HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201400059 Staff Report 2014-05-06ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project # /Name ARB- 2014 -59: Sonic Drive -thru at North Town Center Review Type Final Review of a Site Development Plan Parcel Identification 04500000011100 Location Approximately 800' south of Carrsbrook Drive, on the east side of Route 29 North and the west side of Gander Drive, adjoining the south side of StellarOne Bank Zoned Highway Commercial (HC), Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner /Applicant First Gold Leaf Land Trust, Wendell W. Wood Trustee /Collins Engineering (Scott Collins) Magisterial District Rio Proposal To construct a one story, 2,400 s.£ restaurant building with associated parking, outdoor seating and drive- thru/drive- in food service on 0.65 acres. Context The proposed development adjoins the southern boundary of the existing StellarOne bank property. The Gander Mountain retail building, 450' to the south, is the only other building completed in the development. Smaller scale commercial buildings, predating the EC, lie to the south, while the recently completed Rivanna Plaza Shopping Center is located across Route 29 to the west. Visibility The north & south (side) and west (rear) elevations will be visible. ARB Meeting Date June 23, 2014 Staff Contact Brent Nelson SITE /PROJECT HISTORY DATE APPLICATION /REVIEW TYPE RESULT 02/03/2014 ARB 2013 -183, Initial Site Plan/Preliminary ARB Review; Advisory Review for a Drive- thru Window Comments provided (Attachment A) CHANGES TO THE PROPOSAL SINCE THE LAST REVIEW There are no changes to the size and location of the building. The following site changes appear on the plan: • The travelway width for the 8 westernmost angled parking spaces has been increased to meet minimum standards. • The drive -thru lane has been increased to the 12' minimum width required, and the drive -thru lane radius has been increased to meet AASHTO single truck standards. • The drive -thru bypass lane width has been increased by 2' to 16'. • The dumpster pad has been moved out of the sanitary sewer easement to the southern edge of the easement. • Shrubs have been added along the sanitary sewer service line serving the adjacent bank. The following changes have been made to the building: • The metal panel door, previously shown at the south end of the west (rear) elevation has been removed and replaced with red brick. • The horizontal, tan color brick band has been revised to show the same red brick color used above and below the band. • The poster display boards, previously shown on the side elevations, have been removed. • A metal panel service door has been added at the west end of the north (side) elevation. • The drive -in canopy adjacent to the north elevation is 10 feet longer and the canopy adjacent to the northern property line is 20 feet shorter. • Wall -mount lights have been added to the elevations. REF GUIDELINE ARB 02/03/2014 Comment ISSUE RECOMMENDATION Structure design 5 It is also an important objective of Provide building material and The brick and stone proposed Revise the proposed brick the Guidelines to establish a color samples for review. for the building are fiber veneer by showing a lighter pattern of compatible architectural cement products by the Nichiha color mortar. characteristics throughout the Company. The brick panels Entrance Corridor in order to measure 18" x 6' x 5/8" thick. Provide a stone veneer with achieve unity and coherence. Stone dimensions are 6" tall x more variation in tone and Building designs should 1 -3/8" thick with varying color. demonstrate sensitivity to other lengths: 25 -5/8 ", 15 -3/8" and nearby structures within the 10 -1/4 ". The crimson brick Provide a green color sample Entrance Corridor. Where a color is similar to the approved for the curved canopies in designated corridor is substantially brick for the adjacent Gander the front and rear elevations. developed, these Guidelines Mountain and Union Bank. The require striking a careful balance color representing mortar Revise the elevation between harmonizing new however, is darker. A lighter drawings to indicate the development with the existing mortar color would coordinate cornice color for the car hop character of the corridor and better and is expected to give canopies; SW Balanced achieving compatibility with the the brick more dimensionality, Beige, proposed for the significant historic sites in the which is lacking in the fiber building cornice cap, would area. cement product. The brick finish/color in the veneer has a coordinate well. 10 Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of more monotone appearance Provide a site /building buildings. compared to the approved brick for Union Bank and Gander elevation, as viewed from the EC, showing the entire 11 The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale Mountain. Its visual impact; width of the site including should be integral to the building however, is expected to be the canopies and building. and site design. sufficiently mitigated by its 90' distance from the EC, proposed 12 Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use vegetation in between and the forms, shapes, scale, and materials use of stone pilasters to break to create a cohesive whole. up the facade. 13 Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building design The stone veneer sample lacks should be relieved using design the warmer tones and variation detail or vegetation, or both. in color shown in the rendering. 