HomeMy WebLinkAboutHS202300014 Application 2023-02-10Homestay Zoning Clearance Application Albemarle County �a Community Development 401 McIntire Rd., North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone 434.296.511321Faz434.972.4126 Application fee: $173.76 Su bmit ffis completed application with the following online or to the address above: Application$119+ Technology Sorcharge$4.76+lnspectioo$so 1. Floor plan/property sketch with labeled structures used for the homestay, guest bedrooms, owner's bedroom, outdoor lighting and signage for the homestay, labeled setbacks, and parking (minimum 2 + 1 spotiguest bedroom). 2. Copies of two forms ofver-ficationofresidency (onegovernment issued with photo ID+ one Iistingthe add ress-acceptableforms i nclude driver's license, voter registration card, U.S. passport, others as approved by the Zoning Administrator) 1. Homestay Information Residential€yzamd andmra€area parcetsofless chseSaesesoxrf€ras�25uesEbeF{roornsby-r tt€se Ofr�res,eaysFruct¢€ ibefoseRr first 72019/is an€y irtit�diiy-r(gEti(uirJra€aiea Fruc[$O{`.�i+tiuea. vbritire iirYioeF-eCyjtir`titik• __�<...... _ .._ _ ay{54 rarnauu ucrrurarweu yiuceSuf �-. .h:Eca, ADDRESS: 1 !�PO La..,.l CITY, STATE. ZIP: K,5,-A UK- J A�- TAX MAP PARCEL (IF KNOWN): ZONING (IF KNOWN): ADVERTISED NAME OF HOMESTAY (IF APPLICABLE), i ACREAGE OF PARCEL: NO. OF GUEST BEDROOMS: €1 USINGACCESSORY STRUCTURES? ❑YES E60 WHOLE HOUSE RENTAL? I DYES NO 2 Property Owner/Operator Information NAME: HOME ADDRESS: 6565 LCS'A. II F�, CITY, STATE. ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: _76p � Yam•' c<. 3. Responsible Agent lr•.formation Theresponsb}eagvttmusl m�ar7abk;vitiiin 30m of3he nornes3ayaTa37 L"raesdurirgahomestnyanz,andraustrespmdandattemptingood faith to 1FSaiYe wiyCairvjrFuil,ii wiiiiiii ov3i3ii]itB.s y`vd.'lfy ua,racied. NAME: l /.. _LJCS'�,%-�' HOMEADDRESS: 5e5 L°uISA CITY, STATE, ZIP: ,Sy,€ f C.� JA `j- Z 9 -7� PHONE NUMBER: _ (�f? `:3 o 3EMAIL: S (Ye.Sr e"r •` IMono'C"+ Ya�.2o �-a"^ 4. Signature Ihereby apPtyforappramttoconductffteho-,nesEayidentified above, and ce thatthisau„s---- -- '. the property orthat € have redeved a special exception to operate the homestay as a resident manager. i also certify that l have read the restrictions on homestays. that € undeP¢ them.and that t wlll abide bvthem- 1 SIGNAT URi - 1 / i/ \�Y A��'l'�—� i DATE: i 1 FeeAant. $169 +4% Date Paid: Receipt 5: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 52feti insPecfon date: ❑Pass ❑Fai: 2nd insp°rtion date: VDHFood Servimttfnecesary}. ❑Fborplan ❑Parking ❑Pass ❑Fa 13 ID Notes: Received by: I S r _ .— —_. Reviewd By: [] Approved 0 Denied ��oF'tr�r„y Albemarle County Short -Term Rental Registry9� Community Development ,R 401 McIntire Rd. North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902 Annual Application 3�,R�Nr ,�ea�a� 2 Prior to opeltingfor business, all operators of short-term rentals(including homestays and previously approved bed and breakfasts and accessorytourist lodging rentals) must: Enroll on the Short -Term Rentals Registry with this form Obtain an approved zoning clearance (requires VDH and building/fire safety inspection) Register for a businesslicense andmmitrenuirt;rlf Annuallyfollowingthe initial approvals; all operators of short-term rentals must: Renew their enrollment on the registry with this form • Pass abresafety. insoection • Renew their business license and remitreauiredtaxes Fields marked with an -asterisk are the mmimum required for registration. 1. Short -Term Rental Information A whole housererrial isa shorttermrentalof a hme during ruiudtt.lie ownerisnot recWred to be presettt, VJf Area parcels of 5+acres, w(efmusererttats areon4ypemtitted on Rural -APPROVED HOMESTAY (HS), BEDAND BREAKFAST{BNB), OR ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGNG (ATL) CLEARANCE PERMIT MUM BER(IFppAPPLICABLE): 'ADDRESS: "CITY.STATEZiPTAX Tf TZONING(1FKNOWN): tF��r3 MAPPARCEL(: GUESTBEDROOMS; WHOLE HOUSE RENTAL ❑YES `CXIQO 2 Prop ertyovrnerlOperatorInformation *NAME: -.. _ �}pyo�++,O S y LUGS % L %L- `HOMEADDRESS: O cu.CS-ra 'CITY, STATE, ZIP: Jt c.-Pc Vc, PHONE: 4—cl ro0 c`�3 EMAIL- S �.I �S ra.r• l+wm�sr@� 'Caw.• I 3. Responsible Agent Information The respan'6leo9patmustheavaiLaWew#1in?QmReso' the homestayataletimes du:btgahom yuse- and must res poi idandatEeWingoodfal€hco resolve anycomplautisw€€{un66minntesm be[ngcontacteei_ OWNERIOPERATORISRESPONSIBLEAGENT: I XKES ONO IF NO, COMPLETE RESPONSIBLE AGENT INFORMATION BELOW NAME; HOMEADDRE$S: CITY, STATE, ZIP. PHONE: EMAIL - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Bate Patti:,-, _/_,J_ FeeAtnt 0$27 0$0withclear2nceapplitatkm Receipt#: Received br, Accepted 0 Denied Registration www_aihemarla_nre/homesiays v. 9.17.201 Paee1 nf1 G G-4 P¢as al5a. (i7(S' >l y owe, �33 Payment Receipt Your transaction has been successfully completed!! Your Confirmation number is : Transactien.n: 230208111904346F�1E202302r811'90 02/08/2023 12:22:50 [EST] 7E728F528AA29BAC649 $173.76 Account Information Payment Type: Tax Payment Bill Payer Details GIMOND Sylvester 5505 Louisa Rd Keswick, VA22947 Payment Details Payment Amount: $173.76 Convenience Fee: $4.34' Total Amount: $178.1n Payment Method:.... Card !dumber: XXXXXXXXXXXXX9051 Expiration date: 09/2027 bitps:flpforay me nts.albemarle. countytaxes.ory;Rece;pIinIo(Recelptinfo 2/3/23, 12:22 ?,`,: cans. 1 'f