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SDP199900130 Plan - Approved
■.I 1 Y A y .t.. 4 i i P L S /%%*,u Ins\ IZLOTT��\/I LLB CTHOLIC SCHOOL �LEMENTAlZY, M/O�LE ANO H /GH SCHOOL F�I "^ L S I TE7 COLE VE7L C P"M E7" T P'L.A" 5 IGNATURE P N J� Planning De p a rment Engineering Department (Sl m Zoning Department ,405A A�e -G"e wilding Official i Fire Chief 3 9 fo 0 t a Y *' 1 Y A y .t.. 4 i i P L S /%%*,u Ins\ IZLOTT��\/I LLB CTHOLIC SCHOOL �LEMENTAlZY, M/O�LE ANO H /GH SCHOOL F�I "^ L S I TE7 COLE VE7L C P"M E7" T P'L.A" 5 IGNATURE P N J� Planning De p a rment Engineering Department (Sl m Zoning Department ,405A A�e -G"e wilding Official i Fire Chief 3 9 fo 0 NOVEEME3EK 15, 1000 (COUNTY KEVIEW) E/ INCLUDED IN PACKAGE Jf� N Ufa fZY � 2000 NCO U NTY �1 N� L� 1 � I I S 17-1 F ET KEY: [:7 U W C7 z z 0 IN Cn w Q � z o W C7 z z Q v z \3 0 0 t a ■ 0.00 GoVE �■ 1.00 NOTES ■ 2.00 BOUNDARY SURVEY /ADJOINER INFORMATION ■ 2.10 GRIT. 5LOPE5/PHA51NG ■ 3.00K 51TE PLAN KEY C1' =40') ■ 3.00 SITE PLAN C1' =20') IrcG'� a reel Fay: ■ 3.10 SITE PLAN C1' =20') ■ 3.20 51TE PLAN C1' =20') ' ■ 3.30 SITE PLAN C1' =20') ,�i1� i ■ 3.40 LAYOUT PLAN C1' =40') ■ 3.50 ROAD PLAN /SEGTIONS 1/ ` F a;{ ■ 4.00 STORMWATER GALGULATIONS /DRAINAGE DIVIDES '� ■ 5.00 BMP MASTERPLAN + DETAILS ■ 5.10 STORMWATER PROFILES ■ G.00 SANITARY SEWER PLAN /PROFILES -rH E COX CO M F -ANY b-: =• _ `` `''` ■ G_10 SANITARY SEWER PLAN /PROFILES ^� ■ 7.00 WATER PROFILES Planners Civil En ineer5 9 � ■ 7.10 PttOTOMETRIGS CBY OTttERS) LandSCape Architects ■ 8.00 GENERAL DETAILS ■ 8.10 GENERAL DETAILS ■ 8.20 GENERAL DETAILS ■ 10.00 -10.02 ER05ION + SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS 1 ■ 10.10; E + 5 NARRATIVE ■ 10.20 E + 5 KEY ■ i 10.50 E + S DETAILS ■ L1-Q0 LANDSCAPE PLAN v A U G U 5 T 25, 999 _ - ■ L2''.00 LANDSCAPE DETAILS /PLANT LIST NOVEEME3EK 15, 1000 (COUNTY KEVIEW) E/ INCLUDED IN PACKAGE Jf� N Ufa fZY � 2000 NCO U NTY �1 N� L� 1 � I I S 17-1 F ET KEY: [:7 U W C7 z z 0 IN Cn w Q � z o W C7 z z Q v z \3 0 0 i a NOVEEME3EK 15, 1000 (COUNTY KEVIEW) E/ INCLUDED IN PACKAGE Jf� N Ufa fZY � 2000 NCO U NTY �1 N� L� 1 � I I S 17-1 F ET KEY: [:7 U W C7 z z 0 IN Cn w Q � z o W C7 z z Q v z \3 0 0 FINAL SITE PLAN NOTE5 ONARLOTTE5VILLE CATHOLIC 50I100L 1. Applicant /Gontract Owner Charlottesville Catholic School 301 E. Jef f er5on Street Gharlotte5ville VA 22802 2. Property Owner Charlottesville Catholic School 200 {=our 5eaoon5 Drive Charlottesville VA 22901 15. The Spillover of lighting from parking area luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural area zoning di5tri05 F-1 Shall not exceed one -half o 1/2 a foot candle.- 3. Landscape Architects /Engineers/ Planners The Cox Company 220 East High Street Iq 9r Gharlotte5ville, Virginia 22802 .. ♦ � %RCIM� SO� �G�5.7�J� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept, of Planning & Community Development _ 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 (804) 2965823 4. Parcel information February 18, 1999 G1 -A, Parcel 2q is 655 E. Rio Road Tom Keogh Street Charlottes Y ille VA Train & Spencer Architects 107 Second S Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SP -98 -67 Charlottesville Catholic School 5. �xi5ting Zoning Tax Map 61A, Parcel29 l Dear Mr. Keogh: R-4 Residential Cunder Special Use Permit SP- a 18—G7) The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on February 10, 1999, unanimously approved the above -noted request to allow a shifting of improvements from the original site plan in accord with Section of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for private schools in R-4 G. p zones, Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: G. Planned Land Use 1. The site plan shall conform generally to the conceptual plan, dated January 13, 1999, l submitted with this petition. Relationships of recreational areas to property boundaries, Private 5Ghool CK -12) buildings to recreational areas, and provision of pedestrian access parallel to Rio Road and from Rio Road into the parcel shall be maintained. Pedestrian access shall be provided Building Square Footage: 42,000 2. I from parking lots the school buildings. Enrollment will be imited to not more than 600 students. Area in Parkin 3� X00 5 f t. 3. Use to temporary units a allowed until permanent facilities are constructed. A full site development plan will be required for the facility regardless of the use of temporary units Parking: q. or permanent construction. Area in Athletic Fields • A rox. gG,000 5F (Subject to Change) 4. A walkway or pedestrian path will be provided with the first phase ?en. project, if the Approx. � 9 County is able to fund adjoining connections to Pen Park Lane and Pen Park Road. If such connections cannot be made at that time, then the school will bond pathway improvements to be constructed by the school when the County is able to fund the adjoining connections. If those improvements have not been constructed by completion of the second entrance to the school, the bond will be released and the pathway not installed. Anal I 5. Screening meeting Section of the Zoning Ordinance shall b / . Parking provided where gy 5S driveways and parking areas shown on the site are adjacent to residences. Total Student Occupancy= 000 Cper 5P- g8_G7) Student Count= 280 CElem), 120 (Mid), 200 CHigh) Page 2 Total Parking Required. 24 CBlem). 11 (Mid), G7 CHigh)= To t 102 February 18, 1999 Total - Parking - Provided: -10.0 5tandard, 5 H0. -,30 +,- overflo�y.) In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be G deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of B. Phase One Parkin construction section, the structure shall be construed h include the commencement from (] construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the �i p 1 date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year_ Total Student Occupancy• 400 CPha5e 1) Before beginning this use, you must obtain azoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this .Student Count= 280 Clem), 120 CMId) letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296 -5875. �" If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not Total Parking Required= 24 CElem), 11 (Mid): Total id): I o -3-5 hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, r Total Parking Provided= 77 Standard, 5 PIG q V. Wayne rPhamning g i. Im ervious Surf ace Anal si5 - Director o & Commu � eve lopment py VWCljcf Area in Building' ~80,000 Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Area in Parking= ~38,000 Steve Allshouse Ruby V. & Cecil A. Ballard, Estate Area in roads' N3q,840 5q ft. Charlottesville Catholic School Total impervious Area= ~157,840 sq. ft. Percentage of 17.25 acre site impervious= 217 10. Minimum Building Setbacks Front: 25' Side: 15' Rear: 20' SPECIAL USE PERMIT DOCUMENTATION 11. Datum and Benchmark Reference The Boundary Survey shown i5 based upon the plat provided to the Cox Company by Trueline Surveying, Inc.. in February of 1ggq. The topography was provided to The Cox Company by Trueline who received it from Jim Bell Surveying. The Site was flown on December 10, 1ggq. 12. Building Height Analysis Maximum Building Height in R -4 District= 35' Maximum Building Height Proposed Entry Cupola 36' Cheight allowance per Section Alb. Code) Remainder of Buidling= Le55 or equal to 35' 13. Adjacent Zoning R -4 14. Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp which emits 3,000 or more initial lumens Shall be a full Gutof f luminaire or a decorative luminaire with full cutoff optics. i 1 ff 'I t i i Generol Gon,5 truc tlon Notes A. The abbreviation VDOT made hereafter refers to the Virginia Department of Transportation. The term County refers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. B_ Prior to commencement of any construction within any existing public right of way, including connection to any existing road. a permit for said construction shall be obtained from VDOT_ G_ All paving and drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT + County unless otherwise noted_ D. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other cons truc tion. F All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized. seeded and /or mulched. Maximum allowable fill or cut slope is 2.1. Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 4:1 or better are to be achieved. F. All drainage inlets shall have a 2- -inch local depression. G. Paved or rip rap lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the Director of Engineering, or his designee. it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize o drainage channel. l-t_ All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, per latest edition. 1_ Ali excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with 05HA 5 tonderds for the Construction Indus try (2q CI=R Part 1 c12G_) J_ No construction shall commence until the owner /developer has secured all necessary plat and plan approvals, on- and off -site easement approvals, construction permits and development authorizations from the County. State and other authorities operating in the project t area, and has posted all necessary bonds for required improvements. K_ Ali improvements shall be coordinated with any associated ongoing site improvements. L. No site improvements shall commence until Owner provided survey control has been established. M. A preconstruction conference shall be conducted prior to site improvements in order to coordinate the project. t. N. It shall be the Owners responsibility to ensure that subsequent bldg siting and grading fully meets the design intent of the approved Site Development Plan as well as the utility and drainage plans subject to design requirements of other construction. O. The contractor must notify M155 UTILITY at least 48 hours in advance of the start of construction.- General Water and 5ewer Conditions A. Work Shall be Subject to inspection by Albemarle County 5enllice Authority inopectoro. The contractor will be reoponoible for notifying the proper Service authority officials at the start of work. a 13. B. The location of existing utilities acr000 the line of the proposed work are not necessarily Shown on the piano and where Shown, are only approximately correct. The contractor shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and otructurco as necessary. C. All materials and construction Shall comply with general water and sewer construction specifications ao adopted by the Albemarle County 5ervice Authority on January 15,1998. D. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. E. The contractor ohall be reoponoible for notifying "Mioo Utility" (1 -800 -552 -7001) F. All water and newer piped ohall have a minimum of 5 feet of cover measured from the top of the pipe, over the centerline of the pipe. Thio includes all fire hydrant lines, oervice laterals and waterlineo, etc. G. All water and oewer appurtenanceo are to be located outo0c of roadoide ditcheo. H. Valveo on dead -end lines ohall be rodded to provide adequate reotraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. Ar THE COX COMPAN)' Planners Civil Engineers LandSCape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville Vlrginla 22902 (804)295 7;x31 suRvEY� N07_E5 EZ: 0 v w a a p a o >x w � F-1 L) o a a o a F-4 x� U L� �M ' «l Scale: North: Sheet Title: ,N0rE515LXVEY sheet No.: 1000 Y -; -. l x 1� I-' . .... .... ......... — — - - - - - - - - — X, <1\ \X ULL FRONTAQE _WqM[k5 ON 10 ROAD 5HALME1.QMP[ E A$ PER VDOT COMM 91�� VARIJ UEut%P01,47(Aq8. X — — — — — — — — — — — SHALL BE CON5TRUGILL) UK EP-DURIN& 94A,& -PNL- — — — — 5IGNAGF- �HALL fROVIDED J A� PER VDOT R REMENT5 57 '0? Fon &gg g an —,45r BY 5 PA, IN ED IN PHASE 1 Retaining wall shall be completed during Phase 1, construction. J mN g. *Z1 g! _A�� Limit of Phase I paving Viv ATHEI� FIELD- 0 0,1 3 Rl� M A F.' G� A [A) 1-WOU t L/ /Z-i W Z It tk 01 wu, g, -q � N, 6tJdA 5anitdry 5eVer ................ .............. .. . ............... ...... RW 4 ... ............ ....... 4 ., ::..* .. ..... ..... X N `2 X-X-:-� i2ll M 'V HR311 SCHOOL - A V. W N151C 'N HIM 1 11 1 X.: MM 0 MI:P M- t ER SERVI '\\"\ \\A I 0 2�tV 5a -�001- 4-25 "'Aft""5; -42C� i8l — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - 395 For Exhibit Only Phase.11 Construction -7 P-H—A-SING EXHIBIT Scale: V=60' Phasin.q Clarification Grading: 1.) All grading, required compaction, and temporary and permanent stabilization shall be completed during Phase I construction. 2.) The Cox Company will provide additional phasing coordination as addendum which will allow slope transition between Phase I and Phase 11 building construction. Utilities: Sanitary Sewer - All sanitary sewer shall be completed in its entirety during Phase I construction. Stub outs shall be included as required for future building additions and ACSA extensions. Storm Sewer -All storm sewer improvements shall be completed during Phase I construction. Struction #16 shall have a temporary top installed. Water - All water lines shall be completed during Phase I construction. Stub outs shall be included as required for future building additions. o Roads: All roads and parking shall be paved using details shown on these plans. Limits of paving are shown on NW side of parking. Additional road' improvements shall be limited t6 iih§t�dkaAl6h 6f N�t6 course aggregate. Rio Road: No improvements shall be made during Phase I to Rio Road frontage with the exception of pedestrian paths as required by Albemarle County. Walls: Wall adjacent to northern property line shall be completed during Phase 11. Contractor shall tie proposed grades at a 2:1 maximum slope keeping the same limits of grading. Building: See architectural plans for phasing information. Gcticral 11haoing Note: Approx. otart date for Fhaoe 11 io 5prime of 2005. T, rULL FRON ON 0 ROAD 5HALME�,64t�TEU A5 PE VDO COMM[ 0 -2 p)% Nil PATH SMALL BE GON5TRUCT WN9EDLwR)N& WAS-E -gNL - — — — — — — — — — Ott D ME_ SIGMCZ-�ALL BTYROVID A�\PER VDOT REqUIREMENT' — — — — — — — — -- OOF ROM 4�t' \V _7 —475 410 45 \ X, C- 4 1 41 I-IJ 1Z RGP/HDPE d pendla, 10 zldjon� oarlyy!rm- ant acq�A)� kTftLtWFIELD- (TYf -4) 1MA. IGLA r�AFJC Ll iyo �L)4 OX N f J It /f It I-V\ X --K; DI-7 J It 5anit6ry $a \Alu NKC-AR 7- '9, ef 'Mil -,Vk, 7 kM T-� X J V NIV \ 4F WW 0k \V RAM V % 43)() 42�5 /'0 1 T/ 7 1 74 0 0!, -7 gq - - M .Iva A '5, 51MR- R- >/ For Exhibit Only CRITICAL,#E03LOPE ANALYSIS Total On-Site Area in Critical Slopes: 27,679 Sq. Feet Total Critical Slopes impacted by Building Footprint: 1,607 Sq. Feet Total Site Area: 17.25 or 751,410 Sq. Feet Total Percentage of Site in Critical Slopes: 3.7% 7-HE COX C0MF`A NY ,Planner.4 Civil Engineerg Land6cape Archltecto 220 Ea6t Hi .qh 5vwet Charlotteeville kirgini,7 2290,- (604)295 7,01 -Z IS% 0 0 > F-4 E-q 0 P-4 F4 0 Jol� No.: CER 77FICA -rE NO 4e 77Y,9 4Q 0 N A Pate: MARCH 22, 1999 Reviolon: A PKIL 14, 1999 COLINTYKEV- 11-15.99 ocale: North: 6heet Title: C917-ICAL 5LOPE5 5hect No.: C4 2, lu I iN ,\\I� ER SERVI '\\"\ \\A I 0 2�tV 5a -�001- 4-25 "'Aft""5; -42C� i8l — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - 395 For Exhibit Only Phase.11 Construction -7 P-H—A-SING EXHIBIT Scale: V=60' Phasin.q Clarification Grading: 1.) All grading, required compaction, and temporary and permanent stabilization shall be completed during Phase I construction. 