15 Trademark buildings and related The stone approved for Gander features should be modified to Mountain has more variation in meet the requirements of the color. A stone veneer with more Guidelines. variation in tone and color is needed to break up the montone quality of the proposed brick veneer. The building's beige EIFS cornice and bronze storefront colors are expected to have a coordinated appearance with the other materials and colors. A green color sample for the curved canopies in the front and rear elevations was not provided. The metal cornice color for the car hop canopies was not indicated; SW Balanced Beige, proposed for the building cornice cap, would coordinate well. Remove the poster display boards The poster display boards have from the proposal. been removed. Provide an interior building floor An interior building floor plan plan. has been provided. Provide a site/building elevation, A site /building elevation, as as viewed from the EC, showing viewed from the EC, showing the entire width of the site the entire width of the site including the canopies and including the canopies and building. building was not included in this submission. 16 Window glass in the Entrance Provide specs on the proposed The applicant's response letter Revise Sheet C3.01 Corridors should not be highly glass. Ensure that the VLT shall indicates that PPG uncoated, Conceptual Exterior tinted or highly reflective. Window not drop below 40% and the VLR clear glass + clear is proposed. Elevations to reference the glass in the Entrance Corridors shall not exceed 30 %. The spec sheet provided shows proposed glass manufacturer should meet the following criteria: that it meets minimum VLT and and product ID. Visible light transmittance (VLT) VLR requirements with a VLT shall not drop below 40 %. Visible value of 79% and VLR value of light reflectance (VLR) shall not 15 %. Sheet C3.01 Conceptual exceed 30 %. Specifications on the Exterior Elevations does not proposed window glass should be contain any reference to the submitted with the application for proposed glass manufacturer final review. and product ID. Accessory structures and equipment 17 Accessory structures and Provide a dumpster enclosure Sheet 5 of 8 Site Cross- Sections Revise the dumpster detail to equipment should be integrated detail on the site plan drawings. A contains a dumpster enclosure show the dumpster enclosure into the overall plan of brick wall enclosure, of the same detail with a 4 1/2 foot tall brick height at 6'. Indicate on the development and shall, to the red brick in the building, would wall and 4 foot tall wooden detail the proposed gate extent possible, be compatible with provide a coordinated appearance. picket gate. The brick is to color will match the brick of the building designs used on the match the exterior brick on the the enclosure. site. building. The enclosure height does not meet the site plan Provide final, not 18 The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the ordinance minimum conceptual, building sections Entrance Corridor street. If, after requirement of 6' (Section and RTU locations for appropriate siting, these features (e)) . The proposed review and approval. Shift will still have a negative visual gate color was not indicated. A the location of RTU #1 to impact on the Entrance Corridor color to match the brick eliminate visibility. The street, screening should be provided enclosure would be appropriate. taller parapet at the east end to eliminate visibility. of the building or the lower a. Loading areas, Revise the proposal by relocating Sheet C4.01 Conceptual roof level at the west end b. Service areas, all the rooftop units to the EC end Building Section shows the may provide options. c. Refuse areas, of the roof and revising their location of the 3 rooftop units d. Storage areas, design so the top of the unit is (RTU). The drawing contains a e. Mechanical equipment, below the top of the cornice. note that the RTU locations and f. Above - ground utilities, and Provide a section to confirm. building section are conceptual g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, and subject to change. Final, razor wire, and similar security not conceptual, building fencing devices. sections and RTU unit locations are required for review and 19 Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the approval. The top of RTU #1 is buildings and surrounding natural level with the top of the parapet vegetation and may consist o£ wall and therefore at risk of a. Walls, being visible. This section of b. Plantings, and the roof has the most potential c. Fencing. visibility according to site cross- section #1 on Sheet 5 of 20 Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed the site plan. Shifting the to fit into the natural topography to location of RTU #1 eastward avoid the need for screening. When behind the taller parapet or visible from the Entrance Corridor westward over the lower roof street, these features must be fully level may provide options to integrated into the landscape. They eliminate visibility. should not have the appearance of engineered features. Revise the site plan drawings by More labeling of site features labeling all site features shown. has been added to Sheet 3 of 8 On Sheet 5 Site Cross - Sections, Layout. All three cross - sections verify which of the cross sections on Sheet 5 Site Cross- Sections labeled "CROSS SECTION 2" is are now correctly labeled. actually Section 3 and revise the drawing accordingly. 