HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201900015 Staff Report 2023-02-10COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TRANSMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA TITLE: SP201900014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment SU BJ ECT/PROPOSAL/REQU EST: Requests to amend SP201500028 Blue Ridge Swim Club (Day Camp, Boarding Camp) and SP201500029 Blue Ridge Swim Club to construct additional facilities, including a pavilion with bathrooms and a kitchen as well as a garage/storage structure, and to expand the months of operation from April 1 through November 15 each year. 1-7aCy3H:All]II0I AGENDA DATE: August 4, 2021 STAFF CONTACT(S): Scott Clark, Senior Planner II PRESENTER(S): Scott Clark The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 4, 2021, recommended approval by a vote of 6:0 of SP2019000014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report, with an amendment to proposed condition #3 to change the permitted opening time from 12 noon to 11:00 a.m. This change in operating hours was not originally requested by the applicant. The Commission also voted 5:2 to recommend approval of SP201900015 with the conditions outlined in the staff report. DISCUSSION: Proposed condition #3 for SP201900014 in the attached Resolution includes the change of opening time recommended by the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolutions (Attachments D and E) to approve SP201900014 and SP201900015 with the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS: A — Planning Commission Staff Report Al — Map A2 — 2019 Conceptual Plan A3 — 2020 Conceptual Plan A4 — Public Input B — Planning Commission Action Letter C — Draft Meeting Minutes from 5/4/2021 PC Public Hearing D — Resolution to Approve SP201900014 E — Resolution to Approve SP201900015 ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Staff: Scott Clark, Senior Planner Swim Club Amendment Planning Commission (PC) Hearing: May 4, 2021 Board of Supervisors (BOS) Hearing: to be determined Owner: Tupelo Honey 4/4/4 LLC Applicant: Tupelo Honey 4/4/4 LLC Acreage: 11.6 acres Special Use Permit(s) for: SP201900014: Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities (reference 5.1.16), SP201900015: Day camp, boarding camp (reference 5.1.05) Tax Map Parcel (TMP): 05800-00-00-075A1 Zoning/by-right use: RA Rural Areas - agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses, residential density (0.5 unittacre in development lots) Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Location: 1275 Owensville Road School Districts: Meriwether Lewis — Henley -- Western Conditions: Yes Albemarle Development Area: No Requested # of Dwelling Units/Lots: N/A Proposal(s): SP201900014 and SP201900015 are requests to Comp. Plan Designation: Rural Areas — preserve and protect amend SP201500028 Blue Ridge Swim Club (Day Camp, agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic Boarding Camp) and SP201500029 Blue Ridge Swim Club to resources/ density (0.5 unit/ acre in development lots) construct additional facilities, including a pavilion with bathrooms and a kitchen as well as a garage/storage structure, and to expand the months of operation from April 1 through November 15 each year. Character of Property: The property is a partially -wooded Use of Surrounding Properties: The surrounding properties are parcel along a stream valley with a historic stream -fed mostly in low -density residential use. swimming pool. Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The Virginia Department of Transportation found no 1. The proposed new structures could be visible from transportation -safety issues with the proposed dwellings to the south. However, the applicant has added amendments. screening vegetation to the proposed plan to reduce 2. The proposed changes, including the longer camp season, visibility. would improve the economic viability of a historic resource, helping to fund its continued maintenance. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of SP201900014 and SP201900015 with conditions. SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 1 STAFF CONTACT: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: PROJECT: Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Samuel Miller TAX MAP/PARCEL: 05800-00-00-075A1 Scott Clark, Senior Planner May 4, 2021 TBD LOCATION: 1275 Owensville Road PROPOSAL: SP201900014 and SP201900015 are requests to amend SP201500028 Blue Ridge Swim Club (Day Camp, Boarding Camp) and SP201500029 Blue Ridge Swim Club to construct additional facilities, including a pavilion with bathrooms and a kitchen as well as a garage/storage structure, and to expand the months of operation from April 1 through November 15 each year. PETITION: SP201900014: Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities (reference 5.1.16) SP201900015: Day camp, boarding camp (reference 5.1.05); ZONING: RA Rural Areas - agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: No COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Areas — preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources/ density (0.5 unit/ acre in development lots) CHARACTER OF THE AREA: The area surrounding the swim -club site is a heavily suburbanized portion of the Rural Areas, with a context that largely consists of residential lots. Land cover in the area is a mix of open yards and fragmented forest cover. Some larger open and wooded parcels lie to the west. PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORY: According to the history supplied by the applicant during the 2010 review (see below), the site has been operated as a swimming club since 1905. The use continued after the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance as a non -conforming use. In 2011, the Board of Supervisors approved two special use permits for the site: • SP201000035: This SP permits a children's day camp for up to 100 campers, with up to two overnight stays per week. The Board of Supervisors imposed an expiration date of April 6, 2021 due to concerns about noise or other impacts on adjacent properties. • SP201000041: This SP brought the existing swim -club use into compliance, and permitted the club use with events for members, pool and birthday parties for members, on -site concessions, and a bath -house. In 2019, the Board of Supervisors approved two special use permit amendments for the same uses: • SP201500028: Request to amend SP201000035 (day camp) to change the boundaries of the use to permit creation of a separate residential lot, and to remove the existing expiration date for the special use permit; • SP201500029: Request to amend SP 201000041 (swim club) to permit creation of a separate residential lot. The current requests would further amend these previous amendments. SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 2 DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL: These applications are requests to amend SP201500028 and SP201500029 to construct additional facilities, including a pavilion with bathrooms and a kitchen as well as a garage/storage structure, and to expand the months of the camp operation from April 1 through November 15 each year to permit camp and environmental -education programs during good weather. The previously -approved overall layout can be seen in Attachment 2. Attachment 3 shows the newly -proposed structures and associated screening vegetation. Due to Covid-19 requirements, community engagement for this application was accomplished with a mailing to 128 nearby property owners, online comment submittals, and comments received via PublicInput.com. Overall, staff received 16 comments supporting the amendment request, and six comments opposing approval. Of those who opposed approval of these proposals, the most frequent concerns expressed were: • Visibility of the new structures (particularly of concern to respondents with dwellings located along the southern property line of the swim -club parcel). • Traffic increases due to the expanded operating season. • Potential for noise impacts from activities or events held on the site. ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Section 33.39(B) states that the Commission, in making its recommendation, shall consider the same factors found in Section 33.40(B): 1. No substantial detriment Whether the proposed special use will be a substantial detriment to adjacent parcels. No substantial detriments affecting the surrounding residential uses are expected from the construction of the pavilion or the storage facility, or from the extension of the camp operating season from three and one-half months to seven and one-half months. 2. Character of the nearby area is unchanged Whether the character of the adjacent parcels and the nearby area will be changed by the proposed special use. The surrounding area is characterized by low -density residential development. If the current amendments were approved, the site would continue to operate as a seasonal swim club and day camp in a residential environment. To address visibility from adjacent residential uses, the applicant has added screening vegetation on three sides of the proposed storage building, and on the south side of the proposed new pavilion, to the conceptual plan (see Attachment D). As mentioned above, some nearby residents were concerned about potential noise impacts. Staff recommends that the existing conditions restricting amplified sound remain in place. Regarding neighbors' concerns about amplified sound being used at events, note that (a) amplified sound is heavily restricted by the conditions of these permits, and (b) special events on the site would require approval of a separate special use permit. Staff has explained the zoning requirements regarding special events to the applicant, who does not intend to propose such a use on this site. SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 3 3. Harmony. Whether the proposed special use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this chapter, Section 18, Chapter 10 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the purpose of Rural Areas zoning: "This district hereafter referred to as RA is hereby created and may hereafter be established by amendment of the zoning map for the following purposes: • Preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities; • Water supply protection; • Limited service delivery to the rural areas; and • Conservation of natural, scenic, and historic resources. (Amended 11-8-89) The Blue Ridge Swim Club is listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRIIP) and the Virginia Landmarks Register. The pool is among the oldest known concrete outdoor commercial swimming pools remaining or in use in both the state and the country. The pool and its ancillary features (draw pipe, terra cotta pipes, drains, and settling tank) are counted as the single structure that contributes to the significance of the resource. The National Register Nomination Form states that "the property's location and setting were selected for their rural and picturesque qualities, which have been retained to the present day." The pool is situated in a naturalistic, wooded locale that retains a high level of integrity of location, setting, feeling and association (aspects of integrity as defined by the National Register). The proposed new facilities (a camp pavilion and a storage facility, both located adjacent to the existing parking lot) would not create significant visual impact on the historic pool area or change the overall character of the property. with the uses permitted by right in the district, The swim club predates the surrounding residential development. The proposed amendments would continue the conditions of approval that are designed