HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201400094 Review Comments 2014-06-12Review Comments Project Name: Foothills Crossing II - Preliminary Preliminary — Residential Date Completed: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 Reviewer: Robbie Gilmer Department /Division /Agency: Fire Rescue Reviews Based on plat dated 6/9/14 No comments or objections Review Status: No Objection Service Authtrity TO: Rachel Falkenstein FROM: Alexander J. Morrison, E.I.T., Civil Engineer DATE: RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: SUB201400094 - Foothills crossing II - Preliminary Subdivision Plat The below checked items apply to this site. ✓ 1. This site plan is within the Authority's jurisdictional area for: ✓ A. Water and sewer B. Water only C. Water only to existing structure D. Limited service ✓ 2. A 10 (RWSA) inch waterline is located approximately on site distant. 3. Fire flow from, nearest public hydrant, located distant from this site plan, is Gpm + at 20 psi residual. ✓ 4. An 8 inch sewer line is located approximately on site distant. 5. An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be completed. ✓ 6. No improvements or obstructions shall be placed within existing or future easements. 7. and plans are currently under review. 8. and plans have been received and approved. 9. No plans are required. ✓ 10. Final water and sewer construction plans are required for ACSA review and approval. 11. Final site plan may /may not be signed. ✓ 12. RWSA approval for water and /or sewer connections. 13. City of Charlottesville approval for sewer. ✓ Comments: • RWSA Capacity Certification required during the final site plan phase. • Water and sewer construction drawings are required for ACSA construction review and approval. When available 3 copies of the plan as well as water /sewer data sheets should be transmitted to the ACSA, Attn: Jeremy Lynn, P.E. • Correct plan name so it reads "Foothills Crossing II" instead of "Foothills Crossing ii." 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698 www.serviceauthority.org Service Authtrity_ The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) has no technical comments on the SUB being reviewed. Engineering comments are usually reserved for the site plan review stage. Subdivision plats should correctly show ownership of properties and existing easements. Recordation of new easements should occur before dedication to and acceptance by the ACSA. The ACSA can review the proposed subdivision plat and determine if it is included in the jurisdictional area for water and /or sewer service. Water and /or sewer connections to the ACSA system are allotted on a first come, first served basis at the time connection fees are paid. The ACSA does not reserve capacity in its system for a specific project. 168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville • VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977 -4511 • Fax (434) 979 -0698 www.serviceauthority.org a,t„���v County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434 - 296 -5832 Memorandum To: Scott Collins (scott @collins - engineering.com) From: Rachel Falkenstein, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: August 5, 2014 Subject: SUB201400094 Foothills Crossing II — Preliminary Subdivision Plat Fax 434 - 972 -4126 The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] [14 -422] Sidewalks and planting strips. Provide planting strips and sidewalks on private roads. Sidewalks and planting strips for street trees and other vegetation shall be established on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas. This requirement can be varied or excepted by the commission as provided in section 14- 203.1. 2. [14- 302(8) 3 & 14 -409] Public areas, facilities or uses & Coordination. Park Ridge Drive should be extended through this parcel to connect to Hill Top Street. The Crozet Master Plan shows a connection at this location and code Section 14 -302 states that public streets within a subdivision shall be coordinated as to location, width, grades and drainage with other public streets. Adjacent Tax Map Parcel 56A2 -4 -A2 is to be dedicated to public use for roadway the extension upon request by the County. [Comment] The preliminary plat for Foothills Crossing I shows two roads intersecting with the shown segment of Park Ridge Drive. Phase IV shows a connector road (four way intersection) and Phase VI shows Road A (three way intersection). Road A is directly east of the boundary line with Foothills Crossing 11. The proposed intersection just west of the property line would be too close to Road A. 4. [14.401] Proposed facilities. Show the locations of proposed on street parking. Parking calculations will need to be provided on final plat. 5. [14.401] Double frontage lots. Lots J, K, L are double frontage lots because they have less than 20 feet of common area between the rear of the lot and the second street and have a depth of less than 350 feet. Double frontage lots are prohibited. Amend layout to eliminate the double frontage lots. This requirement can be varied or excepted by the agent as provided in section 14- 203.1. 