HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-10 adjMarch 10, 1986 (Afternoon,Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) (Pagel__~ 365 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on March 10, 1986, at 1:00 P.M., in Meeting Room 5, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia, said meeting being adjourned from March 5, 1986. BOARD MEMBERSPRESENT: Mr. F~ R. Bowie, Mrs. Patricia H. Cooke, Mr. J. T. Henley, Jr. and Mr. Peter T. Way. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Gerald E. Fisher and Mr. C. Timothy Lindstrom. OFFICERS PRESENT: County, Executive, Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr.; Deputy County Executive,~ Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr; and Deputy County Executive, Mr. Ray B. Jones. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Cooke. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 P.M. by the Agenda Item No. 2. BUDGET WORK SESSION ON THE COUNTY'S 1986-87 BUDGET. Mr. Agnor said that Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom will be absent today, but will have the opportunity to review the information presented. Mr. Agnor requested that if there is any change from the recommended amount, that the change be made by motion and a vote. Items with changes from the current year to the following year will be highlighted. He noted that an asterisk shown beside recommended amounts in the budget will indicate that the recommendation is different from the request. Board of sUpervisors. Total request - $224,238. Recommendation - $223,099. Miss Lettie E. Neher, Clerk, was present. Mr. Agnor said that no figures are presently shown for the Board's contingency account. Mr. Agnor noted that there is a major change in most of the budgets because the 1985-86 budget included amounts for purchase of word processing equipment which is not a repeating cost. Mr. Agnor said there is an error in the line item "Compensation-Boards and Commissions"; the amount requested and recommended should be $47,130 in both columns. The amount for the FICA-Employer Share recommended should be changed frOm $7,944 to $7,895. There is an increase in printing and copying services which is to update the County Code. The figure in the requested and recommended column for updating the Code should be reduced to $9,000 to reflect an estimate received from the Michie Company. With the above recommended changes the bottom line recommended amount should be $223,099. He noted that the Clerk had requested a new position and salary for a part-time person, but the Executive staff recommended against funding this position. Mr. Agnor said his secretarial staff is available to help in the Board's office when needed. Mr. Bowie asked why is there an increase of $2,340 for auditing when the cost of the service is not known. Mr. Agnor said if the services cost less, the difference can be moved to the Board's contingency. County Executive. Total request - $289,382. Recommendation - $289,382. Mr. Agnor said although two full-time secretaries were originally funded in the budget, it was determined that the staff could operate with one full-time person and one part-time person. Mr. Agnor said there will be some substantial changes in all of the budgets for re- pair/maintenance and office equipment to reflect maintenance contracts and repairs on the word processors. Personnel. Total request - $247,217. .Recommendation - $247,217. Mr. Agnor said there are items in this budget that relate to the school system. It is recommended that the $9,425 previously approved funds for persons taking advantage of the County's early retirement plan (VERIP) this year be included in the budget so as not to obligate any future Boards. Insur- ance Part-time and Annuity Part-time is a new program for part-time employees. The amount of $54,000 recommended for merit awards is included in this budget instead of the individual department budgets. The previously budgeted amount of $21,824 for the update of the Pay/Classification Plan is not repeated in this budget. The staff felt that payment of sick leave at termination of employment should be included in this budget rather than individual department budgets. Line item 591002 is General Government's share of personnel operations. Included in this budget is the Employment Wellness Program which is an attempt to improve job attendance. The state is funding the program for the school system, but not for General Government employees. It is recommended that this program be approved for General Government on a pilot basis at a cost of $4,000. This program has been utilized in private industry for a number of years; it is used by the City and has made a marked difference in the experience rating of the health insurance plan. Another new program included in this line item is Employee ASsistance which is