HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201300010 Presentation 2013-03-19 Noel
S01- 00010
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Regents S cho o l o Charlo
3045 Ivy Road, Charlottesville VA
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July 16 2013
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• Amend Special Use Permit (SP2012 -12) for School
of Special Instruction.
Increase the number of persons (students and
teachers) permitted onsite from the current 69
permitted by SP2012 -12 to allow for 96 persons
An increase of 27 persons.
Amendment to Special Use Permit (SP2012 -12) for School of Special Instruction to
increasKti umber persons (students and teachers) permitted at the site from the
curre 69 a •wed under the existing Special Use Permit to increase by 27 persons for
a total . • : pe ons permitted onsite. Utilize existing structure, no additional buildings
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Extra info (FYI):
The school day will begin at 7:45am and end at 4pm, Monday — Friday.
Teachers and the administrator arrive at 7:45am, students arrive between 8:O0am —
8:15am, kindergarteners are picked up at 12:15pm, the remaining students leave at
3pm, and the teachers leave at 4pm. For school lunches students will pack their own
lunches, no food will be cooked onsite. Recess and Physical Education classes will be
conducted at the northwest corner of the property in a large grassy field with
parameters defined by a heavily wooded buffer area between the field and the railroad
tracks and Broomley Rd. Recess and PE classes will be staggered for various grades
between the hours of 1O:OOam and 1:OOpm.
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The property is zoned CO - Commercial Office.
Surrounding zoning is C1 Commercial, Highway Commercial, and Rural Area.
The Christian Aid Mission complex is comprised of four buildings and associated
parking on 12.5 acres.
Administration Building is used by Regents School of Charlottesville.
The building is a two story building with a basement.
Site Conditions Favorable
• The use is being located in an existing underutilized
• Adequate parking is available onsite for the amount of
students and staff proposed for the use (Areas P6 & P7) .
• VDOT — entrance is adequate and the increase in
enrollment will not significantly impact traffic on Ivy Road.
• The Health Department - reviewed the capacity analysis
of the existing septic system and has approved the increase
in persons at the facility to 96 persons (teachers and
PARKING - The CAM complex currently has 54 spaces available, of those RSC currently
utilizes areas P1, P2, P3 for a total of 15 spaces as previously approved. To
accommodate the additional enrollment 10 additional parking spaces are requested for
use by RSC, increasing the total parking needs of the school to 25 parking spaces total
(1 car per 10 students, 1 space per teacher /administrc or). The additional spaces for the
increase in enrollment already existing onsite in areas ?6 and P7 (see attached
Surveyl /concept plan) and are to be utilized by the facility.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT — The applicant had a capacity analysis completed by Old
Dominion Engineering. The result show 96 person capacity able to be handled.
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Proposed amendment to the approved concept plan.
The use of Areas P6 and P7 for parking.
And the addition of a small wooden fence at the rear of the property to prevent
recreational balls from rolling down the hill.
The area between the play area and thE - ailroad tracks consists of extremely thick
foliage and steep slopes which consist Sntial thorny brush and vines which
resemble conditions similar to that of in an attempt to address this issue RSC
has proposed to install a relatively smu ::n fence (4' tall and 60' long) painted
black along a portion of the rear yard tc !nt recreational balls from rolling down
the hill during recess. This fencing will replace existing temporary orange snow fencing
which currently serves in this capacity.
Staff recommends approval of SP 201300010, Regents School of Charlottesville with the following
modifications to the existing conditions from SP201200012:
1.The school is limited to the existing administrative building and grounds, as shown on the concept plan
(Attachment A). All parking for the facility shall be located in areas designated on the concept plan as PI, P2,
P3, P6, and P7. Any additional buildings or other site changes beyond those shown on the approved site plan
for SDP 1992 -052 titled "Christian Aid Mission Administration Building" prepared by William W. Finley and
date approved July 14, 1994 require an amendment to this Special Use Permit.
2. The maximum number of students and school personnel shall not exceed 96.
3. All students shall be over the age of 2 '/ years old.
4. Hours of operation for the school shall be between 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except that occasional school -
related events may occur after 4:00 p.m.
5. No food preparation is permitted onsite without an amendment to this Special Use Permit.
The County Attorney requested condition #2 be modified from the staff report because M
teachers are not "enrolled." Thus condition # 2 shall state: "The maximum number of
students and school personnel shall not exceed 96."
Please note that: SP2012 -12 permitted 60 student enrollment by condition of SP. The
school planned to have 8 teachers and 1 administrator based on that enrollment (that
was not a part of the condition). This time around for SP2013 -10 the school ran into a
septic system capacity issue and was cap:ied at 96 persons (students and teachers) for
regular school operations by the HD. Thu.> the condition was revised we accounted for
school administration as well as for students.
I have followed up with the Health Department as whether having occasional after hour
events such as student teacher conferences in which parents come to the site may
impact the septic system. The HD responded as they do not believe this would affect
the system and their limits were merely placed on regular school operations. They will
confirm with the Engineering who performed the capacity analysis if this will suffice.
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A. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend approval
of this special use permit:
Move to recommend approval of SP201300010, Regents School
of Charlottesville, with conditions as stated in the staff report.
B. Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend denial of
this special use permit:
Move to recommend denial of SP201300010, Regents School of
Charlottesville. Should a commissioner motion to recommend
denial, he or she should state the reason(s) for recommending
Some suggested wording for the Motion.
The following Slides Extra (just incase the PC wants to discuss the train track vegetation
in more detail)
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the play
information, just incase the BOS has concerns about distance to railroad track: At
the August 21, 2012 PC meeting there was a question /concern from a PC member of
the need for fencing based on the distance from area to the railroad tracks and
or the road for concerns children may be able to access the railroad tracks.
As you can see from the aerial map and the various distances (from the webgis) of
po tential areas for concern a transportation crossings there is substantial distance
and heavily wooded tree buffer between the rear of the property where the railroad
tracks are located and the school/ proposed PE area.
After seeing the above, if the Board is also concerned with this issue a condition which
requires fencing may be instituted/ included in the proposal (se last slide for a possible
condition wh has been used in the past for various private schoo who re
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6. Fencing shall be provided at a minimum around the perimeter of the
Physical Education Area, or at other locations as required by the
County to ensure safety of children adjacent to Broomely Road and
the railroad tracks at the rear of the property. Final design of the
fence shall be subject to review and approval by the Architectural
Review Board.
This slide contains a condition which is only to be used if the BOS feels that fencing
should be required as a condition of approval. (This condition has not been reviewed
or approved by the County Attorney or Zoning)
'k'k* If this condition is utilized, Condition #1 may need to be reworded to allow a
fence be shown on a site plan amendment/ LOR.
At the August 21, 2012 PC meeting there was a question /concern from a PC member of
the need for fencing based on safety concerns and the distance from the play area to
the railroad tracks and or the road. As you can see from the aerial map on previous
slides which depicts the various distances (from the webgis) of potential areas for
concern and transportation crossings there is substantial distance and heavily wooded
tree buffer between the rear train tracks at the rear of the property. After seeing the
above, if the Board is also concerned with this issue a condition which requires fencing
may be instituted/ included in the proposal.