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WPO201400041 Plan - Approved 2014-05-06
AND ASSOCIATES INC MIN PM1 REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 -248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 'If LT H OF 1' 1 ot•� ; f�� I .f 1D. Kent O'Donohue, dr.9 r, Lie. No. 0406001683 d ti`S �SC,A PE h'90 JW J W Q ® W OW U O� J w O U Q Z U > F- Iii t� W --� W J m U) Q F-0 O 0 U) F- O U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE N/A REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07 -11 -2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 �r� 0 INTERSTATE 0 64 APPROVE by the Albemarle CoU* Community Development Depadment Date cl = 7 REEK MILL C DR File _gyp � r ► � CJ � (� �_L. -. N N SCOTTSVIL LE DISTRICT APPROVALS Department Date ALBEMARLE C VIRGINIA Department of Coiffi )unity Development M 7 M _ Planner /Zoning SHEET ` INDEX Engineer V'` C1 COVER Inspections QPy C2 EXISTING Ct,ONDITIONS & ESC PH. I PLAN C3 LAYOUT & UTILITY PLAN ARB L - L S ITE C4 GRADING & ESC PH. II PLAN Department of Fire Fescue p C5 ESC NOTES Albemarle County Service Authority C6 ESC DETAILS. C7 SITE DETAILS 'Virginia Department of Transportation C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN (Health Department K L1 LIGHTING PLAN 4� K L2 LIGHTING DETAILS LEGEND 9 GENERAL MOTES --- •---- W--- EX. INTRMDT. CONTOUR PROP. INTRMDT. CONTOUR SITE ADDRESS: MILL CREEK DRIVE AND AVON STREET - -- �'i -- - - EX. INDEX CONTOUIR 1320)- PROP. INDEX CONTOUR CHARLOTTESWILLE, VA J SCALE: � ��_JOO' 35.55 F 3SS� EX. SPOT ELEVATION PROP. SPOT ELEVATION -35.05 1. OWNER: BLAKELEY & JENNIFER GREENHALGH DEVELOPER: TRIANGLE SERVICES AGENT: BALZER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 636 PARK STREET J -� 2903 N. AUGUSTA STREET 1561 COMMERCE ROAD I C I N I T Y n CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 STAUNTON, VA 24401 SUITE 401 V 1P N O p _8" WL PROP. WATER LINE WL- -- ° EX. WATER LINE PHONE: 540 -885 -5181 VERONA, V A 24482 FAX: 540 - 885 -7177 PHONE: 540 - 248 -3220 _8" SAN -- - - -- EX. SANITARY SEWER 8" SAN PROP. SANITARY SEWER CONTACT: PETER WRAY FAX: 5 0 KENT O'DONOHUE, LA I8 "w P emmm EX. STORM PIPE PROP. STORM PIPE 2. PARCEL INFORMATION TMP: 77 -47A -- -- -- - EX. EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROP. EDGE OF PAVEMENT DB 3798, PG 109 ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - SHOPPING; CENTER (PD -SC) &ENTRANCE CORRIDOR (EC) �.� EX. BUILDING PROP. BUILDING CURRENT USE: VACANT PROPOSED USE: COMMERCIALf .a. PROJECT NARRATIVE ... ...... NT LAND USES AL COMMERCIAL USE( S): - .. •, .. EX. CONCRETE 1 'PROP. CONCRETE DISTURBED AREA 0.79E ACRES THE OWNER IS PROPOSING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 10,400 SQUARE FOOT BU;LU{NG;,WITH PRIVATE r r =r; PROP. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ;- EX. PAVEMENT } EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.00 ACRES UTILITY EXTENTIONS. NECESSARY GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL WILL BE PERECiRMED. STANDARD HEAVY DUTY / PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.56 ACRES r 1I`) . ' :'..... .. , ...... EX. GRAVEL :.. ":;`- ;:' "''. `'Y :.<„ PROP. GRAVEL 3. SETBACKS: H FRONT = 30' �.: sN's, ry. H PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT PROP. PAVERS SIDE = 0' n - REAR = p' .. '. �� AL B E MAR L E COUNTY G" E N E RAL NOTES - EX. POWER POLE -�- PROP. POWER POLE 4. BUILDING FOOTPRINT 10,400 SQ. FT. (7,500 ``O. F r. OF RETAIL) BUILDING TYPE II -B � EX. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROP. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION = No. OF STORIES = 1 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY .EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY EXISTING ROAD A PERMIT OF TRANSPORTATION (VOOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY TPJ EX. STORM SEWER MANHOLE SIGN BUILDING HEIGHT = 30 FT ' NOT SPRINKLED SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT . REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES OCCUR THE IREQUIREMENTS OF,THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. 5 = MAhJ,�GEMENT: PREVIOUSLY PROPOSED STORMWATER BUILDOUT OF PROPERTY IS 80% IMPERVIOUS AREA G 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF VDOT UNLESS nt„ 3 CQ CLEANOUT WM WATER METER " ` , „STORMWATER STORMWATER BUILDOUT OF PROPERTY IS 77% IMPERVIOUS AREA G OTHERWISE NOTED. WATER QUALITY /QUANTITY: SUERS LESS THAOSED 1 ACRE. C) EX. LIGHT POLE PROP. GATE VALVE 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED, EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND 6. WATER: PUBLIC SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. WATER LINE REDUCER BLOW -OFF VALVE SEWER: PUBLIC 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. F EX. TELEPHONE BENCHMARK 7. PARKING REQ'D: 4.75 SPACES PER 1,000 SQ F i. = 10,400 SQ. FT. /1000 = 10.4 X 4.75 = 49 SPACES (SITE) 4.75 SPACES PER 1,000 „SQ F[. = 46,596 SQ. FT. /1000 = 46.6 X 4.75 = 221 SPACES (SHOPPING CENTER) 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OIBTAINABLE, LESSER SLOPES OF 3:1 OR 270 TOTAL SPACES REQ'D ' BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. EX. GAS LINE G PROP. GAS LINE PARKING PROVIDED: 34 SPACES (INCL- 2 H.C. SPACES) ON SITE F 300) SPACES (INCL. 8 , H C. SPACES) . ON SHOPPING CENTER PROPERTY F 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER, OR - ° °- iU -- - EX. OVERHEAD CABLE OHU PROP. OVERHEAD CABLE 334E TOTAL SPACES PROV D ,':- DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. LOADING SPACES REQ'D: 1 SPACE PER 8,000 C(l. FT. OF RETAIL 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. --- ---- -X ----- --- EX. FENCE P PROP. UNDERGRND POWER LINE LOADING SPACES PROV'D: 1 SPACE' N' PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE •- CLASS III. 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRET E P �" ' ° '""` EX. TREE LINE X PROP. FENCE 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERtIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ONI THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN, ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, ON HIS INITIATIVE AND 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR 'THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 ,_ AT NO EXTRA COST, HAWE LOCATED ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. -.NO CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OR EXTRA CFR PART 1926). �H -.,. ° ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE PROP. TREE LINE COMPENSATION SHALL A(CCRUE TO THE CONTRACTOR FROM THE PRESENCE OF SUCH PIPE OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS OR FROM ANY DELAY: DUE TO THE REMIOVAL OR REARRANGEMENT OF THE SAME. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND STRUCTUFRES. CONTACT "MISS UTILITY" OF CENTRAL VA TOLL FREE 811. E N EXISTING ROAD MONUMENTS - - SITE PROPERTY LINE ;? E - -7�-- -77- WETLAND AREA INLET PROTECTION 9. CROSS CONNECTION AND) BACKFLOW VALVE SHALL-BE INSTALLED TO IBC CODE. AN APPROVED REDUCED PRESSURE DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE MAIN WATER SERVICE TO TI IE J.BUILDING. AN APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED ON PROFFERS THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM IF APPLICABLE. ----- RMA - - -- RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ARE ----- RPA - - -- RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA 10. ALL UTILITY LINES SUCH AS ELECTRIC, TEL.EPHOIIE,,AND CAN, OR OTHER SIMILAR LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND. THIS PURSUENT TO SECTION 33.3 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE, THE OWNER, OR ITS DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT HEREBY SHALL APPLY TO LINES SSERVING INDIVIDUAL SI'fES,AS WELL AS TO UTILITY LINES WITHIN THE PROJECT. VOLUNTARILY PROFFERS THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW WHICH SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE PRROPERTY, IF ; ESC PHASE I SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: 1. CLEAR ENTRANCE AND INSTALL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. DURING N WET WEATHER CONDITIONS, DRIVERS OF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES SHALL BE REQUIRED TO WASH THEIR WHEELS BEFORE ENTERING HIGHWAY. y j 2. SAW CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT & INSTALL SAFETY FENCE AND TEMPORARY ( 1 DIVERSION AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 3. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION TO EXISTING GRATE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. NOTE: INLET PROTECTION, SILT FENCE, AND DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON PLANS BEFORE ANY DISTURBANCE BEGINS. 5. REFER TO ESC PHASE II PLANS. M I ESC LEGEND TEMPORARY STONE 3.02 CONSTRUCTION CE L ENTRANCE 3.05 SILT FENCE SF 1 3.07 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION I P 1 y K 1 TEMPORARY 3.09 DIVERSION DIKE DID 3.38 TREE PRESERVATION & PROTECTION T P G E D LEGEND.: T.B.R. = TO BE REMOVED EX. SLOPES OF 25% OR GREATER SURVUNOTES: 1. THERE /5 A VARIABLE WIDTH ACCESS EASEMENT FROM MILL CREEK DRIVE TO SERVE THE SU9,1ECT PARCEL AS DEFINED BY THE AS -BUILT TRAVELWAYS AS SHOWN ON PLAIT RECORDED AT DEED BOOK 1815, PAGE-301 2. OTHER THAN AS INDICATED, ALL EASEMENTS ARE AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED AT DEED BOOK 1815, PAGE-284. CONTRACTOR NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT ENTERS THE EXISTING STORMWATER CONVEYANCE. SYSTEM AND REMAINS ONSITE. ANY SEDIMENT ENTERING THE STORMWATER SYSTEM WILL REQUIRE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM BEING CLEANED, AND CAMERA /VID►EO INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVE THE SYSTEM IS CLEAN PRIOR TO RELEASE OF THE WPO BOND. ' 15' U'1L11'Y ES,1 T ! a r + i I { d1• . DB1u15 PG0302 e ! 1. �t ° '1J i i r ' J L"9 _M 1��.... .. ... .... -.. { ! ' �+ + + i ° ` i t i i ' ! 1 F° Ri.,O! r / W I+, ' � I ► l t I I 1' 14 i ! I I I t t t i i i �i' � �"E . _,�I ( .. . -- : :1 �y T ' -10,v ,.S.3 4. ' . .t. - ' ' '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L 11f . . . . . . Nit . .. . . p . ...' .. . ... . . .:._ .' . ._ ._ .._.._ .. .'. . ' ...... . . . . . . _i 131.80 12 5 � . 5562038 ' ,. 12.3' . . . _ ;. _ c + r j iI II i►1 t1 I +� _ i , — — ''_}l' G J\ '1� "i�RY,............. 55620 38 1 E 42.00 _ t4N hil'i � n _ ww l TO' =4686 •= 8 0 (TO BE TOP 4802 ...... . RAISED TO 489, 30) 1iYV � 4 42 . - . ... ' j t ° a,, i ► '. { ' &V -= 481.5 TO E RELOCATED - - �._ _. - __ . t ( c's?ta'1i'EElV ' C + a. ° 1 i i , ' ` , f .. - _ ' .. H - _ - _ _ _ _ _. - ' �. ::.. :.... _ ........ HILLG'ftEST LLB' Z t t i { i SAWCIUT EX. �. t,.; ....... I,if� 07700- 00 -00- /14700 Q I 1 t I �1. 1C7" 7 tt'L?1�A,' ' •;_�_a_ _... Li8- 16°96' PG.•309 J PAVEMENT I ( 1 I, t ! + ► t <, TXP. ,. ' t -..... . /'.OLE..' ........ ZONING. PLAN)WO OcVLZO'AIENT S110i"PING 1 I �9 i j I i i y QTY ( �;. ,. :.'1 :.:::.;.' '. (M �.. ............. G:L-NTLIt .* ENIPMNCE CORRIDOR • t f r101 OAIf I r , i , • :-�• -� ............ USL G'O,49rtsEti'CtAL L_Lj It I { ' ' , s {t J t l a it II - �' BLAIfLLY T GREENIrAL6- -'1/ - 7 U ► ! 12� I I III 1EiYN /FER PARIlilrlf G!'L:L!'IItA/..GN w.:.�<� _:: <_.�.... , .'....:.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'..'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l! II ... ............... U F- TAff 07700--00-00- 047,10 ~. . . . .. I . . - -- V . u.OB'3798 P 109 ... ... . . . . �� � W U 733 Arf5 ... .. W G ON,NG.- PLANW0 DEV90AVEW 571OPPING CENTER � e. >_ 0 � 'lt'l(1G ° °l+' :..' .... . ...................... o Q 1 ., ' { I I t k I I t t -- USL ll1CAtVT ' ” 19 MCP OIL Vl _ __ _... _ _� �_ ... Y + 1 !a_. _ : n F W Z W W C1AI( t i i + + _ _, .... ........... J lei 1 }t I I 1 4-, ....... SF I . . _ __ _—_ . . . . O U O m . . . . . J Wt.{ Q L r U_ t ' .,'t�'' < `^ i 1,. I I t` t '\ '�, ..•'” . . . . Z ., �',+� O ' i f ✓ r�j » --1 N j , ; 1 t I � I � .- � •• � . `:3�a�� . �:, �— _..._. -.,. �. - '11�' , ' , U) ----------- ... .... ... AT'FtsW, LOC.,'(:%r,EfY,' 20' E { Ilf , { .i .� ... , .. .... ... • ...... � d1<�llli'L /i'/E. •I: �':�IT ' .:.: • : � O f t 1 4 + ! . . . 1 I { 4 + I 1 }r 1�L9'1 15 t G BOG' V ICJ _ + - ....................... . _' t___A _ ' .... I--- t. { I It �,t T. F �-. '.ti.' .............. . O O O CE r �. ... I W » r ° f �'` I 1 � 50x76 _ — y —' + ; 1 + I; + ' ftrr — —. 1.. • (, "I r D UI'11fAll, 0 F 0111E --- CfLLIr'RY �� (T. B. � � '� � �IOii,rf Ot DRAWNI BY DKO f� I 1 a ' + �� „�\ \I t ' PLJ STAL `� �.� (T.B.R.) (T.B.R. "�_ / .. ' � T r'� 49 E POlE - s� .._ - W ...... 0 \.� �+ o } DESIGNED BY DKO 6 CHECKED BY ERB •- . 02-21-2014 DATE _ E. 20 11, TJliY `` C 9818 15 l G302 f SE{9 R ES4T 1 20 S1011L \ C1 tEt'!y , 156 i = < I. Oi'� .. ' , lttl, TIOiV BOX 1 TP f' 1600 ��OLE �:.., REVISIONS: IlfTC N620, 8V� 05 -05 -20 14 lU ` cVl'Gfr'Ljt HEDG' iGN 11! 90 tNV 4.240 -11 -2014 ' • ' ' ' ' ' .' ' . . � :; B /Y 15' I1NI60Pf Lt 15' UT /LlIY LST J x: cam : UIII_lTY E6111T 081815 P60302 MILL CREEK DRIVE WOUTE1150 —~ a � 50' 91JiLDING sETBAG'lf (120' R. 0. W. )_ �._ �.__.__.._._.._.___._._,. ,.____..________.__.�..._. —.... ..�..__.._.�.. (TYP) SHEET NO. A - hVV 505.43 D 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 17 1R 19 gn 91 1 JOB NO. S1300029 �r REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc 10 " O11/( ( 1 I ( 1 I N New River Valley - 5) 1 1 J f Richmond Roanoke .. Shenandoah � � ( ..'.' '.'.� � � ,�1�"6:�>• Valley (. RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING RING E � !� � � i • .(. • :: ��� � "� I o .: ENGINEERING ' 6�VLIrED rUIIt LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING :*, -• ,; ��_ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 10 a0, <ilf 1 E jj ...... ......... 1. M 1 li I . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . ' ' 1 : �� LAND SURVEYING I (. . . . . . . . .\ , ;�1 • _ _ �. e — ARCHITECTURE ( I STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING I I ;�� - .' - �= } }} TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING i ► ° — —� . — . ' . — _—. — ENVIRONMENTAL &SOIL SCIENCE EIS %1 t�It'IV ( 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS _ . A. n- . _ Ir'O,Y I.Or✓. Or'. a (..... ' ........................ (TOP.'OKh`>~'1Jf�01T)......... Balzer and Associates, Inc. i0"„ OAIi ( f, .',',','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.'.'.'.'.'. 20'IOR,1I .516i!ER'...:: L (..:.:.:. f .......... EL ".`x,... ................... .. ... - ........... . (... .. _ ... ....' •E... aJr�1815• t'��I�O��.. 1561 Commerce Road R,� . _ Suite 401 .. ... ".. ... / . _ `'—r _ �c� , ' w ��., �..... Verona, VA 24482 RRI.,1T /OlY kP71 / c� VALVs f ...... Y)01,'11y T� �. ('.'.'. ... ... .. I L'....... %.rl rlf'E 1/7 -" 7.,' fl5 0 Ial�'lFi° II� �,,y .. � i I ` 1-; _ ``� . Tt�„{; tUPE ....'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.' 540- 248 -3220 . r i V ('. ' tlt) " (. . .. . . J,�('/i'il' D! - - ` Fa & 1.f3'.11U� _ _ w__ 11LL f,'R/ II�OA LOC4770i15,1 -� i•' `� v.:..'..' '....' '.....'..... , i ° t "ND '.. -- ....'.._ . ? _ -'; _ __— FAX 540 - 248 -3221 (.� ' I I T(�, � ' 4.3i . VA � . " _ - ^ -R �:� _... - _ X477..'37. ' .1.: �.� ..'1 „'...... du.' by ' r ..... (. i �.. /..... � ' �..�.� ....... I . ......... .. ....... �' . ' . ' . ' . ... e# ..... .� .....� ........M . i .. ' .... "_.__ - _- . _ .. _____ -.. _-__-_ -_-._ ._._._.___. --. � ('* ! /> % I• `-'D. Kent ODonohue dr. i - a 1 t ( ..........'.' � � „_: -r 1 -, f;Y.' "U' S ,'YLo' ESfIfT. "'.'.'.'...'.' .. '.' .. ... , t- ! . . ....... Lie. No. 0406001683 1 1 :... .......................f...J... �' j ..... : '�,(2` .. DB1�315 R('0302 ' f .. ' � . ' . ' .:� � a,_ . __- --_-_.- -_ .... . P I , i �...... °.. 1 ................. ''... y 07 -11 -2014 ( gk '1.'..,;-_._.,- "t'kN61h1iAit'1( ' TP" 1......11 �':.... ..'.'.' '.'.'. ........TOP' OF Af�1N /,'CSC. r... - ....- ' .... A1'E Ag'C 50' W O Q 11 a 1,' L OB1 X15 20 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1 " = 20' REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzcr.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 1 "D. Kent O'Donohue, dr.O" Ue. No. 0406001683 f, IF 07-11-2014 d ti sc�PEk,� .J _.I w Y 0 w w O� U O:2 Z Q J D W O A C L M1 U � U) J W —J W J M > Q O /O � vJ Z O U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 0 = 20' REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07 -11 -2014 0 LEGEND �, I �© CONCRETE BUMPER BLOCK jI I I I I N (SEE DETAIL, SHEET C7) g q l l N C CONCRETE SIDEWALK I I I I (SEE DETAIL, SHEET C7) t I I E ELECTRICAL SERVICE �O I . CONNECTION M HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE PARKING & SIGN (SEE DETAILS, SHEET C7) SHOE BOX STYLE LIGHT (SEE SHEET L1 & L2) COMPACTOR & LOADING PAD X I - - '.'. (SEECONCRETE DETAIL, SHEET C7) . ... ' ' ... .......... ' . . ~ . . ' ' .' -. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE . . ... . .'..'..'..'..''.- . .'. . . ..°�.-.-..'.- .. . . : ... ..... . . . . ... .°.�.. . .'..'.......'....'. : . .. . . CONNECTION . . ' ' ' L ... .... .............. . . : :: ; :; ;:::::: . ' ' ' ' '. . . . . .' ' ' ' . ... ' ' ' . . . ... I . ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . .:.., . . . . . .. ........ } . . . . . . ....... . _ .... ....... L .. . . . .... .' . .' . .°. ..�.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . ....' . . . . . . . . . .... ' '. . ''' ' '". . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 � .• W ''''''.' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SERVICE METER SEE DETAIL SHEET C7) X ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE ....-.- . . ...- .. .(... ..- ' . . . . . . . .-- . ....'.-. .... ... ......._ .._ .:.......- . . . . ..... . . . . .DOMESTIC . .. . ..... . . . . . . ..A . . UTILITY CONTR. W 1 WATER LINE (PVC) - ...... ,... ..; .. . . . _- _ . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EXISTING ... �. . . i Ht�E K COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY UTILITY CONTR. EXISTING CONNECTION BY PLUMBER r I Lp l . ... . . . . . . ... . � HOP, • '�. ... . . ''' I ( I ' . . . . . . ... . . . I -�- � `� ( I -�` i - ._ . . . . . .. . ' ' . . ' ... . ... . . . . .� .�. I i III II I. Jr) .� . . . `.'.. — . K ABT 6" POLYDRAIN TRENCH DRAIN OR EQUAL . . . q OT. .3 ' '............,I.... .... . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . , • . . . . . . ... . ' .. , . . .. . . . . . . . . . ' ' r �. I TR ( TRAFFIC RATED WITH HEEL PROOF GRATE I N . . . . . . -. - - - . .. . . �'. ' ' ' . ' ' "' ' '.. ' PROP. STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT f ' I' '...... �........... J . ; ; : ; (SEE DETAIL, SHT. C7) j•,' I . ...........:.'. ° DI� 5:00 I...... .'....... .'l.'.......................... ........................ �........... I ............ ....................... .... ;�V..... f. ..... .................. I....'. .. - 1' HT:.- RiE- D: . - BRICK J PROP. STANDARD DUTY CONC. R190 R.ED . . . . . .-- -.- --. - S.C. ENCLOSURE . . . . . .'.'.'. . � TO MATGN ..- . .. .. ..: .-.. ... - -.._.... (SEE DETAIL, SHT. C7) PROP. HEAVY DUTY CONC. F. : (0' ........ ... ' '.''' ' . . . . .. . .. . ... ... . . . . .. . .... .. ....... ) ( S EE DETAIL SHT. C7 ) CG G . ....- . (4i , .. _.. _ .. .. ... . . . . . .. _ I II( ' . .... . . . . . . . ...... .._ .... j ' .... ... . . . . .. . . . ... . . _._. . _ . . . . -6 (WET) CG - 6 (DRY) •r ..�.:'�.:�..'...'... . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . .' ' . ' ' ' . . .. . y° VA . �. 12' - MIH 1 l I HDPE I 1 "HDPE 12 "H PE f ..................... ............ _ NOTE 4 : '• vt.:.. ... ...... .... �.. . . H NOTES: T P =49 20 NOTE 2 '. . :. I Q : �' ..' ..:... . • v n PL RELOCATED EX. DI -1 r I V IN =48 .80 oR9..50. MECH. T TOP= 487.90 UT =48 �.. . ' . ' . TE UNITS �• H 1) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EX. WATERLINE LOCATION & �V! .70 .••' '.''. •'. E' DONATION DROP tN 2 �� INV IN =485.04. � � - --I. 0-� SIZE TO DETERMINE PROPER METER CONN. &CAPPING OF EX. LINE. I I ) 12.00' (1) 12'X25' LOADING SPACE INV OUT= 484.94 -�• _ ....• .'. .•...•,• ,_.•.•..•.•.•:•;•:._•. WALL PART IT _ ....... �.'.'.' 2) CONTR. TO FIELD VERIFY EX. SANITARY LATERAL LOCATION & DEPTH TO DETERMINE PROPER VERTICAL AND O W O -�; � � •' '• •• • •• �•,• • '• • '• • • I I : ° ' -`'~ .'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - � ° •' � ,�" "M' -� `� I ' � • -- - - - - -= - -' ° r °--- .� ' I a ^ . ' I " HORIZONTAL CONN. FOR BUILDING & CAPING OF EX. LINE. y> ,`� I N . • c; r, I:.. } : ..L .'........... 3) CONTR. TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EX. IRRIGATION LINES, N � I I , -- PROPOSED GOODWILL ........:.......:........ -✓° � '• • , -' '• •'�j} ��... N • .... • • • • • , • G METERS, & VALVES FOR RELOCATION OR ADJUSTMENTS AS NEEDED. lv �' t l I n 44 l I. �. I _' CANOPY 1 —STORY °D .. .. . CV I G 4) CONTR. TO RELOCATE EX. DI -1 TO PROPOSED LOCATION. EXTEND EX. HDPE TO NEW LOCATION. FILL DI -1 WITH W �I a1 _J ( ' ::: • L �_ 1 0 • , • , • . • 5:25''.'." :".'.' ".'.".." .'.','.'. . . ' .. ' ' ' ' ' . BOLLARD 40 S.F. S r . , I Da ' CONC. TO INVERT OUT ELEVATION. O Q I z .'.'.. .' ...... '.'..'. 5) CD UNDERDRAINS SHALL BE 4" MIN. HDPE © 1 % MIN. I c ...'.'.'.'.'.'