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SDP201800085 Correspondence Final Site Plan and Comps. 2019-12-23
E.\ ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC.lit la A A PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIION AA LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING; LAND PLANNING E\(il\I-ERI\G I)I-P;ARl MEN I SLIRV`hl I)I-PAR1\ILVI 172 SOL`Tii PANTOPS DRIVE.S FL.:\ 914 1\10\1 ICE1.LO Ito II\I I . I\(,(i\RT.Pi- ('lIARI.((i l l SVil.l.l:,\'-122911 CIIARL(1I I"ES%ILI.E.\'\2290' "II .III;DR/ I I L.R.I..S. DOA LR:A\lO,I'.L. i iIO\l:(4341979-81_21 PI10\I )114)977-Q_'n` RK1:AN I)..11 I)-AA II)NI R0l(I\5(1\.I'1 FAX(434)979-I6SI I \X 14:4)96-521(i I)1V'ID \ i(IRD-A\,I UI\I\ \I.GL:OR(,L•L_A I\1 t i a ROI D.A11( SI L(OA1 kRI'IOI'1ILR C N7A I I_RS.L.s. December 23, 2019 Ms. Mariah Gleason Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-2018-00085 Vistas at South Pantops— Final Site Plan Dear Mariah, Please find attached the revised plans. The plans have been revised to address the comments in accordance with the following: 1. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please amend the project number for this final site plan to "SDP2018-00085." Please also include the initial site plan project number (SDP2018-00008) on this sheet for reference purposes. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(b)] Please submit one (1) reduced copy of the final site plan no larger than 11x17 inches in size. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Review of the deed book records and County GIS indicate this parcel (78-20)is 13.12 acres in size, as compared to the 13.31 acres listed in the site plan. Please review and revise these values to conform with parcel records. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 4. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] The plans do not appear to adhere to, or include, many items included in the legend on Sheet 1. Please revise the legend and/or plans to be consistent with one another. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 5. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] Throughout the plan, please ensure that all identifying lines are labeled, by connected leader line or legend, and that they are easily distinguished from one another. Please pay particular attention to Sheets 2 and 7. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 6. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(e)(6), 32.6.2(a), 32.5.1(c)(4)] Please provide horizontal dimensions for all proposed structures. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. • 7 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] With regard to utilities noted on Sheet 6, please include notes if any lines will be demolished, disturbed, or relocated during construction Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(g)] Please ensure that all existing and proposed public easements are identified in the plans. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 9. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(d), Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please identify each easement as public or private. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1), 32.5.2(o)] Prior to final site plan approval, it is necessary to obtain County approval of a plat showing all proposed easements (such as utility easements, stormwater management facility easements, and public use recreation easements) as well as all areas intended for dedication to the County for public use. The platting of easements and lands to be dedicated to the County for public use can be processed all together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers. Rev. comm. #2: Not addressed. However, staff acknowledge applicant's intentions to revise Special Lot Plat SUB201800176; and staff anticipate submission of a separate easement plat (with corresponding legal documents) to establish new required easements and new proposed easements (and to show existing easements). Please also see review comments #31 and #34. Rev. Comm. #3: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge recent resubmittal of Special Lot Plat SUB201800176 and recent submittal of Easement Plat SUB201900115. Special Lot Plat 201800176 (dated 6/14/2019) was received on 6/24/2019, and a review comment letter identifying minor required revisions was provided on 6/28/2019. Easement Plat SUB201900115 (dated 6/21/2019) was received on 7/1/2019, transmitted to applicable SRC reviewers on 7/2/2019, and is currently under review. Rev. Comm. #4. Partially addressed. Staff acknowledges previous resubmittal of Special Lot Plat SUB201800176 and recent submittal of Easement Plat SUB201900115.Special Lot Plat 201800176(dated 6/14/2019)was received on 6/24/2019, and a review comment letter identifying minor required revisions was provided on 6/28/2019. Easement Plat SUB201900115 (dated 6/21/2019)was received on 7/1/2019, transmitted to applicable SRC reviewers on 7/2/2019, and a review comment letter identifying required revisions was provided on 7/24/2019 RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 11. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(o)] On Sheet 5, it is not clear if a right-of-way dedication is being indicated by the hatched fill on/adjacent to the roadway. If this is the case, please add a label on Sheet 5, update the legend, and also add a note stating that "the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use." Please note that any such dedication requires the submission and approval of a plat and corresponding deed of dedication. (See previous note regarding easements.) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 12. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Please coordinate with Mr. Dan Mahon, in the Albemarle County Department of Parks and Recreation (ACPR), regarding potential trail alignment and potential public use easement boundaries for the "proposed public nature trail" noted on Sheet 3. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] On Sheet 3, please include with the "proposed public nature trail" label a note that the final site plan represents an approximate alignment, and the final alignment will be determined by County Staff and built in partnership with the County Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please provide a list of planned recreation amenities and reference/note the approved Request for Substitution of Required Recreation Areas and Facilities dated September 20, 2018 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15. [Z.O. Sec.] The tot lot area must be fenced to provide a safe environment for young children due to the proximity of steep slopes, the travel way and parking area, and South Pantops Drive Please demonstrate that this tot lot fencing requirement is met by showing a visual depiction of a fence and by adding a note and/or label Rev. comm #2: Addressed 16. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] On Sheet 3 or 4, please include the approximate location and size (total square feet) of the proposed clubhouse within Building 3. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 17. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(i)] On Sheet 1, please revise the "Parking Required" site data calculations to include the new minimum parking requirements established through the approved Parking Determination dated December 18, 2018. Specifically, please include the minimum parking requirement information that is currently shown (as typically required by County Code), and add the new minimum parking requirements with a reference to the aforementioned determination (include document name and date). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 18. [Z.O. Sec. 4.12.17(c)(1)] The parking layout, between the surface lot in front of Building 3 leading to the podium parking in Building 2, does not meet code requirements for two-way access. The required minimum width is 20 feet. Please revise the parking schedule to conform to code requirements Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please provide the proposed paving materials or other surface materials forall walks, parking lots, and driveways. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 20. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] On Sheet 8, please identify the location/extent of the existing tree canopy that will be preserved and maintained, as it is being used for the canopy bonus and (presumably) being utilized in lieu of new street trees that would otherwise be required along South Pantops Drive. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 22. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] For all existing wooded areas that are being preserved and maintained in the plan to meet tree canopy requirements and/or street tree requirements, please submit a signed Conservation Plan Checklist and include any information required by the checklist into the plan documents, as necessary. See attached. Rev. comm #2: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge addition of a Conservation Checklist (signed 3/19 and 3/22) on Sheet 8. However, the limits of disturbance, tree protection fencing, and other project details [as specified in Z.O. Section] need to be shown on the Grading Plan (Sheet 6) as well as the Landscape Plan (Sheet 7). Rev Comm. #3: Addressed. Staff acknowledge addition of required details to Sheet 6 and Sheet 7. 23 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] The current street trees specified for the street tree plantings (serviceberry) do not meet County Code requirements. Please select a large shade tree species to replace the current species Any large tree species prescribed by the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, attached, is acceptable. If another species is desired by the applicant, please submit a request and we will evaluate whether the substitution is acceptable. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 24 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] Please ensure that all new street trees are located outside of the right-of-way. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] The planting schedule depicted on Sheet 8 does not readily align with the Planting Schedule table provided on Sheet 9. Please review and revise these items to ensure consistency and provide clarity. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 26. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] On Sheet 8, please use genus and species names when identifying intended tree placements on-site. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] In the Planting Schedule table, please include an additional column within the tree category to specify the category of tree, as it relates to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List. For example: Large Deciduous; Medium Deciduous; Small Deciduous; Ornamental Tree. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(c)] On Sheet 7, the contour labels, grading elevations, and symbology used for contour lines are not consistent and, at times, actually appear to use the same line type. Please ensure that existing and proposed contours are depicted differently, and please ensure the contour labels and graphic conventions are consistent. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please label the maximum height of all retaining walls. It appears that this is already shown for the retaining wall between Buildings 1 and 3, but please make sure that all retaining wall heights are provided. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 30. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Revise the Site Data information on Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) as follows: A Revise the "Critical Slopes" label to "Steep Slopes" (Critical Slopes are only located in the Rural Areas; Steep Slopes are only located in the Development Areas). Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. B. In the corresponding description for"Critical Slopes," change all instances of "critical slopes" to read "Steep Slopes" or"Preserved Steep Slopes" (as applicable). Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. C. Revise (update) the description of the document approved by the Engineering Division (titled "The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slope Exhibit") to include additional reference to the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). Rev. Comm. #3: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge that the Cover Sheet has been revised to reference the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). However, Sheet 2 includes an annotation that references a "Critical Slope Exhibit" being approved by CDD- Engineering on 5/17/2018; please also revise this reference to include the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). Rev. Comm. #4: Addressed 31 [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a), 32.6.2(g)] As of 5/10/2019* it is the understanding of CDD-Planning staff that some the proposed 'Open Space" designations on the Final Site Plan will need to be revised as described below; this will require revisions to labels notes and other information on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan). and Sheet 4 (Layout Plan —Ground Level Parking), as well as revisions to the corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat SUB201800176 a After recent coordination with County staff within and outside of the Community Development Department, the upper proposed Open Space +identified as an aporor,.mateiy 2.99-acre area labeled as Co.nty Pak on cor rescond!^g Draft Special Lot Plat) should no longer oe reserved for future dedication to the County due to the overlapping (proposed) SWM Forest/Open Space Easement in this same area Instead, this "upper" proposed Open Space should continue to be designated as Open Space on the Final Site Plan, but with a new designation as a proposed public use and access easement, and this public easement will need to be shown on the corresponding Special Lot Plat and also the corresponding Easement Plat submission (with corresponding legal documents also being required) b. The "lower" proposed Open Space (identified as an approximately 3.91-acre area labeled as "Greenway Reservation" on corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat) should also continue to be designated as Open Space on the Final Site Plan, and must remain designated as being reserved for future dedication to the County (as has been previously established by, and as is required by, the terms of recorded plat in Deed Book 2913, pages 156-162, recorded 2/1/2005) c. (*) Note: CDD-Planning staff will continue to coordinate closely with the applicants and consultants, as well as all other regulatory stakeholders, to successfully identify a solution to the issues associated with the proposed Open Space (shown on the Final Site Plan) in relation to the proposed SWM Forest/ Open Space Easement (shown on the WPO Plan). Rev. Comm. #3: Comment#31 is no longer valid, and is withdrawn. As conveyed in writing (email correspondence to Trey Steigman dated 5/20/2019, attached), the proposed Open Space should not be subject to a public use and access easement— it should continue to be designated as being reserved for future dedication to the County for public use, as was the applicant's intention prior to the issuance of this comment #31 on 5/10/2019 32. [Z.O. Sec.] Please add the required "verification of compliance" note to the Landscape Plan. Please include the following standard plant health note: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height, the toping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. 33. [Z.O. 32.6.2.k, 32.7.8.b, 4.17.2.a, and 4.17.4]: Please revise the Photometric Plan and Details (Sheets 10 and 11) as follows. a Please clearly identify the location(s) of all proposed lighting fixtures on the Photometric Plan. Sheet 10 does not clearly identify the proposed location(s) of the proposed light fixtures in a legible way Rev. Comm. #4: Addressed. Staff acknowledges the enlarged symbols, additional annotation, and Lighting Plan Note #1 on revised Photometric Plan (Sheet 11). b Please verify the maximum lumens emitted by the proposed ERCO Gecko Floodlight LED luminaire. Rev. Comm. #4: Addressed. c Please add the following standard notes 'Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3 000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads " "The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle Rev Comm #4. Addre 'ed. Sf,i" ac ko,:)wr,aadges, 34. [Z.O. 32.7.91: Please revise Landscaping Plan(Sheets 9 and 10)as follows(below); and please note that CDD-Planning staff remain available to discuss these issues and address any questions you may have: a [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), Resolve apparent conflict between proposed location of the street trees (two Ulmus parvifolia)and the proposed retaining walls. It appears that one tree is shown as being proposed on the wall. Staff acknowledges the constraints in this vicinity with the extent of the right-of-way, existing grade and proposed grading, location of proposed retaining wall,and location of proposed storm drain pipes and associated easements. RESPONSE: Location of offending tree has revised. b [Z.O.Sec.,,and]: Add additional landscape screening materials to the area south of the proposed parking area(where 14 screening trees Osmanthus x fortuni are currently proposed), in order to better ensure that the proposed parking will be sufficiently screened from the adjoining residential district. In making this revision, staff recommends specifying more than one species of landscape screening materials; and staff also encourages the use of native evergreen materials (such as Pinus, Ilex, Viburnum, Rhododendron, or Kalmia species)and/or native trees which retain their leaves for significant portions of the fall and winter(such as certain Quercus species or Fagus grandifolia). RESPONSE: I switched out the Osmanthus with three native species that will provide better screening than the handful of the other shrubs. They are more in a staggered row pattern. I used the Juiperus, Rhododendron and Viburnum all evergreen. The different varieties each have a different texture so they will be very aesthetic pleasing. 