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WPO202200021 VSMP - SWPPP 2023-01-12
ALBEMARLE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AT: Stockton Creek Subdivision Route 151 and Goodloe Lane Afton, VA 22920 PREPARED BY: Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, VA 22902 PREPARED FOR: Riverbend Development, Inc. 455 Second Street, SE Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22902 SWPPP PREPARATION DATE: 5/20/22 REVISED: 7/28/22 REVISED: 9/20/22 APPROVED REVISED: 12/30/22 by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 1/12/2023 File Wpn?rngnnmj TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2. NOTICE OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE 3. NATURE OF ACTIVITY 4. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 5. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 6. POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 7. IMPAIRED WATERS 8. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL 9. CERTIFICATION 10. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY APPENDICES: A. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT B. INSPECTION REPORT C. CORRECTIVE ACTION FORM D. POLLUTION PREVENTION TOOLBOX MEETING LOG E. GRADING AND STABILIZATION ACTIVITES LOG F. AMENDMENT LOG SECTION 1 Id:1h1•11MITI IIIs] ►IR2fill IaLVAIA►kI VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 Application type. z NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE (CHOOSE ONE) MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE MODIFICATION WITHOUT ACREAGE INCREASE EXISTING PERMIT RE -ISSUANCE Section I. Operator/Permittee Information. PERMIT #: PLAN/ID #: TECHNICAL CRITERIA: 1113 ❑ IIC ❑ A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. A person with signatory authority for this operator must sign the certification in Section V. (per Part III. K. of the VAR10 Permit). Operator Name: Riverbend Development Contact person: Alan Taylor Address: 455 Second street, NE, Suite 200 City, State and Zip Code: Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone Number: 434-245-4970 Primary and CC Email: alan@riverbenddev.com B. Electronic correspondence. To receive an emailed coverage letter or to pay by credit card, you must choose YES and include a valid email. May we transmit correspondence electronically? YES V/ NO Section II. Construction Activity Information. A. Include a site map showing the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances and all waterbodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site. B. Project site location information. Construction Activity Name: Stockton Creek Subdivision Address: Route 151 and Goodloe Lane City and/or County and Zip Code: Afton, VA 22920 Construction Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or 38.028476,-78.810830 latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Intersection of Route 151 and Goodloe Lane Latitude and Longitude 38.028476,-78.810830 (6-digit, decimal degrees format): C. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities to be included under this permit coverage. Report to the nearest one -hundredth of an acre. Total land area of development (include entire area to be 16.93 disturbed as approved in the Stormwater Management Plan): Primary estimated area to be disturbed (include portions with Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approval only): 16.93 Off -site estimated area to be disturbed (if applicable): D. Property Owner Status: FEDERALI ISTATEIPUBLIC PRIVATE ,/ E. Nature of the Construction Activity Description (i.e. commercial, Residential industrial, residential, agricultural, environmental, utility): F. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) (if the site is discharging to a MS4): G. Estimated Project Dates (MM/DD/YYYY). Start Date: 11/1/22 Completion Date: 11/1/23 H. Is this construction activity part of a larger common plan of YES ❑ NO ❑✓ development or sale? Rev 11/2020 PAGE 1 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 I. 6" Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and Receiving Water Name(s). Include additional areas on a separate page. HUC NAME(S) OF RECEIVING WATERBODY JR01 Mechums River -Stockton Creek Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information. List all off -site support activities and excavated material disposal areas being utilized for this project. Include additional areas on a separate page. Off -site Activity Name: Address: City or County: Off -site Activity Entrance Location (description, street address and/or latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): Latitude and Longitude (6-digit, decimal degrees format): Is this off -site activity an excavated material disposal area? YES NO If this off -site activity is an excavated material disposal area, list the contents of the excavated fill material: Willa separate VPDES permit cover this off -site activity? YESI INOI Section IV. Other Information. A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting the Registration Statement. By signing the Registration Statement, the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared. B. Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been submitted to the VESC Authority for review? YES ,/ 1 NO Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Approval Date (for the estimated area to be disturbed MM/DD/YYYY): C. Has land -disturbance commenced? YES NO D. Annual Standards and Specifications. If this project is utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attached the completed AS&S Entity Form. AS&S Entity Name (if different from the Operator identified in Section I): E. Billing information (leave blank if same as the Operator identified in Section I. above). This entity will receive Annual Permit Maintenance and Permit Modification Fee invoices (if applicable). Billing Name: Contact Name: Address: City, State and Zip Code: Phone Number: Primary and CC Email: Rev 11/2020 PAGE 2 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT2019 Section V. Certification. A person representing the operator as identified in Section I. A. and meeting the requirements of 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K must physically sign this certification. A typed signature is not acceptable. Please note that operator is defined in 9VAC25-870-10 as follows: "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of storm water associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (H) the person has day -today operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a storm water pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system. 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K. Signatory Requirements. Registration Statement. All Registration Statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any oth er person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b. Fora partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibilityfor the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Printed Name: Alan Taylor Signature (signed in ink): Date Signed: 9/20/22 Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send your Registration Statement submittal directly to the locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ, A list of local VSMP Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorities. If DEQ is the VSMP Authority, please send to: If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send to: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400 PO Box 1105 Richmond VA 23218 constructiongp@deg.virginia.gov Rev 11/2020 PAGE 3 1 6 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT This Registration Statement is for coverage under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. This form covers the following permit actions: new permit issuance, existing permit modification with an increase in acreage, existing permit modifications that result in a plan modification but do not result in an increase in disturbed acreage, and reissuance of an active permit coverage. Application type. Select NEW PERMIT ISSUANCE to obtain a new permit coverage. Modifications are for modifying an existing, active permit coverage. Select MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE when the previously approved acreage(s) increases (permit modifications are not performed for decreases in acreage unless they result in plan changes — see Modification WITHOUT Acreage Increase). Select MODIFICATION WITHOUT ACREAGE INCREASE when there is a change to the site design resulting in a change to the approved plans with no increase in acreage(s), Select EXISTING PERMIT REISSUANCE to extend an expiring permit coverage for the next permit cycle and include the existing permit number. Section I. Operator/Permittee Information. A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. For companies, use the complete, active, legal entity name as registered with a state corporation commission. Entities that are considered operators commonly consist of the property owner, developer of a project (the party with control of project plans and specifications), or general contractor (the party with day-to-day operational control of the activities at the project site that are necessary to ensure compliance with the general permit). If an individual person is listed as the operator, that person (or a legal representative of) must sign the certification in Section V. An operator may be one of the following: 9VAC25-870-10. Definitions "Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the storm water pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (M54s), operator means the operator of the regulated M54 system. "Owner" means the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions including, but not limited to, sanitation district commissions and authorities, and any public or private institution, corporation, association, firm or company organized or existing under the laws of this or any other state or country, or any officer or agency of the United States, or any person or group of persons acting individually or as a group that owns, operates, charters, rents, or otherwise exercises control over or is responsible for any actual or potential discharge of sewage, industrial wastes, or other wastes or pollutants to state waters, or any facility or operation that has the capability to alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of state waters in contravention of § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, the Act and this chapter. "Person "means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, state, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state, governmental body, including a federal, state, or local entity as applicable, any interstate body or any other legal entity. B. May we transmit correspondence electronically? If you choose YES to this question and provide an email address in Section I. A., all correspondence, forms, invoices and notifications will be transmitted by email to the operator. This will also give the operator the ability to pay by credit card and to receive Dermit coverage aooroval letters immediately upon Dermit aooroval. Section II. Construction Activity Information. A. A site map indicating the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances and all water bodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site must be included with the submittal of this form. Aerial imagery maps or topographic maps showing the required items are acceptable. Plan sheet sized site maps are not required. Please consult your VSMP authority if you have additional questions regarding site map requirements. B. Construction Activity Name and location. Provide a descriptive project name (it is helpful to use the same naming convention as listed on the Stormwater Management plans), 911 street address (if available), city/county of the construction activity, and the 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees format for the centroid, main construction entrance or start and end points for linear projects (i.e. 37.1234N/-77.1234W). C. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities, on- and off -site, to be included under this permit. Acreages are to be reported to the nearest one -hundredth acre (two decimal places; i.e. 1.15 acres). Provide the total acreage of the primary development site as approved on the Stormwater Management Plans and the primary on -site estimated acreage to be disturbed by the construction activity as approved under the Erosion and Sediment Control Plans. The off -site estimated area to be disturbed is the sum of the disturbed acreages for all off -site support activities to be covered under this general permit. Do not include the off -site acreage totals in the primary, on -site total and estimated disturbed acreage totals. Permit fees are calculated based on your disturbed acreage total for all on- and off -site areas being disturbed under this permit coverage (the sum of all on -site and off -site disturbed acreages). D. Property owner status. The status of the construction activity property owner. Any property not owned by a government entity or agency (i.e. federal, state or local governments) is PRIVATE. Rev 11/2020 PAGE 4 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT E. Nature of the construction activity description. Choose the designation that best describes the post -construction use of this project (you may choose more than one). (i.e. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Environmental, Educational, Oil and Gas, Utility, Transportation, Institutional, etc.). Describe the post -construction use of the project (i.e. Commercial —one new office building and associated parking and utilities; Transportation — Linear roads, sidewalks and utilities; Agricultural— 3 Poultry Houses, etc.). F. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) if discharging to a MS4. If stormwater is discharged through a MS4 (either partially or completely), provide the name of the MS4(s) that will be receiving water from this construction activity. The MS4 name is typically the town, city, county, institute or federal facility where the construction activity is located. G. Estimated project dates. Provide the estimated project start date and completion date in Month/Day/Year or MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e. 07/30/2019). H. Is this construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development or sale? 'Common plan of development or sale" means a contiguous area where separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules per 9VAC25-870-50. Definitions. Le. a subdivision, commercial development, business park, etc. I. 6th Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and associated Receiving Water Name(s). Provide all 6th order HUCs and receiving waterbody names, for the primary site and any Off -site areas included under this permit coverage, that could potentially receive stormwater runoff discharging from this activity. The HUC can be either a 12-digit number (i.e. 0208010101) or 2-letter, 2-number code (i.e. JL52). Include additional HUCs or receiving waters on a separate page. You may utilize DEO's web -based GIS application, VEGIS, to obtain this information. • VEGIS application link: DEO's VEGIS Mapping Application • Instructions for utilizing DE(Xs VEGIS application link: CGP-GIS HUC Instructions Section III. Off -site Support Activity Location Information. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that (i) the support activity is directly related to a construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage; (ii) the support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; (III) the support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity it supports; (iv) the support activity is identified in the Registration Statement at the time of general permit coverage; (v) appropriate control measures are identified in a SWPPP and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and (vi) all applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. Off -site activity name and location information. Provide a descriptive off -site project name, 911 street address (if available), construction entrance location (address or decimal degrees coordinates and description), city/county and the 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (i.e. 37.1234N, 77.1234W) of all off -site support activities. Indicate whether the off -site support activity will be covered under this general permit or a separate VPDES permit. If excavated material (i.e., fill) will be transported off -site for disposal, the name and physical location address, when available, of all off -site excavated material disposal areas including city or county; 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (i.e. 37.1234N, 77.1234W) and the contents of the excavated material. List additional off -site areas to be included under this permit coverage on a separate page. Off -site areas not included on this registration will need to obtain coverage under a separate VPDES permit. Section IV. Other Information. A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared prior to submitting the Registration Statement per 9VAC25-880. See 9VAC25-880-70. Part II. of the General Permit for the SWPPP requirements. B. If the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area to be disturbed listed in Section II. C. has been submitted to the VESC Authority for review and plan approval, choose YES. If you are submitting this application to reissue an existing permit coverage, please provide the date that the VESC Authority approved the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area to be disturbed. C. If land disturbance has commenced, choose YES. "Land disturbance" or "land -disturbing activity" means a man-made change to the land surface that may result in soil erosion or has the potential to change its runoff characteristics, including construction activity such as the clearing, grading, excavating, or filling of land per §62.1-44.15:24. Definitions. O. If this project is using approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attach the completed AS&S Entity Form. If the AS&S Entity is different from the operator identified in Section I. A., list the AS&S Entity Name. The AS&S entity is the entity or agency that holds the approved annual standards & specification. Please indicate if this project is also requesting a plan waiver. • AS&S Entity Form link: Annual Standards and Specifications Entity Information Form Rev 11/2020 PAGE 5 16 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT (VAR10) REGISTRATION STATEMENT 2019 INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OR SUBMIT E. Billing information. If the person or entity responsible for billing/invoicing is different from the operator, please complete this section. If they are the same, leave this section blank. Section V. Certification. A properly authorized individual associated with the operator identified in Section I. A. of the Registration Statement is responsible for certifying and signing the Registration Statement. A person must physically sign the certification, a typed signature is unacceptable. State statutes provide for severe penalties for submitting false information on the Registration Statement. State regulations require that the Registration Statement be signed as follows per 9VAC25-880-70 Part III. K. 1.: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this part a responsible corporate officer means: (i) A president secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation, or (if) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this part a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) The chief executive officer of the agency, or (if) A senior executive officer having responsibilityfor the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. Section VI. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the VSMP Authority that has jurisdiction for your construction activity. The VSMP Authority maybe either DEQ or your locality depending on the location and type of project. If your project is under the jurisdiction of a Local VSMP Authority, please contact the locality for additional submittal instructions. A blank area is provided for the Local VSMP Authority's mailing address. Who is the VSMP Authority for my oroiect? DEQ or the locality? • DEQ: DEQ is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for land -disturbing activities that are: ➢ within a locality that is not a VSMP Authority; ➢ owned by the State or Federal government; or ➢ utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications. • The Locality: The local government (locality) is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for all other projects not covered by DEQ as listed above. For these projects, please submit permit forms directly to the Local VSMP Authority. A list of Local VSMP Authorities is available on DEQ's website here: Local VSMP Authority List. www.d eg.virginia.gov/Progra mslwater/StormwaterMa nageme nt/VSM PPe rm its/ConstructionG en era I Perm it.aspx Email the completed and signed form to: con structiongp@deg.virginia.gov Rev 11/2020 PAGE 6 16 SECTION 2 1►IQ1141*6]rha►IaAll I»d►IFiIIIdrarelylaC -AWA SECTION 3 i►r_1%to] N:9•]y_T41IkyjI A NATURE OF ACTIVITY PROJECT NAME: Stockton Creek Subdivision PROJECT LOCATION: Route 151 and Goodloe Lane PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE PURPOSE OF THIS LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS TO GRADE THE STOCKTON CREEK SITE FORA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. THE TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED WITH THIS PLAN IS 16.93 ACRES. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: MOST OF THIS SITE IS FARMLAND WITH A FEW AREAS OF TREES SEPARATING VARIOUS AREAS OF CLEARED PLOTS OF FARMLAND. OVERALL THE DISTURBED AREA SLOPES SOUTH TOWARDS ROUTE 151. THE SITE IS LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF CRITZERS SHOP ROAD (ROUTE 151) AND WEST OF ROUTE 250. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE DRAINS TOWARDS THE EXISTING CULVERT THAT CROSSES ROUTE 151. ADJACENT AREAS: THIS SITE IS BORDERED TO THE EAST BY ROUTE 2S0 AND TO THE SOUTH BY CRITZERS SHOP ROAD. GOODLOE LANE IS ALONG THE WEST AND NORTHWEST BORDER OF THE SITE AND OLD TURNPIKE ROAD EXISTS TO THE NORTH OF THE SITE. OFFSITE LAND DISTURBANCE: N/A CRITICAL AREAS: SILT FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN TO THE EAST, NORTH, AND SOUTH OF THE SITE TO PROTECT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE CONTROLS ARE ALONG GOODLOE ROAD TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT LEAVES THE SITE AND DRAINS ONTO THE ROAD. SOILS: SOILS MAP IS INCORPORATED INTO EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE I WITH SOILS DATA INCLUDED WITH THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE WITHIN THE VSMP PLAN. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: PHASE I: 1. NOTIFY ALBEMARLE COUNTY TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING AS REQUIRED. 2. PRIOR TO DISTURBANCES, THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE FLAGGED AND THE TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED. 3. NO EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL FROM THE INSPECTOR ON THE PROJECT. 4. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH WASH AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE INSTALLED WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTING TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 5. INSTALL THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL SHEET. THIS INCLUDES (4) SEDIMENT TRAPS (1), SEDIMENT BASIN, WIRE SILT FENCE, AND DIVERSION DIKES. MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP WITH ANY LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. A TEMPORARY CULVERT CROSSING MAY BE UTILIZED TO CROSS THE EXISTING NON PERENNIAL STREAM TO INSTALL PERIMETER CONTROLS. 6. ONCE ALL THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL ITEMS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PHASE I PLAN AND THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, THE CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN THE MINIMUM GRADING OPERATIONS. PRIORITY SHALL BE PLACED ON INSTALLING THE PERMANENT 36" CULVERT AND STABILIZING THE BANKS OF THIS CULVERT UP TO THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS DAMS, DIKES, AND DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. 92M- iml 8. PHASE II CONSTRUCTION SHALL INCLUDE CONSTRUCTING STOCKTON CREEK LANE AND STOCKTON CREEK COURT. THIS PHASE SHALL ALSO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTING THE ROADSIDE DITCHES AND UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER SYSTEM TO TEMPORARILY OUTLET TO SEDIMENT BASIN 1 (BUT WILL ULTIMATELY OUTLET TO THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN AS SHOWN IN THE SWM PLAN). 9. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. PHASE III: 10. ONCE THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR HAS GIVEN APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE THE SEDIMENT TRAPS. NO ITEM SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS THE UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR GIVES PERMISSION. 11. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, REMOVING ONLY WHEN APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 12. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOILAREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. PHASE IIIA: 10. ONCE THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR HAS GIVEN APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR CAN REMOVE THE SEDIMENT BASIN AND CONVERT TO THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN. NO ITEM SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS THE UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR GIVES PERMISSION. 11. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, REMOVING ONLY WHEN APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 12. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL SECTION 4 Ia:Z61.1 Is] ►I_1►IIMa011Al1aLlk11 Lol►kI:1614»_1►I EROSIONCONTROL NxiuwPeooxvraNuxax �� / // i l I I l I I I f / \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \\ � \ \ \ \\ saasroxass mu+eCR A, , I I I I `\ \ \ - - \ / \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ NOTE: ALL DIVERSION DIKESGREATERTHAN ZMSHALL Q SA SAFETY FENCE [CN \\REOUIRE STABILIZATION. PLEASE SEE PLANS AND _\\ \ \ \ \ \TABLE BELOW FOR STABILIZATION REQUIRED FOR f 6 I I \ T'M'69'GC __ /� \ \ EACH SECTION OF DIVERSION DIKE. coNsrRuaraverviR,wcE Sax _-/ , GIBSON,EVERETi 1R v�� vV vv v v v / O/ / /AdB.SY 0 6MAl1K I // / i�FIELDS / / /�-• \ DMMPnpmiswemm umw 5e �ulew" �F r os00Tf '2 CRS CR CONSTRUCTONRDADSTABILIZAnON 3% \ `\ \` \ r» // / 0B,4415/]04, P 11 �\I //�// \- 1.07 ACRES / \ \ _ TO ,- CRoPR m zwu wnr Wc. No. 033481E OsrtrEErvcE 3M // / / / �I \ IT - o sw. x.ww m. .".,un q+a 1]130/24 x \ ✓ / / / / 9b ..•J ., - \... _ o � � - -_� � _� m3 xx, [ml a mmI RE, m,m E. R I ER ouu. c[4 y. ✓•_ � .` �� >-1 ,•. �_-= __ ��� \ \ DO r� iEMPoRAflYOIVERSIONOIKE 3.M -� \ ____ - / / /� \ \\ \ \\\ \`\�\\ \\ lI .`•y•���'�'••' /� - ��`� \\\ tr L — —_ / //i%i T. I:fi9-19G �r \\\ \\ \ \�. // v - ms _ �►--►► TEMPoaaflraowavERslory 3xa \ \ / , / -REEVVISE \ \ \ .,• x \ I T.M.69-51B \ \ ` 'AQChTDNC LLC,/ \ \ \\ SOILTVPE �\ �- nL %�- ��. j \� I MCLLANAHAN-6ENI5€EI sOr 263 ACRES \\\ \\ - 60UIJDARY(TYP.1 \ s` _y�Uf/-g�r5�• / I, - FIELDS \ y tr O \\ / /, _D.B.%06 F,G.Tz14- \ \\ \ \\ \? .� f �`�\ 3Z l gyp• \ \\ \\ a3� :✓%T'�.Z �cti\� p 52.80 ACRES___ \ rRT o x..r O 1\\\ . \ `` \ \ 1f oy \ A �\ \\.\`\ \ \ y p M,L,T \\\\- / SECTION � STABILIZATION LINING REQUIRED RR imea RIPRAP 3a9 _ ` \- �_ `\ / \ \ �- / Qp �"�: S Y\` \\� \\ ^ • p J \ / p IUrE, EC-x £ \\\ \ \ _ \\\\\` O_ MPoRARY EED/ \ \ E,e �a \�\ ,� , p w v /.� v v v v v /•VA'v� v v'wv i 0 lurE, E<-x A AawvZV@pervvl,` vv py 8 Pj O�PS PS P£RMANENTSEEMN6 \ / - - \ , \ \ \ _ \ \\ \ \. \\ \ \ 33x � '\"0 �� _ \ \ \ C-AREATO DRAINAGE DIVIDE_ O d� \P ,\!�"\\1\\� \ © IUIE, EC-z \ [ O MU MU[[NINL \ / \ -\` \ \ sEDIMENTBASIN- �\ A• \\ O o O 33f \\ /� -V AA V A V A (IYP) __ - we Y 1�/A \� LIRE. K-z > O _�_ A V A x=Ia6 ACRES / AA v� _ A • _ - _ 11 A /` �� -/ ` OO IUEE, EC V A W TP il'Yl'YYY\ TREE PROTECTION 33a \\\ / '�� $OILTYPE- \ \ ,/ /, da `�]]rr lil -_ y( \\ v __ �� A - I I OCATION 6Ii REAh1 A AV / 0 LIRE, EC \ sarsreavnnOxauxKEr 3N \\ \\V�VA /i%/ rL. V v�•�� v \ rV V A A _ vV�A A\ ���� \ �- g,° ♦RHEIUEE,ECz V A A AA V 1I 'v�v_ AAV n /� V Av �.AVAA A 413 SOILrYPE au'° A A A AV A A 1/ v A A /,// / / $OIL rVPE D ENSURE POSTIVEDRAINAGE `� A VA�V / A A BOBUNDARV ITVP] `V A - BOUNDARYITVP).. OTE CONTRACTOR TO \\VA salrrreirellL A / 1A1V AA 11 IIII \ 1 1 - /--- v \ \ \\ \ \ I 1 I I / CONRRACTOR STAGIN AREA WIN, V 1 I / DOUBLE WALLED FUELING TANK, 1 / A ALONGDI RSIOjIDIXE vAV I I A �SOIL I r VO AA V Il I ANO PORTA PLOVER DCONCSRETE W'OTTES VV WI \1 cn / ... HOUrvUARV (TVFI A � � I Il I A _ 1 I I ASH //>V , SUPPER A V AVAA 2\ �/ V A v / _ SUPPORT V \ \ VDRAINAGEDIVIDE`�V'. zalrTYPEe¢ vPROPOSEO LIMITS DO \" / A�-S1F\ \ n n n n T / OIRAREA oam wIwIRE uo esr V �� - \ / /I 4V _ 1, R E DIVERSIONAND DIVERSION DIKE �°^ V A IrvPI A` A v / 1 I I m^ C S //,TO SMALL SEDIMENTTRAPPING DEVIL �i/T Tr1 A_ \ \ \\ / --J TS OF '\ T ATES,JAI"+i E$POR ' N FOR CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE T ` ' x A A AAA A'Rb A \ 1-W / DISTURBANCE=x6.93 ACRES 148AIR I ` PROP OSEDFENCE' AAAA 'A vV' / �, I `Ay / " \ I I / / /////// \\ \ ` \ I // \ \ \ AROUND SEDIMENT C xu \\ \\ \\ \\ / • �aP I l `/ \\ b9-6Mv, TRAP- VOA V AA \ .v A TRAP TO SE B AI R \ LOT] II \ I Av A. A vv A� B I IV ,"AREATOA,_ / / I // // /// //, .B- 3$3 ' - . I PROPOSED FENCE NSEE:DONSRD RIV TOAD I AA _ //1,/KfO¢�3 D___. _`p A SEOIMENTTRAP 1 A xyy pROVNDSEDIMENT >�`` ENSURE POSTIVEDRAINAGE // I ry AA V \\�I v AGO / r✓ O]p[_19 iM_ I ACRES p - -- V V _ I A /- P T aro ONE DIVERSION DIKE I 'zV A _ 11 I� >/� /�///// !' 1111 l , �,•x' - A `s \ .m V v� TRAP � -234 P - ///ii/,/ �/cli V yA� AEA ODD_.__ qG / / I I SOILTYPE Ogi/C/POENFS,ATTREUTDHQ, E ICOONxzNTkTRRAA'FCMFTIICNOI.RN. TqCHLIyL/� I/, /l,/ I/ /j/ / W1ASH �IVAICK I 1fI , I BOSU�NODCAKRY ]o�(IYBPYJ V 1 EV A \ AA vA A VA •' < .A m1L V A �I' , `v 1011E CIP kR\ •\ v__ �� - _-��_ // ,/l V v S I I II I/ v v IIIl�lIl , �/ , / O oao�'a� ��\�.� ' A/�• �- -vV \ �A 2 6(�l.� �>' v \VA V� p�,�V�R�9�6A 1 v- DPOSE E �///� pNOTE:TH6 CONSTRUCTION Ij 1 11111 ! 9Y / REPORT Z/,// ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED, PILEUFIR EDNf3MAINTAINEDBY I SITFENCE I CD w L IC/ /j/./r �\ MLAO(Rv6/E) A1l6S/GH/A/l/L/Lu/U/ 1 T/AI NlIZlE, IT1/IH1/ /I r.vv A cv♦ :v� "I-T..S iqV:6DRAI1NAGEDIVID'Ex-4'S4ACRE-5 \;\>.v A AA \ tAVAAA\Aa\ \ F \- UP) SEDIMENT seDIMENTCONSTRIC�qNFNTRANCI TO :AREATO IS Q A aS_zACRER,1 A \ --.. WIRE bLTviceg� IIcA $OILYPE SUPPORTFO ELSE.) ±4' BOUNDARV IivP.lvA VAA`AAA A�AAAr AAv 'Q - I IIII I1 / _.'�•� vv J Z ` ENSURE PoSTVE DRAINAGERt //1i III 1\\�A t \'VAAA AA VA FS� tiW l \ m /1011I I1�11 ' / / a��'• •_ �b _ J VA NGDIVERSION DIKE -- x _ / ///I1,�lj II\\�11111/ l F .•' � o � e / � F W NLEAB / I \ l�OTE:CONTRACTORTO � \\ l `\ \ �� ix. E \ 1 \T \ \ -AREA TO - \\ \\ \\\I / / , o .,\A' / w J L \ 7, SO, IS \\ (�.--OY/A',Lu IS 0,, izo�r,PL zf __ I T\\ PUS 11\;I \ SEDI 6EACRESSIN / \\I\\\\ \ NOT ENURE FESTIVE DRAINAGI d .` a1 \ / I --I CIE S / \ \\`6UPPoRT? OP T \ �/ �Try esl \ I \ \ l \ _ ti 8, lei \\-- -__ - - ]]`\\` — • , '/ •• �/� T \ \\VI`N"xo ei .� [ ALONG DYJERSI NDI E \\`\ 11�1111111 I � � /P �/.r` �' 7 O � Z Z I P 1 \\11 \IIII ! APOL6 •� I � \ ` � � � [ \ \ "F, \ l � ' 1 1 \1 I P / ERHEAO ���c \ _ _ _--sv" suPPEar \,_ \ \\ \ 09 ILWES �pF. I — _ 5 PROPOSED LIMITS OF -zc rve35c \\\ I , DRAINAGEDIVIDE I\I\II 111 11 4 / / /// 4 � W U) Z ±' \UQ%CT / \ _ "DISTURBANCE 693 ACRES` \\++ =��. \\\\\1\ IIII I - - \ I ITVP.) II II IIII /// / - $ I v 1 1 r //� -_� Y LEE! y _ AAAS. v.I I 41 111�11 v 1 0 �.4�// r� /i_ - __ ' _ �� A A VA VAA A 1 V v SORr4PE V A 1� A IA 11 A O i/ /�// I W Lu Lu /// / /) I A V 1 ,O O \ \\I /lip ice.. .�_i//��� _ __/ DISTURBANCE6P6SED�LIMACRES� lJ- BOUN\DARTRYiP.� A\ 11 1\\fA\ \ 8 �I ��\ \ VA / / ll��j ��( /% /( //-- m/� ICJ W f I / � 1 1 IF/ h V I �_- _ / / v 1 1 A AAVA A 11 / / U / A A / 1 _ �/ , / / .v'v°' ;A I' sa civrr-ese Tn � Ln x � PROOPOSEDFENCE �V - [ ,�/A /// // / C //, /// - / ►IFl 11�1 A 1 I Ai 1 E AREATODD- 1 \ ( //�// /%// / / _ �' U 0 FOREDO, V / A V v 1 ,TM6919D v r / //A���v - AROUNDSEDIMENT11111�. 1 _ saLTw Ac\ V A o6z AIL V A AA Ati �,/ / / / w 0 Z i / �FO1 V I� v I I /IF W Q V I , /REVISED LOTS V "/ /,'•� �_ _ �- TRAP �III�A1 V 1 1d 1 1 A I 1 < 4 - / 1 �\ V A 111 I V vv i Il STOCKTON CREEK LLC'✓//� / U Z i 4564CRE5/, IIII AJI 1 n:�_ V .ry A I v 1 t - ,�"/ TFNT N - V 0.B.5506 PG rt16 _ - . ; i v _ _ _ /' / A A S POLE IS / C I %, /// ___ _ /'.i TS.y. v m v v I ,i l/ IF " v I F- U (n E // A / _ __ NOTE SILTFENC SAFETY\ �_ /�//, // / r� / •.A V A wIWIRE z // I- _j H- v A A V Il A /I I // A v/ //' _ _ FENCE, AND TREE PROTECTION _ NOTE :CO {JTRACTORED A A I A SUPPORT , // I V A �A V w 0 j -_% �� / A �� - -� --SHALES INSTALLED AT LIMITSv - ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE' 1 .. A V A s cv PROPOSED FEICE - I / // �/ 1 V A W // //j / OFD15TURBANCI THSEARE �890__- I,a \ o�\na[eg\ _ / I , \\ \ _--- % i / / �j - `� __ E ALONG DIV,FILSHEE/T8'E , :�;Y%" _\ \ \\ \ , AROUND SEDIMENT, T I ////� 1 , I I ' \ \ \ J < V A / _ OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL / - / /�� - ALEASE SEEMENTBASINTS / 1 ^Y' v A 9ASIN V Q 4 v tiAONb EI�T - T III A -----/�/� / I - PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES --- FOR SEDIMENT DETALl / / AA V A vv A �1A VIVA I I I I V A (� - \vFOUNAREMFASUREDATTHELIMITS - _ - - - OF DISTURBANCEKE - - DESIGN DETAILY / _ AA A ry O / _ _ �_ �� IS �' DIVERSION DIKE /' /// V / A V A ��yy FOOT LOING ANO .�_ �� II11� \VA \� \ f A\ \ e i _ A _ / gymA A BOUNDARY RVPVA N U_O[_4s- ___ a' rz �I11A VAA\�A 1 AA _ \ [4FOOTHIGH BAFFLES / A V A � 1 Iyy� VV A A A AAA i IS /iIT D/�/[/oP L I• AIS-� �� �I�PoUNDENT FREE�IA � IWP �b I�A\\\I\I \\II A\I \.. 0 L' F p i - — -\ VON \ \ - �i�' 1 \ 4 ES \ \ T. JOSF 19A1-_ MONUMENT S A -- - _SCALE3oe rvom Sr ----FOUND ROUT _ _ _\-_' � /i - _ I\ \ ______ �Eq saE T_ _ _ v (ESHOP ROAD r - - w v v �222207 / _ _ _ _ Hwra e.i zo °s _ i _ •wIDETor ov DAm�\-\��\ 111=4o - F l .. gip VON - _ / _ m w m _ - _ Ru 2111 MONUMENT V�N _ V V AV I \\ \V I x B0 l ET FOUND - [ ern a ee sxT xD n � ' t�0 UME ITT V � __ v A I A A $ � w . T� wL EROSION CONTROL Ra,NNoaRsoEr+T.u+roN+mmrN+ i // I j I j I \ \ SEDIMENT TRAP#G DETAIL \ ® a.. SCALE:1"=20' 6' WIDE 3� i // .T.M.69-6L \,\\\ e j \ ryGPF,,.-G, mu°xro Fmk=vo I� cE 1 coxsmucnoxcxrRANCE 3.°, _ _ / - LOT 6 \ \ T M.69-6C \ �� - ca coxsmuCSioNPoAOSTAemZAnON 3.°3 6jUARTTAVLOR SMACK �\ // `'`GIB90N,EVERfTi E1R R _ %TOP OF i D. B.5246-521 mo OSCOTT Z R. Lic. Za 095'191Y 'D.B.3415-]04,]0]PIAT --- 1 30]ACRES -930-' DAM ��_ _ A k- D/"LIVI 'Ab�l/30/22 d ��' n `vaYY lF ® sTJRM OaAIN INLETFROTECIION + _� 'c _ y`�� 3. u1 � `, mk»RPMI RI lz OCVLVERTINLETYROTECT/ON ^ „� ie•pu lnl l++al e - t\ w�eri Ml / J} DO T TFMPoaARVOIVFRSION D/KE 3°g /// is A �! k11M'a) — „PI ®_ - / // // T.M.69-19G b lr<i� r eAu.a , ,wwm me 1 r /♦♦♦aE�CE�E�OK� IIIIr gas... ��a1 $a -►►--►► iE/aPoRaRYRoworvEasroN 3.0 / /A i -REVISED LOT, /L./ M a.�w. aP,�m " ♦ 3'gas \ 4 C%T NCIifEK LLC --- / Q pp 8 Cw4 A NIP Ia S scowc+n may 3n v ES _ 2.80 ACRES v A A FIELDS- • 3 % . R 04, PG se scwMENr4asrN au � v' ---_ A� /// : v � �- n ``S TAT N �♦ C28 E/PROTECnON z o i EE a O � ROCK CNCSKOAM 3. ui q/ \\\ \ \��� `\ \ I `�1�.>'\'\ � -�A p+„- � ♦♦� • O � o EJi Q � O Ts Ts rEnRroxnaysEEwe� R. IIE o _ O V pERM,INEM5EE0/NG 33a \ �i�/\\\\+\ \ AREA TD `\' \� ST4 3 " w �_ „ �_ _ \ \ Pv FLOW ARROW •l \ F MOu MU mutCmNG 335 \\ t - \ \ \ DITIONAL OD FORD AINF LD•,, \ P44 ACRES '.RYP.) _ ke.T ,s "-, / • ,�` ". Lu p m p 2 SEDIMENTBASIN- __ VNSTALLATONOI SURROUNDDRAINFIEID V / N.-` _ _ iOp /»wm mEEVRp/ECnON 33R \ ( / i \ LOCATION WRH SILTFENCE P �`'' - _ qPP O%Nr1ATf •I - E z e € € v TOTALADDRIONAL L°D-a.p ACRES " \ BM �% DusrroNraDL 3.RR AV - _ - A v%o _ A y, Is _ - O 0 To,LRTMM M M 33E — --- — / v v v v Bl�E4 �oA r OG?E:BONTRACTOR O U 1 \ V I I A ` ENSUBEPOSMVEDRAINAGE `� A ` I / C� A i V A I 1 CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA WITH �� \ � VDOT CLASS AI � '�' � � � / \\\ I \ \ \ 1 1 / swoE '. ALONG DJ RSIQNDKE \ \\WIE9 ORCH TO++I/ / I / / \+�' 1 \ I l \ \ 1 I I DOUBLEWDUMPSTER WICOVER _ //J / -� \� BE \ 0 1 MONUMEN�'\\\1 \ \ \ 35 \I \I 1 / l l l' ANO p°RTA P°TTIE$ O ' \ \\ ��� \\\\ +e$TORM$TR aO' S __ ' / `�`��.�\ V `}/"F� \ / FOUND \\\\ \ b I I l l I , / SEDIMENT +ms0 $F \ \ \ _ \\\'i+'I / / /✓ ".�L�/ 0... \i` \ \ \ \ \ CONCRETE1NASH \ _ oM, \ ` \�\\\ \\\ f \ \\\\\ \\\ g 1., OUTAREA 6RACRES SUPPORT\ \S`` \� \ \ \\ \ \ \\ N \\ T ( - wIwIRE \ \ \,\\ \\\\ SUPPER ,\ + / J / pROpOSED LIMI 0 \\ \ \ \ n ry n a \ J a V vv� v� v RSMALLS VINGNID AFFINIONDIKE '/ / -\ \ \ \ - \ \ \ / TS OF 1 \ / \,, \ S o E TO SMALL CONS RUCLOPINGDENCf 1 / A ry LINED V� '�\\ VA$ ATOS p -N DC DISTURBANCE= '.jATE� ok •. vv A A _ I I / ae.Bn AcuFs � Iv v v v a v LIKED ssnl_ v FOR CONSTRVCl10NEMRANCE � / •\ \ \ / \ Jr.148A t2 I / TM69-6mty7 TO - �A \ RAP3-i4 ACRES l Y / '�\V REVISED LOTT A' GRASS LINED ODC� 4ORMSTR -� v T �,.�// /./ E.CACKERMAN TRUST TOSyORMSTR@ AREATO D.3.4733-23 e..- " - seDIMENTTRAP - "-sTy PROPOSED FENCE of DTE CONYRACTORTO e \ 1 I _ D.64 D 44521 PLAT / ( -a,Sn ACRES - •. AROUND SEDI TRAP'r\ NNONG DIVERSION DIKE I p_\'y •\ \\\- \ \( 1 8 0.6.aas6-4a4 or A, ° -- D.B.3530-230 PLAT / onw •�• _ \ m [ o .NFOMIN OF A - �_ w 111E EI SUPPORT - v°OTCLAss AI LINED 1 A V fi NOTE: THISCONSTRUCTION / `• x e ITCHTO STORMSTRB wIWIRE /RO• •�Q AV ((vim �V A VA Oi ° PROPOSED TEMPORARY \ �. O SUPPORT o a L V A ° ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED, CIP - - / 9 \T.M.B9- ° OPERATED,AND MAINTAINED BY ( STOCKPILESURROENDEO _ p +-- O �r -�� THE CONTRACTOR. ALL' i HRACK +` BY SILTFENCE �� �'q`9 V / O• • `/VV ��� O'qo %St.\ A 26.88 ACRE CD Y ( is o ��v O 9'i VGRAVYES NO 111 N g a CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS +g\ _�- �y\ _ - \ I _ •� /y p \ W / / / CONSTRUC ION ENTRANCE ( / A \V� AREA p, A- l I L+ / Ok ••' y • SJII/s� �\a50` \ \V A A N d U) B / GRASS LINED DITCH �SEDIMENTTRAP� L SF ,- I I\� \....V / /. P V 1 � Q e 9=ACRES �. _��v�x 1 v / /.•`•. /` .vv'. (%i d� DRAINAGEDMDE - / "SUPPORT A/ / �$V V �V A �� �+ T M.fi9-6G I _ \� TOP) � C / s v �`VDOHLOSSILINED •• A\ p\ I \ 7 W / / 1 L ( \ , M ITCH TO STORM STRr \A• \ J 1 Z ° FRAN/KDOgqLEY I I I �, A V / I - yyy^^^``yyy�, / o A' A - J_ CARIA DONLEY/ I l 1// A A v - _-�.