HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202200050 Correspondence 2023-02-23SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering February 22,2023 John Anderson County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Response Letter #2 for WPO2022-00050 Forest Lakes Self -Storage - VSMP Dear John, Thank you for your review of the VSMP request for Forest Lakes Self -Storage. This letter contains responses to County comments dated 1/31/23.Our responses are as follows: A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 2. Once revisions complete, include I I" x 17" plan inserts, Sec 4 /5 (ESC /SWM plans). 4. Sec. 8: List /name qualified personnel responsible for SWPPP inspections. Required for Grading Permit, not plan approval. 5. Sec. 9: Signed Certification (is blank): Complete form with next submittal. 6. Sec. 11: Insert 26-p. 2019 VAR10 CGP. Available at this link. As follow-up: Please relocate 26- p. VAR10 CGP to Sec. 11 of the SWPPP. Once the VAR10 CGP coverage letter is issued by DEQ, place the coverage letter at Sec. 2 of the SWPPP. 7. New: Sec. 6.E: List named individual responsible for PPP. See also PPP, below. Required for Grading Permit, not plan approval. RESPONSE: 2. 11x17 plans will be included upon plan approval. 4. This will be provided once a contractor is selected. 5. This will be provided in complete SWPPP prior to permit issuance. 6. The VAR10 CGP is now included in section 11. 7. Responsible persons will be included in the SWPPP prior to permit issuance. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) — See above. The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Sec. E: List named individual responsible for PPP (required for Grading permit, not plan approval). RESPONSE: The responsible person will be identified once a contractor is selected and updated in the SWPPP prior to the grading permit being issued. 912 E. High Sr. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com C. Stonnwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved for reasons listed below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. C1 b. Recommend also ref. WPO2022-00049, Maplewood Development, TMP 46B4-4 /adjacent parcel RESPONSE: b. Upon further discussion with the Owner, we are no longer proposing a temporary grading easement on the adjacent parcel. The grading is not needed for this project. Maplewood Development will need an easement in the future, regardless, in order to make a connection to this parcel so it was determined that an additional grading easement for this project would not accomplish much. 5. C5 f. New (Rev. 1) Add profile label for pipe end section at Str. 130. RESPONSE: f The end section for Str. BO is now labeled, an ES-1 flared end structure is specified. 7. Check LD-229 table, p. 61, Calcs: Provide design for `A' series storm line. Additional comments possible. As follow-up: Please add profile label for pipe end section at Sir. A2. RESPONSE: Missing stone line is now included in the LD-229 table. The end section for Str. A2 is now specified as an ES-1 flared end structure. 8. SWM /public drainage easement plat (and off -site temporary construction) easement plat recordation is required for WPO plan approval. Note: SUB202300011 (easement plat) is submitted; review pending. RESPONSE: Acknowledged. 9. A recorded Maintenance Agreement is required for WPO plan approval. Note: Engineering email to Applicant discusses need in this regard: Confirmation that side -by -side developments, Forest Lakes Self -Storage and Maplewood Development, will grant temporary construction /access easements to one another these easements are required for development of either parcel. Email sent January 26, 2023 10:19 AM. RESPONSE: Please reference response to comment # 1. A swm maintenance agreement will be provided. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is disapproved for reasons listed, below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 3. C8 a. Although Maplewood Development (parcel to N) final site plan (SDP202200067) and WPO plan (WPO202200049) appear to suggest near -term development, should these plans fall through: i. Provide offsite grading easement on TMP 046134-00-00-00400, Maplewood Investments LLC. Grading easement are shown on C3, C4. Furnish copy of recorded off -site easement (required for WPO plan approval). Note: 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineering.rom SUB202300011, Forest Lakes Self -Storage Easement Plat, is under review. Off - site grading easement on TMP 461344 on SUB202300011 matches C3, C4. ii. Provide ROE (Right of Entry) Letter Agreement, between TMP 046134-00-00- 00400 owner and County of Albemarle that allows ESC inspector entry to TMP 46134-4. Update: Email to Applicant sent January 26, 2023 10:19 AM explains ROE is a last resort reserved for extenuating circumstance, that easement plat is the vehicle to show off -site easement. SUB202300011 can (and does) show easement to benefit Forest Lakes Self -Storage (TMP 46134-3) on TMP 46134-4. iii. Note: Once a WPO plan is approved, SWM Agreement is recorded, and Grading Permit issued for Maplewood Development (TMP 46134-4), Albemarle will have right to enter adjacent parcel, but development plans often change, so i./ii. are required, unless iii. iv. Regardless of status of Maplewood Development, if Forest Lakes Self -Storage receives plan approval, then, absent ROE (ii., above), Maplewood (Owner, TMP 461344) must be party to ESC plan bond, since ESC measures for TMP 46134-3 (Self -Storage) are located on 461344 (Maplewood). This requirement is inflexible until such time development of TMP 461344 advances to point that no self -storage ESC measures are located on TMP 4613-4. All of this (item. 3.a.i.- iv.) may be avoided if Forest Lakes coordinates WPO plan design with Maplewood Development design (Collins Engineering) to show no grading and no ESC measures on TMP 46134-4. Either option is acceptable: 3.a.i.-iii, or 3.a.iv. e. Label ditch -lining for ditch between multi -use path and Worth Crossing (EC-3, or EC-2). Persists. Applicant: "Ditch lining is now specified for ditch between path and Worth Crossing." As follow-up: Please direct reviewer to specification (label/C8, table, note, sequence, etc.), since cannot locate. If ditch corresponds with detail, C 10, please label ditch `Ditch P on sheet C8 and ref. detail, C10. i. Ph 2 ESC plan Sequence of Construction references RWD; depict RWD at Worth Crossing on Ph 1-A plan. (Rev. 1) Not addressed. RWD (ESC measure) not shown /provided. RESPONSE: a. Please reference response to comment #L The temporary grading easement is no longer proposed. e. The ditch corresponds with the detail on sheet C 10. The detail is now referenced in plan view. i. A RWD is now shown at the site entrance on Worth Crossing in Ph 2. 5. C4: Label riprap outfall dimensions (BO x 2, A2). L x W x D. Alternatively, label dimensions at C8. Detail 6, C9, provides dimensions, but please label dimensions in plan view, as well. (Rev. 1) Persists: Applicant: "Riprap outfall dimensions are now labeled in plan." As follow-up: Please direct reviewer to labels (and sheet), since cannot locate riprap outfall dimension labels in plan view. RESPONSE: Please reference the riprap labels on sheet C3, as well as the outlet protection dimension table on sheet CIO. Riprap dimensions are now shown on sheet C8 and C9 as well. If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at chris@shimp-en ing eering com or by phone at 434-227-5140. 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom Regards, Chris Marshall, EIT Staff Engineer Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 E. High St.. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.51401 shlmp-engineenrig.rom