HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800081 Correspondence 2019-03-08 (4)GEMENT
March 8, 2019
Paty Saternye
Senior Planner
County of Albemarle
Planning Division
RE: SDP2018-81 Royal Fern Townhomes — Final Site Plan
Ms. Saternye,
Thank you for your review of the Final Site Plan for Royal Fern Townhomes. We have reviewed and revised the plan per your
most recent comments dated December 22nd, 2018. Below is a detailed response to each of your comments.
2. A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
4. [] Provide in the site plan a sidewalk parallel to 511 street for the full length of the parcel. Work with VDOT,
engineering and planning to determine the section that will be required for the intersection with the road. The existing asphalt
trail is not of sufficient width and is not properly maintained.
RESPONSE: Full length sidewalk provided
5. [32.5.1(c) & 32.5.2(a)] Address the following:
• Provide the ZMA number in the zoning area of the data on the coversheet. Comment revised. Revise the project
number under the title on the coversheet to the number of this final site plan.
RESPONSE: The project number has been revised to 201800081.
• Show the adjoining portion of that parcel with the stormwater pond that will serve this development in the project area.
RESPONSE: Project more clearly delineated on Existing Conditions sheet and Site Plan Overview.
• Include information (TMP, Owner, Developer. Zoning, etc.) for the adjoining parcel in the data on the coversheet since
part of that parcel is being utilized to meet stormwater requirements. Comment not fully addressed. Address the
a. Portions of the subject and adioining parcel information on the existing conditions sheet is no longer shown
Provide this information on the existing conditions sheet.
RESPONSE: Provided on Existing Conditions Sheet.
Information consolidated and correct.
c. Easement plats deeds and maintenance agreements will be required for any proposed improvements on the
adjoining lots that are shown on this site plan.
RESPONSE: All easements provided. Maintenance agreements and temporary construction easements
will be provided.
• Provide the bearing and distances for the existing boundaries. Comment not addressed. Although there is a curve
table shown no labels for that curve table or for bearing and distances are shown on the existing conditions sheet for
the parcelts).
RESPONSE: The boundary line text has been turned back on. The curve labels are present on the Existing
Conditions Sheet.
• Revise the setback lines in the site plan to be correct. Address the following:
o Provide garage minimum setback on the coversheet. Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Ensure that all the dimensions for the garage setbacks are placed accurately. Some of the dimensions
appear to have been shifted.
RESPONSE: Dimensions are accurately aligned and placed.
b. Ensure the buildings are placed accurately. Some of the units appear to be shifted and therefore are no
RESPONSE: Building locations have been altered to meet all setbacks.
RESPONSE: Approx. garage footprint has been added to townhomes.
o Show the Front Minimum garage setback for the units which front the internal 'private street". The units
along the private street do not currently appear to meet the Front Minimum Garage Setback. IMPORTANT:
Note that the front setback is measured either from the edge of the private street easement (not the property
line in the middle of the private street) or any sidewalk if it is outside of the private road easement. Comment
not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. The minimum private street easement width is 30'. Revise the private street easement to all have a
minimum of 30' in width for their whole length.
RESPONSE: Please specify wherein code a minimum 'private street easement' of 30' width is
required. Access easements vary across site. 30' access easement is provided for Private Road A
(two way 20' pavement), a 26' access easement is provided for Alley A (two way 20' pavement), and a
22' access easement is provided for Alley B (one way 18' pavement).
b. Ensure dimensions for the private street easement are placed accurately and point to the edge of the
RESPONSE: All dimensions are accurate and point to edge of easement.
c. Required improvements should be within the 30' easement.
RESPONSE: Interior sidewalks and one side of street trees are included in 30' Access Easement.
Street trees beside driveways will have landscape easements.
RESPONSE: Please reference specific ordinance that states the 30' private street easement is
required to be outside the recreational area. Recreational area has been altered to be outside all
access easements. Recreational area SF meets County requirements at a total of 6029 SF.
c Revise the location of the units which front on the internal `'private street' so that their garages meet the
minimum Front Setback for the garages.
meet the setback requirements.
RESPONSE: They meet the front setback requirements. A special exception is being requested to
reduce the rear minimum setback to 10'.
o Front setback should be shown for the sides of the two buildings that adjoin the proposed private street(s).
Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Provide the full 30' private street easement width between units T25&T26
RESPONSE: The full 30' width is provided. It is now labeled.
meet this requirement. 50 Street & Private Road C. Front setback of 5' from back of sidewalk or R/W
should be used on Road C.
RESPONSE: Townhomes have been revised to meet setbacks, and are now a min. of 5' from
back of sidewalks.
c. It does not appear that T26 will meet the minimum front setback on the side of the unit Revise the plan
to meet this requirement.
RESPONSE: T26 has been revised and meets setback.
RESPONSE: Setbacks are now accurately offset from access easement to provide appropriate
o Ensure that the front setback, on the two buildings along Wahoo Way that have their sides facing the
proposed private street. is measured from whichever is the closer of the ROW of the private street and the
back of the sidewalk along the private street. Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Provide a sidewalk along the side of Lot T25, as specified elsewhere.
RESPONSE: Townhome layout has been altered. Sidewalks have been provided.
b. If the sidewalk is placed outside of the private street easement then the setback is measured from the
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
c. If the sidewalk is inside of the private street easement then measure the setback from the easement
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
Show the Front Minimum and Front Maximum setbacks along 51h street. Ensure that the buildings meet
these requirements. (NOTE: The units along 51h street are currently shown as double frontage lots. which are
not allowed. See above in the comments on how to address the double frontage issues.) Comment not fully
RESPONSE: Additional Setback Plan sheet has been added to clarify how building setbacks are
being met.
o Show the rear setback lines for all the units that have their garages along the alleys. Comment not fully
addressed. Revise the dimensions so that they are accurately placed and the arrows point to what is
supposed to be dimensioned.
RESPONSE: Drawing revised
o It appears that the units that have garages facing the rear of the lot, along the private alleys, are not meeting
the 20' minimum rear setback requirements. Revise the lot layout so that the units meet the requirement.
IMPORTANT: Note that the front setback is measured from the edge private alley easement and not the
property and not the property line in the middle of the private alley. Comment not fully addressed. Revise the
dimensions so that they are accurately placed and the arrows point to what is supposed to be dimensioned
RESPONSE: Drawing revised
• Show present use for the abutting parcel in the parcel information on the existing conditions sheet. Comment not
addressed. Add the present use for the abutting parcel in the box on Sheet C4.
RESPONSE: Provided. Present Use'Vacant Residential Land'. Land Use— Primary : Residential. Comp Plan
Land Use— Primary: Urban Density Residential.
6. [32.5.2(b) & 17.3] Revise the `Proposed Use' portion of the coversheet data to specify that the site plan is a "Cluster
Development", or a "Cluster Development" with "Bonus Levels" or increase the lot sized in order to meet the minimum lot size
of the R-10 "Conventional Development". The lot sizes shown do not meet the minimum lot size for "Conventional
RESPONSE: Correct, the property is only 2.88 AC. County GIS has the parcel mislabeled. Acreage has been verified with out
plat file. The Cover Sheet acreage and unit count has been altered. We are now providing 30 units. 28 units per R10
ordinance, one additional affordable unit, and an additional unit for the bonus, for a total of 30 units.
RESPONSE: Acreage has been adjusted. The parcel is 2.88 AC, and 3.1 AC after the boundary line adjustment.
c. BLA must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval.
RESPONSE: Boundary line adjustment will be submitted once all setback and easements are meeting County requirements
for approval.
RESPONSE: Major open spaces labelled. Due to sidewalks and driveways, large amounts of open space are
compartmentalized into smaller areas. Tally of open space can be provided if provided open space numbers are deemed
7. [32.5.2(b) &32.5.2(n)] The number of required guest spaces is shown to be met within the lot. However, "Visitor Parking Along
Wahoo Way" is listed in the parking calculations. If this continues to be specified on the site plan address the following:
Depict the parking in the site plan. Comment not fully addressed. No spaces are shown or dimensioned on Wahoo
RESPONSE: No parking will be provided along Wahoo Way. Cover Sheet has been adjusted.
Dimension the parking in the site plan. Not fully addressed. See comment directly above.
RESPONSE: Parking dimensions provided on Site Plan Sheet.
• Ensure that the proposed road section meets all road, parking & pedestrian access requirements. There does not
appear to be enough width in either the existing or the proposed private street section to include parking even on one
side. Comment not fully addressed See comment above and provide all required improvement within the private
street easement or proposed public street right of way.
RESPONSE: No parking will be provided along Wahoo Way.
