HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCP201700002 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2023-01-10h
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
To: Craig Kotarski (craia.kotarski(&,timmons.coml
From: J.T. Newberry, Planning Division (inewberrv(ftibemarle.orn)
Date: 9/10/15
Subject: Mandatory Pre -application Meeting for SPCA on 8/31/15
This meeting satisfies the requirement for a pre -application meeting prior to submittal of a special use permit. The
purposes of the meeting are found in Section 33.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and are italicized below followed by staff
(i) provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project,
In our meeting, we discussed amending special use permit SP200700044 to expand the existing facilities on Tax Map
and Parcel 04500-00-00-08600. This special use permit approved a "veterinary office and hospital" [Section 22.2.2(511
and "animal shelter" [Section 22.2.20311 on January 91h. 2008.
The proposed site changes were provided on a plan labeled "CASPCA Additions and Renovations" and dated November
141h, 2014. The proposed expansion would provide additional capacity for animals at the facility. We also discussed
potential uses of an adjacent 2.53 acre parcel that is currently vacant and known as Tax Map and Parcel 04500-00-00-
(H) inform the applicant about the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, other relevant
policies, and county regulations;
Both parcels lie in Neighborhood 1 of the Places29 Master Plan. Parcel 86 is designated for "Office/R&D/Flex/Light
Industrial" uses and is zoned C-1 while Parcel 88 is designated almost entirely for "Urban Density Residential' and is
zoned R-6.
The Places29 Master Plan provides more detail for each land use designation. Staff finds this proposal would likely qualify
as a "general commercial service" use, which is a recommended secondary use for both the Office/R&D/Flex/Light
Industrial and the Urban Density Residential designations. Therefore, this proposal is likely to be deemed consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan. You can find more information about these designations and secondary uses in pages 4-4 to 4-
10 of the Future Land Use Plan and Transportation Network section of the Places29 Master Plan.
In addition to consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and the other factors listed in Section 33.8(a), the proposal must
also comply with the supplemental regulations found in Section 5.1.11. Please review this section to determine if special
exceptions should be requested along with the special use permit amendment. The narrative and concept plan included
with the application should recognize these regulations by either showing how compliance with each of them is achieved
or by providing a special exception request from any supplemental regulation that applies. A justification for each special
exception should be included. An additional $425 fee is required regardless of the number of exceptions requested.
(ffij broadly identify the planning, zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by
the applicant;
One of the main issues we discussed related to the history behind condition #1 of the existing special use permit, which
calls for a tree conservation plan and is labeled as a "tree conservation area' on the latest approved final site plan
(SDP200700063). I determined that this condition was suggested in 2007 because the Open Space and Critical
Resources Plan identified this area as an 'Important Wooded Area" for a variety of reasons. However, this area was
reconsidered with the adoption of the Parks and Green Systems map and is no longer identified for protection. As a
result, staff does not anticipate that it would be recommended to remain as a tree conservation area.
This means the area shown on the proposed concept plan at the front of the property for additional parking may be
available. But, as we also discussed, the Places29 Master Plan anticipates improving this section of Berkmar Drive (from
Rio Road to Hilton Heights Road) to a four -lane boulevard with a median, bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the
road. As with other approved special use permits on Berkmar Drive, the County would be looking for the property owner
to reserve an appropriate amount of right-of-way for future dedication. The depth of this right-of-way would either be 44
feet or 52 feet from the centerline of Berkmar Drive and would be dictated by the final size of the center median. A
representative cross-section of this roadway is found on pages 4-35 and 4-36 (also included below). As the final version
of the concept plan is developed, please note the current parking setback for this district is 10 feet from the right-of-way.
Other parking issues were the total number of spots and the potential to use the vacant adjacent parcel as a parking
area. Please see the comments below from Ron Higgins, Chief of Zoning, where additional information is requested to
complete a parking analysis. We also determined that there are two avenues to request using the vacant parcel for
1. Rezone Parcel 88 to C-1 and complete a Boundary Line Adjustment to add this acreage to Parcel 86. In this
case, be sure to include Parcel 88 in the area to be covered by the special use permit amendment; or,
2. In addition to the special use permit amendment, apply for a second special use permit for "standalone parking."
I imagine there are pros and cons to both choices depending on the future plans of the SPCA. Please let me know if you
have questions about either of these avenues.
