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SDP202300005 Plan - Submittal (First) 2023-01-18 (2)
LEGEND EXISTING NEW DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT 10 10 PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR 311.5 x1b SPOT ELEVATION 311.5 TC x1bn TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 311.5 TW x1� TOP OF WALL ELEVATION 311.5 BW x >�'- BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION - ... - ... - STREAM - - STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE !1� HANDICAP PARKING l7� MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING 0 WETLAND TREELINE X X FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE O m GUY WIRE oHu 0HU OVERHEAD UTILITY ucu UGU UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE L1 qp DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN OWNER/DEVELOPER Rivers Edge Holdings LLC & Rivers Edge Associates LLC 2027 Woodbrook Court Charlottesville VA, 22901 PLAN PREPARATION Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 East High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)227-5140 ZONING Planned Residential District ZMA201800018 approved on August 5, 2020 SP201800023 approved on August 5, 2020 Airport Impact Area, Flood Hazard Overlay, Dam Break Inundation Zone (State), Entrance Corridor, Steep Slopes - Managed & Preserved STEEP SLOPES DISTURBANCE NOTES The property is subject to SP2018-23 approved on August 5, 2020. Per SP2018-23, a maximum area of 39,100 SF of preserved slopes disturbance is permitted. Approximately 38,760 SF of disturbance is proposed with this MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rivanna SOURCE OF TITLE DB 1528 PG 326 DB 2987 PG 423 BUILD -TO LINES Per approved ZMA201800018, residential build -to lines are provided as follows: 50' from US Route 29 5' from parking areas, travelways, accessways, and pedestrian paths BUILDING HEIGHT Per approved ZMA201800018, maximum building height is 35'. Proposed building height: Front 20' Rear 30' SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary provided by plat of record Road topographic survey provided by: Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. 663 Berkmar Court Charlottesville, VA 22901 September 11, 2018 Two (2) foot contours provided by: LIDAR, Virginia Information Technologies Agency & Virginia Geographic Information Network BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88 Site Benchmark Elevation: 396.48 Iron & Cap Located in Route 29 median. FLOODZONE According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO286D), this property is located within a Zone AE 100-year floodplain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the North Fork Rivanna Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES Site is served by ACSA public water and sewer. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA O SANITARY MANHOLE Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). SANITARY SEWER MAIN S S SANITARY SEWER LATERAL GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES WATER 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. W W WATER LINE The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 0 O WATER METER 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily 0 0 WATER METER VAULT shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. FIRE HYDRANT 3. Al materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water T T and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION Authority. GAS 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. "MISS 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). GAS GAS GAS LINE 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service EASEMENTS laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. CONSTRUCTION 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve GRADING during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. ' ACCESS 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe SIGHT DISTANCE Drinking Water Act). UTILITY 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. STORMWATER ACCESS ITE TRIP GENERATION DRAINAGE EXISTING USE Single Family Residential PROPOSED USE 34 Multi -Family Buildings w/ 32 @ 3 stories = 96 units 1 unit per story 2 @ 2 stories = 4 units 960 SF per unit Total = 100 units Gross Density = 100/32.52 = 3.07 DUA LAND USE SCHEDULE EXISTING Area % Building 17,989 SF 1.3% Pavement 57,665 SF 4.1% Sidewalk 8518 SF 0.6% Impervious Total 84,172 SF 5.9% Managed Turf 140,354 SF 9.9% Open Space 1,192,045 SF 84.2% Total= 1,416,571 SF (32.52 ac.) PROPOSED Area % Building 42,670 SF 3.0% Pavement 152,308 SF 10.8% Sidewalk 17,450 SF 1.2% Impervious Total 212,428 SF 15.0% Managed Turf 266,643 SF 18.8% Open Space 937,500 SF 66.2% Total= 1,416,571 SF (32.52 ac.) PARKING SCHEDULE Multi -family units: 2 spaces/unit = 200 required 200 spaces provided LIGHTING Lighting shall comply with Section 4.17 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. LANDSCAPE Landscape shall comply with Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. RECREATION Recreation shall comply with Section 4.16 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Per the approved ZMA201800018, natural alternatives may replace minimum facilities as required by Section 4.16.2, to be approved by the director of planning and community development. Total recreational area is 18,257 SF of natural playscape area with approximately 3,617 LF of walking trails SIGNS All signs and pavement shall conform with the latest edition of the MUTCD Guidelines. A sign permit must be issued in accordance with the Albemarle County Sign Regulations prior to placement of any signs on -site. Contractor shall provide handicap signs as shown on plan. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The p Y P contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. 12. Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls require inspection as outlined in the USBC. 13. Accessible parking spaces, access isles, and accessible route shall be installed in accordance with ICC ANSI At 17.1-09 and the 2018 Virginia Construction Code. 14. Where the flood level rims of plumbing fixtures are below the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer, the fixtures shall be protected by a backwater valve installed in the building drain, branch of the building drain or horizontal branch serving such fixtures. Plumbing fixtures having flood level rims above the elevation of the manhole cover of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer shall not discharge through a backwater valve. 15. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause public nuisance and not over sidewalks. 16.Buildings or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a demolition permit. 17. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI. Contact VDOLI for their additional requirements and permits for demolition projects at 540-562-3580 x131. 18. All water, sewer and fire lines require NEW inspection and testing procedures. The ACSA performs any testing and inspections of public sewer and water main(s). 19. The Albemarle County Building Inspections Department (ACBID) does a visual inspection and witnesses the testing of the building drain, water service pipe and the sprinkler lead-in connection. 20.The developer/contractor is responsible to retain a Special Inspector as outlined in the updated Albemarle County Policy for Site Utilities to perform the visual inspection and testing of all utilities not covered by the ACSA or ACBID. This includes building sewers, water and fire line branches between the main and the meter(s)/building(s). 21.The Special Inspector's report must be submitted and approved by the Albemarle County Engineering Department prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued. AM PM Daily Use Description ITE Qty In Out14 tal In Out Total Total Multifamily Housing 221 51 5 -: 19 14 10 24 43 (Mid -Rise) RWSA GENERAL NOTES 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Design and Construction Standards - Version 1.0, adopted in December 2015, except as modified below or modified in special notes. 2. RWSA shall approve all construction materials and methods of construction. A preconstruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 4. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext. 205) shall be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA. 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before a connection is made to the system. 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not. Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA. No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the springline of the existing pipe. 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. 14. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement. FIRE DEPT. NOTES 1. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking makes conditions such as to make smoking a hazard and these areas shall be designated with no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 2. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking material per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 3. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, vehicular access for firefighting shall be provided at all construction and demolition sites, provide access to within 100-ft of temporary or permanent fire department connections, and have no overhead wiring or other overhead obstructions lower than 13ft-6in; this access may be via permanent or temporary road, but shall be capable of supporting fire apparatus in all weather conditions. 4. Contractor shall ensure the street numbers are always plainly visible from the frontage street duringconstruction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code. p 9 5. An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place and available as soon as combustible materials arrive on site. 6. Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each day and disposed of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 7. Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell, on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction shed and in areas of special hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 8. Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office. Needed Fire Flow 1,500 gpm Per brternational Fire Code Table BIOS.1(2) Type V-B (sf) Fire Fbw (gpm) 7,707-9,9m 2sm Perlmernational Fire Code Table 105.211equired Fire Flowfor Buildings Other Than One and Two Family Dwellings Automatic SpdnklerSystem Minimum Fire Flow (gpm) Flow Duration (hours) (Design Standard) 25% of value i n Tabl a Duration in Table B105.1(2) at Section 903.3.1.2 of IFC Blm.1(2)a the reduced flow rate 25% ofyalue(min. 1,500gpm) 15m 2 b. the reduoadpmpow shall be not tees than 1,500 golionsperminute FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE TAX MA ALBEMAR VICINITY MAPSCALE : 1a=500' SDP 2022-00012 P 32, PARCEL 5A, 5A-1 LE COUNTY, VIRGINIA CAMELU I q� �y1s g x� :r•ti<. � a� y QSeraphic Group Clayton Homes Q ABC Supply Co, Inr SITE LEVVIS AND CLARK DRIVE 0 0 The Mitre Corporation 11y Of ROUTE 29 Park SEMINOLE TRAIL JW Townsend Landscapes enter for Applied iornecilamcs Fabrics UnlimitedQ 1 T N 0 R T H S I D E �CP INDUSTRIAL PARK P I N F R I D G E SHEET INDEX C1 COVER C2 PROFFER, PERMITS & CONDITIONS C3 EXISTING CONDITIONS: OVERVIEW C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS C5 EXISTING CONDITIONS C6 PRESERVED SLOPES DISTURBANCE C7 SITE PLAN OVERVIEW C8 SITE & UTILITY PLAN C9 SITE & UTILITY PLAN C10 SITE PLAN C11 UTILITY PLAN C12 GRADING PLAN C13 GRADING PLAN C14 GRADING PLAN CI STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C16 STORM SEWER PROFILES C17 STORM SEWER PROFILES C18 SANITARY SEWER PROFILES & DETAILS C19 SITE & UTILITY DETAILS C20 ROAD PROFILE C21 ROAD PROFILE C22 MOT PLAN C23 LANDSCAPING PLAN C24 LANDSACPING DETAILS C25 NATURAL PLAYSCAPE LAYOUT C26 MITIGATION PLAN APPROVALS Current Development Planner Current Development Engineer Fire Official Building Official Albemarle County Service Authority Date IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOOGLE MAPS SHIMP ENGINEERIN G1 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM p,LTH OF JUST HE UJc. 45183 �SSIONAL EEO FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. Date FILE NO. Date 15.064 Date COVER Date SANITARY -' WATERLINE NOTE: GASLINE 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. Virginia Department of Transportation Architectural Review Board Date Date ZZ 2A 9 M ORDINANCE NO. 20-A(9) ZMA 2018-00018 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP FOR TAX PARCELS 03200-00-00-005A1 AND 03200-0000-005AO BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that upon consideration of the transmittal summary and staff report prepared for ZMA 2018-00018 and their attachments, including the application plan last revised on April 14, 2020, the information presented at the public hearing, any written comments received, the material and relevant factors in Virginia Code § 15.2-2284 and County Code §§ 18-19.1 and 18-33.27, and for the purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Board hereby approves ZMA 2018-00018 with the application plan last revised on April 14, 2020. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct cppytan Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of 6ys"t'i3 ferric as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on August 5, 2020. Clerk, Board of County SupegG ors= Aye Nay vv Mr. Gallaway Y Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Y® Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKeel Y Ms. Palmer _ Absent Ms. Price Y RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE RIVER'S EDGE REQUEST FOR A CENTRAL SEWERAGE SYSTEM ON TAX PARCELS 03200-00-00-005A1 AND 03200-00-00-OOSAO NOW BE 1TRESOLVED that, upon consideration of the staff report prepared for this request and all of its attachments, the information presented to the Board of Supervisors, and the factors relevant to central sewerage systems in County Code Chapter 16 and the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the request for a central sewerage system on Tax Parcels 03200 0040-005AI and W200-00;00-005A0, subject to3he cond$icjus_;contained herein. »rr 1, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereiiy certify that the foregoing writing it a tr(rb,.c6ftcrd60y ova` Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of five to zero, as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on August 5, 2020. Clerk, Board of County Sr e rsors Aye 'Nay Mr. Gallaway Y _ Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Y _ Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKeel Y Ms. Palmer Absent Ms. Price _ Y RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 201800023 RIVER'S EDGE BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the staff reports prepared for SP 201800023 and all of their attachments, the information presented at the public hearings, the additional data submitted by the applicant, any written comments received, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-30.7.1, 18-30.7.4(b)(2), and 18-33.40, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 201800023, subject to the conditions attached hereto. I, Claudette K. Borgersen, dqJheMbX,certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board«ixf Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of five to zero, as recorded below, at a regular meetin field on August 5, 2020. Clerk, Board of County Sup sors Aye Nay Mr. Gallaway Y Ms. LaPisto-Kirtley Y Ms. Mallek Y Ms. McKeel Y _ Ms. Palmer _ Absent Ms. Price Y g II The River's Edge Central Sewerage System Conditions 1. The central sewerage system must be established and operated in accord with the Preliminary Central Sewage System Plan prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C., last revised on July 24, 2020, and with DEQ's Reliability Classification Worksheet for Sewerage Pump Stations completed by Shimp Engineering, P.C.; 2. Before any building permits may be issued for dwelling units to be served by this sewerage facility, the facility must be either (a) fully completed and authorized for use or (b) bonded with the Comity; 3. The Owner(s) of Tax Parcel 03200-00-00-OOSAI and 03200-00-00-OOSAO assume full responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of the sewerage system; and 4. If requested by the County Engineer, the Owner must demonstrate annually to the County Engineer full compliance with all State operation and maintenance requirements. SP2018-23 River's Edge Special Use Permit Conditions 1. The limits of disturbance within the Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District are to be limited to the sizes, locations, and extents of disturbance as proposed in the "River's Edge: Steep Slopes Disturbance" application prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. and dated February 28, 2020. 2. Improvements related to stormwater, drainage, and grading shown on the final site plan and water protection ordinance plan for River's Edge must be in general accord with the improvements and grading shown on the exhibits "River's Edge: Road Grading+ Profile" and "River's Edge: Conceptual Stonnwatee, in the "River's Edge: Zoning Map Amendment Application Plan" application prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C. and dated February April 14, 2020. 3. Any blasting of rock must be performed subject to a blasting plan reviewed and approved by the County Engineer and other Authorities having jurisdiction, prior to commencing such activity. 4. Two -layer erosion and sediment control measures will be installed around the perimeter of the site, where feasible, at the discretion of the County Engineer. 5. Erosion and sediment control basins and traps may not be located within the Floodplain limits. SHIMP ENGINEERIN G1 LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM p,LTH OP JUST HE Ijc. 45183 ♦, k - �SSIONAL E�O� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 PROFFER, SPECIAL USE PERMITS, & CONDITIONS C2 1 I 1 i 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 ZZ llyi;WE/ >/TMPI 32 S�M1. TMP 32-5F ,p UNITE ES OF OU AMERICA C S. FARM ATTN: I SERAPHVLH HOLDING LLC /},,a' -ESTA.TEkIVISION DBI5040-587 i % / / // -\\ -DB 1595_ 138�\N ZONE: LIGHT INDUSTRY II'1\ , \ L '`ZONf< lTGHT INDUSTRYY_ / \ 1 Ph / USEI COMMEPCIAL /\ I,,+' I '''%!r- \`i..i� --Ci28.88 11 � ! �iN;'ii I11\"011 1 / j , , / / / / ,/ / , \I/,' v/1/�/��/ f • �' 1.�y ', .�,11 IIII\, TMP 32-5E i cHIRo I,L,r � '. ,ll'� ll DB 3583 640`.- l '% � ZONE: HEA US Y:INDT,�RY USE:MM�hCIA� % 15.g2 AC \lip „- fi" ------- ' _ /- , //I/i� i� —_ TMP 32f5D ) ,il;A ../ J 1'';',; , — - /TG:' -' ,�.:.�-r " ' ` \\ \ `IINIII i. �:\c\\`. ; ♦/ I — '♦ _ / � / /j / i� CHIRLLC DB 1689-444 1 i 1/i/'i! /:ill'' / .': % '/ % --- \\ \. ``\ \ \! ZONE: TIGHT INDUSTRY'� ♦ i - i ' / - / \\ /1';I'1I\ \ - J ./, //� / --- \ \ ` 'III \`I \ i.,1p�\ i ./l1SE: PUBLIC • - i„' a , % / Ali,;, r ?"' f,: ., 1. 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LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ��ALTH pF O o J�� �)H NTMA;.MW a 45183 C' T , FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 \ -- - = NOR - - L r __ \ (- — - �;, _ \`' _�\\-- —.. — I VANNA RIVER y — — - — _ vvv — - - —...— o 0 1/ I \ ----—--\ -- — - � \— — Scale: 1 "=30'C5- -.. 1 ------------ _ PRESERVED SLOPE TMP 322�k1 DISTURBANCE - _ - -- / INCHEON HOLDINGS i 1... DB 3678 498 IDS 1663-65'r"\\. i p ZONE: RURAI 'F "\\, ( ^ f— p •� i p /_ / .� .� a -h / / ^ ...•• ,Y - v. "It I A / i 4 F_ i \ TMP 32-5F SERAPH`t HOLDING LLC DBI 5040-587 ZONE: LIGHT INDUSTRY / USES COMMERCIAL 1 6.41 AC h j ; TMP j CHIRO LL LL/ DB 3583�1640 ZONE: HEAjiY/ INDUSTRY / f USE: P6MMERCIAL i \ 15.02 AC / TMP 3V5D CHI4 LLC DB sY689-444 ZONE:/GGHT INDUSTRY ,/USE: PUBLIC / \ I 1.19 AC TMP 32,�B4� �. ALBEMARLE COUNTY./SERVICE Al j DB 30-398 .ZONE }IGHT INDUSTRY COMMERCIAL O'64IAC i TMP 33-15 NEXT GENERATION LLC DB 1534-611 ZONE: RURAL AREAS USE: OPEN 89.08 AC F TMP 32 SU1� ------ UNITE kB,y�S OF AMERICA C/O US ARM ATTN. k�,L ESTATE DIVISION DB 1595-138 ZONE LIGHT INDUSTRY . U�FICE — __ 28.aa-Ar oc _ EGEND ® MANAGED SLOPES ® PRESERVED SLOPES *PRESERVED SLOPES DISTURBANCE 27,254 SF (ALLOWABLE: 39100 SF) �ii■ LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (9.31AC) *Per ZMA201800018 / 1 i � I � I I I I j ' � 1 it I 1 ji i � � I 1 T / 1 / I / r � / SHIMP ENGINEERING2. I I LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT t 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 TM[1132-�C4 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM UNITED g.TA(ES OF AMERICA CAJUS ARMY CORP/4NG j OFFICE/COI[NSEL DB 3257/086 � ZONE: RURA4 AREAS USE: FOf�EST i 46.67 C�� v JUSTT 5183vIP SIONAL EEO FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 PRESERVED SLOPES DISTURBANCE & OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT C6_ . ............ ........ ........... ... SHIMP ENGINEERING2 )I LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ( 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �NLTIJ T1TQTThk09;, 141 45183 'SIONAL FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 SITE PLAN: OVERVIEW Scale: 1"= C7 16.80 AC Gam`/ ` RWSA TAPPING NOTES yo Q J¢o� o Q ! �- a Contractor shall coordinate with RWSA and ACSA for the connection to the existing RWSA 12"waterline. h�� ¢ ¢ o am .....i. ' / o�O Q Go 3 ' � ��o¢ /� .. 4k ¢o��= s� Contractor shall use due diligence to protect the RWSA 12"waterline during construction and tapping. Contractor shall verify the horizontal and vertical location, the outside diameter and the pipe material of r A, ¢m=� Q 3 ', _...�o o'y 9�� "�, the 12"waterline prior to ordering the tapping sleeve. RWSA shall be contacted 3 business days in advance ham' I G: ��' �� ��*� ` G"�,of the test pit and shall be present during the test pit. The tapping sleeve shall be approved by RWSA prior a �ho�=' Fp �„ to being ordered. The tapping contractor shall be approved by RWSA prior to the tap. I ¢ Q \ / , , ` ` A minimum of 3 business days notice shall be given prior to installation of the tapping sleeve. The 12'k8" / C� V �Q j ~D tapping sleeve and valve shall be installed plumb. Following the placement and testing of the 12"x8" / Q o .w �( tapping sleeve and valve, a concrete pad and thrust block shall be placed under and behind the tapping DI �., sleeve and allowed to set prior to making the to WATERLINE P 9 P• OF Q \ EW off! M'� °h6„ ACCESS EASEM EW ` _ _ 'NO PARKINGSIGN 14 Cb/ DITCH ♦, �.,, - 3 ® F W 255 .\ \W NCW24MATTING �, ♦,, ,,,,, NORTH FORK RIVANNA _ SPEEDLIMIT SIGN �F �. ,, SCC 1 ER W NEW 20' ACSA _ IV ONNECTS TO FUTURE F \ WATER EASEMENT *441. — �" COUNTRY TRAIL FLOG PCR'NO PARKING' E1 TRINfSIGN Al ►,.,�' �¢� ove /.oa- /`' \ 95� \ ♦ NEW 4' DITCH k DI-5 ` , EC-2 MATTING TOP=391.63 ♦ ^ ■ y� SCC 2 IC , 3 oor / 100 \ \ 3" FORCE Y F \ MAIN T W \ 4 Z \ NEW 34-FT oG \+ \ \ , ♦ ACCESS EASEMENT ' 1 `:o �` s �! .o % ��"o �, .. � \ � \y, � \ �, ♦ NEW 4' DITCH �� — — — — — _ EC-2 MATTING W C 4 PARKING' 'NO NEW GR-2 RETAINING WALL (A SCSIGN MAX THEIGHT N4' 20-FT PUBLIC \ \ �W — — — — — — — w _w w —�'�w—-�G✓' w �w / / /� ! ACCESS EASEMENT DI-5 �'� — esnn, TOP=391.63 GAF \ \ \ \R�Bp\ W 2o' PRI i"i�_ �4+mow —w —w w o w � w - -- _ — -- _----- I- _ _=�--� s o _ e- ACCES —+— — N TW: MH_1 RIVE S ROAD —$8` RSEI7�E BW, 384.00 / RIM=392.39 RiIAiS —. — — F —F NEW 4' DITCH 156_LF 15" NDPE F F �r F� \ F NE F �F F EC-2 MATTING W-GR- v _ NEW 4' D TC F — F _ F GQ,Co r' / _ `- .�,,, �,.. SCC 3 _ _ - _-.� NO PA SIGN EC 2 SCC 5 ♦ , \ y► \ MATTING `''- " ♦ J1 ` 48" STAND PEAV / �ROTECTIONIPRAP LET l/ EW 20-FT INV=386.0 ® \ SMW FACILITY , ACCESS EASEMENT . RIPRAP OUTLET SHIMP PROTECTIO I / 20'Lx9.25owWx9"D , `♦ � NEW V/W S \ / ' ♦ FACILITY EASEMENT ` � ' ` \ �, / ' ENGINEERING 2. � LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT J1 woo 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 3 j ti /-:1 /.. �'♦ „` \ \ '�. .off, ,\Xe H_1 TMP 32-22K1 DfSjRINPq o® . 3 / / _ _. \ ALTx of / INCHEON HOLDINGS, LLC X. 18" DUCTILE IRON ZqU JUST�HIMP SAN. SEWER A PUMP R A. 120, 9UA,F+\ ` a H_1 45183 £ ER 'OF (APPROX. LOCATION PER ACSA MAP) X. GV I � ' � O� �'__ .iEX. FHA EX. 18" DUCTILE IRON T' £ MU EXISTING � f • `�� EW ACSA X. SANITARY MH-1 I COURTDDU�� . S`SIONAL V SAN. SEWER TO PUMP STA. s / (APPROX. LOCATION PER ACSA MAP) RIM=393.92 MANHOLE "'� SE MgIN�„ y (SURVEYED JULY 1, 2022) 4— NEW 194-LF 8 DUCTILE IRON EW ACSA X. GUARDRAIL'• MANHOLE'' y ACK & BORE S FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN f JATH RTE 29. �,j fix. GV RIVER'S EDGE NOTE: TEST PITS SHALL BE f PERFORMED BEFORE JACK �., �,,, ■ —�— —� r AND BORE BENEATH aOAn, • _ „ _ �,. o ONNECT NEW 8" DI WATERLINE ONNECT TO TO EXI X. 12" CAST IRON WATERLINE _/- EXISTING GUARDRAIL m WATER LINE (APPROX. LOCATION PER ACSA MAP) NOTE: TEST PITS SHALL BE X. cv / ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA A PERFORMED BEFORE JACK AND ' f `"�,,-, ` /' ��� NEW SOLID LINE U S OUT 29 BORE BENEATH ROAD. .