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Foundation: Cultured stone veneer to grade, StoneCraft pattern Ledgestone color Sucktown. 2. Siding: Nardi -Plank and Hard) -Shake siding, color Heathered Moss, with Mira -Tec trim. 3. Roof: Timberline 30 yr. Architectural Roofing Shingle, color Charcoal. Minimal standing seam metal accent roofing. 4. Windows: Low -E, Argon gas filled, vinyl windows. Glass requirement: visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 4051., visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 3051.. 5. Garage Door: Carriage -style insulated metal garage door with windows. (o. Front Porch: 12" Bluestone border w/ concrete fill. Vinyl railings. 7. Rear Deck- treated decking. Pressure treated structure with composite rim board and vinyl railings. S. Shutters: All windows on front and exposed side elevation to have plank shutters. Shutters to be half 9. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from the entrance corridor. _ UNIT B - ALL OTHERS UPPER FLOOF I. Foundation: Cultured stone veneer to grade or parge 362.90' finish with pigment. 2. Siding: Nardi -Plank and Nardi -Shake siding with Mira -Tec trim. 3. Roof: Timberline 30 yr. Architectural Roofing Shingle. Minimal standing seam metal accent roofing. 4. Windows: Low -E, Argon gas filled, vinyl windows. 5. Garage Door: Carriage -style insulated metal garage door with windows. 6. Front Porch: 12" Bluestone border w/ concrete fill. Vinyl railings. 7. Rear Deck: Pressure treated decking. Pressure treated structure with composite rim board and vinyl MAIN FLOOR railings. 352.90' 8. Shutters: All windows on front elevation to have plank shutters. Shutters to be half the width of the window. LOWER FLOOR 342.90' ELEVATION I I I II I L— I---------------- - - - - -- ----- - - -� —� r— I------------------------------ - - -I —� I I 1 L—� -- ------------------------- - - -i —� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i — _ ----------- C- - - - - -- -------------------- I I L _ _____ ________ I I - - - - - r_ - - - - -- FRONT ELEVATION -------------- �----- - - - - -- -------------- - - - --� L-------------------------------- 1------------ - - - - -- - - -I 1 r-cx�s3�:aEz I I _ I I , r-- ------------------------------ - - - - -J i L------------------------------- - - - - -- ELEVATION RIDGE VENT DIMENSIONAL FIBERGLASS SHINGLES PREFIN. METAL ROOFING PREFIN. ALUM. GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS/ EXTEND DS w/ 4" DIA. PVC PIPE TO NATURAL OUTFALL (TYP.) STONE VENEER 'TD. MIRATEC FASCIA, RAKE, 4 FRIEZE 'TD. HARDIE SIDING LOWER FLOC 342.9 EIPF 0 `1v -1 -1 -9 Associates Architects P.O. Box 78 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977 -2791 (434) 977 -0593 (FAX) W V W o W Q W O L) 1 JARB COMMENT 11 -5 -14 NO DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS ATTACHED UNIT EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 1/4" = 1' -0" DATE 10 -29 -14 DWN BY JDB CHECKED BY RJFJR PROJECT NO V1411 DRAWING NO OF 5 P New Temp. 27'X26' Public Stacking Block Retaining Wall --- �- ---- -°--• *E""°°°�� °tom" --` Stacking Block Retaining Wall _ _ e 0 New Temporary Public 00 Turn- Around Easemen . I z ----- - - - - -- _---------------- - -- -- _EOM -- - / EOP 0 N _ r . , + , : : U I I I k., 5. „ 0 x , r r as , z 3 !4 7 „ „ h., ,Y,., „ , »a? 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Uj \ \ / i .-- / \ \ \ • lot• `� � :�`��u;: \ �/. / : >:' \ W 50 Trek - \ d. 1 ; : •:.. \ r:,, LU i Pr ervation Aria _ - (( 47, 3g8o \fit 6 / '' ' _- - - 7 1 r I \ 32 �'.c5 461 6 > q:\5,649 o A3 \\ \ J > \/ SF / ,� 326,6 \ \ \ l \ \ \ �'°�s \ Bld: 3 -Le L x « r \- \\ 458 BFE =3 4 Bi :5,124 SF • I ,•. � x\ /' // - \ Li \ 4 .9 FFE= 3 \ \ \ \ \ ♦ x 52.9 « ' • r « r ,'p >> :, :.r ..� 327.1 •\ BF 342.9 r ,- Tr ,'' �' >'" >// i / - x \ y E. \ / e tb J' Y" tii�iii�i� '�ii's':ii�.':az % %;zi;i•.; „• m \ \ i.. .... 