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WPO201900014 Plan - VSMP 2021-07-19
Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative For: FOOTHILL FARM 753 ROCKY HOLLOW RD. TM 62 PARCEL 71 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA LAT: 38.054167N LONG: 78.413056W Project Description: The original proposed work involved the construction of a new residence, driveway and associated site grading required to create a new building pad for the house and to create open pasture. The current proposed work will re-route a portion of the driveway. The total area of the parcel is 187.32 acres. The original total on -site disturbed area was approximately 3.79 acres. An additional 2.71 acres is added by the new driveway. Work is anticipated to begin in Spring of 2021. The property is located on the north side of Rocky Hollow Rd., about 0.25 mile east of Stony point Rd. Erosion control measures shown will protect the stream and property below from receiving silt -laden runoff. Existing Site Conditions: The project site area is in a mix open pasture and fully wooded hill side and generally slopes to the north at 10 to 25%. The pre and post drainage patterns will be nearly the some, with about 0.41 acres shifting from a 638 acre drainage area to a 160 acre drainage area. Adjacent Property: The property is surrounded by other large acreage parcels and wooded areas as well as small rural single-family lots. Off -site Areas: No off -site areas will be involved in this project. Soils: 23B-Davidson clay loam, 0.28 K-Factor, Group B soil 71 B-Rabun clay loam, 0.24 K-Factor, Group B soil 71C-Rabun clay loam, 0.24 K-Factor, Group B soil 71 D-Rabun clay loam, 0.24 K-Factor, Group B soil Critical Erosion Areas: There are no critical erosion areas in the project area. Soil Stockpiles: A temporary soil stockpile will be utilized during the excavation to preserve topsoil for final grading around the house and driveway. Erosion and Sediment Control Measures: Unless otherwise indicated all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and maintained according to minimum P 9 standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Additional measures may be required during construction by the Erosion Control Inspector, as needed. Structural Practices: Construction Entrance: (CE) 3.02 (To be installed where construction site traffic exits the project area, to remove soil from tires prior to travel on public roads. The contractor shall clean and maintain the travehvay as required to keep soil from washing into unprotected areas and to provide a safe surface for pedestrian and vehicular access. The Construction Entrance will be located at an existing cattel guard about 0.4 miles from the public right of way. Once the building is erected, all adjacent areas will be stabilized and the construction entrance will no longer be necessary.) Silt Fence: (SF) 3.05 Silt fence (wire -supported) shall be constructed along the lower limit of graded areas. (To be installed as shown on the plan, down -gradient of disturbed areas created by the proposed work, and above the proposed excavation to prevent up -gradient runofffrom crossing disturbed areas.) Culvert Filet Protection: (CIP) 3.08 A sediment filter located at the inlet to storm sewer culverts which prevents sediment from entering, accumulating in, and being transferred by the culvert It also provides erosion control at culverts during the phase of a project where elevations and drainage patterns are changing, causing original control measures to be ineffective. (To be installed at culvert inlets immediately after installation) Outlet Protection (OP) 3.18 The installation of riprap chanmel sections storm drain outlets to reduce erosion and under -cutting from scouring at outlets and to reduce flow velocities before stormwater enters receiving channels below these outlets. (To be installed at the new culverts.) Rock Check Dann: (CD) 3.20 Small temporary stone dams constructed across a drainage ditch to reduce the velocity of concentrated flows, reducing erosion of the swale or ditch. Limited to use in small open channels which drain 10 acres or less; should not be used in live streams. (To be installed along the natural swales on either side of the grading area to minimize runoff velocity) Level S reader 3.21 An outlet for dikes and diversions consisting of an excavated depression P (1-S) g P constructed at zero grade across a slope to convert concentrated, sediment free runoff to sheet flow and release it into areas of undisturbed soil which is stabilized by existing vegetation. (To be installed at the end of the roof drains to disperse concentrated runoff.) Permanent Seeding (PS) 3.32 Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. (Permanent seeding will be provided on all disturbed areas designated to be landscaped on the site plan within 7 days of final grading.) Mulching (MU) 3.35 Application of plant residues to disturbed surfaces to prevent erosion and reduce overland flow. Apply to all seeded areas. Refer to Table 3.35-A on Sheet C-3.3 for application rates. (To be installed along with Permanent Seeding) Blanketing/Matting (B/M) 3.36 Installation of soil stabilization matting on a prepared planting of a steep slo o be installed along driveway ditch where shown on the plans) Pe (T g Y P ) Dust Control (DC) 3.39 Reducing surface and air movement of dust during land disturbance, demolition or construction activities in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially airborne substances. (To be installed, if required by the County, where disturbed soil is to remain unprotected for an extended period. ) Vegetative Practices: Temporary Seeding 3.31: All areas disturbed by construction that will not be brought to final grade for a period of more than 14 days, will be stabilized by establishing a good stand of grass. Lime 3.31: Unless it is known that the site will remain undisturbed for many