—w w —w —w —w —w —w —w Tw --/� ` SUBMISSION: THRMOPLASTIC (TYP) NOTE: WATERLINE CONNNNS Imo. 2-FT DASHED S E M I N LE TI \ AIL SHALL BE COORDIN "ND WTH 2023.01.12 EX. 12" CAST IRON WATERLIN 6-FT SPACING RWSA /� �P ' (APPROX. LOCATION PER ACSA MAP ILL & OVERLAY THPLAS RMOTIC (TYP) /W X. GUARDRAIL I ` '� �P �,•�• REVISION: m _�.e=- Iml- -d ._�� w w w —w w —w —w w —w —w —w w —w —w w w —w —w w w w — — .. NE - X. ARV EW. .. ,; 'T- THERMOPLASTIC11 - THERMOPLASTIC 7777:77 1643' TO LEWIS 1260'....... i .... TO CAMELOT - & CLARK DRIVE TURN ARROW (TYP) - o STOP BAR .. ^'^ .... — — — — -- — — — X. GUARDRAIL .. .::::7.a0.0' ...:. ... :: ..... `):(?(?;(� 2 0 DRIVE _______.. U 359":::. s Z NEW 12. , STREET / SIGN ® EW GR-2 — — i FILE NO. CON NECT T 15.064 NEW ACSA ,,�� EW EXISTING GUARDRAIL / EW GR-2 ANHO E/ "'� SIGN RELOCATE TO BE ABANDONED SITE PLAN &UTILITY PLAN 'DO NOT ENTER' / m APPROXIMATE m / /• / SIGN / � � PROPERTY LINE = / as F, 2 I EW 10-FT PUBLIC416 / ACCESS EASEMENT _... _,F I� Gym Scale: 1"=30' C 8 Poo 0 9q 1000 0*10 20 q 90c ` . ... 9Cc �Y 20 F'TF \� \ FSSFF��,.. _... APPROXIMATE Fs qc Ff c PROPERTY LII F9SF� QJC\ 9SFyF��T i' FPT soc�tio `i T\ \ �F ♦ �. .� . O ` W\w ♦ l APPROXIMATE ,�•••� `O PROPERTY LINE �,woo .�'• . xs 00 \W NEW 20' ACSA ` .. WATEREASEMENT --------------- . ♦ \ F 19 \ �.\ 8"X6" '00FL I 00DPLAIN ' fop w \ TEE ,� ` ,,s,,,►,,i CESS PRIVAT W , ► „ "' ftaft, A A ��s y� Aw ��� NEW34-FT 00,,100"' ACCES EASEM NT s`11 EW . ' w \ \' l R\ v \ 'NO PARKING' SIGN NEW 25 MP 700.yRF�, „`� + \_ �. 20fp�'�W\ �.\ \ ,N '„ f", SPEEDLIMITSIGN LOOOPLAIN�' C_�� �Aft w �W .. / EW GR-2 _ — — — — - _"'s�"i ANEW GR-2 —w —w —w _------- — __ _ V$ _w wiv ... _ w —w —w -w N W CG-2 _' _ - - —w —w - —wL5+ w —I F —F �F �F —F F 2KING' -F MISTING TREELINE d NENV TO REMAIN ® � m m . ' o m m \ SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM . REZPSA EjW RP\LNG ALTH o WI MPx. NE\GNT 6 ��1� F SOCIS Ex\SS\ SO TW 440 p0 D\"O BW,A3 O pRNF,WPPE0E5SR\PC1 ,\3SZEP �."' •- T SjFP ® U JUST 5183 a 45183 EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMA `lG �SSIONAL V RES N\N\ FE W RP\�\N 8 �`20 WI SN NE\GNS O x MP. B 446p0 O7 B,r A3zoo FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE .0L ` � S�RFgM'''♦ - ` a�FF 4" • ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA �. SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 �,, • REVISION: 1 � FILE NO. 15.064 - +' �',pa pF A71V SITE PLAN & UTILITY PLAN ,,` ` ` ■ + ` LOO� 30 0 30 60 90 C 9 Scale: 1 "=30' W PARKING SIGN . ►„►„►, ►„► �E\ 2 SPEE 4 �5SIGN 100 too 24 2 \ \ \ \ 3 STEP �ppCg7,y \ \ STEP - \ STER \ \ 4 STEP ENCLNCLOSU E \ \ \ \ \ \ ?Stop \ \ \ XS 4 STEP .� BW:398.00 io RfMA/NrRffClNf \ \ e TW. \• \ \ 4 STEP �.�''?:' � �,. BW:406.00 ETAINING WALL (P) :41 \ o � �.,• � W/ SAFETY RAILING MAX. HEIGHT 10' • � � \ , OFF' �O / •'S; r. • � / -� \ \ ,,a \ � � s TRAIL • \ \ \ Zoo \ \ EW 34-FT �F, o TW:406.50 NE I \ \ ACCESS EASEMENT X ,-f3 F 9 BW:40L50 `, �" ® 'YIELD' 4� SIGN TW:401.50 ' nr I \ .. \ a1�p0 Jry ao0..� BW:396.00 7 CONNECTS TO EXISTIN . RETAINING WALL (B \ _ aa5 / a o ETAINING WALL (0) DRIVEWAY (CONVERTED T) W/ SAFETY RAILING R4' / F�^o° W/ SAFETY RAILING PEDESTRIAN PATH , MAX. HEIGHT 6' \ \ � 22xpp \ FFE apt' a'` ` MAX. HEIGHT 10' TW:440.0BW:396.50 7 STEP BW:434.00 P� \ .. N ., _ / e�F,00 O o qpp \ nN off. / • TW:396.50 13 STEP 30 \ \ OSS \ EW 'NO PARKING' F0' G 1G S�\e ' ° W:389.00 do PAVEMENT \ \ .. ��GF$ ..SIGN h`I-g. �... Poo ° Az v ' \NEW 'NO PARKING't- . \ •' RETAINING WALL (C 3 SIGN . W/ SAFETY RAILING MAX. HEIGHT 8' ,� �3 \ 28X •. • NN /\�G / 16 aho ®g / ° �4, 00 TW: 428.8 3W:426.00 NE ,p YIELD' SIGN IfACES NE SPA _ .. O S F \ / 'YI D' SIGN \ ArO �VERSEDGEIgNE_\s. OF o� j boy. O © s � • K,L'j,P o E ° 440.p0A'•... 0 ( 1N / / 00 FFE LC,A 440,00O \ c' ° N`Lti. S / o OO � FEF. G �90 � 0 tioG �/ FFE 45D'� ® 436.00 FFE \ \ PUMP STATIO 0 / / ap`0 S• BFE 43I F. s g \ W. UNDERGROUND Fg i 22 STEPS 430.00 ti 00 FF 0 O \ WET WELL 0 OG 9i . ° BFE 0 z 4'S`Lg r \ 0.1`L ° 3 / S TW:408.00 ! 430.00 n Q 0 / . .. S f, ®eFBW:398.00 . 0 4 BF \ \ \ 45G / / / ©. G S��Q� S��e,(yO ,�9�0 ETAI WALL NG a f+ W FETY RAILING BFE FE o \ R / GOB Gp ' AX. HEIGHT 8.5' 426.00Ar a o o \ R4 ETAINING WALL (D)\ 9 1 ,5 . RETAINING WALL (D 50 4 _ W/ SAFETY RAILING I _ O MAX HEIGHT 10' / W/ SAFETY RAILING R450 -..... \ / i.i, iN065G MAX HEIGHT 8' m _ .. ...., ..._ . / /0 TW:40700 i / Pam. R45 3 R450 R450 20 / \ CES / / s BW: 398.00 � , ► ,, R450 G SP P / 0 / i ETAININ ILL (L) ' TW:406.0 e \ 07 4 108 P PRK1N / eo650 27 ®e6 G W/ SA TY RAILING , . BW:498.00 - _ _ _ Q 0 0 / 7 N X. X. HEIGHT/9' 7Op�48G e / . ` joo O \ T ERVIEWL qNE �- - O - - N ®� �\t, O,oC4i - O- GGgR N / R480' 4G, 00 So 40 - _ _ 'I 39 W. 407.50 �= SSp 5''C9N�: SIDEWALK: FFE © BW399.00 ` BFf ro 2O OY• 5 LANDSCAPgFgO/ E STRIP FFE q0Y 00 G - ETAINING WALL (K) 3g5.50 ®0 O �"' 406.00 FFE FFE FFE 401AD 39I / W/ SAFETY RAILING ' BFE / 406.00 406.50 406.50 / MAX. HEIGHT 8.5' 3955 9 S '00,yR�OppP� p B E M © O ® ~ © OBVE TW:406.5 396,00 BFE BFE BEE 391.00 396.50 396.00 396.50 396.50 TW:407.50.00 RETAINING WALL (E TW: 407.50.0 BW: 397.50 W/ SAFETY RAILING BW:397.5 0 ETAINING WALL (J) MAX HEIGHT 10' TW:407.50.00 RETAININ W/ SAFETY RAILING TW:406.5 TW:407.00 BW:402.00 W TY RAILING / ` MAX. HEIGHT 10' BW:396.50 ` MAX. HEIGHT 10' 5' TRAIL BW:402.00 WE ESAFETY RAILING WALL (H) / RETAINING WALL (F ETAINING WALL (G) NG W/ SAFETY RAILING ',� W/ SAFETY RAILING MAX HEIGHT AILI / MAX HEIGHT 10' MAX HEIGHT 5' / \ ► ' ' ► , , ► ► ' 1OOyR FLOODPLAIN 0 1 W. 406 W. 3 .00 TAINING WALL (N) / SAFETY RAILING' MAX. HEIGHT 10� SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 0I,LTH pF 7 N �l4 oJS_ U JUST n��o HIMP a 45183 - ��`SSIn7.rer E�� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. SITE PLAN 15.064 30 0 30 60 90 .� 850 SF OF RECREATIONAL AREA C 10- Scale: 1"=30' U ► \ 14, `1,700. -4%Ogl` F \\w \ V \ W \ 8"X6" TEE T� ISTING F \ W RV FFF'p0 y EW 34-FT � \ /� DI ACCESS EASEMENT NEW 20' ACSA WATER EASEMENT t1p WATER ASEMENT SAP AH- DI-3\ \ \F \F \�.\W \ \ EFL 10 i / ��5 /O e .. \\ \w h`tia00 TYP) c`'F2� TC PAVEMENT L=10 F \ • \ N ro REA4A1ly \ AR \F \ W N1W00 / / 0���`' o '�Q7 8"X6" O I // �• `�l /�0P� \ \ TEE N�� "GV 0FE'Op p SAN . / p4 MH-1 / \\ 13B w 5" WM DI 3B ---- ---- w ULT TYP) 10'T—w —IN I ------- �W w / \ DI'OB ..\ 0<1 "GV /W... 'a✓ 18 00 1�L ]/PE F ti'� w / EF,L`s ® \ B" ROF NOP S DI-3B n1Op SAN / 0 OR4/NOFFE <.z. f DI-3 s (TYP) 440,00 FFE L=12' �4'OP s FEF- O NEW 40' V N`L1'00 SWM EASEMENT s440, 00 FH Ge ` O ..FFE FED 0 `� ` 6,L00 / p0 . s ® 436.00 E 4� 0 \,� 8"6PUMP STATIO © N BFE FF- s 8 G T" �'. UNDERGRO 43UND EE 0 ` / a0 e 00 E WET WELL 0 00 436. BFE STATION 430.00 n j 6 f' gFE 0 \ \ m •DERGROUND . s s- - /0 6 4 . 0 R1 ��\ .\ �FFE:409.40 s C/ sus B FE ,? 9Z s SAN _ SS MH_1 426.00 e�p0 C/ :n �m � F s ANHOLE I !� \ \ '� RIM=406.93 Q F' s SAN /� £ I ' MI-1 . s 9 RI �07 10 -LF m SAN/.� CA \ 3 _35 w \ NE y CCES 112. 0-LF 8" S -1 :' s 4 W a ENF6g0 Z9 ®E6 G � . - w �W y ��_ WAR 20 ACS "X6' �1 NHOL — N MANH LE PE 8"X8" / - p96�' \ �W � w Ste _ ---- - — RIM=406.73 180-LF 108" CMP DETENTION A _ u+ DI 5 0000 ` � 700 \ � W EM T TEE IM-406.3 I _ 3B R0o0p e VAULTM W \ m 8" ROOF s oo�\tJ — N f DI-3B ( ,G w ti — w p0 RAINS -y90 �E�G L 10 " 3, "PVC IE�—� '� �w _w —w — o� (TYP) �pp' 4 F 0 <F 15 HOP DI-3 ti I w = I e �n IN 40 SD '.; _.• N:- / 5 g9�p0 '. 5 ` BFE s \ FFE , 0 --.. FFE 40V00 o gE p0 395.50 s 406.00 FFE - FFE FFE DI-3 B 401 DO T \ 3g1 ' BFE 406.00 y 8" ROOF N 406.50 406.50 L 10 N r TO 3g550 s s z 4" PVC RAINS s s .n 5 -\ so ' GRINDER PUMP 0 YR� s _ (TYP) 5 gFE TO SERVE BOTTOM FC0p0p` `' ' BFE M s© s MAIFORCE s �s s s ©s ® 3gl00 ' LEVEL UNITS (TYP) 396.00 BFE BFE BFE 391.00 ' 396.00 396.50 396.50 ` MH-1 \ RIM=384.31 ' GRINDER PUMP \ TO SERVE BOTTO LEVEL UNITS (TYP) ' \ ► ' ' ► , , ► _ ► ' t� yFt FLOODPLAIN ` v v __FH7� ` 16 GV W Al L 10' ` 8" OF �5 RAI ` k (TYP) �Oh ti /®boo oy. / 0 o,9q F, 0 GRINDER LIMP ' TO SERV BOTTOM - LEVEL U ITS (TYP) I r� SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM _C,,NLTH OF O U JUST n��o HIMP a 45183 �0 1� ICWTAT E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 UTILITY PLAN 7A"A 30 0 30 60 90 C11Scale: 1"=30' XZ RWSA TAPPING NOTES p / / / / / / / I! / \ \ \ `� - _ �� ♦ ` \ \ \�` \\ \ --/ Contractor shall coordinate with RWSA and ACSA for the - / connection to the existing RWSA 12" waterline. Contractor / to diligence shall use due protect the RWSA 12" waterline v�0 A !Q , during construction and tapping. Contractor shall verify the horizontal and vertical location, ov ----------'the outside diameter and the pipe material of the 12" -_--- / waterline prior to ordering the tapping sleeve. RWSA shall be contacted 3 business days in advance of the test pit rl / / ryping _ - :.. ^ /o / \ ��_: �� T��� `� \�Gtin-\ - - - - -/ ----- - - - - -- e e to Q - `\\' \,\ i. _ \ ^\ / \\ --- \ sleevnd e shalll bleerapprovesent ddrlby RWSAng the epr'st Prtto beingordered. �--- a _ \ The tapping contractor shall be approved by RWSA prior / \ Q/ o/ ---1 /---- to the tap. //� - --- -- ----_ - _ - -�-- -__ / -`--- - -----A minimum of 3 business days notice shall be given -_ - _ \� - /- � � � -\� � \ __ --_-- --- -- _-_---- __ ---_ — — � �, =_-prior to installation of the tapping sleeve. The 8" G€SSEASE _ \;_ _ \\\=z --- - - - - - - - - - - -- _ ___-- -- _- --- - tapping sleeve and valve shall be installed plumb. / ry \ NEW \,\ \ i , \ - �" PROPERTY Followingthe placement and testing of the 8" tapping � � � A A APPROXIM ` _ _ P_ARKINISIGN - - _ _ - \ _. LINE y . _ �,, ,�, __ -- --7 P 9 sleeve and valve, a concrete ad and thrust block shall P r be placed under and behind the tapping sleeve and �Fq�CFs allowed to set prior to making the tap / e 4�7 kFSRoq> �F40 ?� NORTH FORK RIVAN C IsP tUL\MII SIGN G �.'\ - �\ -_ ��` — ��-�\ `�� ���-- \... — - �•- -�,, _,� i/ —"\ NA RI VLR =�3oQA�/ g0 --_-ONNF�T�O 11TURE COUNTRY -TRAIL Nt 94 vE3 MA-77 TTI o o - - -�wA-�CC€S�ASEtdt - �,_ NTH - a w WALL (A I� A 1 \ — — A— CP i KI NEw'OF /P 20=-fT�PUHLTC _ ACCESS �:ASEF,IENT� .,. `, \ \� 'AID 15400- \�-_ Tom\ 14+00el SSROA\ - - ��TW.388.0 _ �_ _ ` �� I �RNERSE - BW,384.00 v �v -- - �� ITCH, NE / /G-�.NEW 4' DITC Et-2 MATING/ W_R- _.... ` \ -_NO PARKING i - _ _ EC-2-MAT�{G- / / b - 'v. \ � A 1/ / DRY PONDD 1 � � � `-� /� SCC & ® \ `�/\ swrFA.GIL_TY_ ...' _ 86 -_ -S- S__ EA.SE_M_-E-N\T- - - -SCa88 ` --- /'oe / . f _NEV V/W--S _ > -ACILta EASEMENT --- y 1 FOOD b' IIV JC / �) —��' --- - - -- \ - I _ `J 00 RP F l vv I v FMAIN �/ 0100 �Z.�L-AE ! - � vv\-� A v �� vV AVM 1� ---- v vim_ _-�� \� L- l/H SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ���ALTH pF o U JN JUSTSH�IMP _a 45183 eNSICATAI X�' E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ' / ��. vvv VA \\� AAA\VAV ---v - A \ V - V A v v A \ �'--,v'--,- /- \ / V AA \,\ AA \ � A-- - 1, _ A" A ♦ \- A A V v A v i _ _ / / v v, vAVv A� v-� v v \" v VI vA I - v / v, ,vim vv` v ♦ ♦ v vvvvA �- v A 1 V v A A V V':v _ v v I - I I 9� �� � V\yVA �,vA ,, A�VI �V v, \ �� "'A A A � �V V-v� \�v \\ � _//vim--\ _� J �' � _A A� � � A \ \ i \ \\ Av v � � ---_ AAV -'/� /--vA .i v\ .�`vv v.v vv1 vvvv v Avvyv v f _ -- __ v\vv 'V vI A vV I A AA.vv` Ak VAv VA VA`v OVA\v "+� `�A V A A Av`.AA V A i ,� - �VA F_I VAA v t� vv A v v �� \ -� - v v /� --x v vvv j lv- \ A �� A A \ N\ v VAVA\ \ V, 0 -> v A A ` V--A \ � A V - \ \ \ \ \ -- - _- 7VA AVvvA_ V� "V\ V.v',vAvA vAVA" (`� A ' A A1v-\ V vv �� I A [) / l / _ _ -/� `� v- VA,A III - V I I \ " v A` \ vA �\ yv \VA V \ A \\ \ 1 \ V --- - /_i / / \ \ \/ `i ` I \ \ \\\ \ \ /ftI .\ / \ \/ \- - - S \ \ G \ \ �, \ �� ,1� - \ - / I \ / / X / \ \ 1 TI_F IC \, \\\\ \" � \ \ \ /\ /, - - I I l i l V-� I \\� �� \ \\�A VAAA � \ VAv AA\vVA v ., A � �I A vV I V v � v <''v-- v \ \ vv A -vv /'� \\� I/ �_ ' i // / /" / � v", , \ / \\ k a \ \ \ N\ _ - \- -_ - "• \ I 0 ��� "\� \A`v-AA\VA1 �v VA�r\\� V Av\V AVA ♦ /� \ V \V AI� V A -T - \ \ �- A\\\ \_�..f-�� / '� --- _" _ - `,-1�^ / v /-/ I \ \ �'T �\ \ \\ \ �\ \ \ \ \ - /� \\ v �. 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HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 JUSTIN SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O� NLTH III '_�' �) TTRTT�NMP a FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. GRADING PLAN 15.064 C13 - 00 I ..- � \ _ _ `s..r Sri - = - \..._ '�- -_. - __ \ ----- - --�_ \\ \ �� � \ �- \.\ - -/\ - -'� a ', '♦ - - _ PRESERVED SLOPESREAM- - ---- _ r � r\ \ \ \\ '•\\\\\\\ \_ -- \"\ \ \� \\• '_\ \-\\�� �� •�^ ---_->\ _ \ - -- _ v _¢ram _.Grp .�- vV A A V Av\ V �l��rrrv..