HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202200005 Plan - Approved Minor Amendment 2023-02-27 (2)CURVE TABU CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH TANGENT CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARIN& DELTA ANGLE CI 202.00, 55.45' Ii.-16' 35.5q' S 64014'20" lei 10005102" :5'35 053154 Name1� + G2 1 c1&.00' 55.51, 26.412' 55.54' 5 61051,211, Pq 1502110011 j&q . .01 .�, Q0 RC`AD - STATt ROUTE 250 5GAL.E : I " = 20'---0" LOT 1-5, TAX MAP i8, PARCEL 55AZ, 18.3-1 ACRES (SO,053 5.F.) BUILDING: 2015 VIROINIA BUILDING CODE MECHANICAL: 2015 VIROINIA MECHANICAL CODE PLUMBING: 2015 VIROINIA PLUMBING CODE ENEROY: 2015 VIROINIA ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE ELECTRICAL: 2014 EDITION NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FUEL / CA5: 2015 VIROINIA FUEL OAS CODE FIRE: 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE ACCES5IBLE: 2001 EDITION OF AN51 Alli.l N32 o05 ,0, „p� 5.244 .�...�,��-fir••. 0 0 40 Oft VPCPNPTY MAP NORTH NOT TO 5GALE WMAdar-em ARCHITECTURAL A--1 PROJECT DATA $ SITE PLAN A-2 ENLARGED CANOPY PLAN A-5 ELEVATIONS A-4 MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS A- P RTIAL LANDSCAPE PLAN -10APE PLAN L-101 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L-102 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL E51.0 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN E52.1 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN (RECORD COPY) E52.2 PHOTOMETRIC DETAILS (RECORD COPY) TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEETS: 11 SHEETS) SIN NL II! a OHNER: CHICK-FIL-A, INC. 5200 BUFFINOTON ROAD ATLANTA, CA 50541 TROY TRIPP, DIRECTOR OF CON5T. troy.trippedocorp.com (4O4) 505-4613 PROJECT MANAG R: BUREAU VERITAS,LLC 11200 N PERIMETER DRIVE SUITE 215 SCOTTSDALE, ARI ZONA 85255 MICHAEL ANDERSON, CPM (4&0) Ttl-IWO ARCHITECT: E5ENC I A LLC 1743 E. McNAIR DRIVE SUITE 200 TEMPE, AZ. 85255 JEFFREY HINTER, R.A. Hinteroesencia.org (4w) `155-Og5ci EXT 120 MUNICIPALITY: ALBEMARLE COUNTY 401 MC I NTI RE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22102 MIKE DELLINC-3ER mda l l ingerea Ibemar le.org (454) 2116-5832 x4504 PL.UME3. / ELECT. INTERPLAN LLC 220 E CENTRAL PARKKA%Y SUITE 4000 ALTAMONTE 5PRIN05, FL 52-101 BARB MART I N Bmartinc interp lan I Ic.com (401) 645-5005 SITE PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. DASHED LINE I ND I CATI NC OUTLINE OF MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY. 2. DASHED LINE I ND I CATI NO OUTLINE OF FACE TO FACE CANOPY. 5. EXISTING VEHICLE DRIVE AISLE TO REMAIN. 4. EXISTING PARKING FIELD TO REMAIN, NO CHANCE. 5. EX15TINO ORDER POINT MENU BOARD TO REMAIN. NO CHANGE. 6. EXI5TING CONCRETE HALKHAY TO REMAIN. '1. EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO REMAIN, VERIFY EX15TINO CONDITION OF CURB, REPLACE ANY DAMAGE OR BROKEN CURB TO LIKE NEH CONDITION. 8. EX15TINO CONCRETE ADA COMPLIANT ACCESSIBLE CURB. RAMP / MARKED PATHWAY TO REMAIN. q. EXI5TIN& LANDSCAPING AREA LANDSCAPE PLANTER TO REMAIN. 10. LOCATION OF ELECTRICAL AND/OR 6A5 CONNECTION. CONFIRM UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 11. EX 15TI NC CATCH BA51 N ORATE TO REMAIN. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 12. EXISTING CSR.EA5E INTERCEPTOR TO REMAIN. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 15. OUTSIDE FACE OF EXIST. BUILDING EXTERIOR HALL. 14. EXIST. PROPERTY LINE. 15. EXIST. BUILDING SETBACK LINE. 16. EXISTING TRASH ENCL05URE TO REMAIN. I`7. EXI5TIN& CANOPY STRUCTURES TO REMAIN. DO NOT DISTURB. I&. EXISTING UNDERGROUND STORM HATER PIPING INDICATED BY DASHED LINE. C.G. TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. Iq. LOCATION OF EX15TINO CHICK-FIL -A MONUMENT 516N TO REMAIN. viii'll-PAO Los I. PROJECT NAME: CHICK-FIL-A, #5I Psi 2. PROJECT ADDRESS: 1626 RICHMOND RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22111 5. PROJECT NORK500FE: INSTALLATION OF STEEL FRAMED FACE TO FACE AND MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY (EMPLOYEE SHADE 5TRUCTURE5) Yell TH MINOR ELECT. / PLUMB. HORK. A4LAN05CAPE FLAN 15 BE I NC REVISED. 4. PARCEL NO: 07800-00-00-055A2 5. ZONINO: HC- HICHHAY COMMERCIAL A (SUBJECT PROPERTY 15 WITHIN THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR AND MANAGED STEEP SLOPES OVERLAY D I5TRI GT5) 6. PROPERTY AREA: 801053 S.F. (I b4 ACRES) 1. FIRE SPRINKLERS: YES A.F.E.5. (EX15TINO BUILDING) e�. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: a. EXI5TINC BUILDING: VB (EXIST. UN -CHANGED) b. NEW MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY 115 c. NEW FACE TO FACE CANOPY 115 1. OCCUPANCY: a. EXISTING BUILDING: A-2 (EXIST. UNCHANGED) b. NEW MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY A-2 c. NEW FACE TO FACE CANOPY U (ACCESSORY USE TO A-2) 10. BU I LD I NC AREA: 50. FT. OCCUPANCY a. EX15TINO BUILDING: 4A35 S.F. A--2 (EXISTING) b. NEW MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY 424 S.F. A-2 c. NEW FACE TO FACE CANOPY &W 5.F: U (ACCESSORY U5E) d. TOTAL AREA: 611341 S.F. 11. ALLOWABLE AREA: PER VBG TABLE 506.2 a. FIRE 5PR I NKLERED BU I LD I NO : 24,000 S.F. (EXIST. 1-5TORY BLDG) b. ACTUAL BUILDING AREA: 6115cl S.F. NOTE: INCLUDED NEH CANOPIES IN TOTAL AREA IN CALCULATIONS 12. AREA OF CONSTRUCTION: 1,504 S.F. 15. CANOPY HEIGHT: a. MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY: q'-6" BOTT. OF CANOPY b. FACE TO FACE CANOPY q'-6" BOTT. OF CANOPY 14. BU I LD I NO SETBACKS a. NORTH PROP LINE: 20'-0" b. WEST PROP LINE: 30'-0" (RICHMOND STATE RD) c. SOUTH PROP LINE: 20'-0" d. EAST PROF LINE: 20'-0" (LUXOR RD) 15. PARKING REQUIREMENTS: EX15TINO TO REMAIN NO CHANCE TO PARK I NO SPACES OR EXISTING DRIVE THRU LANES. NOTE TO G I TY / COUNTY ENOI NEERI NO DEPT. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE THIS PROJECT DOES NOT REGU I RE ANY OUT / FILL OR ORAD I NO . ALL FOOTINC5 RF- ARDLE55 OF TYPE ARE EXCAVATED ON THE FIRST DAY OF CONSTRUCTION, EXCE55 DIRT HAULED OFF IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF PER CITY / COUNTY REQUIREMENTS. ALL TRENCHING 15 DUG, ELECTRICAL AND OR C A5 LINES INSTALLED, TRENCH 15 BACKF I LLED ON THE SAME DAY, NO CGRADINC ELEVATIONS GHANOES OCCUR NOR DISTURBANCE OF ANY HATER DRAINAGE PATTERNS. PERVIOUS OR NON-PERVVOOUS AREAS ARE NOT AFFECTED. THEREFORE A STORM WATER PREVENTION PLAN 15 NOT REOUIRED FOR TH15 PROJECT. A. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION THE G.G. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY AND LOCATE EXACT LOCATION/DEPTH OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES, COMMUNICATION LINES, ETC. SERVING TH15 SITE. IDENTIFY UTILITIES AS TO SCOPE OF WORK AND LOCATION OF DIGGING. B. HHERE REQUIRED. O.C. SHALL NOTIFY ADJACENT TENANTS / PROPERTY OWNER5 OF ANY SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS. C. ANY DAMAGES TO UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE UTILITY COMPANY INVOLVED. C.G. SHALL REPAIR DAMAGES PER UTILITY CO. REOUIREMENT5 AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. D. UPON INSTALLATION OF FOOTINGS, IT SHALL BE THE C.G RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF A LAND SURVEYOR TO PROVIDE TOP OF A5PHALT/GONG. DIVE TOPO POINTS TO THE CANOPY FABRICATOR PRIOR TO CANOPY FABRICATION. SAID LAND SURVEYOR SHALL PROVIDE A DRAHINO DEPICTING TOPO POINTS, NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN. E. ALL 517E PLANTIN05 OF TREES AND 5HRUB5 SHALL BE ALLOHED TO Al REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE HE I OHT; THE TOPP I NC OF TREES 15 PROHIBITED, SHRUBS AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. Wwof tt qW AWAI Submittal Type Reviewed and Approved by the Community Development Department Date -11- t'll File# P IPit O5 'Bli j nature &all r 5200 BUFFINGTON ROAD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30349 (404) 765 - 8000 THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS CHICK-FIL-A, INC. NAME AND LOGO, TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF CHICK-FIL-A CORPORATION. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISCLOSURE AND/OR USE OF THESE. MATERIALS (OR ANY PORTION OF THEM) WITHOUT CHICK-FIL-A'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Issue Date: 08-02-2021 Drawn By: TP/GA Job Number: 19060 Sheet Number: A-1 I I I I I I Q I I 1 1 I I I I i I I I i I I ENLAR(29ED CANOPY PLAN MEADEUVERY CANOPY `J- GALE : I lb " = I '-O'' 5r:r 5TRUCT. DRAM N65 EN-LARGED FACE TO FACCANOPY SGALE : I /8" = I i—O ii w ORTH COI �'�OI.