months, lime is not necessary. If necessary, the amount will be determined by Soil Test, or 3 tons per acre of pulverized agricultural limestone, uniformly applied to surface to be seeded during seedbed preparation and incorporated into the top 2-4 inches of soil. Fertilizer 3.31: 600 pounds per acre of 10-20-10 or equivalent, uniformly applied to the surface to be seeded during seedbed preparation and incorporated into the top 2-4 inches of soil. Surface roughening 3.31: Where disturbed soils have been compacted, loosen soils by discing, raking, or whatever acceptable means available to receive seed. Seed 3.31: Seed shall be broadcast evenly and planted from t'A to t,¢ inch deep. Seasonal seed selection shall be as follows: • Sept. 1 - Feb. 15: 50/50 Mix of Annual Rye and Winter Rye, 50-100 Ib/ac. • Feb. 16 - April 30: use Annual Rye, 60-100 Ib/ac. • May 1 - Aug. 31: use German Millet, 50 Ib/ac. Areas which fail to establish vegetative cover adequate to prevent rill erosion will be reseeded as soon as such areas are identified. Foothill Farm AMENDMENT TO VSMP/W P02019-00014 Management Strategies: Construction should be sequenced so that grading operations can begin and end as quickly as possible. Areas that are not to be disturbed shall be clearly marked by the placement of the erosion control measures prior to construction. The job superintendent shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment measures. Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. Stabilization of Denuded Areas and Soil Stockpiles: Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to denuded areas within 7 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within 7 days to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 14 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures that protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching and the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved. Soil stabilization measures should be selected to be appropriate for P the time of year, site conditions and estimated duration of use. Timing and Stabilization of Sediment Trapping Measures: Sediment barriers and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in an land disturbing activity and shall be made functional before u slo a land Y 9 Y P P disturbance takes place. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes, and diversions immediately after installation. Disposal of Temporary Measures: All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be removed and replaced with suitably compacted soils, or, where applicable, permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. Maintenance: All erosion and sediment control structures and systems shall be maintained, inspected, and repaired weekly and after each significant rainfall or as needed to insure continued performance of their intended function. Any damage to structural measures shall be repaired immediately. Silt fence shall be inspected after every rainfall event and at least daily during prolonged rainfall, as well as at the end of every working day, with any necessary repairs made immediately. Accumulated sediment shall be removed and disposed of as it becomes necessary, or when deposits have accumulated to one-half of the above ground fence height. All undercutting or erosion shall be repaired immediately. the contractor shall follow all manufacturers recommendations for installation, maintenance, replacement, and repair. damages caused by construction traffic or other activity must be repaired before the end of each working day. All seeded areas are to be checked to insure a good stand is maintained. General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbingactivity, and one week prior to the final inspection. Y. P P 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is an responsible for installation of additional erosion control P Y measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times duringland disturbing activities and during site development until final 9 9 P stabilization is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. PP � 9 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 13. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. 14. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the erosion control inspector. 15. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 901bs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. 16. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 17. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 15 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. MINIMUM STANDARDS APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 07/19/21 File WP0201900014 MS-1 Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 15 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures which protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved. Soil stabilization measures should be selected to be appropriate for the time of year, site conditions and estimated duration of use. MS-2 During construction of the project, soil stockpiles and borrow areas shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The applicant is responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as borrow areas and soil intentionally Y transported from the project site. MS-3 A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved that, is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. MS-4 Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land -disturbing activity and shall be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. MS-5 Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes, traps, basins and diversions immediately after installation. MS-6 Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sediment basin. The sediment basin shall be designed and constructed to accommodate the anticipated sediment loading from the land disturbing activity. The outfall device or system design