available to all employees who need counseling on financial, mental health, marital or family matters. Mr. Bowie asked where the savings are shown occasioned by people taking advantage of the early retirement program. Mr. Agnor said the savings are shown in the salary categories of the actual departments from which the people are retiring. Mr. Bowie asked where is the amount budgeted for merit pay. Mr. Agnor said the amount is shown in Line Item 201500 and budgeted at $50,000, although the staff thinks the amount will be closer to $40,601. Mr. Bowie asked why it isn't feasible for general government to monitor the school's wellness program. He does not see any reason to fund a pilot program when there is a state funded program available for review. Mr. Agnor said if the Board so desired the school's program could be used as a pilot for monitoring for a general government program. Legal Services. Total request - $167,059. Recommendation. $166,859. Mr. George R. St. John, County Attorney, was present. Mr. Agnor said the amount requested for office supplies of $400 is recommended to be changed to $200. There are only minor changes in this budget. There is an increase in Dues & Memberships because the County Attorney wishes to enroll his deputies in State associations of which they currently are not members. 366 March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) Pa_g~_2 Mrs. Cooke said a citizen asked her what the county's procedure is for determining its legal staff and is that procedure reviewed. Mr. Agnor said several years ago The Board reviewed information relative to having an in-house staff as versus the present arrangement. The Board decided to stay with the present procedure. The legal services are not bid out, nor does he think the county is required to do so. The retention of Mr. St. John is geared to the satisfaction and success he has on behalf of the county in defending legal matters. Mr. St. John's staff serves the school system, Service Authority, Joint Security Complex, Planning Department, and the Library. Mr. St. John commented that although the county is free to solicit proposals at any time, if it retained legal counsel before the Procurement Act, it is not required to solicit proposals. Finance. Total requested - $1,315,301. Recommendation $1,221,461. Mr. Melvin Breeden, Director of Finance, was present. Mr. Jones said this budget is a combination of Finance, Purchasing and Real Estate. Included in the request was $76,000 for the proration of per- sonal property taxes, but that request is not recommended for funding. There is an increase in this budget due to reclassification of several positions in September. The asterisks indicate a .reduction due to deletion of proration. There is a significant increase in line item 300214 due to an increase in the cost of consultants for the Risk Management Program. There is a requested cost of $800 per vehicle for insurance on nine vehicles. Mr. Bowie said that it would be helpful to him if there were footnotes throughout the budget to indicate how much revenue is to be generated from individual department expenses. Mr. Jones said in reference to the Finance budget, the State pays approximately 30 percent of this budget. Mr. Bowie said he sees no reason to increase overtime from $1,000 to $3,000 and then offered motion to reduce Line Item 100300 1986-87 recommendation from $3,000 to $1,000. Mr. Way seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. With regard to the Board of Supervisors' budget, Mr. Henley offered motion to change Line Item 100101; 1986-87 recommendation from $47,667 to $47,130, Line Item 200100; 1986-87 recommendation from $7,944 to $7,895; and Line Item 300601, 1986-87 recommendation from $10,000 to $9,000. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Refunds. Total requested - $2,564,600. Recommendation - $2,564,600. Mr. Agnor said line items for Business License Funds and State Treasury-Excess Fees are reduced. In addi- tion, land use deferrals are at the level experienced in 1985, which is $2,450,000 and will remain the same until the next reassessment is done. Magistrate. Total requested - $2,725. Recommendation - $2,725. Mr. D. D. Hudson, Magistrate, was present. Mr. Jones said there is a decrease in this budget due to capital items requested in a prior year. The County's share of the expenses is broken down into rent, telephone, office supplies and maintenance of equipment. Mr. Bowie asked why phone services will increase. Mr. Hudson said the figures are an estimate, but he knows that the toll calls will increase during the coming year and he also will not do as much traveling throughout the district. Juvenile Court. Total requested - $34,250. there is only a slight increase in this budget. of Charlottesville. Recommendation - $34,250. Mr. Jones said This budget is shared equally