21 The following note should be added The following note does not Provide the following note to the site plan and the architectural appear on any of the site or on the elevation drawings: plan: "Visibility of all mechanical architectural drawings: "Visiblity of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance "Visiblity of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be Corridor shall be eliminated." eliminated." Site development and layout 6 Site development should be sensitive Reduce the negative visual impact Sheet 4 of 8 Landscaping Plan Provide a 3D visualization to the existing natural landscape and of the drive -thru and its shows more planting added just illustrating the view from the should contribute to the creation of an associated features, as viewed west of the drive -thru lane to corridor, with existing and organized development plan. This from the EC, by revising the reduce its visibility. Issues proposed vegetation. may be accomplished, to the extent planting plan to reduce visibility regarding that planting are practical, by preserving the trees and rolling terrain typical of the area; of this area and redesign the rear addressed in the Landscaping planting new trees along streets and and side elevations to relieve the section of this report. pedestrian ways and choosing species back door appearance. that reflect native forest elements; insuring that any grading will blend Remove the door from the EC The door on the west (EC) into the surrounding topography elevation and infill with brick on elevation has been removed and thereby creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to the extent practical, existing significant river and stream valleys which may be located on the site and integrating these features into the design of surrounding development; and limiting the building mass and height to a scale that does not overpower the natural settings of the site, or the Entrance Corridor. both sides of the stone. Provide a 3D visualization illustrating the view from the corridor, with existing and proposed vegetation. infilled with brick on both sides of the stone. A 3D visualization illustrating the view from the corridor, with existing and proposed vegetation was not provided. 39 The relationship of buildings and other structures to the Entrance Corridor street and to other development within the corridor should be as follows: a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike paths, and pedestrian walks should guide the layout of the site. b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor street should be parallel to the street. Building groupings should be arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor street. c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems. d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to provide continuity within the Entrance Corridor. e. If significant natural features exist on the site (including creek valleys, steep slopes, significant trees or rock outcroppings), to the extent practical, then such natural features should be reflected in the site layout. If the provisions of Section 32.5.6.n of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance apply, then improvements required by that section should be located so as to maximize the use of existing features in screening such improvements from Entrance Corridor streets. f. The placement of structures on the site should respect existing views and vistas on and around the site. Landscaping 7 The requirements of the Revise the Plant Schedule on The plant schedule on Sheet 4 Replace the Winter Jasmine Guidelines regarding landscaping Sheet 4 Landscape Plan to show Landscape Plan has been and Glossy Abelia plantings, are intended to reflect the all shrub planting heights at 24" revised to show one shrub at shown over the sanitary landscaping characteristic of many minimum. Include shrub 24" at planting and the others at service to the bank, with of the area's significant historic plantings "IV" & "IS" in the 36 ". All plantings shown on the evergreen shrubs species that sites which is characterized by schedule. landscape plan are included in will provide screening of the large shade trees and lawns. the plant schedule. drive -thru area. Landscaping should promote visual order within the Entrance Revise the drawing to show the Sheet 4 Landscaping Plan Corridor and help to integrate limits of the sanitary sewer shows the limits of the sanitary buildings into the existing easement beneath the Inkberry easement under the Inkberry environment of the corridor. Holly shrubs. Replace the Inkberry Holly shrubs with a mix Hollies. The row of Inkberry Hollies has been replaced with 32 Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should of three evergreen shrub species, a mix of three shrubs, Inkberry include the following: planted in an informal, staggered Holly, Glossy Abelia and a. Large shade trees should be planted arrangement and provide proof Winter Jasmine. Winter parallel to the Entrance Corridor that they would be allowed in that Jasmine is a trailing, vine -like, Street. Such trees should be at least 3' /z inches caliper (measured 6 inches easement. Show their planting deciduous shrub; therefore it is ' above the ground) and should be of a heights at 36" minimum. not suitable for screening. plant species common to the area. Glossy Abelia is a deciduous Such trees should be located at least shrub in this area and; every 35 feet on center. therefore, not suitable for b. Flowering ornamental trees of a screening. species common to the area should be interspersed among the trees required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern. c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or low stone wall, typical of the area, should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and fencing should be reserved parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of road right -of- way and utility easements. 