HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400017 Plan - Approved 2014-02-20St"E MtNOR ]PLAN I ,-- -- - - - - -- -� I ' L------- - - - - -J AMENDMENT I I i I I I I I I I I 1 i I SITE DATA COVERSHEET SITE PLAN NUMBER: APPROVED SITE PLAN FOR THIS PARCEL IS SDP -1986 -039: BRUNK MECHANICAL LEGAL REFERENCE: TAX MAP 77, PARCEL 40N SOURCE OF TITLE: DB 2893, PAGE 653 PARCEL ADDRESS: 1745 BROADWAY STREET OWNER /APPLICANT: TREM COMMERCIAL RENTALS, LLC C -302 ........ P. 0. BOX 818 C -401 ........ KESWICK, VA 22947 ZONING: LI — LIGHT INDUSTRIAL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: SCOTTSVILLE Tota SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: DEED RECORDED IN DB 907, PAGE 682. 136,343 SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: 4 —FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY GIS MAPS (USGS DATUM). PAVING SPECIFICATIONS: SURFACE MATERIAL -6" CONCRETE BASE MATERIAL — 6" VDOT #21A SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS: SIDEWALK — 4" CONCRETE U TMP 77 -40Q BASE MATERIAL — 4" VDOT 57 CURRENT USES: COMMERCIAL PROPOSED USE: COMMERCIAL — WAREHOUSE FOR STORAGE OF TABLES, CHAIRS, PARTY SUPPLIES, ETC. PARKING SCHEDULE: w �D � H c REQUIRED: OFFICE: 1 SPACE PER 200 SF OF NET OFFICE FLOOR AREA N GROSS FLOOR AREA = 3,232 SF Zoned: LI — Light Industrial g NET FLOOR AREA= 3,232 *0.80 = 2,585 SF W SPACES REQUIRED = 2,585/200 = 13 SPACES O WAREHOUSE NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC: 1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE PLUS 2 CUSTOMER SPACES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES = 34 �--{ z, x SPACES REQUIRED = 34 + 2 =36 TOTAL REQUIRED = 49 SPACES. PROVIDED: 62 SPACES (INCLUDES 2 VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES) V) ALL EXISTING PARKING SPACES WERE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AS PART OF SDP 86 -39. WATER AND SEWER: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SWM VOLUME CONTROL: EXISTING SWM BASIN ON TMP 77 -40P SHEET 1 of;;9 • .., .. SWM WATER QUALITY: FILTERRA DAM BREAK ZONE: THIS PARCEL IS LOCATED IN A FEDERAL DAM BREAK INUNDATION ZONE. APPROVED the �+emarle Goixt/ F- 136i' -i merA t1 0 2 VICINITY MAP c- O SCALE: 1 "= 1000' SIGNATURE PANEL SHEET INDEX C -001 ......... COVERSHEET C- 101......... EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLAN C -201 ........ SITE PLAN C -202 ....... LANDSCAPE PLAN C -203 ........ SITE DETAILS C -301 ........ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C -302 ........ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DETAIL C -401 ........ EROSION PLAN C -402 ........ EROSION DETAILS f�l PP POWER POLE WM WATER MATER FH FIRE HYDRANT SSM SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FFE FINSHED FLOOR ELEVATION TPD TELEPHONE PEDESTAL LP LIGHT POLE Land Use Table Description Pre - Development % Post - Development PLANNER /ZONING Buildings 21,424 15.7% 33,424 24.5% Paved 45,481 33.4% 45,962 33.7%% Pervious 69,438 50.9% 56,957 41.8% Tota 136,343 100.0% 136,343 100.0% APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV PJAENT J W PLANNER /ZONING =L�/ ENGINEER Light Fixture INSPECTIONS N ARB I �I DEPARTMENT OF FIRE RESCUE U j VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I [ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY % I -- ------ - - - - -- --- I I I I i � `�\ I i i I i I I i i II 1 __ -- -J % ------- - - - - -- ---------------------- 1 I i Refer to Sheets C -101, C -201, C -401 Ile // / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — TMP 77 -40M Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 2229 -332 Zoned. LI — Light I Industrial 1 � Use: Commercial I I I I TMP 77 -40C1 ` Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 3088 -272 Zoned: LI — Light Industrial Broadway Street Monument Sign F---1 f-Dumpster Pad Ll 35' 300.00' TMP 77 -40N Trem Commercial Rental, LLC ®® 8 —65 3.13 Acres Zoned: LI —Light Industrial Use: Commercial n, ill 1 -4-LI 1 1�1 I III ' MI J W I O L 2� Light Fixture I N , I �I io U j Warehouse Space I 13,130 SF % I V H FFE = 393.90 A .. 4 I A A d Office Space 3,232 SF a FFE= 393.90 --------- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -' t 1 1 x x li I I � I I �I I I I I I I dl 1 0 ( 8'00' Loading Dock y I !�2 Approved in 2002 I I -H I Letter of Revision I I r I I t J W `-Existing Wallpack O L 2� Light Fixture I (Typ of 8) I �I Q U j Warehouse Space I 13,130 SF % I Height = 25' H FFE = 393.90 °r I I t I I ---------- - - - - -' t 1 1 x x li I I � I I �I I I I I I I dl 1 0 ( 8'00' Loading Dock y I !�2 Approved in 2002 I I -H I Letter of Revision I I r I I t 1 I I m i i i I i ; X ; \� 1 I X N rri ; 04 I X— — L--------------------------------------- i� X M N z TMP 77 -40P Lacy Mechanical, Inc. BENCHMARK: DB 3655 -442 Top of Structure 4 Zoned: LI — Light Elev= 391.43 Industrial X O Use: Commercial I New Warehouse 12,000 SF +/ Height = 25' FFE= 396.5 i i i 25' Drainage Easement v --- D8 907 -684 A(D Primary Ou tfall -^� Riser Use: Vacant v Rivanna Water 7 &Sewe Authority DB 768 -277 I Zoned: LI — Light Industrial ' l Use: Vacant MOW— CURVE ARC LENGTH IRADI US DELTA ANGLE ICHORD BEARING ICHORD LENGTH 253.27' 638.3.6' 22'43'55" S64'53'09 "E 251.61' 1 PARCEL OVERVIEW 40' 0 40' 80' 120' —00 SCALE: 1" = 40' SCALE: 1 " =40 J W 'Li1 O L 2� W :M �z Q w � ck� o z Z 13 W �C',o r -------------------------------- - - - - -- z' o v � d' _ W W U TMP 77 -40Q PL-1 0 O Z H w �D � H c DB 3895 -144 N 0O Zoned: LI — Light Industrial g W . � 80 M O n Use: Commercial W �--{ z, x V) ---------------- - - - I = SHEET 1 of;;9 • .., .. O Q F- H 0 Q M m m M ° U to Z ° O0 Q Z Y U W ° (n = Wp U 1 I I m i i i I i ; X ; \� 1 I X N rri ; 04 I X— — L--------------------------------------- i� X M N z TMP 77 -40P Lacy Mechanical, Inc. BENCHMARK: DB 3655 -442 Top of Structure 4 Zoned: LI — Light Elev= 391.43 Industrial X O Use: Commercial I New Warehouse 12,000 SF +/ Height = 25' FFE= 396.5 i i i 25' Drainage Easement v --- D8 907 -684 A(D Primary Ou tfall -^� Riser Use: Vacant v Rivanna Water 7 &Sewe Authority DB 768 -277 I Zoned: LI — Light Industrial ' l Use: Vacant MOW— CURVE ARC LENGTH IRADI US DELTA ANGLE ICHORD BEARING ICHORD LENGTH 253.27' 638.3.6' 22'43'55" S64'53'09 "E 251.61' 1 PARCEL OVERVIEW 40' 0 40' 80' 120' —00 SCALE: 1" = 40' SCALE: 1 " =40 W Ld �z w � z --------------------------------------- W �C',o r -------------------------------- - - - - -- z' o v � o ,w _ W W U TMP 77 -40Q PL-1 0 Jewellee Property, LLC H w �D � H c DB 3895 -144 o • • w # Zoned: LI — Light Industrial g W . � 80 M O n Use: Commercial W �--{ z, x V) ---------------- - - - - -- -- C — 0 0' 1" SHEET 1 of;;9 • .., .. ■ W 1 I I m i i i I i ; X ; \� 1 I X N rri ; 04 I X— — L--------------------------------------- i� X M N z TMP 77 -40P Lacy Mechanical, Inc. BENCHMARK: DB 3655 -442 Top of Structure 4 Zoned: LI — Light Elev= 391.43 Industrial X O Use: Commercial I New Warehouse 12,000 SF +/ Height = 25' FFE= 396.5 i i i 25' Drainage Easement v --- D8 907 -684 A(D Primary Ou tfall -^� Riser Use: Vacant v Rivanna Water 7 &Sewe Authority DB 768 -277 I Zoned: LI — Light Industrial ' l Use: Vacant MOW— CURVE ARC LENGTH IRADI US DELTA ANGLE ICHORD BEARING ICHORD LENGTH 253.27' 638.3.6' 22'43'55" S64'53'09 "E 251.61' 1 PARCEL OVERVIEW 40' 0 40' 80' 120' —00 SCALE: 1" = 40' SCALE: 1 " =40 z 0 it 0 o E E U U 2; �a U Z W Ld w � Q W o � w ° PL-1 0 w u7 w O O W L5 z 0 it 0 o E E U U 2; �a U Z r r't R'. W w � � W � w � PL-1 0 w w U ~ W L5 V) SHEET NO. C — 0 0' 1" SHEET 1 of;;9 • .., .. r r't R'. Lill I L----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------ _- - - - - -> -- -. -- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -� r__ - I�........ I I 1 � 1 FH ------ ----------------------------------------------- SSM -------------------------------------------- ---- -- - - - ---------------------------- - - - - -- j I - - - --I 1 i) I I % � I � I� I I � l -- f i I 1 I ------------------ _ J I I ----- - - - - -- _- I j I i I ------ - - - - -- D , I _ I t/ I { \ 1 I I _ _ _ _ - --------- - --- - --- i \� , I I I I - TMP 77 -40M jYves Delorme, Inc. DB 2229 -332 Zoned: LI - Light I I Industrial I j I Use: Commercial I L ----------------------------- ---- - - -� I----- - - - --I L---- - - ---1 I I I I \ I 1 I ------ - - - - -- -------------- - - - -rj i j `` „ 392• -- ! �- - -384 -. - - TMP- 77-400— Yves Delorme, Inc. - ` DB 3088-272 Zoned: 11, - Light Indus r 'al - '��. _380 — ---- .- ____ —, 30' 0 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1 " =30' I I I I rr° �I i I 1' I i I ` 1 � I L- - - - - -- /J L --------- J �I ri I f� \ TMP //77 -40P Lace,- MechanirdZ; Inc. BENCHMAR�. r` DB' 3W-44Z,`_ u `- .________ ____________ — �� Top of Structure 4 // Zoned- LI �- Light- Elev =39143 f I ! 18" RCP / Use � •, ommWcial Remove 6'x50' Portion of Concrete Pavement Storm Water Management Basin (D/x 31-2411 Steel P CM th 15" _ orifice do end of pipe- rimar J OutfoR i ' " -° " TMP 77- 38B Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority DB 768 -277 -� Zoned: LI - Light i / l Use: Vacant° J` w 'Ni,9 J N m Lo x �CD F-- o Q k2 '6� , �y \ F= 0 O z 0 a_ 0 E E C) U ren Iii 0 Z w w I fs7 '� U � 0 o 1— W co w a � C1 C> x i� w a 0 Q o F_ I— Lv W O m m m z ¢ Q o 0 M W L5 U ° < _ a cn C� U p U z 0 a_ 0 E E C) U ren Iii Ld w w I fs7 '� U � o 1— W co w a � C1 C> x i� w z 0 a_ 0 E E C) U ren Iii Ld w 1— N O i� a o z 0 a_ 0 E E C) U ren SHEET N0. 10 1 SHEET 2 of 9 ,r Iii "V w i� �--� _� W L5 ° _ a cn SHEET N0. 10 1 SHEET 2 of 9 ,r 0 � N ° ------- - - - --Lill I------------- - - - - -- I - - -- _ __.-------------- -- --- - - - - -- - - -- - -= — I---- - - - - -- --- - - -- - - - - -� = �—° -� =----- - - -_�� — _ - -_�-� i -- - - -- -- --------------------- I �} ' I - -- - ---- ------ - -- - -- C J -------------------------- - - - - -� L-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------ ___-------- - - - - -- i --- _ Broadway Street —FH - - ______------_-_-------------------------- - - - - _,_-_ -- 6Q' _Public _ R�W _ Mnntiment Sinn \ } V •----- ------------- - - - - -- I ( } j I ' 1 4 r I y -- I ' 1 I � 1 1 I ' 1 ----------------- I 1 1 I I I � I � I � - ------- - - - --- I 1 -------- - - - - -- I I I— ---- ----------------- ---�\ I ------------------ 1 { i TMP 77 -40M i Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 2229 -332 Zoned: LI - Light I Industrial I I ------------------------------------ - - - -- Use_- Commercial . I I \ I - -- I __� `''-� \ � � . -r-°'� 392• --.. }1 384---, - - - TMP- -77-- =-40Ct Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 3088- 272 - - - - Zoned: ��- Light Industrial User Vacant 380 —.` -., '` •-.. �`.` - „..+ - 30' 0 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1 ” =30' Ile L0 I 1 r i 1 1 1 / 0 Q�Q It 1 o z 1HT C14 U) Of (Y_ 01 < ---------- - - ------------- �j - - - - -- f ---------------------------------------- ermam / SSM °z Q Q m m m a 5 M co Z o PVC Sanitary / SSM s 0 8" PVC Sanitary Qf (D 0 ---------------------------- - -, ! ! ° �n _ J I 0 U It 1 p I z TMP /77- 40P It ! LacyMechanW, Inc. j I New ii x BENCHMAR�: DB 3W— f Concrete / } �, Top of Structure 4 / Zone.' LI - °fight Pavement n � Elev =391 43 t �- -- -^ I � Industri° al ' NeFil4'x6' x!18" RC i r Used- Commerccial nnection 393.0 New CG -2 oof drains for new building shall discharge at this+ ( ( / ( �� O Storm Water location Management (D/ 13' -24" CMP Steel Plate w th 15 " - X orifice �n end of pipe rimar Outfoll Ij 'ainage EosemeKi I °!- )B X07 = 4 - I I - - TMP 77-38B / ` ✓ -' Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority -- ' DB 768 -277 Zoned: LI - Light Ind„tl ° ✓ ,r _- -- Use: Va.Gamm, "lam J" ! a z 0 o E E U U D 0 U 101e0 w i w r� �d W ~ w Z�o� � 10 PO CQ U CO Q w � co PQ q W Q PQ ° U PEI W � Q W z 0 o E E U U D 0 U 101e0 w i w -j W ~ w � � Q w � V) Q ° Q ° O O z 0 o E E U U D 0 U 101e0 SHEET N0. A W zour& 0 SHEET 3 of 9 1(Y w i w -j W ~ W � � Q w � V) W SHEET N0. A W zour& 0 SHEET 3 of 9 1(Y w i w -j U ~ W � z 0- V) SHEET N0. A W zour& 0 SHEET 3 of 9 1(Y LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE SYMBOL KEY NAME SPECIES QUANTITY Minimum Size CANOPY PER TREE SUBTOTAL CANOPY S T-1 Sycamore Plantanus 1 Existing Tree 1362 1362 �U I' occidentalis U') ,(� `cam T -2 Cherry Prunus inciso x 2 Existing Tree 99 198 campanulata w ~a w Q m r m ® T -3 Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana & 5 Existing Tree 139 695 0 0 �- cvs. U ~ W T -4 Maple Acer rubrum & 4 Existing Tree 510 2040 to cvs. T -5 Maple (New) Acer rubrum & 1 2 1/2" Caliper 452 452 CVs. ® S -1 Boxwood Buxus semperirens 34 . Existing Shrub N/A N/A & cvs. TOTAL= 3187 TREE CANOPY CANOPY REQUIRED (10% OF TOTAL AREA) ...... 136343 *0.10 = 13,634 SF EXISTING CANOPY TO REMAIN ..................... ............................... 18,475 SF STREET TREES FRONTAGE ON RIO ROAD ................... 300 LF TREES REQUIRED (1/50 LF) ............. 300/50 = 6 TREES PROVIDED .................. ............................... 6 PARKING LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE AREA REQUIRED (5% OF PAVED AREA) ....... 26640 *0.05 = 1,332 SF LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED .................................... ............................... 7,173 SF LARGE SHADE TREES REQUIRED (1 PER TEN SPACES) ............ 62/10 = 6 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED ................................. ............................... 6 1 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE -20 SCALE: NTS County of Albemarle Conservation Plan Checklist - To be placed on Landscape Plans (Handbook, pp III- 284 -111 -297 for complete specifications) 1. The following_ items shall be shown on the plan: ® Trees to be saved; ❑ Limits of clearing (outside dripline of trees to be saved); ❑ Location and type of protective fencing; ❑ Grade changes requiring tree wells or walls; ❑ Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond the limits of clearing. 2. Markings: ❑ All trees to be saved shall be marked with print or ribbon at a height clearly visible to equipment operators. ❑ No grading shall begin until the tree marking has been inspected and approved by a County Inspector. 3. Pre - Construction Conference: Ell Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. 4. Equipment Operation and Storage: ® Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic and storage of construction materials including soil shall not be permitted within the driplines of trees to be saved. 