.' ........ (7, 5 0 0 S F�. 0 I R ETAI L RESTRIP�' • ' .- ,- . -2 . DI -1 / -PAWNG SLOPE. TRENCH DRAINS SHALL BE 6" MIN. ® 1 MIN. SLOPE. CD -2 UNDERDRAINS & TRENCH DRAINS SHALL �O•'. ' . ' . '. ' ' '. . ' . '. 1�- .... TOP= 491.60 O , / 3 ACS ABANDON 8' : SPkES:. :.....'. • ..........:........... . � . A � . . OF ESMT. . F CONN. TO PROPOSED 8" HDPE VIA WYE CONNECTION. ALL CLEANOUTS SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED. 'UNDERGROUND Q ( t, �' °° I 8 _ _ INV= 487.50 114.00' • • . . • • . . • _- • • • • F 6) ALL ROOF LEADERS ARE TO CONNECT TO • q '. 8" N -12 HDPE '_' '- -� STORM SEWER SYSTEM. SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR LOCATION ::: : o : :::: I I � • . ......�P f .._ 1 MIN. SLOPE CANOPY OF DOWN- SPOUTS. 7) VISIBILITY OF ALL MECH. EQUIPMENT FROM THE ENTRANCE . . ' j ....... _ _ _ ..-_ . . -NOTE -1 . • l -- - M' H B C PL . CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. 8) COMPACTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE L _ _ 7 It d RPRO. F SCREEN WALL. 5.1..7 . .'WAT 1.40N4. 9) ALL CURB RADII ARE 5 UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE. t ..:— «........,,.4. 0.. D . . •• •: ••BLD..• a d ,D G S .Dd, A • a. d D' d p•D .d . D A. - - `_ •. :1.6 00.' Q - �- R3300'...' '......'.'..'.... ,'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 4' MAX .. 'GRA ITY WALL..................... WL ESMT-. I �'.00 • (i 8:00' �•NQTE�•'. o t. °.f �UNO• D of CD�- I�RAI•r ... ..... ... ... �. ,j • I' ..... .... •• �• (SEE •• DETAIL; : ANT: '. C. /) ' l I I:.�;; D I I : o • :c�v. .... ......� ,� ........... eG�2'::�, I I t . I . . Y R1 '9:b0' R 10.00 I I'.'0'.0'.' ` ' .o" _ (y p P. f' �. 7_�MA GRAVITY ALL' .. - i "°'°.... ' r IP'r 9 -..... .yr...�c^�^'scs%•^r;S ) \_.,�.....i�. �:..�°. ,f - �.�„ -.�. p ..,- ...e,.D .P. fljf .. ........� .................... ............. EX. RIGHT- 1' %RIGHT c� L0 -OUT MIL CREEK DRIVE ENTRANCE 20 0 20 40 60 120' R. 0. W.) SCALE: 1 " = 20' 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 1 19 1 20 1 21 REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzcr.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 1 "D. Kent O'Donohue, dr.O" Ue. No. 0406001683 f, IF 07-11-2014 d ti sc�PEk,� .J _.I w Y 0 w w O� U O:2 Z Q J D W O A C L M1 U � U) J W —J W J M > Q O /O � vJ Z O U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE 1" = 20' REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07 -11 -2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 W i' rj 1,t6b REFLECTING TOMORROW www.baizer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 r "D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr?' Lie. No. 0408001883 07 -11 -2014 d �• 1 cPCA p �w Y 0 w w O0 U rO 2 V Z Q 0- z CL U W Z D C7 E I CY � Ld U) J � Q J:2 LLl J ED U) Q F- LL F- 0 O � Z O U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 1" = 20' SCALE REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 0 0 ESC PHASE 2 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: ESC LEGEND N 1) FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF PHASE 1 ESC MEASURES AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING FEATURES, GRADING MAY COMMENCE. ` TEMPORARY STONE 3.02 CONSTRUCTION I f� ) ' N 2) COMMENCE CLEARING AND EARTHWORK. SEED EXPOSED AREAS PROMPTLY. ENTRANCE ONCE BUILDING PAD REACHES THE APPROPRIATE ELEVATION, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CAN BEGIN. ( , ) ) , �� w_ . 1 466,54 3) INSTALLATION OF SITE UTILITIES SHALL BE COMPLETED. INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON PROPOSED INLETS AND SITE WATER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTION_ 3.03 ROAD STABILIZATION CRS r , } \ CONVEYED TO THE INLETS. REMOVAL OF INLET PROTECTION ON EX. DI SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL NOTE: -1 '' OJVI YC9 [10,1'Grp M APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND LOCAL OFFICIALS. 3.05 SILT FENCE S c� M 4) COMMENCE CURB CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS MAY BE AT TIME. 5) INSTALLED THIS COMPLETE REMAINING EARTHWORK TO SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS. GEOTECHNICAL + '�� "'� 'ti 6) ENGINEER TO EVALUATE SUBGRADE SOILS. PLACE AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL UPON APPROVAL BY GEOTECHNICAL 3.07 INLET PROTECTION P io - = =M .� - _'.: - �- ' - _ -� -- �-•_ _ ___�_ _ _ _ _ __ F._ L 7) ENGINEER. REMOVE CONTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND DIVERSIONS AND INSTALL ASPHALT. PLACE TOPSOIL. SEED ALL EARTH AREAS PROMPTLY. TEMPORARY 3'09 D D� I ''rte i ll fI�IGri�plr! %f� �. t )`� (70f OF1frU /�1Nf) V1 " `YIL y "• 8) AFTER FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED, INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED. DIVERSION DIKE I! �`�' I ' 9) UPON COMPLETION AND APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND LOCAL OFFICIALS THE AREA MUST BE RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION. ALL ( , M, ESC MEASURES ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE, UNLESS OTHERWISE 3.30 TOPSOILING TO �- , -- B E PROJECT ENGINEER L DIRECTED Y TH P R OR LOCAL OFFICIAL. TEMPORARY 3.31 SEEDING TS ! °d� 1 .� 4M l A . � 4 - - .114 GRADING NOTES: r' ° '� ' Ir t�. i� ;, 1. REMOVE TREES, SHRUBS, GRASS, AND OTHER VEGETATION, IMPROVEMENTS OR PERMANENT 3'32 SEEDING PS -o �, '1 U °' I' p 1'w �'� I S REQUIRED R ED TO PER' OBSTRUCTIONS A REQ .MIT INSTALLATION OF NEW CONSTRUCTION. REMOVE TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION, INCLUDING STUMPS AND ROOTS, �' •�wI t.''?�' .� � ! i'� '1 � 1 LIMITS °OF DISTUR COMPLETELY IN AREAS REQUIRED FOR SUBSEQUENT SEEDING. CUT OFF TREES AND STUMPS IN AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL MORE THAN THREE FEET IN 3.35 MULCHING -- J DEPTH TO WITHIN EIGHT INCHES OF THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. I } �1 I i i j ° •a'. 92:riVC111fAR1t' TP i � SF "',, (TOP Of hPIN1011;1 - - -- ---- -- - - -- J 2. BARRICADE OPEN EXCAVATIONS OCCURRING AS PART OF THIS WORK AND OPERATE WARNING LIGHTS AS RECOMMENDED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING 338 TREE PRESERVATION & PROTECTION ? + i e - - s. £:1I'6f ;lc9i�(I r� t��l + I- I I I 1 Z i fi 89.75 4$9.25 A 1 JURISDICTION. 1 1� !� I I i ► � � r 469 � 5 , � , ' ' / �' �i 89.2 f f ` ► r o 89.80 I ' D 3. CUT SURFACE UNDER PAVEMENTS TO COMPLY WITH CROSS SECTIONS ELEVATIONS AND GRADES AS INDICATED. ' , i .489 80 � � I � ' ' �� I 489.30 _ .. ._48930 ''1i' i,� /� i'! -•- - - - - - -�® e,i..,�,4 DD I� ' 4. EXCAVATE TRENCHES TO UNIFORM WIDTH CONFORMING TO VDOT STANDARD PB -1 FOR STORM DRAINAGE PIPING. + ' �, , ; I1 f r�: • :- ,.,�.` � `r �.� � 488.35 + r '� I ' S - �_ - ' °` "`� "' '� f ! 'I�`. I 5. PREVENT SURFACE WATER AND SUBSURFACE OR GROUND WATER FROM FLOWING INTO EXCAVATIONS AND FROM FLOODING PROJECT SITE AND f tq - .... 492 ,2 + r:, 1 ,... ®._ ` ♦; 88.35 , 'TOE -,I 488.2 't ' ' 1 x,491 SURROUNDING AREA. DO NOT ALLOW WATER TS) ACCUMULATE IN EXCAVATIONS. t ► - ;�� ,,1+ �j A. I `, FFE =492.2 REMOVE WATER TO PREVENT SOFTENING OF FOUNDATION BOTTOMS UNDERCUTTING FOOTINGS, AND SOIL (CHANGES "DETRIMENTAL TO STABILITY OF iPSa I r, + 1� r �1 ,� + , o I �, IP 488.45 `� •, j� I 449.40. 1 + 1 1 ,I CR - 1.'3.� ' r 488.45 �- SUBGRADES AND FOUNDATIONS. CONVEY WATER WHEN ATMOSPHERIC { 491'90 H TEMPERATURE IS LESS THEN 35'F (1`C). i, 49 .701 I ,c 492.00 �` 488:8 ' ! H 6. PROTECT EXCAVATED BOTTOMS OF ALIL FOOTING AND TRENCHES AGAINST FREEZING WHEN ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE IS LESS THEN 35 -F (1'C). W Q R \:t;`�� _49 .2b i 492. \�� _ _ _- °f 4$8.3: 49 .65:. i ' i i �� r- ___ ° FFE =492. - •_. ---- __----=----------- a - ----__ ; 49V. 5 i ' i i �?��\ °• .. -; - ,` 1 - dd + i I o Tw49 :471! PROPOSED LI(VT POLE° 7. FINISH LAWN AREAS TO WITHIN ONE INCH ABOVE OR BELOW REQUIRED SURFACE UNDER WALKS O I s' „ _ _ _ J GOODWILL �'-- it lr BW49, 0 ' I �i� ' r° (rrr"z) SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS. SHAPE AND PAVEMENTS TO LINE, GRADE, AND CROSS SECTION, WITH NOT MORE THAN 1/2" ABOVE OR W �I I E r t i Ill ► / till �� . it ,�( tl 1 1 1 f i - i - ',� 1- STORY -_ a -- a- w.�- �s . I - ' l�s ° F G 8. BELOW REQUIRED SUBGRADE ELEVATION. PROTECT GRADED AREAS FROM TRAFFIC AND EROSION. REPAIR AREAS WHICH � O Q ti o I 1 t !1� I�.,I g,� I 492.10. TIP c ITW466 OI .11 t r ! I i� 1 "�,, - __1_&;40_0 S.I . 1 � ► 'BVV4�," ; 0 + � i /! I ! ! � .'fl' __ ___ G HAVE SETTLED, ERODED, OR BECOME DAMAGED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION (� � �--� 0 r f �� i I + i� IP ( O S.F. OF RETAIL J > ACTIVITIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. Q Z + ! I f s i Ito . •.. 1 l \ f 492.60 - O , _ __, -,,,- i r 49 1� I' !''1i i , y �` 491.60 0 73 ACS 9. SPREAD TOPSOIL TO A DEPTH OF 4" OVER ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT RECEIVING WALKS, PAVEMENT, WALLS OR BUILDING, INCLUDING TRENCHES. Q _- I .4, t t I 492.20 1 � ; i , � i�. , ` �,1 � >i��, tit � � ,. I ---- - --- --_- -- I , , , �i%; t , , 492.10 - !� y. - 492.10 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL, DISK THE ENTIRE TOPSOILED i� AREA AND RAKE FREE OF STONES AND DEBRIS OVER 1/2 IN ANY DIMENSION. PROVIDE AINISHED SURFACE FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR HIGH SPOTS. SEED _491.0_ ��!,if /� ` t �� SF IMMEDIATELY. I� !� ! f 492.20 + I } �•, ,, i X11 3 +�$ I 1 492.20° 493.20 i4`A 492.20 492.10 492.10 --� -- - 10. 8" BELOW FINISH GRADE AROUND ALL BUILDINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 8 BELOW 492.10 491.60 FFE =492.2 `'w , 1 �� ! r f ! I 9 I i 493.10 i i L 1_ FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS. r- ► r I , ! t'' _ _ y °F• 492.10" 492.60 I ! ' ' i I ° ;,,; a:. .. p' A :' ° °e , , a s a a 491 60 _ # FLUSH � ' 11. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 5% SLOPE FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 AWAY FROM ALL DING FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. , _ °_ 1 � l - -•- i ! I � "� ��� i � ;� � i `' o �� �� � ��" � .�3 �`=, � . -ems _�.. _.-.. � _ -. .... -.._ -._.. _... _.f ,• 493:20 y,% ; 'a•�492.10,� 493"67 E �. .. �� .M. _..._.. + j `(. , , 492.10 -� _;� 1493,17 �,f + 1 t E 12. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL CONFORM TO /ADA REQUIREMENTS WITH A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 5% AND A MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 1:48. q f ! i > i y r._V� `� >' 492493.10 1 492:60 _ I fl\ I ' ' i i� 493.50 I TW497'47 , e CONTRACTOR NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT ENTERS THE 1BW49' 492.40 492.40 �- 493.00 I _ �,. It It _ _ _ __.... i _. _.._ ._ lilt 1 r"� ; ; ,'' , ; ° f TO w.1... � � -93:90 _ I I I , ,'♦ l i 494.30 �. `�, ,d> 1 -�, � , � , i - -493:40------ CRS O�O�O �.