•- / ( l /+-� s Ps - ca �'�' / �° d Z AREATO '� V NOTE:CONTRA TORT ,faro / fi •A PO4E A\ ! > d c EDIM€NT ensN A / 0 ENSURE RESTIVE DRAINAGE / • 7 A Lu H J K _ NDOTCLASS Al LINED DITCHH p /A \ V ALONG DI ERSI DIKE c ENSURE POSTNE DRAINAGE - C SF L D \ \`\ V // �Wd• �• .•• wV^ O - _ __ IS sw •, IwIwIRE /WIRE v 1 - IS / I --I Z 9 _ TO STORM STR '(( " \ ' �WOTEE POSTNIF DRAIN _ SF '�i { '�. UPP°RT O + 1 / PbLE / A VDST ALONG DIVERSION DIKE SUPPO T 1 'ONTOa ENE 1 / OUTILITYD ♦ / / / A_ Z co u g / (�dg%1 _ -- S -� PROPOSEDLIMITS OF"- VpOTCLA551 LINED - DRAINAGEDIVIDE�/ 111 +V �R _ _ LINE / /', / `\ _ -DISTURBANCE=a6.gjACRES �=# DITCH T°SfORM 5TR6 (rypJ \ 11 1- \ // // / // III W 'a Y _ _ s I�1`IIV111 -�� SEE! Y - V I A\VAVA�I I I // S�////AVv,-� H w e �^v 1 v`vv v` � v /I i /'/ i '/' `� v-J PROPOSID LIMITS OF 5 \ \ / / VOL \ / A 1 / �V �� „�// , DISTURBANCE 693ACRES \V 1 ATAVA AA /Ul (n a MONUMENT c A A �/ / _ _ vaoposeO FENCE ara - 13�>� l Vqy 1\ aN V A Avvv - - / W p V v AA A / IHzy FOUND \\ I fM 69� \� / / \ -- AROUND SEDIMENT= Z V REVISEDto / _ _ _ _ // ^ 1i `v V. '` v� v v / ///i/ \ w Z Q 3 4.56A CREEKL \ // ` _TRAP E -`3✓'' \\ ,% \ \ \ - //// \�` 1 I / 956 ACRES \�\�/% / "_.. /'. 4Y i///' \- \\ SF -�/ P E \ `\\\\\\\\ / / +N'JFQ"!T \ N Y D.B.5504, PG 614 / / - "-- w W / \. ¢\ \ /// // NOTE SILT FENCE SAFETV - /�' D L-s/ \) \\ \ \� \ wI WIRE \\ / / / 1 R\ \ / O ° + /�/ - FENCE, PR°TECTIONOTE/ \ ' \ \ SUPPORT �\ 1 / // \ \ Cr L ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD iCOGTRAQ Rio .:-;1�'�', \ \\ \ \ \ �\ / \ L+L \y / /INSTALLATION ONLV.SURROUND DRAINFIELD ----SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS - _ `ENSURE POSl1VE DRAINAGE - l:-J..^ $ \ \ \ \ \ PROPOSED FENCE /(K / / 1 \ \ Q' F ° _ �_- OF DISTURBANCE. THEE ARE \\\ -�� W° 'ALONGDIVpp[�pNDIV y. ;�'..; �' \\ \ \ AROUND SEOIMEM-ADDRIONAL LL FOR DRA FIELD / // I 1 \\-- ar N W ° LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE( TVP.) �i ).T+Y. .KP'.. .\ \ 'INSTALLATION ONLY.SURROUND DRAINFIEL J ° VOH \ '/ i� TO TALADDIFLONALLOD-2.5x ACRES - - OFFSET TO R GRAPHICAL \ \ - PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEET B� + 1 _ \ Imo, BASIN / / ( / I I \ \ 3 MONUMENT \- �'� / - PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES �`\�� �i SEDIMENT BASIN / \\ \ \ N LOCATION WITH SILT FENCEQVP) \\ \ \ \ FCUND - �� / '� ARE MEASURED ATTHE LIMITS ��\_`\\\-, OR SEDOESIGN DETAIL$- / \ \\ \ `. - / TOTAL,ADDRIONAL LOD a¢ACRES -11 \ \ \\ 1 \ \\ a - - URED FTERLIMITS IS �' DIVERSIONDIKE / A A A 1 I , O A-v �__� /r/ �i / / / is VA A / i 1 A A A A 1 vV A N 5 \ F /'ry y 1: sa4 II \ \ \ \ II \ \ \\ / / // / 4F0 - ' \ �O „ FOOT LONGAND � �/ 1 / I l iI L I:•"�i A 9 ---- - - - OT HIGH BAFFLES f - I A A A i - - ��i TM695D I'\ \ 7 -- _ /w FREEMAN ARTHUR HV O�{ 1 A ° - NU to v v G i -- _ - w, _ 15 '-�� OUNDENT ANN F , \ \ I w P /-t . NU T.M.6919A] """ VON _ IS ,1 4]J29 ACRES, \ 1 g Y VON --- MDuuMEwr ----- _ - - " \ GRAPHIC SCALE AD... K FOUND --IU5 fASEYAJUS-TOTf&_-_ _FOUND CRRhR6R0UTE 151 _ siorc -- _ pA� \'---- \ tl ° w p ,p 222207 21 ACR - pKYqDeeU vnOgH�/W __-, - ____-•wIDET lOFDAM. MOUNDS, _ _ \\ \\ E ES SH __ ---'5-209 rHRU bp' MO DR-- - Iv A A \v 1 / i / __ _ '�fcOWUNNMO _ J' No N. F NT NLI sne xo -- ------ � � _ -� �v � v� � v--_/A, tl ENi :� VON v -A A A A EROSION CONTROL zwwveoamxossrc�usiussrwevre�rxmos T.M.69-6L---_ --- \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\ \ Ps saEErvEExcE ao I cE (1 coxsmucnoxcxiRaxcE 3 / AOY6 I \\\\ \ \ T.M.69-6C - GO, SMART TA OR SMACK GIBSON, EVERfTT 1R \ / ��� A A `t / -- v / Ilp�A 111 Sn 09699L0 rx ee coxsmurnox.eonosraemzwnox 3.� � LL I � // v���� —� i � // // / D'B.S7A6-521 � V A� �� 1 REL05 � / A / D.B-�415)04,]y]P(AT � ,.'� I� 1.OJ ACRES — - � lF O@ CVLVE l—ETYROT£CT/ON DOS TFMidRARVOIVERSION D/KF 3. ^9 �� — — / \ \ _ ♦� —/ /� / — �►--►► rEMRoaaavaowonEasrox \\ / / %%%/ T.M.69-1% �/ —vs— \ \ REVISED TM695 11 G / / I l / 7 sr srrxMExiraav v v --/ / / // 63 ACRES v vA z yi^i'�',c; v� FIELDS _ / A / y 4 _-.r - \ a� - • 60p 2.80A0 OR v oA35v09 P ,61 Y .T _ ____ / I �i OCOS>S OP WILEi PROiECiKKI A. \ // / \ \ ` ` / ' - � • — / / 1 _ i ? v � -� A i i//- A�� �- \ wj 1 \_ a i R ar[xE OP w.ns i+ i Sd60& a/aeAv 3>s -? — �� A�j / Av --_/A` +s Z v� A� \ v DRAINAGEARFATO \ \ R us£ OROCK CHECKOAM 3. za �\ \��% \ �j/ / \\ \ \ \—�EDIMENT BASIN \S8ACRES� MOV H O pr O O TEMPORARVSEEMNG 33a ice— �— i / _ \ \\ TSlOttS� ___ N = CC/-y\�^R5lll� // ` _ O V GERMANEMSEEDING 33r / \ -- O — D N O �\lll \�\ /i 1 % '- _ \ �\\ �- \ \ _ g„ _ Ps -- E ROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN PHASE IIIAI ED, W = -'" DITIONAL OD FORD EED-�j A _ SCALE.F Lu j SURROUNDDRAINFIELD "- _ _ _ e -� - . O LOCATIONWRH SILTFENCE(TYP) \Q\\\ z e TOTALADDRIONAL LOO PACRES; _ APPFOXIINATL \ \ \ \�\ < \ k, o :OiATION STREAM\\•\\\\\\ \ \ l \ v d° ERHEAL A��� °q :��11�,'. P<V).�V�V A AVA A // ADDITONALLODFVR DRAINFlELD \\ .� \ PS - P$ LLIEv \ Cq\`\ 'C`�t INSTALLATION ONLY.SURROULTFENCEDDRAIU,. 1 '' / / A T A� VDFIA A AAAAA CONTRACTOR WITHANK, /% / TOTALADDITIONALLIODFENCEACRES V -� f � � VA A � V\ \ I MONUMQN�� 1 I \ I /DOVBIFW DUMPSTELIN6TANK�t� \ \\ \ \\\� \ II DUMPSTERWICOVERI wIWIRE slip."1 V ��+y V�V�V�IWIEE:a /' �• VAe ' IV I Ili GENDER: SUPPORT "`��� CD wI.xExsces WD�V A I / RIW DIVERSION AND OIVERSION DIKEUTAR \ / SF �'_\ \\R\ ��\\ - \ ,,/ • \ \ \ \ \ \ o I� J -'�\\ v\ `V AA A'94�A V� �`V / // / DSTURBANCE� 693 ACRES �� \ �\V� / A\N,\ 'R OUT A� \SUPPOR __ PROE( CRTL� AA\ VAAA `. � / / / � �P A\�� I .. NT TRAPPING OEVICL- A CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE . A A , / \\Iry •�\ TO SMALL SEDIMENT �/ hRF SED O'TRcoNs 3n� � PS v � r < �A \ \ \ / 3ED LOT] A EC AN TRUST A v VVv /I _ oa4733-z0&21PILAF CO D B.4456 444(� 0 6 3530-234 PLAT �w ��� Y 1 1/ �v w •F./ l i I .� '\ 11 Rod �♦ \\ ..� MINUCI CE ) li •_ A G, A I� J T l / S \\\ _ _ •P° (� C '0 ` \ -\ T TAILED �I A l vi iwiP 111 wl Al'I V A' C� 7R•`'\• - \• 1 N ENTRANCE SHALL BE INS P 4 �'L I I// SUPPORTp �+ ` T A _ SF I r\ NOTE nns CONS+R FON /i r I l` J w/WIRE ] / o� _'� AOT,4 \vv�v / y_ �V.�. < / r SUPPORT i / / 4 \vfi \69_5\ V Z OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED BY V F EC RQM N THECONTRACTOR ALLHRACN C/\ \ 4 4 A V P sTE[ I /... +\I� / �a0 �• \ �M G�BSACRE J 111 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS // 1 1� A • W AREA SHALL UTILIZE THI / j �n y CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEI II �l C I A AVA1 �.� C 0. V / z l O .•IF. .iV \� l P�. cd (� \\ (I N B A 0 \ B - I Ihz DRAINAG E AR EATO / /•.•`• - k' a G a -1- /•• \ \ �'"' A A l w(WIRE i A SEDIMENT BASIN ACRES Y .�� % V) v I se RJEV T.M[6 -6G G ry p -SUPPom I 11 - LO 1/ I l I lII v-_-µe°• /- V ; - _ /® 1l _ -'V ° I J o ` `\�. Z z C RW ONCE / A __ Dq p S.L&36,P4T. ��/ 1�A\P A Av / / \ 1 V AvA" . Ps - \ �V _ 11 D�.. .�g�€ w / \I ALn v_ _ IS ws ec 1V A v A A / / d ti' a A V / / K / \a� !�• _ ___ wI wIRE V / i IY\I , V PV AA IwIRE A A i E r/ / /4' `A s� \I F- �. - - SF - V UPPORT OP E O L6 A \ \ < - _ u /�/y I� v Z Q co O / SUPPORT / M \ ITE UTILITY ( a• / Z m (j — z y 2 \ _ Y'•-� A A � VHtHEAD� �s i / - F _ E IS __-___ Dlsmae�OPOsmuMi soF i VA V ----- I\V� 1 �' (A LU Z o ��s < IIC v 1 I r/// /i_ Y �� A\ \ ',A - - V PsrJ�/!/� �/7 w 0 PROPOSED LIMITS OF T �VA\V AAAA� / / / // /// / U (/1 UJI � / •/ \) / I �A l�-•%//// -� - DISTURBANCE 693ACRE5VA MTC LI TH T 1 LAVA E�AAVAAAV�\ /( l\l // //j// / / U ry>0 E I _ - A /v `/ I / VISED_ __ I p4 �, �w v vvvvv\� A %// / 7 LU z z NO /R456 ACRE5�V �� / / _ _ _ / i lllT /llll ll,v�v<vvvv/i L W v II /TM.69-I9P / �� SRJCKTON CREEK LLG, / // / _ -� 1 I! A 1 � Z r NT TA D85504, PG 614 T - - // '/�'�/II tiv / SF, '-_�/ P E VA i'�/"IpY� 1 �/ (Y.) _ - NOTE AN FENCE S�FEFY / // FENCE,ANDTREEPROTECTION - /'/' /i///li - SV ... �� \ wIWIREof VAA A /�/ 1 A A I I' 0 / FILL UAL LOU FOR DRAINFlELD �v _ /'/ / //T // // i /;:. ( \ SUPPORT \ / / A �A V I of [) -. -SHALL REINSTALLED AT LIMITSC,// / -J / 1 // �/ 1 INSTALLATIONONLY.SURROUNO DRAINFlELD "— \ \ — r '-pga, 'i/' 'l ". Tgrytl { /// PROPOSED FENCE / // I ` \ \\ F LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE(TVP.) OF DISTURBANCE.THSEARE ._. /� // / / T?• V \ _ AROUNDSEOIMENT-AD0910NAL LL FOR DRA FIELD / // / / 1 A / O US VON / / — — -- OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL 'INSTALLATION ONLY.SURROUND DRAINFIEL l /� / TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD-2SrACRES' - PURPOSES. DRAINAGE ONIDES ` — — PLEASE SEE DETAIL HEETB( 1 BASIN LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE DYPI A /1 I I I E A V Q MONUMEN /— --� — —� EO EM SINi _ ` / TOTAL, ADDITIONAL LOD ACRES A\ V A I (J FOUND ---' C -- —' . ARE MEASURE LIMITS — DESIGN AA; °P 1 A I I I OFDISTURBANCEOR'—\�`f ORS/1' IG/ ILS l`111\\ \�l V I \\ I O DIVEI2510N_DIKE %/// I j A/ V / E/ /i'A I A V A V 1 A �\ I N i i f _ �'r _ FREE �/ / 11 i w�w� �w v \ v T 1v v` v` \ - -' -. , - _ u� �� � e9sD� vv;1 ss. solxs s - •.--} ... %VDH /MA� gT71 ON' \\ \\ \ \ \ \ I MFOO�NDENT / l0A E \\\\\\\I I \\\\ I ,,FOOT LON6AND rFOT / VON _ _ __vBH _ _ _ Is - ( a 41J29 0 \ \ \ I I g O _ HIGH BAFFLE MONUMENT - — 1_M�69-19A] — = TaDNamENT STATER __ ' GRAPHIC SCALE snow FOUND _-JUST.IDSEPH SCOTT& -=FOUND— CRI pE ppTE 151-------- ":<�r_ - n U61 AY g145T (PARIABLE SWOP ROAD -_ __ HWYP83'209 H�211) I MONUMENT- / — wOET O\AM MFOUNDENT L �w22221 se 9 w 22 07 1 80' _-_ - :BEET Ro _ - v _ FOUND V��1 U _ - - ��_ -1+D ABo a 7 SECTION 5 4to] :1►IFiUd/_llIa:tAi/_1►ETA a►IFi1a►k9»_1► ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, LLC 1102 Carlton Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22902 540.578.4296 www.ecosystemservices.us ion@ecosystemservices.us September 20, 2022 Lauren Wilson, PE Collins Engineering, L.L.C. 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Nutrient Offset Credit — Credit Availability Letter Project: Stockton Creek Subdivision Project Address: 8939 Old Turnpike Road, Afton, VA 22920 Project HUC: 02080204 Bank HUC:02080204 Bank Address: 1705 Lambs Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Ms. Wilson, We appreciate the opportunity to provide a credit availability letter for 5.66 pounds of phosphorus for the above referenced project. This letter is to certify that as of the date of this letter, Ivy Creek Nutrient Bank has 161.34 pounds of phosphorus (TP), 248.28 pounds of nitrogen (TN), and 50,875.56 pounds of TSS available for transfer to those entities requiring offsets in accordance with the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Credit Exchange Program (VA Code § 62.1-44.19:14 et seq.). Those offsets are also transferable in accordance with the Virginia stormwater offset program (VA Code § 62.1-44.15:35) and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board's Guidance Document on Stormwater Nonpoint Nutrient Offsets approved on July 23, 2009, to those regulated entities qualifying for nutrient credits. We can certainly accommodate your needs and could offer to fulfil the order of 5.66 pounds of phosphorus. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. I hope we have the opportunity to work together on this project. Sincerely, Ecosystem Services, LLC By: *( Jonathan R. Roller, AOSE PSS CNMP Manager —Authorized Representative \ POST -REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, sG J`-Bo• LOT 6�• \' T.M.6 9-6C ort P-Develop M rea Impervious ASummary SMART TAYLOR SMACK GI6SON, EVERETi EJR \ Subarea A, Wrtr DuanOty 0.B.5246-521 \ FIEL05 Builtlin4 M,]i0 sf 0.B.3415-]W,JO]PLAT �- ---' _ , 1.OJ ACRES Parking Areas/Roa4s 90,150 sf Sitlewalks&Concrete Osf -- ______ 114,8M If / / ' ' ' `. port' ort DeVNoPment ImPemlous Area Summary p . . • ,Z ..�! \ y� • • �x VRRM Iimi6tlelineHetl by fSC LOD, Warer Qleliµ Buntline 31,1W sf Sitlewalks&COp[reW Ozf`.' PLEASE SEE SHEETS 5-]FO0. // //i3D. `•`. ' `, `, ,. ' �� �� AgE,S Parkin Areas/Roatl 93,085 sf ESC BOUNDARY USED FO0. / T.M.69-19G / REVISED LOT \ •' ,1y�'� TR T.M.69-5IB MCCUNAEHHA 110.]BS sf yRRM QUALttt GLCULATIONS STOCKTON CREEK LLC \ ,�_nJO •' �� y`. •'• Q Q/p 5 ,DENISE � / 633 ACRES \ •. . �,;�\ `. `. RNp�Fq 2.WACRES X BUT OUTSIDE OF DAIN LIMITS OF \ D.9.5504, PG.614 +af� \ ♦�♦'♦.♦-. _ • • .` • ..R FEMA✓ • 1..:'\ kf q� f,Nf'�T =AREA DISURBANCE(SS9 ACRES) // / �, '\. F\ODPLAIN O. \ \ `\• / /+` ♦♦: LOT 53!.•i �♦ �. •tee.. S. LOT 12 \ a s _ — �e_ / 'F' •'` `•� •.:\k.�r 2.41 ACRES LOTS \ / �♦ /` \-a.° - _____-� __s. / �.• 2.98 ACRES \ / �, � \ / \ � = 7.+_ —IR �. wow / ��`� � asc� �\\ \\ � � y�♦♦ I ..•4' 17\14\ rP r o scow sx Lic. Na. 096991Y '� 12/30/22 �sT /pea �l g / / / \ �. \ \ \\ \� \\ \ \ _,� / .� /♦, t\ (/ // •/�` \ T.M.69-51H / / �-. fi Si. a A \ vv� \�V� VGA \ \ V v wofeLr-i.a a ��� _, l� ( / •% \AT � PDR a a a s a 21 �5 a T M.fi9-6M � � I REVISED LOT] ECACKERMAN TRUST D--23 D B.4] 320&21 T D.B456-044���4 �' LJ �: / � VAV ��• A - / ��� //��� �p "'� \ _�� VAA 1 Wq,y ••m - .\ 1, y /I•] D.B.3530.0 P 23IAT VP '/ / ♦ ; �� / •�•�!F'it�. \� \ 34N•�:`j ✓ �i I m,Ax / , .. ♦„� 7� lfi ��\qsA �.: _ 15.73ac. \Id\ / •� A fi I /z LOT/15 I �J� I III' /� / '.�• �1 � v A��� � � M 4prCR�.S / %I o - • (('t \ Om \ v z LOT 23 �IIII III SIRFAM 9UF �� \. • /' `� \ ��a � \ � � � � � I 2.12 ACRES I , / v � � - � ' � � � I III III � � � y.-.,•. -;�. v � P �v v � a V \ G: • / / \ I � � i . i zs ASREs I I II \ U \v > Lo TMOT9-fiG / / \ \ \� J/ 1 / ` I s. \\ �j FRANK DONLEY& / \ \ \{:. / \ \ — aes/ ✓ \ ,� \ \ II 11 b• '�= Z 7 I 85R86�T \� 1\\p4CNEfe / b�• • / A c > / ^\S LOT 3A- as�— _ / / D .. l..\\L \1\t III \ �'. '\. \` �', pTILITV 2.0J ACRES- - �_ _moo=�� /// / 1 ;�.}•'\ \\V\ II I A::i?': `�� W IUNES I / Ro'co PROPERI v) �75. � AAA A\ \ :�LI .�' I I� 1' F 3 J E$ \\ \' 1 11 J .. �. m m aaoox o°" ' n 9 Lu -WH =L�) I \,\IIII ,I�. may: ��e6.EE9 m. / /i / /~ Y1 ° v MONUMENT ,,MM / _,-<•I' \V�� V / / / f FOUND R6VISEO L�QT�S \}��� //�� \ \ �`/'/ / I Ii \I VII IIII \ \ \� 1\ \ \\ \\ // / / / w z STTOCKT60NCCRi�4LL6� /v Lor36%\/� vv�/ / ——/— �/ v_%/ //� i- v \VAA ���zDswC�R€s VDH 3. 3ACRE5 / MONUMENT C FREEMAry,WRT1�H�1(\ _ — r / •Y6 •.F:•: ''. __� �/ MUNDEM 4)\ NFFF \ \\ G VDH VDH LAI T.M.60.19AJ MONUMENT \ $ Y J� C I/` \ \ MONUMENT JUST, JOSEPH SCOTT& FOUND \ TATE R U �• "/ \ \ \ FOUND -PRl s 75f — vox \ GRAPHIC SCALE 10B NO CASEYACRES s _ — — _ NIONt! EFIi�� �\ \ ,w 2M! �3 oe_�Q1±±1`�`\\��rgv�daraCrFg- \ \ `�NND "=80' a ON NTH�l Oxn DETENTION BASIN DETAIL, GREASE v-zG ! I / I OFg-GLgY-E%TEND TO RISER, Mal FT, Wa=25 FTC D.e'). / 1 / D'WIDEGRASSTELES. ERGENCY g �� SPILLWAYS SLOP ELEV. 866.go1 /W ITN SIDES SLOPED AT q:v e' WIDETOP OF DAM ETA / I / I d I I / / PROPOSED SIP,AU, All" NUPE ITANDPIPE TOPPED WITH A STEEL WEIR PLATE PROVIDING A u4 OPENING ANDTRAS NRACE TO SERVE ASA RISER STRUCTURE. RISER TO HAVE A RIM ELEV. F6q.vJr A 6•LOW FLOW ORIFICE INVERT ELEV. 86D.00'. RISER TOP, &LOW FLOW ORIFICE TO HAVE STATE APPROVED TRASHRACKS. SEE ,ORIFICE PLAN FOR TRASHRACK DETAILS, OR EQUIVALENT. W, W, /< V A \\ { T \ \ \ < \ \ VAR"' ` INBLEW THSWri ACCESS AND \ / W,r.�.yY'T�» MAINTENANCE HAHENT- l \ 1 �—-- va'MIVATEASPHALT.ZCCESSROADTO"FACILI /. � WITH In' PgIVATE ACCESS SEMEN PROPOSE ON WITH GEC-v XTILE FOUTLET yROTECTION WRX GEOTE%TEES EABRICi08E KEYED INTO E%.GROUND MIN. AT ENDS& �_� OF all (I FABRv8TOOVE OVERLAP MIN.O PE _� � / Cp02E0. `0.Q Eve EASEMENT OUTLET PROTECTION SIZING TYPE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH TO DENTENTION BASIN RISER VDOT CLASS PA 8z' 6'-IS 1.5' OUTFALL OF DETENTION BASIN VDOT CLASS aA 16' 6'-18' 1.5' 875 875 PEAK arad I.— A,ARE HER LARY A' 870Los dal -ads im. 870 865 CSFALLWAIRINT 86c, w ,r m86o < WAY as eoalad gF HE or-, 855 mTI RE LOGY 855 or gx nwi"F<e a F` eo E 850 85O :$ F ad WE ad ad 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 DETENTION BASIN SECTION 870 870 HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE M F86 ) 1 iueh - 20 (L DEPOIALMSYNCOM AL BE INSTALLEGORMALL ORIFICE a. CONCRETE FOOMEATIONS SHALL OVER NUES. SEETHIS SHIFT, OR BE INSTALLED ONT, FOR NAALL RISER STRU TUal SINCEMEETING MINIMUM VDAIJ 3-14 SPECIFICATIONS INCLUSIVE OFELE. 6 I DICATEDWITHIN WE DRY CONTRACTOR SHAL HRE ATH �PBASIN OTICAAND IS T ARTY GEECHxL ENGITO NEER TO GRASS LINED DRY RETENTION BASIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES: FACILITY PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. i:¢o0itwaSHUT HARW<m RIFGMUND< ER, SUCH M Guss as ROME COHEN FERRY OF A VEGETANNE GROUNXMER. LANDSCAPING MOODYA Ma�VSGUAT�N SHALL NOT RE RANDY OR MITI TO GREW PRELIN V IVORY ME ME OF WE EMBANKMENT NOR WITHIN SH FDTOFTW 1. THE MN�OR SHALL BE REMPARREME FOR ANSI OF ALLAWARD COVERED UNDER THESE VMS > o X RESPaxsmlE FARE VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ANY EXISTS UTILITIES(DART MISS UTILITY FROa -SE2-] lBEFORE AHr CREM EAN RIOTHE APPROVED FINAL SRE PLANS FOR UIY DETAILED SITE INTARMALON 5, ALL BE ORLDINATED AM OTHER ��, is THE muinAC OR add NOT eE RESPRINGDE FOR MMw MUSED BY VANDALISM,, FBEE OR'OTHinn VlREOF TBEYONDB HECONTVCMMm,SES S NTROL. FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 1. THE DAY BASIN MAY SELVELSO A UDIMEW TRAPPING DEVICE DURING PRDEUCONSTRUUICN ON<E,THEVOWMESMN BEWEDONTHE MORESTE VEIEROS NANDSEDMENTCOMROLBEOVREMENRVS. ETOHMWRTRATMENTREOVREMER N OxF THE PERMANENT RISER ANN PARAN SHUT BE INFLATED DURING THE MNMU�ION R�E, AND DERIGGIN PPaEEXCEES WON FINAL <TEANOUT OF WE SEDIMENT M N AND CONVERSION TO WE WEST CONSTRUCTION DRY Coll IN MIND, ARO TBE WA1LBEE I THEORY BASIN SHAkTORPOSSELERNST CARDS A�R THE CONTRISHERRY DRAINAGE SUREA TO THE FACITTY IS COMPLETELY ��D. IF THE PROPOSED l ON OF WE DRY SJUN WILL BE fil A BVINDIVE TRAP OR PAUN DURING WE MAISTRUCTION PHASE THEN LITY WILL W C�Rt% ESSEED AN REFE TO BEGAN NSIALS5 AFTER THE HICINAL SHE U�ON IS UAi CAS 6ER. OBJEICEDSANDHBAPPEIS AS REOVR'FDESOTHAi FEY ME CONSISHTENT WITH THE FINAL CON�PCTOH SPDEERUiLIOXssIHP BEMADE iOnIE I THE xURNIFOoN MATERIALS 0x3ITE, MAKING SHEATHES WEST DESIGN SPKIPM OxS ANDARE, NEGRI AGINA AREAS WHEN I ALLFF95 CONAOFwIHE WN�R SHALL OAND HCONTRACTOR F REOUMED MnTHE MOVED SUaGA. S IRTTONRUON OF ME DRY BASIN, IHCWDING TEMPONRY ORI NG OEVIfESSINO STO0.WATER DIVA . OH PEXDDWDURING EDNMRDEDDHSHALL BHLANEDWRH War GLLAB EP�OOOTHE:PPRODMET ODSOF^TMBI'oON comu.A RN.[FRxSWEE NSAxHH IEEUpBRxEfHMAVG nLEYLLri ORnu DRSOMDHEREceIFawNOMu'or Lum�DIHU n EVER AFULPLAV-TOTALLAA:SOATTO THE ur Bad TO L - iwHr,riclwu rs onw VVY ax.w. 'amlH MmaRxm MIN= fidemmu rrma UPONp ONOFWMUSINGEMEMBANKMENT M AND,W° o TORHALCAHATEGRmFEWWEAPPROPRIATEED�ATDNANDDESREDONa ETMTECCTSLx OF rz. TPi[HOuiEµTOxsxnUxEmsrAmDZTHE CONTRALECER SHALL7REEN FINISH WE[IrsDsrDSO„ISRVEL CATIGHT HYDROSEEDING Oxs[[DmGDYERSTRpw, INCLUDING xsMMMRPn2r APRON rnDTERax F FACILITYMAMTENANCEMAINTENANCE : FTHE CRY BASIN INSCRIERN NSPETONSMFWUOw xGrnsRSSHAU BEYPERFORMEDWTHEMNn OR WERE FMPRUAL INSPECTIONS THAT FRTXIFAR WU INGDI AND FNSiY ON.MBWEOWNEP FIG xFSE I MONITOR WE GROWTH OF THE GRODN�VEB WNSTREAM CHANNEEK VAR OF SLOUGHING, MINA BURROWS EXONGLY OR GUNLY HUT MINE NT INTSERITY. * WASEDYTHEIF E"OMNFOVYFAu[„xENEEERERFSSFOx UNDEKUV I5RHIENPDSPIARMEW WWHGE.COPWSOX OR OTHEAR UmS X TERB OF ALL FLESH RAGERS, PIPE ON PILICAPHILIS INSPIST REVERSE E0.fDf WPoCYVEGE FiLIOXpXDU1EIXlOASEE WHETH P0.VPLVENMXHOIESANO Wd.SUH UE0.15 CCELL Ba OWNER UTIMALUR ANY SI�RarcI1101alDED RI THE HE MY VSNAORA ENE OF SPADE VEETArnSfwm VX`W-N WESWMPING. FACILITY MSPECCTORN MULTIPLE INSP�ONS IS By mACID%m AAFmmRACTDRSHALLLLBE RE5F DR BASIS IS MPER� IM FOR CLATACTIM HE DMIry En No INSPECTOR CAUSE THE vv Dx m mAXU nONOF THE EMUMPESIE VISTS AND DINSP mONS ARE RIEN RES TO BE SCHEDULED BY WE (OIfFRACTOR WITH WE ENGINEER AND IIUPEROR DURING THE FOELOwmG SLAVES OF THIS l. IS INITIAL WE PPreARATION((IIHCWDINX Irv5rA1NnON OF BARREL ES CONMO) AnaWGRAOING�eg�. INTERIx IMAL ELEVATION) THEE SELLIVINARI sxuWAY, AND THE OUTETSLRUCIUREIG AEunOINe, uERIM AND ANAL ELSVAnONSI 5 WARNING PHASE OR 6. IFNAUXSPEGnONFIDEVELOP A PUNCH RSr MR FAmhTYAEEPTANCEI PMIrtPEaemg<Ucow rD.Ilow rormnemwea,YDrpxm wltn had, Hmmm<mMmw oIa I urSTERNELL APPROVED DEVICES BYPNONsxEGEµ MEXRAXENGINEER E FEPSSANDPRESENi WE TIEDO D L Water tllrtetlng Teem Waem INCLUSIVEOFLXEDRY BASIN SHALL HAVE AMA%IMUM3+ rMumaweJelrt A SLORR SX yWf 71-s- �NVERSIONSTOP�RMAN�NTSWMFACILITI�IPAPMI���SUCH ReeAMERIMA%ImM ls<'�rFThPiuuFBSUHATsuex nmawemeam myna CONTRACTOR RMG rvncmreuiA.mEEsG�ovnc.on*HE<nsxMIIomrloreiammbmv^cam l 80M1fQ-PSBR CONVERSIONS. SEarmXu^' re[MSt BLAND SENES TMSX RACK Im Eevrvnleart o'ren mm'ardI ocem mx'ag HAIManW MEm All fill ...yeas eTxm Dxeelaelxlxwca 0+00 0+50 eaplx: e<n�m Retie fir—teagm Gaorax',x Hail RIT",<ELYWYE 1p^t.x^—SYaxav�.rl MALLIN MALLIN DETENTION BASIN SPILLWAYSECTION h� mHm<mt.° «I°•-^ ,°m<°rem^< <x°=at _ NxM, old Vs Vs bre"M .ee mama, . CRIPAY 1e.RAPARGAL eva''trcw' I' HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE Joe 1. Add IN FREP ) Ii G_ SD HE VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE PLAN SIDEVIERY saris W FPS ) I Inch � S rl 865 Ed 86 5 ° — 860 ° 860 m 8 000o .I...e .m Na r..l_.. • Op® OQ0 IsuITu.tnc O OOO •• •• •• nw 0000 •° WHISXYebw wl. 00 . WERE •,Uw Elevelion IbNexs+i �—— Far i—::— � VPmLY . ME MIN I ��w I x� FxYNd sWxwTxw pxAlx auxin DRW COUNTY OFALXFMARLE wwmmumuam°myD<.elq.wm Conetraefion Record Dresrings (As -built) for VSMP 'IxefollDwing is a Ibl of inbrlreaion requires on cobslrvclion recmtl tlmwirgs br slorlrlWaQr fxilixa (reference Wales Promclion Ordinance I7422). lr is 0 I mwe rMF the romru<F;Dn record dmwinP bePrepared by,ame .e aherMm the designer, P(ea,e dD rot PraYwedxl erxwmE, aFTONFFErenm reTDredwmg,. A. A HiYale we.. � Una ae1M pofe[xi[nuI :cal of IH gepnn6 <n6inar a iurveyw. B.The mmewWaaNeasnfire (<m ane IMiviau<I prepvirg Ik amnin8e minelilleAM. c.-ne rmnwwm 1¢mma Ural iNm. mmcWeewRn erb rneq,,m Ure m•Pmaoarec<me to Veary popcainlrniion[, melmelianaimWlYim. Tle iYm[irclum.bul<Ie Mlimileabax folbu'illq: 1. ImpMbRBm:&ana )IlwograNlsforpipe lrtncM W htlaing. in[Iuaing uNeNare. 2 ViaeonpelmpeNm(w wy qlv wbIRK are oolwmide or viewable. s Gpaulxt lAmum.nn rmnmremYm MNl fman.[. BF v<nn<a Dmla.geA:®m.w car lhearRm.ee alm,ewm..Ra raraWRage No as ranhim, z cu.rean p\ysi[J sea lgwgnpmc survey mill cadres wunarm. PoneaMxla irdaae aRuvey xlrlm pods nwrOm. sVrwn soma Vmrr pods vOlmmsm<P<r aagn cm«rhw mnrx anuilm for ANIFFEADY f m a 8 6 n lomrbn Mal type ] Plw aprMla( Jeuh rq PlFq Rue yeare aIWD oxgx5 D'yly 1c - IIM ype (MY BI NpPo -Is, 1 eM (A J ae I P I.B.I.L. add ease. I Pa:M was gn. fl CaaWuMI SKY nbm Fm g i' YAAXLOUA fidde e P pre I. ulMmmP U fYl Baler HE b T aoxa w- Sol or Ue mx Ulm s mmh uRm Display rhr<wxwam lrcwm man n<hhRm WTannel<rRF:Da'LStrvk.I lU. Pa'osae lmge m. m'ar m<nX-Shades all PlmMwmmenN wall am bmR re¢Ha<m IaMIM. FaVanler MmeraiRng< mr[r m wilhiR pmrl[a e.l<mmM. YOU'RE <apio NrDAYS. awNmem,. u. cw<ar.ArtRxmmouQ rrrwr PmriJom. DnPlay ne cmmmcrealocmma oral .Jay pmYisimB: ea<eq gluNMe. rwlWlagred IMF. mr,sro eW apPli<aMe! lmara.an, conpwetl m amiga n. MRMAJIayen-bioRl¢r metll; none layen, mna leyeN, 4ywayv aaticoree m,nhvealrolm to aV<rial zyp<[ma a<mna ImwxmLpxXoa nporn mxasa mn ph I<pow w mrMae, wm6Cwmra emnixr lmammNn nemmwxF<a wens.. u. namrmaa-mow mmrma or:�am.ac mX,m wmrem.arNaage. ac,mamlicJlo- lo. cHnpv[rmn reponr ammyl:w I. vairy fin mmpmrion ineam.. 15. MenuRwurtrs<eNnallOnr for pmpneryry BMP'sanPyingpmpm inaWluim and fumioning. i 222207 i 1 11 SECTION 6 it•14ItillIDRIa0:kvja►kIIs] ►1»aa POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN A. PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION PRACTICES The qualified personnel, contractor listed below, will be responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the pollutant control measures. This may include delegating this responsibility to other contractors as they become involved with the project and begin the anticipated pollutant generating activity. They are required to hold weekly toolbox meetings to review the pollution prevention plan with their team. COMPANY NAME: Riverbend Development CONTACT NAME: Alan Taylor QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: 434-245-4970 EMAIL: alan@riverbenddev.com QAULIFIED INSPECTOR/CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: QAULIFIED SUBCONTRACTOR/CONSTRUCTION MANAGER COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: B. POLLUTION PREVENTION AWARENESS DEQ's Office of Pollution Prevention hosts numerous programs and initiatives that serve as a conduit for non -regulatory assistance to businesses and communities. The contractor will ensure that their team is trained and knowledgably aware of all measures in this document before construction begins. Contractor shall conduct a "walk through" of the site with their team identifying areas of possible pollution and discussing how they will implement the prevention practices outlined in this report and shown on the plans. They are required to hold weekly toolbox meetings with their team to review the pollution prevention plan and give any updates on changes through the construction phase. C. SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSES The first priority is to protect all people, secondly protect the equipment and property, and lastly protect the environment. The contractor shall regularly check the equipment on site and any pollutants shall be stored properly to prevent spills. Spills will be immediately and promptly cleaned up by the contractor. Most spills can be cleaned up following manufacturer specifications. Absorbent/oil dry, sealable containers, plastic bags, and shovels/brooms are suggested minimum spill response items that should be available at this location. The following steps shall be taken in the case of a spill: 1. Check for hazards (flammable material, noxious fumes, cause of spill) — if flammable liquid, turn off engines and nearby electrical equipment. If serious hazards are present leave the area and call 911. Large spills are likely to present a hazard. 2. Make sure the spill area is safe to enter and that it does not pose an immediate threat to health or safety of any person. 3. Stop the spill source (most spills can be cleaned up following manufacturer specifications — absorbent/oil dry, sealable containers, plastic bags, and shovels/brooms are suggested minimum spill response items) 4. Call co-workers and supervisor for assistance and to make them aware of the spill and potential dangers. 5. If possible, stop spill from entering drains (use absorbent or other material if necessary). 6. Stop spill from spreading (use absorbent or other material if necessary). 7. If spilled material has entered a storm sewer; contact locality's storm water department. 8. Clean up spilled material according to manufacturer specifications, for liquid spills use absorbent materials and do not flush area with water. 9. Properly dispose of cleaning materials and used absorbent material according to manufacturer specifications. The following agency should be considered for notification in the case of a spill: Albemarle County Fire Rescue: 434-296-5833 Albemarle County Police Department: 434-296-5807 Virginia Department of Health: 434-972-6259 Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation: 1-804-786-2094 Virginia Department of Environmental Quality: 1-540-574-7824 Virginia Department of Emergency Services: 1-800-468-8892 D. POTENTIAL SOURCES OF POLLUTANTS AND POLLUTION PREVENTION PRACTICES POLLUTANTS N •a Y � _ o^ N q Y POLLUTANT GENERATING a u w E POLLUTION ACTIVITY « v = WS N > PREVENTION m d! a .2 0 PRACTICE Y01i 2 = a a O m m F O ✓ Clearing, grading, excavating, X X 1 and unstabilized areas ✓ Paving operations X X X 2 ✓ Concrete washout and X X X 3 cement waste ✓ Structure construction, X X X X 4 stucco, painting, and cleaning ✓ Dewatering operations X X X 5 ✓ Material delivery and storage X X X X X X X 6 ✓ Material use during building X X X X X X 7 process ✓ Solid waste disposal X X 8 ✓ Sanitary waste X X X 9 ✓ Landscaping operations X X X X X 10 Other:1:11:1 1:11:111 Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste, and other materials present on the site to precipitation and to stormwater. These items shall be contained while on site in the designated washout area shown on the plans and covered at the end of each workday and before precipitation events. Pollution Prevention Practices: (1) Clearing, grading, excavating and un-stabilized areas — Utilize erosion and sediment controls to prevent sediment laden or turbid runoff from leaving the construction site. Dispose of clearing debris at acceptable disposal sites. Apply permanent or temporary stabilization, sodding and/or mulching to denuded areas in accordance with the erosion and sediment control specifications and the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities. (2) Paving operations —Cover storm drain inlets during paving operations and utilize pollution prevention materials such as drip pans and absorbent/oil dry for all paving machines to limit leaks and spills of paving materials and fluids. (3) Concrete washout and cement waste — Direct concrete wash water into a leak -proof container or leak -proof settling basin that is designed so that no overflows can occur due to inadequate sizing or precipitation. Hardened concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wastes. Washout areas shall be placed in an area that isn't susceptible to stormwater runoff and shall be covered at the end of each workday and before any rain events. (4) Structure construction, stucco, painting, and cleaning — Enclose, cover or berm building material storage areas if susceptible to contaminated stormwater runoff. Conduct painting operations consistent with local air quality and OSHA regulations. Mix paint indoors, in a containment area or in a flat unpaved area. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the clean-up of stucco paint, form release oils and curing compounds by doing so in a contained area and collecting the discharged pollutants in a leak proof container that can be disposed of in the dumpster on site. Equipment and other tools may be washed in the concrete washout area. (5) Dewatering operations — Construction site dewatering from building footings or other sources may not be discharged without treatment. Sediment laden or turbid water shall be filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge. (6) Material delivery and storage — Designate areas of the construction site for material delivery and storage. Place near construction entrances, away from waterways, and avoid transport near drainage paths or waterways. (7) Material use during building process — Use materials only where and when needed to complete the construction activity. Follow manufacturer's instructions regarding uses, protective equipment, ventilation, flammability and mixing of chemicals. (8) Solid waste disposal — Designate a waste collection area on the construction site that does not receive a substantial amount of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a waterway. Ensure that containers have lids so they can be covered at the end of each day and during periods of rain and keep containers in a covered area whenever possible. Schedule waste collection to prevent the containers from overfilling. (9) Sanitary waste — Prevent the discharge of sanitary waste by providing convenient and well - maintained portable sanitary facilities. Locate sanitary facilities in a convenient location away from waterways. (10) Landscaping operations— Maintain as much existing vegetation as practicable. Apply permanent or temporary stabilization, sodding and/or mulching to denuded areas in accordance with the erosion and sediment control specifications and the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities. Apply nutrients in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and not during rainfall events. (11) Others— E. AUTHORIZED NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES Non-Stormwater Discharge Location on Site ✓ Discharges from firefighting activities Designated area shown on plan ✓ Fire hydrant flushings Fire hydrants shown on plan Washing vehicles or equipment (soaps, solvents, or ✓ detergents have not been used and the wash water has been Wash waters shown on plan filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge) ✓ Dust Control (wash water has been filtered, settled, or Dust control shown on plan similarly treated prior to discharge) ✓ Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline Water sources shown on flushings plan External building wash down (soaps, solvents, or detergents ✓ have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, Designated area shown on settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge) plan Pavement washings (where spills or leaks of toxic or ✓ hazardous materials have not occurred; soaps, solvents, or Wash waters shown on plan detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge) ✓ Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate Designated area shown on plan ✓ Uncontaminated ground water or spring water Designated area shown on plan ✓ Foundation or footing drains (where flows are not Designated area shown on contaminated with process materials such as solvents) plan Uncontaminated excavation dewatering (including ✓ dewatering of trenches and excavations that have been Designated area shown on filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge) plan ✓ Landscape irrigation Landscape areas shown onplan All non-stormwater discharges as stated in CGP I E. 1 through 12 are the only non-stormwater discharges allowed by the construction general permit. With the exception of flows from firefighting activities, allowable sources of non-stormwater discharges must be identified in the SWPPP. Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that pollution prevention measures for the non-stormwater component of the discharge are implemented. STA OWO V\A�S \V�\\S�bv�'�.\�'���a\'����.>�'�'�` ,��v��'�� •• ""`.: \`/ —T.M.69-51BPOLLUTION PREVENTION (SEEESCPLANFOR OTHER CONTROLS) CONCRETE WASHOUTLOCATION FOR MFIELDS VEHICLES AND EOUIPMENT 2s0aDRes— STAGINGLOCATION STO STOCKPILELOCATION FT DOUBLE WALLED FUELING TANKLOCATION _ \\ \� d,•=�o\� ��\� \ 0\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DU // / \ \ \ � \ _ ����_\� —A —A— � - -A \ / / —_ --��°o- 9ls'_� \_ O•f)p/�° /�\'1\d[I \J/' ya��lp�)I f\rI\g�d�\�\�Il \\�'O\•M\�'�l� ' ' ��. `v�'%Tj•'• '•`/�•: 1\A\1l % AREA OF PAVING OPERATIONS DUMPSTERW/COVER FOR WASTE DISPOSAL �O \ \�(SHOWNONPHIII _gREATO EDIMENTBA5IN AREA OFLANDSCAPING OPERA TIONS S-716ACRE5_922 (SHOWNONPHIII) CONCENTRATED DISCHARGELOCATION _ 94= V\\ \1(\D.f\1\ \ aPPl�bx a � \\ \ A \ �A1AFAVAL AA VX I lvA V�PV AR� OOLOOPTsEN�rcS: GCODO\QINVTRRASPCIADT�OJ ADRVV ITKAVO/V ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINEA \AOG I CONTRACTORSTAGIFNGAEAWITKH Il // // G/E / / / L /�I I�I \/ \AV///��IAVE/�/fi/ g/3 A�lA//C//l��Rll\El�IlSI�lVAJ�\l/II/V��IIlI l/�I/ II•A�� IIl� I// /l///I ` ///////�//�//\� /// O4 \ �� I�/• \�q/}1p\�(\�•� I0'\•� I••A�f�'\�\`V. A . A� /V\ NAf�DOUBLE-WALLEDNETSTANVD DUMPSTER WI<OVER, A�� I A -POTTIES. MOI� \\\\\IV1V\\IA\\ VI�AIv �\9 CONCRETE��� - AV �/ SUPPORT T' fl V\ DIVERSION V�X DwDEVICE DISTURBANCI P/// FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE OEDFENCE:! vAROUEDIMENT IFENT' J �ADO7 Aq MANIRUS'ARE TO RAPS vzRAECON�WDSEDIMENT EN STIVEDRAINA NOG/DIVERSION DIKE I$$6-0¢30'z\I A FA ODD- "900 / ssAc(OA ¢x x]o�IN\. SU21 / / / I l I lI II I I I I II // / oo •\ � �.A \ \ \NOTE THIS CONS TRUCTI /// //�// OENTRANCESHALLBEINSIALL ED�ANDMAINANEDPERAT*_•_\\_ , / J w/WIR 1/IIII II I IIIIII I \\♦�'. THE CONTRACTOR ALL �1 WASH RACK J \ \ V A A \ V an * J I V IIII IIII j/ / p , . • '�`•V' A CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS AREA SHALL UTILIZE THIS / FLOW DIRECTION a ' CCC� /j/ j CONSTR CTI ENTRANCE. // ARROW (rvPJ \ \ AREATO V' I I\SEO MENTTRAP\� \ \\ \\�Gpp�. \ \ Y \ 1 + e * D \ / , ���WIRE OIT 'D'IMACRE5 \ — II II I I I i \� / / �/ / W •1•'/ // // F \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ 1 = * * \ Vv�--946 '/SJPORT O AREA TO DO _ 4BB ACF ANMD0R�DYENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE \\\\ � HNOCORTO SA NG DIVERSION DIKE - I/ / IIIIIIIIIII �I�II II I IIVI I 1I AREATO _ _ z. 9�z SEDIMENT BA5IN n \ L IIII\\\ \ \ \\ / /� O \ \ \ s 5F _' w pv6 ACRES �- -NOTE CON ACTO TO 1 O� / \ \ ENSURE NG DOSTIVE DR VERSION onM RE UPIORTOP �' I—�IIAIA \� %�\�v /WIRE GT ss so _*= b` .SUPPORT/ /j - v �o F \1� A e� V A AI11 11T1�ryDI / O. O / i /� _ ST / o oua F' \ REA TO D� / I A / 1 11 �1 1\ 93 / //, E a.89 AC \\1 1 \ \ LINES o 0 RANCEPROPOSED 6.q,A1OF- \ y J / �DIS URBAH(E ¢643 ACRE5� // // III ( I 1 ��' — �-a._,� -- — ,/ j�- /� v o v ,•.. � _ - "v � v � \ ( \ 111V� /ryUfy� 1 I \ \ /i/ \\ _ / // / / �,900\ PROPOSEDUMITSOF 1\\ \ I \\ tl I \ O / / / _� _\ �/ // / / \ \ \ _ DISTua E I553 SL REUs I\ Y lJ\AREATObD=� \ O• \ \ \ / ENr / IIII / l l ' /j \ I \ / \\ /�j/, _ // / \ _ PROPOSED FENCE \ IL°oRESP A _� \� o.6x AC \ y \ I TrM.6S SSP \ // ' ` // // \\ ` = `` --TRAP SEDIMENT 11� \ I\ \ \ \ • \ \ \ \\y��\ / TRKTONCREEK LL�_ \ - / / /1 \\ -TRAP l \\ DO 6�.56._ _ � I I . \, .�..' :�? b4.5s4,PGkl4- / _ ////// \ \ %' ! ''"' \ o �s SF t LE % :': q5.':.: �0 F I, r r \ ✓ \ `, / // /� \ ✓ _= _. - NOTE: SILTFENCE. SAFETY \\`\ ` _ // /� D wIWIRE / / \ ` \ / /// / \ �// - FENCE�ANDTREE PROTECTION \ �\ 1 SUPPORT I / \ ^ SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS \ s NOTE: COHT AETOR TO " k PROPOSED FENCE \ \ ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE ) /�� II \ \ \ ✓ / ` \ OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE \ \ 90- 'q ONG DIV NDI E ) \ \ AROUND SEDIMENT / / / // / // / - / - ^ OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL \ - - } € SHEET T'' ' � �( / // i PURPOSES.DRAINAGEDIVIDES \�\\ \ �. PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEETS! \ BASIN / _ AVA -�A FOR SEDIMENT BASIN V A N�. �A �_ �_ / / /�// / / / / / ARE MEASURDDTURBANIMITS VA DESIGN DETAILS-- 1 1y \ _ OF DISTURBANCE OR \�\ �\ .- - i 1 / I }>• \ \ \ / / l` / / 1 I \ 4 ILAAA �\� `i/A �A �-� / �/ � ( $ �-_�/. DIVERSION DIKE l� J FOOTLONGAND I /j ✓�/ I I A�VAV A \ aTHIGH BAFFLES/ / ��n69SbV\v V A \ vomcwas6AwsTo�rveNU�MENT FREE(N R1tl H ENT,- // _i % FOUND 47 9AOR \\ SOH- \ S7'� _� \ J Us7 1osEP iSCOTT — — — e o Rou --CASEY-BJ l — — — E�RS 151 - s =� � A A \ — _ _ — \ ( SHE --___ / _ VDH \ \ \ \ \\\ \ 72p�� r / i �i �/� // % — — i _�\� �� _ — 1 ACR _ _ - �9.E/A�i iH�R u -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ e WIDETOPOFDAM " Nf0N VEN1�- \ \ \. \\. \ A\ \\ \ \ \\ ® COLLINS ENGINEERING SWPPP EXHIBIT - PHASE I EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN DATE: 12/30/22 200 GARRETT STREET SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINA 22902 OFFICE: 434-293-3729 SCALE: 1 "=1 50' SEEESCPLANFOR OTHER CONTROLS ��i POLLUTION PREVENTION ( 1 \ °Yo 7a • \\ CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATION FOR �v��-� ` V AI v v��o — ,v�v� �� •.. �Lq �F WO ® VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT — STA STAGING LOCATION _/ v�� ° .