HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400096 Correspondence 2019-07-08 30 Scale, LLC SC
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963
mike@30scale.com `<<
July 8,2019
Mr.John Anderson,PE
Civil Engineer II
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
RE: Stonefield Block D2—Phase 2—Second Submission
5DP201900012-Major Amendment
WP0201400096—VSMP Amendment
Dear John,
Please find attached two revised copies of the reference site plan and VSMP plan for your 2"d submission review. The plans
have been revised to address your comments dated April 17 in the following manner:
1. Include Albemarle County private street acceptance requirements on the plans; link to.PDF:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering
and WPO Forms/Road Inspections & Acceptance - Private Road Acceptance Procedure 11-01-11.pdf
RESPONSE:The private street acceptance requirements have been added to Sheet 3.
2. Sheet 1: Under related county tracking numbers, please list WP0201400096,VSMP Amendment.
RESPONSE:The WPO number has been added to Sheet 1.
3. Sheet 4:Copy Note 3.14 to sheets 7,8,9.
RESPONSE:Note 3.14 has been has been coped to Sheet 6-Existing Conditions&Demo Plan,Sheet 7-Layout Plan,
and Sheet 9-Grading Plan and labeled as Field Quality Control Note. Please note these sheets correspond to Sheets
7,8 and 9 from the first submission.
4. Sheet 5:Copy Contractor Coordination Note 10 to sheets 7,8,9, 10(sheet 10—Cash Alley Plan).
RESPONSE:The note has been copied to Sheets SP 6,7,9 and 10. These sheets correspond to Sheets 7,8,9 and 10
from the first submission plan.
5. Any sheet included with VSMP/WP0201400096(Amendment under concurrent review)that is also included with this
Site Plan set(SDP201900012)that is revised in response to Engineering WPO plan review comments must be revised in
the Site Plan set,such that revisions are consistent across plans.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. A notation has been added to indicate what the corresponding sheet numbers are
included in both SDP201900012 and WP0201400096.
1 IPage
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
30 Scale,LLC SCZ:)
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963 -�
mike@30scale.com <<
6. Sheet 7:Label off-site structures on adjacent parcels to the NW:shed,outbuilding,garage,etc.
RESPONSE: The off-site structures on the adjacent parcels have been labeled as requested on Sheet 7.
Sheet 8
7. Podium Parking(interior):
a. Eliminate double-stacked parking spaces at entrance to interior parking space. This layout cannot be approved,
and presents a hazard. The concept is generally unworkable with this site plan,given there is no opportunity to
'switch'a forward placed vehicle without blocking travel ways,and there is no likely possibility of reserving a
dedicated space for the rear vehicle to park temporarily,while a forward-placed vehicle is retrieved.
RESPONSE: Agreed. The three(3)double-stacked spaces at the garage entrance have been removed to
eliminate blockage of the garage entrance in any duration.
However,please note that the eight(8)double-stacked spaces in the garage interior have not been removed.
In addition,the eight(8)rear-positioned spaces have not been counted towards meeting the minimum
parking requirements.
In practice,the use of double-stacked"reserved"spaces in garages is not problematic and delays and
blockages are minimal.
The following note has been added to Sheet SP3 of the plans:
As determined by terms established by the leasing agent,available front and rear pair of double-stacked
(tandem)spaces may be offered to tenants. As part of the lease agreement,the tenant will need to
understand and abide by parking retrieval guidelines as follows,generally:
The tenants who lease a pair of front and rear reserved spaces shall follow vehicle retrieval scenarios 1-3 to
the maximum extent possible. vehicle retrieval scenario 4 shall be the exception and occurs when one person
performs retrieval of the rear vehicle and pull out/pull back in of the front vehicle.
The tenants who lease a pair of front and rear reserved spaces shall follow Vehicle Retrieval Scenarios 1-3 to
the maximum extent possible. Vehicle Retrieval Scenario 4 shall be the exception and occurs when one
person performs retrieval of the rear vehicle when it is blocked by the front vehicle.
