HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202100034 VSMP - SWPPP 2023-01-10 (2)Albemarle County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For Construction Activities At: VICTORIAN HEIGHTS BERKMAR DR & WOODBURN RD CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22901 Prepared by: COLLINS ENGINEERING, INC 200 GARRETT STREET, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 434.293.3719 Prepared for: RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT 445 2ND STREET NE, SUITE 400 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 SWPPP Preparation Date: 6/7/21 Updated:1/09/23 CONTENTS: 1. Registration Statement 2. Notice of General Permit Coverage 3. Nature of Activity 4. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 5. Stormwater Management Plan 6. Pollution Prevention Plan 7. Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters 8. Qualified Personnel 9. Signed Certification 10. Delegation of Authority 11. General Permit copy 12. Inspection Logs Section 1- Registration statement VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT #: GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM PLAN/ID #: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR10) TECHNICAL CRITERIA: 1113 ❑ IIC ❑ REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 Application type. ® NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE (CHOOSE ONE) ❑ MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE ❑ MODIFICATION WITHOUT ACREAGE INCREASE ❑ EXISTING PERMIT RE -ISSUANCE Section I. Operator/Permittee Information. A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. A person with signatory authority for this operator must sign the certification in Section V. (per Part III. K. of the VAR10 Permit). Operator Name: Riverbend Development Contact person: Alan Taylor Address: 445 2nd Street NE, Suite 400 City, State and Zip Code: Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone Number: 434-245-4970 Primary and CC Email: alan@riverbenddev.com B. Electronic correspondence. To receive an emailed coverage letter or to pay by credit card, you must choose YES and include a valid email. May we transmit correspondence electronically? YES ® NO ❑ Section II. Construction Activity Information. A. Include a site map showing the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances and all waterbodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site. B. Project site location information. Construction Activity Name: Victorian Heights Address: Berkmar Drive City and/or County and Zip Code: Charlottesville, VA 22901 Construction Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or 38.096346,-78.469498 latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Between Woodburn Rd and Berkmar Dr Latitude and Longitude 38.096346,-78.469498 (6-digit, decimal degrees format): C. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities to be included under this permit coverage. Report to the nearest one -hundredth of an acre. Total land area of development (include entire area to be disturbed as approved in the Stormwater Management Plan): 5.13 Primary estimated area to be disturbed (include portions with Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approval only): 5.13 Off -site estimated area to be disturbed (if applicable): D. Property Owner Status: FEDERAL ❑ STATE ❑ PUBLIC ❑ PRIVATE E. Nature of the Construction Activity Description (i.e. commercial, Residential industrial, residential, agricultural, environmental, utility): F. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) (if the site is discharging to a MS4): G. Estimated Project Dates (MM/DD/YYYY). Start Date: 6/1/22 Completion Date: 6/1/23 H. Is this construction activity part of a larger common plan of YES ❑ NO development or sale? Rev 11/2020 PAGE 1 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 I. 6" Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and Receiving Water Name(s). Include additional areas on a separate page. HUC NAME(S) OF RECEIVING WATERBODY JR08 South Fork Rivanna River Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information. List all off -site support activities and excavated material disposal areas being utilized for this project. Include additional areas on a separate page. Off -site Activity Name: Address: City or County: Off -site Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude and Longitude (6-digit, decimal degrees format): Is this off -site activity an excavated material disposal area? YES ❑ NO ❑ If this off -site activity is an excavated material disposal area, list the contents of the excavated fill material: Will a separate VPDES permit cover this off -site activity? YES ❑ NO ❑ Section IV. Other Information. A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting the Registration Statement. By signing the Registration Statement, the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. B. Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been submitted to the VESC Authority for review? YES ® NO ❑ Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Approval Date (for the estimated area to be disturbed MM/DD/YYYY): C. Has land -disturbance commenced? YES ❑ NO D. Annual Standards and Specifications. If this project is utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attached the completed AS&S Entity Form. AS&S Entity Name (if different from the Operator identified in Section I): E. Billing information (leave blank if same as the Operator identified in Section I. above). This entity will receive Annual Permit Maintenance and Permit Modification Fee invoices (if applicable). Billing Name: Contact Name: Address: City, State and Zip Code: Phone Number: Primary and CC Email: Rev 11/2020 PAGE 2 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 Section V. Certification. A person representing the operator as identified in Section I. A. and meeting the requirements of 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K must physically sign this certification. Atyped signature is not acceptable. Please note that operator is defined in 9VAC25-870-10 as follows: "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a storm water pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i. e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of storm water discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (11454s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system. 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K. Signatory Requirements. Registration Statement. All Registration Statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation, or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations, the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures, b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively* or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Printed Name: Alan Taylor Signature (signed in ink): 0_,P- u" 11L— Date Signed: 3/22/22 Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send your Registration Statement submittal directly to the locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ. A list of local VSMP Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorities. If DEQ is the VSMP Authority, please send to: If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send to: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400 PO Box 1105 Richmond VA 23218 constructiongp@deg.virginia.gov Rev 11/2020 PAGE 3 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT This Registration Statement is for coverage under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. This form covers the following permit actions: new permit issuance, existing permit modification with an increase in acreage, existing permit modifications that result in a plan modification but do not result in an increase in disturbed acreage, and reissuance of an active permit coverage. Application type. Select NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE to obtain a new permit coverage. Modifications are for modifying an existing, active permit coverage. Select MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE when the previously approved acreage(s) increases (permit modifications are not performed for decreases in acreage unless they result in plan changes —see Modification WITHOUT Acreage Increase). Select MODIFICATION WITHOUT ACREAGE INCREASE when there is a change to the site design resulting in a change to the approved plans with no increase in acreage(s), Select EXISTING PERMIT REISSUANCE to extend an expiring permit coverage for the next permit cycle and include the existing permit number. Section I. Operator/Permittee Information. A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. For companies, use the complete, active, legal entity name as registered with a state corporation commission. Entities that are considered operators commonly consist of the property owner, developer of a project (the party with control of project plans and specifications), or general contractor (the party with day-to-day operational control of the activities at the project site that are necessary to ensure compliance with the general permit). If an individual person is listed as the operator, that person (or a legal representative of) must sign the certification in Section V. An operator may be one of the following: 9VAC25-870-10. Definitions "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system. "Owner" means the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions including, but not limited to, sanitation district commissions and authorities, and any public or private institution, corporation, association, firm or company organized or existing under the laws of this or any other state or country, or any officer or agency of the United States, or any person or group of persons acting individually or as a group that owns, operates, charters, rents, or otherwise exercises control over or is responsible for any actual or potential discharge of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes or pollutants to state waters, or any facility or operation that has the capability to alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of state waters in contravention of § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, the Act and this chapter. "Person " means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, state, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state, governmental body, including a federal, state, or local entity as applicable, any interstate body or any other legal entity. B. May we transmit correspondence electronically? If you choose YES to this question and provide an email address in Section I. A., all correspondence, forms, invoices and notifications will be transmitted by email to the operator. This will also give the operator the ability to pay by credit card and to receive Dermit coverage aooroval letters immediately uoon Dermit aooroval. Section II. Construction Activity Information. A. A site map indicating the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances and all water bodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site must be included with the submittal of this form. Aerial imagery maps or topographic maps showing the required items are acceptable. Plan sheet sized site maps are not required. Please consult your VSMP authority if you have additional questions regarding site map requirements. B. Construction Activity Name and location. Provide a descriptive project name (it is helpful to use the same naming convention as listed on the Stormwater Management plans), 911 street address (if available), city/county of the construction activity, and the 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees format for the centroid, main construction entrance or start and end points for linear projects (i.e. 37.1234N/-77.1234W). C. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities, on- and off -site, to be included under this permit. Acreages are to be reported to the nearest one -hundredth acre (two decimal places; i.e. 1.15 acres). Provide the total acreage of the primary development site as approved on the Stormwater Management Plans and the primary on -site estimated acreage to be disturbed by the construction activity as approved under the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans. The off -site estimated area to be disturbed is the sum of the disturbed acreages for all off -site support activities to be covered under this general permit. Do not include the off -site acreage totals in the primary, on -site total and estimated disturbed acreage totals. Permit fees are calculated based on your disturbed acreage total for all on- and off -site areas being disturbed under this permit coverage (the sum of all on -site and off -site disturbed acreages). D. Property owner status. The status of the construction activity property owner. Any property not owned by a government entity or agency (i.e. federal, state or local governments) is PRIVATE. Rev 11/2020 PAGE 4 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT E. Nature of the construction activity description. Choose the designation that best describes the post -construction use of this project (you may choose more than one). (i.e. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Environmental, Educational, Oil and Gas, Utility, Transportation, Institutional, etc.). Describe the post -construction use of the project (i.e. Commercial —one new office building and associated parking and utilities; Transportation — Linear roads, sidewalks and utilities; Agricultural-3 Poultry Houses, etc.). F. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) if discharging to a MS4. If stormwater is discharged through a MS4 (either partially or completely), provide the name of the MS4(s) that will be receiving water from this construction activity. The MS4 name is typically the town, city, county, institute or federal facility where the construction activity is located. G. Estimated project dates. Provide the estimated project start date and completion date in Month/Day/Year or MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e. 07/30/2019). H. Is this construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale? "Common plan of development or sale" means a contiguous area where separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules per 9VAC25-870-50. Definitions. Le. a subdivision, commercial development, business park, etc. I. 6th Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and associated Receiving Water Name(s). Provide all 6th order HUCs and receiving waterbody names, for the primary site and any Off -site areas included under this permit coverage, that could potentially receive stormwater runoff discharging from this activity. The HUC can be either a 12-digit number (i.e. 0208010101) or 2-letter, 2-number code (i.e. JL52). Include additional HUCs or receiving waters on a separate page. You may utilize DEQ's web -based GIS application, VEGIS, to obtain this information. • VEGIS application link: DEQ's VEGIS Mapping Application • Instructions for utilizing DEQ's VEGIS application link: CGP-GIS HUC Instructions Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that (i) the support activity is directly related to a construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage; (ii) the support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; (III) the support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity it supports; (iv) the support activity is identified in the Registration Statement at the time of general permit coverage; (v) appropriate control measures are identified in a SWPPP and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and (vi) all applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. Off -site activity name and location information. Provide a descriptive off -site project name, 911 street address (if available), construction entrance location (address or decimal degrees coordinates and description), city/county and the 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (i.e. 37.1234N, 77.1234W) of all off -site support activities. Indicate whether the off -site support activity will be covered under this general permit or a separate VPDES permit. If excavated material (i.e., fill) will be transported off -site for disposal, the name and physical location address, when available, of all off -site excavated material disposal areas including city or county; 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (i.e. 37.1234N, 77.1234W) and the contents of the excavated material. List additional off -site areas to be included under this permit coverage on a separate page. Off -site areas not included on this registration will need to obtain coverage under a separate VPDES permit. Section IV. Other Information. A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared prior to submitting the Registration Statement per 9VAC25-880. See 9VAC25-880-70. Part II. of the General Permit for the SWPPP requirements. B. If the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area to be disturbed listed in Section II. C. has been submitted to the VESC Authority for review and plan approval, choose YES. If you are submitting this application to reissue an existing permit coverage, please provide the date that the VESC Authority approved the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area to be disturbed. C. If land disturbance has commenced, choose YES. "Land disturbance" or "land -disturbing activity" means a man-made change to the land surface that may result in soil erosion or has the potential to change its runoff characteristics, including construction activity such as the clearing, grading, excavating, or filling of land per §62.1-44.15:24. Definitions. D. If this project is using approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attach the completed AS&S Entity Form. If the AS&S Entity is different from the operator identified in Section I. A., list the AS&S Entity Name. The AS&S entity is the entity or agency that holds the approved annual standards & specification. Please indicate if this project is also requesting a plan waiver. • AS&S Entity Form link: Annual Standards and Specifications Entity Information Form Rev 11/2020 PAGE 5 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT E. Billing information. If the person or entity responsible for billing/invoicing is different from the operator, please complete this section. If they are the same, leave this section blank. Section V. Certification. A properly authorized individual associated with the operator identified in Section I. A. of the Registration Statement is responsible for certifying and signing the Registration Statement. A person must physically sign the certification, a typed signature is unacceptable. State statutes provide for severe penalties for submitting false information on the Registration Statement. State regulations require that the Registration Statement be signed as follows per 9VAC25-880-70 Part III. K. 1.: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this part a responsible corporate officer means: (i) A president secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation, or (if) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this part a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) The chief executive officer of the agency, or (if) A senior executive officer having responsibility far the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority that has jurisdiction for your construction activity. The VSMP Authority maybe either DEQ or your locality depending on the location and type of project. If your project is under the jurisdiction of a Local VSMP Authority, please contact the locality for additional submittal instructions. A blank area is provided for the Local VSMP Authority's mailing address. Who is the VSMP Authority for my orofect? DEQ or the locality? • DEQ: DEQ is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for land -disturbing activities that are: ➢ within a locality that is not a VSMP Authority; ➢ owned by the State or Federal government; or ➢ utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications. • The Locality: The local government (locality) is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for all other projects not covered by DEQ as listed above. For these projects, please submit permit forms directly to the Local VSMP Authority. A list of Local VSMP Authorities is available on DEQ's website here: Local VSMP Authority List. www.d eg.yirgin ia.goy/Pro¢ra ms/Water/StormwaterMa nageme nt/VSM PPe rm its/ConstructionG en era I Perm it.aspx Email the completed and signed form to: constructiongp@deg.virginia.gov Rev 11/2020 PAGE 6 16 r .R dRAAR mO / v / v1 �_ �" — If aAmac avow — y \ / I � TYP 45-88d / l _ .� �- _ � � 2.756 AC j I / nwn PIRA ' r I a 1, (dPPROX) r 1 /_/ 2.183 AC RNLANE- _ — OODBU_ — —/ ----- -- �I (APPRO%) � �, ,� � / HATE ROUTE fifi9 _ i L ------------ of WE To _ o / � 1 L / / I i / lmalloue I101Ai • � — _ / , /' / / / / / / / / / / ' /' ' '�t9 \ \ � / / �// \\ �\ \ � \ \ � / —.-�' _,— �� ten✓ / / / /,/ / i � / / '� �'' // / / I I r J / / /'�ii i i — , \ i / \ _ r \ , / ------ --- \ F-�� /�_ _ � �- �' V A e _ �- ♦ ���� �L'� - '_ � i v'. � 1 I I1111�111�11111 --- =- DRIVE —" — - _ - / dill llglm �BERKM 3 �- � � _ � AR — \ \ , 1 SfPTE ROUTE 140 p 1 _ '\ `\ _ _ — — -� _ c- - _ =_ —�- __ r---------------- — vv\��vv�1v`vv�vI 1 j1v I�i/ 1 vvi r�A 1 _— _ _ — - - - s '' murir — - -� J--�Iuital --i 1 1 ® COLLINS ENGINEERING SWPPP EXHIBIT — OVERALL SITE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE OATS: 200 GARRETT STREET SUITE KCHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINA22902 OFFICE: 434-293-3729 SCALEE::1 "=60'1"=60' Section 2 - Notice of General Permit Coverage Section 3 - Nature of Activity PURPOSE: THE PURPOSE OF THIS LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS TO GRADE THE VICTORIAN HEIGHTS SITE FOR A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. THE TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED WITH THIS PLAN IS 5.04 ACRES. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: MOST OF THIS SITE IS WOODED AND SLOPES TO THE SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST. THE SITE IS LOCATED TO THE NORTHWEST OF BERKMAR DRIVE AND SOUTHEAST OF WOODBURN ROAD. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE DRAINS TO VARIOUS EXISTING CULVERTS AND INLETS, AN EXISTING WATERMAIN TO REMAIN RUNS DIRECTLYTHROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE SITE AND ITS WATERLINE EASEMENT IS CLEARED. ADJACENT AREAS: THIS SITE IS BORDERED TO THE SOUTHEAST BY BERKMAR DRIVE AND TO THE NORTHWEST BY WOODBURN ROAD. VACANT LAND IS ALONG THE NORTHEAST BORDER OF THE SITE AND A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING EXISTS TO THE SOUTHWEST OF THE SITE. OFFSITE LAND DISTURBANCE: IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE WITHIN THE VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG BERKMAR DRIVE AND WOODBURN ROAD. CRITICAL AREAS: TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND SILT FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED ALONG THE PROPERTY LINES AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN TO THE EAST, NORTH, AND SOUTH OF THE SITE TO PROTECT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE CONTROLS ARE ALONG WOODBURN ROAD AND BERKMAR DRIVE TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT LEAVES THE SITE AND DRAINS ONTO THE ROADS. SOILS: SOILS MAP IS INCORPORATED INTO EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE I WITH SOILS DATA INCLUDED WITH THIS NARRATIVE. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: PHASE I: 1. NOTIFY ALBEMARLE COUNTY TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING AS REQUIRED. 2. PRIOR TO DISTURBANCES, THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE FLAGGED AND THE TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED. 3. NO EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL FROM THE INSPECTOR ON THE PROJECT. 4. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH WASH AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE INSTALLED WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTING TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 5. INSTALL THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL SHEET. THIS INCLUDES (1) SEDIMENTTRAP, (1) SEDIMENT BASIN, WIRE SILT FENCE, AND DIVERSION DIKES. MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP WITH ANY LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. 6. ONCE ALL THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL ITEMS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PHASE I PLAN AND THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, THE CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN THE MINIMUM GRADING OPERATIONS. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS DAMS, DIKES, AND DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION. GRADING ALONG THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE THAT BACKS UP TO VICTORIAN HEIGHTS I IS OF PRIORITY FOR INSTALLATION OF SCRIM FENCE AND LANDSCAPE BUFFERING BEFORE ANY OTHER GRADING OPERATIONS. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. PHASE II: 8. TEMPORARY CONNECTIONS FROM THE SEDIMENT BASIN ARE SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND SHALL BE BUILT AS THE FIRST STEP IN PHASE 11. AFTER THESE ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SEDIMENT BASIN ARE APPROVED BY INSPECTOR, THE CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN GRADING THE SITE TO THE CONTOURS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PHASE II PLAN. 9. PHASE II CONSTRUCTION SHALL INCLUDE BUILDING THE RETAINING WALLS ALONG BERKMAR DRIVE, INSTALLING THE ROAD CONNECTION BETWEEN BERKMAR DRIVE AND WOODBURN ROAD AND INSTALLING THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. 10. AFTER THE RETAINING WALLS ARE BUILT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALLTHE DIVERSION DIKES NECESSARY TO ALLOW DRAINAGE PREVIOUSLY GOING TO THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP TO DRAIN TO THE SEDIMENT BASIN. SEDIMENT TRAP IS TO REMAIN UNTIL DIVERSION DIKES ARE INSTALLED AND APPROVED BY INSPECTOR TO ROUTE DRAINAGE TO THE SEDIMENT BASIN. 11. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. PHASE III: 12. ONCE THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR HAS GIVEN APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE THE SEDIMENT BASIN. NO ITEM SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS THE UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR GIVES PERMISSION. AT THE TIME OF TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN #1'S REMOVAL AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE PERMANENT STORM SEWER SYSTEM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE TEMPORARY BARREL CONNECTION INTO PERMANENT STR-3 AND PLUG ITS OPENING WATERTIGHT. 13. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, REMOVING ONLY WHEN APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 14. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. Section 4 - Erosion and Sediment Control Plan GENERAL NOTES OWNER: WP 045W-OO-00-068C2 MR 045OO-W-Oo-OG85O VICTORIAN HEIGHTS LLC VICTORIAN HEIGHTS LLC 455 2ND STREET, NE SUITE 400 40 2N0 STREET, NE SUITE 4W CHARLOT/ESNLLE VA 22902 CHARLOT/ESNLLE, VA 22902 O WLOPER: RILERBENO DEVELOPMENT 455 2ND STREET, NE SUITE 400 CHARLOTTESNLL& VA 22902 ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING 100 GARRETT SC SUITE K CHARLOTT£SNLL& VA 22902 (4J4)19J-J719 TAX MAP NO.: 04 00-00-00-O68C2 & 04500-00-00-O68EO TOTAL AREA: IMP 45-6SC2. 2.710 ACRES (INST. A:202I0002064]) IMP 45-68E0: 2.211 ACRES (INST. 420210002054B) TOTAL ACREAGE 4.921 ACRES ZONING: R-15 RESIDENTIAL. CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT & BONUS DENSITY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ADDITION, THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AIRPORT IMPACT OVERLAY D/STRICT & STEEP MANAGED SLOPES OVERLAY DISTRICT PROPOSED USE EB SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED h MUL D-FAMILY RESO£NHAL UNITS (34) TOWNHOUSE UNIT OF WICH (11) ARE AFFORDABLE ON£LLING UNITS (54) MULR-FAMILY RESOENRAL UNITS(ONE & TWO BEDROOM UNITS) PROPOSED USE ACREAGE: PROPOSED LOTS: J286 ACRES (COVOONINIUM & TOWNHOUSE LOTS) PROPOSED OPEN SPACE: t228 ACRES PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION: 0.407 ACRES DENSITY ALLOWABLE BY -RIGHT DENSITY. 15 DI/AC + MAX WX BONUS DENSITY INCREASE FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING ALLOWABLE DENSITY. (4.921 AC - 0.407 AC (R/W)) x I5 DU/ACRE x JOR BONUS INCREASE 4,514 ACRES (ACREAGE OF SITE) x 15 OUR x JOR BONUS DENSITY INCREASE - 88 UNITS ALLOWABLE DENSITY. 67 BY NIGHT UNITS 1 11 AFFORDABLE & 10 MARKET RAZE UNITS TOTAL ALLOWABLE OENSTY 88 (19.49 CARLING UNITS/ACRE WTH ROW OENCADON) TOTAL PROPOSED DENSITY. 88 UNITS 09.49 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE WTH ROW DEDICATION) OPEN SPACE: TOTAL SPUR SPACE REWIRED (CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT 25F) 4.921 ACRES - G407 ACRES (R/W DEOICATTO4) = 4.514 ACRES (SIT£ ACREAGE) TOTAL OPEN SPACE REWIRED: 4514 ACRES x 25X - 1.129 ACRES TOTAL UPON SPACE PROPOSED: = 1.228 ACRES (2Z2F) OPEN SPACE TO BE OWNER AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA ROV ALL OPEN SPACE SHALL BE RESERVED IN A OECD FIAT THE COMMON USE OF LOT OWNERS IN THE SUBDIVISION AND OEDICATO TD THE HOA. MET PRESERVATION: NONE REWIRED WTH THE DEVELOPMENT PRESERVED/MANAGED SLOPES NO PR£SERKO SLOPES ARE SHOWN WRIST THE LIMITS OF THE PROPERTY. 4 SMALL AREAS OF MANAGED SLOPES ARE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AND SHOWN ON THE EXISTING DEVOTIONS PLAN SHEET. BUILDING HEIGHTS NO MINIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT & MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 65 TE£L NOTE BUILDINGS GREATER THAN J STORIES MUST LIMP BACK A MINIMUM OF 15 FEET AFTER THE JRO STORY OR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION SHALL BE APPROVED. A SPECIAL EXCEPRON REQUEST HAS BEEN SUBMITTED WW MISSIT PLAN TO ELIMINATE WE BLDG STEPSACIC.. TOINJHOI/IS UNITS' 35' MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT (3 STORIES) & LAW HT.=29.67' MUl ]I-FAMII Y UNITS' BLDGS T2 AND J. 60' MAXIMUM HEIGHT (4 STORIES) PROPOSED HEIGHT - 48- MAXIMUM BLDG HEIGHT (EACH UNIT) s PERGOLA BLDG WTH PERGOLA MAX. HEIGHT - 54; NOTE' PERGOLAS SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE INIERIOR SIDE WALLS AND WLL NOT AFFECT ME OVERALL MIN SIBS SETBACK. SETBACKS: FRONT. 5' MINIMUM 08' MINIMUM FROM R/W OR EDGE OF NORWALK TO GARAGE) AND 25' MAXIMUM SSE: 5 FEEL (NOTE.' ANY OA£WNG UNIT THAT EXCEEDS 35 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL E SETBACK 5 FEET PLUS 1 FOOT FOR EACH FOOT THE DWELLING UNIT EXCEEDS 35 FEET TOWNHOUSE UNITS: 5' SIDE SETBACK CONDOMINIUM BLDG 5- , (48' - 35) - 18' REWIRED MINIMUM SIDE SETBACK REAR: 20' MINIMUM NOTE: WVER£O PORCHES BALCONIES CHIMNEY$ £AWE AND THE LIKE ARCHISCTURAL FEATURES MAY PROJECT NOT MORE MAN FOUR FEET INTO ANY REQUIRED YARD PROVIDED THAT NO SUCH FEATURE SHALL BE LOCATE) CLOSER MAN SIX FEET FROM ANY LOT LINE. SUBDIVISION STREETS CURB & GUTTER WATERSHED: SWTHFORK RIVANNA R/12R WATERSHED AGRICUL1URAL/FO4£STAL DISTRICT.' NONE TOPO & SURVEY.' TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY RWDABUSV, GALE AND ASSOCIATES JANUARY 2021. THE BOUNDARY LINE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BY RMMONS GROUP INFORMATION O D VEIGOOD BY COLLINS ENGINEERING OCTOBER 2021, DA KIM' NAO 83 EXISTING WC -ETA TON. BOTH PARCELS ARE PRIMARY NVWED, WIN EXCEPTION FOR THE CLEARED AREA ASSOCIATED WIN WE UTILITY EASEMENTS LIWTING: NO SIT OR STREET UGHTNG IS PROPOSED WW MIS PROJECT DUSK TO DAM LIGHTING WLL BE PROVIDED ON EACH BUILDING ANY SU£ IIGHRNG SHALL CONFORM TO ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS PARKING W SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED & MULTI -FAMILY UNITS - 176 O -STREET PARKING SPACES REWIRED MINIMUM (1) DRIVEWAY SPACE ♦ (1) GARAGE SPACE TOTAL PARKING PROVIDES: 176 SIT STREET PARKING SPACES WEST SPACES: 1 SPACE P£R 4 UNITS = 22 SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED WEST PARKING SPACES (COP -STREET PARKING) - 25 SPACES ROADWAYS AND PAWD CIRCULATOR AREA = 28.609 SF (ACCESS EASEMENT/IRAVELWAY) IMPERVIOUS AREAS (WWIN LUG). PROPOSED ROADWAY & DRIVEWAYS- 6J.271 SF PROPOSED SO£WALK & CONCRETE = 12,72J OF N59,290 TOTAL 135,285 SE PHASING: MIS PROPERTY SHALL BE DEVELOPED WIGAN I PHASE BUILDING 91£S: PARCELS 1-15 AND ME RESIDUE PARCEL EACH CONTAIN A BUILDING OUT MAT COMPLIES WTH W£ REQUIREMENTS OP SECTION 4.2.1 OF WE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. BURIAL SIT& NO CEMETERIES WERE FOUND WRING FIELD fll E PGA PON OF WE S£. STREAM BUFFERS NO STREAM BUFFERS ARE LOCATED ON THESE PROPERTIES OR WHIN W£ LIMITS OP THIS PROJECT AREA. FLOWPUIN: THIS PROPERTY IS NOT IN A FLOWPLAIN ZONE AS SHOWN ON FEMA MAP151093W2290, OAIEO FEBRUARY 4. 2005. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WWIN A DAM INUNDA ROW ZONE. RETAINING WALLS RETAINING WALLS ARE PROPOSED WTN THE DEVELOPMENT AS SHOWN LW WE PLAN. SEE SHEET4 FOR DETAILS RETAINING WALLS GREATER WAN J' IN HEIGHT REWIRE A SEPARA7 BUILDING PERMIT. WALLS EXCEEDING 4' IN HEIGHT REWIRE A STAMPER ENGINEERING DESIGN. WALLS CROSSING LOT UNITS REWIRE AN EASEMENT. LANDSCAPING STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED ALONG WE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS IN ACCORDANCE WW ALBEMARLE COUNTY' LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WWIN SECRON 32 79 OF WE COUNTY CODE. A LANOSCAPNG PLAN WLL BE PROVIDED WITH ME FINAL SITPLAN FOR COUNTY RENEW AND APPROVAL. ALL LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE SHOWN ON MIS FINAL LANDSCAPING PUN. STREET TREES SHALL BE PRONDEO ALONG WE PUBLIC STREETS 50' O.C. IN ACCORDANCE WIN MOST AND ALBS CO. STANDARDS (HASH: EACH UNIT SHALL HAVE AN INOMWAL TRASH CONTAINER, AND ALL TRASH SHALL BE COLLECTED VICTORIAN HEIGHTS WPO 202100034 PLAN AMENDMENT #1 RIO DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RECREA RON AREA: REWIRED RECREATIONAL AREA: 88 UNIT x 100 SF - 17,600 OF PROPOSED 22,220 SF (051 AC) INCLUDING (1) TOT LOT (2515 SF). (1) RECREATION TIED (8,00 SF), AND PASSW RECREATIONAL AMENITIES TOT LOT AREA SHALL INCLUDE ME FOLLOWING, AT A MINIMUM: ONE (1) OWNS (FOUR SEATS) ME (1) RIDE WIN TWO (2) CLIMBERS ME (1) BUCKABWT OR WHIRL TWO (2) BENCHES RECREATIONAL FLA MEW NOT A RECREARONAL SUBSRNTION WAIVER WLL BE REMITTED WTH THE FINAL SIT PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED RECREATIONAL AMENTRES WWIN WE DEVELOPMENT. OFESYTE EASEMENT., ALL PROPOSED GRADING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ON SITE WWIN EXISTING R10HT-OF-WAY. OR WWIN EXISRNG EASEMENTS. O'FSIF UTILITY EASEMENTS AND SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENTS ARE PROPOSED WTH OPTS DEVELOPMENT. Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title COVER EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 EROSION& SEDIMENTCONTROL NARRATIVE 4 EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS 5 EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASEI 6 EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASE II T EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASE III 8 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DETAILS STORMWATER MANGEMENT DETAILS GRADING PLAN ssOVERALL DRAINAGE MAP v3 OFFSITE DRAINAGE MAP 13 TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS Y , Z J J 0 U LU L W Ln LU 0 V 202U196 I.. = 50. i WEBER EWI]ALIVING / \ / \ TRUST 1\ \ G:RURALTM OON998, PG43] I I �� \ \ ZELDA MAEOINWIELE FLEE HI RURAL INGV / / / A DB.x°56.PG.W] RIVANAWAERB SEWERHORITY / 1 z m ZONING:KING: RURAL ]TNAWAT / 0 OB.]68, PG.i]] / gVANNA WATERS \ l SEWER AURTHORFFY \ / / HUNMER W OODLin 69 O _ MOODBURN ROAD / IRONING: RURAL \ / \ / / REVOCABLE STATrROUTE 659 IOB.]68, PG.xl / TRU BZONING: RURAL gg 40 RAM OR 534, PC 154E / / / / ax PG. — _ _ - 0 HZ _ 53z°RYz56¢' 23 EE M- / — W E 54z wM jyI — — O i E \x'IW / Q ? SEMENi 532°xY Rb�NP°a EXISTNGxi'CMP 5PRESCRIPTVf5A PIFSESFERxON15 SWAMLINEAEMEW {ULVERTTOREMAIN E FORTMP45LDISERIESIN4°o6o4]�E SS.S• t pB. g30,PL.goS /EXISTING GRAVEL h4 /' PpS-6BZ' DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED. �yq// / / VITORITMANHEIGHETS LLC/ x Tmr4 8° ✓ _ / l / / E 9 \ "'S55 ti ZONING: R15 / RIOGEWQODMOTElF �— \ \ \ \ x°' WATERLINE EASEMDR / 11 ti / / / TMP4-6_8D1_ x MAN08.LP \ / _ \ tMP4S-6BCa / / Vi^x ry / / /DB.5655�PG.35] iE4LTH — FOROWOF b `? COA4MONW pF ZONING: R6---- — — — — / ^� \ \ \ \ VICTORIA EILHTS LLC ` pIFALOTEFSVUE / / / / y i5 / / / DB'5x4S PG.x00 / VIRNNIA VDOT FTOF �' S T19, 39 _ L -0By-i6y PG.405 13 \ ZONIN 25 I DB38BK66 / / / / i5%�` ,/ / OB.a PG. 8 / / / WAY CPION ¢ m n S j / OB.v 6, PG.xx _ OBSE PG. / / /yY 5P / 44 5 S. 0 NG: Cs \ / WOODEDAREAWITHA \ DB.5092,PG z3] ��$° / / / / / // / / .a)aACRES / b / comMERCIAf ` \ & �DB.1 PG. 3 p / / / / / WOODED AREA WITHA ��/ / pB,aT54, PG.5v, e MIMURE OFOECIOUOUSAND =, T15 43R / / p FR VERGREENT EES OBx439 G.196 / / / MI%TUREOF DECIDUOUSAND / / / / \ \ p GRASSED AREApLONG / / ���_���EEE �V \ x.710 ACRES 3 WATERLINE EASEMENT / / / / / / //TEVE�REEN TREES / / / / / / / / / / / / ■ A 3 %ISTINGWATERLINES P- i GO \ a \ / /TO REMAIN — J / / / / / / / 50 / i / / /FL�/ / / / / h FE r M Z 53° UMITSOFEXISIIING LZ -MANAGEDSTEEP SLOPES ON THE 5'` EXISTING CONCRET FWMET BE DEMOU5HD.E%ISTING PIPETO BE pBANDONED IN PLACE WRHTHE USE / r Z Q , OF FLOWABLE / / ON W Ja \ V A A A—_ �V ,NEW�THDRRINAGEM'EMENT/ / FILL/ V REMOVED AND EXISTING PIPE TORE / TEMN ARY `^a \ / EXISTING HEADWALL BE / / / IT09EEENGNSHIEO)SE �_ _ = AB6 �A N / OB PG+ _ / N Q Z V A EXISTI G CUAB INLETTO BE / / EDNSTRUCHON \ \ —� / ygRIABLE WIDTH WATERLINE / > We9°� B6 A94 ° ABANDONED IN PLACE WITH THE USE i5� / EASEMENT �s \ RWEMOVED DENTING PIPE REMAIN. �/ 1 �4 E.SEMENT fORAIVANNA a ^ _ \ / // Rlry 50 DOSTINGEMANHOLEPROVOSEU// / i II W i \ / \ OFFL WA.LEFLL-SEEESC / K — �yyW '+s J VARIABLEWIDTNDAAINA6E _ - J �� WPTFRANOSEWERAUTXO ' MIEMENTFOA PUBUCUSE __ ,. __ DBxµ6PG 5 pRIABLEWIDTH WATERUN _ DR OI P 5 _ CA (Y� WQ _ _ W BENCHMOAK ,/ ` _ - - EASEMEMFORRIVTHE �_ / / _ IiO BEE%TINGUISXEDI \ \ NPOFDAW INLEF - - WATERNIDSfWER _ - __ _ , Aurxoxm (— T s o_ C3 T �� A 0 O ELEVgaq.d q m I x — - ' cs\ In F .. 42"22nxs'W 20000', RKMAR DRIVE SLu TATE PETER 1403 �— _ - 150.CY _ _ �J' i �� — .TMP 456E J / / F F m n -WAL-MARTREALE sD'PueucRM' - — _ _ i ///� ��i ,'�.-�'� WBusmcssgD B / / / �— _ ALMARTS OR ' n U) —� /; a YI 0= BENCHMARK TMPySfi��/ �/ / :— _ TOP OF DROP INLET y ' / zONNG He I I LU V %GEj AMI, aP,SISAf�I,J6DRRry� / �/ i f' DB.x88x PG— LJ }/\SNIiW+Uof SHCE\WI `` / I �V �I (/J LLI L//LIMITS OF E%ISTINGNRB i — — _ —x'T \ / AND CONCRETE SIOEWALKTO TRY 45-60C A V V Al \ V \ \_ I11� _ 7 / BE REMOVED FOR NEW 1 /C FLOTfCORIPLE\ I 1 I \ J \ 1 1 1\ Q w F % ENTRANCE AT BERKMAR T- DRIVE 1 OB.ZONING x411EG. 96 - ���� / V / ��1� //��iiii/ TMP45{e¢�11 V A\ // V I / /// / NOTDD.E534,PG. °544973) SHOWS ADJACENT LANDOWNERS GRANTING A 4o'RIGHT-OF-WAY ACROSS WOODBURN ROAD. THE LANDOWNER OF B486 FORD \ / / i TMP45-68C1 DID NOT SIGN THIS OMNIBUS DEED. THEREFORE THE PROPERTY LINE 155HOWN TO THE CENTERLINE OF WOODBURN ROAD PER [ OR HC IPTIVEODBURNSHOWN ii OB.y86; PG.g6i 11\ U\ 11 I \ \\ \ \ \ �- / I , \ / I / / / 9. THE BOUNDARY SURVEY SPRESCRHOWN HEREON BASEMENT BASED ON FIELD RUN SURVEY BCENTERUNE OF Y+OTMMON5 GROUPCOMPLET D ON SEPTEMBER a8, Jo.. G R 1\\\ 11 II 11 1\ \ \\ GRAPHIC SCAT. I \\ FE A ( IRIFeET l30 CURVE TABLE CURVE RAUIU5 LENGTH TANGENT BELTA CHORE BEAR/NG CHGRB G 1]bO M' 103]' XI Ii' O'SOYM' GI.1]51W IOYJ' cs s]ssm uler mss rz,vr s4rsomw m1.m CB 2]bOK' 035 G9' 11].BA 9'Oi'IP 939°5I59W A30 H3' BOUNDARY BA5ED UPON FOUND MONUMENTATION AND EVIDENCE RECOVERED FROM THE LAND RECORDS OFTHE CLERK 5OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA. sm _ 3. BASIS OF MERIDIAN 15 NAD83(NA1on1, VIRGINIA STATE GRID, SOUTH ZONE. m po9 xo. 4. UNDERGROUND WATERUNE5 SHOWN ON TH15 SHEET WERE FIELD LOCATED FROM MARKS BASED UPON M155 UTILITY HII TICKET NO: 2021)6 B12670x3�6. 5. THE PROPERTIE5 SHOWN HEREON ARE WITHIN AN AIRPORT IMPACT OVERLAY AREA. uu 6. THE PROPERTIES SHOWN HEREON ARE WITHIN A WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION AREA PER COUNTY CIS. I -3D _ ]. THE PROPERTIES SHOWN HEREON ARE NOT LOCATEDWITHIN AN AGRICULTURAL-FORE5T DISTRICT. 8. THE PROPERTIES SHOWN HEREON ARE NOT WITHIN AN ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY AREA. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: STRUCTURAL EROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE MM ME NRGNIA EMOON AND SEDIMENT CO MTROL HANWGi STRUCTURAL PRACPCES USED IN MIS SECTION CONSIST A ME FULLOMNG A PROTE784E BARRIER INSTA/l£O M PREVENT ACCESS 10 AN £RG90N CdV1Rd MEASURE W PROTARI} ME UNDESSAME USE OF AN Cot CO . NEWS" BY THE PUDIC APNH CAE TO ANY CONTROL NEASURE M SERIES OF MEASURES WANT CAN BE [ANSWERED ZOUPPLADEBY ENE LY POTENTIAL ACCESS BY THE PU&IC A STABNTZEO PANED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WM A ASN RACK LOCATED AT PANTS OF ANDUUR INGRESS AND EGRESS ON A CANS}RUCDON SHE M ASKAGE BE AMOUNT OF YW TRANSPORTED ONTO FAUBD PUBLIC POSTS BY MOTOR WHI ES OR RUNOF COUNS}MILBAN ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN LW PAY PLANS M REDUCE PAT AMOUNT SEOPMEN} TRANSPORTED ONTO PUd/L NRbNIA EF09dI B $Ed MEN} CONTROL HANOBDU'( (LESION) A Yg 1 FILTER OR AN £XLA.. IMPOUNDING AREA AROUND A G..11 ORM RULE} OR CURB INLET. TO PREVENT SEO1 TRCM I'.STATH ORAINACE SCHEME PRIAP r0 PERMANENT SUES. ASH CF THE MSNRB£0 AREA. NLET PROIECRW APPLIES WERE STORM CoHIN INLETS ANE TO B£ MADE OPERATIONAL BETCRE PERMANENT 5 ABAUGUM OF ARE COFRESPWdNG US URBEG TRADUCE AREA, n SCANNEXT E /NLFT F AN C LEA A LWATS } OW T OR AN PERMANENT STEO MAGRLATIONONG MEA AROUND AEA. MET PANS ro PREVENTT WASIT FRONT ENTERING STAM RE WL TO AS MADE F PERMANENT FORM PERNM OF SN SSNR@D AREA. MET PROIELBM APPLIES WIEAL 51giM CANESTS ARE AXIS BNL OR N BE MOUE OPERAPMAL BEF0.4E PERMANENT S}ABNIZABM CF ME CYMREEPMOWL MANAGE AREA 1, A OMMPORARYW A OF AREAS AN SON COSTRUCTEC AT lH£ NEY ARM BASE AI A SOUND WSTURBEU AREA N dLM SE YT RUNWT MEND UPSLOPE ORNSDE FROM AWAY FRW AND A MS11pBF0 AREAS AND SOPS TO A SEDWAZEO WTIEI. T MtfRT WHEREN}-LAC AN ATER ANDS A MUST Di EO AREAL A TTLED -NOGGIN[ FACILITY AR AS A STOPNT ]RM AP N Mosi BASIN USE MIERE E SSTRUCI TER RUNOF NUS} BE E CONERALY dKR]£O EE PRO}EL} dSBMBE8 AREAS AM SOME$ M RETAIN SEDIMENT ON A2 DURING LCNSERI/C DON. THESE SERULNRES LENERALLY NAK A UFE £6FCTANLY OF 1B MM MS OR LESS ANON LAN BF PRIXOVGED AM GROWER MAMEENANCE. A CHANNEL CMSNVCIED ACROSS A SLOE WON A SIMPORTINC EARBEN RIME ON BE LOWER SOT W REDUCE S1PE LENGTH AND TV INTERCEPT AM MWAYr STORMWARD RUNOF RU STABINZED WHETS A} NON -EROSIVE ARDELOES APPLIES W2RE RUNLET FROM AREAS A MGHER STAI BON MAY DAMAE PROPERTY CAUSE EROSION, M INTERFERE NOT PAT BESTAWHWMEN} A OTTEM M M COMER AREAS, YmERE SURFACE AND/OR SHALLOW SUBSURFACE FLOW IS DAuapNO SOPINO Del AND Net BE SOME LLNCTN NEEDS T BE REDUCED TO uINIMIZE FIAT LOSS BE SWIpENT MADE ANTI APPROPRIATE TOPUMAN NY FM ME STMLCBMALLY LINED APRONS OR ONES A DEPTAB/E ENERGY dSSWATINT LANCES PLAIYO AT ME WRITS OF PIPES M PA KO CHANNEL SALOONS TOPREART SCOUR AT CEANPWATER WREI$ IT PROTECT Off WRIT STRUDDRIE A. TO MINIMIZE MI PDONRAL FOR OONNSTREAM LRD9M BY RLDULTNG ME KLIXHY AND ENERGY OF CONCENTRATED STAPMWATER ROBS'. APPLICABLE TO ME GLIDERS A ALL PIPES ANN ENGIN£ERfO CHANNEL SECLMS AA PREPAINENT EROSMXI-RE95TANi GROUND COVER OF LARGE LW.K, MLLLAR SIGNS NM FILTER FAEMC M GRANULM UNOERLNMG M PROECT W SCi FROM W EROSIVE FOKES OF COECENNASM RUNOFF, SLOW ME VELOCITY LY LONLENNATED RUNOF NHLF ENHANIXVG ME POIENBAL FOR DOLBARON, AND T Sfille ZE SLOPES WANT SEEPAGE PRC&EMS AND/OR NON-Cg ADVAT SOMIS USE AEREKR SAL AND WATER INTERFACE AND ME SOL CIAT RANS WATER TURBULENCE AND HIMOD EXPECTED YEGETALK COVER, ETC, ARE GUYS' MAY EROSION CONTROL NOTES ES -I: UNLESS OMERMSE INDICATED ALL MEDITATE AND 5/RUC RURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONIROI PRACTICES HILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPEOFlCA1/CNS OF THE y@pp'l9 EROEION AND SEGMENT CdNRNM HANDBOOK AND WMINIA REWLAMANS Nt 625-02-M EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. ES-2: THE PLAN APPRONNC AUTHORITY MUST BE MBRAO ME REEK PRIOR TO Nee PRE-COMMUCRON CONFERENCE WE REEK PRIOR TOME CONMENCEMEN} OF LAND DISTURBING ACPNTY, AND ONE REEK PRICK M WE FINAL IMUCCRON. ES-S ALL EROSION AND .SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ME TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING ES-4: A COPY OF ME APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON ME SUE AT ALL TIME$ ES-S PR/GP TO COMMENCING LAND DSTURBBC A07TVRES IN AREAS OTHER MAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDED BUT NOT LIMU£0 TO OFF -SITE BORROW ORWASTE AREAS). ME CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FM RENEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPRONNC AUNDMIY, EE -G: THE CMMACTM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTAILABON OF ANY ADDITIONAL EMSAW CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY T PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUIHMNY, ES -],'ALL OSNRBEO AREAS ARE T MAIN T APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING WEAVES AND WRING SIX DEVELOPMENT UNTIL FINAL S}AB/L/ZABOV IS ACHIEVER ES -Br DURING OEWATUNING ORNAPOVE WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED WATER FlLRFING IXNCE. ES_, ME CMMACTM SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIGOth AND AFTER EACH RRKDF PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT, ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS M CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN DIE ETTECRLENESS OF ME EROSION COMMIX DEVICES SHALL BE MACE IMMEDIATELY Ce:eN emArvesino- foe..- vW Stlkoml Coaled Pleat 1. The qan a,erwing wB, ,WhenM ediflM we weetpim to be pre-cam.I- mnferevre,Ave Wei Aim to Ne mmmevicemevtMMndtismdo8 vainly and mexxek ina.etiw. 2 All DMA..Nedtnandeind MI'DEMAN,YMMI AlwllberonMKlM and mai NDetCMMAI gto IavdaNemdye leiatioW &L VirginieEmiM aNSeEimml Gdrd Heselon.evd Vieghie Regulsuma Vk G23-01-gl Btaiwvvd Sedimed Cwtrol ReglYliane. 3. Allertalwandxtlieuolcmtrol meaelver ue tobe lAxed Aim bavlhe iml °4piv deeiog. A Acopy oflM appmetl erosiooadl udiloml moWlgmshellhvvimvioe5wlhe eiletl N Jme 5. Pimm`mmmmeini laatlmYwUnew-Teei-hoonniffinwAm-Mentui (ieehl&og, bin nd I'nulM m,Uf-elle hamWmwssNwv),IRE aovatl1,11N elWmlle wrylemeNxyemien cOrbol pW m Neowceef« review me ypovvl Dy IMgm Tie coingaldbmiNE 6 ThPANYt lmia.to-Ole fat inaW01iw0l myadStiwal erm mvud nleew l,, loprvememsion and vWinemalion x dAamircd br lllegan aymwiatoa nIli Wit1Y' ]. headiaoebMarcunelaAndntov.Rm'cd ecdinent comrolmemortenl Jld iNdIANog IaM dial, No, acnMliea and during o¢development uI iiml suMhulin isacNevM. & D' a Abe dl ank' m DESCRIPTION OF EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & NARRATIVE CONTROL MEASURES: PURPOSE NE PURPOSE OF THIS LAND DISTURBING ACRNTY 15 TO GRADE THE WOODRUM HEIGHTS SHE FIAT A ERASION AND SEdMENi C0.V}RCL NEASIIFES RESIDEN11AL DEVELOPMENT. THE TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED MDT }HIS PLAN /5 5,13 ACRES. lT IS ANBLYPa}ED N USE CWMSIRUCTION ENTRANCES MISRSICN ALES SEGMENT BASIS @ EXISTING SITE CONDHENS ]PAPS AND SIT FENCES Mi BE INSTALLED TO CW1RIX SURFACE DRAINAGE TEMPORARY MOST OF THIS SITE IS WOODED AND SLOPES TO THE SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST, THE 511E IS SEEDING ML BE USED IMMEMAIEGY FOLLOWING ALL LAND DISTURBANCE ACRNPES LOCATED TO ME NORIHHEST OF BERKMAR GROW AND SOUTHEAST OF N9OOBURN ROAD. THE T)oRRARY SNCKEME AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED FROM TOPSML MAT ALL BE STRIPPED MA,HWITY OF THE SIT DRAINS TO VARIOUS EXISPNG CULVERTS AND INLET$ AN ENISTTNG FROM AREAS N BE GRADED AND STORED FOR LATER SPREAD/NI STJCKMLE LOCATIONS SHALL WATERMAIN TO REMAIN RUNS DIRECTLY THROUGH THE MIOOLE OF THE SHE AND ITS WATERLINE BE ON SHE AND SHALL BE SODIUM WN A IEMPUP. ARY WDETARVE WKR. PERMANENT EASEMENT /S CLEARED. AO✓A f£NT AREA S' SEEDING MILL BE INFORMED FOR ALL WHEN WILL NO LDNC{R BE EXCAVATED AND THIS SHE IS BORDERED TO Mf SOUTHEAST BY BERKMAR AND TO THE NORTHWEST BY MIKE CANSIRR CORD NAME CEASED PERMANENT SEEDANT STALL ALSO BE T BORDER HESUGEN N ROAD. VACANT LAND IS ALONG THE NORTHEAST BORDER OF THE SHE AND A ALI MODEST DENUDED AREAS WALL BE LEFJ OGANIANT FAR A YEAR AP MORE PERFAIMED A FESYOEN DAL DWELLING EXISTS TO THE SWIHNEST OF THE SHE ' DECALL 4LECRCW CF ENHA M NT O TRUE TIME OF WEAR APPLIED BE ALL DEPEND INFRA£ LAND OISTE TEMPORARY SEEDING WLL BE AL AREAS ALL BE LEFT U DAMED FAP PLL LEAS £NEXT$ BE MADE AB/lN THE RIOT FIGHT -OF -WAY ALONG BERKMAR DRIVE AND MADE MON CONED MPI SY4EN DAYS THEE£ AREAS MALL BE OUTS FAST BERM CH IR WOODB ROAD. . GEEN BNC KGETARdM IMMEDIATELY FE GAPO/NC OF IXOSE AREAS SELECDM CF SE G TEDI E ARE CFEE ' CRITICAL AREAS, BE . 