2.) The Cox Company will provide additional phasing coordination as addendum which will allow slope transition between Phase I and Phase 11 building construction. Utilities: Sanitary Sewer - All sanitary sewer shall be completed in its entirety during Phase I construction. Stub outs shall be included as required for future building additions and ACSA extensions. Storm Sewer -All storm sewer improvements shall be completed during Phase I construction. Struction #16 shall have a temporary top installed. Water - All water lines shall be completed during Phase I construction. Stub outs shall be included as required for future building additions. o Roads: All roads and parking shall be paved using details shown on these plans. Limits of paving are shown on NW side of parking. Additional road' improvements shall be limited t6 iih§t�dkaAl6h 6f N�t6 course aggregate. Rio Road: No improvements shall be made during Phase I to Rio Road frontage with the exception of pedestrian paths as required by Albemarle County. Walls: Wall adjacent to northern property line shall be completed during Phase 11. Contractor shall tie proposed grades at a 2:1 maximum slope keeping the same limits of grading. Building: See architectural plans for phasing information. Gcticral 11haoing Note: Approx. otart date for Fhaoe 11 io 5prime of 2005. T, rULL FRON ON 0 ROAD 5HALME�,64t�TEU A5 PE VDO COMM[ 0 -2 p)% Nil PATH SMALL BE GON5TRUCT WN9EDLwR)N& WAS-E -gNL - — — — — — — — — — Ott D ME_ SIGMCZ-�ALL BTYROVID A�\PER VDOT REqUIREMENT' — — — — — — — — -- OOF ROM 4�t' \V _7 —475 410 45 \ X, C- 4 1 41 I-IJ 1Z RGP/HDPE d pendla, 10 zldjon� oarlyy!rm- ant acq�A)� kTftLtWFIELD- (TYf -4) 1MA. IGLA r�AFJC Ll iyo �L)4 OX N f J It /f It I-V\ X --K; DI-7 J It 5anit6ry $a \Alu NKC-AR 7- '9, ef 'Mil -,Vk, 7 kM T-� X J V NIV \ 4F WW 0k \V RAM V % 43)() 42�5 /'0 1 T/ 7 1 74 0 0!, -7 gq - - M .Iva A '5, 51MR- R- >/ For Exhibit Only CRITICAL,#E03LOPE ANALYSIS Total On-Site Area in Critical Slopes: 27,679 Sq. Feet Total Critical Slopes impacted by Building Footprint: 1,607 Sq. Feet Total Site Area: 17.25 or 751,410 Sq. Feet Total Percentage of Site in Critical Slopes: 3.7% 7-HE COX C0MF`A NY ,Planner.4 Civil Engineerg Land6cape Archltecto 220 Ea6t Hi .qh 5vwet Charlotteeville kirgini,7 2290,- (604)295 7,01 -Z IS% 0 0 > F-4 E-q 0 P-4 F4 0 Jol� No.: CER 77FICA -rE NO 4e 77Y,9 4Q 0 N A Pate: MARCH 22, 1999 Reviolon: A PKIL 14, 1999 COLINTYKEV- 11-15.99 ocale: North: 6heet Title: C917-ICAL 5LOPE5 5hect No.: C4 2, lu I THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landecape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville Virginla 22902 (804)295 7431 517-E PLAN O v pq a a p a o >x co pq � F-4 � E-1 H o a a o �x i � F x� Job No.: 99 -90 OF L��c O � FRANK D. COX, JK, CERTIFICATE NO. o 7719 W ASSIONAL Date: AU6U57-25, 1999 revision: COINTY<'EV 11.15.99 Scale: North: 1 "w=40' Sheet Title: FINAL SITE PLAN KEY Sheet No.: C3,00K 1 THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville Wrginia 22902 (804)295 701 SITE PLAN L O v w a a o a o � x o a a o �x x� a c.� Job No.: 99 -10 11 OF O Q FRANK D. COX, JK. CER7 /F /CA7E NO � 144�: - � Date: AUGU57'25,1999 Revioion: COUNTY KEV- 11. 15.99 Scale: North: Sheet Title: FINAL 517-E PLAN 5heet No.: C3.00 Ar -i iv ■ ■ ■A _A1l� THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High 6treet Chariottesville Virginia 22902 (804)295 7431 517-x' CLAN iz: 0 0 pq a a o a p �x w � F � F-4 o a a o �x � F-4 x� a o Job No.: 99 -10 KOF "e UO FRANK O COX, JR. CERTIFICATE NO. 0 7719 �S6 / D N A L Date: AUOU5T 25, 1999 Revision: COUNTYREV 11.15.99 Scale: North: Sheet Title: FINAL 517E PLAN Sheet No.: C3.70 f 1 THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville wrginia 2290 (804)295 7439 LAYOUr 51T-E .� o •� 0 w a a o a p >x w� E � o a' a o �x � F x� OF r FRANK P. i i i 10NAL Scale: North: Sheet Title: FINAL 31TE PLAN Sheet No.: C3.20 THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landocape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville virginla 2290 (804)295 7431 EIS PLAN v W 'f Lev /�l 1 // %i; /i � / / /i / 1 / ti7 � lt' pfd A 1 ! 11 ! y� I� 0\ GENERAL E,4SE- 1"«1�1T NOTE: SEE ATTACHED Ef- k5EMENT PL•t4 I �J FOR EASEMENT LOCATIONS j \ AND DIMENSIONS, OWL ! � I GI /1i�.,c"3 � A IgINIDDWH 1 O � �I+i M �"; C�im =43 � �i � � -- � �• � — '- �� -' �� +g , m �� P 9' / \ `� } \ =454 .,., ,.. � f '� -=-.{. � \ o ,� D►17rD11DwJ. - �� � — � \ � } - / / J •�<. i • ; c r' • f•',• ` i . y �i, j r 7 7 > - « < « C t.< < r< {< �<( : .1:• i ' / ' ., . /�,((� �� ..- \ � �\ \\ ! 1#W (� �L ••� < << �4 _ \ . }• { {` !1117 14! < < :IDaL! C C`C / / / t C \ t { ! IOE.L7 K, Y m 1� 15 1 1� a O �x W� F U I Oa!, a p � H � U U _ Q X55 } D R � X50 �, �. �t• � _ r _ 450 445 N � 1 t' 440 440 GENERAL OTE: OUA�IE SN,41.L y 2-4" L T STUBS r-. X35 435 ° 1 IL. PYG ' 430 X30 425 MAINTAIN 3' COVER MiN (TY ) � EXiSTiNCs DE 14"I'-a" Q 425 . �j90 .t �/ 000- FIV 0- •_ —NOV 420 M,41Nt,41N 3 COVER MiN (TYP) qo 420 415 22W-511 �O 1l `-$ iN ,4L AREAS WHE FIFES 415 - SEDD ON FiLL ATE iAL. t tai . A � r r X05 cl O Q - 11 11 11 � 11 Y d T05 2+00 5 +00 2r:O+00 x+00 28 +00 9 +00 30 +00 1+00 32 +00 3 +00 3�F +00 5 +00 3� +00 �i +00 38 +00 THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landocape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville virginla 2290 (804)295 7431 EIS PLAN v W a a O �x W� F U I Oa!, a p � H � U U syi 1�1 I I 1M1 N � Id / Iki /M r cs rte! := %ist%i� kale: North: H09 1 " -50' VER% 1' =5' Sheet Title: 5ANITARY PJ20FILE Sheet No.: 06.10 415 a a o a p >x w � 455 � 410 a a o �x E-q x� o a I TING GRADS 445 EXI TING W/L rev 405 PROP SED CxR,4D i 450 d u _- EXIST GRADE C 400 —t 1 sOF —SITE FIRE HYDRANT RELOCATION 450 a a o a p >x w � 455 � o a a o �x E-q x� o a 445 PROP SED CxR,4D i 450 _- EXIST GRADE C `45 all DIP 440 CON 15" CP UTILITY TO mr) ADE ATE SEPE TION SE EN 440 435 WATE AND EXIS IWG UTILITE . 430 R TO MER TO START OF RuctioN t= r r 435 _ 0 ' 425 .Q4d O LIT 430 r' ,! ,! 420 N N dam? 425 415 410 w iu cp 01 - - t ; WATERLINE PROFILE TO METER/BUILDING MAIN WATERLINE: FRONT OF BUILDING OFF 51TE WATER EXTEN510N Air IvAr \V THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High ✓`treet Charlottesville I�irginla 22902 (60.4)295 331 wArEK PI:OFlLES L O v w a a o a p >x w � 455 � o a a o �x E-q x� o a i 450 _- EXIST GRADE C `45 all DIP INV CON T SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY TO mr) ADE ATE SEPE TION SE EN 440 WATE AND EXIS IWG UTILITE . R TO MER TO START OF RuctioN t= 435 _ w O LIT 430 ,! ,! 425 OFF 51TE WATER EXTEN510N Air IvAr \V THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High ✓`treet Charlottesville I�irginla 22902 (60.4)295 331 wArEK PI:OFlLES L O v w a a o a p >x w � H � o a a o �x E-q x� o a y�, M �M !t i 1�1 ' CE977FICA 7r NO, \� 5cal e: North: H09 1' - =50' VEKT.• 9 „ - -5, Sheet Title: WATER PK0FlLE5 Sheet No.: C7.00 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE Symbol Label Qty Catalog Number Description Lamp Lumens LLF KSF1 150S ARM MOUNTED PREMIUM 20000 0.72 ❑ SA3 10 KSF1 250M R4 CUT-OFF FIXT SYL, M0250102312 C1 W /SEGMENTED OPTICS Orientation 1 WALLPACK W /SPECULAR ONE 70 -WATT CLEAR ❑ SC 2 TWA 70M REFLECTOR, ED -17 METAL HALIDE, 5200 0.72 90.0 PRISMATIC LENS. TILTED 22 -DEG. LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS KSF1 Example: KSF1 150S R2120 SP09 PER KSF1 150S only. Example: No. Label X Location Y z MH Orientation 1 SA3 580.5 483.4 16.0 16.0 90.0 2 SA3 579.1 415.4 16.0 16.0 90.0 3 SA3 579.1 343.2 16.0 16.0 90.0 4 SA3 719.6 343.4 16.0 16.0 270.0 5 SA3 719.5 415.5 16.0 16.0 270.0 6 SA3 719.4 485.6 16.0 16.0 270.0 7 SA3 1006.2 217.7 16.0 16.0 184.8 8 SA3 618.8 219.4 16.0 16.0 0.0 9 SA3 711.9 277.7 16.0 16.0 223.0 10 SA3 862.8 257.6 16.0 16.0 188.7 11 SC 432.1 193.8 12.0 12.0 180.0 12 Sc 529.6 193.8 12.0 12.0 180.0 STATISTICS Description Avg Max Min SITE (AT GRADE) 0.2 fc 5.2 fc 0.0 fc Parking lot at grade 0.9 fc 4.8 fc 0.0 fc NOTES 1. READINGS SHOWN ARE MAINTAINED ILLUMINANCE AS NOTED. 2. BASED ON A LIGHT LOSS FACTOR OF .72. 3. RESULTS ARE SHOWN IN UNITS OF FOOT - CANDLES. 4. READINGS SHOWN ARE TAKEN AT GRADE. 5. LUMINAIRES ARE MOUNTED AT 16' FOR KSF1'S,12' FOR TWA'S. 6. CALCULATION GRID POINTS ARE 10' X 10' ON CENTER. ,Arm - Mounted Premium Cutoff Use for car lots, street Iiy ;sting or parking areas. ,Catalog Number KSF1 Example: KSF1 150S R2120 SP09 PER KSF1 150S only. Example: R2 120 SP09 PER (21 cartons or I arm and i SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V, n1a'TO) IES Aistritiirfi ®n' OF Double fuse (208, 240, 48OV, n/a TB) niix.weight: Wi§ 86iFz FiRrike system PER NEMA Twist -lock (no photocontrol) recep- _(selectone)y tacle only ... Voltage .......... Mounting CR Corrosion - resistant finish LS Lamp support HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM Standards (120, 277, 347V only) 120 (KSFIIKSFZ, shipped included) 7OW KSF1 70S R2 R3 R4 -- 208 SP04 Square pale arm' 100W KSF1 1005 R2 R3 R4 - 240 SP09 ;;Square pole arm 15OW KSF1 150S R2 R3 R4 --- 777 RP04..,'Round pole arm° 25OW KSF2 2505 R2 R3 R4 - R "`' Round pole arm 400W KSFZ 4005 R2 A3 114 R5S 347 yY11s 11 Wood pole or walls 1000W KSF3 10005 - R3 R4 RSS 480 V:vYCC Wood pole. orwell METAL HALIDE TB4 WB01 Wall bracket 100W KSF1 ]DOM1 R2 R3 R4 -- W80 Wall bracket MB` Mounting bracket 175W KSF1 175M RZ R3 R4 - UARM less arm (when or- 25OW KSF1 25oM R2 R3 R4 - daring KMA, DA12) 400VV KSF2 40OM2 R2 R3 R4 R5S 1000W KSF3 1000M - R3 R4 R5s3 (KSF3 shipped included) SP; - -.. Square pole arm RP1;1' Round pole arm WY02 Wood pole or wall WSt Wall bracket (S hippedasep arately)B )AAA Clviaaz arm adapter KTIY13 -Twin mounting bar DA12P Degree arm (pole) DA12WB Degree arm (well) STANDARD PACKAGING KSF1 Fixtures shlp complete in unit cartons Qptippg/Q`CCSSOrIB$ only. Example: - 22 (56.9) (01y 211 XSF1 1505 F2 120 span PER OPTIONS (Shipped installed) (21 cartons or I arm and i SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V, n1a'TO) lumina4e) OF Double fuse (208, 240, 48OV, n/a TB) niix.weight: Wi§ 86iFz FiRrike system PER NEMA Twist -lock (no photocontrol) recep- tacle only EC Emergency circuit CR Corrosion - resistant finish LS Lamp support CSA Listed and labeled to comply with Canadian Standards (120, 277, 347V only) OTES: For optional Arch)tcctur ;l Colors. see page 285. 1 Not available with 180V. - 2 RaOuirci a ED -20 reduced jacknt lamp. ACCESSORIES (Shipped separately) 3 Acquire: a ST -37 reduced jacket lamp. PE1 NEMA Twist -lock .photocontrol (120, 4 Muni -tap balla:r (120. 208, 240. 277V). 208. 21OV)7 5 Use 9' arm when mounting two luminaires at 901. PE3 NEMA Twist -lock photocontrol (347V)7 6 May bo ordered as accosrory, 7 PER option must be ordered with fixture. PE4 NEMA Twist -lock photocontrol (48OV)7 e Includes arm. PE7 NEMA Twist -lock photocontrol (277V)7 u dimensions are inches (centimeters) SC Shorting cap for PER option ,lees otherwise specified. KSFVG Vandal guard (KSFUKSF2 only) KSFHS House side shield (KSF1 /KSF2 - R2, R3 only) For Tenon slipfiners, see page 285. DIMENSIONS Housing; KSF1 EPA:e 1.5 0 1.14 m1) Lonoth: - 22 (56.9) Width: '' 16.3116 (41.11 Depth: 7.1/4 (18.4) Arm length: 4 (10.21 niix.weight: 39 lbs. j17.7k9) KSF2 KSF3 2.0 ftl (.28m7) 3.0 fir (.28 m2) 25.6/16 (64.3) 30 -Si16 (77.01 19-1/2 (47.0) 24.5!16 161.81 8.5/18 (21.1) 10.1/2 128.71 4 (10.2) 12 130.51 56 lbs. 12l.9kg 1 25 lba. (38.6kg ) Featu Housil rectilir Ously ) bronz( dard; Door alumir tained one q Integrz provid flousir Lens: glass power Mount num al fixture Optic! provid reflect are rot off disc Type Throw' Electr consta coppe Remov discon Socket mogul -I plated listed Listing and Ir Stands i I i i I MH -I Sheet 3 of 5 z (` �• i�^ -) lj` cover e r high as shown. / ❑ ❑ ❑ red I pica monolithically with I l Finished I ❑ ❑ ❑ o / ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I,_9a - Dimension 'I 3a' Machine i.437 A 0.785 / A ; ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1111 ❑ 1 A -ro - t" R I I pq D P/a D a Ego a 4 I ❑❑ N �_ -'-,^ Machine Machine 'i Lettering 9 Optional I 1 1 F7 ❑ � 10 1.6 0.785 I 11 1.9 Flow L - a s � / O 0 D El El SECTION A -A y TOP \��.\ ❑ ❑ i Note: Width "B" some as width of adjacent gutter. CAST IRON Note The letters V. D.O.T. are 15 3.1 Slope some as grade on side street, optional, if used the letters \, except bock edge of street approach a ! are to be cast in the depression COVFR 137 t 7LBS. B Fa of Face B anti in top of cover I" wide and raised - -- " - - - - - -- I Main roadway 1 „:1, -curb J' high as shown. - - - - -- - -- - Pavement a:7w:P_':`_.' d::.:e':'. c".- :.:...•: COM.PiNI TOP 0.492 0.697 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT Glass A.3 Concrete 2.947 SECTION A - A CAST IRON When used in conjunction with Standard CG-3 or CG -7, the curb face on 0.739 this Standard is to be adjusted to match the mountable curb configuration. COVER 137 ! 