�wi�`'Jw�•i�;�wi�:I.:i�s;Isi�:i►w+j�i!Iw ti • SEE 5TRUCT. DRANI NC 5 GENERAL NOTES a. THE DIMENSIONS 5HOHN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE TO CENTER OF COLUMN LINE ONLY AND HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHICK-FIL-A STANDARD DE51ON CUIDELINE5. b. COLUMNS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER AS NOT TO DISTURB THE EXISTING EXTERIOR BUILDING FOUNDATIONS NOR UNDERMINE THE EXISTING EXTERIOR BUILDING STEM HALLS/FOOTING5. c. HHERE AN OFFSET CAI55ON FOOTING OR SPREAD FOOTING 15 REQU I RED, THE 6.0 SHALL COORDINATE THE EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE CANOPY FABRICATOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE FOOTINGS. d. COLUMNS NEEDING TO BE RELOCATED INTO THE DRIVE LANE OR TEAM WALK HAY, THE G.C. SHALL NOTIFY THE FIELD CONSTRUCTION MANAGER TO GAIN PROPER APPROVAL FROM CHICK-FIL-A PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT of SAID CONSTRUCTION WORK. e. GC TO CONFIRM SIZE, DEPTH AND LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. f . GC TO CONFIRM D I MEN51 ON5 OF OUR55 AND EXACT LOCATION OF PICK-UP WINDOW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. REFERENCE LEGEND CANOPY LIGHTS NORTH Room 01 0' 4' 8' 16' HEATERS a. THE DIMENSIONS 5HOHN ON THESE DRAHINGB ARE TO CENTER OF COLUMN LINE ONLY AND HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE HITH CHICK-FIL-A STANDARD DESIGN GUIDELINES. b. COLUMNS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER AS NOT TO D I STUBS THE EX15T I NG EXTERIOR BUILDING FOUNDATIONS NOR UNDERMINE THE EXI5TIN6 EXTERIOR BUILDING STEM HALLS/FOOTIN65. �. WHERE AN OFFSET CAISSON FOOTING OR SPREAD FOOTING 15 REQUIRED, THE 65.0 SHALL COORDINATE THE EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS To THE CANOPY FABRICATOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR To INSTALLATION OF THE FOOTINGS. d. COLUMNS NEEDING TO BE RELOCATED INTO THE DRIVE LANE OR TEAM HALK HAY, THE G.G. SHALL NOTIFY THE FIELD CONSTRUCTION MANAGER To GAIN PROPER APPROVAL FROM CHICK-FIL-A PRIOR To COMMENCEMENT OF SAID CONSTRUCTION HORK. e. GC TO CONFIRM 51ZE, DEPTH AND LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. f. GC TO CONFIRM DIMENSIONS OF CURBS AND EXACT LOCATION OF PICK-UP HINDOH PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CANOPY L I GHT5 V_ _\j FANS HEATERS CENTERLINE OF BOLLARD PAINTED PIPE MI. (2) GOATS TRAFFIC � YELLOW. PIN. GRADE CONC. FOOTING SGALE: 5/4" = I' -Oil Ps ,ell II 1 Il . I1_/ 11(:p 6 "(P X 42" H. TUBE STEEL PIPE BOLLARD FILLED W/CONCRETE EXIST. CONC. SLAB. _ PROVIDE FLUSH TRANSITION BETHEEN m BOLLARD FOOTING AND EXIST. TOP OF GONG. SLAB. (TYP.) MFIIi1 1Y-F I ! I 0 CONSTRUCTION NOTES - MEAL DELIVERY A. NEW SHADE CANOPY STEEL SUPPORT COLUMN WITH CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER DETAILS. EXISTING CONCRETE / LANDSCAPING TO BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED PROVIDE FLUSH TRANSITION BETWEEN NEW AND EXIST. CONC. SURFACES. B. EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO REMAIN. SAW CUT AND REMOVE PORTION OF CURB AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW FOOTING. UPON FOOTING INSTALLATION G.C. SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR EXIST. CURB AS REQUIRED. PROV I DE SMOOTH TRAN51 TI ON BETWEEN NEW AND EXIST. CONC. CURB. G.C. SHALL REPLACE ANY KNOWN CRACKED OR DAMAGED ON 51TE CONC. CURBING (TYP). C. EXI5TING CONCRETE WALKWAY TO REMAIN D. EXISTING LANDSCAPING AREA TO REMAIN. E. DASHED LINE I ND I GAT I NC OUTLINE OF OVERHEAD CANOPY. REFER TO CANOPY SHOP DRAWINGS WITH -IN THI5 SET. F. FACE OF EXISTING EXTERIOR BUILDING WALL. 00 NOT DISTURB. G. X/Y D I MEN51 ON 5HOHN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. GC TO FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND NOTIFY CHICK-FIL-A PROJECT TEAM IF CANOPY LOCATION CHANGE5 AND IMPACTS OTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED CONDITIONS. H. EXISTING MEAL DELIVERY PICK UP WINDOW. DO NOT DISTURB. J. EX 15T I N6 BOLLARD TO BE REMAIN. DO NOT D 15TURB K. DASHED LINE INDICATING EXISTING AWNING TO BE REMOVED. GC TO REPAIR EXIST. EXTERIOR WALL AS REQU I RED APPLY TOUCH-UP PAINT FIELD MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND WALL FINISH. PROVIDE FLUSH TRANSITION FOR ALL PATCH WORK. L. EXISTING AWNING TO REMAIN. NO CHANGE. M. EXISTING DRIVE THRU LANE TO REMAIN. N. EXISTING SECURITY CAMERA TO REMAIN. P. EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN. DO NOT DISTURB. Q. EASEMENT LINE 5HOHN FOR REFERENCE, SEE 51TE PLAN. R. SETBACK LINE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. SEE 51TE PLAN. 5. EXI5TIN0 CANOPY STRUCTURE TO REMAIN. Do NOT DISTURB. T. EXISTING RETAINING WALL SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. SEE SITE PLAN. U. EXIST. GUARD RAIL To REMAIN, SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. V. LOCATION OF EXISTING CHICK-FIL-A MONUMENT SIGN TO REMAIN. H. EXISTING PAYMENT BOOTH To REMAIN. DO NOT DISTURB. NOT A PART OF THI5 PERMIT. 0FACE TO FACE I. NEW SHADE CANOPY STEEL SUPPORT COLUMN WITH CONCRETE FOOTING BELOW. 5EE 5TRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR FURTHER DETAILS. EXISTING CONCRETE / LANDSCAPING TO BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED PROVIDE FLUSH TRANSITION BETWEEN NEW AND EXIST. CONC. SURFACES. 2. EXISTING CONCRETE CURB TO REMAIN. SAW CUT AND REMOVE PORTION OF CURB AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEH FOOTING. UPON FOOTING INSTALLATION G.C. SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR EXIST. CURB AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION BETIVEEN NEH AND EXIST. GONG, CURB. G.G. SHALL REPLACE ANY KNOWN CRACKED OR DAMAGED ON SITE CONC. CURBING (TYP). 3. EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY TO REMAIN. 4. EXISTING LANDSCAPING AREA TO REMAIN. 5. NEW 24" HIDE TEAM MEMBER DEMARCATION STRIPING. USE TRAFFIC RATED PAINT. MIN. (2) GOATS. 6. FACE OF EXISTING EXTERIOR BUILDING. WALL - DO NOT DISTURB. 7. X/Y DIMENSION 5HOHN FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURP05E5 ONLY. GC TO FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF COLUMN STARTING POINT. NOTIFY CHICK-FIL-A PROJECT TEAM OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IMPACTING OTHER CONSTRUCTION PHASES OR RELATED CONDITIONS. 5. EXISTING DRIVE THRU ORDER POINT MENU BOARD CANOPY TO BE REMOVED, INDICATED BY DASHED LINE. 5PEAKER5 TO REMAIN. DO NO DISTURB. q. LOCATION OF NEW BOLLARD, PER CHICK-FIL-A DE51ON STANDARD INSTALL 24" FROM FACE OF CLEARANCE BAR AND/OR LAST CANOPY COLUMN AS 5HOH ON DRAWINGS. REFER TO DETAIL. 10. EXISTING BOLLARD TO BE REMAIN. II. EXISTING CLEARANCE BAR TO REMAIN. DO NOT DISTURB. 12. DASHED LINE INDICATING OUTLINE OF OVERHEAD CANOPY. REFER TO CANOPY DRAWINGS HITHIN-IN THIS 5ET. 15. EASEMENT LINE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. SEE 51TE PLAN, 14. SETBACK LINE 5HOHN FOR REFERENCE. SEE 51TE PLAN. 15. EXI5TING RETAINING WALL SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. SEE 51TE PLAN 16. EXISTING CANOPY TO REMAIN. DO NOT DISTURB. 11. DASHED LINE INDICATING EXISTING AWNING TO BE REMOVED. GG TO REPAIR EXIST. EXTERIOR WALL AS REQU I RED APPLY TOUGH -UP PAINT FIELD MATCH EXIST. COLOR AND WALL FINISH. PROVIDE FLUSH TRANSITION FOR ALL PATCH WORK. 15. DASHED LINE I ND I GATING LOCATION OF EXIST. UNDERc ROUND STORM WATER PIPING TO REMAIN. G.C. TO VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF PIPING PRIOR TO COMMENCING CON5T . I q . EXIST. STORM WATER CATCH BA51 N GRATE TO REMAIN. VERIFY EXACT 3\ LOCATION PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 20. DASHED LINE INDICATINO GC TO REMOVE PLANT FOR CANOPY FOOTING INSTALLATION. ti 21. 60 TO RELOCATE PLANT AFTER INSTALLATION OF CANOPY FOOTING, ti 5200 BUFFINGTON ROAD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30349 (404) 765 - 8000 THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS CHICK-FIL-A, INC. NAME AND LOGO, TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF CHICK-FIL-A CORPORATION. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISCLOSURE AND/OR USE OF THESE MATERIALS (OR ANY PORTION OF THEM) WITHOUT CHICK-FIL-A'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Issue Date: 08-02-2021 Drawn By: TP/GA Job Number: 19060 Sheet Title: Enlarged Canopy Plan Scale: As indicated Sheet Number: ITt"'. FRONT ELET) MEAL DEUVERY CANOPY SGALE: Ilb" = I'-011 DR�VE THRU ELEVATTH) MEAL DEUVERY CANOPY SGALE: Ilb" = I' -Oil liq PAP& qWWAA 1 'r r. 5EE 5TRUCT. PRANIN65 I Tr. REAR ELEVAT�ON �WEST) FACE TO FACE CANOPY SGALE: 118" = I'-011 &DE ENTRY [EUETO FACIE 610WA'i 0 = r 1 1 CANOPY 5EE 5TRUCT. DRAW N65 5EE 5TRUCT. DRAW IN65 I_/_ 11 +q CIO, E3. O. CNPY'6j +0 1 -oil T.O.F. 5F_F_ 5TRUCT. PRANIN65 TTfll. 