Vehicle Retrieval Scenarios:
1) Two tenants of the same apartment leave the garage in their vehicles at the same time,or the front
vehicle only leaves the garage. No blockage or delay occurs.
2) Two tenants of the same apartment"switch"the position of their vehicles,typically at the end of the
day in anticipation of the position the vehicles should be in for the next departure. Minimal
blockage occurs on the order of 10 to 15 seconds.
3) The driver of the forward vehicle pulls out while the driver of the rear vehicle leaves the garage and
the driver of the forward vehicle then pulls back into the rear space. Minimal blockage occurs on
the order of 10 to 15 seconds.
4) The driver of the rear vehicle must pull the forward vehicle out and temporarily block the travelway
while he then pulls out the rear vehicle and parks it temporarily as well. The same driver then re-
parks the front vehicle into the rear spot and return to his vehicle, then leave the garage. This
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
30 Scale, LLC SC Q
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963 -4
mike@30scale.com `<<
scenario is discouraged and is the least common scenario,and the duration of blockage will be on
the order of 30-90 seconds.
b. NE entrance to building shows 20'wide entrance meeting two 10'wide parking spaces. Revise for clarity.
Either it is an entrance,or it isn't. It isn't,if parked vehicles block the entrance.
RESPONSE: The plans have been revised such that the single garage entrance on the north side(Parking
Level 1)has been labeled more clearly and the single parking deck entrance on the west side of the site
(Parking Level 2)has been labeled more clearly.
c. Check dimensions:overall drive aisle/bay width is listed as 66',and 60'. Please revise.
RESPONSE: The dimensions have been checked and shown correctly. The drive aisle is 60'-wide. Please note
some of the building dimensions have been revised to coordinate with the architectural plans.
d. 72.0'dimension appears inaccurate. Using HC parking space+5'striped area beside it as point of ref.,the 72.0'
width appears to be 70.5',instead.
RESPONSE: The dimensions have been checked and shown correctly. Please note some of the building
dimensions have changed slightly to coordinate with the architectural plans.
e. Comments requesting true scaled line-work apply throughout parking lot interior.
RESPONSE: The dimensions have been updated based to coordinate with the architectural plans and the
addition of the column grid.
f. Parking spaces proposed to be located against interior walls at SW corner,cannot perform a reverse maneuver
without multiple 3-or 4-point turns. The three spaces(2 reserved, 1 typ.)cannot be approved. All parked
vehicles must have space to reverse without multi-point or refined driving skill. Provide at least 9'space beside
these spaces,to provide adequate room to perform normal reverse driving maneuver.
RESPONSE: Agreed. As discussed at our engineer's meeting on April 25,we have provided a minimum of a 5'
space besides end spaces. This will provide adequate space to allow for a normal reverse driving maneuver.
g. Relocate proposed HC space beneath'building wall above' as low ceiling height, beams,etc.may interfere with
HC-equipped vehicle chair lifts,etc.
RESPONSE: Agreed. The HC spaces have been relocated.
h. Access to utility area appears obstructed. Recommend provide unobstructed access to utility area.
RESPONSE: Agreed. Access to the utility area has been revised to be unobstructed.
8. Podium Parking(exterior):
a. Eliminate parking space proposed nearly immeasurably close to building exterior wall,or provide
adequate clearance. Ref.ACDSM,Sec.7.C.6.for permissible parking space design guidance.
RESPONSE:Agreed. The exterior parking has been revised to provide adequate clearance. Bollards
have been added where appropriate.
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
30 Scale, LLC Sc Q
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963 -�
mike@30scale.com `<<
b. Revise SE-most of the 3 parallel parking spaces on NW side of building that does not meet VDOT Road
Design Manual requirements for Curb Extension. Check design of all parallel parking spaces. Ref. image,
RESPONSE: Two of the three parallel parking spaces have been removed. We have provided a single
parallel space in this location and have designed the curb in accordance with the VDOT Road Design
c. Provide bumper blocks for each perpendicular parking space adjacent to retaining wall "A".