4E0 MIXTURE ALL DID£NO ON THE DNE CF YEAR APPLIED. TREE PROTECTION FINDING AND SILT FENCE SHALL MAINTAINED TO THE PROPERTY LINES W THE ADJACENT NE HE T SHOWN ON ME PLAN TO WE EAST, AND SOUTH OF THE SITE TOLE cONSBNrn. FN A STAGHz£D PA KD IxBMK A WASH RACK AT ENSURE CONTROLS PFOP£RITES CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE MAT ALL SEDIMENT SEDIMENT S THE ST ARE ALONG ROAD AND BERKMAR DRIVE T ENSURE MA i NO SEDIMENT LEAVES THE SIH AND LEAVES AND ESPUCBM LAR WGPESR AN0 Edt£55 A LAVSI CT SITE. ro THIS O MOUNT t' ME /Nd/NT BF NUO DRYING ON DRYING ONTO THE ROADS C A WON TRAING KTTO DEN PA PUBUL ROAD$ BY WON REIN O ANNE /RAND. SgLS'., CONSTR ENIRRANDO SHALL INSTALLED SHOWN dI ME RAND ro BEWLE THE CE M M SOILS MAP /5 INLOPPOFAIEO INTO EROSION LIXMIRIX PLAN PHASE I INN SOILS DATA INCLUDED SCOM N AMOUNT SEdNENi IRANSPMIEO INTO PUB1/C ROADWAYS AMOUNT A WITH THIS OF LON RTRIILB(dV' SILL A } BARRIER OF A SMMEBC FILTER STRETCHED PHASE IF OF CONY£. OTIOSE I' NG INTG MD AM ACROSS ATTACHED SSINGCONSISTINGPOSTS AMG55 AND ATTACHED ro ST ARE I' NOTIFY BEMARLEDISTARG COUNTY i0 SCHEDULE PREANCESIRULIIOE MEETIAAGGS AS REWIRED. ACTIONEP} AMOUNTS M FROM S DUNNED SHALL OF SEGMENT FROM URNED NS D AREAS DURING CMS META BINS O OF I L B LIMITS LL DISTURBANCE SHALL BE FLAGGED AND ME NEE 2 PRIM TO N FINDING SHALL RLTO4 FINDING SHALL BE INSTALLED. W PREVE EAKING It E ORDER T PREVENT SEDIMENT iTOV LEANN6 ME St T DECREASE ME tSiOLITY OF $NEE} BO. NO 3' NO EROSION C MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED DURING THE CM51RUC11INN PROCESS FORS AND LOW-T-MODERATE IEKL CHANNEL ROWS THE SILT FENCE BARRIERS SHALL BE APPROVAL INSPECTOR WITHOUT THE APPROVAL FROM 1H£ PROJECT. INSTALLED DOWN DOES BE AREAS wM t GRAPES T DICIER SEDIMENT LADEN RI/NOSi q, TH£ PROPOSED ENTRANCE NTRI WASH AREAS SNARL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PRO ENT WA SHEEN HALL IMMEDIATELY EYY AFTER EACH INDICATED. THEY SHALL BE INS CONS UC770 ENHANCE TO BE INSTALLED VEHICLE THE PLANS. THE COPSNli RAIN MAINTAINED TA WRGSW RAINFALL AND MAINTANEO IN ACCORDANCE AIH THE NRGNIA ER0.gM R SEDIMENT ObEHO. BWERE MA E TO MINIMIZE ROUTES IMERSECT PUB SHALL BE MADE MINIMIZE ME PUBLIC ROADS. HM SPA EDIMENT HANSPMT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) HACKING ONTO 1H£ U TRACKING O SURFACE WERE .(YEAS/). OTI.' SEDIMENT IS ROAD OUT A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE ME ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED ME ESTABLISHMENT KLE}ABK LOVER ON dSNRBED AREAS BY PLANING ESABUSNMENT AT THEMANSPORTED THOROUGHLY AT ENO EACH DAY SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ME BY A M AN/AL SEED. N ITOM Get AREAS N EOZE ON MD DEGREASE SEGMENT SWEEPING N O A SEDIMENT Ek S DISPOSAL AREA. SHEET SHOVELING AL SMEEALLO AND DRAONLY PERMANENTLY $TA W O COMRBED Y STA AREA$ IN A MANNER MAT I$ £L DE ro EDIN N WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN MlS MANNER. AFTER IM 5' INSTALL Mf INITIAL MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE PHASE l fRO9A4 CDN HOL SEO M ALLOWS lN1E PLANT), ERAD }O SITE LONGILDN$ AA ALLOW$ SEHHANCE OF ME NOS} ATY INCLU INCLUDED SEDIMENT RAPS HIRE SILT FENCE AND TINS INCLUDES A SEDIMENT BASIN T A SEDIMENT UP IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT. ro ENHANCE NATURAL BEAUTY UPON COIAPLEn. A NRE W OF DIVERSION HAP SEGMENT SHALL B£ CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST DIKES MEASURES INTENDED M CMSHULDON ALBNBES ALL AREAS WILL RECOW A PERMANENT WITEMOW COVER. STEP WON STEP WON ANY LAND W BEFORE ACPNIY AND SHALL B£ MADE NNCIIONAL BERME UPSLO°E vOeA�� KS PLACE LANE TAKES PIAEE. ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMPORARY IS COVER W DSNRBEO AREAS BY SEEMN6 6 ONCE ALL ME PHASE I EROSION CMHIX ITEMS HA BEEN INSTALLED SHOWN ON ME ALL ME PHA IN M NNUAL EBWM ANO LNONNG ANNUAL PLANTS T R£OT APPCnOtoBy ILA R HE EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL PHASE l PLAN AND THE INSPECTOR HAS A STABSS TABM BY STABSSWAG B D AREAS MAT DILL NOT BE SEWMT T HNAL MADE' MEASURES WADING STABILIZATION CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN ME MINIMUM MOOING OPET WI SE FOR A JO DAM SEAMEN} NUNOFF T FOR A PERIW OF DIME MM JO GAYS T REDUCE DAMAGE , AND MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED N EARTHEN SHUCNRES SUCH AS GAMS DIKES AND GVERSONS HA S DAMS, DIKES, N M D " XMISWRING EAM M OFF SHE AREAS AND TO PFONDE NON BARE STRTRAA. IO ARY OBBER R MESS CONSHUCBCN UNPL PERMANENT VEGETATION M DINER EFQRIOV COYNIX MEASURES PERMANIMMEDIAENT R TEMPORARY SHALL BE MMIN Z' PERMANENT OR ]ER SOT. SOL TO DENUDED pN BE SEED CM B FINAL SEVEN GAYS AFTER FINAL MADE lIN REACHED ON ANY P DENU ES RE SHE. ]£MPMARY SOUL IS REACHED PORTION O TEMPORARY STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED MNAN SEVEN DA 15 TO DENUDED AREAS MAT MAY NOT BE AT OUST CO.vBOL NAND, FINAL FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) F0.P LONGER THAN 30 DAYS ME ECT MAY. DOER ME REAM ROW CIWdDONS Cori ew n P'.-, wa erw, pnmR :n an ofio- : nng w REDUCING SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF WS}WRING LINO MS MEEAKI CEMIXIPON AND pM 15 Bam fill hat k nd aefe lamil B ThevlmlmtlmsM1allmspeclnll eruamvvuvval rteeswes Fenld:WlyaM illm eechmmtt- pro5oavgrvv611erevL Avyveceseuv:tpv-essavoFlom-InnineMMIAeveeeof CONSTRUCT. ACBNTES PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO ME LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR Ue emeiov comM VA-L shall he nade Immediately. TO PREVENT SURFACE AM ARMGWEMENT OF DUST FEW COSSED SUM SURFACES AND M OF REDUCE ME PRESENCE OF AIRBOYIME SUBSTANCES WHICH MAY PRESENT HALM NAZARUS 10, All fill.... A W, tlYen homanaWmvte, de Im. Nrtow uu. TRAFFIC S9FEIY PRASEMS ON HARM ANIMAL OR PLANT LIFE PHASE II: 11. e W N-11,baM1 w.. han'MDAi N AWIT. FSM1fi fill Bull bei. M wau WSI LYWMGL MEASURES SHALL BE EMMI . IU PREVENT SURFACE ANT AIR MOVEMENT OF B PHASE /1 CONSTRUCTION SHALL INCLUDE BUILD/NC TIE RIMMING WALLS ALONG BERKMAR ORIWE. WNUAL vu.n only, bee ofrccu, stumps woN robbiab. and dte,&.N WSI WRNC C..I ., MEASURES EMMG. SHALL BE IN ACCCRO . NM ME SSCN, INSTALLING HE ROAD LONNELTOV BETWEEN BERKMAR Oft AND HDWBURN ROAD AND 'FORA INTCM 12. Bwavw mwmm cress are101: IechimeewidwTe.p Ofmmpledonper Z:niag RMPMMr dKRv. DKF' INSTALLING ME DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ME RETAINING WALLS BE Whonote met 111g_ A MOO£ OF COMPACTEO SOL CONSTRUCTED AT ME DAY OR A BASE OF A ACTING I. ME SEDIMENT HAP 01 SHALL BE MWIflED AS ME WALLS ARE CONSHULTEO. ME GRACING 13. M ineM1llvlendt 01a11 be MmpnYA iv tongliaort wim sstdm 13.w1 ollle CMem AREA BHIw GHRrs OFF-9IE RUNUP AWAY FRou ANPRGrzCTEO MONEG AND MA FROM ME RETAINING WALLS WILL SLOPE DOWN TO ME MAP, AND ME HAP WILL CONTINUE TO Albemarle COLLECT ME RUN-OFF MAT /5 NOT GVERDIT TO ME SEDIMENT BASIN. 'TOE yiwa gi lype pmwrt alvlpmen r ld. Itlo Murviil- hill be lilmheta STAMUZED WRET, ON T DIVERT SEGMENT -LADEN RAVOEF TO A SEGMENT TRAPMNG B AFTER ME RETAINING WALLS ARE BUILT. ME CONHACTM SHALL INSTALL CONPLET ME / NAB[£ RU CL Me hourlofTseeleaaivit Me hwrsofT:COavIo 9'.INpm. MEN DUN£ GA.tlMUN EFFECTIVE UK IS IB M.MS Rm'K CUFT:x � SEDIMENT HAP E E&S PLANS DO CAPE OF UN RETAINING WALLS B ME FINAL FORM SHOWN /N PHASE 2 OF ME E@S PLANS TO CAPTURE FUNO'F FROM ME NORMN£ST END OF ME SIEE Y UPON CYAWNEBON OF CCNSNULTCN ALBNRCI ALL AREAS BILL MA IT A PERNANEN} NEC£I BK COHR w, w wazleaemrye 1 co ucletl m a waax Wn wnluaa SMALL, IENPMARY SLOPE DAMS CMSNUCTEO ACROSS A DRAINAGE d}M TO REDUCE ME CONTRACTOR TO ALSO MODIFY ANY OF ME Ol WER510N DIKES TO SEDIMENT BASIN AND HAP T eulyvt m m&rm mlmu m myl d ropenon , phpxc l damnge m Wjxemlmdand vel N L.LE .. FLOY5, RE'O'ULING EROSM OF ME SAWN, OR .. HATES TJ ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE ONCE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED SEDIMENT HAP AND DIVERSION PLANT RESIDUES OP OTHER MUTABLE MATERIALS TO ME SAL SURFAGE TO PREHM COMMIT BY PROTECTING ME SOL Mrrovennoteaddoe,emavyrydic Dienbee-e-fidee. cinklot mcdlape. USE IN MAIL BEEN CHANNELS MU MAIN 1 AGGRE M LICE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN DIKE CONTRACTOR CAN CMRNU£ GRADING AND ROAD AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTIONS UPSCOPE RAINMIW IMPACT AND REOUpNC THE KLCAIY OF OWFRKANO ROW. T FOSTER ME GROWTH IN VECE IAA. BY INCREASING 16 ThedeM r [ball Iezerve IM1e ' h Loivvlall vldgsi reawv MUCH O $ 5• INSALLATION GF A PRLIECRVE LOOTING OR A SAL SWAAC AAM MAT M A PMPAR-D PLANTING ANSI CY A STEEP SLOPE ON CNANNEL TO AD M OR CdMMIXLING EROSION M MUCAL AREAS aN ISO SM T,es. SJS.D SITE NIBAEC 6CEOING MI%TURFS FOR PIFRANINT PA TOW IJa S[AF¢ MAIN- m'al ei Retihminl ITUB0IN, Kenture, 31 w Tmf-Typa Tall Feeme 9Nim - lotwoned Pa YtI,I Ryeglau OS% - unmey lnwgren o5m yl5p AM.N.-WeTo- DA25016L. . Mvmelym."ni-Type Tall.- NOW x _m 3131 Fee- GAIN, Rea T p Guu geewnel Nine DUN 1Rlh m-MImentennS F• n IRE. KePAcAL 31 In- NO IT R m TN Ona xiw. mpvp• mate . Crwothen" 33IDE M ' SA aemml nurse eaa in-.a-viN-M data. MM blrvr. IML mnt.0 ANNA ................... ... RW Me�W y IRE NwgE Ameen USN .....,.-, ........... P-IMivn An of V h mmvgfi Whi....................... Maud BY, N en Utnt, Tehwry Lsm___............. wmn Rx " AS.. me See¢a IeapWeu In, Cammvewb eat d Fmm .. nt . (May MmOpf S"t.nee tentwo.,io., all Omee YLYNT.vu uvI..A serkeet Nilen ais Oxd in li.dOwmueh. in-.. n-Dit ht/arn. All Murre teedmvaceRnpeelyit-Seel, weWinreeEmeWw m.rbe,Jdeltn.mslnpe nel--ine.-mu doting weemef Niry whome; Nd l6N IRE/ae2M mince MAND �muav maa .w.nsa ape: uM.422 Lmmw: ate Ann, loopenton, Iwo mn o a.Ie NET NE Me. NENANAL 11oll IWAY ass AASON. no, Toot, IN- RIT 1 N..ses TWOLAN D.UNMY P WNTG RIN I UNIT a «SEED MAKUYAND. `N AMONTANNOE W YANA SAI � w PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE PS NO SCAE (STD. G SPEC. 3.32 OF WRGINIA EROSION k SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, 3RD ED.) v gemem fatltitieegvAae apptiubleaN evtiov aontrvl rceaa e�iecwrai UK SBEAMS OF ME SEDIMENT HAP. by Waplmregudlev vflM ask Davy ld, IVln, hdl4;vgaoJlx palbudlbe Poppy. SRAM GRAM MITI PROTFLnONT IOPERMANENT M TEMPORARY SOL STABIUZARM SHALL BE APPLIED T DENUDED AREAS MMIN IT. Tempreary:uMliWion shall be ¢npmsay eeedingaM ma:cAiag. $ce4llg iab4u]5 ME INS}ALLAOM OF VARIOUS KINGS OF SEON£N} BURPING MEASURES AROUND IME INLETS SEVEN DAYS AFIER FINAL MADE /S REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF ME SITE RYAPORARY SD/L IWaaze W in Jre Imdhe of Segen[erto Fedumyto mmW a 50/SOmuIAA®Ial CR CURB FAST SBUCNRE$ PRIOR T PERMANENT S}ABILIZATON OF ME dSNRBED ARC; STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS MAT MAY NOT BE AT RyALl Cereal WinterRmolin Machand ANSI W maul ofAmval BY,, a May UNTIED T Meet AREAS NOT EXCEE AING ME AGREE MO NOT INTENDED TO CONTROL FINAL MADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNGSNRB£D) FOR LONGER MAN 30 SAM INwgh Auguumconaisl ofGemw Mille. Smw mukhilo be qq&tln BIMbL11Mld. LARGE, CONCENBAI£0 S}ORNWA}ER FLOWS PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS MAT ARE }0 BE LEFT DORMANT FOR Allawtiveaem edb the CwoL rolins MORE MAN ME YEAR. bjamlo.ppor r ruG'ian mat Pena. AWALLRr ATINGA 1g. Pemm�ml naltl4uUansIIYIM IioamdfenJitu. pemuntmaecdiog. and mulch. A SMALL PWMNC AREA, FORMED BY TO 6 AN NDITLABARNEY RUMET' ESO WTH L S1YNEE PHASE III: Agfinfif sl gaade limearove ehsllkaFplied u911M/ItlNAf,ioeapsaetl inly lMlW <.6 RITE} EDACKOSS AREA MANIAC{ SWALE T DE}aW MOST OTT TIES SN RUMET' SMU SMALL ILWHIN' ME INSTALLAVOITNAP OF N UPLAND STORM SLEEP SYSTEM AND SHALL HE INSTALLED ALONG ME wetrsofalit. Fe hoes,[hallM WPlkd& tMES .ame tment f. tion10ky Ito OUT NAD D FOR ENOUGHLEE na B ALLOW MOST N ME SUSPENDED SWOS T SETTLE ALLEY. SEGMENT HAP /I CAN BE REMOVED. INLET ER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED SYSTEM ME mill eentent.l -1o,P sIWIM aWliad ae IgMb✓v BIDNOuatlof4,-101.tI It or OUT NA. SEDIMENT BASH IS )8 M.Mi MOP INLETS ANDMe YARD INLETS FOR THEEN STORM DINNER SYS}EN. MIS DRAINAGE ERRED WILL Toll Foeueand0.5¢F4renNd RyegnumKmlacky Bluegnu.Sm+'mulcM1 ieroEe ATOMPURYSYOUENi BASIN WIIMEN IMRUN-OTFL REMAIN OPERA BRAN EDSU,pE ,{Y, WIIILE ME SIE l5 BEING STABILIZED. afpliW al gJlbt/IWef Alemadre:are vubXvttasppmvW by NeCwary aOtiov control q }EMPMARY BARRIER M DAM NM Ofi'BOLLED S}MMWA2R RELEASE 51AUCNRES NNICN I5I2'SEDIMENJ HAP jY SHALL FEAfAIN OPERATIONAL, 0/VEFTNC ME RUN-OFF FROM ME ALLEY ME IANO Abitionn FORMED BY COYSTEUCTNC M EMBANKMENT OF CLWPACIED SOL ACROSS A MgINACEWAY, IT INTO ME HAP UNTIL ME ALLEY AND UPLAND AREAS ARE STABILIZED. MC£ HE ALLEY HAS N}IES 19. Maidenarcs: All mnsures are b d impenN waklyaod afla each O, ire , Anyllmnd IS USED TO OBTAIN SEGMENT -LADEN RUNIYF FROM MANAGE AREAS J ACRES M GREATER BEEN PA WO AND ME UPLAND BUILDING AREAS STABILIZED M WRAPPED IN SILT FENCE M£ m es 10%YI N,ocmml m,c-line, M filed medially. Sih naq aremh deaoed SEGMENT MAP CAN BE REMOVED. FOR ENOUGH THE N ALLOW MOST M ME SUSPENDED SEARS N SETTLE WT. IT C'AN BE ? wines nd when a wnnaege vol vItign l@d wlh NNi w 3ifi ll Nettled a on-o to be 1JWHEN ME ENTIRE DAN RE i IS STABILIZED AND DE INSPECTOR BUILD HAS GIVEN N ME WRAPPED M£ p 'MAY whcded what arsaeryloot1. PIT.] a 1. A1:au. Till fene U,Nwdtlredykes C OSAMON AO.LY WHERE MERE IS SUFFISENi RACE ANO AFPR0.^RIAI£ 1CTIXMBY A CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE MEASURES TO ALAI. ]H£ BUILDING PADS CAN DI NRAPPEO IN SILT LOPED ro µythart mNmtiug yNilrem IODIC mat htigM muu be cltmM aM ngi:ed MAAFIE EFFECTIVE UFE li 18 M.MS UNLESS OESMEO AS A PLRNANLNT PIXJO BY A FENCE FT STIN. NO HI MEASURES }0 ALLOW NE REMOVAL S ME SEDIMENT RAPS AND Kam' ANneriipenr LADMIT D PROFESSMAL. SEGMENT BASIN. N0 ITEM SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS 1H£ UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED 20. Alllmpaaywthiw Aid whonahemaotrolowSAD strinala belenmretwiNw 30 SAYS WINSTALIUM O: ANODE INSPECTOR IOV£S PERMISSION THE THE OF STRSTWRYISMAL T BASIN IS MECGHR fimiseNMMlirnfin when lleuunsare nolovgern�W, aubFnbeFWlwal by Je ME IN DUTIES pFDUCE CNMNELDUMEACUMG SOLIDS ATBASINS MOW FORD REMOVAL AND ME/NEMPOATOYOFEL PERMANENT STORMSERER SYSTEM, MEEON' TM CioNyeamiov mnOd inspect«. MAIN FLOW T REDUCE ERRS. AND UNDER-TERS R CDO G CHANNELS OWNING AT W TE1T MO ro SHALL REMOVE ME TEMPORARY ITS BARING LOON TIGHT INTO ME EXISTNC STRUCTURE ON' 21. Thisplm shape, WADUe wns&nectioNainapmw: wilhivlyevof lhe&Ie of REDUCE FLOW VEGOCIBES BEFORE S}QMewA2R ENTERS RECEIVING LNANN£LS BELOW MESS BERKMAR DRIVEREMOVAL AND PLUG SEDIMENT BASIN, NE CO arytaval. (onownt deei kentinmattairn omikedO) CULLERS 14.IN D ME REMOVAL OF M£ SCILIMENI BASE HE CONTRACTOR SYOR SHALL INSTALL RME A M. Pald n ft gmu In nllbein°yco o eed. tlarea Hlhiv vine ry)monlM1saP17 CULVERT MET PR0TCMN LOCATED THE S17 IS S D£LIZED. FACILITYPRO OP ME SHE MEASURES SYSI£M STALL IN IN E OPE TO ONAL,PREY ONCE vita) NuleMdulwEivg aclivhycommmced.IWm Ptmtim Ordvava secdw IR- q SEDIMENT F FL EN [COATED AT UL INLET TO STEM GSENE?MA WLISRI$ y ON CULNPREVENTS RU SHf /5 STABILIZED, INTHE PELDIVE M' FACILITY DU SHALL E COIN IN PLACE TO PREVENT 30IBT SEDIMENT IRON ENTER/xG ACCUMULATNC IN AND BEING RANS'ERRED BY TE CULVERT. IT RUN FAIN FROM REACHING ME L MEASURES FAGLITY OUTING ME WROMI CONSTRUCTION ION AND. 1SSEDIMEN ALL EROSION HA WOGi MEASURES L SPEOFTEDAP IN ME NRGNIA EROSIVE AND ESEV PROVIDES EDRAINA C.R0. AT MECISNEROSCHVI WRING RE PHASE OF A GHTEAL WHERE ALSOSEDIMENT CGNHIX HANDBOOK, REMOVING ONLY WIZEN APPROVED BY ME LOCAL PROGRAM ELEVAR.S AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS ARE LYHMCMG CAUSED ORIGINAL LUA'RIX MEASURES ADMINISTRATOR MWPAT(M IN EROSION ACCORDANCE WIRE HE NRGNIA MEASURES AND SEGMENT OVEROL HANDBOOK. TEMPORARY AREAS WAG.' SA BE IN UNDE, K I6.DA AFTER RY EROSION AND SEDIMENT AFTER MEASURES SHALL A REMOVED MMIN G ALL DENUDED AREAS G PEA DILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR EXTENDED PEMCOS OF RISE SELECTION BE SEEDED A PRETT rtOW DAYS V, UN FINAL SITHER USESTABILIZATIONAUTHORIZED M AFTER ME L INCOARY MEASURES ARE NO T CONGER NM FAST RERNEEL RNG ND ON HE DUE YE IMMEDIATELY E MORE 4'RAONG SRECR. OF ME q ATURE BK BARKER INSTALLED Rl PRMIBIT UNOESRABLE USE OF AN ER09. COJ IRIX SEDIMENT UNLESS E DISRASE AUM . ARE BY SU LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. HOPPED SEED MIXTURE WILL DEPEND CA ME THE OF YEAR AM WILL BE APPUEO TO DISNRBEO ORES MA} MEASURE: SEDIMENT ASH ME 0/RRMANE SILL AREAS RESULTING FROMVENT Mf ER EROSION OF TEMPORARY WILL NOT BE SHOULD BE SELECTED TO A REAM MMIN JO DAYS MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENIlY STABILIZED TO PREVENT NRMER ER09ON ANO ANDPLANTS ICWLD BE HE ATOBAPPROPRIATE OCT ME SEASON AND SITE BE USEDTOVS FROM TABLES 5318 PERMANENT STABILIZATION.' SEDIMENJATON. EMLUAAAN OF CM CONDITONSLE JIABIE S IC IS PLANTS WOOD PRESENTS MORE INN DEPTH INFORMATION ON ME PLANT STMEUDAATCH OF MIS EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATVEPERMAINENT SEEMIG WELL BE APPLIED M ALL DISMISSED AREAS AS PER ME PERMANENT SOIL DESCRIPTION W CONTRO 2ZB -ELDAK LOAM-1R N T% SLOPES RESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED GOALS ARE FOUND ON SE CONTROL EROSION ON BARE SO[ SURFACES PLANTS MUST BE ABLE N GERMINATE AND GROW. AFTER RAM COJSRUCT E l5 AS PER CU ALL GMOT STANDARDS. AREAS OF IS SITE WILL VI TOFO HILLROR S SLOES AURAE E RUNOFF, MM MCAMANLY HIM T HIM PERMEABILITY SEEDBED PREPAFATCW IS ESSENTAL F E FaLO, AND SEEDED AS PER WRR£N} IDOJ STANDARDS. MI5 SHALL COMSAT M RE Sat - 2G AN EVALUA7CAL MAY BE O DEMANAI N DEACTUAL lF LINE IS NECESSARY FM TEMPORARY SEEDING TOP S- - N D£PR ZTC -DIOM LOAM-T% N IS% SAES MESS DEEP, N£LL D Y HIG SOTS ARE FOUND . TABLE J JIA MAY BE USED T OEfERMINE ME ACTUAL NEED ALONG WIRE SUGGESTED APPUCABM LIME LI 2 RAYS/ACRE HILLSLOPES SLOPES MWEFAT' RUNOFF, MM MW£RATlY HILH T HILH PERMEABILITY FARES: SEED - E - BOB CBS/AM£ A 15-JO-IS FERTLIZEF SHALL BE FIRRU R LW LBS (ACRE OF AMD10�20�10INTO W [TOP 2 O 4 CH O EWE SOW. SLED - WELL EEG CLI375 [ARIA SON SEED MIXOR - ERNMX-1 BLUEGRASS (45 LBS/ACRE PENNLA EE 390 _ HAM LOAM-IS%TO 25% MOPES THESE SHALLOW, EXCESSIVELY MAIMED SOLE ME I MUSTIJS LIME ANO FERTIUZ£R SHALL BE INCOFPMAREO INTO M£ JM 2 TO 4 INCHES O` ME SOL PARKCRAING TUC Y BLUE, AS LBS/ACRE MULE KENNCKY ASSAs153],5 LBS/ACRE lF PoSSIBLE PARK K£NNCKY BLUEGRASS 15 LBS/AM£ ANNUAL RYECRASS & 15 LBS/AMA PLEASURE MLL4LVES MroEAA}£ RUNOFF, MM MOOERARELY NIUI T NIUI PERNEAPoLITY. IF ME AREA HAD BEEN RECENTLY LOOSENED M DISTURBED, NO FARMER RSSAMCH D 15 REWIRED. PERENNIAL AFTER THESE AREAS ARE STIOLU E0 NET WILL BE INCHES AND MAINTAINED bJ A REGULAR BASS GOB - FAIRNEW SANDY LOAN-2% T T%SLOPES MLSE GEE➢, NELL MAINED SOTS ARE FOUND MffN RE AREA /S. MPAC}EO, CRUSTED, E MEANS MA IN SOL SHALL BE BULLDOZER CLEATSNED IS OSTNG M IN}ERFCUVES', MODERATE RUNOFF, MM MODERATELY HIM N HIM PERMEABILI}Y. RAKING HARROWING M ORER ACCYPTABLf MEANS RACKING WIR MPACTCLEANS IS M05i MAINTENANCE ESPECTVE M SANDY SOTS MlN MIT OFTEN CAUSES UMW£ S EFFI N&ION OF ME TEN SURFACE, IN D AFTO?, ALL ER09. AID SY FALL. C.RIX MEASURES WILL BE WEN OILY OF SURFACE IN CCl£Y SONS, AND GOES NOTAID PLANT MOWN AS EFFECRKIY AS OTHER MEMMS AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SPECIFIC AJIENTCN WILL BE OKN N RE A suRFACE RWGHENMC' FOLLOWING /THING STORAIWATER RUN-OFF CIXJSIDERATIONS SEED SHALL BE EVENLY APPLIED MAIN A BROADCAST SEEDER, Met WLTPACKER ,SEEDER M A. SEDIMENT BARNS AND/M RAPS WALL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN STMMWAT:R MANAGEMENT,' RE STORMWATER RUNOFF FRIW NIS PROSE} MAINS TEMPORARILY N HIDRQSEEDER SMALL MAINS SHALL SE PLANEO NC DIME MAN I ANGLES BEEP SMALL SEEDS SUCH ACCORDANCE NOT WE WMINIA EROSION is SEDIMENT CWROL HANDBOOK ME SEGMENT NUMN At BM. OF SEGMENT BASIN AND ME SEDIMENT BAP WILL BE RENOKO AFTER } B. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS M4 BE MECKEO REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP MAT RE MVLLMMENT OF ME VICTORIAN HEIGHTS PROJECT AS LINES SHOULD LD BE A ED FROM BE PLANTED NO DIME RAN }INCH DEEP OMLR MASSES AND WALL PREVENT PESTER DRAINAGE lF ME GRAVEL 15 CLOCUST BY SEDIMENT, WE DECLINES 54WL0 BE PLANTED FROM j lNG1 i0 }DEEP. MAV£L MY BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, M U DILL BE REPLACED. SEEMNGS MADE IN FALL FOR KNIFE COVER AND WPoNG HOT AND MY SUMMER MONTHS SHALL BE C. ALL SLT FENCE BARRIERS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR UNDERMINING M MULCHED ACCORDING TO MULCHING SN. A, SPEC 13S EXCEPT WAT HYAPoMULCNES (FIBER MULCH) DETRIMATCW OF ME FABRIC AND REPAIRED AS REWIRED. SEDIMENT STALL SE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE STRAW MULCH SHOULD BE USED WRING NESE PERIWS REMOVED WISH WE LEVEL OF SEDIMENT OEPOAT. REACHED HALF WAY T WE TA A ME BARRIER AREAS WHICH FAIL N ESTABUSH WO ATV[ COVER ADEQUATE T PREVENT RILL EROSM WILL BE D. ALL SEEMO AREAS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY N SEE THAT A GOOD STAND IS RE -SEEDED AS SOW AS SUCH AREAS ARE MOUNTED. MAINTAINED. AREAS SHOULD SE FERTLIZED AND RESEEDED AS NEEDED. (A Z O Og (A In i Wtw In Z° n M z 0 Lu �y N LL v z CD CD IT, ON W IN J Z< LuW Q z g W a Z J NLu O Z _J = M O O Q p U Z WU Y Lu ~ N O W W (n ul N U z W r D J r Lu Z Q U) O w Z of J OCD 0 IN V_ U ION WS 202196 si AS NOTED 3 No Im Sfb 19M yM 193E w PRORIE rcx � Ye.1PCe Jn a ELM Info el�Lu 1 HaDv�xxM1a xemnn n,M1l•Xto�k IxY�tl+aUa tlo lM1eiv,lu r1il �, el xYLaJ n nl l'tuLn Ln:�le�Il Ae \'a Lu Wlei �nl au in Xrt Nlxm Nutllhl¢ -nNne a'M npnn x I.I Ue �Inm�nl Lnn� cYm wJm.�N.Lv�o�xtln..•w.c PAVED WASH RACK 1m SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION meS — OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION" swn: AJeP¢E tom V DOE Sla¢ BM—a¢C Va D3WC ga Smm: VDOTVEOR Tmo Conxei PlutlaaW .re � 3q Im �V J (WITH WIRE SUPPORT) xe 9dum: A&Plea ham n 'nn .,v ,..i RnM'e.. n mme Conml Shen 1 W,' NY 3.O1 PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS e.ea� M. 3.041 SLR M. ERWC 3.01 PAR 3U Im CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE mt .� (WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT) xa ree In,. or I —swe� � 1 Y V. SX261 FlO. IXBTpLL\TION� IPEfvmrv. vrtwl mnef I % \A �ro Po.Ms . sxOVLD ec xwNExl TIUN PeIM 3. • n -.d SLery .Wynn F—Rwr Barns: V. DSWC TYPICAL ORIENTATION OF TREATMENT — I (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) flue 3.161 Sams: gy,WlmmUdlmvRatlutuB.— SILT FENCE DROP INLET PROTECTION c II II II a P.9o'.m PERSPECTT' VIEWS ELEVATION OF STAKE AND ��N'LLLLLL FAB31C ORIENTATION DETAIL A e =' twoei a cu.=$ Tu' r°" Xia.I'tlu` 11UU AU. lno, e.E... .® vws. xmx u 3W BW 3.o1-1 Sa¢,•x:NL P..a:.. -..l a.,y, HMWRS3�IAYm3L 1!89 PIFM }Ilhl 3M 19Y1 Im STONE —LINED WATERWAYS m R CIOTH — m—N nmx N -A v-sx.wm u:'eR11pv mx sra,rz miTLa D.I. ow I- " mnX onm — mrex ell ere J P.R. � ..I. R..WYmxum"n U. mPum elnl� flab. B—: UNDA. CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING r CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Ne1e 3U61 B— VS mw TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE EomPealetl sou 1T mU. 19A. EXAMPLE PLAN VIEWS OF BAFFLE LOCATIONS IN SEDIMENT BASINS a7MLI= S—s USDA QJ 3.H RE- .. CUT/FILL QUANTITIES: VOLUME OF CUT FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE:&. CU. YARD VOLUME OF FILL FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: y;000 CU. YARD NET VOLUME OF FILL FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: 3E000 CU. YARD 6"OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE HAULED OFFSITE TO A PERMITTED (SW PPP( SITE ASEXPLAINED IN EACH PHASE NARRATIVE AND REITERATED HERE•PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOI L STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 3o DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORETIANONEYEAR. r� �SCDTT R sz No. 9fi991 Y t fO.VpL TSn 0 t9 Z W Z L9 Z W Toe xo.m 202196 AS NOTED x[�xo EROSION CONTROL REH �p .NCR 1fl41 � I SeEimoMTra tloai n p1 \ GRAPHIC SCALE Satlimam Beain X4 Deapn .