Another issue discussed in our meeting related to stormwater management. I highly recommend that you speak with
Engineering staff to get more details about what would be required for the revised concept plan prior to making an
Finally, feedback from the following agencies was also discussed:
• VDOT projected minimal traffic impact from the proposal and stated the existed entrance should meet current
a ACSA will need fixture counts when the site plan is amended and mentioned that DEQ may want to know that
the grinder pump is adequately sized for the additional anticipated volume.
• Robbie Gilmer from Fire/Rescue (434-296-5833) emailed comments regarding the potential turnaround and also
mentioned a requirement to provide an access road to within 150 feet of the entire first Floor area. His full
comments are attached below.
(iv) Inform the applicant about the applicable procedure;
As with all special use permit applications, you will be expected to host a community meeting to discuss your proposal
with the public prior to meeting with the Planning Commission. I've attached some guidelines to hosting a community
meeting below.
A complete special use permit amendment application is made once we have received the following two items:
1. A completed special use permit application with fee. The final total fee will be determined after submittal.
a. Please note that an authorized signatory of the property owner (shown as "Albemarle Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Inc." in our Real Estate records) is required to sign the application.
2. The enclosed special use permit checklist along with any necessary supporting materials.
a. The column on the checklist titled "Provided with Application (Applicant)" should be completed and
signed by the applicant. The completed checklist should be included as the coversheet to the other
application materials.
The next deadline to submit a completed application is Monday, September 21 •'. The full submittal schedule may be
found here.
If you have any further questions, please contact me at extension 3270 or inewberrv(t�albemarle.orp.
J.T. Newberry
Places29: A Master Plan for the Northern Development Areas . Adopted February 2, 2011
Revised June 10, 2015
+�•«4�r arn�
Figure 4.13. US 29 Existing Conditions with Added Multi -Use Path and
Median Landscaping, located north of the North Fork of the Rivanna River.
Boulevards and Other Four -Lane Roadways
Four -lane roadways in the Places29 area are generally, but not always, boulevards with center
medians and include provisions for bike lanes, sidewalks, and onstreet parking. On some roads,
the median is a two-way left turn lane. The cross section shown in Figure 4.14 is one example of
a typical four -lane roadway. Where the right-of-way is constrained, the median may be narrower,
bike lanes may have to be eliminated, and/or sidewalks and landscaped strips narrowed. Where
there is sufficient right-of-way, onstreet parking may be added. Where the topography is an issue,
the two sides of the roadway may be constructed at different elevations. Additional examples of
four -lane road cross sections that incorporate a number of variations from what is shown in
Figure 4.14 are included in Appendix 3. The key four -lane roadways in the Places29 area and
their cross sections are described below Figure 4.14.
Figure 4.14. A representative cross section of a four -lane road (12).
Chapter 4. Future Land Use Plan and Transportation Network . Page 4-35
Places29: A Master Plan for the Northern Development Areas ■ Adopted February 2, 2011
Revised June 10, 2015
Rio Road East. Rio Road east of US 29 to the Meadow Creek Parkway will continue as a four -
lane boulevard with a center turn lane, without onstreet parking, but with onstreet bike lanes and
sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Landscaped strips would separate the sidewalks from the
roadway. Portions of this segment of roadway would have an access lane adjacent to Rio Road,
which would relocate the sidewalk to the outside of the access lane on one side of Rio Road.
Hydraulic Road and Rio Road West. Hydraulic Road and Rio Road west of US 29 would
continue as four -lane boulevards with center turn lanes, without onstreet parking, but with
onstreet bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Landscaped strips would separate
the sidewalks from the roadway. A continuous two-way left turn lane would be used in place of a
median on some segments of Hydraulic Road.
Berkmar Drive. Berkmar Drive from Rio Road to Hilton Heights Road would be a four -lane
boulevard with a 16-foot center median with onstreet bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of
the road. Landscaped strips would separate the sidewalks from the roadway. Segments of
Berkmar Drive would have onstreet parking.