7 LBS. 1 3.145 ILII" STANDARD CONNECTION FOR STREET INTERSECTIONS FRAME 235'- TO BE USED ONLY WHEN MAIN ROADWAY PAVEMENT IS OTHER THAN REINFORCED CONCRETE ' r - 1 s I -8 Dla. �I ' L< nl I 1'• 1 Ma tine I "R ch 1 I)Ij (t "R /Ill 1 JJJJ J J 1I (( t (t 1 11 J JJJJ J f (( l ((((((((((((((((((((( t (ll(U)1J)))1)JJIJJIJIJJJII(JJlI io q °xi-a °slot IR IR O a a ------ ---------- ------ ----- -------- -- da i' 4 FRAME SECTION AT MID POINT �_9q^ BOTTOM STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SREFERENC'E" VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 224 Of 302 106.03 TRANSPORTATION 12 MANHOLE FRAME & C _ AVER SERIES 8.00 3 Sheet 2 of 5 Note° The letters V.D.O.T,are optional,if used the letters are to be cast in Finished I'_9" the depression in top of Dimension ! "wide and raised I,r-4 z (` �• i�^ -) lj` cover e r high as shown. / ❑ ❑ ❑ red I pica monolithically with I I radial curb. Variable _ I ❑ ❑ ❑ o N}- Machine �2 Width of Connection 3a' Machine i.437 A ❑o ❑❑❑❑❑ 0.785 kl� I' -88 Q 0.765 R 7 SECTION A -A Lettering Optional ❑❑ sidewalk 1.2 1 o ❑❑❑❑ Approach ) 6' El El 10 1.6 0.785 I 11 1.9 Flow Line- -- - ' 0.970 Expansion Joint B I Exponsioi Joint 13 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT y TOP Roadway Aj Roadway Note: Width "B" some as width of adjacent gutter. CAST IRON PLAN 15 3.1 Slope some as grade on side street, FRAME 239=12 LBS. R except bock edge of street approach a ! <° COVFR 137 t 7LBS. B Fa of Face I B I -SECTION B -B BOTTOM SPECIFICATION STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVE? 224 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 TRANSPORTATION - 106.02 CG=10A DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE Note: Street approach to be I red I pica monolithically with I I radial curb. Variable _ C D U. Y 5. 1 Radial Curb I Street approach to be built to this line when sidewalk is in Radial Curb on pia as shown I • on plans i Place or proposed. � Radius as shown 1 i A� �2 Width of Connection on plans. i.437 t -I 0.7 0.785 kl� Exist. or prop. Q 0.765 I Exist.orprop. 7 sidewalk 1 Plain Conc. sidewalk 1.2 1 B Street Approach ) 6' - - + 10 1.6 0.785 I 11 1.9 Flow Line- -- - 2.2 0.970 Expansion Joint B I Exponsioi Joint 13 Expansion Joint Roadway Aj Roadway Note: Width "B" some as width of adjacent gutter. 0.970 PLAN 15 3.1 Slope some as grade on side street, 4.903 R except bock edge of street approach 0.970 5.265 js to be at least as high as front edge. B Fa of Face B anti 6.032 INCREMENTSII - - - - - -- I Main roadway 1 „:1, -curb - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - Pavement a:7w:P_':`_.' d::.:e':'. c".- :.:...•: COM.PiNI Side street 1 pavemeni 0.492 0.697 1.319 Glass A.3 Concrete 2.947 SECTION A - A 0.257 When used in conjunction with Standard CG-3 or CG -7, the curb face on 0.739 this Standard is to be adjusted to match the mountable curb configuration. 12.198 1 3.145 ILII" STANDARD CONNECTION FOR STREET INTERSECTIONS REFERENNC'E" TO BE USED ONLY WHEN MAIN ROADWAY PAVEMENT IS OTHER THAN REINFORCED CONCRETE 4,-1 " 4` 5„ See Standard DI- 7,7A,7B for: a 502 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 0' -4" 0' -4" 203.07 0'- 4112" W- 51/2" 0 STREET INTERSECTION SERIES 8.00 3 Sheet I of 5 HALF PLAN VIEW 0 98 & ■ TABLE OF QUANTITIES DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE CONCRETE MANHOLE BRICK CONCRETE CONCRETE N ETE FEET THO A D US N S C D U. Y 5. C U. YDS. 4 0.5 0.705 i.437 5 0.7 0.785 kl� - 0.9 0.765 1.961 7 1.0 0.785 2.223 8 1.2 1 2.485 9 1.4 0.785 2.747 10 1.6 0.785 31009 11 1.9 0.970 3.455 12 2.2 0.970 r. 13 2.5 4.179 14 2.8 0.970 4.541 15 3.1 0.970 4.903 I6 3.4 0.970 5.265 17 4.0 1.173 6.032 INCREMENTSII 0.45 1 W -2° �r 0' -3" CU. YDS. CONCRETE 4' -2" COM.PiNI 0.241 0.492 0.697 1.319 2.067 2.947 CMPipe 0.257 0.521 0.739 1.398 12.198 1 3.145 ILII" 2L6" 2' -10° 3 2" 3' -6" 3'-9" 4,-1 " 4` 5„ See Standard DI- 7,7A,7B for: a 0'- 21/2" 0' -3° 0' -4" 0' -4" 0'- 41/2" 0'- 4112" W- 51/2" W- 51/2" Alternate Methods of Construction b 0'-11/2" 0' -2° 1 0' -21/2" O' -21/2" 0' -3" 1 0' -3" -0' -31/2" 0' -3112" S -5" CU. YDS. CONCRETE 101 r-- 0502 0855 1 1236 1 1500 1 1811 1 2101 1 2512 1 2801 STANDARD PRECAST TOP UNITS 3 : I SREFERENCEN 2' t' 1 6" 50 0398 CI 10' 3 I 2: 1' �� 4tV�/�.I�i�•T� 1'-10" 92 0.500 C2 I t0' 3: I IV2:1 2' -8" 1' -6" IC3,07 0.463 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. 09 302 1:1 2'-8" I' -2' 70 0.426 ii/iie�t�t�l�■a - tl�_�itt ■t -■ 0 98 & ■ TABLE OF QUANTITIES DEPTH BRICK MANHOLE CONCRETE MANHOLE BRICK CONCRETE CONCRETE N ETE FEET THO A D US N S C D U. Y 5. C U. YDS. 4 0.5 0.705 i.437 5 0.7 0.785 1.699 6 0.9 0.765 1.961 7 1.0 0.785 2.223 8 1.2 0.785 2.485 9 1.4 0.785 2.747 10 1.6 0.785 31009 11 1.9 0.970 3.455 12 2.2 0.970 3.617 13 2.5 0.970 4.179 14 2.8 0.970 4.541 15 3.1 0.970 4.903 I6 3.4 0.970 5.265 17 4.0 1.173 6.032 INCREMENTSII 0.45 1 W -2° 0.582 ttr Quantities shown are for manhole without i es. The amount displaced PD P by pipes es must be deducted to ob- loin true g uantities, A base thickness of 9" was used in comp !, g u 'n concrete uantities. q Increments to be added f or each additional foot of depth. Materials may be brick, concrele or approved concrete manhole block. If blocks are used the minimum thickness of some is to be 5 ". Other thicknesses are to conform to wall thickness shown for concrete. MANHOLE FOR 12 - 48 PIPE CULVERTS SPECfFI REFERENCE ON VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 Of 106.01 TRANSPORTATION I 09 MANHOLE FOR 121- 48" PIPE SERIES 8.00 Notes: "H "may be reduced until "X" reaches a minimum of 4 "where endwa.11 Headwall to be beveled in all areas except where A conflict with EW -It1A would protrude above shoulder line. In no case shall top of end- invert or wingwalls occur, wall project above fill Slope, ditch slope, or shoulder. Bevel edge is required on the headwall at the inlet end of the This item may be precast or cost in place. culvert (where the flow enters the culvert). All cast in place concrete to be Class A3. For precast See Sheet - 101.02. This standard to be used with straight crossings and all skews (O'to45 °) Headwall at the outlet end of the culvert may be either square edge or bevel edge. L Shape to be beveled with mortar S • -X•, ,' ' 3/4' Chamfer shall Is -.•' • 0 _ provided on all exposed :... ' :: • • • edges. • ..� '1 / \ �� \ .Flo - 1 it jl II D -_ • - � � _•- - ='' - - � - Do not bevel invert FRONT ELEVATION -c Note: On shallow fills, where endwalls are I' or less below shoulder line, the END ELEVATION top of the endwall shall be constructed parallel to the grade of the rood. a = 1.25'± /foot diameter b= 1" /foot diameter EW -I EW -IA ENDWALL FOR CIRCULAR PIPE DIAMETER OF PIPE CULVERT Top of Fill 12" 15 18" 21"or24' 27br3 33'x'36" A 0' -6" 0' -8" I 0' -9" I O' -I I" 11-0" I'-0" B U -11" I' -I 1 !a4, Ir -6" 1' -9" 2' -O" C 1' -4" 1' -7" 1'4" 2, -2" 2L6" 2' -9" D Jr- 0° 1' -. I -6„ 2L0" 2L 6" 3L0° F 0 -6" 0'_8u 01-8n 0� 9u o`_gn.. 0, -9n H 2 =3" P_ II" 3'-2" 3' -9" 4' -3„ 4L9a L 4' -0" 5'- 0" 6'- On 8- 0" 10'- O" 12 - -0" a 0' -2" 0' -2" 0' -2 1/2" 0' -3" 1 0'-4" 1 0' -4112" b I 0' -1 1/4" 1 0' -1 1/4" 0' -1 1/2" 1 W -2° 1 0' -2 1/2" 0' -3" CU. YDS. CONCRETE 4' -2" COM.PiNI 0.241 0.492 0.697 1.319 2.067 2.947 CMPipe 0.257 0.521 0.739 1.398 12.198 1 3.145 SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS 105.04 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 of TRANSPORTATION 101 .0.) 08 CULVERT ENDWALL SERIES 8.00 3 ( CG -12 J y Taper curb height down o to 0 "' this point r ; P m continue at full height o where applicable. z`n Vor. width 4• Min. Var. width Sidewalk Sidewalk or ®Vor' or Sidewalk Space ° Sidewolk So- 6 z° RADIAL PLAN TYPICAL ALTERNATE RADIAL PLAN FOR USE AT APPLICABLE STREET CONNECTIONS AND COMMERCIAL For Commercial Entrance (Heavy Truck Traffic AMicipoted) A --<- ENTRANCES. see Standard CG -13 sheet 203.10 -- � B 4�ot, c. B Vor . width - 10 Sidewolk or ° o b° o o �' - Sidewalk Space 6„ o• ^,o ® o0 0 °o o . °•0 0 A TANGENT PLAN ° Slope 12:1 Maximum ISOMETRIC ® 7" where St'd. CG -3 CG -7 is used. VIEW 7'-4" is the minimum Sidewalk Area requirement to NOTES © (with or without buffer strip) achieve a 12:1 slope 6 St'd CG -2 T-4" I Curb romp to be class A -3 Concrete with exposed aggregate finish. . or CG -6 _ _ _ _ Ramp shall not exceed a maximum slope of 72:1, 8.33x Mox.:i .:�-- -a- ' 4" Curb romps are'to be located as shown on the plans or as directed by C the Engineer. Theyy are to be provided at intersections wherever on accessble route @ within the right -o( -way of a highway facility crosses a curb regardless of whether sidewalk is existing, proposed or nonexistent. SECTION A -A They may be offset from pedestrian crosswalks as shown on plans or as This item may be directed by the Engineer, but should not be located behind vehicle stop lines, precast Or cost-in place. Existing light poles, fire hydrants, drop inlets, etc. will also affect placement. Curb ramps will be measured and paid for at the contract unit prices for Exposed aggregate sidewalk, complete -in- place. Curb /curb and gutter slope transitions adjacent to curb romps are included Slope 72:1 Maximum in payment for curb /curb and gutter. When used in conjunction with Standard CG -3 br CG -7, the curb face on this Standard is to be adjusted to match the mountable curb configuration. - V Treatment where width of sidewalk or sidewalk space is less than 7' -4" SECTION B -B ® Accessible route is defined as a continuous unobstructed, stoble.-firm and slip resistant poht connecting oil accessible elements of a facility that Co. Limits of Exposed aggregate sidewalk be approached, entered and used by persons with mobility impairments. SPEaEfliENCN CURB RAMP REFERENCE (PERSONS WITH MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS) 502 203.09 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 504 CURB RAMP L t •• • • .• . • ' • tii�•i +i ♦iiiii40�0Oi`.•Pi`♦0� • •' ii%•ii ii4•i♦ •••ii i i i • •4• • • :. ��i�•• ♦� ►•t•••••'•�• �ii`�� %J • S•O•i4!� iii•••OLi ��• i•I�•�!�I�t • ..a - \►•4�. i i iiW � �3•iii iii•�OR' �i +%•1Si♦�♦4.�. ♦ ♦ ♦..t• ♦•,�+.•�♦i ►••.4 ♦O♦.•DOi\♦OO�•.i +i i•:•ii0: ' �• •.• 44i i ♦i* ♦•4�♦4 ♦iyi S `�•i +ii ♦ii i ♦`iii +i:O•i••'i ❖iii i �•;�•i i� +i4•itiiO�i +•O•i ♦i= • s s "p'•i`•ii ♦i • J' v Pi i i �•'�' b'•i i•�r•'•ii•� iOVi�`►i♦i+.•�i°i O. r• ♦O UL ♦ ♦ Jam••. r ♦ •ii•,O ♦i0♦ ♦••b.0ii0i' Oi• S♦••• � • •�♦ ♦0 \iO:�iii••�� �►O••O� +`• ♦Oi•�i +i♦•�♦�O•%O:� t6::4 � ♦ +♦i• +i••♦i�0•;•�i';%gyti • • - • ♦ •••••��• j`• ♦•♦ ♦ii♦ • • ♦i•+ • ••4'�� •ii• ♦ • iii • 4.O ►Oi•� ♦i♦p♦ii0`i +L•'•:0♦i'i••i•% ii♦i4�i'w•i.•�fiv:❖'O�•s REFERENC � �� �`i� .WSJ � ♦S`•O•!Oe: �.♦.ti .�:•J...�!O.i •!�: •4:O•t••:O• _ • -- - , �- ®�• .. . - • 06 CULVERT INSTALLATION ROES 8.00 3 PB-I NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ABOVE GROUND LINE ENDWALL FOR ELLIPTICAL PIPE Top of Fill SIZE OF ELLIPTICAL PIPE CULVERT (SPAN x RISE) d Earth Min. -D-T n + 10 T - 4 "Beddl }. - -x rig Material imension to bemalydained to the top of pipe 23"x14' 3d'x t9" 34"x22" 38'x24" 42"x27" 45'x29" 49"x32" 53 "x34" Top of Fill A O' -8" 0' -9" O' -lo„ 01-I1" OL11" 1'-0" 1, -0" f -0" Ground d - - Ground r 1 \\, Line r Min. - D 11 Earth ' ID • 4 Bedding Material Line r rr. Ground Line Min. D r i Rock or un- Io����� , Yielding soil !" erfootofH, x p edding Material 2 min. 8" 24" � Max. -5" 1'-6 ,r l' -8" 1' - -9" 1' -10" 1' -Iln 1 II n Fills up to .30' (No projection of pipe above ®- Embankment C I' -8" 1 IT 2'- 1" 2' -4" 2' -5" 2, -7" 2!_8` 2L9" 38 D 1,-2" 1' -7" I' -10" 2L 0" - 2' -3" 2' -5" 2' -8" 2, IOn F 0' -8" 0' -8" 0 9" 0' -9" 0L9" 0' -9" O' -9" OL 9" a Clear H 2' -10" 3' -3" 3' -7" 3' S" 4-0" 4' -2" 4L5" 4' -7" 2 -9 L 5' -5" 7' -2" 8' 6" I 9`- -2" 10, -2" I 10' -I I" 12' -1" 12 =11" 130 S ILII" 2L6" 2' -10° 3 2" 3' -6" 3'-9" 4,-1 " 4` 5„ See Standard DI- 7,7A,7B for: a 0'- 21/2" 0' -3° 0' -4" 0' -4" 0'- 41/2" 0'- 4112" W- 51/2" W- 51/2" Alternate Methods of Construction b 0'-11/2" 0' -2° 1 0' -21/2" O' -21/2" 0' -3" 1 0' -3" -0' -31/2" 0' -3112" S -5" CU. YDS. CONCRETE 101 r-- 0502 0855 1 1236 1 1500 1 1811 1 2101 1 2512 1 2801 SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD ENDWALL FOR PIPE CULVERTS 105.04 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 of TRANSPORTATION 101 .0.) 08 CULVERT ENDWALL SERIES 8.00 3 ( CG -12 J y Taper curb height down o to 0 "' this point r ; P m continue at full height o where applicable. z`n Vor. width 4• Min. Var. width Sidewalk Sidewalk or ®Vor' or Sidewalk Space ° Sidewolk So- 6 z° RADIAL PLAN TYPICAL ALTERNATE RADIAL PLAN FOR USE AT APPLICABLE STREET CONNECTIONS AND COMMERCIAL For Commercial Entrance (Heavy Truck Traffic AMicipoted) A --<- ENTRANCES. see Standard CG -13 sheet 203.10 -- � B 4�ot, c. B Vor . width - 10 Sidewolk or ° o b° o o �' - Sidewalk Space 6„ o• ^,o ® o0 0 °o o . °•0 0 A TANGENT PLAN ° Slope 12:1 Maximum ISOMETRIC ® 7" where St'd. CG -3 CG -7 is used. VIEW 7'-4" is the minimum Sidewalk Area requirement to NOTES © (with or without buffer strip) achieve a 12:1 slope 6 St'd CG -2 T-4" I Curb romp to be class A -3 Concrete with exposed aggregate finish. . or CG -6 _ _ _ _ Ramp shall not exceed a maximum slope of 72:1, 8.33x Mox.:i .:�-- -a- ' 4" Curb romps are'to be located as shown on the plans or as directed by C the Engineer. Theyy are to be provided at intersections wherever on accessble route @ within the right -o( -way of a highway facility crosses a curb regardless of whether sidewalk is existing, proposed or nonexistent. SECTION A -A They may be offset from pedestrian crosswalks as shown on plans or as This item may be directed by the Engineer, but should not be located behind vehicle stop lines, precast Or cost-in place. Existing light poles, fire hydrants, drop inlets, etc. will also affect placement. Curb ramps will be measured and paid for at the contract unit prices for Exposed aggregate sidewalk, complete -in- place. Curb /curb and gutter slope transitions adjacent to curb romps are included Slope 72:1 Maximum in payment for curb /curb and gutter. When used in conjunction with Standard CG -3 br CG -7, the curb face on this Standard is to be adjusted to match the mountable curb configuration. - V Treatment where width of sidewalk or sidewalk space is less than 7' -4" SECTION B -B ® Accessible route is defined as a continuous unobstructed, stoble.