•r,�i �T�M B w� v `� \pqx _ ---- \ \ - rrr \ \ \ Op - - \ \ \ � \ 06P� TER vuA� A TW`4Q6.0 \\ \ >\ \\ \V A \V A AV A A X V 14BW'398:©0 A Vv�rArrr„�,, 4433 \ 5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ \ \ err \ \V AV116 ,. � TW:41dL0 � \ v� vv v v > ♦r"�, STREAM BUFFEF S?B A\\I II \\ \V A A A\ \ \ V A\ \\ V A\ \\ \\ \ V A\ \ 1 {• 0 2 V ��\ tl�N:-a06.Ob vvv.. �� A� ETANINGAFE V A v v vA v v y v g \\ \V \\ \\\ V AI\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \V A\ \vl: (P}`V �rr�rrr.rrr.rrrmrrr.rrrrrr. \ \ v v / 1N \ v \ 4 \ \ o \ W A €�`1'\RAIL G \ �4AX AL-iGHT'I� v A v v A v e� V v � 2s v A V A V � V I \ I A V A I � I V - �- -• Q. �, �v v vi > l\ � v EW 34-AFT vv V v vvvv v� v A v CtnS V v V -v v v A \ ACCESS EASEMENT --- V v TW:4 50 � \ v �6NNFCTS E>GI�TIN i T �r� V A RETAINING 1 I I ) I I I 1 V A Av V ° \ . A ,A ET%NIN�\WA L (0�\ \ DRM.JAY�CQNVER ED -,0 A \ � #6 1 1 \ E`�b \ S FETY RAKING \ \ PEUSTRIIAN'PAATI')\ \ \ \ \ W/ �,AFETY RAIJNG ? �\ 1 ` I I I / \'� �/ A \ AMAX,.. HEIGHT 6A I �- v B \ v 27 N 44 1 / A A O' - A ^ A \ � \ \ \ \ � 1 xG v I I I I EE \ \ �O - \ \ ^`l.o \ \ � \ \ � ` MAX. H€IGHT\ 10' -vvv'v vv A AV A A A V A ` v 42 I -vv A `-v / A 44�� ��00 V A > / ^ Q V A /A V ,A TWt \ TW 440.O.C7\ I v \ - II Ij`L \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ . B'N a34.0GV � V v �/ I A 1 �• V A 00 7 10 \ 1 \ I �01 \ \ TW:$96.00 \ \ \ � \ \ \ / \ \ I \ BW:389.00 \ /\ \ 46 a / \ \ / / I 1 boo / \ ` 1 \ \\ 42 - \ I \ 3\ /I I I OF 00 \ / \ I I :o •2 4, / / / jo 44 '(EETAlItliNf�/ WALL SAFETY RAILIN MAX. HEIGHT '��O / - - SHIMP TW:428.8 / BW: 426.00 0 / / ENGINEERING2. / •/bp 1 I I I II II \\ LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT -70 \ \ \ \ 0 - \ — \ ----- / /� / / / / - / / / / 0p00 / / / // X / o` I 1 1 1 I • \� - ^ -- -, \ b / / / ' " � / / / / / � 0 � ( 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.6140 \ \ \ � � \ - - . \ \- \ ?� 3p \ \ \ ..._ , � • \ t - - - -' _ � / / / / / / • / FFF"00 / / / / / Q I I _ / I I CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM NIL TVY406.00 \ \\\'` \\... v\` \•`\.\ ^\ ---\ v -\ \ FFE � •� / �i i'/'� / / N\� / 1p // // / - // c.00 / oo// // 398.00/ / // I I-y"NLTHop 36:06 _ _ _ _ / /'ry / / \ PUMP STj! T �06 / / S. ETAININ� WALL (NY/ / � 46FE ---.' °L / ND / / / / / / T W ETY RAI K�GI O� A \ 43EE - v BF \\ \\\ \ —y —00— �E/ / 2/�/ /.. 0 / W.\UNDERG _ '/ / // / S// // / AR.HEIGHT�(0' \ \ 0.00� ^ \ \ ti 0 rf 2 ' T WELL 0 00 / // / OFF _ \43 2 -\\ --� — — — F O ,/ \.. 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HEIGHV10',.// — _ -- --- ETAINING WALL (H) STAINING WALL (F - v \ - - A A �• v � - v v � ETAINI /WALL G v \ \ \ v - \ \ W/ SAFETY RAILING - \ \ \ v - \ NO NG WWA SAFETY RAILING , / _ �� MAx HEGH�� / FILE N0. A - SAFETY RAILING / MAX BHT 1a"� -------------' i ! / ' ' ' / 15.064 VA�A A i \I �., v`v A v\ ^� MAX HEIGHT,`,1'---- vvv // / / / 1 � / ./ // �_ 10 v v _ _ GRADING PLAN - - - - - - - � - 6 _ - - - 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1"=30' C 14] ,f' UNDERGROUND DETENTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES: IMPORTANT: THESE NOTES ARE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THIS DETENTION SYSTEM. MANUFACTURER'S GUIDELINES SHALL 1 �` \ • \ 4 SUPERCEDE THESE NOTES. IF DISCREPANCIES OCCUR BETWEEN THESE NOTES AND MANUFACTURER'S GUIDELINES, CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. \26tpp CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL MANUFACTURERS GUIDELINES. CMP DETENTION NOTES: w 1c{ 1. MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH MUST ALLOW ROOM FOR PROPER COMPACTION OF HAUNCH MATERIALS UNDER THE PIPE. THE TRENCH WIDTH IS .4100, THE MINIMUM AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR PROPER INSTALLATION AND TO SUPPORT HORIZONTAL PRESSURE FROM THE PIPE. THE MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED MINIMUM VALUE IS: 1.5D + 12". 2. MINIMUM EMBANKMENT WIDTH (IN FEET) FOR INITIAL FILL ENVELOPE: 3.OD BUT NO LESS THAN D + 4'0". 1� 0 3. FOUNDATION SHALL BE WELL CONSOLIDATED & STABLE, CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FILL MATERIAL LOAD. 4. OPEN -GRADED GRANULAR BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL BE A RELATIVELY LOOSE MATERIAL THAT IS ROUGHLY SHAPED TO FIT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIPE, 4" TO 6" IN DEPTH. SUGGESTED PARTICLE SIZE OF 1/2 CORRUGATION DEPTH. 5. PIPE MATERIAL: 16 GAGE ALUMINIZED CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE, 3"xl" CORRUGATIONS OR EQIV. 0 6. HAUNCH ZONE MATERIAL SHALL BE HAND SHOVELED OR SHOVEL SLICED INTO PLACE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER COMPACTION. DI-313 �eQg\ / O 0 / • 7. THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE A FREE -DRAINING, ANGULAR, WASHED -STONE PER AASHTO M 43. USE #57 STONE FOR BACKFILL. L=10 _ �+ E MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN 12" MAXIMUM LIFTS AND SHALL BE WORKED INTO THE PIPE HAUNCHES BY MEANS OF SHOVEL -SLICING, ELO�S D PODDING, AIR -TAMPER, VIBRATORY PLATE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE METHODS. COMPACTION IS CONSIDERED ADEQUATE WHEN A DENSITY EQUIVALENT TO 90% STANDARD PROCTOR IS ACHIEVED OR WHEN NO FURTHER YIELDING OF THE MATERIAL IS OBSERVED UNDER THE • / <y' COMPACTOR OR UNDER FOOT. THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE MUST B SATISFIED WI H TH LEVEL OF COMPACTION. 0 ET E V """- "' - - •-. .... ".: � L �`� g^ INADEQUATE COMPACTION CAN LEAD TO EXCESSIVE PIPE DEFLECTIONS AND SETTLEMENT OF THE SOILS OVER THE SYSTEM. BACKFILL SHALL / 4 BE PLACED SUCH THAT THERE IS NO MORE THAN A TWO -LIFT DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN THE SIDES OF ANY PIPE IN THE SYSTEM AT ALL \ o'..• MH- k'�� (1 TIMES DURING THE BACKFILL PROCESS. BACKFILL SHALL BE ADVANCED ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE SYSTEM AT THE SAME RATE TO AVOID DIFFERENTIAL LOADING ON ANY PIPES IN THE SYSTEM. CF7 •\ °2B / © / o �� 8. INITIAL OPEN GRADED GRANULAR BACKFILL ABOVE PIPE MAY INCLUDE ROAD BASE MATERIAL (AND RIGID PAVEMENT IF APPLICABLE). S h xOp 9. TOTAL HEIGHT OF COMPACTED COVER FOR CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAY LOADS IS MEASURED FROM TOP OF PIPE TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR TOP OF RIGID PAVEMENT. / 10.FINAL BACKFILL MATERIAL SELECTION ABOVE THE SPECIFIED STONE LAYER IS COMPACTED SOIL BACKFILL, MIN CBR=10, PER PARKING LOT \ / DI 3B s: PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION IN SITE PLAN. 11.GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE USED AROUND TOP AND SIDES OF STONE BEDDING TO PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION. S / ® 12.FOR MULTIPLE BARREL INSTALLATIONS THE RECOMMENDED STANDARD SPACING BETWEEN PARALLEL PIPE RUNS SHALL BE PIPE DIA./2. FOR DI-3B _ \ �„t6 NHOLE PIPE DIAMETERS 72" AND LARGER, NO LESS THAN 36" SPACING. PROJECT SPECIFIC SPACING IS DIA/2 = 48". L=10' All _4063. .18 \ 1CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE DETENTION PIPES ARE SOILTIGHT AT JOINTS BY UTILIZING GASKET AND HUGGER BANDS. (SEE CMP BAND © RS1DOELg7N� DI-3B NOTES) \ i � o L=10' O O CMP RISER NOTES 151- 18" HDPE 5 • O 1. DELIVERED BAND STYLE AND FASTENER TYPE MAY VARY BY FABRICATION PLANT. 8" RO _ Npe S� DI-3B 0 2. JOINT IS TO BE ASSEMBLED PER AASHTO BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION SEC DRA/NF \� DI-3 �F7 + =14' O 29 t 3. BAND MATERIAL AND GAGE TO BE SAME AS RISER MATERIAL. L=12' B �'Dp6 NEW 40' �� In 1e , 4. IF RISER HAS A HEIGHT OF COVER OF 10' OR MORE, USE A SLIP JOINT. p \2 SWM EASEMENT OS G�QO o 3 �'Z' 5. BANDS ARE NORMALLY FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS: L=10' a. 12" THRU 48": 1-PIECE b. 54"+: 2-PIECES 6. ALL RISER JOINT COMPONENTS WILL BE FIELD ASSEMBLED. 7. MANHOLE RISERS IN APPLICATIONS WHERE TRAFFIC LOADS ARE IMPOSED REQUIRE SPECIAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS. REFER TO RISER DETAIL. \ 8. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES. 9. PREMANUFACTURED STUB -OUTS FROM THE DETENTION PIPES SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR RISER CONNECTIONS. ALL OTHER RISER JOINTS SHALL 0 `a� BE SOILTIGHT. \N o \6 o �^ CMP HUGGER BAND & SLIP JOINT NOTES HUGGER BANDS OR EQUIVALENT SHALL BE USED TO ATTACH SECTIONS OF CMP PIPE. SLIP JOINTS SHALL BE USED TO ATTACH RISER SECTIONS AC SS WITH A TOTAL HEIGHT >_ 10'. BAND MATERIALS SHALL BE 14 GAGE ALUMINIZED STEEL OR EQUIVALENT PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION. -'-. ANHOLE 1. BANDS SHALL BE SHAPED MATCH THE PIPE. 6.93 RIM=40O 0 2. BANDS ARE NORMALLY FURNISHED SHED AS FOLLOWS: RIM=406. 4/4, DI-3B L=10' ` O 700-1R` /1F<ppDp` ` 1� -aft ' � �/ •` ICI • 00' , a. 12" THRU 48": 1-PIECE E. 54"+: 2-PIECES " 3. BAND FASTENERS SHALL BE ATTACHED WITH SPOT WELDS, RIVETS OR HAND WELDS. MH-1 RIM=407.27 O , 4. ALL CMP IS REROLLED TO HAVE ANNULAR END CORRUGATIONS OF 2-2/3"x1/2" PER MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATION. 2 \ "� 5. DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES. O F 0 l �' 6. O-RING GASKETS SHALL BE USED FOR RISER CONNECTIONS. FLAT CASKETS SHALL BE USED FOR CMP DETENTION PIPE CONNECTIONS. 4 � 1 p 000` UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE NOTES: F1 ° ,/ 1. ENTRY INTO UNDERGROUND PIPES REQUIRES CONFINED SPACE CERTIFICATION ION A 33 ` DI-3B L=10' / 2. CHECK STRUCTURE INLETS FOR DEBRIS AND SEDIMENT & REMOVE AS NEEDED 41 I _ '^ 8" ROOF �,P\� 3. INSPECT MAINTENANCE ACCESS TO ENSURE IT IS FREE OF WOODY VEGETATION & REMOVED AS NEEDED. . N��OO�Q ��,1`1 4. INSPECT UNDERGROUND PIPES FOR BUILD UP OF SEDIMENT OR OTHER DEBRIS & REMOVE AS NEEDED. 80.0, 0 a '. ' • ' (�) '0 5. INSPECT DETENTION CONTROL STRUCTURE WEIR WALL AND ORIFICES & CLEAN AS NEEDED. O \o I 1 b4=Sl1 .57 New Trash Rack 1" Holes 0 \ 30°% Opening Area \ • 000 00O000 000000 000 00000O 00 00O 000000 ®\ �° 000000 000000 so 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °o°o°o °o°o°o 0` RIM=384.31 \ O O O O O O O O O DI = _ - Typ. Front Section Typ. Front Section Typ. Front Section _ i \ DITTI--- -RETA111114W WALL (A' � I � 1 -\ _ \- cc --- --- ' " �""-_\\ ' \ 0 W 000 0 HOD�tCO OHO m _W_ -w _,yW.W 0 O _W°O°O ° °O°O f__ - OJT •380 - -. \ 00000 O 00000 1(1 VE \ 8W: 384.00 �- - - - - o -. _.� - i 000000 000000 \ - 61 - L _ F 6�' � -� .:..- -\- � \ /'\\ \� NEW 4' " 6 ' �� �MArzuyc \ _ - - _ - - _ \ (A) Bottom Rack Side (B) Top Rack (C) Bottom Rack Side / DUNND 1 48 S\NDPIPE \ ~ �� �� \ \' , \ -� \\ SCC \ - - _ - - - Section Side Section Section 1\P U T'\ \ I 8 ROOF RAINS (TYR) O 0 PLINTIC I.0 x BL BM' TRASH RACK wL1 71ONS r rIIM4+iI�Wn.w \----- / i- -»_- -- ---- 8 EW 20-FT - -- ® 2' Sn1FhAEIWY_ ------------_ _I_I 1 ORIFICE TRASH RACK DETAILS --ACCESS EASEMENT- _\\ - _OQ-- gUF r" STREAM \ NOT TO SCALE \-- RIISRAPOUTLET 8 ----. \�------------ ,,f,, C15 PROT€CT10 \ `S4141 ' 20'Lx9.25'Wx9`D f ol U=ACIL[ff EASEMENT �\ BI �• \ 1\ y� ammmI 00, _ -- - 100 \ _ -_ - ' --- )RY DETENTION POND CONSTRUCTION NOTES: DETENTION STANDPIPE AND OUTLET BARREL CAN BE INSTALLED DURING INITIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEDIMENT TRAP. ORIFICES SHOULD NOT BE CUT IN STANDPIPE IF INSTALLED WHILE POND FUNCTIONS AS SEDIMENT TRAP. UPON CONVERSION TO PERMANENT. DRY DETENTION POND, THE ORIFICES SHOULD BE CUT TO THE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN THESE PLANS. ENSURE TOP OF STANDPIPE ELEVATION IS PER PLAN UPON CONVERSION TO PERMANENT DRY DETENTION POND. J. POND SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED TO A MAXIMUM OF 2:1. ENSURE ALL SLOPES MEET THE 2:1 GRADE BEFORE PROVIDING PERMANENT SEEDING AND ENSURE SLOPES ACHIEVE �7p,0' UFF�♦ q H-1 / PERMANENT STABILIZATION.�- S. STANDPIPE MUST HAVE ANTI -VORTEX TRASHRACK ON RIM AND PERFORATED TRASHRACKS AS SHOWN ON SHEET C14 OVER BOTH ORIFICES. \ / MULexisDNp RINSSPECTDETENTION FORPOND DEBRIS ONMAINTENANCE TRASHRACKSNOTES: & REMOVE AS NEEDED (MONTHLY) ODDRTn�DRfMAN '. INSPECT INLETS FOR DAMAGE, EROSION OR SEDIMENT & REPAIR AS NEEDED I. INSPECT SIDE SLOPE STABILIZATION AND PROVIDE SEEDING AS NEEDED/.