HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202300001 Correspondence 2023-02-21February 20, 2023 MEMORANDUM To: Ms. Rebecca Ragsdale Planning Manager County of Albemarle, Virginia From: Mr. Eric Woolley, PE Woolley Engineering Regarding: PREAPP202200101 Covenant School Amendment to SP199900054 to add parcel 07600-00-00-053JO for Tennis Facilities Special Use Permit Amendment Narrative Introduction• The Covenant School is seeking to amend a previously approved special use permit (SP-99-54) to include a new adjacent parcel to add a tennis facility to their campus. The Covenant School purchased 499 Stagecoach Road (TMP 76-53J) in July of 2022. The Hickory Street campus for the Covenant Upper School, located at 175 Hickory Street (TMP 90-A2), directly abuts two of the four sides of the subject parcel. There are three residential single-family homes surrounding the property. There are also residential single-family homes located across the street from the entrance to the property along Stagecoach Road. See Figure 1 on the following page for a map of the location of the subject parcels. Existing vegetation and wooded areas are currently present along most of the property boundaries. Select wooded areas are proposed to remain or be enhanced with additional new proposed vegetative screening where the parcel abuts their residential neighbors. TMP I Acres Owner Existing Zoning Proposed Special Use 90-A2 25.93 The Covenant School R2 Residential Existing private school 76-53J 2.61 Covenant School of Charlottesville, Inc. R2 Residential Amendment to existing SP-99-54 for tennis facilities The current Zoning for the property is R-2. County Code Chapter 18, Section 14.2.2(5) allows for private schools to be located within the R-2 district by Special Use Permit. The Covenant Upper School Campus Special Use Permit (SP-99-54) was approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on November 10, 1999. The existing Special Use Permit is proposed to be amended for the expansion of the school to include the tennis facility improvements located at 499 Stagecoach Road. The existing Special Use Permit is subject to the condition that student enrollment does not to exceed 550 students. This condition is not proposed to be amended. The student body for the WOOLLEY ENGINEERING 210 5th Street NE (434) 973-0045 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 WGGLLEY ENGINEERING upper school campus is currently well within the allowed number of students. The proposed expansion to include tennis facilities for the school is not anticipated to increase enrollment to the point where an increase in the allowable student enrollment would be required. v l - 97 N- ]6-5J0 �V` ]6-5N ) qib W F. ]6-SfH. .✓ - 6-50 76-56R 53 566 0. Y ]6 p 530 t➢9 ccK ' e17 , Ni e «9 Pro osed tl ni f Teaals )653G1 ]641$ 16-5M2 Facilities 5 76-53E 13 z 603 76-53J/�5 p 4999 )6-53H J ]349 65JH ly6 )6-SJO ell -.• 3" 2E5JR 9 j y ]v - - 6-SJ1 1 90A-P -- F9rest�1 - � Existing 1)5� School 90A-01 - Property EE 3s -t 4 743 712 0 751 710 715 90A 6 g v 730 715 688 731696928 90A-3 ' 766 706 691 p1 699 6144 603 '1 640 620 , 102 J5 ]]6 628 b17 106 1390 111 107 fig 389 13]0 ' l3fi$ Figure 1: Project Location Map Source: Albemarle County GIS Web Mapping 14C0� IOA 0061 41,4 ✓m q� 'V6 P P l203 tl) 90A-00-0 9M OD 5 .