There are constrained locations on Berkmar Drive where insufficient right-of-way is available to
develop the roadway according to the cross section described above. In those locations, the center
median would be reduced to a nominal 4 to 6 feet, and left turns would be made from the inside
through lanes rather than from dedicated left -turn lanes.
As Berkmar Drive extends north from Hilton Heights Road, the west side of the roadway might
be modified to provide bays for parking with landscaping between the parking pockets and the
sidewalk. The onstreet bike lane would be replaced with a multi -use path that would continue
across the bridge over the South Fork of the Rivanna River. North of the bridge, Berkmar would
be a rural four -lane boulevard with multi -use trails on either side of the roadway. Ultimately,
Berkmar Drive would transition to a two-lane section with sidewalks when it joins Meeting Street
in Hollymead Town Center.
Airport Road. Airport Road will continue as a four -lane boulevard without onstreet parking, but
with onstreet bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides. Landscaped strips would separate the
sidewalks from the roadway.
Innovation Drive/Lewis & Clark Drive. From Airport Road to US 29, this road will be a four -
lane avenue with a center median. One side will have a sidewalk with tree wells and the other
side will have a landscaped strip and a multi -use path.
Dickerson Road (portions). From Earlysville Road to Quail Run, Dickerson Road will be a
four -lane split section road. It will be rural on the west side. On the east side, it will have a curb,
sidewalk, and street trees.
Boulders Road (portions closest to US 29), unnamed roads connecting US 29 to North
Pointe Blvd., the portion of Towncenter Drive east of Meeting Street, and Timberwood
Blvd. will also have a four -lane section.
Avenues and Other Two -Lane Roadways
Two-lane roadways in the Places29 area are used for both short trips and access to adjacent land
uses. These roadways are multimodal; pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and vehicles all have
Chapter 4. Future Land Use Plan and Transportation Network . Page 4-36
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: J. T. Newberry
From: Ron Higgins
Division: Zoning
Date: September 8, 2015
Subject: Mandatory Preapplication Meeting Comments for SPCA Additions — 3355
Berkmar Drive
The following comments are provided as input from the Zoning Division regarding the above
noted mandatory pre -application meeting.
a. Proposed — Special Permit Amendment is for additions to the "Animal Shelter" use
in C-1 zoning.
b. Required parking for use — Need a parking analysis for the proposed parking
expansion. Use separate parking calculations broken pout for: "Kennel' areas (1
space/400 gross sq. ft. of kennel area PLUS 1 space/ employee), and; for "Vet'
areas (1 space/200 gross sq. ft. of clinic area).
c. Conditions of prior SP (SP200700044) — Review the existing conditions of this
SP and propose changes as desired to accomplish the new development including,
but not limited to, condition #1 which deals with the Tree Conservation Plan for the
area in front that you are proposing to expand the parking area into.
d. Provide a recorded plat of the property with the Deed Book & Page #.
e. Review Section 5.1.11 (Supplemental Regulations) for kennels, animal shelters
and vets and request any exceptions or modifications needed to permit the
additions, such as the requirement to be 200 feet from RA or residential lots.
f. Other Items —
-Please note that all real estate taxes, nuisance charges, stormwater management
utility fees, and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property,
which are owed to the Co. of Alb. must be paid prior to accepting the application.
-The appropriate signature of the owner, the owner's agent, or a contract
purchaser. If either the owner's agent or a contract purchaser signs the application
then include the owner's written consent that the agent or contract purchaser may
file the application on their behalf. See below for applicable signature requirements
for ownership not in the name on an individual person or persons.
Stock corporations
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) the board of directors; (2)
any person in the corporation expressly authorized by the board of directors to complete
prescribed acts on behalf of the corporation (Virginia Code § 13.1-673); (3) a committee
of the board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-689); or (4) a corporate officer as
provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for a board of
directors, the articles of incorporation or a shareholders agreement may limit the board's
statutory authority (Virginia Code § 13.1-673); (2) for a person expressly authorized by
the board of directors, written evidence of that authorization, such as a board resolution
or board minutes; (3) for a committee, an action of the board of directors authorizing the
committee to act; the articles of incorporation or the by-laws may limit the statutory
authority (Virginia Code § 13.1-689); (4) for a corporate officer, the by-laws or the
delegating resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-694).