1-611 +1 (0 B. O. CNfP*,ry +0 1-011 T.O.F. +1 1-(011 B. O. ONFY (3 CONSTRUCTION NOTES - MEAL DELIVERI A. EXISTING BUILDING AND FIN15HES TO REMAIN. NO WORK iN TH15 AREA. B. MEAL DELIVERY PICK UP WINDOW. LOCATED BEHIND SCREEN WALL TO REMAIN. C. TOP OF EX15TINO CONCRETE WALKWAY TO REMAIN. V. TOP OF EXISTING DRIVE THRU LANE TO REMAIN. E. DASHED LINE INDICATING EXISTIN&ANNINO TO BE REMOVED. O.C. SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING FINISHES AS REQUIRED. MATCH EXISTING GROUT, VENEER. F. EX15TINO AWNING TO REMAIN. NO CHANGE. C-7. NEH CANOPY STEEL SUPPORT COLUMN. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAHINC-6 FOR MORE DETAIL. COLOR: PARK BRONZE. H. NEW CANOPY ROOF / FASCIA. UNDERSIDE TO BE COLOR: LANE HIGH 67LO55 WHITE. ROOF / FASCIA TO BE COLOR: PARK BRONZE. J. NEW CANOPY INDUSTRIAL MOUNTED IS" FAN. TPI CORPORATION MODEL: U-15-TE. REFER TO ELECT. DRANINC-6 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. K. NEH CANOPY OVERHEAD HEATER BY SUPREME 5CHKANK. MODEL: 2352 N OUTDOOR. REFER TO PLUMB./ ELECT. DRANINC-5 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. L. NEW MEAL DELIVERY METAL CANOPY. COLOR: DARK BRONZE, REFER TO CANOPY DRANIN65 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. M. NEH FACE TO FACE METAL CANOPY, REFER TO CANOPY DRANINC-5 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. P. EXISTING ORDER MENU BOARD TO REMAIN. NO CHANGE. R. EXISTING CANOPY STRUCTURE WITH SCREEN WALL TO REMAIN. 00 NOT DISTURB. FIN15H 5CHEDULE LANE CANOPY COLOR - UNDERSIDE HIGH VRTE OL055 CANOPY ROOf= / FA501A: r;)ARK BRONZI CONSTRUCTION NOTES - FACE TO FACE I. EXISTING BUILDING AND FINISHES TO REMAIN. NO WORK IN TH15 AREA. 2. TOP OF EXISTING CONCRETE KALKHAY TO REMAIN. 5. TOP OF EXISTIN& DRIVE THRU LANE TO REMAIN. 4. EXISTING MAIN ENTRY. 5. EX15TINC-7 AWNING TO REMAIN. NO CHANGE. 6. NEH CANOPY STEEL SUPPORT COLUMN. 5EE STRUCTURAL ORMINC-6 FOR MORE DETAIL. COLOR: PARK BRONZE. 1. NEH CANOPY ROOF / FASCIA. UNDERSIDE TO BE COLOR: LANE HIGH OLL65 NHITE. ROOF / FA501A TO BE COLOR: PARK BRONZE. a. NEH CANOPY INDUSTRIAL MOUNTED le)" FAN, TPI CORPORATION MODEL: U-0-TE. REFER TO ELECT. DRANIN05. 1. NEH CANOPY OVERHEAD HEATER BY SUPREME 5OHNANK. MODEL: 2552 N OUTDOOR. REFER TO PLUMB./ELECT. DRANINC-6 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 10. NEH FACE TO FACE METAL CANOPY. COLOR: DARK BRONZE. REFER TO CANOPY SHOP DRAW N66 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 11. NEW MEAL DELIVERY METAL CANOPY, REFER TO CANOPY SHOP 0RAMIN6;5 FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 12. DASHED LINE INDICATING EXISTIN&AWNING TO BE REMOVED. G.G. SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING FIN15HE5 AS REOUIRED. MATCH EX15TINO GROUT, VENEER. f=IN15H 50HEDULE LANE CANOPY COLOR - UNPER51PE HIGH WHITS OL055 ANOFY ROOT= / t=A501A: JET MATTE BLACK Apo 5200 BUFFINGTON ROAD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30349 (404) 765 - 8000 THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS CHICK-FIL-A, INC. NAME AND LOGO, TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF CHICK-FIL-A CORPORATION. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISCLOSURE AND/OR USE OF THESE MATERIALS (OR ANY PORTION OF THEM) WITHOUT CHICK-FIL-A'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Issue Date: 08-02-2021 Drawn By: TP/GA Job Number: 19060 I Sheet Title: Elevation Plan Scale: As indicated Sheet Number: A-3 gp --w W m., In 7M M Alp A "M g." ----- -- N Mv. si rw �Ogsowpogg f a N gg'� 1, - -A). koo- W J --o A,.V Ay -.4j, e4, M wu WC^ A Xf. go ;ld , Cr4-, Mt lw VA. 4., Ma A VC. All, A p� A lUM, *��­ ; N—V X FOG R N4 ;7 4V ;� 11, , j a 7 _4 --it 11M MOW ­,64­ N, M-V R'� X WRAI, , 4. - - �L , ' "!_­ W - Ir - w , � , -, �'. �.dl �F,, �J* 4�.:' �_ M�wv IJ a 20,11-751 go; --aFS-15a, MIF, YM-6 All ;:ry M � Wl 44, v cm OZ ;44' 2"It- Mom w I'd ;Mw w 1 2 I'm Oft Ig .0 M NAP 4, M - Sk . 6_J wO , _7 lw sl�l 4 41 g%; '8 —Ag- g I'- R ;"4, N`2� Ug �jt N A Z Uigln-f-i,--5-i it -.4 6 - 4; *Ni -ig" �l IN 10 M 1 40.4 M�Q .7, 1_1 "R v'i .A- I I I ­4 wA Me x M W e� 4 R j4 P-�, "A 0 RA IM ®R ;3 V 4 "R vi, U P� -got wea�. - �Y,4 ."AIN 121M .0 T, M "e p4 --h-w wil VZO RMI_W� 54, %1111.15�1_kl S!"egeell R NR ;3-M if 4-lF -g-rnmw W4 Al u_ --- 'XI W F54 N 1 1151. A. gg _"k ON 3 NO -w go, R, A ON .4 MI vor vr -, 6 Ow M, . W�t g q N M. ni, W H t5 Aw Y" Qm p �jqt ",fm� I; It F_ I& AU-1 a I was= �t"Tr R vi 3,7, R - dA-Mf IMAM W gum T . f 0 10 A C I A&L- Fa. ,%- i H. f I cir I a e.-4 Idi It to Aateri Prodi A VMWA I GENERAL NOTES 0 CONSTRUCTION NOTES - MEAL DELIVER' ` - � ALL SITE PLANTI NC 5 01= TES AND SHRUBS SHALL B� ALLOW�� TO REACH, AND BE MA I NTA I NED AT, MATURE HE I CHT; THE TOPP I NC A. EXI5TINO SHRUBS TO REMAIN. O.G. TO REPLACE ANY DYING/ DEAD/A. M 155I NC SHRUBS, REFER TO RECORD COPY OF LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR OF TREES IS PROHIBITED, SHRUBS AND TREE5 5HALL BE PRUNED TI • �` r i MINIMALLY ANDONLY TO SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. B. DASHEDDASHEDLINE INiDIGATTNC CANOPY FOOTING LOCATION. f B. C.C. SHALL GALL FOR LANDSCAPE INSPECTION N4ITH CITY PLANN! O DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO G. 0= O. INSPECTION. G. DASHEDLINE INDICATING 5HRU55 HAVE BEEN REMOVED PER PREVIOUS LOR #3.I ,I, EX1571N(5 G. O.G. SHALL MODIFY EXI5TINO IRRIGATION LINES) A5 REWIRED FOR RELOCATEDOR ADDED LANDSGAP I NC . (4 a55 S.F.) \ B--F \ v - LIJ \ ' \ 1 I \ I I I I 1 I k� I k I PLANT LIST - 3 ___ . I A55 REEV I AT I ON E30TAN I CAL NAME COMMON NAME 5I zr= 5PAG I NC-7 �._ AXOK ABEL I A X O R,4NtD I PLORA 'KALEI VO5COPE' KALEIDOSCOPE AE3ELIA 24V 5 GALLON MIN. 410.0. 50ALE: 1 /ij 11 r 11-011 5 I I - NORTH LMW� LAM I uM MACULATUM 'NHITE NANCY' NW I TE NANGY LAM (UM I QUART MIN. 24,10.0. PARMAL LANMZD%=:,PAPE PLAN VEAL DEUVERY 0)2i 4) 8' SGAI .E: 1/4 = I —O 11 A4 N IS GENERAL NOTES CONSTRUCTION NOTES FACE TO FACE A. ALL 51 TE PLANTI NC5 OF TTREEE5 AND5HRUB5 SHALL BE ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MA I NTA I NEiD AT, MATURE HE I CHT; THE TOPPING ®1. NOT USED. � EXISTINO h`' / OF TREE-5 15 PROHIBITED, SHRUBS ANDTREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE �. EXI5TIN0 TREE TO REMAIN. REFER TO LAND50APE PLAN SHEET L-IOO. An PLANT. �3, NOT USED. / B. C.G. SHALL CALL FOR ANDSGAPINSPECTION TION WI TH CITY PLANNING (DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO C. OF 0. INSPECTION. 4. DASHED LINE INDlGATINO CANOPY ~DOTING LOCATION. 5. O.G. TO REPLANT (3) NEW LMWN AFTER INSTALLATION OF CANOPY � 10 �./ / o C. C.G. SHALL MODIFY EXISTING IRRIGATION LINE(5) A5 REG2UIRED FOR RELOCATED OR ADDED LAND50API NC . 4 FOOTING. 5 6. DASHED LINE INDICATING C.G. TO REMOVE (5) LMWN FOR FOOTING INSTALLATION. 7. NOT USED. 1- - _ = �` -1 �, f ' _- �.� - -1 4 5. DASHED LINE INDICATING C.G. TO REMOVE (1) AXCK FOR rOOTINC I NSTALLATI ON. Aq. NOT USED. a.-. / �Rl / �w .. -- 10, 610. TO REPLANT (1) AX&K AFTER INSTALLATION OF CANOPY FOOTING. I• I I 4 TYP. 6 L-------1 ------` - - _ 1 -- — jr S _--- Ire ----1 • 1 ' i I d V x x x x x x x x x xx ,✓'' ✓-'� ...� x ---� x x x x x x x----------- 0 x --'--` x ORTH PARTEAL LAND5" CAPE PLAN FACE TO FACE 2 0' 2' 4' 8' SGAL.E : 1 /4" = I --Or, a • o 5200 BUFFINGTON ROAD. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30349 (404) 765 - 8000 THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS CHICK-FIL-A, INC. NAME AND LOGO, TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF CHICK-FIL-A CORPORATION. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISCLOSURE AND/OR USE OF THESE MATERIALS (OR ANY PORTION OF THEM) WITHOUT CHICK-FIL-AS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Issue Date: 08-02-2021 Drawn By: TP/GA Job Number: 19060 Sheet Title: Partial Scale: Sheet Number: Landscape Pla:f As indicated _ . 335°33'- "L `- 139.01 ��- I _LI-- It j­ T4 ! !! / 6-Exf§, ng Caryopteris °__.a 1-Existing ROA JI // 3-�&' , ting Emerald Green Arborvitae ! - • 3-Existing uonymus 15A isting Soft Touch Holly / II ! III I �.-..,.. �� t � \ � _" - � �_ � ��.�• � ���' w.. 1-Existin Su a �►/ ,! ! !/ / °, J —�r �� \ �- �y ,5-E isting Nand I/ - l: 1 Exi:s in Black Gum- -� / II �� �/ j I1-Existing Sugar Maple I 5-Existing Abelia # ° g 4 / , � 15-. xisting Soft Touch Holly... I !I 5-Existing Osmanthus �-�. ° ,� ! ll 21 -Existing Euonymus ! /! 2-Existing Plum ! /���.. Yw/ ,� _ ®_�_ �� & --- & •w !!, / %Q III 3-Existing O manth s ! !! } ! ! ! _. /0 I 4-Existing Aeli 4 Existing a - 1 Existing Plum 3-Existing Hypericum lIZelkova-- , j�fp+ 3-Existing Hypericum 1-Existing White Fringe =Tree II1 It I � i Vv ting 1-isapane : e Zelk vau 34isting Soft Touch Holly III 11� 4 1-E isting�J panes` �Zelkova_...w.�._-,.�w_�. 