35. [Advisory]: It is the understanding of CDD-Planning staff that any maintenance within VDOT ROW is conducted solely by VDOT; please coordinate with VDOT staff and Albemarle County Parks and Recreation staff to determine the necessity of revising the following notes on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan): a "Proposed pedestrian crosswalk to be maintained by developer" and b. "Location of proposed pedestrian crosswalk and corm-- 311 to be determined and maintained by Parks and Rec Dept '' Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. c. Note: Permissibility and location of proposed crosswalks are subject to VDOT approval; CDD- Planning staff strongly support the design and implementation of pedestrian crosswalks (with appropriate signage, as may be applicable) across South Pantops Drive, which would also support and advance relevant Comprehensive Plan goals and recommendations. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 36. [Advisory]: The following remaining approvals are required prior to approval of final site plan SDP-2018- 00085: [Z.O. Section]: Water Protection Ordinance Plan (and corresponding legal documents) /WPO-2018-00095 [Z.O. Sections and Easement Plat (and corresponding legal documents)/SUB201900115 (submittal received 7/2/2019). [Z.O. Section]: Special Lot Plat (and corresponding legal document) SUB-2018- 00176; and Tentative approvals (review status of"No Objection") from all applicable SRC members for final site plan SDP-2018-00085 (see below). RESPONSE: Acknowledged. REQUESTED CHANGES: Rev.Comm. #2: All Requested Changes (Comments identified as #30- 35 in the first review comment letter dated 12/19/2018) are addressed.Thank you. 2. ]Advisory Comment] Please be advised that, prior to a certificate of occupant being granted, safet.v fencing is required along the top of the retaining wall on the southern edge of the propert\ due to its height Staff requests this fencing to be added (by graphic depiction and label) to this final site plan. Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 3 IZ.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Review, sheet index list and individual sheet titles to ensure these names match and are spelled correctl\- Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. �. ]Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, include in the sheet index a total number ofsheets. Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 5 IZ.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 2. please rep ise the Legend to add the word "Steep" \ hen describing Preserved and Managed Steep Slopes For example, -Preserved Steep Slopes" and -Managed Steep Slopes" *( naddressecl comment.from the Initial Plan approval Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 6 IZ.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(h)] On Sheet 2. please label the Flood Hazard Overlay District Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 7 ]Z.O. 32.6.2(a),Sec. 32.5.2(r)] On Sheet 2. the Soil pc Boundary in the legend is not readily distinguishable on the map Please revise. Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. Albemarle County Engineering Services (John Anderson. Rev #3 David James) Title sheet 1. Revise site plan title to reference SDP201800085. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. On title sheet, include Note reference to The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slopes Exhibit. rev. d 5/11/18, PE-seal date 5/17/18, Approved by Engineering Division 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. Revise index to include retaining wall design for all walls associated with travel ways and oarkIng areas Retainina wal! design for walls integral to buildings 1 2 or 3 may be a�;�t,tte .r;•m #2 Apo vvpi, oro de F(1) '.o.vwJ1, =SP sub, Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 4. Provide retaining wall design for retaining walls associated with travel ways or parking areas that are not integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3 (Ref. site plan and retaining wall plan review check' ' Attached) Rev. comm #2. Applicant will provide following FSP submittal. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 5. Provide /show outline location/s of conceptual SWM detention or treatment systems VSMP/WPO plan must be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval (WPO201800095 is under review.) Rev. comm #2- Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to construction TBA on WPO plans. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 6 Revise Erosion Control, ES-1 Note to ref. 9VAC25-840-40 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 7. Plan Note 3: Revise to eliminate contractor responsibility to obtain state-federal permits. Albemarle will not approve a VSMP/WPO plan unless /until required state /federal permits are acquired. FSP cannot be approved without an approved VSMP/WPO plan Permit acquisition is an Applicant/Owner responsibility. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8. Plan Note 3: Revise to clarify Property Owner is required to post SVVM-ESC-Mitigation plan bonds Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 9 Plan Note 4: Revise to read County Engineer, rather than District Engineer Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 2 10. Delete ref. to ISP10 for preserved slope details. Provide label reference to Critical Slopes Exhibit approved by CDD/Engineering on 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 11 Recommend show 'special lot' boundaries. Provide note reference to SUB201800176 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 3 12. Provide label reference to proposed private nature trail detail. Provide trail detail. Ref. ASCDSM. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13. Label all pedestrian crosswalks. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14 Provide/label crosswalk striping Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15 Label all CG12. Provide CG-12 ramps at travel way/sidewalk crossing locations in plan view Rev. comm #2•. Addressed. 16 Label sidewalk width for sidewalk fronting parking spaces located on south side of Vistas Way Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 7 Some proposed parking space ,traiei way 1,newor1,, s gray ie. se to black to indicate pr000sed ii-prc en"men`.s pules F sfleets 4 may'.=, type Rev comm #2 Addressed. 18 Label retaining wall/s Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19 Provide/I retaining wall handra 1vherever wall ht > 4-ft Rev comm #2 Correction > 30 inches Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 20. Label guardrail. Provide label reference to GR-2 detail, sheet 19. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21 Label sidewalk width facing South Pantops Drive Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 22. Label South Pantops Rd. right-of-way (linework). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 23 Provide outline location/s of on-site SWM facilities (conceptual level), consistent with WPO201800095. Rev comm #2 Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to construction. TBA on WPO plans Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 24. Approx. location 100' water protection ordinance buffer leader line may be inaccurate. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25. WPO buffer location may require revision, confirm location buffer. Revise leader line, if necessary Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 4- 26 Last parking space, NW corner of Vistas Way parking lot measures 13.2 (`sheltered' length =16'). Revise island west of this parking space to provide `sheltered' length =18-ft. Sheet 20 indicates fire truck will contact fender of vehicle parked in this space at a location 17-ft. distant from face of curb fronting this space Revise to provide 1-ft. clearance between fire vehicle turn figures; that is, 19-ft. from face of curb fronting this parking space. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27 Revise label at dumpster pad, so legible (revise grayscale text to black). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28. Show and label existing terrain contours Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29 Label entrance width at narrowest point. Applies to sheet 5, as well. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 5: 30 Provide auto-turn figures for typical passenger vehicle encountering a second typ. passenger vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at a. Travel way curve just prior to entering/leaving building 3 parking deck. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. b. At curve measuring 17-ft., FC-FC, on approach to 23-space parking area west of building 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 31 Ensure aisle width in 23-space parking area west of building 2 is at least 20-ft Rev conrn #2: Addressed. 32 Label parking aisle width (item 31). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 33 Revise design as needed to provide travel way width for typical passenger vehicles to pass one another at all locations, when traveling in opposite directions. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 34. Provide mirror to aid residents exiting building 3 to minimize chance of collision with vehicle/s reversing from parking spaces in the 16-space parking area. Sight distance is inadequate Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 35. In the following locations, recommend stripe 2 spaces as 'No Parking' to allow parked vehicles to reverse, and travel in a forward direction a. N corner building 1, beyond stairwell, b. SE corner building 2, beyond stairwell, c NW corner building 3, before stairwell; Note Recommendation results in loss of 6 parking spaces. Note: If recommendation not accepted, provide alternate design to ensure all vehicles using building parking decks can reverse and travel in a forward direction without performing extreme, multi-point or precise reverse maneuvers. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 6 36 Label rectangular structure south of Str. 11. Rectangle differs in shape and style from typical DI. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 37 Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 38. Ensure adequate drainage easement width, all section of proposed storm system. For example, 20' is insufficient for storm line depth between structures 3 and 4. Ref. easement width diagram, ACDSM, p. 15. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 39. Ensure 'for residential development, the principal access [Vistas Way is] free of flooding during the 25-yr storm.' Ref. item 4, Drainage, Drainage Plan review checklist. Provide LD-229 based on 25-yr event Note development anticipates 949 trips per day (144 units) Vistas Way is a principal access. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 40 Show/label VDOT ES, as Str 1 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 41 Label slope of storm line between Str. 9 and 10. Ensure slope < 16%. Ref. Drainage plan review checklist. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 7 42 Provide additional detail/labels for pool deck area of plan (TW/BW, if retaining wall. spot elevations) Geometry of structures in this location is unclear Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 43 Provide/label handrails wherever wall ht > 4-ft including pool deck area Rev. comm #2: AA Addressed. yV tanger'' „✓e'ctIJIt' of tra•./el wai just c.),io to enic: r-g .,,��i:..if`� pa.k,i'J le'.f<.. re J'.. grade labels so legible Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 45. Add flow lines and % grade to asphalt surface to ensure runoff reaches Str 5 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 46 Revise proposed improvements line type from grayscale to black. Also, similar comments elsewhere. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 47 Provide TW/BW elevations along retaining wall south of building2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 48 Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 49 Ensure entrance grade <_4% for at least 40', measured from EP, South Pantops Drive. Ref. site plan review checklist, entrance improvements. item 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 8 50. Two (2) serviceberry trees conflict with Str. 7 and 8; revise landscape plan to eliminate conflict. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 12 51 Provide pavement design for Vistas Way based on 949 VPD. Proposed pavement section Dp=8.14, but Dr =14.575 Revise Vistas Way pavement section to ensure that Dp(provided) ? D r(required). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 14 52 Recommend against 0.50% grade, EXSDMH to Str. 10. If As-built condition of this storm line pipe < 0.50%, owner must provide remedy. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 53 Max grade storm line pipe is 16%. Revise proposed grade of storm line pipe between Str. 9 and 10. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 54 Provide label identifying structure located 2.7' below storm line between Str 8 and 9 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 55. Provide note requiring specific compaction for MH Str placed in fill; that is, Str. 5B, 6B, and 6C,to minimize issues related to settling. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 56 Show/label VDOT ES-1 in profile (Str 1) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 57 Inlet calculation tables are not VDOT LD-204, LD-229 format. Provide LD-204 for inlets, LD-229 for storm sewer design. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 58 Since vertical drop in 'step-down' MH Str 5 > 4' provide '/2" steel plate in floor of MH ref. VDOT drainage manual, p 9-38 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 59 Max. water depth for 5 5" inlet throat ht = 0.458 Ensure water depth = Max depth. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 18 P'Dvide 1v H Step deta:' com,o #2: Addressed. 61 Sheet 19 Provide dumpster pad detail, ref site plan review checklist. p 3. item 8 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 62. Sheet 19 Provide handrail detail. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 63. Sheet 20: Engineering defers to ACFR on adequate geometric design for fire-rescue needs Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 64 Relates to ESC Plan: Email from John Anderson dated 01/11/2019. Please provide V-2year at structure 1 (system outfall), and nprap L x W x D design. consistent with VESCH design guidelines (Std. & Spec. 3.18 Outlet protection). Label Str.1 outfall riprap L x Wx D dimensions on the VSMP/WPO Plan (WPO 2018-00095). and on the final site plan. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 65 Email from John Anderson, dated 01/16/2019. Right turn lane: • Sheet 12 shows South Pantops Drive typical road cross section with proposed 12' right turn lane. Please revise site layout sheets (3, 4, 5) to show and label proposed rt turn lane in plan view (unless overlooked). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. • Sheet 2 shows variable width Ex. concrete ditch section. Please revise sheet 2 to show portion of Ex. concrete ditch to be removed /demolished. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 66. Email from David James. dated 01/17/2019: 1 The outfall pipes from storm structure 4 should be adjusted (enlarged/raised, etc.), or be made watertight based upon HGL. {DSM, pg 14} Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 2. All drainage from public ROW should be shown in an easement. Minimum width 20' & meets DSM, pg. 14 width requirement. Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 3 Sheet 10 - Pipe (2-1) & (3-2) a Velocity shall not exceed 15 ft/s in pipes. b. Provide anchor blocks at every other pipe joint for storms pipes over 16% slope A "step down"manhole system can be used in steeper terrain to reduce pipe gradient c. Correct the tables - node IDs showing '64' or don't match the nodes shown on Sheet 5 map Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 67 (Rev.1) Sheet 3 and 4 a Provide correct sheet callout for trash compactor Correct the CG-12 callout along South Pantops (should be CG-6) and page reference label (should be sheet 18) for guardrail terminal detail Rev 2 Addressed b Label retaining walls over 30-inces and not integral to the building wall design (RW#1. RW#2 etc ) provide max height TW/BW spot elevations for retaining wall at SW parking lot corner near building #3 Guardrail warranted in front of retaining wail for last two parking spaces Rev 2 Label TW/BW elevation and max height for wall #4 (Rev.3) Addressed. c Specify UD-3 for proposed sidewalk along Soutn Pantops. UD-3 to outlet to EW- 12 or proposed flume drain str Show UD-3 in the sidewalk details Rev 2 Addressed. d. Rev. 2: Show retaining wall accurately according to the wall design plans (Rev.3) Addressed. 68. (Rev 1) Sheet 6: Correct grading near entrance where the ditch (to be removed/demoed) and curb/sidewalk meet. Sidewalks shall be generally level with minimal surface warping, cross-slope shall not exceed 2% Rev comm #3. Addressed. 