shall take into account the total drainage area flowing through the disturbed area to be served by the basin. MS-7 Cut and fill slopes shall be constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected. MS-8 Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume, or slope drain structure. MS-9 Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. MS-10 All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected P so that sediment -laden water cannot enter conveyance the conve Y system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. MS-11 Before newt constructed stormwater conveyance channels are made Y Y operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel. MS-12 through 15 - Not applicable, no live watercourses. MS-16 Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria: a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches. c. Effluent from dewaterin operations shall be filtered or passed through an 9 P P 9 approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off -site property. d. Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with these regulations. e. Applicable safety regulations shall be complied with. MS-17 Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly every four hours. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. MS-18 All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. MS-19 Drainage Area A is 160 acres. The increase in impervious area is less than 1% of the total watershed area. (9VAC25-870-66 C-3-a). Drainage Area B is 638 acres and slightly B is reduced in size by 0.4 acres. Concentrated flows at the driveway ditch and roof drains are routed to level spreaders to create sheetflow condition. The increase in impervious area is less than 1% of the total watershed area. (9VAC25-870-66 C-3-a). u VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1''=2,000 FT. GENERAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES ES-1: UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA REGULATIONS VR 625-02-00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. ES-2: THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY MUST BE NOTIFIED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PRE- CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY, AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION. ES-3: ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING. ES-4: A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. ES-5: PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFF -SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-6: THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-7: ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELOPMENT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. ES-8: DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED FILTERING DEVICE. ES-9: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. THE RLD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE E&SC PLAN. FOR THE PURPOSES OF PLAN SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND APPROVAL, THE RLD IS B. CLARK GATHRIGHT, P.E. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Install Construction Entrance and silt fence where shown on the plan. 2. Excavate and grade driveway as shown. Utilize cut material for fill as required. Install culvert inlet and outlet protection and level spreaders as culvert are installed. 3. If the site will remain dormant for more than 15 days, provide temporary seeding measures to stabilize the surface. 4. When road grading is complete, install check dams in ditches. 5. Apply mulching and permanent seeding on all permanently stabilized areas. 6. Remove silt fence and check dams after all disturbed areas are stabilized, with County Inspector approval. DRAWING INDEX SITE SITE DATA: OWNER/DEVELOPER: TOBIAS A & LYNN T DENGEL TRUST 540 PARK ST. CHAR LOTTESVI LLE, VA 22902 LOCATION: 753 ROCKY HOLLOW RD. TM 62 PARCEL 71 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIVANNA PLAN PREPARED BY: B. CLARK GATHRIGHT, P.E. 100 10TH ST NE SUITE 200 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TOTAL SITE AREA: 187.32 ZONING: RA DATUM REFERENCE FOR ELEVATION: NAVD88 SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC.,INC. - NOV. 12, 2018 NEW RESIDENCE AND DRIVEWAY SETBACKS: FRONT: 75 FT. SIDE: 25 FT. REAR: 35 FT. ORIGINAL DISTURBED AREA: 3.79 AC. PROPOSED ADDITIONAL DISTURBED AREA: 2.71 AC. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 6.50 AC. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 1.33 AC. NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 0.64 AC. (APPROVED) NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 0.36 AC. (AMENDMENT) TOTAL NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.00 AC. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 2.33 AC. WATER QUANTITY: LESS THAN 1% OF THE TOTAL WATERSHED (9VAC25-870-66 C-3-A) INCREASE IN SHEETFLOW VOLUME WILL NOT CAUSE OR CONTRIBUTE TO EROSION, SEDIMENTATION, OR FLOODING OF DOWN GRADIENT (9VAC25-870-66 D) WATER QUALITY: ORIGINAL1.42 LB./YR NUTRIENT CREDIT PURCHASE. NEW NUTRIENT CREDIT PURCHASE: 0.59 LB./YR NUTRIENT CREDIT PURCHASE TOTAL NUTRIENT CREDIT PURCHASE: 2.01 LB.YR CRITICAL SLOPES: NO CRITICAL SLOPES IN THE PROJECT AREA. TIMING OF CONSTRUCTION: SPRING 2021 VIRGINIA OUTDOORS FOUNDATION EASEMENT NOTE: THAT NO WORK CAN BE COMPLETED BASED ON THIS AMENDMENT UNTIL THIS PLAN IS APPROVED. - 1 T-1.0 TITLE SHEET & EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE - 2 C-1.0 OVERALL PROPERTY PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS & SWM PLAN - 3 C-1.1 NEW LOWER DRIVEWAY PLAN & DRAINAGE AREAS - 4 C-1.1A DRIVEWAY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - 5 C-1.1 B DRIVEWAY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN - C-1.2 - SEE APPROVED PLAN 6 C-1.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS - C-1.4 - SEE APPROVED PLAN - 7 C-1.5 WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS - 8 C-1.6 STORMWATER CALCULATIONS N O O N N U Q J z J O 0 ■ O N LU .