2-Existin��White Fringe Tree ! s F'" \\ II 3-E isting oft Touph Holy 8-Existirigti�Caryopteris 1-Existin' a anese Zelkova 1 j a y� t{ �, � e 1 �.r�,,,. -""' `—.' ""." ^-°a,,,,., �! � °°'gym �� 1 // / � '�,.• t � � `'� �``��� _ j �� \ l O - _._ _..._. � \ istin -� 1 E t n R url \� �\ _ 1 f__..._�.�- J1. Existing:Japanese,­ _`va 1-E i'tin Osmanthus \ ,..a.___.,_. -Y __ - - _-- - 9-Existing Soft"touch Holly w ; . g`-''� t�iu �t .. - ng �_youpterls . _. _ . - _..__._ _ 2 Exlsti C \\ 4-Exis'' ng Soft Touch Holly- }}6- Existing Abelia 1-Exi t �g Plum 1- �xist n Plu�m�� \ , � \ \\ \ � r \\1 � �� � � ► �'_ '�� � �I I � g ' � \ \�, \ .-� �11 �� I 4-�xist ng Soft Touch Holly y\� • , \\ `� - r 1-Existin Vsmanthus _ I _ r_ �. �. _i� ���_J II _ _ J II�II I III \ 11 1 1-1 ___ -. Tie`__ �� _ — _. ___. _._._ — — _.... ' _ �J L- -..L � _ _ - �. _._ � _ __ _ ; jf - --- // 1-Existing ,W� , ite Fringe Tree Y- — _ — _ � - III 0 0 2-Existing G ryopteris - _ __ _ _ I I_ -J it \ II h i �� _. _____ _ .._._-------__...---------n II-" II 1 3— �- \ \\ I► 17-Existing Foundation Shrub -----�--- --Ie I � I `'' ing Pine �1 '�' /� Contractor to replace damaged I dead landscaping° 1-ExistinQ White Fringe Tree \ E 10-Existing Hypericum I - 10-Exisli.Qg Soft Touch Holy 1-Existing White Fringe Tree I ° `;;: \ . 3-Existing Abelia . ---- `� Tree Protection Fence ��\�---�-- 10-Existingt_amium t Tree to��" e laced if damaged 111 �' p g � � 4-Existing Soft Touch Holy \ \ /141 during construction \t# \ , g I ti 7-Existing Abelia 11 r v 6 -Existing Caryopteris J I / 3L�-r W r j 'S r \ \\ a 1 r -Existing Da lil Y Existing Nandina2-Exis 2-Existing Plum 917 ,aj Ab II1-Existing White Fringe Tree \ \\ \ 5-Existing Caryopteris + \\ �, \ `� \ �, ` 11l QA \ \ 1-Existing Osmanthus _ \ \ \ \ ��` L J L + 0 6° O 6 + I ° ° \ \ 1_ Existing Magnolia - 0 O I ° ° ° 0 0 I // \ 7-E'sting Emerald Green Arborvitae \ , ` _ _4= \\ \ 6-Existing Hypericum 4, .� ,r ! +; 16-Existing Emerald Gre n Ar\b Rr .i. "e 3 �Ewting Huonymus a 16-Existing-_�a (lily G0 a eing Bart A / \ \O R4 'Isting Abell —:114, isting-Euon-'s rnu-- \ \ h g W h \ \ -. 5- c�isting Barb y �, \ \ 1-Existing Black Gum \\ 5-Existing Barberry — \ 8-Existing Abelia- \ \ 1-Existing Sugar Maple---- 5-Existing Emerald Green Arborvitae `� 1 21-Existing Daylily �� I1 I I N f 1915'31 "W Il + 141.251 ll + I I 1 ' Ile I I 3-Existing Red Maple W� —-....--- -�- — — — — ._.._.-. - ._......- -- ..-...._...:....... — .,....._......:..__ .........._......._ — _...r ..-.. —..rr. — — ._ —- ,.:...._.., ._ — ._.. — --...-.......— _._._ ____ - - —.-- R"" A TAT E R'000`," N T E 2 5 R I n Mu` N D U U 0 u U U - -- County of Albemarle Conservation Plan Checklist --To be placed on Landscape Plans (Handbook, pp 1I1-284-111-297 for complete specifications) GENERAL NOTES: 1. The following items sliall be shown on the plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, A Trees to be saved; and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is A Limits of'cleaz'ing (outside dripline of trees to be saved); prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and Location and type of protective fencing; only to support the overall healthy of the plant. Grade changes requiring tree wells or walls; G.C. shall call for landscape inspection with city planning Proposed trenching or tunneling beyond the limits of clearing, department prior to C. of 0. Inspection. 2. Markings: G.C. Shall modify existing Irrigation line(s) as required for All trees to be saved shall be marked with print or ribbon at a height clearly visible to equipment operators. relocated or added landscaping. No grading shall begin until the tree marking has been inspected and approved by a County Inspector. 3. Pre -Construction Conference: 01 Tree preservation and protection measures shall be reviewed with the contractor on site. 4. E ui ment Operation and Storage: Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic and storage of construction materials including soil shall not be permitted within the driplines of trees 2-Existing Black Gum to be saved. 3-Existing Sugar Maple 5. Soil Erosion and Storin`avater Detention Devices: , _ Such devices shall not adversely affect trees to be saved. Tk: 6. Fires: II Fires are not permitted within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved, i► t I� 7, Toxic Materials: Toxic materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of the dripline of trees to be saved. 1 .> �`•,,� �y ��.�;•%� S. Protective Fencing: Trees to be retained within 40 feet of a proposed building or grading activity shall be protected by fencing. Fencingshall be in lace and shall be inspected and approved b 1 a Count Inspector prior to grading or construction. P P PP } Y p P g' g 9. Tree Wells: When the ground level must be raised within the dripline of a tree to be saved, a tree well shall be provided and a construction detail submitted for approval. -------- .10. Tree Walls: �=- When the ground level must be lowered within the dripline a tree to be saved, a tree wall shall be provided; and a construction detail submitted for approval. j ( l /� � `� 1.1. Trenchin and Tunneling: �'� �� �� t When trenching is required within the limits of clearing, it shall be done as far away from the trunks of trees as possible. Tunnelin 5- ISttCI C r rIS g q g Y P g Js,, I��� under a large tree shall be considered as an alternative when it is anticipated that necessary trenching will destroy feeder roots. V\ _j tU Ut en Arborvitae N32 005'081iW 0 20 40 FT O � 12. Cleanup: Protective fencing shall be the last items removed during the final cleanup. 13. Damaged Trees: JWsy Damaged trees shall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other methods recommended by a tree specialist, NOTE: IT IS THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONIFER WYTR T11E CONTRACTOR ON TREE CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS. OWNER SIGNWf URE (DATE CONTRACT PURCHASER SIGNATURE (DATE) 5/1/06 Page 1 of 1 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS - REQUIRED 1. 10% of the site shall be tree canopy 80,053 SF x 10% = 8,005 SF of tree canopy required PROVIDED 1. QTY TREE CANOPY SF 9 Sugar Maple 254 = 2,286 7 White Fringe Tree 125 = 875 3 Little Gem Magnolia 82 = 246 8 Black Gum 181 = 1,448 11 Plum 143 - 1,573 44 Emerald Arborvitae 0 - 0 6 Zelkova 395 = 2,370 Total - 8,798 SF of tree canopy existing REQUIRED 1. Entrance Corridor Overlay District Richmond Rd: 198 LF / 35 LF Luxor Rd: 458 LF / 40 LF Y 12 street trees required 5 2. 12" Hgt. shrubs to screen parking area from public view; shru PROVIDED 1. Richmond Rd: 2 su 1 = 6 street trees existing Luxor Rd: 6 map[ 6 black gum = 12 street trees existing 2. Existing shrubs A a /i t Cr 1 c w S 1 k i s is a J r ,.f• r �f �, r. �, y - REQUIRED 1. 5% of the paved parking and vehicular circulation area shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs 31,832 SF x 5% = 1,592 SF of landscape area required 2. (1) large or medium shade tree per (10) parking spaces 64 parking spaces / 10 parking spaces = 7 parking lot trees required PROVIDED 1. Landscape area 2. Existing trees PLANT LIST 2,000 SF of landscape area provided 7 parking lot trees existing 3 Acer rubrum Existing Red Maple Existing Offsite 9 Acer saccharum Existing Sugar Maple 3.5 Cal; existing 7 Chionanthus virginicus Existing White Fringe Tree 6-7' Hgt; existing 3 Magnolia grandiflora'Little Gem' Existing Magnolia 6-8' Hgt; existing 8 Nyssa sylvatica Existing Black Gum 3.5" Cal; existing 4 Pinus Existing Pine Existing Offsite 11 Prunus cerasifera Existing Plum 6-7' Hgt; existing 44 Thuja occidentalis'Smaragd' Existing Emerald Green Arborvitae 4' min; existing 6 Zelkova serrata Existing Japanese Zelkova 2.5" Cal; existing f Z G $l i ulbsd J: ;r 4 s J t r 1 Abelia x grandiflora'Kaleidoscope' (new) Abelia 3 Gal 24" Hgt er eris un ergii xis ing arberry ' min; exis mg 65 Caryopertis clanodensis Existing Caryopteris 3 Gal, 24" Hgt; existing 30 Euonymus japonicus Existing Euonymus 3011 min; existing 17 Existing Foundation Shrub Existing Foundation Shrub Existing 58 Hypericum kalmianum Existing Hypericum 3 Gal, 24" Hgt; existing 82 Ilex crenata'Soft Touch' Existing Soft Touch Holly 3 Gal, 24" Hgt; existing 49 Nandina domestica Existing Nandina 3 Gal, 24" Hgt; existing 31 Osmanthus fragrans Existing Osmanthus 3 Gal, 24" Hgt; existing 71 Hemerocallis Existing Daylily 1 Gal; existing 5 c i 5 3 Lamium maculatum (new) Lamium 1 quart tachys yzan Ina xis ing amb s ar quar ;exis ing NOTE: Plant material determined using Google Earth view and previous landscape plan. Guy above first branch with woven Set top of rootball so that trunk flarE is visible and above finished grade Root ball shall be placed directly on compacted subgrade. Tamp soil around rootball, and watE in 6" layers to remove air pockets Topsoil and planting mix as defined the Landscape Specifications completely remove top half of burlap, acing straps, nails and wire basket and liscard from hole. All synthetic burlap 'nust be removed from sides of root )all. 3" Hgt. earth saucer beyond edge of 'oot ball for water retention. Outer :dge of saucer to be 6' diameter iardwood stakes 3 stakes, ?" x 2", driven firmly into subgrade prior .o backfilling &ch depth as defined in the Landscape Specifications; mulch type as defined in the -andscape Notes or on the Landscape Plan. -fold mulch 4" from tree trunk. NOTE 1. Hole to be twice the width of the rootball. 