021 •III; ■■Wa APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form must accompany this zoning application if the application is not signed by the owner of the property. I certify that notice of the application for, [Name of the application type & if known the assigned application #] was provided to [Name(s) of the record owners of the parcel] the owner of record of Tax Map and Parcel Number by delivering a copy of the application in the manner identified below: nHand delivery of a copy of the application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on Date EMailing a copy of the application to [Name of the record owner if the record owner is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity] on Date to the following address [Address; written notice mailed to the owner at the last known address of the owner as shown on the current real estate tax assessment books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. Signature of Applicant Print Applicant Name Date Revised 7/1/2021 December 14, 2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Rebecca Ragsdale, Planning Manager County of Albemarle, Virginia From: Mr. Eric Woolley, PE Woolley Engineering Regarding: Little Explorers Discovery School (TM 56A2 P 01--16) Special Exceptions Narrative This memo supports our requests for special exceptions to Albemarle County Code Section 18 for two (2) design elements proposed within the final site plan submission for the Little Explorers Discovery School in Crozet. The 0.80 acre parcel is located at 5762 Tabor Street in Albemarle County and is located in the White Hall magisterial district. The recently renovated structure on the property was previously a single-family residence and was built in 1940. The Little Explorers Discovery School is a by -right use located within the Downtown Crozet District (DCD). The existing structure is currently in use as a pre-school and only exterior building site improvements are being proposed with the current site plan. The site improvements include a larger parking area, sidewalks, stormwater management, site lighting and landscaping. The rear yard of the property is a fenced in area that the school utilizes for outdoor activities. The school feels it is safer for the school children to play in the back yard away from the street due to the double frontage of this corner lot. The back of the existing structure is outside of the limits of disturbance for this project. The front porch of the existing structure is located approximately one hundred (100) feet from the edge of the existing roadway. Special Exception 91 for a Narrower Vehicle Travelwav Width than Allowed by County Code Chapter 18, Section 4.12.16 Sec. 4.12.16 - Minimum design requirements and improvements for parking spaces within parking areas or parking bays. c. Minimum parking space size. Parking spaces shall be minimum sizes, and have the minimum aisle width, provided below: WOGLLEY ENGINEERING 210 5th Street NE (434) 973-0045 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING 3. Angled parking. For angled parking, the minimum space and aisle widths shall be: ANGLED PARKING DIMENSIONS —ONE WAY CIRCULATION ANGLE (DEGS.) AISLE WIDTH STALL DEPTH WIDTH LENGTH A B E F G H I 60 16 20.1 9 18 4.5 10.4 35.7 36.1 56.2 87.8 107.9 The existing parking is located in the front of the building and the proposed plan is for the parking to remain in the front of the building since the rear yard is utilized for school activities. There are two locations on the site plan where the proposed vehicle access aisle is narrower than allowed by County Code Chapter 18, Section 4.12.16. Justification for each instance that will require a special exception for a narrower drive aisle than allowed by County Code are as follows: A one-way circulation drive aisle with sixty (60) degree angled parking is being proposed. The entrance drive aisle is fourteen (14) feet in width and the drive aisle closest to the building is fifteen (15) feet in width. The proposed curbing is VDOT standard CG-3 (a mountable curb). The mountable curb allows for less restriction of movement for emergency vehicles to navigate the site. Woolley Engineering staff had an on -site visit with Albemarle County Fire & Rescue (ACF&R) to determine if the proposed drive aisles were safe to maneuver in the event of an emergency. A fire truck turning wheel path site plan exhibit was presented to ACF&R to demonstrate the feasibility of maneuverability through the site. ACF&R has stated they are