-firm and slip resistant poht connecting oil accessible elements of a facility that Co. Limits of Exposed aggregate sidewalk be approached, entered and used by persons with mobility impairments. SPEaEfliENCN CURB RAMP REFERENCE (PERSONS WITH MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS) 502 203.09 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 504 CURB RAMP L t •• • • .• . • ' • tii�•i +i ♦iiiii40�0Oi`.•Pi`♦0� • •' ii%•ii ii4•i♦ •••ii i i i • •4• • • :. ��i�•• ♦� ►•t•••••'•�• �ii`�� %J • S•O•i4!� iii•••OLi ��• i•I�•�!�I�t • ..a - \►•4�. i i iiW � �3•iii iii•�OR' �i +%•1Si♦�♦4.�. ♦ ♦ ♦..t• ♦•,�+.•�♦i ►••.4 ♦O♦.•DOi\♦OO�•.i +i i•:•ii0: ' �• •.• 44i i ♦i* ♦•4�♦4 ♦iyi S `�•i +ii ♦ii i ♦`iii +i:O•i••'i ❖iii i �•;�•i i� +i4•itiiO�i +•O•i ♦i= • s s "p'•i`•ii ♦i • J' v Pi i i �•'�' b'•i i•�r•'•ii•� iOVi�`►i♦i+.•�i°i O. r• ♦O UL ♦ ♦ Jam••. r ♦ •ii•,O ♦i0♦ ♦••b.0ii0i' Oi• S♦••• � • •�♦ ♦0 \iO:�iii••�� �►O••O� +`• ♦Oi•�i +i♦•�♦�O•%O:� t6::4 � ♦ +♦i• +i••♦i�0•;•�i';%gyti • • - • ♦ •••••��• j`• ♦•♦ ♦ii♦ • • ♦i•+ • ••4'�� •ii• ♦ • iii • 4.O ►Oi•� ♦i♦p♦ii0`i +L•'•:0♦i'i••i•% ii♦i4�i'w•i.•�fiv:❖'O�•s REFERENC � �� �`i� .WSJ � ♦S`•O•!Oe: �.♦.ti .�:•J...�!O.i •!�: •4:O•t••:O• _ • -- - , �- ®�• .. . - • 06 CULVERT INSTALLATION ROES 8.00 3 PB-I NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ABOVE GROUND LINE Top of Fill Top of Fill Top of Fill Ground Lin r n Lin Ground Line d Earth Min. -D-T n + 10 T - 4 "Beddl }. - -x rig Material imension to bemalydained to the top of pipe d )ck or un- yielding soil Min. 100 1" Bedding 2 per ����� / 9 of H, min.8' T Material 24" Mox. �a- - -x - -� Earth d 1 , \\ Min.- D ID - Bedding 9 � Material Firm Bearing Soil NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION * where directed by Engineer. May be eliminated under entrance pipe "X "Dimension to be maintained to the top of pipe. ROCK FOUNDATION x FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHER - WISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE PROJECTING ABOVE GROUND LINE STANDARD RISER UNIT TOp of Fill Top of Fill Top of Fill ?' _. �I� i Z "xlg "Bar (3 RegB) Grate B is to be used when Inlet is located an shoulders 4' -1' _ = n. D D in. = Min. D D Min. D _ 2 -_ in D D Min. D d =_ Ground d Ground d - - Ground r 1 \\, Line r Min. - D 11 Earth ' ID • 4 Bedding Material Line r rr. Ground Line Min. D r i Rock or un- Io����� , Yielding soil !" erfootofH, x p edding Material 2 min. 8" 24" � Max. Line 5; - Y, Min.! D Earth 10 \ Bedding Frm eebringSOil or depth shown on pions. p Material is x - -.� NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHER- WISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL Fills up to 30'( Pipe projection above ground line) Culverts less than d =36" FLEXIBLE PIPE x= D +24" As shown on tables Culverts where d= 36 "and over H = Height of cover measured from top of drainage structure to x = D + 36" finished grade. Method "A" Pipe Bedding shall be used as ®- Bedding material in accordance with Section302.02 of the Road and Bridge Specifications. follows unless otherwise noted on plans: RIGID PIPE - Backfill material in accordance with Section 302.02of the Rood and Bridge Specifications. . Fills up to .30' (No projection of pipe above ®- Embankment ground line.) Bedding requirements detailed under Method A, Projecting Condition, are applicable to Method 1 and B2. INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS AND- STORM SEWERS SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 302 PIPE BEDDING - METHOD "A"(FILLS UP to 30') Alternate methods of anchoring i I e iron 9 an I 9 303 )07.01 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Sheet I of 4 38 05 CULVERT INSTALLATION SERIES 8.00 3 ---------_.-..- -- Note: •4, Grade 60, reinforcing rod encased Note:.-4 o corrosion resistant rubber or other moteriolopproved by the Engineer. Corrosion Reastont Material IIZED STEEL STEP [�N o.4 Reinforcing Rod TYPICAL SECTION \fst" .i dtr (Dimensions may vary with \� stop �• mwufachmfs design) V `step /Kdfh 7 c �n � - r IS , .'r ., 2V Notes. (Aluminum Step) r„ Steps shall be fabricated In accordance , ♦ ' . ' ' 4, /Z , NOTES P with AS TM 8221, Alloy 6005 -T5. - s• a Min. Min. Steps will be required in all structures wlih a depth of 4'-O" or sz That portion of the step encased In _ greater unless otherwise noted on the plans. masonry shall be uniformly coated with btwrxnas, soher`i type, asbestos filled NI steps shall protrude 4 %' from inside face of structure dumm is pigmented coating conforming c - wall, / to Federal Specification TC- C- 004984 n Maximum step spacing to be 16"c-c. R is" & Steps shall withstand a minimum food of 300 pounds when extended 4%2" from the face of the support. TYPICAL SECTION (Dimensprs may very wdh nswufachrerk Steps are to be vertically aligned and uniformly spaced for design) x Min. of 3" embedment the entire depth of any structure. In precast units steps may be cast in place, mortared info holes provided by the fabricotor,or driven. Steps differing in dimenslors, configumtiogor materials from these shown may also be used provided they meet the minimum ,.y requirements stern hereon and the Contractor has furnished the Engineer with deta)Is and certified test reports of the proposed subsfilute and has recieved written approval from the Engineer far the use of such steps ato All steps installed shall be provided with slip - resistant surfaces such as but not limited to, corrugated, 4r tp" SteQ knurled, or dimpled surfaces. - Mr� G \cot ALUMINUM STEP SPEC6'ICATION STANDARD STEP RETERENaE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NONE 706.09 O4 STANDARD STEP I ES 8.00 T -DI -7 5' -4 /Grate A ' '' 1'2+ - 3 =0" , �-- 3L5' = -.{� or No. omefar in Billet St lbs./ft. Bar B or 6514 Plain B ST Steel Bar 8 7.65 lbs. /ft. (ASTM A615, _'a Grade 60). 3- 4" A v= o A A A M L 2gx22 xq Weld Weld �a (V _ � N , - x 4 "Stud Leg._ Shear Connector L2 "x2 "x e' I f0" )0' 10" 10" PLAN VIEW DETAIL A See Detail GRATE B SECTION AA No. 5x5' -0 "bars 2" 12 Req'd. . - IB1 3'° 21" BAR SPACING CHART TYPE MAXIMUM DIMENSION A B I I 3" inlet`s located in median or other areas not normally I'(A T IEE I., ' B Y 3'- 4 "Grafe g"x 4 "Stud z "x 22 "Edge Bar (2 Req'd.) Grate A is to be used when 03 PRECAST TOP UNITS SERIES 8.00 3 GG -6 1� t I 4 "� 2 "R Lo A. a..'. a:.'.. •'d:. .. .' . e •,:..n;'_ °" ' d_' The bottom of the curb and - gutter may be constructed parallel to the slope of sub- L_6" 7 2`_0„ surface courses provided a minimum depth of 7" is This area may be concrete maintained. at the option of the contractor This curb is to be used when design speed is 40 MPH or less on Rural highways and 45 MPH or Note: Comb. curb 8 gutter having a radius less in developed urban a suburban of 300'or less (along face of curb) shall areas. be paid for as radial combination curb 8 gutter. This hem may be precast or cast in place. Concrete to be Class A3 if cast in place, 4000 PSI if precast. REFERENCEN COMBINATION 6`f CURB & GUTTER 105 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 502 Of - TRANSPORTATION 201.03 i 02 6" CURB & CUTTER SIEkIES 8.00 ;3 PG-2A' - OUTSIDE ROAD DITCHES MEDIAN DITCH TYPE D so. YOS. D =DEPTH W, w2 SURFACE AREA Dpi PER. LIN. FT. OR D1Rr SCOPe i ePOve SV 8" 2-9" 2' -9" 0.611 s �/\ Mp'f•� � StOAf 4. 6:1 DES. 4:1 4:l TYPE z z "� BACK SLOPE Shear Conn `• "• Clear inlet`s located in median or other areas not normally I'(A T 2s 'e See General Notes- Precast for additional ' y 3 a subject totraftic. STANDARD RISER UNIT 10.565 details. H Concrete cover and grace are to be furnished Outside dimensions - �- �',' ?' _. �I� i Z "xlg "Bar (3 RegB) Grate B is to be used when Inlet is located an shoulders 4' -1' 2' -9' as a single unit. of grate to be 3' -4'k 2' Ila "(Grote A)er 3'- 4z2'IIz° 21" 2z -a A2 or other areas subject to traffic. SECTION 88 3: 1 (Grate B.) Dimensions shown are minimum. Actual L z x x Grate to be galvanized after 10.509 dimensions may vary with manufacturer. 6:1 fabrication. 4'4 2' -I' 92 PARTIAL SE SECTION - C ONAA 6' 6:1 Alternate methods of anchoring i I e iron 9 an I 9 3 -O 1 -2 38 0.463 will be acceptable if approved b the P PP Y - 2 -11 Grate 6:1 2:1 4 -I Engineer. 82 z 6" 4:1 Grate a a G to rid Collor ore to galvanized. e 9 2'=I' 1" - x2 Ed Br2R Edge Bo r,(2 etl) z z 9 9 36 0.463 B1 Joints between concrete cover and gutters a Clear I i 1' 22 Bearing Bars(12 Regd.) 2' -9 2 -9' 82 (when required) are to be doweled or keyed. 8" 14 :1 3:'1 2 -9 Concrete to be 4000 P5.1 minima m. � z 0.537 132 10' 4 : f 3: 1 Reinforcing steel to be in accordance with I„ 130 z x12 Bar(3Regd) 83 ASTM A -615. < i„ li Between 1' -6" 60 0.472 See Standard DI- 7,7A,7B for: Bars(Typ.) 4 : 1 2:1 3' -5" Details of Gutter Method of Placement PARTIAL SECTION B -B 0.583 B4 8' Alternate Methods of Construction ' 2' -9" I' -2" 55 -4 LOAD CARRYING GRATE 10" DETAILS OF CONCRETE COVER AND GRATE S -5" I' -6" 101 0.546 STANDARD PRECAST TOP UNITS 3 : I SREFERENCEN 2' t' 1 6" 50 0398 CI 10' 3 I 2: 1' 2' 8" 1'-10" 92 0.500 C2 I t0' 3: I IV2:1 2' -8" 1' -6" IC3,07 0.463 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. )0" 302 03 PRECAST TOP UNITS SERIES 8.00 3 GG -6 1� t I 4 "� 2 "R Lo A. a..'. a:.'.. •'d:. .. .' . e •,:..n;'_ °" ' d_' The bottom of the curb and - gutter may be constructed parallel to the slope of sub- L_6" 7 2`_0„ surface courses provided a minimum depth of 7" is This area may be concrete maintained. at the option of the contractor This curb is to be used when design speed is 40 MPH or less on Rural highways and 45 MPH or Note: Comb. curb 8 gutter having a radius less in developed urban a suburban of 300'or less (along face of curb) shall areas. be paid for as radial combination curb 8 gutter. This hem may be precast or cast in place. Concrete to be Class A3 if cast in place, 4000 PSI if precast. REFERENCEN COMBINATION 6`f CURB & GUTTER 105 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 502 Of - TRANSPORTATION 201.03 i 02 6" CURB & CUTTER SIEkIES 8.00 ;3 PG-2A' - OUTSIDE ROAD DITCHES MEDIAN DITCH TYPE D so. YOS. D =DEPTH W, w2 SURFACE AREA Dpi PER. LIN. FT. OR D1Rr SCOPe i ePOve SV 8" 2-9" 2' -9" 0.611 s �/\ Mp'f•� � StOAf 4. 6:1 DES. 4:1 4:l TYPE D FRONT SLOPE BACK SLOPE W, we K YDS SURFACE RFV/L AREA/LF At 6" 6:1 4:1 1 3'4" 2'4" 48 10.565 o 8" 6:1 4.1 4' -1' 2' -9' 104 10.759 A2 6' G' t 3: 1 V -0' 1' -7 '.' 42 10.509 8" 6:1 3:1 4'4 2' -I' 92 10.685 6' 6:1 2:1 - 3 -O 1 -2 38 0.463 A3 8. 6:1 2:1 4 -I r -6" 82 0.620 6" 4:1 4:1 2'=I' 2' -1" 36 0.463 B1 e' 4:1 4 :1 2' -9 2 -9' 82 0.611 8" 14 :1 3:'1 2 -9 2 -1 72 0.537 132 10' 4 : f 3: 1 3' -5 "' 2'41 - 130 0.676 83 1 - 2: 1 2' -9" 1' -6" 60 0.472 10' 4 : 1 2:1 3' -5" 1 =10" III 0.583 B4 8' 4 :1 II/2:1 2' -9" I' -2" 55 -4 10" 4 : 1 11/2:1 S -5" I' -6" 101 0.546 8 3 : I --Fr 2' t' 1 6" 50 0398 CI 10' 3 I 2: 1' 2' 8" 1'-10" 92 0.500 C2 I t0' 3: I IV2:1 2' -8" 1' -6" 80 0.463 C3 )0" 3: 1 1:1 2'-8" I' -2' 70 0.426 K= 82 DITCH AT TOE OF FILL OR TOP OF CUT TYPE E. A` D 2 K =115 PLAN FOR TRANSITION OF PAVED MEDIAN DITCH TO MEDIAN DROP INLET GUTTER E D c B ALTERNATE METHOD 1 L= 3(w,tW2) - OF FORMING DITCHES SECTION E -E SECTION D D T CON5IRUCTION JOINT I MEDIAN PIVERT �IOPTIONA DROP P RADIUS -- INVERT •(FLAT BOTTOM) MEDIAN DROP INLET GUTTER Curtain wall to be located at PAY LINE INLET beginning an end of an channels and on the lower end of each APPROACH PAVES expansion Joint. _j MEDIAN DITCH �J _J E D C 8 .-- slope ditches may be constructed 18 with vertical sides at the option of NOTES' For sections C -C and 8-6 see Standards 0I-7A and DI-78. -}- the contractor. Transitional portion of paved ditch to be paid for at the same I,_6" price bid per sq. yd: for approach paved median ditch. I`_ Std. PG -2A ditches to be Class A3 Concrete. CURTAIN WALL SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD PAVED DITCHES VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 502 Of TRANSPORTATION 109.01 `/ 1V WCWL.,L. THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landscape Architects 220 East High Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 (804)295 7,739 PLAN V V i i it O v PQ a a o a p w � E--i o a a o �x E-4 a o i Job No.: 99 -70 FRANK D. COX, JK CERi1F1CA7F NO. � 7719 C141 ASS /ONAL Date: JULY 95, 9999 Revision: COUNTY REV 9195.99 Scale: North: A5 NOTED Sheet Title: (5ENEJCAL IPEiAIL5 01 STANDARD PAVED DITCHES 5heetNo.: SERIES 8.00 3 C0,00O.. SEE ACSA WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 1998) FOR WATER AND SEWER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. j i m Qi ti CID CD Lf7 ti rn cu c D ED 3 IT co rn 0 0 / U -4� U 8' MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOIL e• MIN. Low PERMEABLE SOIL A KEYSTONE 4- CAP UNIT C KEYSTONE 4' CM UNIT E 12„ 4„ 9 -10" 2, -ON 4,-On 8' MIN, Low PERMEABLE SOIL KEYSTONE STANDARD UNIT _ L FORCE° _ 64�Kf LL� / `RETAINED SOIL -r KEYSTONE STANDARD UNn LRFJN�NiEO BBAACC 7 `RETNNED 50R� KEYSTONE 4" CAP UNIT u KEYSTONE STANDARD UNIT /l `RETNNED SOIL %' Gme LENGTH FINISHED CRN)E '01 - x' ONTO LENGTH FlNISHEO GRADE 18 FINISHED GRADE 8 - YYN //IT CORE FILL -a CORE FILL CRUSHED R/ %K °R 57°NE APPROXIMATE E %CAVATION UNE UNn CORE FltL 3 4' CRUSHED (( K fl ° R� 0 S NE ) APPROXIMATE E%GVATK)N LINE RdOCK OR"SLOENC) ° ..REINFORCED NCPE7 OR i P CO E PERFORATED ED DW4N PIPE (OPTIONAL) cNUSHEa ONE LEVELNG PPD E ( ) UNflEINFORCEO CONCRETE aR PERFORATED GRAIN PIPE (OPnONAI) CRUSHED STONE LEVELING PAD UNREINFORCEO CONCRETE OR PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE (OPTIONAL) CRUSHED STONE LEVEUNG PAD - TYPICAL R INFORCED SECTION I' -0" TYPICAL REINFORCED SECTION I' -7 ' TYPICAL GRAVITY WALL SECTION STANDARD UNIT - NUR VFmIG1 SETBACK 3e, STANDARD UNIT - I' MINIMUM SETBACK 5 -3" SIANDPAD UHIi - t' MINIMUM SETBACK a' MIL LOW PERMCABLE SOIL 8' Mw. Low PERMEABLE SOT. 1- 9" KEYSTONE 4' CAP UNIT 2-11" KEYSTONE 4' CAP UNIT 5-6" "N KEYSTONE COMPAC UNIT 6-0" KEYSTONE COMPAC UNn 1 8 -2" 1 8' MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOIL _ p���� r� 8^CKM57- 641 Y %' Cfllo LENGTH FINISHED GRADE !RETNNED `ai;7 _ I]- �NK RU 0 - 8 %' GRID LENGTH C, FINISHED GRADE ',BRAINED Sml7 / KEYSTONC 4- CM UND KEYSTONE COMPAC UNIT J `? nNI5NE0 CRAOE BI `RETNNED 5°IL7 UNIT FORE FlLL (O/4 CRUSHED POCK OR $ZONE) lPPROXIMATE EXCAVATION LINE UWT CORE FlLL ((} 1 TUSNEo R�K Oft STONE) MPRO %IW1E E %CAYAiION LINE (U3//'4 �CRUSNE.0 120CK OR SIONC) UNREINFORCED CONCRETE OR PERFORATED DRAIN PIP[ (OPTIONAL) ,USH CRUSHED STONE LEVELING PAD UNREINFORCEO CONCPEIE OR PERFORAICp GRAIN PIPE CRUSHED STONE LFIEIING PPD (OPTIONAL) UNRfINFORCEO CONCNEIE OR PERFORMED oPNN PIPE CRUSHED STONE LEVELING PAD - (OPTIONAL) 48" TYPICAL REINFORCED SECTION 6 -O TYPICAL REINFORCED SECTION 8, -2„ TYPICAL GRAVITY WALL SECTION COMPAC UNIT - NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK 2' -3 COMPAC UNIT - V MINIMUM SETBACK 2-11 COMPAC UNIT - I' MINIMUM SETBACK arm a..n..s mew rocwmas au 2 -6 5 -O 3 -3' 1�iV1V1 v RETAINING WALL SYSTEMS 4444 West 78th Street - E: ,flNAN m. PROJECT TITLE CITY, STATE TYPICAL WALL SECTIONS ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r 3. • PAVERS TO BE SET IN HANDTIGHT p10gf E ME For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. � P _ wen: DATE xa< NTS PATTERNS AS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW m"rtl e<: .A NUMBER 1 .