6. [2.2.3] Cluster Development —Open Space. Show square footage or acreage of open space segments on plat and provide calculations to show that 25% open space requirement is met for each zoning district. Open space does not need to be located entirely within each zoning district, but calculations should be provided to show that requirements are met for both R -2 and R -6 zoning districts. 7. [14- 302(A) 8] Proposed lots. Proposed density does not match proposed lots shown on layout plan. 12 townhouse blocks are shown with 61 future townhouse lots. Density note indicates 15 townhomes /single family attached units. Correct density note or provide clarification. 8. [14 -406 & 14- 302(A) 9] Remnants & Building sites on proposed lots. Lots labeled "reserved for future development" are remnants that do not appear to have building sites. Remnants are not permitted. You can eliminate remnants by changing the proposed layout or through a boundary line adjustment. 9. [Comment] The note on sheet 1 under building sites states that each parcel is assigned one development right. Development rights do not exist in the development areas. Please delete this note. The table on sheet 3 lists development rights for each block. Please amend table to show number of future lots rather than development rights for each block. 10. [14- 302(A) 4] Private easements. State ownership of private roads and private alleys. 11. [14- 302(A) 4] Private easements. Is the existing 20' ROW easement to be vacated? If so, indicate this on the plat. 12. [14- 302(A) 5] Public easements. A public road is shown extending on to Tax Map Parcel 56 -5713. This property owner will need to be party to the public road easement. 13. [14 -409] Continuation and extension of streets. Extend Maryland Street all the way to the property line if possible. If not, reserve remaining portion between street and property line for future public use. 14. [Comment] Label street between block A and block B. 15. [14 -317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Submit with the final plat an instrument assuring the perpetual maintenance of the private streets and alleys, street trees, open space and any other improvements that are to be maintained in perpetuity. 16. [14 -311] Infrastructure improvement plans. Road plans are required with submittal of final plat and must be approved prior to approval of final plat. 17. [14- 302(A) 7] Existing and departing lot lines. It appears Tax Map Parcel 56 -52 being vacated but property lines are still shown on plat. Provide a label if these lines are to show zoning boundary lines rather than property lines. 18. [14 -312] Location of existing buildings. Show location of all existing buildings within fifty feet of lot lines on final plat. Engineering —John Anderson Comments attached VDOT — Troy Austin Comments attached E911— Andrew Slack Comments attached ACSA — Alex Morrison Comments pending, to be forwarded once received Building Inspections —Jay Schlothauer No objection Fire and Rescue — Robbie Gilmer Comments pending, to be forwarded once received Please contact Rachel Falkenstein in the Planning Division by using rfalkenstein @albemarle.org or 434 -296- 5832 ext. 3272 for further information. i COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Culpeper, Virginia 22701 Commissioner July 31, 2014 Ms. Rachel Falkenstein Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: SUB - 2014 -00094 Foothills Crossing II — Preliminary Plat Dear Ms. Falkenstein: We have reviewed the preliminary subdivision plat for Foothills Crossing II dated 619114 as submitted by Collins Engineering and offer the following comments: I . The sight lines are shown on the preliminary plat, however the distances should be included also. 2. It appears that the street trees on the north side of Park Ridge Drive to the east of Newport Street may interfere with the sight distance at Newport Street. 