HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202200011 Correspondence 2023-02-21 (2)October 17, 2022
Revised February 20, 2023
Bee Safe Self -Storage Facility
Rezoning Application Narrative
ZMA 2022-011
Project Description
Bee Safe Holdings, LLC (the "Applicant") is a premier self -storage leader with locations across North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Montana, and Florida and is expanding their market to Virginia. The
Applicant proposes a self -storage and wine cellar facility at 1309 Seminole Trail (State Route 29) in the Rio
Magisterial District (the "Project"). The subject property and their size, and owner are as follows (the "Property"):
061ZO-03-00-00200 3.70 ac. 3.726 STCVILLE HOTEL INC
The Applicant is the contract purchaser of the Property, which is zoned C1 Commercial, and is designated on
the Comprehensive Plan and the Places29 Master Plan for Urban Density Residential use. An area comprising
approximately 1.17 acres is designated for Commercial Center on the Places29 Master Plan.
The Applicant proposes to rezone the Property from C1 Commercial to Highway Commercial ("HC"), to allow for
the development of a self -storage and wine cellar facility on the Property.
Surroundina Area
The surrounding area is comprised of a large variety of commercial, retail, office, and some residential uses.
There is a shopping center to the north of the Property containing a Food Lion grocery store, the Fairfield Inn
and Suites Marriott hotel, a vacant Applebee's restaurant, Wood Grill Buffett restaurant, and Big Lots retail store.
To the south, buildings and businesses include a Penske truck rental and various office buildings. To the east of
the Property is the Charlottesville Area Realtor's office and across Hillsdale Drive is Branchlands Senior and
Assisted Living facility. Across Route 29, to the west, is the Premier Circle supportive housing development, as
well as other commercial and retail buildings. Below is a map showing the Property and surrounding area.
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October 17, 2022
Revised February 20, 2023
Concept Plan
A proposed Conceptual Plan prepared by Timmons Engineering dated October 17, 2022, (the "Concept Plan"),
is enclosed with this Application. The Project proposes a maximum of 122,500 square feet of self -storage within
a maximum footprint of 60,000 square feet, not to exceed three stories in the front with four stories in the back,
plus a 20' wide area to be dedicated to the public along Seminole Trail/Route 29. The Concept Plan includes a
travelway around the entire building envelope, parking, sidewalk along the frontage, and planting areas for
entrance corridor and site plan landscaping requirements. An area of dedication for a future shared use pathway
is proposed to be 20 feet wide along the entire frontage of the parcel. The Applicant would also provide a
"separation zone," or a grass utility strip between the curb and the replaced sidewalk that will have a minimum
width of 6 feet.
There are currently two entrances at the site from Route 29, which will be reduced to one to meet the Virginia
Department of Transportation's requirements for access management. Given the existing conditions along Route
29, this entrance will be a right in right out only entrance and exit.
The proposed self -storage facility is located within the Albemarle County Service Authority jurisdictional service
area and would thus be served by public water and sewer, and a conceptual layout of water and sewer lines is
shown on the conceptual plan set. Conceptual stormwater management facilities are also shown.
Because Route 29 is a designated Entrance Corridor, the building design and materials, and other elements of
the Project such as plantings and signage will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Architectural Review Board.
The ARB design guidelines will require that the buildings include a variety of architectural materials and elements
October 17, 2022
Revised February 20, 2023
that will create a cohesive appearance and provide articulated features and details to add visual interest and
eliminate blank walls.
Consistencv with the Comprehensive Plan
The proposed self -storage facility is consistent with the Places29 Master Plan designation of Urban Density
Residential and Urban Mixed Use (Commercial Center). While The proposed self -storage facility should be
considered as a General Commercial Service use, while not specifically identified as such, this use is similar to
those listed within the PL29 MP as examples.
As shown on Tables LU-1 and LU-2 within the PL29 MP Urban Density Residential and Commercial Centers
contemplate various uses. Urban Density includes residential as a primary use, and retail, commercial and office
uses that support the neighborhood as secondary uses. Within the Commercial Center, General Commercial
Service is listed as a use recommended within the designation.
Regarding secondary uses, the PL29 MP states that "approval of secondary land uses should be based on the
designation of the larger area, rather than on a per site or per parcel basis." A self -storage facility would support
the surrounding area and neighborhoods including Brookmill, Branchlands, Abbington Crossing, Glenwood
Station, Berkeley, and many others. While the Project itself does not include a residential component, when
considered in the context of the larger surrounding area around the Project, which already includes a variety of
housing, the Project is consistent with the PL29 MP and Neighborhood Model Principles, as it is providing the
needed secondary use for the existing residential, see map below. This use will provide storage for those existing
nearby multi -family, attached, and senior living residential communities.
While a portion of the Center Designation is recommended in the PL29 MP, the majority of this Center is
contained within the existing shopping center adjacent to the site, which is located at a much lower elevation
than the Property. When the redevelopment of the shopping center occurs, an appropriate place for a plaza,
park, or open space would be within the design of the larger area.
