HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP000000285 Action Letter 1991-04-05 4 . , COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5823 April 5, 1991 Oliver Kuttner Route 13, Box 62 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Pegasus Motorcar Company at Pantops Dear Oliver: I have forwarded a copy of your letter regarding the plans for expansion of your facility. In response to your effort to plan ahead for this project I am enclosing material regarding the necessary County approvals which you will need. In October, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Entrance Corridor Overlay District regulations and both Route 250 East and Route 20 North were designated as Entrance Corridor streets. As a result, it appears you will need a special use permit for your expansion (Section of the Zoning Ordinance), site plan approval, and Architectural Review Board approval. At this time the Architectural Review Board is offering to meet with applicants in an informal worksession/preliminary conference. I have enclosed a checklist of the items you would need to provide for this preliminary conference. If you have specific questions regarding the Architectural Review Board, please contact Yolanda Lipinski in our department. If you will be able to provide all the necessary materials for the site plan and building plan applications, we will do our best to review all of them concurrently and make the process as efficient as possible. If you would like a meeting to discuss the impending review of this project, I will be happy to coordinate it for you. Sincerely, Richard E. Tarbell Planner RET/blb cc: Bill Tucker wirrt r'° I t' _ )h LIAR 19 1991 PEGASUS MOTORCAR COURANT PLANNING DIVISION Aup 3//fh To: The Department of Transportation of Virginia 14 2 ,( and The County of Albermarle Planning Comission �'` '�- "'`' Dear Sirs, last fall I was aproached by your representatives and told that the Route 250 as it passes by my lot will be widened. As I can understand that progress has its drawbacks and benefits, I see a serious conflict arising from this project. It was my understanding that the widening would have no permanent effect on my business and propperty. You would require me to move my cars back for some time and would reimburse .me for the inconveniences incured thereby. I am generally not in favor of having a construction' site in my front lot and having the resulting trafic , cleanup and possible damage . The real problem that may emerge is of somewhat different nature. I believe that it can be solved easily for all partie ' s benefit if we togeather go to work on it right now . Having seen the recent emergence of litle markers on my lawn I recognize the problem. It is my plan to expand this dealership to house a seperate showroom facility for BMW. This is a condition I agreed to when I agreed to buy this franchise in the spring of 1990 . I have until 1993 to do the neccessary modifications. If I do not comply I may loose my franchise. The idea is to add a two level showroom that goes along the highway with the second floor facing the highway on level with the highway. The lower floor being level with the present showroom and facing the south side of that showroom. Between the two .showrooms there is to be a courtyard area that features the old Dogwood tree that has been there for years in the center and has a walkthrough area with possible offices along the eastern property line where my property joins the New York Carpet World. facility. This walkthrough would conect the two showrooms. Building such a facility would very much increase the cosmetic appeal of our facility and would enhance the apearance of the Route 250 area. signifficantly. In addition this is a requirement for me to continue to have .my BMW franchise. Route 250 East at Pantops • Route 13, Box 62,Charlottesville,VA 22901 • Telephone (804) 977-6060 • -4111* - . IPIEGASUS MOTORCAR COMPANY !,I AuoI 3A0/ A From the flags that have been posted it is obvious that someone plans to do something with some of my land that is earmarked for this purpose. As an architect friend explained to me the conflict seems to be limited to a conflict with the VEPCO and Centel lines. What we must do to save expense for both parties involved is to coordinate this construction such that we do not have to redo any of each other' s work. It is important that the lines are placed far enaugh to the south of my propperty line that they do not interfere with my building or that they are laid deep enaugh that they are under it. Though I had not intended to start construction with my•.project until next year I believe that it would be best if-I,.move my scedule ahead and that we do the