satisfied with the proposed design which includes narrower drive aisles in two locations. The school desires to have a stormwater management facility on -site to be used for both satisfaction of State requirements and as an educational tool for their students. Due to site topography the only location for a stormwater management biofilter is in the front of the property near the existing right-of-way. The required drive aisle width for one-way circulation angled parking spaces creates a hardship for the site and will potentially remove the ability to have a stormwater management facility on -site. Special Exception #2 for a Narrower Sidewalk Width than Required by County Code Chapter 18, Section 20B.7.A. Sec. 20B.7 - Sidewalks and street trees. For each development requiring approval of a site plan under section 32 of this chapter, sidewalks and street trees in the DCD shall be provided as follows: A. Sidewalk design. Each sidewalk proposed to be accepted for maintenance by the Virginia Department of Transportation shall be designed and constructed according to Virginia Department of Transportation standards or to the standards in the design standards manual, whichever is greater. Each sidewalk proposed to be privately maintained shall be constructed using concrete, designed so that no concentrated water flow runs over them, and otherwise satisfy the standards in the design standards manual. Each sidewalk on WGGLLEY ENGINEERING Crozet Avenue, Three Notckd Road and the street identified in the Crozet master plan as the new Main Street shall beat least ten feet wide. All other sidewalks shall be at least eight feet wide. See Figure 9. D. Waivers from sidewalk and/or street tree requirements. In accordance with the procedures stated in subsection 20B.3(I), the agent may waive the requirements for a sidewalk and/or street trees where the developer demonstrates that: (i) either the Virginia Department of Transportation prohibits establishing sidewalks and/or planting street trees or existing utility easements prohibit establishing sidewalks and/or planting street trees; (ii) there are unusual physical conditions on the lot or an adjoining lot including, but not limited to, the location of existing structures and parking areas, steep topography or other environmental features, the narrowness, shallowness, size or shape of the lot, or the width or alignment of the existing sidewalk, that make it impossible or unfeasible to provide the required sidewalk and/or street trees as provided insubsections20B.7(A) and (C); or (iii) the strict application of the requirements of subsections20B.7(A) and (C)would not further the purposes of this chapter or the DCD or otherwise serve the public health, safety, or welfare or achieve the goals established in the comprehensive plan. County code Chapter 18, Section 20B.7.A for Downtown Crozet District requires an 8' width sidewalk along Tabor Street and High Street. Through discussions with County staff it was brought to our attention that a sidewalk study was prepared for the County by Kimley-Hom in 2019 for Tabor Street. The result of the study is a plan titled "Tabor Street Sidewalk Plan" which calls for 6' sidewalk along Tabor Street in the vicinity of the subject property. The plan also shows the termination of the sidewalk at the intersection of Tabor Street and High Street with no connection or proposed sidewalk along High Street. The County has expressed to the school a desire to adhere to the "Tabor Street Sidewalk Plan" as it relates to our project. County staff correspondence via email from October 18, 2022 stated that staff was in agreement not to require extending sidewalk improvements along High Street and that the sidewalk would only be required on the school's property. The existing topographic condition of the right-of-way fronting High Street along the 5757 Tabor Street property is a steep slope that is populated with established trees that would be impacted by a new sidewalk in that location. We are asking for a special exception to allow the sidewalk along Tabor Street to closer match the "Tabor Street Sidewalk Plan" instead of the required zoning ordinance. The proposed sidewalk is 6' in width and will terminate at the existing right-of-way prior to High Street. I hope that this narrative, in combination with the attached site plan sheets have provided adequate information to grant the above listed special exception. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Eric Woolley, PE Attached: (1) Electronic PDF copy of Special Exception Exhibit Cc: Christi Gillette, Executive Director, Little Explorers Discovery School 3 20' WIDTH PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX IF S 7 0 6 0� I 85 . 5 � Pc II x— PC p II I O 1 STONE 1 WALK �C O I1 O TMP 56A2-01-16 TABOR STREET SCHOOL LLC 1 DB 5541 PG 360 0.80 AC 5.5' WIDTH CONCRETE SIDWEALK DECK ° J 4 4.. J / VDOT STANDARD CG-3 CONCRETE CURBING 1 X 4 I 4 4 1 ° PATIO I 4 a x 4 1 a/ _4 4 a� 3 I HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN (SEE SHEET C7.0) 1 J 4 J ° 4 � k a I 1 4 I I 4 FFE- ./� ° a J° 4 / PAINT STRIPING (TYP) a 718.57 T/' 5 %62 x FFE- 1-112 ° 4 I ISTORY / FRAME BLDo I EX. PERGOLA OVER GROUND -LEVEL 8'x24' WOODEN DECK LED SHOE -BOX LIGHT FIXTURE SEE SL1.0 FOR DETAILS ENTRANCE SIGN STATING ONE-WAY TRAVEL CIRCULATION SEE C7.0 FOR DETAILS PROPOSED NEW STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT INST #2022-XXXX TMP 56A2-01-15 1 Q PED TABOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH y DB 3406 PG 212 f _ 15" CMP O° rH —-KV-708.5' 1 ® W�/(X2) — — — — GRAVEL DRIVE ....................:. SIGHT \ — — — DISTANCE 205 FT. — — (SDR _ — — 1 .............. � — .................... O® WM ................ i.............. \ IF I V`�RO STR��T BLS y�rl�7�ST RT 691 Roy LEGEND: CO = CLEAN OUT CONIC = CONCRETE CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK DI = DROP INLET ELEV = ELEVATION EX = EXISTING FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION HDPE = HIGH —DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV = INVERT LP = LIGHT POLE PVC = POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SD = STORM DRAIN TYP = TYPICAL YD = YARD DRAIN PROPOSED NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE SYMBOLS AND LINTEYPE KEY: + 4XX.XX = EXISTING ELEVATION (TO REMAIN) + 4XX.XX = PROPOSED ELEVATION 10- = DIRECTIONAL FLOW ARROW o = PROPOSED STORM PIPE O= PROPOSED STORM STRUCTURE UP o FFE CRAWL 715.07 cP, 768 FFE- 718.36 TMP 56A2-01-16A THE SQUARE LLC DB 4708 PG 37 II II IF 0.46' SE OF CORNER FF _� N E� k X_� x 1Polo OAF VZO STORM TURE j 6' i ONCRETE SIDEWALK VDOT STANDARD CG-2 CURBING �— VDOT STANDARD CG-12 RAMP TRANSITION FROM VDOT STANDARD CG-2 CURBING TO VDOT STANDARD CG-3 CURBING SIGHT DISTANCE LOCATION STORM STRUCTURE HATCHED AREA DENOTES APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF MILL & REPAVE EXISTING ROAD 12 FFE- - 715.94 SHED i 1 1 GRAVEL DRIVE IF �1 INV-709.5' �-15° CMP BURIED 4' x 8' BUSINESS SIGN SEE C7.0 FOR DETAILS ' SIGNT p/STq�CF GRAVEL •. DIAPHRAGM BIOFILTER PRE-TREATMENT CELL LEVEL 2 BIOFILTER (SEE SHEET C6.0 FOR DETAILS) I I I 1 I 1 Iw 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 / I 165 SF WO, OUTDOOR PAVILION 1 I HATCHED A EA DENOTES A PHALT PAVEMENT LED SHJITUREX -BO LIGHT FSEE SL1.0 F DETAILS I I �q W � I I I II 2' LONG TAP FOR CG-3 II TO MEET ASP ALT ELEVATION N EACH SIDE OF GRAVEL IAPHRAGM II I I I I I I ill = 10' E ?I 0 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 210 5th Street NE Charlottesville= Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner: Tabor Street School LLC 1870 Beaver Creek Mountain Rd. Crozet, Virginia 22932 FINAL SITE PLAN J O O U Z W > > O Lu U _J Q a Q ram^ v J m V) J Q ^: LL O LLJ 10: O O U W W F_ I SITE LAYOUT PLAN Job Number: 21070 zx of ERIC W. WOOLLEP A LIC. NO. 37088 12-14-2022 G ►ZONAL Date: December 14, 2022 Revision: Scale: 1"= 10' Sheet No.: C3.0 3 of 10 copyright © 2022 by Woolley Engineering LEGEND EXISTING R/W PROPOSED R/W EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW PAVEMENT MILL AND OVERLAY STON RETAINING WALL JO R MAIN E� Siwl�ww. EXISGTDIyNG POEWER POLE JO BE AMATED -p TO CURB INR� f INLET ROUTE 691 (TABOR STREET) 7' ER $ 1 PROPOSED R W FSE PROPOSED 1.5FLEXIBIE R/W GR ONE PAVEMENT AN/NG ft DEM EXIST. EXIST. a 6 � _ AO' rA Al Tabor Street Si dewal k Albemarle County I �� rAo 0SfR EA$£. PROP. R/W 15, C0NC- milli lill NOT TO SCALE ROUTE 691 (TABOR STREET) R 1 0 SEI 1 FLEXIBLE Pof0 DEP R OJLINNEVLI. EXIST. EXIST. MEMO] FCPROP. TEMP. �ONSTR. ASE.ZR PROP. PEERM. DRAINAGE EASE. PROP. TEMP. CONSTR.EASE.� .EAS PROP.R/W -\ — W W 1 .W I --------- 1 PROP. RETAINING J WALL ROUTE 1204 (HIGH STREET) PROPOSED 1 t R I.SFLEXIBtE PR D WALL GRADE PAVEMENT PTH GRADE axpD VAR. DEPTH LINE OVERLAr EX/5T, EXIST. w1i NP.TE A STR.ESE.� a wl1 Kimley>»Horn PROP.R/W •w--- mL.ASHPALT PRELIMINARY THESE PLANS ARE UNFINISHED AND UNAPPROVED AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OR THE ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF WAY. SCALE 0 50' 100.