0 / / / W 1 1 1 \ 1 / 1 \ I i ` � r «r1� \ I _ x r tx / o " mss`` / 343.1 / rr« \ 42 r: s-... r r , 1 - I r / x Z 1l - r / / s i r -f' / r / � v 41 _ / I x FIELD - LOCATED 100 YR. Date ,iii 1\ \ \ \ � . ' � / \ I \ \ \ - - \ - `_ _ - _ _ "'-•-. ,,,,, � �: :>,.:, : ?., +. / A'4 324.9 _E OODPLAIN LINE �_ - 05 01 14 i \ - x 25 .. 0 \ \ \ y Scale _ 1 - 1 I I _ 1 30 1 \ _ i 1 \ 1 - l SE ET t \ E D AI / - -- � 5.><C>.7 d / t Sheet No. � it i , 1 \� �... 1 \ . i \ \ � `` \ , ` - `..- -._ - "_ - - , w ,r, - • / / 30 0 30 60 90 C7 OF 28 File No. Scale: 1 " =30' 12.009 4j Plant Symbol Common Name x "Rotundiloba" Sweetgum + "October Glory" Red Maple • Willow Oak "Heritage" River Birch 0 Black Gum Allegheny Serviceberry e Eastern Redbud o Flowering Dogwood Eastern Arborvitae Catawaba Rhododendron Dwarf Yaupon Holly s Kalmia latifolia Note: Refer to Sheet 12 for Landscape Calculations. Uj i . Native I 'Graves LU Date �! 114 i Scale 1 "— 30' Sheet No. 30 0 30 60 90 C11 OF 28 File No. Scale: 1 " =30' 12.009 U Q I— LU 0 I- I/ W LL e ---- 0.2 + / -MILE ROUTE 20 SCALE: 1 " =30' SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. TREE TIES, SEE SPECS. 1-112" SQ. OAK STAK SET 180 DEGREES APART FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF MULCH AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EARTH WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE SPECS FOR EXACT REQUIREMENTS, PLANTING SOIL, AND – PLANTING SOIL AMENDMENTS. REMOVE BURLAP & STRING FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •- i STREETSCAPE: A 0 i i!!r1iii��! - TWO TIMES BALL DIA. (MIN) 3 TREE PLANTING DETAIL C12 Not To Scale NOTES: 1. Contractor to apply mulch bedding around all proposed trees and shrubs. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 3. Plantings shown on the approved rezoning plan ZMA 2012 -00002 within the future mixed –use areas shall be shown on site plans submitted for those portions of the project. 4. Ornamental grass required shall consist of clumps of Schizachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem or a similar flowering species. rWUIt LU SCALE: 1 " =30' REFER TO SHEET C 1 1 ��t -- --►,n __.. � ran --� � _"° --_- r –� o" -7; STA 27 +50 REFER TO SHEET C 1 I r • • KILL LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 20% of Total Site Area of Canopy: 813,157 SF * .20 = 162,631 SF Rt. 20 Street Trees: 1 Large Shade Tree Per 35' of Frontage: 998'/35 =29 Trees @ 3.5" Cal. Min. Flowering Ornamentals Interspersed Along Frontage. Internal Street Trees: Trailside Dr. & Trailside Ct.: 1 Large Shade Tree Per 40' of Frontage: 2,155' -673' (VDOT Restriction)= 1,482' 1,482'/40 =37 Trees @ 2.5" Cal. Min. Riverwalk Xing (mews): 1 Flowering Ornamental Per 40' of Frontage: 638/40 =16 Trees @ 2" Cal. Min. Northern Buffer (Block 1): 4 Large Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 15 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 2A): 10 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 50 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 4): 6 Large Shade Trees Screening (Block 2A): Evergreen Trees @ 40' O.C., Evergreen Shrubs @ 5' O.C., and Flowering Shrubs @ 3' O.C. SWM Facility 3: Landscaping along entrance corridor as per ARB recommendations. Main Road Entrance: Assorted Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, & Native Grasses. LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 304,991 SF Existing Canopy To Remain x 1.25 Bonus = 381,239 SF 51,131 SF New Canopy 432,370 SF Total Canopy Rt. 20 Street Trees: 30 Large Shade Trees Provided. 