construction at the same time , at least to the extend that I build the backwall of my building and the level for the floor of the lower floor of the new showroom ( i .e . the foundation) at this time . It spears also that if I build this after the widening 'of the road my construction would interfere with the road , and would cause unneccessary trafic and cost problems. All in all I am actually looking forward to this project as I hope that in the process of widening the road the run-off problem from the road will be stopped. At the present layout about half of the run-off from the mountain' s storm sewer runs into our yard and causes regular floods in our showroom. I would apreciate it if I could be informed about the exact plans including time-scedule on this construction and if perhaps the designers of the storm sewer could contact me thus that we can rectify the old problem. Under no circumstance should the construction start until we have addresed this problem. I apreciate your cooperation and am waiting to hear from you looking forward to solving this problem for all our best results. I will be in Europe from 3/21 to 4/4 . Please contact Mr. Tucker if time is of the essence. (Tel . : 973 7474 ) sincerely Oliver Kuttner cc Mr. Bill Tucker Route 250 East at Pantops • Route 13, Box 62,Charlottesville,VA 22901 • Telephone (804) 977-6060 • ‘4,c/ OF ALBE.�I co ,. Planning Department JOHN L. HUMPHREY COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING JOSEPH M. GOLDSMITH COUNTY PLANNER CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR • June 27, 1972 Re : Planning Commission Action • Dear Mr. Burke: • This is to inform you that the Albemarle County Planning Commis- UWWW sion at their meeting June 26, 1972 approved the site plan for Porsche-Audi Dealership on Route 20 North at 250 with the following conditions : recommendations of Site Plan Coordinating Committee Sincerely , hn L . Humphrey County Planner JLH: lp CHARLES WILLIAM HURT, M.D. U. S. ROUTE 29, NORTH C HARLOTTE S VILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 PRESIDENT AREA CODE 703 VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY OP CHARLOTTESVILLE,INC. TELEPHONE 973-5381 June 26, 1972 John C. Humphrey, County Planner County of Albemarle County Office Building Charlottesville, VA 22901 Re : Site Plan for Porsche-Audi Dear John, Mr. Bailey has suggested that the two parking areas on the Porsche-Audi site plan be connected. In a telephone con- versation with Mr. Bailey I found out that he had understood that the Porsche would be in the lower sales area and Audi in the upper sales area which should be connected. This is not the case, but rather Porsche-Audi is one dealership using the lower sales area, another dealership or business would be using the upper sales area , and there would be little need for the two areas to be connected. I hope this meets with your approval. If there is any other information I can give you, please call. Best regards, )/(M44/ R. Frank Burke Project Manager RFB/lrf i uyc v i ft June 2e, 1972 This was a regular meeting of the Albemarle County Planning Commission held on Monday, June 2e, 197c at 7:30 p.m. in the Circuit Court Room. The following members were present: Messrs . Catlin, Carr, McClure, Tinsley, Staley, Sams, and Roudabush and Mrs. Craddock. Mr. Parks was absent. The ' Chairman established that a quorum was present. The minutes of June 5, 1972 were approved with corrections as noted below: 1 . Under Item 3 with reference to SP-173 indicated that a condition of approval was "the land is to be cleaned and reseeded after completion of the project. 2. Un the last page, with reference to Quandary Farms indicate that Mr. McClure excused himself from discussion of and did not participate with the Commission on this matter and indicate that with the consensus of the Commission Mr. Roudabush instructed the applicant to present methods to insure proper maintenance and control of any restricted road by the potential owners of lots in Quandary Farms. At this time the Chairman asked for direction from the Commission regarding limiting debate on matters before the Commission to prevent repetition and extend the meeting hours. He also indicated a desire to prevent lengthy discussion on matter by the Commission with action being somewhat stalmated. The Commission indicated a desire to prevent repetition and to shorten the meetings. In addition, they felt that when there was doubt as to possible action on a matter it should be deferred for field inspection or study PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 . ZMP-229. Lester R. Terry, Charles S. Terry and Lester B. Terry. To rezone 57. 