- /,40/ I. INSPECT FOR ANY SIGNS OF EROSION & ADDRESS AS NEEDED i. INSPECT PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY FOR EVIDENCE OF JOINT FAILURE OR LEAKAGE RIM=374.1 24r. 1 Standard Hardware (TYp' ) ELEVATION VIEW 1/8" Neoprene Gasket (24" Wide),, _ 24' 24" Wide Band Standard Hardwate (TYp•) 2 CMP HUGGER BAND DETAIL C15 NOT TO SCALE NVERIRD CMP. OR N¢ILPlwIIN ANNUW ENDS y"ING DASNET MOD ° 1 TOR SDI nwITPE$s O I I eIa MIN LENGTH D MR MINT (MINI M P K LDI-LORD ON S•CENTERS L O INO OPSREi (OPTIONAL) TOP VIEW SECTION A -A MODIFIED RMIGER BAND L5 L CONNECTION DETAIL DOUBLE BOLT, BAR & STRAP 3 CMP SLIP JOINT DETAIL C15 NOT TO SCALE 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ���ALTH pF U JUST n��o HIMP a 45183 �0 1� IC)XTAT E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 15.064 C15 420 415 410 405 400 395 391%+°° 10+50 °+50 4 STORM SEWER PROFILE C1C3 C16 Scale:l"=30' 415 410 405 400 395 390 385 380 375 370 365 360 355 <:II.1C 31 32 415 460 410 405 400 395 390 p N P Be. —I� JNO � m � o m z m 0 o co M O d I I z II _ o - > o _ z 415 455 410 450 405 445 400 440 395 435 390 430 10+00 10+50 1 STORM SEWER PROFILE B1—B2 425 C16 Scale:l"=30' Di D2 420 4,5 410 405 400 395 390 PROPOSE GRA p � M N O J J o moa m_ z EXIS G O O 0 o ro O a Z'F u z II _ o > > 415 415 410 410 405 405 400 400 395 395 390 390 9+50 10+00 10+50 2 STORM SEWER PROFILE D1—D2 C16 Scale: 1"=30' C1 C2 C3 ' ©tfEZ�Jifi L"il'11iii -(ii�m� E= Fla: -111111119f 1� lam - ��1��11 u�m�iiCT� -_ - Lim -��Tise'1iL'�[]� wtus o� 420 415 410 405 400 395 ,2+RO 415 410 405 400 395 390 38 F6 F7 �00 �t00 II JmN mo O c0 NAP O 0 II JI(JN a II m OOT P II JO]M M + II m+ g P p�0 OVO� Op OtO cri 0 II f JAM mM Jp\V m+ 064 �� �+ w z z z z z 0 d N r GRADE GRAUL m J / � � a a l -LF 15" HDPE 22.96'/ - P a 3 �z M � II > _ _ � rn z _ z ' 6= 51 HD CUK. SAFETY SLAB O 00 — c.i P o Mc c Ilco�v N N I �o N of M — P N P O P O I� N Oo V M a M P O > P N CnI pp N n _ m II m II o? > zz II II o_ » > II II II II II II I COINC. SAFETY SLAB I I o_ 1 o » >I I I» > zz zz zz z 10+00'PROVIDE � SIEEL PLAIE 10+50 ON MANHOLE FLOOR E1 E2 E3 460 455 450 445 440 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 400 395 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+5D ° LLSTORM SEWER PROFILE F1—F7 M d O + I SWG w JL70 t0 J IIIx11 `n p � J J_aP O Z O in HDPE u- 9 +50 10+00 10+50 5 STORM C16 Scale: 1"=30' 11+00 11+50 10+00 "0150 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 11 STORM SEWER PROFILE Al—F1 Scale: 1"=30' 24" NYLOPLAST GRA 415 US 160 NW PILFER FABRIC Scale: 1"=30' ACCESS RISER MI FRAME CORER OR THE 4 MSERS IN ASPHALT PARKING LADDER OT, PROVIDE 5' UAMETR CONCRETE 4' MIUPPORT SLAB a THICK, 3000 PSI, ROVIDE MIN 4° GAP FROM TOP OF CONC. O RISER RIM ELEV. TO ALLOW ASPHALT J H=7.5, W=6, T=6.0ORIFICE 395 @390.65 4" NYLOPLAST SHOULD NOT BE PLACNOTE: FILTER ED OIL qIJRORADEMANUFACTURER PER W/ TRASHRACK (A) GRATE & ACCESS ON TRENCH BOTTOM MANUFACNRER SPECS 390 6 WEIR WALL SECTION rA4l WEIR WALL DETAIL A4 $ DETENTION TYP. DETAILS �q C 16 NOT TO SCALE C 16 5 NOT TO SCALE C 16 NOT TO SCALE 2+0D 415 410 31110, 111 111 11 111 wo, will" 365 360 3555 13+5D ° pill 415 410 405 400 395 390 389+50 420 415 410 405 400 395 39g0 389+50 °+°° �� UNDERGROUND °°11+50 DETENTION A PROFILE 12+00 C16 Scale: 1"=30' 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 1 o UNDERGROUND DETENTION B PROFILE 420 31." F10 400 395 390 12+R9 20 15 10 05 00 i95 i90 12+50 J89 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' SHIMP ENGINEERING2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM �SALTH pF 0 U JUST W.45183HIMP a 04<1 8,(nXTA1. E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. SWM PROFILES 15.064 C16 H1 H2 H3 H4 400 o a m N a w o 400 z v n o o m m 395 W ` 395 � � z 390 390 p F2 2 213 2 385 0 385 430 430 380 380 425 425 375 375 ZZ 420 420 370 14 370 415 415 R 365 365 410 410 360 360 405 405 z 400 400 355 > 355 o "' �' 395 395 350 m II II 350 ¢ II O _ O 3g 345 10+00 10+50 11+00 z 11+50 12+00 z 12+545 390 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+OU 0 1 STORM SEWER PROFILE HI—H3- 2 STORM SEWER PROFILE F2—F2C C17 Scale:l"=ao' C17 scale:l"=ao' SHIMP ENGINEERIN 3 2. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT J1 J2 J3 J4 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 410 m o u� m ,�, .n m ,•> 410 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM H3 400 = w o 400 405 405 p m _ ,v M ¢ II 395 395 TOP m SHRACK 400 400 �ALTH OF 3 FT 390EXiSi OF DAM U 390 - 395 395 O `� 385 385 390 390 U J1]sTr9si111v1� 45183 w� 380 2 380 00 385 385 o �SSIONAL E� 375 II 375 380 380 x o w I > �j 370 10+00 z 10+50 11+0D70 375 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+5075 s DRY POND 1 PROFILE FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN C17 Scale: 1*=30' 4 STORM SEWER PROFILE J1—J3 c17 scale: l"=so' RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 SWM PROFILES 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' C17_ aoo it JON m oon 0 o o 0 JINN Ism amo x (O� Jtp� Z N H M Z M H Z N STAND ONC. � II - POSED GRADE TO STIR F1 - 24" HDPE ® 0.89% 98.62 LF 24" HDPE ® 0.90% 75.00-LF 24 HDPE ® 0.51% 1� N O � N II a ^u N M w ad of � p z N � II z z O_ z z z II II II II O_ O z z z z x 3 z � � z � � r � � � r z in p W M O m N m u zz u II oz zz z 425 420 415 410 405 400 395 390 4 Q Q Q � O) O II O O O O — 0] O II O N O N n O II r (p O II N O M o a, o nj r v✓ — li -- ROPOSED GRADE � cD r\ N _z 00 _ zz s— _ J m J m J OJ J 109.13 I II II >I >1> I > Coca 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 1 SANITARY SEWER 16 C18 Scale: 1"=30' 425 420 415 410 405 400 3g95 13+5D 0 SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION SETBACK = 370-FT FROM NORTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER 11 1 5 i 1 i a I 370 f7 ' la 1 / SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION SETBACK Scale: 1 "=80' 1 5 6 7 10'x20' Pump Station 420 420 Building 0 o N N 4" Vent Pipe with 0 0 o N o N o oa Transducer Junction Top of Wet Well 409.40 2— 90' elbows. 415 f f f f 415 Box (3" above grade) Outlet pointed at o o a e grown withwire Backup Generator mesh screen 4" Discharge Line 2" SCH 40 conduit for 410 410 406.50Line transducer cable (locate �ro rn O o o o 0 x Reduce where easily accessible) mo No a _ ? — _ 4" Discharge zv _`Ii zz z z _ _ — Air Relief Valve Plug Valve to 45' 405 -- J� Q m 0 405 discharge piping 1.5" Bend Out of Wet Well J— �Q 5< Q diameter. Run below 1" Support Pipe mJ mJ min. water level. 90 71 — — 8" tee and drop leg. 400 400 High Water Alarm Float Install this as close to side of wet _ _ Elev. 401.11 wall as possible. O m nFA N N N o n Normal High Inflow Pipe 395 395 WSE 400.11 Invert 401.11 3 II 8' Diameter i rn II II II o — o Fiberglass Wet Well > > > > > > Wet Well Depth 13.4' Level Schedule (High to Low): 390 —m— — — — — — 3390 401.11 — High Water Alarm 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 400.11 — Lag Pump On 399.11 — Lead Pump On 396.38 — Pump Off Pump Inlet 396.17 2 SANITARY SEWER 1-7-9- Bottom El. 396.00 C18 Scale: 1 =30 (2) Submersibl 4" Discharge Non —clog Pumps Meter Sizing Calculation Fixture Type Number of Fixtures Fixture Units UPC 2009 Total Fixture Unit Count Bathrooms: Tub/Showercornbined 12 8 06 Tub ordy 0 8 0 Shower on 0 2-5 0 Sinks avato 12 4 48 Toilets 12 4 48 Subtotal 192 Kitchen: Sinks 6 2-2 13-2 Disrwasher 6 2 12 Subtotal 25.2 Laundry Room: Sinks 0 4 0 Clothes Washer 6 6 36 S u btotal 36 Ground Floor: Toilets 0 4 0 Sinks(lavatory) 0 4 0 Slop Sinks 0 4 0 S u btotal 0 Total Fixture Unit Count: 253.2 ACSA WATER METER FLOW RANGES n1Ax LI'" SIZE TYPE BRAND MODEL FLOW RANGE CONTINUOUS L(_)Ve' fe11N FLOW 5Ar PD SENSUS SR II TR .25 - 20 GPM 10 GPM 1" PD SENSUS SR II TR .75-50 GPM 25 GPM 1 5" TURBO SENSUS OMNI T2 125 - 2010 GPM 75 GPM 160 GPM 1.5" COMPOUND SENSUS OMNI C2 .5-200 GPM .25 GPM 160 GPM 2" TURBO SENSUS OMNI T2 1.5 - 250 GPM 1 GPM 200 GPM 2" COMPOUND SENSUS OMNI C2 .5-200 GPM .25 GPM 160 GPM 3" TURBO SENSUS OMNI T2 2.5 - 650 GPM 1.5 GPM 500 GPM 3" COMPOUND SENSUS OMNI C2 1 - 500 GPM 5 GPM 400 GPM 4" TURBO SENSUS OMNI T2 3 - 1250 GPM 2 GPM 1000 GPM 4" 1 COMPOUNDI SENSUS I OMNI C2 1 1.5- 1000 GPM 1 .75 GPM 1 800 GPM 190 140 Oomesbc Use 130 Ho" �OG+/9 Canlen i ', 190 Resburanu Pgbw SChOds 110 Pgbi Buadinps Y 100 • •l 90 I Doa�x Ina 70 8 DWG ft Ilea Cay / ���� GanEomiNums Mdae halpl PukL � 60 so 40 20 10 0 I I 0 100 --- 300 400 500 ODD 700 900 900 1AV0 1.100 12DO 1.300 CW"ned Flark"%BWe SANITARY SEWER PUMP STATION DETAIL Scale: 1 "=30' SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ���ALTH pF O U NSTn��o HIMP a 45183 �0 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 4 WATER METER SIZING CALCULATIONS 15.064 C18 Scale: N/A SANITARY SEWER PROFILES & DETAILS 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' C 18 410 405 400 395 390 ME 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 LD-229 Storm Drain Design Computations Rivers Ed From Structure To Structure Catch. Area (ac) Runoff Coef Increment AC (ac) Accum. AC (ac) Accum. with RD (ac) Total TOC (min) Total Intensity (Whr) Total Flow (cfs) Up Il Elev Down Imiert Elev. Pipe Length (ft) Invert Slope % Pipe Diameter (in) Pipe Capacity (cis) Velocity INS) Flow time Increment (min) 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 J4 J3 0.83 0.51 0.42 0.42 0.42 5.0 6.81 2.88 388.75 388.51 24 1.00o7o 15 7.0 5.48 0.07 J3 J2 0.17 0.62 0.10 0.53 0.53 5.1 6.79 3.57 3B8.31 388.01 1 21.69 1.38% 15 8.2 1 6.46 0.06 J2 J1 0.00 0.ED 0.00 0.53 0.53 5.1 6.77 3.56 387,81 386.00 1 156.09 1.16% 15 8.9 1 6.82 0.38 'H4 H3 - - - - - - - 6.13 383.00 374,00 130.32 6.91% 15 18.4 13.48 0.16 •H3 H2 - - - - - - - 6.13 373.80 368,50 48.48 10,93% 15 23.1 15.93 0.05 •H2 H1 - - 6.13 358,50 358.00 50,00 1.00% 15 7.0 6.43 0.13 F7 F6 0.17 0.53 0.09 0.09 0.09 5.0 6.81 0.61 437.56 434.56 118.46 2.53% 15 11.1 4.86 0.41 RE F5 0.10 0.76 0.07 0.16 0.58 5.4 6.70 3.87 434.36 429,92 149.89 2.96% 15 12.0 8.7 0.29 F5 F4 0.33 0.60 0.22 0,80 1,64 5.7 6.62 10.82 429.72 42491 151,35 3.18% 18 20.6 11.7 0.22 F4 F3 0.34 0.64 0.22 1.85 2.27 5.9 6.56 14.89 420.00 417,75 25.40 8.86% 18 33.9 18.6 0.02 F3 F2 0.24 0.59 0.14 2,41 2,41 5.9 6.55 15.81 41T55 412,57 57.26 8.70% 18 34.1 18.7 0.05 F2 F1 0.17 0.68 0.10 4,96 4,96 6.0 6.54 32.46 4OT58 402,00 92.06 6.06% 24 72.2 22.4 0.07 F2C F213 047 066 0.31 0.31 1.56 5.0 6.81 10.63 410.17 409.28 98.62 0.90% 24 23.3 7.2 0.23 F213 F2A 0.ED 0.0C 0.ED 1.56 1,56 5.0 6.81 10.63 4W08 408,36 80.66 0.89% 24 23.1 7.2 0.19 F2A F2 008 0.73 0.06 1.62 2.45 5.2 6.76 16.56 40BA6 407,78 75.00 0.51% 24 17.5 6.3 0.20 E4 E3 0.34 0.64 0.22 0.22 063 5.0 6.81 4.31 399.00 397,75 101.20 1.24% 15 7.8 6.5 0.20 E3 E2 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.63 HS3 5.0 6.81 4.31 39T55 397,00 31.66 1.74% 15 9.2 7.4 0.07 E2 E1 0,34 0.64 0.22 0.85 1.27 5.0 6.81 8.62 396.80 396.00 28.07 2.85% 18 19.5 10.6 0.04 D2 D1 0,19 0,71 0.14 0.14 0.97 5.0 6.81 6.59 398.00 396.00 23.44 8.53% 15 20.4 14.8 0.03 C3 C2 C2 C1 0,30 0.38 0.60 0,61 0.18 0,23 0.18 0.83 0.60 1.66 5.0 5.0 6.81 6.81 4.08 11.29 400,64 3WO0 399.20 397.00 112,94 28,21 1,19% 7.09% 15 18 7.8 30.3 6.3 15.9 0.30 0.03 32 131 0.26 0.61 0.16 0.16 0.58 5.0 6.81 3.93 398.00 396.00 23,82 8.40% 15 20.3 12.8 0.03 •A4 A3 - - - - - - - 67.38 39(.65 379.52 69,69 15.97% 36 288.8 31.8 0.04 •A3 A2 - - - - - - - 57.38 373-01) 368.66 181.54 2.39% 36 111.7 15.9 0.19 •A2 Al - - - - - - - 67.38 359.59 359.21 37,72 1.01% 36 72.6 11.4 0.06 *Flow rate from detention taken from 10-yr HydroCAD model. Rivers Edge LD-2046t0rmwater Inlet Computations Imes m Grade only sag lnles only a a G a = a y >< K ao .. -a Z E 2 i v r 8 i § x w E m ;; X e t ;? >B hi - a y" c2 rc cS a o o rc 5 '6 �y 6 ae o a 58 a a $ 1 2 3 0 5 8 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1a 19 20 21 22 23 24 tn) la0 (ao) lIrvTO lam) (caI (clil) fry ('ry fry (t) 00 (cf,l) (ors) (0) 00 (t) F7 D13C 8 7368 0.17 0.53 0.09 4.0 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.015 0.015 0.020 Oo20 - - - - - 0.09 0.5 0.18 2.83 6.5 058 000 0.58 0015 0.015 0,020 0020 - - - - - 0.11 05 a21 3.90 F6 DI313 10 4214 0.10 0.76 0.07 4.0 0.29 0.00 0.29 0.015 0.040 0.015 aW3 1.40 0.12 100.0% 0.29 0.00 - - - - 6.5 047 0.Do 0.47 0015 0.040 0015 0.m3 1.68 0.14 100.0% 0,47 000 - F5 DI313 10 14208 0.33 0.69 0.22 4.0 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.015 0.040 0.015 aW3 2.78 0.18 100.0% 0.90 0.00 6.5 146 000 1.46 0015 0.040 0015 0083 4.82 0.21 100.0% 1,46 000 - - - - F4 DI313 10 14910 0.34 0.64 0.22 4.0 0.87 0.00 0.87 0.015 aO40 0.015 O.Nm - - - - - 0.18 0.5 0.36 1.11 6.5 142 0.00 1.42 0 015 0.040 0 015 0083 - - - - - 0.21 05 a41 1.53 F3 D4315 12 10439 0.24 0.59 0.14 4.0 0.57 0.00 0.57 0.015 0.093 0.020 0.083 1.57 0.13 61.6% 0.35 0.22 - - - - 6.5 093 000 0.93 0015 0.083 0020 0083 1.99 0.16 52.1% 048 044 - - - - F2 DI-3S 14 7506 OA7 0,58 0.10 4.0 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.015 OAOO 0.020 0020 3,24 0.06 100.0% 0.40 000 - - - - 6.5 065 0.00 0.66 0015 0.100 0020 0020 3.99 0.08 1000% 065 000 F215 DI 13 14 20417 047 066 031 4.0 125 000 1.25 0015 0030 0010 0.010 - - - - - 0d0 05 0.19 9.60 6.5 203 0.00 2.03 0015 0030 0010 0010 - - - - - 0.12 05 023 1&27 F2A D1313 10 3473 0.08 0.73 0.06 4.0 