HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA197700012 Staff Report 1977-06-28 ( 7 June 28, 1977 STAFF REPORT ZMA-77-12. JAMES MAUPIN - Jarman Gap Estates Location: On the northeast corner of the intersection of Routes 684 and 691. Acreage: .2-9- T acres 3Z•3¢ Existing Zoning: A-1 Agriculture Requested Zoning: RPN/RS-1 Existing Zoning of Area All the properties surrounding the subject property are presently zoned A-1 Agriculture. Character of the Area The site is largely wooded, rising as one proceeds northward from Route 691. The surrounding area is generally open agricultural land with light residential development. On the north side there are large acreage residential lots, to the west a farm, to the south a combination of farming and large acreage residential lots, and to the east vacant and wooded land. History At present, two houses are being built as a result of the subdivision approved by the Planning Commission on March 22, 1977, calling for 14 two-acre lots with five joint entrances off Route 691 and 3 more off Route 684. Previous to that, in March, 1972, ZMA-196 requesting a rezoning of the property from A-1 to R-1 was denied by the Board of Supervisors. Comprehensive Plan Conformance The effective Comprehensive Plan calls for this site to be developed at a medium density ( 2.5 du/acre ) . However, the proposed Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to remain agricultural in nature. The Residential Objectives of medium density areas note that these areas include primarily single family units or cluster communities, townhouses or patio houses with open space allowances. Applicant's Proposal This development proposal calls for 22 lots, average size around 40,000+ square feet to be served by public water. It calls for the same number of driveways to enter from Route 691, one of which is more dangerous in terms of its distance from a- Route 684 than any in the previous plat. It also calls for one joint entrance off 3(1r1 Route 684, this being a reduction from the three entrances in the previous plat, which eliminates a more dangerous entrance shown on the previous plat. This pr po al also calls for two fire hydrants to be installed in the central common area. Comparative Impact Statistics Existing Plat Existing Comprehensive Proposal Plan number of du's 14 74 22 units per acre 0.5 2.5 0.74 number vehicle trips/day 102.2 540.2 160.6 number of students 9.3 49.1 14.6 Land Use Data 22 lots on 29.61+ acres average and minimum size lot - 40,000 square feet total residential acreage = 20.20+ acres ( 68.2% ) total common open land ( includes roads ) = 9.41+ acres ( 31.8% ) net density = 1.09 dwelling units/acre or 0.92 acres /dwelling unit gross density = 1.35 dwelling units/acre or 0.74 acres/dwelling unit STAFF COMMENT The staff is concerned over the low visibility available on Route 691 due to an almost blinding sun in the late afternoon. With this in mind, the applicant has been advised by the staff that a preferable access layout may involve the use of only three main drives, all from Route 691, serving all 22 lots. This alternative would reduce the number of curb cuts on Routes 684 and 691 from six to three. Staff recommends approval of this rezoning for the following reasons: (a) The staff feels that this plan would reduce the road stripping which can occur under the presently approved subdivision; (b) The Comprehensive Plan calls for a higher density for this area than the one being applied for; (c) Although the proposed plan increases the intensity of the land usage as compared to the approved subdivision plat, the staff feels that the plan has merit. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. Fire Marshal approval of fire fighting facilities including the water source, hydrant locations, and access facilities; 2. Engineering Department approval of private drive specifications; 3. Highway Department approval of entrance locations and commercial entrances; 4. Albemarle County Service Authority approval of water lines; 5. All proposed common areas are to remain undisturbed with the exception of the recreation areas and driveways as noted on the plan; 6. Written Health Department approval; 7. Only three driveways are to be used in serving all lots in the development; 8. County Attorney's Office approval of Maintenance Agreement for the maintenance of all common areas and driveways. f r ' LOT d 1 I • BUDDY£A CRf77FR N LOT 7 O.B.551-554.5561P/ofl 'v. Is se 7I101 '. LOT 6 - 11-- b 4...0.. 2.076 .ACRES ♦ RSA rr Qs. b a♦ • a qq A b i N , 174ACRES/N 2J' b S7R/P ALONG ROUTES *a. 6S/a 624 DEO(CATEO TO CCUNTT OF ALOE- 11 MAR L£ FOR ROAD h q • LOT¢ PURPOSES. 'I N 2.00/ ACRES I 3 I. y0. • J a' O• 6 Ji O O 1~1 • .yt `10 w b•- A a y° 1' LOT T 1.00/ ACRE? - 4' \;6 ' , T9'RUYLO> maL/N! I y • Sh a/��� 4.4. - fO la O N Z q b O. �' ,..);,/ \ . •. ' • •t 1 -• •q 4 o'er vs L N i o tl 2.004 ACRES ♦♦ b 1 y • ` j0�I�s 1 1 `a - i 4 4• ° oc� N o. LOT2 I tor A .5 0 \vY •Ofl+ • 2.001 ACRES i 2.00/ACRES a I , 50.T.t5 \ ',,', • ./ I •0 q\ R•/TIL RS' Np \ —rJ'BUILORM T•1J.O' II I \ L/Nf M L•/Sf.Bd 4 . 3' / _ S. a A•6^5/'04 DfNOTfS cOo•A G'NTgAtNLE ♦• R•/1124 5: I. Itefi 6/--\ 0d \.14 — _ 4�1 L07 1j 9 ' I'9'� , ^ d r 5/ •CROZ£T 9�9 `- `�\_ 4 a�' .h .6 .pp 8 tt !b oe 1. o• o°q NER 60R IRO + .L \ N ;l: yyp'1® tipb • • VDINE - 797 /-61 : t�.` LP/G /699 ,1656 T.,p.JJ' VAIN/TY MAP �` `j \•. �� c•JJ.�T' NJ SCALE OF NOTES /ROSY SET j. C� .✓A �� (T APPROVALS +' 10�t Srn � +t' + SURVEY CERTIFICATION : OWNERS APPROVAL : CERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT THE 51.1dC/V/S/ON OF TN/S LA,V0 AND ACCUpRATE /S APPROVEO AS SHOWN. CS .0. ,o<,/ 2_2._'' fait/ > tr PLAT OF COUNTY PLANNWG COMMISSION : 'LARMA//S GAP ESTATES'', LOCATED ON ST RT. 69/6,684,APPROX/.4 M/LE WEST OF CROZET ALBEMARLE CO,V/RG/N/A. ZKe4,12."..Gl. &Gt.,- L(-4-77 SATE OF VIRGINIA, nar .R CHAIRMANht4 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, S SCALE,/Z/pp' R£K+2./5-77 p T DATET2.2 77 TO ' I � THE FORFCO,NG INSTRUMENT /o0 5O o taD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WAS ACKNOV/LEDGED BEFORE w.a sNoweASSly/44 war CNARL O7TES V/LL E,V/R6/N/A ME TIC,S,.�DAY OF --lT �7 AS OWN`_R j).sHchFF !f-L.77 MAY COt:WSSK.S EXPWES__ 9ETN714TE0 .JOEY/ g� _.__.L-,.... ♦' SSE ,„•4 vv P(.F.'./C u _ •— • I SHEET/ CF 2 SHEETS 261as i �,. CARROLL O. REA QEOROE W. CRITIC'? D./. 239-t 4/ / D.B.39?-393 i Iro"i ,' . Ira"0J .. . \ GEORGE W. CR/TIER - .Ji / / O.6t 1 D3-39? / / BODD/E K CRITZER 1 0 0' // O.B.33/-334376(P/DN / D 0 // N • 140.0 /// 1$0.0 tp lJ'II:iI 11f.1Q• a�; 4li.N yOi / • / / (y DENOTES eto•tlb3'e 3ar•/t'!f a // / i/I•b•II( !/t]�1 a I/t./a / i 3,3rot'n.e JIlroz'atY al.io L0T l4 / Ill.ti' // twit) 3I•'.03' • JSlir.s°i'e az.I! _ - 3./4E ACRES ,/from n OJ' • / / WALTER H.,JR.B AFVRA M. 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