� P B sr` SAFETY FENCE J01 Klima ar®pwl 3BE r..e. azn ' NJ- Yo and reel(<3 x1 131-IlfT-L{ Gl� �CE CON51RUCnQ'V ENTRANCE 103 Esir edlmsdNdls�z„mwri shormada MO numlpl ae� - MW WMnw: asan G+" mu v _ r evmv ... .. ,-_-.--.�_. demtim(1) -(e) Rhass did Wuslaws) m SCO'R R 2 CR �+ CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABSIZAP0.V SO ^ to KURT )1310 11. ' 519.00 %5.0 1 m '�"�` 496 Iso. D 00 Inner - No. 35'i81 Y IFY456 here 2'em 110.] O S/LT FENCE SO O 5A100 M15,0 hod u, svv YO '301 AM 2er.2 '� Ol/Ofi/32 NOTE: SLOPES GREgTERTHAN SHALL BE SYL00 JNJO 3+2 0 0 D 00 .ram NOTE: MEASURESINTENDEDTOTRAP 3:1 'oSrO ¢P IP STORM--ii PROTEC- SO] SEDIMENTSHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ASA FIRST FLAMED WITH NAIVE TEE. SLOPEMI%WRH 534.W 48A.0 83t $�'^f� ,� 0 0 0 0.0 STEP WITH ANY LAND DISTURBANCEACTIVITY ANNUAL RYEGRASS BY RNSTCONSERVATION 526.00 (AND 1p5 a.r a0is AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE SEEDSATARATEOF6 LBS.PERACRE,ORSLB b CIP ® -1 -El PRO -EARM 109 UPSLOPE LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. PER rood SF, UNLESS ECINED OTHERWISE. �® xtl anraae: Far mva wr aerw ast dmagesM3md(cYRdi 1012 Sediment Trap design AZ IrllNn of stone eeir ND am83 00 �� TEMPORARY DsMiSis ON DIKE 3'.f mryemnuiva ",des -Sou 2ss shon'th'shom 0l EN IN M adenre truce assman 1) sx12 sy olim P) Sher, Is s1aaax prOtlM el uiadMim ldl) 1012 � 6reingla me(ecml(<3ec) n20 wN dariedi d this dMlm �-0 FEN kq WdWandpol 10.0 BICp of rvAloodipeeiM 21 - TEMPORARYAli M4ERSCN J.I/ dealt efnn wre Mve cmmdlcrl:min aTM1 hN M1dm Olmin Ol SaeW wehlashm ifl)(SVCA) tlt [ NBwSM(T) (an adewmai) wisseci wlNman 519] a1 (p) pOx NNkm Onfelp¢ .1tlry 91NaR¢. G]IIlm M1rtP ¢I¢agiOn (A) 4116 5T O SEDIMENT TRAP SET 514 76 0 0.0 - mood INS.0 ioce(fll(a t1 L9 updaoll'.." 21 \ I tlry INNER, repu'md NYl(BTDA) 101.2 MBan lap 6mensions: 101r0P �° 516 324 3)1 13.8 od.ylyeu _ Ewaluvean hcealm 2:1 .1 rash Olt 49p.0 Np of dam Nea°ron (fi) 5p0 F O O SED 1 GM_ SI4 510 ]O0 1,3]1 508 seas \ '\ tlry elNaR F S) ietl m this deMim (M) 101.2 .1 sash, old- It 10' z � 0 0 0 0.0 Dam quirtd (ry)(e 'vl a0 mllw. ves O Wrz[r PR01EcnCN Sra 1 0 0 0 0.D dry�dNapPyavwdSir) NMim cY) X's Ier�a,4g MMLwelin � \ II \M1rStoweLids 21 1°p:ryarrens°m zTIH1s % Q \ decssenrq eeilnl Ao uwel�r mwpied na z) oe0 Av A wV A �\ vv vv � m E. .e.••, dimwII As lutiylinl lln(Icw1 B0 \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ l i RR -P ST9 wellbalp: - cdlem YES L xel alOape required Oy) III 1i4 'm'�a:r: mmmr ma.w r1avE dgln dwmeaapllwY vmt al ].D ]ENPO.PARY SEEgNC SJI Bottom 01s1one uer(M 31685 C(onaaStr Lrtmal J. s.'s M o,dwm 4x 91) 2'.1 y\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ Was storage pl°dded at thib¢Ideation(cy) 114 /lO1Mry 14 slope MLeirell5hi) Dom ' \ \ \�\ \ \ \ \ \ N H f £ P$ PJ PERMANENT SEEDING 113 aldpecTalJadi Sidi Y1 1 Nir 28 02yr Be Im�hi 11 Mrttl in samba am Nl ®,m \\ (�n \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ` ,aK = Z o i $ 'renmM1(fl)(eam) 50 /125/ S9 025yr 86 n emlln rgdrw P \ J \\ \\ \ \ \ \ _ eI/ x MU MU MULCHING J35 tlryebR(K: Mbm Of INS sle4lM nu 514 d'mercim cl MMrs 1411a' , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ d g 6 m 4d=ue leg.i. ky)(6]'DAI 114 Momla,clund aims: 4XuP / doodow rs" 1 1 \ \ \ ' O/P TREE PRG1ECnCN 139 Great W.bne aeir 61 ].0 mp W him elenlbn(fll 518 / °uilMMdam) I.IL Ass ". lahadayM F0 1 \ W - aianmxnv In m regulm wmanv (o25�l(oa) 0.0 I / 1 I 1 1 �/ j dry elmelY plNAdMMthis elewfcn leY) 114 Mp xaM of data (6) 6' .Pose, aacry Op lcel 13.W Wlommmn Np WA 1 / \ `) 2 OC OL DUST CONTROL. 339 sl°xeddy Moda,slides 1t t dl-"I- 20X15' dlumerw:tind nl le Shape M Si Amov.(Plo - 1 / / I I / zp _$ \ \ --- / / mrd lerON�n(1) Be mlm III dean mad. m) - 1 / / 1 / -� 6 ta O 0 sar sr� ..ewNR£r a.w \ --- / nwm unmyn emd.°fRNlm 1o.m cl®ldmRleer ln) E '\ , `) -_' / dimrelm odralel(m) ORARY STOCKPILE BY SILT FENCE- _ M .. 40 / J PI DE I �1 CONTRACTORS GI RE4 DODggONE659A ✓`" ) / ___ / 1 � / COK'LES I "/I<�' AND PORThPOTTIES DU P PR TEMa Is _ i SURROUNDED SU PIORT NOTE: SILT FENCE, SAFETY / E m - si WgSH RACK /�-�L / / FENCE, ANDTREE PROTECTION 0 ry $ / ----- __ _f_ _ imam / / / \ / /'$HALL BE IN$TALLEDAT LIMN$' ~ o _ aaay�asam�i «i'«�«�saiass�aaa -. �ma+ �-'i i i OFDIETFORGRAPHICALARE / - T / / / /� PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDESARE MEASURED T \ I - - CE 12170-MIN. / OF DI URBANCEORHE LIMITS FL ARROW(TYPN`\ \� r\� A// / NOTE THIS CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 5 / 'DIVERSION DIKE. / - CA _ �\ ° , y 1 F4t 4/Ie \:• AND MAINTAINED BYTHE // / /' \ NOTE CONTRACT6GT0 I \`\\ _ _�` -___ -- - - - F ` / 'y it jt 'I CONTRACTOR• ARLLTCONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS / ' Onj / ENSURE FESTIVE ______ \- \ I 7 \ h,;^v"Z dz j�?/ `f r/O q HALL UTILIZE NSTRUCTION ENTRA CE.// / PROPOSED LIAFITS OF _ z DRAINAGE AL ONG - S x z�'.1:1"'T "' II ARE -\- _ A Adr., / / DISTURBANCE ITYP.I'- -/' M L)..I c' r DIVERSION DIKE SOIL 6 B l 11 I{I-,�, / / / O ` 5 \\\ III i/ ''// �SOR/'•..-„ / DITCH ALONG c w S --_ ____/ \ \ \\ la / / ♦ l / // DC CS / ' BE EDIVE ID WITHDIK_ G IT \ \ I I I iDRanAGE DIVIOE(n'P.>T/-�-rl _ / /// /Jure, _ a Q v \v /G° NCRETE WASH I/ / CL 8 �� rr /LU BA51 /n\ ��__ -���\\ \\ \'<� \ I I 'VI _ _ -/_ - / - g5 •g/1 ,9' °-.5°e / // /""/ // N a< RAAVDIVERSION TOZ . RIP/RAP OUFFALL PROPOSED LIMITS 6 _i _ \ 1 _ - -_'R - - _ = L ,AR�IW DIVERSION ANDDIVER91ON DIKE,/ / /' Sq L='zz', W=6', 0=i' /� Q S OF OI$TURBANCE(TYPJ _ _ i _ - _ _ _ \ - ��__= _ - ''Fr \Y _ '' �TyMALL SEDIMENTTRAPPING DEVICE/ 'x'9- - / / J J J e `\ / FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE -'' % S hi / / / / / 2 J / / \AREA TO SEDIMENT BASIN =244 ACRES DC LI tBOIUNDARY(rYP _T / .___!�kiA� / // IL TY z] TS/ I /iN c ( PROP05ED FENCE avi ACRES 0FOFF5ITEUNDISTVRBED __ i / ii ggEATO SEDIMENT TRAP=a.OSACRES / / /�� '. T -i/�' '/ j M ' �/ ` IPRAPOUTFALL 'I^ / `501- F/ H I11 0 AROUND SEDIMENT ARE(a / / /� / // / / hi D ,yr / / / O z o r BASIN \ Ts ; I / ion ' n O NOTE CONTRACTORTO / im�- / NFb°T LON6 \ _ NSIT POSTIVE / / �FRAINAGEALONG .- �' I / Z S I�11 i -b '4FOOTHIGHBAFFLEs(' �� \� y - - _ /_ :,OIL ]C \ \' /iOILTwE xr� / / // D ' // O W 5F -' " v'� BM' \ 8 FOOTLONG / / D�ERSIQV DI /'m / / PROPOSEDFENCE / a-/'e"Y .. C? IV C �� "']. F - .SOIL TYPE 17B FOOT HIGH BAFFLES // r hr A, / / AROUND SEDIMENT \ L "'WI / /// TRAP%� CIP / rrx '.. \ Y O li SUPPORT \ 6 \ �` - � z0 W 6 D i5, .. / I '/ l /'/ - --��' / RE POST CT f i / / IOW' - \\ u< _ - \ LLI 0 E \.. a8; I ' I r DRAINAGEALONG iM ~_ w e % ENSUREEALON TO/ \ / _ c \\ \\\ 3?q _ // - / / //% TS \i` DIVERSION °IK/F N V) 0 @i AREATO $EDIMEN3� JtIPRAPODTFALL RIPRAPOUFALV Y' ' / // / / ' _ / / �'� 6� _/ \ r Q tl TRAP -D.zO ACRES \ L wis -6, D=a' tt;., .y 5i6 y_x W 6 D i �' /// /' '-�G- / / / 7 w d LW ,^ Z ._ DITCHALONG \ i .-.:• l >� = -' i/ - �\ \1 / / O_ DIVERSION DIKE TO �i - T "' - y // f- s0 sods 5 -:$ai _ .. - ��/' / \ \ / N 8 BEUNEOWITH \\ �T'c_ °^ q .i'v _ m // �� / ' .'-�'/ M\\=�/ / = 0 LUTE m V �SOILTV E390 .�. v�'L1-. _ - $zz 4° A %.���� i - Y \�� ��� / LU Q G. Q � w S 5 BrO=ICAI O _ 10=$x4)THECOUS AN T IP --- BETWEEN THE RISERANDTHE \ \-"�-'�i-�/- O S BARRELSXALL BE WATERTGHT. - i-' /'� / i j� / , ^ ' \ 1 \ \ / 1 IIII O O _ ARREL SHALLCONNECT TO IF J III N `J / AR DRIVE 1 ""�PERIvANENT(P)STR THRU - "' BERKM PROPOSEDTEMPORAPY z4 CMP RISER RIM (P)STR IDOGHOUSE MH ease _ / - r+ gpTE ROUTE lAOJ =- -ELEV- Stirs'. RISER TO INCWDEA4' ®INTO EXISTING STORM SYSTEM -- ....:. - - --\ 1\ VAMABLEWIDTHRIW DEWATERING ORIFICE ELEV=Saz,a°)& TR4RIM=Sr6 WILLBE LOWERED _--�_ ._ TEMPORARYTRASHRACK&AMI-VORTEX _TO FINAL GRADE IN PHASE IIW - \\ \ \I ( r% PROPOSED FENCE" _ _- - 15"R EVICE. RISER SHALL BE FIRMLY ANCHORED ------ I- - \\ \\ \-\\, \ \ \ (\ / // \I\I G� _ _ ---AROUND SEDIMENT - 1 m / / _ / _ _ - -A MINIMUM FLOATING. RISERT ED SET IN ------' - - - _ --\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \I TRAP �� / --�-- - ---- AMINIMUM OF 3o"OFCOMPACTEDSOIL OR '-----1rr/ \ 1 - __� --_-- - --__� \ Diversion Dike UilcM1 Lining CakulHbrp Job Number: 202196 I \\ /-\ -___---- AGGREGATE BASE OVER A 6'%6'Xzi ----- -' 1 -_��-- THICK GALVANIZED STEEL BASE PLATE, OR --- -SET 6"INTO A VX6Xa8' THICK REINFORCED K \ i --� CONCRETE FO N. TE, IFION STEEL / / I SPECIAL ATTENTIONSHALL TTE \ � BE GIVEN TASE 15 OCOMPCTION$0T THAT / BE GIVEN TO _ _----� rl / I / / / COMPACTIONIS ACHIEVEDOVER THE PLATE. IS ACHIEVED OVER THE PL Nve-SLfi Mm V=30 p FGLIMVMOM EG> A.MnV=t0 p P Ae Fmm 51a To i Imnl C WYe Yc3 WS) G a I51Ld Q am shape FNM1 nT03 lu n9 Vd IM1 VN we 3a do 13M dun vs Do dsrl art so 0As uv alo s.a Asa mzw so onn II I J 1 I \ 1 e I IIII 11 1 \ \\ I I STDRM SBW PANBFWC0.K MIM [OWN$TRGM $TRIICTURE INVERT f1FVgTIUNS LFNGPH $TAPE $IZE PRE MATEPJAL 0.IM ELEVATION UFYF3( TAW FR EROSION CONTROL #H Rsei&I� R� NOTE: SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE ' I Sediment Tmp design Y3 _ PLANTED WITH NATIVE STEEP SLOPE MIX WITH SAFETYL•��•�� _ - - FENCE Jpl ANNUAL RVEGRASS BY ERNST CONSERVATION aralna9e eim I—)FA3sj a53 SEEDS ATA RATE OF6o LBS. PERACRE, OR x LB vap'clvnm: aanu I `AC ICf CON51RUCnym pV ENWANCE 103 PERoSF, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE le'.etim 0) .is, ANGHMI) wlumNcyl NOTE: MEASURES INTERCEDED TRAP 517 831 0 0,1 - p3C0'R R 2 cR �� 71 CONSmucnON ROAD STAMUZAnpv Jw GRAPHIC SCALE e W SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEDASAFIRST MO t116 Be E.5 No. 35'r81 Y STEP WITH ANY LAND DISTURBANCE ARINTY I m I 618 1398 2R39 BE.9 •� O1/Ofi/32 O SILT FENCE Sw AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE YN 17D1 3]85 NO.Y .y i UPELOPS LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. WFOnAL Lt'\ IP 5— DRAIN INLET PR -RON SD] ' l rry FecF 1 i NOTE: DRAINAGE DIVIDE SECTIONSGREATER efY THAN x%IN5LOPE5HALLBESTABILIZEDWITH I'mch 30 6. el slaage: CIP CUL L£Rr INLET Pro]ECn0.V SU9 A STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL IN . M., rac.l.(cy)(6^DA) 318 .a rve mrr �s wsr ® ACCORDANCE WITH VESCH STANDARD 3.x] ' I rMpn oT ei¢ne Wei:(RD 518. Be r£MPOPARY DAIERS OM DIKE JOB el slm9e prcr0e] at Rv¢elmelln SO SEE d ekpa dwH aloreO[slEaa 2:1 �� ESKPOPARY ROW&WRAM J.11 I ' eeirlenIt (UlsxDPI 3.1 -F bJeRso. MBomIn, Heation m) 51] W SEDIMENT WAP S)J 1 \Mlwe9e yulre]kYl ((I-)W.e Gntom , mpolmemuns: tBMB In a \ ,I Yes &alonex 1 5190 1p Nd3 Weed.(R) 520 P X SD 0 SEDIMENT BASIN ) 1 / \ dW gorge preitlr at Ihl¢ ebwtim(ED 4, tap WIEsr WEam el 6 SI1 M O O I) \\\ r L/ / /x \ \ \` '\ I \slope cf r, Mcn,e.RAn 24 We nap 4lmenslom Idled $ Q C RR 562QQt RIPRAP v9 / \\ \\ ' 1 .r J j i /// ,\ I \I \ \_� \ \\ I \ \� \� `\\ \\ \ \ \\ \ o OMP RARY gNC %/ / \ \ \ \ ``\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ G i 3 /' \\ \ \ \ \ \ ,NEE rm^ 'a a £ PS PS PERMANENT SEEDWG 332 II /I I A �\ / / /� / ' \\ \\ \\' \ (�n\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ y' z z o z Mu Mu MutcmNc J35 ' SF" Oro ............. WEvrzoscnav JJ6 11 1 1 \ I ��-/ l I i / I \I I yI I i I II II \I \I ` \\ Lu fi oc Dc DUST convia. JJ9 \\\ \`��\ `i S o 8 OlI sar srARxrzAnav euNwEr IE 1 hl \\\ �__— / / I \ \\ / / // / I _ 3T e`er_^•`/`� � � / I � ��II � \ ' \r IF, - / DBURN LANE' ) / - / / / 11 NOTE: CO flA 6�0"WOoATE ROUTE 6S9 / NSUREP ALC \ —'' /�- / - L IONOIONG 'D NOTES AND DTREEPROTEY _ ______ - .. FENCE�ANDTREE PROTECTION — - / _ _ _ _ D K r _ _ o / ( ' OF D15TLL EINSTAE.TH5ELLED LIE a _ CONTRAGTANK,, IM Ip S / SF OFDIST FOR GRAPHICAL PRE ITH FUELINGDPONTUMPSTER, / •� PURPOSES. GRAPHICAL E "ANDPORTA-P E / /'/SUWIRE OUR MEASURED AT THE DIVIDES _ ��e+ S / DIVERSION U DIOFUSTURBANCKE ORHE LIMITS - SUPPORT s �f _ / I WASH MIN NOTE: CONTRACTORTO' E1E'l STRUCt PN �EEp S / /�AURBANCE (IYP.POSED LIMITS F xo PL E ENSURE POSTVE -- / 10/M BY 111 - _ I' THIS CO PND MAINT FIC INTH / 'DITCH ALONG 'DRAINAGE ALONG Sµ / _ _ - tr 6 " / IP NST/ALLED AN I Z DIVERSIONDKE / - __ \ \ 1 5 fNOTE� OpERPTEONSTRUCTIONTMNENTRP}ACE' DE UUNEONDIKETO._/' Z - / / �� �' / I❑ / ICPONTRAL, VT lZETHIS CONS(0.�u�'n0 /// T/// 1/ NED WRH N C) Vl TS ' 534 \\ \ \ r I PROPOSE ITEMPORARY iJ - / AREA TO SEDIMENT WAP=oxSZACRES Ip 5 �/ ,'N 'z Q `o STORM INLET3TO REMAINS _- - 1 \ \ IIy /'p TOCKPILESURROUNDEO / - YT{.�'/ / / / RAINAGE DIVIDE(TVP.) E CLOSEDTOALLOW OFFSITE' _ /'\-_�' \ \ \ I / //BV SRTFENCE CONCRETEWASH / _ �'. // / / / O W CLEAN WATER TO DIVERT THR _/ \ \ \ r / /' / / / ' R// AP OUTFALL' _ /� W O d $ SITETO EXISTING STORMO _ \� 1 I/ /� // // OUTAREA L=w'�W=y'D=x' BERKMAR DRIVE _ /' ��� 1, /' ' ��s / �/ \\ \\\ -/_ G / / G ..x NOTE COL�RACTORTOi Z ^ 11 / W a z _/ / .. ENSUREPoSTIVE Q ` AREA TO SEDIMENT BPSINN .vSACRFS _ % _ _ y- s' _ - _ ��r - - / / / E / i DRAINAGEALONG J y' PROPOSED LIMITS _= = _ _ - - \ 1 _ - - _ y - _"'r= _ - RIW DIVERSIONAND DIVERSION DIKE/ /� NER51 NOIRE i! g d OF DISTURBANCE(TYPJ - _ _ - _ _ \ �c� =i - Fr\ - 'TO SMALLSEDIMENTTRAPPING DEVIC' P/ 'R i'{ �B r;l / g `\ FORCONSTRSICIIONENTRANCE / / T3 / �� Ns�.4 =♦ ; ,- -�// ( %/ / 1I \__ / \ `\O\C FL,OW\ DIREC\TON.\\R \\\ \ )�R•-IPimR_Aa,6W PO=AsR/,DF{ALL \`�__-__ _ E- A _ I / ZWw Q � 0'DITCHALONG ARROW INP1 DIVERSION DIKETO, IUT \Ea33% / •%1 / // I^ PROPOSED FENC \\ \\ \\ \ /'\ I_ 1 A / ___-' ' / /l'� /II /_ �_' _ / �i \ L Q f �\ �� ,♦♦ / / AROUNDSEDIMENTBAgN \\ \ \ \\ / i'' ' _ _ 11I LCLI g \_ ♦♦ / / NtIPRAPOUTFALL \�IPRAP OUTFALL\\ 111PRAP OUTFACE L.xo W6, D=i 3z L-ao)W_6' _2 /.� j / /I/ _ ��� /,f' SUPPORT \ ���\ ♦ .'S35 r / 1 / / _ I^11 6 \6qB ` __I ......:. gzz 5�4 /, - _-_�_� \ ;/+--� Y. 0 E AR TOSEDIMENT : Sao / _ _ _ _ _� / xx'y' \ / - N Q o oACRES....::.. ` _ _ F IS FF Lu SEN l.� z\ \ -a .. T9 s,'•a .�aamPa.. " .: . .:♦�M.:: ....e sm• _.. _Y. _ - 7D-_ OAND T rIn+a H O_ �E INSTALLED AtluCK OF SIDEWALK TO BE $\fiSFROM THE RETAINING WALL / \\W4VMIN. CIEQwnsHRAa e s \ / RIPRAP OUTFACE y ___ \ \ __ _ �- _ _ J- _ j / /-=� Ci O i DIVERSION AND L o W DWERsIOry DIxE �T AR DRIVE- To smALLs6oIMENr— w '. 1 _�BERKM 9 ROT RAPPING _ 1— _ STATE ROUTE 1403 RORCONSTRUCTON- / ..O �l __- VARNBIEWIOTNPM' \ _ N RAN E I /Ll %A - TEMPORARY a4CMP PIPE _ I _____________-r- \\ \ \ 1 ( 1 , \ / / 11 /\ I I 1\ J \I \ / 1/ G e _ _ \ \ I �� \ J \ \ TO ExISTwGcuRB INLET- - / _______\ \ �,\�\ \\ \\ FOR CLEANWATER BVPAS / _ _ ____ _ _ \ ��\ \ g6.3 LF Q346%,o--o _3�� /'� _ _ _ \ \\ \ / _________ (�.{ ) / / � I—w \ 11 EROSION CONTROL # rvumeocw svcaia rlav r R l SWuB.rRTFaptle.il — SAFEtt FENCE 3,01 Jainag¢a�m (mm)I'3acl 011 I 1 CON51RUCnOV ENTRANCE S03 re.l E: a wnun aralRm (ro �� (e) wwm.kR wullw(cr) cR �� COVSE?Ul ROAD STAEMZAn3V SO 5z. 36 0 00 — sze z�a 21 e0 _ O 5/LT FENCE S0.5 `✓� `+Ya BER :U.3 K W¢ 0 0 00 S, IP a— -- INLET PROTECTION SO) CIP ® CULYEFT INLET PROBCIILW S08 <el Naafi: •v wcaiaxr woui rvccw wei siaagsroryiret'(Cy)IBTDA) 7.6 O � TEAVPORARY DV4ERSVPY DINE S09 325A9 \ wM;R-, gwe¢e At FI i. Nealim lcY) T4 ® � TEMPORARY ROW&VERSVON all elcq dwataroregeakMa 21 aSxo kr d.pe DA1 0.7 M 1 reps: rotb ✓,dl . nm) 3N n SEMMErvT T,Rnv all / 1 yy 1mgigqu reE(cy118rW) Tw WP ( 9F am: SM arena L wcr sTA ropoia MM' (nl 66 O O $EOrucx1-- all l ; / \\ey mraq.PmRe.anlBi¢NMim le) 11 mPwtlln ala. (fl 9 1 ( / al aen amre9rage¢ �xt loplrePemenabre uu5 _ +ff Orwrzcr ve3rzcn3v Sra RR RIPRAP SI9 \/ \ \ NOTE: MEASURE'WTENDEDTOTRAG- J J 1 NOTE: SLOPES GREATER THE vISHALL BE \\ \ $EDIMENTSHALL BE CONSTRUCTEE ASgFIRST PLANTED WITH NATIVE STEE�SLPPE MIX WITH ❑ r5 ITS ti- IEYPD,RARY SEEDING 1J1 (\\STEPWITHANVIANDDISNRBANtPACl1VITY `1 \ \ ANNUAL RYEGRASS BY PNSTcgNSERVATION \ \AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONA(BEFORE � \ IE,1 CIE IANDDISTURBANCE TVIYukES PLACE. SEEDS ALA RATEOF 5o B5.PERISCRE,ORILB Sa6' PS PS PERMANENT SEEgNC 132 I I V PERi,00c SF,UNLESSSPECIFIED?THERWISE. MU MU MULCHING l� I TREE PROBSCnav zJ9 II j 1\ \�-- ' oc Oc DUST 03Vma 139 \ \ \� \� / / Osce srAauu lmv %ANXEr- \ GRAPHIC SC l � / I / 1 PACT NOTE: DRAINAGE DWIDESEC NSGREATER I J �n.rr- / I In p ' THAN a981NSLOPF/SHALLBE TABILIZEDWITH --MTQy.1AW6TEB�C NC CHANNEL IN ACCORDANCEJNIIHYEKNSTANDAM}aT- �— _ _____ N TI _ CON \ / CON MR TP PROPOSED LIMITS- _OFDISNRBANCE V X PROPOSED FENCE /\--"AROUNDSEDIMENT .BASIN - BASIN 3-14ACRES /RIPRAP OUTFACE sgREp YOSEDIAIENT �\ \ RIVRAP OUTFACE RIPRAP OUTFACE � \ 4io, W 6, D_=i /, / wIWIR SUPPORT\ � IP --� / ♦ 90 TS I / � 522 �.r I 1 i SCO'R R 2 11 I � No. 35'i81 I BERKMAR DRIVE - \_ STATE ROUTE 10' _k VARIABLE VdIOTN P/W \ I `—s -- F- CONTROL PLAN PHASE IP NOTE: SILT FENCE, SAFET) FENCE, AND TREE PROTECTION / SHALL BE INSTALLEDATLIMRS OF DISTURBANCETHSE PRE FFSET FOR GRAPHICAL wIWIRE OUR POSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES - C -TEA OR O SUPPORT AREMEASUREDATTHELIMRS JRE POSTIVE // OF DISTURBANCE OR NAGE ALONG DIVERSIONDIKE. R510 DIKE / / NAt. DIVIDE (FYP) / ,T05 DIME TRAP assACRE //F PROPOSED LIMITS OF _cl ➢ROPOSED FENCE AROUND DISTURBANCE-5., arts DO SEDIMENTTRAP / IDETOP// AM / W Ld co x Lu - F- Ul Lu It \ - r as EASE NOTE SILT FENCE SAFET iERO MTH�WA LK TORE P RETAINING WL \ L W ¢z MIN CE 1 WASH RACK _ - - _- RI APOUTFALL..."'Poen�F ••` •••••• - IP N \ 15"xV\ ��i'//y- III/1II Q \ / ii, / 111 _/Ii II C9 DIVERSION AND �/ \- - - / / i '� \l \ I O PALL SEDI DIKE $i6 ---� — _ _ __ BERKMAR DRIVE TO SMALL SEDIMENT _ - �'/��'i�/N TRAPPING DEVICE °W I _ STATE ROUTE 100i = -� / JI FOR CONSTRUCTION - N IP _____I___"�_ _ - VARIARLEWIOTHPM' \ - / i< >'� �/ ���R /\ 1/-\ \ \\ I\ I/ \\I\\\\(l/�\, /1I EMRAN E. --` g11y/ \ \ , ; / j // / // I\/ 1\\+ll / Ir ll \ I \\ \\ l\\l•.// / AT THE TIME OF TEMPORARY SEDIMENT - _ - -� _ F - -\\\ \ \ I I ( ) f _ 1 i BASIN REMOVAL, THE CONTRACTOR-- - -- I — — — $HALLREMOVETHETEMPORARVPIPE / _- _ \\ \ 1'"` �\ \ \ \\\\ I I I\\\ /\ /s/���� \ J ✓1 \II \ 1 I \ / /_CONNECTIONINTO PERMANENTSTRUCTURE / �� _ _ = &COMPLETE THEINSTALLATION OFTHE ___ __ ___ \ _ - PERMANEM STORM $EWER. i �' _ ___ \ 1 I \ I \ CONTRACTOR SHALL PLUG HOLE IIY — '�' i/ _ - ' '_ _ / 1 1 1 I ) I e \ I II EXISTING NRB INLET WATERTIGHT _�P /' /��-/ �i I i __ __ 1 �� Its \\ `/ ////J//// I / / j/j �/ / l II I \ I) \ ll \`�` \\ \1 /--T\\ / \///// //// /// ////II\ h \ l \\ / i III �I \I i / i/�',/�/�/ j %�/jam j/��i \\ i \�I Il ll i \ ODBURN LAB STATE ROUTE SEX w RAW — MXANCES ITAINED BYTHE WASH RA KI I HERAFFIC IN THIS i CDC EMRAN %" IP I / ii II O CONCRETE WASH OUT EA tp PJW DIVERSION AND DIVERSIONDIKI 10 SMALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICI F RCONSTR Cl10N ENTRAIN I �I ■F ,IE 202196 sale 2RE7�D e Section 5 - Stormwater Management Plan BOUN9ICRYYFOR I(HE II` )P.GSED LIMITS OF SUBAREA G ' / — (OWAINAGERRFA-T5�. /DOjyFGIR kfROAD DUCH) y_ Tc 0.Idhrs. = — 2- SUBAREA LO EXISTING--` CULVERT-t.z EARl �11; CNA, Pre-Developmentl pervlous Area Sul subareasWrarQ IW Builtling/Sirudure O5f '1Nd1lkz/Conoete 1. of Roatlz/Drivewav: ;s60af mo zf Subarea B, WraoOualllry B'.-ag/S/Col O5f sltlewalks/Concrete Isf Roatls/Omeways ;3Wsf 2,3W sf suWma G, Water QuamiW Ruiltling ISf Parking Area/Roatls 3,<m zf sltlewalks&Concrete O5f Sam zf S B EA ` \ - • SHEETFCOW OO OF � I\ IlMIr50F ANALNALY515ISPL 1 \ .41 \ O 19 ac. CN=58 �/ � 24 L PRE-DEVELOPMENTSWM PLAN: ////// "\\.! SCALE;„_SD, ///// �. T;IELBCUiI FAIDE 5E J a OI U 8 NCE 3 ac. 5- @ J F ((�1 yI �1 c /UND ROD FINE VR 1 \ z% - BOUNDARY FR7HE VRRM_ \ WAT50. QUALITY \ \I �CALC LATIONS TYP SU E uC( �O Avv/-S v�vvvv j=• ED ESED fv vvLvvv vv�`�vv I.. .X� E,v� vv�Avv�t� ` \\f Tck �18 h IS _. . AlADD , op I I I SAS RE: ' RE ll / (AHEETF� D` = r �a r — SUTFiarYf / DOORNSTURNAM INUE OUTI LOD) 0.98 ac. --CHI------TSI LIMITS OF ANALYSIS FOR / y TNIS DgvELopMENT ` PORTION aE SHEETFLOW - IS INCLUDED IN FIT E DRAINAGE �___ r \ AREA \ ' Tram r - FAMARDEV I„ a DAY."Lav xw CRAM FLOWNPPatQaaaw �r i1'\ /\ {EMI CKEb IIII IIII AIR%` % ; INLE1OOCtOEIildl ll l,a a CN 60 II I IIfI� AN _ h III IIII III II`' /YU /�i IIII \ ° U, \ I SUBAREA1i k! II / i 0y 4� Z SOBJE& \ �i ILAW. f ` \ -'h. I -„ / �/' PROP � � 11 ` IsaT°EII \\ NE `\` \\ \\+\ S, \\ I' S,v v` v v II \ II I \1 \I \ 'i 11 X'\ I li I it I � I E--''��' -- —'— — % ♦ �( WIL II \1 1 I 1 If /// �V A I SUBAREALO EXISTING if Y / CULVERT taYaC� ` P r k z z i II1 Chral �li IIII� /YllA1r,`� h Il�i'r -, s,o`°`5trtlyowwle �+►� V ! i \ L • ''�L/i liii /'% i i </� A11 VIIIIIII� La 1� ` V ■ Pre-DevelopmentlmpervlousArea Summery Pre-pevelapment Impervious Area Summary Smarmarp,waler0uanti WD, WmrMal" Building/StmMre Os! BE,Id.'/SIT.' ED Osf SideorGIOUConcrete %FLU 5f sitlewalks/Conae[e Osf Roatls/Drlveways osf BDO ,11, s 9,8%I Sf HE 11N If 9.WJ sf suwma F, WaterQ iw 01 Building/StmRure Osf Sidewalks/CAnLrete oar GRAPHIC SCALE M Roatls/Oewa ;I sr 0U 5f IN ET J ,I FEET fiO IL. POST-DEVELOPMENTSWM PLAN: \\ -� SCALE 1"=6D ;I SUBAREA F T11P\111\11\\11 008 ac La�(iboweR=--Asnarennw4etnBFti _ of 19 aC LIMITS N61 OF .LCAARREAAEAIIN MENG FAMEa ELAN FAFEI.— B PROPOSED 51CRUNWATER MANAGEMENT FARREATIVE FOR THE MACAU POSINDRESSALOPMENTSURA EA WHERE AN UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM REQUIREEMENTSTO FROM THE PROPOSED PAr3 ACCOMPAW rva rsanMwnrencan NAGEMENT uCuuTIONSrMPACTS .xTMt�CURR—YLL e FILE srxc MPEwoNS AND PERVAUS AREAS wax N THECAPTERE THE MAJORITYCE THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. THE CAPTURE AMID ATTINUAVERSTEF RUNOFF. CHANNEL PROTECTION IS PAT NIA ASSUCIPS 670,al THESPAREASAREANA YNED TO SAFE SURE AN INCREASE IN VOLUME DOES NOT NEW ONETTE DRAINAGE APPEAk CREATED AS THE ENTRANCE TO TRUE UPPRELFAM ENT AND WE SUCH STORE SEWER CEMPTIATIONS OF TH A EXISTING PIPE RUNS EYE TO FOR I ARE PINES DIED TO SPROW TRAT LINE 10 YEA, MEN IS CONTAINED WITHIN LINE EXISTING UNDEFOUNNUND GFORM SAPPER SYDITAP. AS SHOWN IN LINE CALCULATIONS FACKAD AT STRUCTURE WKI. THE CUMULATIVE CFMNUU%mA VOLUME OF SESSUCCAND IN THE EXISTING CONDITION, SO THE P ON ART. THE PROACARD PLAIN CAPTERES TRY DRAINAGE TERCLUCH LINE SIDE. AS THIS Di DRUoTe AND UNDISTURBED AREA THE Z EL PROTECTION GORE NOT APPLE TO THIS � R THE EXISTING AN D PROPOSED Ofame Q FLOW, WeTHE F10 YEA. ULLDF AREA EIIN SIR OF fL. PRDTPAI sae ERNST aS PLEASE EE-CALLAC ED ATERMwATR MA EEMENT RACKET (/) SA you MONS PER S,ATHEMwA AY COMPLIANCEp�a STORMAGARRAQUALI 0. THE STERIENVATERW NETRUSHE 6EOIRR o o aUs Ov sTHE PARAT MANAGEMENT ANAMER OF i6 V IS FELL] C. THE DEVELOPER WILL PURCHASE FERTERNINT AUDDITA F TO TIE ISSUANCE OF A LAND LISTURRHANNECE PERMIT. ADDIFTIax SE, A / I.e. A. WITHIN THE HOO RARE PROURED WITH P`Folmnps nn3 of TOTAL EEs NCHANDEDFnF"Su SPwm w, ANALYSIS FOR APPROVED ADEQUATE. \sUDAREASH&o LB R A A " \\ \ _ — Part-DevelopmentImpervlous Area Summary WER Water QUORILL - t4 BDltlng 59,3PL zf CN 86 CN-8 , I_ / \�\� _ sltlewalks &conveteSEPfa,09p zf `T _= 010 rS,Lr Parkln Areas RoaE fW 1CO zf - vs,s1D zf iIi„�_ - 1� IIIII/(J PROPasan ANNANDMDIT / Post Development Impervious Area Summary _�- wD,WmrQN+ I 11 v_�_ IIII BD Ia"ng s9,zm ar " __ _ II IIIII^ �_ = p� IIIII 5"tl¢walkz&Coin l;]ii sf s i �� \ CK'av3sIr \'\ ParkingAreas/RAatl 63,iTE zf I' I \\ APPaovap: y IIIII 9UBARE4D 11 PpyppevNopmert Impervious Area Summary CN-65 i ww..A,WrapQ iw 7 I IIIII 1 I / / Bu Itl ng/Strvclurt 59,3915f 'L I� 11I saewalkz/conaeta 1aB90 sr gg III�e / / RoatlS/Dnvewaya sl,laosf 13>,3m A IIII PROPOSED AMENDMENT f III- ���' / Port Development Impervious Area Summary 1x Ea Sadsrea A, W",p .tw Bulltl ng/Strvtture 59,E9J Sf / I sdawale/CDnae[e 11,361 zf f I\I\` RNFIR/DnvewaYz 59,g3C9 a \ 130,005 Sf a ' .I SUBAREA H L J/ 0.16 NE. - i y 5 r 9 II1Y,111 v R II l� s EL, II II 11 II �y�a� i 1 n 11d p111 / I / / / / / / / Port Development Imp l sArea Summary �y;qF Port Development Imp Ious Area Summary subareaµ W., Ouumry \\�1 IBu k ga q Subama waUr Cormy Itl ne 0zf 1 IPark"ng E M IpE f " GM1e MMa9.g Bulltlng 59,3W sf ATEMS/RGUIS ;ED, zf 1�— nofd Parkng Areaz/Roatls TO,E sf sltlewalks B CDnrrete SW sf \�/ _ d h M1 M1 sltlewalks&Concrete 61,1W sf 3,36S zf H. .M1rx ,r 3. Fe., ttdm o.PC tuber 131,3A sf iubareaa,Wafer Quaml Subarea p.wMer Qusnl iss Nte"Alk, 111 ITIN.anaip— tun M1ax Bullding/Simtlu 05f BUIIEIng Osf ^aa"emi tmmmeemnenwu IMaCam. sitlewalks/CDncreh sf Paking AMMURwtls 3]O sf Roatls/Drivew s 9,1W zf sltlewalks&Concrete I. Sf 9,1W sf 22m HE pre-Dev. Post-Dev. Method of WAC25-9KrDE6 MetbWof WALC35-gA65 Method of EUAC35870-E6 MAINVI&WAC25,glb66 Subarea Subarea Channel PmteNon Compliame timitsof Analeis for Channel Protection Flood PINFOR nComplianre timiteof Analysis for Flwtl ProteRion 3, Z °' C) M Cl! WOOL W" ZW J J N pad LIE, V O Zal x W .; Ul Z J 0 U 202196 GP 3 _ 50, FACILITY INSPECTIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS ARE CRITICAL TO ENSURE THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM IS PROPERLY BUILT. BECAUSE THE TIMING OF THE INSTALLATION IS DICTATED BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING THE ENGINEER, COUNTY INSPECTOR AND CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTECH, OR AN EQUIVALENT PIPE MANUFACTURER, SHALL BE CONTACTED WELL AHEAD OF THE CONSTRUCTION START DATE TO ENSURE ADEQUATE LEAD THE FOR MATERIALS AND DELIVERY. MULTIPLE SITE VISITS AND INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SCHEDULED BY THE CONTRACTOR, WITH THE ENGINEER, COUNTY INSPECTOR& PIPE MANUFACTURER, DURING THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PROCESS: r. PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING z. INITIAL SITE PREPARATION (INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF PROJECT BAR CONTROLS) 3. EXCAVATIONIGRAOING(E.G., INTERIMIFINAL ELEVATIONS). 