°a - Minneapofs, MN 55435 (612) 897 -1040 : I, ( (SEE PLAN), SAND JOINTS TO BE VIBRATED, tint holes - - - - - � q RETAINING WALL V p' 3 18.01J END - SECTION 12"-60" PIPE ALTERNATE END - SECTION 12 "- 60"1 PIPE ES -1 Hub end on outlet end - sections Hub end on outlet end - sections 4 Spigotend on inlet end- sections Spigotendon inlet end- sections ' f' X r--- - - -- -- X X - - -- X ) I 1 - -- E Concrete to be - -- E Concrete to be 4000 PSI Min. ; 4000 PSI Min. ' --- - - - - -- -- ^ ------------------------------ PLAN PLAN �C I 8 �C--B Bor a steel 3' /Slope 3. fabric I -- Y infacement _ r' Diameter of ` �o Diameter of t Steel fabric reinforcement _ - -t- A ~` p A Plpe r I 1 D � i--- -E � i- D --j � E SECTION X -X END VIEW SECTION X -X END VIEW ENO-SECTION DIMENSIONS DIAM: A B C D E 12„ 4„ 9 -10" 2, -ON 4,-On 2,-0" 16, 6 2'-3" 19" 4-0" 2i-6" '01 , N 18 9 4 -0' 3 -0" 24" 9g' S -7" 2' -6" 6'-1" 4 =0" 30" I' -0" 4' -6" I' -7 ' e-1r" 6 -0" 3e, t' -3" 5 -3" 2' -I0 " 8' I " 6' ON 42" 1- 9" 5 -3" 2-11" 1 8`4' 1 5-6" "N 2 -0 ", 6-0" 2'-2" 1 8 -2" 1 7' -0" 541, 2 =3 5 2' -9}" 8-2V 7' 6" 6_07`_ 2 =11' 5 --5 0" 3 -3" 1 8 -3" 1 8' -O END - SECTION DIMENSIONS DIAM. I A 1 B C I D Minimum 2 12" !!" 0" 4 -1,r 6'_)" 2 -0' 15" BM -2 BINDER ASPHALT 2, -3,. 27' '01 , N 18 9 2 -3' S -f0" 6 -I 3' -0" 21' 9" 2' -11, 3' -2" 6, -I" V-13" 24' 10' 3 -7 2' -8" 6 -3" 4 -O" 27' 10i /z 4 -O' 2-)i i 6' -)' i' 4' -6 30' 1' -0' 4- I -734° 6 -13/!' 5 -0' 33" I' -1' n�O`q 8 -1'A" PAVER TYPE TO BE DOUBLE HOLLAND, "x8 ", 5 -3" 2 -101' 8 -13/4 6 -0 i 8 8 CM, 3 -1/8" THICK. FINISH TO BE CUSTOM BLEND AGGREGATE, 5 -3 2 -)I" 8 -2 6 -6'-- 48" 2' -O" 6 -O 2 -2' 8, -2„ 7_O 5 2' -3 5 -5 2-11 8 -4 7 -8" 60" 2 -6 5 -O 3 -3' 8 -3 8' -0" IT m r' � c B NOTE: Pipe lengths shown oi, plans are ...,,,. .. based on End - Section de gnshov(n on the left. If the comiacor elects Culvert to use the alternate design shown on the right, lengths will by I the difference in dimeosiol� °D': SLOPE DETAIL SPECIFICATION REFERENCE FLARED END- SECTIONS FOR CONCRETE PIPE CULVERTS 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION 102.01 23 FLARED END SECTION SERIES $ 0.� 22 UNIT PAVERS ERIES 8.01 ,3 3 LIGHT BROOM FINISH' 5 CONCRETE, 3500 PSI, HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT WWF 6x6 - W:1..4 x W7.4 •WIDTH VARIES,. SEE PLAN FINISH GRADE _ 1!4" I SLOPE tO1= 1i 4 c.' e e ..e . • :': e • . -:e . ••'` :..1111 _ 4 , .77.7.. 1111 in ill►l•� �° Po•• ,o Ili= O oo" -oil•- t, 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT # 21 -A COMPACTED SUBGRADE MAX. CROSS SLOPE = 2d /o PREFERRED CROSS SLOPE = 1.5 3L8" XP N N E . -A. SJ.O. JOINT CAULKING ON 25 CENTERS 1 z= - I I gER'2p CONCRETE SIDEWALK a.01 Sheet 2of2 DI- 3A -3B -3c TABLE OF QUANTITIES L AREA coN_ REINFORCING STEEL i TYPE SLOT CRETE BARS A BARS B BARS C BARS 0 BARS E BARS F BARS G WEIGHT Ft. Sq. FY. Cu.Yds. No. Lin. Ft* No. Lin. Ft* No. Lin. Ft" No. Lin. Ft* No, Lin. Ft.* No. Lin. Ft.* No. Lin. Ft.* Lbs, DI -3A 2' -6" 1.15 2.26 - - - - I 5' -7" 3 3' -2" - - - - 6 22 4' 1.83 2.59 5 I' -6" 2 6'- 7'�os' -l0' 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 I' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -0" 64 6' 2,75 3.02 5 3' -6" 6 6'- 7'406' -b" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 3' -6" 3 4' -6" 4 i' -O" ! 1 1 8' 3.67 3.46 5 5' -6" 10 6'- 7 "to6' -l0" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 5' -6° 3 I' -6" 4 I' -0" 158 u n n 10' 4,58 3 -90 5 7l-6" 14 6'T4o6' - -10° 3 5'-7" 3 3 -2 4 7 =6 3 !' -6 4 I' -0 204- ' DI -3B 12' 5.50 4.34 5 9' -6" IS 6'7"to6'IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 9' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 251 - 14' 6.42 4.78 5 I I'' -6" 22 6'T4o6' -IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2° 4 II =6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 298 r r t u , , , u r u 16' 7.33 5.22 5 13 -6" 26 6'7to6' -b" 3 5 -7' 3 3' -2 4 13 -6' 3 I -6 4 I -O 345 18' 8.25 5.66 5 15� 6" 30 6= 7'406' -10 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 I5' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 391 20' 9.17 6.09 5 17' -6" 34 6'7 "to6' -IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 17 =6" 3 t' -6" 4 1' -0" 438 6' 2.75 3.01 10 1 =9" 4 6'7'406 -10" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 I' -9" 6 I' -6" 2 i' -O" 1 I 8' 3.67 3.45 10 2' -9" 8 s'- 7'406' -!0" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 2' -9" 6 I' -6" 2 1' -O" 158 10` 4.58 3.89 10 3` -9N 12 67 "tofi -IO 5 5` -7" 3 3` -2" 8 3` -9" 6 205 1 DI -3C 12 5.5.0 4.33 10 4' -9° 16 6'T4o6' -10° 5 5' -7" 1' -O" 252 14' 6.42 4.77 10 5' -9" 20 6'7"to640" 5 5' -7° 3 3' -2" 8 5' -9" 6 1' -6" 2 l' -0" 298 ' 16' 7.33 5.24; 10 6' -9" 24 6'T1o6 -10" 5 5' -7" 3 3 -2" 8 6 1' -6" 2 1' -O" 345; - -18' 8.25 5.65 10 7' -9" 28 6'7406' -)0" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 7 =9" 6 I' -6" 2 l' -O" 3.92 20' 9.17 6.09 10 8' -9" 32 6'7°to5 -IO° 5 5' -7" ' 3 3' -2" 8 8' -9" 6 1' -6" 2 439' :� Denotes length of one (I) bar Notes: All reinforcing bars to be No. SO. For acceptable t ,note All cast in lace concrete to be Gloss A3. F of e see Precast Standard Designs. P uantiti con or Hof without i es. The amount displaced Concrete es she a for depth O 512" b i s must PP 9 Y pipes - rent depths ad or subtract 0.3 d t true u tie's- For inlets of cliff. d 2 cu b deduct. o obtain ants P e 9 f in depth. its. f Crete for each oat ofdifference o concrete P Length of Angle Iron as shown on Sheet 1 is to be L+ 16 "8 4.10 Ibs.per ft. SPECIFICATION STANDARD CURB DROP INLET REFERENCE 12` -30" PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =8` A 233 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 of TRANSPORTATION 104. t O 19 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 3A93B92C • ,3 DI- 3A -38 -3C 94x8" SmoinDowels (aopProx.12 "GClobeploced in allareosodjacent Galvanized plot. tobebent 1sL toobutting concrete to prevent settlement. em an oTpte of 68.30'aMisto 12fx2z bearehoredw(th}'x4 %tudetwar Galvani2ed Expansion Joint connectors *.filed ro bent plate Bock of Sidewalk Expansion Joint at 2' a-.. j-- 3• -10 " "� a'iV4"B.nt Plata y li T. II��lI��ll For detoi!s of Inlet Frame 8 Cover I CIS 6 1-tt 2" see St'it IC -2. BasC OEa;.,lnor 'i• ' ' °:. - _; - i-- 1-181± 6' 1 free °a (Ty ". " Type B 2 -6" Y , g a4 "Stud ahaar �omeclor Ided to anet " n t 2' - L�B *NOSE DETAILS e II II 8° F Bars A Face of Cab Aweach GW1. 2'-0 U it Ban D Wap.d GuH•r LIT.. Ii Crack Control Jolnl Kq.d Corot. JoNI eoraP Cutts Bon B 2' -10• .Gack Control ,hint If wet Is e olrlrucMd In , ) Median Curb or with Inn rot Curb utter is t I q G o be om'tted.(sw dHOiH PLAN 6'Min. �70 Max. Note: This area may be earthen, In which cost the expansion joints 6; Min. 12 'Min will apply only to curb or curb and gutter. ' �10 Max. :'3 Ba. E L- v.rlabh- Max. 2a' •B" B SECTION B-B , 1 l 2" ! 2• y,' Keyed Constc.bint �1° D Apwaach 6.11. _.y. --- _--- _----------- -- - - - - -- _�. ,y 8� eCs_ )- -_y- J- 7 Worp.d Gutter 9" // 1 1 Be F ban f B B" A Be- GT iWIDiameter X Type A nose detail shall be used Hors C •1 -'- ` -- subba0 1 wean Bole with CG -3 e.eG -7 standards. 2" e blamer., FRONT ELEVATION T pe B now detail shall be uses Min L Weep N.J. �- --) (Gulf., r it) with CG -2 8 CG -6 standards. 042 Ban F t :Hardware cloth ®Steps 3" diameter weephole to be located i D A In the event the invert of the oulfall pipe is higher than the boll0m to drain subbase maleriol: Weep I mBleps are m be of the slructure,the invert of the structure shall be she ed with cement bate .Bh 12112'plostie hardware p provides .,hen H is Notes: block k in inlets maybe constructed with concrete manor to prevent sanding 11 pending of water in the bid th The wire id, 0mesh ch. number 4 steel F,, to greater. or cost for invert she n price bid (or the structure. wir<dio. 0.031nch,nomber 4 mesh B`. For step detans see block . accordance with the details shown on Pi g shall be included in the .r g , . hnrdware cloth anchored firmly l0 8 "i- 2'-8 "-i e" Std. BT -l. Slbndor4 Drawing DI-MB. For dimensions and quantities rot shown sea sheet 2ot 2 Outside of structure. Eo SECTION A -A 0I -3A D) -38 DI -3C f- L -i i - L -i L 2•'i APT, Pave, H I ) N ) i F� I°. Floes 1 1 Flw ��_, For use In sags For uM on graces Both sides 10 be symmetrical 4 Y" I' -p• When specified on plans IN inert is b Ds shaped )n decordmtu with Standen! Nan 1S -.The cost of tun' 'n s I M 9 aIW plOCklg all mOnrgle The "H °dimensiOn shown on the standards and Specified on the plans will be lacid.moi . Ina sho,."a h ie Le mcwd.d a 1 . P61. Nil rot She bap vika cm,wa°' DETAIL WHEN USED measured from the invert of the outfall pipe to the top of the structure. Pion "H" Length of not (L) .ill, in .wry oafs, 6. how. - plane, ADJACENT TO CURB dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes,ond the actual dimensions WITHOUT GUTTER shell be determined by the contractor from field conditions. when Intel is .,.d in 4' -0" Median, back of Intel is to be shaped la ..eta,. with PIOP ... 4 curb. This item may be precast or ca" in pace. Sheet I of 2 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SPECIFICATION 12 '- -3011 PiPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =8' REFERENCE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104.09 T R ANSPORTAT )ON 18 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET ERIES 8.01 DI- 3A,3B,3C ,3 12" 1 CONCRETE.COBBLE UNIT PAVER' N the event the invert _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see SAND SETTING BED/ ASTM C -33 Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 of the ouffall pipe is t3 g (25-40 MM BEDDING SAND) 21' T' 3 a/4' D) -2A,28 2C higher than the bosom BM -2 BINDER ASPHALT NOTE: 27' '01 Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top OF F a'- 1. • BANDING: SOLDIER EDGE, 4 "x8" PAVER, 8 CM `045 I I.I43 1 Vert of the structure 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. 1 " -1 -112" -- �::• ••:•. :°.. - .... .... , :..:•- • .::: •. -.. - ... -- 2,r moot mortar to prevent - - - 2. • MAIN COBBLE: n�O`q o PAVER TYPE TO BE DOUBLE HOLLAND, "x8 ", , 5 C/ o 8 8 CM, 3 -1/8" THICK. FINISH TO BE CUSTOM BLEND AGGREGATE, 8„ -- - mq - -- W -HDF, WASHED FINISH, COLOR TO -- BE DETERMINED. A•4'- 4 "(12= 36sPIpe) 0•3' -OuD2 L36 °Pipe) PLAN A•4'- l0"(WiplpO (COVER REMOVED) B•3'• 6"(42"Plpo) PLAN ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r 3. • PAVERS TO BE SET IN HANDTIGHT For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. � P _ C,oncrele Cover- ` "''.'•'. (For details see sheet 2012) mi :i; `� (Far PATTERNS AS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW -' : I, ( (SEE PLAN), SAND JOINTS TO BE VIBRATED, tint holes - - - - - �,. . MISTED, AND RE- TAMPED. ®•,:i: £ e== =�.�'" .COMPACT SUB GR ADE: CBR =10 - 21 A GRA VEL 12k12"dosfic hardware cloth "mesh MIRIFI 70OX WOVEN FILTER FABRIC UNIT PAVER DETAIL Not To Scale 22 UNIT PAVERS ERIES 8.01 ,3 3 LIGHT BROOM FINISH' 5 CONCRETE, 3500 PSI, HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT WWF 6x6 - W:1..4 x W7.4 •WIDTH VARIES,. SEE PLAN FINISH GRADE _ 1!4" I SLOPE tO1= 1i 4 c.' e e ..e . • :': e • . -:e . ••'` :..1111 _ 4 , .77.7.. 1111 in ill►l•� �° Po•• ,o Ili= O oo" -oil•- t, 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT # 21 -A COMPACTED SUBGRADE MAX. CROSS SLOPE = 2d /o PREFERRED CROSS SLOPE = 1.5 3L8" XP N N E . -A. SJ.O. JOINT CAULKING ON 25 CENTERS 1 z= - I I gER'2p CONCRETE SIDEWALK a.01 Sheet 2of2 DI- 3A -3B -3c TABLE OF QUANTITIES L AREA coN_ REINFORCING STEEL i TYPE SLOT CRETE BARS A BARS B BARS C BARS 0 BARS E BARS F BARS G WEIGHT Ft. Sq. FY. Cu.Yds. No. Lin. Ft* No. Lin. Ft* No. Lin. Ft" No. Lin. Ft* No, Lin. Ft.* No. Lin. Ft.* No. Lin. Ft.* Lbs, DI -3A 2' -6" 1.15 2.26 - - - - I 5' -7" 3 3' -2" - - - - 6 22 4' 1.83 2.59 5 I' -6" 2 6'- 7'�os' -l0' 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 I' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -0" 64 6' 2,75 3.02 5 3' -6" 6 6'- 7'406' -b" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 3' -6" 3 4' -6" 4 i' -O" ! 