— ' v�vvA�� • \\ _ — v�V A\ STO STOCKPILELOCATION - OVA\\\ �~e�VA i v / V�\1 Il FT DOUBLE WALLED FUELING TANK LOCATION \ V �aaV. �N6 v \ �, , / — A"�� � AREA OF PAVING OPERATIONS O \ AREA TO FLOWARROw �bpo (SHOWNONPHIIQ Res \ _ _ _ 9>.8 _ /\\�II DU DUMPSTERW/COVERFORWASTEDISPOSAL SEDIMENT BASIN 922— P.7 4 / q r \, ED ==]44ACRESq� 1 AREA OFLANDSCAPING OPERATIONS v V '' v ( DO I I �� • \ APPROXBv1A \ \\\\\ \ NO DlS CONCENTRATEDDISCHARGELOCATION / �C—" (SHOWN ON PH lll) ORE:CONTRACTOR CONTRAROR STAGINGAREN WITH�Z A V VA �`\\ \ // / A >t \ ENSUREPOSTIVE DRAINAGE R a���_'t,, v,. `. ^ V \ \ VDOT CLASS AI ' ^ / / \\ \\\�\� \ \\ \ DOUBLE -WALLED FUELING TANK,�� i` / J \ \HALO\ DIV RBI NDIK= \\ \ �\ LINED V \ 22 DITCH J ANDP RTAfOTTI >` 1 ARAP4 T - _ ow°e /WIRE �L�Av�VAA� �SUPPORT� ST\STR m B/5"rvlcxw lR /� / VAA \ \A / VDFI\EVA DUN POET WICOVER, V A \ 1 y �.H / ' MONIN N�\\ Q AP.0 `s• LVAV A \ � 7WRE �� / A ��� \\VA\ RI / BACRES SUPPORT - A\ �� \Y \ �� \ \ l l I I _ _ I I CONCRETE WASH AN \ FOR CONSTRUCTION ENT �� r'"r �� y VWTCLASS AI AA�D DC NI6115IDE5 PROPOSED LIMI 16. ACRES/ �� \ �� \ OUTAREA ) 14 V W DIVERSION AND DIVERSIONDME 1 `II A A_ v 11 �� \ I I I I ////TO SMALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE �� \ _ \ \ \ \\\ \ �\ ��URBANCE-593 \�// 1•• \ —/5' vvv,,, J I ��� .69-6M ) v /3 \ ` V• uN� \ \ v� \ .. / - I� , �/ ° / OVA A�. \ \\ \ \ I 4 \ \ DITCH TO - ��� �\ \\ \ TOS DI� N '• I , ~ I //��/I �/ // w \\ \ " \ \ '� T �" \3 \ \ STORM STR vu - \ \ \ \ \\ \ RAP; 4 ACRES / // MAN TRUSIT I I I I A / O - GO STORIM 6DTR v8 •P't AREA TO Y \\\\�\\\ �4\\ \� d D r �.. / llll����I V�//��4 B.� 21 �' P �� ` SEDIMENTTRAP i ) \ \ PROPOSED FENCE \• / N04ECONTRACTORTO //�/ / ` a4739-23 t,v w-x.SOACRES / % -- \\A ROUND SEDIMENT NSUREPOSTIVEDRAINAGE I �l/�/ 1 �.0 ¢y'' \\ \ p044 �i �9 SO G /VERSION DIKE II / / I O. .� /���Bss3ozaxiP r �,, /�/� / I�Ij ` LAM / CI E VDOTC� SAI LINED SF ( IIIlI /o •�`4.. \� NOTE THIS CONSTRUCTION / /ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED, PROPOSED TEMPORARY \ yE ;`CIP 16 \ \ DITCH TO STORM STRB SUPD�T 1 /IIIII IIII IIIII I I o • •4 �`A OPERATED, AND MAINTAINED By I STOCKPILE BY SILT FENCE \ d d \ tov �F 1 P —+ / I I III / / o` .'� • 6 THE CONTRACTOR. ALL rI H\ d °a �, `�� ��. I I \ II I / O 4 ,`• \ CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS / / RACK/ •"} \ / AREA SHALL UTILIZE THI GRASS LINED DITCH V V �• �A E T d VIE ggeC /� II y CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE / 7N \ // //�� TO STORM STRa l SEDIMENTTRAP\ `/•'. ` "•\ /, \ \ 1 / � \ WIRE � A - _ TM.6 - TS k-x.9x ACRES / / /% 1 1 / � /�/�/ I T1IIII� II !F �V 1 A� A. 6� I ie=-ice SUPPORT 1 / /i I \ - 94 I �� 0 e/ vHRi.... ces r J 1VDOTCLASS I LINED I IIII II II / / / `4 \• �/ / l kANikb y I v I — — l III I I / / II / / \ I � DITCH TOS RM STRI 11 IIII I O I �D.B SO-8 / I I / \ \ \ — - / / — _ \ PS .. AREA TO �'°° \ DO 11 kn II / Ob �, 4 . •• P \ OD OTE. CONTRA qyF / �/ EDIMENT BASIN / D ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE II11 \\\\ ^T T ALONG DIVER51 DIK l •\ �.940 •s„9 i m €� W 1 e'r I =i.44 ACRES O � � VDOT CLASS AI LINED DITCH DC b °E j O • jTO STORM S92 R onrn /WIRE / / / / /� y , 92o uPPORT` oP ` J 1 \\1\` 1� 1� _ on,�ec DC A I 1 �� 9b E (., WOTEZOIJTRACTOR TO SF �/ �� . rP 0 `ALONG DIOESTIVEN /SAGE_-_ — — _ ./WIRE - i / VLOTcw oe 5 T �R+" \\` 1 11 / UVERHEAD _ _TIL SUPPORT' i/ T-TT_ "V A�� �INES 00` ��/�/ /// �� I I I/ •� _ _ DISTURNCE ..93ACRES !'�` A DITCH TO STORM UNED �V 1 PROPOSED LIMITSOF- \ e BAJ / VDOT CLA I 11 } xSTR6/01 RE LLOI PROPOSED LIMITS OFF \\ \\ \ \ VUG O• I ( /� A A �� ����� \ _ / / �� /� / A V�� A DISTURBANCE 693 ACRES ) 4 __ PROPOSED FENCE J11C % ENT C I I 1 / �///dam �/ v v V M1.fi9-19P V // / /�/ / / v _ D \ / \ AROUND SEDIMENT AiviiED OT 9� / _v / / 1�v A� v -TRAP �' ^/ KTONLR K�6� / / % /i A v W • 1 \ VA. AAA A / / / o •'..v / bkas°;�Rrr vim, /// ��-_ — �'////'/-�� —v- v 0 8O, �.` �! /i�i v — k D sF PGLE / / %/1F`bi \NOTE: SILT FENCE. SAFETY V �� ' /. �4e,:'.. _ / wIWI E (((/ I \ V A A /� �/ / / ADDITIONALLODFOR DRAINFIELD/ — FENCE, AND TREE PROTECTION \ NOTECONTRACTO R TO • f g; V SUPPORT 'INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD — SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS \ \� ENSUREPOSTIVE DRAINAGE �ygry�1,� .5. �,. S PROPOSEDFENCE I / — _�-- OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE \ V �890_✓ALONG DIVERSION DIKE •'•�'•;^Y' •p�" V AROUNDSEDIMENT ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD / LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE(TYPJ OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL AA •�•'A •'.. INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAIN FIELD V A Nb T V i / / TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD =2.51ACRES/ PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES_ VA V A — �- PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEET Bf �� ••••1:•',:E".� \ BASIN LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE(TYP.) V�V 11 rvU _ A FOR SEDIM ENT BASINi / l L \ \ / i. / �— / i V OF DISTURBANCE OR-� 1 �� \ DESIGN DETAILS •".\ \ \ TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD 5 ACRES ARE MEASUREDOIJsJNIOIKE \MITS\\ \ % / 1/Br .vb'J_. Li \/ f-j- UCAL / — I/ / A 44 FOOTLONG AND /.. I \ 4FOOT HIGH BAFFLES \ \ \ \ \ ` \ ``"—` _ JpWTC1A55P 5fON/D \�_ / `h 1 \ \\\ \ /VDH FREE T HTYRH\G — \ _ — c-s w,s w. >a IS FOUNDENT A ,AAAAAA ryryR� \\\\\\\\1 // ---- — \ 47�A6R \ A \1� \ \ I 'VD �\, ® COLLINS ENGINEERING SWPPP EXHIBIT - PHASE II EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN DATE: 12/30/22 200 GARRETT STREET SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINA 22902 OFFICE: 434-293-3729 SCALE: 1 "=1 50' POLLUTION PREVENTION ( \ \tea\�!•�� \ �.: „�pR sT - — \ — \ \\ .,. \\„ • \ SEE ESC PLAN FOR OTHER CONTROLS CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATION FOR \ \ � ���\�k �i � ��•��s����" �p/��n�� � �� � \ \\ \\\ \\\\ \ WO VEHICLES AND EOUIPMENT STA STAGINGLOCATION , \ \\°40"` •\�\` .���w� kF` �$��NT \\ / i \\\ I \ \ I\\ wAAVA\ \ III sro STOCKPILELOCATIONv•:.v�v\�A\VA�\III v` FT DOUBLE WALLED FUELING TANKLOCATION 0 AREA OF PAVING OPERATIONS DU DUMPSTER W/COVER FOR WASTE DISPOSAL r s (SHOWN ON PH IIQ O \ \ 922 — 4 AREA OFLANDSCAPING OPERATIONS \ / — _ - 9iS - _ / ' ° oL dyV`I A�I - I` `. • yy '�. A _ I�\ V I (SHOWN ON PH DlS CONCENTRATED DISCHARGE LOCATION v d q. APPRbx�A E •` \VA \\ \\\v lll) I I \ V / � VVA v //-'___v�� vvvv �� � V A — —� "`•\ — _" �'°� V�/�AA%UWPPORER97TN �6 •„ • •`• A• /"PS /' .I '�' ..G� firX 6NRW Is` a[.s. . f�y• �•� �` LERHEDLa Q\'•LA`V`\ AONALLV INSTALLATION.-Y. LOCATION WITH SILTFENCE ( CONTRACTOTINGAREAWITH TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD=RACRES ��VAA\ �!OA\AR RE•\\A/A�/ A'�VAA �IV����' /IA/ ) ///•"f/;�V Y/ A•/\ii�/ y\VL / �\ •V/\Q�AjP\V I �V\\V \—UA NN 1\\� II\\ I IA OUBLEWALLDA,ED FLIINMoDU ECOVERnuM -POTTIES CONCRETEWASH OUTAREA �DIVERSION DIKE VVVAI7SMALLSEDIMENT TRAPPING ISTURBANCE=a6.93 R�I / A\ \E FOR CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE IA \\1\ %EwseDonl 4 �r'N\\ �I �KERMAN TRUS��-I' ✓ V-�� �/ . AVA _ I �� W v P � v /� / �'. • vv D D.B.449fi-4411 �I / / i ,.. d.piP.i 6, p �� r. �• .� \� A r _ n _. / / / r / / /I I°o. ��� 1 I�� .B.3530-23P T / III ,IIII \r�9S ,TT N (o S RIU E,"Res SF C NOTE THISUCTION / \ / ,.,.\\ \- �/ J x I O _ r ` wI WIR I / ok� \ /ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED• I �„ �• SUPPORT I O• ^. MAINTAINEDBA. v C-, / I�..° ' P� ��� l / q. _•'.� o CONTRACTOR ALL / / it 4. ` .LL „ 4. \ ( • d. f J. �� 9 / , ° • \ +Q�p �/ // / CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN THIS / WASH RACKr SHALLUTWZE THI V I " �.�` ,. I• \ V 0. - �)% W / I // ,'y'4�.(.� CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE /;. \ I . �` • • : d. p "'N BL' / (� I L — _ /+ \' \ VJ _--/�///////�/�/ A A� � Il —� .(� I�r m. � `� A\ � \� d a ° � � �� wwIRE� I I \ — / •/ .I .�� %DQi 33 asR6 _SUF r I I / {• k '�. SE tRNBADSNLEY IlII� /�\ / °°6h y• 333333 �a � IS Is 940\.1 // ///� // /// / // / I / �— - • / // /� JR V\ \� m%IwIRE ol�.nec V / _•. 9zo_ _ UPPORT pp -% ( / Pb k WJ4E �� '�_ --__ / wWIRE _ P4 u ` ' ERHEAD/ 6 _LE Sty' /� Q� �,S \ _ -..- __ _ 'SUPPORT///j/ / r ./` I'.Ie RN c( ��r , �`/ I Y 'UTILITY I A / O' /• `. \��_•93D�/.�i/� r it \.'\�. (LINES °e DISTURBANCESE¢fi 9I ACRES • `�� I I •_ I• I / �� • /// / �// // � / A. � OOP L/ �_ � _ � � / � _ � / / / / A .\ / a . ,9 / � • � Y � � I // PS F� 90 \ \ �A - - - DISTURBANCEPROPOSLDLIMI15OF D�� •.V . A •��� / / �//jV SEI 1 / O / // \ \ �/ f �__�� \ - J DISTURBANCE 16.93 ACRES rofo��yy��JJMMENTI// ,Sh •_ W ,l I / ` j// / FOY1Ntl — / V A � / / SEES... � 1 \. '� • � � A A l�llll/seoLRT3 L�//�/ % Irk 6 Res U. NOTE:SILT FTREE EPROTECTION V �� -NCE, SAFETY FENCE, AND TREE PROTECTION / / . ` j.. •',h ,.'( 44 \ \ A A SUPPORT / AD LOD FOR DRAINFIELD/ _ SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS V A /�.-�/ //// 4 •'y•' i A \ V A PROPOSED FENCE // INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD __ - OF DISTDRBANCE. TERSE ARE \ VA 'Y �880- // :ri!�'.: •'••" A A ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD /I V�M LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE (TYR.) — /�� ti,. t..•,."': ;K� \ 5 AROUND SEDIMENT \ VA UM v // TOTALADDRIONALLOD=x.pACRES� -- OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL VA PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEETS( •d:••'�•"p•'?•�•'�; BASIN INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND) _ �i� - _ i�PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES_ ARTHELIMITS_ V A TOTALAN WITH SILT E(TYR ES \ \ N M T Jl / \ / / / / / _ \ FOR SEDIMENT BASIN / ( \ y LOCATIONWRH SILLOD-25EA( \ \ \ ��� ✓/ \,\�\ \ camel aaaes IS/ARE MEASUR��I ERSIONCDIKE.EOR /E/ HDETp �S-/� 4 S m. `.. `.. `. ✓ \ // E .%/%/ �(( / /� s I V I _ - lL - / 11O J nyy FOOT LONG AND //j ✓�/ ( \�\\\ --1 y FOOT HIGH BAFFLES •Lzm. % /III II�b V60_% FREE��N Y1RTJfU�\ �� �roa e. OP �i/ ON ENI NN6F` \ \ I �/ i a7��z'§n Jusl_JosEP ILSLoxs— — oNi7UiYn E RO{/ � ` — — s , uEas � vDH AA V A\\ DAM MONUMENI�� -� \ VA \ \\ VA \ LL \ \ \\\ \ ® COLLINS ENGINEERING SWPPP EXHIBIT - PHASE III EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAIN DATE: 12/30/22 200 GARRETT STREET SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 OFFICE: 434-293-3729 SCALE: 1 "=1 050' Figure 3.9: Typical Detail for Concrete Wash -Out Area 10MIL PW VISIBLE SIGN caean STAKElIYY11GG �1PFh� MN8110N AE.1 STRAWN S 1BMILPLASTIC ✓uNINc T—� NATURAL GROUND }� SECTIONA-A VISIBLE SIGN BELOWGROUND STARES wm ma 10MILPLASTIC Pj /LINING NATURAL GROUND I SECTIONA•A WOOD PLANKS ABOVE GROUND SECTION 7 II►Vil]_11:14DIVJ/_llIa:4.1 IMPAIRED WATERS Name(s) of Receiving Waterbody: Mechums River -Stockton Creek Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): JR01 Waterbody Condition: Impaired If the site discharges to an impaired waterbody then the construction activity operator and contractors shall comply with CGP II A.5.b. and provide clear direction that: 1. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within 7 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. 2. Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events. 3. A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with CGP II G2.a. 92=12:47 PM HO s My Watery,- Walerbody Repod A Glossary ® Data 9 About i Contact Us How's My Waterway? Informing the conversation about your waters. Waterbody Report . Stockton Creek Assessment Unit ID:VAV-H23R SKMO1A10 Waterbody Condition: Impaired Existing Plans for Restoration: No 9 303(d) Listed: Yes Year Reported: 2020 Organization Name (ID): Virginia (21VASWCB) What type of water is this? River (12.06 Miles) Where is this water located? Stockton Creek from the headwaters downstream to its confluence with the Machums River. Assessment Information from 2020 What is this water used for? Aquatic Life Fish Consumption Recreation Wildlife Mlps:llmyvrelemre epa.gov terbody-mpoN IVASWCONAV-H23R SWOlAIM020 Expand All B Good NWMA essed mpaired Good 1n 5123M.12:47 PM Probable sources contributing to impairment from 2020: How's My Walaway- Water y Report source Agriculture Non -Point Source Wildlife Other Than Waterfowl Plans to Restore Water Quality What plans are in place to protect or restore water quality? No plans specified for this waterbody. Confirmed No No No Mips:llmy temre epa.gov teNody-mpoN IVAS WNAV-H23R SWOlAIM020 2f2 SECTION 8 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL QUALIFIED PERSONNEL THE FOLLOWING PERSONNEL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING THE POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN AND PERFORMING WEEKLY TOOBOX MEETINGS AND INSPECTIONS ON THE PROJECT SITE: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OPERATOR COMPANY NAME: Riverbend Development CONTACT NAME: Alan Taylor QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: 434-245-4970 EMAIL: alan@riverbenddev.com QAULIFIED INSPECTOR/CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: QAULIFIED SUBCONTRACTOR/CONSTRUCTION MANAGER COMPANY NAME: CONTACT NAME: QUALIFICATION: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: SECTION 9 1414,4919 DF-A 9 RR, I CERTIFICATION "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." OPERATOR NAME: COMPANY: Riverbend Development TITLE: SIGNATURE: W^- -- DATE: 5/20/22 SECTION 10 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Alan Taylor (name), hereby designate the person or specifically described position below to be a duly authorized representative for the purpose of overseeing compliance with environmental requirements, including the Construction General Permit, at the Stockton Creek Subdivision construction site. The designee is authorized to sign any reports, stormwater pollution prevention plans and all other documents required by the permit. (name of person or position) (company) (address) (city, state, zip) (phone) By signing this authorization, I confirm that I meet the requirements to make such a designation as set forth in the Construction General Permit (CGP), and that the designee above meets the definition of a "duly authorized representative". OPERATOR NAME: COMPANY: TITLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: Alan Riverbend Development 5/20/22 APPENDIX A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY General Permit No.: VAR10 Effective Date: July 1, 2019 Expiration Date: June 30, 2024 GENERAL VPDES PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES OF STORMWATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND THE VIRGINIA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ACT In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and pursuant to the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, operators of construction activities are authorized to discharge to surface waters within the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia, except those specifically named in State Water Control Board regulations that prohibit such discharges. The authorized discharge shall be in accordance with the registration statement filed with the Department of Environmental Quality, this cover page, Part I - Discharge Authorization and Special Conditions, Part II - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and Part III - Conditions Applicable to All VPDES Permits as set forth in this general permit. Construction General Permit Effective July 1, 2019 Page 2 of 26 FWAMOM DISCHARGE AUTHORIZATION AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Coverage under this general permit. 1. During the period beginning with the date of coverage under this general permit and lasting until the general permit's expiration date, the operator is authorized to discharge stormwater from construction activities. This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that: a. The support activity is directly related to the construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. The support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; c. The support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the last construction activity it supports; d. The support activity is identified in the registration statement at the time of general permit coverage; e. Appropriate control measures are identified in a stormwater pollution prevention plan and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and f. All applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity. B. Limitations on coverage. 1. Post -construction discharges. This general permit does not authorize stormwater discharges that originate from the site after construction activities have been completed and the site, including any support activity sites covered under the general permit registration, has undergone final stabilization. Post -construction industrial stormwater discharges may need to be covered by a separate VPDES permit. Discharges mixed with nonstormwater. This general permit does not authorize discharges that are mixed with sources of nonstormwater, other than those discharges that are identified in Part I E (Authorized nonstormwater discharges) and are in compliance with this general permit. Discharges covered by another state permit. This general permit does not authorize discharges of stormwater from construction activities that have been covered under an individual permit or required to obtain coverage under an alternative general permit. Page 3 of 26 4. Impaired waters and total maximum daily load (TMDL) limitation. Nutrient and sediment impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for (i) sediment or a sediment -related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or (ii) nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus) are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) in accordance with Part II B 5 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or for which a TMDL wasteload allocation has been established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 6 of this permit that minimizes the pollutants of concern and, when applicable, is consistent with the assumptions and requirements of the approved TMDL wasteload allocations, and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. Exceptional waters limitation. Discharges of stormwater from construction activities not previously covered under the general permit effective on July 1, 2014, to exceptional waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c are not eligible for coverage under this general permit unless the operator develops, implements, and maintains a SWPPP in accordance with Part II B 7 of this permit and implements an inspection frequency consistent with Part II G 2 a. 6. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts C. Commingled discharges. Discharges authorized by this general permit may be commingled with other sources of stormwater that are not required to be covered under a state permit, so long as the commingled discharge is in compliance with this general permit. Discharges authorized by a separate state or VPDES permit may be commingled with discharges authorized by this general permit so long as all such discharges comply with all applicable state and VPDES permit requirements. D. Prohibition of nonstormwater discharges. Except as provided in Parts I A 2, 1 C, and I E, all discharges covered by this general permit shall be composed entirely of stormwater associated with construction activities. All other discharges including the following are prohibited: 1. Wastewater from washout of concrete; 2. Wastewater from the washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, and other construction materials; Page 4 of 26 3. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; 4. Oils, toxic substances, or hazardous substances from spills or other releases; and 5. Soaps, solvents, or detergents used in equipment and vehicle washing. E. Authorized nonstormwater discharges. The following nonstormwater discharges from construction activities are authorized by this general permit when discharged in compliance with this general permit: 1. Discharges from firefighting activities; 2. Fire hydrant flushings; 3. Waters used to wash vehicles or equipment where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 4. Water used to control dust that has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 5. Potable water sources, including uncontaminated waterline flushings, managed in a manner to avoid an instream impact; 6. Routine external building wash down where soaps, solvents or detergents have not been used and the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 7. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (or where all spilled or leaked material has been removed prior to washing); where soaps, solvents, or detergents have not been used; and where the wash water has been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; 8. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate; 9. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water; 10. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; 11. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering, including dewatering of trenches and excavations that have been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge; and 12. Landscape irrigation. F. Termination of general permit coverage. 1. The operator of the construction activity shall submit a notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60, unless a registration statement was not required to be submitted in accordance with 9VAC25-880-50 A 1 c or A 2 b for single-family detached residential structures, to the VSMP authority after one or more of the following conditions have been met: Page 5 of 26 a. Necessary permanent control measures included in the SWPPP for the site are in place and functioning effectively and final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the operator has operational control. When applicable, long term responsibility and maintenance requirements for permanent control measures shall be recorded in the local land records prior to the submission of a complete and accurate notice of termination and the construction record drawing prepared; b. Another operator has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized and obtained coverage for the ongoing discharge; c. Coverage under an alternative VPDES or state permit has been obtained; or d. For individual lots in residential construction only, final stabilization as defined in 9VAC25- 880-1 has been completed, including providing written notification to the homeowner and incorporating a copy of the notification and signed certification statement into the SWPPP, and the residence has been transferred to the homeowner. The notice of termination shall be submitted no later than 30 days after one of the above conditions in subdivision 1 of this subsection is met. 3. Termination of authorization to discharge for the conditions set forth in subdivision 1 a of this subsection shall be effective upon notification from the department that the provisions of subdivision 1 a of this subsection have been met or 60 days after submittal of a complete and accurate notice of termination in accordance with 9VAC25-880-60 C, whichever occurs first. 4. Authorization to discharge terminates at midnight on the date that the notice of termination is submitted for the conditions set forth in subdivisions 1 b through 1 d of this subsection unless otherwise notified by the VSMP authority or department. 5. The notice of termination shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. G. Water quality protection. The operator shall select, install, implement, and maintain control measures as identified in the SWPPP at the construction site that minimize pollutants in the discharge as necessary to ensure that the operator's discharge does not cause or contribute to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard. If it is determined by the department that the operator's discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or are contributing to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the department, in consultation with the VSMP authority, may take appropriate enforcement action and require the operator to: a. Modify or implement additional control measures in accordance with Part II C to adequately address the identified water quality concerns; b. Submit valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or Page 6 of 26 c. Submit an individual permit application in accordance with 9VAC25-870-410 B 3. All written responses required under this chapter shall include a signed certification consistent with Part III K. 7_1:M STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN A. Stormwater pollution prevent plan. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) shall be developed prior to the submission of a registration statement and implemented for the construction activity, including any support activity, covered by this general permit. SWPPPs shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices. Construction activities that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale and disturb less than one acre may utilize a SWPPP template provided by the department and need not provide a separate stormwater management plan if one has been prepared and implemented for the larger common plan of development or sale. The SWPPP requirements of this general permit may be fulfilled by incorporating by reference other plans such as a spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan developed for the site under § 311 of the federal Clean Water Act or best management practices (BMP) programs otherwise required for the facility provided that the incorporated plan meets or exceeds the SWPPP requirements of Part II B. All plans incorporated by reference into the SWPPP become enforceable under this general permit. If a plan incorporated by reference does not contain all of the required elements of the SWPPP, the operator shall develop the missing elements and include them in the SWPPP. 3. Any operator that was authorized to discharge under the general permit effective July 1, 2014, and that intends to continue coverage under this general permit, shall update its stormwater pollution prevention plan to comply with the requirements of this general permit no later than 60 days after the date of coverage under this general permit. B. Contents. The SWPPP shall include the following items: 1. General information. a. A signed copy of the registration statement, if required, for coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; b. Upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage under the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities (i.e., notice of coverage letter); c. Upon receipt, a copy of the general VPDES permit for discharges of stormwater from construction activities; d. A narrative description of the nature of the construction activity, including the function of the project (e.g., low density residential, shopping mall, highway, etc.); e. A legible site plan identifying: Page 7 of 26 (1) Directions of stormwater flow and approximate slopes anticipated after major grading activities; (2) Limits of land disturbance including steep slopes and natural buffers around surface waters that will not be disturbed; (3) Locations of major structural and nonstructural control measures, including sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other measures intended to filter, settle, or similarly treat sediment, that will be installed between disturbed areas and the undisturbed vegetated areas in order to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration; (4) Locations of surface waters; (5) Locations where concentrated stormwater is discharged; (6) Locations of any support activities, including (i) areas where equipment and vehicle washing, wheel wash water, and other wash water is to occur; (ii) storage areas for chemicals such as acids, fuels, fertilizers, and other lawn care chemicals; (iii) concrete wash out areas; (iv) vehicle fueling and maintenance areas; (v) sanitary waste facilities, including those temporarily placed on the construction site; and (vi) construction waste storage; and (7) When applicable, the location of the on -site rain gauge or the methodology established in consultation with the VSMP authority used to identify measurable storm events for inspection as allowed by Part II G 2 a (1) (ii) or Part II G 2 b (2). Erosion and sediment control plan. a. An erosion and sediment control plan designed and approved in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), an "agreement in lieu of a plan" as defined in 9VAC25-840-10 from the VESCP authority, or an erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. All erosion and sediment control plans shall include a statement describing the maintenance responsibilities required for the erosion and sediment controls used. c. An approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications, implemented to: (1) Control the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff within the site to minimize soil erosion; (2) Control stormwater discharges, including peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion; Page 8 of 26 (3) Minimize the amount of soil exposed during the construction activity; (4) Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes; (5) Minimize sediment discharges from the site in a mannerthat addresses (i) the amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation; (ii) the nature of resulting stormwater runoff; and (iii) soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes present on the site; (6) Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal, and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible; (7) Minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil; (8) Ensure initiation of stabilization activities, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1, of disturbed areas immediately whenever any clearing, grading, excavating, or other land - disturbing activities have permanently ceased on any portion of the site, or temporarily ceased on any portion of the site and will not resume for a period exceeding 14 days; and (9) Utilize outlet structures that withdraw stormwater from the surface (i.e., above the permanent pool or wet storage water surface elevation), unless infeasible, when discharging from sediment basins or sediment traps. 3. Stormwater management plan. a. Except for those projects identified in Part II B 3 b, a stormwater management plan approved by the VSMP authority as authorized under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulation (9VAC25-870), or an "agreement in lieu of a stormwater management plan" as defined in 9VAC25-870-10 from the VSMP authority, or a stormwater management plan prepared in accordance with annual standards and specifications approved by the department. b. For any operator meeting the conditions of 9VAC25-870-47 B of the VSMP regulation, an approved stormwater management plan is not required. In lieu of an approved stormwater management plan, the SWPPP shall include a description of, and all necessary calculations supporting, all post -construction stormwater management measures that will be installed prior to the completion of the construction process to control pollutants in stormwater discharges after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the degree possible. Such measures must be designed and installed in accordance with applicable VESCP authority, VSMP authority, state, and federal requirements, and any necessary permits must be obtained. Pollution prevention plan. A pollution prevention plan that addresses potential pollutant - generating activities that may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any support activity. The pollution prevention plan shall: a. Identify the potential pollutant -generating activities and the pollutant that is expected to be exposed to stormwater; Page 9 of 26 b. Describe the location where the potential pollutant -generating activities will occur, or if identified on the site plan, reference the site plan; c. Identify all nonstormwater discharges, as authorized in Part I E of this general permit, that are or will be commingled with stormwater discharges from the construction activity, including any applicable support activity; d. Identify the person responsible for implementing the pollution prevention practice or practices for each pollutant -generating activity (if other than the person listed as the qualified personnel); e. Describe the pollution prevention practices and procedures that will be implemented to: (1) Prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G; (2) Prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities (e.g., providing secondary containment such as spill berms, decks, spill containment pallets, providing cover where appropriate, and having spill kits readily available); (3) Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds (e.g., providing (i) cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent contact with stormwater; (ii) collection and proper disposal in a manner to prevent contact with stormwater; and (iii) a similarly effective means designed to prevent discharge of these pollutants); (4) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing (e.g., locating activities away from surface waters and stormwater inlets or conveyance and directing wash waters to sediment basins or traps, using filtration devices such as filter bags or sand filters, or using similarly effective controls); (5) Direct concrete wash water into a leak -proof container or leak -proof settling basin. The container or basin shall be designed so that no overflows can occur due to inadequate sizing or precipitation. Hardened concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wastes. Liquid concrete wastes shall be removed and disposed of in a manner consistent with the handling of other construction wash waters and shall not be discharged to surface waters; (6) Minimize the discharge of pollutants from storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes including (i) building products such as asphalt sealants, copper flashing, roofing materials, adhesives, and concrete admixtures; (ii) pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, and landscape Page 10 of 26 materials; and (iii) construction and domestic wastes such as packaging materials, scrap construction materials, masonry products, timber, pipe and electrical cuttings, plastics, Styrofoam, concrete, and other trash or building materials; (7) Prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, waste concrete, and sanitary wastes; (8) Address any other discharge from the potential pollutant -generating activities not addressed above; (9) Minimize the exposure of waste materials to precipitation by closing or covering waste containers during precipitation events and at the end of the business day, or implementing other similarly effective practices. Minimization of exposure is not required in cases where the exposure to precipitation will not result in a discharge of pollutants; and f. Describe procedures for providing pollution prevention awareness of all applicable wastes, including any wash water, disposal practices, and applicable disposal locations of such wastes, to personnel in order to comply with the conditions of this general permit. The operator shall implement the procedures described in the SWPPP. SWPPP requirements for discharges to nutrient and sediment impaired waters. For discharges to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for sediment for a sediment - related parameter (i.e., total suspended solids or turbidity) or nutrients (i.e., nitrogen or phosphorus), the operator shall: a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutants of concern in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. SWPPP requirements for discharges to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) impaired waters. For discharges from construction activities that include the demolition of any structure with at least 10,000 square feet of floor space built or renovated before January 1, 1980, to surface waters (i) identified as impaired in the 2016 § 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Integrated Report or (ii) with an applicable TMDL wasteload allocation established and approved prior to the term of this general permit for PCB, the operator shall: Page 11 of 26 a. Identify the impaired waters, approved TMDLs, and pollutant of concern in the SWPPP; b. Implement the approved erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with Part II B 2; c. Dispose of waste materials in compliance with applicable state, federal, and local requirements; and d. Implement a modified inspection schedule in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 7. SWPPP requirements for discharges to exceptional waters. For discharges to surface waters identified in 9VAC25-260-30 A 3 c as an exceptional water, the operator shall: a. Identify the exceptional surface waters in the SWPPP; and b. Provide clear direction in the SWPPP that: (1) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site; (2) Nutrients shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or an approved nutrient management plan and shall not be applied during rainfall events; and (3) A modified inspection schedule shall be implemented in accordance with Part II G 2 a. 8. Identification of qualified personnel. The name, phone number, and qualifications of the qualified personnel conducting inspections required by this general permit. 9. Delegation of authority. The individuals or positions with delegated authority, in accordance with Part III K, to sign inspection reports or modify the SWPPP. 10. SWPPP signature. The SWPPP shall be signed and dated in accordance with Part III K. C. SWPPP amendments, modification, and updates. 