«CE � • -O � 1 MU f.'S EXISTING STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM AND REMAINS � �P I ' +,� , + 493.80 D ONSITE. ANY SEDIMENT ENTERING THE STORMWATER SYSTEM WILL REQUIRE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM BEING CLEANED, AND i i 1 . ' s �! °, 494.60 .' / ( TW494.80' ' i + I �� sr? #,:� 494.10 TO TS 494.60 1 494.20 ' ' 1' + ' ' ' ► '° 494.10 r% ` �AR D CAMERA /VIDEO INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM I IAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVE THE SYSTEM IS CLEAN PRIOR TO RELEASE OF THE WPO BOND. w -- ®TW49b.'UO I l ! I ° " ° r 1 "�' BW94` 05 't - -- I - -- TOPS f IL- SIOGKP1 E -- - - - °"� ° 494.70 1 ` z .� ` t w.. _ _ SF _�� __•_ _ - - - � ,' � � � ry � � °, � •,�- _. '94,20; V ` - BNO4:60. P (� P =ICI '. ,✓"' "'�''''� � � �..�'� �1� ��1'r-rltf•.t� R'` "• ;�- .�_ -.1+1 1�� �.- � Itf11.eA �.�� i -:- __ �\ `+ . ~ i 1 r .. `d €• Ij ` .- Y► °ate � - a '-_ 9. � a s ,.', - p TP -..i.. B ._ 0-x a LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE _ B { MILL CREEK DRIVE ..�..... 20 0 20 40 60 ._._.. _._._ �.... (120 � R 0..W) 1 SCALE. 1 = 20' A 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 20 1 21 W i' rj 1,t6b REFLECTING TOMORROW www.baizer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 r "D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr?' Lie. No. 0408001883 07 -11 -2014 d �• 1 cPCA p �w Y 0 w w O0 U rO 2 V Z Q 0- z CL U W Z D C7 E I CY � Ld U) J � Q J:2 LLl J ED U) Q F- LL F- 0 O � Z O U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 1" = 20' SCALE REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 VT-H- p A "D. Kent O'Donohue, dr. Lie. No. 0408001683 &, 07 -11 -2014 d A* % cSO,� P E A R 0- _J w JLu Y'. 0 w W 0 � C3 J J 02 (D U) W 0 Z �C)'� uJ W > UJ W _I W J m J U) Q I- LL 0 Z 0 U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY 4VAC50- 30 -40 MINIMUM STANDARDS Erosion Control Narrative 10. MAINTENANCE: 13. General Notes -2014 A VESCP must be consistent with the following criteria, techniques and methods: N/A A. Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3.02 - Temporary Construction Entrance will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Q 1. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil The purpose of this project is to construct a 10,400 sq. ft. Goodwill building with utility extensions and The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flow of mud onto P 9 public rights -of -way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone or the washing Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH) and Virginia Regulations 4VAC50 -30 Erosion Sediment Control Regulations. 0 stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant undisturbed for longer than 14 days. Permanent PP y y g (undisturbed) g y required parking. The total subject property area is 0.73 acres. The total area of disturbance is 0.73 and reworking of existing stone as conditions demand and repair structures and stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year, acres. used to trap sediment. All materials spilled, dropped, washed or tracer traced from vehicles onto B The County of Albemarle shall be notified one week prior to the pre- construction conference, one 2. During construction of the project, soil stock piles shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant is responsible for the temporary 2. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: roadways or into storm drains must be removed immediately. The use of water trucks to remove week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to final inspection. protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as soil intentionally transported from the project site. Currently the site topography consists of a 5% slope with stormwater run -off sheet flowing from the materials dropped, washed, or tracked onto roadways will not be permitted under any circumstances. .hillsides to an existing storm structure along the northeast property line All runoff is directed to an . C. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed prior to or as the first step in 3. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established ° ° existing SWM Pond for the site development. Existing slopes range from 4% to 50 /o. Existing 3.03 - Construction Road Stabilization clearing and grading. N until a ground cover is achieved that, in the opinion of the local program administrator or his designated agent, is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. ground cover consists of short grass. Both temporary and permanent roads and parking areas may require periodic to dressing with new P rY P P g Y q P P 9 D. A co of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all PY pP P N 4. Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land- disturbing 3. ADJACENT AREAS: gravel. Seeded areas adjacent to the roads and parking areas should be checked periodically to times. activity and shall be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place.. The property is located within a tanned commercial development and is bordered to the north and P P Y p P ensure that a vigorous stand of vegetation is maintained. Roadside ditches and other drainage g g g structures should be checked regularly to ensure that they do not become clogged with silt or other E. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans 5. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. east by existing developed commercial lots. The west property line follows Avon Street and the south property line follows MITI Creek Drive. debris. (including, b , (' g, ut not limited to off -site borrow or waste areas), the Contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the Owner for review and approval b the plan approving l?P rY P pP Y P PP 9 6. Sediment traps and sediment basins shall be designed and constructed based upon the total drainage area to be served by trap or basin. 4. OFF -SITE AREAS: 3.05 - Silt Fence Barrier a. Silt fences shall be ins ected immediate) after each rainfall and at least daily during P y authority. a. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment trap shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area and the trap shall only control drainage areas less than three acres. There are no off -site areas proposed. If a borrow or waste site is needed it shall be a permitted P P P y prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs shall be made immediately. F. The Contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary M b. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sediment basin. the erosion control site. to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the County of Albemarle. M minimum storage capacity of a sediment basin shall be 134 cubic years per acre of drainage area. the outfall system shall, at a minimum, maintain the structural 5. SOILS: b. Close attention shall be paid to the repair of damaged silt fence resulting from end runs and integrity of the basin during atwenty -five year storm of 24 -hour duration. runoff coefficients used in runoff calculations shall correspond to a bare earth condition or Soils within the project area originally consist of the following: undercutting. 9• G. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land those conditions expected to exist while the sediment basin is utilized. 63B: Orange silt loams, 2 to 7% slopes (88% of site) c. Should the fabric on a silt fence decompose or become ineffective prior to the end of the disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 7. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent 32C: Fluvanna silt loam, 7 to 15% slopes (12% of site) However, due to previous development of the site this soil profiles may not be accurate. ex usable life and the barrier still be necessary, P the fabric shall be replaced promptly. H. During de- watering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected. d. Sediment deposits should be removed after each storm event. They must be removed when 1. The Contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each run -off L 8. Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain structure. 6. CRITICAL AREAS: Existing grades on the south &west corner of the site area 2H:1 V slope. Care must be taken to deposits reach approximately one -half the height of the barrier. P PP Y g producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the 9. Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. minimize erosion of this slope by limiting disturbance to proposed work only & use of soil stabilization 3.07 - Storm Drain Inlet Protection erosion control devices shall be made immediately. L blankets & matting per section 3.36 of the VESCH as needed. a. The structure shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as needed. J. The County of Albemarle shall make a continuing review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the 10. All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment -laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being 7. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: erosion control program. The approved erosion and sediment control plan may be amended by filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. Unless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall b. Sediment shall be removed and the tra restored to its on inal dimensions when the P 9 sediment has accumulated to one half the design depth of the trap. Removed sediment shall the approving authority if on -site inspection indicates that the approved control measures are not PP g y ' p pp effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation or if because of changed circumstances, the 11. Before newly constructed stormwater conveyance channels are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. P approved pp oved plan cannot be carried out. shall be installed In both the conveyance channel and receiving channel Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH). The minimum standards of the VESCH shall be adhered to unless otherwise waived or approved by a variance. The following measures are c. Structures shall be removed and the area stabilized when the remaining drainage area has K. Properties and right -of -way adjoining the site shall be kept clean of mud or silt carried from the site K 12. When work in a live watercourse is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest proposed: been properly stabilized. by vehicular traffic or runoff. K extent possible during construction. Nonerodible material shall be used for construction of causeways and cofferdams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures if 3.02 - Temporary Construction Entrance P Y armored by nonerodible cover materials. A stone pad, located at points of vehicular ingress and egress on a construction site, to reduce the 3.09 - Temporary Diversion Dike The measure shall be inspected after every storm and repairs made to the dike, flow channel, outlet L. All construction traffic shall enter and exit the site via the construction entrance. 