HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300157 Staff Report 2013-10-151 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project #/Name ARB-2013-157, 158 and 159: Stonefield Town Center Phase 2; Costco Fuel Center Signs; Costco Building Signs Review Type Final Site Development Plan and Signs Parcel Identification 061W00300019B0 Location On the west side of Route 29, approximately 1100’ south of Greenbrier Drive, between Sperry Marine/Northrup Grumman and Seminole Place Zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD), Entrance Corridor (EC) Owner/Applicant Albemarle Place EAAP LLC Magisterial District Jack Jouett Proposal To construct a part of the northern phase of the Stonefield Town Center, including a Costco big box retail store with an associated fuel pump canopy, and related parking, lighting and landscaping. Context The prosed development is located in the northernmost part of the Stonefield development, occupying Block F and part of Block G. The surrounding area includes a mix of commercial, industrial and residential development. Visibility Visibility of the Costco building was discussed at the August 5, 2013 ARB meeting. Based on the degree of visibility anticipated at that time, the ARB provided the following direction: 1. ARB review of the architecture of Building F1 (as presented in the Site Distance and Massing illustrations) shall be limited to the east and south elevations. 2. ARB review of the architectural elevations of Building F1 (as presented in the Site Distance and Massing illustrations) shall not include details. 3. Building heights remain a subject for review. At the September 16, 2013 work session, the ARB had these additional comments related to visibility: 1. The ARB expressed concern about the visibility of the building due to its size and the topography, even though the distance between the building and the EC is great. 2. The “unblocked” view of the Costco building will be considered if there is no assurance that the buildings fronting the EC will be constructed at the same time. The proposed building is set back approximately 875’ from Route 29 and almost 1800’ from Hydraul ic Road. At this distance, the building is not expected to have an impact on the Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor. ARB Meeting Date November 18, 2013 Staff Contact Margaret Maliszewski 2 PROJECT HISTORY DATE APPLICATION/REVIEW TYPE RESULT November 13, 2013 ZMA-2013-09 The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to review the rezoning amendment (reviewed by the ARB on 8/5/13) that would allow the addition of the automobile service station use in Block F. October 23, 2013 Balloon “test” In response to an ARB comment at the 9/16/13 work session, balloons were flown at the corners of the proposed Costco building to help demonstrate visibility. Weather conditions were very windy at the time. September 16, 2013 Work Session Preliminary ARB comments were provided on the design of the Costco building. (See Attachment B for the action letter.) August 5, 2013 ARB-2013-86: Stonefield Blocks F and G Initial Plan Initial Site Plan, rezoning and variation requests were reviewed by the ARB. (See Attachment A for the action letter.) Various Various site plans Site plans were approved for the “town center” portion of the Stonefield development, the Hyatt hotel, and the Haven residential area. Various ZMA-2008-03, ZMA-2011-04, ZMA- 2011-07 Rezoning applications were approved to revise proffers, codes, etc. October 22, 2003 ZMA-2001-07: Albemarle Place Approval of the original rezoning for Albemarle Place (ZMA-2001-07), including application plan, code of development and proffers. ANALYSIS REF GUIDELINE ISSUE RECOMMENDATION 1 The goal of the regulation of the design of development within the designated Entrance Corridors is to insure that new development within the corridors reflects the traditional architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines, that proposed development within the designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of design characteristic of the significant historical landmarks, buildings, and structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to promote orderly and attractive development within these corridors. Applicants should note that replication of historic structures is neither required nor desired. The ARB made the following comments at the 9/16/13 work session:  Colors, mass and landscaping are primary issues.  Landscaping in excess of EC minimums will be needed to offset the expanse of parking and the blank walls.  The large blank walls are out of character for the development. Take architectural cues from the rest of the development. Break down the massing more. Reduce the visual impact.  The entrance looks like an addition to the Add a phasing line to the plan. See landscaping recommendations. 