� C_ Cf) J J Co L U U j Z Lu i U Co O U Q m O o = U H OF' � f P O B. CLARK GATHRIGHT U Lic. No. 0363 73 s �os� 46�1't.2ai1 jONAL E LU Q �- Z �_ O rn 1 0 o N N 11� Q r > Z O Na; _> U 0 0 am 4_1°� Z 0 L LU (B L U Q L � � O 0 � 045 _� i OQ = UJ iELUZ OL _Se }0 0=O O Cn 1-0 0 W - O UM UJ REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: T-1 ■ 0 SHEET 1 OF 8 It '600 i 63-1/5 �62-73A SO \aJ3 15A�,- \ j 11) i—' / // // / /\\ / l / ✓�i \ — % /i �J \ \ � -- / / /�� ��. //\ 1 0� �' '� \�� _� \ \ -�/ _ / / / / // /\ \ / / \ EXISTING F RIM -R D \ \\\ ` \Y \ r - - _ / \ / _-- <-- T8 BE RMg1fED----------- -\ \ P .l // - -i / , // ,_ '/ / l �\ _ / cz - _ 62-716 / I T - / --_ / / �; �\ / I n�-- �_700 \ \ \ \ \ \ EXISTING HOUSE / / / / ` ` - - \\ 62-7162/ // / // y\/' -/ I fi-/ �I l ( I //�/ \/, � \/ /� /T- `- �i --- i i \ - ,r ' / / / I � I %/ �'� / \ \ � \ \ g3�S`A,� / It It ,DA A t AT&T FIBER OPTIC LIN7/i /62-711BA ' \ ` / DR- - 1 i / //' /DA ADAB�ON-SITECRITICAL SLOPES L__—_\\�I\\__\--(PER COUNTY GIS) - - - / --NEW DRIVEWAYLOCATION —7 - - - - - - \ \ \ \ \ l \ / I I / I I \ _ s'' \ / / / \ \ ' /' /' /' /\� ' \ \ ♦� ,1 \ I \ �� \ \ / - / \ \ _ 4 - , / I / I / ✓ / / I PROPOSED DRIVEWAY PLAN ` / - - - - - - - \ \ C \ \ \62-71�6\/ / 1 I \ / / / - I / / , / / / // / I \ \ = ` \ SEE SHEET C-1.1 / / / // L \\ \ h��� �/\ / - -1_5A� B 100 FT. STREAM BUFFER #401— _ L--L/ \ 62-74 --- �.;`ss \ f I d''9 I I �� \ \ \ \/� /— \ \ \ ///l �'i r, ,'///' ' I I \ INCREASE IN/ I•POST DEVELOPMENT \�OR1INAGE ACRESAREA A. Xk PROPOSED HOUSE SITE / \ x/;/ i. �r /, ,/% �, I /1 SEE SHEET C-1 .2 _ / r Y/ 62-76A P/ OINT OF ANALYSIS / I 62 } % -_��� Tr\ /vT l ' I' / / // ✓ / ' \ I�' \ ( (� !' ` / /� ' / I I\ \ \ \ \\ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ /( �' v I _ DAB �c\ k \ I '4�' y /r r'IY/f / / ITT \ _ 1 �c T \ \ \ I I l l \ \ \ ,� / /� ,_------- 1 \ /I I/'Ir 'l/'/ / �/ k / \ \ '� �A Alf /1 �r/ 62-7 D /,/ � X//� � DRAINAGE DIVIDE LINETYPE & SYMBOL LEGEND \\ \\ \\ \y\/ — ---__- — ORIGINAL SWM NOTES AMENDMENT SWM NOTES / \ \ \ / d/'/' EXISTING CONTOUR LINE - - -- DA B DRAINAGE DIVIDE 1. CONCENTRATED FLOWS AT THE DRIVEWAY DITCH 1. CONCENTRATED FLOWS AT THE DRIVEWAY DITCH ARE ROUTED TO LEVEL SPREADERS TO CREATE ARE ROUTED TO LEVEL SPREADERS TO CREATE PROPERTY BOUNDARY — - - — - - — - - — \//// //' \ SHEETFLOW CONDITION. SHEETFLOW CONDITION. \/ STREAM . . . . JI ' l I /�/� X / / // �' �/ i'r/ / / — \ \ \ \ \ 2. DA A — 160.4 AC. 2. DA A — 168.71 AC. ( �/ I l I I /` STREAM BUFFER — — — — — — NET INCREASE OF 0.11 AC. NET INCREASE OF 8.55 AC. NET INCREASE OF IMP. AREA: 0.2 AC. NET INCREASE OF IMP. AREA: 0.28 AC. I I CRITICAL SLOPES ,' 1.41 AC. DISTURBED AREA NEW TOTAL IMP. AREA = 0.11+0.28 = 0.39 AC. (LESS THAN 1 % OF DA A) 3. DAB - 638 AC. 2.63 AC. DISTURBED AREA y � I I I I �I I i NET DECREASE OF 0.1 1 AC. I ( I I I NET INCREASE OF IMP. AREA: 0.42 AC. 3. DA B - 638 AC. I r I 1 I / / / /A 2.37 AC. DISTURBED AREA NET DECREASE OF IMP. AREA: 0.08 AC. ' l r7• / / / \� 0.08 AC. DISTURBED AREA �\ \ I I 1 1 I I y I I / I/ OVERALL PROPERTY PLAN -EXISTING CONDITIONS & SWM PLAN TOPOSOURCE:COUNTYGIS 10'CONTOURINTERVAL �IT11 II II II II II 1 - C-� .� SCALE: 1"=200' �I\� II II II I I( I J I I II` I I \ �\�- 1 111 1 1 1 I /-- '� J I. l J O O CV CV J z J O q O (If CN LJJ L � C� J J m w U) v Z Lu i U) O U < Q m O U ",TH OF l O B. CLARK GATHRIGHT U Lic. 036305 �Z✓L A� o g6�l�t.z�al r�IONALGl Z 0 t 0 U O 0-) Z CV Z OL N �' >^, w O \� Z W O Q cu [I—z �0 L Dr- Lu ^- LL ti 0 I �L Oz (1) 0 �0 0 = OLU CN O (_0 O � O � �- Lu (� LL x O Lu REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C-100 SHEET 2 OF 8 REMOVE SHEDS DITCH 4A D.A:0.99 AC. Q10 FLOW:3.28 CFS / /', Q10 V7I7." NEW LOWER DRIVEWAY PLAN & DRAINAGE AREAS SCALE: 1" = 100' STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE GROUND 70' MIN. A FILTER CLGTH � 6•• MIN.I Al SIDE ELEVATION 12' MIN.* 70' MIN. B WASHRACK I r— (OPTIONAL) 10, L V➢OT #1 I I -\ POSITIVE DRAINAGE COURSE AGGREGATE B TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND EGRESS PL AN LAN VIEW RE,�.�.,R..�� �.urv,.rta is SECTION A -A EXISTING PAVEMENT 5:1 Y MOUNTABLE BERM (OPTIONAL) 1T IN. EXISTING PAVEMENT 1N.� LRNIIV Jr NI.L SECTION B-B STONE -70' MIN. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 3" SM-2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE 2%1 EXISTING PAVEMFN- '--6" MN. 2-A AGCRcCAI_ BASE PROFILE STONE 70' MIN. CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT PAVED ACCESS A WASHRACK EXISTING 2% 2% PAVEMENT No- 2% 12' MIN.' *MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH L e POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO SEDIMENT OPERATION I TRAPPING DEVICE PLAN 12' MIN. POSITIVE DRAINAGE 2% TO SEDIMENT �r� ,_•_ ., .��TRAPPING DEVICE FILTER CLOTH) SECTION A -A A mrin i mun water tap of 1 inch must be installed Nrith a mimummun 1 inch Uallcock shutoff vahyesupplying a wash hose with a diameter of 1.5 inches for adequate constant pressure. Wash water must be carried away from the entrance to an approved settling area to remove sediment. All sediment shall be prevented from entering storm drains, ditches or watercourses. PAVED WASH RACK SOURCE: ADAPTED from 1983 Maryland Standards for Soil erosion and Sediment Control, and Va. DSWC Plate 3.02-1 ALT: PAVED WASH RACK, IF REQUIRED BY COUNTY E&SC INSPECTOR %j TOPO SOURCE: COUNTY GIS 4' CONTOUR INTERVAL LINETYPE & SYMBOL LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE PROPERTY BOUNDARY — — — — DRAINAGE DIVIDE LIMIT OF GRADING — SOILTYPEBOUNDARY SOIL TYPE XXX %1 0 N N J z J o q o —E—' N Ljj c— W J M Lu U) v z Lu i U) � o 0 U Q , m o o = U H o B. CLARK GATHRIGHT U Lic. 0363 �7�L A o g6l�t.z-at r�I0NALGl r O 6, O N O Q � > Z N = p4-1 >� am a� O Q cu ' ^ _r_ U Lu Q uJ Sim -0 E � Q L [` 0 LJtJJ // N O Lu V s_ OZ CN J Q L.I. > I..L O � co LL ti Z dS REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C 101 SHEET 3 OF 8 / / ( /// ' DRAINAGE DIVIDE, TYP.