1. The operator shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters and that has not been previously addressed in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended if, during inspections or investigations by the operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state, or federal officials, it is determined that the existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges from the construction activity. Revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures designed and implemented to correct problems identified. If approval by the VESCP authority, VSMP authority, or department is necessary for the control measure, revisions to the SWPPP shall be completed no later than seven calendar days following approval. Implementation of these additional or modified control measures shall be accomplished as described in Part II H. Page 12 of 26 3. The SWPPP shall clearly identify the contractors that will implement and maintain each control measure identified in the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be amended to identify any new contractor that will implement and maintain a control measure. The operator shall update the SWPPP as soon as possible but no later than seven days following any modification to its implementation. All modifications or updates to the SWPPP shall be noted and shall include the following items: a. A record of dates when: (1) Major grading activities occur; (2) Construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and (3) Stabilization measures are initiated; b. Documentation of replaced or modified controls where periodic inspections or other information have indicated that the controls have been used inappropriately or incorrectly and were modified; c. Areas that have reached final stabilization and where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply; d. All properties that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property; e. The date of any prohibited discharges, the discharge volume released, and what actions were taken to minimize the impact of the release; f. Measures taken to prevent the reoccurrence of any prohibited discharge; and g. Measures taken to address any evidence identified as a result of an inspection required under Part II G. 5. Amendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP shall be signed in accordance with Part III K. D. Public notification. Upon commencement of land disturbance, the operator shall post conspicuously a copy of the notice of coverage letter near the main entrance of the construction activity. For linear projects, the operator shall post the notice of coverage letter at a publicly accessible location near an active part of the construction project (e.g., where a pipeline crosses a public road). The operator shall maintain the posted information until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. E. SWPPP availability. 1. Operators with day-to-day operational control over SWPPP implementation shall have a copy of the SWPPP available at a central location on -site for use by those identified as having responsibilities under the SWPPP whenever they are on the construction site. Page 13 of 26 The operator shall make the SWPPP and all amendments, modifications, and updates available upon request to the department, the VSMP authority, the EPA, the VESCP authority, local government officials, or the operator of a municipal separate storm sewer system receiving discharges from the construction activity. If an on -site location is unavailable to store the SWPPP when no personnel are present, notice of the SWPPP's location shall be posted near the main entrance of the construction site. The operator shall make the SWPPP available for public review in an electronic format or in hard copy. Information for public access to the SWPPP shall be posted and maintained in accordance with Part II D. If not provided electronically, public access to the SWPPP may be arranged upon request at a time and at a publicly accessible location convenient to the operator or his designee but shall be no less than once per month and shall be during normal business hours. Information not required to be contained within the SWPPP by this general permit is not required to be released. F. SWPPP implementation. The operator shall implement the SWPPP and subsequent amendments, modifications, and updates from commencement of land disturbance until termination of general permit coverage as specified in Part I F. All control measures shall be properly maintained in effective operating condition in accordance with good engineering practices and, where applicable, manufacturer specifications. If a site inspection required by Part II G identifies a control measure that is not operating effectively, corrective actions shall be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority, to maintain the continued effectiveness of the control measures. If site inspections required by Part II G identify an existing control measure that needs to be modified or if an additional or alternative control measure is necessary for any reason, implementation shall be completed prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event. If implementation prior to the next anticipated measurable storm event is impracticable, then additional or alternative control measures shall be implemented as soon as practicable, but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as established by the VSMP authority. G. SWPPP Inspections. 1. Personnel responsible for on -site and off -site inspections. Inspections required by this general permit shall be conducted by the qualified personnel identified by the operator in the SWPPP. The operator is responsible for ensuring that the qualified personnel conduct the inspection. 2. Inspection schedule. a. For construction activities that discharge to a surface water identified in Part II B 5 and B 6 as impaired or having an approved TMDL or Part I B 7 as exceptional, the following inspection schedule requirements apply: (1) Inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of (i) at least once every four business days or (ii) at least once every five business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when Page 14 of 26 there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day; and (2) Representative inspections as authorized in Part II G 2 d shall not be allowed. b. Except as specified in Part II G 2 a, inspections shall be conducted at a frequency of: (1) At least once every five business days; or (2) At least once every 10 business days and no later than 24 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 24 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. c. Where areas have been temporarily stabilized or land -disturbing activities will be suspended due to continuous frozen ground conditions and stormwater discharges are unlikely, the inspection frequency described in Part II G 2 a and 2 b may be reduced to once per month. If weather conditions (such as above freezing temperatures or rain or snow events) make discharges likely, the operator shall immediately resume the regular inspection frequency. d. Except as prohibited in Part II G 2 a (2), representative inspections may be utilized for utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities provided that: (1) Temporary or permanent soil stabilization has been installed and vehicle access may compromise the temporary or permanent soil stabilization and potentially cause additional land disturbance increasing the potential for erosion; (2) Inspections occur on the same frequency as other construction activities; (3) Control measures are inspected along the construction site 0.25 miles above and below each access point (i.e., where a roadway, undisturbed right-of-way, or other similar feature intersects the construction activity and access does not compromise temporary or permanent soil stabilization); and (4) Inspection locations are provided in the inspection report required by Part II G. e. If adverse weather causes the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. Any time inspections are delayed due to adverse weather conditions, evidence of the adverse weather conditions shall be included in the SWPPP with the dates of occurrence. 3. Inspection requirements. a. As part of the inspection, the qualified personnel shall: (1) Record the date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; Page 15 of 26 (2) Record the information and a description of any discharges occurring at the time of the inspection or evidence of discharges occurring prior to the inspection; (3) Record any land -disturbing activities that have occurred outside of the approved erosion and sediment control plan; (4) Inspect the following for installation in accordance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan, identification of any maintenance needs, and evaluation of effectiveness in minimizing sediment discharge, including whether the control has been inappropriately or incorrectly used: (a) All perimeter erosion and sediment controls, such as silt fence; (b) Soil stockpiles, when applicable, and borrow areas for stabilization or sediment trapping measures; (c) Completed earthen structures, such as dams, dikes, ditches, and diversions for stabilization and effective impoundment or flow control; (d) Cut and fill slopes; (e) Sediment basins and traps, sediment barriers, and other measures installed to control sediment discharge from stormwater; (f) Temporary or permanent channels, flumes, or other slope drain structures installed to convey concentrated runoff down cut and fill slopes; (g) Storm inlets that have been made operational to ensure that sediment laden stormwater does not enter without first being filtered or similarly treated; and (h) Construction vehicle access routes that intersect or access paved or public roads for minimizing sediment tracking; (5) Inspect areas that have reached final grade or that will remain dormant for more than 14 days to ensure: (a) Initiation of stabilization activities have occurred immediately, as defined in 9VAC25-880-1; and (b) Stabilization activities have been completed within seven days of reaching grade or stopping work; (6) Inspect for evidence that the approved erosion and sediment control plan, "agreement in lieu of a plan," or erosion and sediment control plan prepared in accordance with department -approved annual standards and specifications has not been properly implemented. This includes: Page 16 of 26 (a) Concentrated flows of stormwater in conveyances such as rills, rivulets, or channels that have not been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge, or evidence thereof; (b) Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that have not been filtered or settled to remove sediments prior to discharge; (c) Sediment deposition in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to improper installation, lack of maintenance, or inadequate design are considered unprotected; (d) Sediment deposition on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit; (e) Required stabilization has not been initiated or completed or is not effective on portions of the site; (f) Sediment basins without adequate wet or dry storage volume or sediment basins that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the basin; (g) Sediment traps without adequate wet or dry storage or sediment traps that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the trap; and (h) Land disturbance or sediment deposition outside of the approved area to be disturbed; (7) Inspect pollutant generating activities identified in the pollution prevention plan for the proper implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the procedures and practices; (8) Identify any pollutant generating activities not identified in the pollution prevention plan; and (9) Identify and document the presence of any evidence of the discharge of pollutants prohibited by this general permit. 4. Inspection report. Each inspection report shall include the following items: a. The date and time of the inspection and, when applicable, the date and rainfall amount of the last measurable storm event; b. Summarized findings of the inspection; c. The locations of prohibited discharges; d. The locations of control measures that require maintenance; Page 17 of 26 e. The locations of control measures that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate or inappropriate for a particular location; f. The locations where any evidence identified under Part II G 3 a (6) exists; g. The locations where any additional control measure is needed; h. A list of corrective actions required (including any changes to the SWPPP that are necessary) as a result of the inspection or to maintain permit compliance; i. Documentation of any corrective actions required from a previous inspection that have not been implemented; and The date and signature of the qualified personnel and the operator or its duly authorized representative. 5. The inspection report shall be included into the SWPPP no later than four business days after the inspection is complete. The inspection report and any actions taken in accordance with Part II shall be retained by the operator as part of the SWPPP for at least three years from the date that general permit coverage expires or is terminated. The inspection report shall identify any incidents of noncompliance. Where an inspection report does not identify any incidents of noncompliance, the report shall contain a certification that the construction activity is in compliance with the SWPPP and this general permit. The report shall be signed in accordance with Part III K of this general permit. H. Corrective actions. The operator shall implement the corrective actions identified as a result of an inspection as soon as practicable but no later than seven days after discovery or a longer period as approved by the VSMP authority. If approval of a corrective action by a regulatory authority (e.g., VSMP authority, VESCP authority, or the department) is necessary, additional control measures shall be implemented to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges until such approvals can be obtained. The operator may be required to remove accumulated sediment deposits located outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit as soon as practicable in order to minimize environmental impacts. The operator shall notify the VSMP authority and the department as well as obtain all applicable federal, state, and local authorizations, approvals, and permits prior to the removal of sediments accumulated in surface waters including wetlands. Page 18 of 26 PART III CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL VPDES PERMITS NOTE: Discharge monitoring is not required for this general permit. If the operator chooses to monitor stormwater discharges or control measures, the operator shall comply with the requirements of subsections A, B, and C, as appropriate. A. Monitoring. 1. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitoring activity. Monitoring shall be conducted according to procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or alternative methods approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, unless other procedures have been specified in this general permit. Analyses performed according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 shall be performed by an environmental laboratory certified under regulations adopted by the Department of General Services (1 VAC30-45 or 1 VAC30-46). 3. The operator shall periodically calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring and analytical instrumentation at intervals that will ensure accuracy of measurements. B. Records. 1. Monitoring records and reports shall include a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. The individuals who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The dates and times analyses were performed; d. The individuals who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. 2. The operator shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this general permit, and records of all data used to complete the registration statement for this general permit, for a period of at least three years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or request for coverage. This period of retention shall be extended automatically during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the regulated activity or regarding control standards applicable to the operator, or as requested by the board. C. Reporting monitoring results. Page 19 of 26 The operator shall update the SWPPP to include the results of the monitoring as may be performed in accordance with this general permit, unless another reporting schedule is specified elsewhere in this general permit. Monitoring results shall be reported on a discharge monitoring report (DMR); on forms provided, approved or specified by the department; or in any format provided that the date, location, parameter, method, and result of the monitoring activity are included. If the operator monitors any pollutant specifically addressed by this general permit more frequently than required by this general permit using test procedures approved under 40 CFR Part 136 or using other test procedures approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or using procedures specified in this general permit, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the DMR or reporting form specified by the department. 4. Calculations for all limitations which require averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified in this general permit. D. Duty to provide information. The operator shall furnish, within a reasonable time, any information which the board may request to determine whether cause exists for terminating this general permit coverage or to determine compliance with this general permit. The board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority may require the operator to furnish, upon request, such plans, specifications, and other pertinent information as may be necessary to determine the effect of the wastes from his discharge on the quality of surface waters, or such other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the CWA and the Virginia Stormwater Management Act. The operator shall also furnish to the board, department, EPA, or VSMP authority, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this general permit. E. Compliance schedule reports. Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this general permit shall be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. F. Unauthorized stormwater discharges. Pursuant to § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, except in compliance with a state permit issued by the department, it shall be unlawful to cause a stormwater discharge from a construction activity. G. Reports of unauthorized discharges. Any operator who discharges or causes or allows a discharge of sewage, industrial waste, other wastes or any noxious or deleterious substance or a hazardous substance or oil in an amount equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity established under either 40 CFR Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, 40 CFR Part 302, or § 62.1-44.34:19 of the Code of Virginia that occurs during a 24-hour period into or upon surface waters or who discharges or causes or allows a discharge that may reasonably be expected to enter surface waters, shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of the discharge immediately upon discovery of the discharge, but in no case later than within 24 hours after said discovery. A written report of the unauthorized discharge shall be submitted to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge. The written report shall contain: 1. A description of the nature and location of the discharge; 2. The cause of the discharge; Page 20 of 26 3. The date on which the discharge occurred; 4. The length of time that the discharge continued; 5. The volume of the discharge; 6. If the discharge is continuing, how long it is expected to continue; 7. If the discharge is continuing, what the expected total volume of the discharge will be; and Any steps planned or taken to reduce, eliminate and prevent a recurrence of the present discharge or any future discharges not authorized by this general permit. Discharges reportable to the department and the VSMP authority under the immediate reporting requirements of other regulations are exempted from this requirement. H. Reports of unusual or extraordinary discharges. If any unusual or extraordinary discharge including a "bypass" or "upset," as defined in this general permit, should occur from a facility and the discharge enters or could be expected to enter surface waters, the operator shall promptly notify, in no case later than within 24 hours, the department and the VSMP authority by telephone after the discovery of the discharge. This notification shall provide all available details of the incident, including any adverse effects on aquatic life and the known number of fish killed. The operator shall reduce the report to writing and shall submit it to the department and the VSMP authority within five days of discovery of the discharge in accordance with Part III 12. Unusual and extraordinary discharges include any discharge resulting from: 1. Unusual spillage of materials resulting directly or indirectly from processing operations; 2. Breakdown of processing or accessory equipment; 3. Failure or taking out of service of some or all of the facilities; and 4. Flooding or other acts of nature. I. Reports of noncompliance. The operator shall report any noncompliance which may adversely affect surface waters or may endanger public health. An oral report to the department and the VSMP authority shall be provided within 24 hours from the time the operator becomes aware of the circumstances. The following shall be included as information that shall be reported within 24 hours under this subdivision: a. Any unanticipated bypass; and b. Any upset that causes a discharge to surface waters. 2. A written report shall be submitted within five days and shall contain: a. A description of the noncompliance and its cause; Page 21 of 26 b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and c. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The department may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis for reports of noncompliance under Part III I if the oral report has been received within 24 hours and no adverse impact on surface waters has been reported. 3. The operator shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under Part II I 1 1 or 2 in writing as part of the SWPPP. The reports shall contain the information listed in Part 111 1 2. NOTE: The reports required in Part III G, H and I shall be made to the department and the VSMP authority. Reports may be made by telephone, email, or by fax. For reports outside normal working hours, leaving a recorded message shall fulfill the immediate reporting requirement. For emergencies, the Virginia Department of Emergency Management maintains a 24-hour telephone service at 1-800-468-8892. Where the operator becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts, or submittal of incorrect information in any report, including a registration statement, to the department or the VSMP authority, the operator shall promptly submit such facts or correct information. J. Notice of planned changes. 1. The operator shall give notice to the department and the VSMP authority as soon as possible of any planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility or activity. Notice is required only when: a. The operator plans an alteration or addition to any building, structure, facility, or installation that may meet one of the criteria for determining whether a facility is a new source in 9VAC25-870-420; b. The operator plans an alteration or addition that would significantly change the nature or increase the quantity of pollutants discharged. This notification applies to pollutants that are not subject to effluent limitations in this general permit; or 2. The operator shall give advance notice to the department and VSMP authority of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity, which may result in noncompliance with state permit requirements. K. Signatory requirements. 1. Registration statement. All registration statements shall be signed as follows: a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the Page 22 of 26 manager is authorized to make management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes (i) the chief executive officer of the agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency. 2. Reports and other information. All reports required by this general permit, including SWPPPs, and other information requested by the board or the department shall be signed by a person described in Part III K 1 or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: a. The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part III K 1; b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or a well field, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the operator. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position); and c. The signed and dated written authorization is included in the SWPPP. A copy shall be provided to the department and VSMP authority, if requested. 3. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under Part III K 2 is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the construction activity, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of Part III K 2 shall be submitted to the VSMP authority as the administering entity for the board prior to or together with any reports or information to be signed by an authorized representative. 4. Certification. Any person signing a document under Part II I K 1 or 2 shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this document and that this document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant Page 23 of 26 penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." L. Duty to comply. The operator shall comply with all conditions of this general permit. Any state permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act, except that noncompliance with certain provisions of this general permit may constitute a violation of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act but not the Clean Water Act. Permit noncompliance is grounds for enforcement action; for state permit coverage, termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a state permit renewal application. The operator shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under § 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions or standards for sewage sludge use or disposal, even if this general permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. M. Duty to reapply. If the operator wishes to continue an activity regulated by this general permit after the expiration date of this general permit, the operator shall submit a new registration statement at least 60 days before the expiration date of the existing general permit, unless permission for a later date has been granted by the board. The board shall not grant permission for registration statements to be submitted later than the expiration date of the existing general permit. N. Effect of a state permit. This general permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or invasion of personal rights, or any infringement of federal, state or local law or regulations. O. State law. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action under, or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any other state law or regulation or under authority preserved by § 510 of the Clean Water Act. Except as provided in general permit conditions on "bypassing" (Part III U) and "upset' (Part III V), nothing in this general permit shall be construed to relieve the operator from civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance. P. Oil and hazardous substance liability. Nothing in this general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the operator from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the operator is or may be subject under §§ 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the State Water Control Law or § 311 of the Clean Water Act. Q. Proper operation and maintenance. The operator shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances), which are installed or used by the operator to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes effective plant performance, adequate funding, adequate staffing, and adequate laboratory and process controls, including appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, which are installed by the operator only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this general permit. R. Disposal of solids or sludges. Solids, sludges or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or management of pollutants shall be disposed of in a manner so as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering surface waters and in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Page 24 of 26 S. Duty to mitigate. The operator shall take all steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this general permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. T. Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not be a defense for an operator in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this general permit. U. Bypass. 1. 'Bypass," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility. The operator may allow any bypass to occur that does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to ensure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of Part III U 2 and 3. 2. Notice. a. Anticipated bypass. If the operator knows in advance of the need for a bypass, the operator shall submit prior notice to the department, if possible at least 10 days before the date of the bypass. b. Unanticipated bypass. The operator shall submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in Part III I. 3. Prohibition of bypass. a. Except as provided in Part III U 1, bypass is prohibited, and the board or department may take enforcement action against an operator for bypass unless: (1) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities that causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources that can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production; (2) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass that occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (3) The operator submitted notices as required under Part III U 2. b. The department may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the department determines that it will meet the three conditions listed in Part III U 3 a. Page 25 of 26 V. Upset. 1. An "upset," as defined in 9VAC25-870-10, means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the operator. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 2. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with technology -based state permit effluent limitations if the requirements of Part III V 4 are met. A determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is not a final administrative action subject to judicial review. 3. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 4. An operator who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: a. An upset occurred and that the operator can identify the cause of the upset; b. The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. The operator submitted notice of the upset as required in Part III I; and d. The operator complied with any remedial measures required under Part III S. 5. In any enforcement proceeding, the operator seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. W. Inspection and entry. The operator shall allow the department as the board's designee, the VSMP authority, EPA, or an authorized representative of either entity (including an authorized contractor), upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law to: 1. Enter upon the operator's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 2. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that shall be kept under the conditions of this general permit; 3. Inspect and photograph at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this general permit; and 4. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of ensuring state permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act or the Virginia Stormwater Management Act, any substances or parameters at any location. Page 26 of 26 For purposes of this section, the time for inspection shall be deemed reasonable during regular business hours, and whenever the facility is discharging. Nothing contained herein shall make an inspection unreasonable during an emergency. X. State permit actions. State permit coverage may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the operator for a state permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any state permit condition. Y. Transfer of state permit coverage. 1. State permits are not transferable to any person except after notice to the department. Except as provided in Part 111 Y 2, a state permit may be transferred by the operator to a new operator only if the state permit has been modified or revoked and reissued, or a minor modification made, to identify the new operator and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary under the Virginia Stormwater Management Act and the Clean Water Act. 2. As an alternative to transfers under Part III Y 1, this state permit may be automatically transferred to a new operator if: a. The current operator notifies the department at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer of the title to the facility or property; b. The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new operators containing a specific date for transfer of state permit responsibility, coverage, and liability between them; and c. The department does not notify the existing operator and the proposed new operator of its intent to modify or revoke and reissue the state permit. If this notice is not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the agreement mentioned in Part III Y 2 b. 3. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of operator, the new operator shall accept and maintain the existing SWPPP, or prepare and implement a new SWPPP prior to taking over operations at the site. Z. Severability. The provisions of this general permit are severable, and if any provision of this general permit or the application of any provision of this state permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this general permit shall not be affected thereby. APPENDIX B I1►RU:14IIs] ►Iall a901149 INSPECTION REPORT: PROJECT NAME: SWPPP CONTACT: Inspector Name: Time of Inspection: Last Rain Event: Rainfall Amount: Summary of Inspection (See back of this sheet for checklist): • Location of Prohibited Discharges: • E&S or Pollution Prevent Measures that require maintenance: • Failed Control Measures (E&S or Pollution Prevention): • Locations where the approved plans were not implemented properly: • Corrective Actions Required: • Outstanding Items if present from last inspection: Inspector Signature Operator Signature Date Date "If this report does not identify any incidents of non-compliance, I certify that the construction activity is in compliance with the SWPPP and Construction General Permit" Inspections shall be completed at least once every four business days; or at least once every 5 business days and no later than 48 hours following a measurable storm event. In the event that a measurable storm event occurs when there are more than 48 hours between business days, the inspection shall be conducted on the next business day. Representative inspections used by utility line installation, pipeline construction, or other similar linear construction activities shall inspect all outfalls discharging to exceptional water. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS: • Inspect proper installation, maintenance needs, and effectiveness of: Perimeter controls (silt fence, tree protection, etc.) Soil stockpiles and borrow areas Completed earthen structures (dams, dikes, ditches, diversions, etc.) Cut and fill slopes Measures installed to control sediment discharge from stormwater (sediment basins, traps, or barriers, etc.) Measures installed to convey concentrated runoff (channels, flumes, slope drain structures, storm inlets, construction vehicle access routes, etc.) • Areas at final grade or to remain dormant for more than 14 days: Initiate stabilization activities Complete stabilization activities within 7 days of stopping work • Evidence that ESCP has not been properly implemented: Concentrated flows of stormwater in conveyances such as rills, rivulets or channels that have not been filtered, settled, or similarly treated prior to discharge, or evidence thereof; Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that have not been filtered or settled to remove sediments prior to discharge; Sediment deposition in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediments controls due to improper installation, lack of maintenance, or inadequate design are considered unprotected; Sediment deposition on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this general permit; Required stabilization has not been initiated or completed on portions of the site; Sediment basins without adequate wet or dry storage volume or sediment basins that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the basin; Sediment traps without adequate wet or dry storage or sediment traps that allow the discharge of stormwater from below the surface of the wet storage portion of the trap; and Land disturbance outside of the approved area to be disturbed • Pollutant generating activities from Pollution Prevention Plan: Proper implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness of the procedures and practices • Describe discharges at time of inspection: • Record land -disturbing activities outside approved ESCP: 0 Identify any pollutant generating activity or evidence of discharge not identified in the pollution prevention plan: APPENDIX C Ice] Cl 011 :1411Y/ EAT" I Is] ►110] all ►Vi CORRECTIVE ACTION FORM: SECTION A — INITIAL REPORT (CGP PART 5.4.1) (Complete this section within 24 hours of identifying the condition that triggered corrective action) Project Name: NPDES ID No: Today's Date: Date Problem First Discovered: Time Problem First Discovered: Name and Contact: What site conditions triggered the requirements to conduct corrective action: ❑ A stormwater control needs repair or replacement (beyond routine maintenance required under Part 2.1.4) ❑ A stormwater control necessary to comply with the requirements of this permit was never installed or installed incorrectly ❑ A discharge is causing an exceedance of applicable water quality standards ❑ A Part 1.3 prohibited discharge has occurred ❑ EPA requires correction action as a result of permit violations found during an EPA inspection carried out under Part 4.8 Provide a description of the problem: Deadline for completing corrective action: ❑ Immediately take all reasonable steps to address the condition, including cleaning up any contaminated surfaces so the material will not discharge in subsequent storm events ❑ Complete by close of the next business day when problem does not require a new or replacement control or significant repair ❑ No later than 7 calendar days from the time of discovery for problems that require a new or replacement control or significant repair ❑ Infeasible to complete the installation or repair within 7 calendar days. Why is it infeasible and document schedule for installing control: Date of corrective action completion: SECTION B — CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION (CGP PART 5.4.2) (Complete this section no later than 24 hours after completing the corrective action) Cause of Problem Date Detected How You Determined the Cause 1 2 Stormwater Control Modification Needed to Correct Problem Date of Completion How You Implemented the Modification 1 2 SECTION C—SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICATION (CGP PART 5.4.3) CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR ON SITE "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or person who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Contractor or Subcontractor: Printed Name and Affiliation: Date: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or person who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Operator or "Duly Authorized Representative": Printed Name and Affiliation: Date: APPENDIX D II0I4ItillI MOIa0:kv/a►kI Is] ►1folol4Y8):41►ViIUI1►[cs1181 ] POLLUTION PREVENTION TOOLBOX MEETING: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: DATE: SWPPP CONTACT: ATTENDEES: MEETING NOTES: APPENDIX E Ong § � \ � q }� (k � � § k § z§k� §%�$ $))� \ \ zCA cc z \ } /ACC �2fw 2 J / / [ ' 3 @ k 3 @ ) ) k k \ \ co( co / ( § ) § § \ o } o } � cc W 1' IA Q cW C z ¢ O N H J Q u O oa z w O a a a o 0 z u W z W Occ = N W N ww Q 3 W J H Faa z > > a - � cW Z Z W N W N cc C O LL LL W z ac Q o 0 z Q¢ Z cc j a g O O cc a > Q H ¢ ¢ > J a J C K � 0 Q Q O O � U U z ¢ ¢ H H Q Z Z O O LL com O D Z Z z 4�z O O O cr a O O cc LL LL u C ¢ cr ¢ Z Z 0 Z Z O ¢ LL O ¢ LL cW o G cWc Q G W ¢ W ¢ W z W Z cr Z 7 Q o a a U cc Q z z z z z cc — ac �2 s vi a �n a W 1' IA Q cW C z ¢ O N H J Q u O oa z w O a a a o 0 z u W z W Occ = N W N ww Q 3 W J H Faa z > > a - � cW Z Z W N W N cc C O LL LL W z ac Q o 0 z Q¢ Z cc j a g O O cc a > Q H ¢ ¢ > J a J C K � 0 Q Q O O � U U z ¢ ¢ H H Q Z Z O O LL com O D Z Z z 4�z O O O cr a O O cc LL LL u C ¢ cr ¢ Z Z 0 Z Z O ¢ LL O ¢ LL cW o G cWc Q G W ¢ W ¢ W z W Z cr Z 7 Q o a a U cc Q z z z z z cc — ac �2 s vi a �n a APPENDIX F I_1►Vila►113►ViIa►k91161cl C7 O J Z CW G Z W 2 Q r Q r Z O V a a a m C W C Q W W r C F a � r Z Lu Q C H W cZ LLI C Q Z Q r Z W 00 Z W cW Q C � Q r z W Z W Q W x r O Z O a V H W 0 r Z W 0 Z W 2O Q Z m C W Q W W r � F a � r z a cW G N z W ga z a r z W LL Q Gz W CWC Q L c a r z W 0 z W a W x r LL O z 0 a oe u Vf W r z W 0 z W 20 a z Brookville Manoal", STOCKTON CREEK SUBDIVISION GENERAL NOTES OWNER: STOCKTON CREEK LLC 455 SECOND STREET, 57H FLOOR CHARLOTTESOLLE, VA 22902 DEVELOPER. RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT INC. 455 SECOND STREET, SE SUITE 200 CHARLOTTESOLLE, VA 22902 ATTN: ALAN TAYLOR ENGINEER: COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRETT ST, SUITE K CHARLOTTESOLLE, VA 22902 (434)293-3719 TAX MAP NO.: 1. 