• Engineering. Fire & Rescue and planning will have to approve the designs and sections.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
8. [32.5.2(b) & 32.5.2(n)) Provide the required recreational facilities/tot lot and address the following:
• Show and include the details of the recreational equipment. Comment not addressed. Address the comment.
RESPONSE: All required tot lot equipment is provided. There are large climbers that include slides, as
indicated for one of the equipment items (see Landscape Plan). A list of equipment has been provided on the
Landscape Plan Sheet in the Landscape Notes. Another (separate) play equipment could be provided, but
would cut into the tree shaded seating area. I would be happy to work through design decisions to create the
best recreational area possible.
Ensure that the interior or the fenced area meets the minimum of 200 square feet per residential unit (30 units x 200
square feet = 6 000 square feet required), Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. There can be no overlap in the recreational area and the private street easement. Revise site plan to remove this
RESPONSE: Please direct me to the section of the code that states `there can be no overlap in the
recreational area and the private street easement'. There is no mention in Section 4.16, Recreation
b. Ensure and confirm that the minimum of 200 square feet of recreational area per residential unit is provided
WITHIN the fenced in area and not inside any of the street or alley easements.
RESPONSE: The central tot lot / recreational area is 6,029 SF.
c. Provide legal documentations, or letters from the proposed utility easement holders that states that recreational
equipment may be placed over top of their easements or relocate the equipment within the recreational area to
no longer sit on top of the easements.
RESPONSE: If easements cannot pass over the recreational equipment we will relocate equipment or
provide the necessary easements. There is a generous amount of area in the recreational area to relocate
the equipment. The current location is to provide a playground area along one side, and a quieter tree
planted area on the opposite side.
9. [32.5.2(e ), 32.5.2(p) & 32.7.9] Provide a full landscape plan that provides all required landscaping. calculations and meets the
buffer & landscaping requirements for 32.7.9, the entrance corridor guidelines and to avoid any double frontage lots. Ensure all
calculations and graphics correctly represent the existing and proposed plantings and planting areas. Comment not fully
addressed. Address the following:
a. Ensure all the calculations utilize the correct acreages of the lot. The lot after the BLA will be 31 acres and not 3.4 acres
RESPONSE: Correct, the calculations have been altered.
b. The canopy calculation references the wrong sheet. Revise it to say C9.
RESPONSE: Canopy calculations have been revised.
c. Provide parking lot screening to the adloining residential lot.
RESPONSE: Screening has been provided along boundary line between guest parking and adjacent single family home.
d. See comment just below in reference to street tree landscaping requirements.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
10. ]32.5.2(e ). 32.5.2(p) & Provide street trees on both sides of all private and public streets at the required spacing for
the entrance corridor or request, and be granted, a waiver (32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the
private street that you do not propose to include street trees. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to
support a waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if the additional street trees are provided along all of
the GREEN highlighted areas. Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Provide street trees along the internal private street easement. No trees have been provided
RESPONSE: Trees were provided along private alleys, but not inside access easement. Additional trees have been added to
line the internal recreational area, and landscape easements will be provided for trees between townhome rear entry drives.
RESPONSE: Please note, there is one Private Street (A) and two internal alleys (A-B). Private street and internal alley tree
calculations have been shown on the Landscape Plan.
c. Provide a Road A street tree planting calculation.
RESPONSE: Road A is not associated with this site plan, but has been provided to communicate a more comprehensive
view of the project. Road A is associated with TMP 76.46A.
d. Include the full length of Wahoo Way in the street calculations. One side appears to be approximately 460' long and no length has
been specified in the calculation for the other side.
RESPONSE: The full length of Wahoo Way has been provided. 11 Street trees are required, and 12 have been provided.
e. Provide street trees for the full length of 511 street. Only a portion of the road shows proposed street trees
RESPONSE: Street trees are provided the full length of 51h Street. Interspersed ornamentals are also provided.
11. [32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(e ), 32.5.2(p) & 32.7.9] Provide the value of the maximum amount of paved parking and other vehicular
circulation areas on the coversheet and on the Landscape Plan and utilize in in the landscaping calculations. Comment not
been met.
RESPONSE: 'LANDSCAPE WITH A PARKING AREA' note added to Landscape Plan. The only parking area is the 8
spaces provided for guests. Only one tree is required for every 10 spaces. Two large trees provided.