2. Do not heavily prune tree at planting. Prune only crossover limbs, broken or dead branches; Do not remove the terminal buds of branches that extend to the edge of the crown. 3. Each tree must be planted such that the trunk flare is visible at the top of the rootball. Trees where the trunk flare is not visible shall be rejected. Do not cover the top of the rootball with soil. Mulch to be held back 4" away from trunk. 4. Remove Guy Wires and Staking when warranty period has expired (after one year). TREE PLANTING & STAKING SCALE: NTS TURF SIDE PLANTING BED SIDE Mulch as defined in the Landscape Specifications. Hold Mulch 4" from tree trunk and shrub stems Shovel Cut Bed Edge at 45 degree angle, 6" deep Finished grade at bedline —� =111 1=1111=a11=1111-1111=1 11'� 11=IIII=III I=III I-=IIII=IIII= =IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=III 11=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII= =IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII 11=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII= I� II_II IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII=IIII=IIII=III{=IIII=IIII 11-IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII=IIII= Topsoil as defined in the Landscape Specifications. Native soils subgrade "T TRENCH BED EDGING SCALE: NTS Varies i Varies As shown Native soils subgrade) / "V" Trench Bed Edge �/ Mulch depth as defined in the Landscape Specifications; mulch type as defined in the Landscape Notes or on the Landscape Plan Planting pit to be twice the — width of the rootball SCALE: NTS Crown drip line or other limit of Tree Protection area. See landscape plan for fence alignment TREE PROTECTION FENCING DETAIL SCALE: NTS Topsoil as defined in the Landscape Specifications Backfill planting pits with topsoil and native excavated soil Shrubs; type and size as defined on the plant list A = Row Spacing B = On Center Spacing Space plants in a triangular pattern as shown, spaced equally from each other at spacing indicated on the plant list Mulch depth as define Landscape Specificati( type as defined in the Notes or on the Lands Topsoil as defined in tl Landscape Specificatii Native soils subgrade PLANT SPACING'& X ROW SPACING'A' PLANTS/10SF 8" O.C. 12" O.C. 15" O.C. 18" O.C. 6.9" 26 10A" 12 13.0" 7 15.7" 5 NOTE 1. Space groundcover plants in accordance with indicated spacing listed on the plant list, or as shown on the landscape plan. 2. Adjust spacing as necessary to evenly fill planting bed with indicated quantity of plants. 3. Plant to within 24" of the trunks of trees and shrubs within planting bed and to within 18" of edge of bed. GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: NTS Notes: 1. See notes for additional tree protection requirements. 2. No pruning shall be performed except by approved arborist. 3. No equipment shall operate inside the protective fencing including during fence installation and removal. 4. See site preparation plan for any modifications with the Tree Protection area. ACTIVE PROTERCTION: Chain link, orange laminated plastic, wooden post and rail fencing or other equivalent restraining material. high density polyethylene 12" x 18" sign laminated in plastic spaced every 100' along the perimeter of each protection area. 2" x 6' steel postsor approved equal. 5" thick layer of mulch. Maintain existing grade with the tree protection fence unless otherwise indicated on the plans. Mound islands 6"-8" height above island curbing. Mulch depth as defined in the Landscape Specifications; mulch type as defined in the Landscape Notes or on the Landscape Plan Width Varies Pavement Typ. Curb & Gutter Typ. Compacted Subgrade Uncompact subgrade to a minimum depth of 24" from top of curb Topsoil as defined in the Landscape Specifications; minimum 4" depth NOTE 1. Clean construction debris from within landscape island areas (ie, concrete, rocks, rubble, building materials, ect), prior to installing topsoil and plant material. 2. Fracture/loosen existing subgrade to a minimum 24" depth. Remove and replace any subgrade unsuitable for planting. Once subgrade is clean of debris and loosened, add topsoil to a minimum bermed 6"-8" height above island curbing. 3. Island plant material as per the Landscape Plan. 4. Install plant material as per tree, shrub and ground cover planting details, and as defined in the Landsaape Specifications. 5. Install mulch or sod as specified on the Landscape Plan, and as defined in the Landscape Specifications. SCALE: NTS 24" Depth PART 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION Provide trees, shrubs, ground covers, sod, and annuals/perennials as shown and specified on the landscape plan. The work includes: 1. Soil preparation. 2. Trees, shrubs, ground covers, and annuals/perennials. 3. Planting mixes. 4. Top Soil, Mulch and Planting accessories. 5. Maintenance. 6. Decorative stone. Related Work: 1. Irrigation System. QUALITY ASSURANCE Plant names indicated; comply with "Standardized Plant Names" as adopted by the latest edition of the American Joint Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature. Names of varieties not listed conform generally with names accepted by the nursery trade. Provide stock true to botanical name and legibly tagged. Comply with sizing and grading standards of the latest edition of "American Standard for Nursery Stock". A plant shall be dimensioned as it stands in its natural position. All plants shall be nursery grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for a minimum of 2 years. Nursery Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable, at no additional cost, and providing that the larger plants will not be cut back to size indicated. Provide plants indicated by two measurements so that only a maximum of 25% are of the minimum size indicated and 75% are of the maximum size indicated. Before submitting a bid, the Contractor shall have investigated the sources of supply and be satisfied that they can supply the listed plants in the size, variety and quality as specified. Failure to take this precaution will not relieve the Contractor from their responsibility for furnishing and installing all plant materials in strict accordance with the Contract Documents without additional cost to the Owner. The Landscape Architect shall approve any substitutes of plant material, or changes in plant material size, prior to the Landscape Contractor submitting a bid. DELIVER, STORAGE AND HANDLING Take all precautions customary in good trade practice in preparing plants for moving. Workmanship that fails to meet the highest standards will be rejected. Spray deciduous plants in foliage with an approved "Anti -Desiccant" immediately after digging to prevent dehydration. Dig, pack, transport, and handle plants with care to ensure protection against injury. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment invoice or order to stock. Protect all plants from drying out. If plants cannot be planted immediately upon delivery, properly protect them with soil, wet peat moss, or in a manner acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Water heeled -in plantings daily. No plant shall be bound with rope or wire in a manner that could damage or break the branches. Cover plants transported on open vehicles with a protective covering to prevent wind burn. PROJECT CONDITIONS Protect existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by landscape operations. A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities, and other requirements are shown on the drawings. In the event that quantity discrepancies or material omissions occur in the plant materials list, the planting plans shall govern. The irrigation system will be installed prior to planting. Locate, protect and maintain the irrigation system during planting operations. Repair irrigation system components damaged during planting operations; at the Contractor's expense. Refer to the irrigation specifications, irrigation plan and irrigation details. Do not begin landscape accessory work before completion of final grading or surfacing. WARRANTY Warrant plant material to remain alive, be healthy and in a vigorous condition for a period of 1 year after completion and final acceptance of entire project. Replace, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, all plants that are dead or, are in an unhealthy, or unsightly condition, and have lost their natural shape due to dead branches, or other causes due to the Contractor's negligence. The cost of such replacement(s) is at the Contractor's expense. Warrant all replacement plants for 1 year after installation. Warranty shall not include damage, loss of trees, plants, or ground covers caused by fires, floods, freezing rains, lightning storms, winds over 75 miles per hour, winter kill caused by extreme cold, severe winter conditions not typical of planting area, and/or acts of vandalism or negligence on a part of the Owner. Remove and immediately replace all plants, found to be unsatisfactory during the initial planting installation. Maintain and protect plant material, lawns, and irrigation until final acceptance is made. ACCEPTANCE Inspection of planted areas will be made by the Owner's representative. 1. Planted areas will be accepted provided all requirements, including maintenance, have been complied with and plant materials are alive and in a healthy, vigorous condition. Upon acceptance, the Contractor shall commence the specified plant maintenance. CODES, PERMITS AND FEES Obtain any necessary permits for this Section of Work and pay any fees required for permits. The entire installation shall fully comply with all local and state laws and ordinances, and with all established codes applicable thereto; also as depicted on the landscape and irrigation construction set. MATERIALS Plants: Provide typical of their species or variety; with normal, densely developed branches and vigorous, fibrous root systems. Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, disfiguring knots, sun scald injuries, frost cracks, abrasions of the bark, plant diseases, insect eggs, borers, and all forms of infestation. All plants shall have a fully developed form without voids and open spaces. Plants held on storage will be rejected if they show signs of growth during the storage period. 1. Balled and plants wrapped with burlap, to have firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root system necessary for full recovery of the plant. Provide ball sizes complying with the latest edition of the "American Standard for Nursery Stock". Cracked or mushroomed balls, or signs of circling roots are not acceptable. 2. Container- grown stock: Grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold its soil together, firm and whole. a. No plants shall be loose in the container. b. Container stock shall not be pot bound. 3. Plants planted in rows shall be matched in form. 4. Plants larger than those specified in the plant list may be used when acceptable to the Landscape Architect. a. If the use of larger plants is acceptable, increase the spread of roots or root ball in proportion to the size of the plant. 5. The height of the trees, measured from the crown of the roots to the top of the top branch, shall not be less than the minimum size designated in the plant list. 6. No pruning wounds shall be present with a diameter of more than 1" and such wounds must show vigorous bark on all edges. 7. Evergreen trees shall be branched to the ground or as specified in plant list. 8. Shrubs and small plants shall meet the requirements for spread and height indicated in the plant list. a. The measurements for height shall be taken from the ground level to the height of the top of the plant and not the longest branch. b. Single stemmed or thin plants will not be accepted. c. Side branches shall be generous, well -twigged, and the plant as a whole well -bushed to the ground. d. Plants shall be in a moist, vigorous condition, free from dead wood, bruises, or other root or branch injuries. ACCESSORIES Topsoil: Shall be Fertile, friable, natural topsoil of loamy character, without admixture of subsoil material, obtained from a well -drained arable site, reasonably free from clay, lumps, coarse sands, stones, roots, sticks, and other foreign materials, with acidity range of between pH 6.0 and 6.8. Note: All planting areas shall be cleaned of construction debris (ie. Concrete, rubble, stones, building material, etc.) prior to adding and spreading of the top soil. 1. Sod Areas: Spread a minimum 4" layer of top soil and rake smooth. 2. Planting bed areas: Spread a minimum 4" layer of top soil and rake smooth. 2 " 3 Landscape Islands/Medians: Fracture/loosen existing subgrade to a minimum 4 p 9 9 depth. Remove and replace any subgrade unsuitable for planting. Once subgrade is clean of debris and loosened, add topsoil to a minimum berm 6"-8" height above island curbing. 4. Annual/Perennial bed areas: Add a minimum of 4" organic matter and till to a minimum 12" depth. Mulch: Type selected dependent on region and availability; see landscape plans for type of much to be used. Hold mulch 4" from tree trunks and shrub stems. 1. Hardwood: (color) dark brown, 6 month old well rotted double shredded native hardwood bark mulch not larger than 4" in length and Y2" in width, free of wood chips and sawdust. Install minimum depth of 3". 2. Pine Straw: Pine straw to be fresh harvest, free of debris, bright in color. Bales to be wired and tightly bound. Needles to be dry. Install minimum depth of 3". 3. River Rock: (color) light gray to buff to dark brown, washed river rock, 1" -- 3" in size. Install in shrub beds to an even depth of 3". Weed control barrier to be installed under all rock mulch areas. Use caution during installation not to damage plant material. 4. Mini Nuggets: Install to a minimum depth of 2"-3" at all locations of annual and perennial beds. Lift the stems and leaves of the annuals and carefully spread the mulch to avoid injuring the plants. Gently brush the mulch off the plants. Guying/Staking: 1. Arbortie: Green (or white) staking and guying material to be flat, woven, polypropylene material, W wide 900 lb. break strength. Arbortie shall be fastened to stakes in a manner which permits tree movement and supports the tree. 2. Remove Guying/Staking after one year from planting. Tree Wrap: Tree wraps should be used on young, newly planted thin -barked trees (Cherry, Crabapple, Honey Locust, Linden, Maple, Mountain Ash, Plum) that are most susceptible to sun scald/Sunburn. Standard waterproofed tree wrapping paper, 2-1/2" wide, made of 2 layers of crepe Draft paper weighing not less than 30 lbs. per ream, cemented together with asphalt. Wrap the tree in the fall and leave the wrap in place throughout the winter and early spring. Tree wraps are temporary and no longer needed once trees develop corky bark. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSPECTION Prior to beginning work, the Landscape Contractor shall inspect the subgrade, general site conditions, verify elevations, utility locations, irrigation, approve top soil provided by the General Contractor and observe the site conditions under which the work is to be done. Notify the General Contractor of any unsatisfactory conditions, and work shall not proceed until such conditions have been corrected and are acceptable to the Landscape Contractor. PREPARATION Planting shall be performed only by experienced workmen familiar with planting procedures under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. Locate plants as indicated on the plans or as approved in the field after staking by the Landscape Contractor. If obstructions are encountered that are not shown on the drawings, do not proceed with planting operations until alternate plant locations have been selected and approved by the Landscape Architect; spacing of plant material shall be as shown on the landscape plan. Excavate circular plant pits with vertical sides, except for plants specifically indicated to be planted in beds. Provide shrub pits at least 12" greater than the diameter of the root system and 24" greater for trees. Depth of pit shall accommodate the root system. Provide undisturbed sub grade to hold root ball at nursery grade as shown on the drawings. INSTALLATION Set plant material in the planting pit to proper grade and alignment. Set plants upright, plumb, and faced to give the best appearance or relationship to each other or adjacent structure. Set plant material 2" - 3" above the finish grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. Backfill the pit with topsoil mix and excavated material. Do not use frozen or muddy mixtures for backfilling. Form a ring of soil around the edge of each planting pit to retain water. After balled and wrapped in burlap plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of balls and fill all voids. 