HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA197700012 Correspondence 1977-06-24 F " . r r TO: The Albemarle County Boeu d of Supervisors The Albemarle County Planning Commission PETITION TO DENY Request ZMA - 77 - 12 (Jarman Gap Estates) We the undersigned property owners of Albemarle County wish to be heard in opposition to Request No. ZMA - 77 - 12 for rezoning of 32. 34 acres of A-1 agricultural land to R-1 residential (Parcel 64 Tax Map 55; North side of Route 691 and Northeast side of Route 684 ; Di miles west of the Community Center of Crozet) . We oppose this request for one or more of the following reasons, and ask that this application be denied: (1) The change , if allowed, would be non-conforming to the 1971 Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan proposed for revision in April , 1977 , in the following ways: a) . The parcel is completely surrounded by A-1 agricultural property and would be spot zoning if allowed. b) . The parcel is more than 1 mile from the Community Center of Crozet, would constitute leap-frog urban development and violate planning efforts to achieve compactness and the filling in of internal open areas. c) . The parcel, if rezoned, would constitute strip or ribbon development of roadside residential property with a major fruit orchard on one side and open catt' grazing land on the other. There are no parcels in the vicinity with less than 3 . 5 acres. d) . A number of driveways entering Route 691 from an isolated residential development would not conform with proposed minimum standards for pavement widths of residential streets of 22 to 24 feet. Route 691 PETITION TO DENY Request ZMA - 77 - 12 Page Two in this area is less than 18 feet wide with no shoulders and makes a blind intersection with Route 684 at the corner of this parcel. (2) The applicant purchased the parcel and started two acre housing with the full knowledge that the previous owner was denied the identical higher density rezoning request in 1972 , both by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors . The two acre development was not opposed then and is not opposed now. The ends of the Zoning Ordinance , i .e. : the creation of an economically healthy balance of land uses results in a convenient, attractive and harmonious community. The denial of this application , ZMA - 77 - 12 , would result in the greatest good for the greatest number of residents and would leave the applicant free to continue his building on two acre sites. __I._ ;:fa<II r I e A j 8-'''tP 07. ,c__-€47„) e60.4,-,tLepc • et( �, ,_r ?� - -„ -y - z �L 4 ..1/1 L. , r/ 7o 1, i /d. I ei24)Z--E---- 77. 6' ' _ Ic�Z� ad6a-c#7a, d 7 �11 ' N / \1 l\ e13,ulavvik , cLLsv3 I, ., „ 5 4. //Ld d oc4 Ve / CC -1' I d �K77 t . u SA - Sts:S%) Sh- FSTl 1 t° 912,f, .)-- `'i'VIA.4_},, /J--1--aft;<1 6 Lrrili...c.4_; Oteyt clik. a Wkiti.k&v- ,vifti• - - 1-- Ct-&-I14- V`14-- '.i•:/' 64_ ,t LD Stid2----=, kszi---1 73,-{,- 2--'e i A. .,__P:: - :.All? -:72Lari : ' -4-z, ; 4-,'.:: 4*/.1 : .Lf*:_ :1; Vei, ., .;1...'‘:':: ;;:.: ::.14- r-�� t 7i l Jn - _ / ~e` a v� , 7/' r y t . 14 772n, Rii4e9 ) Oruyt , UA. l R -rry D. o r - SON C nnfLy, , IVA 19 1 a 41 -2-7,; �-- Y .2,c, "7/2-/- 41b24.4)-- -)-rz,e,__i._,L.,,,, e--1-`), ri9- ,-2-1 A 27,s- .°- Kelpt. 1 11a- :4;K p• ./16(497?,f.— 01/241_,/37—C/cL- 0` ,,,ori-L,L,,-7 cA- -yz=t, c14:-. a 'f p- , lea. 0 a5 _0Ia 0 _ C , U a if \,\ \ ,__,„ ci\,,,), ''' \ ,,447. c) it i rvaLmo 7_12,riv _rc-4'sk) 'eV`1 /Ar7/7",e, jity ,- - 7 - 5c- f67 /6 3 , -1 . 