06900-00-00-019BO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 3.64 ACRES 2. 06900-00-00-019CO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 7.70 ACRES J. 06900-00-00-019EO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 4.62 ACRES 4. 06900-00-00-019FO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 4.63 ACRES 5. 06900-00-00-019HO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 11.03 ACRES 6. 06900-00-00-019J0 (DB.5504, PG.614) - 8.92 ACRES 7. 06900-00-00-050BO (DB.5504, PG.614) - 8.73 ACRES TOTAL AREA: 49.27 AC. ZONING: RA - RURAL AREA - WITH HAZARD OVERLAY DISTRICT ENTRANCE CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT, & CRI77CAL SLOPES OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS: IMP 69-19C, IMP 69-19E, IMP 69-19F, & IMP 69-50B ALL HAVE (2) DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND MAY BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED. IMP 69-19H AND IMP 69-19J BOTH HAVE (4) DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND MAY BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED. IMP 69-19B HAS (2) DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS BUT MAY NOT BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED N THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION. PROPOSED USE. 15 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) LOTS OPEN SPACE.• NONE (NOT APPLICABLE) RECREATION AREA: NONE (NOT APPLICABLE) CRITICAL SLOPES: CRITICAL SLOPES ARE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY AND SHOWN ON THE EXIS77NG CONDITIONS PLAN SHEET (SHEET 2). NO CRITICAL SLOPES WILL BE IMPACTED WITH THE PROPOSED ROAD DEVELOPMENT AND SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY. BUILDING HEIGHTS. • MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 35 FEET SETBACKS: FRONT MIN. 75' (ALONG EXIS77NG PUBLIC R/W) AND 25' (ALONG INTERNAL PRIVATE & PUBLIC STREETS) NO MAXIMUM SETBACK SIDE: MINIMUM - 25' AND NO MAXIMUM REAR: 35' MINIMUM AND NO MAXIMUM SUBDIVISION STREETS: ROADSIDE DITCH WATERSHED: STOCKTON CREEK WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL/ FORESTAL DISTRICT NONE TOPO & SURVEY. TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY ROGER RAY & ASSOCIATES, JANUARY 2022. HE BOUNDARY LINE INFORMAT7ON IS PROVIDED BY ROGER RAY & ASSOCIATES, AUGUST 2021. INFORMATION FIELD VERIFIED BY COLLINS ENGINEERING IN DECEMBER OF 2021. DATUM: NAD 83 EXISTING VEGETATION. EXISTING FARM LAND WITH CORN CROPS AND PASTURES FOR COWS. TREE VEGETATION OVER A PORT70N OF THE PROPERTY, MAINLY ALONG THE STREAM CORRIDORS. (1) EXIS77NG FARM HOUSE WITH BARNS. LIGHTING. NO LIGH77NG IS PROPOSED PARKING: REQUIRED PARKING: 2 OFFSITE PARKING SPACES PER LOT WITHIN THE DRIVEWAY OF THE RESIDENTIAL LOTS PARKING PROVIDED: 2 OFFSITE PARKING SPACES PER LOT WITHIN THE DRIVEWAY OF THE RESIDENTIAL LOTS NOTE: NO FORMAL ON -STREET PARKING IS PROPOSED ALONG THE PROPOSED STREETS AND CUL-DE-SACS. PHASING: THESE PROPERTIES SHALL BE DEVELOPED WITHIN (1) PHASE BURIAL SITES: NO CEMETERIES WERE FOUND DURING A FIELD INVESTIGATION OF THE SITE STREAM BUFFERS THE STREAM BUFFERS SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE. SEE SHEET 2 FOR THE LOCA77ON OF THE STREAM BUFFERS. RETAINING WALLS: NO RETAINING WALLS ARE PRPOPOSED. LANDSCAPING: STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED ALONG THE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS WITHIN SECT70N 32.7.9 OF THE COUNTY CODE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 14. BUILDING SITES: EACH PARCEL CONTAINS A BUILDING SITE THAT COMPLIES WITH SECTION 4.2.1. OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. STREAM BUFFERS/FLOODPLAIN. THERE IS A 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN ON THE PROPERTY, PER FEMA MAPS 51003CO225D, FEBRUARY 4, 2005. STREAM BUFFER EXISTS, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2. OFFSITE DISTURBANCE: NO OFFSIE DISTURBANCE IS PROPOSED WITH THIS PLAN NO TES: 1) THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE WITHIN AN AGRICULTURAL AND/OR FORESTAL DISTRICT. 2) ONLY (1) DWELLING PER LOT SHALL BE PERMITTED. 3) STREET TREES SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG ALL THE PUBLIC STREETS 40' O.C. IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY STANDARDS. 4) EACH LOT SHALL HAVE AN INDIVIDUAL TRASH CONTAINER WITH PRIVATE TRASH SERVICE FOR PICKUP. 5) THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A DAM INUNDA77ON ZONE. 6) RETAINING WALLS GREATER THAN 3' IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT. WALLS EXCEEDING 4' IN HEIGHT REQUIRE A STAMPED ENGINEERED DESIGN. WALLS CROSSING LOT LINES REQUIRE AN EASEMENT. 7) ALL WATER LINES, SEWER LINES, AND FIRE LINES FROM THE MAIN TO THE STRUCTURE MUST HAVE A VISUAL INSPECTION PERFORMED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. GENERAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES. 1. WHERE THE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS OF PLUMBING FIXTURES ARE BELOW THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER, THE FIXTURES SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A BACKWATER VALVE INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING DRAIN, BRANCH OF THE BUILDING DRAIN OR HORIZONTAL BRANCH SERVING SUCH FIXTURES. PLUMBING FIXTURES HAVING FLOOD LEVEL RIMS ABOVE THE ELEVATION OF THE MANHOLE COVER OF THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLE IN THE PUBLIC SEWER SHALL NOT DISCHARGE THROUGH A BACKWATER VALVE 2. DUE TO REQUIRED DISTANCES FROM LOT LINES AND STRUCTURES AS REQUIRED BY THE NFPA, UNDERGROUND PROPANE TANKS MAY BE PROHIBITED. THE BUILDER/DEVELOPER SHALL PLAN ACCORDINGLY. O WP020220021 WHITEHALL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SHE I: LAYOUT ----- --- MEMO ---- LOT 13 \ \ �\ • .\•, ti �'�q fro a �.:.� 4.41 ACRES / :\n LOT 12 \ \ \ \ / . / `. `. - `"': 4�' •• • . •�,_. LOT \ \ / 2.40 ACRES . .•. / 2.70 ACRES \ / \ \ � / �° ` " . � . ` .<'• • �, `• LOT10 A �� 2.22 ACRES 3.90 ACRES � �o V 4•`; / LOT 11 \ 2.74 ACRES \ / J / / r o LOT 23 1.90ACRES LOT 22 / 2.49 ACRES / LOT3A / 2.07 ACRES // / / LOT 21 3.10ACRES / LOT20 3.46ACRES LOT 3B 2.49 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREAS (WITHIN LOD): PROPOSED ROADWAY 50,089 SF PROPOSED DRI VEWA YS 42,996 SF PROPOSED RESIDENCES 31,200 SF PROPOSED SIDEWALKS 0 SF TOTAL 124,285 SF OVERALL ACREAGES TOTAL ACRES OF LOTS: 46.76 AC (94.97) TOTAL ACRES OF OPEN SPACE: 0.00 AC (30.39) TOTAL ACRES OF ROW 2.51 AC (5.19) 211) / \ \ LOT 15 \ \ \ 2.39 ACRES LOT 16 A 2.25 ACRES °o' •\' " ° a LOT 17 o° •, 6.19ACRES I \ LOT IS 2.05 ACRES I \ LOT 19 II 3.44 ACRES / TRIP GENERATION CALCULATIONS SCALE: 1 "=100' TRIP GENERATION BASED ON ITE TRIP GENERATION MANUAL (10TH EDITION) 15 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS (CODE 210) TOTAL ADT: 142 VPD (71 ENTER/ 71 EXIT) TOTAL AM PEAK: 12 VPH (3 ENTER/ 9 EXIT) TOTAL PM PEAK: 15 VPH (10 ENTER/ 5 EXIT) APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Developpment Department Date 1 /12/2023 611�TiT1I0YIIY3'I1T1T1yA SUBJECT SITE IN --� Ile Manor VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 2000' ROADS LEGEND EXIS77NG CULVERT O O CULVERT Q DROP INLET & S7RUCTURE NO. CURB CURB & GUTTER a PROPOSED PAVEMENT EC-3A DITCH DEPTH OF EC-3A DITCH EC-2 DITCH DEPTH OF EC-2 DITCH T SCOTT /R. CDi,LINS- ww• U Lic. No. 035791,'n � 1/4/23 Blue Rid �O��SSIONAT. F��S Greenway EARTH DITCH DRIVEWAY CULVERT BENCH MARK CLEARING LIMITS z°° EXISTING CONTOUR zoo PROPOSED CONTOUR 240.55 VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN PROPOSED SPOT ELEVA77ON VSMP PLAN SHEET LIST Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 2 COVER SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN 3 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE 4 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS 5 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 1 6 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASE II 7 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - PHASE III 8 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS AND CALCULATIONS 9 PRE -REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 10 POST -REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 11 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DETAILS 12 OVERALL GRADING PLAN 13 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS z MZZZ UU O O O !A w U U U v' J o Z w a a a a m w w w O ¢ m m m Un w p F ¢ ¢ ¢ rr� Z 0 0 0 V/ Z p ZMn Z Z 2 m W m m m J !n (A (A z o z LU 0 0 0 0 ,LJ w w E ■ L9 7 l N Ul z J J 0 U r ti M M N M N O LU N J J U) LU J Q U i LU Z) U) LU LU IY LU [Y Q O O N IJ w 222207 13 TOTAL SHEETS 1 I I\ � IN L I TH Q I� T� I � )� III 1 \VA vv v \ T.M.69-6C `�- � A � � v v A v / v \ v v v v v vvAvvvv ✓ \ 6I I \\ VA O Q O LOT A A STUART,TAY ORIS ACIK //% %�� V A \�( . GIBBON, EVERETTJR v v v v v v v A v vFIELDS _ v v v v v D:6.5 6 521 I I // `; / I \ �� A! /(( r-- _ v v v v v v A 1.07 ACRES \ V A \ v A \\ \ T \ \ \ \\\ U Lic. No. 035791� / v v i /- / \ v \ v V A v v A v A / SCOTT R. LINS� / D. B 3415/704, 707 P AT v ($ 't � 7- v vv vvv v v v a v I / -�- \ \\ �� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / �-� - �---- x �� 1/4/23 1.1 v v v v v A v v v V / / /l9 vv v v Z= --=�-� — — --- i O �V A\ . z I \ \\\\< / _ is VAv �vvv�Lvj ��v �y r --__ /�y ///yter//� i-_��LL1W �.. y y� \:•'. v �3�/ SS�,/�A� /FI 69516 v—v VVVA05043"W155. T.M.6919G --- ------_ -- AR T.M. /�MCCLANAtAN;DENREVISED LOT 0 04TW 7.09 �T/ `U FIESTOCON C EK LLC, LDS - -- 2.80ACR€S-'2.63ACRE5 \AVVA\A AA\ \A VA A\V V\ \ \� A�\ \ \v \ v\ \ A -N05'40 3=N�23.27' / j' / / / D.B.5504 PG 61W \�yr v A �. J -- \\\ V V\ v v vvv A \ \ \ \ ��vvv v /\\ / \ \ \\\ \� \� �VAAAVAA�vv vA N(236_�1'W29.23'�.•v V ✓ / -v�v� v-/ SEPTIC \-- i v v �� v� ��� v����.. z v A \ v A= v vAv v - yr �� �v - z z z DRAINF�E�CD 'O o o c \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ u, u, w \ \ \ QJ J J �� \VA�AA\ t00.42� / �� ///// VA A ----I / A I � � A \\\ V v ��\ \V / `\ \� \ I \ - a m w w LL \//� _ A / V V V \ \ °\ \VA �v V �. vvv / A V A VA \ V / \z A\� / I I \V A\\ V < CO CO m \ 9 \� \\ \\ \ \�\ \ / 1 I I \ \ 0 a / vvvv v / //�v v I--------// v / \ vv r---� O \ lr \`�\\ \ \\v \\\ \ \ to NO2'36'21"W // / / / / -- j \ v v v — �' \ -------------- FL08D2LAIN 41 i �� 1�\ V v / —v (\ �� V A \ V A A \ m m in v; \\ \\ N \ ------ / / / \� II / \ / I \ \\ 40.00' / / �/ \ 920/ \ \\ 11 LL /� � \\ \ \\` Lu � m m m T.M.b9-19H ARPROXIJVIA \ r \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ F \ p` \ \\ ----- --- T�4 I �j r VA \ \� \.,� �. Vv v v z -1' / z c� rn v REVISED LOT 7 — OCAT ©N' ST EA�I \. \ / — — \ \\ \ 11.03+/-ACRES -,---- / A V A V� VAA\v A - A / OVERHEAD A \ �r A\AA\ 8•567W �^ v� vvv �� v -vy v \ \I \ �( ---- / / v\ AA\��\ V AV A. v _ v v UTILITY �\ \\ v� C V A \ \ X G STRUCtUR S LINE \ \ \ �\ ,\ � g v A v v - - < < V A / A \V A I BE REM E ( ) 24 v v � � �_-- - � - � �� vv v vv v v v A VA \\ v VDH MONUMENT \ \ v-= b1 ✓'/ /V v-vvv vvv vvv-� --�� `\\ ` \ � \ V � // I I \ � I / _// A v V AA ,•v� \"<V `AF-OU D \ VAVA� \\\vv V`v V N 45411" FENC�TO B I I / - - \ v I ��✓/ s5o A v v vv- KtIVIUVED�TYP.)i o I �' - pw� V AA V A / / /// / TO � V A \ A A V A /Ov v N�3'4'08� % !\ REMOVED ( 930 v \ S2\ V < / / / / /� - v / / / \ \i % A A/ v RT.IVIEDL 15 \ vv vvv - v' �Fvv�v vvv v v �/ l I i / A? ! v v o � o v I I I I / / / ✓� \ \ 1 34 - _ \ \ \ \ \ / / p / / \ 1 E8 A�C I I \ CD cq rn c / \ 11 A �! Q _ \ V v\, v A\ v / / / l I / //p //� \VA \ v o 0 o a 83��3 \ 6\ F vv v vv v v v vv vvv v `� / / /- / // 4 CIv' A \VA v I \ \ 4. 3 ACRES \ CRITICAL \ \ 1 \ 4� V v Vv � vvv_ sLoPes v \A vv \ I I /� I II / 1 \ \=�I� - 5 \ \ \-SEPTIC \\ �� \$\\ \\--// /// /x / /ol SMAN TRUST �// v ��vv \ V A\ v DRAINEIE D �V\vvv v �S\\ V v y vv // T. 9 ]9J O l// /// / // // / b \ / \ \ \ / 2� 30 00 \ \ \ \ \ Wi /V I} I \- 2 _ \ \ \ ` < \ ---/ - I I 11 / / \ \ \ ///Sk7 20& 21 LAT 10 0/ //� / )- A \ A V v 54 0� E \ Vv v vAv v v / / / REVIS�FD LOT 8 I �l / ° // /// / D.B 4456-4 9 / v \ \ v V A v,S189.1 S' v vvv v v v v - - / / /-ACRES`-I / / I I / / / A\ v p / / \ / %/ J v v A\ v v v v vAv v- - _-- - / / 8.97�+ 1I II I I I po �� �r\'\� v v y �y\ T_ ��/ //j // I'/ �1 /J �v v ��v \ 1 v /�� IS�v v�v� y yoov-,� -��� i l l /' // 1 / l / 11 IIIIIIII / / o v VV�v vv I� III' v vv.A \ \\ V // \/ v v v v v v \ ti f — / / / // �I II II // oA / / / /\ / B.3530-234 PL T v V A v / / / C� \ < \ \ \ \ EXISTING DRIVEWAY I I / / \ \ \QQ � / / ✓ % \ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \�\ \ \ :� '� - / TO E REMOVED I p \ \ \ \ - - v v�i ti / // // // //// A 1 / I I / / I I n- v v v \ � \ � V `\ 1V � 1 I I ( \ v a' �\ V v \ v S - / / o � � � v � �s v \ �M• c� r \ y \ \G AAj �lbl�l `LC a ��\• v� F �6. 88AC T.M.69-19E l \ \ � \mV\ \ V V ` v V A \ �ol VVAV� <A�.t \\�\ v v vA v�Jv \ v I / �Fv �S T�G�cS V A� \ CD REVISED LOT 4 \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ — o \ ` V V v` V A\ V V A\ v A Vv A v v / / °% v v `Po y AG p \ V CA \ S 8 \ \ \ \ \ _ -- A 4.62ACRES \ v�vvw vv ,y\ \VA\ VA\\ \ I Ivy\vv v\ v v v � \ 0y5 I' I/ � l V \ v v �. \v v ,yo\ V A VAAV� \ I V yv\ v� v V A v -i O /r Q 2 / A v v Qomv vv� vVA V l \� A VVA\ V A �v A vA \ v A //N 5' �5 WI 9 A v v v�EPTIC /1 \1 VV v VA \ V� \1VAV A P\ \��\ \V��yv\\\\vvv �e9o� / / �I / 3 i IF /I v v Ay v IS�v \ \ \ \ v \ \\V o VVA \ / r I _ -6G g 1 \ \ / \ \ \ \\ \ �+ \ �\ \ / / LOT 1, 7.4 / \ DRAINFIELD \ \ \ Lu / \ \ \ o 0 0\ \ \ p\\ \ \ D NLE)( 8e / AREA / / / - - ` \ �\ \ \ �\ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \� \�\ \ \ �o \ \EXISTING STRUCTU&ES \ / IF / 1oo WPO�TREAM `o /CARLA O;N LEY; l 1 1 I I ' l \ 9 - - - - / / / l / / - - , I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - (TYP J SLOPES / 60� \ J / H \ A - _ / m / gyp• I I I \ \ \ \ \ V A \ V A \ �'�c�Q �\ VA v A TO REMOVED / CRITICAL BU ER 6.3 80-8�, I I J v 8 2. v / / / _ / I 1 V� \ \ \ V A A P c� V A \ v v - \ / 5/&ZO' \ `-_--- \ 1 I \ \ p 1 -} \ o• U) / / � ��'/ 1 l \V A 262 OOF / I --- -// / / 1 \\ A\\V A \ AS\\• `R 'Ev427.73 // I A �o��o re _ 9 / / 83.991 Cr b �• 1 —IS - 40� —�5 VA\ V A\ \VA VA1\ V A v v / v ,1 q \� / / I \ \ \238.34------- _ --- \ \ \ / N�4'26'1 'N� I V A vv v v — — / F7 / /— \ V A \ V A� V A \ \I I ` V 1 V IS/ IS .) , O 24 2Q� ` --- — S8 • — -- _— 938-- q40� / / // — —ap \ \\ \ \ \ \ I / \ \ SEPTIC pc,LE J OVERHEAD / (9 \I� DRAINFIELD � I�V UTILITY AREA LINES / p / t �� I U ` - / //�i =\ \ / AEA \ o \ I / ---_---_ __ � � � � � � I I ,1 , I — — �-_ ------ ,/ � /// / / / �_ \ \\ � --' % � \ \ \� \ \\\ .� �O � �/ I J � � /i / S80.19 / , O / / / // / \ \ 1 \ T. M: v o_ --_ L v v V V A v o' V A // /Lu 2�.0 / \ RE ISkFrLO�U -3 — _ — — _ —vvv vA A / / /—\ \ \ / \ IF/ V / ---- -----/ / // / f -- \\\\ - / 1 4.56ACRES/� v v /// A / / O v� -�� \ /i / N 0.0 '0 �l / / / v m // V ! / / _ �_--) 05 \ � v REVISED LOT 1 / I \ / -- / -- / �p \ �v / A v �� �/ I�� q A \ 3.6 A(�RES / O UIV�ENT 1 � // / / / v v v v � � � III / / I I \ \1�`L�r� I � FO ND\ \ / \ \ SEPTIC I FI�A6�19p \ / --- / / // \ \\\\ - � / / I I �\ \ I 1 \ i ///// / / f LLJ / }J /� // \// / \ \ A [�RAINFIE�D / // FEVISEDtOT3 A///� --- �v_-- �// /// �g�v / /J� \ I v /-� v \ 7 / �y / \ / W CKTON�REEK LCC\ _ J t m / 03'34 9"W / / v /� 4.56 ACRES, / - / // / / 90 v �IrIJONV�q�NT \ / / / \ P LE \ / FOUN A / I S5A4 PG 61 / / o / /// — / " / o v \ \ REVISED \ \ \ \ \ ��\ �\ (� / v A / // _ \ _ � � \ — / SEPTIC \ � / I /� _ _ / / i DRAINFIELD / V \ A V A 6 T.M.69-�OB \ \ \ / vv / / AREA, \ �A \ \ \ 8:73AtRES / A E6 LOT 2 v / � \ _ -/7.70 ACRES v - -� ���i Ij�I I I I LJ_ Lu `b VD� MONUMENT g FOUND -/ v v_ �\ \ V o v / /� A �_� v----- - / / / - v V /�/ / J�li / / / / �� A VAA VA v / LEg /���1 A V A \ y - - - W IS - i/ �� �vV w �8g0 - O \ 31 i -� / -CRITICAL SLOPES - - — - i — — — / / /\ e� l / co ` C5 A ` \75,17 �1 v 9 V A \ \ 45 F 4 2 / / / / / 0 2�. 0 A - - / / �• 6A'S \ - - 8.81' 14 - - - o / / Q - JDH FREEMAN 11 H\b \ \ \ N68fiT2.1 — \\-- - / — C9 --- - MONUMENT JOA NE C\ \\ \ \ / \/ 24.79 \ \ \ _ I — FOUND 477C� \ \\\\ \\ \ I w _--- - — _ — \ — ---- — - --- -- ivfOIVIJIV}EN� -� T,M 69-15A9 - MONUMENT- , ST - - _ - % = _ \ \ \ \ \ ATE - \ v \ , JusT lOSEPWi srOTr &_ fOu�2 — � � � , ROUT z Q Q FL O i r) ~ I O z � t� o6 > z O m � D r� r) O U u U W z U U) z Q LLJ U cA - — — — _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ \\ JOB NO. ITS 151 — _ — 3LE�PE _ — / _ \ \ �qII�\\C1AL \ 2220 // - --- ------ EY_R1T— _ bq Opp D -- -- - - ,- _ IVIDNUMENI� \ \ \ �l\ _ — — — — — — — — — — \B'B — \ — — _ - - — — \74— — ND— 80 0 \1 \\ \\ \320 \\ 21-ACRES eb \ \ \�.\�PGCY\ — I — _ — — �•�OL -EOU\ _ \ ` \ \ \ �/ IN 11111 IN SCALE VD Mau F VDH \ \ - - _ - \ \ \(\1 �\J \ \\ \\ \ \ SHEET NO. ICt��VV �NT--- \\ \ \ \\ \ \ 2 \ j FQUNI i / MONUMENT \ \ \ \ 1992 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. STRUCTURAL PRACTICES USED IN THIS SECTION CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING. 301 SAFETY FENCE., A PROTECTIVE BARRIER INSTALLED TO PREVENT ACCESS TO AN EROSION CONTROL MEASURE. TO PROHIBIT THE UNDESIRABLE USE OF AN EROSION CONTROL MEASURE BY THE PUBLIC. APPLICABLE TO ANY CONTROL MEASURE OR SERIES OF MEASURES WHICH CAN BE CONSIDERED UNSAFE BY VIRTUE OF POTEN77AL ACCESS BY THE PUBLIC. 302 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE: A STABILIZED PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH A WASH RACK LOCATED AT POINTS OF VEHICULAR INGRESS AND EGRESS ON A CONSTRUCTION SITE. TO REDUCE 7HE AMOUNT OF MUD TRANSPORTED ONTO PAVED PUBLIC ROADS BY MOTOR VEHICLES OR RUNOFF. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT SEDIMENT TRANSPORTED ONTO PUBLIC ROADWAYS 3.05 SILT FENCE A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BARRIER CONSISTING OF A SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC STRETCHED ACROSS AND ATTACHED TO SUPPORTING POSTS AND ENTRENCHED, TO INTERCEPT AND DETAIN SMALL AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT FROM DISTURBED AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS /N ORDER TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE, AND TO DECREASE THE VELOCITY OF SHEET FLOWS AND LOW -TO -MODERATE LEVEL CHANNEL FLOWS. THE SILT FENCE BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED DOWN SLOPE OF AREAS WITH MINIMAL GRADES TO FILTER SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF FROM SHEET FLOW AS INDICATED. THEY SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WI7H THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CON7ROL HANDBOOK (VESCH). 3.07 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION: A SEDIMENT FILTER OR AN EXCAVATED IMPOUNDING AREA AROUND A STORM DRAIN DROP INLET OR CURB INLET. TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PRIOR TO PERMANENT STABILIZAT70N OF THE DISTURBED AREA. INLET PROTECTION APPLIES WHERE STORM DRAIN INLETS ARE TO BE MADE OPERATIONAL BEFORE PERMANENT STABILIZA7ON OF THE CORRESPONDING DISTURBED DRAINAGE AREA. 3.08 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION: A SEDIMENT FILTER OR AN EXCAVATED IMPOUNDING AREA AROUND A STORM CULVERT. TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING STORM CULVERTS PRIOR TO PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF THE DISTURBED AREA. INLET PROTECTION APPLIES WHERE STORM CULVERTS ARE EXIS77NG OR TO BE MADE OPERATIONAL BEFORE PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF THE CORRESPONDING DRAINAGE AREA. 3.09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE., A TEMPORARY RIDGE OF COMPACTED SOIL CONSTRUCTED AT THE TOP OR BASE OF A SLOPING DISTURBED AREA. TO DIVERT STORM RUNOFF FROM UPSLOPE DRAINAGE AREAS AWAY FROM UNPROTECTED DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES TO A STABILIZED OUTLET. TO DIVERT SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF FROM A DISTURBED AREA TO A SEDIMENT -TRAPPING FACILITY SUCH AS A SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. USE WHEREVER STORMWATER RUNOFF MUST BE TEMPORARILY DIVERTED TO PROTECT DISTURBED AREAS AND SLOPES OR RETAIN SEDIMENT ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. THESE STRUCTURES GENERALLY HAVE A LIFE EXPECTANCY OF 18 MONTHS OR LESS, WHICH CAN BE PROLONGED WITH PROPER MAINTENANCE. 3.12 DIVERSION., A CHANNEL CONSTRUCTED ACROSS A SLOPE WITH A SUPPOR77NG EARTHEN RIDGE ON THE LOWER SIDE. TO REDUCE SLOPE LENGTH AND TO INTERCEPT AND DIVERT STORMWATER RUNOFF TO STABILIZED OUTLETS AT NON -EROSIVE VELOCITIES. APPLIES WHERE RUNOFF FROM AREAS OF HIGHER ELEVATION MAY DAMAGE PROPERTY, CAUSE EROSION, OR INTERFERE WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION ON LOWER AREAS, WHERE SURFACE AND/OR SHALLOW SUBSURFACE FLOW IS DAMAGING SLOPING UPLAND, AND WHERE 7HE SLOPE LENGTH NEEDS TO BE REDUCED TO MINIMIZE SOIL LOSS. 3.13 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP. A TEMPORARY PONDING AREA FORMED BY CONSTRUCTING AN EARTHEN EMBANKMENT WITH A STONE OUTLET. TO DETAIN SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF FROM SMALL DISTURBED AREAS LONG ENOUGH TO ALLOW THE MAJORITY OF THE SEDIMENT TO SETTLE OUT. USE BELOW DISTURBED AREAS WHERE THE TOTAL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS LESS THAN 3 ACRES, WHERE THE SEDIMENT TRAP WILL BE USED NO LONGER THAN 18 MONTHS, AND IT MAY BE CONSTRUCTED EITHER INDEPENDENTLY OR IN CONJUNCT70N WITH A TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE. 3.14 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN: A TEMPORARY BARRIER OR DAM WITH A CONTROLLED STORMWATER RELEASE STRUCTURE FORMED BY CONSTRUCTING AN EMBANKMENT OF COMPACTED SOIL ACROSS A DRAINAGEWAY. TO DETAIL SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF FROM DISTURBED AREAS IN "WET" AND `DRY" STORAGE LONG ENOUGH FOR THE MAJORITY OF 7HE SEDIMENT TO SETTLE OUT. APPLIES BELOW DISTURBED AREAS WHERE THE TOTAL CON7RIBU77NG DRAINAGE AREA IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THREE ACRES. THERE MUST BE SUFFICIENT SPACE AND APPROPRIATE TOPOGRAPHY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TEMPORARY IMPOUNDMENT 3.18 OUTLET PROTECTION: STRUCTURALLY LINED APRONS OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE ENERGY DISSIPATING DEVICES PLACED AT THE OUTLETS OF PIPES OR PAVED CHANNEL SECTIONS. TO PREVENT SCOUR AT STORMWATER OUTLETS, TO PROTECT THE OUTLET STRUCTURE, AND TO MINIMIZE THE P07EN77AL FOR DOWNSTREAM EROSION BY REDUCING THE VELOCITY AND ENERGY OF CONCENTRATED STORMWATER FLOWS. APPLICABLE TO THE OUTLETS OF ALL PIPES AND ENGINEERED CHANNEL SECTIONS. 3.19 RIPRAP: A PERMANENT EROSION -RESISTANT GROUND COVER OF LARGE, LOOSE, ANGULAR STONE WITH FILTER FABRIC OR GRANULAR UNDERLINING. TO PROTECT THE SOIL FROM THE EROSIVE FORCES OF CONCENTRATED RUNOFF, SLOW THE VELOCITY OF CONCENTRATED RUNOFF WHILE ENHANCING THE POTENTIAL FOR INFILTRATION, AND TO STABILIZE SLOPES WITH SEEPAGE PROBLEMS, AND/OR NON -COHESIVE SOILS. USE WHEREVER SOIL AND WATER INTERFACE AND THE SOIL COND177ONS, WATER TURBULENCE AND VELOCITY, EXPECTED VEGETA77VE COVER, ETC., ARE SUCH THAT THE SOIL MAY ERODE UNDER THE DESIGN FLOW CONDITIONS. 3.20 ROCK CHECK DAMS: SMALL TEMPORARY STONE DAMS CONSTRUCTED ACROSS A SWALE OR DRAINAGE DITCH. TO REDUCE THE VELOCITY OF CONCENTRATED STORMWATER FLOWS, THEREBY REDUCING EROSION OF THE SWALE OR DITCH. THIS PRACTICE ALSO TRAPS SEDIMENT GENERATED FROM ADJACENT AREAS OR THE DITCH ITSELF, MAINLY BY PONDING OF THE STORMWATER RUNOFF. THIS PRACTICE, UTILIZING A COMBINATION OF STONE SIZES, IS LIMITED TO USE IN SMALL OPEN CHANNELS WHICH DRAIN 10 ACRES OR LESS. 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING. - THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMPORARY VEGETA77VE COVER ON DISTURBED AREAS BY SEEDING WITH APPROPRIATE RAPIDLY GROWING ANNUAL PLANTS. TO REDUCE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION BY STABILIZING DISTURBED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE FOR A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 30 DAYS. TO REDUCE DAMAGE FROM SEDIMENT AND RUNOFF TO DOWNSTREAM OR OFF -SITE AREAS, AND TO PROVIDE PROTECTION TO BARE SOILS EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETA77ON OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE ESTABLISHED. 3.32 PERMANENT STABILIZATION: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERENNIAL VEGETA77VE COVER ON DISTURBED AREAS BY PLAN77NG SEED. TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS. TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS /N A MANNER THAT /S ECONOMICAL, ADAPTABLE TO SITE CONDITIONS, AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF 7HE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. TO IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT. TO ENHANCE NATURAL BEAUTY. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, ALL AREAS WILL RECEIVE A PERMANENT VEGETA77VE COVER. 3.35 MULCHING. APPLICATION OF PLANT RESIDUES OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIALS TO THE SOIL SURFACE. TO PREVENT EROSION BY PR07ECTING THE SOIL SURFACE FROM RAINDROP IMPACT AND REDUCING THE VELOCITY OF OVERLAND FLOW. TO FOSTER THE GROWTH OF VEGETATION BY INCREASING AVAILABLE M0IS77JRE AND PROVIDING INSULATION AGAINST EXTREME HEAT AND COLD. AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY SEEDED SHOULD BE MULCHED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SEEDING. AREAS WHICH CANNOT BE SEEDED BECAUSE OF THE SEASON SHOULD BE MULCHED USING ORGANIC MULCH. MULCH MAY BE USED TOGETHER WITH PLANTINGS OF TREES SHRUBS OR CERTAIN GROUND COVERS WHICH DO NOT PROVIDE ADEQUATE SOIL STABILIZATION BY THEMSELVES, CAN BE USED IN CON✓UNC77ON WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING. 3.37 TREES SHRUBS VINES & GROUND COVERS: STABILIZING DISTURBED AREAS BY ESTABLISHING VEGETA77VE COVER WITH TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, OR GROUND COVERS. TO AID /N STABILIZING SOIL IN AREAS WHERE VEGETATION OVER THAN TURF /S PREFERRED, TO PROVIDE FOOD AND SHELTER FOR WILDLIFE WHERE WILDLIFE HABITAT /S DESIRABLE. APPLIES IN AREAS WHERE TURF ESTABLISHMENT IS DIFFICULT ON STEEP OR ROCKY SLOPES WHERE MOWING IS NOT FEASIBLE WHERE ORNAMENTALS ARE DESIRABLE FOR LANDSCAPING PURPOSES, AND WHERE WOODY PLANTS ARE DESIRABLE FOR SOIL CONSERVATION, OR TO ESTABLISH WILDLIFE HABITAT. 3.36 BLANKET MATTING: INSTALLATION OF A PROTEC77VE COVERING OR A SOIL STABILIZATION MAT ON A PREPARED PLAN77NG AREA OF A STEEP SLOPE OR CHANNEL TO AID IN THE CONTROLLING EROSION ON CRITICAL AREAS. 3.38 TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION: PROTECTION OF DESIRABLE TREES FROM MECHANICAL OR OTHER INJURY DURING LAND DISTURBING AND CONSTRUCTION AC7714TY: TO ENSURE THE SURVIVAL OF DESIRABLE TREES WHERE THEY WILL BE EFFECTIVE FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, WATERSHED PROTECTION, LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION, DUST AND POLLUT70N CONTROL, NOISE REDUCTION, SHADE AND OTHER EN14RONMENTAL BENEFITS WHILE THE LAND IS BEING CONVERTED FROM FOREST TO URBAN -TYPE USES. APPLIES IN TREE -INHABITED AREAS SUBJECT TO LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. 3.39 DUST CONTROL: REDUCING SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST DURING LAND DISTURBING, DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. TO PREVENT SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST FROM EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES AND REDUCE THE PRESENCE OF AIRBORNE SUBSTANCES WHICH MAY PRESENT HEALTH HAZARDS, TRAFFIC SAFETY PROBLEMS OR HARM ANIMAL OR PLANT LIFE. DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST DURING CONSTRUCTION. MEASURES EMPLOYED SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WI7H THE VESCH. 3.32 TABLE 3.32-D SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA Total Lbs. Per Acre Minimum Care Lawn Commercial or Residential 175-200 lbs. - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type a Tall Fescue kY YP 95-100 0 % - Improved Perennial Ryegrass 0.5% - Kentucky Bluegrass 0-5% Hieh-Maintenance Lawn 200-250lbs. - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type Tall Fescue 100% General Slope (3:1 or less) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 128 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2lbs. - Seasonal Nurse Crop ' 20 lbs. 150 lbs. Low -Maintenance SloN (Steeper than 3:1) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 108 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2 lbs- - Seasonal Nurse Crop ' 20 lbs. - Crownvetch " 20 Ibs, 150 tbs. ' Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: April ....... . Annual Rye February16th through A ............. P Y 8h May 1st through August 15th ..................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ...................... Annual Rye November through February 15th................... Winter Rye a' Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Farmville, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea, all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). If Flatpea is used in lieu of Crownvetch, increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. All legume seed must be properly inoculated. Weeping Lovegrass may be added to any slope or low -maintenance mix during warmer seeding periods; add 10-20 lbs./acre in mixes. TABLE 331•A LIMING REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY SITES Recommended Application PH Test of Agricultural Limestone below 42 3 tons per acre 4.2 to 5.2 2 tons per acre 52 to 6 1 ton per acre TABLE 3JI-B ACCEMABIE TEMPORARY SEEDING PIANT MATERIWI -QUICK REFERENCE FOR ALL REGIONS' Rate Plan'nr D Il Sce6. b�/:.l,) Sept. 1- Feb. 15 50/50 Mu d Mnual Ryeg fulium multi-Rnmm) a 50-IW Cereal (Winter) Rye (G J cS T.lyl Feb. 16 - Apr. 30 Annual Ryegrau IA - im (Wiu, mom-mmn,m) May 1 - Aug 31 German Millet 50 GENERAL SLOPE (3:1 OR LESS) TOTAL LBS PER ACRE KENTUCKY 31 FESCUE 128 LBS RED TOP GRASS 2 LBS SEASONAL NURSE CROP 20 LBS 150 LBS SEASONAL NURSE CROP FEBRUARY 16 THROUGH APRIL ANNUAL RYE MAY 1 THROUGH AUGUST 15 FOXTAIL MILLET AUGUST 16 THROUGH OCTOBER ANNUAL RYE NOVEMBER THROUGH FEBRUARY 15 WINTER RYE NOTES: 1. LIME AND FERTILIZER NEEDS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TESTS AND APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VESCH STD. 3.32. 2. SEEDINGS TO BE MULCHED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF SEED APPLICATION, IN ACCORDANCE W1 VESCH STD 3.35. PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE PS NO SCALE (STD. & SPEC. 3.32 OF VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, 3RD ED.) EROSION CONTROL NOTES ES-1: UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTCES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA REGULATI0NS VR 625-02-00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. ES-2., THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY MUST BE NOTIFIED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY, AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION. ES-3.•ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING. ES-4. A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. ES-5. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFF -SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-6: THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTAT70N AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-7.•ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. ES-8.-DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED WATER FILTERING DEVICE. ES-9: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only,free of roots stumps, wood rubbish and other debris. P , 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required g aPP 9 by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. , Pe g, Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the to 4-6 g g PP � P inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95%G Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50%G of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessaryto achieve a good stand of ass. Silt fence and diversion dykes g grass. Y which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) TEMPORARY SEEDING: ALL DENUDED AREAS WHICH WILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME SHALL BE SEEDED WITH FAST GERMINATING TEMPORARY VEGETATION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADING. SELECT70N OF THE SEED MIXTURE WILL DEPEND ON THE TIME OF YEAR AND WILL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED ARES THAT WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE WITHIN 30 DAYS PLANTS SHOULD BE SELECTED APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON AND SITE CONDITIONS FROM TABLES 3.31B AND 3.31C. NOTE THAT TABLE 3.31B PRESENTS PLANTS WHICH CAN BE USED WITHOUT EXTENSIVE EVALUAT70N OF SITE CONDITIONS, • TABLE 331C PRESENTS MORE IN-DEPTH INFORMATION ON THE PLANT MATERIALS. TO CONTROL EROSION ON BARE SOIL SURFACES, PLANTS MUST BE ABLE TO GERMINATE AND GROW. SEEDBED PREPARATION IS ESSENTIAL. AN EVALUAT70N SHOULD BE CONDUCTED TO DETERMINE IF LIME IS NECESSARY FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING. TABLE 331A MAY BE USED TO DETERMINE THE ACTUAL NEED ALONG WITH SUGGESTED APPLICATION RA TES: FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED AS 600 LBS/ACRE OF 10-20-10 (14 LBS/1,000 SQ. FT.) OR EQUIVALENT NUTRIENTS. LIME AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE TOP 2 TO 4 INCHES OF THE SOIL IF POSSIBLE. IF THE AREA HAS BEEN RECENTLY LOOSENED OR DISTURBED, NO FURTHER ROUGHENING IS REQUIRED. WHEN THE AREA IS COMPACTED, CRUSTED, OR HARDENED, THE SOIL SHALL BE LOOSENED BY DISCING, RAKING, HARROWING, OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE MEANS. TRACKING WITH BULLDOZER CLEATS IS MOST EFFECTIVE ON SANDY SOILS. THIS PRAC77CE OFTEN CAUSES UNDUE COMPACT70N OF THE SOIL SURFACE ESPECIALLY IN CLAYEY SOILS, AND DOES NOT AID PLANT GROWTH AS EFFECTIVELY AS OTHER METHODS OF SURFACE ROUGHENING. SEED SHALL BE EVENLY APPLIED WITH A BROADCAST SEEDER, DRILL, CULT7PACKER SEEDER OR HYDROSEEDER. SMALL GRAINS SHALL BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN 1i INCHES DEEP. SMALL SEEDS, SUCH AS KEN77JCKY BLUEGRASS, SHOULD BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN 4 INCH DEEP. OTHER GRASSES AND LEGUMES SHOULD BE PLANTED FROM 4 INCH TO J DEEP. SEEDINGS MADE IN FALL FOR WINTER COVER AND DURING HOT AND DRY SUMMER MONTHS SHALL BE MULCHED ACCORDING TO MULCHING, STD. & SPEC. 335, EXCEPT THAT HYDROMULCHES (FIBER MULCH) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED ADEQUATE. STRAW MULCH SHOULD BE USED DURING THESE PERIODS. AREAS WHICH FAIL TO ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER ADEQUATE TO PREVENT RILL EROSION WILL BE RE -SEEDED AS SOON AS SUCH AREAS ARE IDENTIFIED. DESCRIPTION OTRFT EROSION & SEDIMENT EROSION CONTROL NOTES &� NARRATIVE CONTROL MEASURES: THE POURPOSE OF THIS LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS TO GRADE THE STOCKTON CREEK SITE FOR A EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. THE TOTAL AREA TO BE DISTURBED WITH THIS PLAN IS 16.93 ACRES. IT IS ANTICIPATED TO USE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, DIVERSION DIKES, EXISTING SEDIMENT EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: BASINS, AND SILT FENCES WILL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL SURFACE DRAINAGE. TEMPORARY MOST OF THIS SITE IS FARMLAND WITH A FEW AREAS OF TREES SEPARATING VARIOUS AREAS OF SEEDING WILL BE USED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ALL LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES CLEARED PLOTS OF FARMLAND. OVERALL THE DISTURBED AREA SLOPES SOUTH TOWARDS ROUTE 151. TEMPORARY STOCKPILE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED FROM TOPSOIL THAT WILL BE STRIPPED THE SITE IS LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF CRITZERS SHOP ROAD (ROUTE 151) AND WEST OF ROUTE FROM AREAS TO BE GRADED AND STORED FOR LATER SPREADING. STOCKPILE LOCATIONS SHALL 250. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE DRAINS TOWARDS THE EXISTING CULVERT THAT CROSSES ROUTE 151. BE ON SITE AND SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH A TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER. PERMANENT ADJACENT AREAS: SEEDING WILL BE PERFORMED FOR ALL AREAS WHICH WILL NO LONGER BE EXCAVATED AND THIS SITE IS BORDERED TO THE EAST BY ROUTE 250 AND TO THE SOUTH BY CRITZERS SHOP ROAD. WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITES HAVE CEASED. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL ALSO BE GOODLOE LANE IS ALONG THE WEST AND NORTHWEST BORDER OF THE SITE AND OLD TURNPIKE PERFORMED FOR ALL DENUDED AREAS WHICH WILL BE LEFT DORMANT FOR A YEAR OR MORE. ROAD EXISTS TO THE NORTH OF THE SITE SELECTION OF SEED MIXTURE WILL DEPEND ON THE TIME OF YEAR APPLIED. OFFSITE LAND DISTURBANCE. - TEMPORARY SEEDING WILL BE PERFORMED FOR ALL DENUDED AREAS WHICH WILL BE LEFT IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE WITHIN THE VDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG GOODLOE LANE. DORMANT FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS. THESE AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH FAST CRITICAL AREAS. GERMINATING VEGETATION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING GRADING OF ]HOSE AREAS. SELECTION OF SILT FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN TO SEED MIXTURE WILL DEPEND ON THE TIME OF YEAR APPLIED. THE EAST NORTH, AND SOUTH OF THE SITE TO PROTECT THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE: SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE CONTROLS ARE ALONG GOODLOE ROAD TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT LEAVES THE SITE AND DRAINS ONTO THE ROAD. A STABILIZED PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH A WASH RACK LOCATED AT POINTS OF SOILS: VEHICULAR INGRESS AND EGRESS ON A CONSTRUCTION SITE TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MUD SOILS MAP IS INCORPORATED INTO EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE l W177-1 SOILS DATA INCLUDED TRANSPORTED ONTO PAVED PUBLIC ROADS BY MOTOR VEHICLES OR RUNOFF. W1TH THIS NARRATIVE. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO REDUCE THE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: AMOUNT SEDIMENT TRANSPORTED ONTO PUBLIC ROADWAYS. PHASE l: SILT FENCE. 1. NOTIFY ALBEMARLE COUNTY TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING AS REQUIRED. A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BARRIER CONSISTING OF A SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC STRETCHED 2. PRIOR TO DISTURBANCES, THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE FLAGGED AND THE TREE ACROSS AND ATTACHED r0 SUPPORTING POSTS AND ENTRENCHED. TO INTERCEPT AND DETAIN PROTECTION FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED. SMALL AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT FROM DISTURBED AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERA770NS IN J. NO EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REMOVED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS ORDER TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE. TO DECREASE THE VELOCITY OF SHEET WITHOUT THE APPROVAL FROM THE INSPECTOR ON THE PROJECT. 4. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH WASH AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON FLOWS AND LOW -TO -MODERATE LEVEL CHANNEL FLOWS. THE SILT FENCE BARRIERS SHALL BE THE PLANS. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE INSTALLED WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE INSTALLED DOWN SLOPE OF AREAS WITH MINIMAL GRADES TO FILTER SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE FROM SHEET FLOW AS INDICATED. THEY SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE RAINFALL AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED HANDBOOK (VESCH). THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY PERMANENT STABILIZATION. SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTING TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERENNIAL VEGETA77VE COVER ON DISTURBED AREAS BY PLAN77NG WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. SEED. TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS. TO 5. INSTALL THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION MEASURES AS SHOWN ON THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL PERMANENTLY STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS IN A MANNER THAT IS ECONOMICAL, ADAPTABLE TO SHEET THIS INCLUDES (4) SEDIMENT TRAPS (1), SEDIMENT BASIN, WIRE SILT FENCE, AND S17E CONDITIONS, AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. TO DIVERSION DIKES. MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP WITH ANY LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE IMPROVE WILDLIFE HABITAT. TO ENHANCE NATURAL BEAUTY. UPON COMPLETION OF LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. A TEMPORARY CULVERT CROSSING MAY BE UTILIZED TO CROSS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, ALL AREAS WILL RECEIVE A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER. THE EXISTING NON PERENNIAL STREAM TO INSTALL PERIMETER CONTROLS. TEMPORARY SEEDING: 6. ONCE ALL THE PHASE I EROSION CONTROL ITEMS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMPORARY VEGETA77VE COVER ON DISTURBED AREAS BY SEEDING EROSION CONTROL PHASE I PLAN AND THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVED THE EROSION CONTROL WITH APPROPRIATE RAPIDLY GROWING ANNUAL PLANTS. TO REDUCE EROSION AND MEASURES, THE CONTRACTOR CAN BEGIN THE MINIMUM GRADING OPERATIONS. PRIORITY SHALL BE SEDIMENTATION BY STABILIZING DISTURBED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE PLACED ON INSTALLING THE PERMANENT 36" CULVERT AND STABILIZING THE BANKS OF THIS FOR A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 30 DAYS. TO REDUCE DAMAGE FROM SEDIMENT AND RUNOFF TO CULVERT UP TO THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD. STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE DOWNSTREAM OR OFF -SITE AREAS, AND TO PROVIDE PROTECTION TO BARE SOILS EXPOSED APPLIED TO EARTHEN STRUCTURES SUCH AS DAMS, DIKES, AND DIVERSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER DURING CONSTRUCTION UN77L PERMANENT VEGETATION OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES INSTALLATION. CAN BE ESTABLISHED. 7. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN DUST CONTROL: SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT REDUCING SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST DURING LAND DISTURBING, DEMOLITION AND FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR TO PREVENT SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST FROM EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES AND MORE THAN ONE YEAR. REDUCE THE PRESENCE OF AIRBORNE SUBSTANCES WHICH MAY PRESENT HEALTH HAZARDS, TRAFFIC SAFETY PROBLEMS OR HARM ANIMAL OR PLANT LIFE. PHASE ll: DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF 8. PHASE ll CONSTRUCTION SHALL INCLUDE CONSTRUCTING STOCKTON CREEK LANE AND STOCKTON DUST DURING CONSTRUCTION. MEASURES EMPLOYED SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VESCH. CREEK COURT. THIS PHASE SHALL ALSO INCLUDE CONSTRUC77NG THE ROADSIDE DITCHES AND TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE UNDERGROUND STORM SEWER SYSTEM TO TEMPORARILY OUTLET TO SEDIMENT BASIN 1 (BUT WILL A RIDGE OF COMPACTED SOIL CONSTRUCTED AT THE TOP OR BASE OF A SLOPING DISTURBED ULTIMATELY OUTLET TO THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN AS SHOWN IN THE SWM PLAN). AREA WHICH DIVERTS OFF -SITE RUNOFF AWAY FROM UNPROTECTED SLOPES AND r0 A 9. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN STABILIZED OUTLET, OR TO DIVERT SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF TO A SEDIMENT TRAPPING SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STRUCTURE. MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE LIVE IS 18 MONTHS. STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT ROCK CHECK DAMS: FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. SMALL, TEMPORARY STONE DAMS CONSTRUCTED ACROSS A DRAINAGE DITCH TO REDUCE THE PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. VELOCITY OF CONCENTRATED FLOWS, REDUCING EROSION OF 7HE SWALE OR DITCH. LIMITED r0 USE IN SMALL OPEN CHANNELS WHICH DRAIN 10 ACRES OR LESS; SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PHASE Ill: LIVE STREAMS. lO.ONCE THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR HAS GIVEN APPROVAL THE CONTRACTOR STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION: CAN REMOVE THE SEDIMENT TRAPS. NO ITEM SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS THE UPSTREAM AREAS THE INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS KINDS OF SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES AROUND DROP INLETS ARE STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR GIVES PERMISSION. OR CURB INLET STRUCTURES PRIOR r0 PERMANENT STABILlZAT70N OF THE DISTURBED AREA; 11. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND LIMITED TO DRAINAGE AREAS NOT EXCEEDING ONE ACRE, AND NOT INTENDED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK REMOVING ONLY WHEN APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM LARGE, CONCENTRATED STORMWATER FLOWS. ADMINISTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP: 12.ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER A SMALL PONDING AREA, FORMED BY CONSTRUCTING AN EARTHEN EMBANKMENT WITH A STONE NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED OUTLET ACROSS A DRAINAGE SWALE, TO DETAIN SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF FROM SMALL SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY DISTURBED AREAS FOR ENOUGH 77ME TO ALLOW MOST TO THE SUSPENDED SOLIDS TO SETTLE MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND OUT MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE LIFE IS 18 MONTHS. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN: SEDIMENTA770N. A TEMPORARY BARRIER OR DAM WITH CONTROLLED STORMWATER RELEASE STRUCTURES WHICH IS PHASE IIIA: FORMED BY CONSTRUCTING AN EMBANKMENT OF COMPACTED SOIL ACROSS A DRAINAGEWAY. IT 10.ONCE THE SITE IS STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR HAS GIVEN APPROVAL, THE CONTRACTOR IS USED TO DETAIN SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF FROM DRAINAGE AREAS 3 ACRES OR GREATER CAN REMOVE THE SEDIMENT BASIN AND CONVERT TO THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN. NO ITEM FOR ENOUGH TIME TO ALLOW MOST OF THE SUSPENDED SOLIDS TO SETTLE OUT. IT CAN BE SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS THE UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND THE INSPECTOR GIVES CONSTRUCTED ONLY WHERE WHERE IS SUFFICIENT SPACE AND APPROPRIATE TOPOGRAPHY PERMISSION. 11. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS SPECIFIED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE LIFE IS 18 MONTHS UNLESS DESIGNED AS A PERMANENT POND BY A SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK, REMOVING ONLY WHEN APPROVED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. ADMINISTRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. OUTLET PROTECTION. 12.ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 THE INSTALLATION OF RIPRAP CHANNEL SECTIONS AND/OR STILLING BASINS BELOW STORM DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZA77ON OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER DRAIN OUTLETS TO REDUCE EROSION AND UNDER-CUTTNG FROM SCOURING AT OUTLETS AND r0 NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE LOCAL PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. TRAPPED REDUCE FLOW VELOCITIES BEFORE STORMW47ER ENTERS RECEIVING CHANNELS BELOW THESE SEDIMENT AND THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY OUTLETS. MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND CULVERT INLET PROTECTION: SEDIMENTATION. A SEDIMENT FILTER LOCATED AT THE INLET TO STORM SEWER CULVERTS WHICH PREVENTS SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING, ACCUMULATING IN AND BEING TRANSFERRED BY THE CULVERT. IT SOIL DESCRIPTION ALSO PROVIDES EROSION CONTROL AT CULVERTS DURING THE PHASE OF A PROJECT WHERE 4E - ASHE LOAM-257 TO 457 SLOPES. THESE SHALLOW, SOMEWHAT EXCESSIVELY DRAINED SOILS ELEVATIONS AND DRAINAGE PATTERNS ARE CHANGING, CAUSING ORIGINAL CONTROL MEASURES ARE FOUND ON MOUNTAIN SLOPES. MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH VERY LOW TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. TO BE INEFFECTIVE. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP B SAFETY FENCE: 7B - BRADDOCK LOAM-27 TO 77. SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON A PR07EC77VE BARRIER INSTALLED TO PROHIBIT UNDESIRABLE USE OF AN EROSION CONTROL FANS. MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC SOIL MEASURE. GROUP B. PERMANENT STAB/L/ZATION: - 14D - CHESTER LOAM 15% TO 25% SLOPES. THESE DEEP WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON HILLSLOPES. HIGH RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY.NHYROLOGIC SOIL PERMANENT SEEDING WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AS PER THE PERMANENT GP B. GROU STABILIZATION OF THIS EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE. 14E - CHESTER LOAM-257 TO 45% SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE WILL BE LIMED, HILLSLOPES. HIGH RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC FERTILIZED, AND SEEDED AS PER CURRENT VDOT STANDARDS. THIS SHALL CONSIST OF SOIL GROUP B. THE FOLLOWING. - TOP SOIL - 2" DEPTH 36B - HAYESWLLE LOAM-2% TO 77 SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON LIME - 2 TONS/ACRE HILLSLOPES. MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP B FERTILIZER - 600 LBS/ACRE OF 15-30-15 SEED - ERNST 5311 CONSERVATION SEED MIX - ERNMX-114 (45 LBS/ACRE PENNLAWN 36C - HAYESWLLE LOAM-7% TO 15% SLOPES THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON CREEPING RED FESCUE, 37.5 LBS/ACRE ARGILS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, J7.5 LBS/ACRE HILLSLOPES MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC PARK KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, 15 LBS/ACRE ANNUAL RYEGRASS & 15 LBS/ACRE PLEASURE SOIL GROUP B. PERENNIAL AFTER THESE AREAS ARE STABILIZED THEY WILL BE MOWED AND MAINTAINED 81B - 7HURMONT LOAM-2% TO 79 SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON ON A REGULAR BASIS WTERFLUVES. MODERATE RUNOFF, WW7H MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP B. MAINTENANCE • IN GENERAL, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY 81C - 7HURMONT LOAM-7% TO 157 SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SPECIFIC ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE INTERFLUVES. MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. FOLLOWING ITEMS HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP B. A. SEDIMENT BASINS AND/OR TRAPS WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN 89B - UN/SON SILT LOAM-2% TO 7% SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. FANS. MODERATE RUNOFF, WI7H MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYDROLOGIC SOIL B. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT GROUP B. WILL PREVENT PROPER DRAINAGE. IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT THE GRAVEL WILL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. 89C - UNISON SILT LOAM-77. TO 157. SLOPES. THESE DEEP, WELL DRAINED SOILS ARE FOUND ON C. ALL SILT FENCE BARRIERS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR UNDERMINING OR FANS. MODERATE RUNOFF, WITH MODERATELY HIGH TO HIGH PERMEABILITY. HYROLOGIC SOIL DETERIORATION OF THE FABRIC AND REPAIRED AS REQUIRED. SEDIMENT SHALL BE GROUP B. REMOVED WHEN THE LEVEL OF SEDIMENT DEPOSITION REACHED HALF WAY TO THE TOP OF THE BARRIER. STORMWATER RUN-OFF CONSIDERATIONS. D. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO SEE THAT A GOOD STAND IS MAINTAINED. AREAS SHOULD BE FERTILIZED AND RESEEDED AS NEEDED. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. THE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THIS PROJECT DRAINS TEMPORARILY TO THE SEDIMENT BASIN & TRAPS THE SEDIMENT BASIN AND THE SEDIMENT TRAPS WILL BE REMOVED AFTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STOCKTON CREEK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. SCOTT /R. CDLLIN: Lic. No. 035791 1/4/23 z z z z /A w U U U \/ J J W W W ZJ J J o W ¢ a a Oa m w w w H U, 0 Q Q Q o 0 0 o z H r F- Z 0 z z z '=I 0 - 0 0 0 `.. / � � � WMmm to to > ce¢ u] to u] Ili . z M z N N N M W C � C C Q N N N O 0 � n m i 0 0 0 0 0 Ir CY) 7- ti A CYO ■ C'M N 4 cr) I- ,'I- z N Q o J rn N N a- W Q 2 > (n LL 7 J I J > z U) p LU 1--I Lot F_ H1 O 13� Q ' = m C) '� i v ' LU F --- LU Ul(n c1/fL �_ U Z LULU of O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII U) J LU o E J Q `� 0 O CD N U r) w LU r'-I IY a z J 0 0 U z LU 0 LU () 016 0 Fi ) 0. LU 222207 AS NOTED 3 Paved construction entrance for erosion control plans 1992 3.05 1992 3.05 TH 0 1992 3.17 % NE - -70' MIN. CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE 1992 3.11 0 C, IsrRucTaN (WITH WIRE SUPPORT) (WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT) STONE -LINED WATERWAYS � A_;;ESS J- Sy_2A ASPHALT TOP TEMPORARY ,t �7 �+LT L� ��i A V SCOTT R. LINS'Z, COURSE 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4'X4' 2. STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO THE POSTS. 1. SET THE STAKES. 2. EXCAVATE A 4"X 4" TRENCH 1'L,M ORAR 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY A 1 � '4 E LISTING 7x 2fL PAVEMENT TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF U Lie. No. 035791 .-- --, T.- --. OF POSTS. STAKES. DIVERSIONS 'Ip��p1 6'MAX. W +0�0 1/4/23�4 6" MIN 2' A AGGREGATE BASE "�i % i �_ ImII�IAnnNI VDOT I N COARSEAGGREGATE 1g" MI' SIONAL "c �� i = _- - 11i - _ PROFILE - --- - d - -� 70' MIN.FLOW 431ItJLTIO•� A T PAVED WASNRACX ASPHALI'.. - 4" FILTER CLOTH IRmIIff�� KEY IN FILTER -IIIIIP CLOTH 6"-9" �•..�'.� -•,Y` EXISTING J 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT g• MINIMUM { 7 2E PAVEMENT FLOW - III IIII F TO STAKES AND EXTEND THE EXCAVATED SOIL. 'y 2; • Y AYH.• 4. IT INTO THE TRENCH.V-SHNOTE: A ED WATERWAY MAYTH BE SUBSTITUTED FOR F CENTER RAI CLOTH. 1 3. ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT TILL /'� �r FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE TRENCH. EXCAVATED SOIL / TYPICAL GRAVEL STRUCTURE ,ST EXTEND FUEL WIDTH POSITIVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE f ,f 14GRES5 AND EGRESS TD SEDIMENT _ _ ,,... r r TRAPPING DEVIf •" '. / O _F=RATION t .. /� - IIII IIII W 0 Z Z Z PLAN _/ 2/3 W U O O O - FLOW / - COMPACTED SOIL __ 4 12 _ __ I w J U U U I7' YIN. _ d =� u3 u3 u3 EEEE J � _ � a � � � II � IILU _°''¢- V - SHEETPERSPECTIVE VIEW) ION i-� __ _ - " - 0 1 •• = a DD w w w ..�,..-�. _ _ �.- -- - I� ,I Do TB--"'IIII LOW INSTALLATION ^T ? t i' r FLOW r I 1B" MIN' _ O U O / - F- O WII IIII KEY IN FILTER wQ Z F- O O ,.,�,,, FILTER CLOTH - - III A A -�- CLOTH 8'-5' N// Z O Z Z Z SECTION A -A =� - � FlOwt 3 \\\\ - �.,♦ O Ln o 0 0 EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH. - ,5 2:-, HH (in N (n A unnioSInI N'atq lap At 1 Indl must he InA1allvi with a moulumn I Inch ballcoek /// e• M1N1M PARABOLIC WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN W LUca m m m shulotl rah a st 1 IhnlM a wash hose w'dh a thaindq of 1 A Inches La AdrE hale FILTER FABRIC Ln h I I NOTE: A GRANULAR FILTER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR FILTER CLOTH. J En Ln � couslald plea>TTIe X%'lAl waiq Insist Ile (allied 1w.1N h011l the enhance to all HQH 1 Oee(1 seNklls alp 10 Ig110Ve sethllldd Al Keth111el1t shall be P teL'glted 6'Om III POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT H. I_Z cl� sF ante¢slonuthams.ddu chesotwalelcoses. L I I uuuRJ DRAINAGEWAY INSTALLATION TYPICAL EARTHEN STRUCTURE z -I - (FRONT ELEVATION) PAVED WASH RACK Source: Adapted from Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter Source: Adapted from Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter NO SCALE Barriers for Sediment Control, Sherwood and Wyant Plate 3.05-1 Barriers for Sediment Control- Sherwood and Wyan[ Plate 3.05-2 Source: USDA-SCS Plate 3.17-2 Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.11-1 1992 3.08 1992 3.18 1992 3.36 1992 3.38 SILT FENCE CULVERT INLET PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS TYPICAL ORIENTATION OF FENCING AND ARMORING PROTECTION A A TREATMENT - 1 1992 3.20 (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) R 0 CK CHECK DAM N N 0N0 N 10 SHALLOW LU N 0 _____________ _ ' SLOPE y" 3d I CUT/FILL QUANTITIES: a N N N O ____ do .,,' I 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: Lei n rn�. `l --- T-' NE SHALLOW PRO SLOPES, STRIPS OF O O O O TOE OF FlLL i I PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT NETTING PROTECTIVE AC COVERINGS GRIP LINE I VOLUME OF CUT FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: CULVERT AREA WITH NO DEFINED u- I TMAY BE HE SLOPE. ACROSS --- 31,50o CU. YARD PLAN VIEW CHANNEL I I 3 VOLUME OF FILL FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: FILTER CLOTH 33,000 CU. YARD - I I I (OPTIONAL) L BERM SNOW FENCE �_ NET VOLUME OF FILL FOR LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE: I I a / L9 WHERE THERE IS IA BERM AT THE TOP THE SLOPE, (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) 1,500 CU. YARD OVET I I 0 8 BRING THE MATERIAL R THE BERM AND S D ANCHORVI BEHIND THE BERM. ____ __________ __r______�__ ___-_______ d yTAAL rn COAT g1 6" OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE HAULED OFFSITE TO A -- - COARSE AGGREGATE PERMITTED (SWPPP) SITESTEEP I� M ♦ TOE OF FILL SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN B--H-; RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER SLOPE _ FLOW 2"I 3 ` ' AS EXPLAINED IN EACH PHASE NARRATIVE AND M SILT FENCE o ON � SLOPES, APPLY � BOARD FENCE rMM 00 REITERATED HERE, PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY DISTANCE IS 8' MINIMUM IF FLOW A PROTECRVE COVERING PARALLEL IS TOWARD EMBANKMENT TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW CORD FENCE SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO N `Y AND ANCHOR SECURELY. L Row A 3do (MIN.) v Asnc ENCE 2-10 ACRES OF DRAINAGE AREA: DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL Of coGRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. * d ! ! CORRECT METHODS OF TREE FENCING 'l Z OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION L------------ -I STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN W N PIPE OUTLET TO WELL DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT DEFINED CHANNEL BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL AREA BEFORE 1 - FILTER CLOTH FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT O� 1 A• 1 s' PLAN VIEW TERMINATING THE INSTALLATION. TURN THE END (OPTIONAL) (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 3o DAYS. N I UNDER e AND STAPLE AT 12 INTERVALS. "�'� •'- L a ``i'%l'�•:..`;�i�,.,. Y+_�:':•'.,:::.tY ,_II (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) J -r\ PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TOVDOT l--1 A DITCH FLOW COARSEIAGGREGATE AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE FLAW zs THAN ONE YEAR. d IN DITCHES, APPLY PROTECTIVE O COVERING ., USEP CHECK TO THE DIRECTION REQUIRED. OF FLOW. FLAW 2� 3, ILL] J W SECTION A -A USE CHECK SLOTS AS REQUIRED. AVOID KEY JOINING MATERIAL IN THE CENTER OF I � 0 NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BEFILTRIPRAP, GROUTED RN d - :GAHIOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER THE DITCH IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. AMIM NMIT // `� - AJ6MAMI J 1 111��� J CUSS I RIPRAP BASKET, OR CONCRETE. > Z O VDOT 113, #357 OR 15 COARSE AGGREGATE 2. Le IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED + CORRECT TRUNK ARMORING CLASS I RIPRAP TO REPLACE SILT FENCE IN' HORSESHOEWHEN 1 HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3, d = 1.5TIMES THE MA]ONUN STONE DIAMETER, HOT NOT TRIANGULAR BOARD FENCE LU 0 CII T LESS THAN 8 INCHES. - Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.20-1 ~� Source: Adapted from VDOT Standard � �\ Sheets and Va. DSWC Plate 3.08-1 Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.18-1 Source: Adapted from Ludlow Products Brochure Plate 3.36-1 Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.38-2 I -I O O / U J II 1992 3.01 1992 3.07 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE 1992 3.14 1992 3.24 Q Z SAFETY FENCE SILT FENCE DROP INLET EXAMPLE PLAN VIEWS OF TEMPORARY CULVERT CROSSING CID � U PROTECTION BAFFLE LOCATIONS IN W Y U) 0 uPACT1Y OF PIPE CULVERTS , VDOT /1 COARSE AGGREGATE 6" DEEP TOGETHER = FLOW Y ',: 2 X 4' VDDD FRAME ORS INLET Compacted SOiI SEDIMENT BASINS - LL1 � •.. ... TI MITI GRATE 1/2 DUMETER \ EARTH FILL COVEREDLU �.. ■.■ ® D OF PIPE OR 12'. \ HY LARGE ANCUUR 1 1 1 06 18" Into. WHKHEVB IS `\ ROCK .■. ■.■ IS' MAX. _ FRAME Flow D 2 NO SCAlE GREATER Noy c 5 `' - riiii - //�^ I' IIII-..; ,'. .: i,- I INFLOW V l � O II-I11FAll , RISER R _ � l � U 3' MIN. `�� � ✓ IRI- 4.5' min. NORMAL POOL L = TOTAL DISTANCE FROM _ ILL] O THE T OF INFLOW - I AROUND R E BAFFLE TO } YI• i, ER CLOTH LF�VL Oce GATHER AT CORNERSLU NORMAL POOL PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 0/2 L RISER D ; -: &� ELEVATION LIJ STAKE SPACING BETWEEN CHECK DAMS ` U) PERSPECTIVE VIEW II ,yl� - 1 }W 1 FABRIC 6 h VDOT /1 COARSE 1 [ IPRGE ANGUUR L = THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS NORMAL POOL PoSER Ik S - II A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION AGGREGATE ROCK OVER j INFLOW 11 fl EARTH FILL r v IN. �� 7 O ♦- N4 hr. .t-ap V9O /I p 0 C) BAFFLE ° ELEVATION OF STAKE AND - L \L; 3 D/2 FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL A II I L - L1 + L2 III ... R=i NFLOW 50' MINIMIA.I T i i T I I T I 50' MINIMUM U 'T SPECIFIC APPLICATION w 'I. SHEETS OF 4' % & X 1/0 EXTERIORr 6 TOP OF BANK PLYWOOD OR EQUIVALENT _ TOP OF BANK Q W THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE �. : _ .�R,'°,,at I„I 1H� „• INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.20.2 RISER CREST ElEVADON d (n 6' MAX. 5' MIN. a 100iNf THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT I I I 4• I , 70B NO. PERSPECTIVE VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS II POSTS MIN. SIZE 4' SQUARE ON MD/ ORGIVSW LE AND/ 222207 I I I I I OR 5" ROUND. SET AT °R SWAtE PLAN VIEW OR swALE L PLASTIC FENCE METAL FENCE IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. FAS T INTO THE GROUND. B• SCALE AS NOTED Source: Adapted from Conwed Plastics and Plate 3.01-1 Source: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.24-2 VDOT Road and Bridge Standards Planning and Design Manual, 1988 Plate 3.07-1 SHEET NO. -� K � Source: USDA-SCS Plate 3.14-6 4 VIRGINIA EROSION& SEDIMENTCONTROL �'� / / ♦ / l l I I 1 i v - �' / V A \ \ \ \ \ \ V A A \ V A A \ V ` V A. A EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK SPECIFICATION NUMBER - - / �♦♦ \ / - - - - - - / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /�' / / ♦ / / / / I I I � I \\ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - / \ \ � \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ NOTE: ALL DIVERSION DIKES GREATER THAN 2ei6 SHALL OSA SAFETY FENCE 3.oa - / / `� /♦♦j�♦ l 1 ' I I REQUIRE STABILIZATION. PLEASE SEE PLANS AND - - / ♦ /T. 6 -6,� I - \ \ \ TABLE BELOW FOR STABILIZATION REQUIRED FOR / >+ / / y♦ O6 II III \ VA AO v v A A--------�� --- vv vv\ v v v v v \ v I I \ \ \\ \ T. M.69 6C O - / \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ EACH SECTION OF DIVERSION DIKE. CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.01 - ♦ / / I I \ \ \ \ \ - \ / \ \ \ \ \ O - - A♦ / ST RT Y ORS Add, // VA Ovv vvv v GIBSON EVERETT E JR v v v v v v O CRS CRS CONSTRUCT/ON ROAD STAB/L/ZAT/ON o / / ♦ / ��-521 ,,�, / / / \ O \\�\\ \\ \ \\ \ t FIELDS / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Diversion Dike Stabilization Lining Job Nurrbef: 222207 O 3 3 D.B:9415j704,'r`1 PIIAli �vt //�/// A���� vvOvvvAvv�v �v 1.07ACRES/- SF�E SILTFENCE 3.05 / / / / �/ / / ♦♦♦ I /// \ \ \\\ \ \ O \ \ \\ \ - --- e _ _ - -/ - \ \ \ \ \ lP STORM DRAIN INLETPROTECTION 3.07 / / / �� / / / / / / �♦♦� AAO \ O \ �A \�, vv v AV 0 / / �/ - A \ V / ClP CULVERTINLETPROTECTION 3.08 �_ - \ \ \ \ �_ �•. LL \ /j \ _ / / - - =� \ \ \ \\ _ - i ♦� / �♦ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \�\ \\ �` /�- 9. >:..301LTYPE E� DD �� TEMPORARVDIVERSIONDIKE 3.09 \ \ - - - - - - - f / ♦♦`♦♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ )$\ \ \ \ \\\\ LL e . ;.•� W� TEMPORARYROWDIVERSION 22 \ / / j \ \ \ - \ �\`"\ e LLi/ %""-- \� \ T.M.69-516\ \ 3 --- ♦+ $TOCIKTONC�R LL / \\\ \ \\ _- \SOILTYPE. ��i: /// _ � \ �! �.� - MCCLAFEHDAN;6ENISI'l \\\ -REVISED T \� \ - - - - - - - \ 2.63 ACRES ♦♦ \ \ \ BOUNDARY (TYP.) ,, \ \ �- \ �` S ST O SEDIMENT TRAP 3.23 \ \ - - - - - - - - - A. \ - / O/ e �;' I O \ _ _ / / / D.6.5504 PG 61 - \ \ \ \ \ \ �\ \� - LL /!i - \ \ \ �. 2.80 ACRES_ \ SB SEDIMENTBASIN 24 vv vA - - V / / / / V A A A / i����p� v v v� v\vim ���A� 1••�/ _ / R�S ��� A Calculations Mae S-5.0% Me V=3.Ofps EG2,M.V=411fps EG3 TlwA,MimV=7Dfps Sta From Sta To T= (ram) C Value Area (ac.) CA c I2 (mPor) Q2 (cfs) Slope (ft/ft) Eatih (n=0.03 Jute(Sod (n-0.05) Paved Vel. I Depth I VA I Depth I VeL I Depth Note: Section A Diversion Dale 10+00 1 15+00 1 8.0 1011 2.9911.351 4.9 1 6.59 10.04801 1 1 2.03fps 1 0.81 It Note: Section H Diversion Dike 15+00 28.0 1 0.45 1 4.121 1.851 4.9 1 9.08 10.06001 1 pf Note: Section C Inversion Dike to SB 1 21+20 1 26+72 1 6.0 10.45 1 0.62 10.281 5.4 1 1.51 10.02801 1 1 1.86fps 1 0.52 It Note: Section DI)iversion Ihke to SB 1 10+00 1 14+80 1 6.0 10.45 1 1.89 10.851 5.4 1 4.59 10.03001 1 1 1.38 fps 1 0.77 ft Note: Section E Diversion Dike to ST 2 -- 10+00 1 18+16 1 6.0 10.45 1 0.70 10.32 1 5.4 1 1.70 10.06101 1 1 1.37fps 1 0.47 ft Note: Section F Inversion Dale to ST 2 10+00 1 14+95 1 6.0 10.45 1 1.00 10.451 5.4 1 2.43 10.07801 1 1 3.11 fps 1 0.51 ft Note: Section GDiversion Dike to ST 1 10+00 121+13 1 7.0 1 0.45 1 0.78 10.351 5.2 1 1.83 10.07501 1 1 2.88 fps 1 0.46 ft Note: Section H Divetsion Dike to ST 3 10+00 14+10 6.0 0.45 0.70 0.32 5.4 1 1.70 10.04901 1 1 2.36 fps 1 0.49 H OP OUTLET PROTECTION 3.18 \ \ \ - - _ - _ \ ♦ �� "' / \ , _ -z _ -e \ \�r \ N \ - - = \ \ \ \ , RR v -�\ \\tom / / / / / �V � � ♦♦ \ � ____ ������� A \ �i�A �\� /�/ O--om-- Ov �O\Ate\\ \ \1��\Av �\\`� \'\°�\���, SN \ / -,�-- - - v SECTION STABILIZATION LINING REQUIRED Zee" F RIPRAP 3.9 JUTE EC-2 TS TS TEMPORARYSEEDING 2 V \ ILTYPE a - - A • v 33 � \ �i% IIII/ \ \ \ ♦ ♦ SO 7 ` � \ \ . \ \ JUTE EC-2 PS PS MU MU ttI /I �/ / - /v/ /` - - � /// � V\ \V \ \ \\ A A �v \ _- �v\♦ ♦♦ ♦♦\ \ \ �\ \-� _ 11 � PERMANENTSEEDING 3.32 0 ♦�♦o♦JPt�,ieO p/ > � �`eA\VA� \'� \\ r\\"(�\\VE O\\\�� \" V• �.., AREATO © JUTE EC-2 DRAINAGE DIVIDE MULCHING SEDIMENT BASIN - (TYP.) ILT 1=7.16 ACRES - JUTE EC-2 O TPA \\t /�//\\\v \\v\-_\\\O\,`,♦A\\ g22-_ -- -9zy TREEPROTECTION JUTE/ SOIL TYPE EC-2 38 _ BOUNDARY(Tyr.)-p DC OC \ \ \ It // / /�/ /� - - - \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ - _ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ \ i' - -V _ / Orb-, \ �� �,.\ III \ y� I I ,(+.� \ FO JUTE, EC-2 O - - - - - 1 p- _ DUSTCONTROL 339 \- A OXI AT� \ . \\ / a \ \ \ ♦♦ \ � / I I o AT ©N S EA. \ \ / - - OG JUTE, EC-2 BM + + SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET 3 j6 - o. \ \ \ \ t /// \\ \ \�\ �- \ \ \ \ \ \� \ _ - - OIL TYP\i D\ \ ♦ / - -- _ -_ / X / \ . \ \ \ \ \ JUTE EC-2 \ vVAvvv v A V A v v A A I A _ s 0 ERHEAD / A A \ \ v v ♦ t / / v v_A \ v -- SOIL TYPE \ 1 I - v ♦ V A�� \ t // / _ v v v v v v v v v v\ __-�__ - ♦♦ U LITY //� v A A �� BOUNDARY (TYP.) ♦♦s�� Li I-vBOUNDARY(TYP.)v vO - A �♦ OTE: CONTRACTORTO v V A v ♦ s / ♦ ' \ q \ / \ \ I I v CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA WITH / / / v v vv vA v T \ ♦ v O� v v O`I \ \ �\ V I I \ v \ I I v v vv vv v v ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE � v A V A � � / / q A \ �� / � � � / ♦ ( \ v � V� � �\\� \ I I V Ill ( � I I I I � A i/ v ♦ ♦\ / 'F♦ A V \ �" l� / / - \ vv A vv vvv ALONG DIVERSION DIKE A �� v v - + SOILTYP6 B ♦ ♦ �� I v v V ° v v \\�V \ VA \ V I V A 1 I 1 I I DOUBLE WALLED FUELING TANK, _/� /� r v v v v v vvv w v A �\v w V A \ v - ♦ \ V v / VDH \ V\- V I / DUMPSTER W/COVER, - II ✓/ / SOIL TYPE >4D v V A VA _ v - v v A V A \ SF r ,' / - / ♦ V A O \ _� \�\ MONUMEN OVA\ AND PORTA-POTTIES �I / / 6'wIDE v - A A VA V \ - A v - / + VA 1I \ \ \\ \ \ \ \�\ \ sus ->`_ _� / I 1 ) I ' ♦.l SOILTYPE \\I FOU D \ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ // /TOP OF SF \ \ \ \ -- \ \ \ W/WI E \ / - \ \ \ \ / I \ / - / / ♦ / BOUNDARY CONCRETE WASH ♦ \ \ / /' "° DAM \ \ \ c�A� \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I I I I I I / / _ SUPPIORT \ s1bPe\\\ \\ SUPPOs� -- OUT AREA ` % / _ t t♦? ♦ o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O \\DRAT AGE DIVIDE \ \ A \ \ / / TYPE c - J / / ♦♦♦ \ \ 3 / J \ \T \ \ I I // R/W DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE // \-_ �" �♦ k \? \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ TYP.) \ / / \ \\ / / // / \ \ \ i •.1 -.♦♦ ♦ \ �♦ \ O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (, TP -- PROPOSED LIMITS OF / \ - / \ ASS; SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE / solLrvA 7e i ♦ tt w �\ \ \\ \♦ \ \ \�\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ 9po \ \ \ . \ \ ¢� ���� DISTURBANCE =16. ACRES I // / / / /p e / •• \� rER \ 3 \ \ / / \ o' s� ♦ \SOITVPEiyE \ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ \ \ C / 93 / / / \ \ \ \ He FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / / % �t ,a r \y ♦ \\� \ - \ \ \ \ o / i r $ PROPOSEDFENCE� Zi�iVA\\ V V\VAV A \it�V �� v\\ / / w %m / / �- ♦� /// I///�VA V .148AI I Av vv vv I 1 I I / I / /// A 1 AROUND SEDIMENT vOV A \ A VAV A Y \ > RE%aT0 SEDIMENT' : _ / I i / / ♦ / �lll l� l� // / A AVA A I I v A \ / / / MV 69-6M \ ♦ ST4 fit, V sa�rvPE ODA- TRAP A\ VAV A A \ v TRAP 1.28ACRE5 // \ v \v / / REV1SE ILOT7 / B" �; iw" '' ° \ \ \ \ \ \ �/ / /p 1 1 1 A I _ - "s ' . \ \ � O\ \ � ,�"\ 3 =� l"'. ' .. , ,� ;,isAREA TO ♦ \ \ \ \ \ \ ST / / ACKE MAN TRUST 3 SOIL TYPEi4E D.B.4 3-Z3 I i i j / SEDIMENT TRAP �^ \ \ \ PROPOSED FENCE oo -- / / NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO ♦ - \ \ �s� ��s♦ \ .�\ \ a.. - - ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE / .6!47/83-20 & 21 PLAT t A \ 1 1 - 2.00 ACRES ♦ AROUND SEDIMENT // /// 'D.6.4456 4�P4 I ♦ - - - \ TRAP ♦ �. - / A ONG DIVERSION DIKEt / I III / o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *V \ 'WIDE ♦ B / �/ / t / \ a `�C, : \ \ \ .0� �N \- \ BM .. I \ TOP OF - .- _ - ' B.3530-234 PL T t - - = = " - " \ a \ O / ♦ I I o \ \ \ - � '- ' � 1 v - A v � � `° 1 "„ - I q�\� \ \ \ \ \ rn \ // //// I \ - \ \ \ \ m \ � \ \ --�♦ _A EA TO DD=___ o° / / / ♦ / II II / O �\� \ - \ � \ \ � � // _ A I G ♦ A v A \ Sfi „ \\ SF \ s gg C A I SOIL TYPE \ � \ \ � \ / 12'x70'MIN. I C BOUNDARY (TYP.) \ t. \ i „ \ w/�)JIR� \ ♦ = O SUPPORT 8 \ ♦ - '-- // /// // ///� / ♦ 1 \ �, \ .„ & I SOILiYPE BgC NOTE: fiHIS CONSTRUCTION / / 1 `.♦, \ \ �s \ ♦ \ / % w/ WI t I o \ \ \ \ . = PROPOSEDTEMPORARY \ti .\ \ \ -: `\\ \ / C ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED, I =--r-- \ WgDE \ 1Q SIP ` t / / UPPORT STOCKPILE SURROUNDE tt \ \ C 1„„ „ `„ t . 6` F - r \ - / ♦ / / \ �S \ \ T. ?� 5 /OPERATED AND MAINTAINED BY I / / ♦ \ \\ 836 �. SOPO ( - \ / O \ \ M'� / / // _ ♦ I BY SILT FENCE y \ \ \ \ \ \ �♦ „*� t F / o� \ .O S �(X \ \ GRA\j/ES O THE CONTRACTOR. / WASH RACK �° 1 Ot \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a \' ` $ i 9e , J ♦ \ \ ��� - / J \ / \ 1 / o % �' / \ .�'6 q \ \ 26. 8$C /,CONSTAREAISOALLUTIIC IN THIS/IZETHIS // // / ` SOIL TYPE36; \ tt 1\ \\\\. \\ \ �� \`\R�; aa6= t \ \\` \ SOIL TYPE / 0 / / \ FLOW DIRECTION \ ;\ ♦� try \ AREA TO \ \ \ 9�- I o Y \ O 2\ \ \ 1 �> BOUNDARY (TYP.) CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.I / ARROW (TYP. \ \ \ \ --_a94 / ) \AREA TO ♦ \ I I P \ /� / IIII / /�V A j V \ V I l l 1/ ill •q r A � � � v 115EDIMENTTRAP � A � q . �„. pC v a I I\ � I I � � o / ///Z//// / / I 1 1 / / / / i/ \ SEDIMENT TRAP ♦Y m z = 2.54 ACRES \ \ \ \ '` �- SOI i o. \ \ \ \ J SF , SOIL TYPE E \ \ \ \ \ v i / o /r 1 1 A V .� A \ "\ w(WIRE l A v v ��=1.11ACRE5 / DRAINAGE DIVIDE V A \ "+- ♦ \ - - O/ / V ` solLrvPERgB �/� /// T.M6 -6fi / / / l I / I h -- , SOIL TYPE v v t. ♦ V A v I _SUPPORT / �. A\\i v / vvv A \ 6/ (TYP.) AL ARE TO DID = LO�1 / / BOUNDARY (TYP.) V `� \ \ V A �� A A \-i-ACV♦� �\ V A \ V A V V U -�a9o_-- I ♦ / r) A v v F AN K' D N'LEY & / l I 1 I / / � \ f�OTE: CONTRACTOR TO - \ �.q \ \ \ \ \ \ 'w , ♦ � ' " \ - - / 1 g 88 AC- // �/ CARLA \`ti - -'/_ / / /y/♦ //�t / t♦ `_ s- �sb o/_ /��)// / /I / I I 1 r �\ I \ \ 1 \ \ °�aXONLEYENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE B'.3 80-82, SION DIKE LATi / IF+� \`\ \\\ \` \\ ` \ E ♦ F - \O ---- 6 E 1 \1 I1 1 I AREATO o o SEDIMENT BASINa-NOTE: ONT ALTOITO °S 94 SOIL TYPE 3sc \ \ ♦ - - - D \ 1 I\ 1 I Os 1 -7.16 ACRES tI \ �. D ENSURE ALONG POSTIVE DIKE DRAINAGE \ \ \\ \ / / /' /---i �' , V A VA,\ iA\ \��A.' RS ttsolLrvpEagcA 1 �� A vv \\\ \1 �_ � � � / / / / / � w%WIRE i v - . / / SOILTYP 36E 9zo-__ 1 'V \�� C 1 \ I / g�O�� \\\ \�_- -- --- - `i/ / SF / / ' �sUPPORT O \ \ I11\, /LE \. ,w/WIRE / - \J bb ` O J Q --- ---- - -- ,SUPPORT / /, / / N - /, \\ VDOo W=UPIT0874E �� \ \AREA/tt'\ f aB \ \ \\ \ OVERHEAD( / --- �� \ _�_ - wo'--- -_-- ° �� //, / /// 912 s♦ �\I�� ♦\�\ \\CONTOUR LINE \ ` \�2.8g AC _ "f:�_ \ it `\\ I �1\11 111 11''' 11TILITY _--- / / / ► ♦ LINES 1� ! o r y o Q O ) - _ IS - SOLTYPE ♦ DRAINAGE % �� 1 \ 1 111 PROPOSED LIMITS OF _ � 3?C ' ` „ J I 11 �111 I � � ( I / �O�- ��� DISTURBANCE=16. ACRES D NAGEDIVIDE / 1 I I r / _ - - - -. - , / / / i / 3/ ^ - _ I \ OIL YPE iyD i i ♦ \ yt/SOIL TYPE\ I \ \ \ (TYP.) \ ♦ 11 \ 1 III / � I 1 sus 1 IF \ � � � � � - - / / i // / / v � v v v ) A � \ q ,� � 1 BOUNDARY (TYP.) A \ � / \" - / / v I I r A I A SOILtYPE89B /// /// -� �� \ PROPOSED LIMITS OF �` D 1 O p VDH \ ) / \I ) // v _ �,/ I //, //�� v-_ / w , v vv / DISTURBANCE I� I A � � ♦ G MONUIVIENT ` / / \\` \ // / ; / // \ \ \ \ \ / \ ° 1 \ \ 1 AREA TO bD= FOUND V /// \ / // v v _ - - PROPOSED FENCE cemcAL ,w � ( _ L . V A - _ SLOPES %, soli rvP)E Sac 1 �B� o.6z AC v / _ / v �111IIIIw �v t �ti v \ \ \ T M169-19D / AROUND SEDIMENT 1 I v �REVMD LOT 3 TRAP CKTONCREEKLTG -- / v I v v v /7/�, � / '/ - - // v-SOILT'Pe 6c / /J// ♦;. V v v \\ /� �NUH /06. 