13. When a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles more than twice in any six -month period, a temporary stream crossing constructed of nonerodible soil transported onto public roads and other paved areas. Temporary construction entrance(s) shall or sediment trapping facility, as necessary. Once every two weeks, whether a storm event has M. All pavement areas shall be stabilized with base stone within 30 days of final grading. material shall be provided. be installed as indicated on the tans. p occurred or not, the measure shall be inspected and repairs made if needed. Damages caused by construction traffic or other activity must be repaired before the end of each working day. N. Contractor shall locate and verify the location of all utilities prior to beginning construction. 14. All applicable federal, state and local regulations pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met. 3.03 - Construction Road Stabilization Temporary stabilization, with 2" min. of 21A stone, of traffic areas right after grading to reduce 3.32 - Permanent Seeding O. The Contractor shall notify "Miss Utility" before beginning any excavation or utility work (811). J 15. The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized immediately after work in the watercourse is completed. erosion by vehicles during wet weather, and to prevent having to regrade traffic areas between In general, a stand of vegetation cannot be determined to be full established until it has been 9 9 Y J initial grading and final stabilization. maintained for one full year after planting. 16. Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria: 3.05 - Silt Fence Barrier a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. Silt fence sediment barriers will be installed down -slope of disturbed areas to filter sediment -laden Irrigation: New seedings should be supplied with adequate moisture. Supply water as needed, especially late in the season, in abnormal) hot or d weather, p Y y dry , or on adverse sites. Water c. Effluent from dewaterin operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment-trapping g g p p g pp ppin device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not runoff from sheet flow as indicated on this sheet. application rates should be controlled to prevent excessive runoff. Inadequate PP � p amoun1ts of water adversely affect flowing streams or off -site property. 3.07 -Storm Drain Inlet Protection may be more harmful than no water. d. Material used for backlling trenches shall be properly compacted in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization. f e. Re- stabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. To prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the Re- seeding: Inspect seeded areas for failure and make necessary repairs and re- seedings within f. Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. disturbed area . the same season, if possible. a. If vegetative cover is inadequate to prevent rill erosion, over -seed and fertilize in accordance 17. Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the 3.09 Used -Temporary Diversion Dike Used to divert off -site runoff from disturbed areas. with soil test results. paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from b. If a stand has less than 40% cover, re- evaluate choice of plant materials and quantities of the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. 3.30 - Topsoilfng lime and fertilizer. The soil must be tested to determine if acidity or nutrient imbalances are This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as to larger land- disturbing activities. Topsoil will be stripped from areas to be graded and stockpiled for later use.., >tockpiles shall be responsible. Re- establish the stand following seedbed preparation and seeding recommendations. 18. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilize: tion cr after the temporary measures are no longer needed, stabilized with temporary seeding, 3.31. H unless otherwise authorized by the VESCP authority. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas (resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be 3.31 Temporary Seeding Fertilization: Cool season grasses should begin to be fertilized 90 days after planting to ensure permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. Establishment of temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas that will not be brought to final proper p p er stand and density. Warm season fertilization should begin at 30 days after planting. Apply maintenance levels of fertilizer as determined by soil test. In the absence of a soil test, fertilization H 19. Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from sediment deposition, erosion and damage due to increases in volume, velocity and grade for 30 days to a year. Temporary seeding shall be as follows: should be as follows: peak flow rate of stormwater runoff for the stated frequency storm of 24 -hour duration in accordance with the following standards and criteria. Stream restoration and Date Species lbs. relocation projects that incorporate natural channel design concepts are not man -made channels and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity per ac. requirements for natural or man -made channels: Sept. 1 - Feb. 15 50/50 mix annual ryegrass & winter rye 50 -100 Cool Season Grasses: 4 lbs. Nitrogen (N), 1 lb. Phosphorus (P), 2 lbs. Potash (K) per 1000 ft.2 per year a. Concentrated stormwater runoff leaving a development site shall be discharged directly into an adequate natural or man -made receiving channel, pipe or storm sewer Feb. 16 - Apr. 30 annual r e rass 60 -100 P y g ° G system. for those sites where runoff is discharged into a pipe or pipe system, downstream stability analyses at the outfall of the pipe or pipe system shall be performed. 75 /° of the total requirements should be applied between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31st. The balance should be applied during the remainder of the year. More than 1 lb. of soluble nitrogen per 1000 ft.2 G b. Adequacy of all channels and pipes shall be verified in the following manner: May 1 -Aug. 31 german millet 50 should not be applied at any one time. 1.1. The applicant shall demonstrate that the total drainage are to the point of analysis within the channel is one hundred times greater than the contributing drainage Note: Alternate seeding per VESCH, Table 3.31 -C. area of the project in question; or 3.35 Mulching 1.2. All mulches and soil coverings should be inspected periodically (particularly after rainstorms) to (a) Natural channels shall be analyzed by the use of a two -year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop channel banks nor cause erosion of channel bed or 3.32 - Permanent Seeding Establishment of perennial vegetative cover b planting seed on rough-grade areas that will not be P g y P g check for erosion. Where erosion is observed in mulched areas, additional mulch should be banks; and (b) All previously constructed man -made channels shall be analyzed by the use of a ten -year stoorm to verify that stormwater will not overtop its banks and by the at final grade for over a ear. Permanent seeding shall be as follows: g Y e g oll applied. Nets and mats should be inspected after rainstorms for dislocation or failure. If washouts or breakage occur, re- install netting or matting as necessary after repairing damage to the slope or F use of a two -year storm to demonstrate that stormwater will not cause erosion of channel bed or banks; and General Slope (3:1 or flatter) lbs. ditch. Inspections should take place up until grasses are firmly established. Where mulch is used in (c) Pipes and storm sewer systems shall be analyzed by the use of a ten -year storm to verify that stormwater will be contained within the pipe or system. per ac. kentucky 31 fescue 128 conjunction with ornamental plantings, f p g ,inspect periodically throughout the year to determine if mulch F is maintaining coverage of the soil surface; repair as needed. Application rate = 2 tons per acre. All c. If existing natural receiving channels or previously constructed man -made channels or pipes are noit adequate, the applicant shall: red top grass 2 seasonal nurse crop (table below) 20 mulching shall be anchored in place. 1.1. Improve the channel to a condition where a ten -year storm will not overtop the banks and a two -year storm will not cause erosion to the channel bed or banks; or Total = 150 1.2. Improve the pipe or pipe system to a condition where the ten -year storm is contained with the appurtenances; or 11. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 1.3. Develop a site design that will not cause the pre - development peak runoff rate from a two -year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a natural channel or will Low Maint. Slope (3:1 or steeper) lbs. A. Construction will be sequenced so that grading operations can begin and end as quickly as not cause the development peak runoff rate from a ten -year storm to increase when runoff outfallls into a man -made channel; or per ac. kentucky 31 fescue 108 P ossible. 