Nonstock corporations
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) the board of directors; (2)
any person in the corporation expressly authorized by the board of directors to complete
prescribed acts on behalf of the corporation (Virginia Code § 13.1-853); (3) a committee
of the board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-869); or (4) a corporate officer as
provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of directors
(Virginia Code § 13.1-872).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for a board of
directors, the articles of incorporation and the by-laws, the latter of which may include a
member or director agreement, may limit the board's statutory authority (Virginia Code
§§ 13.1-852.1, 13.1-853); (2) for a person expressly authorized by the board of directors,
written evidence of that authorization such as a board resolution or board minutes; (3)
for a committee, an action of the board of directors authorizing the committee to act; the
articles of incorporation or the by-laws may limit the statutory authority (Virginia Code §
13.1-869); (4) for a corporate officer, the by-laws or the delegating resolution of the
board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-872).
Limited liability companies ("LLCs")
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) if the LLC is not a
manager -managed LLC, any member; (2) if the LLC is a manager -managed LLC, the
manager or any member unless the articles of organization limit the members' authority
(Virginia Code § 13.1-1021.1(A)); or (3) unless otherwise provided in the articles of
organization or an operating agreement, the members have the power and authority to
delegate to one or more other persons, including agents, officers and employees of a
member or manager of the LLC, members' rights and powers to manage and control the
business affairs of the LLC, and to delegate by a management agreement or other
agreement with, or otherwise to, other persons (Virginia Code § 13.1-1022(D)).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the articles of
organization (Virginia Code § 13.1-1021.1(A) and when the power is delegated to
someone other than a manager or a member, also the operating agreement and, if
applicable, any other agreement (Virginia Code § 13.1-1022(D)).
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) if the land is held in the
name of the partnership, by any partner; (2) if the land is held in the name of a partner,
but the instrument transferring to the partner indicates the partner's capacity as a partner
or the existence of a partnership, but without identifying the partnership, by the partner in
whose name the property is held; (3) if the land is held in the name of a person, who is a
partner, but the instrument transferring to the person does not indicate the person's
capacity as a partner or the existence of a partnership, by the person in whose name the
property is held (Virginia Code § 50-73.92).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the statement of
partnership authority, which may limit the authority of one or more partners
(Virginia Code § 50-73.93).
Limited partnerships
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are any general partner
(Virginia Code § 50-73.29).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the partnership
agreement, or amendments thereto, which may limit the authority of one or more general
partners (Virginia Code § 50-73.29).
Unincorporated churches and other religious bodies
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) all trustees who hold title to
the property (Virginia Code §§ 57- 8 and 57-15(A)); (2) the authorized signatory of a
corporation created pursuant to Virginia Code § 57-16.1 to hold, administer and manage
its real or personal property (Virginia Code § 57-15(8J(ii)); or (3) a bishop, minister or
ecclesiastical officer (Virginia Code § 57-16).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for trustees, an
authorizing court order (Virginia Code § 57-15(A)); (2) for the corporation holding title,
the appropriate corporate documents (see, e.g., section 3, above) or; (3) for a bishop,
minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesiastical polity of the entity that
authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the property
(Virginia Code § 57-16).
Comment: The terms describing the various types of entities (churches, religious
congregations, and religious societies) are not defined by statute. The Virginia Supreme
Court has said that Virginia Code §§ 57-7.1 through 57-17 encompass property held for
the benefit of a local congregation, as opposed to property held by a larger hierarchical
body. Norfolk Presbytery v. Bollinger, 214 Va. 500 (1974).
Incorporated churches and other religious bodies
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) all trustees who hold title to
the property (Virginia Code §§ 57- S and 57-15(A)); (2) the authorized signatory of a
corporation created pursuant to Virginia Code § 57-16.1 to hold, administer and manage
its real or personal property (Virginia Code § 57-15(B)(ii)); or (3) a bishop, minister or
ecclesiastical officer (Virginia Code § 57-16).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for trustees, an
authorizing court order (Virginia Code § 57-15(A)); (2) for the corporation holding title,
the appropriate corporate documents (see, e.g., section 3, above) or; (3) for a bishop,
minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesiastical polity of the entity that
authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the property
(Virginia Code § 57-16).