0.23 0,00 0.23 0015 0.030 0.010 0.010 6.09 0.06 100.0% 0.23 0.00 - - - - 6.5 038 0.00 0.38 0015 0030 0010 0010 6.14 0.08 1000% 038 000 E3 DI313 10 14704 034 0,64 022 4.0 086 0,00 0,88 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.D83 - - - - - 0.23 Ca 0.47 1.10 6.5 1.40 0.00 1.40 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.083 - - - - - 0.28 0.5 0.56 1.52 E2 DI3B 10 74771 038 0,64 024 4.0 097 0,00 0.97 0.015 DOW 0.050 0D83 - - - - - 0.24 0.5 0.49 1.19 C3 DI313 10 12988 030 0,60 0.18 4.0 0.72 0.00 0.72 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.083 - - - - - 0.22 0.5 0.44 0.9B 8.5 1.17 0.00 1.17 0.015 0.008 0.051 0.083 - - - - 0.28 0.5 0.52 1.35 C2 DI3B 10 16430 0.38 0,61 0.23 4.0 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.083 - - - - - am 0.5 0.48 1.15 6.5 1.49 0.08 1.57 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.083 - - - - - 0.29 OS a58 1.64 B2 DI313 10 11506 0.26 0,61 0.16 4.0 0.64 0.22 0.86 0.015 0.008 0.050 0083 &37 0.23 100.0% 0.86 0.00 - - - - 6.5 705 0,44 1.49 0.015 0.008 0.050 0.083 4.36 0.28 94.5% 1,41 0.08 J4 D15 3X3 36093 0.83 0,53 0.44 4.0 1.75 0.00 1.76 0.015 0.034 0.020 - - - - - - 0.13 0.5 0.26 4.61 6.5 2.84 0.00 2.64 0.015 0.034 0.121 - - - - - 0.16 a5 a35 4.71 J3 Df5 3X3 7330 0.17 0,58 0.10 4.0 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.015 0.034 0.020 - - - - - - 0.05 0.5 0.09 4.19 6.5 0.64 0.00 0.64 0.015 0.034 0.020 0.06 a5 OA2 4.26 Rivers Edge Modified LD-268 Roadside and Median Ditch Design Fonn Side Slope Min. Max Earth Ditch C A CA Tc 12 110 Q2 Q10 - .1 L - .1 R Slope Ft/Ft Slope FVFt Alaxable Velocity n=.03 Vell 2-yr 'Velocity 10-yr '"Depth Matting Type Freeboard channel oeah INCR ACC 1 0.48 C.18 0.09 0.09 5.0 5.39 7.05 0.46 0.60 2 2 0.03 am 4.0 1.08 0.12 EC-2 TYPES 0.88 1.00 2 0.55 0.13 0.07 am 5.0 5.39 7.05 am 0.50 2 2 am am 4.0 1.00 all EC-2 TYPE1 age 1.00 3 am am am are 5.0 5.M 7.05 1 0.15 0.19 2 2 1 0.03 0.03 4.0 0.70 0.m EC-2 TYPE1 0.94 1.00 4 0.54 C.65 0.35 0.35 5.0 5.39 7.05 1.90 248 2 2 am am 4.0 226 am EC-2 TYPE1 0.62 1.00 5 0.67 C.31 0.21 0.21 5.0 5.39 7.05 1.13 1.47 2 2 am 0.m 4.0 187 0.28 EC-2 TYPE1 0.72 1.00 2-yr VelociTy calculations performed using steepest slope & 2-yrflm 10-yr Depth calculation pertained using shallowest slope d 10.yrflow Flowiates taken from HydmCAD model 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE RT 29 C� 9 SCALE: M"=10' H:1"=30' ACCESS 3:�7 .A k, I 20" SM-9.5A &0' VDOT #21AJ� COMPACTED SUBGRADE 5.0" BM-2SOA MIN CBR=10 2ROAD CROSS-SECTION XS-1 C19 )NOT TO SCALE 34.0' ACCESS EASEMENT 2.0' 20*CURBR 2'010ELANE VDOT STD. R- GUARDRAIL Q I VDOT STD. CLLS" SM-9.5A ASPHALT CUURBRB .5" BM-25.0 ASPHALT COMPACTED SUBGRADE 'O" VDOT /21A MIN MR-10 ,ROAD CROSS-SECTION XS-2 NOT TO SCALE 27.0' ACCESS EASEMENT VDOT STD CG-6 24.0' CURB TO CUR CURB AND _10.0 L0.07 � R' ' LANE LANE VDOT STD UD-4 SEE DETAIL 1/C11 (TYP.) COMPACTED SUBGRADE MIN CBR=10 .5° SM-9.5A ASPHALT .5° BM-25.0 ASPHALT 0' VDOT #21A ROAD CROSS-SECTION XS3 NOT TO SCALE 20.0' ACCESS EASEMENT �1a L SUBGRADE MIN CBR=10 .5" SM-9.5A ASPHALT .5" BM-25.0 ASPHALT 3.0" VDOT #21A PAVED PATH CROSS-SECTION XS4 NOT TO SCALE 9 16+00 L, r I L _J 4 x 4 STEEL COLUMN R DUMP5TER PAD 5EE ENCL05UU DETAIL DU MPSTER PLAN `CMU) TREATED WOOD GATES FINI511 TO MATCH ELDG5 GxG KEY SECTION NOT TO SCALE G" / / 30 •/ •/ 1 16+50 STONE #4 O @ I G" O.C. #4 O @ 30" O.C. O @ 12" O.C. 410 400 395 3390 El 17+00 5 SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ���ALTH pF t.; V�_ U JUST W45183HIMP a �0� 11SSICWTAT. E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. SITE & UTILITY DETAILS 15.064 C19 tpa f 465 o` co ,n m n o rn C5, 465 rn rn m rn m rn o 0 0 > > > > > > > > > > ~J HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ ~J 460 460 H H H H H H H H H H 2 M d d 2 d d 2 2 d d 2 2 d 2 d d d 455 455 450 450 445 445 440 440 435 435 430 430 "A mini um o business da no Ice 425 "XX- 425 6ee the note on sheet efemice regarding the c nection to the RWSA 420 waterlin 420 415 -415 EXISTING GRAD�_ — — 410 410 i 405 s m 405 z_ + \ 400 0 400 x 395 — — 395 390 390 0 385 385 rn [O (O If) M N N N a O7 Ol (O M O M Ifl T m m N00M M m i\ ( V di 7 m M3se D 1b+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 / ' \\\i\ `r USE: Orr(�r --- �jSHIMP �N_ . l ',/ '- -,, \ --\ � \ \ \ - =_ �P\�� ENGINEERING2. / � �' - / ' cry \ \ \ \ \ �•, \ � \ � \ / ' '/ / J � Qn� e' LAND PLANNING -PROJECT MANAGEMENT /�� I \ / / � w C 912 E. 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' S 4' ' ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA --- ----- , _ ---_ aS — — — — ` — — ---' —\ /— / �� �� — t�F e�G / /' / s o / N E� e� 3_� -' — —\� 50/ --- — — — �y�.GQ� e — ¢ — _---- — — — — — — --- — ' / -� `_�-_' `,p•\C� // cr /' E /' s' SUBMISSION: /' _-- \ 3\�S�PA, �L6�0 �F `---_ ____------' / / -_ / / t' a 4 \� _/' 2Go ---_----- \\`\---/ /����'/ /' s� - RA50 �/ os //- P 2023.01.12 ____ _-_-_ _ _ _ _ _—_ _ _ _ _ _ _ O- - -- -----_----''// /'/�' N'(� / / / O p o 'S / / / BF I-- /' /' /�i' / CSC / /�1./� SN ./. �_5� / �_ ---- --_ ��_ ---_- -- --- -- --' — — — - --- -__-------'� / �-\ \418- \t `h'M� I / ! / �yyy����y, /' 1/' ./ / R3,/ �W'�60 - ' 5/ ' / REVISION: _ _ /' _432.0�- — —_ -��5�\NO \l -;'-/ /// �OOQ / n;" e�Pl / /56 ---- — i� o P'RE'S/ERVED S'LOPE�S / -_----- — — — __----- _ - - - - -- -- U - _0__ `--_-------------- / _ - _- __-----_��/ -�_ --------_-- `--_--- — — \F: \ 4ea \\-------- '' / I '/ / __--- ------- _ _ / -- -- ''/ __ — \.34.0' ACCESS EASEMENT `_—`---__—_F.\-\\V\N—__ I / / 1 r \ \ z.a' 20.0'CURB TO CUR 20, �E / / —/ QOPSP / / / / hO6 FFE / 6�' / // / / / -- ----- ---- --- -- -- — — `�F0 R \ ! \ \ 10.0E 10.0E � � � I I ` ( \\ /'—'' /— 0 / _ — s9 / — y>' / / — / / / / / J� FILE N0. i __ — — — — —_— _—�, _—_—� _ \ I I \ \ LANE LANE \ ' I \ V00T STD GR-2 \ \/ \ — ` — — \ \ Y I \ 1 ,/ � ,,— / —__ \_ _,/�' / l' / /' / p�F'/ / / — — /' /' ' 15.064 —_--- ---- ----- _ _—_.\ \ _� -- _ _ _ — — \ \ _. ., — ------------------ -\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ cuaRDRna \ // / / / / 5 / ✓/ / — — \ _ - - \ _ — -- ROAD PROFILE — V00T S1D. z-i _.5' SM-9.5A ASPHALT CURB .5' BM-25.0 ASPHALT ' 3955 ' /go' COMPACTED SUBGRADE .0` VDOT 21A \ \\ MIN CBR=10 ' — — / / O / / / \\ \ \ \ \ \ J/ / _/••�,� - % -- ... _. \\�` ' / /' /' Swale: ]aV=\O TRAVELWAY SECTION 2 ----' ---'-- ' a,F��\�� \ \ -_-'--------- C21 \ \ NOT TO SCALE SCALE : _ — — — /�/ XWATE ,_—'� /' /' �'' --' /_' - - / MOT PLAN FOR RIVERS EDGE MOT PLAN FOR RIVERS EDGE Implementation Procedures Project Narrative Phase 1 shall include all work that can be completed on the site without encroaching on the shoulder. Phase 2 shall include all work on the site that requires shutting down the shoulder. Phase 3 shall include all work on the site that requires shutting down a lane of traffic. Site Notes: 1. Signs W20-1, W9-3R, W9-2L, W4-2R, and G20-2(V) shall be mounted on posts. 2. All striping shall be painted within 24 hours of laying new pavement. 3. During Phase 2, the contractor shall maintain 11' travel lanes in both directions. 4. If edge lines are removed, a temporary edge line shall be installed. Traffic Management Plan General Notes 1. It is not the intent of this plan to enumerate every detail which must be considered in the construction of each stage but only to show the general features necessary to provide for proper handling of traffic. The construction techniques ultimately used by the Contractor are to be reviewed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit traffic control plans not expressly outlined in the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual for approval at least 30 days prior to performing the work. No deviations from the plans will be allowed without prior approval from the VDOT Culpeper District Traffic Engineer. 2. The phases in this sequence of construction shall be followed unless the contractor submits an alternate sequence and secures the approval of the engineer for a sequence which will both expedite construction and lessen the effect of such construction upon the traveling public. Portions of roadways in the different phases may be constructed provided they do not interfere with existing traffic flow and/or do not cause any delay in project completion. 3. Under no circumstances will concurrent construction left and right of any lane be allowed unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or shown on these plans. 4. All work is to be performed in accordance with the 2009 MUTCD, the Virginia supplement to the MUTCD, the 2011 Virginia WAPM 2011 Edition Revision 2: September 1, 2019, 2007 Road and Bridge Specifications, 2008 Virginia Road and Bridge Standards, and as directed by the Engineer. 5. At the end of each day no more than 2 inches grade 17. All permanent pavement is to be constructed through the difference between travel lanes will be allowed during base course only in the initial stages. The final surface construction of the proposed roadway. course is to be applied prior to switching traffic onto the 6. The clear zone is to be free of stored materials and new location or as approved by the Engineer. parked equipment. See the Maintenance of Traffic Typical 18. The contractor shall review with the project engineer the Sections for the required clear zone. Also, horizontal and final plan to maintain traffic for all phases of work. Any vertical sight distances shall not be impacted by parked significant changes in Phase of Construction will require construction equipment. approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation 7. All areas excavated below pavement surfaces at the (VDOT) Traffic Engineer. Minor adjustments of the conclusion of each workday shall be backfilled with maintenance of traffic plan shall be approved by the aggregate base material to form an approximate 6:1 wedge Project Engineer. against the existing pavement surface for the safety and 19. All signs mounted to Type III Barricades shall be protection of vehicular traffic as outlined within Appendix A crashworthy and shall be in accordance with the 2011 of the Va. WAPM 2011 (latest revision). All costs for Virginia Work Area Protection Manual (latest revision). furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removing the 6:1 20. All protective devices shall be in place to protect all signal wedge shall be included in the price bid for other items in foundations and poles prior to exposing to traffic. the contract and no additional compensation will be 21. The existing posted speed limits shall be maintained during allowed. construction unless otherwise approved by the engineer. 8. Existing pedestrian access shall be maintained during 22. The Contractor must have at least one person certified in construction. If existing condition cannot be maintained a Work Zone Training at the Intermediate Level to design and pedestrian diversion or detour shall be installed meeting at least one person certified at the Basic Level to install ADA requirements. and maintain the work zone. 9. The contractor shall provide temporary drainage as required 23. Flagging operation shall not hold traffic longer than 5 to prevent ponding of the water on the roadway and minutes without approval of the Engineer. nproperties. Antemporaryr in n r adjacent y d a age h o the project 24. The Contractor shall provide notice to the Police, Fire, and is the contractor's responsibility. The cost to install Rescue, and the School Superintendent 48 hours in temporary drainage structures is to be included in the advance concerning all detours and road closures of any price bid for other items in the contract and no other nature. compensation will be allowed. 25, The contractor is responsible for coordinating the 10. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of 2 lanes 11 ft. construction, signing and traffic management plan with wide, with the exception of pavement overlay operations. All other adjacent project under construction. lane closures to be proceeded by variable message sign 26. No traffic pattern switches will be allowed on Friday, notification of closure. When one lane of traffic is maintained, said lane is to be 14 ft. wide, including Saturday, or Sunday and/or the day before a holiday or as gutterpon. directed by the project engineer. 