% 4!9, _J OA OB-11 ]306 6]0 �-00 6 g04..OBySgOr Bul 423 in$, lql 433 1309 i� \ 0 OA-01-A 90A--OR-t OF 1111 ` "'� ' 1413 OFF 1316 1319 1301 1331 1425- J/ 433 15131 9 Pro*ed Proposal: This special use permit amendment seeks to add six tennis courts and appurtenant site improvements of the 499 Stagecoach road property to the existing special use permit for the Covenant Upper School Campus. The proposed tennis facilities will generally be open during daylight hours. There is a Spring tennis season for Junior Varsity and Varsity boys competition and a Fall tennis season for both Middle School and Varsity girls competition. The Spring tennis season runs from early March through mid -May. The Fall tennis season runs from mid -August through early -November. Practices and games for both seasons are generally from 4pm — 8pm. Court use is intended only for tennis and no other court sports. Pickleball will not be allowed on the courts to minimize noise impacts. There is a short period of time in the beginning of the Spring tennis season and at the end of the Fall tennis season where exterior court lights will be utilized due to the impacts of daylight savings time. The Covenant School plans to install a gate near the entrance that will be locked in the evenings. A small building is being proposed which 71 M WGGLLEY ENGINEERING will contain a storage area and restroom facilities. The Covenant School plans to lock the building when not in use. A twelve car parking area is being proposed adjacent to the tennis courts. These parking spaces will meet the minimum required parking spaces per Albemarle County Code Chapter 18, Section 4.12.6 which requires a minimum of two parking spaces per court. There will be one designated handicapped accessible parking space and ADA compliant pathways accessing all proposed tennis courts. A foot path is being proposed on the existing school property to allow access to the tennis courts from the school property. The foot path will include stair and sidewalk improvements on the school property. On tournament days, the opposing team will be directed to park on the school property and use the foot path to access the tennis facilities. On -site parking will likely be used by spectators during matches, though spectators will be directed to park in the school parking lot and access the court from the foot paths. The subject property lies within the ACSA jurisdictional area for both water and sewer. New private sanitary sewer, private water service line and public water meter connections are proposed to tie-in to the existing utilities within the adjacent school property. These utility connections will service a new storage and restroom facility located near the proposed parking lot. Electrical service will be established and the existing overhead electrical lines will be buried under ground. The electricity for the site will be used in the storage and restroom facility and to supply power to the court lights. The Covenant School is hoping to construct the new tennis facilities and begin using them in 2024. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: According to the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan which was adopted on June 10, 2015, the subject parcels are both located within the Neighborhood 5 (Southern Neighborhood). See Figure 2 on the following page for the County GIS mapping source for Comprehensive Plan designation. The Comprehensive Plan land use for the parcel is designated as Neighborhood Density Residential. The primary use for this designation is for single-family attached and unattached residential units. Where compatible with surrounding uses, a secondary use recommended for this designation includes private schools. The Comprehensive Plan land use recommendation for this parcel allows for Private Schools. This property will be an extension of the school and will serve as their primary facilities for tennis practice, matches, and tournaments. The school plans to allow use of the tennis facilities for school members and neighborhood community members on an invitation basis. 3 76560 590 570 560 76-54X 1 � 550 a 76-53 589 530 �Y'o 501 2 579 565 547 ^� 541 3S 515 76-53G 1325 154' 76-53P n e 76-53K 1349 \1356 76-530 1366 76-53R /1365 / 175 76-53J 499 1130 1133 1202 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING 470 U// 76-54H I 76-56B 4 500 90 1877 473 h 7as 76-56D 1 495 m / n b rh tl anp Plan rea ( Figure 2: Comprehensive Plan Designation Map Source: Albemarle County GIS Web Mapping Impacts on Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure: Minor traffic increases are anticipated during the match days of court use. A modest amount of spectator visitation is anticipated on match dates. Previous traffic volumes experienced at the school's current off -site tennis facility suggest that the proposed parking illustrated on the attached concept plan would likely not be exceeded. Any overflow parking or visiting team bus needs would be satisfied on the adjacent school property after normal school hours. Proposed lighting luminaires shall be full cutoff to meet Albemarle County Code Chapter 18, Section 4.17.4. Proposed lighting will not have a spillover to adjacent properties greater than 0.5 footcandles to any of the residential neighbors. Any noise related to matches and tournaments C! WGGLLEY ENGINEERING will not run past 8 pm. Pickleball will not be allowed on the courts as an effort to reduce noise impacts in the neighborhood. The integration of these proposed tennis courts intends to ease the burden to surrounding public tennis courts and parks by providing an on -site facility for the school. This proposal does not intend to negatively impact public safety facilities. This proposal would not impact public school facilities. Impacts on Environmental Features: Tree clearing will be the minimum necessary for construction of the tennis facilities and proposed improvements. Tree protection measures will be used during construction to preserve existing vegetation as much as possible. Screening buffers are proposed to be maintained and enhanced between the subject property and the residential neighbors. Each property line abutting residential neighbors will have a minimum of 10' depth landscape screening. The landscape screening to the north is proposed to consist