36 Landscaping of buildings and other structures: a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of long buildings as necessary to soften the appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation should be determined by the length, height, and blankness of such walls. b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures; "drive thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at least 24 inches in height. 35 Landscaping of parking areas: Revise Sheet 4 Landscaping Plan The two Allee Elms and one Revise the spacing of the 4 a. Large trees should align the by reducing the spacing of the 1 London Plane have been Zelkova "Green Vase" trees, perimeter of parking areas, located Allee Elm & 2 London Plane replaced with four Zelkova along the northern edge of 40 feet on center. Trees should be trees, shown along the northern "Green Vase" trees; however, the site, to 40' maximum. planted in the interior of parking edge of the site, to 40' maximum. the spacing between trees areas at the rate of one tree for Add another large tree. ranges from 40' to 60'. Sheet 4 Replace the six Little Gem every 10 parking spaces provided Landscape Plan shows the Magnolia trees shown near and should be evenly distributed Include a dashed outline on the dashed outline of the canopy the west end of the sanitary throughout the interior of the landscape plan showing the limits with its close proximity (3' to main easement with tall parking area. of the canopies. Clarify how the 5') to two of the trees. evergreen shrubs. b. Trees required by the preceding trees will be allowed to reach However, the "V" (vase) shape paragraph should measure 2'/z their natural form, without of the Zelkova "Green Vase" is Replace the St. John's Wort inches caliper (measured six excessive pruning, when planted expected to allow it to adapt to and Winter Jasmine, shown inches above the ground); should so close to the canopy. the tight spacing without in the sanitary easement be evenly spaced; and should be of hampering its form. along the southern boundary, a species common to the area. with evergreen shrub species Such trees should be planted in Add another large tree in the The Albemarle County Service that will provide screening 10 planters or medians sufficiently planting island immediately east Authority has stated that only of the drive -thru area. large to maintain the health of the of the dumpster enclosure (south shrubs are permitted in the tree and shall be protected by end of the site) and provide proof easement. The island east of the curbing. that all the proposed plantings dumpster is in that easement so c. Shrubs should be provided as along the southern boundary are an additional tree could not be necessary to minimize the parking permitted in the sanitary sewer added. All trees previously area's impact on Entrance Corridor easement. If trees aren't shown inside the easement have streets. Shrubs should measure 24 permitted, increase the planting been removed with the inches in height. area. exception of the six Little Gem Magnolia trees shown near the west end of the easement. Tall evergreen shrubs would be appropriate in that location. Two Allee Elm trees, 38' on center, are shown just outside the southern edge of the easement. Inside the easement, the applicant is proposing St. John's Wort, DoubleFile Viburnum, Winter Jasmine and Fortune's Osmanthus shrubs. St. John's Wort is a flowering herb and Winter Jasmine is a 4' tall, trailing, vine -like shrub; neither will provide the evergreen screening required. Li tin 22 Light should be contained on the Provide a complete lighting plan A lighting plan with cutsheets Revise the lighting plan to site and not spill over onto for review. All wall and site lights was included with this include the wall sconce adjacent properties or streets; shall be full cutoff fixtures. Canopy lights shall be flush- submission. The wall sconce lights in the front and rear lights in the front and rear 23 1 Light should be shielded, recessed 10 or flush - mounted to eliminate glare. All fixtures with lamps emitting 3000 lumens or more must be full cutoff fixtures. 25 Light should have the appearance of white light with a warm soft glow; however, a consistent appearance throughout a site or development is required. Consequently, if existing lamps that emit non -white light are to remain, new lamps may be reauired to match them. 26 Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate colors for free- standing pole mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors. 27 The height and scale of freestanding, pole- mounted light fixtures should be compatible with the height and scale of the buildings and the sites they are illuminating, and with the use of the site. Typically, the height of freestanding pole- mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors should not exceed 20 feet, including the base. Fixtures that exceed 20 feet in height will typically require additional screening to achieve an appropriate appearance from the Entrance Corridor. 