69 (Rev.1) Sheet 13: a Velocity in pipes (2-1) & (1-Out) & outlet is considered excessive. Reduce pipe velocity to 20fps or less, and outlet velocity to 10fps or less A possible solution would be to install additional `step-down manhole/s. Rev. 2: Addressed b. Show size of drainage area going to flume off of South Pantops Drive I believe the total drainage area going to is more than 0 02ac. Is EC-3 adequate, if not provide alternative? Rev 2 Addressed. [New] (Rev.3) Sheet 17: Reduce outlet velocity to under 15fps by dropping MH 1 lower. Response: Please see sheet 16. The pipe from MH1 to the outfall has been reduced to 4.26%which resulted in the exit velocity to be under 15 fps. Please see the top chart in the bottom left corner. Additionally, I have called for an energy dissipater to be constructed at the pipe outfall to further reduce the velocity before the water enters the channel. Provide anchors for the 36" culvert (over 16% slope). Response: Anchor detail has been on sheet 23. Additionally, label has been added to the profile on sheet 17. Provide detail of energy dissipator at end of culvert. Response: Detail added to sheet 23. Please show correct width and depth of channel. Plan/Cross-section shows it as 6'w & 1' deep, and the Profile/Report show it as 8'w & 1.5' deep. Response: The channel report and profile view have been corrected. The channel is 1' deep, 6' wide at the top. Provide stone sizing calcs for the channel linings (Refer to E&SC HB, Chapter 5: Flexible liner method). Response: As the labels indicate on sheet 17, the channel conveying water down the critical slopes is a grouted riprap channel. Therefore, tractive force calculations are not germane. Additionally, fabric liner under a concrete channel is not warranted. This comment was withdrawn by David James at a meeting at the County office on 12/19/2019. How did you determine the n-value of 0.04 from Channel Report? Response: The n-value of the 0.04 for the channel report is from the publication of "Water resource Measurements: A Handbook for Hydrologists and Engineers" by Bruce Van Haveren. On page 106 Table 11.15, "excavated channel with jagged and irregular rock cuts n = 0.04". Showllnstall fabric liner underneath the riprap of channel. Response: As the labels indicate on sheet 17, the channel conveying water down the critical slopes is a grouted riprap channel. That is a concrete channel with riprap embedded for energy dissipation as the water travels down the hill. Therefore, tractive force calculations are not germane. Additionally, fabric liner under a concrete channel is not warranted. This comment was withdrawn by David James at a meeting at the County office on 12/19/2019. [New] (Rev.3) Please show correct width of drainage easement. The easement width shown is 25' wide and should be about 28' wide for pipe Str. 2-1. 2'(dia.) +2'+2(12-5') +10 = 28'. & Likewise, for 1- out. Response: On the previous submission, the drainage easement shown is 30' wide starting at outlet of structure 2 to the outfall. [New] (Rev.3) Retaining walls: At least the height of the wall should be maintained from the property line. [DSM, p. 22] Ensure an off-site easement will not be required to construct the wall; otherwise, provide letter of permission. Response: We have provided the listed items required by the DSM on page 22, section B.2. with the retaining wall design packet submitted under separate cover. This comment was withdrawn by David James at a meeting at the County office on 12/19/2019. Sheet 3/9— Move tree from on top of wall #1. RESPONSE: Location of offending tree has revised. Albemarle County Information Services (E911 — Andrew Walker) "No Objection" (12/7/19) Albemarle County Building Inspections (Michael Dellinger) 'No Objection" (6/24/19) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (Shawn Maddox) No Objection" (4/15/19) Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson) Sheet 5: Deflect water main after Manhole C, to provide more separation between water main and curb and gutter. Response: Comment withdrawn by Richard Nelson on 20 December 2019. Sheet 6: MHs A and E should be tested once constructed. Include sequence number 9 in the first step. For step 7, please clarify if "cut pipe" refers to cut and capping the existing downstream pipe. Response: Ambiguity has been clarified. Sheet 18: Have water main cross on top of roof drain at STA 13+00. We will allow 6 inches of separation with 3 feet of cover at this crossing. Response: Revisions has been made. Virginia Department of Transportation (Adam Moore) 1. The Department is fine with the general design of the proposed drainage flume; however, the galv. 1/2" steel diamond plate is not acceptable. Please look into different surface coatings or types of non-slip/serrated sidewalk grating options. Response: An open grate design is being propose to allow water to pass through and prevent slippage during freezing temperatures. The detail has been added to the plan and "or equivalent" has been specified. We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately addresses your comments. However, please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, Riki Van-Niekerk RECEIVED DEC 2 6 2019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UI ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A 21 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AA LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since /956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING F\(,I\FFUI\G 1)FP\RI M111-N I 'I:It\I-\ IN-I':\R I 172 SO( ll I P.\\1-OPS DRIVE.SI L. \ ')I4\IO\I R I I.L<)RO.\I) Il\I I. I•\GG\RI.I'.I (l IARL01 II SVII.I.I:.V-\22911 (I1"")1 I ISVILLF,V:\_2'I( \\II I I\'.I.l.II DM I 11 12.1 DO\I'k.\\(O,PI. PI IO\I'(4 4i`)7')-RI'I 1'I10\L(1+4)')77-11203 IERI.\\D .I\\IISu\,I..S. I)\\II)NI It1)111\SO\.PI I.\\44.407')-1041 1 \\(4 2)6 2} 1)\\II) \ 1()1(I)\\.I S 1\1\Il 'I (,LOR(.L.I. \ 1\IO,i10)1 D\III SII((Al LRISI()1111.1i( \\I\ILI0.1. October 30, 2019 Ms. Mariah Gleason Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-2018-00085 Vistas at South Pantops— Final Site Plan Dear Mariah, Please find attached the revised plans. The plans have been revised to address the comments in accordance with the following: 1. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please amend the project number for this final site plan to "SDP2018-00085." Please also include the initial site plan project number (SDP2018-00008) on this sheet for reference purposes. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(b)] Please submit one (1) reduced copy of the final site plan no larger than 11x17 inches in size. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Review of the deed book records and County GIS indicate this parcel (78-20) is 13.12 acres in size, as compared to the 13.31 acres listed in the site plan. Please review and revise these values to conform with parcel records. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 4. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] The plans do not appear to adhere to, or include, many items included in the legend on Sheet 1. Please revise the legend and/or plans to be consistent with one another. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 5 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] Throughout the plan, please ensure that all identifying lines are labeled, by connected leader line or legend, and that they are easily distinguished from one another. Please pay particular attention to Sheets 2 and 7. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 6 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(e)(6), 32.6.2(a), 32.5.1(c)(4)] Please provide horizontal dimensions for all proposed structures. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. • 7 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Wth regard to utilities noted on Sheet 6, please include notes if any lines will be demolished, disturbed, or relocated during construction Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(g)] Please ensure that all existing and proposed public easements are identified in the plans. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 9 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(d), Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please identify each easement as public or private. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1), 32.5.2(o)] Prior to final site plan approval, it is necessary to obtain County approval of a plat showing all proposed easements (such as utility easements, stormwater management facility easements, and public use recreation easements) as well as all areas intended for dedication to the County for public use. The platting of easements and lands to be dedicated to the County for public use can be processed all together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers. Rev. comm. #2: Not addressed. However, staff acknowledge applicant's intentions to revise Special Lot Plat SUB201800176; and staff anticipate submission of a separate easement plat (with corresponding legal documents) to establish new required easements and new proposed easements (and to show existing easements). Please also see review comments #31 and #34. Rev. Comm. #3: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge recent resubmittal of Special Lot Plat SUB201800176 and recent submittal of Easement Plat SUB201900115. Special Lot Plat 201800176 (dated 6/14/2019) was received on 6/24/2019, and a review comment letter identifying minor required revisions was provided on 6/28/2019. Easement Plat SUB201900115 (dated 6/21/2019)was received on 7/1/2019, transmitted to applicable SRC reviewers on 7/2/2019, and is currently under review. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 11. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(o)] On Sheet 5, it is not clear if a right-of-way dedication is being indicated by the hatched fill on/adjacent to the roadway If this is the case, please add a label on Sheet 5, update the legend, and also add a note stating that "the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use." Please note that any such dedication requires the submission and approval of a plat and corresponding deed of dedication. (See previous note regarding easements.) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 12. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1)] Please coordinate with Mr. Dan Mahon, in the Albemarle County Department of Parks and Recreation (ACPR), regarding potential trail alignment and potential public use easement boundaries for the "proposed public nature trail" noted on Sheet 3. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] On Sheet 3, please include with the "proposed public nature trail" label a note that the final site plan represents an approximate alignment, and the final alignment will be determined by County Staff and built in partnership with the County. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please provide a list of planned recreation amenities and reference/note the approved Request for Substitution of Required Recreation Areas and Facilities dated September 20, 2018. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15 [Z.O. Sec.] The tot lot area must be fenced to provide a safe environment for young children due to the proximity of steep slopes, the travelway and parking area. and South Pantops Drive Please demonstrate that this tot lot fencing requirement is met by showing a visual depiction of a fence and by adding a note and/or label. Rev. comm #2: Addressed 16. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] On Sheet 3 or 4, please include the approximate location and size (total square feet) of the proposed clubhouse within Building 3 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 17 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(i)] On Sheet 1, please revise the 'Parking Required" site data calculations to include the new minimum parking requirements established through the approved Parking Determination dated December 18, 2018 Specifically, please include the minimum parking requirement information that is currently shown (as typically required by County Code), and add the new minimum parking requirements with a reference to the aforementioned determination (include document name and date). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 18. [Z.O. Sec. 4.12.17(c)(1)] The parking layout, between the surface lot in front of Building 3 leading to the podium parking in Building 2, does not meet code requirements for two-way access. The required minimum width is 20 feet Please revise the parking schedule to conform to code requirements. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please provide the proposed paving materials or other surface materials for all walks, parking lots. and driveways. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 20. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] On Sheet 8, please identify the location/extent of the existing tree canopy that will be preserved and maintained, as it is being used for the canopy bonus and (presumably) being utilized in lieu of new street trees that would otherwise be required along South Pantops Drive Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 22. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] For all existing wooded areas that are being preserved and maintained in the plan to meet tree canopy requirements and/or street tree requirements, please submit a signed Conservation Plan Checklist and include any information required by the checklist into the plan documents, as necessary. See attached Rev. comm #2. Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge addition of a Conservation Checklist (signed 3/19 and 3/22) on Sheet 8. However, the limits of disturbance, tree protection fencing, and other project details [as specified in Z.O. Section] need to be shown on the Grading Plan (Sheet 6) as well as the Landscape Plan (Sheet , Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. Staff acknowledge addition of required details to Sheet 6 and Sheet 7. 23. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] The current street trees specified for the street tree plantings (serviceberry) do not meet County Code requirements. Please select a large shade tree species to replace the current species Any large tree species prescribed by the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, attached, is acceptable. If another species is desired by • the applicant, please submit a request and we will evaluate whether the substitution is acceptable Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 24. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] Please ensure that all new street trees are located outside of the right-of-way Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] The planting schedule depicted on Sheet 8 does not readily align with the Planting Schedule table provided on Sheet 9 Please review and revise these items to ensure consistency and provide clarity Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 26. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] On Sheet 8. please use genus and species names when identifying intended tree placements on-site Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] In the Planting Schedule table, please include an additional column within the tree category to specify the category of tree, as it relates to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List For example Large Deciduous; Medium Deciduous, Small Deciduous; Ornamental Tree. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(c)] On Sheet 7, the contour labels, grading elevations, and symbology used for contour lines are not consistent and, at times, actually appear to use the same line type Please ensure that existing and proposed contours are depicted differently, and please ensure the contour labels and graphic conventions are consistent. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please label the maximum height of all retaining walls. It appears that this is already shown for the retaining wall between Buildings 1 and 3, but please make sure that all retaining wall heights are provided Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 30. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Revise the Site Data information on Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) as follows: A. Revise the "Critical Slopes" label to "Steep Slopes" (Critical Slopes are only located in the Rural Areas: Steep Slopes are only located in the Development Areas). Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. B In the corresponding description for `Critical Slopes," change all instances of "critical slopes" to read "Steep Slopes" or"Preserved Steep Slopes" (as applicable) Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. C. Revise (update) the description of the document approved by the Engineering Division (titled "The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slope Exhibit") to include additional reference to the most recent approval date (3/22/2019 Rev. Comm. #3: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge that the Cover Sheet has been revised to reference the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). However, Sheet 2 includes an annotation that references a "Critical Slope Exhibit" being approved by CDD- Engineering on 5/17/2018; please also revise this reference to include the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). RESPONSE: The label has been revised on sheet 2. 31. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a), 32.6.2(g)j As of 5/10/2019* it is the understanding of CDD-Planning staff that some the proposed `Open Space" designations on the Final Site Plan will need to be revised as described below: this will require revisions to labels notes, and other information on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan) and Sheet 4 (Layout Plan — Ground Level Parking) as well as revisions to the corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat SUB201800176 a After recent coordination with County staff within and outside of the Community Development Department the 'upper proposed Open Space identified as an approximately 2 99-acre area labeled as County Park. on corresponding C`r apt Special Lot Plat) should no longer Pe re�e',ed for future dedication to try_. 1 ,e to the Overlapping �-V est 'cc.'.n `3se,r a 000sed public use arc a,l:A (quo easement to be shown on the corresponding Special Lot Plat and also the corresponding Easement Plat submission (with corresponding legal documents also being required). b. The `'lower" proposed Open Space (identified as an approximately 3 91-acre area labeled as "Greenway Reservation" on corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat) should also continue to be designated as Open Space on the Final Site Plan, and must remain designated as being reserved for future dedication to the County (as has been previously established by, and as is required by, the terms of recorded plat in Deed Book 2913, pages 156-162 recorded 2/1/2005). c (*) Note. ODD-Planning staff will continue to coordinate closely with the applicants and consultants, as well as all other regulatory stakeholders, to successfully identify a solution to the issues associated with the proposed Open Space (shown on the Final Site Plan) in relation to the proposed SVVM Forest/ Open Space Easement (shown on the \NPO Plan) Rev. Comm. #3: Comment #31 is no longer valid, and is withdrawn. As conveyed in writing (email correspondence to Trey Steigman dated 5/20/2019, attached), the proposed Open Space should not be subject to a public use and access easement— it should continue to be designated as being reserved for future dedication to the County for public use, as was the applicant's intention prior to the issuance of this comment #31 on 5/10/2019. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 32. [Z.O. Sec. Please add the required `verification of compliance" note to the Landscape Plan. Please include the following standard plant health note- "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height, the toping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and r+,nr_.{ and only to support the overall health of the plant Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. 33. [Z.O. 32.6.2.k, 32.7.8.b, 4.17.2.a, and 4.17.4]: Please revise the Photometric Plan and Details (Sheets 10 and 11) as follows: a. Please clearly identify the location(s) of all proposed lighting fixtures on the Photometric Plan. Sheet 10 does not clearly identify the proposed location(s) of the proposed light fixtures in a legible way. RESPONSE: The graphic symbols of the light fixtures have been enlarged to make more legible. b. Please verify the maximum lumens emitted by the proposed ERCO Gecko Floodlight LED luminaire. RESPONSE: The lumens have been verified; 998 per spec detail on sheet 11. c. Please add the following standard notes: i. "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads." RESPONSE: Note has been added. ii. "The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one-half footcandle." RESPONSE: Note has been added. 34. [Advisory]: It is the understanding of ODD-Planning staff that any maintenance within VDOT ROW is conducted solely by VDOT, please coordinate with VDOT staff and Albemarle County Parks and Recreation staff to determine the necessity of revising the following notes on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan). a "Proposed pedestrian crosswalk to be maintained by developer" and b. `Location of proposed pedestrian crosswalk and connection point to trail to be determined and maintained by Parks and Rec Dent " Rev. Comm. #3: Addressed. c. Note: Permissibility and location of proposed crosswalks are subject to VDOT approval; CDD- Planning staff strongly support the design and implementation of pedestrian crosswalks (with appropriate signage, as may be applicable) across South Pantops Drive, which would also support and advance relevant Comprehensive Plan goals and recommendations. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 35. [Advisory]: The following remaining approvals are required prior to approval of final site plan SDP-2018- 00085: a. [Z.O. Section]: Water Protection Ordinance Plan (and corresponding legal documents) /WPO-2018-00095 b. [Z.O. Sections and]: Easement Plat (and corresponding legal documents)/SUB201900115 (submittal received 7/2/2019). c. [Z.O. Section]: Special Lot Plat (and corresponding legal document) / SUB-2018- 00176; and d. Tentative approvals (review status of"No Objection") from all applicable SRC members for final site plan SDP-2018-00085 (see below). RESPONSE: Acknowledged. REQUESTED CHANGES: Rev. Comm. #2: All Requested Changes (Comments identified as #30 — 35 in the first review comment letter dated 12/19/2018) are addressed.Thank you. 2 'Advisory Comment! Please be advised that. prior to a certificate of occupancv being granted. safety fencing is required along the top of the retaining wall on the southern edge of the property due to its height Staff requests this fencing to be added (bv graphic depiction and label>to this final site plan Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 11.0. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.20a)J Re`,re'vv ,hc,[ ind;:v lui and Ind!v!dual ,h,;et ,;n,ure namc,.nnalcli and arc ,pclfcd currc�li'•. Rev. Comm_ #2:Addressed. if..(1 32.O.2J}1;. Sec. 3:.1 2i.ol I ) : t'1 Pev. Comm 4-2.Addressed "1 ;1<itia`Ctv CC"C(1innient /i'UI)/ irk' /rill kII 1'1,01 UHT( .'cfi Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. h JZ.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(h)I On Sheet 2. please label the Flood Hazard O‘erla Distract Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 7 (Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(r)1 On Sheet 2. the Soli Rnirndan in thy` !Clem(1 is not rsar10v distinuurshable on the map Pleace rep Ise Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. Albemarle County Engineering Services (John Anderson. Rev #3 David James) Title sheet 1 Revise site plan title to reference SDP201800085 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. On title sheet, include Note reference to The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slopes Exhibit, rev d. 5/11/18, PE-seal date 5/17/18 Approved by Engineering Division 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. Revise index to include retaining wall design for all walls associated with travel ways and parking areas. Retaining wall design for walls integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3 may be submitted with building permit application/s Rev comm #2 Applicant will provide following FSP submittal Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 4. Provide retaining wall design for retaining walls associated with travel ways or parking areas that are not integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3. (Ref site plan and retaining wall plan review checklists: Attached) Rev. comm #2 Applicant will provide following FSP submittal Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 5 Provide /show outline location/s of conceptual SWM detention or treatment systems. VSMP/WPO plan must be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval. (WP0201800095 is under review.) Rev. comm #2. Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to construction TBA on WPO plans. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 6 Revise Erosion Control ES-1 Note to ref. 9VAC25-840-40. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 7. Plan Note 3 Revise to eliminate contractor responsibility to obtain state-federal permits Albemarle will not approve a VSMP/WPO plan unless /until required state /federal permits are acquired FSP cannot be approved without an approved VSMPiWPO plan Permit acquisition is an Applicant /Owner responsibility. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8 Plan Note 3 Revise to clarify Property Owner is required to post SWM-ESC-Mitigation plan bonds Rev. comm #2. Addressed. 9 P'an Note 4 Revise to read County Eng.neer, rather than Dist: c: Engineer Rev. comm #2. Addressed 10 Delete ref to ISP10 for preserved slope details Provide label reference to Crrrcai Slopes Exhibit approved by CDD/Engineering on 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 11 Recommend show `special lot' boundaries Provide note reference toSUB201800176 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 3 12 Provide label reference to proposed private nature trail detail. Provide trail detail. Ref. ASCDSM. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13 Label all pedestrian crosswalks Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14 Provide/label crosswalk striping Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15 Label all CG12 Provide CG-12 ramps at travelway/sidewalk crossing locations in plan view Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 16 Label sidewalk width for sidewalk fronting parking spaces located on south side of Vistas Way. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 17. Some proposed parking space /travel way linework is gray, revise to black to indicate proposed improvements Applies to sheets 4, 5 gray line type, as well. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 18. Label retaining wall/s Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19. Provide/label retaining wall handrails, wherever wall ht. > 4-ft. Rev. comm #2 Correction > 30 inches. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 20 Label guardrail. Provide label reference to GR-2 detail, sheet 19 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21 Label sidewalk width facing South Pantops Drive Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 22. Label South Pantops Rd right-of-way (linework) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 23. Provide outline location/s of on-site SWM facilities (conceptual level), consistent with WPO201800095. Rev comm #2 Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to const. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. 24 Approx location 100 water protection oraunance putter leader line may be inaccurate Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25 APO buffer location may require revision confirm location buffer Revise leader line :f necessary Rev. comm #2 Addressed. 2,3 Last parting space, NW corner o` v',stas V',ay pa+k,ng lot measures 13 2 shelterea length =16') Revise island west of this parking space to provide sheltered' length =18-ft Sheet 20 indicates fire truck will contact fender of vehicle parked in this space at a location 17-ft distant from face of curb fronting this space. Revise to provide 1-ft. clearance between fire vehicle turn figures: that is, 19-ft. from face of curb fronting this parking space Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27 Revise label at dumpster pad, so legible (revise grayscale text to black) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28 Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29 Label entrance width at narrowest point. Applies to sheet 5, as well. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 5: 30 Provide auto-turn figures for typical passenger vehicle encountering a second typ. passenger vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at a Travel way curve just prior to entering/leaving building 3 parking deck Rev. comm #2: Addressed. b. At curve measuring 17-ft., FC-FC, on approach to 23-space parking area west of building 2 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 31. Ensure aisle width in 23-space parking area west of building 2 is at least 20-ft Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 32 Label parking aisle width (item 31). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 33. Revise design as needed to provide travelway width for typical passenger vehicles to pass one another at all locations, when traveling in opposite directions Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 34 Provide mirror to aid residents exiting building 3 to minimize chance of collision with vehicle/s reversing from parking spaces in the 16-space parking area Sight distance is inadequate. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 35 In the following locations, recommend stripe 2 spaces as No Parking' to allow parked vehicles to reverse. and travel in a forward direction a N corner building 1, beyond stairwell, b SE corner building 2, beyond stairwell; c NW corner building 3. before stairwell Note Recommendation results in loss of 6 parking spaces. Note If recommendation not accepted, provide alternate design to ensure all vehicles using building parking decks can reverse and travel in a forward direction without performing extreme multi-point or precise reverse maneuvers Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 6 ci t; comm #2 AdJ assee 37 Show and label existing terrain contours Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 38 Ensure adequate drainage easement width, all section of proposed storm system For example, 20' is insufficient for storm line depth between structures 3 and 4 Ref easement width diagram, ACDSM, p 15 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 39 Ensure 'for residential development, the principal access [Vistas Way is] free of flooding during the 25-yr storm.' Ref item 4, Drainage, Drainage Plan review checklist Provide LD-229 based on 25-yr event Note development anticipates 949 trips per day (144 units). Vistas Way is a principal access. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 40. Show/label VDOT ES, as Str 1. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 41 Label slope of storm line between Str 9 and 10 Ensure slope < 16%. Ref. Drainage plan review checklist. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 7 42. Provide additional detail/labels for pool deck area of plan (TW/BW, if retaining wall, spot elevations). Geometry of structures in this location is unclear. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 43. Provide/label handrails wherever wall ht. >4-ft , including pool deck area. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 44. At tangent section of travel way just prior to entering building 3 parking deck, revise % grade labels so legible Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 45. Add flow lines and % grade to asphalt surface to ensure runoff reaches Str 5 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 46 Revise proposed improvements line type from grayscale to black Also, similar comments elsewhere. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 47 Provide TW/BW elevations along retaining wall south of building 2 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 48 Show and label existing terrain contours Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 49 Ensure entrance grade <_4% for at least 40', measured from EP, South Pantops Drive Ref site plan review checklist, entrance improvements, item 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 8 50 Two (2) serviceberry trees conflict with Str 7 and 8, revise landscape plan to eliminate conflict Rev. comm #2. Addressed Sheet 12 51 Provide pavement design for Vistas Way based on 949 VPD Proposed pavement sectno:. nr= P ., ar•��r to rns �'o J_ 14 bl.�t Dr 1:1 �^;� �, mac. J:�t � �x '� G<3� ,} se., �r ` �r fr, • Sheet 14 52 Recommend against 0.50% grade, EXSDMH to Str. 10 If As-built condition of this storm line pipe < 0 50%, owner must provide remedy Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 53. Max. grade storm line pipe is 16% Revise proposed grade of storm line pipe between Str 9 and 10. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 54. Provide label identifying structure located 2.7' below storm line between Str. 8 and 9 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 55 Provide note requiring specific compaction for MH Str placed in fill, that is, Str 5B. 6B, and 6C,to minimize issues related to settling Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 56 Show/label VDOT ES-1 in profile (Str. 1) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 57 Inlet calculation tables are not VDOT LD-204, LD-229 format. Provide LD-204 for inlets; LD-229 for storm sewer design. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 58 Since vertical drop in 'step-down' MH Str 5 > 4', provide 1/2" steel plate in floor of MH, ref. VDOT drainage manual, p. 9-38.Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 59 Max. water depth for 5.5" inlet throat ht. = 0.458'. Ensure water depth <_ Max. depth. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 60 Sheet 18 Provide MH Step detail. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 61. Sheet 19: Provide dumpster pad detail; ref. site plan review checklist, p 3, item 8. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 62. Sheet 19 Provide handrail detail Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 63 Sheet 20 Engineering defers to ACFR on adequate geometric design for fire-rescue needs. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 64. Relates to ESC Plan: Email from John Anderson dated 01/11/2019: Please provide V-2year at structure 1 (system outfall), and wrap L x W x D design. consistent with VESCH design guidelines (Std. & Spec. 3.18 Outlet protection). Label Str.1 outfall riprap L x W x D dimensions on the VSMP/WPO Plan (WPO 2018-00095), and on the final site plan. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 65 Email from John Anderson, dated 01-1 6 20 10 Right turn lane - — • Sheet 12 shows South Pantops Drive typical road cross section with proposed 12' right turn lane. Please revise site layout sheets. (3 4 5) to show and label proposed rt turn lane plan ,,iew ;unless overlooked) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. • Sheet 2 shows variable width Ex concrete ditch section Please revise sheet 2 to sno„, f R cor1,7.:re ,F; itch t be 'fir " arr,D; ed Rev cornm 02: Addressed L'r"a . ,turn Dav;a James Gated 01 ' 1 The outfall pipes from storm structure 4 should be adjusted (enlarged/raised. etc ), or be made watertight based upon HGL {DSM, pg 14} Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 2. All drainage from public ROW should be shown in an easement. Minimum width 20' & meets DSM, pg. 14 width requirement Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 3 Sheet 10 - Pipe (2-1) & (3-2) a. Velocity shall not exceed 15 ft/s in pipes b Provide anchor blocks at every other pipe joint for storms pipes over 16% slope. A "step down"manhole system can be used in steeper terrain to reduce pipe gradient. c Correct the tables - node I Ds showing '64' or don't match the nodes shown on Sheet 5 map Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 67. [NEW] (Rev.1) Sheet 3 and 4: a. Provide correct sneet callout for trash compactor Correct the CG-12 callout along South Pantops (should be CG-6) and page reference label (should be sheet 18) for guardrail terminal detail Rev. comm #3: Addressed. b. Label retaining walls over 30-inces and not integral to the building wall design (RVV#1, RW#2, etc.). provide max height, TW/BW spot elevations for retaining wall at SW parking lot corner near building #3. Guardrail warranted in front of retaining wall for last two parking spaces. Rev. comm #3: Label TW/BW elevation and max height for wall #4. RESPONSE: TW/BW labels have been added to the retaining wall around the tot lot. c. Specify UD-3 for proposed sidewalk along South Pantops UD-3 to outlet to EW- 12 or proposed flume drain str. Show UD-3 in the sidewalk details. Rev. comm #3: Addressed. d. Rev. comm #3: Show retaining wall accurately according to the wall design plans. RESPONSE: The walls have been overlayed to match the retaining wall design plans. 