11. All travel lanes shall be asphalt throughout construction 27. A suitable foundation shall be provided for channelizing unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. devices and all associated cost shall be included in the 12. Only uniformed law enforcement officers are allowed to price of Group II channelizing devices. directed traffic through on operating signal (see section 28. The contractor shall maintain a minimum of one 11 ft. 46.2-834 of Highway Laws of Virginia). Flaggers do not wide lane in each direction at all times, except during have the authority and shall not direct traffic through a temporary lane closure or as directed by the Engineer. signalized intersection. 29. All pavement markings and traffic flow arrows are 13. When proceeding from one phase of construction to schematic only. The actual location and application of another phase, any existing or construction pavement pavement markings shall be made in accordance with markings that conflict with the new traffic pattern shall be section 512 & 704 of the applicable VDOT Road and Bridge eradicated and re -striped accordingly. Specifications, the MUTCD, the Virginia supplement to the MUTCD, the Road and Bridge Standards or as directed by 14. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining any the Engineer. existing signs, unless otherwise advised by VDOT Engineer 30. Should there be any questions about the MOT plans or to remove or relocate. need further details, please contact Adrian Blackstone at 15. Existing signs no longer applicable or in conflict with 540-718-0957. intended traffic control shall be removed or covered with opaque material. All other signs are to be maintained. 16. The contractor shall submit a Traffic Control Plan to the VDOT Culpeper District Traffic Engineer for approval prior to the beginning of each phase. The Traffic Control Plan shall 9 9 show all necessary traffic control devices, including signs, pavement markings and channeling devices. Public Communications Plans and Transportation Operations Plan Notes Each lane closure will be governed by the times established by the Regional Traffic Engineer and the Traffic Operations Center as shown within the contract. The contractor and VDOT are to coordinate in notifying the public P Y9 of proposed Lane Closures. The process developed by the Traffic operations Center for this purpose is as follows: a. Contractor submits to the Project Manager or Designee planned lane closures for the following week by 3 P.M. on Tuesday. b. Project Manager or Designee submits planned lane closures for the upcoming week using the Lane Closure Form. This form is to be submitted to the Traffic Operations Center and the Culpeper District Public Affairs office by Noon on Wednesday for the following week. c. Traffic Operations Center is to review the planned lane closure schedule and return it to the Project Manager or Designee by 9 A.M. Friday. d. Contractor to update the Project Manager or Designee of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure as previously scheduled. e. Project Manager or Designee to advise Regional Operations Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Project Manager or Designee to have VA -Traffic operator enter data in VA -Traffic and to update the Traffic Operations Center daily during lane closures activities. f. The Culpeper District Public Affairs Office will use various media publications to announce planned lane closures. g. The contractor shall contact Traffic Operations center, (540) 332-9500, when lane closures will be placed and once they are removed. The process to notify the Regional Traffic Operations Center to place lane closure information on the 511 system and VOIS will be: a. Contractor to advise VDOT project inspector and/or Construction Manager of planned lane closures a minimum of 24 hours in advance of proposed lane closure. b. Construction Manager to advise Residency Maintenance Manager of proposed lane closure. Maint. Mgr. to have VOIS operator enter data into VOIS and also advise Smart Traffic Cneter. The following is a list of local emergency contact agencies that shall be posted in clear sight in case of emergencies: Virginia State Police (varies by project location), 911 Center - 911, Haz-mat Center (if spill involved) - 911 Procedures to respond to traffic incident that may occur in the work zone: a. Contractor to notify Virginia State Police, VDOT Inspector in Charge and Regional Traffic Operations Center. b. Depending upon severity of incident, contractor may have to cease work. c. Upon arrival on scene, Virginia State Police to determine response necessary to allow traveling public around incident. d. Inspector to notify Construction Manager/Area Construction Engineer of incident and take pictures as necessary, especially pictures of contractor's Work Zone to verify the proper set up. Process of notification of incident to be followed is: Contractor to call: Project Maintenance of Traffic Coordinator (Inspector) xxxxxxxx (VDOT) Project Manager (Company) xxxTBDxxx Area Construction Engineer (Culpeper District) Greg Cooley, P.E. (VDOT) Residency Administrator (Charlottesville Residency) xxxxxxxxx (VDOT) Regional Work Zone Safety Coordinator (Charlottesville Residency) xxxxxxxxx (VDOT) Regional Traffic Engineer (Charlottesville Residency) Carrie Shepeard, P.E. (VDOT) The Virginia State Police report of the incident will be reviewed by the Area Construction Engineer to determine if any modification of the Temporary Traffic Control Plan is necessary. If it is determined that it is necessary to alter the plan, then a meeting will be called with the contractor, VDOT project personnel, VDOT traffic safety representatives and the Virginia State Police (if necessary) to discuss modifications and implementation of any improved traffic control plan. XXX-XXX-XXXX 434-293-0011 Typical Traffic Control 141ork Beyond the Shoulder Operation (Figure TTC-1.1) NOTES Gmdance: 1. The rintrimtun distance between the sign and work vehicle should be 1300'-1500' on Limited Access highways, and on all other roadirals 500'-800' where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and 350' 500' where the pasted speed limited is 45 mph or less. o ion: 2- The ROAD WORK AHEAD IW211-1) sign may be replaced with other appropriate signs such as the SHOITLDER WORK (W21-5) sign. The SHOI]LDER WORK sign may be used for work adjacent to the shoulder. 3. The ROAD WORK AHEAD sill! may be omitted where the work space is behind a barrier, more than 4 feet behind vertical curb (Standard CG-2 and CG-6) on urban roadways_ or outside of the clear zone for all other roadways. For clear zone values sec Page A-4 of Appendix A. 4- For short-term, short duration or mobile operations. all signs. and channclizjng devices ma}' be eliminated if a vehicle with activated high -intensity' amber rotating- flashing. orb nscillatint+ lights is used. Standard: 5. 4ehlcle hazard warmerg signals oats shall not he used instead of the vehicle's high -intensity amber i; rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights. Vehicle hazard warning signals can be used to supplement high-inteosih' amber rotating, flashing, or oscillating lights. 6. If the work space is in the median Of a divided highway, an advance warning sign shall also he placed on the left side of the directional roadway. Page 611-1 S September 2019 Typical Traffic Control Shoulder Closure with Barrier Operation (Figure TTC-62) XOM Guidance: L Sign spacing should be 1300'.1500' far Limited Access highwma. Far all other roadways, the sign spacing should be 500.800' where the posted speed limit is greorer than 45 mph, and 350'-500' where the posted speed limit Is 45 mph or less. Standard: 2. On diviJeJ highways having a meJinn wider Than 8', right anJ left sign assemhl it` shall he required. 3. Group 2 Channelizing device spacing shall beat the following: Greup 2 Channisibmin Device Spectra Loca[bn spacing $Peed Llmil (mph) 0 ag+ Loadan apad'ra Speed Llnil (mph) Lacallon Spacing 0 Js 36+ Spend Llmh (mphl 0351 ATransition 20' 1 40' Trave 40' eo'I •Carafiumon Accean so, 12; -Conslmction socess acin ma be iriveased b the tlbmnm but shall not exceed we access er'/. mile. 4- The minimum length form shoulder taper shall be 360" on Limited Access highways, end '6 L for an other roadways (see Note 7 of TTC.5 for ndues or L). i 'A hen the barrier transition slope is an A horizontal idi nmen6 the tolal offset shall be prorated P g around the rune to ]lea of a straight-line dupe. 6- End treatment of a barrier in order of prefereme: a. Where guardrail exism attach to barrier with appropriate fixed object attachment. b. Where cut slope exists, burr barrier iota cut slope and provide for drainage as needed. c Extend and or harrier until it is beyond the established clear zone (see Figure 2 on Page A- 4 in Appendix A for clear zone values). it. When barrier end is inside the established char zone, aHenuaFar service Type I or Type H shall be used. Contact L&D StandardxiSpecial Design Section for approved attentu tors. 7- Barrier panels 8 inches in width and 12 inches in height%hall he placed on top of the concrete horsier and spaced on 40' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 8D' centers along the parallel or tangent sections. Reflirtorized surface Shan he fluorescent orange prismatic lens sheeting. The light at the beginning of the barrier run and at the breakpaint where the harrier beeomes parallel to the roadway shall be a Type B flashing light. Barrier delineators shall be installed along the bane side of the concrete barriers. Barrier dennators shall be spaced on 20' centers along the transition or taper sections and spaced on 80' centers' in-between the harrier panels approximately 24 inches up from the roadway. surface. (lotion. R- The harrier shown in this typical application is an example of me melhad that may be used to close a shoulder of a lone -term oreiect. 9. The RIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED (W21.5aR) sign may be eliminated from all roadways excem Limited Access Imakways. Guidarule: I0. !f drrvers cannot see a pull-nff area beyond the closed shoulder, m/hrmaunn regarding the length of the shoulder ciosure shall be provided in feet or miles, m appmprime. 1. An emergency pull-o,$area should beprovided per Secdan 6G. 18 and Temporary Tra$ee Control Figure TTC-8. I: Re,mim 1-L112015 2.W nkm 2-91112019 Page 6H-54 Seplenber 2019 Typical Trams Control Lane Closure an a Two -Lane Roadway Cling Flaggers (Figure TTC-23.2) NOTES Guidance: I - Sign sparing dviamee should be 350'-500' where the posted .speed amN is 45 mph w less, and 50fe-Hoo' where the ported spred limit a greater thou 45 mph. 2. Care should be exercised when establishing the lapin afthe work zone to insure maximum possible sight dismnre in advance of the flagger smaon and lrinvulu , based on the posted speed limit and at least egrml ro or greater than the anises in Tahlr 6N-3- Generally speafirrg, momrins should heir a dearline ofsight from ihegraphtc floggersr'mbol sign to theQagger. 3. To maintain efcienttrq(jicflow in aflagging operation art a rmx hzae roadway, the maximum time motorists should be stopped or a ffaggerstathm is 8 minutes for- high volume roadways (mrrage daily traffic of 500 or more vrhirles per dg) fa a maximum of f2 minutes for lain vo7vme roadways (leu than 500 vehicles per day) Far addifiomf information see Section 6E 07° Standard: 4- Portable Temporary Rumh Strips (PIERS) rball be used as noted in Section 617.99.t ]. Flagging stations shall he located far emmgh in advance of the mark space to permit approaching traffic to reduce speed andior stop before passing the work spaer and allow sufficient distance for departing traffic in the left lane to return to the right lane before reaching apposing traffic (see Table 611-3 on Page 6H-5). 6- An flaggers shall be some certified and have their certification card in their prrssession rihen performing flagging duties (see Section 6E.01, Qualifications for Flaggerst. 7. Cone spacing shall be based on the pasted speed and the values in Table 6114 on Page 6H6.1 S- A shadow vehicle with at least one high intensity amber rotating, flashing, or osdnatiug light shall be parked 8o'-120' in advance of the first work crew. tion S. A SLOW (W 21-V 101 siW may be required in this area in give advance warning of the operation ahead by slowing approaching traffic Our to reaching the flagger nation or queued traffic. Guidance. 9- Ifffie queue of Imffc reaches the BE PREPARED TO STOP lR3-4) sign then the signs, and rf used the PTRS'should be readjusted argrearer distances. 