1. Remove all burlap, ropes, and wires from the top 1/3 of the root ball Space ground cover plants in accordance with indicated dimensions. Adjust spacing as necessary to evenly fill planting bed with indicated quantity of plants. Plant to within 24" of the trunks of trees and shrubs within planting bed and to within 18" of edge of bed. Mulching: 1. Mulch tree and shrub planting pits and shrub beds with required mulching material (see landscape plan for mulch type); depth of mulch as noted above. Hold mulch back 4" away from tree trunks and shrub stems. Thoroughly water mulched areas. After watering, rake mulch to provide a uniform finished surface. Decorative Stone: (where indicated on landscape plan) 1. Install weed control barrier over sub -grade prior to installing stone. Lap 6" on all sides 2. Place stone without damaging weed barrier. 3. Arrange stones for best appearance and to cover all weed barrier fabric. Wrapping, guying, staking: 1. Inspect trees for injury to trunks, evidence of insect infestation, and improper pruning before wrapping. 2. Wrapping: a. Wrap trunks of all young newly planted trees known to have thin bark. Wrap spirally from bottom to top with specified tree wrap and secure in place. b. Overlap %2 the width of the tree wrap strip and cover the trunk from the ground to the height of the second branch. c. Secure tree wrap in place with twine wound spirally downward in the opposite direction, tied around the tree in at least 3 places in addition to the top and bottom. d. Wrap the trees in the fall and leave the wrap in place throughout the winter and early spring. d. Tree wraps are temporary and no longer needed once the trees develop corky bark. 3. Staking/Guying: a. Stake/guy all trees immediately after lawn sodding operations and prior to acceptance. b. Stake deciduous trees 2" caliper and less. Stake evergreen trees under 7'-0" tall. 1. Stakes are placed in line with prevailing wind direction and driven into undisturbed soil. 2. Ties are attached to the tree, usually at the lowest branch. C. Guy deciduous trees over 2" caliper. Guy evergreen trees 7'-0" tall and over. 1. Guy wires to be attached to three stakes driven into undisturbed soil, with one stake placed in the direction of the prevailing wind. 2. Ties are attached to the tree as high as practical. 3. The axis of the stake should be at 90 degree angle to the axis on the pull of the guy wire. 4. Remove all guying and staking after one year from planting. Pruning: 1. Prune deciduous trees and evergreens only to remove broken or damaged branches WORKMANSHIP During landscape/irrigation installation operations, all areas shall be kept neat and clean. Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to existing structures. All work shall be performed in a safe manner to the operators, the occupants and any pedestrians. Upon completion of installation operations, all excess materials, equipment, debris and waste material shall be cleaned up and removed from the site; unless provisions have been granted by the owner to use on -site trash receptacles. Sweep parking and walks clean of dirt and debris. Remove all plant tags and other debris from lawns and planting areas. Any damage to the landscape, the structure, or the irrigation system caused by the landscape contractor shall be repaired by the landscape contractor without charge to the owner. MAINTENANCE Contractor shall provide maintenance until work has been accepted by the Owner's Representative. Maintenance shall include mowing, fertilizing, mulching, pruning, cultivation, weeding, watering, and application of appropriate insecticides and fungicides necessary to maintain plants and lawns free of insects and disease. 1. Re -set settled plants to proper grade and position. Restore planting saucer and adjacent material and remove dead material. 2. repair guy wires and stakes as required. Remove all stakes and guy wires after 1 year. 3. Correct defective work as soon as possible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permit. 4. Water trees, plants and ground cover beds within the first 24 hours of initial planting, and not less than twice per week until final acceptance. � N��il � �����''�� 11.11fillm I I ! I - The Contractor shall provide as a separate bid, maintenance for a period of 1 year after final acceptance of the project landscaping. The Contractor must be able to provide continued maintenance if requested by the Owner or provide the name of a reputable landscape contractor who can provide maintenance. STANDARDS All landscape maintenance services shall be performed by trained personnel using current, acceptable horticultural practices. All work shall be performed in a manner that maintains the original intent of the landscape design. All chemical applications shall be performed in accordance with current county, state and federal laws, using EPA registered materials and methods of application. These applications shall be performed under the supervision of a Licensed Certified applicator. APPROVALS Any work performed in addition to that which is outlined in the contract shall only be done upon written approval by the Owner's Representative (General Manager of the restaurant). All seasonal color selections shall be approved by the General Manager prior to ordering and installation. SOIL TESTING The maintenance contractor shall perform soil tests as needed to identify imbalances or deficiencies causing plant material decline. The owner shall be notified of the recommendation for approval, and the necessary corrections made at an additional cost to the owner. Acceptable Soil Test Results Landscape Trees and Shrubs Turf pH Range Organic Matter >1.5% >2.5% Magnesium (Mg) 100+Ibs./acre 100+Ibs./acre Phosphorus (P205) 150+Ibs./acre 150+Ibs./acre Potassium (K20) 120+Ibs./acre 120+Ibs./acre Soluble salts/ Not to exceed 900ppm/1.9 mmhos/cm Not to exceed 750ppm/0.75 mmhos/cm Conductivity in soil; not to exceed 1400 ppm/2.5 in soil; not to exceed 2000 ppm/2.0 mmhos/cm in high organic mix mmhos/cm in high organic mix For unusual soil conditions, the following optional tests are recommended with levels not to exceed: Boron 3 pounds per acre Manganese 50 pounds per acre Potassium (K20) 450 pounds per acre Sodium 20 pounds per acre WORKMANSHIP During landscape maintenance operations, all areas shall be kept neat and clean. Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to existing structures. All work shall be performed in a safe manner to the operators, the occupants and any pedestrians. Upon completion of maintenance operations, all debris and waste material shall be cleaned up and removed from the site, unless provisions have been granted by the owner to use on -site trash receptacles. Any damage to the landscape, the structure, or the irrigation system caused by the maintenance contractor, shall be repaired by the maintenance contractor without charge to the owner. GENERAL CLEAN UP Prior to mowing, all trash, sticks, and other unwanted debris shall be removed from lawns, plant beds, and paved areas. MOWING Warm season grasses (i.e. Bermuda grass) shall be maintained at a height of 1" to 2" during the growing season. Cool season grasses, including blue grass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, etc., shall be maintained at a height of 2" to 3" in spring and fall. From June through September, mowing height shall be maintained at no less than 3". The mowing operation includes trimming around all obstacles, raking excessive grass clippings and removing debris from walks, curbs, and parking areas. Caution: Weed eaters should NOT be used around trees because of potential damage to the bark. EDGING Edging of all sidewalks, curbs and other paved areas shall be performed once every other mowing. Debris from the edging operations shall be removed and the areas swept clean. Caution shall be used to avoid flying debris. LIMING & FERTILIZING A soil test shall be taken to determine whether an application of limestone in late fall is necessary. If limestone is required, the landscape contractor shall specify the rate, obtain approval from the owner and apply it at an additional cost. A unit price for liming of turf shall accompany the bid based on a rate of 50 pounds per 1000 square feet. Fertilizer shall be applied in areas based on the existing turf species. LAWN WEED CONTROL: HERBICIDES Selection