12. [32.5.2(i) & (n)] Address the following
• Dimensions the width, and centerline radii and c rnej rad , of all rods and allevs a d e- e tlat the ra Is meet or
exceed minimum road requirements. Only the internal curb radii have been provided. The information for Wahoo Way
and Road A has not been provided.
RESPONSE: Road A is outside the scope of this site plan, and should be reviewed with TMP 76 46A. Road Aa
was provided to clarify the adjacent property development. Radii for Wahoo Way was not provided as it is
already built, and will not be altered. The existing curb radii for Wahoo Way has been provided on the Site
• Revise the width of "Road A Private or the alley converted from "Road A Private", to be 20 In width. Comment not
fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Adiust all road and alley dimensions to point to the correct linework.
RESPONSE: Provided
b. Label all roads correctly. Wahoo Way is labeled as Road B in one sheet.
RESPONSE: Road B is labelled correctly, as Wahoo Way technically veers right and continues through the adjacent parking
area. An appropriate name will be selected and submitted for approval.
c. Ensure that it is obvious what streets are being proposed with this site plan.
RESPONSE: The roads within the bolded dashed lines are the proposed roads for this development. If the adjacent parcel (76
46A) is confusing, it can be removed from the Site Plan.
• Provide all road and alley names on the site plan. Label roads and alleys with unique names and designations of
private and public. Public street labels should include "Dedicated to County for Public Use."
RESPONSE: Appropriate names will be submitted to the County for approval.
• Show and dimension on the site plan all of the existing and proposed private street, alley and access easements.
Address the following:
o Ensure that the or000sed private street easement width encomnasses all renuimd street imnrnvements I
private street easement.
RESPONSE: Curb and gutter are not required for single family dwelling units. 30' Access easement
is provided for the Private Road. Landscape easements will be provided (noted on Landscape Plan)
for street trees outside of easement.
Show the existing private street easement for Wahoo Way as well as the easement for its proposed
extension. Comment not fully addressed. The existing private street easement for Wahoo Way is not
private street easement.
RESPONSE: Street easement on Wahoo Way was turned off by accident. The easement information
has been turned on, and is visible in this submission.
o Show the proposed private alley easement. Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a. Provide all road and alley sections. Some alleys appear to need more than one section because of
changing widths.
RESPONSE: Provided on Site Sections sheet.
b. Ensure all alley labels and width dimensions are correct.
RESPONSE: All alleys are accurately labelled and dimensioned.
o Show the access easements for sidewalks that are proposed on adjoining properties. There are sidewalks
along Wahoo Way that are outside of the lot and require an easement for construction, maintenance and
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Easement for construction/maintenance/access will be submitted.
• Show where the road easement ends and the alley easements begin. Comment not fully addressed. End of
easements is not clearly defined.
RESPONSE: Easement Plan sheet should clarify easement locations. I am happy to provide additional
information if easements are still unclear.
• Accurately represent existing right-of-way lines and the existing path/sidewalk network. In the site plan the existing
asphalt trail appears to be within the pavement of the road along 5th street. Also, the connection between the existing
trail/sidewalks and proposed sidewalk does not appear to be accurate. Ensure they are accurately shown and
connect appropriately. Make the property line and right of way line clearer and able to be differentiated from the other
RESPONSE: The ROW is located on the back of curb along Wahoo Way, and along the property line adjacent
to 51h Street. Please see attached exhibit for Access easement along Wahoo Way.
13. [32.5.20)] Revise the plan to show the existing storm, sanitary sewer and drain pipes and easements. Show the existing storm
pipes and ditches within the site.
• It appears there is an existing waterline from across Wahoo Way that is shown to connect to the proposed
waterline. Show the existinq waterline in Wahoo Way, or show where a proposed waterline will be built in Wahoo
Waterline along Wahoo Way and future connection is noted on the Utility Plan.
• There appears to be stormwater from off site, coming under 51h street into the site that is not currently shown on tr,.,
Existing Conditions sheet. Add flow arrows on all existing and proposed stormwater pipes and/or ditches
RESPONSE: Completed
14. [32.5.2(k)] Revise the plan to show the proposed sanitary sewer: water and drainage facilities and easements. Include the
direction of flow on all pipes channels and watercourses with arrows. Address the following:
• Show the connection of the proposed waterline to the existing waterline. Comment not fully addressed. Address the
RESPONSE: Water connection is noted on Utility Plan. Existing waterline through Wahoo Way parking
area has an existing stub -out for a newwater connection.
b. If any water infrastructure will be created with Road A. and Road A is proposed with this site plan then all of
those waterlines should be included in this site plan.