3. All street trees should be located a minimum of 30' from the end of radius at each intersection in accordance with Appendix B(1) of the Road Design Manual. This can be addressed during road plan review. 4. As designed, Newport Street to the north of Park Ridge Drive would need to be a private road due to the lack of an adequate turnaround and the perpendicular parking at the tot lot. 5. Street intersections, public or private, should be perpendicular to each other. 6. The minimum radii at each intersection should be 25'. 7. Maryland Street and the private alley on the opposite side of Park Ridge Drive should be aligned with each other. 8. The typical section for an Avenue in the Crozet Masterplan shows accommodations for bicycle travel, however the typical sections shown in the preliminary plat does not address this issue. 9. The Typical Neighborhood Street Section (57' R/W) indicates parking on one side of the street. Neither the typically section nor the plan view indicates which side of the streets will be used for on street parking. Please note that on street parking may interfere with available sight distance. 10. The asphalt paving design provided will be verified during road plan review. 11. Based on the Crozet Masterplan, Park Ridge Drive would need to connect to Hill Top Street. There appears to be a parcel of land that is owned by the Parkside Village HOA that would prevent this connection without the support of the HOA, If additional information is needed concerning this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 422 -9782. Sincerely, Troy Pustin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING �pF A �'717G1L31P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: Foothills Crossing II, Preliminary Subdivision Plat Plan coordinator: Rachel Falkenstein, Planning Plan preparer: Scott Collins, Collins Engineering [200 Garrett St., Ste. K, Charlottesville, VA 22902 – scott e collins -en ing eering corn] Owner or rep.: Route 240 Holdings, LLC [P. O. Box 1467, Charlottesville, VA 22902] Plan received date: 1 July 2014 Date of comments: 30 July 2014 Reviewer: John Anderson SUB201400094 – Preliminary Plat (A plat is a record of property division or reservation. Code Chapter 14) 1. Show steep slopes on TM parcel 056A2 -01 -61 –ref County GIS. [ 14- 302.A.12 ] 2. Label TM parcel 056A2 -01 -61 (sheet 2; boundary is shown). 3. Show limits of clearing on sheet 5, ref. tree line, sheet2. [14- 302.A.12 ] 4. Delete roadway pavement lane arrows /diamonds, inset, sheet 5. 5. Revise Lots 7 and 8; relocate outside stream buffer. 6. Furnish conceptual stormwater management plan. [ 14- 305.A. ] 7. Provide mitigation concept plan for stream buffer impacts. [ 14- 305.B. ] 8. ACSA approval required. 9. VDOT approval required. 10. ACF &R approval required. 11. Show easements or ownership of private alleys. 12. Clearly show and label storm drain easement, south edge of SWM basin, sheets 4/5. 13. SWM, ESC plan approval required. Furnish copy of unexpired VPDES permit (if issued) – link to VPDES letter: http://www.albemarle.oriz/navpages.asp?info=release&ID=17545 14. Submit WPO (VSMP SWM /ESC) and road /drainage plans for review. SUB201400094 – Required with Final Plat Sec. 14 -311: "detailed plans, computations and necessary supporting documents for all physical improvements including, but not limited to, road plans, drainage plans and computations, erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater management plans and computations as required by the water protection ordinance, landscape plans, water and sewer plans and computations as required by the service authority, flooding computations and plans if applicable, and any other documents deemed necessary by the county engineer. The plans, computations and necessary supporting documents shall also be submitted to other appropriate agencies." Plans referenced in Sec. 14 -311 must be approved prior to final plat approval. Road Plan comments, preliminary: 15. Park Ridge Drive requires temporary turn- around, west end. 16. Lots 1, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23 front public streets: Fremont St., Newport St, and Binion St. Driveway entrances for these lots –if located as far from Park Ridge as possible and vehicles turning off Park Ridge Drive — provide quite limited sight distance. Caution against limited sight distance for driveway entrances. 