4. WHEN THE DETENTION PIPE SUBGRADE IS READY FOR PIPE CONSTRUCTION, BUT BEFORE STONE BEDDING 15 INSTALLED. S. AFTER STONE BEDDING 15 PLACED AND COMPACTED, BUT PRIOR TO PIPE INSTALLATION. A. ATTHE TIME OF THE PIPE INSTALLATION. . AFTER PIPE INSTALLATION BUT PRIOR TO PLACING FILL OVER THE SYSTEM. B. FINALINSPECTION(DEVELOP A PUNCH LISTED, FACILITY ACCEPTANCE) PLEASE ALSO SEE BELOW, UNDER FACILITY MAINTENANCE, FOR REQUIRED INSPECLONS AFTER INSTALLATION ISCOMPLETE. FOLLOWING THE INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM. E. FOR THE FIRST YEAR FOLLOWING CONSTRUCION, THE SITE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR QUARTERLY AND AFTER STORM EVENTS THAT EXCEED Li INCH OF RAINFALL. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOOK FOR BARE OR ERODINGAREASIN THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREAAND AROUNDTHE U NDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM AND MAKE SURETHEYARE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED CONTRACTOR SHALL SPOT RESEED AS NECESSARYAND ENSUREADEQUATE SITECOVERAGE IS PROVIDED WITHIN THE FIRSTYEAR. ATTHE QUARTERLY INSPECTIONS, ANDAFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENTIN EXCESS OF P, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE TASKS DESCRIBED BELOW IN N3. AUER THE FIRST YEAR THE OWNER SHALL PERFORM FOLLOW-UP INSPECTIONS ANNUALLY, AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT: 3. A SPRING MAINTENANCE INSPECTION AND CLEANUP SHALL BE CONDUCTED ANNUALLY. THE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE CLEANING IT ANNUALLY OF TRASH, DEBRIS& SEDIMENT AND ENSURING THE INTEGRITY OF THE WEIR PLATE, TRASH RACK AND OUTFALLBE INFLOW PIPES. THE OWNER SHALL ENSURE THE SYSTEM 15 OPERATING AS INTENDED AND IS NOT CLOGGED OR DAMAGED. THE OWNER SHALL IMMEDIATELY CLEAN& REPAIR THE FACILITY AS NECESSARY AND SHALL PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE INLET AND OUTLET LOCATIONS. THE ACCESS MANHOLES SHALL BE USED FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE. STR:z DOGHO INV COST VEI S40 UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GENERAL NOTES: 1. TRASH RACKS SHALL REINSTALLED ON ALL ORIFICES INCLUDING THOSE LOCATED ALONG THE W SIR PLATE WITHIN THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM, IN ACCORDANCE w/THE DETAIL SHOWN ON ON THIS SHEET (OR EQUIVALENT). 2. DETENTION SYSTEM's WEIR PLATE TO BE PRE -MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED TO THE SITE. WEIR PLATE SHALL BE SECURELY AFFIXED TO THE INSIDE WALLS OF THE MANHOLE STRUCTURE, 3. PRIVATE DESOTO COURT LOCATED WITHIN THE SWIM EASEMENT, SHALL SERVE AS ACCESS TO THE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM. 4. CONTACT COLLINS ENGINEERING(434.293.3719) REGARDING ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM. 5, ALL FILL EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST PREDOMINANTLY OF SOIL AND BE PLACED IN SUCCESSIVE UNIFORM LAYERS NOT MORE THAN B INCHES IN THICKNESS BEFORE COMPACTION OVER THE ENTIRE AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS, OR THE FILL EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS OUTLINED BELOW (WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT). 6. ALL FILL SHALL BE PLACED AT 95%COMPACTION AND TESTED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO ENSURE COMPACTION IS REACHED AND MAINTAINED, OR THE FILL SHALL MEET THE PIPE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS OUTUNED BELOW (WHICHEVER IS MORE STRINGENT). 7. VDOT STE. IS I & ST I ARE REQUIRED ON ALL PROPOSED PUBLIC STRUCTURES AND THE UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM's JUNCTIONS. 0. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST -DIG AT THE EXISTING INLET 0, ALL TO CONFIRM THE INVERTS AND TO ENSURE THE PROPOSED GRADES CAN BE ACHIEVED. MMACTOR SHALL CONTACT COLLINS ENGINEERING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL ALIGNMENT PRIOR TO ORDERING AND CONSTRUCTION. 9. ALL EXGVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALIATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS MR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY(29 OFR PART 1926). IO.PENDING PRIOR APPROVAL BY COLLINS ENGINEERING, THE DRAINAGE PIPE MATERIALS MAY BE SUBSTTILTED. ALL DRAINAGE PIPE INSTALLATION PRACTICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT VDOT STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE MINIMUM COVER REQUIREMENTS ARE MET WITH ANY PIPE SUBSTITUTION. 540 STW4 .Or M. IT TP=S2434 INV IN: SE .,TO UGD INV IN: 513.SOTO S 535 PROPOSE GRADE(TYP. INV OUT: 5-2 TO SAFETY SLAB SLa REQUIRED INLET SHAPING 151 REQUIRED 535 STRO VDOTSTD.MH TP-1-Un PROPOSED ACCESS MH 530 INVOUTT: 5o6.90 SAFETYSLAB SL-1REQUIRED TED A MAINTENANCESPECION 530 Ht-LTO REPIACEDAT g591COMPACION(TYP SEETFSTVITSI SINUTE HEET H FEET 525 TM 525 / R / 5•STR:i VDOTSTD. MH - / 520 TP-5u5.7a IN p INVIN: Saz.65 T03 2r Ru INV OUT: 499a5TOz O- Q a 3 525 o pZ 525 OQ / EXITING GRADE �' JTY ) /DOT STD. MH a / WEIR PLATE lP=Sno. < w NVERT=pu.So JSEMA LE // 530 4o T0: N:496.AD To' I.z(EXW'RCP) Hi vao 76 LFC +m96 / a"HDPE 505 / 3.] z9.76 LF Qa o.9z96 505 PROP ISED LOWER D �'A UNDERGROUND DELPHI SYSTEM PRIMARY OUTFAL Soo Soo z8'HDPE PROPOSED zzo' HOPE ON ERGROUNO QEIENTON IACTORTO 95do LF@Id6% SVSTEMQa n5o%TOATTENUATE RUNOFF CAUSED IFY INVERT FROMTHIS DEVELOPMENT. F EX, PIPE TOTAL HDPE LENGTHg62..' 495 495 EW HDPE ,.681F@6.6O% 490 490 8 So X F F S 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM PROFILE PLEASE SEESWM CALULATION$PACK Ef FOR STORM DRAIN COMPUTATIONS FROM THE UGD SYSTEMTOTHE OUTFALLA$ WELLASTHE ANALYSIS OF THE E%ISTING STORM DRNN SVSTE PROFILE SCALES Lai (VERTICAL) Doi (HORIZONTAL) _ __+ _+--------- + I I II II II I I \ li I II. ti I I I / II II �I II LOT 35 i /MORE p UILDING ExEa°LUL Y - srorRa nno nr�iiai+°suss°r u�iE T� PvnEixs aawA m \STORMz4t Nl �I I -wONSFDACCESS mxw/STAIRS FOM1 IxavEtTTV.nx alWmfXPXR. ttv. Mmo µF rO se WNSVRGHEREARESTIARE='S m Pate ANDATwF � valxrs OF a ....... •' .. _ bttR".INV.. �..... ......... ......... _ -_ - .... .. 5 u ... d ... .. � Man DETERFOre' 3xmmNCONTR�� - .milCAT 3 ---=�`Ei l ; COG SHALLCOLLTIECOUNIT __ STRMIVESRELwEInPUTE, PT _ i ROw - - - - - ENGINE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT29-HOURS BEFORE ANY BEFORE ANY INT,TEDIRAINTHESYsrtln.= FL SEE DEua ON THIS SHEET. FOR THE- ANTICIPATED WNSTRUCLUSIVE DNAWHEN ,_... _ --- BNPA. THIS IS DERGROUND DLUSNEOFYSTE THE - IS UNDERGROUND DONSTRUNION, _ �`P ` - PIPE CONSTRUCTION, BDT BEFORE STONE_ BUT BEFORE --511SEP SrDWit- ,Di S.[v DRIVE - - - - -- BEDDING IS INSTALLED. BEDDING IS _ SSO WEP Is - BERKNiAR UNDERGROUND DETENTION DETAIL: $CALEP-=x0' ]3.EDTC 51255EP . .... 1 .eaa.v� ,YAJSEP i SIABREP s33nsP _ - r _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ STATE ROUTE ^q03 EMERGENCY BYPASS PROFILE NOTE: PROPOSED STORM SEWER SHOWN IS HDPE, A VDOT APPROVED MATERIAL ALTERNATIVE TO CLASS III RCP. THECOWRACTOR MAY SELECTA VDOT APPROVED MATERIAL IN LIEU OF THE HDPE FROM THEIR APPROVED LIST PROVIDED ALL PIPE, PIPE BEDDING, BACKFILL AND INSTALLATIONS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURREWVDOTSTANDMDS. ANY PIPE MATERIAL PROPOSED AS CL IV RCP SHALL NOT BE SUBSTITUTED WITH ANOTHER PIPE MATERIAL. 0120- WEIR PLATE DETAIL WEIR TEro eE HELPED& S(ALE:V'5 SEAUEDTO IOS. TEa si INSSTALLo EJ OVERILOWASIR //(/ lEnuMvALENTo METER -Paul A[ross THESTEELPUTE'�W IINVEaTELEPRomm o.wl COUNTYOFALBEMARLE -lAw-mofConms. R. Annus Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for VSMP The fallowing is a listof infoJmalion required on construction record drawings for swmwater facilities(reference Water PNwmA on Ordinance 17422). It ispreferable that the construction record drawing be preparedby someone other than the designer, Pleasedonm provide design drawings as constmetion record drawings. A. A signal and dated pmfesiond seal ofthe preparing eagbiem or surveyor. B. 3Tm time anal address of Pe f and individual preparing the drawings On the title shut. C.'Ihe cooma le Mon of all items usmiated wiN each funds , and Joe inspection rewNs m verify propu dimmslme, rearerida and immllauon. The items lsch de, but arc not limited to the following: I. Inapufiun RErorlls and phom®apha for pipe ami and bedding, including underdnins. 2. Vidm Pipe lnspertion for any pipes which are cot acrossible or viewable. 3. Upla al Location with gm-coaidinates of all facilities. 4. Verified Drainage Armmapsfo, the drainage area rreated, end for drainage m the facilities. 5. Curiewphysirulmdbpographic survey for all unMo a cwm. Points should include a survey of the pond bottom. Surveys dauld verify pond volumes are per design. Comentions may lea ruluiml for aheruionr from the design. 6. PLAMEk:rafion and spe. 7. Pans and pr�ls for all smi,M Pips, M. Wales tad Drainage SMu Wi- Display Me ivWled type of it am,. swoons, calversig, a-, Rican, materials, rule¢oT end trearment(s), inlet and ouUm pmruton, aligmnem MM invert elevations compared an design. R. Compumnmu: For significant dematiom from doing,provide AsAnd computations verifying Net Lhe as-buih condition n egavalem Or buim than design. 9. DiI Lines- Display the mnmuca ]b on of all ditch lines and channels, including typical sections and finings. 10. Easemmfs- Show all platud eauments with dud bank afeunces labeled. Facilities and drainage mnat DO within Planed easaneais, Provide copies of ressmad documents. 11. GuatNrail, fineep or ether safety pmYWons- Display the conamr iM location of all III pruvisiors; fetus, gumdmil, inluding the type, length and applied end tfemmena, compamd m design. 12. Material II-biofilwr media, prone layers, sand layers, keyways and cores must be vedfied as ii, rwmialiypmandde its. Include inspection reports, boring Or test pit rEpoms and mamdals ccrtificamerm. Biofl,, meiia must he as approved state mu. 13. Aecma m - show location of access toads, surface Qmdment, drainage, etc, M applicable. cedo I4. Compm sta. AN, opened! to verify fill companion in dams. 15. Manuhmtrem aMfmdms for pmpfiemry BMP's certifying proper installation and functioning. ZBE OR L9 Z W W Z 0 Z W Ul Z J J 0 U Ol C) M Cy N N JOB No 202196 sa, ASSHOWN or No High PerformRri (Bell &SplgoOJDIW dd dd6.GDT NJRALLNJINISTOSE RUSE? 20 FEE NFOR PAR TOP OF PIPE UNITS OF nSEEZICBE AN ARMS NOT TO SCALE PO �ALAMRSEEFFEM�AT�RESU�F�MA—�.'�E Standard Backfill Detail - Specification & Standard Drawing DO uuuu Num un.. D o va n. uw 00 00 s • 000 000 Ipomxtrlo 0000 v �uDD O Nw•" elevn tluu LOTS DEBRIS CAGE POP 50 INC. UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM MIUMMUMTRENCH & BACKFILLREQUIREMENTS: 1. THETRENCHCONTAININGTHETRIPLERUNOFI3 HOPESTORM PIPE 5HALLHAVE AO]C"WIDETRENCIALMETRENCHES CONTAINING THE IS" BYPASS HOPE PIPE AND THE 15- GUTFALL PIPE SHALL HAVE 36'WIDE TRENCHES. CONTRACTOR SHALL WRAP THE E%CANATED TRENCHES WITH A 6OUNCE FILTER FABRIC CLOTH. ASUITABLE FOUNDATION SHALL BE BENEATH THE TRENCHES' FILTER FABRIC CLOTHS. 2. TRENCHES TO INCLUDE A 6"457 STONE BED AT 95% COMPACTION BENEATH THE HP STORM PIPES. 3. TRENCHES SHALL BE OACKFILI£D WITH I67 STONE AT 95% COMPACTION AND SHALL ERNE NDA MINIMUM OF 6" VERTICALLY ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE STORM PIPES. A. THE TOP OF ME 957 STONE SHALL BE COVERED WITH A 5OUNCE FILTER FABRIC CLOTH, OVERLAPPING THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED CLOTH THAT SURROUNDS THE BOTTOM AND SIDES OF THE TRENCHES. 5. SUITABLE FILL REACHING THE FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE APPLIED ABOVE THE TOP LAYER'S FILTER CLOTH, MEETING MINIMUM PIPE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS TO PREVENT FLOATATION AND ENSURE PIPE INTEGRITY IS MAINTAINED. 6. A MINIMUM COVER OF 12" IS REQUIRED ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE STORM PIPES. T. SEE THE TYPICAL BACKFIL DETAIL'ON MIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM PIPE REQUIREMENTS. TEMPORARY.. FOR HOPE CWSIRVCIKKI LP00.9 PR"BERFOR IN FINISHED RUNS �& HE MADE A b� ------------------------- GOSXETMATEIAL SUWGIE TTO PREVENT CONSTRUCTION LOADS SIPS FROM RENTING ON RISER TO BE PROVIDED BY ME HE RHOMBI EME CCMTPAGYR. THEOF TIEBES HEIGUT{fSWER SHALL MEET THEMNMUM REWIREME ITS SHOWN IN ME TABLE SEEM ME USE OF HEAW CCNSFRUGTION EQUIPMENT NECESSITATESGREATER PROTECTION FDA THE PIPE MAN FINISHED GUIDE COVER MINIMUMS FOR NORMAL FACRAMYTRAFFIC. !P ACCESS' IW.mM.rP.a NNA. mMMrnNEFFE.1 M'., m...1.ax AEFORP OB w M OMOTNALTRI, }SX M (11'P B.6PVCE6' BEG )3AX .AX SEENOIEI BEHIM C. BEFOR EEX I.B. 15X 1 SAX 'MNIMUMCCVENSUG(VAM.DEPENDNGONLCGLCORDRIOJ6. MECCNTRM:TORMUSTPROJIDEMEADDRIWAL COVE R REWIRED TOAVOD DAMAGE TOMEPIPE. MNIWMCWERISMF REDFRCLIMER MO EPIPEM MET C MEMA INEDCCNSIRUCPCNRMDWAYSURFACE. 1 CONSTRUCTION LOADING DIAGRAM E NOT TO SCALE wPREMWwCGw EUBFM ACCESS SPECIFIMTION FORSIEELIEWGPGEOFOLVF3RIY MERRUP]EDBM REPIACEMMR,SM SCOPE HANDLI BIG AND ASSEMBLY NOTED. MIS SPECIFICATION COME R6 M E MANUFACTURE E END pxN1 BE xACCO DANCE M TH E I REMENTS OF ARTM REEDUCATION OF ME FMCL RONNMU:U PRO.S.ARE DEAD 1311 _ DEGIIEUINlKURRUC TPIMG INOTACRION NARRVL BRUL RE N ACmAI N EAF mml AAmEO R APPLICABLERE IREMEM30FN5MMP.MR MA91g.E SECTIFNxe, DmacN II OREMDCAPAND IN CWFOFWACEMMMEPROREIEMPLAi ANOSLICHIS CAMN3. IALMIRRSHOWELD YRNCOAGORESOLVER PIPE WNINFPEGITERE AM THE ENE ENGENDER. FIR AFFEREVALLREMPARAFFARROMEEDINMOORWC APPLICABLE REW IPEMEM80FAeS11TOM]BMA6rM Fa$vRME N PIPE6QES.M MMDWRRU MS6 LBEMSMX ON FpLCENOWAOUIDE0NENSFOR.DAEPENNE I[ES. ALLFABRICATYM OF ME PRODUCT WALL OCCUR WMIIN ME UNITED STARS, MATERIAL SPECIFICATION NOT TO SCALE SECTION VIEW S AREART REINFORCING TABLE "BEARING 9 HIR A SO REINFORCING PRESSURE RISER (PSF) x (m a 6®IVOCEW 3510 ax' ®ID... LASE aT <'80 u' Es®IPaOW ]fm .a:es &s OFF. 1. SE"S' INS $ .OB• 3Gtl IER BODY IBE se °°' EN ®e iaA,B sa G�cINGG ar em AD- .0 OCEw INS US B•e6, aBrmEw SEE ABLE BEETABLE ROUND OPTION PLAN VIEW SQUARE OPTION RAN VIEW NOTED: T TRIM OPENING AM DIAGONAL N AL Rs EXTEND MRSA 1. DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WNHUSIRO,IM BURNED. OF 0'BEYOND OPENING SEND MISS AS REWIRED TO M4MNN MR 4VVEA. EDRI ON ARE NOI]9 2. DF61W LORD FIRM &PROTECTING 3 NB MR 0 ALL MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED ME INSTALLED BY WITUGICR. ]. FARM COMER• V BOX. & DETNLDESIGH BY DELTA WGNEERS, MCXRECTS AN D LANE CONCRETE NORM M1 WRYEIL'RS wOWELLM S. IIG3REL�T- s. cRADERB. cs Eouu.OTHERANSDILFFvvwhO, MANHOLE CAP DETAIL FILE ENNICPLACE ABORIGINAL &ORS ROSE IN NOT TO SCALE NOTE MEN RISER CAMBR1OiE ALL L�PoEEL PER ARE USED, ME PLAINSIWLD jp (YD)PEPIRCW RECUTFWSX WTS'FROMME6IDE ERROR AS Ni FLUT WELDS FROM LADDER RAILS FINALBACKFILL TOWTSDE6RNL MCGAN FAGX ARGUECORRUfAMM AND PLNGS (MR LENGTH 1NM URCIA RMEAN by GRESTOMBLDS FACE SEE) O STEAD BEYOND III F FRBflIGTOYMLEMXCE: Y' PI FIATBARANDREBAR MILL lYP �. TOLERNHCEPPPLIES M)LS[6'FRI INTK BRLKFlLL V� MA% rBX MA% gC DEDFS ROUND I LW `.�Y La1G ® BNMETERR'�FROM RJUNGTO RED 1. % EET MI UT } ffi6 L C�ER TO CENTER WELD RESANN TO RUNG JAG 'S'FROM BOFICM CF LADDER O ffiffi LLLL MIL I/NRI6ERULYM +xa+ eEASH ARGUE I D 1O.UNDI RALL I F Frn NI1w.CN UIMEMSTRDSSI y'S'xi§'FUTIARSRNELPL ME ANSIuATENw nAnM LM<.J PLAN SIDE PLAN ORROB EWE . mAA MAL IN Her 3 ALLDIMRTERIAL TO PELTE IN�]YLO�MINMRDLENGM6 AND OITNJFR 'U•EAL'1. OF UBOEB PLrW MLT0 R6ER]ONT NCIR1u. 6. ON DEBT BsxMDwTDM1vM'GED PERA6rMMIn AREfl N'F�R�ICIENT IRMONES (AFN DEBTIM IS COMPLETE STANDARD LADDER DETAIL c Nor To SCALE Tara1KN 6 HARTOT To SCALE Po PRMDE MNIMUM C£.ATTAGXI.ENT _ OB EFEN�1a'IrOMaYMSMmn11 PoRPmOMCCM YRWWLXCMWIFNWLXERRFENMNDDI.11]3. EFFORT NKiESRORERXERSIDECPIADOER PNU M CCNIELTERNINU NRMA,NO.ENO _ �I EFFE INSINCRI O Mp`n rEwiaw.ueEwwwinirivPoiLLcaExarewt WTelmu.xvalw®mFrtTlemnoA WTleuFe,. Tosm NGROERAWilOf11NEWLCWCPAO PrW RISFERTEN9DER AN STEPS � � I �I BECRUTWICAL MANWAY DETAIL WIRED _ _ OF B xsvaIFELNGFemunlaRFE1PIFE. FAT T09G4E FEWER PAILS AND FUNDS MWv �� HUN REALMS rnxmn�urlEL®xAwiaE�'iRnTPREVF�XirxIIAnar�"H �'BiaaRFnwE°wia mLvrcrmrom. RESOUNDINGLY __ CLUBIgrtm1EIXMYM�OTNTLFBIX)rEXCEFOa' (OIi: FROM MARQUE D6 _ CUTS ®xWu>tzwRPoF usrE wsluuPoxxu9xpillnCaaWL"FidiCm RrOnetE TOxiWMFWLPIpnnGGes.Clgx. PRO RI6ERwl UDDER FROM FILLETNELIE WRWMPIXICRESr AND STEPS SORT M.HANGLETO O6 YR CEMNFRVR DIII INNWAYL4MMM .FPCVLPmFRN.Iro CCPBU(XTNSIDE)! aNFLes EACn sIDR A HELD Fnex slow REF ALFMWTR'.O 111 .'XLLeTWELD3r'LWG ARACXMENTNl3LE NP.3•.A-TRELWGATIBY MINIWM 66ANGIES PER EPe'LWD N4LWO _ - ®xMUlxlwuwRPIFEDUMLTmIar ABMiro WRCFObIUPoHPMON•aEOnRBNXBE I b SPMIN0.LWGLEOM V➢OE0.5ECrpNSEMBA EPAGINF MNNLNECMP PROIEG. CON LOOM ITDTION, BEEN BOOST INIMUM FOR IFIRS PIASTER AB - MY P.jRFI'S.I, 3a1, ER' r INDBOrTOMOF]'LEGTOIACH VEMIMLLY YHAMPoPgrt D4MEiflt1ffi NR.� I MESEARTIW CREST FOR SWRC£�ONMETEERR BEV6E0 Qi `.ORDEFICENHER LL WMT LSELPoII MDwMP P REMEH PUMEPP.aED W.SP CIPr TloRM COMMERCE - MANL EREA law SECTION A-P. - 6rEPSAREREEDEOI UWER0. NCHEANDRUHC ELEVATION ONMMM URGERS COETOOPACECOISIMINTEANDLIMITED LIREMENTHMRNELFIXUDCAFF.IrOazI. NTEEYEMCFDINAPNICEBMNHAQ.IaWLLeURRCE➢ETXIB ARGESSIBILITY. TXEPRACTICwIFY ANDSSUFABILT'CF DREML RISER LADDER DETAIL ANUOR INCOSSORATWCUNDUEAS iN MESESMAUXG NOT TO SCALE DIAMETER RISERS SHOULD BEOOORE66W BYME GAMES AND PRNECT ENGINEER e L9 Z W ci M N V N N 2021 p IVSG e AS SHOWN ANS �)// ELF ELF It I / � p3C0'R 35'i81 Y \ \FEE \ 1 U v V / F J/ ELIE LE — — _ - E -- -- W—� m -- _ s x o i:. emvax� nxossme i LOTB LOT9 - dA. µ can s wm. _ see - naw rr sas ss 'rssm csumm3z ssMe.swz ssme m r.sne m LOTaB LOT LOT LOT jj _ _ s EFFEE,mme.sw WALL C LOTay zfLOTE. I � I LOT z LOT LO I I a9 LOTvv � - - I s LOT Lorae — L I e v � s tOTa6 LOT I � pl nFEA IL • Is PPIVA_ TFA6CF55 EA " NT IL IWE i —Q/ . / - _- a � P tx 1� F. I ICI 'I" l.: .. I_� - Is le la I:. I. i m I I I _ It; 1- 1 Yc t I, I, �� am _ _ ci I• J x� _ i✓. v -_.� N N F—LEAwziz V / I / _ - _ �� .ahILbING pl _ LL l L T } 1 \ - - - 0 6 - 6a urtRs rFEET / ss s s ass rae5 1 B111L NI ULI Fm- f wxszazz rassazs iinsnzFEE;:; `.. 1OT 35 snnsu.a� / L I UILDIN6 a° AI I I�PELLIoETEBE ox,.s�rEM� >— � .— Lu ALL wr mP. a - Yu _ - - - 5 FELAW At ALEALF, -- - .4 _ --- Z aAIM" r „ra =a BERKMAR DRIVE - - __ - ., a. _ i _ — \ �- - W F, ma -- A �STATE aouTE 1411 so PUB, ul Lu --/ --- fv — I�I 1�1 II1��1 n / ) / ) —--�,—_�— �' —7/�I�14 ��>>/i�)111�j1 //i��l� �I�1 �Luz a 1 ELF \ICI I I it I \ caaPefc scnLe �� � � FEES �; I �IIII�IIII� Iv ET f ELF m r o n. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, LLC 1739 Allied Street, Suite A Charlottesville, VA 22903 540.578.4296 www.ecosystemservices.us ion@ecosystemservices.us October 4, 2021 Lauren Wilson, PE Collins Engineering, L.L.C. 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Nutrient Offset Credit — Credit Availability Letter Victorina Heights Project Berkmar Drive and Woodburn Road — Albemarle County, VA Project HUC: 0208020402 Bank HUC: 0208020402 Dear Ms. Wilson, We appreciate the opportunity to provide a credit availability letter for 5.56 pounds of phosphorus for the above referenced project. This letter is to certify that as of today, October 4, 2021, Ivy Creek Nutrient Bank has 125.85 pounds of phosphorus (TP), 193.77 pounds of nitrogen (TN), and 39,685.16 pounds of TSS available for transfer to those entities requiring offsets in accordance with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Credit Exchange Program (VA Code § 62.1-44.19:14 et seq.). Those offsets are also transferable in accordance with the Virginia stormwater offset program (VA Code § 62.1-44.15:35) and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board's Guidance Document on Stormwater Nonpoint Nutrient Offsets approved on July 23, 2009, to those regulated entities qualifying for nutrient credits. We can certainly accommodate your needs and could offer to fulfil the order of 5.56 pounds of phosphorus. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. I hope we have the opportunity to work together on this project. Sincerely, Ecosystem Services, LLC By: Jonathan R. Roller, AOSE PSS CNMP Manager —Authorized Representative Section 6 - Pollution Prevention Plan A. Plan showing pollution activities and prevention practices SEE EXHIBIT SHEET. B. Sources of Pollutants, locations, and prevention practices Pollutant, or Pollutant Generating Activity Location on site Prevention Practices, Control Measures SEE BELOW. C. Sources of Pollutants, continued. Common activities and minimum control and prevention practices Pollutant, or Pollutant Location on site Prevention Practices, Control Measures Generating Activity Follow Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Clearing, grading, excavating, Land disturbance area Dispose of clearing debris at acceptable disposal and un-stabilized areas sites. Seed and mulch, or sod within 7 days of land clearing Cover storm drain inlets and use drip pans and Paving operations Roads and driveways absorbent/oil dry for all paving machines to limit leaks and spills Concrete washout and Current location and detail Direct concrete wash water into a leak -proof cement waste shown on PPP container or leak -proof sediment basin that is designed so that no overflows can occur Enclose or cover material storage areas. Mix paint indoors in a containment area or in a flat Structure construction, stucco, Structures unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, painting, and cleaning solvents, detergents and wash water, paint, form release oils and curing compounds. Dewatering of sediment Water shall be filtered, settled or similarly treated Dewatering operations basins prior to discharge as shown on plan. Designated area shown on Designated areas for material delivery and vK Material delivery and storage storage. Placed near construction entrances, plan away from waterways and drainage paths Material use during building Building areas Follow manufacturer's instructions. MSDS's v/ process attached. Waste collection area will not receive a substantial amount of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a waterway. Solid waste disposal Current designated container Containers have lids covered before periods of areas on plan rain, or are in a covered area. Scheduled collection to prevent overfilling. MATERIALS NOT TO BE BURIED ON -SITE Convenient and well -maintained portable ✓ Current locations shown on sanitary facilities will be provided, and located Sanitary waste plan away from waterways or inlets. Such facilities shall be regularly maintained. Pollutant, or Pollutant Location on site Prevention Practices, Control Measures Generating Activity ✓ Landscape areas shown on Apply fertilizers in accordance with Landscaping operations plan manufacturer's recommendations and not during rainfall events To be treated in a sediment basin or better control as specified on plan. Minimize the ✓ Wash Waters Wash areas shown on plan discharge of pollutants from equipment and vehicle washing ✓ Vehicle and equipment washing Designated areas and details Provide containment and filtering for all wash shown on plan waters per the plan Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste, and other materials present on the site to precipitation and to stormwater. D. Non-stormwater discharges Discharge Pollutants or Pollutant Constituents Location on Site N/A E. Persons responsible for pollution prevention practices DEVELOPER: RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT —Alan Taylor alan@riverbenddev.com 434-245-4970 F. Response and reporting practices Spills will be immediately and promptly cleaned up by the contractor. Regular checks of equipment on site shall occur and any pollutants shall be stored properly to prevent spills. The following agency should be considered for notification in the case of a spill: Seminole Fire & Rescue: 434-973-1717 Albemarle County Police Department: 434-977-9041 Charlottesville Health Department: 434-972-6200 Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation: 1-804-786-2094 Virginia Department of Environmental Quality: 1-540-574-7824 Virginia Department of Emergency Services: 1-800-468-8892 G. Pollution Prevention Awareness DEQ's Office of Pollution Prevention hosts a number of programs and initiatives that serve as a conduit for non - regulatory assistance to businesses and communities. The contractor will ensure that their team is trained and knowledgably aware of all measures in this document. NO / �J PROOKOED TEMPORARYRROUNDE III / / ✓—� I / IANE — I S // J_, WQOpBURN BY SILT FENCE 11 I / CONTRARORSTAGINGAREA - gATE ROUTE 659 ) / --`--_- WITH FUELING TANK, DUMPSTER, yV RD ANDPORTA-POTTIES - _ i SF / LIMITS R _FLOWDIRECTION ARROW (LYp.)