October 17, 2022
Revised February 20, 2023
Other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that Bee Safe Self Storage Supports:
From the Growth Management Section of the Comprehensive Plan:
Objective 1, Strategy 1a: Continue to encourage approval of new development proposals in the
Development Areas as the designated location for new residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed -
use development.
From the Development Areas Section of the Comprehensive Plan:
Objective 2a: Continue to require and provide sidewalks and pedestrian paths in the Development Areas
Objective 2o: Promote redevelopment as a way to improve and take advantage of existing investment in
the Development Areas.
Objective 4: Use Development Area land efficiently to prevent premature expansion of the Development
Objective 6: Promote infill and redevelopment that is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and
Impact on Public Facilities and Infrastructure:
Public Transportation Facilities:
There are currently two existing entrances into the property from Route 29 in this location is a divided highway
with a median and access will only be available from the northbound lanes and accommodate right turn only.
There is an existing right turn lane within the full section of this portion of Route 29. Currently, there are two
existing entrances into the Property and one will be eliminated in accordance with Virginia Department of
Transportation's access management requirements. The self -storage facility will have minimal trips and no
impact to transportation facilities.
No residential is proposed on this site, therefore, there will be no impact to schools.
This project will be served by the nearby Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Station on Berkmar Drive which
provides fire and rescue services to this area. The Concept Plan includes travel lanes wide enough for fire
Public Parks:
The Project is a commercial use and will have no impacts to Parks.
Impacts on Environmental Features
As proposed, the Project does not create any detrimental impacts to any environmental features. There are not
any preserved slopes on site. While there is an area of managed steep slopes, it is man-made, and disturbance
of those areas will be subject to the regulations in the site plan regulation. The stormwater management proposed
will meet the requirements of the County's Water Protection Ordinance and Department of Environmental
Historic Resources:
There are no known historic resources on the Property.
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Revised February 20, 2023
Consistencv with the Neiahborhood Model Principles
Pedestrian Orientation. A concrete sidewalk already exists along the entire frontage of the Property adjacent to
the Entrance Corridor. A new sidewalk will replace the existing concrete sidewalk along the frontage of the
Property which will enhance the pedestrian orientation of the Project by providing a grass strip at least six feet
wide, between the sidewalk and the curb. The current concrete sidewalk is directly adjacent to the curb, without
a grass strip. In addition, an area along the frontage is shown to be dedication for a future multi -use path.
Mixture of Uses. While the Project will be used entirely for the self -storage use, it is in very close proximity to
other mixed -use properties that contain a variety of uses such as the Food Lion, hotel, restaurants, and retails
stores to the north, office and commercial to the south, east, and west, and residential in the nearby surrounding
area. As shown by the future land use map in the Places29 Master Plan, the Property is designated for urban
density residential use and urban mixed use in centers to support an overall mixture of uses in and around the
area. When considered in the broader context of the Project's proximity to these other mixed -use areas, the
self -storage facility satisfies this principle.
Neighborhood Center. The Bee Safe Self -Storage Facility is part of a larger neighborhood oriented toward and
complementary to the nearest Commercial Center as described above. There is a shopping center directly to
the north of the Project and it provides a large variety of services which this use will compliment. This facility
would provide an extraordinarily convenient location for nearby residential, particularly the multi -family
residential, who will be afforded the benefits by the proximity of this use for wine and other storage.
Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability. This Principle is not applicable.
Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks. The Project proposes a travelway and parking area in the
as shown on the Concept Plan, which will support the users of the facility, as well as provide adequate fire/rescue
access to all sides of the building. Pedestrians and cyclists will have more options when the Project is completed
with its 10-foot multi -use asphalt path and grass strip that will replace the existing narrow concrete sidewalk next
to the curb.
Multi -Modal Transportation Opportunities. The Applicant's proposal to enhance the pedestrian and bicycle
infrastructure in the immediate vicinity by dedicating an area for a future multi -use path along the Project's
frontage that will eventually provide for multi -modal transportation opportunities and connections along Route
Parks, Recreational Amenities and Open Space. The Project is proposed to be a commercial development and
therefore, no parks, recreation, or open space is provided or necessary.
Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale. The height of the proposed building along the frontage will be three
stories and 40 feet, which is consistent with the recommendations of the Places29 Master Plan. PL29 MP
recommends that buildings on land designated for Urban Density Residential and Center uses be no taller than
four stories. In addition, the way the natural property grade gently slopes down and away from Route 29 will
further support this principle, in that the taller portion of the building is located to the rear of the Property and will
appear less tall relative to the elevation of the road and sidewalk.
Relegated Parking. The Concept Plan shows the parking area relegated to the side of the building. In addition,
future required Entrance Corridor landscaping will help screen the view of the small parking area proposed.
Redevelopment. This application involves redevelopment of a vacant restaurant and other vacant buildings in
the back of the property.
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Revised February 20, 2023
Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re -grading. Some grading will need to occur on the Property during
construction. The Concept Plan accounts for managed slopes on the Property, and no preserved slopes are
located within the Property. The Applicant will obtain all required permits and approvals that may be needed to
conduct grading on the Property.
Clear Boundaries with the Rural Area. The Project is completely within the Development Area, therefore this
principle is not applicable.