----.. EXISTING HOUSE 0 / / DITCH DRAINAGE GE DIVIDE, TYP.CONSTRUCTION PER APPROVED PLAN NCE LOCATION -J` REMOVE fINGZXtSVELROAD SEED & MULCH CIP / P-CULVERT 7 4.16% \ / L=24 1 ®/ / INV IN: 607.5 \6304.0 INV OUT: 606.5 EXISTING Df IVEWAY CULVER 6 C \ ` _12" HDPE 0 14.58% � yW6�.5 _ ROCK CHECK DAM L=48 , % / 16' L. / \ \ _� ® 100 SPACING, TYP. o INV IN: 616.0 / �TOftt_ \ -INV OUT: 609.0 HEADWALL LS l ' 22.1 LEVEL SPREADER #6 \ DETAIL #1 L=13' \ LEVEL SPREADER #7 (CCl /// / -LIP ELEVATION: 508.5 \ J / DETAIL #2 L=16' \\JV 1 I LIP ELEVATION: 606.0 � - - - - D.A.:0.66 AC. � / CIP 1 /HR INFLOW:�2 CFS 1 I I /HR6AC. APPRO 1" J \ 1 HR INFLOW: 1.13 CFS � - L LOCATIdN OF�- o `-CRITIC L SLOPECULVERT 5 i' SF PERMANENTLY SEED &MULCH L=24' ` ALL GRADES SLOPES, TYP. INV IN: 596.5 - - - - INV OUT: 596.0 LIMIT OF GRADING � - - - - / � SF S \ \ a NEW DISTURBED AREA: 2.71 AC. - � - - � I LEVEL SPREADER #4 CULVERT 4 LEVEL SPREADER #5 DETAIL #1 L=13' _ - _ _ 12" HDPE ® 2% DETAIL #1 L=13' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / I� LIP ELEVATION: 595.5 L=24' 588 LIP ELEVATION: 595.5 a \ \ ' / / / / / \ \ \ �_ / D.A.:0.99 AC._ INV IN: 596.5 D.A.A.65 AC. \ ui 1 "/HR INFLOW: 0.46 CFS INV OUT: 596.0 1 "/HR INFLOW: 0.60 CFS \ \ _/ / l / /� / / l / �sep� I \ \ \\ \\ \ / N NEW LOWER DRIVEWAY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN 2' CONTOUR INTERVAL C-1 .l A SCALE: 1" = 40' SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC.,INC. SEE SHEET C-1.18 4 1 I � U w -W604.5- 1 r ST00NE HE-ADWALL LEVEL SPREADER #8 / DETAIL #2 L-24', LIP ELEVATION: 600.25 D.A.:5.22 AC. 1 "/HR INFLOW: 1.6 CFS �j iDRAINAGE DIVIDE, TYP.--�. I I CULVERT 8 HDPE c • INV IN: 603.5 INV OUT: 601.5 L4U NO ►� •. �A� v 91 �. , 60 / � PERMANENTLY SEED & MULCH ALL GRADES SLOPES, TYP. 2 NEW LOWER DRIVEWAY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN -l.lA SCALE: 1"=40' DITCH DRAINAGE DIVIDE, TYP. ROCK CHECK DAM 0 100' SPACING, TYP. ®_ CULVERT 9 15" HDPE 0 6.33% L=30' INV IN: 610.6 INV OUT: 607.7 LEVEL SPREADER #9 DETAIL #2 L=28' LIP ELEVATION: 607.0 D.A.:6.61 AC. / 1 "/HR INFLOW: 2.04 CFS LINETYPE & SYMBOL LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR LINE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.02 C E PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE PROPERTY BOUNDARY - - - - CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION 3.03 0DRAINAGE DIVIDE - LIMIT OF GRADING SILT FENCE 3.05 C C J r CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 3.08 CIP OUTLET PROTECTION 3.18 O P ROCK CHECK DAM 3.20 C D LEVEL SPREADER3.21 LS TEMPORARY SEEDING 3.31 TS PERMANENT SEEDING 3.32 P S MULCHING 3.35 SWPPP NOTE: THE USE OF CHEMICALS/SOLVENTS IS SOIL BLANKETS &MATTING 3.36 / NOT ANTICIPATED. PAINTS, STAINS AND POLYURETHANE FINISH MATERIALS WILL BE STORED INSIDE THE BUILDING. DUST CONTROL 3.39 DC N 0 N N J z J o CD o -E-' N ui c J Ca w U) V z w Ile U O U � � Q m o U ,�,TH OF l O B. CLARK GATHRIGHT � Lic. No/03��,v o g6l�t.et. a1 rSIONALGl o o o N Q Z w NLU .� p O a� cn 0 00 E L OZ 0 w EL 0 � }+ N 0Q0Ir U > wZ 0 co -O LL U REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C - 1 1 A 0 SHEET 4 OF 8 N 0 N N J z J o CD o Of -E-' N c— Cl) J J Ca W U) z W i Cl� o -i U Q , m o = U H O B. CLARK GATHRIGHT � Lic. 0363 �7�L A o g6l�t.z-ai r�I0NAL�l r O O a, O N IF- Q Z r i LJJ N p O LIJ 4-1 V) o � Z 00 E L OZ !� o wQ EL a� o ja }+ N 0 U 10r > z 0 cy-) �O LL U REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C-1 J B SHEET 5 OF 8 CONSTRUCTION OF A SILT FENCE I SUPPORT) POSTS1. SET . TO THE POSTS. TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS. IIIII I�' �`�i�'i��� IIII■©' 6t� `V�.�A7 �u. � �•��L��GC�NI'tl • _ 3. ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE TRENCH. EXCAVATED SOIL. rp IR9 Jill Il Irt. i III�I� I`-1FLOW EXTENSIONOF FILTER FABRIC I I y u e • SOURCE: Adapted from Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter Barriers for Sediment Control, Sherwood & Nyan SILT FENCE DETAILS 1.3) SCALE: NONE LOCATE @ 100 FT. SPACING ALONG DRIVEWAY DITCH 6" •`�i.•••ii Q�i `.•ter• .•1•��`---N ' " FILTER CLOTH :::•�:%sty' :. (DOWNSTREAM VDOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE 2ECHECK DAM DETAILS '1 .3 SCALE: NONE PIATE. 3.05-1 ' TYPICAL ORIENTATION OF TREA TMENT - (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) SHAI I nW ON SHALLOW SLOPES, STRIPS OF NETTING PROTECTIVE COVERINGS MAY BE APPLIED ACROSS THE SLOPE. WHERE THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE, BRING THE MATERIAL OVER THE BERM AND ANCHOR IT BEHIND THE BERM. ON STEEP SLOPES, APPLY PROTECTIVE COVERING PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW AND ANCHOR SECURELY. BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL AREA BEFORE 4 '''"'''�•" TERMINATING THE INSTALLATION. TURN THE END UNDER 4" AND STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS. ;�• . ` 12" IN DITCHES, APPLY PROTECTIVE COVERING PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW. USE CHECK SLOTS AS REQUIRED. AVOID JOINING MATERIAL IN THE CENTER OF THE DITCH IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. F_OW 3 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION DETAIL '1 .3 SCALE: NONE T YPI CAL TREATMENT - 1 (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) INSTALLATION CRITERIA ANCHOR SLOT NOTES APPROXIMATELY 200 STAPLES REQUIRED PER 100 SQ. YDS. OF MATERIAL ROLL. ANCHOR SLOTS, JUNCTION SLOTS & CHECK SLOTS TO BE BURIED 6" TO 12". 12" MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER 6" MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 _ 1 I~ JUNCTION SLOT EDGE AND END JOINTS 1 1 11 CHECK SLOT * TO BE SNUGLY ABUTTED I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE TERMINAL FOLD STAPLED LAP JOINT IN 1 LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) LAP JOINT 2" MIN. (JUTE MESH ONLY) 1 I I I I 5' MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER 3' MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 1 I I 6" TO 12" I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I TAMP CHECK SLOT FIRMLY 6" TO 12" JUNCTION SLOT _,,,,, * CHECK SLOT .!