HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202100008 Study 2022-02-23•� 608 Preston Avenue P 434.295.5624 Suite 200 F 434.295.1800 T I M M O N S GROUP Charlottesville, VA 22903 www•timmonsaom February 23, 2022 Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Old Ivy Preliminary Central Sewerage System & Central Water Supply Proposal In accordance with section 16-102 of the Albemarle County Code of ordinances, we are requesting the establishment of a central sewerage system and central water supply system associated with ZMA202100008 for the proposed Old Ivy development. The water and sewer system are anticipated to serve 490-525 units. It is intended that Greystar will install, maintain, and own all units and private utilities within the development, including the water and sewer systems. Preliminary descriptions for both facilities are included below: Central Sewerage System: The central sewerage system will consist of a conventional sewer system that drains to a lift station within the approximate center of the development. The lift station is planned to pump a single force main that exits the development and connects to an existing ACSA gravity sanitary sewer. The only existing ACSA gravity sewer in proximity of the site is at the southeast corner of the property at an approximate depth of four (4) feet to the invert out. Further the existing ACSA gravity sewer system is located at the highest elevation along the Old Ivy frontage of the site. Grades along Old Ivy and thus the site fall east to west generally towards the 250 bypass. Given the existing undulating grades of the site and site areas well below the existing ACSA sewer invert, it is not possible to gravity sewer the project to the existing ACSA sewer. We will continue to coordinate with ACSA on the final details for the point of connection during the site plan process. It is understood and acknowledged ACSA has shared capacity concerns for the existing system along Old Ivy (south sewer option). Greystar acknowledges that should the sewer design require infrastructure upgrades; they will coordinate any required upgrades with ACSA. There is also a potential alternative option to sewer to the north which may be coordinated with ACSA at final Site Plan. The north sewer option is also generally shown on the attached exhibits. The pump station will consist of duplex submersible pumps, level controls, a circular precast concrete wet well (6' or 8' diameter), a precast concrete valve vault, and an emergency pump connection. The wastewater pumps will be sized for a peak flow of approximately 285-298 gallons per minute (GPM), as summarized in the table and description below. Sanitary flows will need to be confirmed during design based on the final unit count. Emergency backup power will be provided to the pump station by a permanent standby generator to meet the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) Class I reliability standards. An alarm dialer will transmit alarms from the pump control panel to maintenance personnel. The proposed pump station will discharge through a new 4" or 6" force main and connect to an existing ACSA manhole. The pump station and force main will be privately owned and maintained by the developer. ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY Flow Factor Average Flow Unit Type Units GPD GPD 1- Bedroom Apartment 138 200 27,600 2-Bedroom Apartment 149 300 44,700 3-Bedroom Apartment 37 400 14,800 SingleFamilyamily Detached with 25 10,000 Garage 400 Single Family Detached 40 16,000 without Garage 400 Townhome 47 400 18,800 Duplex 54 600 32,400 Total Average Flow 164,300 (GPD) Total Unit Count 490 peaking Factor 2.5 Peak Flow (GPM) 285 Abbreviations: GPD - Gallons Per Day GPM - Gallons Per Minute The range of units proposed on the associated ZMA have a maximum of 525 units. The additional 35 units are assumed to be 1-bedroom units which would add an additional 7,000GPD of average flow and raise the total peaked flow up to 298 GPM. To summarize, our request is for permission to provide a central sewerage lift station to serve the site with a connection to the existing ACSA gravity sewer network determined at final Site Plan in coordination with ACSA. Central Water Supply System: It is anticipated that the development will be served through a new connection to the existing ACSA 12" water line along Old Ivy Road. Master meters will be located at the site entrance to