504 PG\\\\ / NOTE: SILT FENCE SAFETY \\- \\--` 3/// // /IIII :„„„„i5„ :� \\�\ c SFR P 1C� \ O/ // // N \ `//� N1 E T ,_ ` /� // I/ I :i„ \ \� A A v w/WIRE VOA\ \ / /OI F U\N�\ r v / / 4.56 ACRES, _ - _ _ _ 1 SHNCE, A INSTALLED AT LIMITS \ \ NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO / „ * y y * *„* *' ;, \ \ \ \ \� \ SUPPORT SOILTY e4D FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION v �` - /' .t„„;. V A ----- V A I „„„ „ .o„ \ SOIL 8gc \ \ ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE I %. „„ ; : \ \ PROPOSED FENCE OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE \ \ `ego __ v v v v -'ALONG DIVERWN D15E / C „ , „„„ . „ : „„ \ V A q AROUND SEDIMENT VDH v v --_-- i �/ / // / i /i / - - OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL v v- �- , i / / �.- ;„„ „\„ :\ \ \ - - - v PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEET 8 „ A BASIN / / - / --PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES FOR SEDIMENT BASIN 1'SI„ MONUMENT - - ; ' / // / FOUND ARE MEASURED AT LIMITS v - v \ �V `•� vv� DESIGN DETAILS OF DISTURBANCE OR' _ \ SOIL TYPE DVERSO E. v\ - --// '/ // / 1 1 ` A A �� BOUNDARY (TYP.) L cRIpCAL \ / IS I I N DIK v A/ / \V I �\ / \ _ -CRITICAL SLOPES - - r - °� / / / / f \ \ �44FOOT v�-�- SS �'� �B_ SB �. VA\\4FOOT HIGH IF 1 � A �,IVI „• vv 7 ' - / /%VDH FRE611 RTHU�t� O A A v / - -- - VDOT CLASS Al STONE i „ �j - _ / \\\ 1 OP': y --/OUNDENT L-a6', Wi=6', Wa=iB' i „ ea.-- ��N F \\\ \\ \\\\\ T_M.69-1JA7 - - - MONUMENT- S dl�ST,lOSEPHSCOTT&- - -=O -=F6U 2- \ \\STATE R�U� �- �� _ _=_ eRGT,c L -- -R SCALE _ 4 9 ACR�� \ \ CASEY-RJ_UST - --- --\ --_ --,��� s E 51 �LBPES - -- GRAPHIC HIC �1 ACRES - - \ \ Sli©P_ ��D - - - - -� _ - - _ _ VDH 80 0 40 80 P 160 320 \c DITZ \ --------------- -- \� \ 'SOD-B'^14 '�WYDT _ -`\ - - MONUMENT-- - - ----\ SIN - 8'WIDE O DAM FOUND \\HwP„p3�'\ \ ------_-_-_QP�F -.. \H \ \ \ \ \ III �t, ryN_-_ \ ( IN FEET ) \\ _{1(Ir�tx��+L7iwvlVKh11�s1\F -� �j/ - - inch = 80 2 \ \ \ \ \ � Yam\ \ d-' �� - - - - -_ - \ \ \ 1 h ft. 0 EIVI - - //// U -i- �- V A VDH � Lie. No. 035791,E OL'SlOnrnT. ���ti�' Z U o o O /w J U U U Z Z C) w Q Q Q w a m w w O Q LU O O O Z Z H H H o Z Z Z o to O U U ut In (n U) LULUch� M m on m M J (n (n Z iY Z w ('11 CIA CIA Q N rN Ln If 0 0 0 L9 C'7 C7 C>7 N LLM z Q O W W N V) Q > (%) LU J j Z \ J Q LU L9 11111- (n p O 1--1 � 7 J > z IS 8 WU � Y (f) W LU LU 1--1 LU LU Ul CO LL U) U p ZLU LU O z O J O O U LU J O 0� N U U w m a JOB NO. 222207 SCALE y 111=80f SHEET NO. 5 VIRGINIA EROSION& SEDIMENTCONTROL Sediment Trap design � EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK SPECIFICATION NUMBERdraSEDIMENT TRAP #4 DETAIL r SA SAFETYFENCE 3,p _ / / / // II I I \ �II�I II II �IV�\��AtVAA� \\ // AEI A trap volumenage areas: (acres)(<3 ac) 1.11 �"� S ALE: ZE(=20( �� / / \ trap wlumes: �� CREST OF STONE wElx .,�„a� MINED / / T. M.6 6� I I VA VA A Vv V A / v elevation (ft) area (sP wlume(cP volume(cy) �. y / T I A v v - WIDE sza na a 0.0 I CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.oz / / LOT 6 \\ \ \ \ \ \ T.M.69 6C / \ / -a 930 1605 2,329 86.3 DRY STORAGE a vwveE[ / S ARTTAYLORSMAdK j // // A �A�A� vv A / 'V GIBSON EVERETTEJR ��� ��I 2 932 2700 6,587 244.0 D 6.5 6 521 // A v \� FIELDS 0 0 0 0.0 CRS CRS CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION 3. 03 / / I\ ( / / / \ \ V A V v v t / `: Z D.6415 764,7 PI}AT v///� --- -�-� vv v v < - - - \ - 1.07 ACRES - o a o o.o w�sraanRE ----- / RED COME, SF �f �E iE SILTFENCE o - � M /____ -11!---- - wet storage: /} 3 S 4 -SEE EU,E YI3-1 C4V6F .1ECRFGIE C.S I N~ lP STORM DRAIN INLETPROTECTION 3.07 / ' / �// \ \ -�- - \ \ \ - - s --- ,� - �- wet storage required (cy) (67"DA) 74.4 �� 'bottom of stone weir (it) 929.72 wet storage promded at this elevation (cy) 74.4 �[}' O \ -� / _� r\//� slope of wet storage sides 31 ` C/P CUL VERTINLETPROTECT/ON 3.08 _� _ _ i / / / i \ \ \ \ \ \ \-1 \ \� \ \\ \\ \ Y - - = •� \ / weir length (ft) (6x DA) 6.7 - - - - ' / /✓ \ \ _ \ \ \\\r\ ` _. /t/ d - ry storage: bottom of trap elevation (ft) 928 0 TEMPORARYDIVERSIONDIKE 3.og ` - - - - f / /! / \ \ \\\� \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ = \ e dry storage required (cy) (67 DA) 74.4 bottom trap dimensions: 21'X40' - `\\ -I_ i- / / ' \ crest of stone weir 931.0 top of dam elewtion (fit) 932 /,���������� ����11� \ \ __- -- _ / / ' T. M.69-19G dry storage protided at this elevation (cy) 80.7 top width of dam (ft) 6' Nair*, ��' - ] TEMPORARYROWDIVERSION 3.11 \ / / /�/ '-REVISEDLOTV j \ �\\ ��\� w_-" %/�� slopeofdrystoragesides 3:1 top trap dimensions 387Q30' \ _ �J2 ••��� \ •�� rQcw2TON CREEK LL / \ v A� v-, \vv LOP �v v \ ;_I / \ � � j� �1, \ v - / /� / 63 RES�' - v ST SEDIMENT TRAP 3.13 \ - - - - - - -- / / V i / A A V AA V _ v v ��vv v •r �`•A� I .BOELDS ----� �� / // D.B 04PG,61�---- A v _ vvv�vv� v= -�%�/ �V�� w.. �� ACRES \ ♦ X X \ - \ 2 A \ \ f P V A - - V �� �/' % / V � `i�� A /� � V A� � �A \cA V�� -� � � � 1• \ �V ��'Zy � �e %T SCOTT/R. CDLLINSZ Lic. No. 035791 � p 1/4/23 SS SEDIMENTBASIN 3.14 VA v --�- -_ <-- / / T -\ V / `gyp A V AA v vVA..v� .,4- /�,�/ -�'V ��\� v,�v A v '•� -�T %�: S \ \ inn - - \ J \ \ ♦ / 1 \ \ OP OUTLET PROTECTION 3.18 - - v �// / / \ \ v v/-�� ' C \_r _ - �� A v v AA'• ��P VAA - Imo/ / ICI �� U O O O --- �� // / V -V♦♦ / �/ ♦ ` e r v "'VA�V �• e�F \VAA �' T' w U U U - / A \ V ♦� ♦♦♦ I A 1 \� v�LL v ��\�\� wv / --- ---9�8 �X Y � W W RR RIPRAP 1 - \` _ / - / ♦ . - _ CD 0 ROCKCHECKDAM 3.20 , / / \ �� ♦ ♦ \ -1 ` \ \ / \ b \ \� °\ i ' ~ w m m m v \ // / / / / V A v ♦ ♦��i / v �v V V I`\ V ,V v �' V d J w w w / \ V \ \ ♦ / ♦ A ��V v w \ V v v \ \ / \ / / / / ♦ \ / \ \ \ - \ O U Q J J J I \ , / / \ \ \ �� \ ♦ \ / ♦ �\\ \ "� \\ � �� \\ � \ ��` :?/ \ / � ��'�-1�E- •{'ice � `� O� Q Q Q TS TS TEMPORARYSEEDING 331 /. r ' / �- \ \ \ \ \ ♦ \ \,. \ \ \ ✓ " 'X- 'jam w O O O -- / / \ \ \ \ �k \� \ \ \ in p z H H H ^ V AV A V v - - - - - - - r _ )) PS PS PERMANENTSEEDING z \ /l / - i �� \ \ \\ \ - ♦ \ 1 / 9�6 X FBI O to O O O 33 \ \ - ♦ ♦ \ ,..\ AREA TO - - ---- / K/4 \ ,° \" \\, \ 4 \ /\ in to (n vt (n - - - \ \ \ \ - - ♦ FLOW ARROW \\ / - \ \ \ \ - ♦♦ \ SEDIMENT BASIN 9zz - - - _ 4 - / 1 al I / / \r r �. - LU m m m / � � v _ � - ♦ TYP. / � \ \ e ° �. A v v w MU MU MULCHING 335 VA\ / / / - v ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD ♦♦ A i = ACRES �� `\ \ INSTALLATIOOCOAT ON WIT SURROUND DNCIE TYP. \ \ ♦ \ -- / / \ \ \ I I I /. �y ` - - m Ln TP M TREEPROTECTION 338 \ \V / // / / - ( ) ♦ r ��'4V / - v v ♦ 744 - / \ \ ICI y.O '��� n n �~+ N M "t ADDITIONAL LOD = 2.Si ACRES \♦� /' - - - - - - - ARPR�XL�/IATr \ M z DC OC DUSTCONTROL M` VVV - V A\ �/j 1 � � �, v v � V v A ♦♦♦ � � � DC � x I I I � I�©� STI�EA /i J� vv�vVA� \ X _ / / BM + + + 50/L STABILIZATION BLANKET - 6 \ V A ////' , -V A�\ v�AV A�--V A\ \ \ \�� -♦����� �>.��� V i - -"�" I/ // VEL VA \V ���u_ A"�vV I� \ ♦ A\. OBE: CONTRACTOR TO v A � i \ ♦ / A � \ / \ / / v v v ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE v \v*� \ V V CON I KACTOR STAGING AREA WITH / v vvA v� v v _ v \\ VDOT CLASSEAI fV DOUBLE -WALLED FUELING TANK, f --- v A� \ V ALONG DIVERSION DIKE v V v D\ \ V VDH\\ /( / 1 \I I/AI \\III I �/// //II //��/ / //�� // //I //// ( ///// / I/ , 6//9/// �,/ /, / -v -I v �� v / ! 'v� % 6�a.i_°� _l °-nn XX pw �v/z ss.I \v�,yvVA �\A�♦Av ` .v�v � AA♦ \A � AV AA�V�A\\� �A �•'�\A�\'Vv DVO�\vV TCv �-_ � \\v�\v\ AA\�\A \��\v \ � �Av vvV vv VvvwAI v SW� vI Ev \ bi�y! V� v��v v RAPS/= �iS.44DAI /rCRIfE5 /S/ ✓f a / /I \V�V MONUM�NDUMPSTER W/ COVEAREA O DITCH TO 6'WIDE STORM STIR lo'ANDPORTA-POTTIEF CONCRETE ,iWASH SEDIMENT 3°-AE TRAP 4 = DMSUPPOR OUTAREA 0.48 ACRES HIGH wERI \ vAv \ v � - �v- vv NN CDNN rnNN N w/1'HIGH SIDES \T o w o v CR A oRIW DIVERSION AND DIVERSION DIKE PROPOSED LIMITSOF 0 0 TO SMALL SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE v \ KER FOR CONSTRUCTION LASS Al DISTURBANCE16.93 ACRES RIICAL 11 LINED SLOPES //////////v TO ST4 PITCH TO M0 STORM STIR io 7 MAN TRUST ,4 P�R\�OPvOvSED FENCE ENAC� EloS�ETv 3 ♦•'�`� � �- P y - _vv_ �vi� NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO 20&�, P 1 1.URE POSTIVE DRAINAGE 21QLAT AROUND SEDIMENT NGDIVERSION DIKE / I o / TRAP oP oE,• e �yA `A A vA\V V 1 A -- I -A 1v A -Av v\A I�II v� v CO vv , i�///�// /////� \I� I I / \� v\ st_� v �SF wv:�v♦ vsk:-- ---- 9 /o/\��� 12x7o MIN. CE / / w/V1VIR� �A V • A ♦ i A A�� V..♦ ♦ -� SF // / / , ♦ ♦ OC 944 ♦ Av" r .V A B \ SUPPORT /,," M �A � . VDOTCLASS AILINED I� I I / ° '�`V''• A � v v i NOTE:fiHI CONSTRUCTION / I V A \VA� s \ w/WIRE / / `. o \ s o DITCH TO STORM STIR 8 Cf� \ \ \ \ M //ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED / i PROPOSED TEMPORARY \ DE \ \ ( )I\\ \ f�- iOPERATED AND MAINTAINED BY / / STOCKPILE SURROUNDE \ \ '\ " sO of \ \ \ \` `CIP \ - \ + / SUPPORT \ J I I I III / / o 9 � \ T �_ Z \ s \ M / f l l BY SILT \ \ \ SOP \ \. \, IP I I / / ` o \ B y \ \GRA E\S (� N Q CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC INTHIS / / / RACK + ° 4 `\ OpM �� ^\ \ I --I THE CONTRACTOR. ALL - -1 -r �� V s E 1 V A a� v v �` A / o r / �' r'6 FA O J r-t i W / /j // AREA SHALL UTILIZE THIS l i � I �� � \ l �"V A \ \�'\ � � `�� x - i �� �\� A_ � � il� /> I I 1 I \ / � o� � " /" °� "��n A S � \ N � CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. / / / / GRASS LINED DITCH �\ \ ARZ AT 5 \ `• \ DA=z.94AC I -- ,' 3 I 1 / ` o \ �p \ \ \ N (n A��SEDIMENT TRAP�y v V --�� S9� , �/ V 1 o /AA - o \ \ I A 1 < Q / x \ 2 - 2.92 ACRES \ - \ - \ - o � w%WIRE �l 1 A II A / � O "I r �. v v AvVA i v vw V d / // �/ // / \ \ ♦\ DRAINAGE DIVIDE \ \ i - . -----SUPPORT T M 6 -6 / / / / / 1 l � �+ �. I \ \ �� oa - - � 4 8'HIGHVI�IR / � / I I \/ /' I` �\• `\a \ \ � \\ \ _ / /1 \ \ -_` \ ♦ 9 \ / VDOTCLASSILINED ` (TYP.) / / \ \ - D w/a33'HIGH SIDES' - I . \ C / DITCH TO STORM STR r \ \ \ \ C J F I�1 D E1V / I A F V v x�� z / i - v " 9 sae \o v -- 'ss A J �\ J Z RLA O, LEY S' ° V / Z _ �. F- --- - Imo. - - I - \ e6 PS s0 • m d4, / A.3 8 8 \ / ♦ -e / �\ \\ -AREA TO CRIncAL is E \ / / 5/& L/AT 1 /� 1 A v i �� ` • ' _ / ' 1 V sa / \\ \ - - del �♦ - / \ EDIMENTBASIN \ \ D NOTE: CONTRA TORT SLOPES ,o o r (n O t1 \ f-�C r ti .♦ \ ° / ^ I ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE \`' \ LU � O \ y o ♦ / i 1 7 44 ACRES ♦!� O t--t J - ♦♦♦ a.6 9 i C - 1 I \ \ / / L .♦ ALONG DIVERSI N DIKE \L9OVDOT CLASS Al LINED DITCH �! DC V D \ F / / b / P 0� vv _ D- - _ --- ---v �'♦♦���'�����TO STORM STIR T�' pnM\w%WIRRE �, \ 6�5 "\ _ ��\I A \ - A�A��1/fir �' 0 O V - - -- ♦ss / / / // 9zo-__ / " AUPPORT' Op DA=1.zoAC v ♦ A I$ H_4 Z WIRE // ' // °�� / "'" " u+m �;A. \ VDOTCLASSIISTONEI/ \ s D A jVLE� OTE: CONTRACTOR TO - - Sf- / / _ _ �� y4 Ip e \ (q ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE _ / / / w � � \ - z.Bya"�Z \ OVERHEAD / ALONG DIVERSION DIKE SUPPORT/ ;' / / / - - r " - \ L=3o, W UP TO874' 5 ♦ . \ UTILITY / o �. / _ U Op�o� \\ --- -CONTOUR LINES g3o PROPOSED L MITS OF 9i2 _� / / VDOT CLASS �I LINED e J v / --- NE / -DITCH o t r IS _-DISTURBANCE=16. ACRES- ° DITCH TO STORM STR6'. \ , \ - DRAINAGE \\ ` \ ! 1f� ; / - W Y Z 1 // i \`�\ \ \'\� \\� 1 6 \ I \ � �I\\\. / / � /// ✓ /// \ � 1 LU W Q / / v / A �`� a4 / v V Av __ DISTURBANCE - ACRES LU LU I _ v -- // //- ---- PROPOSED LIMITS OF \ \ � / D URBANCE i6.g3A I � � / � Ul VDH \ I � ��- - i I i -, � � ��, �� '- X�,/ � �\ w � � � \\ I \V vv / (/ / v/ / / %/// // � / � \ V l _-_-'�i / / / v v y ` v - PROPOSED FENCE sLOPEs B° - MONUMENT \ \ / I I � / � � � �� � - // / ' / / /V - cRlrlcAL i� ow V � � \ �� A � v-- _ % / // / � W V 69 / v - AROUND SEDIMENTI 5 ti \ / / / Z Q 1 -'o v v � \V / / /I� OT3v / / / /, � � � _ �- , \ 1 \ / /� / / F V i \ / // � � \ � -- TRAP 1 � '+ti � � \ l \ \ � / / / r J // 1 \ � O ( CKTON CREEK LLCv I/ 4.56ACRES U) O /b�8504,�G63\----- r -_/ s i / / 1� ✓ - - NOTE: SILT FENCE SAFETY�y- / µ* \\IN/WIRE � \\\\ ' U FENCE, AND TREE PROTECTION \ \ - NOTE: CONTRACT R TO . '' ' ' \ \ \ \ SUPPORT \ / // I \ \ \ \ I W ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD __ _ _ __ -SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS \ \ \ - :. ' " \ \ \ / INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE \ \ \ \ \ 8go __ ` ENSURE POSTIVE DRAINAGE *" ,/. " ;' �M y", . •n • \ \ \ \ \ \ PROPOSED FENCE ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD / / / / / ` \ \\l - ~ W J B9°--- \ \ \ z` AROUND SEDIMENT / r 1 \ (I) LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE (TYP.) \ \ \ _ -'ALONG DIVERSIONIDII�E / /, \ \ f /\\ - -� % / - - - OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL \ \ - _ - - - / / INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD v MQNUME T - - - /� TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD = z.5i ACRES PURPOSES. DRAINAGE DIVIDES _- v v _ PLEASE SEE DETAIL SHEET 8' A A -� \ \ ' / FOR SEDIMENT BASIN>'S� / 1 / Y s " \ \ �� \ \ � BASIN LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE (TYP.) �\ � / �\ I I I \ \ Q v v FOUNb� / �I _ �'/ / / / / ARE MEASURED AT THE LIMITS v v A - v ` TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD = z.SiACRES OF DISTURBANCE OR vv��,�- �- DESIGN DETAILS i Sg 116' LE'DIVERSION DIKE. CRI131PCAL SOS \ I \ N RtTICALSLOPES T 144 FOOT LONG AND � 4FOOTHIGH BAFFLES / - ---- -- -- ---� -- ---- ---- - F _ VDH FREE T \RH)C n' / - - - - - - - - �VDOT CLASS AlSTONE _,. , . ..� '`V \ I U s �° NICINUMENT \ \ \ w P �\ ---- FOUND \ O w - T-A 69-19A� -- ; 4�J7 C� V�A\ %MEil�1��U1MTssENT- - - - - - - - - - v-- 1V1Q�R�rd��MnEPLT ,STq - IS v Av / /' GRAPHIC SCALE cos No0. � --FOO-ND- - - - - \ _ _ �-S C - - - - - --v�+.��EL. \ \ -CRlT ROV.Trl- - - - _..� - CRITICAL - ' / \� �. J SEPH ! \ EY-R._I -S - - - - _ - - �� \� - RSA \1 3 --- -_� _ SLOPES _ _ _ / VDH ` 222207 _ _ �_ _ - - _ - _ \ 80 0 40 80 160 320 - - j-- __ ��\\fig _ \\ __- --- -- ---- 8' WIDE_TOP OF DAM -Nam- \ SCALE 21 ACRES �'��1 FOUND-, / 1V10NUM 1 IN FEET ) \ SHEET NO. 1 inch - 80 ft. \ \ LW1 - \ \ VDH 6 EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK EROS/O I &SED/MENTCONTROL — / / / IIII \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ / — — — — — — — ` \ \) \ \ \ o \\ \ \ \ \ \ ! \ 1\ 1\1!\ \ '. \ \ - \ 4 1' ! ' HANOBA EROSICIFICATION NUMBER SCCARE S CRS SAFETY FENCE 3 of .M6�-6L I T.M.69-6C_- ------/- - CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.02 STtARTTAY ORSMACK \GIBSON, EVERETTE JR \ ( 1 \ \ A \v O� SCLI%lN�S, Z CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION D:6.546521FIELDS U Lic. No. 035791� D.6:�4150/07 PLAT 1.07 ACRES �77-//1/4/23Z k SF �f �E iE SILTFENCE 3-s o lP � v\\ / — /� // �/ �/ // i / // // // / // / / �//// //// /— 1\ \ 1 \\ v�\ S\\ A\ \�\ V \VA i��\ A�v�\ \ ` —ti,— a ` � r _m �,•� a aby i��/r �k a O IONAL oSTORMORAININLETPROTECTION 3.07 �ZyGti d ClP CULVERTINLETPROTECTION 3.08 _ / / /// A V A V — \ V v - m _• _ r — \ \ 8g — \ \ \ /gym IS�..._...1 i / TEMPORARYDIVERSIONDIKE 3.09 � / \ , T.M.69 19G ov // _ (I / Ps V �I ----- �W-It-�--�� TEMPORARYROWDIVERSION 3.11 v / —REVISED LOT 6 A V A v A ;v r -" ��,� �� �"\ .�"� — I T.M. 9-5 / / / �. CRITICA�° Vv ��.A� v ._ — i / 1 / I ( /. A - - - / / / / STvOG�TON CREEK LL v v v v - ' stores 2 ��V _ ��� l MCCLO NAHA / I / / / / J \ V A v ��v - 33 v� v ---- - - 2.63ACRES v v v�v� v�sv��— ��// _ ���� FIELDS OP \V V A V A v ST O SEDIMENT TRAP a — _ ��� r— — v A sbe m , / \ V A "Vv--�// D.8�04 PG�61� . v \ vv v_ ��///�tivw 3.14 \v_�=— — �� —/ // VAA ♦� /r♦♦�♦♦�A VA fJv�4�QRF�f��/ AV A\ \ V SB SEDIMENT BASIN♦♦ / /I ♦ Of �♦ v v _� 4 �v �� ��� J ���/ ����-- \ V A\ r / ♦ ♦ A A AVO ° v� /'--- ¢ \r \�\V �A� m A-- / / /// / a�� m 06H+�+� _ . s\ A A Q % A _ / / OP OUTLET PROTECTION 3.18 // / / \ \ \ v� — �♦ ♦� ti, f \O \ �p = / — 0 0 0 = e e ♦ � — � \ \ \� \ � .•\ [� / 86 VDOT CLASS AI ST 5'---T--� w U U U / — \ ♦ \(( `4,, O \ \ �\ 'r — ,VDOT CLASS AI STONE L=3z', Wi=6', Wz=aS' he RR RIPRAP i / \ %[♦♦♦♦ O >r OP r _-� z ¢ v J J J 39 —__— \ \V \ � \ \ \ _ ♦♦ ♦♦ \ —9.2 ,� � \ \ L=a6',Wi6',Wa=a8' IS-___ __�,/w■ — A / / / // / � � ♦ ♦♦ � v / — — — eA �� \\ 1V A��. �" Vim•. '`i � — � _\ _ I H F � � CD 0 ROCK CHECK DAM 3.20 A V / I / / A \ V V V ♦ TS TS / // / / / A AV V A V - ♦ ♦♦♦ A Dr----- _ ♦�'�� ram\ ♦ ♦ V \ / ♦ "�o r '\\� \� \\\� \ A\A��\A \\� \ �( --- -7 y -— _1 co USEDIMENT BASIN I-1 8ACRE5----oTEMPORARYSEEDING ° J¢ mJ¢ mJ¢ o O - - // - -' A A \ v -- ♦♦ V ♦♦♦9 ' ♦♦♦ O V1 A A FO z O z z z PS PS PERMANENTSEEDING 3.32 \\ // — — — \ \ \ \ ♦ \ — — - - — — — — , O - ~ > ♦♦ \ \ - / /gyp \ u! \ \\ — — —' i �\ `♦ \ \ 9Zz- — _ _ PS za-- - / / /O ER SION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN PHASE IIIA > > MU MU MULCHING \�\\ / / _ _ \ \ \ \ ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD ,�♦� \ \ _-- ---__-_- - - - / / / 9 SCALE: 1" = 8o' W m m m 335 \ \\ \ --- - -- - --- > > \\ _ \ \ \� LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE TYP. ♦ ♦ ♦ / °' z � _ TREE PROTECTION 8 A � _ - ♦ A ' 9i8- — � / / O � � � \ _ v i — \ a ti / INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD / / TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD - z. i ACRES \ A\PPROXIMATE 4 V // v v v v` AT ©N STI�EA A r \ \\ v v AV /// �� -_=�� v� 1 s v �`. A / - -,/. II LI \ .• _ vv v v vvv \ _Av — �A v v �� / -- -----A�\�DC OC DUST CONTROL 3.3g \ \ \ //� \ \ \\ \ \ ` \ \ _ BM + + + SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET 3.36 , \ V A V V� \ v \ VA �� v A \ \ , \ 1 _ V . ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD A� PS \ aP ___-- BPSVA�\ / v vvv v\ v' _ vv INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD \ V A CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA WITH LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE (TYPJ V / v V� \ b� \ VA A \ 1 \ DOUBLE -WALLED FUELING TANK - v v v TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD - 2.52 ACRES v \ v A A I / -/_ + v \ vA \�v sv ♦ ♦ -/ / ♦/ / AAV V A rV H I DUMPSTER W/ COVEMONUMFN AND PORTA-POTTIES v E Oil 17 \ V A CONCRETE WASH \ V / o-' A A CRITICAL V A V v V ♦♦ V A VA \ I \ \VA A A V v v v A /, - w/WIRE / v y �stores ) \\ - OUTAREA ����\v\SUPPOR VAVA� Vv� 6"HIGH WEIR — / / ♦♦ `N N N N DIVERSION SUPPORT ✓ A �\ ��. A' �� r VA �A V A ��� v / CD ♦ ♦ A \ 3 / �• A A v w - N DIVERSION AND DIV w/i'HIGHSIDES \ \ ON DIKE 11 Di �\ - / A �� v V A �� \ �\ Vv V� / --� /\ / �/ ♦-A\I 1�• \\V / T.Pv vv v`� ¢ n�i n°�i n�i o l � � PROPOSED LIMITS OF V / A� S� TOSMALLSEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE / ( \ - � � y \ V A / � J / FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DISTURBANCE -16.♦ ACRES (// / / / \ V A KER II V A V o 0 0 0 CSLIOPESL \v v vv vv v V v v \ v r�// / - ' / / v v / ♦` / Q / / r \ \148 AC f A v v v vvv Avv ► 5 0 / v % / A I v 69-6M � � / I v � A `� �v,vvvv v `, ► ,, I /� / MAN TRUST I �I AF PS 1 V y VA A V v A\ v v / / ♦ / QED LOT 7 0, v 10 T _ ` clr AA \ V v vv - o p5 v �� / f / V A VA V I I11�11 4733�3 PS -_ �' cl \ ( �� �V v vv v A ► PS / / ► / A v - v I I �� - v vvv.v v / �� I b �� v� I 21 LAT - PS v ���\ v A v ` ► ♦ / I o A /D.QQ B.4456 444 I / �� \ \ \ \ / / ► 6.3530-23 PL 4 � CY) ► \ d` SF V v ► r ' / v v v v l t I / / o •V A A �A �� \ iz'x7o' MIN li / S �� CD 6'HIGH HSI W/�1VIRE �A V � A V � _ i / I / A \ l v A Q CV "'NOTE: /� A I / / ► sa w/a' HIGH SIDES V q C I / D D �♦ \ � I I \ SUPPORT �_\ 88�. \ � � h' a \ -__ �� / -- / IIIII I°` ��LL�•\r � = l \ Gl \ \ Y� NOTE: THIS CONSTRU&ION I I / / / 1 \ \ / * (, ( / \ \ a, - / W/ WIRE \ ► // I (I I I I I o \ per\\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ M ENTRANCE SHALL BE INSTALLED, I I ` 1 DA= .o do I / A• F \ \ \ /- - - ♦ ( \ \ \ ', I CIP \ 4 \ / SUPPORT 1 J I I -A.ED AND MAINTAINED BY J / / V ♦♦♦ v �, v v \ \ V v ♦/ _ / / I I v Q m 5 Hb�I N Q THE CONTRACTOR. ALL / V ♦♦ < A\ �\ � I / A '? lt� ', A R C) CJONRTVSLj.TAMLR0(UA6 OCqT6NIO/Lf G EN \Y/ T// R/ A// F/ /FI IC/l IN 1 I THIS, HIS/ //aI\F /1 \j� v \v` ` �A\ V \v- A vv v♦ v♦ __ -- )g\4\Y♦V II I ♦/ / �A w, \ l, /am•►�I I JIy � voV j\v\ VV / ,♦ v—. ,A ♦. 01 .v Qv AA _A V \ vQv \v 4\ \ ♦a,7 \ I�r oA \ �♦, 904AD,A. \_ o r \ 5 ► y- 994 9� �5 �',A� \AvAv -O 5\I1 � I I ♦� I /I/,II k , ♦ /I r_I :III I IIIIIE� IIIN1 I 1 I I II lI II I.IIII II rr ll 1'r\� �e•\ �v VLL'CNJJ_7)WASHRACK AREASHALLUTILIZETHIS o 01 N CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. � LAx SF DRAINAGEAREATO oQ DA \wfWIEDIMENT BASIN i= 158 ACRES E ORT IGHSIDES8HIGH LL71 /F2 N6NEEPS C ; O rZd-1 i - - l ���A ��V v �A��\ Av \ v�_�c- -v - - -- --- - -_ / -g --/'' //I� - / -/ ,. -♦- - -♦-� �♦ I / II V VPS �� A \ \ \ ♦ I �A\.\\\��\!F IV e � .. ���: PS ' / j/ / / AA 1 \I � \ \ ► ► - - � \ �—� i /0 1 Q CRITICAL S` 5/& 6 T) � SLOPES �0 OL9 Ill V 6IS god O v�_ - - �/ pVAA UPPODorc�ssusro�\ v\ ,7P� ► / v v �� /`pIjLEIS/ vV v0 j ��? \ \ - SUPPIORT /j / / / - _ r --- // I \ NE, ►, _ M v OVERHEAD / / Q O _ ---_ , � / z � / 11 I I \ ` L 3o',w urroa7a' ` \\ M v ) UTILITY I l o " �CO U Q — ` — -- — — _ o - / / / 9.tz... - / / 1 \V A / CONTOUR LINE 1 / Al€' -- - gs APR /'// / v / / LINES °� /� Z O \ ----_I DISTURBANCE=16. ACRES_ v / A��� ��AA\ 1 VAI ��1 ► v v �_ I / �� �/ �. IS PROPOSED LIMITS OF Cl) I_ 93 V A V A\OVA\V`IliA�`\ - vv \ )/ LLJ \ PS v ��� I �I �/� / ( /'� W / 1 I IF/ A // �� ��- �� / / / y \) A 1 \OVA\\VA 11 - - at A V / / l // ' // �t - 0 \ / / W / / / / \\ \ PROPOSED LIMTSOF\ \ \ %�/ / / /�j / ( j/// / � w veo�v V /i _ (� \ � � __ ____ � - - / / / , \ � � DISTURBANCE =16.g3 ACRES � MATS LINE TH S HET ♦ � / // < / // // / 1 I � VDH ( / I 1 I / v ��� /-,/ ' / / / / // vv v �- / I I i \� 1 % / I v A v i /% / / / U MONUMENT` 1 vv I I I / v / ,�' �'/ / / / / // v v - — / CRITICAL��� A \ \ A / / / / /) W FOUND \ / \ -- - // \ \ stores �� ,= / i I \ �/% / R'r/ISEMISS D$QT3� � b C5504 �Gk4 - - / / - // / AV \ �V A V \\ 8��� F A\ l'ST _ / / / /// /i / /V A w 4.56/�CR� v� / �_ / , / / � � - � 1 �` 1 � \ /�N�J N I � P LE / , NOTE: SILT FENCE SAFETY / / i FQUNI�V I Il : v _ w WIRE \ // I �J � x-,��, �� / ✓ V / \ \ -SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LIMITS v - a� / / / / / �" '� 1s4 V A) \ / ) V A\ L FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION v � v \�\ � A � r`/ SUPPORT � 1 A V // � I I \ _ _ INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD __ \ ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD v � / .\ ; �. Y \ / � // ✓ \ _ LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE TYP. ' v v r� 8go-- / j / / / / / �M A / / k �` V A \ PROPOSED FENCE OF DISTURBANCE. THSE ARE v v �_, / / / � � -� �� � .ADDITIONAL LOD FOR DRAINFIELD / / � W V v _ - ( ) / ' v� �V / / / \ AROUND SEDIMENT INSTALLATION ONLY. SURROUND DRAINFIELD t (/ I / 1 VDH / V / - - i / / OFFSET FOR GRAPHICAL MONUMENT, - _ / TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD =z.51ACRES \ PLEASE SEE DETAILS HEET8 ►t ► ' \ BASINPURPOSES\ ( Q \ _ T _ /_ / ARE MEASUREDATTHENAGE LIMITS \ - \ / LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE (TYP.) \ I _ - / ; SIN 1'S_ / s A V A \ FOUND vim_ / TOTAL ADDITIONAL LOD=z.51ACRES IVIDES OF DISTURBANCE OR' v / / DESIGN DETAILS - / /� i e c \ . \\ + / �' / / �ii 1 I1� A V A l C) _ _ _ ' / / I i \ i / _ FOR SEDIMENT BA IS DIVERSION DIKE. V v -- / // I A / ► i \. I V vJ �� C��rl 'i 1 V A --Rrn/iiSoPes ---- I �) �v���v-444FOOTLONGANDIIIIV�AVA\\\\�\ \ I N / / / T IG — / Vo0�CU55usioN -- FOO H H BAFFLES VDOT CLASS AlSTONE / I b9-15 \ \ \ _ - VDH FREE b\ G — --- — — — --- \ -- OP L=�e', w�=e', w:=�a' _ 6sa� _ I S / �r 0 U M E N T H \ \ \\ I w - ---- \ --- V_ _ -, ND R�§ \ _ NA w Af�FF - - _--- - _ _ VDH � FOUND o --- - --- . a. \ N Ln ' JQ N iFAONUMf1�T�-- — -� , ` _ - - T.M.69�9A� - MONUMENT ST -- IS / d . i — - \ _ -JUST JOSEPH S___CTT - ATE R -- - - = - _ \ GRAPHIC SCALE cos No. 47.729 AC FOCJ(�0 --'�—CAS 8�- _ FOU�QD _� ��_��ARZERS �Ur� - _---- — ClsLoaEs = J - 222207 OP_ VDH so o ao ao sa o __ ------------- --- lW* _ WIDE — MONUMENT OUN �cAL�o� — — — — — _ _ — — \KP`B,3_ g�\H I - -- 8— - — P F — I O DA — — — — — �� — — — — _ _ — — \ \ \ \ \ \ RIi�2 \ \\ I �2'�'�-H r — — — - -- - ( IN FEET - _ \� U\ —��\ ----- --\ �— _ \ 1 inch = 80 fL. \ � I�l� d \ SHEET NO. 4NrilION ENT VDH 7 / \ X X ri X Sediment Basin Design #1 X v V A A _ X J�N v �� v TH //'♦'�'�- X X X /� `�( -A, X �/ X \ X \ \\\ MIN. 1' W SPILLWAY CREST OF EMERGENCY X �/. \I ., n 1 \ \I \ \ \I \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 0� E X JX drainage area (acres) 15.8 2 WITHOUT SPILLWAY / / / X♦♦ X X X X v PROPOSED FENCE A BM X ( A V X X basin volumes: (using 2' contour intervals) DESIGN HIGH WATER \ \ / X X AROUND SEDIMENT BASIN (25-YR. STORM ELEV.) \ X X i44 FOOT LONG AND i� X X X X '\ � \ elevation (ft) contour area (sf) wlume(cy) \\ \ \ \ \ SCOTT R. LINSZ i 860.00 5945.0 0 °'D -- - - --- -- X / X ♦ X / / / \ \ \ O / i X 4 FOOT HIGH BAFFLES �C X f \ \ \ X X ♦ X X X X X X \ -A \ 862.00 8131.0 519 RISER CREST X X X \ X \ \ MIN. 1 o X I I / \ \ U Lic. No. 035791 � X \ \ DR s oRAGE DEWATEMNG / X ■/■ I \ \ 4 864.00 10599.0 1211 DEACE X X/ 11 a■l■yal I Al A A A AV A \\ �o� 1�4�23 F / / X ♦♦♦♦ X X X X X X X \ 866.00 13348.0 2096 X / / i/ / V A \ cg�7 �Oti \ X WET • STORAGE X L'' 868 6' CLASS I RIPRAP X \ X 868.00 16330.0 3193 iX X / W. oNAL / \\ A X\ 0.00 0.0 0 S T X X - / EMERGENCY X 866 SEDIMENT STOWE POUT / I / \ \ X 0.00 0.0 0 ( ro 3s cY°P�ncREceD X / / / yc I A i _ SPILLWAYW/ r♦ / \ XV A FILTER FABRIC I� I \ / 864 \ UNDERLAYMENT \MIT/ X \ I/ (DEPTH=z') X I X / 862 X \ X\ wet storage: X / X I / / 4a SIDE SLOPES & / • / - \ X \ wet storage required (cy) (67*DA) 1059 design high water 866.96 X / X °ry CREST ELEV.= 867.04 / 86o XC\,z dewatering orifice elevation (ft) 863.56 top of dam (ft) 868.00wet storage provided at this elevation (cy) 1059 top width of dam (ft) 8.0 X / O �available volume before cleanout (cy) (34*DA) 537 bottom of basin (ft) 860.0 cleanout elevation (ft) 862.03 approx. bottom dimensions: 116'x55"X/ t \ distance from cleanout to office (ft) (> 1') 1.53 upstream face slope: 31 i//downstream face slope: 31 y ' X / �Zdry storage: X X//f o Z) \dry storage required (cy) (67*DA) 1059 baffles: YES X w U U U principle spillway crest (ft) 866.04 length of flow, L (ft) 114 JJV dry storage provided at this elevation (cy) 1059 effective width, We (ft) 117 X v _ �X X 9 �J o X < Q i X \ X\ diameter of dewatering orifice (in) 8.0 L / We (baffles required if < 2) 1.0 X ` x ` a m w w w X i \ \ X diameter of flexible tubing (in) (orifice+2") 10.0 XI / tjF \ X \ +� O � ¢ m m m LIv - X v X pE Uaaaa in / X \ collars: YES I \ �H/� m �C �■ 1 X \ X X runoff depth of water at spillway crest (ft) 6.04 X / \ X \ \ X V l z z z z z / J 1 y X C (use 0.45 for bare earth) 0.45 slope of upstream face (Z1) 3 / X \ ♦ i \ n O p Lri o O O X \X i Z(min) 132 yr 3.6 Q 2 r 25.3 length th ofe of bbarrel rel(n saturated zone Ls 144.66 33%X X \ \ ♦ ♦♦ r In m yr In X X v Xv I II X -A = / ; ♦� 1 -A 1 X 125yr 5.3 Q 25yr 41.1 number collars required 2 X X \ \ \ +�X \X X \ i D A W J Z)co ♦♦♦ * X I X dimension of permanent collars 4.2k4.2' X \ X\ X X \ ♦ !!,•` En Ln Ice o o = X / 868 X I principle spillway: X \ X X ♦\ F- N o+ v I■��■■��������Nunn- X available head (ft) 1.00 emergency spillway: YES \ X X \ X ♦♦ z �T O [] VDOT CLASS AlAI STONE,_____ ��� 68 X X \ x \ X X ♦\ I � r � X XI diameter riser (in) 36 required capacity (Q25{lp) (cfs) 4.1OC) \ � \ \ X � I ♦♦ �\ X L= 2' W1=6' W2=1 ' X X I spillway capacity, Qp (cfs) 37.0 bottom width ft 6 �♦ \ X 3 T 5 X X O ` � \ x ♦♦\ EDIMENTTRAP#1 DETAIL i x I ♦�66 T 8' WIDE TOP diameter trash rack (in) 54 slope of exit channel (%) 10°/D x r X ♦�' X X X OF DAM = 868.00. X barrel length (ft) 74.94 minimun length of exit channel (ft) 32 �� X ♦♦ SCALE: 1" = 20' ♦ ��• 864 , x,� / X f. ' p I X� head on barrel through embankment (ft) 8.04 crest of spillway (ft) 867.04 ���., x ♦♦ x + X X �♦M�Inuutnln�■■■■�■■�/�� X X X 862 X diameter of barrel (in) 24 X X X X X X I X X � X � X X Sediment Trap design #1 , X � X j X X X 1/1 X 86o X \ drainage area (acres) (< 3 ac) 2.00 °AR ,c '` X X,c X X x $ g X X \ NOTE: PLEASE SEE SHEET is FOR OUTLET PROTECTION I X trapwlumes: �� cREsroFsroNEwEIR l j X X x X X X X X X X 36 DIAMETER 4 DIAMETER X X x H��x - F)FH�X c x'�x x DIMENSION CHART FOR SEDIMENT BASIN #1 (DIMENSIONS elevation(ft) area(so wlume(ct) wlume(cy) GROUND X " TER TRASH RACK. ARE THE SAME AS DETENTION BASIN OUTLET PROTECTION) 896 1339 0 0.0 N N N V1 X X RISER CREST=866.04.RISER TO INCLUDE A 8" DEWATERING \ 898 1954 3,274 121.2 DRY STORAGE - g VARMPUE' Fw- o w o v X / -ORIFICE (INV ELEV.=863.56). RIDER TO BE SETIN A MINIMUM 900 2695 7,903 292.7 a N N N o jr OF 30" OF COMPACTED SOIL OR AGGREGATE BASE OVER A 8'X8'X3/4' 902 3553 14,131 523.4 0 CD 0 0 THICK GALVANIZED STEEL BASE PLATE OR SET 6" INTO A 6'X6'Xi8" THICK \ PERMANENT74.94LF 0 0 0 0.0 wersroRACE z4" RCP BARREL REINFORCED CONCRETE FOUNDATION. NOTE, IF STEEL BASE IS USED SPECIAL v `MAR auvArzD) ATTENTION SHALL BE GIVEN SO THAT % COMPACTION IS ACHIEVED OVER \ `PEER CLOT" �W o x - -INV IN=860; INV OUT=859 THE PLATE. AT TIME OF CONVERSION TO DETENTION BASIN RISER TO BE \ E N 1.33% SLOPE _ wet storage: - � 13E PLATE 3.13-I COARSE AGGREWTE� ClAss I RiPRAv SEDIMENT BASIN #s DETAIL CONVERTED TO PERMANENT RISER STRUCTURE i - - - - �,\-- \ .,, � - _ - wet storage required (cy) (67*DA) 134.0 NOTE: SEDIMENT BASIN WILL BE CONVERTED TO DETENTION BASIN IN PHASE IIIA Sediment Trap design #2 I v A ♦��, � V A A \ � V A 1\ \ I \ \ •♦♦ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ drainage area (acres) (< 3 ac) 2.92 ♦♦� \ \ trap volumes: \ \ 1 1 �I♦�\ \\ \ elevation (ft) area (so wlume(cf) wlume(cy) 894 756 0 0.0 \ 1 A A 896 1716 2,407 89.2 898 2964 7,031 260.4 \ 1 1 X X X X •♦ \ \ 900 4500 14,442 534.9 \ X ♦ v I 1 \ � X \ X X X v \V � � ��� \ SF �' wet storage:X \E) wet storage required (cy) (67*DA) 195.6 \ X \ bottom of stone weir (ft) 897.24 -AX \\ \ 1 \ Op \ \ wet storage provided at this elevation (cy) 195.6 � \ � \ \ \ \ O� ` w , I � slope of wet storage sides 3:1 X \ \ \ \ dry storage: X X \ Cps.\ D \ dry storage required (cy) (67*DA) 195.6 a \ \ co ` crest of stone weir 899.0 X \ \ fs U P P O dry storage provided at this elevation (cy) 195.6 X \ slope of dry storage sides 31 O I V X I O \ GRAPHIC SCALE bottom of stone weir (ft) 898.15 wet storage provided at this elevation (cy) 134.0 D 10 20 40 =- slope of wet storage sides 2:1 ti weir length (ft) (6xDA) 12.0 dry storage: bottom of trap elevation (ft) 896 f>7 V) ( IN FEE`' ) dry storage required (cy) (67*DA) 265.8 bottom trap dimensions: 37X41' C) Z t inch = 20 rt. crest of stone weir 901.0 top of dam elevation (ft) 902 N O dry storage provided at this elevation (cy) 265.8 top width of dam (ft) 6' ly slope of dry storage sides 2-1 top trap dimensions 58X66' co 4�t Z J NOTE: PLEASE SEE SHEET 6 FOR SEDIMENT TRAP #4 DETAIL Q AND CALCULATIONS CD OACNN_ CREST OF STONE WEIR GROUND \ am. DRY STORAGE WET STORAGE (EXCAWIED) -SEE PLATE 3,13-1 weir length (ft) (6xDA) bottom of trap elevation (ft) bottom trap dimensions: top of dam elevation (ft) top width of dam (ft) top trap dimensions X ON I \ V A \ Sediment Trap design #3 / X X \ ♦♦ \ \ \ \ drainage area (acres) (< 3 ac) 1.44 X I Q`c \ ♦♦\\ trap volumes: X /X 1v ♦♦ \ \ \ elevation (ft) area (so volume(cf) volume(cy) > I ♦ \ \ \ 890 1408 0 0.0 X ♦� ` \ \ \ \ \ 892 2160 3,541 131.2 O i ♦♦♦ \ \ \ \ 894 3040 8,716 322.8 O j \ \ \ 0 0 0 0.0 /� �y X� X 1 X♦♦ \ \\ \\ \ 0 0 0 0.0 --- X ♦ \\ ��� \\ \\ \ wet storage: wet storage required (cy) (67*DA) 96.5 / C ♦♦ \ -A \ \ \ \ bottom of stone weir (ft) 891.68 / X X X X V �� V A wet storage provided at this elevation (cy) 96.5 slope of wet storage sides 2:1 dry storage: dry storage required (cy) (67*DA) 96.5 f 0, , crest of stone weir 893.0 x\�;�■„■■■„■„■■■„■„■■■„■,�,,,�♦�� .L` i dry storage provided at this elevation (cy) 89.4 SEDIMENTTRAP#2 DETAIL slope of dry storage sides 21 __- g10 SCALE: `" = 20' ORIGW GROUND GIN. -SEE PLATE 3A3-I 17.5 894 14 X54' 900 6' 50MO' V VARIABLE CREST OF STONE WEIR WTAARIE• DRYSTORAGE WETSTORAGE (ERGVATED) CIOTR OPoGWC GRw"D `FILTER ELN. CCARSE AGGREWE•' C1 55 I PP P weir length (ft) (6xDA) 8.6 bottom of trap elevation (ft) 890 bottom trap dimensions: 22X64' top of dam elevation (ft) 894 top width of dam (ft) 6' top trap dimensions 38'X80' rn I� U N J uNla- � j SEDIMENT TRAP#3 DETAIL `\ \+�� \ / °� // J > Q SCALE. 1 - 20 \ V A v J vvvST3 � P o W 0 � W C L9 P__4 o > z \ \ \ X \ c \ J q X, Z Q v vX X x I CID FENCE \ v v 1�� X X v v X X vXv v X X-- _- -- - U D AROUND SEDIMENT Ce TRAP, v . v6' WIDE v v��'��: vv X-- -- _ L w z \ \ ♦ X` \ \ x \X X X w U \\ % TOP OF \\\ �'' I X - X °° Ul '- \ X �� w LU DAM v \ .* LLi \ X > > Z U) w O 0 \ z V \\ \V A `V J o A �■ram is \\ ... \\\ (3 O WIR\E vvv vv vv�� o V) \ \ \ ... O C] PPORT _ w � vvv vvv ���'`, vvv ���v��1 ♦♦♦ � vv��� 86 a- ILFI JOB NO. C I P 222207 7 SCALE ••�0 SHEET NO. \ 8 X � 1 PRE —REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, SCALE 1"=80` \ .iLi.v LOT 6 6 Pre -Development Impervious Area Summary STUA D. TAYLOR SMACK Subarea A, Water quantity D.B.3415 04,707 PLAT Building/Structure 8,600 sf Sidewalks/Concrete 0 sf / Roads/Driveways 700 sf / 9,300 sf / Pre -Development Impervious Area Summary VRRM Limits delineated by ESC LOD, Water Quality Building/Structure 7650sf STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE: OVERVIEW THIS PROJECT PROVIDES STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (SWM) PRACTICES TO MITIGATE THE IMPACTS FROM THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. CHANNEL AND FLOOD PROTECTION COMPLIANCE ARE MET IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINIMUIM 9 VAC 25-870-66 REQUIREMENTS AND WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS PACKET FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS PERTAINING TO THIS PLAN'S COMPLIANCE. WATER QUALITY SUMMARY — — — — — _ — — _ _ _ — — — — — _ — < a _ _ -Q� \ THE BOUNDARY FOR THE ESC LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WAS USED AS THE BOUNDARY FOR THE VRRM WATER QUALITY — — — — — LL O \ \ CALCULATIONS PLEASE SEE SHEETS 5-7 FOR THIS BOUNDARY THE STORMWATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS \ T.M.69-6C \ VGIBSON, EVERETT E JR v v v v v FIELDS \ --- 1.07ACRES `9r 0 Sidewalks/Concrete 0 sf PLEASE SEE SHEETS 5-7 FOR T.M.69-19G 0 sf ESC BOUNDARY USED FOR REVISED LOT 6 Roads/Driveways VRRM QUALITY CALCULATIONS / STOCKTON CREEK LLC 7,650 sf \ / / 2.63 ACRES D.B.5504, PG 614 WATERSHED SUMMARY FOR CHANNEL AND FLOOD PROTECTION Area, 1-year Flow, 2-year Flow, 10-year Flow, 100-year Flow, CN ac. Cfs Cfs cfs Cfs DA A (Pre-ReDev) 61 15.73 3.94 8.94 1 27.72 73.56 DA A (Post-ReDev) 67 15.73 1.78 8.47 1 24.83 85.72 VDH MONUMENT FOUND VDH MONUMENT FOUND 1 = AREA OUTSIDE OF DA 'A' BUT WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (5.59 AC) 1 T.M.69-6M REVISED LOT 7 E.C.ACKERMAN TRUST D.B.4733-23 D.B.4733-20 & 21 PLAT D. B.4456-444 D.B.3530-234 PLAT oA DEVELOPMENT ARE MET THROUGH THE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE OF PURCHASING NUTRIENT CREDITS. A MINIMUM PHOSPHOROUS REMOVAL RATE OF 5.66 Ibs/yr IS REQUIRED. THE DEVELOPER WILL PURCHASE NUTRIENT CREDITS PRIOR TO 'fie ,� � ,- \ THE ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. o e "" LL LL `� e e "" �. " �- �\ \ \ PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED CALCULATIONS PACKET AND THIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. WATER QUANTITY SUMMARY /°A 1 3 THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CONTAINS ONE PRIMARY DRAINAGE AREA, SUBAREA A. THIS DRAINAGE AREA r�R T.M.69-51B CAPTURES THE VAST MAJORITY OF THIS PLAN'S PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREAS. CRITICAL 0, C'1-//J��S MCCLANAHAN, DENISE IN THE EXISTING CONDITION, THE MAJORITY OF THE DISTURBED AREA DRAINS TO ANON -PERENNIAL STREAM, WHICH HAS NSLOPES �- r `' r �- �- LLLL LL �.'T[JR T/VFO FIELDS NO STREAM BUFFER, AND FLOWS SOUTH TOWARDS A CULVERT THAT RUNS UNDER CRITZER SHOP ROAD (ROUTE 151). AS 2.80 ACRES THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT ARE MUCH SMALLER THAN THE OVERALL DRAINAGE AREA OF THIS NON -PERENNIAL STREAM, THE BOUNDARY OF SUBAREA A IN THE EXISTING CONDITION IS DELINEATED BY THE FUTURE AREA THAT WILL BE CAPTURED r t �'' Too YEAR FEMA� LL \ \F Rp F/F,y AND ROUTED THROUGH THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN. MOST OF THE LAND COVER IN THE EXISTING CONDITION IS ♦ �' FLOODPLAIN ° LL \y LL LL �\4 qQ '�TJ CLEARED FARMLAND, WITH A FEW EXISTING STRUCTURES AND WOODED AREAS SURROUNDING THE NON -PERENNIAL ON soy' STREAM AND BETWEEN EXISTING CLEARED PLOTS OF FARMLAND. ' O ' LL LL e e \ r `� �- ��- r \ THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT HAS ONE CONCENTRATED OUTFALL. ITS DRAINAGE AREA IS DELINEATED BY WHAT IS 40 �. " ,��� \ CAPTURED BY THE PROPOSED ROADSIDE DITCHES, WHICH ARE CAPTURED BY THE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND STORM 930 SEWER SYSTEM AND OUTFALL INTO THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN. THIS DETENTION BASIN ATTENUATES THE PROPOSED ` \ DEVELOPMENT'S RUNOFF TO MEET MINIMUM CHANNEL AND FLOOD PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN 9 VAC �O �- �" ti �LL �` r :'�- 25-870-66. THE DETENTION BASIN OUTFALLS BACK TO THE NON -PERENNIAL STREAM. THE RESULTANT DETENTION BASIN o Q ROUTED OUTFLOWS ARE COMPLIANT WITH MINIMUM COUNTY & STATE REQUIREMENTS. r \. o ♦ �' ♦ f. I e �, I IN SUMMARY, CHANNEL PROTECTION FOR SUBAREA A IS MET THROUGH 9VAC25-870-66 SECTION 8.3.a (ENERGY BALANCE) * AND FLOOD PROTECTION IS MET THROUGH 9VAC25-870-66 SECTION C.2.b. (10yr. POST FLOW < 10 yr. PRE FLOW). COMPLIANCE WITH THESE SECTIONS IS ACHIEVED PRIMARILY THROUGH THE PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN. PLEASE SEE THE ,,� " '� ATTACHED CALCULATIONS PACKET AND THIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. ,, \—9zz� WHERE AREAS OF IMPROVEMENTS OCCUR OUTSIDE OF DRAINAGE AREA W BUT WITHIN THE ESC LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, _ LL �` e. THE PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS AREAS SHALL BE RELEASED IN A SHEET FLOW MANNER THAT IS NOT CONCENTRATED. FOR _ O INSTANCE, LL LL ANCE, AS SHOWN ON SHEET 10, HOUSES ON LOTS 9, 10 AND 17 SHALL HAVE THEIR DOWNSPOUTS OUTLET TO SPLASH — —Cps '� BLOCKS TO PREVENT EROSION, SEDIMENTATION OR FLOODING OF DOWN GRADIENT PROPERTIES. PLEASE SEE SHEET 11 � 92 92°— -920- LL FOR SPLASH BLOCK DETAIL. THESE AREAS ARE THUS IN COMPLIANCE WITH 9VAC25-870-66 SECTION D. I / APPRbXIJVI 320 ,� \ _ g26 — �- �" ATION STREAM ♦ I \ \\ \ \ , / — i ♦ .+QYERHEAD LL e r 920 �,♦ \ \\ O( / so / � +++ +UTILITY / \� \ \ I // _ 9i /+r*+ LINE y 01 \ oo / \ k VDH 9 \�+ I� ° I/V\ \ 9 \ 1'*'* &6 // MONUMENT \ r+, / I I ( /` ` FOUND / T.M.69-51H 9�a 930 \ ++i+'+'+a°, \ 90\�\\\ \� O ,� GATES JAMES P OR ++ ++++*+++� *+ + ++ .