with the City Clerk, Circuit Court. Total requested - $279,691. Recommendation - $279,691. Mrs. Shelby Marshall, Clerk of Circuit Court, was present. Mr. Jones said the request includes funding for nine positions, one of which was funded by the State in October. This budget does not show a significant increase. Included in this request are funds for a word proces- sor and funds for service contracts on the equipment. Commonwealth's Attorney. Total request - $226,969. Recommendation - $214,919. Since Mr. Dorrier had not arrived, it was suggested to go to another item and return to this item later in the meeting. Mr. Bowie requested that the budget for the Personnel Department be taken up again at this time. Mr. Bowie said with regard to line item 591002, it is his understanding that of the $67,266, $5,250 is the amount requested for the Employee Wellness pilot program for General Government employees. The average cost for the program for school employees is $4 per employee, but the cost for general government employees is $45 per employee. The program allows for participation of 50 employees, with the county paying a $10 assessment fee and $100 for a medical work-up on five of the fifty employees. This is just for a pilot study that does not serve all of the county employees. He thinks that the results of the program within the School Division could determine whether it is worth investing county funds. Mr. 367 March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) Bowie then offered motion to reduce line item 591002 to $62,016 and that the Health Risk Assessment Pilot Program be eliminated and use the schools fully-funded program to determine its worth. Mr. Way seconded the motion. Mr. Henley asked about the experiences of other localities with this program. Mr. Agnor said all of the experiences have been within various school systems. Mr. Bowie said he might support the program for all county employees but he feels this is too much money for a test on 50 people. Mr. Agnor commented that the state is providing $41 per.person of the funding of the program for the school system. Mrs. Cooke said she agrees with Mr. Bowie and does not see that there should be a tremendous amount of difference in the outcome of the program for the school system as opposed to general government. Mr. Agnor said the program will be coordinated through the Personnel Department, therefore the results can be passed on to general government. Mr. Henley said he can support the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Commonwealth's Attorney. It was noted that Mr. Dorrier will not be present. Mr. Jones said most of the changes in the recommended amounts are due to evaluation of the Commonwealth Attorney's year-to-date operating costs. An attempt is also being made to minimize travel for the Commonwealth's Attorney, Circuit Court Judge and General District Judge. Mrs. Cooke asked if there is space available for a lunchroom in the Court Square Build- ings. Mr. Jones said there is a small room on the lower floor of that Building that could be rearranged for a lunchroom. Police Department. Total requested - $2,009,878. Recommendation - $1,846,917. Chief Frank Johnstone of the Police Department was present. Mr. Jones said the Victim/Witness Program is combined with the Police Department budget this year. In this budget, Chief Johnstone requested four programs, one vehicle data terminal which costs $8,850; physical training which costs $8,640; five additional police officers and a secretary. The staff added the position of Deputy Chief. Also requested and recommended in this budget is funding for employee merit awards which was previously overlooked by the staff. Overtime costs were adjusted $32,000 to reflect actual overtime costs. Mr. Way asked why overtime is so high. Mr. Jones said ten additional people were added to the Police staff during the year which caused an increase in regular overtime. In addition, the Fair Labor Standards Act applies differently to law officers. Insurance for vehicles in this budget has also increased to $800 per vehicle for a total of $42,400. The staff made a few minor changes from the re- quested amounts. Mr. Bowie asked if a gas mask is to be purchased for each car. Chief Johnstone said a gas mask will be purchased for each officer. Mr. Jones said included in this request is funding for replacement of old radios. This item is expected to reoccur every year until all of the old radios are replaced. Eleven police vehicles are recommended for replacement. Line item 700700 is for a new computer and software which will complete the Traffic Safety Grant Program. Mr. Jones commented that the state will refund to the county approximately $625,000 of this total recommended budget. Mr. Bowie asked the age of the 11 cars requested for replacement. Chief Johnstone said most