to keep the uses on the site compatible with the surrounding by - right residential uses. with the regulations provided in Section 5 as applicable, 5.1.05 Day Camp Boarding Camn a. Provisionsfor outdoor cooking, campfires, cooking pits, etc., shall be subject to Albemarle County fire official approval whether or not a site development plan is required; The proposed conditions of approval continue the previous requirement for Fire Department approval of any outdoor cooking or campfire. b. All such uses shall conform to the requirements of the Virginia Department of Health Bureau of Tourist Establishment Sanitation and other applicable requirements. The proposed conditions of approval continue the previous requirement for Health Department approval of concession operations and the septic system. Sec. 5.1.16 - Swimming, golf, tennis clubs. Each swimming, golf or tennis club shall be subject to the following: a. The swimming pool, including the apron, filtering and pumping equipment, and any buildings, shall be at least 75 feet from the nearest property line and at least 125 feet from any existing dwelling on an SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 4 adjoining property, except that, where the lot upon which it is located abuts land in a commercial or industrial district, the pool may be constructed no less than 25 feet from the nearest property line of such land in a commercial or industrial district; The pool is approximately 82 feet from the property line to the south, according to the conceptual plan That parcel to the south was permitted by the previous amendments, and is owned by the applicants, who intend to occupy the site in order to have on -site management and monitoring. b. When the lot on which any such pool is located abuts the rear or side line of, or is across the street from, any residential district, a substantial, sightly wall, fence, or shrubbery shall be erected or planted, so as to screen effectively said pool from view from the nearest property in such residential district, - The pool location at this swim club predates the surrounding dwellings and this zoning requirement. The pool area is screened from surrounding properties by mature trees. c. (Repealed 6-14-00) d. The board of supervisors may, for the protection of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, require such additional conditions as it deems necessary, including but not limited to provisions for additional fencing and/or planting or other landscaping, additional setback from property lines, additional parking space, location and arrangement of lighting, and other reasonable requirements; The pool area is sufficiently screened by mature trees, and is located in the stream valley, well below the residences on surrounding properties. The pool does not create visual impacts on the surroundings. e. Provision for concessions for the serving offood, refreshments or entertainment for club members and guests may be permitted under special use permit procedures. No change is proposed to the previous conditions controlling the concession use on the site. and with the public health, safety, and general welfare. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has reviewed these proposed amendments and found them acceptable. Staff requested that VDOT staff comment on the proposed extension of the camp use's season of operations, and they confirmed that change did not raise concerns. 4. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Whether the proposed special use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed changes to these existing uses would help to increase the economic viability of a historic resource, thus providing more funding for its continued protection. Also, the extension of the camp use into the school year would provide more opportunities for environmental education. The addition of two buildings located as proposed would not impact the historic character of the pool facility. SUMMARY: After review of this request, staff have identified the following factors of this proposal that are favorable and unfavorable: Factors favorable to this request include: SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 5 1. The Virginia Department of Transportation found no transportation -safety issues with the proposed amendments. 2. The proposed changes, including the longer camp season, would improve the economic viability of a historic resource, helping to fund its continued maintenance. Factors unfavorable to this request include: 1. The proposed new structures could be visible from dwellings to the south. However, the applicant has added screening vegetation to the proposed plan to reduce visibility. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Based on the findings described in this report and factors identified as favorable, staff recommends approval of special use permit applications SP201900014 and SP201900015 with the following conditions: SP201900014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment: Development of the swim club use must be in general accord as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator) with the conceptual plan titled "SUP Concept Plan For: Blue Ridge Swim Club," prepared by Shimp Engineering, and dated 6/21/2019, and the plan titled "Re -submittal Plan for SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Field Camp," dated 9/20/2020 (collectively hereinafter "Conceptual Plans"). To be in accord with the Conceptual Plans, development must reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development: • Limits of disturbance • Location and size of the existing pavilion building • Location_ size_ and vegetative screening of the new pavilion and storage building_ as shown on the 2020 Conceptual Plan. New screening trees are limited to native evergreen species at least six feet in above- ground height at time of planting. • Location of parking areas • pavilien as shevffi an the Blue Ridge Swim Club eeneepl-�. Land clearing is permitted only as necessary to establish the well_ septic line and drainfields_ narking_ and structures shown on the W877T, r..QFSL Minor modifications to the plan that do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The Blue Ridge Swim Club SP201900014Lv operate only between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend_inclusive. 2,3- The hours of operation for QD7/ v the -Blue Ridge Swim Club (SP201900014) must not begin earlier than 12:00 PM (noon) and must end not later than 8:00 P. M., eaek day, seven days pef week,Memorial )y 34— All outdoor lighting must be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval. 45- Food prepared off -site may be sold from a concession stand that is depicted on the Conceptual Plan. SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 6 5-6. Approval of the Health Department for the well, septic and food concession will be required prior to approval of a site plan. 6-7. Approval by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the entrance will be required prior to approval of site plan. 7-.8. Prior approval by the Fire Department will be required prior to all outdoor cooking and /or campfires. 8-2 No amplification of sound will be permitted, with the exception of a megaphone used on Fridays during each season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) during field games, radios and electronic sound producing or reproducing devices, provided that any such amplified sound must comply with the applicable noise regulations. 940. Parking on Owensville Road by attendees or staff of the Blue Ridge Swim Club or the Camp will not be permitted. -1$11 No more than 200 people will be permitted on the property for any purpose at any time. appf al of„ final plat subdividing the propeft .. ..6,.wn on the ,.eneeptual plan SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment: Development of the camp use must be in general accord as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administratorl with the conceptual plan titled "SUP Concept Plan For: Blue Ridge Swim Club," prepared by Shimp Engineering, and dated 6/21/2019, and the plan titled "Re -submittal Plan for SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Field Camp," dated 9/20/2020 (collectively hereinafter "Conceptual Plans"). To be in accord with the Conceptual Plans, development must reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development: • Limits of disturbance • Location and size of xi in pavilion building • Location, size_ and vegetative screening of the new pavilion and storage building_ as shown on the 2020 Conceptual Plan • Location of parking areas • pavilien as shewn on the Blue Ridge Swim Club eeneept-�. Land clearing is permitted only as necessary to establish the well, septic line and drainfields_parking_ and structures shown on the Conceptual Plans Minor modifications to the plan whieh that do not conflict with the elements above maybe made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The Blue Ridge Swim Club Da;Camp_ Boarding Camp (SP201900015) may operate onlyfive day week between April 1 and November 15_ inclusive The Camp ; n�perate at any other time of year 2-.3- The hours of operation for Q70rnDz015n000028 Lht-Blue Ridge Swim Club Day Camp, Boarding Camp (SP2019000151: r _.e a ., pe...,ee4 A fep p.: l ri ., weekend tl,.,.ugh Labor r.,.y weekend a l must not begin earlier than 8:30 AM myday and must not end later than 5:00 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Thursdays, 4: 30 " overnight stays will be are permitted. SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 7 4. A maximum sound level of 55 decibels is in effect between the hours of 9:30 PM and 8:30 AM. 35- All outdoor lighting must be only full cut -off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval. 46. Food prepared off -site may be sold from a concession stand that is depicted on the Conceptual Plan. -5-.2. Approval of the Health Department for the well, septic and food concession will be required prior to approval of a site plan. 6-8. Approval by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the entrance will be required prior to approval of site plan. 7-.9. Prior approval by the Fire Department will be required prior to all outdoor cooking and /or campfires. 8-10- No amplification of sound will be permitted, with the exception of a megaphone used on Fridays during each season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) during field games, radios and electronic sound producing or reproducing devices, provided that any such amplified sound must comply with the applicable noise regulations. 941. Parking on Owensville Road by attendees or staff of the Blue Ridge Swim Club or the Camp will not be permitted. -1&12 No more than 200 people will be permitted on the property for any purpose at any time. 4443. No more than 100 overnight campers will be permitted at any one time. 12. PlapAing or bonding of the new tFee.,;shovin on sheet G,4 of the Coneeptual Plan vAll be required prief to the POSSIBLE PLANNING COMMISSION MOTIONS — SP201900014: A. If the Planning Commission chooses to recommend approval of this special use permit: I move to recommend approval of SP201900014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report. B. If the Planning Commission chooses to recommend denial of this special use hermit: I move to recommend denial of SP201900014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment for (state reasons for denial). POSSIBLE PLANNING COMMISSION MOTIONS — SP201900015: A. If the Planning Commission chooses to recommend approval of this special use permit: I move to recommend approval of SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report. B. If the Planning Commission chooses to recommend denial of this special use permit: SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 8 I move to recommend denial of SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment for (state reasons for denial). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. 2019 Conceptual Plan 3. 2020 Conceptual Plan 4. Public Comments SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Planning Commission: May 4, 2021 Page 9 " 0 250 500 1,000 Feet 1 A` T Ayti 1 'tcad §ipp�!\\ From Nbemarlw County G1 Ddto \ -_ f"� IAF I� /a I Attachment 2 NOTES: 1. THIS APPLICATION PROPOSES AN AMENONENT OF THE APPLICATION PLAN APPROVED MM SP2010-00035 AND SP2010-00041. 2. THIS APPLCATON PROPOSES ME CREATION OF A 2.02-ACRE (APPROMATE) OUT -PARCEL (NEW LOT A). APPROXNATELY 1.00 ACRES OF THE NEW LOT A (AS SNOW HEREIN) IS PROPOSED TO W REMOVED mOI ME APPROVED SP2010-OCOM AM SP2010-00001. J. ME REVISED ACREAGE REQUESTED FOR THE TWO EXISTING SPECIAL USE PERMITS IS REDUCED TO 11.59 ACRES (11609 ACRES NINUS 2.02 ACRES). ♦. TREES LABELED ON THIS SHEET IRE 5' OR GREATER AND ARE LOCATED BETWEEN ME HEW LOT A AND THE POOL USE THESE TREES ALONG WITH ME ADJONMG AREA SNOWED AS EXISTING VEGETATED BUFFER. SHALL EE MAINTAINED AS A BUFFER ADJOINING THE PROP05ED LOT A, 3. IN ADDITION TO ME CHANGE N ACREAGE, ME APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT CONDITION #11 OF W2010-00M BE REMOVED. 6. WMI APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION. THE OWNER SHAL PREPARE A PRIVATE ROAD MAINTENANCE AG EEMpNT FOR THE TWO PNFUELS. T. PARTING SIZE FOR NEW WHITE PINES S14ML BE LEGEND: Slopes greater than 25% as shown on Albemarle County CIS Mapping far Lot A and residue lot (not field verified) L___—J 100' stream buffer as shown on Albemarle County GIS Mopping I---H0 Existing driveways Existing Vegetated Buffer T.� L' z i F A� } r:ymau; ( 1 R H L LL z k0 Lu WA~ J Q W O Q 100 0 100 200 300 I1w. 0916 201E FW 10D' Scale: 1 "=1 DO' r r Attachment 3 k � § ! Attachment 4 # Comment Name 1 I think it is great to have a neighborhood camp that can also add to ecological field experiences of Gina Thornton school age children 2 As a neighbor who backs up to the swim club, when the new owner took over and claimed to be n/a community friendly but then restricted all trail access through his property for all of the surrounding neighborhoods and connecting trails, that is not very community friendly. Due to the noise that already come from the camp, I would not favor extending the operating season. 3 No comment George Sampson 4 As a homeowner in Westwoods neighborhood and member of the Blue Ridge Swim Club, I fully Cynthia Benton - support the expansion of the Field Camp. The addition of a shelter close to the upper parking lot Groner would provide a kitchen and bathroom more easily accessible to participants than the lower pavilion. I applaud the owner's plan to provide outdoor educational programs to school groups and am grateful for his stewardship in preserving this valuable property. 5 We do not oppose this proposal. It seems in line with current usage. Cassandra Hamemick 6 As a near neighbor (2969 Catlett Road) and long-time member of the Blue Ridge Swim Club, I am James Mandell fully supportive of Todd Barrrelfs plan to build additional facilities that will enhance the safety and utility of the Club and Camp. Previous work done at the pool, including the building of a pavillion and repair of old bathrooms, has been done with high quality and attractive materials. Todd has always faithfully restored and maintained the historic and natural character of the Blue Ridge Swim Club and I am confident that all new construction will be done in this spirit. 7 I am opposed to the request for a zoning change as the consequences for our neighborhood include William A> Petri, Jr. noise from daily operations and special events at the facility, and increased traffic on Owensville Road that will make worse the already dangerous intersection of Holkham with Owensville, and Owensville with 250. 8 We strongly oppose the proposed Special Use Permits for the Blue Ridge property in Ivy, VA. Robert & Sandra Luck These proposals are major changes to the existing special use permit and are not compatible with the rural/residential nature of our community. If approved, they will negatively impact the quality of life in our neighborhood and our property values. We also believe they will affect surrounding neighborhoods.1. We oppose the expansion of operations to include April thm November. This will more than double the use of and substantially change the nature of the existing property and convert a quiet swimming club and summer camp into a commercial -use, year-round event venue. As proposed, this small rural property in the middle of several residential neighborhoods can become a destination for hundreds of visitors daily (up to 200 at any one time) for 8 months of the year. It is not compatible with the quiet enjoyment of our own residential property to bring in school buses, dozens of cars, and delivery trucks associated with the numerous events which are contemplated under this special use permit. The Blue Ridge property is not suited for large social gatherings — weddings, parties, and other events with amplified sound — as it is too close to our home and others nearby.The application suggests that the Blue Ridge property will be a site for school trips, but this 12-acre tract is completely unneeded as a new natural area/park for county residents. Albemarle County has a bounty of recreational options with multiple large, well-resourced county parks and natural areas. We are only a few miles from both the GW National Forest and Shenandoah National Park. The expansion of special use from 3 months to 8 months should be rejected.2. We oppose the construction of the 2,000 square foot pavilion and 2,000 square foot storage shed in their proposed location. Under the proposed plan, the new parking and both new structures are situated on the top of the ridge directly behind our home. Currently, the deciduous tree cover obscures the construction site from out property in the Summer months. However, we have a direct view of the Field Camp buses and trailers which are parked on that ridge in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Unfortunately, the expanded parking lot and the two new structures will sit in full view for us most of the year. In that location, they will also bring the greatly increased traffic and noise from parties, field trips, and other activities into our back yard. We believe that most camp and pool activities are currently conducted at lower elevations behind the ridge line and their noise is generally blocked from our property. However, building these new facilities on top of the ridge, and only 500 feet from our back door, will bring all the action right to us. If new structures are to be built — they should be located adjacent to the pool and the current pavilion — not on the ridge top. They should be shielded from neighboring properties with a buffer of vegetation - at least two rows of large evergreens to eliminate visibility and reduce noise pollution. The application indicates that the purpose of the new Pavilion will be to shelter children in bad weather while they are waiting for transportation. If this is truly the objective, there is no need for a kitchen or for 2,000 square feet of space. A bus shelter can be much smaller and needs no plumbing. It appears that the primary purpose of the new structure may be as the main camp activity center and an event venue for large groups - Not for safety. Shifting many of the camp activities into this new structure will increase the noise as will Attachment 4 adding large groups of party goers in that structure. Construction of the new structures should be rejected, unless they are located more appropriately and obscured from neighboring properties.3. We request that any special use permit that is approved be set to expire after 12 months to allow re- evaluation annually 9 We oppose the 2 new Special Use Permits for the Blue Ridge Field Camp & Swim Club property Skye and Michael which is adjacent to our neighborhood on Holkham Drive. We believe that the expansion of the O'Donnell Blue Ridge Field Camp & Swim Club property operations from 3 months (currently) to 8 months (proposed) is completely inappropriate and will bring commercial -type activity to our rural/residential neighborhood on a regular basis - with much more traffic, more noise, and a negative impact on our property values. We also believe that the expansion of their facilities (two large new buildings and more parking) along the ridge top is highly undesirable - increasing the visibility and noise from their special events and daily camp activities. The proposed construction area borders our Lewis Hills HOA common area - and may negatively impact our creek and trails if more traffic at the Camp is permitted to enter our trail system. Combined - these two proposals could convert this quiet rural property with a rustic pool and summer camp into an event venue for hundreds of visitors - as proposed, they would be allowed to host up to 200 guests daily from April 1 to November 15.Please note our opposition to these proposed special use permits. The property is not zoned for these new purposes and should not be granted an exception that affects all of our homes on Holkham Drive. 10 As a homeowner whose property is near by to the Blue Ridge Swim Club, I support the approval of Keith Gearhart the special use permits. I consider the Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp to be an asset to Lewis 1I neighborhood and the Albemarle community. The Field Camp has been a good neighbor to myself and the adjoining properties. 11 We are against this proposal it's not what the property is intended for and would bring unnecessary Brian Wright noise and traffic to our community. 12 Todd Barnett mailed me a letter telling me about this process and his desire to improve the camp - I Jonathan Baker am so impressed with what he has done with the place! I fully endorse his plans. I am a next door neighbor and have a great affection for that pool. My grandmother bought the place in the 50s and ran it as a private club through the 60s. My father, sisters, myself and my children have all worked there. This is a unique community asset like no other. Todd has walked that fine line between preserving the character and intention of the place while keeping it economically viable. The way I see it, this is less about further developing the space, but rather keeping it around for another generation. While I can't imagine there would be any opposition to his plans, if there is I can only guess it would come from people relatively new to the neighborhood and who have yet to explore the beautiful place Todd has maintained and protected. 13 In general, since Mr. Barnett has owned the property he has been very respectful of the surrounding Regina O'Donnell & neighbors and the camp program has been quiet. The only exception was the first or second year John Voss when he hosted about 6 music events in the evening, when they could easily be heard when sitting on our back porch. If Mr. Barnett limits the use of the property for campers and field trips, we would support the special use permit. But we would not support larger commercial venues such as weddings, parties or amplified music. We are frequent users of the natural area and trails and enjoy crossing the Blue Ridge Pool property to reach the trails across the power lines. Mr. Barnett currently asks neighbors to stay off the trails on the camp property from 8:30 to 4:30 weekdays when camp is in session, which we understand prevents disruptions. We would regret losing use of the trails for another 4.5 months of the year, but if this expansion of the months of use helps make the BR Pool and Camp a success, we would support the proposal. We would prefer keeping the forest, streams and natural area intact, rather than turning the property into a housing development. 