both evergreen trees and a segment of double staggered rows of evergreen shrubs. Landscape screening to the east will consist of preserved existing vegetation and trees. This vegetative screening shall make the proposed improvements less visible to the neighboring residential properties. The landscape screening material will be chosen to maintain the character of the current neighborhood. Storm water quality and quantity would meet the standards of State and County requirements. The school intends to purchase offsite nutrient credits to fulfill State stormwater quality requirements related to the site improvements. Storm water quantity requirements would be addressed on site. Summary Allowing expansion of the existing special use permit for the Covenant School Hickory Campus (SP-99-54) to construct tennis facilities will be a positive impact to the school and students who are enrolled there. The proposed facilities will act as an extension to the existing school property. These on -site facilities will reduce the necessity for shuttling students to off -site practices and matches. The overall character of the zoning district will be maintained by screening the improvements from adjacent residential neighbors. Thank you for your consideration on this matter and we look forward to our ongoing discussion as we pursue Special Use Permit approval for The Covenant School Hickory Campus Tennis Courts. Sincerely, riE c W lley, PE Attached: (1) Special Use Permit Application (1) Now or Formerly Recorded Plats (1) Special Use Permit Concept Plans Cc: Frank Berry, CFO/COO, The Covenant School BK 1755PGO 173 015969 THIS DEED OF GIFT is made this � day of y 198, by and between HILDA M. BREEDEN, Trustee of the FOREST LODGE LAND TRUST under agreement dated December 1, 1971 ("Grantor"), and THE COVENANT SCHOOL ("Grantee"), whose address is: 1000 Birdwood Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903. WITNESSETH: That, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) cash in hand paid by the Grantee to the Grantor, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich are hereby acknowledged, the Grantor GRANTS, BARGAINS, and CONVEYS with SPECIAL WARRANTY unto Grantee the following described property, together with all rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging to -wit: All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, containing 25.933 acres, more or less, shown as Parcel Al on a plat of Kirk Hughes & Associates entitled "Survey Of Parcels Al and A2, Oak Hill, & A 50' Ingress/Egress Easement, Being a Subdivision of Parcel A, Oak Hill, Scottsville Magisterial District Albemarle County, Virginia," dated July 16, 1998, and attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; together with a right-of-way and easement over and across the 50-foot ingress/egress easement shown on the attached plat and designated as Hickory Street; and being a portion of the property conveyed to Hilda M. Breeden, Trustee for the Forest Lodge Land Trust under agreement dated December 1,1971, by deed from Oak Hill Corporation, a Virginia corporation, dated April 26,1972, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 505, page 540. This conveyance is made