°,+ 1 I I I {� 1"TO 2" II I ICI IC I I ICI ICI{ VAR. I VAR. 6"Toe"MIN. PLAN VIEW 1 STAPLING DIAGRAM STAPLE FORMED FROM NO.11 STEEL WIRE. #CHECK SLOTS AT MIN. C—C INTERVALS; 8" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR SANDY SOIL, N NO REQ.^D WITH ALL S. STAPI F MIN. I FNGTH „NO FOR OTHER SO11 . 12" SOURCE: ADAPTED FROM LUDLOW PRODUCTS BROCHURE PLATE: 3.36-1 SOURCE: VDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 6 SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET (B/M) DETAILS -1 .3 SCALE: NONE TERMINAL FOLD 2" PLATE: 3.36-2 1992 DETAIL 1 CROSS SECTION JUTE, OR EXCELSIOR LENGTH: 13' OR EQUIVALENT STAPLED IN PLACE VARIABLE (MIN. 7') BURIED 6" MIN. 6" MIN., mAW P% LEVEL LIP OF SPREADER — M'N 6, LEVEL SPREADER WITH VEGETATED LIP DETAIL 2 RIPRAP PLUNGE POOL RIPRAP APRON.n I' KEY LEVEL SPREADER INTO EXISTING GRADE PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS I A A 2:1 OR FLATTER 6' 24" 12„ \ 6` 6 X 6" TREATED �- TIMBERS OR CONCRETE LIP LENGTH OF LEVEL SPREADER r LIP TO BE BASED ON DESIGN FLOW AND ALLOWABLE VELOCITY TOP OF LEVEL SPREADER SHALL BE FLAT 1-3 IN COURSE AGGREGATE OR OTHER LINING AS DESIGNED FOR STABILITY PLAN VIEW DIMENSION BASED ON UNDISTURBED EXOTING GRADE DESIGN DISCHARGE 5%(201) OR LESS. IF VEGETATED FILTER 'PRR OR CONSERVED OPEN SPACE FIRST 10 FEET LESS 2" MIN TLAN 2E 3 MIN 10MIN _ -\112 MIN. DEPTH BASED O REQUIRED STONE SIZE SECTION A -A' -4ELEVEL SPREADER DETAILS -1 .3 SCALE: NONE TABLE 3.32-C SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR APPALACHIAN/MOUNTAIN AREA 3' MIN Total Lbs. Minimum Care Lawn Per Acre - Commercial or Residential 200-250 lbs. - Kentucky 31 or Turf -Type Tall Fescue 90-100% - Improved Perennial Ryegrass * 0-10% - Kentucky Bluegrass 0-10% High -Maintenance Lawn Minimum of three (3) up to five (5) varieties of bluegrass from approved list for use in Virginia. 125 lbs. General Slope (3:1 or less) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 128 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2 lbs. - Seasonal Nurse Crop ** 20 lbs. 150 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slope (Steeper than 3:1) - Kentucky 31 Fescue 108 lbs. - Red Top Grass 2 lbs. - Seasonal Nurse Crop ** 20 lbs. - Crownvetch * * * 20 lbs. 150 lbs. * Perennial Ryegrass will germinate faster and at lower soil temperatures than fescue, thereby providing cover and erosion resistance for seedbed. ** Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below:= March, April through May 15th .................... Annual Rye May 16th through August 15th .................... Foxtail Millet August 16th through September, October .. 6 r� � m * Annual Rye November through February ....... ... " � 2, gr x r;. Winter Rye * * * If Flatpea is used, increase to 301bs./acre. All legume seed must be properly inoculated. Weeping Lovegrass may also be included in any slope or low - maintenance mixture during warmer seeding periods; add 10-20 lbs/acre in mixes. TABLE 3.32-C -1 '� III - 302 3.32 PLAN VIEW PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA WITH NO DEFINED CHANNEL TYP. 8&9 * duo=6" d.=6" �La CL. 1 CL. 1 D % d=9" d=12" d L. =6' L. =12' SECTION A —A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9"; RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, GABION BASKET, OR CONCRETE. 2. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. Source: Va. DSWC FROM Plate 3.18-1 /`5 OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL C-1 "3) SCALE: NONE 8ETYP. DITCH PROFILE -1 .3 SCALE: NONE CIA Cz:) 0-) CV CS4 J z J o q (5 C— J J M LL-I U) LU i U) O O U Q m U H OF o B. CLARK GATHRIGHT U Lic. 0363 �7�L A o g6�l�l.z�a1 r�IONAL�l J r Q O 0') W Q N N J � O N �' Z O �0 4-1 U 0 CU � Z E <W <_ L � Q r I..I__I L I� O (n U O 01 (B> Z ja 0 }M N k 0 60 CCO^/ O G � LL ti 1••L LJJ REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C-1 *3 SHEET 6 OF 8 CV 0 N N J z o 0!� +r N LLj C) J Ca W U j z W i U H Co o U � Q m o o = U H op o B. CLARK GATHRIGHT U Lia�aNo. /03 63 o g6�l�t.z�ai r�IONAL�� O a, O N N Q V) Z O N = > Q 0 J 1 ° U �Q E U LJLti O Q N U O = L ■- N /y V 0co� UO 0 � 0 co LL H ti REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C-1 *5 SHEET 7 OF 8 DITCH 4A DITCH 46 CULVERT 4 LEVEL SPREADER 4 34850 SF 0.80 AC. 8312 SF 0.19 AC. 431 62SF 0.99 AC. 43162 SF 0.99 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 11530 0.26 0.9 0.24 IMP AREAS 385 0.01 0.9 0.01 IMP AREAS 11915 0.27 0.9 0.25 IMP AREAS 11915 0.27 0.9 0.25 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 23320 0.54 0.3 0.16 Ditch 4A OTHER 7927 0.18 0.3 0.05 Ditch 4B OTHER 31247 0.72 0.3 0.22 Culvert 4 OTHER 31247 0.72 0.3 0.22 0.80 0.40 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 2.25 fps 0.19 0.06 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 1.84 fps 0'99 0'46 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 7.76 fps 0.99 0.46 Cps,= 0.50 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 1.26 sf CpW= 0.33 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.24 sf Cpp,= 0.47 Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.42 sf Cp.,,= 0.47 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 3.88 ft Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 1.70 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0068 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0100 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 4.09 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 1.79 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 3.28 cfs Critical Depth: 0.78 ft t= 5 min. STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Depth: 0.65 ft Critical Depth: 0.56 ft STORM i in/hr A C Q (cfs) Depth: 0.28 ft Critical Depth: 0.27 ft STORM in/hr A C