10. When a highway-und crossing exists within ay. upstream of the tmnsrtian areas and a is ruumpated that quetrea resulting from the In. closure might ertend lhmngh the highseny-rail grade crossing, the temporary iraffc control none should be extended so that the transition area precedes the highway -raid crossing (see Figure TTC-56 far additional its jornmtim on highway -tot! crasvngsJ. Standard: 11. At night, flange, statism shall he illuminated. except in emergencies (see Section 6L.118), Option 12. Cones maybe eliminated when using a pilot vehicle operilwn or when the total roadway width is 20 trot ar Icss. 13. For low -volume situauoas with shon work zones on stmieht ruadways where the Ilaeeer is visiblctu nod users approaching ftcan both directions. a single Danger- positioned to be visible to road users approaching Earn both din,;u a, may be used Isce Chapter 6Et, Standard:' 14. when Imeda, three portable temporary ramble (PTRS) strips shall be installed across the entire travel lane adjacent to the HE PREPARED TO STOP (1111(36) sign. "rbe portable temporary rumble strips shall he muniturrd and adjmlel as necs+sary during the work shift It, rnwry pmper placement on the roadway. %%hen the PTRS are installed, the RAMBLE STRIPS AIIEAD (W2111- V26) sign shall aim he utilized. 1: Revision 1 - 4IaOI5 2: Resfabn 2 - 9IL2019 September 2019 Work Beyond the Shoulder Operation (Figure TTC-1.1) VEMENT NOTE 89 - 120' WORK VEHICLE W2D-1 SEE NOTES 2 AND Page 6H-19 Shoulder Closure with Barrier Operation (Figure TTC-6.2) ® fi BARRIER FLARE RATE Speed Limit (mph) Slope Ratio 70 22' 1 55 201 60 19:1 55 17A 50 16:1 45 14:1 40 13;1 35 111 <30 101 sepl,ud:, AI1., _ G20.2 (V) sole± r TRAFFIC HARRIER BARRIER PANEL SEE NOTE 7 BARRIER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE TYPE B WARNING LIGHT BARRIER PANEL SEE NOTE 7 BARRIER DELINEATOR SEE NOTE 7 s BARRIER TRANS I TION p SLOPE RATIO 300' • ' SEE NOTE 5 FOR GROUP DEVICE SPACING SEE NOTE 3 TYPE H SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9YAfiNING LIGHT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 O z GUARDRAIL CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@$HIMP-ENGINEERING.COM SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 1 ♦ W21-5BR W10-VPI _ OPTIONAL SEE NOTE 10 SEE NOTE 1 NLTH op W2L5bR .� - SEE NOTE 1 O ROAD t ROAR rroPa -+ �- onto,020-- U JUST�HIMP ANEAO A"rAD 45183 o� w� InXTAT. E-tl! 9r2wr saes \OVOa r Lane Closure an a Two-lane Road wRy Cling Flaggers (Figs re TTC-23.2 ) «nos ozo-2 (V) Soo SHADOW VEHICLE REQUIREO BUFFER SEE TABLE SH-3 50'- 100' F AGGER STATION SEE NOTES 2. 3.5 & 6 Page 6H-55 v3d SEE NOTE 10 w2a-vzs SEE NOTE 15 FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. MOT PLAN 15.064 C22 I: Rr isbn 1 49R1115 2: RF, 6m". 2-9�141115 ............. . SHIMP ENGINEERIN G12. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM ALTH pF O U JUST W45183HIMP a � 01 X�' 1<1 %I WTAI E� FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. 15.064 LANDSCAPING PLAN C23 PROPOSED LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE Plant Symbol Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Caliper/Height Quantity Canopy Total Canopy SF 0 Large Shade Tree Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak 212" 14 339 4746 0 Large Shade Tree Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 2" 8 430 3440 Large Shade Tree Fagus grandifolia American Beech 212" 23 275 6325 DLarge Shade Tree Ulmus americana cvs. American Elm 2" 21 423 8883 TOTAL PROPOSED CANOPY 23394 SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT. SPACE PLANTS AS SPECIFIED IN PLANT LIST OR AS SHOWN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY OR AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MULCH 2" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. PLANTING PIT. PREPARED SOIL SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENED TO BIND NEW SOIL 1-3 SET SHRUB PLUMB. TOP OF ROOTBALL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1"ABOVE FINISHED GRADE REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 113 OF ROOTBALL 3" TALL WATERING BERM FINISHED GRADE LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: SITE REQUIREMENT ( SITE AREA: SITE AREA: CANOPY REQUIRED: CANOPY PROVIDED: EXISITNG TREELINE : 20% CANOPY REQUIRED. 283,314.2 SF 283,314.2 SF x 20% = 56,662.8 SF 56,662.8 SF 23,394 SF + 711,530 SF 734,924 SF PROVIDED INTERIOR/PARKING LANDSCAPE ( 5% OF PARKED PAVED AREA. 100953.2 SF x 5% = 5,047.6 SF REQUIRED: 5,047.6 SF PROVIDED:18,304 SF INTERIOR/PARKING LANDSCAPE ( LARGE SHADE TREES (22" MIN. CAL.) 162 PARKING SPACES (162/10 = 16.2) REQUIRED: 16 LARGE SHADE TREES PROVIDED: 51 LARGE SHADE TREES NOTES: 1. Contractor to apply mulch bedding around all proposed trees and shrubs. All other landscaped areas shall be sodded. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 3. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 4. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the entrance corridor must be eliminated. 1992 FENCING AND ARMORING 3.38 SHIMP ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 972. UL I >� ���ALTH Op DRIP LINE I I� 44 III A 1�� I U TT iQTTHTMP a SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL_ C24 Not To Scale SET TRUNK PLUMB. SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LAYOUT AND SPACING. ARBOR TIES, OR SIN 1-1/2" SQ. OAK ST SET 180 DEGREES FINISHED GRADE APPLY 2" OF WOOD WATER THOROUGHLY 4" COMPACTED EAR WATERING BERM EXISTING GRADE PLANTING PIT. SEE REQUIREMENTS, PLA SOIL AMENDMENTS. REMOVE BURLAP & 1/3 OF ROOT BALL UNDISTURBED SOIL 2 TREE PLANTING DETAIL C24 Not To Scale 0 Ln 0 i� SNOW FENCE BOARD FENCE 7NCE CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING am 00 TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE Source: Va. DSWC III - 401 3 TREE PROTECTION FENCING C24 Plate 3.38-2 45183 r V FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: FILE NO. LANDSCAPING DETAILS 15.064 C24 EW \ \ E \ \ \ \W \ \ CCESS EASEMENT \ \ \ \ cn \Q I F \ \ A \ �' 'YIEL \ \ SIGN S \— �1 ° 44 \ \ \ a \ \ L \ \ \ \ \ 42 \\ \\ \\ \\ - rpm \\ \ \—^ ,��, o I I I 1 I I \ \ 1 ° nk \\ \ � \ •I: 4 \ � 1 /`\�w \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ � �\_—/ 1 /\ // I 'G'NO P RKIN j — \ / o I I \ 46 42 'NO P ING s \ \ ✓ NE W • t*' ..: \ ty' — � 'YI .D SIN / � .• I / I I l \ \ i / \ Ap \ \ l p RIVES - — — — — W —W O ' . / / / s� /W` / O d / ` / / / �/' I II I PLAYMOUybS W OPT. HALLOW _ F _R,/ / / / / / s / O / / �,i S `' ( / / I 1 I I I i ,'LOOSE PARTS \ \ 32 0 I w // / /\( // /w (✓3� / / / / s / / o / .0P\LA_Y, Al PLAY SHET K�` -Y >D \ SIDE / AREA / s` �\\ -- \\ _ ��\ �\ \ \\_ _ '// / \ / / '/ � ' / \O � /� /Q / G' \ / / / / / \ \1\\ \ MBARSY 22 S'fEPS / /// / z // // / // / / / I I 5595--5F OF /IRECREAT90LAREA 14 12 s ' /' / // (/ \\ // /' // /// V// / / / /- \ \ \\ \\ \ may(/ \ \---_ — 3 R450 08 /// Fa\ SP G — / / // / / z// // / //' //' /' /' / / / \ //' ---• .//,��/% /.. �W �w LA INV \ \\ — ��,-�— W—w=t'✓— 1 �w Wes/ _ ,/ / J / / J/ SHIMP _ If , f ENGINEERING2. - / / / / / / / / / / LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 00 �s -- S —S S S —S / 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 _ — —' / / / / / ' I I I / CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM \ \ / JUST ------- HIMP a ------ ----- o 45183 — — _---------- \ — /'' // // // /l / "/ J / / �i%J / I �S`rIONAL V \\l / \ 850 SF OF \�` --- /—' \�— — /'' // / j /'// /•''/(' // `'e-�t� --_ /RECREATIONAL AREA---------LU ^✓ STEPPERS �,C7�} \—/1\_•� // // (// r , / / f j% / FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN _ RIVERS EDGE VONKE BARS ` LOG `^' \v/ // /' I/�•�•( / / /---- ( I PLAYMOJlI(1D \ i r _ — / \ / l / / Z- / '\\\ \ I \ , / / _--.ice_STEPPE \ / r RS ♦ \\\ \ \ w/ HOLLow / / 1' - / \ RECREATIONAL AREA „�,,// // ///, , // /' ;i -� f I I \--1 ''•� \\\\\\ ------- \ �±"- / / ///;' - - - ` ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 \ I \ TR /// _/—\� / / /�,.•� REVISION: \\\\\\\\ \// \\ ' /' _ — J / / „i NP % EARTH, MULCH, //--- / OR STONE DUST ----------, /4976 SF OF •�P /' //' / / — f F Q�� j �� / / / / RECREATIONAL AREA `7 // // /� -- /_ _ nip `, /— /—/ / / /_---�/ / /•' 1 ---� /' �\ /%��/—''%/' ---' ///'/ _ / / / / / j . ' 'i/ / // FILE NO. /� I I \ \ I \ `11s PRIMITIVE TRAIL \-`C \\ \\ \\ \ /r —_/ i \ \ /i / J/ — / / / �,•' �/ / /ice /'///,' / / �' 5. SWING SET (4) MONKEY SLIDE SET INTO _ TRAIL DETAIL \\ , ® / /// I -/ /'/ \-' /' /; _ - _ - ---' /'i/'' NATURAL PLAYSCAPE \ `\ BARS pLAYMOULL W OPT. / / / — / / �— '� — ' ' / / // LAYOUT HOLLOW � / _/ / / / _ / / �•' �� �-- -- _ / ' /— ----- — / / / � i --- --'' 00 ♦ \\� \ \ ^\ / � — --- � / / / / ,i'•/ �\�'•, / / /// / _ /////II/ __ —_--\ — � ��/, C25 Scale: 1"=30' Landscape Schedule Planting Type Botanical Name Common Name Minimum Planting Quantity Requirements Hardwood "Whips" Quercus velutina Black Oak 6' x 6' O.C. 342 Hardwood "Whips" Quercus rubra Red Oak 6' x 6' O.C. 342 Hardwood "Whips" Quercus prinus Chestnut Oak 6' x 6' O.C. 342 Hardwood "Whips" Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip/Yellow Poplar 6' x 6' O.C. 343 Total: 1369 I 1 I I 1 1 i 1 Note: Species selected from the approved Albemarle County Planting List and can be substituted for Other species from the lists based on availability. Contractor shall begin planting after earthwork is finished and shall complete plantings within 6 months. Whips shall be planted according to best practices as specified by the USDA. Whips should be purchased in bulk from the VA Department of Forestry. STREAM BUFFER DISTURBANCE AREA CALCS 1:1 2:1 area (sf) area (ac) area (at) area (ac) Ratio Used #Whips Dev. 24174 0.55 48347 1.11 1 1 671 Undev. 12561 0.29 25123 0.58 21 698 Total 36735 0.84 73470 1.69 Total # Whips 1369 Total Mitigation Area (st) 49296 MITIGATION PLANTING CALCULATIONS 36,735 SF (0.84 ac) Buffer Disturbance (Total) 24,174 SF (0.55 ac) Buffer Disturbance (Impervious/Developed) 12,561 SF (0.29 ac) Buffer Disturbance (Pervious/Undeveloped) Existing developed areas within the stream buffer are proposed to be removed. Any developed area within the stream buffer that is removed will be replaced at a 1:1 rate with new plantings. This constitutes planting 671 whips over 24,174 sf. The Undeveloped or grassy/woods areas within the stream buffer that will be removed as part of the demolition process will be replaced at a 2:1 rate with new plantings. This constitutes planting 698 whips over 25,123 sf. Total Mitigation Planting Area = 49,296 sf Total Mitigation Plantings (whips) = 1,369 sf Mitigation Area ac #whips % of required area 1 5780 0.13 161 11.73% 2 12190 0.28 339 24.73% 3 3186 0.07 89 6.46% 4 10220 0.23 284 20.73% 5 9750 0.22 271 19.78% 6 8170 0.19 227 16.57% Total 1 49296 1 1.13 1 1369 1 100.00% MITIGATION REPLANTING AREA #1 5,780 SF 161 WHIPS LIMITS OF TMP 32-5B SEMINOLE NORTH LLC DB 4671-452 PLAT DB 4328-674 i DB 3963-706 PLAT i :ONE: LIGHT INDUSTRp/ 16.80 AC STREAM BUFFER D .. ` ...._..._.. _ .. Ng2W FQ?f( RIVANNA RI TMP 32-22K1 ..._..._ . `. INCHEON HOLDINGS, LLC DB 3678-498 IDS 1663-652 PLAT / ZONE: RURAL AREAS / USE: FOREST / ! ' 4' -122 Al I MITIGATION L AREA #2 12,190 SF 339 WHIPS STREAM BUFFER DIE t (DEVELOPED) I / 3,186 SF 89 WHIPS NGaSs 1NN`"P�� LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE TMP / j cHIRO LL LL�r/ / DB 3583/640 ZONE: HEAyY/INDUSTRY \ USE: P6MMERCIAL 15.02 AC i� TMP 37FSD z . 4. CHID LLC \ DB sY689-444 ' ZONE:/GHT INDUSTRY ,/USE: PUBLIC I 1.19 AC T' TMP 32T�B4� ALBEMARLE COUN''T,,Y.6ERVICE Ab1I*HITY DB .//30-398 � OZONE: &T INDUSTRY \ ` COMMERCIAL T O'64�AC ; LIMITS OF f / J I I i I f TMP 33-15 NEXT GENERATION LLC DB 1534-611 ZONE: RURAL AREAS USE: OPEN 89.08 AC STREAM BUFFER DISTURBANCE (DEVELOPED) 1 / i / i TMF 32-5F SERAPH`t HOLDING LLC DB15040-587 ZONE: LIGHT INDUSTRY USEj1 COMMERCIAL 1 6.41 AC 1 1 A'0 \ v NORiN FNR�� llkgA TMP 32-5Ct.,, UNITE 4@yES OF AMERICA C/O'U&..ARM Al ESTATE DIVISION DB 1595-138 ZONE: LIGHT INDUSTRY USE: OFFICE - — 28.88 AC STREAM BUFFER DrSTURBANCE (ONDEVELOPED) ` i I T 1 1 / i I i / i MITIGATION REPLANTING AREA #5 1 9,750 SF 271 WHIPS MITIGATION REPI. AREA #4 10,220 SF 284 WHIPS 30 0 30 60 90 Scale: 1 "=30' I I TMP 32-�C4 UNITED STAtES OF AMERICA C/OIUS ARMY CORP/Ii^1G OFFICE/COUNSEL DB 3257 1086 ZONE: RURAU AREAS USE: FOREST 46.67 IC LEGEND ® STREAM BUFFER DISTURBANCE 12,561SF (UNDEVELOPED AREA) ® STREAM BUFFER DISTURBANCE 24,174 SF (DEVELOPED AREA) LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (9.31AC) SHIMP ENGINEERING2- LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O� O� J` U TTTRTTNhjcl4l 45183 wQ;� SIGNAL EEO FINAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN RIVER'S EDGE ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2023.01.12 REVISION: 1. FILE NO. MITIGATION PLAN 15.064 C26