3 3 New structures and substantial additions to existing structures should respect the traditions of the architecture of historically significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area. building. Greater integration is required. The proposed building measures approximately 330’ x 470’ x 33’ tall. As such, it is a very large building. Although it is anticipated that a building of this size would not exhibit the human scale of traditional commercial buildings, human scale is addressed in the building design by breaking down the elevations into bays of varying width, color and material, and interspersing the bays with pilaster-like elements. Bays range from 32’ wide to 80’ wide and pilasters are 10’ wide. The addition of green screens in several bays helps relieves the blankness. Building colors illustrated at the work session were primarily white and tan. The current proposal adds a medium-dark shade of gray at the larger building bays, and tan stucco in the lower third of the bays that are faced white metal panels. The proposed building is set back approximately 875’ from the Route 29 EC. The scale and massing of the building may be mitigated, in part, by this distance and by trees and other buildings located between the Costco building and the EC. The smaller retail buildings in Block G of the development are not proposed with this phase of development, but a phasing line does not appear on the plan. 9 Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, doors, materials, colors and textures should be compatible with the forms and features of the significant historic buildings in the area, exemplified by (but not limited to) the buildings described in Appendix A [of the design guidelines]. The standard of compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as traditional. The replication of important historic sites in Albemarle County is not the objective of these guidelines. 11 The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale should be integral to the building and site design. 13 Any appearance of “blankness” resulting from building design should be relieved using design detail or vegetation, or both. 5 It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence. Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require striking a careful balance between harmonizing new development with the existing character of the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant historic sites in the area. 10 Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of buildings. 14 Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting devices should be used to unify groups of buildings within a development. 4 12 Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a cohesive whole. No major changes have been made to the Costco entrance design since the work session. However, the split face block used at the entrance is now also used for the pilasters on the south and east elevations. This increases the coordination of the Costco building parts. Also, green screens like those used in the first phase of the Stonefield development have been added to several bays of the Costco building, and the Costco building and gas canopy are related in color and material. 15 Trademark buildings and related features should be modified to meet the requirements of the Guidelines. The proposed building clearly reads as a Costco store, but the standard design has been revised for this location. None. Accessory structures and equipment 17 Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into the overall plan of development and shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the building designs used on the site. Loading and dumpster areas are proposed at the back of the Costco building, out of view from the Entrance Corridors. Rooftop mechanical equipment is planned, and the parapet walls are expected to screen the equipment from view. The site section shows the parapets at 8½’ tall. A screen wall is proposed along the south side of the site, between the site and Sperry. The proposed wall design matches that approved in the first phase of Stonefield development. A note on the plan indicates the wall height on this side of Sperry is to be 25’. (The wall in the first phase is considerably shorter.) Trees and shrubs are proposed on the Sperry side of the wall. The wall begins approximately 280’ west of Rt. Provide sections and other pertinent information to clarify the appearance of the 25’ screen wall and its relationship to other site elements, and to show how it will be integrated into the surroundings. Consider additional landscaping at the eastern end of the screen wall to help integrate the wall into the landscape. 18 The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting, these features will still have a negative visual impact on the Entrance Corridor street, screening should be provided to eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c. Refuse areas, d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical equipment, f. Above- ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar security fencing devices. 19 Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and may consist of: a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing. 5 29 and the approved application plan shows a building to be built a short distance to the north of the east end of the wall in Block G. Given the wall height, additional information clarifying the appearance of the wall in relation to other site features would be appropriate to better understand how well the wall will be integrated into the surroundings. Additional landscaping at the eastern end of the wall might be appropriate. 