1.4. Provide a combination of channel improvement, stormwater detention or other measures which its satisfactory to the VESCP authority to prevent downstream red top grass 2 E erosion. seasonal B. Sediment trapping measures will be installed as a first step in grading and will be seeded and nurse crop (table below) 20 mulched immediately following installation. E d. The applicant shall provide evidence of permission to make the improvements. crownvetch 20 Total = 150 C. Temporary seeding or other stabilization will follow immediately after grading. Stabilization for all e. All hydrologic analysts shall be based on the existing watershed characteristics and the ultimate delvelopment of the subject project. Seasonal Nurse Crop: critical areas will consist of EC -2 lining. f. If the applicant chooses an option that includes stormwater detention he shall obtain approval from the VESCP of a plan for maintenance of the detention facilities. the Date Species Mar. 1 - May 15 annual) rye D. Areas which are not to be disturbed will be clear) marked b flags, signs, etc. Y Y g 9 plan shall set forth the maintenance requirements of the facility and the person responsible for performing the maintenance. May 16 - Aug. 15 foxtail millet E. The job superintendent shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and D g. Outfall from a detention facility shall be discharged to a receiving channel, and energy dissipators shall be placed at the outfall of all detention facilities as necessary to Aug. 16 - Oct. 31 annuail rye Nov. 1 -Feb. 29 winter rye sediment control practices. P D provide a stabilized transition from the facility to the receiving channel. F. After achieving adequate stabilization, the temporary erosion controls will be cleaned up and h. All on -site channels must be verified to be adequate. 35 - Mulching 3.Application of plant residues or other suitable material to disturbed areas to prevent erosion and removed. I. Increased volumes of sheet flows that may cause erosion or sedimentation on adjacent property shlall be diverted to a stable outlet, adequate channel, pipe or pipe reduce overland flow velocities. Fosters plant growth and provides insulation from heat and cold. Applied to seeded areas or disturbed areas that cannot be seeded due to the season. system, or to a detention facility. individual lots or parcels in a residential commercial or industrial development shall not be considered to be separate j. In applying these stormwater runoff criteria, p p P 3.38 - Tree Preservation &Protection Protection of desirable trees from mechanical and other injury during land disturbing and C development project. instead, the development, as a whole, shall be considered to be a single development project. hydrologic parameters that reflect the ultimate construction activity. C development condition shall be used in all engineering calculations. k. All measures used to protect properties and waterways shall be employed in a manner which mininnizes impact's on the P h sical, chemical and biological integrity of 8. PERMANENT STABILIZATION: All areas disturbed by construction shall be stabilized with permanent seeding and /or sodding rivers, streams and other waters of the state. immediately following finish grading in accordance with the (plans. Seeding shall be done according I. An Ian approved prior to Jul 1, 2014, that provides for stormwater management that addresses any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or Any P pp P y P g y P y y q to VESCH Standards & Specifications 3.32. Erosion controll blankets will be installed over fill slopes 2H:1 V or steeper which have been brought to final grade and have been seeded to protect the slopes man -made channels shall satisfy the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man -made channels if the practices are designed to (i) detain the water from rill and gully erosion and to allow seed to germinate properly. Cut slopes of 3H:1 V or steeper quality volume and to release it over 48 hours; (ii) detain and release over a 24 -hour period the expected rainfall resulting from the one year, 24 -hour storm; and (iii) shall have surface roughening performed according to VESCH Standards & Specifications 3.29, B reduce the allowable peak flow rate resulting from the 1.5, 2, and 10 -year, 24 -hour storms to a levell that is less than or equal to the peak flow rate from the site Surface Roughening. Mulch (straw or fiber) will be used on relatively flat areas. In all seeding B assuming it was in a good forested condition, achieved through multiplication of the forested peak filow rate by a reduction factor that is equal to the runoff volume from operations, seed, fertilizer and lime If required per soils report) will be applied prior to mulching. P ( q P P ) PP P the site when it was in a good forested condition divided by the runoff volume from the site in its proposed condition, and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man -made channels as defined in any regulations promulgated pursuant to § 10.1 -562 or 10.1 -570 of the Act. 9. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: stormwater management measures for run -off quantity are addressed by a detention basin within the m. For plans approved on and after July 1, 2014, the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements of § 10.1 -561 A of the Act and this subsection shall be greater development project. The amount of proposed impervious area does not exceed the amount satisfied by compliance with water quantity requirements in the Stormwater Management Act (§ 10.1 -603.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and attendant previously planned within the site limits, therefor further water quantity measures are not required. regulations, unless such land- disturbing activities are in accordance with 4VAC50 -60 -48 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit A Regulations. Water Quality will be achieved by purchasing credits. A n. Compliance with the water quantity minimum standards set out in 4VAC50 -60 -66 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit Regulations shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Minimum Standard 19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 VT-H- p A "D. Kent O'Donohue, dr. Lie. No. 0408001683 &, 07 -11 -2014 d A* % cSO,� P E A R 0- _J w JLu Y'. 0 w W 0 � C3 J J 02 (D U) W 0 Z �C)'� uJ W > UJ W _I W J m J U) Q I- LL 0 Z 0 U REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07 -11 -2014 SHEET NO. C5 JOB NO. S1300029 DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE N/A REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07 -11 -2014 SHEET NO. C5 JOB NO. S1300029 L K H 19 E IC N 0 GRA VEL AND WIRE MESH DROP INLET SEDIMENT FILTER 18" MIN. I 4 SPECIFIC APPLICATION GRAVEL *(12 "MIN. DEPTH) ``ICI G THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE HEAVY CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EXPECTED, BUT NOT WHERE PONDING AROUND THE STRUCTURE MIGHT CAUSE EXCESSIVE INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED AREAS. * GRAVEL SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR #5 COARSE AGGREGATE. SOURCE: VA. DSWC CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE (WITHOUT WIRE S UPPOR T) 1. SET THE STAKES. 2. EXCAVATE A 4 "X 4" TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF STAKES. 6'MAX. _ 4 FLOW ') - III II III II 49t 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT TO STAKES AND EXTEND THE EXCAVATED SOIL. IT INTO THE TRENCH. r 1 � 4i' F FLOW � JP SHEET FLOW INSTALLATION (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. DRAINAGEWAY INSTALLATION (FRONT ELEVATION) PLATE. 3.07 -2 SOURCE: Adapted from Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter Barriers for Sediment Control,VA. DSWC Sherwood and Wyant TABLE 3.35 -A ORGANIC MULCH MATERIALS AND APPLICATION RATES RATES: MULCHES: NOTES: _ per Acre Per 1000 sq. ft. Straw or Hay 1� - 2 tons 70 - 90 lbs. Free from weeds and coarse (Minimum 2 matter. Must be anchored. tons for Spread with mulch blower winter cover) or by hand. Fiber Mulch Minimum 35 lbs. Do not use as mulch for 1500 lbs. winter cover or during hot, dry periods.* Apply as slurry. Corn Stalks 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 lbs. Cut or shredded in 4 -6" lengths. Air - dried. Do not use in fine turf areas. Apply with mulch blower or by hand. Wood Chips 4 - 6 tons 185 - 275 lbs. Free of coarse matter. Air- dried. 'Treat with 12 lbs nitrogen per ton. Do not use in fine turf areas. Apply with mulch blower, chip handler, or by hand.. Bark Chips 50 - 70 cu. 1 -2 cu. yds. Free of coarse matter, Air - or yds. dried. Do not use in fine Shredded turf areas. Apply with Bark mulch blower, chip handier, or by hand. * When fiber mulch is the only available mulch during periods when straw should be used, apply at a minimum rate of 2000 lbs. /ac. or 45 lbs. /1000 sq. ft. DRIP LINE PROTECTIVE MAXIMUM I CLEARING PROPOSED STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 70' MIN. EXIS V MU I Ra I ` F ul L I 1 V L LINPla114M COURSE AGGREGATE B TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE MUST * OPERATION EXTEND FULL WIDTH PLAN VIEW OF INGRESS AND EGRESS EXISTING PAVEMENT 5:1 MOUNTABLE BERM (OPTIONAL) 7 10' MIN. EXISTING PAVEMENT 10' MIN. 1 aL 1 LI\ {.r1 -6J 1 11 SECTION A -A REINFORCED CONCRETE SECTION B -B DRAIN SPACE PLATE. 3.05 -2 SOURCE: ADAPTED from 1983 Maryland Stu"ndards for Soil erosion and Sediment Control, and Va. DSWC IS LESS THAN 5' w2 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS RELATIVE TO THE LOCATION OF PROTECTED TREES Source: Public Facilities Manual, Vol. III, Fairfax Co., Va., 1976 Plate 3.38 -1 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE Comnacted Soil SOURCE: VA. DSWC Plate 3.02 -1 PLATE 3.09 -1 liltivill REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc N New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING M LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS L Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 K 'V H -0 F- 1 'D. Kent O'Donohue, dr. r, Lie. No. 0408001883 'Y 07-11-2014 V ' c4. PE A R G� HI G W �o Y F Qw 0 J J �0 V A J_ Q W 0 �0 y ) W I I U) J - Qi W 2 —I W J m UQ F- I L 0 U � Z 0 U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 C SCALE N/A REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 B SHEET NO. A C 6 JOB NO. S1300029 0li• 0- 0111111111111111111 0IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I0� 11-M IU= Cyr CD -2 LIMITS OF PAY FOR �SUBGRADIE EMENT �O OUTLET PIPE SUBBASE TOP OF CUT GO t TOE OF FILL FILL COM13INATION UNDERDRAIN (TYPICAL W-1)�'PI SHOULDER LINE OITCH LINE I IJ EDGE OF PAVEMENT COMBINATION UNDERDRAIN CD-2 ON FILLS i . sD• TRAVEL LANES CENTER LINE SECTION (WITH TYPE 1 SELECT MATERIAL) EDGE OF PAVEMENT TRENCH PLACEMENT - SHOULDER LINE _ _ YPICPL) -7! 1 TOE OF FILL -.r— PAVEMENT SURFACE I. BASE / o p o 0 0 0 0 0 SUBBASE LIMITS OF PAY FOR 0 0 0 OUTLET PIPE 0 o°0 °'p0o•oo0000000QOOOO ..g— SELECT MATERIAL TYPEIORI!