O cfs Depth: 0.53 ft Percent Full: 52.97 % STORM i in/hr A C O (cfs) Discharge: 2.83 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0215 ft/ft Discharge: 0.44 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0276 ft/ft Full Capacity: 5.95 cfs QMAX @.94D: 6.41 cfs 10 7.1 0.80 0.50 2.83 10 7.1 0.19 0.33 0.44 10 7.1 0.99 0.47 3.28 1.0 0.99 0.47 0.46 DITCH 5A DITCH 513 CULVERT 5 LEVEL SPREADER 5 13154 SF 0.30 AC. 58538 SF 1.34 AC. 71692 SF 1.65 AC. 71692 SF 1.65 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 2945 0.07 0.9 0.06 IMP AREAS 5027 0.12 0.9 0.10 IMP AREAS 7972 0.18 0.9 0.16 IMP AREAS 7972 0.18 0.9 0.16 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 10209 0.23 0.3 0.07 Ditch 5A OTHER 53511 1.23 0.3 0.37 Ditch SB OTHER 63720 1.46 0.3 0.44 Culvert 5 OTHER 63720 1.46 0.3 0.44 0.30 0.13 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 2.21 fps 1.34 0.47 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 4.30 fps 1.65 0.60 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 8.25 fps 1.65 0.60 Cp=s 0.43 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.42 sf Cpos,= 0.35 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.78 sf Cpos,= 0.37 Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.52 sf Cpos,= 0.37 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 2.25 ft Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 3.06 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0094 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 2.37 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0500 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 3.22 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 4.29 cfs Critical Depth: 0.87 ft t= 5 min. STORM i in/hr A C Q (cfs Depth: 0.37 ft Critical Depth: 0.36 ft STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Depth: 0.51 ft Critical Depth: 0.60 ft STORM i iNhr A C q cfs Depth: 0.63 ft Percent Full: 62.85 % STORM i in/hr) A C O cfs Discharge: 0.93 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0250 ft/ft Discharge: 3.35 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0210 ft/ft Full Capacity: 5.95 cfs QMAX @.94D: 6.41 cfs 10 7.1 0.30 0.43 0.93 10 7.1 1.34 0.35 3.35 10 7.1 1.65 0.37 4.29 1.0 1.65 0.37 0.60 DITCH 6 CULVERT 6 LEVEL SPREADER 6 28585 SF 0.66 AC. 28585 SF 0.66 AC. 28585 SF 0.66 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 1529 0.04 0.9 0.03 IMP AREAS 1529 0.04 0.9 0.03 IMP AREAS 1529 0.04 0.9 0.03 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 27056 0.62 0.3 0.19 Ditch 6 OTHER 27056 0.62 0.3 0.19 Culvert 6 OTHER 27056 0.62 0.3 0.19 0.66 0.22 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Velocity: 3.10 fps 0.66 0.22 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 12.93 fps 0.66 0.22 CP.,= 0.33 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Flow Area: 0.50 sf Cps,= 0.33 Slope: 0.1450 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.12 sf Cps,= 0.33 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 2.45 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0045 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0350 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 2.58 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 1.55 cfs Critical Depth: 0.53 ft t= 5 min. STORM in/hr A C Q (cfs) Depth: 0.41 ft Critical Depth: 0.44 ft STORM i in/hr A C O Cfs Depth: 0.21 ft Percent Full: 21.00 % STORM i (in/hr) A C O (cfs) 10 7.1 0.66 0.33 1.55 Discharge: 1.55 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0233 ft/ft 10 7.1 0.66 0.33 1.55 Full Capacity: 16.03 cfs QMAX @.94D: 17.25 cfs 1.0 0.66 0.33 0.22 DITCH 7A DITCH 78 CULVERT 7 LEVEL SPREADER 7 68201 SF 1.57 AC. 10097 SF 0.23 AC. 159431 SF 3.66 AC. 159431 SF 3.66 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 1226.5 0.03 0.9 0.03 IMP AREAS 665.5 0.02 0.9 0.01 IMP AREAS 2134 0.05 0.9 0.04 IMP AREAS 2134 0.05 0.9 0.04 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 66975 1.54 0.3 0.46 Ditch 7A OTHER 9432 0.22 0.3 0.06 Ditch 7B OTHER 157297 3.61 0.3 1.08 Culvert 7 OTHER 157297 3.61 0.3 1.08 1.57 0.49 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 4.91 fps 0.23 0.08 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 3.20 fps 3.66 1.13 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 12.42 fps 3.66 1.13 Cppf= 0.31 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.70 sf Cp,1= 0.34 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.18 sf Cps,= 0.31 Slope: 0.0416 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.64 sf Cppn= 0.31 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 2.90 ft Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 1.45 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0327 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0700 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 3.06 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0750 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 1.53 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 8.00 cfs Critical Depth: 0.99 ft t= 5 min. STORM i in/hr A C q cfs Depth: 0.48 ft Critical Depth: 0.61 ft STORM i iNhr A C Q Cfs Depth: 0.24 ft Critical Depth: 0.29 ft STORM i in/hr A C O(CIS) Depth: 0.76 ft Percent Full: 76.42 % STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Discharge: 3.45 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0210 ft/ft Discharge: 0.56 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0267 ft/ft Full Capacity: 8.59 cfs QMAX @.94D: 9.24 cfs 10 7.1 1.57 0.31 3.45 10 7.1 0.23 0.34 0.56 10 7.1 3.66 0.31 8.00 1.0 3.66 0.31 1.13 DITCH 8A DITCH 88 CULVERT 8 LEVEL SPREADER 8 101864 SF 2.34 AC. 125726 SF 2.89 AC. 227590 SF 5.22 AC. 227590 SF 5.22 AC. C LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 1166 0.03 0.9 0.02 IMP AREAS 1342 0.03 0.9 0.03 IMP AREAS 2508 0.06 0.9 0.05 IMP AREAS 2508 0.06 0.9 0.05 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 100698 2.31 0.3 0.69 Ditch 