1 1 8' 3.67 3.46 5 5' -6" 10 6'- 7 "to6' -l0" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 5' -6° 3 I' -6" 4 I' -0" 158 u n n 10' 4,58 3 -90 5 7l-6" 14 6'T4o6' - -10° 3 5'-7" 3 3 -2 4 7 =6 3 !' -6 4 I' -0 204- ' DI -3B 12' 5.50 4.34 5 9' -6" IS 6'7"to6'IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 9' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 251 - 14' 6.42 4.78 5 I I'' -6" 22 6'T4o6' -IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2° 4 II =6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 298 r r t u , , , u r u 16' 7.33 5.22 5 13 -6" 26 6'7to6' -b" 3 5 -7' 3 3' -2 4 13 -6' 3 I -6 4 I -O 345 18' 8.25 5.66 5 15� 6" 30 6= 7'406' -10 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 I5' -6" 3 I' -6" 4 I' -O" 391 20' 9.17 6.09 5 17' -6" 34 6'7 "to6' -IO" 3 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 4 17 =6" 3 t' -6" 4 1' -0" 438 6' 2.75 3.01 10 1 =9" 4 6'7'406 -10" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 I' -9" 6 I' -6" 2 i' -O" 1 I 8' 3.67 3.45 10 2' -9" 8 s'- 7'406' -!0" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 2' -9" 6 I' -6" 2 1' -O" 158 10` 4.58 3.89 10 3` -9N 12 67 "tofi -IO 5 5` -7" 3 3` -2" 8 3` -9" 6 205 1 DI -3C 12 5.5.0 4.33 10 4' -9° 16 6'T4o6' -10° 5 5' -7" 1' -O" 252 14' 6.42 4.77 10 5' -9" 20 6'7"to640" 5 5' -7° 3 3' -2" 8 5' -9" 6 1' -6" 2 l' -0" 298 ' 16' 7.33 5.24; 10 6' -9" 24 6'T1o6 -10" 5 5' -7" 3 3 -2" 8 6 1' -6" 2 1' -O" 345; - -18' 8.25 5.65 10 7' -9" 28 6'7406' -)0" 5 5' -7" 3 3' -2" 8 7 =9" 6 I' -6" 2 l' -O" 3.92 20' 9.17 6.09 10 8' -9" 32 6'7°to5 -IO° 5 5' -7" ' 3 3' -2" 8 8' -9" 6 1' -6" 2 439' :� Denotes length of one (I) bar Notes: All reinforcing bars to be No. SO. For acceptable t ,note All cast in lace concrete to be Gloss A3. F of e see Precast Standard Designs. P uantiti con or Hof without i es. The amount displaced Concrete es she a for depth O 512" b i s must PP 9 Y pipes - rent depths ad or subtract 0.3 d t true u tie's- For inlets of cliff. d 2 cu b deduct. o obtain ants P e 9 f in depth. its. f Crete for each oat ofdifference o concrete P Length of Angle Iron as shown on Sheet 1 is to be L+ 16 "8 4.10 Ibs.per ft. SPECIFICATION STANDARD CURB DROP INLET REFERENCE 12` -30" PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =8` A 233 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 of TRANSPORTATION 104. t O 19 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 3A93B92C • ,3 DI- 3A -38 -3C 94x8" SmoinDowels (aopProx.12 "GClobeploced in allareosodjacent Galvanized plot. tobebent 1sL toobutting concrete to prevent settlement. em an oTpte of 68.30'aMisto 12fx2z bearehoredw(th}'x4 %tudetwar Galvani2ed Expansion Joint connectors *.filed ro bent plate Bock of Sidewalk Expansion Joint at 2' a-.. j-- 3• -10 " "� a'iV4"B.nt Plata y li T. II��lI��ll For detoi!s of Inlet Frame 8 Cover I CIS 6 1-tt 2" see St'it IC -2. BasC OEa;.,lnor 'i• ' ' °:. - _; - i-- 1-181± 6' 1 free °a (Ty ". " Type B 2 -6" Y , g a4 "Stud ahaar �omeclor Ided to anet " n t 2' - L�B *NOSE DETAILS e II II 8° F Bars A Face of Cab Aweach GW1. 2'-0 U it Ban D Wap.d GuH•r LIT.. Ii Crack Control Jolnl Kq.d Corot. JoNI eoraP Cutts Bon B 2' -10• .Gack Control ,hint If wet Is e olrlrucMd In , ) Median Curb or with Inn rot Curb utter is t I q G o be om'tted.(sw dHOiH PLAN 6'Min. �70 Max. Note: This area may be earthen, In which cost the expansion joints 6; Min. 12 'Min will apply only to curb or curb and gutter. ' �10 Max. :'3 Ba. E L- v.rlabh- Max. 2a' •B" B SECTION B-B , 1 l 2" ! 2• y,' Keyed Constc.bint �1° D Apwaach 6.11. _.y. --- _--- _----------- -- - - - - -- _�. ,y 8� eCs_ )- -_y- J- 7 Worp.d Gutter 9" // 1 1 Be F ban f B B" A Be- GT iWIDiameter X Type A nose detail shall be used Hors C •1 -'- ` -- subba0 1 wean Bole with CG -3 e.eG -7 standards. 2" e blamer., FRONT ELEVATION T pe B now detail shall be uses Min L Weep N.J. �- --) (Gulf., r it) with CG -2 8 CG -6 standards. 042 Ban F t :Hardware cloth ®Steps 3" diameter weephole to be located i D A In the event the invert of the oulfall pipe is higher than the boll0m to drain subbase maleriol: Weep I mBleps are m be of the slructure,the invert of the structure shall be she ed with cement bate .Bh 12112'plostie hardware p provides .,hen H is Notes: block k in inlets maybe constructed with concrete manor to prevent sanding 11 pending of water in the bid th The wire id, 0mesh ch. number 4 steel F,, to greater. or cost for invert she n price bid (or the structure. wir<dio. 0.031nch,nomber 4 mesh B`. For step detans see block . accordance with the details shown on Pi g shall be included in the .r g , . hnrdware cloth anchored firmly l0 8 "i- 2'-8 "-i e" Std. BT -l. Slbndor4 Drawing DI-MB. For dimensions and quantities rot shown sea sheet 2ot 2 Outside of structure. Eo SECTION A -A 0I -3A D) -38 DI -3C f- L -i i - L -i L 2•'i APT, Pave, H I ) N ) i F� I°. Floes 1 1 Flw ��_, For use In sags For uM on graces Both sides 10 be symmetrical 4 Y" I' -p• When specified on plans IN inert is b Ds shaped )n decordmtu with Standen! Nan 1S -.The cost of tun' 'n s I M 9 aIW plOCklg all mOnrgle The "H °dimensiOn shown on the standards and Specified on the plans will be lacid.moi . Ina sho,."a h ie Le mcwd.d a 1 . P61. Nil rot She bap vika cm,wa°' DETAIL WHEN USED measured from the invert of the outfall pipe to the top of the structure. Pion "H" Length of not (L) .ill, in .wry oafs, 6. how. - plane, ADJACENT TO CURB dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes,ond the actual dimensions WITHOUT GUTTER shell be determined by the contractor from field conditions. when Intel is .,.d in 4' -0" Median, back of Intel is to be shaped la ..eta,. with PIOP ... 4 curb. This item may be precast or ca" in pace. Sheet I of 2 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SPECIFICATION 12 '- -3011 PiPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =8' REFERENCE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104.09 T R ANSPORTAT )ON 18 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET ERIES 8.01 DI- 3A,3B,3C ,3 12" 1 DI -7, 7A,7B N the event the invert _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see Class um Gamete to be used. Maximum depth iH1 to be12:8°, Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 of the ouffall pipe is t3 g 8 21' T' 3 a/4' D) -2A,28 2C higher than the bosom De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' TABLE Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top OF QUANTITIES a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 Vert of the structure 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. shall be shaped with ce- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- moot mortar to prevent - - - li standing a pending of , water in the structure. - -- - - mq - -- -- -- A•4'- 4 "(12= 36sPIpe) 0•3' -OuD2 L36 °Pipe) PLAN A•4'- l0"(WiplpO (COVER REMOVED) B•3'• 6"(42"Plpo) PLAN ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r required) (as re t eel) q For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. x -- C,oncrele Cover- ` "''.'•'. (For details see sheet 2012) mi :i; `� (Far concrete Cover details see sheel 2of2) -' : diameler weep hole with tint holes - - - - - �,. . ®•,:i: £ e== =�.�'" 12k12"dosfic hardware cloth "mesh Weep Hole IFS a galvanized steel = (as required) wire, minimum wife dio.0.03 w 'vlch, number 4 mesh hard - li Qe _ wore cloth anchored firmly :::: > :•::. to outside of structure. S .-IL- O +LifI holes- 04-depth aggregate >° 1 , as68,x78,as8 � --' 1 xe'width. 1a 19 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 3A93B92C • ,3 DI- 3A -38 -3C 94x8" SmoinDowels (aopProx.12 "GClobeploced in allareosodjacent Galvanized plot. tobebent 1sL toobutting concrete to prevent settlement. em an oTpte of 68.30'aMisto 12fx2z bearehoredw(th}'x4 %tudetwar Galvani2ed Expansion Joint connectors *.filed ro bent plate Bock of Sidewalk Expansion Joint at 2' a-.. j-- 3• -10 " "� a'iV4"B.nt Plata y li T. II��lI��ll For detoi!s of Inlet Frame 8 Cover I CIS 6 1-tt 2" see St'it IC -2. BasC OEa;.,lnor 'i• ' ' °:. - _; - i-- 1-181± 6' 1 free °a (Ty ". " Type B 2 -6" Y , g a4 "Stud ahaar �omeclor Ided to anet " n t 2' - L�B *NOSE DETAILS e II II 8° F Bars A Face of Cab Aweach GW1. 2'-0 U it Ban D Wap.d GuH•r LIT.. Ii Crack Control Jolnl Kq.d Corot. JoNI eoraP Cutts Bon B 2' -10• .Gack Control ,hint If wet Is e olrlrucMd In , ) Median Curb or with Inn rot Curb utter is t I q G o be om'tted.(sw dHOiH PLAN 6'Min. �70 Max. Note: This area may be earthen, In which cost the expansion joints 6; Min. 12 'Min will apply only to curb or curb and gutter. ' �10 Max. :'3 Ba. E L- v.rlabh- Max. 2a' •B" B SECTION B-B , 1 l 2" ! 2• y,' Keyed Constc.bint �1° D Apwaach 6.11. _.y. --- _--- _----------- -- - - - - -- _�. ,y 8� eCs_ )- -_y- J- 7 Worp.d Gutter 9" // 1 1 Be F ban f B B" A Be- GT iWIDiameter X Type A nose detail shall be used Hors C •1 -'- ` -- subba0 1 wean Bole with CG -3 e.eG -7 standards. 2" e blamer., FRONT ELEVATION T pe B now detail shall be uses Min L Weep N.J. �- --) (Gulf., r it) with CG -2 8 CG -6 standards. 042 Ban F t :Hardware cloth ®Steps 3" diameter weephole to be located i D A In the event the invert of the oulfall pipe is higher than the boll0m to drain subbase maleriol: Weep I mBleps are m be of the slructure,the invert of the structure shall be she ed with cement bate .Bh 12112'plostie hardware p provides .,hen H is Notes: block k in inlets maybe constructed with concrete manor to prevent sanding 11 pending of water in the bid th The wire id, 0mesh ch. number 4 steel F,, to greater. or cost for invert she n price bid (or the structure. wir<dio. 0.031nch,nomber 4 mesh B`. For step detans see block . accordance with the details shown on Pi g shall be included in the .r g , . hnrdware cloth anchored firmly l0 8 "i- 2'-8 "-i e" Std. BT -l. Slbndor4 Drawing DI-MB. For dimensions and quantities rot shown sea sheet 2ot 2 Outside of structure. Eo SECTION A -A 0I -3A D) -38 DI -3C f- L -i i - L -i L 2•'i APT, Pave, H I ) N ) i F� I°. Floes 1 1 Flw ��_, For use In sags For uM on graces Both sides 10 be symmetrical 4 Y" I' -p• When specified on plans IN inert is b Ds shaped )n decordmtu with Standen! Nan 1S -.The cost of tun' 'n s I M 9 aIW plOCklg all mOnrgle The "H °dimensiOn shown on the standards and Specified on the plans will be lacid.moi . Ina sho,."a h ie Le mcwd.d a 1 . P61. Nil rot She bap vika cm,wa°' DETAIL WHEN USED measured from the invert of the outfall pipe to the top of the structure. Pion "H" Length of not (L) .ill, in .wry oafs, 6. how. - plane, ADJACENT TO CURB dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes,ond the actual dimensions WITHOUT GUTTER shell be determined by the contractor from field conditions. when Intel is .,.d in 4' -0" Median, back of Intel is to be shaped la ..eta,. with PIOP ... 4 curb. This item may be precast or ca" in pace. Sheet I of 2 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SPECIFICATION 12 '- -3011 PiPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =8' REFERENCE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104.09 T R ANSPORTAT )ON 18 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET ERIES 8.01 DI- 3A,3B,3C ,3 L CON- REINFORCING STEEL TYPE CRETE BARS A BARS A-I BARS B BARS B-1 BARS C BARS E BARS F WEIGHT Ft ,L Cu.Yds. No- Lin' Ft` No. Lin. Ft.'s No- L;n. Ft.' No: Lin- Ft.* No. L +n. Ft. 4' No. Lin. Ft, No. Lin. Ft' Lbs. DI-2A 2' -2 1.71 4 3 -2 5 3 -2' 4 3 -6 - - 5 2 -O' - - - - 55 4 1.95 4 3' -2° 5 5' -0° 4 3' -6° 3 4'- 3 "to4.6" 5 2' -O" 3 2' -O" 3 6' 2.23 4 3' -2't 5 7' -0" 4 3' -6" 7 4' -3 "too' -6 5 2` -O" 3 4' -O° 3 it -6" 119 8' 2.51 4 3' -2" 5 9' -O" 4 3' -6" N 4 -3 "too' -6' S 2` -0" 3 6' -O" 3 1' -6" 154 1 Y:0- 1 " I n !0 2.79 4 - 5 I - 10 - 4 3 6 I5 4` 3"t 4'-6" 5 - 0 - 3 8' " - O 3 I 6 189 I ii D I -2B 12' 3,05 4 3 -2 5 l3' -O" 4 3'- 6° 19 4.3"to4-6" 5 2'- O" 3 10' -O° 3 I' - 6" 224 14' 3.34 4 3-2" 5 15' -0° 4 3' -6° 23 4- 3'to4 -6" 5 2' -O" 3 i2' -O° 3 I' -6° 259 16` 3.61 4 3' -2" 5 17' -O" 4 3' -6" 27.4'•3 "to�•6' 5 2' -0" 3 18' 3.89 4 5 19' -0° 4 3' -6" 31 4 -3 "too -6" 5 2`-O" 3 t6' -O" 3 20' 4.17 4 3' -2° 5 21` -O° 4 3` -6" 39 �- 3"to4 -6" 5 2 -O° 3 18 -0 3 1' -6° 364 6' 2.24 4 3' -2't 5 T -0" 4 3' -6" 6 4'- 3 "to4'•6e 5 2' -O" 6 2' -I" 6 1'- 6r' 115 8' 2.55 4 3' -2" 5 9' -0" 4 3' -6" 10 4- 3 "to4.6" 5 2' -O" 6 3` -I" 6 1' -6" 150 10' 2 -82 4 3' -2° 5 11' -O° 4 3` -6" 14.4' -3 "too' -6' 5 2'-0" 6 4'-1" 6, I' -6" 185 12' 3.09 4 3' -2" 5 13' -O" 4 3' -6° 18 4`- 3 "to4'• 5 2' -0° 6 5' -I" 6 I'- 6" 220 Dl -2C t t II t it e, I , 14 3.37 4 3 -2 5 15 -0 4 3 -6 22 - 3'to4- 5 2 -0 6 6 -I' 6 I' -6' 255 !6'' 3.65' 4 3' -�' S 17` -0" 4 3' -6" 26 ' -3 "too' -6' 5 2'-O° 6 T -l" 6 1' -6" 290 18' 3.93 4 3' -2" 5 19' -O" 4 3' -6" 30 4- 3 "to4•G 5 2'-0" 6 8' -I° 6 ! `- 6" 325 20` 4.20 4 3' -2" 5 0" 4 3' -6" 34 -3 "too' -6" 5 2'-O" 6 9` -I" 6 I' -6" 360 1 STANDARD CURD DROP INLET SERIES 81.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 Dl -2A 2B-2C x4 x B- SnnolhDowelspapprox.l2 "GC lobe placed in oil areas adjacent Far Nosd delails t=ffing concrete to prevent settlement. ., see sheet 104.04\ t" r-� Galy. L2z x2gx7 ra Expansion Joint Expansion Joint ped Gutter '8-e' long 1 E Goly. MC6xl2 Bock of Sidewalk F-i -4' 2" A r Bars 41- 105 °c -c ( PP ouch Gutter A C s.;.Maa a 6" 6'11 1 O 7 - { Bors A- ICmS °rc Pr ...d 80rs B010 "c -C '1T ' y' D D s;aa.m. Bla's Ai®I "c- i t - "m =. S-- ® I J '" fdorsA ITS'- .� Welded Joints H-Min. Pipe DIa•2' 6° t� Typical Max. 9' -0" / O I Face of 0`b-/ Bas A ®Steps{ � Bars C O � -- ` w j OO t Bms F �� I Die, 8"c -c 91p --I- i- Gack Control .bin1 Flow 1 , m E IS, COLLAR _-' I ® Minimun Heigh? when pipes ore )p'Mgy �A 10'Mml. Owen are to,be•provlded SECTION A -A am,ad cower Extend Sal of Intel. whenH Is 4 -O' or greater. PLAN VIEW For step details see'Sid.ST -1. Grate is to beinstolled so 51015 will direct water toward the 0 Note: This area may be earthen, In wblob core 3'_6' --y =N I'- '- 7•T= -y inlet throat. Grote must be reversible.( Right hand grate is shown) the expansion joints will apply only to g^ 2•.2'� g�, i- •� curb and gutter. m L- VOrioble- Max.20- LIT' - -�. Bas A- 1010 'c -c L Iv. MC6xl2 - V, 2,_2,, V, �8,. 3' 0 "-•I I _ Bas eOlo "c'c �_3' 2 "---� - - - - -- - SECTION D -D �' K3"diomelerweep hole L ' - - -- - to be located to drain m 0 .FGrI Bars C ®6 "c -c I t Sots F ' subbosemolenol. Weep .