*+ . ' I + +'. .a. + + \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ ,� oQ 2.148 ACRES ++ +++++ +++ + ++�+++ + +++ * �\ \ /+*+*+ \ e 01 6+ +PES . . + + +� + *,\*+* + *+*+*+*+*�+ +� + *+\ \ \ 9 9 CS ITOICAL \\ \ \\\\\ \ \ / / \ I I I , o �. e °''''' A � U ++ + + + ++ µ+ + +++++ ++++'+'+ +'+ + +'++++ � o+++++++ *+ ''' + _ 11 +*I+'+'+'* * �'� *'*1 + *+*' 8�0. °\ +''++1 \ \ J + ++I1 Q \ \ \ \ \ � + + + +++(+ ++*+ �\ \\\ \ + / V T. M.69-6G LOT 1 FRANK DONLEY & CARLA DONLEY D. B.3380-82, / 85 & 86 PLAT VDH MONUMENT FOUND IF ❑o CRITICAL SLOPES / ° 146'OF VLF w/O ELEy�_i' 954 OFo bNC/ FLC/Ww/ 0 ELF,V. 30' / , 01 ter\ O \ 97 ti / to d ° ° 1\ 9Ai ss'A T.M.69-51 °b GRAVES HOME I F ' + +W* \� \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \� `+ C� \\\+' + \\++ + \+ + ++ \ �--894` / \ too FOOT WPo� o `'69 7ia t� s 26.988 ACRES �+ '+'+ + + + \ \ \ \ \ \\�'+'+ \ �J j STREAM BUFFER e S J TG \ 1 \ \ J' \\ \ ++ 1�+ + \ \ \ SUBAREA J J ?o \ ++++ + ++ 1 \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \'+' '++' I+ + \\ \ �\ 15.73 ac. �69oO \ \ +\+++� I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ * + 0 \ \ CN=61-\ �4 \ \ \ \ \ �W \\ \\\\\ \ \\ \ \ Tc=0.2Z hrs. \\ \ + +\++\\\\ \ ', 1 +1\:*+\+`�+'+�+'1''' 8s / , CRITICAL \00-6 �- e� 'PO E �` `� SLOPES \ �6 940. \± 1I�+}++ ++ + I \ + + + / / / \ \I \ \ \ \ \ \ +�1 \ \ I++I++++ + +*+++�+, \ \ �� `° \ / \' \ e e yCJ 4+�',*+�* ��/�// /\\ �920 `„ \ \\\\+ \\\\\ \ +i,�+}+�++ ++++,,J Sgo—/I \ \ \�++++/, \\\ "POLE —'/ /' — + \ \ +\++\± l \ \ \ 4++++* + 86\ OVERHEAD �o -932 /+++ f+ I I �+ \\ I \ '++*+ + I \ / \ ` K*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+++ \ .� UTILITY o \ 1 ) �*+* + + + \ LINES o 9 °, —/ /// / VE + ++ + I 1 +++,++ \ ( \+*: L;+*'* \ +i f +++++++++\=,++ + + + \ \ 1+`+`+`+`++++++++++++++++++++'+ 900 T.M.69-19D /� _� �_ -_- \ \\ // \\\ 1 L *+ / \ -\ 1 \ I 1 \ \ �\ �`*`*�`*` \ REVISED LOT 3 _� /�\ // // �/ \ \ \ \ \ ` - _9°0 / I l II I 1\,1111 II I �\ \\ I 1 \ \ \ I ��++;.`+ STOCKTON CREEK LLC - / // / \ / ` ++++I \ 40 m 4.56 ACRES _ /�\ / \ \ / +� /I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ ��s�I�+` I 1 \ + D.B.5504, PG.614 - /// \ \ \ / k �` /890 '.'' t \ ++ v i - I \ + IS J f` \ �\ \ /// > r / f +\\\ \ \ \ \ LE to / �t 1 IN11T5_OF ANALY518,17 \� 't+.�+' R / f /i I '\ / �&+1* +%+ +I+ + .\\ \ \ VDH . )+*+*+*+*+ w°+++I++++�.' MONUMENT + Y \ I — j FOUND T.M.69-19A7 MONDUMENT STATE IS `- \ / — JUST, JOSEPH SCOTT & FOUND CRIT ROUTE CRITICAL = _ — VDH ZERS 151 SLOPES — CASEY R JUST (VARIAB SHOP ROAD - MONUMENT 21 ACRES p B 413 WIDTH R/W FOUND HWYP.B.3-2097g `� VDH - --- THRU 211) MONUMENT VDH FOUND MONUMENT VDH FOUND MONUMENT /�'IOOO • VDH MONUMENT FOUND T. M .69-50 FREEMAN, ARTHUR H OR JOANN F 47.729 ACRES it SCOTT/R. CDLLINSZ Lic. No. 035791 � p 1/4/23 ,$i z O U O O O U U U J J J J < ZO E w < < < a m w w w O < U O < < < w z O O O Z H H F z O z z z O (n O O O L E Wor,m m m on U1 (A U1 ceJ F- z � v rN w rN rN rN N N O Q 0 0 0 0 A M rn N 4 co CN � z z U C Q C7) CL N z i LLJ i a > z z � C0 Q LU 0 L~ P__4 LLJ zP__4J WU D � Y o w w z UU w w 0 Zwzo (j O W J � U LU o w o Lu J< O o 0 N U w e° ° GRAPHIC SCALE JOB NO. 40 320 222207 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 80 ft. 1 "=80' 9 POST -REDEVELOPMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, SCALE 1"=W \ i .,v,.v.-vL \ \ � T.M.69-6C LOT 6 Post -Development Impervious Area Summary STUARTTLOT 6 SMACK GIBSON, EVERETT E JR Subarea A, Water Quantity FIELDS ` Building 24,720 sf D.B.5246-521 _ - - - - 1.07 ACRES Parking Areas/Roads 90,150 sf D.B.3415 704,707 PLAT Sidewalks & Concrete 0Sf — — — — — _ 114,870sf // i —__ __ LL LL 01 Post -Development Impervious Area Summary / / oLLLL LL LL LL �• \ . VRRM Limits delineated by ESC LOD, Water QualityyrO \ Building 31,200sf / I �'� •• Sidewalks&Concrete 0 sf PLEASE SEE SHEETS 5 7 FOR / / \ �3p. Parking Areas/Road 93,085 sf ESC BOUNDARY USED FOR / T.M.69-19G \ yo� LL S R VRRM QUALITY CALCULATIONS REVISED LOT 6 LL \ pRF T) T.M.69-516 124,285 sf / STOCKTON CREEK LLC \ CRITICAL LL LL LL LL �\ V \ O T� /p0 MCCLA FIELDS DENISE / 2.63 ACRES 2.80 ACRES = AREA OUTSIDE OF DA 'A' BUT WITHIN LIMITS OF D.B.5504, PG.614 ;� m �''' \ �loF OAR FEIV N� o \ \ F R F DISTURBANCE (5.59 ACRES) / ♦ �1''-.I► \ LL LLLL LLLL LL LL � LLLL oq0 F,yTJ \ / ; �♦ S \ o / ♦ \ ♦�\ LOT 13'++•+`+ + : o g r / / ♦ a / \ 5.O�ACRES+ �� 9 e ♦� LOT 12 ♦ 2.41 ACRES �` 922-� _ o LOT 9 \ ♦, �� ,_ 920 - - - - - -- �II -920- -_ / o LLLL LL / 2.98 ACRES \ / ♦♦ / \ / _ 7 1— �� LL LL 920 ♦ / - — — 26— / \ LLA\�LLLL ATE LLLL ♦ 9 AEI©N SWEAM + +`++++++QVERHEAD LL LLLL LLLL LOT 10 \ 920 All, \ - s0 �9 / + * UTILITY +++++ \\ ++ -/ 20 ACRES 9 +** + 1 a.. \ \ OLL HOU ES OUTSIDE DA'A'SHALL HAVE SPLAS >- ��,,( *� *+ *+* " ,� 4 / BLOCKS AT THE OUTLETS OF THEIR 90o \ _+ + + +* 0 °" LL�. " VDH DOWNSPOUTS TO PREVENT EROSION, 896 I \ +♦ /' j ++++ �� LLLL MONUMENT SEDIMENTATION OF FLOODING DOW �, GRADIENT PROPERTIES. SEE SHEET i2FOR \ / 894 \ \ �'�, _ / /♦,* *+ T 14 � .LL FOUND PLASH BLOCK DETAIL 9 ♦ ♦ 3.95 LL �` LLLL\• 9, \ ` CRITICAL +� / ♦♦ / 9> — SLOPES \/ s ♦♦ T.M.69-51H a 930°' 9\\\ \\� h ♦ LL LL GATES, JAMES P OR / .' +' '+ . \ \\ °O� \ / I lAEL on i' ♦♦ � KERRY D +'�+'+ \ �\ 46'OF OLF w/A ELEV: i' * /y++ '* \ `\\\ ,rp1/' / 583'OFCONC. FLOW W/AELEV.8' 0 LL 2.148ACRES + +*�';'++++�':'* +++'; Jam,+ ++++ j j \\ RITI IL \\ \\\/ L \T ��\6oJq'\ANNEL FLOW IN PIPES (-al ft/s ♦♦. °p LL LLLL •� / �yt + + + +.+ \ \ 9 9f SLOPS h +++. +.+.''y++ .+ %�•.+ . %�". .' * +\++ VDH MONUMENT FOUND VDH MONUMENT FOUND 1 T.M.69-6M c= / `*,*,*,*,*,* 01 REVISED LOT 7 2 0 �� 9 + +�+*+* * \X + \ / \ E.C.ACKERMAN TRUST �� / k° + � {+ �90 oLL LL + + + � + + D.B.4733-23 /_ :'+* �' .i \ + �. + M` a.a a a+a ., +. \ � A ++ ++ +'+ t + D.B.4733-20 & 21 PLAT O O �� - ;;'+ '+'+'+ '+'.'+ + .* + - 00 +0 ``,, "° + D.B.4456 444 O 2 0 / ° i.' _' + ++ L + + + D.B.3530 234 PLAT 00���00 / T_ r + w +� + +'+'+'+' ''* �' + 00 LL + LL + +++ ++ LL 0 T. M.69-6G LOT 1 FRANK DONLEY & CARLA DONLEY D. B.3380-82, 85 & 86 PLAT i _. * -- <• ++a+'k++LLo+o+++ + + j + + y(1 \++: +: ♦o ® 15.7_ac O LL° oLLLL LL LL �LL LL' LLLL LL, LLLL' OOH 2OC++ T-67 o�+. �� +++ 2. ES —__-- 894iooFOOT WPO� p 9STREAM BUFFER I, s�Oj TG cis ++ + LL * \ ♦ / °� LL *.*+*. +++ � I/ � + S, ` 89° + i _ � � !I/ � ��\ � � 2 16 LOY \v �+++++++++�++1 i 5 ACES l �� � o \ � 2 + I ._8g8LLv- / +,,/ \00-6 LLLLPOSE /!►CRITICAL;rI++�.�e$LOPE$ LLt � LOT 2 + ��°94 .:1►:F: ''2.9ACRE_ J � 940r +*/,*+++}� —'� 1 �V+\I�/ I 8° 1 �.r O LL���LLLL LLLL �.+ / / / 920 \ \ �� + I _ LLLL LL IS /j / // _ ey \ +`� �/, o LLLL LL _ i // �:�>:': �I 8�v� OVERHEAD ®QLf / LOT 3A — _ 932 — — — — — ���� — ►' \ I \'+` .`.`.`.`.`+ +\ I UTILITY oLL LL --- --- — �, \ �j++``. + + + + ..`+ LOT 17 LINES Or 2.07 ACRES— —_SU — — - - - 930" / /�/ /V ,� 4 \\ V `.`� 6 19 ACRES a _ _ / /( + / PRflP�YPRIY /� �� / / + =s + \\\f� +*++ V ss + +++ + + + + —9 / RF \ +' +ac+°+ +a +++++ O� 20 \I '.11 \ ' +' _ ' + +++`+\+ HOUS SAT THE OUTLETS . "`�• � OUTSIDE DA'A' SHALL HAV SPLASH \ —9f / �10e J��+ \ / / \ \ BLOC THEIR / ++`—' +3. 7 C Eei \ \1\ \ \ \ _ l ! ` \+ + +++ +�++i DOWNSPOUTSSEDIMENTATION FFLOOPREVENT FLOODING ON, 'goo / JJI ` +SEDIMENTATION OF ES. SEE SHEET DOWN R + `+ + ++ $Rp•SHN\OK DETAEL. SEE SHEET ii FOR (CRITICAL + + + T.M.69-19 � —� �` /�////p0 �/ I sroPEs �\`+� + i REVISED LOT 3 - / �/ ` \ f \ - / ,a I �' ' I I I ^ \ �♦ VDH ST04K56ACRESCREEK LLC � = �/ / /�/ 1 �/ / /I/1II \ / "" \ \ \ 1 8�6 07 .. ; �� LE MONUMENTFOUND 9 — — _ _ - /,,, \\ _ , / I \ \ '00 LOT+18+� > D.6.5504, PG.614 — _ / / \ \� \\ �` 2:0' + R'ES LOT 3B `� — —_ / ~� \� / /�Y / 2.49ACRE5 I _—J�/// j� ��\\ 8 ` 9°�j // ;� 9 LOT 9' \ F ti 3. 3 ACRES / \ �/ / IS % / ` —�— \ / // ' ) I r + b / If~+\\� \ \�y\ LE cRIncAL' + SLOPES CRITICAL SLOPES l / �/ -� \ !\ �gBO �, \\\ \ t - \ LIMIIS_OFANALY�O�D / � \ ` // / _ :+r� y v v -IF,+ +.++ + T M 69 SO j e3° J 1 VDH FREEMAN, ARTHUR H OR / + + MONUMENT JOANN F IS-- % FOUND _ i 47.729ACRES VDH VDH CRI ZEE RO(J 15 IS caloPes — —_�/ — MONUMENT JUST, OSEPH SCOTT & MFOUND ENT ST RS FOUND CASEY R JUST SHOPOAD _ /MONDUMENT GRAPHIC SCALE 21ACRES HWY plBe13 IDTH R/W---------- -- FOUND 80 o 40 80 160 P-8.3-209 VDH THRU 211) MONUMENT VDH ( IN FEET ) FOUND MONUMENT VDH FOUND MONUMENT 1 inch = 80 ft. FniiNn G1 SCOTT R. LINSZ Lic. No. 035791 � p 1/4/23 ,$i z U 0 0 0 U U U J J J J Q Z o x w a a a a m w w w O Q ED U O Q Q Q w z O O O Lu z F- F F z O z z z O O O O \ > LU Co W C cc) Co m J V) (A V) ce F- Z a' F- Z N M "t 1 N N N M Q N N O O O O O QV y L,e � d7 c� M M N T. M.69-51 GRAVES HOME LLC z 26.988 ACRES uoQ Ila- N la- z W � ( 2: LU LLJ > (D J i Q C0 0 . LU L9 H L O > Q z�C� WU Y V) , V H W LU Ul CO M WW G � H U ZLULU z o W i O > W LLI J � o Jli (n U ) Q O 0 a O CD C] N 320 U o w a JOB NO. 222207 SCALE 1 "= 80' SHEET NO. 10 I DETENTION BASIN DETAIL, SCALE 1"=20' -'PROPOSED CLASS Al, i RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TO BE KEYED INTO EX. GROUND 9" MIN. AT ENDS & ALONG PERIMETER. FABRIC TO OVERLAP A MIN OF 9" (L=32'-EXTEND TO RISER, Wi=6 FT, W2=1S FT, D-18"). 40' W DE GRASS LIN4EERGENCY I SPILLWAY (CREST ELEV.=866.40') WITH SIDES SLOPED AT 4:1 `0 00 U I 8' WIDE TOPOF DAM ELEV I I / PROPOSED STIR. Ai, A 36" HDPE STANDPIPE TOPPED WITH A STEEL WEIR PLATE PROVIDING A 24" OPENING AND TRASHRACK TO SERVE AS A RISER STRUCTURE. RISER TO HAVE A RIM ELEV.=864 7.1r ' A 6" LOW -FLOW ORIFICE INVERT ELEV.=86o.00'. RISER TOP, & LOW -FLOW ORIFICE TO HAVE STATE APPROVED I I TRASHRACKS. SEE _ \THIS PLAN FOR TRASHRACK DETAILS, OR EQUIVALENT. �I 868 862 6cc / 862 6� -�- 866 \ - 8' 68 6? VARIABLE WIDTH SWM ACCESS AND -\1 MAINTENANCE EASEMENT_ or ROPOSED CLASS Al, EC-1 RIPRAP OUTLET ROTECTION WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TO BE EYED INTO EX. GROUND 9" MIN. AT ENDS & ALONG PERIMETER. FABRIC TO OVERLAP A MIN. . OF 9" (1 Wi=6 FT, W2=18 FT, D-18') OUTLET PROTECTION SIZING TYPE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH TO DENTENTION BASIN RISER VDOT CLASS 1A 32' 6'-15' 1.5' OUTFALL OF DETENTION BASIN VDOT CLASS iA 16' 6'-18' 1.5' ILM• 875 100-YR PEAK WSE 866.98 PROP SEDSTR.A2,A36"HDP 10-YR PEAK WSE- 866.38 STAN PIPE TOPPED WITH A ST EL 2-YR PEAK WSE- 4.63 WEIR LATE PROVIDING A 24" 1-YR PEAK WSE� 63.82 OPEN G AND TRASHRACK TO SERVE ASA ISER STRUCTURE. RISER O HAVE RIMELEV. 864.i7',A6" 87o LOW- ELEV. LOW ORIFICE INVERT 860. RISER TOP, 870 LOW. LOWORIFICE TOP,& O ATE KAZKS. SEE PLAN OR TRASHRACK DETAIL , OR EQUI LENT. 8'WIDE TOP OF DAM ELEVATION=868' WITHA o'WIDE RIPRAP LINED EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (CREST ELEV. 866.40') 865 865 PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING INV: 859.00 GRADE 860 PIPE Al TO 74.94 LF 2 8LO )i) OF 24 CL. 0O0 TOPREV NTFLOATATION THE RISE R BAPROPOSED BASIN'S I LOOR SHALL BE SLOPED 0 DRAIN TOWARE SRISER (0.5% MIN.)WI SLOPES HPOSITIVE HROUGHOUT V TES-i TO OUTLET PRO ECTION 855 855 TO PREVE qTFLOATATION THE RISES BASE SHALL BE FIRMLY EP IBEDDED 6" INTO AN 28"TH CK REINFORCED CONCRET FOUNDATION PROFILE SCALES THAT IS 5' 5', AND BURIED i'=S'(VERTICAL) BELOWG OUND. i'=5o'(HORIZONTAL) 85o 85o O O^ O C 800 m 0000 00UD 00 00 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 DETENTION BASIN SECTION 8' WIDE TOP OF DAM ELEVATION=868' PROPOSED GRADE 865 1�4a, 865 PROPOS D40'WIDEVDOTCL.AI IPRAPLINED EMERGI NCY SPILLWAY w14:2& ILTERFABRIC UNDI RLAVMENT(STONE DE H=28")SIDES SPILLWAY CREST ELEV. 866.40 86o 81 ~O ^ m 0 tD 0 6 1D W cc)W 00 0+00 0+50 GRASS LINED DRY RETENTION BASIN CONSTRUCTION NOTES: FACILITY PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. THE DRY BASIN SHALL HAVE TURF GROUND COVER, SUCH AS GRASS OR SOME OTHER FORM OF A VEGETATIVE GROUNDCOVER. LANDSCAPING BEYOND THIS IS OPTIONAL AND IS NOT REQUIRED. 2. THE PROPOSED INTERIOR SIDE SLOPES OF THE DRY BASIN SHALL BE 3:1 WITH THE TOP OF THE EMBANKMENT SERVING AS A SAFETY BENCH. THE PROPOSED FLOOR SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES TO THE RISER STRUCTURE. 3. WOODY VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE PLANTED OR ALLOWED TO GROW WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE TOE OF THE EMBANKMENT NOR WITHIN 2S FEET OF THE PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY STRUCTURE. CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYOUT OF ALL WORK COVERED UNDER THESE PLANS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN THE FIELD AND NOTIFY THE DESIGNER OF ANY VARIANCE FROM THE PLAN. 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ANY ONSITE UTILITIES (CALL MISS UTILITY AT 1-800-552-7001 BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION). 4. REFER TO THE APPROVED FINAL SITE PLANS FOR ANY DETAILED SITE INFORMATION. \ S. ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OTHER PARTIES. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF TRASH AND DEBRIS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DRY BASIN ON A DAILY BASIS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY VANDALISM, FIRE, OR OTHER ACTIVITIES BEYOND THE CONTRACTOR's CONTROL. FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 1. THE DRY BASIN MAY SERVE AS A SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE DURING PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. IF THIS IS DONE THE VOLUME SHALL BE BASED ON THE MORE STRINGENT SIZING RULE (EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS VS. STORMWATER TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS). INSTALLATION OF THE PERMANENT RISER AND BARREL SHALL BE INITIATED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE, AND DESIGN ELEVATIONS SHALL BE SET WITH FINAL CLEANOUT OF THE SEDIMENT BASIN AND CONVERSION TO THE POST -CONSTRUCTION DRY BASIN IN MIND. APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO PREVENT DISCHARGE OF TURBULENT WATERS WHEN THE BASIN IS BEING CONVERTED TO A DRY BASIN. 2. THE DRY BASIN SHALL ONLY BE CONSTRUCTED AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA TO THE FACILITY IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED. IF THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE DRY BASIN WILL BE USED AS A SEDIMENT TRAP OR BASIN DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE, THEN THE FACILITY WILL BE DEWATERED, DREDGED AND RE -GRADED TO DESIGN DIMENSIONS AFTER THE ORIGINAL SITE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE MADE TO THE RISER ORIFICES AND BARRELS AS REQUIRED SO THAT THEY ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE FINAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSEMBLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ON -SITE, MAKING SURE THEY MEET DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS AND ARE PREPARED AT STAGING AREAS WHEN POSSIBLE. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND STRIP THE PROJECTAREAIF REQUIREDTOTHE DESIRED SUB -GRADE. S. INSTALL E&S CONTROLS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRY BASIN INCLUDING TEMPORARY DE -WATERING DEVICES AND STORMWATER DIVERSION PRACTICES. ALL AREAS SURROUNDING THE DRY BASIN THAT ARE GRADED OR DENUDED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PLANTED WITH TURF GRASS, NATIVE PLANTINGS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS OF SOIL STABILIZATION. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE THE CORE TRENCH AND INSTALL THE SPILLWAY PIPE DURING THE ESC PHASE. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO INSTALLTHE RISER, OUTFLOW STRUCTURE AND/OR THE BARRELS) WITH PERMANENT COLLARS DURING THE ESC PHASE. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE TOP INVERT OF THE OVERFLOW WEIR IS CONSTRUCTED LEVEL AT THE DESIGN ELEVATION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT THE EMBANKMENT AND ANY INTERNAL BERMS IN 8-TO 12-INCH LIFTS, COMPACTION SHALL BE COMPLETED IN LIFTS WITH APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO ADHERE TO THE CLAY LINER SPECIFICATIONS OUTLINED IN TABLE 14.4 BELOW: 10' PRIVATE ASPHALT ACCESS ROAD TO SWM1FACILI /TY WITH 1o' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE DETENTION BASIN SPILLWAY SECTION HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE n 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft. VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE 5 0 2.5 5 10 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 5 ft. 20 `RoV 11 SD ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. GENERAL SWM NOTES: i. STATE APPROVED TRASH RACKS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL ORIFICE OPENINGS. SEE THIS SHEET, OR EQUIVALENT, FOR DETAILS. 2. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL RISER STRUCTURES MEETING MINIMUM VESCH 3.14 SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUSIVE OF STR. 6 SINCE IT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE DRY BASIN AND IS SUBJECT TO BUOYANCY. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HIRE A THIRD PARTY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO ENSURE THE EMBANKMENTS ARE STRUCTURALLY SOUND. ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED FILL MATERIAL AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE APPROVED BY AN ONSITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRESENT DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EMBANKMENTS AND FILL AREAS, AND PRESENT DURING THE CORE SAMPLING. 4. THE DOWNSTREAM EMBANKMENT SIDE SLOPES OF ALL PERMANENT FACILITIES, INCLUSIVE OF THE DRY BASIN, SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM 3:1 SLOPE. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE SEDIMENT LADEN MATERIAL IN ANY ESC SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICES AT THE TIME OF THE FACILITIES' CONVERSIONS TO PERMANENT SWM FACILITIES, IF APPLICABLE. AT SUCH TIME THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE THE SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICES TO THE PROPOSED GRADES SHOWN ON THE SWM SHEETS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION DURING THE CONVERSIONS. General Construction notes for Stormwater Management Plans i. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95%of maximum dry density and 2%of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechnical engineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riserjoints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sedimenttraps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities; conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control inspector. ALLOEGREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE PLANTED WITH NON -EROSIVE LONG GRASSES OR OTHER TYPES OF NON -EROSIVE PLANTINGS. Table 14.4. Clay Linea Specifications Property Test Method Unit I SpeClIfiCati Permeability ASTM D-2434 CM/Sec 1 x to Plasticity Index of Clay ASTM D4231424 % Not less than 15 Liquid Land of Clay ASTM D-2216 % Not less than 30 Clay Particles Passing ASTM D422 % Not less than 30 ClayCompaction ASTM 62216 % 1 95% of standard Proctor density Source: Virginia Stonnmter Management Handbook (1999) 9. UPON COMPLETION OF THE EMBANKMENT GRADING, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE/GRADE UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE ELEVATION AND DESIRED CONTOURS ARE ACHIEVED FOR THE BOTTOM AND SIDE SLOPES OF THE DRY BASIN. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALLTHEN CONSTRUCTTHE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY IN CUT OR STRUCTURALLY STABILIZED SOILS. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLTHEN FINISH CONSTRUCTION OF ALL OUTLET STRUCTURES, INCLUDING DOWNSTREAM RIP -RAP APRON PROTECTION IF APPLICABLE. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NEXT STABILIZE EXPOSED SOILS BY HYDROSEEDING OR SEEDING OVER STRAW. FACILITY MAINTENANCE: MAINTENANCE OF THE DRY BASIN IS DRIVEN BY ANNUAL INSPECTIONS THAT EVALUATE THE CONDITION AND PERFORMANCE OF THE FACILITY. DURING THESE INSPECTIONSTHE FOLLOWING TASKS SHALL BE PERFORMED BYTHE CONTRACTOR IN THE FIRST YEAR FOLLOWING INSTALLATION, AND THE OWNER THEREAFTER: 1. MEASURE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION LEVELS IN THE DRY BASIN. 2. MONITOR TH E GROWTH OF THE GROU NDCOVER. 3. INSPECT THE CONDITION OF STORMWATER INLETS TO THE DRY BASIN FOR MATERIAL DAMAGE, EROSION OR UNDERCUTTING. 4. INSPECT THE BANKS OF UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM CHANNELS FOR EVIDENCE OF SLOUGHING, ANIMAL BURROWS, BOGGY AREAS, WOODY GROWTH, OR GULLY EROSION THAT MAY UNDERMINE EMBANKMENT INTEGRITY. 5. INSPECT THE DRY BASIN's OUTFALL CHANNEL FOR EROSION, UNDERCUTTING, RIP -RAP DISPLACEMENT, WOODY GROWTH, etc. 6. INSPECT CONDITION OF PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY AND RISER FOR EVIDENCE OF SPALLING, JOINT FAILURE, LEAKAGE, CORROSION OR OTHER FAILURES. 7. INSPECT CONDITION OF ALL TRASH RACKS, REVERSE SLOPED PIPES OR FLASH BOARD RISERS AS APPLICABLE FOR EVIDENCE OF CLOGGING, LEAKAGE, DEBRIS ACCUMULATION OR OTHER FAILURES. 8. INSPECT MAINTENANCE ACCESS TO ENSURE IT IS FREE OF WOODY VEGETATION, AND CHECK TO SEE WHETHER VALVES, MANHOLES AND LOCKS CAN BE OPENED AND OPERATED AS APPLICABLE. 9. INSPECT INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SIDE SLOPES OF THE DRY BASIN FOR EVIDENCE OF SPARSE VEGETATIVE COVER, EROSION, OR SLUMPING. 10. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. FACILITY INSPECTION: MULTIPLE INSPECTIONS ARE CRITICAL TO ENSURE THE DRY BASIN IS PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED. BECAUSE THE TIMING OF THE INSTALLATION IS DICTATED BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING THE ENGINEER AND INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. MULTIPLE SITE VISITS AND INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SCHEDULED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE ENGINEER AND INSPECTOR DURING THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF THE DRY BASIN's CONSTRUCTION PROCESS: 1. PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING 2. INITIAL SITE PREPARATION (INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF PROJECT E&S CONTROLS) 3. EXCAVATION/GRADING (e.g., INTERIM/FINAL ELEVATIONS) 4. INSTALLATION OF THE EMBANKMENT, THE RISER/PRIMARY SPILLWAY, AND THE OUTLET STRUCTURES). 4. DRY BASIN INSTALLATION (e.g., INTERIM AND FINAL ELEVATIONS) S. PLANTI NG PHASE FOR TU RF GROUNDCOVER 6. FINAL INSPECTION (DEVELOP A PUNCH LIST FOR FACILITY ACCEPTANCE) Storm Rax TN ROUND SERIES TRASH RACK (OR EQUIVALENT) CONCRETE MANHOLE STANDARD 601NCH RACK SHOWN DIMENSIONS IN INCHES SIDE VIEW StorTnRaxw Round Series for Concrete Manhole Part Noo, Dk•A GIBS Oka[ Min ID MII W24 17 14Y. n 24 30 AS-36 11 14 40,j 36 43 R549 27 >s 34 .. Y 57 FS40 27% 111% 661t 60 70 Mastic Solutions, IncCUIRMER - PO • 4386. Wlrcta w VA sad 236 Alrei,ee ttl. AWwMsret• VA 22603 A77) 877-5727 phone PROEM 1S40) 722-2219 fax ht1R//www.pasausdu6m.mm :ryaaL rYIw11Gw. LafYYw,K aw++�e scrnon - rt[uov,4Lrroe,wcrs0 1Vk .. ISOMETRIC CONCRETE STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS INSIDE STRUCTURE DIMENSION OUTSIDE STRUCTURE DIMENSION AVAILABLE OPnON{ CROSS BRACING FOR OVERHANG HOPE AN71-VORTEX PLATE DALE DRUM BY APPDBe DETAIL mn, Pkiled -ouk ss LnN ed tl i.' fattener IsolrICt I.IC I V' nOPF. P.alc (opana•1) 7116) � Oby _ �oFutione Inc r cquul cn c.lcvauun o IStro DEBRIS CAGE eeum will, upaucel plate Knee el cuOr Orel Pleena wan ' /8' hulee and I/4 plate :u[ectured 63 CleeUu tl loos Inr Or cqunl PLASTIC n. Po asoon 80LDTIONS A ar, ., a �u INC. avY-avr-nax7 ea.pleaa-ww.s-am SECTION A-9: TYPICAL GRAPffiC-AL DETAILS Homogeneous fill F-- ----� 4' min I O,( off trench-4' below suitable Sol or rock L_-----material --J TYPICAL HOMOGENEOUS EMBANKMENT Transition ftll ock or gravel 'Pipe outkl Coaatr3r zl G :.,. .., Perforated collector ar o Foundation drain Bbnket drain FOUNDATION DRAIN BLANKET DRAIN man SVM, 4ara a ram sae wut Rock or grovel Rak t: drain �Trarwition Inter TrarwiTron filter CHIMNEY DRAIN TOE DRAIN Figure A -la. Homogeneon s Embankments sv/ Seepage Controls EMBANKMENT NOTES: AFTERAN INVESTIGATION OF THE SITE's SOILS, SITE VISITS, AN ANALYSIS OF THE SURVEYED TOPOGRAPHY AND AN EXAMINATION OF VA DEQ APPENDIX A: EARTHEN EMBANKMENT, THE APPLICANT HAS PROVIDED A COMPREHENSIVE EMBANKMENT DESIGN THAT DOES NOT NEED A GEOTECHNICAL STUDY AT THIS TIME. SUCH 15 THE CASE DUE TO THE PRECAUTIONARY EMBANKMENT DESIGNS PROPOSED. A SUMMARY OF THE EMBANKMENT DESIGN REQUIREMENTSARE LISTED BELOW, MANDATING THE CONTRACTOR MEETTHESE REQUIREMENTS ATA MINIMUM. THE EMBANKMENTS SHALL HAVE A COMPACTED CLAY CORE WITH A CUTOFF TRENCH & BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN. BERMS AND SPILLWAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EC-3 MATTING & RIPRAP AND THE REMAINING DISTURBED SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EC-2 MATTING. ALL BERM FILL MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF ML, CL, SC OR GC SOILS & BE FREE OF WOOD, ROOTS, ROCKS OR ANY OTHER NON COMPACTING SOIL COMPACTED FILL SHALL BE PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY ASTM D698 AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 95%OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND 2%OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. ALL FILL MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCrION SHALL BE APPROVED BY AN ONSITE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRESENT DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EMBANKMENTS AND FILL AREAS. u COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE • = Department of Community Development RLcm�r Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for VSMP The following is a list of information required on construction record drawings for stormwater facilities (reference Water Protection Ordinance 17-422). It is preferable that the construction record drawing be prepared by someone other than the designer. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. A. A signed and dated professional seal of the preparing engineer or surveyor. B. The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with each facility, and the inspection records to verify proper dimensions, materials and installation. The items include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Inspection Records and photographs for pipe trenches and bedding, including underdrains. 2. Video Pipe Inspection for any pipes which are not accessible or viewable. 3. Updated Location with geo-coordinates of all facilities. 4. Verified Drainage Area maps for the drainage area treated and for drainage to the facilities. g P g g 5. Current physical and topographic survey for all earthen structures. Ponds should include a survey of the pond bottom. Surveys should verify pond volumes are per design. Corrections may be required for alterations from the design. 6. Plants, location and type. 7. Plans and profiles for all culverts, Pipes, Risers, Weirs and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structures, culvert/pipe size, weirs, materials, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert elevations compared to design. 8. Computations: For significant deviations from design, provide sealed computations verifying that the as -built condition is equivalent or better than design. 9. Ditch Lines - Display the constructed location of all ditch lines and channels, including typical sections and linings. 10. Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Facilities and drainage must be within platted easements. Provide copies of recorded documents. 11. Guardrail, fences or other safety provisions - Display the constructed location of all safety provisions; fences, guardrail, including the type, length and applied end treatments, compared to design. 12. Material layers - biofilter media, stone layers, sand layers, keyways and cores must be verified as to material types and depths. Include inspection reports, boring or test pit reports and materials certifications. Biofilter media must be an approved state mix. 13. Access roads - show location of access roads, surface treatment, drainage, etc, as applicable. 14. Compaction reports are required to verify fill compaction in dams. 15. Manufacturers certifications for proprietary Ei certifying proper installation and functioning. %l SCOTTtR. CDLLINSZ Lic. No. 035791 � p 1/4/23 Z OU O O O w U U U J J LUZ0 Q �aaa w a m w w LU O Q co Do Do U O Q Q Q Q O F- Z 0 Z O Z Z Z p Ln O O O Ln U71 (n In LU co LU cc) co co U) to U1 Ice_I z ci� v z IN IN IN IN Lu CD N N O rq 0 CD 0 0 L9 14 M N C] 0) N N > L9 W O Z< Q U WY LLI H Ul Zw 0, AN I- U w Lin > 1 z Uj O li li LU ( I --I w 0 rr''LL �� CO D z � LU LU LU22 Q t U z OL O ' ''V^) I i U ` r•1 L JOB NO. 222207 SCALE 1 "=80T SHEET NO. 11 I \ \ \ \ \ \ _\11- - OUTLET PROTECTION SIZING /l Il I III (I II I I III AVA VAVAAV AA - - - - - /� A TYPE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH RIPRAP CHANNEL OUTFALL OF36"CULVERT VDOT CLASS II 30' UP TO 874' CONTOUR 42" / T.M.6 6L / T.M.69-6C - ---- / \ LO 6' ARTAYR;SIV�ACIK GIBSON, EVERETT JR L D:B.52 6-5,21 \\� \ / / D.BPLAN 1.07ACRES/ / \ 44157704,707 NOTE: ALL HOUSES SHALL HAVE SPLASH BLOCKS AT THE OUTLETS OF �\ -\- \�� THEIR DOWNSPOUTS TO PREVENT EROSION, SEDIMENTATION OR / / / / �/9 '` \\ \ - VA - \ \\ \ \\ , FLOODING OF DOWN GRADIENT PROPERTIES. PLEASE SEE SHEET i> FOR /- \\\\ A DETAIL OF THE SPLASH BLOCK, OR EQUIVALENT. / / / / / / / / // - x Y -REVISEDLOT� \ \ \ \ \ p \re -�� ���\ `\ \p� Sc�,ntT / / \ \ \ \ CRITICAL \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,STOCIZTON CRtEK LLC \ \ \ \ SLOPES \ \ \ 2.63 ACRES\ /\\ R� D.B.550 PG 614 \\ \\\\ \ \\� : \ \ ` /k \\ ioo YEAR FEEMA FLOODPLAIN \ 0-1 n \ \ LOT \V --� - - -I\\ \\ \ 5.0\5,ACRE5 `:V�_\\V Project Sbckbn Creek Plan Sheet No. Designer LW Sheet 1 of 2 Culvert Rev. Data Dab 8/15/22 STATION: AH W Controls HYDROLOGICAL DATA: 100 yr. Flood plain elev. DesignAHWdeph elev. Structures elev. treq. TWelev. Culvert 91 (STR-12 - STR-11): DA=35.91 ac., CN=59, Tc=24.2 min., 2-year Q=11.50 - cfs, 10-year Q=44.09 cfs,100-year Q=115.56 cfs Shoulder = elev. 893.61 = CL elev. 893.83 DISCHARGES USED RISKASSESSMENT ADT Skew ° Cover Q 2 = 11.5 CFS DebursAvailable Lengh Q 10 = 44.09 CFS Overtopping Stage Q 100 = 115.56 CFS Flood Plain Management Inv. El. 873.92 So= 1.88% Inv. EL 869.31 Q _= CFS Cribria and Sigmicanl Impact Orig. Gr. Elev. L= 245.75 ON. Gr. Elev. Q = CFS HEADWATER COMPUTATIONS CONTFVELOCITY UTLET End INLET CONT. OUTLET CONTROL CULVERT TYPE & SIZE Q QB HW. Treat COMMENTS HWID HW Ke do (dcFD)/2 ho H LSo HW ELEV.SmoothProposed 36" RCPCulvert(2yr) 11.5 11.5 0.49 1.5 0.5 1.1 2.04 0.71 0.5 4.6 -3.40 1.58.85 EW-1 VDOTSTD.EW-1ClassIIOutletPro4cton Proposed36"RCPCulvert(10yr) 441 44.1 1.18 3.5 0.5 2.2 2.58 3.64 05 46 -047 3512.82 Proposed 36"RCPCulvert(100yr) 115.6 115.6 4.28 12.9 0.5 3.0 3.00 16.06 0.5 4.6 11.95 12.9 16.35 Design Flood Exceed. Prob. Elev. Overtop Flood Exceed Prob. Elev. SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATIONS : Base Flood I% Exceed.Prob. Elev. k7 SCOTT7R. C10 INS_Z Lic. No. 035791 p 1/4/23 ,$i z U 0 0 0 w U U U J J III Q Q Z0 E¢ Q a m w w w O In M U 0 Q Q Q 0 F- 0 Z 0 LOT 12 \ \ \ - 1- %r / X�l . \WATERSHED SUMMARY FOR PROPOSED z z z LOT v v ----- --9ze - v o cn 0 0 0 l _ _ � 36" RCP CULVERT \~\ j � � � 2.41ACRES 920- -\ {/ / 920\- /� �' / 9zz K \ \\ /�. Ill m Co co En \ / \ LU Co m m 2.98 ACRES \ �\ - y� - / - r = \ \ Area, 2-Year Flow, 10-year Flow, 100-Year Flow, W rn 920 C. .DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASH -\ __ / / I I »»����y� yx\� �� CN J 2 \ / BLOCK SHALL DIRECT ROOF -- ' �'� J/ I /dKP V ,[VIA aC. cfs cfs cfs .Q. RUNOFFTOWARDS i 7 II ���,,II�. N rv \ - I I 9;' DAtoCulvertCrossin Stockton z STOCKTONCREEKLANE \ __ - - - - / / !/ I / I. \ \ Creek Lane 59 35.91 11.$0 44.09 115.56 LOT 10 -9>0 v y �- \ 9=0V �JTIL A a FV F\ V V \\ V I vv m � �� \ _ A \ 2.20 ACRES v jl�\// \11III l I 1 I I 1 I \ \.:.goon vD`........\\\\\\\I A AVAV( 1 v - A o � � MONUMEN � \\ \ \ IVv v LOT 14 s� A v V V --� �� ✓/ /-- v ./ \ \ \ v VA \V A I I I l l l I I V\ 1 �/ 8sz 7 _ AA.\ v v v v / / / 3.95 ACRES. POLE F-0LN� \\ \VA\ v v \ v A V AVA I I III �// 1 / /// �I / /I�////�///�///��/ ///// /�/�// v-v v\ v\ vV v\\ �\\ A V\ \ \ \ �TV \ A v%/%//\ llq� / 1/!�/ ��%/d4,/�/% v/�9/' A �� 's --_/ ////IIs / o -/_--�sy-�I - //vv��v✓�7�� i/. j / //A v/ �A \,V _:' v V V CVPRzs I �9A / LC OS�LxSOU/T AND SPLASHP_ \ VvAV v\ \v vA vv \ oN L930 OFAAE�b�lp v�H\/ RUNOFF TOWARDS SOUTH KERR �SIDE OF HOUSE Q N N oN O /\1418A T11 o 0 0 RITICAL CRES/I // SLOPES 2.73 ArN vel k \ r Q 3ED LOT 7 \ Fsso i \ \ 1 \ o \ \ \ / MAN TRUST - v _ v �o A A _ -,--m v / /� l N 1� y vv / No, vry Av V v 4733-23 O J I �k720&21 LA 0��/ 4 <' B - - /� _/� v _ j / �� DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASH 1� BLOCK SHALL DIRECT ROOF . - _ - �. _ . - - / ' . / / / : i I \O. F ' � V 1 V v N_ / D.B.4456 / AF \� v v v fi III �6.3530 234 P T I o ,' 6 - � � - / / / Cv----- v v � � - I / F � \ / OWARDS 'O F F - - AV� y v v v / / N CREEK LANE , , _ . v � STOCOKTO - --- / /,/ / / / / ///// \ \ 1 � i ✓ �\ � \ / may.- \- \'� / e ( / iA� ` 50 \ \ (� \ C� cKt \ / d r e rn CN \ \ /\ /C. "IVI \\ ° \ �. / \ \ \ 1, , \ \ \/ / \ ioo FOOT WPO o a \ `r<c T.M.69-5 y / \ v- � . A spEF v $ \ . A_�v`.�- v \ STREAM BUFFER o r r \wV v S� v A co v C- LOT 15 / v��'' v \G i3 �" ° V A ,1AA.\\ -. 1� 10 / ss V AVAl / \. 2.40 ACRES F�Fov 26. 88 AC ES( LOT 23�� / v � v � V o � • � v � C � __-_ v m 'V A \ aso 894 _ .. / x A / A F - /� ) 2.02 ACRES \\ 6 \r O o\ \ \ ( tee" / a \ �\ \ o \. \ r / 1 \ \ v 6 � m_ v 5 o F \ \ l� $ /I \ �Czz \\ / \r \\ s l \\ \ \ \ \_ '' O �'Lq�w \ \ 1 Cn O v I /-' / o X I r v v v \ I 1 N LOT 16 I I{ \/ O -7 / \FB�'�A2.25 ACRES T:M<�/C�T O ORUNOFFTOWARDS O 6 20PUBLIC DRAINAGE ESMTSTOON CREEK LANE G% %FANKD TNLEY& V\ e o CRITICAL vI- \ C JCARLA ONLEY/ I stoPEs OD.630-82T 1,85 & /PL�J 91 LOT 22 Cf) 2.49 ACRES o ISv--- -- PROPP� OSED So'VDOT RIGHT -OF pk940- / L9\/WJ_iH LU V 0 QOLf OVERHEAD PROPOSED So'VDOT RIG _93z FWY UTILITY N '2.0-T3A----- ---- LINESLOT 17 7-ACRES-- �$I�- -!/ D'WN�TADS LASH 3A 6.19 ACRES \ /-/ UQI, -PROPERTY,- BLOCKSADIRECTROO -I- _ - ,RUNOFF TOWARDS _ A 8zo l - - / STOCKTON CREEK LANE \ �20' PRIVATE DRAINAGE / \ \ / / / / ' / -- -- L - - - --LOT '� / t1 -� F-9�----'r -- , /'/ A ESMT 1 v��d % �j //� / W 1-�- 92a_ € 1 - J 900, \ \ \ / - - 36" RCP CULVERT l I 8' % J \ \ \ ,��/ / / // / J (� VDH ( / I I / v (\ / - -I �y ' - r / / / /� y Ul � �� SEE DESIGN THIS SHEET CRITICAL / A vA V A �A / \ - - r / v y v-� SLOPES MONUMENT 1 I � I / v �' � -_ ,�`- / -l- -- / / ��M-.69-19 \� ./ /e \ \ \� \ // / r W FOUND \ 1 \ \ HV \ - / / // / oo \ \ TO / ��7��� , // /j � 7iv �� - � � e�° ,r � � V t VA W \ \\VA A A � / �fl 1 / � ACRESEK LZG \ ��� //� '/ T`. �� / DOWNSPOUTANDSPLASri m /' �- �P LE s\ V�\VA / �I�F N ENT / -r \ ISED T3� / _ _ I ` (y :' -BLOCK SHALL DIRECT ROOF \ / R\ / l /iJ5�I4 PGT614. i 1- - \ -1"-/ j, /j/ T /\ \ ` _. \� / RUNOFF TOWARDS SOUTH - LOT / \ \ \ \ \ \\ // /� I \\ \\ 1 I U) - \ \\ -:= - _ / / J / `\ - AND/OR EAST SIDES OF HOUSE .�I,. I20' PLJBLIC DRAINAGE ES / \ 2.05 ACRES / \\ \ f /� \ / � - T - - TOWARDS DETENTION BASIN / � , \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / 1 / \ / j / 49A�iRS / - _ ; / / / \ \ \ - , a9 / I i / / ��\� w -\ / \ ' - r 1 I X � \ \ Ill/ � I \ / LOT 19DOWNSPOUT AND ROOF BLOCK SHALL DIRECT ROOF � 1 /\--TI \\RUNOFF TOWARDS SOUTHVDH 3.43 ACRES \ , \ MONUMENT =nSIDE OF HOUSE FOUND E I - / // \ - - / / / asa- \ \\ \\ \ /� / L / / / �� I� I \ \\ \\\ p \ -ZO' PUBL C DRAINAGE SMT," •i s6o4 abi /�j/ N - - - � \ O \ FF OU N 9-5Q FREEMA TH 864 e6a- MENT N- - 864 ES vAv\V \ \ V \\ V \I I I U VDH_ - TATET_M.69 19A7 MDNUMEN� --- - -� ScJUs lOSEPFSao fT _f0L7N2 RITICAt_ Ldu - - - \ \ .OlI / CY3EST 20 222207 ACFOUD JLJL DH / �/ // // /✓/// \-� - - - ---ice_ �\ \\\ \\\\\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ F� \ `\\\\\ -� VDH VDH P II \- - IONUM_NT \ FQUIVD MONUMENTPnimin ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 80 ft. V SCALE 1 "= 80' 12 STORM SEWER io-YEAR CAPACITY CALCULATIONS TH OFF Design Storm Year = 10 DRIVEWAY CULVERT io-YEAR CAPACITY CALCULATIONS .l� � Design Storm Year 10 SCOTT R. LINSZ U Lic. No. 035791 � off MMETCOMM° 1/4/23 o��ss10NAL 0 S�OS z. w w z CD z w z O U 0 y 0 C w 3 Z Z Z OU O U O U O h y v/ J J U J x x z Q N ZO E W Q F Q Q x t O CLcoW Q W 00 W 3 U O Q Q Q 3 w 0 F- 0 F- 0 F- 0Z Z Z Z o� y OO Ln O O O o > .. W > W E COo (n m (n m m U F- Z a' F Z N M O � `o HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE (LD 347) CALCULATIONS Design Year: 10 Project: Stockton Creek Subdivision Job #: 222207 Prepared by: LMW PE °' RJNCTIONLOSS J C O O N N rN M W N C N N CD N � N Q N N N O E O N M rn ci O O O o C J N j� m O 0 (yi 3 y N a M a � z C 1 U N Q o J Cn N N Q o 0 (n w r N J o J_ I � z O zc w o L9 ~ O L r Q< L 3 O \ J c /,--I < U z U° = m Q a U U ' (n w Roadside Ditch Lining Calculations Job Number: 222207 Designed By: LMW Y LU o Stockton Creek Lane Maxs�O% EC4MaxV�.Ofps VDOTCI.AI,n=0.072 w Q o MaxV=3.ofps EC-3TypeA,Max V=7.0fps VDOT CI. I, n�.086 ~ L I z E LU H� a VDOT CI.II, n=0.095 � �if// o I L� 0 z 0 w w w z w z z w z n/ O w N z /� V i �/ J i o � U J o 0 w .� n/ J ° a > fQ V o O O N Roadside Ditch Lining Calculations Job Number: 222207 Designed By: LMW Stockton Creek Court Maxs�O% EC-2,MaxV�.0fps VDOTCLAI,n=0.072 0 y MaxV�Afps EC-3Ty1e A,Max V=7.0fps VDOTCI.I,n=0L86 E VDOTCI.II, n=0D95 U U W O w w L o U ° JOB NO. 222207 ° a SCALE o N/A 0 a SHEET NO. 13 ®®------_- ®-®®------_- GRATE INLET COMPUTATIONS STRUCTURE DRAINAGE Sta From Sta To T= (mm) C Value Area (ac_) CA cc I= (in/hr) Q= (cfs) Slope (ft/ft) Earth(n=0.03) Jute(Sod)(n�.05) Riprap h� (in/hr) Q�� (cfs) Depth'" (ft) Min -Design Width (ft) VeL Depth VeL Depth VeL Depth (Depth) (Type) Note: Ditch terminates at STR-18 12+09 10+00 6.0 0.50 0.24 0.12 5.4 0.65 0.0450 2.58jps Q29 ft 6.50 0.78 0.31 ft 12" Faith 6.00 ft Note: Ditch terminates at STR 17 12+09 10+00 6.0 0.40 0.39 0.16 5.4 0.84 0.0450 2.91 fps 0.3111 6.50 1.01 0.34 ft 12" Earth 6.00 ft Note: Ditch continues to Stockton Creek Court 12+09 18+79 12.0 1.97 0.45 0.89 4.3 3.81 0.0750 2.2 fps 0.69 ft 5.30 4.70 0.75 ft VDOT CL A 1 Riprap 6.00 ft Note: Ditch terminates at STR 10 12+09 19+83 8.0 0.60 0.48 0.29 4.9 1.41 0.0750 2.0 fps 0.48 ft 6.00 1.73 0.53 ft VDOT CL A 1 Riprap 6.00 ft 24+OS 19+83 12.0 0.30 3.44 1.32 4.3 5.68 0.0574 2.6fps 0.85 ft 5.30 7.00 0.91 ft VDOT CL A 1 Riprap 6.00 ft Note: Ditch continues to Stockton Creek Court 24+05 19+83 8.0 0.55 0.53 0.29 4.9 1.43 0.0574 1.8 fps 0.51 Sta From Sta To T= (min) C Value Area (ac.) CA cc I= (in/hr) Q= (cfs) Slope (ft/ft) Earth (n=0.03) Jute(Sod) (n�.05) Ri ra ho (in/hr) Quo (cfs) Depth+o (ft) MinDesi n Width (ft) Vel. Depth VeL Depth VeL Depth (Depth) (Type) Note: Ditch terminates at STR 7 10+00 12+30 9.0 0.35 5.57 1.95 4.7 9.16 0.0700 2.8 fps 1.04 ft 5.80 11.31 1.12 ft VDOT CL I Riprap 8.00 ft Note: Ditch terminates at STR 6 10+00 12+30 10.0 0.50 3.87 1.94 4.6 8.90 0.0700 2.8 fps 1.03 ft 5.60 10.84 1.11 ft VDOT CL I Ripmp 8.00 ft