of the cars are two to three years old with approximately 100,000 miles. Mr. Bowie asked if any of the old cars had cages. Chief Johnstone replied no. Mr. Bowie asked how many times in 20 years gas masks have been used. Chief Johnstone said recently three people went to the hospital after investigating a reported suicide attempt because they had no masks on when they entered the apartment. Mr. Bowie asked for an expla- nation of why $15,000 was spent last year on security supplies and this year there is an additional request for $17,000. Chief Johnstone said the items in the request are repeti- tive. The only addition to this year's request is to purchase ten shotguns. There are no automatic weapons included. For example, $4,800 was spent on flares used at accident scenes. Mr. Henley asked if every officer would have a shotgun. Chief Johnstone responded no. Mr. Way offered motion to revise the recommendation for line item 700100 to $11,600 which was inadvertently left out. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Animal Control, Total requested - $52,518. Recommendation - $50,526. Mr. Jones said there are no major changes in this budget. Again, as in other budgets there is an increase in the insurance on the vehicles. Data Processing. Total requested - $501,234. Recommendation - $499,144. Mr. Jones said the largest request in this budget is salary for a new person to be second in charge. The staff reduced several items requested in the budget. A new item in this budget is for professional services which is the need for someone on staff to train personnel in various departments. Mrs. Cooke asked if this is a one-time cost. Mr. Agnor replied no, it is a continuing cost, but not at this level. Mrs. Cooke asked what happens if someone cannot learn to use the computer equipment. Mr. Agnor said that person would have to be transferred to another job or asked to resign. In addition, a large portion of line item 301200 is a disaster contingency. A disaster plan needs to be developed in case there is a loss due to a fire in the computer room, flood, etc., to secure records. Mr. Jones commented that the name of the Data Processing Department is being changed to Information Services. 3'6'8 March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) Paqe 4 (At 3:15 P.M., the Vice-Chairman called a recess. The meeting reconvened at 3:16 P.M.) Board of Elections. Total requested - $90,700. Recommendation - $86,700. Mrs. Mary Lou Matthews, Registrar, was present. Mr. Jones said there are no significant changes in this budget. He noted that rent on storage of equipment has increased. The staff did not recommend budgeting $4,000 for next year for new machinery and equipment. An attempt will be made to purchase additional items in the present budget year if any funds are unspent at the end of the year. Circuit Court. Total requested - $38,288. Recommendation -~37,788. Mr. Harry Young was present. Mr. Jones said a request for a new position of law clerk is recommended for funding. There are no significant changes. General District Court. Total requested - $14,470. Recommendation - $13,970. Mr. Jones said the State is furnishing data processing equipment for this office. Included in this request is $2,000 recommended for three tables to hold the equipment. There are no significant changes. Sheriff. Total requested - $350,280. Recommendation - $311,312. Sheriff George Bailey was present. Mr. Jones commented that the state is expected to fund $290,000 of the $311,312 recommended budget. The State does not purchase cars for. the Sheriff's Department, but reimburses $.20 per mile. The Sheriff has requested from the state an additional deputy, and the staff indicated that it would recommend funding the position if it is approved by the State Compensation Board. Line item 530500 "Insurance" recommendations should be $7,200 instead of $6,400 to reflect accurate costs. Mr. Way offered motion to adjust line item 530500 from $6,400 to $7,200. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Fire Services (Volunteer). Total requested - $273,920. Recommendation - $260,060. Mr. J. B. Morris, President, Jefferson Country Fire Fighter's Association (JCFFA), was present. Mr. Jones said the JCFFA requested a ten percent increase in its annual grant, but the staff is only recommending a four percent increase. For next year's budget, the fire companies have adopted a reporting system which will provide a clearer needs assessment. Mr. Morris said the volunteer fire companies are having a lot of difficulty with staff- ing. One of the reasons for that difficulty is the extreme time demand on volunteers. He canvassed the seven companies in the county for financial statements for the current year. Overall the companies received $231,000 in grants from the county and $580,000 in income from all other sources. The