20 Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed to fit into the natural topography to avoid the need for screening. When visible from the Entrance Corridor street, these features must be fully integrated into the landscape. They should not have the appearance of engineered features. The large stormwater pond located at the east end of the site is temporary. Permanent stormwater features will be underground. None. 21 The following note should be added to the site plan and the architectural plan: “Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.” The note does not appear on the plans. Add the following note to both the site and architectural plans: “Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.” Lighting 22 Light should be contained on the site and not spill over onto adjacent properties or streets; The photometric plan does not clearly show that spillover is not excessive at the west end of the site where there are adjacent residential properties. Also, pole lights are proposed at the east end of the property, but footcandle readings have not been provided in this area. Clarify the photometric plan to show that spillover does not exceed .5 footcandles at the west end of the site where there are adjacent residential properties. Revise the photometric plan to include 6 footcandle readings at the east end of the site. Be sure to include the property line along Rt. 29 on the photometric plan and include readings out to zero or to the property line. 23 Light should be shielded, recessed or flush- mounted to eliminate glare. All fixtures with lamps emitting 3000 lumens or more must be full cutoff fixtures. It is not clear from the information submitted whether the Sign-Vue LED fixture for the building wall signs meets the county’s definition of full cutoff fixture. Provide confirmation from the manufacturer indicating that the Sign- Vue LED fixture emits no light above the horizontal plane. 24 Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not appropriate for display lots in the Entrance Corridors. Lower light levels will apply to most other uses in the Entrance Corridors. Light levels under the gas canopy exceed 50 footcandles. This level of illumination will appear brighter than the surroundings, will increase the noticeability of the canopy, and therefore will not have an appropriate appearance for the EC. Reduce the light levels under the gas canopy to not exceed 30 footcandles. 25 Light should have the appearance of white light with a warm soft glow; however, a consistent appearance throughout a site or development is required. Consequently, if existing lamps that emit non-white light are to remain, new lamps may be required to match them. Proposed pole fixtures have metal halide lamps, which were also used in the first phase of development. Proposed wall and gas canopy fixtures have LED lamps, which are typical for those types of applications. None. 26 Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate colors for free-standing pole mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors. The XA and XB fixtures are proposed with a bronze finish, which was approved for the first phase of development. The finish of the other fixtures isn’t clear from the drawings. Clearly identify in the lighting tables and/or notes that bronze is the proposed finish for all light fixtures and poles. 27 The height and scale of freestanding, pole-mounted light fixtures should be compatible with the height and scale of the buildings and the sites they are illuminating, and with the use of the site. The P and P1 fixtures in the Costco parking lot are proposed at 30’ tall (including a 2’ 6” base). The other pole lights are proposed at 20’ tall, which matches the majority of Limit all pole lights to a maximum of 20’ high, including bases. 7 Typically, the height of freestanding pole-mounted light fixtures in the Entrance Corridors should not exceed 20 feet, including the base. Fixtures that exceed 20 feet in height will typically require additional screening to achieve an appropriate appearance from the Entrance Corridor. pole heights in the first phase of development. Some taller pole heights were approved in the first phase of development based on topography and the perceived height from the corridor. Factors to consider in this case include the following: 1) The closest P fixture to the Rt. 29 EC is approximately 480’ away. 2) Buildings will eventually stand between the parking lot lights and the EC. 3) Trees in the parking lots can help reduce the impact of the light. 4) The parking lot sits approximately 12’ to 18’ higher than the Rt. 29 EC. Landscaping 7 The requirements of the Guidelines regarding landscaping are intended to reflect the landscaping characteristic of many of the area’s significant historic sites which is characterized by large shade trees and lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order within the Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings into the existing environment of the corridor. The ARB made the following comment at the 9/16/13 work session: “Colors, mass and landscaping are primary issues.” As indicated in the previous reviews, utilities and easements exist that limit the ability to plant along the EC frontage. However, the applicant does propose a consistent row of trees and shrubs in the Dominion Virginia Power easement. Dominion limits tree planting to certain small species, which the applicant has proposed. They are maples with a mature height of 20’ to 25’. This planting layout is similar to that approved along Rt. 29 in the first phase of development. The trees are spaced closer than the guidelines requirement (generally 30’ instead of the required 35’ on center), serviceberries are interspersed, and a Provide documentation from Dominion Virginia Power that there is no objection to the proposed planting in the Dominion easement. 