� holewbh l2 "x12 "plastic I Bars A010 "c -c 2„ Bars E } hardware cloth ;'mesh Or I 1 I'- 9•' ---y B B g.ly m zed steel wire, I K 3" Diameter minmom wire die. 0.03 inches, Weld before gale. SECTION 6-B I t Weep Hole camber 4 mesh hardware cloth anchored firmly to outside of X all i J FRONT ELEVATION structure. MC6xl2eOfslud co recta Notes Standard ndord inlets may In De constructed the event the Inv t f Y e er er the out all pipe is higher than n 2" SECTION E- h the bottom E -t -Da'."' P 9 o collar. with a of the r I concrete block in accordance rd n 51 uclure the invert of the slruclur shall e she c o ace a I b eel with cement - r with the details shown oa Standard mortar to event standing Or p pe g pending of in The p the bid the Str iI Drawing DI -MB. cost for invert Shaping shall be included in the price bid (or the slruclure. Bars 8-1® gars A•I I • c 1 L2 fx2gxa Golvonized This slondard is inl ended for use in curb and gutter situations only. - :m ` DI -2A DI -26 DI -2C Bars E 0 if _ - 6"c -c �- L_ -_ i I`L -.1 I F ''II�� a Decrease to I" _ F y -I I -- - - FF- -2' -O' hen Inlet is used O � i i with medians i I t F�0. SECTION C -C I H j I FF�ow H I i Flow 45a � 1 1 Depth of inlet (H) is to be as shown on plans. GRATE I I I 1507 cost L f _ lbs. ca ton LJ .L _____J Length of slot L will in ever case be show I ( n J�. J ) Y 9 on pions. For use on grades For use in sags This item may be precast or cost in place N Both sides to be symmetrical j- The measured shown f the standards end spec? tied on the plans will n ` When specified on talons the invert is to .shooed in SECTION F -F measured Irom.ihe invert Of the outtall pip¢ to the fop or me structure. Pion N" aaordance with Standard Plan IS-l. The tb51 of furnishing dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes and the actual dimensions and placing all materials incidental to the shaping is to be shall be determined by the contractor from field conditions. Included in the price bid for the drop inlet complete. Sheet I of 2 STANDSTANDARD CURB DROP iNL;ET SPECIFICATION ARD REFERENCE 12 -24 PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H)= 9 i VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104,03 TRANSPORTATION 16 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 12" 1 DI -7, 7A,7B N the event the invert _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see Class um Gamete to be used. Maximum depth iH1 to be12:8°, Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 of the ouffall pipe is t3 g 8 21' T' 3 a/4' D) -2A,28 2C higher than the bosom De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' TABLE Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top OF QUANTITIES a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 Vert of the structure 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. shall be shaped with ce- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- moot mortar to prevent - - - li standing a pending of , water in the structure. - -- - - mq - -- -- -- A•4'- 4 "(12= 36sPIpe) 0•3' -OuD2 L36 °Pipe) PLAN A•4'- l0"(WiplpO (COVER REMOVED) B•3'• 6"(42"Plpo) PLAN ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r required) (as re t eel) q For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. x -- C,oncrele Cover- ` "''.'•'. (For details see sheet 2012) mi :i; `� (Far concrete Cover details see sheel 2of2) -' : diameler weep hole with tint holes - - - - - �,. . ®•,:i: £ e== =�.�'" 12k12"dosfic hardware cloth "mesh Weep Hole IFS a galvanized steel = (as required) wire, minimum wife dio.0.03 w 'vlch, number 4 mesh hard - li Qe _ wore cloth anchored firmly :::: > :•::. to outside of structure. S .-IL- O +LifI holes- 04-depth aggregate >° 1 , as68,x78,as8 � --' 1 xe'width. 1a -X Denotes length of ONI bar - Sxy =" Bent Plates � I'" - - " L2�x2i x, Galvanized Notes: All reinforcing bars to be No. Q5 . All cost in place concrete to be Gloss A3. For acceptable alternate see Precast Standard Designs. 3: a'.•D FFI�,Stud Concrete quantities shown are for depth (H) of 5' -2" without pipes. The amount displaced by pipes must " rhea connector be deducted to obtain true quon hies. For for each foot of difference in depth. inlets of different depths odd or subtract 0.28 cu.yds. of concrete kted to ongfeiron at 2'c -c Length of Angle Iron as shown on Sheet 1 is to be L +W'0 4.10 lbs. per ft. Type A Type 8 NOSE DETAILS Type A nose detail shat l be used with CG-7 Standard. Type 8 nose de,eilsholl be used with CG -6 Standard. Galvanized plate to be bent on an angle of 68 °30' and is to be anchored with s x 4' plate at 2'c -c. stud shear connectors welded to bent SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD CURB DROP INLET 1211 -24th PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H)= 9' Sheet 2of2 233 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION 104.04 L CON- REINFORCING STEEL TYPE CRETE BARS A BARS A-I BARS B BARS B-1 BARS C BARS E BARS F WEIGHT Ft ,L Cu.Yds. No- Lin' Ft` No. Lin. Ft.'s No- L;n. Ft.' No: Lin- Ft.* No. L +n. Ft. 4' No. Lin. Ft, No. Lin. Ft' Lbs. DI-2A 2' -2 1.71 4 3 -2 5 3 -2' 4 3 -6 - - 5 2 -O' - - - - 55 4 1.95 4 3' -2° 5 5' -0° 4 3' -6° 3 4'- 3 "to4.6" 5 2' -O" 3 2' -O" 3 6' 2.23 4 3' -2't 5 7' -0" 4 3' -6" 7 4' -3 "too' -6 5 2` -O" 3 4' -O° 3 it -6" 119 8' 2.51 4 3' -2" 5 9' -O" 4 3' -6" N 4 -3 "too' -6' S 2` -0" 3 6' -O" 3 1' -6" 154 1 Y:0- 1 " I n !0 2.79 4 - 5 I - 10 - 4 3 6 I5 4` 3"t 4'-6" 5 - 0 - 3 8' " - O 3 I 6 189 I ii D I -2B 12' 3,05 4 3 -2 5 l3' -O" 4 3'- 6° 19 4.3"to4-6" 5 2'- O" 3 10' -O° 3 I' - 6" 224 14' 3.34 4 3-2" 5 15' -0° 4 3' -6° 23 4- 3'to4 -6" 5 2' -O" 3 i2' -O° 3 I' -6° 259 16` 3.61 4 3' -2" 5 17' -O" 4 3' -6" 27.4'•3 "to�•6' 5 2' -0" 3 18' 3.89 4 5 19' -0° 4 3' -6" 31 4 -3 "too -6" 5 2`-O" 3 t6' -O" 3 20' 4.17 4 3' -2° 5 21` -O° 4 3` -6" 39 �- 3"to4 -6" 5 2 -O° 3 18 -0 3 1' -6° 364 6' 2.24 4 3' -2't 5 T -0" 4 3' -6" 6 4'- 3 "to4'•6e 5 2' -O" 6 2' -I" 6 1'- 6r' 115 8' 2.55 4 3' -2" 5 9' -0" 4 3' -6" 10 4- 3 "to4.6" 5 2' -O" 6 3` -I" 6 1' -6" 150 10' 2 -82 4 3' -2° 5 11' -O° 4 3` -6" 14.4' -3 "too' -6' 5 2'-0" 6 4'-1" 6, I' -6" 185 12' 3.09 4 3' -2" 5 13' -O" 4 3' -6° 18 4`- 3 "to4'• 5 2' -0° 6 5' -I" 6 I'- 6" 220 Dl -2C t t II t it e, I , 14 3.37 4 3 -2 5 15 -0 4 3 -6 22 - 3'to4- 5 2 -0 6 6 -I' 6 I' -6' 255 !6'' 3.65' 4 3' -�' S 17` -0" 4 3' -6" 26 ' -3 "too' -6' 5 2'-O° 6 T -l" 6 1' -6" 290 18' 3.93 4 3' -2" 5 19' -O" 4 3' -6" 30 4- 3 "to4•G 5 2'-0" 6 8' -I° 6 ! `- 6" 325 20` 4.20 4 3' -2" 5 0" 4 3' -6" 34 -3 "too' -6" 5 2'-O" 6 9` -I" 6 I' -6" 360 1 STANDARD CURD DROP INLET SERIES 81.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 Dl -2A 2B-2C x4 x B- SnnolhDowelspapprox.l2 "GC lobe placed in oil areas adjacent Far Nosd delails t=ffing concrete to prevent settlement. ., see sheet 104.04\ t" r-� Galy. L2z x2gx7 ra Expansion Joint Expansion Joint ped Gutter '8-e' long 1 E Goly. MC6xl2 Bock of Sidewalk F-i -4' 2" A r Bars 41- 105 °c -c ( PP ouch Gutter A C s.;.Maa a 6" 6'11 1 O 7 - { Bors A- ICmS °rc Pr ...d 80rs B010 "c -C '1T ' y' D D s;aa.m. Bla's Ai®I "c- i t - "m =. S-- ® I J '" fdorsA ITS'- .� Welded Joints H-Min. Pipe DIa•2' 6° t� Typical Max. 9' -0" / O I Face of 0`b-/ Bas A ®Steps{ � Bars C O � -- ` w j OO t Bms F �� I Die, 8"c -c 91p --I- i- Gack Control .bin1 Flow 1 , m E IS, COLLAR _-' I ® Minimun Heigh? when pipes ore )p'Mgy �A 10'Mml. Owen are to,be•provlded SECTION A -A am,ad cower Extend Sal of Intel. whenH Is 4 -O' or greater. PLAN VIEW For step details see'Sid.ST -1. Grate is to beinstolled so 51015 will direct water toward the 0 Note: This area may be earthen, In wblob core 3'_6' --y =N I'- '- 7•T= -y inlet throat. Grote must be reversible.( Right hand grate is shown) the expansion joints will apply only to g^ 2•.2'� g�, i- •� curb and gutter. m L- VOrioble- Max.20- LIT' - -�. Bas A- 1010 'c -c L Iv. MC6xl2 - V, 2,_2,, V, �8,. 3' 0 "-•I I _ Bas eOlo "c'c �_3' 2 "---� - - - - -- - SECTION D -D �' K3"diomelerweep hole L ' - - -- - to be located to drain m 0 .FGrI Bars C ®6 "c -c I t Sots F ' subbosemolenol. Weep .� holewbh l2 "x12 "plastic I Bars A010 "c -c 2„ Bars E } hardware cloth ;'mesh Or I 1 I'- 9•' ---y B B g.ly m zed steel wire, I K 3" Diameter minmom wire die. 0.03 inches, Weld before gale. SECTION 6-B I t Weep Hole camber 4 mesh hardware cloth anchored firmly to outside of X all i J FRONT ELEVATION structure. MC6xl2eOfslud co recta Notes Standard ndord inlets may In De constructed the event the Inv t f Y e er er the out all pipe is higher than n 2" SECTION E- h the bottom E -t -Da'."' P 9 o collar. with a of the r I concrete block in accordance rd n 51 uclure the invert of the slruclur shall e she c o ace a I b eel with cement - r with the details shown oa Standard mortar to event standing Or p pe g pending of in The p the bid the Str iI Drawing DI -MB. cost for invert Shaping shall be included in the price bid (or the slruclure. Bars 8-1® gars A•I I • c 1 L2 fx2gxa Golvonized This slondard is inl ended for use in curb and gutter situations only. - :m ` DI -2A DI -26 DI -2C Bars E 0 if _ - 6"c -c �- L_ -_ i I`L -.1 I F ''II�� a Decrease to I" _ F y -I I -- - - FF- -2' -O' hen Inlet is used O � i i with medians i I t F�0. SECTION C -C I H j I FF�ow H I i Flow 45a � 1 1 Depth of inlet (H) is to be as shown on plans. GRATE I I I 1507 cost L f _ lbs. ca ton LJ .L _____J Length of slot L will in ever case be show I ( n J�. J ) Y 9 on pions. For use on grades For use in sags This item may be precast or cost in place N Both sides to be symmetrical j- The measured shown f the standards end spec? tied on the plans will n ` When specified on talons the invert is to .shooed in SECTION F -F measured Irom.ihe invert Of the outtall pip¢ to the fop or me structure. Pion N" aaordance with Standard Plan IS-l. The tb51 of furnishing dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes and the actual dimensions and placing all materials incidental to the shaping is to be shall be determined by the contractor from field conditions. Included in the price bid for the drop inlet complete. Sheet I of 2 STANDSTANDARD CURB DROP iNL;ET SPECIFICATION ARD REFERENCE 12 -24 PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H)= 9 i VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104,03 TRANSPORTATION 16 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 12" 1 DI -7, 7A,7B N the event the invert _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see Class um Gamete to be used. Maximum depth iH1 to be12:8°, Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 of the ouffall pipe is t3 g 8 21' T' 3 a/4' 3' -Y higher than the bosom De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' T-10-1/4' Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top of the structure, the To- a a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 Vert of the structure 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. shall be shaped with ce- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- moot mortar to prevent - - - li standing a pending of , water in the structure. - -- - - mq - -- -- -- A•4'- 4 "(12= 36sPIpe) 0•3' -OuD2 L36 °Pipe) PLAN A•4'- l0"(WiplpO (COVER REMOVED) B•3'• 6"(42"Plpo) PLAN ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r required) (as re t eel) q For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. x -- C,oncrele Cover- ` "''.'•'. (For details see sheet 2012) mi :i; `� (Far concrete Cover details see sheel 2of2) -' : diameler weep hole with tint holes - - - - - �,. . ®•,:i: £ e== =�.�'" 12k12"dosfic hardware cloth "mesh Weep Hole IFS a galvanized steel = (as required) wire, minimum wife dio.0.03 w 'vlch, number 4 mesh hard - li Qe _ wore cloth anchored firmly :::: > :•::. to outside of structure. S .-IL- O +LifI holes- 04-depth aggregate >° 1 , as68,x78,as8 � --' 1 xe'width. 1a 1 STANDARD CURD DROP INLET SERIES 81.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 Dl -2A 2B-2C x4 x B- SnnolhDowelspapprox.l2 "GC lobe placed in oil areas adjacent Far Nosd delails t=ffing concrete to prevent settlement. ., see sheet 104.04\ t" r-� Galy. L2z x2gx7 ra Expansion Joint Expansion Joint ped Gutter '8-e' long 1 E Goly. MC6xl2 Bock of Sidewalk F-i -4' 2" A r Bars 41- 105 °c -c ( PP ouch Gutter A C s.;.Maa a 6" 6'11 1 O 7 - { Bors A- ICmS °rc Pr ...d 80rs B010 "c -C '1T ' y' D D s;aa.m. Bla's Ai®I "c- i t - "m =. S-- ® I J '" fdorsA ITS'- .� Welded Joints H-Min. Pipe DIa•2' 6° t� Typical Max. 9' -0" / O I Face of 0`b-/ Bas A ®Steps{ � Bars C O � -- ` w j OO t Bms F �� I Die, 8"c -c 91p --I- i- Gack Control .bin1 Flow 1 , m E IS, COLLAR _-' I ® Minimun Heigh? when pipes ore )p'Mgy �A 10'Mml. Owen are to,be•provlded SECTION A -A am,ad cower Extend Sal of Intel. whenH Is 4 -O' or greater. PLAN VIEW For step details see'Sid.ST -1. Grate is to beinstolled so 51015 will direct water toward the 0 Note: This area may be earthen, In wblob core 3'_6' --y =N I'- '- 7•T= -y inlet throat. Grote must be reversible.( Right hand grate is shown) the expansion joints will apply only to g^ 2•.2'� g�, i- •� curb and gutter. m L- VOrioble- Max.20- LIT' - -�. Bas A- 1010 'c -c L Iv. MC6xl2 - V, 2,_2,, V, �8,. 3' 0 "-•I I _ Bas eOlo "c'c �_3' 2 "---� - - - - -- - SECTION D -D �' K3"diomelerweep hole L ' - - -- - to be located to drain m 0 .FGrI Bars C ®6 "c -c I t Sots F ' subbosemolenol. Weep .