'T'I 411 , ,/ 1` -, - / 7_1. q, rerv- r)- -1- ) 1 (7-(71-ep- (:th 7,-/zw.).-4:77 e-- lo'vv--e-jy" 817 . ,___...a.),(4r.,.._ Am1,7 ____?-7-p-fre.,72 hi,. J t'1/J ' -7* 7l7 0. ,.// ' ., _ _ . . .ob lc c,lwv .sji -547-rvk I /.7. . ., s. _ _ . - - -- ny__,..-01,;,,„, .,,7 /2-7 r-Jz. i .,/./7 7,07-"tr-tYrre...9' , \lr- ' tY' '-'V, i U 7 79 P `E , 7 I V 8 . -w--)'1--17 //- ,-) ''P-er3r71 ./.7_ 77"/:74,1 7E \, 11 • (11"%; G fr /9 / / �.Gi�� EE ✓✓✓ r kq ^-- " , I • - • • • ckorvkc-3 Dui\66) 57 6 3 6/ .6‘24-44 . " 6,2F . ' 3 4 5 , P I, ••= ( Lizi4u 6 -7 6 8 7/7// friMiza 6 9 7° 717"i'• cz'*4 7 1 097--k\VAJ,..1 . i‘ A koi 12 / 4:11r,if_ r4-a_rt.id 73 .E. 1-ri- c3, 1711,( (k)t.„-Ii c 71 ' -P:ciA-TAJ7-‘ 75( 7C -17--e,\ 47FIA-Q 77 /-1. -Qt\A_Ake, 64 , 7S3 qvi tc /AY trd, . 77 '6, e. Q4411. - 4-www-meg) -61-- 8 /7-42,f -reay ' 5-b fr). (//unliLff.1 1'6 gb III �b �Fr-1 " .1L.. Ib C?: r7 ( nul&-C&_,\ '(i' AU:61) 58 (---P-e-yfrtro h 8 • • /1 a pullJ, 2/1/ ) 7 ja ,L- /lj . 9 e vciL,1,,Lt74, (77 ioo . /0/ , Af • f, • • C • • ioy • .67C, YVei-e-16-,,rvut L - '05 0-644-t-,ef. ,e0-/ a2 78 • azi /27, .6931 77 / Carolyn C. Wilcox Route 1, Box 620 Crozet, Virginia 22932 6 -v-/ --77 Robert W. Tucker, Jr. Director of Planning Albemarle County Planning Commission County Office Building nt 0114 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Re .10 Dear Mr. Tucker: I am writing in reference to a request to rezone 32 . acres of A=i r`ayi icultura1 land to 1.=1 -residential on___.- Route 691 , Jarman Gap Road, Crozet. I would hope the Planning Commission would deny this request on the basis that it is not conducive to good commun- ity development. About four months ago the owner applied to the Planning Commission to develop this 32 acre property with 14 homes. This request was approved and he proceeded with construction on two homes on this basis. The neighboring property owners did not protest at that time even though we did not feel it was desirable as we realized it was being developed in the legally allowed frame work of A-1 zoning. Perhaps the owner felt that this lack of protest at that time demonstrated community apathy and decided to reapply with this petition for higher density. If this was his reasoning, he completely misinterpreted the feelings and concerns of the property owners in our area. An identical request was made in 1972 to rezone to R-1 on this property for a subdivision was denied by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors for many valid reasons - narrow country road with no shoulders and existing blind intersection, no water connections , questionable perculation results for septic systems and the undesirable practice of spot zoning. Nothing has changed in five years , just the passage of time. If you will study the plat of this property you will see that it does not lend itself to a subdivision as it consists of a long strip of road frontage with limited depth to the property. Sincerely, (1- 40"4.., Gv/�J✓L Carolyn Wilcox cc: William Washington Roy Barksdale David Carr DAVID C. W. CHARTERS "YONDER HILL FARM•" POST OFFICE BOX 6 CROZET.VIRGINIA 22932 THE CHAIRMAN, ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, 3RD FLOOR, COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA. DEAR SIR: WITH REGARD TO THE APPLICATION OF JAMES MAUPIN (ZMA 77 12) INTERSECTION ROUTES 684 AND 691. WE ARE OF OPINION ANY FURTHER RE-ZONING OF THIS PROPERTY WOULD NOT BE DESIRABLE. EVEN WITH THE PRESENTLY ENVISAGED 13 OR 14 LOTS , WE VIEW WITH SOME