28 In determining the appropriateness of lighting fixtures for the Entrance Corridors, the individual context of the site will be taken into consideration on a case by mount or recessed. Wall lights shall be down lights only and located so as to illuminate the sidewalk without over - illuminating the building. elevations, the three wall lights at the east end of the south elevation, the two wall lights in the east elevation and one wall light at the east end of the north elevation were not included in the lighting plan. Fixture and pole colors were not included in the lighting schedule; black or bronze is appropropriate. The proposed wall pack fixtures do not fulfill the requirement for downlights that illuminate only the sidewalk beneath and would have an inappropriate appearance on the building. Green LED strip lighting is proposed along the edge of the curved canopies in the front and rear elevations. The colored light and the outlining of architectural elements with light are inappropriate in the ECs. This type of illumination does not reflect the traditional architecture of the area. It tends to change the focus from an overall coordinated building and site to individual "trademark" building features and does not contribute to an integration of buildings, land and vegetation along the corridor. This type of lighting has typically not been approved in the ECs. elevations, the three wall lights at the east end of the south elevation, the two wall lights in the east elevation and one wall light at the east end of the north elevation Revise the lighting schedule to indicate pole and pole fixture colors; bronze or black would be appropriate. Replace the wall pack fixtures with a wall light that is a down light only, illuminating the sidewalk beneath without over illuminating the building. Show a fixture style that would be compatible with the architecture. Remove the green LED strip lighting proposed along the edge of the curved canopies in the front and rear elevations. 12 case basis. 29 The following note should be Include the standard lighting note The note does not appear on Include the standard lighting included on the lighting plan: on the lighting plan. any of the drawings in this note on the lighting plan. "Each outdoor luminaire equipped application. with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle." 24 Light levels exceeding 30 Provide a lighting plan that limits Light levels under the canopy Revise the lighting footcandles are not appropriate for canopy illumination values to 20 reach 15.7 fc; however, the maintenance factor (LLF) to display lots in the Entrance footcandles. lighting maintenance factor 1.0. Make sure canopy Corridors. Lower light levels will used for all fixtures is 0.81. illumination levels do not apply to most other uses in the When corrected to 1.0, the exceed 20 footcandles. Entrance Corridors. lighting levels are expected to increase. Limiting the canopy illumination levels to 20 fc would be appropriate. Signs 9b Channel lettering (mounted on a Separate applications for signs are Elevation drawings show a wall Revise the proposal to raceway or individual letters) is required. The sign type is sign on each side of the indicate the stall menu preferred to cabinet signs because appropriate; however, overly building for a total of boards facing the EC shall cabinet signs tend to appear less intense sign colors will not be approximately 60 s.f. of wall not be internally illuminated. integrated with the building. approved and illumination will be signage. Total permitted sign Channel letters overlay the wall limited to internal illumination of area is based on 1.5 s.£ per Provide additional material and allow the structure of the channel letter text with no linear foot of building frontage. information on the stall the building to "read through" with illumination of the backer panel. The building has 27' of menu boards to clarify the less interruption. This results in a frontage; therefore, total sign "advertisement" side. more coordinated overall area is limited to 40.5 s.f. appearance. Remove the poster display boards The poster display boards have from the proposal. been removed from the 12 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. Proposed building materials and colors. 2. Visibility of the drive -thru and menu boards. 3. Visibility of rooftop equipment. 4. The relationship of the drive -in canopies to the building and landscaping. 13 proposal. The stall menu boards facing the The need for the stall menu EC should not be internally boards facing the EC to not be illuminated. internally illuminated was not addressed. Provide additional information on Additional information the stall menu boards to clarify clarifying the advertisement the "advertisement" side. side of the menu boards was not provided. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. Proposed building materials and colors. 2. Visibility of the drive -thru and menu boards. 3. Visibility of rooftop equipment. 4. The relationship of the drive -in canopies to the building and landscaping. 13 Regarding the final review of the site and architectural design Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Revise the proposed brick veneer by showing a lighter color mortar. 2. Provide a stone veneer with more variation in tone and color. 