serve the development. The location, size and quantity of master meters required to serve the site will be coordinated with ACSA during the final Site Plan process. The purpose of this request stems from the ownership and rental structure of the site. The applicant (Greystar) will own and rent all units on the site including the apartments, single family and attached products. The master metering of the water service is for Greystar to maintain water service and current billing for site with the continual turnover of units in the rental market environment. The onsite water distribution system will be privately owned and maintained for service to all units with submetering at the owner's discretion. Attachments Included: 1. Central Sewer & Water Supply Exhibit 2. ACSA GIS Map Illustrating North Sewer Option 3. Old Ivy Residences —Overall Site Grading (conceptual grading) 4. DEQ Reliability Classification Worksheet Thank you for considering this request. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Sincerely, i Bryan Cichocki, PE Project Manager PROJECT LOCATION NOTE: GREYSTAR TO OWN ALL '. Ps a UNITS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTAIN E a= o ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES AND w° It INFRASTRUCTURE. o; m o se SCALE 1 "=150' k a qz a NORTH SEWER CONNECTION ;.;I;. de o <p OPTION - BORE ACROSS 250 AND CONNECT TO EXISTING ACSA \ I11 \ \ \ l \ MANHOLE. SEE SEPARATE NORTH 9/R\ \ \ I OUTE250 BYPASS II;, \ \ CONNECTION EXHIBIT j , r F `\ ATEh PROTECTION MULTIFAMILY i ,I _ .\�\��`\1 \'�\\�� \ ORDINANCE (100' DEVELOPMENT STREAM BUFFER) ti• R0& \ \ re — Z - ENVELOPE (TYP.) \� ti\'i \. �� —�-�<'� .�. ) RN I I ALTERNATE LOCATION OF _�-_-��_ � Q � = � TE LIFT STATION \� SINGLE FAMILY \;^?s06 \\ 1\" < DEVELOPMENT n/osimu MpyGxE N ENVELOPE (TYP.) � m vv � \\t \ \ \CHI BY tld�j1j{� 1 P l/%/ I ���\ \\t �o� � Sam \ \ • • B. QCHOW sr.,F i S4N�SAN�SAN� IF - EXISTING FARM POND BE CONVERTED TO SWM `\ MANAGFyMENT POND d• �; _ m� r� IFTSTAT N IF X W a IL - UNITS TO BE PRIVATELY �r / LU IL " I rjr/� ',III _ METERED AT DISCRETION OF Ni / / � ( ) / OWNER TYP. i// r frlr; w Q W ww� M — Sm F AN �M -- SAN �SAN F % I F II > Cyr w W Q _ FORCE MAIN SOUTH OPTION — �— �~`-- IF —FORCE MAIN NORTH OPTION APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MASTER WATER METERS FOR DEVELOPMENT. ONE OR MORE r `\\� 1 METERS WILL BE USED TO MASTER METER THE SITE. FINAL QUANTITY AND SIZING OF METERS \ `\\ Z Lu APPROX. I AP TIE p TIEPIN I I l J TO BE DETERMINED AT SITE PLAN. i / ITH EXISTI16 WIT AX WI WATER LINE SqN T _ _ . _ . ,� — — — — — — — 1 r _ �1 �` Y S�WE, APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FORCEMAIN CONNECTION TO EXISTING GRAVITY a, I\i pew zs o. SEWER. FINAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED AT SITE PLAN��!�� I I ' i -r' EXH-7 POSSIBLE FORCE MAIN BORED ACROSS 250 J 10" line with plenty of capacity per ACSA Easement "gfO �7�// v(�O ♦ Clean Out Lateral End to o it~ CSA Sewer Manhole \Pp whership Albemarle County Service r OWN q� r� ��» Private Ownership • ` ACSA =, Private Ownership CSA Sewer Gravity Main S 0 11R 10111 wnership Albemarle County Service, I� JI, Private Ownership Q\ a UVA Q/ ¢ ¢ • WSA Water Main COPEL'EY D R y , tility Type 4dj' Potable Water ' Raw Water RWSA Sewer Manhole RWSA Sewer Gravity Main 4"M t4�1 1111 DISCLAIMER ap printout is not for any mapal reference location only. all other e mend n d far general Utilities, stmerence lot lines, and all is printout is s indicated inende on this map are intended r preliminary layout less N ■Q Albemarle County planning and general location purposes. The utilities shown on this map are believed to be accurate, W E however, recent utility improvements and/or system changes may have been updated since the of physical time oRts, printout Any determination topography or contours, any of o is shallot for general information only and shall not used for the improvements, property lines or boundaries nformaiononl S Service Auth♦rity design, modification, or construction of improvements lo real propeM or for flood plain determination. Contact ACSA directly for specific utility locations. 