< PLAN VIEW SHOWING PLACEMENT OF CD -2 UNDERDRAIN �::: %� #57 AGGREGATE, #B AGGREGATE OR CRUSHED GEOTEXTILE , , GLASS MEETING #0 GRADATION REQUIREMENTS. DRAINAGE 1, -0 °' NON- PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE FABRIC OR PAVEMENT SURFACE 6 BASE TYPE OF PIPE CRUSHING STRENGTH M W T. 4" NOM. DIAMETER )I MT. 8" NOM, DIAMETER SMOOTH WALL PVC ,103 0.163 SMOOTH WALL PE _ : 70 PSI >O(X 70 PSI XXX 0 o 00C30 0 o oho F' o o SUBBASE OR CEMENT STABILIZED SUBBASE .000 6 - p o -+�- SELECT MATERIAL TYPE N OR SUBGRADE X WALL THICKNESS (MIN) - INCHES o00 0 p•O• p o•o •o _ o .::. °• 6-0-0 • 606 (CEMENT OR LIME STABILIZED) i(ifif TESTED ACCORDING TO ASTM D -2412 AT 5Y. DEFLECTION.. #57 AGGREGATE, #8 ACGREGATE OR CRUSHED OWTENTILE I I GLASS MEETING #8 GRADATION REQUIREMENTS. r DRAINAGE . GENERAL NOTES, 1. TRENCH SHALL BE FILLED WITH AGGREGATE AND THROUGHLY HAND TAMPED 10 INSURE COMPACTNESS. APPROACH SLAB PAVEMENT 2. OUTLET PIPE SHALL BEGIN AT 'THE EDGE OF THE TRAVEL LANE PAVEMENT AND SHALL BE PLACED ON A GRADE PARALLEL TO THE SHOULDER SLOPE 2 x MIN. (36 DESIRABLE) GRADE, BRIDGE SUBBASE 3. ON CURB AND GUTTER SECTIONS, WHERE IT IS 04POSSIBLE TO OTHERWISE PROVIDE CD -2 OUTLETS FOR UNDERDRAINS,THEY ARE TO BE LOCATED SO AS TO DRAIN INTO DROP CD -- INLETS OR MANHOLES. ZeREGAT 2 18 E 5 D MATERIAL I S 9 B M DEPTH 4. ON SUPERELEVATED SECTIONS, TRENCH IS TO BE UNDER ENTIRE PAVEMENT AREA WITH OUTLET PIPE ON LOW SIDE ONLY. 5. INVERT ELEVATION AT OUTLET END OF OUTLET PIPE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1' -O" ABOVE INVERT ELEVATION OF RECEIVING DRAINAGE DITCH OR STRUCTURE. PLACEMENT OF CD-2 UNDERDRAIN AT S. ALL CONNIECTIONS tELBOWS, WYES, ETC.) WITHIN PAY LIMITS FOR OUTLET PIPE ARE TO BRIDGE APPROACH SLABS BE OF THE SAME CRUSHING STRENGTH AS THE OUTLET PIPE, 7. OUTLET PIPE TO BE SECURELY CONNECTED TO EW -120R OTHER DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. SPECIFICATION STANDARD COMBINATION UNDERDRAIN �VDO -' REFERENCE ROAD - CE PD PAID BRIDGE STANDARDS 232 (AT GRADE SAGS AND BRIDGE APPROACHES) REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF I 501 701 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 108.05 0161 ►[WAT111.1II SEE ARCH. PLANS FINISH GRADE SEE CIVIL d' ' % �1 l ' '' • . • •4 . I :.. e . A. . , I . ., . I� - �_ ?�� �- its T�t�; I ih� " - L�-LT --� �� � I Pi ±,, 1' �, ILA « k 1* °'G�kc�w'!s,R�� .. a.: • .��i �— THICKEN SLAB @ GATE OPENING W/ (2) #4's CONT. CONC. COMPACTOR & LOADING PAD DETAIL 21111111111 SEWER SERVICE= LA"IERAL CONNECII011 NOTES: I WHERE A SEWER SF'RVI(,E LAIFRAL C)IINL( IS 10 A MANHOLE AND NO INVERT ELEVATION FOR THE SERVICE LATERAL IS INUICArEU , THE TOP (CROVIN) ELEVATION OF THE SERVICE LAIERAL PIPE SHALL BE Al LEAST 0.21' FIKAIER IRAN THE TOP (CROWN) ELEVAIION OF THE IFIE LOWEST PIPE CONNECTED 10 THE MANHOLE. 2. SEWER LATERALS TAPPED INFO AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN SHALL BE CUNNEC'IEU USING; A PIPE SADDLE. 3. MINIMUM GRADE FOR SEWER SERVICE CONNECHON SHALL BE 140 �� (114" PER FOOT ) 4. ALI. SEWER LATERALS SIIALL HAVE A MININION1 COVER DIAMETER 2. P411N OF 4'. 5: ALL SEINER LAIERALS SHALL HAVE A MINIINAUh'1 COVER OF 3 FEET. MAIM LIN /SALTS TREA FED FINISHED G.R0L)ND —/ 2 x 4 MARKER SEWER SERVICE LATERAL.. CONNECTION LI14V VILYY 6 "x6" NOMINAL PRECAST WHEEL STOP 6' -0" 5 REBAR 2' -0" LONG UPPLIED BY G.C. ELEVATION CONCRETE BUMPER FINISH GRADE NOTE:, PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS ® 20 0' O.C. (MAX.) 4• CLASS A3 PAVEMENT R' CONCRETE i ► m II ` '• ;e:tts -:tea• • .bb;.;ab..: MHO I ' ' : . dAdl *4 / T f 4" STONE BASE REQ'D 12' "1 a• 24• WITHIN STATE MAINTAINED N RIGHT -OF -WAY THE BOTTOM OF THE CURB & GUTTER MAY *STONE BASE IS NOT REQUIRED BE CONSTRUCTED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPE IN PRIVATELY DEVELOPED SITES MINIMUM SUBSURFACE OF 7'CISU MAINTAINEDIDED A BUT MAY BE'BID AS AN ALTERNATE. UTILIZATION OF THE STONE BASE T CG 6 (WET) DETAIL TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ENGINEER AND CURB AND GUTTER CONTRACTOR NTS FINISH "ROUGH CLASS A3 M CONCRETE 4• TOP OF �� t PAVEMENT �• BLOCK DETAIL III . o::' ,.: o:.,, ..b. ,••. • yr.; NTS :. rAr••:•: , , o-.• l8�,�f.,0•,. �d: 4.�¢.:S''. dy' 12- L 4" STONE BASE REQ'D Q:'x; o ' �' r b'•�e'•2{'�.:s:oY . WITHIN STATE MAINTAINED — :'.� .', ;a.�.g',•sa4: #RJ ;o' RIGHT -OF -WAY :: r o . • r��.�� 4� .• *STONE BASE IS NOT REQUIRED *A' a`•-- �'.'t'�•` "�``+'`• °`•- '' IN PRIVATELY. DEVELOPED SITES °1' • a . <..,a �'�''`'' BUT MAY BE BID AS AN ALTERNATE X12, ? a•. •.I• f . • DG 2 DETAIL - UTILIZATION OF THE STONE BASE ~� TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE ENGINEER AND CURB AND GUTTER CONTRACTOR NTS VARIES EXISTING PAVEMENT PROPOSED PAVEMENT K 1/2 PREFORMED EXPANSION SEE PLAN JOINT FILLER WHERE 1 12" SAWCUT AND CHIP AWAY EXISTING SURFACE COURSE ADJACENT TO BUILDING V ' 4" PROPOSED SURFACE COURSE CLASS A3 AIR ° ° ' ° ' V ° • ° ENTRAINED BENCHED PROPOSED BASE COURSE PAVEMENT 4" JOINT o o PROPOSED AGGREGATE SUB BASE #57 STONE � k J �\ ` 95% COMPACTED SUB —GRADE NOTE: SCORING EV SUB GRAD TROWEL D EDGES, BROOM FINISH E COMPACTED PAVEMENT JOINT DETAIL EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 20 TO 95% COMPACTION SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. SEE CONC APRON DETAIL THIS SHEET. 8" CLASS A4 CONCRETE #4 REBAR AT .. r.' . 30" 0. C. E. W. A 6" VDOT TYPE I, NO. 21A AGGREGATE BASE (COMPACTED) SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% COMPACTION DUMPSTER PAD DETAIL NO SCALE SIDEWALK VARIES, SEE NOTE: CONCRETE • SECTION MIN. PAVEMENT AGGREGATE BASE SHOWN. • ACTUAL PAVEMENT SECTION TO BE 1-1/2- BASED UPON SITE SOIL CONDITIONS 6" AND EXPECTED TRAFFIC i i i i i i i s LOADS. 11 .11�l Il�tl IL�II 11 Il ll= SUB • • STANDARD PA NTS HANDICAP PARKING SIGN G WITH INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESS ON BLUE BACKGROUND. PROVIDE THEFT PROOF BOLTS, WASHERS & NUTS. F 4" VAN ACCESSIBLE $100 5500 FINE TOW AWAY ZONE PENALTY $100 -5500 FINE TOW AWAY ZONE E HANDICAP SIGN NOTES: 1. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE REFLECTORIZED. 2. ALL HANDICAP PARKING SIGNS SHALL HAVE THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE SIGN NO LOWER THAN FOUR FEET NOR HIGHER THAN SEVEN FEET ABOVE THE PARKING SURFACE. D WALL — MOUNTED HDCP SIGN DETAIL NO SCALE (gjl �LSr � L 11 I T T _17 : _ Tr L 'i L, C r r l C�• FLUSH 5% MAX (20H:1V) MAXIMUM 2% PAVEMENT SLOPE IN ANY DIRECTION HANDICAP ACCESS DETAIL NOT TO SCALE sol =1911 11111110M REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 - 248 -3221 H —OF►- 1 1D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr?' Lie. No. 0406001683 &, 07 -11 -2014 j d 1 `S PE AY-c �w Qw w fy 0" 0� J_ Q �I W 0 W LIJ U W (n J W q5; J W -1 m J f— LL 0 0 -U Z Z) 0 U DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE N/A REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 a c 1 DALi!Li!P.-, AN r'1 A 1 Q en r'I A-r C'G^ Irnle- REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 -248 -3221 1D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr?' rr Lie. No. 0406001683 S, 07 -1 1 -2014 Cj d � 1 A P E A'%c J w r Y 0 w W Q OU J J 051 Z J W I..L.. Q U 0 0 Z J u U - > Ld U) J � Q W 2 _I W m U Q LL O O U) O DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE 1" = 30' REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS NOTES: 1. PLANT MATERIAL NAMES ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH STREET TREES REQUIRED: 1 MEDIUM SHADE TREE PER 40' OF 360' OF 30 0 30 60 90 0 HORTUS THIRD SIZES AND GRADING ARE TO COMPLY ROAD FRONTAGE = 9 MEDIUM TREES 0 WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF AMERICAN STANDARDS PROVIDED: 11 EX. LARGE & MEDIUM TREES FOR NURSERY STOCK. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN Scale 1 = 30' ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMAN INTERIOR TREES REQUIRED: 1 MEDIUM OR LARGE TREE PER 10 SPACES 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE COORIDINATED WITH TRADES. 34 SPACES /10 = 4 SHADE TREES I I 3. USE EXISTING TOPSOIL AND /OR PROVIDE NEW TOPSOIL, PROVIDED: 4 LARGE OR MEDIUM SHADE TREES - - - - - _ - WHICH IS FERTILE, FRIABLE, NATURAL LOAM, SURFACE I N SOIL, REASONABLY FREE OF SUBSOIL, FORIEGN MATTER INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 5% OF PAVED PARKING & VEHICULAR CIRCULATION = I I I N AND ROOTS, STUMPS AND STONES LARGER THAN 2" IN 11,626 SF = 0.05(11,626 SF) = 581 SF C. »nnl�lrrnll>ei��alle DIMENSION. PROVIDED: 600 SF OF INTERIOR LANDSCAPING c:nnservalioli Plan checlrlisi -To bi plaecd, in r nna5c; 0 Plains I I � "�'°. (tlnndbupk, pp lli -2R3- 111x97 for ctir»plcicspecifinitioris} ''"- 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASCERTAIN LOCATION OF ALL�na SCREENING REQUIRED: NONE 1. 'f he following ticros sh£,Il heshoen on the plan{ I I ( I �."� UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ❑ 'F Fes to be saved; t�' cur PROVIDED: NONE Cl Limits of ck;iiing (outside dripline of bees to be saved); I 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN PLANT MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE SHALL BECOME TREE CANOPY REQUIRED: 10% OF SITE AREA = 0.10(31,913 SF) = 3,191 SF p Ldcativilan (u}�ioorpiotectlYefenciit�; ❑ Cirude shaupes irquiling tree lvellsvr „alts; 0 I I 1 M RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNER UPON ACCEPTANCE OF PROVIDED: 4,884 SF Plnpased a encbipg or hulitc(iug bevnitld the limits of clearing ` I , I _ M WORK. (SEE LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE FOR z. \Inrwneat I CANOPY COVER AND QUANTITY) Ali (tees to be s£nal that( W ittil& d „ills )liul or ribbon lit l het hl elc£nty eimble to e(ol )lent o AMItcls. 1 x 1, l ❑ NQ ° shall b��,in the tree ivarking inns be iuspecl��d by C.euiity Inspector. I I , 6. WHERE THE LANDSCAPE WORK IS COMPLETED, THE ct;;ili ug until and n })lnnt•ed a I OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL, UPON WRITTEN s. PreConshu¢tlonGonference to" 1 REQUEST MAKE AN INSPECTION TO DETERMINE REPLACE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: ❑ t reepresery oiiQllntldlffptectlo,lirld, 11 L`SShn1Lt)UR} imedN011 tire coninlcior'OltAte. )) ACCEPTABILITY. IF WORK IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, �. Enulnmc »tOacrationundStoraee: ( I I REJECTED WORK AND CONTINUE MAINTENANCE UNTIL ❑ tl cmyer tuiptnelit, eehicll iirtrof llemidslorageqf conslnlotiotunaterinlsinoluilingsoilsl) ail aotbapennittc (lcvilhinilledri ptincsoftrecs L REINSPECTION AND APPROVAL. SITE PLANTINGS OF ES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE ALLOWED TO REACH 1. ALL TE NG RE A wbeaYed, I I I L AND BE MAINTAINED AT MATURE HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. s, S011 1?YOS10n an(1 .itDr111Kate1' De1C,lllOn 1)eYltBS: ( I y� 7. GUARANTEE ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR 12 SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO SUPPORT THE ❑ su(ll dericc�(sh£l not adYes Cl j'allCCl to C3 to be Sa4'C(I. I I CALANDER MONTHS AFTER ACCEPTANCE. OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. 