68. [NEW] (Rev.1) Sheet 6 Correct grading near entrance where the ditch (to Nc Rev. comm #3: Addressed. a . Rev. comm #3: Addressed. b Rev. comm #3: Addressed. Albemarle County Information Services (E911 —Andrew Walker) "No Objection" (12/7/19) Albemarle County Building Inspections (Michael Dellinger) "No Objection" (6/24/19) Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (Shawn Maddox) "No Objection" (4/15/19) Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson) 1. Include details, TD-14, TD-15, TD-6. Response: Details have been added. Virginia Department of Transportation (Adam Moore) 1. A design waiver has been submitted for the lack of required buffer strip along the proposed new sidewalk. Comments were provided to the applicant via email on 10 July 2019. Response: We propose an 8-foot sidewalk instead of a buffer strip. 2. The Department is fine with the general design of the proposed drainage flume; however, we would like to discuss other non-slip surface options. Response: Acknowledged. We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately addresses your comments. However, please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, Riki Van-Niekerk IM ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ©A LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 195E ENGINEERING IANDPIANNING I \( I\f-1-.RI\(il)I-1'\RIMI-.NI 'I R\t1 {)f I':\Rl\I1•\I I"'DI"-r11P:AA TOPS DRIVL.SFL..A 014\R)AIILIII.I)R(l U) II\I l..T.\GG;\RT.PL (II.\RLul I1.S\'11.1.1:.\'A 22011 (HARD)! 11 \\22002 l:\\I J.LLDRrl1l:R. DUv I R.A\((),P.l. PtIO\I {�;a)979-RI�I PIIU',I 41I)�>77-)( BRI.AN I) 11AIIS0A,I..ti. I)VA 11)\I.ROHIA'()\.1,1 I.\X t-*4)')79-16S i I \X)4“)2)6-522I) !MID V IORD\\.I S VvI\1\ \I.(,l:ORt;L.I..A. AIIhrROI 1)-AIII tiII(Ov1 kRISit)PIILR( \\INFLI(s.I_'.. June 10, 2019 Ms. Mariah Gleason Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-2018-00085 Vistas at South Pantops— Final Site Plan Dear Mariah, Please find attached the revised plans. The plans have been revised to address the comments in accordance with the following: 1 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please amend the project number for this final site plan to "SDP2018-00085." Please also include the initial site plan project niirnber (SDP2018-00008) on this sheet for reference purposes. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(b)] Please submit one (1) reduced copy of the final site plan no larger than 11x17 inches in size. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Review of the deed book records and County GIS indicate this parcel (78-20)is 13.12 acres in size, as compared to the 13.31 acres listed in the site plan. Please review and revise these values to conform with parcel records. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 4. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] The plans do not appear to adhere to, or include, many items included in the legend on Sheet 1 Please revise the legend and/or plans to be consistent with one another. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 5. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] Throughout the plan, please ensure that all identifying lines are labeled, by connected leader line or legend, and that they n-= ply distinguished from one another Please pay particular attention to Sheets 2 and Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 6. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(e)(6), 32.6.2(a), 32.5.1(c)(4)] Please provide horizontal dimensions for all proposed structures Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 7 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] With regard to utilities noted on Sheet 6, please include notes if any lines will be demolished, disturbed, or relocated during construction Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(g)] Please ensure III existing and proposed public easements are identified in the plan Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 9 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(d' ec 12.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please identify each easement as public or Rev. comm #2: Addressed. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(I), 32.5.2(o)] Prior to final site plan approval, it is necessary to obtain County approval of a plat showing all proposed easements (such as utility easements, stormwater management facility easements, and public use recreation easements) as well as all areas intended for dedication to the County for public use. The platting of easements and lands to be dedicated to the County for public use can be processed all together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers. Rev. comm. #2: Not addressed. However, staff acknowledge applicant's intentions to revise Special Lot Plat SUB201800176; and staff anticipate submission of a separate easement plat (with corresponding legal documents) to establish new required easements and new proposed easements (and to show existing easements). Please also see review comments #31 and #34. RESPONSE: Plat will be submitted. I acknowledge that final site plan cannot be approved prior to all items in comments #34. 11. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(o)] On Sheet 5, it is not clear if a right-of-way dedication is being indicated by the hatched fill on/adjacent to the roadway If this is the case, please add a label on Sheet 5, update the legend, and also add a note stating that "the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use." Please note that any such dedication requires the submission and approval of a plat and corresponding deed of dedication. (See previous note regarding easements.) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 12. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Please coordinate with Mr. Dan Mahon, in the Albemarle County Department of Parks and Recreation (ACPR), regarding potential trail alignment and potential public use easement boundaries for the "proposed public nature trail" noted on Sheet 3. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] On Sheet 3, please include with the "proposed public nature trail" label a note that the final site plan represents an approximate alignment, and the final alignment will be determined by County Staff and built in partnership with the County. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please provide a list of planned recreation amenities and reference/note the approved Request for Substitution of Required Recreation Areas and Facilities dated September 20, 2018 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15. [Z.O. Sec.] The tot lot area must be fenced to provide a safe environment for young children due to the proximity of steep slopes, the travelway and parking area, and South Pantops Drive. Please demonstrate that this tot lot fencing requirement is met by showing a visual depiction of a fence and by adding a note and/or labe Rev. comm #2: Addressed 16. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] On Sheet 3 or 4, please include the apprnxirn,tP inrafinn and size (total square feet) of the proposed clubhouse within Building Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 17 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(i)] On Sheet 1, please revise the `Parking Required" site data calculations to include the new minimum parking requirements established through the approved Parking Determination dated December 18, 2018 Specifically, please include the minimum parking requirement information that is currently shown (as tvoically required by County Code). and add the new minimum parking requirements wit` ,rence to rementioned determination (include document name and date Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 18. [Z.O. Sec. 4.12.17(c)(1)] The parking layout, between the surface lot in front of Building 3 leading to the podium parking in Building 2, does not meet code requirements for two-way access. The required minimum width is 20 feet. Please revise the parking schedule to conform to code requirements Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please provide the proposed paving materials or other surface materials fora!! walks narking lots and driveways. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 20 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approva' Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] On Sheet 8, please identify the location/extent of the existing tree canopy that will be preserved and maintained, as it is being used for the canopy bonus and (presumably) being utili--'d in lieu of new street trees that would otherwise be required along South Pantops Drive. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] For all existing wooded areas that are being preserved and maintained in the plan to meet tree canopy requirements and/or street tree requirements, please submit a signed Conservation Plan Checklist and include any information required by the checklist into the plan documents, as necessary. See attached. Rev. comm #2: Partially addressed. Staff acknowledge addition of a Conservation Checklist (signed 3/19 and 3/22) on Sheet 8. However, the limits of disturbance, tree protection fencing, and other project details [as specified in Z.O. Section] need to be shown on the Grading Plan (Sheet 6) as well as the Landscape Plan (Sheet 7). RESPONSE: The tree protection and limits of disturbance line has been added to the landscape and grading plan. 23 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] The current street trees specified for the street tree plantings (serviceberry) do not meet County Code requirements. Please select a large shade tree species to replace the current species. Any large tree species prescribed by the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, attached, is acceptable. If another species is desired by the applicant please submit a request and we will evaluate whether the substitution is acceptab • Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 24 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),, 3°1 7.9.5(b)] Please ensure that all new street trees are located outside of the right-of-way Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] The planting schedule depicted on Sheet 8 does not readily align with the Planting Schedule table provided on Sheet 9. F_, se review and revise these items to ensure consistency and provide clarity Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 26 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] On Sheet 8, please use genus and spec when identifying intended tree placements on-site Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] In the Planting Schedule table, please include an additional column within the tree category to specify the category of tree, as it relates to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List. For example Large Deciduous, Medium Deciduous; Small Deciduous; Ornamental Tree. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(c)] On Sheet 7, the contour labels, grading elevations, and symbology used for contour lines are not consistent and, at times, actually appear to use the same line type. Please ensure that existing and proposed contours are depicted differently, and please ensure the contour labels and graphic conventions are consistent. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please label the maximum height of all retaining walls. It appears that this is already shown for the retaining wall between Buildings 1 a,. -4 3, but please make sure that all retaining wall heights are provided Rev. comm #2: Addressed. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Revise the Site Data information on Sheet 1 (Cover Sheet) as follows: A. Revise the "Critical Slopes" label to "Steep Slopes" (Critical Slopes are only located in the Rural Areas; Steep Slopes are only located in the Development Areas); B In the corresponding description for"Critical Slopes," change all instances of "critical slopes" to read "Steep Slopes" or "Preserved Steep Slopes" (as applicable); and C Revise (update) the description of the document approved by the Engineering Division (titled "The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slope Exhibit") to include additional reference to the most recent approval date (3/22/2019). RESPONSE: All notes have been revised. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a), 32.6.2(g)] As of 5/10/2019* it is the understanding of CDD-Planning staff that some the proposed "Open Space" designations on the Final Site Plan will need to be revised as described below; this will require revisions to labels, notes, and other information on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan), and Sheet 4 (Layout Plan — Ground Level Parking), as well as revisions to the corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat SUB201800176. a. After recent coordination with County staff within and outside of the Community Development Department, the "upper" proposed Open Space (identified as an approximately 2.99-acre area labeled as "County Park" on corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat) should no longer be reserved for future dedication to the County due to the overlapping (proposed) SWM Forest/Open Space Easement in this same area. Instead, this "upper" proposed Open Space should continue to be designated as Open Space on the Final Site Plan, but with a new designation as a proposed public use and access easement, and this public easement will need to be shown on the corresponding Special Lot Plat and also the corresponding Easement Rat submission (with corresponding legal documents also being required). b. The "lower" proposed Open Space (identified as an approximately 3.91-acre area labeled as "Greenway Reservation" on corresponding Draft Special Lot Plat) should also continue to be designated as Open Space on the Final Site Plan, and must remain designated as being reserved for future dedication to the County (as has been previously established by, and as is required by, the terms of recorded plat in Deed Book 2913, pages 156-162, recorded 2/1/2005). c. (*) Note: CDD-Planning staff will continue to coordinate closely with the applicants and consultants, as well as all other regulatory stakeholders, to successfully identify a solution to the issues associated with the proposed Open Space (shown on the Final Site Plan) in relation to the proposed SWM Forest/ Open Space Easement (shown on the WPO Plan). RESPONSE: In phone conversation and follow-up email from Tim Padalino, dated 20 May 2019: "The Open Space areas shown on the final site plan and special lot plat can and should remain designated as being `reserved for future dedication to the County for public use.' The Open Space areas should not be designated as a public use and/or public access easement. These updates override / supersede review comment #31 from the 5/10 review comment letter. In coordination with multiple County Divisions and Departments, it has recently been confirmed that the reservation for future dedication is acceptable. I apologize for any uncertainty and delay that may have resulted from the varying guidance provided by County staff." 32 [Z.O. Sec.] Please add the required "verification of compliance" note to the Landscape Plan. Please include the following standard plant health note: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the toping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant." RESPONSE: The note has been on sheet 9 "Landscaping Plan notes & details" under "General Notes & Minimum Standards". Verification of compliance has been added. Additionally, the notes have been added to plan view on sheet 8 to provide additional clarity. 33. [Advisory]: It is the understanding of CDD-Planning staff that any maintenance within VDOT ROW is conducted solely by VDOT; please coordinate with VDOT staff and Albemarle County Parks and Recreation staff to determine the necessity of revising the following notes on Sheet 3 (Site Layout Plan): a. "Proposed pedestrian crosswalk to be maintained by developer" and b. "Location of proposed pedestrian crosswalk and connection point to trail to be determined and maintained by Parks and Rec Dept." c. Note: Permissibility and location of proposed crosswalks are subject to VDOT approval; CDD- Planning staff strongly support the design and implementation of pedestrian crosswalks (with appropriate signage, as may be applicable) across South Pantops Drive, which would also support and advance relevant Comprehensive Plan goals and recommendations. RESPONSE: The northern most crosswalk has been removed per VDOT request. The crosswalk at the entrance has been resolved with VDOT. (see VDOT comments below) 34. [Advisory]: The following remaining approvals are required prior to approval of final site plan SDP-2018- 00085: a. [Z.O. Section]: Water Protection Ordinance Plan (and corresponding legal documents) /WPO-2018-00095 b. [Z.O. Sections and]: Easement Plat (and corresponding legal documents) c. [Z.O. Section]: Special Lot Plat (and corresponding legal document) / SUB-2018- 00176; and d. Tentative approvals (review status of"No Objection") from all applicable SRC members for final site plan SDP-2018-00085 (see below). RESPONSE: Acknowledged. REQUESTED CHANGES: Rev. Comm. #2:All Requested Changes (Comments identified as #30— 35 in the first review comment letter dated 12/19/2018) are addressed.Thank you. 2. (Advisory Comment] Please be ads ised that, prior to a certificate of occupancy being granted, safety fencing is required along the top of the retaining wall on the southern edge of the property due to its height. Staff requests this fencing to be added (b, graphic depiction and label)to this final site plan Rev.Comm. #2:Addressed. 3 [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Review sheet index list and individual sheet titles to ensure these names match and are spelled correctly Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 4. IZ.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1. include in the sheet index a total number of sheets Rev.Comm. #2:Addressed. 5 [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a),32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 2, please revise the Legend to add the word"Steep" when describing Preserved and Managed Steep Slopes. For example. "Preserved Steep Slopes" and"Managed Steep Slopes". '! ,pr,n nt,from the initial Plan approval Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. 