subject to all easements, reservations, restrictions and conditions contained in duly recorded deeds, plats, and other instruments constituting constructive This document prepared by: Scott & Kroner, P.C., Charlottesville, VA 7M f ,; Z BKI155PGO174 notice in the chain of title to the above -described property which have not expired by a time limitation contained therein or have not otherwise become ineffective. tax. Pursuant to the provisions of Va. Code § 58.1-811.1, this deed of gift is exempt from WITNESS the following signature: FOREST LODGE LAND TRUST By: 1" 112 . ";tZv Hilda M. Breeden, Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA [AT LARGE] CITY/CO[JNTY OF $11Ma9�QQ�rm� , to -wit: The foregoing instrument was signed and acknowledged before me this 101 day of 71998, by Hilda M. Breeden, Trustee for the Forest Lodge Land Trust, on behalf of the F rest Lodge Land Trust. cov1.dccdjjge.V41216 My commission expires: L30, Notary Publi 2 NOTES.• PROPERTY DATA: Ln r CD L, 0- U') Ln I- u In 1.) SURVEY PREPARED FOR DIE' COWLAN T SCHOPI 2.) PROPERTY UFS WITHIN FLOOD 10FIF -C-. N'01 Allf(UO D[FRNED ICAO YEAR FLOW PLAIN, AS SHOWN ON FLOOD tA7ARD BOUNDARY WRP COMVUNIIY PANIFL NUMBER 310006 0020 B. ErFECiNr£ DATE VECI M91 P 16. 1980 J.) Be PORNON Of HLYKORY S1Rr£T COHIANfO III rllF pROPFRrY SURVEYED HAS N01 BEEN DFDICA7£0 FOR PUIPIC USE. A PORTQi Of HICKORr SfP[£f ADJOINING THE SAID PROPERTY 10 flit EAST WAS DCDKAUD FOR PUBIC USE IN 08 J62. PC 22 - 4) 110AIZONIAL DATUM. WRGIOI44 CRIO NO91)f SOUTH /ONE (IUD 'BJ).WAS D1frRUINEO BASED ON CITY OF C ARLWTFSVItf(. WRGIVA - CIS PROJ£CI SfArIOfIS 110 AIID Ill. 5) THE PROPFRIY SHOWN 11CREON IS SUOJf CI TO tiff F01100711C VARAIIADLE EASEMENT. Ali FL[CIRIC EASrUFNI CRAVIFD TO WPCO. PFCOPDFD IN DD 369, PC 284 6) THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON MAY OF SUBJECI TO Tiff' I'MOW:RG UNPUIIA£q£ CASEMENTS. AI! ELECTRIC EASEMENT CAVIIfD 10 VtPC'0. RFCORDID IN DR 454. FIG 39 AN ELECTRIC 1ASEVCNT GRAVIED ;0 VIPCO. RFCORDID IN BIT 2H0. PC 5J6 A Ifl[PHOIIC AVD I[IEGRAP11 EASFUFNI GRANTED TO A.MERICAN IELEPHONE AND IELEG.RAIIIt RECORDED IN DO 06.7. PG 414 A I£LEPHONL AND IELfC•RAPII £ASLU(NIT GRANTED 10 CH[SAPtAKI AND POIOVAC IFI [PHONE CO, RFCORDIO IN DO 229. PG 1,12 A WAIIR AND SLWfR [AS£MFNf C'A'1I10 10 (IA/.HILL WATER CO. PiC, RECORDED m 08. 629. PC 530. Z) THE LAND USE REGUTATIONS LISTED PROW ARC SHOWN FOR INFORVA11011 PURPOSES O141Y THEY ARE NOT 0001911) 10 RE RESIR,C!Nf COYIIIANIS RUNNING W714 THE (ANO AND THEIR APPEARANCE OV THIS PLAT IS NOT RHINDED TO IMPOSE 1NFU AS SUCH 8) CURRCror HONING. R.•2 BUILDR.IG SETBACK LIICS. 25- FROM, TO' 510£. AND 2 0' REAR 9) THE 50-ACCESS EASEM£NI IS HEREBY GRANTED ID PROVIDE ACCESS FOR PARCEL AI FROM DOT PORDOU Of fRCKORY STREET WHICLIfAS BEEN DEDICATED FOR PUDIfC USE. IRIS ROAD Will PROWDE RFASONABIE ACCESS Of MOTOR VEHICIE AS REOUIRED [If SECTION 18-JC. OF 1111 AIREVARit COUNIY SUBDMSION ORDINANCE. IICr.'ONr SIRIft MAY BE SuwICI 10 PI00S Of USE UY ONRPS RECORDED IN DO 469. PG 4J5 AND THE PA.RC(LS At AND A2 SHOWN NFRFON MAY HAVE RIGI115 TO USL PO4OS OII AOJOUSN(,' PARCELS, AS RECORDED IN DO 469, PC; 435. 