`\ I I- 3-- �_� - DIVERSION DI ' - - -D6TURBANOCE OT NOTE NTRAROGTO -0-- I \ ` ->- 4` CONSTRUCTION EN _ ry NOTE: �IS COFISRUI " ENTRANCE SHALLBE ___ r 1 F i / Ir Akti/ )[ Y' % / % II /qw INSTALLED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED BY THE ENSUREPOSTNE _ `- I, /' tiM`I b\' Y V O CONTRACTOR. ALL CONSTRUCTIONTRAHICINTH15 / / PROPOSEDLIMT50F ' O __ ------ J / 1� r{ }$ `? / AREA HALLUTILIZET I CO TRANCE./ \ r V/ _--_ -/ \ I / / / DISTDRCH AL ITYP.1 1 DRAINAGE ALONG Irl-+1 l \ DIVERSION DIKE /1\--- SOIL TYPE 6B \\ \ \\\ I / / --( ^�,=L I / DITCH ALONG DC DIVERSION DWITH ELINEED TO DRAINAGEDIVIDE (TYP%�`/BE UTEWITH / \ \\ -___- -______ \-i' AV A A I / / // /RETE WASH \\ +,k \ \ II/'�— OUTAREA i RIW DIVERSION TO BA51 /CONC _ _ RIPRAPOUTFALL -- -/ -- _ PROPOSEDLIMELS 1 _ - iS�= _ _ \ 1 \ _ - _ Y - _ L RIW DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE //' //49g L=vY, W= - i� -OFDISTURBANCENYP.) _ _ _ $ _ - - �� 'FF\- _-_-- 'T&MALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE i •: / a A / / \ \`\\FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE _ '0 1 \ \ \ / \AREAT03EDIMENT BASIN-a.44 ACRES \\\ DC '`I . BOUNDARY(TYP.1 _ '/' / ENT TRAP- ACA��IPLRAP OUTFACE o .. TS +a.ss ACRES OF OFFSTTE UNDISTURBED _-_ _ ��� /AREA TO SEDIM -a.o5 ES / xe $OR /SOILrid z/B PROPOSED FENCE, qRE 1 , ' / / p AROUND SEDIMENT \ C V , / L-Y,W 6yD BASIN'A\ TS ICI ' � \ \,, ___— TS , (• • • •"'{{{,.... / ' ��;`NOTE CONRACTOR TO-- / ' ' Gam- / )o FOOT LONG 4,1 _7 SURE OSTIVE / ' �''�j/ / 4 FOOT HIGH BAFFLES I D \\ N p /- `SOIL TY➢Z!jC ;l DC - \ \ / RAINAGEALONG ' / - N i• ' i' - 1 \\ \ �— \ SOIL irP/I v/ /'D '�. //'�i .........�� BM \ BZ FOOTLONG // / / / D�ERSIQN DI �'� i / PROPOSED FENCE SOILTVPE aJB 6FOOTHIGH BAFFLE$ / /, / / / AROUNDSEDIMENT _ TRAP \ - '' / C \ 1 �..... (6`IPRAPOUTFALL ....; n... a I / //-_____- / // /� wG Da _ \ 8 L .... i /' 'BUREPOSTIVE � EN : CONTRACT O r , I'// /iii��i�OILTYPE 396 �.�/��/ �DIRARSOUP RAINAGEDIONGk /IN /-AREATOSEDIMERIPRAPOOTFACL // TRAPS RAACR[S \ L ve` 6, 0_z 1=o,W 6 0 �` DITCHALONG\ DIVERSION DIKETO y ,. .sea y ate / JUIE \ \SOITT Y E39D /♦ ` CMp BARB EL 6 �_ 000s _ -�-A TEMPORARY 5 NNIECHON \ BARRETWEL NAL�BE CISER ONNEQTOE \ e \ iT RW\11 \ \511�1 �TII� I11 \tK -"""" IDRIVE 1TEMPORARY " PERMANENT(PISR4THRU HT.—"_�_\—\/ -' PROPOSED OGHOUSE MH a�_______ /I ^BE�KMOUTE 1 DR/W DLEV.-5 N. RISER (OI INCLUDE Sav:o')I& WI ROy RIM --DING STORMWILL BE LOWERED - / VARIABLE ATEMPORARYTRASHRACK&ANTEVORTEX TO FINAL GRADE IN PHASE IIIA - ��� �\ \ I ( ( �1 / PROPOSED FENCE i5'0. DEVICE.RISER SHALL BE FIRMLY ANCHORED ------I_ P - --AROUND SEDIMENT RP -TO PREVENT FLOATING. RISER TO BESET IN ------I - - - - - AMINIMUM OF3o" OF COMPACTED SOIL OR - -- jIJ// _- \ - ' ^--�-" i------_---- AGGREGATE BASE OVER A 6'X6'Xvz"-----/�-_ THICK GALVANIZED STEEL BASE PLATE, OR - ____ _ -- - -----� /' i ----CONCRETE FOUNDATION. SPECIALATTENTION TTENNOTE, IFION STEEL I' \ BASE EN TO CSPECIATONSOTIONSHALLBE — _ COMPACTION PLATE./ 1' MH \ / / ////' / --- �-.'_---- __--- -T I / / III ) / / / ___---`------T �=__;= L ,_v— ��✓� \I 1 I I I I I / 1\ \\\ i I I� \ I I/ I l/ 1/ / //' i // �/ I I � 1 ®POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN EXHIBIT COLLINS ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME: VICTORIAN HEIGHTS - ESC PHASE I 200 GARRET STREET, SUITE K - CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 - OFFICE: 434-293-3719 DATE: 1/09/2023 SCALER" = 60' WOODBURN LANE I NOTE: CO RA D�10� STATE 659 k r /� l / __rI NSURE POSTNE i 4V RIW / wm _� ----_.—_._._._ I DIVISION DIONG _ —r IP IP HNtMi — — D —---------- ._.�"' COUELING OR TANK, DINGARER, " WITH FUELING TANK, EA FORTIES- T AND PORTA-POTTIES _ _ — _{__ y� / — 944.E ae +aaaa IP aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.�.iaa +���+ •/ �• `- 1 i�fr // // as _ \ F `\ _\� _ _ __ __ __1 ;_ ___ -Sox.---��L \ ENSUREONTRACTOR TO' I \ ` \ \ ENSURE POSTIVE / � �� I ' _ ___ _ _— I� iAO MIN. _ tea/ �' I wo E /// TRUCT AND MPINTP NEDB \ - \ -4 / /I Q:THIS CO UCfION / /' Ii1 IP NOT OPERATED, U�iION INSTPLLE0,0R. ALL CONis RAINAGEgLONG � 544 /�\--_-------- — J / '_n�� / / � ICONT0.PR T IZETHISCON4R \ \ \DIVERSION D/KE /* S4a/ �o — � i \ \\\ \ \ T\\RROUNRPROPOEDEY AkEA/T/O SED M/ E/M/ TRP/ //a STORMINLETSTOREMAIN BY SILT FENCE ED CLOSEDTOALLO FFSTE LONER CLEANWATERTODIVERT TIER $RETO E%ISTINGSTORMDNL- BE-- DRIVE _ AREATOSEDIMENT BASIN-3s5AC _ _ T- -_-qL- _ ------ PROPOSED LIMITS - _ _'= - _ __ - \ 1-'''�__ PAY DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE 1' —OFDISfURBANCEITYP.) - - �. — - - _ - _\ c — _ �� - _ 'Fi \- r' ---- i'TO SMALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE _S3o / / /—\ \\ I /7{ �� ----J i•/ I� / ' ' / PRAPOUTFALL FLOWDIRECTION✓— \ DITCH ALONG .T ' /— \ �'��� \ \ ♦ r I / DIVERSION DIKETO / 1 ARROW (T'/P.7 \gyp \ I I / i— _— / / i / /io% \\ 'BE LINED WITH ♦ `�_ /—��/ 1 \\ \\ \ _---\/ # �I // i6 \ JUTE \u36%\ \♦ ( / /' PROP05ED FENCE \\�\ \ Y ♦♦ / AROUND SEDIMENT \ \ \ , I C , '--- —sy— i / ♦ /�/ — — F\\\� TBASIN \ / _ — \` ♦♦♦ ,/ / _ \ \ �\�\ .UWIR \ - ��� �—_' ♦ ' / .L. ao,W 6'LD=Y...\. ... ... Sao \ ✓ .RIPRAP OUTFALL RIPRAPOUTFALL\� 1RIPRAP OUTFALL ,/r L:o,W 6,D-a° L ao,W 6', p=z SUPPORT ''-i /• 5z4 .... S:a / 3 TO SEDIMENT ACRES RES _ . — � `� PLEASE NODU�SILT FENCE ANp SAFETY FENCETO l a� •• �, .ter- � _ n - A ��� 5'FIROMATHERETATN NG WgLLEWA ter' u _ i2' 'MIN. CE IP \WASH RACK _— /-- RIPRAP OUTFALL R/W DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE DRIVE- \ \ ( / NOTE: SILT FENCE, SAFETY FENCE, ANDTREE PROTECTION ,tp SHALL BE INSTALLEDAT LIMIT$/ OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE wI WIRE / FFSET FOR GRAPHICAL PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES SUPPORT /BARE MEASURED AT THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE OR .d DIVERSION DIKE. l / /'PROPOSED LIMITS OF/ / DISTURBANCE(TYP.) \ / /DITCH ALONG A DIVERSION DIKETO. / ELINEDWITH / JU' / _ IF ' RAINAGE DIVIDE ITYA) `\ / ENSURE E DRAINAGEALONG ALONG -- _ IVERSI(/IN DIKE ✓ IP \ ( 24-CMP PIPE ._T_OEX_IS_TING CURBT/ --- ---_----_— l— —_— --- I \\ \> (\ 1 I FOR CLEANWATER BYPASS LF@3.)69il k513.,o_j� _------------ --_ — — — — — — — — — — — — l \ \ 98.3 lo=�o.00 ---- �. —\f— y\_TEMPORARY 1 I — — �-- ✓r —_----—� _------------�— A '----- —__�—�------- —___ /MH _` 1/ f PREVENTION PLAN EXHIBIT ®POLLUTION COLLINS ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME: VICTORIAN HEIGHTS - ESC PHASE II 200 GARRET STREET, SUITE K - CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 - OFFICE: 434-293-3719 DATE: 1/09/2023 SCALER" = 60' If - r `� \ I 659 STATE4V __--_�.-----=-'-'- PJW,TE __ ____ =WNCO U-ING TANK, DINGARER, fiD wW -_-. HFU LINGTANKDUMPSTER / IP �~ � E //E, / NOTE: SILT FENCE, SAFETY \ Am AND PORTA POTTIES IP / TECTION �'FENCEITS SHALL ERBANOE.THSE \ _- _ _- �._ - _----- _ _ -�_ }- � _ "'" i SF /�OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE RE �-- wIWIRE FFSETFOR GRAPHICAL ' RC A OR O AGE DIVIDES SUPPORT ARE MEASUREDIAT THE LIMITS - - __ _ __ __ _ __ PNT �- NSU E OSTIVEOF DR AGE gLONG / / DIVE DISTURBANCE DIKE. OR / DIVERSION DIKE. DVEIRSIOs{V�DhKE1 // 5440- - DRAINAGE DIVIDE(TYP.) A yYpoMIN. AREA TO SEOIMENTTR P .v ACRES \\ 5 \` \ - - N TE.TH CONS RUCTI NENT ALE'�A IH ALL BE- PROPOSED LIMITS OF /' \ / INSTALLED, OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED BY THE WgSH RACK CONTRACTOR. ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS PROPOSED FENCE AROUND j �~ SEDIMENTTRAP DISTURBANCE 5_x3 acres / i LUT141 ETH15 ONS�R CTIOJJ ENTRAN I �_ � \\�A � Wo/ �- --it OFDITOP AM CONCRETE WASIT, OUTAR i (^^' • / ,1 1 / PROPOSED LIMITS — _ _ i / \ Sao _ / / \ \ \\ �_ ✓u, I '+\' / 1 S "' / l I '' N' - ' / is / 11 ry / / ' / ' / �� / -OFDISTURBANCE \ _ _ DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE TTO SMALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE I' }� �w•�� FORCONSTRUCTIONENTRAN / , / SPF PROPOSED FENCE \ \ \♦ r I /y I _ - H - __ ...��YF / / / �- \\ / \ \ \\� , \\\` �♦ —/ /RIPRAP OYITFALL L=n%. W_firD\ \\ \� RIPRAPOUTFALL v ``�wIWIR RIPRAP OUTFACE \ \ \ L:", W-6,Dy .__` `� / ♦ ,' Lao— i SUPPORT\ IF i' • 530 • T _ � \\ Sy . .I / u n 55S24✓ l `FLEASIENCIL NDSAF SILT PENCE AND BE INSTALLED AT BACK OF SIDEV/ALK TO BE S: FROM THE RETAINING WALL CE ''..�:.`.. ,.....n �_._ - \vx WASH RACK- UTDTZL` "d°`,° .. LI .. IP11IMII\1\I A,I RAVDIVERSIONANDDIVERSION DIKE voAYJ - - 46 _ - - DRIVE \_� - ' --- TOSMALLs6DIMENr- - _BERKMAR -- ROUTE 14D3 // /, `1 \II\\\\I// I TRAPPING DEVICE 91V" -.-.� - STATE - - -- 1— _ WIDTH R/W \ ixi�' __>-' / --\ j JI / FORCONSTRUCTION - -"` - --- VARIABLE - ENTRANCE_ AT THE TIME OF TEMPORARY SEDIMENT- 4 SHALL REMOVAL, TEMPORARY / 15"a P' __ — — — 1 \\ ALL REMOVE THE THE PORARY PIPE TOR _ ______ \ \ 11 / CONNECTIONINTOPERMANENTSTRUCTURE / � ----------------------------\ \ _ �,\-� \\ `\\\ \\) \I I III\ & COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION OF THE - - --- - PERMANENT STORM SEWER. CONTRACTORSHALL PLUG HOLE IN-��_i' __--' _-__ 1'. / 1 EXISTING CURB INLET WATERTIGHT_ - / __---gip ---_ _----_—__ 1 �MH 1 / / / , / / / % ' • / / / / \ I I ll 1 1 \ l ®POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN EXHIBIT C O L L I N S E N G I N E E R I N G PROJECT NAME: VICTORIAN HEIGHTS - ESC PHASE III 200 GARRET STREET, SUITE K - CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 - OFFICE: 434-293-3719 DATE: 1/09/2023 SCALE:1" = 60' Section 7 - Discharges to impaired waters, surface waters within an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation, and exceptional waters Due to impaired waters, comply with 9VAC25-880-70 Part 1 (13)(4), Contractor shall provide clear direction that: b. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. c. Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events. d. The applicable SWPPP inspection requirements specified in Part 11 F 2 shall be amended as follows: a. Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four business days or (ii) at least once every five business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. e Glossary ® Data 0 About ® Contact Us How's My Waterway? Informing the conversation about your waters. Waterbody Report • Rivanna River South Fork Assessment Unit ID:VAV-H26R_RRSO1A00 Waterbody Condition: Impaired Existing Plans for Restoration: No 303(d) Listed: Yes Year Reported: 2020 Organization Name (ID): Virginia (21VASWCB) What type of water is this? River(3A7 Miles) Where is this water located? South Fork Rivanna River from the RWSA SF Rivanna River Public Water Intake downstream to its confluence with the Rivanna River. lkm 1mi Assessment Information from 2020 What is this water used for? Aquatic Life Fish Consumption Recreation Wildlife Expand All F1 Impaired Not Assessed Good Good Probable sources contributing to impairment from 2020: Source Confirmed Dam or Impoundment No Municipal (Urbanized High Density Area) No Non -Point Source No Plans to Restore Water Quality What plans are in place to protect or restore water quality? No plans for this waterbody. Section 8 - Qualified Personnel The following personnel are responsible for inspections: OWNER/DEVELOPER: RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT —Alan Taylor 434.245.4970 aIan@riverbenddev.com PROJECT MANAGER: COLLINS ENGINEERING —SCOTT COLLINS, PE 434.293.3719 scott@collins-engineering.com Section 9 - Signed Certification CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Operator Name: Company: Title: Alan Taylor Riverbend Development Signature: OA�" [" — Date: 6/7/21 Section 10 - Delegation of Authority Delegation of Authority I, (name), hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized representative for the purpose of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements, including the Construction General Permit, at the construction site. The designee is authorized to sign any reports, stormwater pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit. (name of person or position) (company) (address) (city, state, zip) (phone) By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the Construction General Permit (CGP), and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly authorized representative". Operator Name: Company: Title: Signature: Date: Section 11 - General Permit copy COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY General Permit No.: VAR10 Effective Date: July 1, 2019 Expiration Date: June 30, 2024 GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ACT In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and pursuant to the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, operators of construction activities are authorized to discharge to surface waters within the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia, except those specifically named in State Water Control Board regulations that prohibit such discharges. The authorized discharge shall be in accordance with the registration statement filed with the Department of Environmental Quality, this cover page, Part I - Discharge Authorization and Special Conditions, Part II - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and Part III - Conditions Applicable to All VPDES Permits as set forth in this general permit. Construction General Permit Effective July 1, 2019 Page 2 of 26 10M.T 1 DISCHARGE AUTHORIZATION AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Coverage under this general permit. During the period beginning with the date of coverage under this general permit and lasting until the general permit's expiration date, the operator is authorized to discharge stormwater from construction activities. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that: a. The support activity is directly related to the construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. The support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; c. The support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the last construction activity it supports; d. The support activity is identified in the registration statement at the time of general permit coverage; e. Appropriate control measures are identified in a stormwater pollution prevention plan and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and f. All applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. B. Limitations on coverage. 1. Post -construction discharges. This general permit does not authorize stormwater discharges that originate from the site after construction activities have been completed and the site, including any support activity sites covered under the general permit registration, has undergone final stabilization. Post -construction industrial stormwater discharges may need to be covered by a separate VPDES permit. Discharges mixed with nonstormwater. This general permit does not authorize discharges that are mixed with sources of nonstormwater, other than those discharges that are identified in Part I E (Authorized nonstormwater discharges) and are in compliance with this general permit. Discharges covered by another state permit. This general permit does not authorize discharges of stormwater from construction activities that have been covered under an individual permit or required to obtain coverage under an alternative general permit. Page 3 of 26 4. Impaired waters and total maximum daily load (TMDL) limitation. Nutrient and sediment impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment -related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or (ii) nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus) are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in accordance with Part II B 5 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 6 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations, and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Exceptional waters limitation. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities not previously covered under the general permit effective on July 1, 2014, to exceptional waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 7 of this permit and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. 6. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts C. Commingled discharges. Discharges authorized by this general permit may be commingled with other sources of stormwater that are not required to be covered under a state permit, so long as the commingled discharge is in compliance with this general permit. Discharges authorized by a separate state or VPDES permit may be commingled with discharges authorized by this general permit so long as all such discharges comply with all applicable state and VPDES permit requirements. D. Prohibition of nonstormwater discharges. Except as provided in Parts I A 2, 1 C, and I E, all discharges covered by this general permit shall be composed entirely of stormwater associated with construction activities. All other discharges including the following are prohibited: 1. Wastewater from washout of concrete; 2. Wastewater from the washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, and other construction materials; Page 4 of 26 3. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; 4. Oils, toxic substances, or hazardous substances from spills or other releases; and 5. Soaps, solvents, or detergents used in equipment and vehicle washing. E. Authorized nonstormwater discharges. The following nonstormwater discharges from construction activities are authorized by this general permit when discharged in compliance with this general permit: 1. Discharges from firefighting activities; 2. Fire hydrant flushings; 3. Waters used to wash vehicles or equipment where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 4. Water used to control dust that has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 5. Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline flushings, managed in a manner to avoid an instream impact; 6. Routine external building wash down where soaps, solvents or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 7. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (or where all spilled or leaked material has been removed prior to washing); where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used; and where the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 8. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; 9. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water; 10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; 11. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering, including dewatering of trenches and excavations that have been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; and 12. Landscape irrigation. F. Termination of general permit coverage. 1. The operator of the construction activity shall submit a notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60, unless a registration statement was not required to be submitted in accordance with 9VAC25-880-50 A 1 c or A 2 b for single-family detached residential structures, to the VSMP authority after one or more of the following conditions have been met: Page 5 of 26 a. Necessary permanent control measures included in the SWPPP for the site are in place and functioning effectively and final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the operator has operational control. When applicable, long term responsibility and maintenance requirements for permanent control measures shall be recorded in the local land records prior to the submission of a complete and accurate notice of termination and the construction record drawing prepared; b. Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized and obtained coverage for the ongoing discharge; c. Coverage under an alternative VPDES or state permit has been obtained; or d. For individual lots in residential construction only, final stabilization as defined in 9VAC25- 880-1 has been completed, including providing written notification to the homeowner and incorporating a copy of the notification and signed certification statement into the SWPPP, and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. The notice of termination shall be submitted no later than 30 days after one of the above conditions in subdivision 1 of this subsection is met. 3. Termination of authorization to discharge for the conditions set forth in subdivision 1 a of this subsection shall be effective upon notification from the department that the provisions of subdivision 1 a of this subsection have been met or 60 days after submittal of a complete and accurate notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60 C, whichever occurs first. 4. Authorization to discharge terminates at midnight on the date that the notice of termination is submitted for the conditions set forth in subdivisions 1 b through 1 d of this subsection unless otherwise notified by the VSMP authority or department. 5. The notice of termination shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. G. Water quality protection. 1. The operator shall select, install, implement, and maintain control measures as identified in the SWPPP at the construction site that minimize pollutants in the discharge as necessary to ensure that the operator's discharge does not cause or contribute to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard. If it is determined by the department that the operator's discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or are contributing to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the department, in consultation with the VSMP authority, may take appropriate enforcement action and require the operator to: a. Modify or implement additional control measures in accordance with Part II C to adequately address the identified water quality concerns; b. Submit valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or Page 6 of 26 c. Submit an individual permit application in accordance with 9VAC25-870-410 B 3. All written responses required under this chapter shall include a signed certification consistent with Part III K. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN A. Stormwater pollution prevent plan. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) shall be developed prior to the submission of a registration statement and implemented for the construction activity, including any support activity, covered by this general permit. SWPPPs shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices. Construction activities that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale and disturb less than one acre may utilize a SWPPP template provided by the department and need not provide a separate stormwater management plan if one has been prepared and implemented for the larger common plan of development or sale. The SWPPP requirements of this general permit may be fulfilled by incorporating by reference other plans such as a spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan developed for the site under § 311 of the federal Clean Water Act or best management practices (BMP) programs otherwise required for the facility provided that the incorporated plan meets or exceeds the SWPPP requirements of Part II B. All plans incorporated by reference into the SWPPP become enforceable under this general permit. If a plan incorporated by reference does not contain all of the required elements of the SWPPP, the operator shall develop the missing elements and include them in the SWPPP. 3. Any operator that was authorized to discharge under the general permit effective July 1, 2014, and that intends to continue coverage under this general permit, shall update its stormwater pollution prevention plan to comply with the requirements of this general permit no later than 60 days after the date of coverage under this general permit. B. Contents. The SWPPP shall include the following items: 1. General information. a. A signed copy of the registration statement, if required, for coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. Upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities (i.e., notice of coverage letter); c. Upon receipt, a copy of the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; d. A narrative description of the nature of the construction activity, including the function of the project (e.g., low density residential, shopping mall, highway, etc.); e. A legible site plan identifying: Page 7 of 26 (1) Directions of stormwater flow and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities; (2) Limits of land disturbance including steep slopes and natural buffers around surface waters that will not be disturbed; (3) Locations of major structural and nonstructural control measures, including sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other measures intended to filter, settle, or similarly treat sediment, that will be installed between disturbed areas and the undisturbed vegetated areas in order to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration; (4) Locations of surface waters; (5) Locations where concentrated stormwater is discharged; (6) Locations of any support activities, including (i) areas where equipment and vehicle washing, wheel wash water, and other wash water is to occur; (ii) storage areas for chemicals such as acids, fuels, fertilizers, and other lawn care chemicals; (iii) concrete wash out areas; (iv) vehicle fueling and maintenance areas; (v) sanitary waste facilities, including those temporarily placed on the construction site; and (vi) construction waste storage; and (7) When applicable, the location of the on -site rain gauge or the methodology established in consultation with the VSMP authority used to identify measurable storm events for inspection as allowed by Part II G 2 a (1) (ii) or Part II G 2 b (2). Erosion and sediment control plan. a. An erosion and sediment control plan designed and approved in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), an "agreement in lieu of a plan" as defined in 9VAC25-840-10 from the VESCP authority, or an erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. All erosion and sediment control plans shall include a statement describing the maintenance responsibilities required for the erosion and sediment controls used. c. An approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications, implemented to: (1) Control the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff within the site to minimize soil erosion; (2) Control stormwater discharges, including peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion; Page 8 of 26 (3) Minimize the amount of soil exposed during the construction activity; (4) Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes; (5) Minimize sediment discharges from the site in a manner that addresses (i) the amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation; (ii) the nature of resulting stormwater runoff; and (iii) soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes present on the site; (6) Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal, and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible; (7) Minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil; (8) Ensure initiation of stabilization activities, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1, of disturbed areas immediately whenever any clearing, grading, excavating, or other land - disturbing activities have permanently ceased on any portion of the site, or temporarily ceased on any portion of the site and will not resume for a period exceeding 14 days; and (9) Utilize outlet structures that withdraw stormwater from the surface (i.e., above the permanent pool or wet storage water surface elevation), unless infeasible, when discharging from sediment basins or sediment traps. 3. Stormwater management plan. a. Except for those projects identified in Part II B 3 b, a stormwater management plan approved by the VSMP authority as authorized under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulation (9VAC25-870), or an "agreement in lieu of a stormwater management plan" as defined in 9VAC25-870-10 from the VSMP authority, or a stormwater management plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. For any operator meeting the conditions of 9VAC25-870-47 B of the VSMP regulation, an approved stormwater management plan is not required. In lieu of an approved stormwater management plan, the SWPPP shall include a description of, and all necessary calculations supporting, all post -construction stormwater management measures that will be installed prior to the completion of the construction process to control pollutants in stormwater discharges after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the degree possible. Such measures must be designed and installed in accordance with applicable VESCP authority, VSMP authority, state, and federal requirements, and any necessary permits must be obtained. Pollution prevention plan. A pollution prevention plan that addresses potential pollutant - generating activities that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any support activity. The pollution prevention plan shall: a. Identify the potential pollutant -generating activities and the pollutant that is expected to be exposed to stormwater; Page 9 of 26 b. Describe the location where the potential pollutant -generating activities will occur, or if identified on the site plan, reference the site plan; c. Identify all nonstormwater discharges, as authorized in Part I E of this general permit, that are or will be commingled with stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any applicable support activity; d. Identify the person responsible for implementing the pollution prevention practice or practices for each pollutant -generating activity (if other than the person listed as the qualified personnel); e. Describe the pollution prevention practices and procedures that will be implemented to: (1) Prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G; (2) Prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities (e.g., providing secondary containment such as spill berms, decks, spill containment pallets, providing cover where appropriate, and having spill kits readily available); (3) Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds (e.g., providing (i) cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent contact with stormwater; (ii) collection and proper disposal in a manner to prevent contact with stormwater; and (iii) a similarly effective means designed to prevent discharge of these pollutants); (4) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing (e.g., locating activities away from surface waters and stormwater inlets or conveyance and directing wash waters to sediment basins or traps, using filtration devices such as filter bags or sand filters, or using similarly effective controls); (5) Direct concrete wash water into a leak -proof container or leak -proof settling basin. The container or basin shall be designed so that no overflows can occur due to inadequate sizing or precipitation. Hardened concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wastes. Liquid concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wash waters and shall not be discharged to surface waters; (6) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes including (i) building products such as asphalt sealants, copper flashing, roofing materials, adhesives, and concrete admixtures; (ii) pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and landscape Page 10 of 26 materials; and (iii) construction and domestic wastes such as packaging materials, scrap construction materials, masonry products, timber, pipe and electrical cuttings, plastics, Styrofoam, concrete, and other trash or building materials; (7) Prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, waste concrete, and sanitary wastes; (8) Address any other discharge from the potential pollutant -generating activities not addressed above; (9) Minimize the exposure of waste materials to precipitation by closing or covering waste containers during precipitation events and at the end of the business day, or implementing other similarly effective practices. Minimization of exposure is not required in cases where the exposure to precipitation will not result in a discharge of pollutants; and f. Describe procedures for providing pollution prevention awareness of all applicable wastes, including any wash water, disposal practices, and applicable disposal locations of such wastes, to personnel in order to comply with the conditions of this general permit. The operator shall implement the procedures described in the SWPPP. SWPPP requirements for discharges to nutrient and sediment impaired waters. For discharges to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for sediment for a sediment - related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus), the operator shall: a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutants of concern in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. SWPPP requirements for discharges to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. For discharges from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB, the operator shall: Page 11 of 26 a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutant of concern in the SWPPP; b. Implement the approved erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Part II B 2; c. Dispose of waste materials in compliance with applicable state, federal, and local requirements; and d. Implement a modified inspection schedule in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 7. SWPPP requirements for discharges to exceptional waters. For discharges to surface waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c as an exceptional water, the operator shall: a. Identify the exceptional surface waters in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 8. Identification of qualified personnel. The name, phone number, and qualifications of the qualified personnel conducting inspections required by this general permit. 9. Delegation of authority. The individuals or positions with delegated authority, in accordance with Part III K, to sign inspection reports or modify the SWPPP. 10. SWPPP signature. The SWPPP shall be signed and dated in accordance with Part III K. C. SWPPP amendments, modification, and updates. 1. The operator shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters and that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended if, during inspections or investigations by the operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state, or federal officials, it is determined that the existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges from the construction activity. Revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures designed and implemented to correct problems identified. If approval by the VESCP authority, VSMP authority, or department is necessary for the control measure, revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed no later than seven calendar days following approval. Implementation of these additional or modified control measures shall be accomplished as described in Part II H. Page 12 of 26 3. The SWPPP shall clearly identify the contractors that will implement and maintain each control measure identified in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended to identify any new contractor that will implement and maintain a control measure. 4. The operator shall update the SWPPP as soon as possible but no later than seven days following any modification to its implementation. All modifications or updates to the SWPPP shall be noted and shall include the following items: a. A record of dates when: (1) Major grading activities occur; (2) Construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and (3) Stabilization measures are initiated; b. Documentation of replaced or modified controls where periodic inspections or other information have indicated that the controls have been used inappropriately or incorrectly and were modified; c. Areas that have reached final stabilization and where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply; d. All properties that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property; e. The date of any prohibited discharges, the discharge volume released, and what actions were taken to minimize the impact of the release; f. Measures taken to prevent the reoccurrence of any prohibited discharge; and g. Measures taken to address any evidence identified as a result of an inspection required under Part II G. 5. Amendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP shall be signed in accordance with Part III K. D. Public notification. Upon commencement of land disturbance, the operator shall post conspicuously a copy of the notice of coverage letter near the main entrance of the construction activity. For linear projects, the operator shall post the notice of coverage letter at a publicly accessible location near an active part of the construction project (e.g., where a pipeline crosses a public road). The operator shall maintain the posted information until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. E. SWPPP availability. 1. Operators with day-to-day operational control over SWPPP implementation shall have a copy of the SWPPP available at a central location on -site for use by those identified as having responsibilities under the SWPPP whenever they are on the construction site. Page 13 of 26 The operator shall make the SWPPP and all amendments, modifications, and updates available upon request to the department, the VSMP authority, the EPA, the VESCP authority, local government officials, or the operator of a municipal separate storm sewer system receiving discharges from the construction activity. If an on -site location is unavailable to store the SWPPP when no personnel are present, notice of the SWPPP's location shall be posted near the main entrance of the construction site. The operator shall make the SWPPP available for public review in an electronic format or in hard copy. Information for public access to the SWPPP shall be posted and maintained in accordance with Part II D. If not provided electronically, public access to the SWPPP may be arranged upon request at a time and at a publicly accessible location convenient to the operator or his designee but shall be no less than once per month and shall be during normal business hours. Information not required to be contained within the SWPPP by this general permit is not required to be released. F. SWPPP implementation. The operator shall implement the SWPPP and subsequent amendments, modifications, and updates from commencement of land disturbance until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. All control measures shall be properly maintained in effective operating condition in accordance with good engineering practices and, where applicable, manufacturer specifications. If a site inspection required by Part II G identifies a control measure that is not operating effectively, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority, to maintain the continued effectiveness of the control measures. If site inspections required by Part II G identify an existing control measure that needs to be modified or if an additional or alternative control measure is necessary for any reason, implementation shall be completed prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event. If implementation prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event is impracticable, then additional or alternative control measures shall be implemented as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority. G. SWPPP Inspections. 1. Personnel responsible for on -site and off -site inspections. Inspections required by this general permit shall be conducted by the qualified personnel identified by the operator in the SWPPP. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the qualified personnel conduct the inspection. 2. Inspection schedule. a. For construction activities that discharge to a surface water identified in Part 11 B 5 and B 6 as impaired or having an approved TMDL or Part I B 7 as exceptional, the following inspection schedule requirements apply: (1) Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four business days or (ii) at least once every five business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when Page 14 of 26 there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day; and (2) Representative inspections as authorized in Part II G 2 d shall not be allowed. b. Except as specified in Part II G 2 a, inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of: (1) At least once every five business days; or (2) At least once every 10 business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. c. Where areas have been temporarily stabilized or land -disturbing activities will be suspended due to continuous frozen ground conditions and stormwater discharges are unlikely, the inspection frequency described in Part II G 2 a and 2 b may be reduced to once per month. If weather conditions (such as above freezing temperatures or rain or snow events) make discharges likely, the operator shall immediately resume the regular inspection frequency. d. Except as prohibited in Part II G 2 a (2), representative inspections may be utilized for utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities provided that: (1) Temporary or permanent soil stabilization has been installed and vehicle access may compromise the temporary or permanent soil stabilization and potentially cause additional land disturbance increasing the potential for erosion; (2) Inspections occur on the same frequency as other construction activities; (3) Control measures are inspected along the construction site 0.25 miles above and below each access point (i.e., where a roadway, undisturbed right-of-way, or other similar feature intersects the construction activity and access does not compromise temporary or permanent soil stabilization); and (4) Inspection locations are provided in the inspection report required by Part II G. e. If adverse weather causes the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. Any time inspections are delayed due to adverse weather conditions, evidence of the adverse weather conditions shall be included in the SWPPP with the dates of occurrence. 3. Inspection requirements. a. As part of the inspection, the qualified personnel shall: (1) Record the date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; Page 15 of 26 (2) Record the information and a description of any discharges occurring at the time of the inspection or evidence of discharges occurring prior to the inspection; (3) Record any land -disturbing activities that have occurred outside of the approved erosion and sediment control plan; (4) Inspect the following for installation in accordance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan, identification of any maintenance needs, and evaluation of effectiveness in minimizing sediment discharge, including whether the control has been inappropriately or incorrectly used: (a) All perimeter erosion and sediment controls, such as silt fence; (b) Soil stockpiles, when applicable, and borrow areas for stabilization or sediment trapping measures; (c) Completed earthen structures, such as dams, dikes, ditches, and diversions for stabilization and effective impoundment or flow control; (d) Cut and fill slopes; (e) Sediment basins and traps, sediment barriers, and other measures installed to control sediment discharge from stormwater; (f) Temporary or permanent channels, flumes, or other slope drain structures installed to convey concentrated runoff down cut and fill slopes; (g) Storm inlets that have been made operational to ensure that sediment laden stormwater does not enter without first being filtered or similarly treated; and (h) Construction vehicle access routes that intersect or access paved or public roads for minimizing sediment tracking; (5) Inspect areas that have reached final grade or that will remain dormant for more than 14 days to ensure: (a) Initiation of stabilization activities have occurred immediately, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1; and (b) Stabilization activities have been completed within seven days of reaching grade or stopping work; (6) Inspect for evidence that the approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications has not been properly implemented. This includes: Page 16 of 26 (a) Concentrated flows of stormwater in conveyances such as rills, rivulets, or channels that have not been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge, or evidence thereof; (b) Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that have not been filtered or settled to remove sediments prior to discharge; (c) Sediment deposition in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to improper installation, lack of maintenance, or inadequate design are considered unprotected; (d) Sediment deposition on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit; (e) Required stabilization has not been initiated or completed or is not effective on portions of the site; (f) Sediment basins without adequate wet or dry storage volume or sediment basins that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the basin; (g) Sediment traps without adequate wet or dry storage or sediment traps that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the trap; and (h) Land disturbance or sediment deposition outside of the approved area to be disturbed; (7) Inspect pollutant generating activities identified in the pollution prevention plan for the proper implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the procedures and practices; (8) Identify any pollutant generating activities not identified in the pollution prevention plan; and (9) Identify and document the presence of any evidence of the discharge of pollutants prohibited by this general permit. 4. Inspection report. Each inspection report shall include the following items: a. The date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; b. Summarized findings of the inspection; c. The locations of prohibited discharges; d. The locations of control measures that require maintenance; Page 17 of 26 e. The locations of control measures that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate or inappropriate for a particular location; f. The locations where any evidence identified under Part II G 3 a (6) exists; g. The locations where any additional control measure is needed; h. A list of corrective actions required (including any changes to the SWPPP that are necessary) as a result of the inspection or to maintain permit compliance; i. Documentation of any corrective actions required from a previous inspection that have not been implemented; and The date and signature of the qualified personnel and the operator or its duly authorized representative. 