6 (Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(h)1 On Sheet 2. please label the Flood Hazard Overlay District. Rev.Comm. #2:Addressed. 7 [Z.O. 32.6.2(a),Sec. 32.5.2(r)] On Sheet 2,the Soil Type Boundary in the legend is not readily distinguishable on the map. Please revise. Rev. Comm. #2:Addressed. Albemarle County Engineering Services (John Anderson. Rev #2 David James) Title sheet 1. Revise site plan title to reference SDP2018000€ . Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 2. 7n title sheet, include Note reference to The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slopes Exhibit. ev. d 5/11/18, P date by Engineering Division 5/17/18, fik with SDP201800008 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 3. Revise index to include retaining wall design for all walls associated with travel ways and parking areas. Retaining wall design for walls integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3 may be submitted with building permit application/s. Rev. comm #2: Applicant will provide following FSP submittal. RESPONSE: All retaining wall design associated with travel ways is to be submitted under separate cover on 06/10/2019. 4. Provide retaining wall design for retaining walls associated with travel ways or parking areas that are not integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3. (Ref. site plan and retaining wall plan review checklists; Attached). Rev. comm #2: Applicant will provide following FSP submittal. RESPONSE: All retaining wall design associated with travel ways is to be submitted under separate cover on 06/10/2019. 5. Provide /show outline location/s of conceptual SWM detention or treatment systems. VSMP/WPO plan must be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval. (WPO201800095 is under review.) Rev. comm #2: Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to construction. TBA on WPO plans. RESPONSE: See comment #22 from Planning. Limits of disturbance and tree protective fencing to match same lines on WPO 2018-00095. Area of forest/open space (as per VRRM spreadsheet on WPO) is within the limits of disturbance and tree protection area. 6. Revise Erosion Control, ES-1 Note to ref. 9VAC25-840-4C. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 7. Plan Note 3: Revise to eliminate contractor responsibility to obtain state-federal permits. Albemarle will not approve a VSMP/WPO plan unless /until required state /federal permits are acquired. FSP cannot be approved without an approved VSMP/WPO plan. Permit acquisition is an Applicant/Owner responsibility. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 8. Plan Note 3: Revise to clarify Property Owner is required to post SWM-ESC-Mitigation plan bonds. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 9. n Note 4: Revise to read County Engineer, rather than District Engine& Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 2 10. Delete ref. to ISP10 for preserved slope details. Provide label reference to Critical Slopes Exhibit approved by CDD/Engineering on 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 11. "'ernmmehrl sho`n: `suer?al lot' boundaries Provide note reference toSUB201800176 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 3 12. 'rovide label reference to proposed °-nnvate nature trail detail Provide trail detail Ref ,.SCDSM Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 13. Label all pedestrian crosswalks. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 14. Provide/label crosswalk striping. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 15. Label all CG12. Provide CG-12 ramps at travelway/sidewalk crossing locations in plan view. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 16. LaL )idewalk width for sidewalk fronting parking spaces located on south side of Vistas Wa.. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 17. Some proposed parking space/travel way linework is gray; revise to black to indicate proposed improvements. Applies to sheets 4, 5 gray line type, as well. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 18. Label retaining wall . Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 19. provide /label retaining wall handrails, wherever wall ht. > 4-ft. Rev. comm #2: Correction > 30 inches. RESPONSE: Labels have been corrected. 20. Label guardrail. Provide label reference to GR-2 detail, sheet 1 c.-:. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 21. Label sidewalk width facing South Pantops Dnv4:. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 22. Label South Pantops Rd. right-of-way(linework` Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 23. Provide outline location/s of on-site SWM facilities (conceptual level), consistent with WPO20180009F. Rev. comm #2: Area of forest/open space to be demarcated in the field (fenced off) prior to construction. TBA on WPO plans. RESPONSE: See comment #22 from Planning. Limits of disturbance and tree protective fencing to match same lines on WPO 2018-00095. Area of forest/open space (as per VRRM spreadsheet on WPO) is within the limits of disturbance and tree protection area. 24. Approx. lc on 100' water protection ordinance buffer leader line may be inaccurate. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 25. WPO buffer location may require revision, confirm location buffer. Revise leader line, if necessar: Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 4: 26. Last parking space, NW corner of Vistas Way parking lot measures 13.2 ('sheltered' length =16'). Revise island west of this parking space to provide 'sheltered' length =18-ft Sheet 20 indicates fire truck will contact fender of vehicle parked in this space at a location 17-ft distant from face of curb fronting this space. Revise to provide 1-ft. clearance between f're vehirle turn. f ol,res that is 19-ft from face of curb fronting this parking space. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 27. =vise I< ' at dumpster pad so iegio;e krevise grayscale text to black) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 28. Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 29. Label entrance width at narrowest point Applies to sheet 5, as well Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 5: 30. Provide auto-turn figures for typical passenger vehicle encountering a second typ passenger vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at: a. Travel way curve just prior to entering/leaving building 3 parking deck. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. b. At curve measuring 17-ft., FC-FC, on approach to 23-space parking area west of building 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 31. Ensure aisle width in 23-space parking area west of building 2 is at least 20-ft. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 32. Label parking aisle width (item 31). Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 33. Revise design as needed to provide travelway width for typical passenger vehicles to pass one another at all locations, when traveling in opposite directions. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 34. Provide mirror to aid residents exiting building 3 to minimize chance of collision with vehicle/s reversing from parking spaces in the 16-space parking area Sight distance is inadequate. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 35 In the following locations, recommend stripe 2 spaces as 'No Parking' to allow parked vehicles to reverse, and travel in a forward direction: c N corner building 1, beyond stairwell, d SE corner building 2, beyond stairwell; e. NW corner building 3, before stairwell, Note: Recommendation results in loss of 6 parking spaces. Note. If recommendation not accepted, provide alternate design to ensure all vehicles using building parking decks can reverse and travel in a forward direction without performing extreme, multi-point or precise reverse maneuvers. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 6 36. Label rectangular structure south of Str 11. Rectangle differs in shape and style from typical DI. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 37. Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 38. Ensure adequate drainage easement width, all section of proposed storm system. For example, 20' is insufficient for storm line depth between structures 3 and 4 Ref easement width diagram, ACDSM, p 15. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 39. Ensure 'for residential development, the principal access [Vistas Way is] free of flooding during the 25-yr storm.' Ref item 4 Dreinaae Drainage Plan review checklist Provide LD-229 based on 25-yr event. Not rent anticipates 949 trios per day (144 units) Vistas Way is a principa . Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 40. Show/label VDOT ES, as Str 1. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 41. Label slope of storm line between Str 9 and 10. Ensure slope < 16%. Ref Drainage plan review checklist. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 7 42. Provide additional detail/labels for pool deck area of plan (TW/BW, if retaining wail spotelevations). Geometry of structures in this location is unclear. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 43. Provide/label handrails wherever wall ht > 4-ft , including pool deck area. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 44. At tangent section of travel way just prior to entering building 3 parking deck, revise % grade labels so legible. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 45.Add flow lines and % grade to asphalt surface to ensure runoff reaches Str. 5. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 46. Revise proposed improvements line type from grayscale to black. Also, similar comments elsewhere. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 47. Provide TW/BW elevations along retaining wall south of building 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 48. Show and label existing terrain contours. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 49. Ensure entrance grade <_4% for at least 40', measured from EP, South Pantops Drive. Ref. site plan review checklist, entrance improvements, item 2. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 8 50. Two (2) serviceberry trees conflict with Str. 7 and 8, revise landscape plan to eliminate conflict. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 12 51. Provide pavement design for Vistas Way based on 949 VPD. Proposed pavement section Dp=8.14, but Dr =14.575. Revise Vistas Way pavement section to ensure that Dp(rovided) D r(equired) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. Sheet 14 52. Recommend against 0.50% grade, EXSDMH to Str 10 If As-built condition of this storm line pipe < 0 50%, owner must provide remedy. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 53. Max grade storm line pipe is 16%. Revise proposed grade of storm line pipe between Str 9 and 11' Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 54. Provide label identifying structure located 2 7' below storm line between Str 8 and Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 55. Provide note requiring specific compaction for MH placed i it is. Str 5B, 6B, and 6C,to minimize issues related to settling; Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 56. Show/label VDOT ES-1 in profile (Str. 1) Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 57. Inlet calculation tables are not VDOT LD-204, LD-229 format. Provide LD-204 for inlets, LD-229 for storm sewer design. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 58. Since vertical drop in `step-down' MH Str 5 > 4', provide '/2" steel plate in floor of MH; ref. VDOT drainage manual, p 9-38 Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 59. Max. water depth for 5.5" inlet throat ht. = 0.458' Ensure water depth Max. depth. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 60. Sheet 18 Provide MH Step detail. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 61. Sh 19 Provide dumpster pad detail; ref. site plan review checklist, p. 3, item 8. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 62. Sheet 19: Provide handrail detail. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 63. Sheet 20. Engineering defers to ACFR on adequate geometric design for fire-rescue needs. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 64. Relates to ESC Plan. Email from John Anderson dated 01/11/2019: Please provide V-2year at structure 1 (system outfall), and riprap L x W x D design, consistent with VESCH design guidelines (Std. & Spec. 3.18 Outlet protection). Label Str.1 outfall riprap L x W x D dimensions on the VSMP/WPO Plan (WPO 2018-00095), and on the final site plan. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 65. Email from John Anderson, dated 01/16/2019: Right turn lane: • Sheet 12 shows South Pantops Drive typical road cross section with proposed 12' right turn lane. Please revise site layout sheets (3, 4, 5) to show and label proposed rt. turn lane in plan view (unless overlooked Rev. comm #2: Addressed. • Sheet 2 shows variable width Ex. concrete aitcn section. Please revise sheet 2 to show portion of Ex. concrete ditch to be removed /demolished. Rev. comm #2: Addressed. 66. Email from David James, dated 01/17/2019: 1. The outfall pipes from storm structure 4 should be adjusted (enlarged/raised, etc.), or be made watertight based upon HGL. {DSM, pg.14} Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 2. All drainage from public ROW should be shown in an easement. Minimum width 20' & meets DSM, pg. 14 width requiremen, Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 3 Sheet 10 - Pipe (2-1) & (3-2) a Velocity shall not exceed 15 ft/s in pipes b Provide anchor blocks at every other pipe joint for storms pipes over 16% slope A step down"manhole system can be used in steeper terrain to reduce pipe gradient c. Correct the tables- node IDs showing 64` or don't match the nodes shown on Sheet 5 map. Rev. comm #2: Acknowledged. 67. [NEW] (Rev.1) Sheet 3 and 4: a. Provide correct sheet callout for trash compactor. Correct the CG-12 callout along South Pantops (should be CG-6) and page reference label (should be sheet 18) for guardrail terminal detail. b. Label retaining walls over 30-inces and not integral to the building wall design (RW#1, RW#2, etc.). provide max height, TW/BW spot elevations for retaining wall at SW parking lot corner near building #3. Guardrail warranted in front of retaining wall for last two parking spaces. c. Specify UD-3 for proposed sidewalk along South Pantops. UD-3 to outlet to EW- 12 or proposed flume drain str. Show UD-3 in the sidewalk details. RESPONSE: Dumpster, curb, and guardrail labels have been corrected. Guardrail has been added to SW wall. TW/BW spots have been added to SW parking lot wall. UD-3 label has been added to sheets. UD-3 detail added to sheet 18. 68. [NEW] (Rev.1) Sheet 6: Correct grading near entrance where the ditch (to be removed/demoed)and curb/sidewalk meet. Sidewalks shall be generally level with minimal surface warping; cross-slope shall not exceed 2%. RESPONSE: Grading has been corrected; cross-slope shall not exceed 2%. 69. [NEW] (Rev.1) Sheet 13: a. Velocity in pipes (2-1) & (1-Out) & outlet is considered excessive. Reduce pipe velocity to 20fps or less, and outlet velocity to 10fps or less. A possible solution would be to install additional `step-down' manhole/s. b. Show size of drainage area going to flume off of s.pantops. I believe the total drainage area going to is more than 0.02ac. Is EC-3 adequate, if not provide alternative? RESPONSE: Comment #69(a) withdrawn at meeting on 3 May 2019 at County Office with David James, John Anderson, and Frank Pohl. Please see sheet 12 for drainage area going to flume. The typo for the area has been corrected. EC-3 is adequate up to velocities of 10ft/s per VDOT. We have a velocity of 5 ft/s for the 25-yr storm. Albemarle County Information Services (E911 — Andrew Walker) "No Objection". Albemarle County Building Inspections (Michael Dellinger) 1. Add the following note to the general notes page: a. "Retainin walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. b. ALL water lines, sewer lines, and fire ines from the main to the structure must have a visual inspection performed by the building department. c. ALL roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks. RESPONSE: Notes added to "Plan Notes" and "Utility Notes" on cover sheet. Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (Shawn Maddox) "No Objection". Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson) Sheet 5 1. Call-out 1.5 inch meter for apartment buildings. Response: Labels have been corrected. 2. Widen easement to water meters to standard 20 feet easements. Response: Easements have been corrected. 3. Confirm with concrete doghouse manhole fabricator that the proposed doghouse manhole D is doable. Response: I spoke with Patrick Rodgers, Winchester Precast, and confirmed that the doghouse manhole is doable. Sheet 14 1. Manhole D should be labeled as the doghouse manhole. Response: Label has been corrected. 2. Have water main crossings on top of storm. Response: Comment addressed via email with Richard Nelson on 5/29/2019. Sheet 16-18 1. Exclude details crossed out as shown on plan set. Response: Details have been removed. 2. Include details, TD-14, TD-15, TD-6. Response: Details have been added. Virginia Department of Transportation (Adam Moore) 1. The 12' offset and taper, turning right out of the entrance, is a requirement for entrances along highways with shoulders. However, this plan proposes curb and gutter. Please see Figure 4-10 on page F-109 of Appendix F. Response: The entrance has been corrected. 2. Sidewalks must be 8' in width if adjacent to curb without a buffer strip. Response: Per appendix A(1)-71: "No" on-street parking situations 5 foot sidewalk with no buffer strip requires the submission of a design waiver. Waiver request is included with this submission. 