RESPONSE: Everything proposed is shown in the Site Plan
• Show the connection of the proposed sanitary sewer lines to the existing sewer lines. Please note that the sewer
lines in the submission and the one for the single family detached subdivision do to appear to show the same
proposed lines connections. Comment not fully addressed. If any sewer infrastructure will be created with Road P
proposed is shown in the Site Plan.
• [New Comment] Show the full required easement around each hydrant. One appears to have an insufficient
RESPONSE: Water easement by lot 23 has been adjusted to have full10 It dist. From hydrant.
• [New Commentl Show public road drainage easement for Road A.
RESPONSE: Road A is about of a separate site plan submission. Road drainage is shown with TMP 76 46A.
stormwater management easements will be reviewed by the County.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
• [New Comment] Label SWM/Pond retention easement.
RESPONSE: Provided
15. [32.5.2(i)] Provide the location of any existing or proposed utilities and utility easements including telephone, cable. electric and
gas. Indicate the deed book and page reference for all existing utility easements located on the property. Comment not
addressed. Address the following:
a. Show on the plan the deed book and page numbers for all existing easements on the site.
RESPONSE: Provided. If there is a specific easement you believe is missing please specify directly.
b. No existing easements have been shown for drainage/storm, electric, pas water, cable or phone. Show these easements
if they exist.
RESPONSE: All existing easements have been shown. If there are specific easements that are missing please
specify directly with DB PG.
16. [32.5.2(m)] Show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection from the proposed ingress to and
egress from the property,
RESPONSE: Notation specifying linear feet to nearest street intersection provided.
17. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the following,
Additional walkways and crosswalks (see attached markup showing possible pedestrian connection layout for
o Provide a sidewalk , street trees and planting strip along 5°i street for the full length of the property. See
GREEN highlight in attached markup. Work with VDOT, engineering and planning to design the
appropriate street section. Comment not fully addressed. Provide a sidewalk and planting strip along 5th
street for the full length of the property.
RESPONSE: Sidewalk and planting strip provided full length of 51h Street.
Provide a sidewalk along all sides of the tot lot that are private streets, on the far side of the planting
strip from the road, that include handicapped ramps and warning strips. Moving the guest parking, in the
center open space, to the private alley that is parallel to Wahoo Way would allow these requirements to
be met along the private street. Provide sidewalks on both sides of all public streets. Road B only has
sidewalk on one side for a short distance and on neither side for the majority of the distance.
RESPONSE: Only one side of Wahoo Way is on the subject parcel, and a sidewalk has been
provided the entire length. Please specify if there is additional sidewalk being requested outside
of the subject parcel.
o It is suggested that there be a sidewalk along at least two sides of the tot lot in order to connect, by way
of crosswalks, the tot lot to the rest of the site. See the ORANGE Highlights and BLUE crosswalks
showing these additional pedestrian linkages. Although it was only "suggested" that there be sidewalk
on two sides of the tot lot, it is "required" that there be sidewalk along the side of the private street.
Therefore another sidewalk should be added to the side of the tot lot.
RESPONSE: Sidewalk has been provided on all sides of the tot lot.
A sidewalk warning strip at the beginning of the sidewalk coming off the private alley near the four
parking spaces on the west side of the property. There are locations where the warning strips have not
been provided.
RESPOONSE: Warning strips have now been provided at all cross walks.
o Provide planting strips along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver
(32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose
to include planting strips. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a
waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if all planting strips are provided within
the site that are GREEN if all planting strips are provided within the site that are GREEN highlighted.
Address the comment or request a waiver.
RESPONSE: Landscape easements will be provided for all trees outside the Access Easement.
Provide sidewalks along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver for that
requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include
sidewalks. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the
portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if all additional pedestrian connections are provided
within the site in order to provide a full pedestrian network. Fully address the comment or request a
waiver. See comments above in reference to where sidewalks are still not provided along the private
RESPONSE: Sidewalk circulation has been altered. Sidewalk has been provided around entire
interior recreational area to provide better circulation.
Provide curb and gutter along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver for that
requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include curb and
gutter. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the portions
of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if it is supported by engineering. Fully address the comment or
request a waiver. Still areas where no curb and gutter are provided.