17. Newport Street (public street) bears north, turns 90 -deg west onto a private road. This design is unacceptable. The 90 -deg bend is not an intersection but break in alignment. Newport St should be designed as a continuous public road between Park Ridge Drive and NW corner of block B, or as a private Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 road. Design of a private road serving twelve lots must meet VDOT standards, including 200' min centerline radius, minimum stopping and intersection sight distances, and min. paved width (24', FC/FC). Eliminate 90 -deg bend. 18. Private road serving twenty lots (blocks J -L) must meet VDOT standards, including min. sight distance, min. paved width (24', FC /FC). 19. For roadways labeled private, follow Albemarle County Code Sections 14- 233/234; 14 -306: private street request procedures. 20. Private road and private alley parallel to Park Ridge Drive do not meet minimum intersection sight distance requirements; show intersection sight distance lines for Maryland St.- private road intersection. [AC 18 -4.4] 21. Five intersection sight distances lines appear to be < 335'; please note which sight distance lines are < 335' -ref. Note 1, sheet 3. [122', 275', 280', 280', 280'] 22. Increase radius of curb at intersection, Private Alley and Newport St, to 25' [if alley retained, ref 20, above -VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix B 1 A.E.- Elements of Typical Section, Intersections]. 23. Increase radius of curb at intersection, Private Alley and Park Ridge Drive, to 25'. 24. Label intersection radii at private alley - private alley, E -NE corner of development. 25. Alley N of block A: show width. Dead -end alleys with turnarounds may permitted by waiver from the County Engineer. Apply for waiver. Furnish flanking storm drains at intersection: Alley N of block A- Fremont St. [ ACDSM, 7. DA. ] 26. Furnish retaining wall design (engineering details and computations) for proposed retaining wall; ref. ACDSM - 8.13.2. [link: http : / /www.albemarle.org /department .asp ?department= cdd &relpage =4447 ] 27. Drainage -check all flow line arrows: there is apparent error at several locations, including: south arrow in pipe between block E and F; leaving inlet on Park Ridge between block E and F; west into inlet on Binion St; and east and then north into inlet on Park Drive. 28. Furnish inlet on Fremont St, south of Private Alley. 29. Furnish additional inlets at these intersections: Maryland St -Park Ridge Dr.; Maryland St -Pvt. Road to ensure drainage does not flow into intersected roadway. 30. Drainage /cul -de -sacs: compare inlet locations with driveway entrances. Provide drain inlets that divert runoff away from driveway entrances (Lots 6 -9; 17 -20). 31. Provide CG -12, NW corner, Park Ridge Dr.- Fremont St. intersection. 32. Furnish inlet/pipe schedules and calculations. 33. Label curb type (roll -top / CG -6, etc). 34. Show traffic controls. WPO comments, preliminary: 35. Furnish outlet protection for storm pipe discharging to SE corner of proposed SWM facility. 36. Furnish copy of DEQ VPDES permit (VAR10C610). 37. Extend 100' stream buffer from TM parcel 05600- 00 -00- 09400, west onto TM parcel 05600- 00 -00- 05700. 38. Show access to proposed SWM facility. [ ref § AC 14 -431 ] 39. Furnish easement for access for proposed SWM facility. [ AC 14 -431 ] 40. Furnish design, plan/profiles, data, and routings for SWM facility, demonstrating compliance with quality and quantity criteria using the Runoff Reduction Method, (2410 -yr storm events). 41. Provide Mitigation for stream buffer impacts: pipe outfall, SWM facility; utility line between lots 7 and 8. File: SUB201400094 -ppt- foothills- 073014 Review Comments Project Name: Foothills Crossing II - Preliminary Preliminary — Residential Date Completed: IThursday, July 03, 2014 Reviewer: Andrew Slack Department /Division /Agency: E911 Reviews The applicant should clarify if Blocks J, K, and L will have the front accesses located. It appears that the homes in these blocks will be facing the 'Private Road'. This road will need to be named if it will be the primary access to the properties. The 'Private Road' providing access to Blocks B, C, D, and Lot 85 will need to be named. Please contact this office with a list of three (3) proposed road names for the 'Private Roads' in question. Review Status: Requested Changes Review Comments Project Name: Foothills Crossing II - Preliminary Preliminary — Residential Date Completed: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 Reviewer: Jay Schlothauer Department /Division /Agency: Inspections Reviews Based on plat dated June 9, 2014. No comments or conditions. Review Status: No Objection