Comment: in 2005, Virginia Code § 57-15 was amended to allow religious organizations
to incorporate. Virginia Code § 57-15(B)(i) authorizes trustees, as an alternative to
holding, administering and managing property in the name of the trustees, to incorporate
the church or religious body and to transfer the title of the real and personal property
held by them to the incorporated church or religious body.
Land trusts
Authorized signatory. The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the
property (Virginia Code § 55-1T 1); provided (1) if a co -trustee is unavailable to perform
duties because of absence, illness, disqualification under other law, or other temporary
incapacity, and prompt action is necessary to achieve the purposes of the trust or to
avoid injury to the trust property, the remaining co -trustee or a majority of the remaining
co -trustees may act for the trust (Virginia Code § 64.2-756(D)); and (2) a trustee may
delegate to a co -trustee the performance of any function other than a function that the
terms of the trust expressly require to be performed by the trustees jointly
(Virginia Code § 64.2-756(E)).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the deed of conveyance
to the trustees and the trust instrument (Virginia Code § 55-17.1).
Land held under the Virginia Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
Authorized signatory: The authorized signatory is the custodian
(Virginia Code § 64.2-1912).
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the instrument
evidencing the transfer to the custodian under the Virginia Uniform Transfers to Minors
Act (Virginia Code § 64.2-1909).
Unincorporated bodies or societies who acquire land for charitable purposes
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the
property (Virginia Code § 57-18, which incorporates Virginia Code §§ 57-8 and 57-15 by
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the authorizing court
order (Virginia Code § 57-18).
Benevolent associations (such as armed forces veterans associations, Freemasons, Odd
Fellows and other fraternal organizations)
Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the
property (Virginia Code § 57-19, which incorporates Virginia Code §§ 57-8 and 57-15 by
Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the authorizing court
order (Virginia Code § 57-19).
Johnathan Newberry
From: Robbie Gilmer
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 8:24 AM
To: Johnathan Newberry
Subject: RE: Proposed Turnaround at SPCA
We will look for a 96' cul-de-sac or 120' hammerhead as an approved turn around.
If they add on to the building they will be required to have an access road to within 150' of all the first floor. I can explain
this more in detail if needed.
From: Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 4:31 PM
To: Robbie Gilmer <rgilmer@albemarle.org>
Subject: Proposed Turnaround at SPCA
Hi Robbie,
We held a mandatory pre -application meeting this afternoon with the SPCA regarding their site off Berkmar Drive.
I've attached their proposed plan and narrative. One proposal shown without much detail is an area showing a potential
turnaround on the southern side of the building.
Can I confirm with you the expected dimensions of a turnaround here? I would like to provide specific feedback of what
we'd like to see on their first submission.
J.T. Newberry
County of Albemarle, Planning Division
434-296-5832, ext. 3270
Purpose of community meeting:
a. Provide interested members of the public the opportunity to receive information about the proposed
project, the applicable procedures, and the policies of the comprehensive plan, other relevant policies,
and regulations applicable to the proposed project.
b. Allow the public to ask questions about the proposed project.
c. The BoS and PC member representing the area where the proposal is located must be notified of/invited
to the meeting. Scheduling the meeting around their availability is strongly encouraged.
[NOTE: Staff should copy board member and planning commission on early correspondence with the applicant
related to meeting information (so they are made aware early in the process that a meeting is being planned by
the applicant].
I I. Required of all ZMAs and SPs, and particularly important if the proposal is likely to generate public concerns
because of the nature of the approval requested, acreage affected, proposed density and/or scale, potential
impacts of the proposal (traffic, noise, etc.) , or due to the history of the proposal/property.
III. May be waived if proposed project is not likely to generate public concerns, is or such a small scale as to have
negligible impacts to surrounding properties/area, or the applicant has already held one or more community
meetings which conform to County required community meeting expectations (so as to make another
community meeting unnecessary).
IV. Waiver of community meeting determined during proposed project's pre-app process
a. Determine no later than required pre-app meeting comment deadline.
b. Note requirement for community meeting in pre-app meeting comments to applicant.
c. Waiving of the community meeting must be agreed to by the Board member from this district in which
the proposal is located.