companies feel that the ten percent request is realistic and a modest request and ask that the Board reconsider the amount of the allocation. Mrs. Cooke commented that it would be appropriate to reconsider this matter on the afternoon of March 19, at which time Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom will be present. Fire Services (City). Total Requested - $371,460. Recommendation - $371,460. Chief Julian Taliaferro was present. Mr. Jones said a new service contract with the City of Charlottesville for $370,060, which is an increase of $25,000 over the current year's contri- bution, will be before the Board shortly. Mr. Henley asked if the Board will have an oppor- tunity to act on the new contract before finalization of the budget. Mr. Jones said he hopes so; the draft has been prepared, but not finalized. Mr. Henley said he does not think the $370,060 in this budget should be approved until after approval of the new contract. Mrs. Cooke said she agrees with Mr. Henley. Mr. Agnor said the revised contract will be presented to the Board a week before approval of the final budget. Forest Fire Extinction. Total Requested - $9,060. Recommendation - $9,060. Mr. Jones said the same level of funding is to be maintained. Mr. Bowie asked what is forest fire extinction. Mr. Jones said the State Forestry Division bills the county each year for a portion (based on acreage) of its costs for fire suppression within each locality. Inspections. Total Requested - $486,203. Recommendation - $479,637. Mr. Jesse Hurt, Director of Inspections, was present. Mr. Tucker said there are no new programs proposed in this budget. Line item 201810 includes $5,700 for promotion of three facility inspectors. As an incentive to encourage inspectors to become certified, during the coming fiscal year, these inspectors will be certified in all major areas of inspections for inspection of residential dwellings only. Mrs. Cooke asked if the inspectors initiate the certification or if the county offers a program. Mr. Tucker said the county offers the certification. Mr. Agnor commented that multiple skills are used only in residential inspection and not for commercial inspection. Mr. Tucker said there are some minor increases in other line items. Mr. Bowie asked how many vehicles are assigned to the Inspections Department. Mr. Tucker replied nine vehicles with three 1981 models recommended for replacement. Mr. Bowie said one of the vehicles at the end of another year will have only 79,000 miles. He does not think it should be replaced. Mr. Tucker said that particular vehicle was transferred from another department and the mileage will increase more than 15,000 during the year. Mr. Bowie said two of the trucks had less than 15,000 a year mileage. He would like to look at this further. He does not think that just because the truck is a 1981 model it should be re- placed. March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting frOm March 5, 1986) (Page 5) 369 Engineering. Total Requested - $289,671. Recommendation - $270,041. Mr. Maynard Elrod, County Engineer, was present. Mr. Tucker said there are no new or expanded programs in this budget. He requested that line item 100100 recommendation be decreased from $157,870 to $151,720 to reflect the salary of a new Director of Engineering. There was a request for funds to purchase a new vehicle, but the staff recommended that the vehicle be purchased in the current year's budget. Mr. Bowie offered motion to reduce line item 100100 from $157,870 to $151,720 and that fringe costs be adjusted accordingly. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr.Henley and Way. None. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Refuse Disposal. Total Requested - $723,428. Recommendation - $723,428. Mr. Tucker said there is a substantial increase in the costs of the Keene Landfill operation due to the excavation of a new trench and the addition of another dumpster. The life expectancy of the landfill is an additional four years. Mr. Way asked if there is adequate money in the budget for dust control at the Keene Landfill. Mr. Tucker said there is an increase in money for dust control. Mr. Tucker commented that the Ivy Landfill budget is reduced slightly from last year. Staff Services. Total Requested - Total Requested - $727,094. Recommendation - $691,531. Mr. Jones said maintenance and operation of the McIntire School property and care of the grounds have been deleted from the Staff Services budget. The care of the Court Square Buildings has been added back to the department. Two part-time persons have been hired, one to work at Court Square and one to work at the County Building. The staff feels that line item 100300 can be reduced from $13,000 to $5,000. Mr. Bowie asked what the part-time people do. Mr. Jones said the people are custodians. Mr. Way