RESPONSE: As discussed at our follow-up meeting,bumper blocks are not required adjacent to the
retaining wall since CG-2 is being provided in combination with a 2'parking overhang. The face of the
wall is also set back an additional 6"from the parking setback. A bumper block detail has been added
to Sheet 19 since bumper blocks were added at the ADA parking spaces.
d. Ensure parking spaces are separated from entrances and streets(to prevent queuing onto streets)a
minimum 18'from back of the entrance radius[see VDOT Road Design Manual,app. F,throat length and
corner clearance]—see,for example,perpendicular spaces nearest Inglewood Drive,at N end of building.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. We have removed one space along the north side of the building to meet
this requirement.
e. Relocate light pole to provide 2' Min.clearance,back of curb to face of light pole. (Ref.VDOT Road
Design Manual Fig. 13.
RESPONSE: The light pole has been relocated as per the VDOT Road Design Manual.
9. Cash Alley may not be barricaded as shown on WPO Plan. Site plan does not appear to show barricades on Cash Alley.
Ref./respond to related WPO Plan Engineering review comments.
RESPONSE: The barricade has been removed from the plans and narrative. Refer to WPO Plan comments.
10. Ensure SU truck design vehicle may circulate on paved drive aisles with adequate clearance to buildings,parked
vehicles,curb,or any other stationary object. See related comments,elsewhere.
RESPONSE: The wheelbase for a SU truck design vehicle has been overlaid on new plan sheet 22,Truck Pathing
Plan. Modifications to the curb lines have been made at the SE intersection of Kober Way and Strong Boulevard to
a 30'radius,and at the intersection of Cash Alley and Kober Way to a 14'radius. A detail has been added to new
Sheet 22—Truck Pathing Plan. There is not ample space for the SU truck design vehicle to negotiate the entrance
without driving on to the median,so in order to address this concern,the existing partially landscaped median at
the Bond Street entrance to Block D2 will be replaced with a paver that can support HS-20 loading
11. Walks/Stairs:
a. Provide railings at:
i. Steps at Main Entrance( 2-3 steps),
ii. Interparcel Pedestrian Connection(w/bike ramp),
iii. Short flight of steps at NE corner of office,and
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
30 Scale,LLC S� CZD
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963 -4
mike@30scale.com `<<
iv. Provide handrail detail/s(interparcel connection; retaining wall).
RESPONSE: Railings have been provided as suggested. Railings are shown on the retaining wall
details. However,please note that the final design of the railings atop the retaining wall will be
included with the building permit submission for the walls.
b. Provide 5'sidewalk, Min.,on SE side of Podium/Office. (COD provides Min.4'width for private walks at
residual buildings. Location/use/access of walk on Inglewood Drive is not private, but will be used by hotel,
theater,and shopping patrons. It is public,subject to county minimum sidewalk width standards.)
RESPONSE: A minimum 5'-wide sidewalk is provided. The 4'label has been corrected to 5'.
c. All sections of interparcel pedestrian connection sidewalk are public;revise to 5'Min.width.
RESPONSE: A minimum 5'-wide sidewalk is provided and labeled. Also,refer to detail on Sheet 20.
d. Provide interparcel stair detail(dimension stair width, bicycle ramp width).
RESPONSE: A detail has been provided on the interparcel stair detail and bicycle ramp on Sheet 20.
e. Provide and label hand rails on both sides of Interpacel Connection stairs.
RESPONSE: Hand rails have been provided and labeled on both sides of the Interparcel Connection stairwell.
f. Provide pedestrian crosswalk striping at NW 20'parking lot entrance.
RESPONSE: Pedestrian crosswalk striping has been added.
12. Relocate dumpster so that: 12'x 25'loading space functions; parking lot ingress/egress vehicle movement, and sight
distance around N corner of building,are unimpeded. Proposed location cannot be approved.