22 Flowering Ornamentals Interspersed Along Frontage. Internal Street Trees: Trailside Dr. & Trailside Ct.: 40 Large Shade Trees Provided Riverwalk Xing (mews): 16 Flowering Ornamental Trees Provided Northern Buffer (Block 1): 4 Large Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 15 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 2A): 10 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 50 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 4): 6 Large Shade Trees In Rear Yards. Screening (Block 2A): Evergreen Trees @ 40' O.C., Evergreen Shrubs @ 5' O.C., and Flowering Shrubs @ 3' O.C. SWM Facility 3: 2 Large Shade Trees & 12 Shrubs. Main Road Entrance: 2 Large Shade Trees, 4 Flowering Ornamental Trees, 14 Flowering Shrubs, & Native Grasses LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Min. Quantity anopy Quantit 1 Quantity Canopy Total Total Symbol Planting Type 1 Common Name r –� o" -7; STA 27 +50 REFER TO SHEET C 1 I r • • KILL LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 20% of Total Site Area of Canopy: 813,157 SF * .20 = 162,631 SF Rt. 20 Street Trees: 1 Large Shade Tree Per 35' of Frontage: 998'/35 =29 Trees @ 3.5" Cal. Min. Flowering Ornamentals Interspersed Along Frontage. Internal Street Trees: Trailside Dr. & Trailside Ct.: 1 Large Shade Tree Per 40' of Frontage: 2,155' -673' (VDOT Restriction)= 1,482' 1,482'/40 =37 Trees @ 2.5" Cal. Min. Riverwalk Xing (mews): 1 Flowering Ornamental Per 40' of Frontage: 638/40 =16 Trees @ 2" Cal. Min. Northern Buffer (Block 1): 4 Large Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 15 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 2A): 10 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 50 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 4): 6 Large Shade Trees Screening (Block 2A): Evergreen Trees @ 40' O.C., Evergreen Shrubs @ 5' O.C., and Flowering Shrubs @ 3' O.C. SWM Facility 3: Landscaping along entrance corridor as per ARB recommendations. Main Road Entrance: Assorted Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, & Native Grasses. LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 304,991 SF Existing Canopy To Remain x 1.25 Bonus = 381,239 SF 51,131 SF New Canopy 432,370 SF Total Canopy Rt. 20 Street Trees: 30 Large Shade Trees Provided. 22 Flowering Ornamentals Interspersed Along Frontage. Internal Street Trees: Trailside Dr. & Trailside Ct.: 40 Large Shade Trees Provided Riverwalk Xing (mews): 16 Flowering Ornamental Trees Provided Northern Buffer (Block 1): 4 Large Shade Trees, 3 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 15 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 2A): 10 Evergreen Screening Trees, & 50 Evergreen Shrubs. Northern Buffer (Block 4): 6 Large Shade Trees In Rear Yards. Screening (Block 2A): Evergreen Trees @ 40' O.C., Evergreen Shrubs @ 5' O.C., and Flowering Shrubs @ 3' O.C. SWM Facility 3: 2 Large Shade Trees & 12 Shrubs. Main Road Entrance: 2 Large Shade Trees, 4 Flowering Ornamental Trees, 14 Flowering Shrubs, & Native Grasses LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Min. Quantity anopy Quantit Canopy Quantity Canopy Total Total Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Cal. /Height ,y at 3.5 SF at ,y at 2.5 SF at „y at 2 SF at Quantity Canopy SF 3 5,� 2 5» 2„ • Large Shade Tree Liquidambar styraciflua „ Rotundiloba "Rotundiloba" Sweetgum See Above For Requirements 11 272 21 238 0 206 32 7990 } Large Shade Tree Acer rubrum "October Glory" Red Maple See Above For Requirements 10 510 19 452 0 397 29 13688 0 Large Shade Tree Quercus phellos Willow Oak See Above For Requirements 9 471 30 419 0 370 39 16809 Large Shade Tree Betula nigra "Heritage" "Heritage" River Birch See Above For Requirements 0 535 5 464 0 397 5 2320 0 Large Shade Tree Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica See Above For 0 181 10 151 0 123 10 1510 Requirements ?TN "Autumn Flame" See Above For NZV Medium Shade Tree Acer rubrum Red Maple Requirements 0 0 4 234 0 177 4 936 { } �� Ornamental Tree Amelanchier laevis SAllegheny 2" Cal. 0 0 0 0 11 130 11 1430 Ornamental Tree Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 