5. The inspection report shall be included into the SWPPP no later than four business days after the inspection is complete. The inspection report and any actions taken in accordance with Part II shall be retained by the operator as part of the SWPPP for at least three years from the date that general permit coverage expires or is terminated. The inspection report shall identify any incidents of noncompliance. Where an inspection report does not identify any incidents of noncompliance, the report shall contain a certification that the construction activity is in compliance with the SWPPP and this general permit. The report shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. H. Corrective actions. The operator shall implement the corrective actions identified as a result of an inspection as soon as practicable but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as approved by the VSMP authority. If approval of a corrective action by a regulatory authority (e.g., VSMP authority, VESCP authority, or the department) is necessary, additional control measures shall be implemented to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges until such approvals can be obtained. The operator may be required to remove accumulated sediment deposits located outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit as soon as practicable in order to minimize environmental impacts. The operator shall notify the VSMP authority and the department as well as obtain all applicable federal, state, and local authorizations, approvals, and permits prior to the removal of sediments accumulated in surface waters including wetlands. Page 18 of 26 PART III CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL VPDES PERMITS NOTE: Discharge monitoring is not required for this general permit. If the operator chooses to monitor stormwater discharges or control measures, the operator shall comply with the requirements of subsections A, B, and C, as appropriate. A. Monitoring. 1. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitoring activity. Monitoring shall be conducted according to procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or alternative methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, unless other procedures have been specified in this general permit. Analyses performed according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 shall be performed by an environmental laboratory certified under regulations adopted by the Department of General Services (1 VAC30-45 or 1 VAC30-46). 3. The operator shall periodically calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical instrumentation at intervals that will ensure accuracy of measurements. B. Records. 1. Monitoring records and reports shall include a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The individuals who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The dates and times analyses were performed; d. The individuals who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. 2. The operator shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this general permit, and records of all data used to complete the registration statement for this general permit, for a period of at least three years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or request for coverage. This period of retention shall be extended automatically during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the regulated activity or regarding control standards applicable to the operator, or as requested by the board. C. Reporting monitoring results. Page 19 of 26 1. The operator shall update the SWPPP to include the results of the monitoring as may be performed in accordance with this general permit, unless another reporting schedule is specified elsewhere in this general permit. 2. Monitoring results shall be reported on a discharge monitoring report (DMR); on forms provided, approved or specified by the department; or in any format provided that the date, location, parameter, method, and result of the monitoring activity are included. If the operator monitors any pollutant specifically addressed by this general permit more frequently than required by this general permit using test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or using other test procedures approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or using procedures specified in this general permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR or reporting form specified by the department. 4. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this general permit. D. Duty to provide information. The operator shall furnish, within a reasonable time, any information which the board may request to determine whether cause exists for terminating this general permit coverage or to determine compliance with this general permit. The board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority may require the operator to furnish, upon request, such plans, specifications, and other pertinent information as may be necessary to determine the effect of the wastes from his discharge on the quality of surface waters, or such other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the CWA and the Virginia Stormwater Management Act. The operator shall also furnish to the board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this general permit. E. Compliance schedule reports. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this general permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. F. Unauthorized stormwater discharges. Pursuant to § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, except in compliance with a state permit issued by the department, it shall be unlawful to cause a stormwater discharge from a construction activity. G. Reports of unauthorized discharges. Any operator who discharges or causes or allows a discharge of sewage, industrial waste, other wastes or any noxious or deleterious substance or a hazardous substance or oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, 40 CFR Part 302, or § 62.1-44.34:19 of the Code of Virginia that occurs during a 24-hour period into or upon surface waters or who discharges or causes or allows a discharge that may reasonably be expected to enter surface waters, shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of the discharge immediately upon discovery of the discharge, but in no case later than within 24 hours after said discovery. A written report of the unauthorized discharge shall be submitted to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge. The written report shall contain: 1. A description of the nature and location of the discharge; 2. The cause of the discharge; Page 20 of 26 3. The date on which the discharge occurred; 4. The length of time that the discharge continued; 5. The volume of the discharge; 6. If the discharge is continuing, how long it is expected to continue; 7. If the discharge is continuing, what the expected total volume of the discharge will be; and Any steps planned or taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent a recurrence of the present discharge or any future discharges not authorized by this general permit. Discharges reportable to the department and the VSMP authority under the immediate reporting requirements of other regulations are exempted from this requirement. H. Reports of unusual or extraordinary discharges. If any unusual or extraordinary discharge including a "bypass" or "upset," as defined in this general permit, should occur from a facility and the discharge enters or could be expected to enter surface waters, the operator shall promptly notify, in no case later than within 24 hours, the department and the VSMP authority by telephone after the discovery of the discharge. This notification shall provide all available details of the incident, including any adverse effects on aquatic life and the known number of fish killed. The operator shall reduce the report to writing and shall submit it to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge in accordance with Part III 12. Unusual and extraordinary discharges include any discharge resulting from: 1. Unusual spillage of materials resulting directly or indirectly from processing operations; 2. Breakdown of processing or accessory equipment; 3. Failure or taking out of service of some or all of the facilities; and 4. Flooding or other acts of nature. I. Reports of noncompliance. The operator shall report any noncompliance which may adversely affect surface waters or may endanger public health. An oral report to the department and the VSMP authority shall be provided within 24 hours from the time the operator becomes aware of the circumstances. The following shall be included as information that shall be reported within 24 hours under this subdivision: a. Any unanticipated bypass; and b. Any upset that causes a discharge to surface waters. 2. A written report shall be submitted within five days and shall contain: a. A description of the noncompliance and its cause; Page 21 of 26 b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and c. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The department may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis for reports of noncompliance under Part III I if the oral report has been received within 24 hours and no adverse impact on surface waters has been reported. 3. The operator shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Part III 1 1 or 2 in writing as part of the SWPPP. The reports shall contain the information listed in Part 111 1 2. NOTE: The reports required in Part III G, H and I shall be made to the department and the VSMP authority. Reports may be made by telephone, email, or by fax. For reports outside normal working hours, leaving a recorded message shall fulfill the immediate reporting requirement. For emergencies, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management maintains a 24-hour telephone service at 1-800-468-8892. 4. Where the operator becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts, or submittal of incorrect information in any report, including a registration statement, to the department or the VSMP authority, the operator shall promptly submit such facts or correct information. J. Notice of planned changes. 1. The operator shall give notice to the department and the VSMP authority as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility or activity. Notice is required only when: a. The operator plans an alteration or addition to any building, structure, facility, or installation that may meet one of the criteria for determining whether a facility is a new source in 9VAC25-870-420; b. The operator plans an alteration or addition that would significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutants discharged. This notification applies to pollutants that are not subject to effluent limitations in this general permit; or 2. The operator shall give advance notice to the department and VSMP authority of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance with state permit requirements. K. Signatory requirements. 1. Registration statement. All registration statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the Page 22 of 26 manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. 2. Reports and other information. All reports required by this general permit, including SWPPPs, and other information requested by the board or the department shall be signed by a person described in Part III K 1 or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: a. The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part III K 1; b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the operator. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position); and c. The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP. A copy shall be provided to the department and VSMP authority, if requested. 3. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under Part III K 2 is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the construction activity, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of Part III K 2 shall be submitted to the VSMP authority as the administering entity for the board prior to or together with any reports or information to be signed by an authorized representative. 4. Certification. Any person signing a document under Part III K 1 or 2 shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant Page 23 of 26 penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." L. Duty to comply. The operator shall comply with all conditions of this general permit. Any state permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act, except that noncompliance with certain provisions of this general permit may constitute a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act but not the Clean Water Act. Permit noncompliance is grounds for enforcement action; for state permit coverage, termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a state permit renewal application. The operator shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under § 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions or standards for sewage sludge use or disposal, even if this general permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. M. Duty to reapply. If the operator wishes to continue an activity regulated by this general permit after the expiration date of this general permit, the operator shall submit a new registration statement at least 60 days before the expiration date of the existing general permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the board. The board shall not grant permission for registration statements to be submitted later than the expiration date of the existing general permit. N. Effect of a state permit. This general permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or invasion of personal rights, or any infringement of federal, state or local law or regulations. O. State law. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action under, or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any other state law or regulation or under authority preserved by § 510 of the Clean Water Act. Except as provided in general permit conditions on "bypassing" (Part III U) and "upset' (Part III V), nothing in this general permit shall be construed to relieve the operator from civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance. P. Oil and hazardous substance liability. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the operator is or may be subject under §§ 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the State Water Control Law or § 311 of the Clean Water Act. Q. Proper operation and maintenance. The operator shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances), which are installed or used by the operator to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes effective plant performance, adequate funding, adequate staffing, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, which are installed by the operator only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. R. Disposal of solids or sludges. Solids, sludges or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or management of pollutants shall be disposed of in a manner so as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering surface waters and in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Page 24 of 26 S. Duty to mitigate. The operator shall take all steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this general permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. T. Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not be a defense for an operator in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this general permit. U. Bypass. 1. 'Bypass," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility. The operator may allow any bypass to occur that does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to ensure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of Part III U 2 and 3. 2. Notice. a. Anticipated bypass. If the operator knows in advance of the need for a bypass, the operator shall submit prior notice to the department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. b. Unanticipated bypass. The operator shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in Part III I. 3. Prohibition of bypass. a. Except as provided in Part III U 1, bypass is prohibited, and the board or department may take enforcement action against an operator for bypass unless: (1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities that causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources that can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production; (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass that occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (3) The operator submitted notices as required under Part III U 2. b. The department may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the department determines that it will meet the three conditions listed in Part III U 3 a. Page 25 of 26 V. Upset. 1. An "upset," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the operator. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 2. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations if the requirements of Part III V 4 are met. A determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is not a final administrative action subject to judicial review. 3. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 4. An operator who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: a. An upset occurred and that the operator can identify the cause of the upset; b. The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. The operator submitted notice of the upset as required in Part III I; and d. The operator complied with any remedial measures required under Part III S. 5. In any enforcement proceeding, the operator seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. W. Inspection and entry. The operator shall allow the department as the board's designee, the VSMP authority, EPA, or an authorized representative of either entity (including an authorized contractor), upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law to: 1. Enter upon the operator's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 2. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 3. Inspect and photograph at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this general permit; and 4. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of ensuring state permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act or the Virginia Stormwater Management Act, any substances or parameters at any location. Page 26 of 26 For purposes of this section, the time for inspection shall be deemed reasonable during regular business hours, and whenever the facility is discharging. Nothing contained herein shall make an inspection unreasonable during an emergency. X. State permit actions. State permit coverage may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the operator for a state permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any state permit condition. Y. Transfer of state permit coverage. 1. State permits are not transferable to any person except after notice to the department. Except as provided in Part III Y 2, a state permit may be transferred by the operator to a new operator only if the state permit has been modified or revoked and reissued, or a minor modification made, to identify the new operator and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary under the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act. As an alternative to transfers under Part III Y 1, this state permit may be automatically transferred to a new operator if: a. The current operator notifies the department at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer of the title to the facility or property; b. The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new operators containing a specific date for transfer of state permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between them; and c. The department does not notify the existing operator and the proposed new operator of its intent to modify or revoke and reissue the state permit. If this notice is not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the agreement mentioned in Part III Y 2 b. 3. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of operator, the new operator shall accept and maintain the existing SWPPP, or prepare and implement a new SWPPP prior to taking over operations at the site. Z. Severability. The provisions of this general permit are severable, and if any provision of this general permit or the application of any provision of this state permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this general permit shall not be affected thereby. Section 12 - Inspection Logs SWPPP INSPECTION REPORT: PROJECT NAME: SWPPP CONTACT: Inspector Name: Time of Inspection: Last Rain Event: Rainfall Amount: Summary of Inspection (See back of this sheet for checklist): • Location of Prohibited Discharges: • E&S or Pollution Prevent Measures that require maintenance: • Failed Control Measures (E&S or Pollution Prevention): • Locations where the approved plans were not implemented properly: • Corrective Actions Required: • Outstanding Items if present from last inspection: Inspector Signature Operator Signature Date Date "If this report does not identify any incidents of non-compliance, I certify that the construction activity is in compliance with the SWPPP and Construction General Permit" Inspections shall be completed at least once every four business days; or at least once every 5 business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls discharging to exceptional water. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: • Inspect proper installation, maintenance needs, and effectiveness of: Perimeter controls (silt fence, tree protection, etc.) Soil stockpiles and borrow areas Completed earthen structures (dams, dikes, ditches, diversions, etc.) Cut and fill slopes Measures installed to control sediment discharge from stormwater (sediment basins, traps, or barriers, etc.) Measures installed to convey concentrated runoff (channels, flumes, slope drain structures, storm inlets, construction vehicle access routes, etc.) • Areas at final grade or to remain dormant for more than 14 days: Initiate stabilization activities Complete stabilization activities within 7 days of stopping work • Evidence that ESCP has not been properly implemented: Concentrated flows of stormwater in conveyances such as rills, rivulets or channels that have not been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge, or evidence thereof; Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that have not been filtered or settled to remove sediments prior to discharge; Sediment deposition in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediments controls due to improper installation, lack of maintenance, or inadequate design are considered unprotected; Sediment deposition on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit; Required stabilization has not been initiated or completed on portions of the site; Sediment basins without adequate wet or dry storage volume or sediment basins that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the basin; Sediment traps without adequate wet or dry storage or sediment traps that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the trap; and Land disturbance outside of the approved area to be disturbed • Pollutant generating activities from Pollution Prevention Plan: Proper implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the procedures and practices • Describe discharges at time of inspection: • Record land -disturbing activities outside approved ESCP: 0 Identify any pollutant generating activity or evidence of discharge not identified in the pollution prevention plan: