HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCP201700002 Checklist 2023-01-10County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (4341 972-4126 Pre -application Meeting Checklist Pre -application meetings are held every Monday at 2 p.m., 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. (Holidays excluded). There is no fee for setting up or attending the meeting. Attendees of the meeting include staff from Community Development (Planning, Zoning, & Engineering) VDOT, and where appropriate the Albemarle County Service Authority (water and sewer), and Albemarle County Fire & Rescue. Pre -application process First, consult with either the Pre -application Coordinator (Francis MacCall) or the Chief of Planning (David Benish) to preliminarily discuss your proposal and questions you need answered to determine the type of pre -application meeting that is needed and what agencies/departments need to attend. It A prospective Applicant may request or be guided to have a more general, exploratory pre -application meeting with staff to discuss their proposal prior to submitting more detailed information about the project as will be required for the mandatory pre -application meeting. It may be determined that, based on the nature of or circumstances related to the proposal, and the level of information available at the meeting, that a mandatory pre -application meeting is no longer needed. Staff will notify the applicant if this meeting may qualify as the mandatory pre -application meeting or if an additional meeting is required. If it has been determined that your project is ready for a mandatory pre -application meeting, then fill out the "Pre -application Meeting Request" form below or located on the County website, www.albemarle.org/cdapps and provide the following information with the request form: ■ A written description of your proposal, specifically outlining, as applicable, the following; W Description of the properties to be developed (tax map and parcel number, total acreage, existing buildings and uses/activities current on the property, existing Zoning and Comprehensive Plan land use designation) W The proposed use or mix or uses; the proposed density or total square footage of development , the proposed scale, and the proposed zoning district, and any other information that may help identify potential impacts of the development (such as hours of operation, unique traffic characteristics, etc). K A brief description of the surrounding properties including the uses on site (i.e. residential, commercial, vacant, etc. and character of the property (mostly wooded, in pasture, etc.) K A written statement as to the proposal's consistency with the comprehensive plan. Sketch/concept plan is recommended but not required for the meeting request An illustration of the proposal ("sketch"/concept plan) may be useful in discussing your project. You are encouraged to at least submit a boundary survey or plat of the property or any known prior approved plan or plat on the property, if one exists. Please see the recommended content for a sketch/concept plan below " Pre-applicatlon Meeting Checklist 04/2013 Page 2 of 3 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Pre -application Meeting Process for Special Use Permits or Zoning Map Amendments Pre -application meeting Process and guiding principles • The pre -application meeting is intended to provide the necessary guidance to an Applicant so as to ensure the smooth management of the proposed project through the review process. Per Section 33.4 of the Zoning ordinance, a pre -application meeting is required to be held with each perspective Applicant prior to the submittal of a Special Use Permit (SP) or Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) application. IT IS KEY FOR ALL TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE OBJECTIVE OF A "MANDATORY" PRE -APPLICATION MEETING IS TO INSURE THAT AN IMMIENT ZMA OR SP APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED IN THE MOST COMPLETE FORM POSSIBLE, CONSISTENT WITH SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT OF COUNTY ORDINANACE AND KEY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NEEDED FOR THE REVIEW IS PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If the pre -application meeting is to discuss more general concepts and options for development, and the specific scope of the project is not known yet, then the meeting will likely be considered an "exploratory" pre - application meeting. Staff will advise the applicant at the exploratory pre -application meeting whether an additional mandatory pre -application (meeting the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance) is needed or will be waived by the Director of Planning. Pre -application meeting purposes Whether considered an exploratory pre -applications meeting or a mandatory pre -application meeting in advance of a specific and imminent application submittal, a pre -application meeting will do the following: • Provide the Applicant and County Staff with a common understanding of the proposed project; • Inform the Applicant about the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, other relevant policies, and county regulations; • Broadly identify the planning, zoning and other issues raised by the application that the Applicant will need to address; • Inform the Applicant about the applicable review procedure; including Community Meetings and Planning Commission work sessions and • Determine the information the Applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information delineated in Section 33.4(c). For an exploratory pre -application meeting, since in depth, detailed information is rarely provided or multiple scenarios are discussed, staff's comments will be general in nature. For a mandatory meeting on a more detailed project expected to be submitted in the short-term, staff will provide more detailed comments and specify information that needs to be submitted with the application, based on the narrative and other information provided by the applicant at the mandatory pre -application meeting. Pre -application Meeting Process 04/2013 Page 1 of 3 Pre -application Meeting Request for Special Use Permits or Zoning Map Amendments 0 Project Name: Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA Tax Map Parcel Number(s): TM P 45-86 & 45-88 I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING (Check the appropriate box or boxes) PROPOSED NEW SPECIAL USE PERMIT PROPOSED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT or AMENDMENT Current Zoning District: R-6 Proposed Use(s) & Section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring a Special Use Permit (if known): Proposed Zoning District: C-1 Animal shelter and veterinary hospital (if known) This will be an amendment to a prior rezoning action? File number or name of prior action Has a pre -application meeting happened previously for this project? YES AUL NO —ON— If YES provide the date of the meeting: mandatory 8/31/15, exploratory 6/12/17 Agent/Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Ellie Ray Daytime Phone # C__) 270.8771 Cell Phone # ( ) 760.3752 *E-mail eray@milestonepartners.co Owner of Record Charlottesville Albemarle Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Daytime Phone # (___) Cell Phone # (_) *E-mail * Email will be primary method of contact unless otherwise specified. Submittal Requirements ® One (1) completed Pre -application Meeting Checklist (including all written descriptions noted in the checklist) Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this request form and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8/22/17 Signature of Owner or Agent Date Ellie C. Ray 434.760.3752 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (4M) 972-4126 Pre -application Meeting Request 04/01/2013 Page 1 of 1 if Submit the following to the front desk of Community Development office, 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 by 4 p.m. on or before any Monday; • One (1) completed Pre -application Meeting Request form • One (1) completed Pre -application Meeting Checklist • Six (6) copies of all additional information including a Sketch/concept plan (if providing one) NOTE: Once the Pre -application Meeting Request form and Pre -application Meeting Checklist have been dropped off to Community Development you will be contacted by staff to set up a meeting on the next available Monday time slot Any mandatory pre -application meeting will be scheduled within two weeks from the Monday the request is received (subject to meeting time availability). ** Sketch/concept plan recommended content It is desirable to have an illustration of the following information; • The parcel(s) to be developed and the general area of the parcel(s) to be developed (the development envelope) • Location of entrance(s) onto the public street(s) • Location of proposed use (general location for buildings/building areas (envelopes) or existing structure/building/area to be used on a developed site) • Parking locations • Major environmental features (water bodies/ floodplain, area of 25%> slope) The more information about the proposal, the better the staff can assess the issues and provide feedback on the overall proposal. Particularly for larger scale projects, it is encourage that the following additional is provided, if possible: • Grading activity (rough concept for grading or detailed grading plan, if available) or topographic information for the property with 25% slopes identified (this information is available from the County's Web-GIS site). • The type and location of stormwater management facilities • For properties within the EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, general location for landscape areas, wooded areas to be retained NOTE: illustrative info/sketch plan does not need to be an engineered plan; a basic "sketch plan" may be adequate for most pre -application meetings Map information/lavers are available on the County's GIS-Web system and can be used to obtain some of the required or recommended information Pre -application Meeting Checklist 0412013 Page 3 of 3 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE 2� os Department Community Development S Planning Services Division 401 McIntire Road North Wing • Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 0n, <�" Phone: (434) 296-5823 • Fax: (434) 972-4035 From: JT Newberry Date: 08/03/17 To: OFrank Pohl-Eng OShawn Maddox- Fire and Rescue OAdam Moore-VDOT 0 OMichael Dellinger - Inspections 0 OMar aret Maliszewski - ARB 0 ORon Higgins - Zoning 0 JOB #/FILE NAME: We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other # of Copies Date Description 1 7/16/17 Compliance with Comprehensive Plan These are transmitted as checked below: ® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other Remarks: We don't often receive CCP applications, so I am attaching some guidelines to highlight the type of feedback that is most useful for this type of review. A color version of the concept plan is available in Countyview (and I will also email a link to you). Please consider the layouts shown in Concept A and Concept B for your review comments. Thanks. Comments are due in City View or email by: 08/22/17 Signature: JT Newbeny Worksession Issues to be Considered: (Reviewers expected to provide comments/analysis are in parentheses after the topic) Planning o Is the proposed use consistent with what is shown on the Comprehensive Plan / Master Plan? o Does the proposed use require special use permits in addition to a ZMA? o Are there Overlay Districts to consider (e.g. ARB, Airport) o How does it "fit' with surrounding uses and future redevelopment related to master plans? o Does the proposed development have special or unique characteristics to be considered? If so, what are they? Can they be mitigated? Engineering o Would the development (including grading that likely will be needed) impact resources identified in a Master Plan or other parts of the Comprehensive Plan? o Would the development, including the construction phase, impact County Stream Buffers? (includes wetlands) o Would the development impact critical slopes (RA) or preserved slopes (DA)? Transportation PlannerNDOT o Does the development provide interparcel connections in the appropriate locations for a good street network? o Are frontage improvements warranted/ likely to be needed? (Consider warranted if roadway is planned for improvement) o Considering the traffic generation numbers and existing road network in the area, determine what level of traffic modeling is needed to measure the off -site impacts from the development. Historic Preservation/Design Review o Does this property include areas of historical or archaeological importance? Are any of those areas affected by the proposed development? If so, are additional studies warranted before decisions are made? o Does the development impact important viewsheds? o Does this property include cemeteries? How are they to be protected? How are they to be accessed? Other Community Facilities o Consider the impact of the proposed development with respect to schools, parks, fire stations, and other public facilities needed to support the proposed development. Are they adequate? Does the Comprehensive Plan indicate a need for additional facilities in this area (or even on this property)? o Consider the impact of the proposed development with respect to public utilities. Are utilities adequate for this development and the remaining properties in this area? o Consider how public safety services will be provided. What are the anticipated response times? Does the development require additional resources or reallocation of existing resources? Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan (CCP) Is the proposed use consistent with the broad and specific land use recommendations from the Comprehensive Plan or Master Plan? • Will the proposed use negatively impact important natural, scenic, or historic resources? o Architectural o Viewsheds o Water o Slopes o Important Wooded Areas o Wetlands o Streams/Stream buffers o Floodplain • Will the proposed use generate a need for utilities which haven't been anticipated in County plans? • Will the proposed use generate a need for schools, libraries, transportation, or other public facilities not anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan? • Is the proposed use expected to have a negative impact on the health, safety, or general welfare of the community? • If the answer is yes and a CPA is warranted for the use to be in conformity o Has a change in circumstance occurred? o Is there updated information that would change the Land Use Plan recommendations? o Have subsequent portions of the Comprehensive Plan been adopted or developed that would impact use of this property? o Is the area in question shown incorrectly or is it infeasible? o Was the Plan prepared incorrectly, using incomplete information, or is incomplete? • What other justification exists to support a change inland use? Is there a clear public need? What designation might be sought that would continue to uphold the rest of the Comp. Plan? " Application for Comprehensive Plan Compliance PROJECT NAME: (how should we refer to this application?): Charlottesville -Albemarle SPCA Renovation & Expansion PROPOSAL (use separate sheet, if needed): COMPREHENSIVE COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Urban Density Residential & small portion Office/R&D/Flex/-I LOCATION: Between Berkmar Drive & Woodburn Road near the existing CASPCA TAX MAP PARCEL(s): 45-88 & 45-86A1 (CASPCA owned) & 45-86A (VDOT owned) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Ellie Ray, Milestone Partners Address 300 2nd Street NE City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone C434) 760-3752 Fax # (� E-mail eray(Omilestonepartners.co Owner of Record TMP 45-86A: Commonwealth of Virginia, Right of Way Division Address 1601 Orange Road City Culpeper State VA Zip 22701 Daytime Phone t—) Fax # ( ) E-mail Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): & owner of TMPs 45-88 & 45-86A1: Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA Inc. Address PO Box 7047 City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22906 Daytime Phone (_) Fax # E-mail Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, please list those tax map and parcel numbers VDOT also owns TMP45-87 FOR ❑ Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan (CCP) ❑ Special Use Permits: ❑ variances: Concurrent review of Site Development Plan? ❑ ZMA's & Proffers: ❑ Letter of Authorization ❑ YES ❑ NO CHAR LOTTESVILLE-ALBEMARLE SPCA PRE -APPLICATION WORKSESSION The Charlottesville -Albemarle SPCA (CASPCA), founded in 1914, is a nonprofit, open admissions animal shelter (no animal is turned away regardless of age or health) whose purpose is finding permanent adoptive homes for animals. In addition to functioning as a nonprofit organization, the CASPCA performs another important community function by providing pound services to the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County for seized, stray, homeless, abandoned, or unwanted animals. The organization also serves this community by offering lost & found services, low cost sterilization, rabies and other vaccinations, and microchipping, as well as educational opportunities, camps, pet therapy and dog training. The CASPCA provides employment for an average of 60 people, and serves over 2,200 shelter animals a year. More than 4,500 spay/neuter surgeries were performed in 2016, 2,900 of which were for owned pets within our community. CASPCA continues to serve at the forefront of No Kill communities in this country, helping thousands of animals each year receive the care they need to find homes or remain with their families. CASPCA's current facility was designed and built over a decade ago for a population who either was adopted quickly or euthanized. The organization realized a No Kill vision in 2006 and committed to saving all healthy and treatable animals brought to our shelter. With this policy shift, however, the length of stay for animals grew longer, animals with serious health and behavioral problems increased, and the facility consistently was overcrowded. Additionally, veterinary services needed to be substantially expanded to address the comprehensive health care of shelter animals yet functioned from a space originally designed for limited, short-term care. Despite dramatically increased needs and demands, there was little that could be done with the existing shelter design to accommodate these changes. The proposed building expansion and renovation will position the CASPCA to serve our community's animal welfare needs in the years to come. Cage -free, small group housing will be used for most cats while dog enclosures will feature multiple options adjustable to each dog's needs to encourage social contact and companionship. General health outcomes for animals as well as disease transmission will be positively impacted by an enhanced veterinary clinic through the effective and efficient use of space for observation, surgery and recovery, and quarantine, in addition to expanded medical equipment and new efforts in rehabilitation and care. The imminent need of rehabilitating an aging building used by thousands of animals and the community each year also will be addressed, as well as additional pubic parking, community meeting space, and an education and resource media center. TMPs 45-86, 45-86A and 45-86A1 were all one contiguous parcel, owned by CASPCA, until the previously planned Route 29 bypass resulted in a right-of-way take and the subsequent subdivision. The Charlottesville -Albemarle SPCA's entire current facility is located on TMP 45-86, but it also owns TMPs 45-88 & 45-86A1, and is investigating possible buy back of TMP 45-86A from VDOT using its first right of refusal. While TMP 45-86 is zoned C-1 and has a Special Use Permit in place to operate an animal shelter, the VDOT parcel as well as the other parcels owned by CASPCA are zoned R-6, which does not allow an animal shelter use even with a special use permit. The CASPCA would like to investigate a rezoning to C-1 of the other parcels it owns, as well as the VDOT parcel, to provide a better and less impactful design for their current plans and to get the proper zoning in place for their long-range plans. This process would, of course, also involve expanding the current Special Use Permit to those parcels as well. TMPs 45-88, 45-86A1 and 45-86A are all currently designated primarily for Urban Density Residential in the Comprehensive Plan. However, with the Berkmar Extension and the changing nature of the Berkmar corridor, it seems that C-1 zoning is not in conflict with current use patterns in the area. As discussed earlier, 46-86A is the location of the previous CASPCA facility. TMP 45-84A to the north is used for commercial purposes, TMP 45-87 to the south is owned by VDOT, and most of the parcels along Berkmar are zoned either C-1 or HC. TMP 45-88 was sold to the CASPCA by the current owner of TMP 45-90 to the south. Exhibits have been provided that show the current zoning, comprehensive plan designations and use patterns for the area as a reference. The CASPCA has been in this location, either in the previous or current building, since 1955; as it grows to offer improved and additional services it is essential that it has room to adequately address the needs of the animals in its care, and the community at large. The exact layout of the current renovation and expansion has not yet been determined, mostly due to the uncertainty of zoning and purchase of the VDOT parcel. Two exhibits are attached showing conceptual options currently under consideration. It is anticipated that most of the currently planned expansion will be on TMP 45-86, with possible ancillary elements such as parking, travelways, and a stormwater facility being located on the other parcels. If the VDOT parcel can be rezoned, and a purchase can be negotiated, it may be used to provide a bollarded emergency access for Fire Rescue instead of the 96' radius cul-de-sac requested previously. Given the topography, using the adjacent parcels will likely result in a better design with far less need for extensive grading and retaining walls. Additionally, as noted above, it seems prudent to get the proper zoning in place so that the SPCA can create a master plan for their future with less uncertainty. After a pre -application meeting with Staff, and much follow-up correspondence, it was recommended that this application be submitted to obtain guidance from the Planning Commission as to a) whether or not the Commission thinks this use rises to the level of requiring a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application and, b) if a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application is needed, to obtain preliminary thoughts on whether or not this is something the Commission could support. The CASPCA Renovation and Expansion project team would also appreciate any thoughts or guidance on items for consideration during future Zoning Map Amendment and/or Special Use Permit application(s). Thank you for your consideration and guidance in helping the CASPCA plan for the future. The proposed expansion and renovation of the CASPCA shelter is integral to the achievement of our mission: Advance the compassionate treatment of animals by providing sheltering, medical care, and behavioral services for dogs and cats; promoting permanent, caring homes; and furthering education and outreach.