5. Soil Erosion and Stormwater Detention Devices: ® Such devices shalt not adversely affect trees to be saved. 6. Fires- 0 Fires are not permitted within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 7. Toxic Materials: ® Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 8. Protective fencing: ® Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. ® Fencing shall be in place and shall be inspected and approved by a County Inspector prior to grading or construction. 9. Tree Wells: ❑ When the ground level must be raised within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree well shall be provided and a construction detail submitted for approval. 10. Tree Walls: ❑ When the ground level must be lowered within the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction detail submitted for approval. 11. Trenching and Tunneling: ❑ When trenching is required within the limits of clearing, it shall be done as far away from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunneling under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots. 12. Cleanup: ❑ Protective fencing shall be the last items removed during the final cleanup. 13. Damaged Trees: Damaged trees shall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other methods recommended by a tree specialist. NO E: IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER WITH THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION �i REQUIREMENTS. OWNER SIGNATURE (DATE) CONTRACT PURCHASER SIGNATURE (DATE) 5/1/06 Page 1 of 1 2_-� CONSERVATION PLAN CHECKLIST 20 SCALE: NTS ed • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 r j Lil! t I I 1 - -- --------------------- - --A L _ I > � --------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------- - - - -�� ---------------- — s Broadway Street _ \ ----------------------- - - - - -- 60'_Public R,LW - -^ --------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- ----- - - - - -- t t ' k I ' I � I I I t I �t ' I ( l i 1 J I I � J I I I I I I -------------- - - - - -- - - - --- I 1 1 1 ? TMP 77 -40M i 1 Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 2229-334 C Zoned: LI — Light I Industrial 1 ' Use:- Commercial I I 1 I i 400-- . --1 //,-- - - 396' -` ___l \�J..•�.1- - 384.... \ Yves Delorme, Inc. \ DB 3088-272 Zed: 'LL, Light Indus r'al User. Vacant I � I � \� / 1 t---------- - - - - -� / l � --------------------------------------- - - - - -- I j i t + I I / E----- - - - - -J I � 11 I i I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- I T -4 T -4 Monument Sign T 4 -�" T -4 T -4 _ _ ! ___,� / -------- - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- o - -- o - - T -5 _ -- S -1 S-100 r--------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------- I T -2 T -3 I ' II 1 = -- - \\ TMP 77 -40Q TMP 77-40N ! if Jewellee Property LLC ri Trem Commercial Rental, LLC \ I ; DB 3895 -744 6 B 28 3 -65 3.73 Acres �a f ; Zoned:. LI -- Light Industrial it Zoned: LI —Light Industrial �! { j n� Use: Commercial 1 I 1 I Use: Commercial ° a I I 1 4 T -3 -------------------.__---__------_-----_--_---___----__--- II L—_— .- .______— _____- ....- ___.. -_ —_ I r it ii ii ii T -3 u i\ if ii Office Space 3,232 SF ii ° i i, f ` It ii FFE= 393.90 .. I 1 X X --------------- - - - - -- X X 1 r ii -- ? -- T -3 l n x ; ______---- _-- --------------- ____ --_j! / u I 1 I II I i i--- - - - - -- ;1 Dumpster Pad j �"�_Existing Wallpack I I I ; ------------------------------------------ - - - - -- �! Light Fixture i j I (TYP of 8) (( j If II i I I � ' ii i Warehouse Space x I • - -- 13130 SF u I I' i n i �I T -2 1 Q I CID I Height = 25 I d l 8 I i - FFE= 393.90 I I o I I I x30 Loading Dock L------------------------------------ 'p \� - ----------------------------- �r y ( CO Approved in 2002 II x f---- - - - - -- - - _ L- __1___ i I ( i Letter of Revision T -3 TMP, /77 -40P Lac /MechanirxT, Inc. ` -�` BENCHMARf : i' DDB 3W 442 _ _ _ - II Top of Structure 4 f/ Zone k LI — � ght `\ I Elev =391 43 I \ I 1 ° . • 394.0 ; u / /� Industrial u 394.0 ; / Use � - Commercial d: Q A 1 II ! i 1 i 393.0 O I 393.0 New Warehouse I I I 12,000 SF Height = 25' / ✓/, /l r / 11 i �/ i I i ! i ( I� ii FFE = 396.5 < i /r', X r/l l' /r% /r �� l +/ r l' / �r l / 1 _ _qI —'X X'-� l %� / '/� r' /l �r / , `, - - rimar X r/i / �f / /r /, r/r r�,' / /,i i, /, ( Outfa -1 r / ,ll' l/r ` l�v ,/l r/ I i'�_ -- r / r //Existing Trees Ta cafn R$r' Undisirubed-Ir // r/ l/ 'l' / Area = /1-8 -475 Ey " f l� ,/ 17% -t -4)11 -4-b ;/ --y, 1/ _ _r/; — r/, TMP 77-38B — -- , Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority - ` --'' DB 768-277 Zoned: LI — Light Use: Va -cant - 380 --_._ Z O U +n -1 o E E U U :3 :3 ° C,) C) -e© d- Q i U 0 F= o w C\2w Z O U +n -1 o E E U U :3 :3 ° C,) C) -e© d- 0 Z o w C\2w E--i N W# rG-1 �i �U I' O U') l o Q o z w ~a w Q m r m r m M O ° U cn Z Q o_ r) Z 0 r) \e w 0 0 �- o Z O U +n -1 o E E U U :3 :3 ° C,) C) -e© ���y�o LLJ o w C\2w E--i E- C> U W# rG-1 �i �U Q PEI Z O U +n -1 o E E U U :3 :3 ° C,) C) -e© LLJ rG-1 �i Q o ° L0 CD t1 i E-­' 0 0 �- U Z O U +n -1 o E E U U :3 :3 ° C,) C) -e© SHEET N0. 