15 I live in the Westwoods neighborhood, and I support the amendment to the special use permit. Kimberly McKinley Community members frequently use the Field Camp trails for exercise and walking their pets. Field Taylor Camp has been a great steward of the land. The proposed building will provide safe shelter for campers in the event of thunderstorms. The extension of the dates of operation will give K-12 county students will a unique opportunity to "Learn Outside." 16 I think this will improve the facilities and operation of the Blue Ride Swim Club. Mike Gorman 17 This seems like a worthwhile project. I fully support it. Paul Groner 18 I am a member of the Blue Ridge Swim Club -- I first began swimming at Blue Ridge pool in 2002 Allan Megill (after a serious injury to a leg), and became a certificate member of the BRSC several years after the 2002 season. I live on Owensville Road, about 2 1/2 miles north of the swim club property. I have observed the improvements that Todd Barnett has made to the Blue Ridge Pool since the agreement was signed between him and the BRSC. He has improved the property in a way that is Attachment 4 very respectful of its historical character. It became clear some years ago that the BRSC could no longer sustain the expenses needed to keep the pool going. Barnett has found a way of keeping this historic pool economically viable. This historic pool is clearly an asset to the community. As someone who lives on Owensville Road, I don't anticipate that I or my family will experience any ill effects (e.g., increased traffic) from the changes that Todd Barnett requests. I am not one of the "ancient" members of the Blue Ridge Swim Club, nor am I an officer of the organization. I hope that you will take seriously the thoughtful comments that I am sure you will receive from the officers and long -terra members of the Blue Ridge Swim Club. Allan Me ill 19 I 100% support this proposal for enhancing the property of the Blue Ride Swim Club Jennifer Elliott 20 I feel that the more outdoor/nature oriented opportunities our children can be given, the better. Sandra Williams 21 I app,rove of it. Ruth Barolsky 22 This proposal is a great use of the Blue Ridge Swim Club property. Everything Todd Barnett has Margaret Gorman done to the property is beautiful and well thought-out. It is very easy to visualize the new facilities as an extension of what he has done thus far. If I still had young children I would want them to participate in the programs that he is proposing. 23 Scott. Please make sure the boundary fence is on the owner's submitted plans, as we discussed Randall Switz earlier this week. 24 Dear Mr. Clark: H. J. Derr I am writing on behalf of my wife and me to strongly oppose the proposed SpecialUse Permits for the Blue Ridge Field Camp & Swim Club property in Ivy, VA. Asa resident and homeowner in the Lewis Hills RPN, I am concerned that this proposal aims to substantially change the existing special use permit(s) in a manner not compatible with the rural/residential nature of our community. If approved, they will negatively impact the quality of life and property values in our and surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed expansion of operations (April -November) will more than double the use of and substantially change the nature of the existing property. This change would convert a quiet swimming club and summer camp into a commercial -use, year-round event venue. As proposed, this small rural property in the middle of several residential neighborhoods would become a destination for hundreds of visitors daily for 8 months of the year. This is not compatible with the quiet, Waal, noncommercial setting of the surrounding properties. The increased amount of traffic would bring more buses, cars, and commercial vehicles associated with the numerous events which are contemplated under this special use permit. The Blue Ridge property is not suited for, nor should be permitted to hold, large social gatherings — weddings, parties, etc. with amplified sound — as its proximity is too close to the homes nearby. The application suggests that the Blue Ridge property will be a site for school trips, but this privately -owned 12-acre tract is completely unneeded as a new natural area/park for county residents. Albemarle County has a bounty of public, recreational options with multiple large, well- resourced county parks and natural areas. We are only a few miles from both the GW National Forest and Shenandoah National Park. The expansion of special use from 3 months to 8months should be rejected. I strongly oppose the construction of the 2,000 square foot pavilion and 2,000 square foot storage shed in the proposed location. Under the proposed plan, the new parking and both new structures are situated on the top of the ridge directly behind Holkham Dr. The tree cover only obscures the construction site in the Summer months. However, the Field Camp buses and trailers are visible in that location in Fall, Winter, and Spring. The expanded parking lot and the two new structures will sit in full view for many in our neighborhood for most of the year. I am also concerned that the proposed plan will bring increased traffic and noise from parties, field trips, and other activities into the surrounding area. I believe that most camp and pool activities are currently conducted at lower elevations behind the ridgeline and their noise is generally blocked from our neighborhood. However, building new facilities on top of the ridge, and only 500-700 feet from Holkham Dr, will bring all the noise into our neighborhood. If new structures are to be built — they should be located adjacent to the pool and the existing pavilion Attachment 4 and be shielded from neighboring properties with a substantial and adequate buffer of vegetation to eliminate visibility and reduce noise pollution. The application indicates that the purpose of the new pavilion will be to shelter children in bad weather while they are waiting for transportation. If this is truly the objective, there is no need for a kitchen or 2,000 square feet of space. A bus shelter can be constructed to solve this problem. The primary purpose of the new structure is to serve as the camp "Headquarters" and as an event venue for large groups. Construction of the new structures should be rejected. Additionally, I believe special use permits for the property should be reviewed annually and set to expire after 12 months. An annual approval or renewal requirement would protect neighbors from misuse of the special use permit for this property. Most importantly, these permits should not be transferable nor a right that stays with the property in perpetuity. Annual renewal of all special use permits should be required. Thank you for considering my input regarding this proposal. I strongly urge you to prevent the expansion of commercial activities in our residential environment. We want to preserve our property value and that of our neighbors. We want to ensure that the excellent quality of life in rural Ivy remains intact. 25 Dear Mr. Clark:Our property borders the Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp. Just as we were Warren and Pamela strongly opposed to his initial Special Use Permit in 2011, we are now adamantly opposed to each Yursik of the amended Special Use Permits requested by Mr. Todd Barnett for Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp.A. A) We oppose the change of operations expansion from just the summer months for Field Camp to April through November. Though Mr. Barnett cites a justification for an amended permit as an educational site for various area schools, we see no need for that, given the multitude of Albemarle County parks, Ivy Creek Natural Area, and recreation facilities that are open year-round. To us, it is apparent that Mr. Barnett envisions the property as a commercial event venue. This is a quiet residential neighborhood, we should not be subjected to the additional traffic, congestion and noise that such events will bring. Reject this amended permit allowing eight months of operation. B. B) We also oppose new construction of a 2,000 square foot pavilion and a 2,000 square foot "storage" shed. Each of those buildings would be within our view, destroying the natural beauty of our location and likely lowering our property value. It's upsetting enough that we currently have to see the parked Field Camp vehicles along their driveway — we are deeply troubled by how much worse our viewshed will be if this permit is allowed. As stated above in paragraph A, it appears to us that the purpose of this permit is provide an event venue and to be the focal point of Field Camp activity thus bringing the greatly increased noise much closer to us than that from activity at the pool on the other side of the ridge. Reject the construction of these two buildings.Your consideration of this matter on our behalf is greatly appreciated. 26 Dear Mr. Clark: We are writing in support of the proposed Special Use Permits for the Blue Ridge Keith and Cheryl Field Camp & Swim Club property in Ivy, VA. Our home in Lewis Hills 1II, is south of the Gearhart property and within walking distance to the pool.We have known Todd Bamett, Field Camp and Swim Club owner, for several years and our sons attended Field Camp when they were younger. We are members of the Swim Club and consider it and the Blue Ridge Field Camp and asset to the community. Since the summer camp has been in operation we have not noticed an increase in traffic or noise. The main contributor to traffic in the area is parents and buses delivering and picking up children from nearby Meriwether Lewis Elementary School. With the current limit of 200 guests to the property, we do not believe that there will be an appreciable increase in traffic. The back of our house faces north and is aligned with the swim club. We enjoy sitting on our deck in the day. The only noise associated with the swim club and field camp is the sound of children enjoying themselves outside. To our way of thinking, these are sounds and experiences that should be encouraged.Todd and the Field Camp have been good neighbors. The camp attendees do not cross over onto the neighboring properties and Todd has permitted nearby homeowners to use the walking trails that cross back and forth between the swim club property and the Lewis Hill III common property. Many of our neighbors are swim club members who enjoy the accessibility and convenience of a `neighborhood' pool that they can walk to and from and whose teenage children work as Iifeguards.Thank you for considering our input regarding these special use permits. We support the special use permits and urge you to approve them. 27 Hi Scott,Thank you for your work on this. I am a homeowner on Holkham Drive, which is close to Thomas Sheehan the site in question. I'm also a co-owner of the Common Area which is directly adjacent to the Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp property. I am opposed to the new amended Special Use Permits (the SUPS) under consideration for the following reasons:1. The proposed building structures (4,000 square feet in total) and parking lots are too close to our neighborhood trails which are co -owned b Attachment 4 me and the other property owners in the Holkham neighborhood.2. Although I'm against the new structures and parking lots, if they are approved, I request that they're on the other side of the property, away from the Holkham-side.3. The new buildings, with a commercial nature to them, as well as the proposed parking lots, go against the zoning in this area, which is for Waal and residential use.4. I'm concerned about the environmental impact of these new structures, parking lots, and expanded capacity of the Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp operating 8 months a year vs. only in the summer months.5. Furthermore, I am worried about people coming over to our trails; I would request a fence be built by the applicant, if these SUP amendments are approved, which I'm against.6. Also, what happens with a new owner? The Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp is owned by a for -profit entity. The new SUPS will allow the applicant, and more concerning, future owners of the property to use the property for weddings, wine tastings, events, etc. 8 months of the year vs. just the summer months.7. I'm concerned about all the cars, trucks (delivering supplies to the grounds), busses, in addition to air pollution, environmental pollution, etc., so close to our residential, rural neighborhood. 