RESPONSE: Agreed. The dumpster has been relocated to improve the functioning of the garage entrance area.
13. Ensure revised dumpster enclosure/pad location do not impede sight distance,traffic movement, parking or loading
spaces,circulation on Cash Alley,and that forward movement path width works with a single-unit(SU)truck design
vehicle;i.e.,provide Auto-turn figures at every critical constriction or low-radius curve for a SU design vehicle(20'
wheelbase)that may enter the complex via Houston St./Ext.-Kober Way,and exit via Strong Blvd.,without reverse
maneuver. Do not locate dumpster where Waste Management vehicle is required to back down an alley or private
street. Do not resubmit if auto-turn figures do not show an SU design vehicle has adequate clearance at paved
constrictions or low-radius curves to parked vehicles,signs,walls, building edge,etc. [Ref.VDOT Road Design
Manual,Appendix B1, Fig. 2-2]
RESPONSE:Agreed. Also,see response to comments 10 and 12 above.
14. Provide bollards where there is likely possibility that tight sight constraints will lead to eventual vehicle—object
collisions. For example, parking space that nearly touches the exterior wall of the building,on NW side of building.
See also,Podium Parking(exterior),above.
RESPONSE: Bollards have been added where appropriate. A detail for the bollards has been added to Sheet 21.
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
a- \,N_
30 Scale, LLC Sc Q
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963 .�
15. Revise exterior building wall line width to match scale, and true architectural dimensions.
RESPONSE: The exterior building wall has been revised to match the true dimensions. All dimensions have been
double checked for accuracy with the architect.
16. Revise parking layout to accommodate main vertical structural building members, not shown.
RESPONSE: The parking garage layout has been revised to accommodate the column grid.
17. Orient all parking,directional and traffic control sign blades perpendicular to edge of pavement,so visible to vehicle
operators,while vehicle in motion.
RESPONSE: Sign blades have been rotated to be perpendicular to the edge of pavement.
18. Label stop sign at Int. Houston Street and Inglewood Drive
RESPONSE: The stop sign has been labeled.
19. Obtain permanent off-site easements to construct and maintain proposed concrete masonry unit retaining wall
geogrid,which,at N end of Wall "A" extends beyond PL.
RESPONSE: The wall location and design has been revised such that offsite easements will not be required to
construct the wall. The design will incorporate sheeting and shoring to keep all disturbance onsite. Typical wall
details prepared by a structural engineer are included on Sheet 20. A separate sealed wall plan is also attached for
informational purposes.
20. Obtain temporary construction easements,as needed,from parcels to NW to construct Wall "A".
RESPONSE: See response to#19 above. No temporary or permanent offsite easements are required to construct
the wall.
21. Provide a detailed plan/profile Retaining Wall "A"Geotechnical-PE sealed design. Ref. attached Retaining Wall plan
checklist. (Sheet 17 typical detail is insufficient.)
RESPONSE: A sealed design has been included for Wall"A".
Sheet 9
22. Provide design to limit dumpster enclosure storm runoff entering storm system. Goal is to limit introducing
contaminants into the storm conveyance system,especially given downstream SWM facilities.
RESPONSE: The dumpster pad has been designed such that there is positive flow and there is relief such that no
clean water will flow through the dumpster pad area.
23. Consider and respond to Engineering WPO Plan review comments. WPO Plan is under concurrent review.
RESPONSE: Please refer to WPO responses below in this letter.
Sheet 10
Comment-Response Letter to John Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
30 Scale, LLC Q
871 Justin Drive,Palmyra,VA 22963
mike@30scale.com 44,
24. Provide pavement design(Dr, DP)for Cash Alley and Kober Way that correlate with proposed road sections.
RESPONSE: Preliminary Pavement designs for Cash Alley and Kober Way have been provided on the Road Plan
and Profile Sheet. Please note that the preliminary design is based on a CBR value of 5 and a Resiliency Factor of
1.0 in accordance with the VDOT Pavement Design Guide. Final pavement designs will be required based on
actual CBR tests of the subgrade.