V. The community meeting should be held no later than 31 days after fee is paid activating the review (this will
allow information from the meeting to be included in lead reviewer's first round of comments, is necessary).
The meeting may be held at a later date, if circumstances warrant.
VI. Conduct of meeting
a. Scheduled by applicant after consultation with staff.
i. Hold in location deemed reasonably accessible to residents in the area of the proposed project.
ii. If there is an active Master Plan Community Advisory Council which covers proposed site, strong
consideration should be given to using a CAC meeting for the venue for the community meeting
and discussion. Other standing/"recognized" community bodies may also be acceptable for
community meetings (neighborhood association or community associations such as EARL
(Earlysville Area Residents League).
ill. As a general rule/guideline, notification of meetings should be sent to all property owners of
record within a .25 to .5 mile radius in a Development Area/.5 to 1 mile radius in the Rural Area
of the location of the proposed project or such other area as deemed appropriate for the
proposed project. This specific area to be notified shall be determined by the planning staff
based on the specifics of the proposal.
1. County can provide applicant an invitation letter and property owner list, if needed.
2. Applicant to sign invitation letter and send by certified mail (waiving of certified mailing
only with agreement from the board member representing the area where the proposal
is located).
3. Documentation of notifications shall be provided to staff.
4. If a CAC meeting is the venue for the community meeting and,discussion, notice to
surrounding the project area needs to be sent to advise of this meeting location
consistent with the guidelines of iii., above unless it is determine that comment from
the CAC body alone is sufficient for the proposal. Abutting owners should always be
notified of any CAC or community meeting regarding the proposal).
iv. Staff, PC and BoS members for the district in which proposed project is located shall be invited.
Staff should copy board member and planning commission on early correspondence with the
applicant related to meeting information (so they are made aware early in the process that a
meeting is being planned by the applicant).
v. If held after fee is paid activating the review, signs may be posted at the proposed project site
before the meeting is held to assist in notification, if deemed appropriate or necessary.
b. The meeting is to be facilitated by applicant.
i. Staff to provide general information on applicable County policies/process (but not comments
about the proposal itself).
ii. Applicant to provide overview of the proposal. Location maps, concept plans shall be provided;
additional narratives, codes of development may be provided if available.
iii. Various formats for the meeting are acceptable and may vary depending on project type (open
house/ "walk-through" format or presentation with q & A period are acceptable formats).
VII. Meeting follow-up
a. Staff to document issues identified in the meeting and provide to the applicant and to the PC and BoS in
staff report as appropriate.
b. No requirement to revise proposed project based on public questions and comments, but applicant can
at their own discretion.
c. If the applicant decides to revise the proposed project to address public comments, revisions should be
included in applicants re -submittal.
SPCA / 04500-00-00-08600
pg AI�
Project Name /Tax Map Parcel Number
After the mandatory pre -application meeting, county staff will mark this checklist
appropriately so that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4 (c) that
must be submitted with the official application
Required for
Provided with
SECTION 33.4(c)
(County Staff)
NOTE to staff: if providing additional comments are provided within the checklist boxes,
please distinguish those comments with different color print AND italic/underlined print
or some other method that can be distinguished when copied with a black and white
A narrative of the project proposal, including its public need or benefit;
A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan,
including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area;
A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public
A narrative of the proposed projects impacts on environmental features.
A narrative of the proffers proposed to address impacts from the proposed project.
One or more maps showing the proposed projects regional context and existing natural
and manmade physical conditions;
A conceptual plan showing, as applicable:
1) the street network, including circulation within the project and connections to
existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project;
2) typical cross -sections to show proportions, scale and streetscape/cross-
sections/ci rculation;
3) the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities;
4) building envelopes;
5) parking envelopes;
6) public spaces and amenities;
7) areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas;
8) conceptual stormwater detention facility locations;
9) conceptual grading;
Other special studies or documentation, if applicable, and any other information
identified as necessary by the county on the pre -application comment form.
No special studies are required to make application. However, information for a
parking analysis may be requested.
Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit.
Read and Sign
I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, the official application submitted contains all information marked on
this checklist as required for application.
Signature of person completing this checklist Date
Print Name
Daytime phone number of Signatory