HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO202200124 Approval - County 2023-02-23 (2)401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
County of Albemarle Telephone: 434-296-5832
Mx. Michael Scott you have been APPROVED for the following type of Home Occupation:
The following Terms & Conditions apply to the noted Home Occupation type above:
1. HOME OCCUPATION ACTIVITY: All home occupation activity shall be within the home and or accessory structure(s).
2. EXTERIOR APPEARANCE: There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of a dwelling unit or other visible
evidence of the conduct of the home occupation, except that one home occupation sign may be erected as authorized
by Section 4.15.9 b6. Please contact a Zoning Planner for more information about signage.
3. VISITORS & SALES: Customers, clients, and students can visit the property where the home occupation is conducted.
Only goods that are hand-crafted on -site and goods that are directly related to the home occupation, including but not
limited to tools for pottery making and frames for artwork, are permitted to be for sale to customers who come to the
4. TRAFFIC: The traffic generated by the home occupation shall not exceed ten (10) vehicle round trips per day or more
than thirty (30) vehicle round trips per week. A "vehicle round trip' means one vehicle entering and exiting the site.
8. PARKING: All vehicles used in the home occupation and all vehicles of employees, customers, clients, or students
related to the home occupation shall be parked or stored on -site (Maximum of two (2) motor vehicles and two (2)
trailers permitted).
6. OUTDOOR STORAGE: No outside storage of goods, products, equipment other than vehicles used in the home
occupation or any materials associated with the home occupation. (Natural landscaping materials such as mulch
and plants are permitted to be stored outside an enclosed building).
7. HOURS OF OPERATION: The home occupation may operate up to six (6) days per week, and the hours of operation
shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for those home occupations that have employees, customers, clients, or
students visiting the site.
All home occupations shall comply with Section 4.14 performance Standards.
Application Number: H02022-00124
2605 Rural Ridge North Garden Scott Services LLC
To operate at: Lam as to engage in
Address Business Name
the following: one employee myself, one work truck,
one covered trailer, one open trailer,
home office 10x15. For detailed
information regarding the this approval, Contrator/handyman
please refer to the approval letter issued
by both the Building Official and the
7nning nffirial of Alhemarle County
For Office Use:
Tax Map & Parcel ID: 08700-00-00-04000 PAID: $31.20 DATE: 02/23/2023
o i�r County of Albemarle
February 8, 2023
RE: H02022-124: Scott Services LLC
Tax Map Parcel ID: 08700-00-00-04000
2605 Rural Ridge Ln.
Dear Business Owner:
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
Telephone: 434-296-5832
Your above -referenced Major Home Occupation application has been approved for the
This request is to utilize 155sq ft of the existing dwelling and 150sq ft of an accessory structure
for the operation of a contractor/handyman business. No materials or equipment, aside from
natural landscaping materials, may be stored outside of an enclosed structure. Customers/clients
and employees will not visit the site and the maximum number of vehicle trips to the site shall be
no greater than 10 round trips per day or 30 per week. One (1) truck and two (2) trailers, devoted
to the business, will be parked on site. Hours of operations may be from 7:OOAM to 6:OOPM and
operations shall not exceed 6 days per week.
Other Official
Building Official Date 02/23/2023
Zoning Official Date 02/23/2023
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Community
Development office at 434-296-5832.
Ethan Busching, Planner
Zoning Division, Community Development