offered motion to reduce line item 100300 from $13,000 to $5,000 which leaves a total budget recommendation of $683,531. Mr. Bowie seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Social Services. Total Requested - $961,181. Recommendation - $944,835. Ms. Karen Morris, Director of Social Services, was present. Mr. Tucker said one part-time position is being expanded into a full-time position, but will be offset by the elimination of another current part-time position. An additional $2,887 needs to be added to regular compensation because the cost was not included. That change will increase line item 100100 to $658,122 and will change the line item for fringes. It is recommended that overtime be reduced to $1,000. The staff recommends the replacement of three vehicles that have in excess of 60,000 miles. Mr. Tucker said 75 percent of this budget is funded using Federal and State funds and 25 percent is funded locally. Mr. Bowie said 60,000 is not excessive mileage and he would like to know why the vehicles cannot be used for another year. Ms. Morris said maintenance costs on the vehicles have been tremendous. Mr. Bowie asked how much the maintenance costs have been. Mr. Tucker said he will get the information for another meeting. Mr. Way offered motion that line item 100100 be increased by $2,887 and line item 100200 be decreased to $1,000. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Social Services (Virginia Public Assistance Payments). Total Requested - $506,805. Recommendation - $456,185. Mr. Tucker said there are no significant changes. Food Stamp Program. Total Requested - $203,481. Recommendation - $195,611. Mr. Tucker said there is an increase in Compensation-Regular due to the hiring of a new eligibility supervisor who will supervise food stamp personnel and fuel assistance staff members. The recommendation for line item 800200 should be the same as the request which reflects the additional square footage of office space necessary for the new supervisor. Mr. Bowie asked the reason for the increase in Compensation-Regular. Mr. Tucker said the county was notified by the state that its pay scale for three positions (an account clerk, eligibility worker and social worker aid) were lower than that allowed by the state, therefore, the county had to adjust its scale to reflect the state's pay scale. Mrs. Cooke asked the duration of the fuel assistance program. Mr. Tucker replied that it is four to five months. Mr. Way offered motion to increase line item 800200 from $9,068 to $9,536. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. 37O March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) Page 6 Employment Program. Total Requested - $53,677. Recommendation - $46,227. Mr. Tucker said there are no significant changes, with the exception of day care. This program is funded 95 percent by State and Federal funds. Fuel Assistance. Total Requested - $38,032. Recommendation - $38,032. Mr. Tucker said this program is 100 percent Federally funded. Mr. Tucker said the following programs and services are leveraged basically by Social Services, but use no county funds: Aid to Depen- dent Children, Fuel Assistance, Medicaid, and Food Stamps. The Social Services total budget of $5.29 million is administered by the County although the funds come from the state and federal governments. Mr. Henley asked why unemployment insurance is so high. Mr. Tucker said these are temporary personnel for only four or five months of the year and when they leave employment, the County must pay unemployment insurance. Mr. Bowie asked how much of the $5 million directly supports children. she does not know, but will get the information. Ms. Morris said Parks and Recreation. Total Requested - $609,683. Recommendation - $606,684. Mr. Pat Mullaney, Director of Parks and Recreation, was present. Mr. Tucker said during the year, the responsibility for grounds maintenance was shifted from Staff Services to Parks & Recrea- tion. A request is included in this budget for a Lead Groundskeeper who will supervise a mobile crew who will also handle other county properties. The extended swimming season is proposed as a pilot program. It is estimated that the revenues will totally offset the expenses for the program. New programs proposed are supervised volleyball and basketball at Broadus Wood, expansion of recreational classes and a women's basketball league. With the exception of Broadus Wood, all of the programs will provide enough revenue to offset the expenditures. Mrs. Cooke asked why no fee is charged at Broadus Wood. Mr. Tucker said Broadus Wood is not an organized class. Mr. Way commented that there are no fees charged at any of the county schools for free play. Mrs. Cooke asked if the facilities are being used by County residents. Mr. Mullaney said most users are County residents, although