� holewbh l2 "x12 "plastic I Bars A010 "c -c 2„ Bars E } hardware cloth ;'mesh Or I 1 I'- 9•' ---y B B g.ly m zed steel wire, I K 3" Diameter minmom wire die. 0.03 inches, Weld before gale. SECTION 6-B I t Weep Hole camber 4 mesh hardware cloth anchored firmly to outside of X all i J FRONT ELEVATION structure. MC6xl2eOfslud co recta Notes Standard ndord inlets may In De constructed the event the Inv t f Y e er er the out all pipe is higher than n 2" SECTION E- h the bottom E -t -Da'."' P 9 o collar. with a of the r I concrete block in accordance rd n 51 uclure the invert of the slruclur shall e she c o ace a I b eel with cement - r with the details shown oa Standard mortar to event standing Or p pe g pending of in The p the bid the Str iI Drawing DI -MB. cost for invert Shaping shall be included in the price bid (or the slruclure. Bars 8-1® gars A•I I • c 1 L2 fx2gxa Golvonized This slondard is inl ended for use in curb and gutter situations only. - :m ` DI -2A DI -26 DI -2C Bars E 0 if _ - 6"c -c �- L_ -_ i I`L -.1 I F ''II�� a Decrease to I" _ F y -I I -- - - FF- -2' -O' hen Inlet is used O � i i with medians i I t F�0. SECTION C -C I H j I FF�ow H I i Flow 45a � 1 1 Depth of inlet (H) is to be as shown on plans. GRATE I I I 1507 cost L f _ lbs. ca ton LJ .L _____J Length of slot L will in ever case be show I ( n J�. J ) Y 9 on pions. For use on grades For use in sags This item may be precast or cost in place N Both sides to be symmetrical j- The measured shown f the standards end spec? tied on the plans will n ` When specified on talons the invert is to .shooed in SECTION F -F measured Irom.ihe invert Of the outtall pip¢ to the fop or me structure. Pion N" aaordance with Standard Plan IS-l. The tb51 of furnishing dimensions ore approximate only for estimating purposes and the actual dimensions and placing all materials incidental to the shaping is to be shall be determined by the contractor from field conditions. Included in the price bid for the drop inlet complete. Sheet I of 2 STANDSTANDARD CURB DROP iNL;ET SPECIFICATION ARD REFERENCE 12 -24 PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H)= 9 i VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104,03 TRANSPORTATION 16 STANDARD CURB DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 DI- 2A,2B,2C 3 SECTION 12" 1 DI -7, 7A,7B N the event the invert _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see Class um Gamete to be used. Maximum depth iH1 to be12:8°, Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 of the ouffall pipe is t3 g 8 21' T' 3 a/4' 3' -Y higher than the bosom De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' T-10-1/4' Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top of the structure, the To- a a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 Vert of the structure 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. shall be shaped with ce- -- -- -- - -- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- moot mortar to prevent - - - li standing a pending of , water in the structure. - -- - - mq - -- -- -- A•4'- 4 "(12= 36sPIpe) 0•3' -OuD2 L36 °Pipe) PLAN A•4'- l0"(WiplpO (COVER REMOVED) B•3'• 6"(42"Plpo) PLAN ® Steps are to be provided Weep Hole (COVER REMOVED) when'H'is '- "or at 4 0 e a 9r required) (as re t eel) q For step details see Sid. - t 3 sr 1. x -- C,oncrele Cover- ` "''.'•'. (For details see sheet 2012) mi :i; `� (Far concrete Cover details see sheel 2of2) -' : diameler weep hole with tint holes - - - - - �,. . ®•,:i: £ e== =�.�'" 12k12"dosfic hardware cloth "mesh Weep Hole IFS a galvanized steel = (as required) wire, minimum wife dio.0.03 w 'vlch, number 4 mesh hard - li Qe _ wore cloth anchored firmly :::: > :•::. to outside of structure. S .-IL- O +LifI holes- 04-depth aggregate >° 1 , as68,x78,as8 � --' 1 xe'width. 1a SECTION 12" 1 CAST IN PLACE IB" 2 _ FOR USE WiTH 12" TO 42" PIPES For details of Precast DI -7 not shown hereon see Class um Gamete to be used. Maximum depth iH1 to be12:8°, Precast Unit Assembly Diagram, page 103.01, Minimum 2 Precast General Notes, page 103.02 and 23P4' 2'•11' 21' T' 3 a/4' 3' -Y 24" De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' T-10-1/4' Applicable Precast Base, Riser and Top 30" a a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 133? 1 1.535 ` `731 1 Details, pages 103.07 thru 103.12. Increnl.nt pertool ofa0tlitiolgldeplhtHq,0.4k) cUydS. (42 P pe)�) Pipe 1 12" 1 15" I IB" 2 24" 3 30" 3 36" 4 42" Minimum 2 58' 23P4' 2'•11' 21' T' 3 a/4' 3' -Y 24" De 1h H 2'-0" 2 27' T-10-1/4' 31-61 30" a a'- Cu.Yds. , ,947 ` `045 I I.I43 1 133? 1 1.535 ` `731 1 1.927 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM HEIGHT CHART PIPE SIZE H DIMENSION CONC. CORR.MEfAL 12' 2-6' 15' 2' -9 1 /d• 2' -B' 58' 3' -1 2' 1 2'•11' 21' T' 3 a/4' 3' -Y 24" 3• -7' 3' -5' 27' T-10-1/4' 31-61 30" 4' -1 1/2" 3' -11' 33' 4.43/4' 4' -V Reinforcing oncrete foot a be recast or cast i lace. Two g footing may p n p PRECAST lifting hooks of fabricators design to be provided in precast footing. GENERAL NOTES DI-7- No gutter Increments shown are for inlets without pipes. Pipe displacements must be DI -7A- Single gutter when drop inlet is on a grade. When specified on plans the invert is to be shaped in accordance with Slid. deducted to obtain true quantities. Di-78- Double quit" when drop fillet is in a sag between two grades, IS-I. Paved ditches are to be trans Boned to meet inlet guller as shown in Sid. PG+ Safety Slabs are to be provided at 8' minimum and 12' maximum The type at inlet detailed hereon to be constructed will be at the option of For details of rmcrele cover, Collor and grate, and method of placing opproach vertical intervals and are to be spaced so as not to conflict with the contractor, gutter see sheet 2 o 2. openings for pipes as directed by the Engineer. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET 241 503 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION _ Sheet { of 2 104.22 15 STANDARD MEDIAN DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 3 DI -! Steps are lobe provided when H is 4' -0"a greater. NOTES Fa details see StE.ei`r 4 -2" 3.1 DID. weep Mote Maximum depth (H) ro be b: For greater depth use ' -�+ -- Standard DI -IA. j m ' Cellar When specified on plans the invert is to be shaped .a' -: -'• in accordance with Standonl PWn IS -I. The cost of 4 "depth Agg: furnishing and pfacirtq all materials incidental to the { a N son ..-.: :. •66,.78,a a A A H '- !:' -'• T ' k 8z6'Mdth shaping a to be mduded in the price bid for the drop V _N J E E F E' 12" total complete. N Tn am 12 -15 -18 0[ 24" p ixt iu iN in v This item may be precast or cast in place. 1 All cast in place concrete to be Class A3. For precast I - See ,Sheet 10303. n '_p, The °H "dimension shown on the Standards and specified m v on the Plans will be measured from they overt of the out - SECTION A-A fall pipe to the tap of the shudure. Plan H "dimensions 1 are opproximote only for estimoling purposes and the 9--.{ 3- •_2'- 7 "--�I 9 actual dimensions shelf be determined by the Contractor }•--= 4' -2" from field conditions. PLAN s 4 x B 'Smooth Dowels o roe 12'• N the event the inert of the whioU pipe a higher than (Grate Removed) PC 4o be placed in all areas ndjoeent CONCRETE QUANTITIES FOR MIN. DEPTH the boaan of the structure. the inert of the structure 4 I be t c n<. - e L 40 CuYds. Concrete snot d with cemre. motto o eves s 12 o shape cop a ►xidn9 i concrete to event to abaft co re e aY Pr hole w' plastic hardware e oe dh 12'x12 sic We D D r 1 T - Yds. Concrete a of ofer In the s ruehse. he cost for 15 coot. `528 Cu. Don cloth um mesh or galvanized steel wire, settlement. lieu at pirx minimum wire ilia. 0.03 inch, number lelieuaF doweba2 "xd'nofch maybe ,B °concpipe -1.620 Cu.Yds- Cbcereta ` Thert shaping chxe. shallbe irckded LIT the price bid for mesh . hardware cloth anchored firmly to pmvided.See Standard T- DI -3,4 24 canaptp°- 1'817 Cu.Yu.1ids orete the structure. outside cf structure. alternate design. Add 0.469 Cu.Yde. per additional foot of depth. `SECTION STEELz SECTION CAST IRON ' I•• L. - 2,_7„ 1'- 3' 6 "� °N NOTES L x^ 2 � ; � Lugs to be I0� welded f 3 cos with collar r pint 6� Weld all c.nneclas 10 COilaI x4" Stu. Shear CAST IRON HHUAny alternate methods of anctarage, C � meetinthe oppfovbl of the Engitl���llt1UU���U j m may be substituted to the cast iron .Optional lugs as shown hereon. ^- Brace Ribs .`, -'J1j� �11 Iljj'' IIItUj''I II(7'' IIIj ❑7'I! 1111 N IIxlix4" lugs t- ' canal;tors �rr�- a N i - �� SECTION C C -•i APPROXIMATE WEIGHT ' SECTION B-B DIMENSIONS FOR CAST IRON ONLY Cast Iron ' Grate 363' IBlbs, DETAILS OF COLLAR AND GRATE SPECIFICATION S�"ANDARD DROP INLET REFERENCE 12' -24 PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =10' 233 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104.01 TRANSPORTATION 14 STANDARD DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 3 IS-I I Of B NOTES Slope to drain to invert Shaping of manhole and inlet inverts in occoiCance with this drawing .::o'.. • / ''.° of outlet pipe. is to apply to those structures specified on plans or where invert of DIP. is above invert of structure. ,eG• Manhole or drop inlet is to be formed and constructed in accordance with applicable standard or special drawing. The invert shaping as detailed hereon Is to consist of a Portland Cement Concrete mix conforming io Gloss A3 or Class Cl,excepf that 25% of coarse aggregate may be u0 // .:' :a �' " -T ��; �f;��'° ,e :;•��. to 4 "in dibmeler and consist of stone, broken brick, broken concrete, j/ ����:i?3�'- ••'!?st` =' � �_ - •::�;- Y or broken concrete block. The surface shall be left smodih by means I - - f hand t wetlin .None of the coarse a re oft shaft remain exposed. � I �jY�li:; r3'�::_.'r °-+.�., :<-•sD,f,?;• =7 %: .;;.': C� Jy 9 99 9 D only. I Inv rt she in as shown net on are for exam le ur oses e e D D {���� P 9 P i " Each manhole or drop inlet is to De shaped individually to best fit the particular inlet and outlet configuration and Clow lines. PLAN SECTION B -8 METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE &INLET INVERTS REFERENCE 402 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION 106.08 MANHOLE SHAPING SERIES 8,01 3 SEE ACSA WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 1998) FOR WATER AND SEWER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers LanclSCape Architects 220 East Nigh Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 a d (804)295 7431 "Ap IN, 1_1 PLAN KZ _SV V O `� (o V i a 0 a o i w� o a I a o �x x� � o i IM 11 Scale: North: AS NOTED Sheet Title: GENERAL DET/�ILS Sheet No 21 ASPHALT PAVING SERIES 8.01 i shown hereon. ^- Brace Ribs .`, -'J1j� �11 Iljj'' IIItUj''I II(7'' IIIj ❑7'I! 1111 N IIxlix4" lugs t- ' canal;tors �rr�- a N i - �� SECTION C C -•i APPROXIMATE WEIGHT ' SECTION B-B DIMENSIONS FOR CAST IRON ONLY Cast Iron ' Grate 363' IBlbs, DETAILS OF COLLAR AND GRATE SPECIFICATION S�"ANDARD DROP INLET REFERENCE 12' -24 PIPE MAXIMUM DEPTH (H) =10' 233 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT 302 104.01 TRANSPORTATION 14 STANDARD DROP INLET SERIES 8.01 3 IS-I I Of B NOTES Slope to drain to invert Shaping of manhole and inlet inverts in occoiCance with this drawing .::o'.. • / ''.° of outlet pipe. is to apply to those structures specified on plans or where invert of DIP. is above invert of structure. ,eG• Manhole or drop inlet is to be formed and constructed in accordance with applicable standard or special drawing. The invert shaping as detailed hereon Is to consist of a Portland Cement Concrete mix conforming io Gloss A3 or Class Cl,excepf that 25% of coarse aggregate may be u0 // .:' :a �' " -T ��; �f;��'° ,e :;•��. to 4 "in dibmeler and consist of stone, broken brick, broken concrete, j/ ����:i?3�'- ••'!?st` =' � �_ - •::�;- Y or broken concrete block. The surface shall be left smodih by means I - - f hand t wetlin .None of the coarse a re oft shaft remain exposed. � I �jY�li:; r3'�::_.'r °-+.�., :<-•sD,f,?;• =7 %: .;;.': C� Jy 9 99 9 D only. I Inv rt she in as shown net on are for exam le ur oses e e D D {���� P 9 P i " Each manhole or drop inlet is to De shaped individually to best fit the particular inlet and outlet configuration and Clow lines. PLAN SECTION B -8 METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE &INLET INVERTS REFERENCE 402 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION 106.08 MANHOLE SHAPING SERIES 8,01 3 SEE ACSA WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 1998) FOR WATER AND SEWER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers LanclSCape Architects 220 East Nigh Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 a d (804)295 7431 "Ap IN, 1_1 PLAN KZ _SV V O `� (o V i a 0 a o i w� o a I a o �x x� � o i IM 11 Scale: North: AS NOTED Sheet Title: GENERAL DET/�ILS Sheet No 21 ASPHALT PAVING SERIES 8.01 i INLET SERIES 8.01 3 IS-I I Of B NOTES Slope to drain to invert Shaping of manhole and inlet inverts in occoiCance with this drawing .::o'.. • / ''.° of outlet pipe. is to apply to those structures specified on plans or where invert of DIP. is above invert of structure. ,eG• Manhole or drop inlet is to be formed and constructed in accordance with applicable standard or special drawing. The invert shaping as detailed hereon Is to consist of a Portland Cement Concrete mix conforming io Gloss A3 or Class Cl,excepf that 25% of coarse aggregate may be u0 // .:' :a �' " -T ��; �f;��'° ,e :;•��. to 4 "in dibmeler and consist of stone, broken brick, broken concrete, j/ ����:i?3�'- ••'!?st` =' � �_ - •::�;- Y or broken concrete block. The surface shall be left smodih by means I - - f hand t wetlin .None of the coarse a re oft shaft remain exposed. � I �jY�li:; r3'�::_.'r °-+.�., :<-•sD,f,?;• =7 %: .;;.': C� Jy 9 99 9 D only. I Inv rt she in as shown net on are for exam le ur oses e e D D {���� P 9 P i " Each manhole or drop inlet is to De shaped individually to best fit the particular inlet and outlet configuration and Clow lines. PLAN SECTION B -8 METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE &INLET INVERTS REFERENCE 402 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION 106.08 MANHOLE SHAPING SERIES 8,01 3 SEE ACSA WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (ADOPTED JANUARY 15, 1998) FOR WATER AND SEWER DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers LanclSCape Architects 220 East Nigh Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 a d (804)295 7431 "Ap IN, 1_1 PLAN KZ _SV V O `� (o V i a 0 a o i w� o a I a o �x x� � o i IM 11 Scale: North: AS NOTED Sheet Title: GENERAL DET/�ILS Sheet No 21 ASPHALT PAVING SERIES 8.01 i IM 11 Scale: North: AS NOTED Sheet Title: GENERAL DET/�ILS Sheet No 21 ASPHALT PAVING SERIES 8.01 i a €�f 4 r y �. t �i, r .� `/ <V M IL Ilk i t THE COX COMPANY Planners Civil Engineers Landecape Architects 220 East High✓treet Charlottesville Virginia 22902 (804)295 7451 E&5 PLAN v o ,s 0 v k pq 1-4 P4 o a p >x w � E--4 �, O a a o �x � E--4 x� Job No.: 99 -10 C `l� � JK. O. ��a�\ Date: AUOU57-25, 1999 Reviaion: 11.23.99 1,05.00 Scale: North: Sheet Title: E &3PLAN Sheet No.: C10.00