HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202100069-6450-Full Inspection ReportCOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP/VESCP PERMIT SITE INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: SCOTTSVILLE TIGER FUEL MARKET - VSMP - DIGITAL project/WPO Number: WP0202100069 Project Address: DEQ Permit Number (if applicable): VAR10R998 Project Operator: Meagan Agee Operator Telephone #: (434) 326-7167 Project Contact: JAMES RIVER ROAD LLC Contact Telephone #: Contact E-Mail: Qualified Personnel (QP): Meagan Agee Inspector: John Yerby Qualified Personnel (QP) Email: Disturbed Acreage: Weather (Wet/Dry/Rain): Single -Family: Inspection Date & Time: 1/26/2023 Stage of Construction: Pre -Construction Meeting Other Email: brook@digsinc.com Re -Inspection: No Other Email: Bond Inspection: No Other Email: COVERAGE & POSTING REQUIREMENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? Yes Comments/Description 1 Construction site has permit coverage? (Va. Code §62.1- 44.15:34.A) N/A (9VAC25-870-310)(Alb. Co. Code §17-300, 17-302) 2 A copy of the notice of coverage letter is posted conspicuously near the N/A main entrance of the construction activity? (CGP Part II.C) Notice of the location of the SWPPP is posted near the site's entrance, if N/A 3 applicable, and information for public access is provided? (9VAC25-870- 54.G)(CGP Part II D.2 & 3) SWPPP AVAILABILITY AND CONTENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? Yes Comments/Description 4 The SWPPP is on -site or made available during the inspection? (CGP N/A Part II D.1 & 2)(9VAC25-870-54.G) 5 The SWPPP contains a signed copy of the registration statement? N/A (CGP Part II A.1.a) 6 The SWPPP includes, upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage N/A letter and the CGP? (CGP Part II A.1.b & c) The SWPPP includes a narrative description of the nature of the N/A 7 construction activity, including the function of the project? (CGP Part II A.1.d) Page 1 of 6 The SWPPP includes a legible site plan identifying all appropriate N/A 8 measures and that includes the locations of support activities and the onsite rain gauge, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.1.e(1-7)) 9 The SWPPP contains the name, phone number and qualifications of N/A "Qualified Personnel" conducting inspections? (CGP Part II A.6) 10 The SWPPP contains an approved erosion and sediment control plan? N/A (9VAC25-870-54.B)(CGP Part II.A.2) The SWPPP contains an approved stormwater management plan or an 11 existing construction site has a stormwater management plan that N/A ensures compliance with the water quality and quantity requirements? (9VAC25-870-54.C)(CGP Part II.A.3) Technical Criteria 11.113 ❑ ILC ❑ 12 The SWPPP contains an adequate pollution prevention plan? (9VAC25- N/A 870-54.D)(CGP Part II.A.4) The SWPPP identifies impaired water(s), approved TMDL, pollutant(s) of N/A 13 concern, exceptional waters and the additional controls measures applicable? (9VAC 25-870-54.E)(CGP Part IIA.5 (a-b)) 14 Delegation of Authority is provided and signed in accordance with Part III N/A K? (CGP Part II A.7) 15 The SWPPP is signed and dated in accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part N/A II A.8) SWPPP AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS AND UPDATES Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Is the SWPPP being amended whenever there is a change in the design, 16 construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the N/A discharge of pollutants to surface waters? (CGP Part 11 B(1))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Has the SWPPP been amended if inspections or investigations by the 17 operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state or federal officials find that N/A existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges? (CGP Part II B(2))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 18 Contractor(s) that will implement and maintain each control measure are N/A identified? (CGP Part II B(3))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Have there been updates to the SWPPP when any modifications to its implementation have occurred, including a record of dates when major N/A 19 grading activities occur, construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site or stabilization measures are initiated? (CGP Part II B.4(a))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 20 Is there documentation in the SWPPP of replaced or modified controls? N/A (CGP Part II B.4(b))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 21 Is the SWPPP updated to indicate areas that have reached final N/A stabilization? (CGP Part II B.4(c))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Is the SWPPP updated to indicate properties that are no longer under the 22 legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer N/A had legal control over each property? (CGP Part II B.4(d))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Does the SWPPP identify the date of any prohibited discharges, the 23 volume released, actions taken to minimize the impact of the release and N/A measures taken to prevent the recurrence of any prohibited discharge? (CGP Part II B.4(e-f)) (9VAC25-870-54.G) 24 Amendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP are signed in N/A accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part 11 B(5))(9VAC25-870-54.G) INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Inspections required by the SWPPP are conducted at the required 25 frequency, including a modified frequency for impaired water(s), approved N/A TMDL(s), and exceptional waters when applicable? (CGP Part II F (2)) (CGP Part II A.5.b.3) Page 2 of 6 26 Inspection reports are completed and signed in accordance with CGP N/A Part II F (3-4)? (CGP Part II F (3-4)) 27 Corrective actions are taken consistent with the requirements of the N/A CGP? (CGP Part II G(1-2)) ESC AND SWM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description 28 Have stream buffers and steep slopes been protected as shown on the N/A plan? Sequencing of the project is implemented in accordance with the N/A 29 approved erosion and sediment control plan and stormwater management plans? (9VAC25-870-54.B and C) Have all denuded areas requiring temporary or permanent stabilization been stabilized, and have stabilization requirements for impaired waters, 30 approved TMDL(s), pollutants of concern and exceptional waters, when N/A applicable, been met? (9VAC 25-840-40.1) (9VAC25-870-54.B) (9VAC25- 880-60) (CGP Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part II A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part