0 $%0 74U t,it� t,4$U Aerial Imagery® Commoawealth of Virginia Planimetric Dale Property of County of Albemarle Feet 46 �� ACSA Staff MMIDD/20VV LEGEND. I,ii E TRAVELWAV / PARKING AREA APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT ENVELOPE l >-E a, E SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT ENVELOPE rw„s a C e COMMUNITYAMENITY SPACE (2) RETAINING WALLS (6' MAX., 12' TOTAL) oo Aa a, SIDEWALK RETAINING WALL (6' MAX.) ."4 SCALE1"=150' � �k e CONCEPTUAL FIRE ACCESS o LL a ° z. PRESERVED STEEP SLOPES TO BE O O REZONED TO MANAGED STEEP 0 150, 300' RETAINING WALL MAX.) - a SLOPES(GIS MAPPING) i °m 1 I 1 1 1 MANAGED SLOPES (GIS MAPPING) ,,,I •.i, i'�i i�i, ,I. � , i,l �� o .0 £ >,x� 100'WPO BUFFER \ l ( � RETAINING WALL(6' MAX.) EX. PROPERTY LINE (APPLICATION AREA) RETAININg/ROL�Y E250BYPASS\\ EXISTING RIVANNA TRAIL PRELIMINARY REROUTE OF RIVANNA TRAIL a CONCEPTUAL TRAIL LAYOUT '' WATER PROTE �TION — WATERLINE ORDINANCE (100' ~ -- SANITARY SEWER i `STREAM BUFFER) '� �29j �• ° —F SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN - — - / ��+� •� I ` ��G• ` 1VO520Il oxnwx xr • I� - - � \ � I `� `' � \ - � asp n � \ • ` yagsS \ M. DENHMD M. DE HM ~ ' I r/' s� � .� 7r , O\° \\\�. \\�`, \\...` \ \� .� \� �• �M °o° sar ° 0 Sigp�' / \ �" 607 o ,. f o0 000 • r-° hC0 SBo� I 6 °00OD °°° °g20° .: • `i D j o_ S { ` - XISTING FARM POND CONVERTED TO SWM A WALL (6'M { BE ENTPOND °vo�°�Dao°RETAINING 2p s -MANAG S =iO � co --- SANITA�Y --i o D ' LIFT STAI ON ---- ---- - '�°�°�°�°�°°°° 63 / (n 6p0 W C� • — II / °o°g°o°o°o°o°ov ` / v "G'OGG $ O O u I RETAINING WALL (6' MAX.) W Ur Lu cl� U) > n of J W p o iiS o O. 595 _ a 25 a 645 326 y RETAININ WALL MAX.) 34 (U APf RD. TIE IN i 1 / �� 6 5 V�� APPROX. TIE -I WITH EXISVII(J6 WIJFJ EX9TING i�(�C - fNING WALL$ (&' OVA �3TR�) % y — RETA{N�A1 1 (6' MAX.) \ 1 1 1I azizs WATER LINE SqN T YI SEWERII irXy�" I JAL i f, -- j �A I G A -S ' MAX.. 2' TOTAL /, I 4 I I I I I dll 11\ R TAI I W LL5 r' MAiC.f I Reliability Classification Worksheet for Sewage Pumping Stations Pump Station Name: Old Ivy Residences Location: Albemarle County, Parcels 60-24C3 and 60-24C Average Daily Design Flow/ Peak Design Flow (MGD/MGD): 0.171 / 0.428 Complete Part I and Part II of this form, and submit this form with your CTC application. All assessments are based on the average daily design flow of the pump station (not peak flow or current flow). Part I. Reliability Classification Assessment 1. Is the station located in the Dulles Watershed (9 VAC 25-401) or in the Occoquan Watershed (9 VAC 25-410)? ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class I with special construction requirements (see 9 VAC 25-401 and/or 410). ® If no, proceed to Question 2. 2. The default Reliability Classification for all other pump stations within Virginia is Class I. Is the pump station to be constructed to meet Reliability Class I? ® If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class 1. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 3. 3. Is the design average daily flow to the pump station greater than or equal to 0.5 MGD? ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class 1. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 4. 4. Is the pump station located in the any of the following localities? Counties of Accomack, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northampton, Northumberland, Richmond, Southampton, Surry, Westmoreland or York; or Cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach or Williamsburg. ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class 1. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 5. 5. Is a public water supply surface water intake within 5 miles downgradient of the pump station or within 1 tidal cycle upstream of the pump station? [Contact the appropriate field office of VDH's Office of Drinking Water http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/drinkingwater/contacts/. Provide VDH with latitude/longitude information for the pump station and the average and peak design flows.] ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class I. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 6. 6. If the pump station were to overflow, is there high probability of public contact with the wastewater? [Is the station close to residential/commercial/institutional areas and/or recreational areas (boat landings, posted swimming/fishing/boating areas, parks) such that an overflow would likely present a public health hazard?] ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class I. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 7. 7. Is average daily design flow to the pump station < 2000 gpd? ❑ If yes, STOP - Reliability is Class II. ❑ If no, proceed to Question 8. 