CONCERN JUST HOW THIS WILL AFFECT US IN THIS FARMING COMMUNITY. IF YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE AREA, YOU WILL BE AWARE IT IS SURROUNDED BY FARMING ACT- TIVITIES THE PROPRIETORS OF WHICH ARE VIGILANT IN THEIR DESIRE TO SEE THAT THE AREA REMAINS IN A MORE OR LESS PASTORAL STATE, AND THAT THE VALUES OF THEIR LANDS ARE MAINTAINED. TO FURTHER REDUCE THESE PRESENTLY REGULATED TWO ACRE LOTS TO SOMETHING UNDER AN ACRE WOULD, IN OUR OPINION, BE VERY UN- WISE. IT IS TO BE HOPED, THEREFORE, THAT GOOD JUDGMENT WILL GOVERN YOUR DELIBERATIONS , AND THE REQUEST NOT BE GRANTED. YOURS FAITHFULLY, • ,LB-f':dA LC COUNTY '9 I i /- 4<A / f< /gip/` f6A !\ ,. '� ,i �. 1 t• 27 Y Or' ,'�, \ 21 - `jam// j jam.✓ l� \\ \..2 —--_ •S R, , Q r SO • .„--,H\ f, ,, ,,, // / /l / 1 ! � 40D f3 Q 2 / . . -,le.� t`‘y \ SSe ma�y��"�. _'44r ti'' Ni 63 / s¢`'� T_i__ ,t tsC R�+t 39 1'- `r I SSn //�/ SS/ORGKnrt// • /E/ ( ''"\:` t 72 9 C. _..-:<7 1 . 2 A\ 55 * •' 5'e / • ..-)* . ‘'.•4' i').2.• •. I ! • '1�i i-�Lus• 1 29 r PEKE\„I 366 •3 w, t i' / ',` /%�/j// 1, 2fr�\ 1 + �:•lTr1111 Iz9c67? r (�\\ .4.. !.„A`.,....), 66e /• j. iGf. 6 �:,, -Ee _ ' .�41 F-. 6 ,y'J A , - , 67 )� r• \w' /---7 y.3e 19C r �6 / 3rF^".•f�— 1:> t'~�y' !4 t% / / 14 .k,i 4 �9/ T - l Y2 p 7tiLI G? \ 2 1 7-oF a t, i \ i 00 ` 7I ‘,...._ , . .. -.' ,,,,,,,,,o, if:// Iv� ' .-, p 3 j fit` 60 _ 1 �, / '',j( , \\„// s • , . .., —,....., • . , ,.. . . . t , 1 , ,, „ / __ N,,, v i \‘,. 2 2 1 ' V '1<, 'I\-' .-—-----7--- 66 i I I Y O \ • \ v a 1 e6A 63 ` ___________. ``` ' --� / '' 1• •. �`' `: \--� �' - 1:1,t! :tA. , __ ____—.. \ , \ ., ....-.e.,_\,., '"''.;'.."T 13'; /1 ,,,,/;,..:... , ,:.,..._ ,0\ \ Akli.1,///./-7/i./:::-„„"Al"---;\ „:/,,,:ii;:e . ., .\' . \ ,-.EC ' 'I/ ..., ,I'IC 0 Z,(2.- ,:2,/./,•/.//:/../if-- •,....-'''' .N , , . _,:..._.x, ,.., ;,.: ,:::.,,, Ai .__. ,_..r„.. ...,„ 1 ......... .09,. .„ .. .... • . ,,. k .., ...._ ..... ., ,...,:,,<.A". \ 10 .,rt n<.S. .r-^:: f��- .. '.. �/� /„r •� i 1•2 III• •\.� o+ ;,./sk,,Tc✓. — i\ tU 100 �� _� \s (.7-.-.21* C\41:1-1' 1 --- 1 1i° 0 — - . -.-,—;,----. , " sitA • e� "�«`__ \fit`'. 1 N �- v -%''r:�..- .�.�moEt A',It LC Dig .`..• •'`.�ti �__— SCALE IN FEET S",!1Uk=i_ f.I!!LEf "+Z D 1600 o 600 ' ' c-rG_k.lr)•.1 `A.r III .;A. r-_1_.-.. �r:a.e , Vitil1E E;r-.+_!: Df::;Ii iS .r, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION Planning peparto►eat u� 2 :A�C(� , P. 0. Box 910 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 June 23, 1977 Jarman Gap Estates Route 691 , Albemarle County Mr. Charles J. Mott 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Dear Mr. Mott: Regarding the concern expressed in your letter of June 14th, 1977 concerning the proposed entrances to Route 691, let me assure you that these entrances will meet the minimum requirements for an entrance on to the State Highway. The Department's policy concerning the construction and location of entrances is very clear. I can understand your concern expressed with the evening sun although I do not believe the Highway Department policies will allow denial of an access to the highway solely because an applicant wishes to enter a road which suffers a_ problem such as the one mentioned in your letter for a few minutes of the day. I believe the location of entrances to be ar intricate part of the de- sign of a subdivision; therefore, the Department and County must look at the total plan for the subdivision in order that the final product will be most suitable to all. For your information