II A.2.c (8)) (CGP II E(1-2)) Are soil stockpiles adequately stabilized with seeding and/or protected N/A 31 with sediment trapping measures? (9VAC 25-840-40.2) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) A permanent vegetative cover has been established that is uniform, N/A 32 mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.3) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have sediment trapping facilities been constructed as the first step in land N/A 33 disturbance activities? (9VAC 25-840-40.4) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have earthen structures been stabilized immediately after installation? N/A 34 (9VAC 25-840-40.5) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Are sediment traps and basins installed in accordance with MS-6 and the 35 approved plan? (9VAC 25-840-40.6) (CGP Part II A.2.c (9)) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are finished cut and fill slopes adequately stabilized to prevent or correct N/A 36 excessive erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.7) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1- 2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is concentrated runoff down cut or fill slopes contained in an adequate N/A 37 permanent or temporary structure? (9VAC 25-840-40.8) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is adequate drainage or other protection provided for water seeps? N/A 38 (9VAC 25-840-40.9) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Do all operational storm sewer inlets have adequate inlet protection? N/A 39 (9VAC 25-840-40.10) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Are stormwater conveyance channels adequately stabilized with channel N/A 40 lining and/or outlet protection? (9VAC 25-840-40.11) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is in -stream construction conducted using measures to minimize channel N/A 41 damage? (9VAC 25-840-40.12) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are temporary stream crossings of non -erodible material installed where N/A 42 applicable? (9VAC 25-840-40.13) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 43 Is necessary restabilization of in -stream construction complete? (9VAC N/A 25-840-40.15) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are utility trench operations conducted and stabilized in accordance with N/A 44 MS-16? (9VAC 25-840-40.16) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are soil and mud kept off paved or public roads to minimize the transport N/A 45 of sediment? (9VAC 25-840-40.17) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Page 3 of 6 Have all temporary control structures that are no longer needed been 46 removed and disturbed soil resulting from their removal permanently N/A stabilized? (9VAC 25-840-40.18) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are properties and waterways downstream from development adequately 47 protected from erosion, sediment and damage in accordance with the N/A standards and criteria specified by 9VAC25-840.19(a-n)? (9VAC 25-840- 40.19(a-n)) 48 Permanent control measures included in the SWPPP are in place? N/A (9VAC25-870-54.C) (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP Part II F.1(a)) POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Practices are in place to prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, N/A 49 and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G? (CGP Part II A.4.e(1))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels N/A 50 and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities? (CGP Part II A.4.e(2))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, 51 detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the N/A clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds? (CGP Part II A.4.e(3))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle N/A 52 and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing? (CGP Part II A.4.e(4))(9VAC25-870-56) 53 Concrete wash water is directed into a leak -proof container or leak -proof N/A settling basin? (CGP Part II A.4.e(5))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from N/A 54 storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(6))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other N/A 55 petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, and sanitary wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(7)(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize any other discharge from the potential N/A 56 pollutant -generating activities not addressed above, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.4.e(8))(9VAC25-870-56) Page 4 of 6 Notes: CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT SITE INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION Project Name: Permit Number (if applicable): Date: Regulatory Occurrence Observation/Recommended Corrective Action Checklist # Citation/Legal requirement' Observation: Recommended Corrective Action: Observation: Recommended Corrective Action: Observation: Recommended Corrective Action: Observation: Recommended Corrective Action: Observation: Recommended Corrective Action: 1 Refers to applicable regulation found in the most recent publication of the State Water Control Law (Va. Code § 62.1-44.2 et seq.), Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations (9VAC25-870), or the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (9VAC25-880). Page 5 of 6 Corrective Action Deadline: Re -Inspection Date: Comments: The recommended corrective action deadline date applies to all conditions noted on this report unless otherwise noted. If listed condition(s) currently constitute non-compliance and/or corrective actions are not completed by the deadline, other enforcement actions may be issued to the entity responsible for ensuring compliance on the above project. Page 6 of 6 Construction General Permit Site Inspection Report Request for Correction Action Check Regulatory Citation/Legal List # Requirement* Occur. Observation Recommended Corrective Action Recommended Corrective Action Deadline: Targeted Re - Inspection Date: Comments: *Refers to applicable regulation found in the most recent publication of the State Water Control Law (Va. Code § 62.1-44.2 et seq.), Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations (9VAC25-870), or the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (9VAC25-880). Construction General Permit Site Inspection Photo Log 0 FA 91 Ape W-. , dP �-d Pr, County Inspector COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434 296-5832 Inspection Date: 1/26/2023