RESPONSE: Please be specific. All areas have curb, most have gutter as well. The only portion
without gutter is the western portion of Alley D which has no contributing drainage area as it is
uphill of the rest of the alley, with 5% slope (enough for sufficient drainage). All other areas have
either CG-6 or a 3' concrete ribbon gutter.
• Open space areas (ensure parking areas are not part of open space calculations) Comment not fully addressed.
Address the following:
a. Provide labels for each individual area of open space with a letter designation and specifying the square
footage of that area.
RESPONSE: Open space calculations provided on Site Plan Overview sheet.
b. Ensure parking areas are not included in the open spaces.
RESPONSE: Verified. Parking areas are not included in open spaces calculations. Parking area
around recreational area has been relocated.
c. Ensure all open spaces are part of the development and meet the minimum cluster development
RESPONSE: Appropriate open space provided within TMP 76.54.
19. [, 14-412(b)] Ensure that each private street and travel way within the development is designed and constructed to the
standards of Virginia Department of Transportation. Address the following:
a. Ensure Road A (Public Road) is designed to meet VDOT standards. Get VDOT approval.
RESPONSE: Road A is for another development as mentioned on previous comments.
b.All roads and internal travelways must get engineering and fire rescue approval.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
20. [COMMENT] Address the following:
• Provide reference benchmarks for the survey. Show a benchmark location and label on the site plan.
RESPONSE: Benchmark is NAVD88 as noted on Cover sheet.
• Indicate the available sight distance for the new entrance onto Wahoo Way. Comment not fully addressed. Address
the following:
a. Indicate the sight distance at Wahoo Way and Road A intersections.
RESPONSE: Sight distance for Road A intersection will be provided on a separate site plan, as Road A is off the
b. Add the required note about trimming the trees within the sight distance easements.
RESPONSE: Note has been added to Landscape Plan
c. Show proposed sight distance easements.
RESPONSE: Sight distance easements provided.
d. Make sure sight distance easement is shown in both directions at each intersection.
• Indicate the deed book and page references for all existing utility easements located on the property.
RESPONSE: All existing easements provided. If there is a specific easement believed to exist please specify
directly with DB PG.
• Provide a copy of all off -site easements, or letters of intent to grant them from off -site property owners.
RESOPNSE: All intended easements will be provided once larger site design layouts are resolved to prevent
re-recording easements.
22. [COMMENT] Show the Dam Break Inundation Zone line on the site plan. The site plan was submitted to Virginia Department
of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for review of its impact on the Dam Break Inundation Zone (DBIZ). Comment not fully
addressed. Show the line and label for the Dam Break Inundation Zone on at least one of the proposed sheets.
RESPONSE: provided on Grading Plan.
23. [COMMENT) See the attached comments from the other SRC reviewers.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
24. Show any off site easements that will be required for sidewalk and stormwater ponds on the adioining property.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
25. [New Commentl Revise private street easement labels to state "30' Private Street Easement."
RESPONSE: Revised private street easement
26. [New Commentl It appears that a portion of the existing private street easement must be vacated for this project. Address the
a. Show the portion that will be vacated on the site plan.
RESPONSE: Entire portion of Private Road Easement on TMP 76.54 will be abandoned.
b. Label the proposed portion of Wahoo Way as a proposed private street easement.
RESPONSE: Wahoo Way already exists and continues to the existing drive on the right. The proposed road will have
a new name.
c. A deed vacating the old portion and creating the new portion must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to
final site plan approval.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
d.A maintenance agreement, for all private streets, that meets the minimum County requirements must also be submitted,
reviewed, approved, and recorded with the easement and deed mentioned above.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
e.Owner of the existing Wahoo Way private street easement must be party to the vacation and additions.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged
27. [New Commentl See Fire Rescue's comments about building heights and travel ways. More precise information on the building
height will be required.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Buildings will be no taller than 30'. Provided on Cover Sheet.
28. [New Commentl The BLA must be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to site plan approval.
RESPONSE: Boundary Line Adjustment will be submitted, as noted in comment 6c.
29. Ensure the number of parking spaces on the cover sheet is correct for the number of units proposed.
RESPONSE: Spaces on cover sheet have been verified to match site plan.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to email me at Peter(a)shimp-engineering.com or
you may contact Justin Shimp at Justin(fthimp-engineering.com or (434) 227-5140.
Best Regards,
Peter Russell
Shimp Engineering, P.C.