there are no ID checks. Mr. Bowie asked if the County is charging enough to support its activities. Mr. Agnor said the County is underwriting the costs of the operations of the parks. The classes are self-supporting. The swimming operations are not totally self-supporting. Mr. Bowie said he thinks the County should only be supporting the raw costs of the land and maintenance. Mrs. Cooke said she also has a problem with facilities that require maintenance and upkeep and are not self-supporting. The citizens should be willing to pay for these amenities and the county should not continue to fund them. Mr. Mullaney said the swimming programs at Chris Greene and Mint Springs are self-supporting. But expenses are incurred for keeping the facilities available year around. Mr. Mullaney said he has a report on the operations of the parks. Mrs. Cooke suggested that the report be presented when Mr. Fisher is present. Planning and Community Development. Total Requested - 436,395. Recommendation - $441,288. Mr. Tucker said a new position, that of a planner, is requested for this depart- ment. Most of the operational cost changes are due to updating of the Comprehensive Plan. The staff recommends $7,000 be added for a consultant to help in traffic and transportation planning. An increase in line item 301200 is for contracting services with a court reporter to bring all of the minutes of the Planning Commission up-to-date. This court reporter will be utilized as a one-time cost. Mr. Henley asked what the aerial photographs are for. Mr. Tucker said the photographs will be used in updating the Comprehensive Plan and looking at existing land uses. Mr. Tucker said that line item 700200 needs to be increased to $2,200; furniture for the new planner was inadvertently left out of the budget. Mr. Bowie asked if the new planner position was due to the Comprehensive Plan update. Mr. Tucker responded no, generally, the workload has increased significantly. Mr. Henley offered motion to increase the recommendation for line item 700200 (new furniture and fixtures) from $700 to $2,200. Mr. Way seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Housing. Total Requested - $77,711. Recommendation - $69,080. Mr. Tucker said the recommendation for line item 100100 (Regular Compensation) needs to be decreased to $39,963 to reflect personnel costs. Fringes and other costs will be adjusted accordingly. The state funds 70 percent of this budget with 30 percent funded locally. Mr. Way offered motion to adjust the recommendation for line item 100100 (Regular Compensation) from $41,389 to $39,963. Mr. Henley seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Watershed Management. Total Requested - $35,210. Recommendation - $34,745. Mr. William K. Norris, Watershed Management Official, was present. Mr. Tucker said the Watershed Management Official position is fully funded by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. There are no significant changes in this budget except reductions in certain line items to accu- rately reflect current spending levels. March 10, 1986 (Afternoon-Adjourned Meeting from March 5, 1986) 371 Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Board and Public. Mr. Tucker said with regard to automobiles requested for replacement in the Inspections Department, Mr. Hurt informed him that Unit 151 will be adequate for another year. He still is requesting that Units 114 and 111 be replaced with pick-up trucks. Mr. Hurt was informed that the two trucks could be acquired for $15,000. If the Board is agreeable, the line item can be reduced from $22,500 to $15,000. Mr. Bowie said he still is of the same opinion. He thinks that Unit 111 should be replaced, but the other two vehicles can be used another full year before reaching 100,000 miles. Mr. Bowie offered motion to reduce line item 700501, recommendation from $22,500 to $7,500 to provide replacement for the vehicle that exceeds 100,000 miles (Unit 9111). If the other vehicles do not make it through the year and replacement is needed, then the staff is requested to come back before the Board at such time. Mr. Way seconded the motion. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Bowie, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. Henley and Mr. Way. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lindstrom. Mr. Bowie offered motion to reduce the recommendation for line item 700501 (Replacement Motor Vehicles) in Social Services from $22,500 to -0-. Mr. Henley asked whose responsibili- ty it is for maintenance on the vehicles. Mr. Tucker said the vehicles are automatically set up on a maintenance schedule for review. Mr. Way said he agrees with Mr. Bowie, but the Board should allow Ms. Morris to present her maintenance report. Mr. Bowie then withdrew his motion. Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M.