8. Is there a perennial surface water located within 1500 ft downgradient of the facility? (Perennial stream defined as a solid blue line on USGS quad map or determined from field investigation.) ❑ If no, STOP - Reliability is Class II. ❑ If yes, proceed to Question 9. Reliability Classification Assessment for Sewage Pump Stations 10/22110 Page 1 of 2 9. Does the perennial surface water considered in Question 8 above provide less than a 10:1 dilution (7Q10 receiving water flow to average daily design flow); OR is the perennial surface water a 303d listed impaired segment? [See http://www.deg.virginia.govtwastewater/MunicipaiNonWQIFProcedures032010 for location and list of stream gauges and 7Q10 information, and http://www.deg.vir_qinia.goy/wqa/303d.htmi for 303d listings] ❑ If yes to either of the questions, STOP - Reliability is Class I. ❑ If no, STOP - Reliability is Class 11. Based on the Part I assessment, the designated reliability classification for this pump station is Class I Note that DEQ has determined that Reliability Class III is not protective of water quality and is not a valid classification for a new pump station. Part It. Method of Complying with Reliability Classification For this pump station, select your method of complying with the reliability class requirements. Reference 9 VAC 25-790-390 through 420. Reliability Class l: ® Option A: Emergency generator with automatic transfer switch or dual electrical feeds. Class I must monitor main power supply, auxiliary power supply, failure of pump to discharge, and high liquid level in weVdry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. ❑ Option B: Permanently installed engine -driven emergency pump. Wet well storage above the high water alarm equal to or greater than documented response time of owner/service provider (i.e., no overflow is allowed). Automatic transfer in the event of a power failure is preferred. The emergency pump must pass the peak flow and must monitor main power supply, failure of pumps to discharge, and high liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. Battery or other acceptable backup for pump controls is required. ❑ Option C: 24 hour emergency storage. Class I must monitor main power supply, failure of pump to discharge, and high liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. (24 hour storage based on average daily design flow.) ❑ Option D: Closing the facility to eliminate generation of sewage. On -site audio-visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. (Only available to facilities that will close during a power outage such as schools, certain industries, some recreational and park areas.) ❑ Option E: Portable Equipment (e.g., pumps and generators). [Only available for facilities to be owned and operated by a locality, utility, or service authority.] Wet well storage above the high water alarm equal to or greater than documented response time of owner/service provider. Owner/Service Provider has sufficient portable equipment (see 9 VAC 25-790- 410 for details). Portable pump and/or portable generator hookup provided. Class I must monitor main power supply, failure of pump to discharge, and high liquid level in wet/dry wells; a test function must also be provided. On -site audio- visual alarm required with telemetry or autodialer to site manned 24 hours a day. ❑ Option F: For facilities in the Dulles Watershed Only: In addition to complying with Reliability Class I requirements in 9 VAC 25-790, the facility also complies with 9 VAC 25-401-30.D. ❑ Option G: For facilities in the Occoquan Watershed Only: In addition to complying with Reliability Class I requirements in 9 VAC 25-790, the facility also complies with 9 VAC 25-410-20-F.5. Reliability Class 11: ❑ Option A: Portable/standby generator (manual transfer switch or quick connect). On -site audio-visual high water alarm. ❑ Option B: Emergency pump connection (and access to a portable pump). On -site audio-visual high water alarm. ❑ Option C: Closing the facility to eliminate generation of sewage. On -site audio-visual high water alarm. (Only available to facilities that will close during a power outage such as schools, certain industries, some recreational and park areas.) Form to be completedandsigned/by Design Engineer. Form completed 5!�� (signature) Printed name Bruce W. Strickland, Jr., P.E. Reliability Classification Assessment for Sewage Pump Stations 10/22110 Page 2 of 2