10) PARCELS At AIID A2 CONFORM TO 111E J0,000 SO FT. MIIIIVUU DUIIOING Slll III SLOPES Of LISS I ANi 25X AS P£R SfC 16M 4221 UI 1HE ALOFMARLE COUNTY SUBO/b5101I OP01IMN!( SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE.• THE UNOFR5V:Hf0, BEING A RCGISTERrD LAND SURVEYOR Of fllE SIAIC OF WRGI.NA (RFG NO. 1458), DOES H[NFDY CERTIFY 10 Uf[ COW7IANI SCIIDDI. 1.) IIIIS NAT AND Tiff SURVEY 014 W RCI1 H IS lAS(D WEPT VAD£ IN ACCORDANCE WITH 111E" "M'NIMUTA SIAIIOARDS AND IWO(IOURES FOR LAND BOUILDARY SURAYING PRACBIE- ADOPIfD BY tiff SIAIL OF WRF.IN IA BOUf1D4RY MEIIS AND BOUNDS StHONN NIRION WFRI ISIABIOWWO BY A FIFIO SUHVIY ACIUAIIY AADF ON [PIT GROUND 11105UA71f 10 THE RECORD DESCRIPTION, AND All INFORM411011 SI/OW'N III REUfI IS CORRECT 10 Hff BI-SI Or Me KNOWI L DC£ AIID Ot tlF1'. 2) Df£ UND£R5f6NCD HAS Rfl[ror0 AND IXAVOR'D COPIES Or fill' COUVOMENI FOR REPUBLIC PILE SLAWC(-S, CAS[ 140. 1491Z LIFEW4 OAf[ JANUARY 21. 1998 WITH R[SPCCT 10 Ill£ SUBJECT PREMISES. AND EACH 10StRUMENI LISPED THEREIN THC LOCAI10/1 Of lACfl LASEMENt, R1011 OF WAY, AND OTHER SURVEY MATTERS AFI"[CUNG TITLE LISTED Ili SAID H("PORI, 10 tiff EXICNT 11 CAN BE LOCATED, HAS BEEN SHOWY IIfRF014 WIHf APPROPRIATE RECORDING RE!"EREIICE S. 3) THIS PLAT CORRECTLY SHOWS Tiff -GENERAL LOCATION O( All BU11DINGS, SIRUCrUNES ANT, OIHER IMPROVIML tits. Ir ANY, SITUATED ON IIIE PROPERTY SHOWN fl£REO/I. 4_) THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON IS INC SA41C AS THE PROPFRIY DESCRIBED AS PARCEL A IN fill' ABOVE REFERENCED COMMITMFIII 5.) EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREON, THERE ARC NO VISIBLE CASEMENTS, DISCR£PAIA-115. CONIIICiS FENCES, STREAMS, RIVCR5, ROAMS, ON NIGHTS OF WAY OF W"ICfl ENE UNDERSIGNED tIAS Rlfli ADVISED T MP. 76-5JC N/F UE(VYI L. ':t WRGI!tA B LEAKf 09 421. PG 519 00 404. FIG 459. PUT OB 404. PC 444. P1At rup. 76-5JG till' SAVUfl ROOGER J JEA'1 ,VINE AYCA1iN 08 402. PG 178, PC 160, PLAT rup. 76-5Jt N/I FARL & FRA7CES JVCCA-1!1 CIBSON 08 441. AG 5J DD 446, PG 467, PLAT rul, 76-531 N/F ELIZABETH P filAC'K(R DO 810. PC 83. PLAT I V P. 76.530 IL/f' AILIAV J. in. 9 DORIS 0 nurctf :IISO•'I 0 0 948. PG 406 08 446, PG 467, PIAr IMP, 16-5JR 11/1" DAWD R/UiA9D 4 BFIrY KFNDPICK GIBSON 0 it 858, PG 148 DN 446, PG 461. PUI 1.UP. 76-569 11/1 R U S' MAUDI[ ll CIE: StfOl V DD JSO. PG 295, PLAT DO JJJ, 11C 45. PIA! OWNER'S CONSENT ►uP 76-560 N/F BERWRO C R VARr/lA L, tERR1M1 0 B 415, Pt 145 OB 414. PG J54 PLAT [UP 76-56G 11/F RU & UAUD'E N C'IISIIO(U D B J52. FIG 25 DO 350, PC 295. PLAT IUP. 16 -56HI 11/f .9V Al' u4u&f ff Ctogolu D B. J50. PG 293 D B 350, IV 295, PLAT r M P. 9(74,-2 fON£SI LODGE UNO TRUST 08 505. PG 540, PC 548, PLAT IMP 9L74.-J PVT FOREST LODGE 1,VF0 TRW OD 505. PC 340. PG 548. PLAT f UP. 9OA-4 II/F sOLII mmv MGB I E tfOV£ (STATE$. INC. DO )C6, PG 644 08 664, PG 447. RAT FUR 9414-2-D-IA LOT tA, SECI:OV 2. BLOC!. D aw H:LL DO 405, PC 433. PEAL HfF D•IWSION OF THE LAfID DESCRIBED HEREIN IS 87111 IHF If4EE CONSENT AIND Hi ACCORDANCE AITII Dff O(SPF OF IfIE bnf lR5+CN4t0 OWNERS. PROPRI(109.5, OR TRUSTEES, If ANY A-lY REFFA-CUCf ICI Tif( FUIUP£ POTENTu1 DiLt70PMEIiI IS 10 81 OCEVFD AS THEORETICAL 0.'IlY All SIAT£U(11!S ArFIxED TO D/S PIA/ ARE" TRUE A'iD CORRf CI 10 THE LIESI OF MY KNOAL EOGE _lj4Al.._-&6..A,-,f_4wov.v _illthI II110A M ORFEDt 1. DAL! INUSIEC fOR FOR£SI LODGF !AN1D !RUST APPROVED, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA -\I-W D'PECTOR OF PIA?VJ.'fAj I •ORE Mtn f4A11M'11r fro. I IH �cC,a(,ef1.23r.I VICINITY MAP SCALE 1' - 1000' LEGEND --•- FENCE to FIBER OPTIC Let 0 nBER OPTIC VARKER 0 PRE HYDRA -If -0- 0£1101£S IRON ROD FOUND UNLESS OIH[RW'SE N01E0 -9- DENDICS IRON ROD SET. UNLESS OTHERWSE NoTC0 [UP 904-2-0-I8 LOT 18. SECTION 2. BLOCK 0 OAK HILL 0 B 405. PC. 43J, P(AT f UP. 904-2-0-2 LOT 2. SfCr✓JN 2. BLOCK 0 OAK IRLL D 8 562, PC. 22, PLAT IMP. 9D4-2-D-J LOT J- SECTION 2 BLOCK D OAK H$L 08 J62. PG 22, PUT TUP 90A-2-D-4 LOT 4. S£CIK)rl 2, &OCK D OIL IILL D B J62. PC 22. PEA r I.uP. 904-2-D-5 101 5, SECTION 2, BLOCK D OAK Hill D 0 362. PC. 22, PUT T M P 9OA-2-0-6 LOT 6, SfC11ON 2, BLOCK 0 OAK TELL( D B 362. PG. 22, PUT IMP 904-2-F-I TOT I, SECTION 2, BLOCK F OAK H.YL 0 B 362 PC 22, PUF oAu OWRHIEAD UTILITY LINE --- - -- STREAM u9t UND£RCROUI+D TELEPHONE G' UTILITY PEDESTAL -O UTK1Tr POLE Q WAI£R UARIfMf 0 WATER VALVE Fit FIRE HYDRANT Red UTILITY PEDESTAL W2 WATER VALVE --50146RE55/EGRESS EASEMENT SURVEY OF, PARCELSA 1 AND A2, OAK HILL & A 50'INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL A, OAK HILL SCOTTSVILLE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA JULY 16. 1998 SCALE.' I" = 100' fro 0 111? Rao Coo r"I a HlT1dJYli%r KIRK HUGHES & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS & PLANNERS 220 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESMLLE, VA, 22902 (804) 296-6942 FILE: 97-143 OWG.:971435(7B SHEET I OF 2 ,,r 201b \ / I.M.P. V O P V` \ 76-SSC TMP. 76-SJO >571-91xe,45� OJ SJ96' 6t� E h I.M.P. 76-53R . E 49 6 ' It506 4639 TMP. 76-531` t14S9476 MON. E FOUND 338 - N. 181 LM.P. 9OA-4' ,p \ sn Delfo=29'24'19' •.� \� �� Rodius-475.00' An: Len.=24380' Ian Len.=124.65' Ch. er9=5 52'22 31' W. Ch. Len.=241.I3' \ \ \ \ $ItCQmi IC , Delta=210709`on4 ); Rodius-525.00' a • �\\ \ 4� IArc Len.=193.51' To Cen.=9L8T-- -: \ Ch. Org=S 48'13 51 " W C. Len.=19242r 5 yg47.25' W ttt.5t= / A �- 25.13' 'Ped Parcel Map Scale: 1, = 1000' O eI 76-53G i cs Rodius=575.60' Arc Len.-330.76' Tan Len.-170.09' Ch. Br9=S 50'36 00' W Ch. Cen.=326.22' red Fit — i S TM.P 76-5.3J 1 \ TMP. 76-56H '•\ TM.P. 76-560 I / Parcel A 1 25.933 Acres T.M.P. 90A-2 Parcel A D.Q. 505, Page 540, 548, plat. Forest Lodge Land Trust Edge Pavement . Vt 5 341319 W 1064.84 20' R.W.S.A Water Line Easement, 0..8 1064 Pg. 714, Pg. 717, Plot. T.M.P. 9OA-3 Parcel B O.B. 505, Page 540, 548, plot. Forest Lodge Land Trust 20' Fiber Optic Marker 20' Oromoge Easement D.O. J62, Puge 22. plot. METAL FENCE PO' SET IN STREAM I.M.P. 76-568 \ LM.P. 76-560 my \ N 212747' E S AXLE 70.00, FOUND Dello-232227' S 572942' Rcdius-625.00' 24.88' Arc Len.=254.97' Ion Len.=129.28' PeJ Ch. Org-S 45'48'29" W Ch. len.=25J21' S 0226'16' E / 55.73' it 5 yq l FO60, R 5ptase `9. �QG to tj61c 5 Parcel A2 Z00 10.267 acres %a a ' (See note below.) `9I�Z //.o` 70v \ J .DD \ / vcy �o NOTE.• Parcel A2 is to be added to and combined with Parcel 8 (Tax Map 90A, Parcel J.) The intent of this survey is to adjust the boundary between Tax Mop 90A, Parcel 2 and pc;h 2j M5 fox Map 90A, Parcel J. I.M.P. 1 : 90A-2-F-1 I i 7C J I .e :Vote l", I A i 02'26'16- C. 58.01' 90A-2-0-6 Area Summary of T.M.P. 9t24-3 T.M.P. 9OA-J 120.6951 Ac. plus Parcel A2 10.267 Ac. Rev. T.M.P. 904-3 130.962t Ac. Area Summary of T.M.P. 9OA-2 Parcel A 36.200 Ac. less Parcel A2 (10.267 Ac. Residue 25.03 Ac. (as shown hereon as Parcel Al) SCALE: I- _ 100' fro o 1W M soo rM RCAF � FILE: 97-143 DWO.:97143SUB SHEET 2 OF 2 OKI755PGO177 VIRGINIA: IN 171E CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE. CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBEMARLE: THIS DEED WAS 1'RF_SEN-FED, AND WITH CERTIFICATE ANNEXED, IS ADMITTED TO RECORD ON _40Ct a,_ / . 19Q_, AT/ v ANwci.ock /D• m- 5I'ATE TAX $ (039) LOCAL TAX 5 (213) TRANSFER FEE $ _- f__6O (212) 1: r.T.F. $ 3.00(106) VSLF 5 1.00 (145) CLERK'S FEE 5 �/ QQ (301) PLAT S - W SECI'.58.1-802: STATE TAX S -- (038) LOCAL TAX i -- —(223) 1220) LOCAL TAX S rOTAL 5� 'rESTE: SHELBY J. MARRSS%HALL,CLERK 1 DUTY CLERK al 17. eoac 810 PASO 0 S 2 and tion made by certified Land Surveyor, Va., dated �Z S 5485 and distances descrip- 19V,4 of the lands of situate In Y._X et ylat District, Albemarle Co nty, Virginia, and being the same acquired by the said / �' n 2- ,,6 by deed dated _ day of 19.0, from 13A+K-k e. R�c-�c l� J,.�4 4.� of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Boo:j,A&C, page Qi , is hereby confirmed and submitted for record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. Given under our hands thisAday of 194. ACKNOWLEDGEMSNT STATE OF VIRGINIA� az Ake COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE# to -wit: I, Qirr , a Notary Public for said County of , in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that 5) �Hldtl�c� whose names are signed to the foregoing certificate of confirma- tion by owners, and Plat, bearing date of the c5?6 day of ---- -Z aA4._i - , 19 1l have acknowledged the sane before me in my County aforesaid. My commission as notary expires: /a GIVEN UNDER MY NAND this ru day of , 19* e 1 tary Pmllc BOOK 8 ) 0 FAOEO -S. R. 63/ Pt in 115 Z7 ,4 and N 790 19E Iron sel W O r M. 76 - 53 RUBERr 81CKE.RS !nd$ u N 'I dd in Edgr of Road 15 w N TV, 76- 5-1 M rM 76- 53 G CG / SAMUEL R Mc CA N N r M. 76- PARCEL 531 006 ud N 60- 0 e Elizabelh P, Thacker i �2048' Z. 611 A C R E S Iron at 12'W Oak found (now o WM. MORE FOSTER � V CERTIFICATE No. y 54.17-3(a)998 54.17.3(b)171 lyNo SURVed; Wm. MORRIS FOSTER LAND SURVEYOR Charlottesville,Va. J, ^`-34 53 Pipe found � A ? yA \A 7. M.76-566 Pipe found BERVARD 71HRELt s. o" Iron found SOUrNWI,l,i 41081L R (.'.MF. PARK NOrE ,'his Properly is comprised of <'.47 Acs. 0.8. 322p.68 and tots I and 3 on pldl ,n D 8. J4I p 257 Iron loon d PLAT SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY 2.611 ACS. ON STATE ROUTE 631 ELIZABETH P. THACKER PROPERTY COMPRISED OF PARCELS 53J and 53M - TAX MAP SHEET 76 1 N A LB E MARLE COUNTY, V IRG I N I A SCALE: I"=100' APRIL 25, 1984 lc—c 120 r:a a 110 VIItMIA: IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF' ALBENARLE THIS DEED HAS PRESENTED, A`iD WITH CERTIFICATE AZttiEXED, ADMITTED TO RECORD ON "` at i" Q a-0' K '14 . STATE TAX LOCAL TAX TRANSFER FEE CLERK'S FEE PLAT�— GRANTOR'S TAX TOTAL TESTS: S Y J. ' ARSULL, C ERK BY: DEPUTY CLERK