3. Provide a green color sample for the curved canopies in the front and rear elevations. 4. Revise the elevation drawings to indicate the cornice color for the car hop canopies; SW Balanced Beige, proposed for the building cornice cap, would coordinate well. 5. Provide a site/building elevation, as viewed from the EC, showing the entire width of the site including the canopies and building. 6. Revise Sheet C3.01 Conceptual Exterior Elevations to reference the proposed glass manufacturer and product ID. 7. Revise the dumpster detail to show the dumpster enclosure height at 6'. Indicate on the detail the proposed gate color will match the brick of the enclosure. 8. Provide final, not conceptual, building sections and RTU locations for review and approval. Shift the location of RTU #1 to eliminate visibility. The taller parapet at the east end of the building or the lower roof level at the west end may provide options. 9. Provide the following note on the elevation drawings: " Visiblity of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." 10. Provide a 3D visualization illustrating the view from the corridor, with existing and proposed vegetation. 11. Replace the Winter Jasmine and Glossy Abelia plantings, shown over the sanitary service to the bank, with evergreen shrubs species that will provide screening of the drive -thru area. 12. Revise the spacing of the 4 Zelkova "Green Vase" trees, along the northern edge of the site, to 40' maximum. 13. Replace the six Little Gem Magnolia trees shown near the west end of the sanitary main easement with tall evergreen shrubs. 14. Replace the St. John's Wort and Winter Jasmine, shown in the sanitary easement along the southern boundary, with evergreen shrub species that will provide screening of the drive -thru area. 15. Revise the lighting plan to include the wall sconce lights in the front and rear elevations, the three wall lights at the east end of the south elevation, the two wall lights in the east elevation and one wall light at the east end of the north elevation. 16. Revise the lighting schedule to indicate pole and pole fixture colors; bronze or black would be appropriate. 17. Replace the wall pack fixtures with a wall light that is a down light only, illuminating the sidewalk beneath without over illuminating the building. Show a fixture style that would be compatible with the architecture. 18. Remove the green LED strip lighting proposed along the edge of the curved canopies in the front and rear elevations. 19. Include the following note on the lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle." 20. Revise the lighting maintenance factor (LLF) to 1.0. Make sure canopy illumination levels do not exceed 20 footcandles. 21. Revise the proposal to indicate the stall menu boards facing the EC shall not be internally illuminated. 22. Provide additional information on the stall menu boards to clarify the "advertisement" side. 14 TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items: Sheet # Drawing Name Drawing Date /Revision Date Site Plan 1 Cover Sheet 05/05/2014 2 Existing Conditions 05/05/2014 3 Layout 05/05/2014 4 Landscaping Plan 05/05/2014 5 Site Cross - Sections 05/05/2014 6 Existing Stormwater Management Plan 05/05/2014 Lighting Plans L1.01 Site Lighting Plan hotometrics) 05/05/2014 (received date L2.01 Site Lighting Plan (fixture cutsheets) 05/05/2014 (received date) Architectural Plans C2.01 Conceptual Construction Floor Plan & Wall Types 05/05/2014 (received date) C3.01 Conceptual Exterior Elevations 05/05/2014 received date) C4.01 Conceptual Building Section 05/05/2014 (received date) Architectural Renderings Color Perspective Site/Building Renderings (4) 05/05/2014 received date) Color Building Elevations, all 4 elevations (1) 05/05/2014 (received date) Material /Color Samples Brick Veneer Panel Nichiha Style: Plymouth Brick, Color: Crimson Stone Veneer Panel Nichiha Style: Stackedstone Kurastone, Color: Desert Cornice Nichiha Color: SW 7037 Balanced Beige Paint (canopy columns) Sherwin Williams SW 6440 Courtyard Paint (metal door, electrical /gas service) Sherwin Williams SW 7055 Enduring Bronze Paint (cornice /sill cap) Sherwin Williams SW 7037 Balanced Beige 15 ATTACHMENT A AL$ 1 � "IRGI�Z�FJ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 February 7, 2014 Scott Collins Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Ste K Charlottesville VA 22902 RE: ARB- 2013 -183: Sonic Drive -thru at North Town Center TMP 04500000011100 Dear Mr. Collins: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on February 3, 2014, completed a preliminary review and a intial site plan review of the above -noted request. The Board took the following actions. Regarding the Special Use Permit for the drive -thru window: The Board by a vote of 5:0, forwarded the following recommendation to the Planning Commission. 1. Remove the door from the EC elevation and infill with brick on both sides of the stone. 2. Revise the landscape plan to show the limits of the sanitary sewer easement beneath the row of Inkberry Holly shrubs. Replace the Inkberry Holly shrubs with a mix of three evergreen shrub species, planted in an informal, staggered arrangement, and provide proof that they would be allowed in that easement. If they aren't allowed, increase the planting area. Show their planting heights at 36" minimum. 3. Provide proof that all the proposed plantings along the southern boundary are permitted in the sanitary sewer easement.. If the trees aren't permitted, increase the planting area. 4. Ensure that landscaping will screen the stall menu boards and the drive -thru menu boards as viewed from the EC. 16 Regarding the Initial Site PlanThe Board by a vote of 5:0, forwarded the following recommendation to the Agent for the Site Review Committee. Staff recommends that the ARB forward the following recommendations to the agent: Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18- 30.6.4(2), (3) and (5): o As per § and 30.6.4(c)(3) and EC Guidelines 35a and 36b, it is not clear that sufficient planting area is available along the north side of the parking lot to accommodate trees at 2'/2" caliper, 40' on center; or along the south side of the parking lot (drive -thru travelway) to accommodate shrubs and trees at 2'/2" caliper, 40' on center; or that sufficient planting area is available to accommodate shrubs along the western edge of the drive -thru to mitigate the appearance of the drive -thru use and its associated site features. • Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: o See comments on the preliminary proposal. • Regarding recommended conditions of initial site plan approval: o A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. o Clarify how the trees along the north edge of the parking lot will be allowed to reach their natural form, without excessive pruning, when planted so close to the canopy. o Provide proof that all the proposed tree and shrub plantings along the southern boundary of the parking lot and shrubs along the western edge of the travelway are permitted in the sanitary sewer easements at both locations. • Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: o None Regarding the preliminary site and architectural designs: The ARB offers the following comments on the preliminary site plan and architectural design: 1. Provide building material and color samples for review. 2. Remove the poster display boards from the proposal. 3. Provide an interior building floor plan. 4. Provide a site /building elevation, as viewed from the EC, showing the entire width of the site including the canopies and building. 5. Provide specs on the proposed glass. Ensure that the VLT shall not drop below 40% and the VLR shall not exceed 30 %. 6. Provide a dumpster enclosure detail on the site plan drawings. A brick wall enclosure, of the same red brick in the building, would provide a coordinated appearance. 7. Revise the proposal by relocating all the rooftop units to the EC end of the roof and revising their design so the top of the unit is below the top of the cornice. Provide a section to confirm. 8. Revise the site plan drawings by labeling all site features shown. On Sheet 5 Site Cross - Sections, verify which of the cross sections labeled "CROSS SECTION 2" is actually Section 3 and revise the drawing accordingly. 9. Reduce the negative visual impact of the drive -thru and its associated features, as viewed from the EC, by revising the planting plan to reduce visibility of this area and redesign the rear and side elevations to relieve the back door appearance. 10. Revise the Plant Schedule on Sheet 4 Landscape Plan to show all shrub planting heights at 24" minimum. Include shrub plantings "IV" & "IS" in the schedule. 11. Revise the drawing to show the limits of the sanitary sewer easement beneath the Inkberry Holly shrubs. Replace the Inkberry Holly shrubs with a mix of three evergreen shrub species, planted in an informal, staggered arrangement and provide proof that they would be allowed in that easement. Show their planting heights at 36" minimum. 12. Revise Sheet 4 Landscaping Plan by reducing the spacing of the 1 Allee Elm & 2 London Plane trees, shown along the northern edge of the site, to 40' maximum. Add another large tree. 17 13. Include a dashed outline on the landscape plan showing the limits of the canopies. Clarify how the trees will be allowed to reach their natural form, without excessive pruning, when planted so close to the canopy. 14. Add another large tree in the planting island immediately east of the dumpster enclosure (south end of the site) and provide proof that all the proposed plantings along the southern boundary are permitted in the sanitary sewer easement. If trees aren't permitted, increase the planting area. 15. Provide a complete lighting plan for review. All wall and site lights shall be full cutoff fixtures. Canopy lights shall be flush -mount or recessed. Wall lights shall be down lights only and located so as to illuminate the sidewalk without over - illuminating the building. 16. Include the standard lighting note on the lighting plan. 17. Provide a lighting plan that limits canopy illumination values to 20 footcandles. 18. Separate applications for signs are required. The sign type is appropriate; however, overly intense sign colors will not be approved and illumination will be limited to internal illumination of the channel letter text with no illumination of the backer panel. 19. Remove the poster display boards from the proposal. 20. The stall menu boards facing the EC should not be internally illuminated. 21. Provide a 3D visualization illustrating the view from the corridor, with existing and proposed vegetation. 22. Provide additional information on the stall menu boards to clarify the "advertisement" side. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on -line at www.albemarle.org /ARB. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: First Gold Leaf Land Trust Wendell W Wood, Trustee Po Box 5548 Charlottesville Va 22905 File 18