3. Please provide more detail concerning the proposed flume; what warrants this and how does this alleviate the concern? It appears that a DI is warranted here instead, which must lead to an established outfall. Response: The existing conditions of the site has no curb and gutter and the water is allowed to flow freely over the slopes to the creek below. Albemarle county planning department has requested that sidewalk be installed along the frontage of this parcel to allow for pedestrian interconnectivity in Pantops. Along with the submission of the Final Site Plan, I have included an exhibit which shows a profile of a potential manhole and pipe that would outfall to the existing drainage channel. The drainage area contributing to the flume is 0.26 acres. A flume is proposed in lieu of an inlet and pipe due to the proximity of the existing waterline, 18" Asbestos sanitary pipe, and critical steep slopes (please see the profile provided). It is the desire of the County Engineering Department to avoid disturbance to the Steep Slopes. The installation of a curb cut and paved flume is the least invasive option. I have also included photos of similar design flumes in the area. 4. The proposed crosswalk markings on S. Pantops Drive do not appear to be warranted. Please see IIM-TE-384. Additionally, please provide justification for any proposed midblock pedestrian crossings of S. Pantops Drive. Response: Resolved via phone call with Justin Deel on 5/28/2019. The crosswalk at the north end of the parcel has been removed. Crosswalk at entrance to remain. 5. CG-12s are needed at the site entrance, angled perpendicular to the entrance. Response: CG-12 have been added at the entrance. 6. The entire adjacent through lane throughout the width of the entrance must be included in the area of mill & overlay on S. Pantops Road. Include callout on plans indicated this is the area to be milled & overlayed in accordance with the WP-2 detail. Response: The label has been corrected. We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately addresses your comments. However, please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, Riki Van-Niekerk �ou ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. A A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ©e LAND SURVEYING, Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LANDPLANNING I '•. I hRI\(.I)1.PAR I MEN I SURVEY DFJ'\RI\IENI •( 1"rf PANTOPS DRIVE.STET.A 914 MON 1('Ii1.1.0 ROAD .11\11 .T\G(i:\RT.RE CII\RIUI'II;SVIL LE,VA22911 CIIARLOI I FS' ILLE•VA229°2 \VILI IAMJ 11I,10 I II R,I,S, DU\I R:\`((),I'E. PIIONI'(4341979-8121 PIIONI:(414)977-0205 I3RIAN I). \IISUN,I.S I)\VID MI ROBINSON.P I FAX(434)979-1681 1-AX 14 3-129h-52'D DAVID \ )RDAN. AMMY M GEORGL.L.A INI Ora R01 DARl'SILCO41 KRISFOPI ILR C \l INI ERS,L.S. March 29, 2019 Ms. Mariah Gleason Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-2018-00085 Vistas at South Pantops— Final Site Plan Dear Mariah, Please find attached the revised plans. The plans have been revised to address the comments in accordance with the following: 1. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please amend the project number for this final site plan to "SDP2018-00085." Please also include the initial site plan project number (SDP2018-00008) on this sheet for reference purposes. RESPONSE: The number has been amended and Initial site plan number has been added. 2. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(b)] Please submit one (1) reduced copy of the final site plan no larger than 11x17 inches in size. RESPONSE: A reduced copy of the plan will be added to this submission. 3. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Review of the deed book records and County GIS indicate this parcel (78-20) is 13.12 acres in size, as compared to the 13.31 acres listed in the site plan. Please review and revise these values to conform with parcel records. RESPONSE: Boundary information is based on a boundary survey performed by Dominion Engineering, dated 09/07/2017. It is my interpretation that there is a slight discrepancy due to the rear property line following the centerline of the river, and therefore, some interpretation and natural fluctuation of the river occurs. Note 9 on the boundary plat addresses this problem. The area of 13.308 acres (13.31 acres rounded) is the same area used on the approved subdivision plat by Roudabush, Gale and Associates where we created the special lot. 4. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] The plans do not appear to adhere to, or include, many items included in the legend on Sheet 1. Please revise the legend and/or plans to be consistent with one another. RESPONSE: The legend on sheet 1 has been updated to reflect the line types being used in plan view. 5. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] Throughout the plan, please ensure that all identifying lines are labeled, by connected leader line or legend, and that they are easily distinguished from one another. Please pay particular attention to Sheets 2 and 7. RESPONSE: Line types have been changed and additional text with leaders have been added for clarity. 6. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(e)(6), 32.6.2(a), 32.5.1(c)(4)] Please provide horizontal dimensions for all proposed structures. RESPONSE: Additional dimensions have been added. 7. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] With regard to utilities noted on Sheet 6, please include notes if any lines will be demolished, disturbed, or relocated during construction. RESPONSE: The existing sanitary sewer will be demolished and removed in accordance with ACSA standards. 8. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(g)] Please ensure that all existing and proposed public easements are identified in the plans. RESPONSE: All existing and proposed easement layers have been turned on. The hatching for preserved steep slopes has been turned off on some sheets for clarity. 9. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(d), Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please identify each easement as public or private. RESPONSE: Labels have been revised. 10. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1), 32.5.2(o)] Prior to final site plan approval, it is necessary to obtain County approval of a plat showing all proposed easements (such as utility easements, stormwater management facility easements, and public use recreation easements) as well as all areas intended for dedication to the County for public use. The platting of easements and lands to be dedicated to the County for public use can be processed all together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 11. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(o)] On Sheet 5, it is not clear if a right-of-way dedication is being indicated by the hatched fill on/adjacent to the roadway. If this is the case, please add a label on Sheet 5, update the legend, and also add a note stating that "the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use." Please note that any such dedication requires the submission and approval of a plat and corresponding deed of dedication. (See previous note regarding easements.) RESPONSE: The right taper lane has been revised. The right of way dedication is no longer being proposed. 12. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Please coordinate with Mr. Dan Mahon, in the Albemarle County Department of Parks and Recreation (ACPR), regarding potential trail alignment and potential public use easement boundaries for the "proposed public nature trail" noted on Sheet 3. RESPONSE: Applicant is working directly with Parks and Rec. 13. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] On Sheet 3, please include with the `proposed public nature trail" label a note that the final site plan represents an approximate alignment, and the final alignment will be determined by County Staff and built in partnership with the County. RESPONSE: The applicant is working directly with Parks and Rec. 14. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please provide a list of planned recreation amenities and reference/note the approved Request for Substitution of Required Recreation Areas and Facilities dated September 20, 2018. RESPONSE: Note has been added. 15. [Z.O. Sec.] The tot lot area must be fenced to provide a safe environment for young children due to the proximity of steep slopes, the travelway and parking area, and South Pantops Drive. Please demonstrate that this tot lot fencing requirement is met by showing a visual depiction of a fence and by adding a note and/or label. RESPONSE: Detail and label have been added. 16. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] On Sheet 3 or 4, please include the approximate location and size (total square feet) of the proposed clubhouse within Building 3. RESPONSE: Label and linework has been added. The clubhouse is 7280 sf enclosed. There is a 720 sf roof deck on the fourth floor. More details to be provided with the architectural plans. 17. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(i)] On Sheet 1, please revise the "Parking Required" site data calculations to include the new minimum parking requirements established through the approved Parking Determination dated December 18, 2018. Specifically, please include the minimum parking requirement information that is currently shown (as typically required by County Code), and add the new minimum parking requirements with a reference to the aforementioned determination (include document name and date). RESPONSE: Note has been added. 18. [Z.O. Sec. 4.12.17(c)(1)] The parking layout, between the surface lot in front of Building 3 leading to the podium parking in Building 2, does not meet code requirements for two-way access. The required minimum width is 20 feet. Please revise the parking schedule to conform to code requirements. RESPONSE: Parking layout has been redesigned. 19. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please provide the proposed paving materials or other surface materials forall walks, parking lots, and driveways. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. RESPONSE: Trail detail, sidewalk detail, dumpster pad detail, and typical pavement section for the parking lot is provided on sheet 11. 20. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers. *Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. RESPONSE: Trash compactor location is west of building 1. Dumpster pad detail has been added to sheet 11. 21. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] On Sheet 8, please identify the location/extent of the existing tree canopy that will be preserved and maintained, as it is being used for the canopy bonus and (presumably) being utilized in lieu of new street trees that would otherwise be required along South Pantops Drive. RESPONSE: Hatching and label has been added to sheet 8 to indicate that the existing tree canopy on the preserved steep slopes are to remain. 22. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] For all existing wooded areas that are being preserved and maintained in the plan to meet tree canopy requirements and/or street tree requirements, please submit a signed Conservation Plan Checklist and include any information required by the checklist into the plan documents, as necessary. See attached. RESPONSE: The conservation checklist has been added to sheet 8. 23. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] The current street trees specified for the street tree plantings (serviceberry) do not meet County Code requirements. Please select a large shade tree species to replace the current species. Any large tree species prescribed by the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, attached, is acceptable. If another species is desired by the applicant, please submit a request and we will evaluate whether the substitution is acceptable. RESPONSE: Street trees along South Pantops Drive adjacent to the Preserved steep slopes have been removed. 24. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),,] Please ensure that all new street trees are located outside of the right-of-way. RESPONSE: Street trees have been moved out of the right-of-way. 25. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] The planting schedule depicted on Sheet 8 does not readily align with the Planting Schedule table provided on Sheet 9. Please review and revise these items to ensure consistency and provide clarity. RESPONSE: Schedule and table has been revised. 26. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j), 32.7.9] On Sheet 8, please use genus and species names when identifying intended tree placements on-site. RESPONSE: Genus name has been added to the legend on sheet 8. 27. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(j),] In the Planting Schedule table, please include an additional column within the tree category to specify the category of tree, as it relates to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List. For example: Large Deciduous; Medium Deciduous; Small Deciduous; Ornamental Tree. RESPONSE: Category column has been added. 28. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(c)] On Sheet 7, the contour labels, grading elevations, and symbology used for contour lines are not consistent and, at times, actually appear to use the same line type. Please ensure that existing and proposed contours are depicted differently, and please ensure the contour labels and graphic conventions are consistent. RESPONSE: Contours and labels have been revised. Hatching for preserved steep slopes have been turned off for clarity. 29. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please label the maximum height of all retaining walls. It appears that this is already shown for the retaining wall between Buildings 1 and 3, but please make sure that all retaining wall heights are provided. RESPONSE: Additional labels have been added. 30. [Advisory Comment] Please be advised that, prior to a certificate of occupancy being granted, safety fencing is required along the top of the retaining wall on the southern edge of the property due to its height. Staff requests this fencing to be added (by graphic depiction and label) to this final site plan. RESPONSE: Graphic and labels have been added. All safety railing will meet 2015 Virginia construction code. The details for handrails associated with the buildings will be submitted with architecture package. 31. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Review sheet index list and individual sheet titles to ensure these names match and are spelled correctly. RESPONSE: Revisions have been made. 32. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, include in the sheet index a total number of sheets. RESPONSE: Total number of sheets has been added. 33. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 2, please revise the Legend to add the word "Steep" when describing Preserved and Managed Steep Slopes. For example, "Preserved Steep Slopes" and "Managed Steep Slopes".*Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval. RESPONSE: Revision has been made. 34. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(h)] On Sheet 2, please label the Flood Hazard Overlay District. RESPONSE: Revisions has been made to the line types and more labels have been added for clarity. 35. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(r)] On Sheet 2, the Soil Type Boundary in the legend is not readily distinguishable on the map. Please revise. RESPONSE: A different line type has been selected for clarity. 36. [Advisory Comment] Currently, the County holds an easement across the subject property for the Old Mills Trail greenway corridor. Per note 6 on the easement recorded in Deed Book 2913, Pages 156-162, that recorded easement states that the greenway corridor is reserved for future dedication to the County for public use, upon demand by the County in conjunction with any site development plan approval. Please be advised that it is staff's understanding that the County is likely to make a demand - for dedication of the land referred to in that recorded easement upon approval of the final site plan (as may be applicable). RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Albemarle County Engineering Services(John Anderson) Title sheet 1. Revise site plan title to reference SDP201800085. RESPONSE: Title has been revised. 2. On title sheet, include Note reference to The Vistas at South Pantops Critical Slopes Exhibit, rev. d. 5/11/18, PE-seal date 5/17/18, Approved by Engineering Division 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008. RESPONSE: Note has been added to the title sheet. 3. Revise index to include retaining wall design for all walls associated with travel ways and parking areas. Retaining wall design for walls integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3 may be submitted with building permit application/s. RESPONSE: Retaining wall design is currently in progress and will be provided under separate cover following FSP submittal. 4. Provide retaining wall design for retaining walls associated with travel ways or parking areas that are not integral to buildings 1, 2, or 3. (Ref. site plan and retaining wall plan review checklists; Attached). RESPONSE: Retaining wall design is currently in progress and will be provided under separate cover following FSP submittal. 5. Provide /show outline location/s of conceptual SWM detention or treatment systems. VSMP/WPO plan must be approved prior to Final Site Plan approval. (WPO201800095 is under review.) RESPONSE: Please see WPO2018-00095 for locations. 6. Revise Erosion Control, ES-1 Note to ref. 9VAC25-840-40. RESPONSE: Note has been revised. 7. Plan Note 3: Revise to eliminate contractor responsibility to obtain state-federal permits. Albemarle will not approve a VSMP/WPO plan unless /until required state /federal permits are acquired. FSP cannot be approved without an approved VSMP/WPO plan. Permit acquisition is an Applicant /Owner responsibility. RESPONSE: Notes has been changed to "Applicant/Owner" instead of contractor. 8. Plan Note 3: Revise to clarify Property Owner is required to post SWM-ESC-Mitigation plan bonds. RESPONSE: Notes has been revised. 9. Plan Note 4: Revise to read County Engineer, rather than District Engineer. RESPONSE: Notes has been revised. Sheet 2 10. Delete ref. to ISP10 for preserved slope details. Provide label reference to Critical Slopes Exhibit approved by CDD/Engineering on 5/17/18, filed with SDP201800008. RESPONSE: Notes has been revised. 