8 Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting different types of plant materials that share similar characteristics. Such common elements allow for more flexibility in the design of structures because common landscape features will help to harmonize the appearance of development as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is centered. 32 Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should include the following: a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees should be at least 3½ inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species common to 8 the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on center. b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area should be interspersed among the trees required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern. c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or low stone wall, typical of the area, should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and fencing should be reserved parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of road right-of-way and utility easements. continuous row of euonymus is provided. Also, the trees proposed along District Avenue are proposed at 3½” caliper, which is larger than the 2½” minimum requirement for trees along interior roads. 33 Landscaping along interior roads: a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads. Such trees should be at least 2½ inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center. Generally, trees are proposed to meet this guideline, but two areas require attention: 1) there appears to be a tree (GT) missing on the south side of the easternmost arm of District Avenue in the vicinity of the striped median. 2) Supplementing the GT trees on the north side of District Avenue, from the Rt. 29 entrance westward, with interspersed ornamental trees and shrubs would improve the appearance of the entrance, coordinate it with the frontage planting, soften the appearance of the retaining wall, and coordinate with the planting further west. Add a tree (GT) in the gap on the south side of the easternmost arm of District Avenue in the vicinity of the striped median. Intersperse ornamental trees and shrubs in the row of GT trees on the north side of District Avenue, westward from the Rt. 29 entrance into the site. 34 Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways: a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior pedestrian ways. Such trees should be at least 2½ inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 25 The ARB made the following comment at the Initial Site Plan review: “A double staggered row of trees along the portion of the pedestrian corridor between the bus stop and District Avenue would have a more appropriate appearance than the single row None. 9 feet on center. of trees shown in that location.” This change has been made. 35 Landscaping of parking areas: a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees should be planted in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for every 10 parking spaces provided and should be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the parking area. b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 2½ inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground); should be evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the area. Such trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to maintain the health of the tree and shall be protected by curbing. c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking area’s impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height. The ARB made the following comments at the 9/16/13 work session: “There is concern about the ‘sea of parking’ and its impact on the EC.” And: “Landscaping in excess of EC minimums will be needed to offset the expanse of parking and the blank walls.” Generally, the layout of the development is such that most parking areas are bordered by interior roads, so interior road trees are also acting as perimeter parking lot trees. Shrubs are not consistently proposed in the parking area. A row of euonymous, 30” high at planting, is provided along the Rt. 29 frontage and another row is provided east of the easternmost row of parking proposed in this phase of development. The greater the distance from the EC, the less impact shrubs will have on mitigating impacts. The cover sheet indicates that 630 parking spaces are proposed. 