HomeMy WebLinkAboutTS202300002 Application 2023-01-24Temporary Sign Permit Application
Fee Amount: $ 31.20 Date Paid: By.
Application fee: $30+ Technology Surcharge: $1.20
Receipt #: Check #: Rv.
Albemarle County
Community Dev loprrent
401 McIntire Rd, NorthWing
ChadotlesWle, VA 22W2
Phone 430.29e5932
111 Address:
Q a o
Mailing Address:
Phone #:
Business Name:
C v }edv -6W-LO
Tax Map and Parcel #
nin g
and/or Address of the Business:
te(I will fill out it unknown
Parcel Owner.
F • V T-kV
Owner's Address:,
Please fill out the following: C
What number permit is this forit
your business this year?
26 El2nd El3'" ❑ 4th ❑ 5th
check one)
❑ 6th
(this will be verified by staff)
What type of temporary sign are
you proposing?
(check one)
Depending on the zoning
district the maximum height of
EP/12 feet ❑ 20 feet ❑ 30 feet
the sign will be
if freestanding if on a wall if on a wall
(check one)
The required setback from
public street right-of-way will be
5 feet
Depending on the zoning
district the maximum size of the
❑ 24 square feet 0?1*'32 square feet
sign will beDates
sign t you are requesting the
sign to be in lace.
rya �/a3 g 9 / /0/
When entering the dates above, please keep in mind the following information:
Each permit for a temporary sign shall be valid for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) consecutive days after the erection of 7TACHED POUC
the sign. EGARDING
The Ordinance requires the sign to come down between permits and will be approved on -site by a Code Compliance DITIONALTIME
Officer during regular business hours only. {.LOWED DURING
A maximum of two permits will be accepted for review for each establishment at one time.
Please note that an establishment is not Permitted more than sixty (60) days of temporary signs in a calendar year.
Review of this application cannot begin until the application is complete and all applicable attachments and fees are submitted.
This permit will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved.
hereby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the
information provided is true ccurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that
I n\ will abide by the
Signature 1
� 0.'e.,1 :
Printed JC/�\ n
Date 1 / 3
Temporary Sign Permit Application; Albemarle County
i. Community Development
North Wing
Ch McIntire Rd, North 2
Phone 4M.lk, VA 22g02
Phone 430.298.5832
Applicant - If you are not the land owner, please fill out the entire page below confirming that you have either
informed or are going to inform the owner of your application.
I certify that I will provide (or have provided) notice of this clearance application,
toy the owner
of Tax Map and Parcel Number
by either delivering a
copy of the application to them in person or by sending them a copy of the application by
mail. (Please check one of the following below)
Hand delivering a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
Date 7/ 1 Y 1 Z ez--?
❑ Mailing a copy of the application to the owner identified above on
Date to the following address:
(Written notice to the owner and last known address on our record books will satisfy this
requirement. Please see staff for help determining this information if needed)
Signature of Applicant
Applicant Name Printed
Temporary Sign Permit Information
UF.V of
Albemarle County
Community )"elopmnt
401 McIntire Rd, Na Wing
CharloMsW9e, VA 22902
1,1 CINti
Phone 43 296.5632
What is a Temporary Sign?
A temporary sign is a sign that is displayed for only a limited period of time authorized in section 4.15.6, that de-
scribes or identifies participants in a seasonal, brief or particular event or activity to be or being conducted upon a lot.
A Temporary Sign is Required in the Following Circumstances
Advertising for a
• Opening of a new business
• Seasonal event or activity
• Temporary sales event
• Moving a business to a new location or changing its name
Items Required to Apply for a Temporary Sign
(Dore filling out a Temporary Sign Application ensure you have or have done the following:
Tax Map and Parcel number or Address of the property. Include suite/unit/floor number, if applicable.
El Provide a picture or sketch of the sign showing the dimensions
Provide a sketch showing the proposed location of sign on property must be attached with this application.
Provide notice to the owner if the applicant is not the owner. Within ten days of applying for a zoning clearance, the
applicant, if they are not the owner of the parcel and/or structure, shall inform the owner that they have applied for a
Zoning Clearance. Please fill out the form on page 3.
• If you have any questions feel free to contact Zoning Staff at (434) 296-5832
Submitting an Application
Once you have all the required information provided above:
1. Fill out an application. Please complete page 2 in its entirety.
2. Submit an application. Bring or send a completed application to Albemarle County Community Development at
401 McIntire Rd, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902
3. Pay. The $27 application fee can be paid for in person or online. If paying online please attach a copy of your payment
receipt. A Temporary Sign Permit Application will not be processed until payment has been received.
4. Notify the Owner. If you are not the owner of the property please fill out page 3. 3