11. Recommend show `special lot' boundaries. Provide note reference to SUB201800176. RESPONSE: Line has been added to show "Open Space" with note referencing future county dedication. Sheet 3 12. Provide label reference to proposed private nature trail detail. Provide trail detail. Ref. ASCDSM. RESPONSE: Label has been revised and detail has been added to sheet 11. 13. Label all pedestrian crosswalks. RESPONSE: Crosswalks have been labeled. 14. Provide/label crosswalk striping. RESPONSE: Crosswalk label and striping have been added. 15. Label all CG12. Provide CG-12 ramps at travelway/sidewalk crossing locations in plan view. RESPONSE: Labels and ramps have been added. 16. Label sidewalk width for sidewalk fronting parking spaces located on south side of Vistas Way. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 17. Some proposed parking space /travel way linework is gray; revise to black to indicate proposed improvements. Applies to sheets 4, 5 gray line type, as well. RESPONSE: Linework has been edited. 18. Label retaining wall/s. RESPONSE: Labels have been added. 19. Provide /label retaining wall handrails, wherever wall ht. > 4-ft. RESPONSE: Labels have been added. 20. Label guardrail. Provide label reference to GR-2 detail, sheet 19. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 21. Label sidewalk width facing South Pantops Drive. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 22. Label South Pantops Rd. right-of-way (linework). RESPONSE: Label has been added. 23. Provide outline location/s of on-site SWM facilities (conceptual level), consistent with WPO201800095. RESPONSE: Please see WPO-2018-00095. 24. Approx. location 100' water protection ordinance buffer leader line may be inaccurate. RESPONSE: Label and linework/layer has been corrected. 25. WPO buffer location may require revision; confirm location buffer. Revise leader line, if necessary. RESPONSE: Label and linework has been corrected. Sheet 4: 26. Last parking space, NW corner of Vistas Way parking lot measures 13.2 (`sheltered' length =16'). Revise island west of this parking space to provide `sheltered' length =18-ft. Sheet 20 indicates fire truck will contact fender of vehicle parked in this space at a location 17-ft. distant from face of curb fronting this space. Revise to provide 1-ft. clearance between fire vehicle turn figures: that is, 19-ft. from face of curb fronting this parking space. RESPONSE: The parking island in the NW and SW corner of Vistas Way has been redesigned. The parking space has been shifted closer to South Pantops drive. 27. Revise label at dumpster pad, so legible (revise grayscale text to black). RESPONSE: Revision has been made. 28. Show and label existing terrain contours. RESPONSE: Layer has been turned on. 29. Label entrance width at narrowest point. Applies to sheet 5, as well. RESPONSE: Label has been added. Sheet 5: 30. Provide auto-turn figures for typical passenger vehicle encountering a second typ. passenger vehicle traveling in the opposite direction at: a. Travel way curve just prior to entering/leaving building 3 parking deck. b. At curve measuring 17-ft., FC-FC, on approach to 23-space parking area west of building 2. RESPONSE: Exhibit will be provided with this submission. 31. Ensure aisle width in 23-space parking area west of building 2 is at least 20-ft. RESPONSE: Aisle width has been made 24 feet and a label has been added. 32. Label parking aisle width (item 31). RESPONSE: Aisle width has been adjusted and label has been added. 33. Revise design as needed to provide travelway width for typical passenger vehicles to pass one another at all locations, when traveling in opposite directions. RESPONSE: Travel way has been revised. 34. Provide mirror to aid residents exiting building 3 to minimize chance of collision with vehicle/s reversing from parking spaces in the 16-space parking area. Sight distance is inadequate. RESPONSE: Mirror has been provided and labeled. 35. In the following locations, recommend stripe 2 spaces as 'No Parking' to allow parked vehicles to reverse, and travel in a forward direction: c. N corner building 1, beyond stairwell; d. SE corner building 2, beyond stairwell; c. NW corner building 3, before stairwell; Note: Recommendation results in loss of 6 parking spaces. Note: If recommendation not accepted, provide alternate design to ensure all vehicles using building parking decks can reverse and travel in a forward direction without performing extreme, multi-point or precise reverse maneuvers. RESPONSE: The travel way is 24 feet wide which provides adequate space for a regular passenger vehicle to maneuver. Sheet 6 36. Label rectangular structure south of Str. 11. Rectangle differs in shape and style from typical DI. RESPONSE: Structure is a DI-7. Label has been added. 37. Show and label existing terrain contours. RESPONSE: Layer has been turned on. 38. Ensure adequate drainage easement width, all section of proposed storm system. For example, 20' is insufficient for storm line depth between structures 3 and 4. Ref. easement width diagram, ACDSM, p. 15. RESPONSE: Easements have been revised. 39. Ensure 'for residential development, the principal access [Vistas Way is]free of flooding during the 25-yr storm.' Ref. item 4, Drainage, Drainage Plan review checklist. Provide LD-229 based on 25-yr event. Note: development anticipates 949 trips per day (144 units). Vistas Way is a principal access. RESPONSE: 229 and 204 calculations are provided on sheet 13. 40. Show/label VDOT ES, as Str. 1. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 41. Label slope of storm line between Str. 9 and 10. Ensure slope < 16%. Ref. Drainage plan review checklist. RESPONSE: Storm network has been redesigned. Sheet 7 42. Provide additional detail/labels for pool deck area of plan (TVV/BW, if retaining wall; spotelevations). Geometry of structures in this location is unclear. RESPONSE: Pool deck details will be submitted with building plans by architect. All areas on the site will have handrails or guardrails where walls are higher than 4 feet. All railings associated with the building will meet the 2015 Virginia Construction Code. 43. Provide/label handrails wherever wall ht. > 4-ft., including pool deck area. RESPONSE: Labels have been added. 44. At tangent section of travel way just prior to entering building 3 parking deck, revise grade labels so legible. RESPONSE: Labels have been revised. 45. Add flow lines and % grade to asphalt surface to ensure runoff reaches Str. 5. RESPONSE: Grading plan has been revised to provide clarity. 46. Revise proposed improvements line type from grayscale to black. Also, similar comments elsewhere. RESPONSE: Line types have been made darker. 47. Provide TW/BW elevations along retaining wall south of building 2. RESPONSE: Labels have been added. 48. Show and label existing terrain contours. RESPONSE: Contours and labels are shown. 49. Ensure entrance grade <_ 4% for at least 40', measured from EP, South Pantops Drive. Ref. site plan review checklist, entrance improvements, item 2. RESPONSE: Entrance grade is 1.25%. Sheet 8 50. Two (2) serviceberry trees conflict with Str. 7 and 8; revise landscape plan to eliminate conflict. RESPONSE: Landscape plan has been revised. Sheet 12 51. Provide pavement design for Vistas Way based on 949 VPD. Proposed pavement section Dp=8.14, but Dr =14.575. Revise Vistas Way pavement section to ensure that Dp(rovided) D r(equired). RESPONSE: Worksheet has been added and the typical section has been revised. Sheet 14 52. Recommend against 0.50% grade, EXSDMH to Str. 10. If As-built condition of this storm line pipe < 0.50%, owner must provide remedy. RESPONSE: The existing 15" RCP pipe under South Pantops Drive is 4.5%. 53. Max. grade storm line pipe is 16%. Revise proposed grade of storm line pipe between Str. 9 and 10. RESPONSE: The storm network has been redesigned. 54. Provide label identifying structure located 2.7' below storm line between Str. 8 and 9. RESPONSE: Sanitary pipe layer has been turned on. 55. Provide note requiring specific compaction for MH Str. placed in fill; that is, Str. 5B, 6B, and 6C,to minimize issues related to settling. For example: RESPONSE: Note has been added. 56. Show/label VDOT ES-1 in profile (Str. 1). RESPONSE: ES-1 has been shown/labeled in profile. 57. Inlet calculation tables are not VDOT LD-204, LD-229 format. Provide LD-204 for inlets; LD-229 for storm sewer design. RESPONSE: Format of tables have been changed. 58. Since vertical drop in 'step-down' MH Str. 5 > 4', provide '/2" steel plate in floor of MH: ref. VDOT drainage manual, p. 9-38. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 59. Max. water depth for 5.5" inlet throat ht. = 0.458'. Ensure water depth <_ Max. depth. RESPONSE: Storm network has been redesigned. A 204 table has been added to the sheets for clarity. 60. Sheet 18: Provide MH Step detail. RESPONSE: Detail ST-1 has been added. 61. Sheet 19: Provide dumpster pad detail; ref. site plan review checklist, p. 3, item 8. RESPONSE: Detail has been added to sheet 11. 62. Sheet 19: Provide handrail detail. RESPONSE: VDOT HR-1 detail has been added to the "Details" sheets. The handrail design will be submitted with architecture package. The handrails will meet minimum code standards. 63. Sheet 20: Engineering defers to ACFR on adequate geometric design for fire-rescue needs. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 64. Relates to ESC Plan: Email from John Anderson dated 01/11/2019: Please provide V-2year at structure 1 (system outfall), and riprap L x W x D design, consistent with VESCH design guidelines (Std. & Spec. 3.18 Outlet protection). Label Str.1 outfall riprap L x W x D dimensions on the VSMP/WPO Plan (WPO 2018-00095), and on the final site plan. RESPONSE: Outlet protection has been designed using DEQ standards. 65. Email from John Anderson, dated 01/16/2019: Right turn lane: • Sheet 12 shows South Pantops Drive typical road cross section with proposed 12' right turn lane. Please revise site layout sheets (3, 4, 5) to show and label proposed rt. turn lane in plan view (unless overlooked). RESPONSE: Please see sheet 12 for a clear plan view of the proposed right taper lane. Previous submission showed a right turn lane, but only a right taper lane is required and will be provided. Plan have been revised. • Sheet 2 shows variable width Ex. concrete ditch section. Please revise sheet 2 to show portion of Ex. concrete ditch to be removed /demolished. RESPONSE: Label has been added. 66. Email from David James, dated 01/17/2019: 1. The outfall pipes from storm structure 4 should be adjusted (enlarged/raised, etc.), or be made watertight based upon HGL. {DSM, pg.14} RESPONSE: Entire system has been revised. 2. All drainage from public ROW should be shown in an easement. Minimum width 20' & meets DSM, pg. 14 width requirement RESPONSE: All easements have been revised. 3. Sheet 10 - Pipe (2-1) & (3-2) a. Velocity shall not exceed 15 ft/s in pipes. RESPONSE: The storm network has been redesigned. b. Provide anchor blocks at every other pipe joint for storms pipes over 16% slope. A "step down"manhole system can be used in steeper terrain to reduce pipe gradient. RESPONSE: Anchor blocks have been added. c. Correct the tables - node IDs showing '64' or don't match the nodes shown on Sheet 5 map. RESPONSE: New tables have been added in the 229 and 204 formats. Albemarle County Information Services (E911 — Andrew Walker) No Objection". Albemarle County Building Inspections (Michael Dellinge) "No Objection". Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue (Shawn Maddox) 1. FDC for only one building is shown on the plans. All three FDC's must be shown on the plans and within 100 feet of a hydrant. At our last meeting in the Roudabush Office we discussed three FDC's located at the entrance. RESPONSE: FDC have been revised. 2. The entire length of the travel way shall be marked No Parking Fire Lane" to include the area being counted as the turn around. RESPONSE: No parking sigs 3. A fire flow test will be required prior to final acceptance. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Albemarle County Service Authority (Richard Nelson) General 1. Provide fixture counts for the buildings. This will determine the water meter size. RESPONSE: Excel sheet with fixture counts provided with submission. 2. Provide water and sewer data sheets with the next submission. RESPONSE: Water and sewer data sheets provided with submission. 3. Remove the following sheets from ACSA submission: 9-13, 16 and 20. RESPONSE: Sheets have been removed. Sheet 6 1. Show existing sewer main. RESPONSE: Layer has been turned on. 2. Call out pipe diameter, material, and fittings. RESPONSE: Labels have been revised. 3. Show gate valves, as shown on plans. RESPONSE: Gate valves have been added. 4. Add a fire hydrant as shown on plans and relocate FDC as shown on plans. RESPONSE: Hydrant and FDC have been added as requested. 5. Relocate water main going to the last hydrant, as shown on plans. RESPONSE: Water main has been changed as requested. Sheet 7 1. Remove portion of proposed retaining wall out of ACSA sewer easement. RESPONSE: Wall has been removed from easement. Sheet 8 1. Remove proposed landscaping from ACSA easements, as shown on plan. RESPONSE: Landscaping has been removed from ACSA easements. 2. ACSA does not own the fire line passed the gate valve. Refer to plans regarding our easement. RESPONSE: Easements have been revised. Parallel easements have been combined into one easement. Sheet 15 1. It appears MH 2B is above grade, but also appears to be in the parking lot. RESPONSE: Grade has been corrected. 2. The proposed grade elevation is not connected between MH 2D_2C. RESPONSE: Grade has been corrected. Virginia Department of Transportation (Adam Moore) 1. This plan does not provide enough detail concerning the proposed improvements to Route 1140. Where are the pavement markings for the right turn lane? What are the dimensions of the turn lane and taper? RESPONSE: The plan has been cleaned up for clarity. Additional labels have been added to indicated the proposed improvements. 2. Please explain the proposed hatching located right of the entrance on Route 1140. The proposed turn lane should tie in to the existing turn lane, making a continuous right-turn lane. RESPONSE: The first submission of the FSP showed a right lane being added along the entire frontage of the property. For this submission, only a right taper lane is proposed (and required). The existing guardrail is to remain except where there is conflict with the proposed addition of the taper lane at approximately the last 36 feet near the entrance. New guardrail is proposed for this section and is offset 1 foot from the proposed 5-foot sidewalk. CG-6 and a 5-foot sidewalk is proposed along the frontage of the property. The CG-6 at the north end of the property will connect with existing CG-6. New guardrail will be installed at this portion as well. 3. A 3-foot buffer strip is required between the curb and sidewalk. RESPONSE: Adding a 3-foot buffer strip would require the applicant to demolish the entire length of existing guardrail and would require construction of a retaining wall in the critical slopes for grade lines to tie in. Since the east side of South Pantops Drive does not have a 3-foot buffer strip —the applicant would like VDOT to consider the effect of the buffer strip due to space constraints. 4. All retaining walls that support structures within the right-of-way must be approved by the Culpeper District Structure & Bridge Section. RESPONSE: The retaining wall along South Pantops Drive has been removed from the plan since only a right-taper is required. 5. What type of retaining wall is being proposed along Route 1140? How will guardrail posts affect this design, particularly if an MSE wall? RESPONSE: The retaining wall design will be provided with building permits. The retaining wall along South Pantops Drive has been removed from the plan since only a right-taper is required. The handrail for the wall on the south side of the entrance will meet all required safety standards. 6. The bench behind the guardrail must be at least 4 inches, and, if less than 2 feet, guardrail posts must be 9 feet in length. RESPONSE: The retaining wall along South Pantops Drive has been removed from the plan since only a right-taper is required. 7. Provide all applicable VDOT Guardrail Standards (MASH). Show guardrail end sections on plans. RESPONSE: Detail and labels have been added to the plan. 8. There appears to be guardrail between the sidewalk and street on some plan sheets; is this just the existing guardrail layer left on? RESPONSE: The existing guardrail is to remain. 9. Do the proposed earthwork, retaining wall, and guardrail installation affect the existing 54" culvert? Previous plans showed a connection being made to this culvert; is this no longer the case? RESPONSE: Proposed CG-6 and sidewalk improvements does not affect the existing culvert. A flume and channel is proposed at the low point of South Pantops Drive that will connect to the existing rip rap channel. 10. What is the hatched area along the proposed sidewalk/guardrail? RESPONSE: Hatching and dedication is no longer proposed — only a right taper is required. 11. The proposed crosswalk markings do not appear to be warranted. Please see IIM-TE-384. RESPONSE: Proposed crosswalks at site entrance will be maintained by the developer. The crosswalks at the north end of the site will be determined and maintained by the Parks and Rec department. 12. Street trees cannot be located within 30 feet of the entrance radii. RESPONSE: Street trees have been removed. 13. Provide the VDOT WP-2 detail and note on the plans the required area of mill and overlay in accordance with the WP-2 standard. RESPONSE: Detail has been added to "Details" sheet. Label has been added to sheets. 14. Is structure 11 a DI as noted on the profile? It does not appear as a DI in plan view. RESPONSE: Structure is D1-7. 15. CG-12's should be oriented perpendicular to the crossing street (entrance). RESPONSE: CG-12 have been revised. 16. Provide entrance radii. RESPONSE: 25' Entrance radii labels have been added to sheets. We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately addresses your comments. However, please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, Riki Van-Niekerk