1 SHEET 4 of 9 -NIP rG-1 �i (D t1 i E-­' �- U ~ W n to SHEET N0. 1 SHEET 4 of 9 -NIP ;� \� \0 C \; >0 C`J CO : tj� C� \�J ; C`� J`' \1J ``) `�J, C``J \ C Cis „ \•j\ - CC ,C\ i. !\,\ ! \ `` C r ' ( \) `' 1 \O C \\ C \` ))\) \;)`) �` , ,,' q\) , k (\,1`i :\ •\�)J k (', (`` �' ,,\ k `��)\) ,Y ,\, :\ C ',\ tt\: `J ne >J >U r �% k \� C \ \' %, ,', .\ \h� 'b`\ rC \ ` ' `\,1 • 1, `` ' \ k v• k �`' \ \\'• �` J k \ \r, ', ,t \ c, P , ;; },e• (\C \, nC ,i.. , , ',,),,� \t \ \+ k k U`)' k \�- '•.1:J' \)` >c \J,,` k \,,, : \!. ,J; \" I -.( \ \' YC`,l ('``) \` (` t \r\ t \Q \� \C\ \;} `* \) i C1 \\ : �, \ \Q (��(, n(.C..�., •' �� r, r\�, `J�J \ �:` )' \ \JI k ,�" \ . \,;•+J k ( \ \J \) ( }l" v. , , ) \ }`i k CJ} X l \' i k �;,: k . �l� k \r} J \ Jr?" k . ` k J , „ l �C, \Q1 ac:\`. „tC\ �u �..... %, C�) c, r * % . .. \,\\l . jJ �Q J C J p, \1 \C� \�, r, n, o, t ` \\ ( 1 \\ qq p ...'f \p (�r� I (,•,\ ` Ct °\ \ \) YC\ ,.r\ C \�U ( C\ r. \•C) ` \) \` \` i,\ J (,) \\ r \C,)J (`C` \� \{j, (�1J'} '`%`, \ \`�} `:�:J) \ t. 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Z � z I 1 TREE GRATE & FRAME. 1 I -' >- FRAME CAST MONOLITHIC T� �`� 0 I-, '� v C j INTO TOP SECTION. I p�0�� I STANDARD 48.00" -' O >> O CURB INLET OPENING. _ O _o' I _ �� �OO� �O I 0�,� QUO I I I � TT � � 'n), I 9 1 Ile, Elm / I I CLEAN OUT ACCESS COVER. N A �� A ��0 r /� 1 I N (n 0Y 0_ 'T i r0 �T" r O Q F-- 6.00" I Q Q m m m SCH -40 PVC COUPLING \- 3X 02.00" IRRIGATION PORTS 0 U PROVIDED. CAST MONOLITHIC, a IN TOP SECTION. m U UW LW TIONAL ON ALL FOUR SIDES. ��a O n - W LO-204 Stnrmwater Inlet Computations TREE /PLANT AS REQUIRED n W = . p U TO BE INSTALLED AT ACTIVATION. TREE GRATE & FRAME. - -CLEAN OUT ACCESS COVER. CAST MONOLITHIC INTO TOP SECTION. N ai Z o 0 o e U- STANDARD 48.00" Q Q o m L;? U 3.00" TO 4.00" MULCH. CURB INLET OPENING c CA �. ... r ° 07 Q «s __ggJJ To EIev= 391.50 " 0 U a 8.00 CG UTTE R *FLOW LINE 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 20 TOP SECTION � a Z�_ ~�-+ (ft) (ae) (in /hr) MS.) (cfs) (cfs) (' /') (Y') (' /') (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) < 3.50' [42.00 "] � STR 4 DI -3A 2.5 0,70 0:90 0:63 4:0 2:52 0:00 2.52 Q.016 0.01 0.020 0,0803 0,8.5 0.08 100% 2 :52 0:0.0 :....: , INVERT TO TOP ,� • y,� , r \�• ��` T G JOINT. ,fi s e. ♦. \\. •a >` k'\ . � ` \. , . \�. \, . >` e °,.,.{,.. n >, =� `., \ \ , z,.,.,.` .. , -C \iS' • : ^�:o. , "a;; ...0 � *,•.�.. .�J a ,�ti " .\:. , •, '.., \, •`C�..\\ , <a�, \ . \�E,`,@. � :.\.\ \ :5,.•o�.a \., ,,, I � Q' C%2 4.17' [50.40"] 32.Od" �+('� o BASE SECTION Q " C r� 00 6.00 ✓� a�I+ -40 PVC COUPLING PROVIDED. o w CAST MONOLITHIC. FILTERRA FILTER MEDIA PROVIDED. W� W OPTIONAL ON ALL FOUR SIDES. BEDDING. x a z BY OTHERS SECTION A -A UNDERDRAIN STONE PROVIDED. W �' o PERFORATED UNDERDRAIN H x SYSTEM PROVIDED. TABULATION Size / Designation L (Feet) w (Feet) Tree Grate Quantity / Size Outlet Pipe PVC SCHAO 4'X 6' 4.00' 6.00' lea. / T x 3' 04.00" 4'x 65 4.00' 6.50' 1 ea. / 3'x 3' 04.00" 4'x 8' 4.00' 8.00' lea. / Tx 3' 04.00" 4'x 16' 4.00' 16.00' 2ea. / 3'x 3' 04.00" 6' x 8' 6.00' 8.00' lea. / 4'x 4' 04.00" 6'x 10' 6.00' 10.00' 1 ea. ( 4'x 4' 06.00" 6'x-12' 6.00' 12.00' 2ea. / 4'x 4' 06.00" 8'x 12' 8.00' 12.00' 12ea. 14'x 4' 06.00" 8' x 16' 8.00' 16.00' 2ea. 14' x 4' 06.00" 8' x 18' 8.00' 1 18.00' 3ea. / 4'x 4'1 06.00" 8'x 20' 8.00' 1 20.00' 3ea. / 4'x 4'1 06.00" co a cl-1 CJ F� H w r-MlYll 1 FILTERRA DETAIL_ T-_33_0 SCALE: NTS d- d- W `- 0 0 O � CD (O O Z O U) p c E c E E U E U �T �T U U OZ N I� t-I W w Q w W ILi E­i t.L.i H H U H � � O E O Of W = M a- to SHEET N0. Amolk U-N302 SHEET 7 of 9,.,„/ r-MlYll - - - - - - - - - - - - f - - - L------------ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ----------------------------------- 4 -------- -------------------------------- r I 614--l" ------- ----------------------- L --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L Broadway Street FH__ -------------------------------------------------- 60 Public-B//W /'A o" L--------------- j -------------------------------------------- SSM o" DWI Q zi tvc Sam ai y ,.,I .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- ----- ------------------------------------------------ > ........... - - r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A I ii I -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —D D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r U TMP 77-40M Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 2229-332 j { �`, Zoned: LI — Light . __j Use: Commercial 1 L------- ---- °------ ----- ------- - -- - -_1 L_______ - -J j FH -- ------------ SSM T-4 Monument n T-4 T-4 T-4 --------------- J, ----------------------------------- --- 0 Sig WM T -5 T- 4 0 S W8. _S_�:_f 9 S-100) P:ark�inS 0.0, r------------------------------------------------- 21 Spac (5 VI.IT--, I I T-2 es Cc 9'x 8 T-3 ?