25. Grass strip width listed as 3.0'includes 0.5'concrete curb. Please revise.
RESPONSE: The typical section has been corrected.
26. Sheet 12:Review/respond to WPO Plan Engineering review comments relating to storm lines,inlets,etc.
RESPONSE: Refer to WPO Response below.
27. Sheet 14:Provide easement and physical safe access to plantings along upper edge of retaining Wall"A".
RESPONSE: As discussed,an easement is not required since the owner will retain ownership of the site area. A
railing has been provided at the top of the retaining wall and a clear path to the wall has been labeled along the
north side of the wall.
28. Sheet 14:Label references sheet 13 calculations, but sheet 13 does not include calculations. Provide calculations.
RESPONSE: The reference to Sheet 13 for ditch calculations has been corrected to Sheet 12 in the Site Plan
Amendment and Sheet 8 in the VSMP Amendment.
29. Sheet 17:Provide the following typical details:
a. Handrail
b. CG-2,CG-6,CG-12
c. Pipe bedding details
d. Inlet shaping
e. MH steps
RESPONSE: Details for the above items have been added to Sheet 21.
30. Revise Retaining Wall offset dimensions in typical block retaining wall detail,which do not consider depth
of block. The distance to property line does not appear to vary to 13.0', but less than this. Also,comments
RESPONSE: The notation on the retaining wall detail has been removed in favor of the stamped engineered
design for Retaining wall"A".
A. Sto •water Pollution Prevention Plan (S P)
The SWPPP c•itent requirements can be found in Co Code section 17-405. A SWPPP m contain(1)a PPP,(2)an
ESCP,(3) a SWM• and(4)any TMDL measures necessary. ' k to County template:
http://www.albema -.org/upload/images/forms center/depa ents/Community Development/for •s/Engineering and
WPO Forms/Stormwa - Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP tern e. df
7 Page
Comment-Response Letter to Jo n Anderson SDP2019-012 and WP02014-096
Albemarle County
Service Authèrity
Serving 4 Conserving
July 13, 2020
WW Associates, Inc.
Attn: John D. Beirne, Jr., P.E.
968 Olympia Drive
Suite 1
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
Re: Stonefield Block D1
Dear Mr. Beirne:
The plan, entitled Stonefield Block D1 dated February 28, 2020, last revised,
May 21, 2020, is hereby approved for construction. One set of the approved plan is
enclosed for your records. Any previously approved plans are voided with this
approval. This approval is for basic compliance with the General Water & Sewer
Construction Specifications of the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) and
does not relieve the contractor from responsibility for his work as it relates to the plan
and specifications.
The ACSA requires that a copy of the approved construction plan be on the
job site. The contractor is responsible for marking up a copy of the approved
construction plan showing as-built information and providing this data to your client
at the completion of utility installation. The final as-built plan shall be submitted in a
format of one paper copy and one mylar copy.
A preconstruction conference shall be scheduled with the project manager to
ensure coordination and answer any questions. This will be a short meeting to review
the project, materials, test methods and schedule, in order to expedite construction.
Please have the proper party call me at (434) 977-4511 to schedule the meeting.
This approval is valid for a period of 18 months from this date. If construction
is not in progress at the end of this time period, the approval shall be void.
The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no-lead regulation
regarding brass fittings that is effective on January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which
amends the Safe Drinking Water Act).
168 Spotnap Road • Charlottesville, VA 22911 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax (434) 979-0698
If you have any questions or if we can be of assistance, please give us a call
at (434) 977-4511.
4CexMdeI J MonMfom
Alexander J. Morrison, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
AJM/dbh AlINf1WWO0
cc: OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC 0/01 i] Z ilif
ACSA, Richard Nelson
State Health Department CJ3/113o3LI
Current Development, Bill Fritz
Bldg. Codes & Zoning Services
Soil Erosion Inspector I/.
050601 EngineerApprovalStonefieldD1071320