6. Flt es: I I /Ojalf ® A. MAKE REPLACEMENTS OF ALL DEAD PLANTS IN ❑ Pires ale not peli»itrM n'itlln loo feet of fine dripline of it to be savcd. I I I IMPAIRED CONDITIONS IN EARLY FALL FOLLOWING PLANTING. A p LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE 7, Toxic nlateri is B. ADD ADDITIONALLY IN THE EARLY SPRING FOR ❑ 1'gxic inateual sh,;l1 not be stored 1)allin too feet of the dll )Ilse of (lees to be Saved. 1 I I I THE SAME OR OTHER MATERIALS WHICH ARE CANOPY s. 1'rnlectlee renclne: I tl.: K DEAD OR IMPAIRED FROM THE WINTER LABEL SYMBOL SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PLANTING SPECS QUANTITY ❑ 1`lees!o beletaiiled llithin,'lu feetOfal)n.p45e(l i)Illldlll(�ef glll(IIII� K111'll }'Shill( be ptUteCle(t by fellClllg. K CONDITIONS. OVER (SF) ❑ rencnlg shall be In place acrd shall be inspected ald approied,by a Gouiuy hslicctor prior to pradigg or censtnwtien. I 1 ,> I 8. WITHIN 10 DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE, THE CONTRACTOR n )s Zel kova serrato "Village la e Green 2 " ca I. B &B 4 452 � ZS „ , ,� g � / village green Zelkova 9. Tree 13 0tv ❑ w11cn the Irrouttd lesel must be raised %Vitlln the dri line of' tree to be saved a tive Yvell shall be iovidcd irid a construction detail foralip,oYa1. r r to'° anti . I SHALL DELIVER AN OUTLINE OF MAINTENANCE sl,lnluitra I I PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED FOR THIS PLANTING FOR W tn.ree11'aiix: I THE OWNER. ❑ mim the ground level must be lolvered Mtllu the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree mall shall be presided; and a ccrudvction detail lle(lfortryii)roval. ( rh. I snb It! I � J 9. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY DURING THE GUARANTEE PERIOD TO PROVIDE WRITTEN Prunus cerasifera & Flowering lum PC g 2 143 6 -7 HEIGHT cvs. (Match Existing) 11. 'Crcnrbine.lmd'lunncline: ❑ A%1heti trenching, is reituired teitllin the liitlts of denting, it shall be clone as fair away Iran the tniW i of trees its possible, Tuturctit g 1 I j p �1Ur 88 I J NOTICE TO THE OWNER OF ANY MAINTENANCE � 1111dC1•n lam C I'CO !i 'Itl be C) sldC L'l 114 ill( al IflI C 1 •4 e ) t i'1 ' '¢9 ' 1 4 g 1 h. ul 1 l . tu, Itouh n tl. ant( gars( I. tncc�.. flt) ll�lclunglvilldcsrloyfcedeircw l.. I PRACTICE WHICH IN THEIR OPINION WILL AFFECT THE Cercis canadensis "Hearts of Gold" CC 6' HEIGHT 9 124 Iz, Cleanup: ( I GUARANTEE IF NOT REMEDIED PROMPTLY. rn -7' Hearts of Gold Redbud ❑ E)rotcctivc fencii; shall be the last items rcmosed durip tllC flllal ClCallll , E g p 1 10. DO NOT MAKE SUBSTITUTIONS. BID MATERIALS SHOWN ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR IS ENCOURAGED TO PROVIDE WRITTEN ALTERNATE LIST OF MATERIALS, SIZES AND NUMBERS SUBSTITUTION FOR COST - EFFECTIVE BG Buxus x "Green Velvet" Boxwood 18" Ht. /cont. #3 21 10 1�. ii° "'need "frees: ❑ l�anm cd tree: sha11 be trcate(I inutiediatel b attain , fcttili�alioli or other niethats rcruutnu(led b a trees )eciaGst g y )1 s y 1 NOT IT IS T1l* DEVELOPER'S RESPO.NSIDILITI TO CONTER AVITII THE CONITMkaTOR ON TREE CONS> R1' <�T101v itEptnitE�1>;tyrs. to J ) , I. MAINTENANCE OF DESIGN INTEGRITY. N Prunus laurocerasus " y » / # 4 10 PL Otto Lu ken Laurel 18 Ht. coat. 3 Otto Luyken • ) _ _ I 1.......� r )3 11. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY MATERIAL THAT HE /SHE PROPOSED CANOPY 3,460 SQ FT- PREPARE, SEED AND STRAW ALL LAWN AREAS. EXISTING CANOPY 1,139 SQ FT 011 NER SIGNa'I PURE (DATF) I �1 i DEEMS UNACCEPTABLE. REJECTED MATERIAL SHALL BE SITE. REMOVED PROMPTLY FROM THE S MULCH ALL SHRUB BEDS. 1.25 MULITPLIER 1,424 SQ FT ( ) ,, la 'r tlltc 1; SF T I N: G(Ylt G P A A. .ItSl(.NallR (DATE.) I to thlfi L1 w ` TOTAL CANOPY 4,884 SQ FT 5[SJ06 Page 1 of 1 12. SELECTIVE CUTTING AND CLEARING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE EXISTING WOODED AREAS OF THE DRAINAGE I,rcr�cr I H EASEMENT. SELECTIVE CUTTING WITHIN THESE AREAS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REMOVAL OF UNDERGROWTH AND TREES ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIANAGE OUTFALL. 4 13. BALLED AND BURLAPPED PLANTS SHALL BE DUG WITH FIRM NATURAL BALLS OF EARTH. BALL SIZES SHALL _, I la <ttr�P BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.A.N. SPECIFICATIONS. ALL CONTAINER GROWN STOCK SHALL BE WELL ROOTED it 1 A AND ESTABLISHED IN THE CONTAINER IN WHICH IT IS 111 Gb1Y ) t 3 R'"®_ -"- SOLD. AN ESTABLISHED CONTAINER GROWN PLANT SHALL HAVE A ROOT SYSTEM DEVELOPED SUFFIENTLY TO RETAIN ITS SHAPE WHEN REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER. -� -- -PLA SHAPEES BY 1/3 RETAINING NORMAL 311 - 14. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE NURSERY GROWN UNLESS OTHER -WISE SPECIFIED. PRUNING SHALL BE DONE BEFORE PLANTING OR DURING THE PLANTING BARK . MULCH 3" MIN. CREATE SAUCER WITH TOPSOIL 6" MIN. I tog °CIV( -- -- F OPERATION. OPER WEED BARRIER I�IIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllll� I ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE 1/3 OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL ''',`'.. r•;: TOP t • l p "2 - C - I t ,', _1 ( I _ yl[!A . :. F 15. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE COVERED AND °:' SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. ' GENTLY COMPACT TOPSOIL MIXTURE.~ I ^► y . , j ` D FROM EXCESSIVE DRYING DURING TRANSIT. PROTECTED TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL 1 r) � ZS i 16. ANTI - DESICCANTS SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL MATERIAL WHILE IN FOLIAGE. LANDSCAPE DETAILS 'Q "'� I f , _ A _ 17. DUG MULCH MATERIAL SHALL BE EITHER SHREDDED 2X BALL Dln. MIN.�ffLr .;. ay P - - -- -- E HARDWOOD MULCH OR APPROVED EQUAL. MATERIAL SHALL BE MULCHING GRADE, UNIFORM IN SIZE AND -------------- ICC ► S "� I I - d I tit" , l� l _2�� s \` �� .s Z � i � 'F. ' PROPOSED _ _ - - E FREE OF FMULCHI MATTER. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL o Via' - GOODWILL' I .. N '. - -J 18. TOPSOIL MIXTURE SHALL BE 2 PARTS EXISTING SOIL OR No SCALE u 1 -STORY I ° £, 10 400 S.F. --- -_ _ MIXED EVENLY WITH 1 PART SPAGNUM PEAT MOSS PEAT HUMUS. EXISTING SOIL SHALL BE FREE OF _. (7,500 S. F. OF RETAIL) STONES, LUMPS, PLANTS, ROOTS AND OTHER DEBRIS I I `� 0.73 ACS D OVER 1 1/2 INCHES. IT SHALL NOT CONTAIN TOXIC SUBSTANCES HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH. TOPSOIL SHALL HAVE A PH RANGE OF 5.0 TO 7.0. z I' I/� °~ -` - - -- - D 19. PLANTING PROCEDURES FOR TREES AND SHRUBS" A. PLANTING SHALL OCCUR IN ACCORDANCE WITH _ 111 L IL _� ALL DETAILS. B. TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE PLACED IN THE RUBBER HOSE AT BARK .r PLANTING PIT, BY LIFTING FROM THE BALL GUY WIRES (3). WHITE FLAG ON EACH TO INCREASE �... i -.. ic. � 'serTa,? .,`i *�`i•,.,e,. y..�,..a `� a fJ GeUt b `� BI Y V C (NEVER FORM THE BRANCHES OR TRUNK). ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN A VISIBILITY. I � " ~� Al C STRAIGHT POSITION WITHIN THE PLANTING PIT. WITH THE MOST DESIRABLE SIDE PLACED RUBBER HOSE ON EACH MAJOR STEM. ALL MAJOR STEMS SHOULD BE WIRED TOGETHER. TURNBUCKLE (� 3 . GALVANIZED OR DIP- PAINTED SET TREE AT ORIGINAL GRADE I� BG `` r� TOWARDS THE PROMINENT VIEW (SIDEWALK, STREET, ETC.). C. THE TREE PIT SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH A SET TREE AT ORIGINAL GRADE MULCH; PINE BARK OR WOOD CHIPS 3" MIN. SOIL SAUCER; USE PREPARED TOPSOIL 6' MIN. ++ MULCH: PINE BARK OR WOOD CHIPS 3 MIN. SOIL SAUCER: USE PREPARED SOIL 6" MIN, WOOD DEADMEN (3) 6 I � ! I SOIL MIXTURE AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. THE PIT SHALL BE FILLED HALFWAY INITIALLY AND TAMPED FIRMLY. ALL ROPES, WIRES, ETC. ON , , WOOD STAKES 3" IN FIRM SOIL _ '% - '�' ✓' . �'�� -_ - - ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 = •' -:::,• : •. III III -III = - ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT, REMOVE TOP 1/3 " ' ' , _ " "I ' --'� I- j ,K B THE ROOTBALL SHALL BE CUT AND THE BURLAP OR BALL WRAP PULLED BACK TO THE __ , .:•; ».:.; .:.. t'•'" ". OF BURLAP. NON - BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE I =II = I ...:..; I =III ;'..• ' TOTALLY REMOVED - - - I _III -I I : ; :. ; ; _ - OF BURLAP. NON- BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE •.:.:`. .. I I III I EM - TOTALLY REMOVED _ _ I I -1 11=1 � ; �; , ctt %�) c,,t�tttt�its� s ~° _ „ I' 4 �.. �•-� .. PC •�• �.._�.� ,.,•, �- �,,f,� �••,, -.-� .�..,,_'�'-�•,,. -,�" I `'i 1 B COMPLETE EDGE OF THE ROOTBALL. COMPL - - - - ='.. I I - - - - -�.d ::.• - - - PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT :, _,�: w .,iM ?;,:. _ , °eref,rrtl m ?� �� a..t„ ., ..Alf�x?,` N� _ ,:t ,r -. t �� � r- °`° 1 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BACKFILLING PLANT PIT AND TAMP FIRMLY. BACKFILL SOIL SHALL NOT COVER ' TOP of -• - -- = -III _ _ _ _ PREPARED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL =I I1=111 =I I = - III - III -III -I - PREPARED suecRADE PEDESTAL III - III - III - III -_= I I I =I I I =I I I =III =I === I1= 1I1=1I I� SETTLING -III -III =III -I I ( -III -I I I- III - III - III - III- IIIll,r _ _ : � , y� .~ -' „ � � ,• `�" _ - 1I1 =1I1 =1 I 1-1I ICI I I- 1I1 =1I I -1I I -1I I -1 I ICI I I- 1I1 =1I I -1I1= ROOTBALL. MULCH ROOTBALL AND SAUCER I I 1 -1 I I -I I i_-1 11_1 2X BALL DIA. MIN. - III -I I 1 -1 I I- III I I -1 I I -I I FE1 11_1 I I -I I f_I I i_ II_I I f_i I L -1 I I - III - III - III - III - III - III - III - I I- III -III- ,,,,,,( " ;...:.;, WITH MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES SHREDDED OR CHIPPED HARDWOOD OR PINE MULCH. WATER 2.5 X BALL DIA. MIN. THOROUGHLY OR UNTIL PLANT PIT IS FILLED. MULTI -STEM TREE PLANTING DETAIL TREE PLANTING DETAIL AM( -�-- --- - -"" Ro ---- ---- I - - -- A �_ --- _- (120 R. 0. W� NO SCALE NO SCALE ..,. 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 18 19� 1 20 1 21 DALi!Li!P.-, AN r'1 A 1 Q en r'I A-r C'G^ Irnle- REFLECTING TOMORROW www.balzer.cc New River Valley Richmond Roanoke Shenandoah Valley RESIDENTIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING SITE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL & SOIL SCIENCE WETLAND DELINEATIONS & STREAM EVALUATIONS Balzer and Associates, Inc. 1561 Commerce Road Suite 401 Verona, VA 24482 540 - 248 -3220 FAX 540 -248 -3221 1D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr?' rr Lie. No. 0406001683 S, 07 -1 1 -2014 Cj d � 1 A P E A'%c J w r Y 0 w W Q OU J J 051 Z J W I..L.. Q U 0 0 Z J u U - > Ld U) J � Q W 2 _I W m U Q LL O O U) O DRAWN BY DKO DESIGNED BY DKO CHECKED BY ERB DATE 02 -21 -2014 SCALE 1" = 30' REVISIONS: 05 -05 -2014 07-11-2014 SHEET NO. JOB NO. S1300029