\CF .0 01 TMP 77-40Q TMP 77-40N Jewellee Property, LLC 50' Buildina Setback Trem Commercial Rental, LLC 0 dy _4­6_0 B 28 ;; i ; DB 3895-144 —65 Zoned: LI — Light Industrial II V) 3.13 Acres j'll r--� Use: Commercial > t ("I Zoned: LI —Light Industrial 41 1j, Use: Commercial 1 L--------------------------------------------------- 1 Concrete L - --------------------------- - - ---- - CD If q Spices @ 9'K18' 11T-3 Pavement Concrete 11 06 0 lilt, - CG_2 Pavement 7 h —18.0, 11 8.0 5.0' &0'-1 101' 1870'-1-----50.0 -4 0 00 C-4 C-4 0 Office Space to 4i a _X a ->-< it i 0- 3,232 SF I 0.) II FFE-393.90 ' - - - - - - - - - - 101 - - - - - - - - - - - X_X X iiii 0- U If T- cj:� ii X _.- __----------------------- - - - - -- -fir ----------- Dumpster Pad _n r ---------------------- ------------------------- it Existing Wall Light Fixture (D (Typ of 8) 79.6' n v >< it 4 Concrete ftrehouse Space " �ci 1 l ' l; i I i i 1 I I I I ' � r r � r Pavement Concrete '®x 13,130 SF (z) iz Pavement 0 -21 .7 T 0000C�00 7# Height = 25' 0 1 00000 FFE=393.90 0 8'x30' Loading Dockc-4 In' -";O(�' .0 1 L ------------------------------------ 0 0000,000 co Approved in 2002 JD lul X ------------------------------ -000-00 �l r-) on.y. Letter of Revision 000 < 000 0 0.0000. oco, 0000 0 T-3 0 O ° 0 °° It 0 0;0 o 000 ;"O?;00� 0 1 1 it 000-0. i If 0'0-'.00 New 3-hour Rated Fire Barrier TMP1177-40P 1 00000' 0 New racy,Mechani"C, Inc. New 3--hour *-�o 000 Concrete I 0 0 ;00� Rated Fire Door New it DB 36 - 44x--' 00 0 Pavement 11 BENCHMAR�: < 0000 0 Concrete Top of St ucture 4 0 0 Pavement Zone& LI ight"'.' Elev=391/43 r! 50.5' -16.0'- 394.Q Industrial New 46 11 4 . A 4� 00 394 0 U Filterra 11 Use.�_ -Commercial L4 - 8" RCP i 3 I I, I . IP Ax -< I O Of 0 L I - fill M A 20 all X New Enclosed Connection 393.01 New Waiipack 393 OJ < co X New CG -2 F-) I I ' Light Fixture X tTvn of 21 -Roof drains for 1 i t � 1 / / I � �- "- --\ ` � { � , I i i New Warehouse new building shall L------ _ - - - - V) discharge at thi A X Y -1 Knox Box To Be Provided. 12,000 SF Storm Water It K :2 1 location Management Location To Be Determined Height = 25' �/ ) J/ / / Daring, Construction. 60 1 k Basin I FFE= 396.5 00. / / 25 11-3 400-1 + Ltx�:CSD New Emergency Access S X_X-Nii 1;04�� _ 1:1;�X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X 41 S-24" CMP K 6" VDOT 27A r1SV_RBMNCE"""""""` o Steel Plate w th 15" LIMITS OF I 11 lql orifice do en of pipe _ ,_ °-- _ J f A, -171 q, 4 / X X --Irl YV it rimary 'ql- _-T-C�— Outfa --i rl '1// -rise Y Z 01 /b Itl – – �1/ ///Existin 1'rous-To-Re �r� Area 18,475 5r" rn 7/ 4 'M Jh Y/ /b Arl q1 ` \.,..i. -.. -- 384 – .. , /, r/, `7�_ _ _ , f, ,/, 1// /1,, ._... %_ _r��.._y '" t/I r ,i ,/� r/, l ,// //� 1 G- � ,. -' -T ..— .--- - -- c�� , �. ' ". ql— -Iff q1, q, -T-MP— 77-4-00-- q 4cr 00 Tli- 01 14*_ Yves Delorme, Inc. DB 3088-272 Zoned: 11, — Light Indus —38B Use�- Vacant ivanna Water & Sewer Authority DB 768-277 TMP 77 Zoned: LI — Light Inq=t Use: Vacant 380— 30' 0 30' 60 go, SCALE: 1 "=30' o=E A 'N'�4 < z 0 F_ LU E E E E U 0 U 0 1 1 C C: =1 =3 0 0 —, A —1N E-4 - o LLJ t:D Cn C:) U - 1 P4 P4 � C\2 M 0 z �D C) z C) Z z i,--i CQ --I � z z w to LO pe) C) C> E­i M 0 < E-1 I M M M < LLJ 3 0 z 0 0 C0 0 M Lij W W 0 V) Q z Y_ Ckf CD 0 U z 0 F_ LU E E E E U 0 U 0 1 1 C C: =1 =3 0 0 —, A —1N E-4 - o LLJ t:D Cn C:) U - 1 P4 P4 � C\2 M WU Izz Cc �D C) z C) Z z i,--i CQ --I � z z w z 0 F_ LU E E E E U 0 U 0 1 1 C C: =1 =3 0 0 —, A —1N E-4 LLJ C'J C) LO C) C> E­i M 0 z 0 F_ LU E E E E U 0 U 0 1 1 C C: =1 =3 0 0 —, A —1N SHEET NO. AIIIIIIII& U-40 SHEET 8 of 9, 'M E-4 E­i M 0 E-1 I LLJ 3 ITJ 0 Q� M Lij IL V) SHEET NO. AIIIIIIII& U-40 SHEET 8 of 9, 'M t, -� /`l `, , I ` PERMANENT & TEMPORARY STABILIZATION EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES ��� A SILT FENCE J I j i ;' Permanent seeding shall be applied within seven (7) days after final grading is completed. ES -1: Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be � lit /tJ c� �_ 2 STD. & SPEC. 5.05 - VA. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (1992) -- constructed and maintained according to the minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosions and o �`- NO WIRE BACKING WITH WIRE BACKING �' j �+ TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia regulations VR 625 -02 -00 z `0 z J ( j i,\ f February 16 through April 30: Use Annual Ryegrass at 60 to 100 Ibs /acre, ES -2: The Ian authorit must be notified one week prior to the re- construction conference, one approving „� } �j� -' \O co � week prior o the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to final inspection. <(; do �, of 6' MAX 10 MAX 16" - 34 " _ WIRE 16 3 , ° ( ° `" _____ a- v____ ___ ,1 �_ ^_ -�_. _ -' __L__�1_ __ I -- _-- _-- ..