8A OTHER 124384 2.86 0.3 0.86 Ditch 8B OTHER 225082 5.17 0.3 1.55 Culvert 8 OTHER 225082 5.17 0.3 1.55 2.34 0.72 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 4.39 fps 2.89 0.88 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 4.63 fps 5.22 1.60 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 17.59 fps 5.22 1.60 Cpw,= 0.31 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 1.16 sf C pp�,= 0.31 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 1.36 sf Cps,= 0.31 Slope: 0.0833 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.65 sf CPS= 0.31 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 3.73 ft Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 4.04 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0693 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0400 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 3.93 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0400 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 4.25 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 11.37 cfs Critical Depth: 1.00 ft t= 5 min. STORM i (in/hr) A C q cfs Depth: 0.62 ft Critical Depth: 0.71 ft STORM i in/hr A C Q cfs Depth: 0.67 ft Critical Depth: 0.77 ft STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Depth: 0.77 ft Percent Full: 76.72 % STORM i in/hr A C O Cfs Discharge: 5.09 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0199 ft/ft Discharge: 6.28 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0193 ft/ft Full Capacity: 12.15 cfs QMAX @.94D: 13.07 cfs 10 7.1 2.34 0.31 5.09 10 7.1 2.89 0.31 6.28 10 7.1 5.22 0.31 11.37 1.0 5.22 0.31 1.60 DITCH 9A DITCH 913 CULVERT 9 LEVEL SPREADER 9 47028 SF 1.08 AC. 241105 SF 5.54 AC. 288133 SF 6.61 AC. 288133 SF 6.61 AC. C LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 995.5 0.02 0.9 0.02 IMP AREAS 3272.5 0.08 0.9 0.07 IMP AREAS 4268 0.10 0.9 0.09 IMP AREAS 4268 0.10 0.9 0.09 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 46033 1.06 0.3 0.32 Ditch 9A OTHER 237833 5.46 0.3 1.64 Ditch 9B OTHER 283865 6.52 0.3 1.95 Culvert 9 OTHER 283865 6.52 0.3 1.95 1.08 0.34 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Velocity: 3.64 fps 5.54 1.71 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Velocity: 4.89 fps 6.61 2.04 Diameter: 1.25 ft Velocity: 17.20 fps 6.61 2.04 Cps,= 0.31 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 0.66 sf Cpoff 0.31 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1(H:V) Flow Area: 2.47 sf Cpos,= 0.31 Slope: 0.0633 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.84 sf Cpw,= 0.31 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 2.81 ft Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 5.45 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0330 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0400 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 2.97 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.0300 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 5.74 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 14.51 cfs Critical Depth: 1.23 ft t= 5 min. STORM i in/hr A C q cfs Depth: 0.47 ft Critical Depth: 0.52 ft STORM i m/hr A C q cfs Depth: 0.91 ft Critical Depth: 1.00 ft STORM i in/hr A C O(CIS) Depth: 0.81 ft Percent Full: 64.94 % STORM i in/hr A C Q (cfs) Discharge: 2.40 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0220 ft/ft Discharge: 12.11 cfs Critical Slope: 0.0177 ft/ft Full Capacity: 19.21 cfs QMAX @.94D: 20.66 cfs 10 7.1 1.08 0.31 2.40 10 7.1 5.54 0.31 12.11 10 7.1 6.61 0.31 14.51 1.0 6.61 0.31 2.04 DITCH 10 CULVERT 10 LEVEL SPREADER 10 28016 SF 0.64 AC. 28016 SF 0.64 AC. 28016 SF 0.64 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 2112 0.05 0.9 0.04 IMP AREAS 2112 0.05 0.9 0.04 IMP AREAS 2112 0.05 0.9 0.04 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 25904 0.59 0.3 0.18 Ditch 10 OTHER 25904 0.59 0.3 0.18 Culvert 10 OTHER 25904 0.59 0.3 0.18 0.64 0.22 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Velocity: 4.79 fps 0.64 0.22 Diameter: 1.00 ft Velocity: 6.41 fps 0.64 0.22 Cpw,= 0.35 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Flow Area: 0.33 sf Cps,= 0.35 Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Flow Area: 0.25 sf Cp== 0.35 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 1.99 ft Manning's n: 0.011 Critical Slope: 0.0045 ft/ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.1100 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 2.10 ft t= 5 min. Discharge: 1.58 cfs Critical Depth: 0.53 ft t= 5 min. STORM (' in/hr A C q cfs Depth: 0.33 ft Discharge: 1.58 cfs Critical Depth: 0.44 ft Critical Slope: 0.0233 ft/ft STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Depth: Full Capacity: 0.35 ft 5.95 cfs Percent Full: 35.17 % QMAX @.94D: 6.41 cfs STORM i iNhr A C Cl cfs 10 7.1 0.64 0.35 1.58 10 7.1 0.64 0.35 1.58 1.0 0.64 0.35 0.22 DITCH 11 LEVEL SPREADER 11 23330 SF 0.54 AC. 23330 SF 0.54 AC. LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA LOCATION S.F. AC. C CA IMP AREAS 2249.5 0.05 0.9 0.05 IMP AREAS 2249.5 0.05 0.9 0.05 PERM PAVER 0.00 0.3 0.00 GRAVEL 0.00 0.7 0.00 OTHER 21081 0.48 0.3 0.15 Ditch 11 OTHER 21081 0.48 0.3 0.15 0.54 0.19 Lt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Velocity: 4.76 fps 0.54 0.19 Cpmf= 0.36 Rt Side Slope: 3.00:1 (H:V) Flow Area: 0.29 sf Cposff 0.36 Manning's n: 0.030 Flow Top Width: 1.85 ft t= 5 min. Channel Slope: 0.1200 ft/ft Wetted Perimeter: 1.95 ft t= 5 min. STORM i in/hr A C O cfs Depth: 0.31 ft Discharge: 1.36 cfs Critical Depth: 0.42 ft Critical Slope: 0.0237 ft/ft STORM (iN' O 10 7.1 0.54 0.36 1.36 0 0.54 0.36 019 CV O C5� CV CV J z J O C� O -E-' N C J J W U) Z LU i co � O U Q m O � = U ,�,TH OF l O B. CLARK GATHRIGHT � Lic. 03630,5 o g6�l�f.z�al r�IONALOl r O rn N /O V + Q > N O O �Qa- 4-1 0 CU U U J i Q U LLMti 0 LJJ U = Q ■ i� `> IN 0 O(_0Ir� 0 co 0 LL [` ~ REVISIONS: 05-12-21 06-14-21 DATE: 03-16-21 DRAWING NUMBER: C-1 *6 SHEET 8 OF 8