2" Cal. 0 0 0 0 28 124 28 3472 G Ornamental Tree Cornus florido Flowering Dogwood 2" Cal. 0 0 0 0 24 124 24 2976 6 Evergreen Screening Tree Thuja occidentalis Eastern Arborvitae 4' Ht. 16 Evergreen Shrub Rhododendron Catawba 24" Ht. 66 catawbiense Rhododendron U. Evergreen Shrub Ilex vom itoria "Nana" Dwarf Youpon Holly 24 Ht. 60 f Evergreen Shrub Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel 24" Ht. 44 �J>Flowering Shrub Ceanothus americanus New Jersey Tea 24" Ht. 42 I J Flowering Shrub Rhododendron Rose Azalea 24" Ht. 39 prinophyllum Flowering Shrub Rosa virginiana Virginia Rose 24" Ht. 36 NOTE: CANOPY FROM 10 YR GROWTH TOTAL SF: 51131 County ofAlbemarIe Cons+errvatinn Plain .Cheekiest - To, be placed on Landscape Plans (Handboolk pp 111-284-111-297 for complete specifications) i. The following items shall be shown on the plan: m Trees.to.be saved5 !i Ixzrts of clearing (outside dripline of trees to be saved); W Location and type of protective fenclrtg; Grade changes requiri ng tree wells or walls n /6J propos'&f trmoMng or ttinneling beyond the litnits 6f clearing.. '2. Markinzss d All tree's to 'be saved shA1l be marked ftlr print or ribbon at "a height clearly visible to eq tfpmont operators. 0 No,grading sba l begin °until. the tree :uzatlCing has been inspected and approved by a County lnspecron 3,. W& Construction Conference ® Tree•. preservation and' protection moamres shall be reviewed, with the contractor on site. 4., 1gu iiment Operation and Storaze Heavy equzpriieiit,, vehicular traffic ate storage :of constrizctiort materials 7neluding soil shall nothe permitted withinthe dnplines of trees to -be saved. 5. Soil Erosari and Sto�rmwater Iletentipri Ileyices:' "ucb: levz`ces.sYzall nof.adversely affecttrees to be saved.. 6.. Fires- n /al] Pires are not permitted wiflzin 100 feet'. ref the dripllne of trees to be saved. 7. Toirii Materiais . n /aLl Tcixic materials iliall riot he stored vi Thin 100 feet of the: dripline of trees to be'saVved. �. l�t'�otectime Fencingt. 0 Trees to be,'retazned w'thzn �0 feetof a proposed: buzldrig or. gYadzng activity shall be protected lsy fencing.: W Fmc ug shall be in place and shall be fnspected.,and approved'by a oiinty Inspector pr onto grading or construction. 9. Tri* Wells; n /°j When the gmand level mustfberaised.within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall'be provided and;a construction detail: :submttted for approval.. W. Tree Walls, n /a0 Wben the ground level must-be 'Toivered within. the dt`ipline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction•detal .submitted fcir approval :, Y1. Trenching and runnelinez n/° Wlieti :trench "zi g is requ,if Within the latmts of,6 - ring, g shall; be dozie as far aw* Ay £toed the trunks of trees as possible. Tuhne izig. under. a large'tree shall lie considered as.aii alternatfve'when ft, is anticipated that neces'sarytreneliing'will destroy feeder roots.. 12. Cleanups l5 _1'rotecrive Eencrng shall be thelast- terzis ieitiaved during the final cleanup. 13. Damaged Trees; 21 Darriaged trees shall be treated nyried ataly ley pruiizng; fertilitadon or'othetmethodsrecomtmnded:by a tree specialist: NOTE: `:IT IS THE IIEVELOI'ER °S: RESPONSIBILITY TO CONFER WITH'THE CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS,. fQVsJAIER $WNATTJRE (DA PEj. CON'I`RACT PURCHASER SIGNATURE (,DATE)` 5 /1 /Q6A2ge i t5f 1 SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. PLANTING PIT. PREPARED SOIL FOR SHRUBS SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN I " ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOTBALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE :F /z :BAit. i � � :D.i�i: :girl.: 4 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL C12 Not To Scale W U N Q W 0 I-- Iv W w O 3 5 U J TIN M. SHIMP Lici Not 45183 Id o�_"sSA01V AL