__,____ �— _ -- - - - -- May 1 through August 31: Use German Millet at 50 Ibs /acre. ES -3: All erosions and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as a first step in the clearing. �'yy P? 0 MESH * --- -_____ _ - -- - - == = ` - - - -,� 'r ES -4: A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. September 1 through February 15: o �j z f-` yT4 Use a 50/50 Mix of Annual Rye and Winter Rye at 50 to 100 Ibs /acre. ES -5: Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including but o `-- - -- ---- 4' PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: not limited to, off -site barrow or waste areas) the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. z Cn row FGOw `- - ^- ~.r I February 16 through April 30: o Q Kentucky 31 Fescue - 128 Ibs /acre; Annual Rye - 20 Ibs /acre. ES -6: The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures as necessary to PROVIDE I" TUCK OR SUITABLY PROVIDE I" TUCK OR SUITABLY + I 1 ® -- ---- prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. o �;w F- w _J m m m mom REINFORCED TOP END SECTION REINFORCED TOP END SECTION �(" j May 1 through August 15: n z o 0 a Kentucky 31 Fescue - 128 Ibs /acre; Foxtail Millet - 20 Ibs /acre. - ES 7: All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures a t all times during land disturbing m o Q z Y + --- ----------- -- - - - -- ---x i activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. CD v 1 ii August 16 through October 31: Kentucky 31 Fescue - 128 Ibs /acre; Annual .Rye - 20 Ibs /acre. ES -8: During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. ° w o 4 I j ^ xi , _ _ _______— November 1 through February 15: ES -9: The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall w° I Kentucky 31 Fescue - 128 Ibs acre; Winter Rye - 20 Ibs acre. Y / Y / immediately. prow F�o� ,'�~�, _- � � be made y EMBED 8" OF FILTER CLOTH IN EMBED 8" OF FILTER CLOTH IN BOTTOM I i = ", - _ _ \ \ ' ° - ;= " ', MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS: Straw hay 2 tons /acre. Must be Spread blower by hand. Erosion Notes: O TRENCH TO ANCHOR BOTTOM OF TRENCH TO ANCHOR OF / _ - -- `, or at a rate of anchored. with mulch or 1) All Entrances except the approved construction entrance shall be blocked in such a manner as to not allow CLOTH. COMPACT THOROUGHLY CLOTH. COMPACT THOROUGHLY 1 B"°d�- l '�" ° +■ ,�. �' / ; ° ° ,- , �, t) d IAM of access to the site. '� Z •��I — h�r'+ � % l , ; , '� ; /i t ' 2) The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove and /or convert to permanent structure all � �;' r r a ■ yam, erosion and sediment control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot. F�1 I --�-�1 E•'+ rt C o rn o v FILTER FABRIC ,y ~ •o \ 1 ti� ■ .r��,4`" - -- !�' f ` - ',�__- '.-^....._ �" •...__!,! = , a �, •r Jp'W fi,Nf' oaf µ,W r`- I .- -'�- a ',._` •�.:;� 3) A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible o VDOT ►�1 (O� y , w ci w co .:.-. .F \•-„_� �� ■ „,r ,, • r �, ,,-rr .... - ,. r _� -.�. _- _____----- - - -_ -' µ'``•,ms "`• /,,_.�s -- '� �' @ Y„•,l"'h -1b�F F = eraeatss/.iitilA�+rw �iJx'��F. I�,F 06 inspections and are to be accepted into VDOT's maintenance and program and ownership. The video inspection Fii WIRE - \ '. Irk, x . •v.�6 , = = - -■-r- - - -� -- F - � + ; "' shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT's video inspection procedure and with a VDOT and /or county —t— � — � �_� �_� t —) I =� �—� (—� — III —� * urinspector \,� ~\ \' \'. '- � " - - " - " "- "F ' �" � -+ - �- mh-�_,_�r.,- '- ''. - w _f" . �• -,� a � rr a r r ``�, .�,\ •.,,� I _` _ - -' ■ r r■ ■r- . ■-.I•+' P resent. In addition if P of eth ene ( HDPE ) or system, the contractor and a from the hold for installation. �"� p" r� i• ,�'\,a,`, \� �� _._...._ =�. -- '-' ^�'�.Aexleeeeeuoeuueunr uuaeei iiisrrr�e ■ ■rt ■ue■taa ■ Jr ® Y■,r_ - _._ � -_ - representative pipe manufacturer should a P re- construction meeting �'�— WIRE MESH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 14 GUAGE AND SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM MESH SPACING OF 6 ". `ZZ ,� � 1,..^ l\ '- ._.- _._�'. —sue -- �= 1/'�•.. ! � i ^ , � � I� � W 1 SILT FENCE (SF) 4 SOILS MAP -40 SCALE: NTS -40 SCALE: 1" =100' ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGINEERING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625 -02 -22 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plans shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limits to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving Q o 0 authority. o 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to 0 0 A A prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. FIL TER 8. During dewatering operation water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing 70' Min „ Stone 3 SM -2A Asphalt -- - --'� �`., -'""�- �-- PIPE OUTLET TO rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste material shall be taken to an a roved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, PP Y� z o I— Construction Access 2% Sloe Existing 2% Slope - ---"rJ , --�� -.,.,` -- _ ,-- FLAT AREA WITH free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. c� 4 Y _.