65 of the proposed trees are interior parking lot trees. So, the guideline has been met, but there is not a significant excess of interior parking lot trees proposed to offset the expanse of parking. There are some minor errors throughout the plans that should be corrected: trees shown in parking lots without tree islands, light poles shown on hydrants, trees shown on Consider additional trees in the parking lots located between the Costco store and District Avenue to offset building and parking impacts. Revise the plans to resolve all conflicts among trees, light poles, pipes, etc. 10 pipes, etc. 36 Landscaping of buildings and other structures: a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of long buildings as necessary to soften the appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation should be determined by the length, height, and blankness of such walls. b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures; “drive thru” windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should measure at least 24 inches in height. The elevations show that green screens have been added to 5 bays on the south elevation and 4 bays on the east elevation of the Costco building to help relieve blankness. Green screens are consistent with the treatments used in the first phase of development. The green screen locations should be added to the landscape plan for coordination. Shrubs are shown in the south elevation drawing, but there are no corresponding shrubs on the landscape plan. Add the green screen locations to the landscape plan. Coordinate the landscape plan and elevation drawings regarding shrubs. Site Grading 40 Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the site to surrounding conditions by limiting the use of retaining walls and by shaping the terrain through the use of smooth, rounded land forms that blend with the existing terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are generally unacceptable. Proposed contours on the grading plan shall be rounded with a ten foot minimum radius where they meet the adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve a natural, rather than engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in height and taller, when necessary, shall be terraced and planted to blend with the landscape. Retaining walls are proposed. The wall on the north side of the site has been reduced in length as compared to the initial plan; it begins approximately 400’ further away from the EC than in the initial plan. Maximum retaining wall heights appear to be 17’ at the northwest corner of the site and 20’ at the southwest corner. The retaining walls themselves are not expected to have a visual impact on the EC, but the walls do allow the development to be constructed as proposed. None. 45 Fuel Pump Canopies The ground elevation at the fuel canopy is 476’. The elevation at the entrance to the site from Rt. 29 is approximately 460’. b Fuel pump canopies shall be the smallest size possible to offer protection from the elements. Canopies shall not exceed the sizes identified in Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B. The proposed dispenser configuration is not specifically addressed in the EC standards. The proposed canopy is 120’ long x 25’ 6” wide x 17’ 6” tall. The proposed width is narrower than the standards call for; the Consider reducing the length of the canopy by 16’. 11 proposed length is longer by 16’. The height meets the standards. c The size of the canopy fascia and canopy support columns shall be in proportion to the overall size of the canopy structure. The fascia shall not exceed 36" in total height, including any accent bands. The fascia is proposed at 36” high. None. d Canopy fascias shall not be illuminated. The canopy face is not proposed to be illuminated. None. e Lighting of fuel pump canopies shall be of the lowest level that will provide safe dispensing of fuel. All canopy lighting shall be flush-mounted and shielded, downward directed, and shall not emit light above the horizontal plane. All canopy lighting shall meet the .5 foot-candle spillover requirement in compliance with zoning ordinance regulations. Light levels under the gas canopy exceed 50 footcandles. This level of illumination will increase the noticeability of the canopy and will appear brighter than the surroundings. Reduce the light levels under the gas canopy to not exceed 30 footcandles. f Canopy related elements, including fuel dispensers, support columns, spandrels, planters, etc. shall be compatible with the character of the building and site and shall not be used for advertising. The proposed material for the canopy support columns matches a material proposed for the Costco building. The canopy fascia is proposed in a light-medium shade of gray. Although the overall development plan shows buildings to be constructed between the canopy and the Rt. 29 Entrance Corridor, those buildings are not proposed to be constructed with this phase of development. The fuel canopy will have greater visibility from the EC until those buildings are constructed. Trees proposed along District Avenue east of the canopy and trees proposed along the pedestrian corridor and Entrance Corridor frontage may help integrate the canopy into the surroundings, as viewed from the EC. None. h Canopy fascias shall be limited to the use of one principal color, with ARB review. i Colors, materials, forms, and detailing may be used to coordinate canopies with a site, its building(s), and structures. SIGNS Signs are proposed for the Costco building and the fuel canopy. The signs consist of individual red Provide confirmation 12 “Costco” letters above individual blue “Wholesale” or “Gasoline” letters. There are three blue stripes to the left of the “Wholesale” and “Gasoline” letters. On the Costco building, one sign is proposed above the main store entrance, and one is proposed at the north end of the east elevation. The latter sign is aligned with the entrance into the site from Rt. 29. On the Costco building, a “Tire Center” sign in individual red letters is also proposed above the bay doors of the tire center on the east (EC) elevation. On the fuel canopy, signs are proposed to be centered in the east, west and south faces. Each of the signs would be externally illuminated with LED fixtures.  