I believe the latest plan submitted proposes three (3) entrances rather than the five (5) or six (6) which you mentioned. It is my understanding that this plan has not come before the Planning Commission for a public hearing. I believe the date set for the public hearing is available through the County Planning Department. If I can be of any further assistance, please advise. Very truly yours, D. S. Roosevelt Resident Engineer By: w. (áJjr. Asst. Resident Engineer WBCjr/imc cc: Mr. Carlos Montinegro ✓ of CHARLES J. Morr ASSOCIATES 1780 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE, N.W. WASHINOTON.D. C. 20086 Home: Brightberry 202/785.0101 Buck Mt Rd Crozet, Va. 22932 14 Jun 77 xPer:]?"7? JU,, MEMO for Byron Coburn !Y I c; ' 17 FROM: Charles Mott '' " ' Reference is made to our telephone conversa i yesterday regarding my concern for the 5-6 entrances proposed for the James Maupin (builder) subdivision project to be con- structed at the corner of State Routes 691 & 684 (Jarman Gap Road) . These entrances are proposed to be off of Jarman Gap Road. It is my understanding that the highway department has given a tentative approval based on sight distance etc. My concern is the acute blind area a driver experiences when driving west on Jarman Gap Road at sunset in the evening. It is extremely dangerous and several serious auto wracks have occurred on this stretch of road because of the late evening sun. This is not only my concern, but all others who travel Jarman Gap and experience the severe safty hazard caused by the narrow road, humps in the road, and the blinding caused by the setting sun. I urge you and others to inspect this area personally, talk with the folks who live in the area and drive the Jarman Gap Road (especially Mr. Monty Wood on Jarman Gap Road) . Not only will these 5-6 entrances become a severe safty hazard, if this proposal is approved and the entrances become a reality, then others owning property along Jarman Gap could have similiar developments and more entrances which would compound the safty factor. This entrance-exit question should be treated entirely seperate from the approval or disapproval of the subdivision plans. A copy of my letter to the planning department is enclosed. I understand that this letter was not read at the planning commission hearing. Again, I urge you to check this matter out thoroughly before gr nt�ing approval for these "killing" entrances. �/ Sincerely, Charle alk BEMARLE COUNTY • . 3A9 t 'I / / ` `` \ BA \,'/ 44A j / / \ - ) / I\ 44 -a6 _ \ / //8\ 40,\ . 8 ) V / 1 _ 2 `'_, ‘'.'"-/ so \ I 28. �� 7x j/ ( 4s . 51 41 \ 2Se / �, t -b s /lam, 27. .i 409 SS r .5„ Pr ?se i/.flj9 _\ 2B • "y' '�`•'Y, - SECTI0R 680-. RD ACRES r ` ,,p 9 .�_� 3\ 21�/ 9C \ pNo/, ° 3e (\3,. ,81 `��, +n / 1 ' JAFttilANSI 29 �! 1i I66 ,94 ` A ,frL ' 33�., �� 64 (`/ , 67 1(4) may;!_ /�s /30 � 0• n T •674 6 Y(3) .rs, , 78 ' / 777 3471 A�2\ys. 4 yn: - �+ 7a6 r6 7 B:. e----.. 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Nit of Existing or School Piujected Planned School Estimated Capacity Enrollment ITproverrents Enrollment - Within the Sept. 1977 Sept. 1977 Next 5 Years Lem ntary Brownsville K-5 330 425 lG' - (r None rn itenua fate Henley 6-8 750 895* - None 9-12 tl wry Western Albemarle 1200 1450 - J None • /`t c mpletion Date or Estimated Phasing: • • Md i tional Ccr nts: • • No change in impact comments made 12/9/76 John W. Massie, Jr. a Administrative Assistant 6-20-77 Including 3 large and 2 small mobile classrooms.