8. This area should be maintained as a rural, residential area and not an area for camps, events and activities beyond the summer months. In summary, I'm opposed to the new SUP amendments under consideration. Also, I'm against any removal of expiration dates associated with the SUPS. If these new SUPS are passed, which I'm opposed to, there needs to be an expiration date attached to them. Thank you again, and please feel free to write me back or call. Please confirm receipt of this email comment. 28 Mr Clark: Shirley Cunningham Received UNDATED notice from Todd Barnett re above requests for permit to build two structures on Blue Ridge Swim Club property at 1275 Owensville Road. I have some comments: 1 First, I have no problem with extending the length of the camp season. 2 The addition of the two structures large structures does concern me. Is there a generally available site plan indicating the locations planned for these two sizable buildings? Would it be possible to put such a plan on line so neighbors could learn where they will be sited? I look forward to hearing from you. 29 My name is Nachel Mathoda. I live at 1365 Owensville Road with my husband, Morgan Ashcom. Nachel Mathoda & We have owned this property, which is adjacent to the Swim Club, since July 2017. Yesterday I Morgan Ashcom submitted a question regarding the size of the structures (due to what I believe was a typo in Todd's letter). I have since become aware that there is some distant neighborhood opposition to his plan. I wanted to reach out to convey my support for the Swim Club under Todd's leadership generally and the expansion of club use beyond the current Memorial Day to Labor Day limit. I'm not sure if we are the closest home to the property, but we are certainly one of the closest. We have loved living next to the Swim Club and have had no issues with noise, pollution, or any other concern. Frankly, the sound of children laughing and playing on the occasion that we do hear something is delightful. Todd has been an excellent neighbor, and we have no objection to his proposed plans, assuming the structures are reasonably sized. Please let me know if you have any questions. C,4 OF AL o� County of Albemarle o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT May 13, 2021 Todd Barnett Tupelo Honey 4/4/4 LLC 102 Oaklawn Dr Charlottesville VA 22903 todd h bamett(Mci mai I. com RE: SP201900014 & SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment Dear Mr. Barnett 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Telephone:434-296-5832 WWW.ALBEMARLE.ORG The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 4, 2021, recommended approval by a vote of 7:0 of SP2019000014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report, with an amendment to proposed condition #3 to allow opening at 11:00 a.m. Listed are the following conditions for SP2019000014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment 1. Development of the swim club use must be in general accord (as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator) with the conceptual plan titled "SUP Concept Plan For: Blue Ridge Swim Club," prepared by Shimp Engineering, and dated 6/21/2019, and the plan titled "Re -submittal Plan for SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Field Camp," dated 9/20/2020 (collectively hereinafter "Conceptual Plans"). To be in accord with the Conceptual Plans, development must reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development: • Limits of disturbance • Location and size of the existing pavilion building • Location, size, and vegetative screening of the new pavilion and storage building, as shown on the 2020 Conceptual Plan. New screening trees are limited to native evergreen species at least six feet in above- ground height at time of planting. • Location of parking areas • Land clearing is permitted only as necessary to establish the well, septic line and drainfields, parking, and structures shown on the Conceptual Plans. Minor modifications to the plan that do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The Blue Ridge Swim Club (SP201900014) may operate only between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend, inclusive. 3. The hours of operation for the Blue Ridge Swim Club (SP201900014) must not begin earlier than 11:00 AM and must end not later than 8:00 P.M. 4. All outdoor lighting must be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot-candles must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval. 5. Approval of the Health Department for the well, septic and food concession will be required prior to approval of a site plan. 6. Approval by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the entrance will be required prior to approval of site plan. 7. Prior approval by the Fire Department will be required prior to all outdoor cooking and /or campfires 8. No amplification of sound will be permitted, with the exception of a megaphone used on Fridays during each season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) during field games, radios and electronic sound producing or reproducing devices, provided that any such amplified sound must comply with the applicable noise regulations. 9. Parking on Owensville Road by attendees or staff of the Blue Ridge Swim Club or the Camp will not be permitted. 10. No more than 200 people will be permitted on the property for any purpose at any time. Also at the May 4, 2021 meeting, the Planning Commission voted 5:2 to recommend approval of SP201900015 with the conditions outlined in the staff report. Listed are the following conditions for SP2019000015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment: Development of the camp use must be in general accord (as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator) with the conceptual plan titled "SUP Concept Plan For: Blue Ridge Swim Club," prepared by Shimp Engineering, and dated 6/21/2019, and the plan titled "Re -submittal Plan for SP201900014 and SP201900015 Blue Ridge Field Camp," dated 9/20/2020 (collectively hereinafter "Conceptual Plans"). To be in accord with the Conceptual Plans, development must reflect the following major elements within the development essential to the design of the development: • Limits of disturbance • Location and size of the existing pavilion building • Location, size, and vegetative screening of the new pavilion and storage building, as shown on the 2020 Conceptual Plan. New screening trees are limited to native evergreen species at least six feet in above- ground height at time of planting. • Location of parking areas • Land clearing is permitted only as necessary to establish the well, septic line and drainfields, parking, and structures shown on the Conceptual Plans. Minor modifications to the plan that do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The Blue Ridge Swim Club Day Camp, Boarding Camp (SP201900015) may operate only five days per week between April 1 and November 15, inclusive. The Camp may not operate at any other time of year 3. The hours of operation for the Blue Ridge Swim Club Day Camp, Boarding Camp (SP201900015) must not begin earlier than 8:30 AM any day and must not end later than 5:00 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Thursdays, overnight stays are permitted. 4. A maximum sound level of 55 decibels is in effect between the hours of 9:30 PM and 8:30 AM. 5. All outdoor lighting must be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at all property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot-candles must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or their designee for approval. 6. Approval of the Health Department for the well, septic and food concession will be required prior to approval of a site plan. 7. Approval by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the entrance will be required prior to approval of site plan. 8. Prior approval by the Fire Department will be required prior to all outdoor cooking and /or campfires. 9. No amplification of sound will be permitted, with the exception of a megaphone used on Fridays during each season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) during field games, radios and electronic sound producing or reproducing devices, provided that any such amplified sound must comply with the applicable noise regulations. 10. Parking on Owensville Road by attendees or staff of the Blue Ridge Swim Club or the Camp will not be permitted. 11. No more than 200 people will be permitted on the property for any purpose at any time. 12. No more than 100 overnight campers will be permitted at any one time. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted actions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (434) 296-5832 ext 3249 or email sclark@albemarle.org Sincerely, Scott Clark Senior Planner II Planning Division Albemarle County Planning Commission FINAL Minutes May 4, 2021 The Albemarle County Planning Commission held a public hearing on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Members attending were Julian Bivins, Chair; Karen Firehock, Vice -Chair (arrived at 6:08 p.m.); Rick Randolph; Daniel Bailey; Corey Clayborne; Jennie More; Tim Keller; and Luis Carrazana, UVA representative. Members absent Other officials present were David Benish; Jodie Filardo; Charles Rapp, Director of Planning; Andy Herrick, County Attorney's Office; and Carolyn Shaffer, Clerk to the Planning Commission. Call to Order and Establish Quorum Mr. Bivins said the meeting was being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20- A(16), "An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the COVID-19 Disaster." He said opportunities for the public to access and participate in the electronic meeting will be posted at www.albemarle.oro on the Community County Calendar, when available. Ms. Shaffer called the roll. All Commissioners indicated their presence, except Ms. Firehouse, who was en route. Mr. Bivins established a quorum. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Public There were none. Consent Agenda Approval of Minutes for April 6, 2021 and April 13, 2021. Mr. Bivins asked the Commissioners if they wished to pull anything from the consent agenda and heard no requests to do so. Mr. Keller moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion, which carried 6:0 (Ms. Firehock arrived late). Public Hearings SP201900014 & SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment Mr. Clark presented the staff report. He stated there were two special use permit amendment requests for Blue Ridge Swim Club. To review the history, Mr. Clark said the swimming pool itself had been in this location since about 1905 and operating as a swim club for area residents. He said it was a nonconforming use for many years, and then in 2011, it received approval of two ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 special use permits, one for a day camp with some limited overnight use and one for the swim club itself. Mr. Clark said that in 2019, the Board approved two amendments to the original permits to allow the division of the smaller parcel with the idea being that the operator of the camp could put a house on that separate parcel and use it to have a presence on the site. Mr. Clark said that the proposals that evening were further amendments to those two special use permits, and they would add permission for a pavilion with bathrooms and a kitchen for the camp use and also a garage/storage structure by the existing parking area. He said the camp SP would extend the season of operation, which is currently summer only, to April V through November 15'h, and that the purpose is to be able to offer camp and environmental education programs during good weather in the nontraditional off-season of what normally would be a summer camp but extended into the school year so that environmental education programs could go on. Mr. Clark presented an aerial view of the main portion of the property and described it. He discussed the conceptual plan that was approved in 2019, which will remain in place because there are many features of the proposals in the amendments that evening that do not appear on the larger plan. He described the location of the new pavilion and screening trees for that and the area for the new storage building in the parking area and some screening trees for that, which are the proposed changes as far as construction goes, along with the seasonal change. Mr. Clark said it is important to remember that the area for the proposed changes is significantly elevated above the stream valley where the pool itself is; they are two separate use areas. He demonstrated the approximate location of the new pavilion on the flat next to the parking area. Mr. Clark said for the analysis of the special use permit, staff did not feel that there was any substantial detriment in adding two structures which would be screened and also extending the season from three and a half months to seven and a half months of the year. Mr. Clark described the character of the area as for some time having been a low -density residential portion of the rural areas. He said that character overall would not be changed, but in the interest of protecting that character, the applicant has proposed screening vegetation to mitigate any visibility of the new structures and maintaining the existing conditions that restrict amplified sound. Mr. Clark said in terms of harmony, the previous amendments were much concerned with the possible impacts on the historic pool, which is listed on the National Register. He said the new facilities are farther from that pool area and elevated above around the parking area, so there is not the same visual impact concern as before. Mr. Clark mentioned the VDOT review. He said VDOT has reviewed all three of the special use permits (the three sets of original amendments), and they found that the proposed changes were acceptable. Mr. Clark checked back with them to make sure that the extension of the season was not going to raise a concern for them, and they said they had no concerns raised by that. Mr. Clark said under the consistency with the comprehensive plan criteria, staff felt that extending the season and allowing these additional structures to support the use would help to keep this historic resource going, which means funding coming in for its maintenance, which helps to preserve the historic resource for the future. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 2 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 Mr. Clark summarized that favorable factors included lack of concern from VDOT for transportation impacts and a longer camp season providing more economic viability for the historic resource. Mr. Clark said the most significant factor unfavorable was some of the visibility from the lots to the south; however, the applicant has added screening vegetation to the proposed plan to reduce visibility. Mr. Clark said staff was recommending approval of both amendments with conditions. He highlighted the edited conditions. He said for both permits, there is a condition that said food prepared off -site may be sold from a concession stand that was depicted on the conceptual plan. He said the applicant was concerned about potential confusion about this requiring off -site food preparation when a pavilion with a kitchen is being added to help with the camp use. Mr. Clark said in discussing that, they found that he does not use the concession stand, and so there is no need for it; it is simpler to avoid the confusion by deleting this condition, and that has been done in both sets of conditions. He said this is new since the Board's staff report came out and was okay with the applicants, and it was felt to be the simplest solution. Mr. Clark said the other change that was new was in #1 for the camp use. He said this section was included in the swim club SP amended text, but he had failed to put it into the condition and realized that morning it was missing. He said in the amended guidelines for remaining in accord with the conceptual plan, there is supposed to be a second sentence requiring that the screening vegetation be native evergreen species at least six feet in above -ground height at the time of planting. Mr. Clark paused for questions. Mr. Randolph asked if under this proposal, there was any limitation as to the nature of the up to 200 people that could be in this venue at any particular time. He asked if it was limited only to members and their friends and family. He said he was raising the possibility that this venue could be used for weddings for up to 200 people. Mr. Clark said that weddings could not happen because weddings would be a separate use that is not yet permitted on the site. He said he had talked to several neighbors about this because they were concerned about that. He said he had also talked to Mr. Barnett. He said in order to operate legally, weddings would have to be permitted through a special use permit for special events, which has not been applied for on this site, and the applicant is aware that that is not a permitted use under the camp or swim club approvals. Mr. Randolph repeated that therefore under this proposal, the primary activity for the up to 200 people who could be there at the site at one particular time must be focused on the swim club and swimming or the camp. Mr. Randolph said with potentially 200 people in the camp, there would be more trash generated on the site, and with more trash, there would likely need to be a commercial hauling. He asked if that was something the transportation planner and VDOT had factored in on Owensville Road. He noted that the Board had worked three years ago to designate this road along with Miller School Road as two highways where the Board has limited truck traffic on it. He said one of the reasons is because of the nature of the curves and the line of sight. He said he was concerned ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 3 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 with more people on the site and thus more trash, there would be a different -sized vehicle coming in to service this facility. He wondered if there had been any discussion by staff that for trucks, there would be a right turn in and right turn exit only so there would not be the scenario with a large trash truck coming out of the exit and trying to make a left-hand turn onto Owensville Road. Mr. Clark pointed out that the number of people on -site was not part of the changes in this proposal. He said the applicants had asked to add a couple of more structures and to change the season, but the number is the same. He said that the applicant could answer the trash question more directly, but that staff had not specifically talked about trash trucks. He said it would be good to hear from the applicant what the current arrangements are for this property and for the others in the area. Mr. Bivins welcomed Ms. Firehock to the meeting Mr. Bivins asked for help with the distinction that the swimming would not begin before 12, but the daily camping and those activities could begin at 8:30. He asked why they both could not begin at 8:30. Mr. Clark said he did not know if the applicant wanted to make that change to the schedule. He said the hours are leftovers from the previous SPs from back as far as 2010. Mr. Bivins asked if by chance the number of nights (two times a week) that people could use it as an overnight would be continued into November. Mr. Clark replied that the way the conditions are currently written, yes. Mr. Bivins thanked Mr. Clark for putting the trees back in because he remembered two colleagues, Mr. Keller and Ms. Firehock, had deep passions about the types of trees that would be replaced. Mr. Clark said they had put a lot of time into tree placement and tree species with the previous amendments because they were addressing visual impacts on the historic pool from changes that were much closer to it. He said this was different in that their aim is to get evergreens in place to screen the new structures not from the historic pool but from the dwellings along the southern property line. Mr. Bivins said the last time when this particular property came before the Board, they had segregated some land out for a housing site. Mr. Clark said that the swim club property is shown as two parcels, and when the Board had last seen it, it was still one. He said the two -acre piece has since been carved off, though it has not been built on yet. He said both parcels have to be under the SP approval because even though the residential parcel does not have any activities on it, it does contain the entranceway. Mr. Bivins clarified that the new parcel (the two acres) gives the easement to the camp parcel. He asked who holds the easement to get onto the piece of property. The applicant, Mr. Barnett, said he was primarily eager to answer questions. He thanked Mr. Clark for his work on the project. He said he had been fortunate to have the County support for the operation of their outdoors camp and for the continued operation of the historic swim club property. He said he has enjoyed getting to know the pool's members and the neighbors and ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 4 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 having had the opportunity to shepherd this unique space over the last 10 years. He said it was particularly gratifying to be there the past summer when the place got so much use from people who were neighbors to the property. He said his goal with this amendment is just to build some very much needed storage facility and a pavilion for the property and to give them the opportunity to operate environmental education programming in the spring and fall seasons. Mr. Barnett said as far as trash goes, they generate one 40-gallon container, and they put it out by the street. He said the trucks do not come down the driveway, and it is a pretty small amount of trash. Mr. Barnett said the pool's hours are that they can open any time between noon and 8:00 daily. He said the coming summer, they would be opening noon to 6:00 on the weekends and four evenings a week from 5:00 to 7:00. He said it would be great to be able to start earlier and to have that flexibility. He said he had often thought it might be better to start at 11:00, but when he bought the place years ago, he had been told that noon was probably the best time to start and to be open eight hours a day as had been done in the past, which explains the hours. He said they have been able to work within this. Mr. Barnett asked Mr. Clark to put the picture back up of the tree coverage on the property, as it was interesting to see. He said it is difficult to grow trees in this shaded space with almost no open space. He said his first thought was to placing hedge trees along the edge of the property, but it is hard to grow them with so much shade there already. He said they were doing their best, but it is a pretty well covered property. Mr. Barnett said the pavilion is actually in the middle of the trees, and they were able to keep pretty much all of the trees around the pavilion that they had built already, and that would be his goal with this place. He said he is very interested in keeping the trees as much as possible. He said he is interested in teaching the children about shepherding the outdoors in a very responsible way and wants to model that. Mr. Barnett said another thing that is great about it is that shade is wonderful in summer camp, and they have a wonderful shady place and like to keep the pool as cool as possible. He said it can be dangerous, however, and so they have to take out any trees that look like they might represent a falling threat. He said that the reason they want to build the pavilion is that afternoon thunderstorms are quite common in the summer, and as it is, the pavilion is far away from the parking lot; it is down in the valley on the other side of the property. He said it is a three- or four - minute run through the trees from the safe spot to where the cars are in the afternoon, and sometimes pickup will happen in the afternoon, and they really just need a safe space that is closer to the parking lot. Mr. Barnett said he put in a number of things that he thought they might want over the next six or eight years like the kitchen and bathroom at the top parking lot just because these things have historically taken a long time, and he wanted to put things in there that they thought they might want to do. He said he would not do this in the next year but hopefully might get started on some of these projects in the year after that. Mr. Barnett responded to the question about the house and said they had cut off that property thinking that they would move there, but his family was growing, and they got to a point in their personal lives that they needed to move from the small house that they rented to a larger one from his family. He said his children became ensconced in their local school system in the City ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 (Jackson -Via) and liked it there, and the family found that it would be difficult to move them out of that situation. He said what started as a plan to be out there and be on the property more regularly as a homeowner has not worked that way yet, although they would still like to get out there eventually. Mr. Barnett pointed out the driveway on a map which goes to Owensville Road and said it is probably a quarter mile long and is technically owned by the lot there now, but there is a driveway agreement that had been drafted for both properties, and he owns them both at this point, but even if one got sold off, there is an easement there and an agreement to maintain that driveway. Ms. Firehock apologized for being late and said that she had had a power outage and had to drive 12 miles to get power, so she did appreciate the storms and the need for shelter. Ms. Firehock commented that there are shade -tolerant species that can also do a good job in screening. Ms. Firehock said she wanted to understand more about the reason for the dates of April 1 to November 15. She noted it did state in the application that it is for environmental education camp, etc., but she wanted to understand why such a wide window was needed. She said that he might want to incorporate some of the time that children are in school, but as the leaves come off the trees and such, there is less to survey and learn about. Mr. Barnett said it was to use that space in order to make part of the camp's mission one of educating this generation of children. He said he thinks it is healthier for that place when they are out there year-round. He said the idea is to develop programs and provide these programs to local schools where they can do environmental ed out there, and that is a great spot to do it. He said he tried to plan it for out of the winter and in times when the leaves would be on the trees and it would not be an affront to any neighbors who did not want to see anyone over there. Mr. Barnett said the pool property at one point was 1,000 acres, and various owners over the years had sold off pieces of it, so now the houses come up somewhat close to it, but he thought during those times of the year, the leaf cover is going to be still pretty significant, and the camp itself has a big boundary on each of its sides to protect neighbors from seeing whatever they might do at the camp. He said he felt like there was nothing better that one could do to teach young people about shepherding the resources in the outdoors and being good environmental stewards than to have them out there. He said there are programs that are done elsewhere that he is hoping to bring to Charlottesville and make available to area schools. Ms. Firehock said that she had done environmental education and run camps herself and does understand what is involved, but she is thinking also about the noise attenuation that the leafed - out trees provide, and they will not be leafed out by April 151. She said the later it goes into the spring season, the more likely there will be noise attenuation from the trees being leafed out. She said she was trying to balance Mr. Barnett's desire to have a long season with some of the neighbors' comments about their desire for a quiet enjoyment of their residence. She said she did not require a comment on that, but it might weigh into her deliberation on whether the season should be extended all the way to April 151. Mr. Clayborne asked Mr. Barnett to share a little bit about the kitchen, whether it would be a commercial kitchen, and if so, whether he would need a grease interceptor on the site anywhere. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 6 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 Mr. Barnett said it would need to be a commercial kitchen. He said they provide lunch for the camp and do them off site at this point and bring them there and serve them. He said sometimes they are bagged lunches and sometimes out of trays, but they are required to do those in a commercial kitchen. He said he was trying to remember the conversation when he had someone talk to him about the grease trap issue, and he thinks that is something they would have to do, but it was not thought to be something that would be complicated to do. He noted that their sewage system is on site. Mr. Clayborne said his comments were intended as a courtesy for Mr. Barnett to give some thought to where that is placed on the site as they move forward. Mr. Clayborne asked the approximate size of the storage shelter and what was planned to be stored there. Mr. Barnett asked Mr. Clark to help him because he thought the idea was 1,200 square feet but wanted clarification to make sure that was the proposal. Mr. Clark said the note on the plan says that the pavilion overall would be 1,200 square feet. He said the storage building was also 1,200 square feet. Mr. Clayborne asked what was planned to be stored and whether it was more like inert things or chemicals. Mr. Barnett answered that it was a tractor and maybe the bus. He said there was no storage space there now and that he covers things with tarps, so they would like to have some basic storage facility. He said they make do, but it is a huge need. He said there is a bathhouse there, but the bathhouse is about 125 yards away from the nearest road, and there is some storage capacity there, but it is low and wet, and things rust when left there and is not a good storage spot at all. He said the idea is to try to build some facilities on top of the hill where the things put into storage would not be compromised. Mr. Clayborne asked if they would eventually have some images available of the proposed pavilion or storage shelter to share with the neighbors trying to address the concern about visualization and screening. Mr. Barnett responded that the back of the storage shelter would be covered and would be done in wood. He said the pavilion would be well hidden from the neighbors by the trees that will be put up. He said it would be in the middle of a dense set of trees as it is. He said they had not conceptualized anything yet, but he is imagining it would look a lot like the one that is already there. Mr. Bivins asked if there were public comments. Ms. Shaffer said there was no one from the public signed up and no hands raised. Mr. Bivins asked Mr. Barnett before closing and deliberating among themselves if he had anything else he wanted to share. Mr. Bivins said that Mr. Barnett had mentioned that if they could go to 11:00, that would be helpful, and he wondered if that change from 12:00 to 11:00 was being asked for. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 Mr. Barnett said he did not want to do anything to complicate this and that he was happy to leave it at 12:00. Mr. Bivins brought the meeting back to the Commissioners Mr. Keller asked Mr. Clark if on the original condition, he remembered some relationship between the lot that was going to have the new house built on that has not been built on and something about there being someone on the property at all hours to deal with issues. He said he had some vague memory of that but cannot find it in the packet. Mr. Clark said they had definitely discussed that, and that was part of the justification for the recommendation of approval —there was a safety factor to be had by having somebody living on the site and keeping out trespassers or random visitors driving by when the facility is closed —but there is not a condition requiring that the resident of that parcel or the owner of that parcel be the operator of the pool facility. Ms. More added that it seemed to her that the types of things that would occur in those extra months and weeks that are being asked for do not seem quite as intense as what would happen in the months that there is a full -on camp. She said when one is talking about bringing out schools and having that type of interaction, it does not seem as intense, so she supports the idea of expanding the amount of time to have those things happen. She said she had not asked the applicant because she did not think they wanted to get into having restrictions on how many people can be there in April and that type of thing. She said in response to the noise issue, it did not strike her as something that would be as intense as what is already happening there during the summer months and so that is not really a change; it is just adding the extra time in on the front of the summer and then into the fall a little bit. Ms. More said she thought there was probably something valid that Mr. Barnett was saying about having the property in use more months out of the year because she would imagine it is a lot to maintain, and having people out there helps with that because it is an historic resource, and it is very fortunate that there is a use like this to keep it valuable and make it worth it to someone to have the money generated by the camp and other things to keep a property like that in the condition it is in. Ms. Firehock said Ms. More had reminded her about another thing she had wanted to ask about. She said Ms. More was commenting on the fact that it is helpful to generate revenue to be able to keep the site going, especially as an historic resource. She wondered what the revenue generation is of having field trips from the local schools. She wondered if they would pay to come out and use the facility for this environmental education activity. She said a number of the neighbors in their public comments, and one person in particular, had said there were lots of other parks around the area. Mr. Bivins asked if Ms. Firehock was asking the Commissioners to place an exception to hear from the applicant. Ms. Firehock said she was. Mr. Barnett replied that he did not know. He said that he was thinking mostly about getting young people from the City to have opportunities that they would not have otherwise, and he was more ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 thinking about trying to get grants to fund that sort of thing. He said if he did have groups that paid, he imagined them being small, perhaps a group that came out from a given school that might need a day with the student council to do something that is leadership oriented that would give them some drive about the school year. Mr. Barnett said the main thing that he does that creates revenue there is the camp, which creates about 98% of the revenue to cover the place, and otherwise he would like to use the place in the off-season to do good work, and it seems like a good space to do that sort of thing. He said he has worked hard to have a good relationship with the neighbors out there. He said he has tried to keep their numbers down. He said there were concerns initially about people wandering into neighboring properties, and it is so far from a legitimate concern. He said the idea is to make the place available to people in a generous and community -oriented way. Mr. Randolph said his only comment is following up with Ms. Firehock's point to say he would feel a little bit more confident given the fact that six of the eight people who wrote comments expressing concerns about the plan cited noise as a major reason for their concern. He said he would feel more comfortable if instead of April 15'h when leaves on trees oftentimes are not fully developed (his red oak just basically leafed out this past weekend while they were away), he would feel more comfortable May 1S1 to November 1s' because leaves, depending on which deciduous trees one is talking about, are already dropping by the third week in October, and therefore there would be a little more margin of protection on noise for area residents. He said that is not a deal killer for him; it is just something that might be a little more considerate and perhaps more realistic in terms of the noise that is generated on site. Ms. Firehock commented that Mr. Randolph had taken the words right out of her mouth; that is where she was going with her comments about the fact that trees attenuate a great deal of noise and so limiting that window to when it is both more pleasant to be outside and could be quieter for the neighbors would be acceptable, to her at least. She said it is not a big change but is enough of a change that there would be more screening and quietude that the neighbors are seeking while also being a nice time to be out there. Mr. Bivins said he understood the piece about leafing now, but he would mention that they probably all saw that day that NOAA has decided to redo the average weather charts and that they are saying a couple of things that are going to happen —it is going to get warmer faster so there will be warmer springs, which may in fact bring leaves out on the trees sooner, and there are going to be more storms, particularly on the East Coast, than previously, particularly in the summertime. He said he was not quite sure whether or not one might see leaf out perhaps much earlier than seen at present. He said he was concerned that if someone should sell their home tomorrow, they were burdening a piece of property based on an opinion that was made at present when the person may not be there in the future. Mr. Bivins noted that the programming that is being suggested is not one where children would run wild in the woods; there would be voices like heard in many other places. Mr. Bivins said his property is contiguous to the Ivy Creek nature area, and not only does he hear people, but there are people wandering into their backyards lost because they are not used to being in the woods. He said this is part of what they have talked about, about how to take activities that are really good activities and hopefully have a blend in to the neighbors that are contiguous around them, and hopefully the applicant knows that if he does something that is out of line, there will be complaints that he would have to deal with. Mr. Bivins said he is hoping that the Commission can give the applicant and community the benefit of the doubt. He said he was also suggesting that ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 they modify the pool opening to 11:00 and give this project an opportunity to expand to live into the space. Ms. More agreed with Mr. Bivins. Ms. Firehock said she was trying to figure out where in the staff conditions the 11:00 time fit in. Mr. Bivins replied that it was on Page 6, #3. Mr. Herrick said by way of order, he would encourage the Commissioners to make separate motions for each of the two applications. He said the time of the pool opening is a condition of the swim club. He said to the extent there is interest in modifying the condition about the dates of operation of the camp, that is exclusive to the camp SP. Ms. Firehock moved to recommend approval of SP201900014 Blue Ridge Swim Club Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report with a change to condition #3 that the swim activities be allowed to begin as early as 11 a.m. Mr. Clayborne seconded the motion, which carried unanimously (7:0). Ms. Firehock moved to recommend approval of SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment with the conditions outlined in the staff report with one exception to condition #2 to require that the season begin on May 11' and end on October 31". Mr. Randolph seconded the motion. Mr. Bivins asked for discussion. Mr. Bailey said he wanted to raise as a point of discussion that this extended period is to target school field trips. He noted that the change to May 1 st is a very compressed timeline when school is usually wrapping up the first week of June of three weeks to make available. He said he did not know if there was any consideration, bringing back to what Mr. Bivins had said about the increasing temperature, of thinking about splitting the difference and increasing to the mid of April. He said he did not have the background on trees and leafing out that his colleagues do but was just thinking about the fact that school age would take some planning, and in trying to make this resource available, there might be a midpoint compromise there, on maybe not April V but providing a week or two extra at the end of April that might allow for a bit more use for the targeted program of making environmental education available to schools in the area. Mr. Bailey said rather than a friendly amendment, he was asking for consideration of it by the Commissioner whose district it is. Ms. Firehock said she was trying to attenuate the noise, and she also had written curriculums for grades one through 12 and done a lot of field trips in this area with schools where she has led the field trip out into the woods, and she has had disastrous field trips on April 15'h where it snowed. She said a lot of those outdoor field trips do tend to be at the end of the semester, and it was not as common to take field trips outside at that time of year to study nature. She said she would prefer the applicant come back and make a compelling case for expanding the season again. She said that the request to have these field trips is an idea and has not been fully fleshed out; there ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 10 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 is no program developed yet, and no grants had been raised, unlike other applications where there is a specific curriculum that was trying to be met. Mr. Bailey said he appreciated the comments and insight and would refrain from making a friendly amendment at this time. Ms. More said she did not recall the applicants ever having an opportunity to explain why those particular dates were picked, so she would add that to the conversation with the idea of having to come back. She said she did not support changing the proposed dates but does appreciate why Ms. Firehock was suggesting that. Mr. Keller said that in the discussion, it seemed that there were a number of Commissioners who were not inclined towards the shorter timeframe. He said at this point if there was not a friendly amendment, that meant that they would need to vote against this to see if that were the case, but then it would seem like by voting against it, they were against this item that they are not against. He asked if counsel had a suggestion on how to proceed. Mr. Bivins said that they had a motion before them, and if the motion as crafted failed, they would have an opportunity to go to another motion. Mr. Herrick said as a matter of procedure, if any member wanted to make a motion to amend the motion that is currently pending to revert condition #2 to the dates originally proposed, there could be a motion, a second, and a vote on a motion to amend the main motion, and procedurally that would be in order if any Commissioner wanted to make that motion. Ms. More expressed concern about the motion passing where she is a "no," though in the minutes it would explain why she was a "no," but to Mr. Keller's point, she is not saying no to the idea but to the change. Ms. More moved to amend the main motion currently pending to revert condition #2 to the dates originally proposed. Mr. Clayborne seconded the motion, which carried 5:2 (with Mr. Randolph and Ms. Firehock dissenting). Mr. Herrick stated the motion on the floor is to recommend approval of SP201900015 Blue Ridge Swim Club and Field Camp Amendment with the conditions recommended by staff including the recommended condition that the season be between April 1" and November 151h inclusive. The motion was approved by a vote of 5:2 (Mr. Randolph and Ms. Firehock dissenting). Mr. Bivins addressed the applicant and told him that after hearing the discussion, he would be moving forward to the Supervisors for their review and ultimate disposition of this request. Mr. Bivins said that one of the things Mr. Barnett may have heard was hope that he would be engaged with the neighbors on how to structure the shed and how it would look from the properties and also that he be able to speak about how the summers and school sessions would be conducted to be able to be sensitive to and be able to respond to the concerns around sound. ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 11 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021 Items for Follow -Up There were no items. Before adjourning, Mr. Bivins encouraged everyone to continue wearing masks and to enjoy themselves outside. Adjournment At 8:50 p.m., the Commission adjourned to May 11, 2021, Albemarle County Planning Commission meeting, 6:00 p.m. via electronic meeting. (f C Charles Rapp, Director of Planning (Recorded and transcribed by Carolyn S. Shaffer, Clerk to Planning Commission & Planning Boards and transcribed by Golden Transcription Services) Approved by Planning Commission Date: 06/07/2021 Initials: CSS ALBEMARLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 12 FINAL MINUTES - May 4, 2021