--- ::...,.. :..:.. •.... ;...... .> ::•; Pavement NO DEFINED CHANNEL 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per zoning Ordinance Section w 15 ,---� -- �j PLAN VIEW 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with Section 13 -301 of the code of Albemarle. o E 0 E 0 '' 14. borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours 6" 21A Aggregate Base Filter Cloth --- '� -�,� d - of 7:OOAM to 9:OQPM. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner that maintains lateral support, or �� o C 0 Existing �'�- 50 order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and U Grade SECTION B —B 0% - -� damage to any public street because of slides, sinking, or collapse. Existing - 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent Stormwater Management Facilities (where applicable) and all erosion control measures required by o `- N B A Pa ement B / /�� d = T17. this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or portion of the property. v......., ...... ..... ._ SECTION A -A Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 Ibs /acre, and in the months of September to February to consist of a 50/50 mix of annual ryegrass and FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9"; cereal winter r y e , or in March and April to consist of ann ual Ry e , or Ma y th rou gh August to consist p ,E "' " " .. :. .. .........:..:.. .....:.:.:.•; : <•: ' ::' �, RECOMMENDED FOR of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bsJ140SF. Alternatives are subject to approved ----- •Positive Drainage *Mu t extend full Stone GRAVEL FILTER 12" WM 4Esx APRON LINING SHALL BE ENTIRE PERIMETER by the County Erosion Control Inspector. 18. Permanent Stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade 9 9 9 A Construction To Sediment width of ingress RUNOFF' WATER limestone shall be applied at 90lbs /1000sf, incorporated into the top 4 -6 inches of soil. Fertilizer Access I Trapping Device and egress operation ; :. • MTERED WATER shall be applied at 1000lbs /acre and consist of a 10 -20 -10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall O _ A be applied at 180 Ibs /ncre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or tall fescue and 0 -5% perennial W PLAN VIEW ° ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs /100sf. Alternatives are A subject to approved by the County Erosion Control Inspector. 19. Maintenance: all measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or (� clogging to structural measures is to be repaired immediately. Silt Traps are to be cleaned when o. =.,,. :�,;•'.: - 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be re- seeded when necessary to achieve a stand of Slit fence diversion dykes are collecting (f good grass. and which 12' Min Positive Drainage a : �� ° — SEDIMENT A PIPE OUTLET TO WELL- DEFINED sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site `Z' O W To Sediment 2% Slope Trapping Device • v -- •• : -•` CHANNEL PLAN VIEW stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County Erosion Inspector. Q :..:':•.:....,:.. _: -. ...,....•..:...... .. ...:.. •--- • ---... CONCRETE G 12" This plan shall be void if the Owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. 21 oval I � - CURB rnI�T (Water Protection Ordinance Section 17 -204G) W d __ 50 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance Section 17 -2078) Filter Cloth . SPECIFIC APPLICATION 0% E SECTION A —A d = U� w P4 THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS SECTION A -A T r w WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE v NOTE: A minimum water tap of 1" must be installed with a minimum 1" ballcock shutoff INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6 " -9 "; valve supplying a wash hose with a diameter of 1.5" for adequate constant pressure. Wash AREAS. RECOMMENDED FOR Of z waster must be carried away from the paved construction entrance to an approved * GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGATE:. APRON LINING SHALL BE ENTIRE PERIMETER °- ) SHEET N0. settling area to remove sediment. All sediment shall be prevented from entering storm drains, ditches, or watercourses. C-402 5 PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (CE) 6 GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER (IP) 7 OUTLET PROECTION (OP) -40 SCALE: NTS -4Q SCALE: NTS -40 SCALE: NTS SHEET 9 of 9„ t, -� /`l