1 acres from A-1 Agriculture to RS-1 Residential . Property is situated on north side of Route 649, across from "Jef- ferson Village Subdivision. " Property is described as Tax Map 32, Parcel 25 and 25D. Rivanna Magisterial District. The staff presented his report indicating the request generally complied with the Comprehensive Plan. A representative of the applicant presented the petition stating the staff had sufficiently covered the facts involved in the petition . raye ocu Upon completion o he Commission discussion, Mr. 1,arr moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. McClure. The motion for approval carried by 4 a unanimous vote. 2. ZMP-231 . Elliott Hyman. To rezone 32.0 acres from A-1 Agriculture to R-3 Residential . Property is situated on east side of Route 29 North immediately south of the North Fork of Rivanna River inter section with Route 29. Property is described as Tax Map 32, Parcel 5A, Rivanna Magisterial District. The staff presented his report indicating a recommendation of denial . Mr. Eaton Brooks , attorney for the petitioner, presented the petition stating that the applicant's desir to construct one 10 unit structure in lieu of which he fdlt was more 10 individual structures aas in character with the land. He requested that the Commission visit the site before taking any action. Mrs. Lovelace appeared in opposition to the request stating the R-3 was out of character with the area. Water is available. After a discussion by the Commission, Mr. Roudabush moved to defer action pending a field visit to the site. Mr. Carr seconded the motion which was approved by a unanimous vote. 3. ZMP-234. W. I. Mawyer. To rezone 4.42 acres from A-1 Agriculture to R-3 Residential . Property is situated on east side of Route 29 South at North Garden. Property is described as Tax Map 98, Parcel 10, Samuel Miller District. The staff presented his report indicating a recommendation of denial . Mr. Mawyer presented the petition. There was some problem in determining what was involved relative to the proposed division of land, if the request were granted. Upon motion by Mr. Roudabush , seconded by Mr. Carr and approved unanimously, this petition was deferred pending a field trip to the site and a plat being submitted indicating the desire of the applicant. 4. SP-175. William Stevenson. To enlarge an existing mobile home park known as "Greenfields . " Property is situated adjacent to existing mobile home park, located at the terminus of "Greenfields Court," steming from Route 031 (Rio Road) . Property is described as County Tax Map 45, Parcel 94 ( a part thereof containing 6 acres) , Charlottesville Magisterial District. Page 621 The staff presented his report indicating a need for recreation facilities noting that the mobile home park would be served by County water and met the minimum requirements for mobile home parks . After a discussion by the Commission relative to provision for recreation, Mrs . Craddock moved for approval , subject to the following conditions: Health Dept. approval for septic tank systems , service by County water, and ample play area on site to the satisfaction of the County Planner. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tinsley and approved by the unanimous vote of the Commission. 5. SP-184. Boar's Head Club, Inc. To locate a swim and tennis club on 6.0 acres situated on the south side of Route 250 West on land known as "Greencroft." Property is described as County Tax Map 58, Parcel 91A and 91B (part thereof) , Samuel Miller Magisterial District. The staff presented his report stating the proposal met the minimum zoning requirements and a recommendation of a deacceleration lane at the entrance and Highway Dept. approval of an entrance permit and Health Dept. approval of facilities relative to septic tank disposal system. Mr. Tremblay, Attorney, presented the petition. Several persons appeared to voice opposition relative to noise and traffic hazards . Those appearing in opposition were: Mr. Harper, Albert B. Graves , Grace Whitely, Mr. Grove, Mr. Ed. Smith. Several other persons also spoke. Those appearing generally in favor of the request were: Mr. Jack Taggart and one adjoining property owner. After a discussion by the Commission, Mrs. Craddock moved to defer action pending a field inspection of the site. This was seconded by Mr. Tinsley and unanimously adopted. b. SP-185. Kenneth G. Maupin. To expand an existing General Store Property is situated on west side of Route 29 North just south of the intersection of Route 29 North and Route 649. Property is described as County Tax Map 32, Parcel 43, Charlottesville Magisterial District. The staff pr-,-ated his report calling for the following items : marked parking spaces on site for 21 vehicles, a deacceleration lane with Highway Dept. approval and Health Dept. approval with reference to needed septic tank facilities. Mr. Maupin presented his peltion, stating a need for expansion to serve the growth in the area. Mrs . Lovelace spoke to traffic problems and access. The Commission discussed the traffic and access situation after which it was the consensus of the Commission that action be deferred pending a site inspection. SITE PLANS At this time the Chairman called for review of scheduled site plans. 1 . Porsche-Audi Dealership - Route 250 West at Route 20. The staff informed the Commission that the site plan contained all recommendations of the Site Plan Committee with the exception of the soil erosion preventive measures. The site plan was approved unanimously as submitted with the provision of compliance with the recommendations of the Health Dept. and area conserva- tionist relative to soil erosion preventive measures . 2. Snappys Photo Unit - Shell Oil - Greenbriar Drive at Route 29 North The staff stated that the site plan contained all recommendations of the Site Plan Committee The Commission approved the site plan unanimously as submitted subject to Highway Dept. approval for entrance from Greenbrier Drive. AMEND MENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE At this time the Chairman called for the public hearings initiated by the Planning Commission. 1 . Proposal to provide for "bulk storage of materials" within the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The Commission, at the completion of a discussion relative to appropriate place within the ordinance, approved unanimously to include "bulk storage of fertilizer and related agriculture storage of mu—cial " in the B-1 Business and A-1 Agriculture zones under the Special Permit sections . The motion was made by Dr. Sams , seconded by Mr. Carr. 2. Proposal to amend Articles 6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (R-3 Residential zone) to provide for Site Plan review and approval by the County Planning Commission. The staff presented appropriate working for discussion by the Commission. Upon completion of the disucssion, as to the merits for the need of such an amendment, Mr. Carr moved to include the following provision , to be identified as Article 6 - 9 "Additional Requirements for Permitted Uses" which was seconded by Mr. Roudabush and unanimously approved. 0-9 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITTED USES 0-9-1 Before a building permit shall be issued Or construction commenced on apartments or other rental units in this district, or a permit issued for a new use, the plans , in sufficient detail to show the proposed structures including any enclosure or fence, the land- scaping and the operations and processes to be conducted on the premises, shall be submitted to the zoning administrator for study. The administrator shall , together with his written recommendation, refer these plans to the Planning Commission for their recommenda- tion. Modifications of the plans may be required. o-9-2 Landscaping may be required within an established or required front setback area. The plans and execution must take into consideration traffic hazards . Landscaping may be permitted up to a height of three (3) feet within fifty (50) feet from the corner of any inter- section streets . o-9-3 Sufficient area shall be provided (1 ) to adequately screen permitted uses from adjacent residential districts and (2) for off-street parking of vehicles incidental to the rental property. 0-9-4 Automobile graveyards and junkyards in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance are to be conisdered as nonconforming uses. They shall be allowed up to eighteen (18) months after adoption of this ordinance in which to completely screen, on any side open to view from a public road, the operation or use by a masonry wall , a uniformly painted solid board fence, an evergreen hedge, or such other fencing or screening as the Planning Commission shall recommend in order to effect the purposes of this ordinance. 0-9-5 The administrator shall act on any application within thirty (30) days after receiving the application. If formal notice in writing is given to the applicant, the time for action may be extended for an additional thirty (30) day period. Failure on the part of the administrator to act on the application within the established time limit shall be deemed to constitute approval of the application. SUBDIVISION PLATS At this time the Commission discussed a preliminary plat presented by the staff indicating a need for additional information regarding the plat and a desire to see a better arrangement of lots behind the road frontage lots. Staff was instructed to inform the application of the Commission position. All deferred cases are to be rescheduled for July 10, 1972. The Chairman at this time asked for the consensus of the Commission in directing him to request the Board of Supervisors to instruct the Planning Staff to set as top priority, the readiress of the revised zoning , site plan and subdivision ordinances for Planning Commission review and public hearing. The Chair was so directed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary Addition to Public Hearings 1 . SP-181 . Evelyn C. Cassell . To locate a permanent mobile home on 4998 acres located east of Route 618 near the Fluvanna County line in southeast Albemarle County. Property is described as County Tax Map 116. Parcel 4 (part thereof) Scottsville Magisterial District. The staff presented his reporting stating that conditions of the approval should be Health Department approval of a septic system and a 100 foot setback from all property lines . The application was approved unanimously by the Commission. covIN- WEALTH OF VIRGIN OD_ GI a£ a DOUGLAS B.FUGATE, COMMISSIONER °a j%° r J�'l '/_I�I 4,4 a JOHN E. HARWOOD, G. L. BAUGHAN. LURAY, VA. 1,�y/I I`I I pg � - DEPUTY COMMISSIONER & CHIEF ENGINEER W. RAMSDELL CHILTON, LANCASTER, VA. s I�=� t `I�1��� I' S� � A. B. EURE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION W. FRED DUCKWORTH, NORFOLK. VA. NFER = _ems A. K. HUNSBERGER, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING EARL A. FITZPATRICK. ROANOKE, VA. J. V. CLARKE, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS THOMAS R. GLASS,LYNCHBURG, VA. RUFUS T. HAIRSTON, BRISTOL. VA. W. S. G. BRITTON, GEORGE C. LANDRITH, ALE%wN DRI A. VA. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING AND PLANNING ROBERT S. WEAVER. JR.. VICTORIA. VA. RICHMOND, VA. 23219 Charlottesville, Virginia IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO June 20, 1972 Mr. John Humphrey County Banner County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear John: I have reviewed the site plan for the Porsche Audi facility planned for the corner of Route 20 and Route 250. Attached is a marked plan indicating our recommendations. The deceleration lane on Route 20 should be shortened as shown to keep the through traffic from merging into the lane. The pipe under Route 20 will have to be checked for adequacy to see if it will handle the drainage being picked up from the site. Very truly yours, R. G. Warner Resident Engineer /mam attachment A HIGHWAY IS AS SAFE AS THE USER MAKES IT INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO Mr. John L . Humphrey , County Planner • FROM J . Harvey Bailey , County Engineering SUBJECT : SITE PLAN FOR PORSCHE-AUDI DATE June 13 , 1972 We make the following observations respecting the Site Plan : ( 1 ) we suggest the two parking areas be connected , if at all practical , so as to avoid having to enter and leave- Rt 250 in order to get from one to the other. (2) If the well shown in the upper lot is t'o serve the develop- ment , it must be adequately protected to preserve it from con- tamination . One cannot park over it . ( 3) We note a 15" R. C . P . is routed through the area marked "SEPTIC SYSTEMS DRAINFIELD" This must not be allowed to interfere with the septic system or to furnish a pasageway for sewer flow irto the stormdrainage system ( i . e. in the storm ditch along the Storm drainage pipe ) ( 4) The drainfield Area is also used for a paved parking area . The Health Department should clear this . ( 5) It is estimated that the storm runoff from the site will increase from 2 . 4 . c. f. s . to 6 . 9 c . f. s . by reason of the paving and roof areas which are proposed to be built , based on a 10 year frequei rainfall . The 18" existing C . M, P . under Rt 20 should be sufficient to carry this flow . However , the Highway Department may wish to cover this matter. Also , we assume the drainage from along Rt 250 will turn down Rt 20 and pass through the existing 18" cuirvert . INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO Mr. John L . Humphrey , County Planner FROM J . Harvey Bailey , County Engineering SUBJECT : SITE PLAN FOR PORSCHE-AUDI DATE June 13 , 1972 We make the following observations respecting the Site Plan : ( 1 ) we suggest the two parking areas be connected , if at all practical , so as to avoid having to enter and leave - Rt 250 in order to get from one to the other. (2 ) If the well shown in the upper lot is to serve the develop- ment , it must be adequately protected to preserve it from con- tamination . One cannot park over it . ( 3) We note a 15" R. C . P . is routed through the area marked "SEPTIC SYSTEMS DRAINFIELD " This must not be allowed to interfere with the septic system or to furnish a pasageway for sewer flow irto the stormdrainage system ( i . e. in the storm ditch along the Storm drainage pipe ) ( 4) The drainfield area is also used for a paved parking area . The Health Department should clear this . ( 5 ) It is estimated that the storm runoff from the site will increase from 2 . 4 . c. f . s . to 6 . 9 c . f. s . by reason of the paving and roof areas which are proposed to be built , based on a 10 year freque rainfall . The 18" existing C . M. P . under Rt 20 should be sufficient to carry this flow . However , the Highway Department may wish to cover this matter . Also , we assume the drainage from along Rt 250 will turn down Rt 20 and pass through the existing 18" cuilvert . hCLLLL J ti , OF ALL3 GO �w. <N v wr , A Planning Department JOHN L HUMPHREY COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING JOSEPH M. GOLDSMITH • COUNTY PLANNER CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MEMO TO: Members, Site Plan Coordinating Committee FROM: John L. Eumphrey, County Planner SUBJECT: Meeting, June 13, 1972 DATE: June 7, 1972 Attached find a copy of a site plan for a automobile dealer- ship to be located on Route 20 North at Route 250 for consid- eration at the June 13, 1972 meeting, commencing at 2:00 P.M. Please study and i red line indicate what you desire .to see in a finished ite plan including the utilities company's • desired lines and asements. SCS-CONS-5 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 2-70 FILE CODE CONS-14-5 OCCae442 ` a .I SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE (A�(,(J INDIVIDU INVENTORY & EVALUATION * GROUP �� UNIT OF GOVERNMENT REQUESTED BY3 .s �`T%L L. C��.e LOCATION �z a l 'l ASSISTED BY 1C-C g-c.L--" - SQL S DATE CO - f 0 `67y SITUATION: dU LA-. LA It- - ' ' • t.LIO XR,t.7 2k tA�i ±6 CifrI'Ve44.1 tiitZ . I isc0 , 4,.....alyk, lf, (61;"th7t; v Qv/0 a) L..> i - rick 0 0 , aa-us , ; I , g-a 0 ao ST Iii- . cRstAtzAl 14.4 . ; Tr Ptsu , . afrrit:e tut Ali et., ate Get fa. SUGGESTED SOLUTION(S): ` 1`OI-�CL /isle' gki a e -e� 2 SiCap, -Dubai Axkekri. , Lt./;vw,ot 1 - --ClUldt-, .Q k, ukciL LriikA,d,(04& uktdizA:‘,2,c(); cA.L. atiumAiva,42, Giu, Sces..e-v-x, 144411-14dibiyAlts i6-, 17 R'A, II J aitkiti er 1.41.: 4_12-cL /6)-r-\.) LY16 lifOir-a-LeAL 1)-€4,-M) 6124 Lt LULAki katbst, qi4/141 rt-etl,f21, dstto-n.s dl dU_ ituyttia ` ) , attfc a. TIAL) L71,,,„,( ee.aa_41,1-r e,6,,,,y-byl, ' a ) :3119-04AntithAk 4-zsL„\A:u.,e1 1-t-A-A-'4 k A-JvLH C)()4111 Lt. * Circle appropriate category. 'el,CO VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Charlottesville, Virginia June 12, 1972 Mr. John L. Humphrey, County Planner County of Albemarle County Office Building Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear John: This is in reference to your memorandum of June 7, 1972, to which was attached a site plan for an automobile dealership. to be located on Route 20 North at intersection of Route 250. Assuming Vepco's right-of-way is as indicated on the drawing submitted by you with respect to the proposed two story masonry building, Vepco can see no reason why the property should not be developed as planned. An adequate supply of electricity is avail- able and can be furnished upon reasonable notice to the Company. Your site plan drawing is attached with our approval. Sincerely yours, P. G. Morrisette Manager PGM/rd Attachment TO Mr. Jor _ . Humphrey . County Planner FROM J . Harvey Bailey , County Engineering • SUBJECT : S Plan for Virginia Land Company , St . Rt . #20 \\. DATE • June 5 , 1972 We offer the following comments : Reference is made to Note #2 on the drawing . There seems to be ample room for the development of a 'standard intersection ( SI -1 )within the Highway right-of-way . This . should be covered in the entrance permit issued by the Department of Highways . The well site is perilously close to the property line . If there is a site which is more easily protected from surface run off out of the adjoining property , it should be used . Adequacy of the spacing of the drainfield lines should be checked . It appears to be four (4 ' ). whereas , with the minimum allowable width of 18" for a trench , the spacing is a minimum of four and one half (4 . 5 ' ) feet . This is a matter for the Health Department . We do not understand how the 15" pipe under the driveway at the rear of the building is to discharge . Some structure is indicated to prevent the water from crossing onto the adjoining lot and turn it into . the drainage swalw on the lot under considerat- ion . No paving section is shown . We recommend a minimum of 6". srushed stone and double application of asphalt surface treatment .