It isn’t entirely clear from the information submitted whether the Sign-Vue LED fixture for the building wall signs is full cutoff according to the County’s definition. Confirmation from the manufacturer is needed.  The fixture proposed for the canopy signs appears to crowd the sign. A photo of an installed example would help clarify the appearance.  The signs do not appear overscaled for the building or canopy, but only the sizes of the overall signs have been provided. Identifying the heights of the “Costco”, “Wholesale” and “Gasoline” letters on the drawings would be useful.  Zoning review of the proposed signs has not yet been completed. from the manufacturer indicating that the Sign- Vue LED fixture emits no light above the horizontal plane. Provide a photograph of an installed example of the fuel canopy sign and light fixture for review. Identify the heights of the Costco, Wholesale and Gasoline letters on the sign drawings. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion: 1. Building massing and scale, blankness of walls 2. Integration of the building entrance with the overall building 3. Appropriateness of building colors 4. Is the amount of proposed landscaping sufficient to offset the impacts of the building design and the expanse of parking? 5. The Sperry screen wall – design, size 6. Fuel pump canopy design and illumination levels 7. Light pole height in the Costco parking lot 8. Rt. 29 frontage planting 13 Staff offers the following comments on the proposal: 1. Add a phasing line to the plan. 2. Provide site sections and other pertinent information to clarify the appearance of the 25’ screen wall and its relationship to other site elements, and to show how it will be integrated into the surroundings. Consider additional landscaping at the eastern end of the screen wall to help integrate the wall into the landscape. 3. Add this note to the site and architectural plans: “Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.” 4. Clarify the photometric plan to show that spillover does not exceed .5 footcandles at the west end of the site where there are adjacent residential properties. Revise the photometric plan to include footcandle readings at the east end of the site. Be sure to include the property line along Rt. 29 on the photometric plan and include readings out to zero or to the property line. 5. Provide confirmation from the manufacturer indicating that the Sign-Vue LED fixture emits no light above the horizontal plane. 6. Clearly identify in the lighting tables or notes that bronze is the proposed finish for all fixtures and poles. 7. Limit all pole lights to a maximum of 20’ high, including bases. 8. Provide documentation from Dominion Virginia Power that there is no objection to the proposed planting in the Dominion easement. 9. Add a tree (GT) in the gap on the south side of the easternmost arm of District Avenue in the vicinity of the striped median. 10. Intersperse ornamental trees and shrubs in the row of GT trees on the north side of District Avenue, westward from the Rt. 29 entrance into the site. 11. Consider additional trees in the parking lots located between the Costco store and District Avenue to offset building and parking impacts. 12. Revise the plans to resolve all conflicts among trees, light poles, pipes, etc. 13. Add the green screen locations to the landscape plan. 14. Coordinate the landscape plan and elevation drawings regarding shrubs. 15. Consider reducing the length of the fuel canopy by 16’. 16. Reduce the light levels under the gas canopy to not exceed 30 footcandles. 17. Provide confirmation from the manufacturer indicating that the Sign-Vue LED fixture emits no light above the horizontal plane. 18. Provide a photograph of an installed example of the fuel canopy sign and light fixture for review. 19. Identify the heights of the Costco, Wholesale and Gasoline letters on the sign drawings. 14 TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items: Sheet # Drawing Name Drawing Date Sheet # Drawing Name Drawing Date SP-0 Cover Sheet 10/9/13 A-3B Building Elevation Renderings 10/9/13 SP-1 Enlarged Site Plan 10/9/13 A-4 Architectural Floor Plan 10/9/13 SP-2 Enlarged Site Plan 10/9/13 A-5 Architectural Elevation –Fuel Center 10/9/13 SP-3 Enlarged Site Plan 10/9/13 Elevations - 1/8” scale color building elevations with ¼” scale sign drawings 10/7/13 ST-1 Enlarged Topography Plan 10/9/13 Signage drawings – for Costco building with external wall light details - ST-2 Enlarged Topography Plan 10/9/13 Signage drawings – for fuel pump canopy - ST-3 Enlarged Topography Plan 10/9/13 Color/materials sample board LA-0 Overall Landscape Plan, Schedule 10/9/13 LA-1 Enlarged Landscape Plan 10/9/13 LA-2 Enlarged Landscape Plan 10/9/13 LA-3 Enlarged Landscape Plan 10/9/13 LT-0 Overall Lighting Plan, Schedule 10/9/13 LT-1 Enlarged Lighting Plan 10/9/13 LT-2 Enlarged Lighting Plan 10/9/13 LT-3 Enlarged Lighting Plan 10/9/13 W-1 Wall Details 10/9/13 W-2 Wall Details 10/9/13 A-1 Architectural Elevations - Building 10/9/13 A-2A Site Section - Hydraulic Road 10/9/13 A-2B Site Section – Route 29 10/9/13 A-3A Building Elevation Renderings 10/9/13 15 Attachment A COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 August 9, 2013 Herbert F. White III WW Associates 3040 Avemore Square Place A Charlottesville, Va. 22911 RE: ARB-2013-86: Stonefield Blocks F and G TMP 061W00300019B0 Dear Mr. White: At its meeting on Monday, August 5, 2013 the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board took the following actions: Regarding the Intial Site Development Plan The ARB voted 3:1 to forward the following recommendations to the agent for the Site Review Committee:  Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4(2), (3) and (5): None.  Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: None.  Regarding recommended conditions of initial site plan approval: o A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The applicant is advised that:  The standard lighting, landscaping and mechanical equipment notes are required on the site and architectural plans. 16  The quantity of trees required along the EC frontage may be greater than the guidelines minimum to compensate for the tree size limits imposed by the existing utility easements.  Details on screening wall design will be required with the final site plan submittal. Screening walls should be compatible with the appearance of building designs determined appropriate for the ECs.  Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None. Regarding the Variation Request The ARB voted 4:0 to forward the following recommendation:  A double staggered row of trees along the portion of the pedestrian corridor between the bus stop and District Avenue would have a more appropriate appearance than the single row of trees shown in that location. Regarding the Rezoning The ARB voted 4:0 to forward the following recommendations:  There is no objection to the addition of the fueling facility use if the canopy is added to the layout as illustrated in the Initial Site Plan. The addition of the fueling facility use is not recommended with the layout illustrated in the Code of Development Modification Exhibit, which shows no buildings between the fueling facility and the EC.  The fuel pump canopy shall meet all EC Design Guidelines, including those for height. Regarding the Conceptual Site and Massing Studies The Board made the following comments and suggestions for the benefit of the applicant’s next submittal: 4. ARB review of the architecture of Building F1 (as presented in the Site Distance and Massing illustrations) shall be limited to the east and south elevations. 5. ARB review of the architectural elevations of Building F1 (as presented in the Site Distance and Massing illustrations) shall not include details. 6. Building heights remain a subject for review. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org/ARB. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each d rawing. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with “cloudin g” or by other means will facilitate review and approval. 17 If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: Albemarle Place EAAP LLC P O Box 528 Columbia Sc 29202 Chris Haine, Planning and Development Manager Edens 7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400 Bethesda, MD 20814 File 18 Attachment B COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 September 20, 2013 Herbert F. White III WW Associates 3040 Avemore Square Place A Charlottesville, Va. 22911 RE: Costco at Stonefield TMP 061W00300019B0 Dear Mr. White: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on September 16, 2013, held a work session on Costco at Stonefield. The ARB had the following comments: 1. The ARB expressed concern about the visibility of the building due to its size and the topography, even though the dist ance between the building and the EC is great. 2. The “unblocked” view of the Costco building will be considered if there is no assurance that the buildings fronting the EC wi ll be constructed at the same time. 3. There is concern about the “sea of parking” and its impact on the EC. 4. Landscaping in excess of EC minimums will be needed to offset the expanse of parking and the blank walls. 5. The entrance looks like an addition to the building. Greater integration is required. 6. The large blank walls are out of character for the development. Take architectural cues from the rest of the development. Break down the massing more. Reduce the visual impact. 7. Colors, mass and landscaping are primary issues. 8. Views should be presented with and without planting and other buildings. 19 9. Be accurate with grades and building heights. 10. To better understand the visibility of the building, it would be helpful to fly balloons at the building corners, at proposed building height. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on - line at www.albemarle.org/ARB. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above, and those from previous reviews, are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo als o. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with “clouding” or by other means will facilitate review and approval. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Principal Planner cc: Albemarle Place EAAP LLC P O Box 528 Columbia Sc 29202 File