HomeMy WebLinkAboutCPA201800006 Plan - Other (not approved) 2023-01-24 (2)le Pre -Application Meeting CommunreRd., North Development 401 McIntire Rd., North Wing Request Form 0., Charlottesville, VA22902 Phone 434.296.5832 1 Fax 434.972.4126 1. Applicant &Owner Information APPLICANT'S NAME: University Of Virginia Foundation E-MAILADDRESS. eeruz@uvafoundation.com PHONE: 434-924-2365 OWNER OF RECORD'S NAME: Same as Above E-MAILADDRESS: PHONE: 2. Meeting & Proposal Type ❑ ® ❑ Proposed New Special Use Permit or Proposed Zoning Map Amendment All Other Applications/Developments Amendment to Special Use Permit (Subdivisions, Site Plans, Clearances) CURRENT ZONING DISTRICT: R_1 PROPOSED USE: PROPOSED ZONING HC. DISTRICT: HASA PRE- APPLICATION MEETING HAS HAPPENED PREVIOUSLY?IFYES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE DATE OFTHE MEETING Pre-app 8/27/18, UVAF-CDD 9/19/18 IFAMENDINGA PREVIOUS APPLICATION, PLEASE PROVIDE THEAPPLICATION NUMBER SP2015-00019 3. Proposal Information NAME OF PROJECT: BIrdWOOd Manslon and Grounds TAX MAP AND PARCEL NUMBER (OR ADDRESS, IF UNKNOWN) ZONING DISTRICT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 75.63 g_t DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: (IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ATTACH AN ADDITIONAL SHEET.) The UVA Foundation intends to renovate the existing Birdwood Mansion and several outbuildings, as well as create new site improvements and facilities to accommodate special events and weddings at the property. At a 9/19/2018 regular meeting between UVAF and ACDD, it was determined that a ZMA from R-1 to HC on a portion of TMP75-63 that encompasses the Birdwood Mansion and Grounds site would be the best route to allow the intended uses (Special Events and Transient Lodging). 4. Additional / Required Information REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR "MANDATORY" SPECIAL USE PERMIT / ZONING MAP AMENDMENT PRE -APPLICATION MEETINGS Please attach a written statement including the following information: Comorehensive Plan land use designation of the properties to be developed; A description of surrounding properties, including the uses on -site (i.e. residentia I/commercial/vacant) and character (wooded, pasture, etc.); Any other information that may help identify potential impacts of the development (hou rs of operation, unique traffic or water/sewer d ema nds, etc.); An analysis of the proposal's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR "EXPLORATORY- SUBDIVISION & SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PRE -APPLICATION MEETINGS A conceptual "sketch" plan showing the proposed lot layout and/or building areas; entra Aces onto public streets. 5. Applicant Signature hereby certify that the information provided on this request form and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SIGNATURE OF OWN ER/APPLICANT _ DATE' t l'tse crl,tz io/712rn s PRINT NAME: DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER: Elise Cruz 434-924-2365 Submittal Requirements This form and all attachments must be received by 12 p.m. Monday to schedule a meeting for the following week (subject to meeting time availability.) If you are submitting this form in -person rather than via e-mail, please provide six (6) copies of any additional documents/exl NT E E o m gajd Magi gd5SE: pt:axteZ a �6 to aQ fyO>O Tom'• � --- ;o " as cane �O A / I IR 1p- y 'r a 0 0 AM lo X 1 : F-1 LLJ i r � o 0 a ;•• +ii ti'F�lFi� : ifs � t tic HIM IM tpf d�'Ffe ia'f I�i:iet3� � �3e{ i; 1 :: lei {jjFl3fa�F i�ai; {�3 !3{�e{rt.tiitt !iitalFt!,1lfi{ z1l,f.rlsz L i- U CO C- (15 C� cz Z _O cz N .C: (z ) i C) N a-j M f, of Y Y E O U o. 0 0 2 co a. co sa Z a a) U 0 O U N C N 'o c6 cD 06 of co 0 0 0 0 0 3 a m rN1 L � O i--i cz N .c cz CD i O (1) -F- Ax a� Y i-' E E 0 g U jN Z N s J O — rG 0 O W O $ Q W O k V >- 0 J � Q 7 m U W O O o c Q G O Q U C O U U) C N an z O 2 0 0 3 .. r�, '`i�� '-o,, gall m 111t 4�c! off, 9 I ca a a� ca cs Q U O U w c a� co 0 CO N co 7 O 2 0 O O i J Qi 0 C 0 U co Q 0 0 I" (D o z Y Q < N ti N ❑ Q w_ z 0 � 0 U w m 9 U L4 '9 N _K ow r a¢ g O co U = tr QID W 0 2 nU n. a-o > o IS F Cl) C d N U) m 2F 7 Q N U C O U c a� ca (D co Q) 0 0 0 0 3 i3 L `) cz W ^0 W L AL W i CL O 4-1 cz N .c (z 0) i O 0) 4- yj t Z 5� o > W m W fn l0 J _J � ' O W Of Q Q Z W o 00 g W O G J t N 00 W o Q i- ir LLI cflU ado O o T T y� Y CE G 0 U co c 0 O c SO cor.+ Q U C O co U U) c a� co c5 06 aw co 0 0 0 3