and proper use of herbicides shall be the landscape contractor's responsibility. All chemical applications shall be performed under the supervision of a Licensed Certified Applicator. Read the label prior to applying any chemical. INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL FOR TURF The contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the site conditions on each visit to determine if any insect pest or disease problems exist. The contractor shall identify the insect pest or disease, as well as the host plant, and then consult the most current edition of the Cooperative Extension Service's "Commercial Insecticide Recommendation for Turf' for control. The licensed applicator shall be familiar with the label provided for the selected product prior to application. Inspection and treatment to control insect pests shall be included in the contract price TREES, SHRUBS, & GROUND COVER PRUNING All ornamental trees, shrubs and ground cover shall be pruned when appropriate to remove dead or damaged branches, develop the natural shapes. Do not shear trees or shrubs. If previous maintenance practice has been to shear and ball, then a natural shape will be restored gradually. Pruning Guidelines: 1. Prune those that flower before the end of June immediately after flowering. Flower buds develop during the previous growing season. Fall, winter or spring pruning would reduce the spring flowering display. 2. Prune those that flower in summer or autumn in winter or spring before new growth begins, since these plants develop flowers on new growth. 3. Delay pruning plants grown for ornamental fruits, such as cotoneasters, pyracanthas and viburnums. 4. Hollies and other evergreens may be pruned during winter in order to use their branches for seasonal decoration. However, severe pruning of evergreens should be done in early spring only. 5. Broadleaf evergreen shrubs shall be hand -pruned to maintain their natural appearance after the new growth hardens off. 6. Hedges or shrubs that require shearing to maintain a formal appearance shall be pruned as required. Dead wood shall be removed from sheared plants before the first shearing of the season. 7. Conifers shall be pruned, if required, according to their genus. A. Yews, junipers, hemlocks, arborvitae, and false -cypress may be pruned after new growth has hardened off in late summer. If severe pruning is necessary, it must be done in early spring. B. Firs and spruces may be lightly pruned in late summer, fall, or winter after completing growth. Leave side buds. Never cut central leader. C. Pines may be lightly pruned in early June by reducing candles. 8. Groundcover shall be edged and pruned as needed to contain it within its borders. 9. Thinning: Remove branches and water sprouts by cutting them back to their point of origin on parent stems. This method results in a more open plant, without stimulating excessive growth. Thinning is used on crepe myrtle, lilacs, viburnums, smoke bush,etc. 10. Renewal pruning: Remove oldest branches of shrub at ground, leaving the younger, more vigorous branches. Also remove weak stems. On overgrown plants, this method may be best done over a three-year period. Renewal pruning may be used on abelia, forsythia, deutzia, spiraea, etc. Plants overhanging passageways and parking areas and damaged plants shall be pruned as needed. Shade trees that cannot be adequately pruned from the ground shall not be included in the Maintenance Contract. A certified arborist under a separate contract shall perform this type of work. SPRING CLEANUP Plant beds shall receive a general cleanup before fertilizing and mulching. Cleanup includes removing debris and trash from beds and cutting back herbaceous perennials left standing through winter, e.g. ornamental grasses, Sedum Autumn Joy. FERTILIZING For trees, the rate of fertilization depends on the tree species, tree vigor, area available for fertilization, and growth stage of the tree. Mature specimens benefit from fertilization every 3 to 4 years; younger trees shall be fertilized more often during rapid growth stages. The current recommendation is based on the rate of 1000 square feet of area under the tree to be fertilized. For deciduous trees, 2 to 6 pounds of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet; for narrow -leaf evergreens, 1 to 4 pounds of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet; for broadleaf evergreens, 1 to 3 pounds of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Shrubs and groundcover shall be top dressed with compost 1 deep, or fertilized once in March with 10-6-4 analysis fertilizer at the rate of 3 pounds per 100 square feet of bed area. Ericaceous material shall be fertilized with an ericaceous fertilizer at the manufacturer's recommendation rate. If plants are growing poorly, a soil sample should be taken. MULCHING Annually, all tree and shrub beds will be prepared and mulched, to a minimum depth of 3" with quality mulch to match existing. Bed preparation shall include removing all weeds, cleaning up said bed, edging and cultivating decayed mulch into the soil. Debris from edging is to be removed from beds where applicable. If deemed necessary, a pre -emergent herbicide may be applied to the soil to inhibit the growth of future weeds. Organically maintained gardens shall not receive any pre -emergent herbicides. Mulch in excess of 4" will be removed from the bed areas. SPECIAL CARE shall be taken in the mulching operation not to over -mulch or cover the base of trees and shrubs. This can be detrimental to the health of the plants. WEEDING All beds shall be weeded on a continuous basis throughout the growing season to maintain a neat appearance at all times. Pre -emergent (soil -applied) and post -emergent (foliar-applied) herbicides shall be used where and when applicable and in accordance with the product's label. INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL: TREES, SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVER The maintenance contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the landscape site on a regular basis. The monitoring frequency shall be monthly except for growing season, which will be every other week. Trained personnel shall monitor for plant damaging insect activity, plant pathogenic diseases and potential cultural problems in the landscape. The pest or cultural problem will be identified under the supervision of the contractor. For plant damaging insects and mites identified in the landscape, the contractor shall consult and follow the recommendations of the most current edition of the state Cooperative Service publication on insect control on landscape plant material. Plant pathogenic disease problems identified by the contractor that can be resolved by pruning or physical removal of damaged plant parts will be performed as part of the contract. For an additional charge, plant pathogenic diseases that can be resolved through properly timed applications of fungicides shall be made when the owner authorizes it. If the contractor notes an especially insect -or disease -prone plant species in the landscape, he/she will suggest replacement with a more pest -resistant cultivar or species that is consistent with the intent of the landscape design. NOTE: For identification of plant -damaging insects and mites, a reference textbook that can be used is Insects that feed on Trees and Shrubs by Johnson and Lyon, Comstock Publishing Associates. For plan pathogenic diseases, two references are suggested: Scouting and Controlling Woody Ornamental Diseases in Landscapes and Nurseries, authorized by Gary Moorman, published by Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, and Diseases of Trees and Shrubs by Sinclair and Lyon, published by Comstock Publishing Press. TRASH REMOVAL The maintenance contractor shall remove trash from all shrub and groundcover beds with each visit. LEAF REMOVAL All fallen leaves shall be removed from the site in November and once in December. If requested by the owner, the maintenance contractor, at an additional cost to the owner shall perform supplemental leaf removals. WINTER CLEAN-UP The project shall receive a general clean-up once during each of the winter months, i.e., January, February, and March. Clean-up includes: • Cleaning curbs and parking areas Removing all trash and unwanted debris • • Turning mulch where necessary • Inspection of grounds The installation of perennials, annuals, and bulbs, unless specified herein, shall be reviewed with the owner, and, if accepted, installed and billed to the owner. SEASONAL COLOR MAINTENANCE Perennialization of Bulbs: 1. After flowering, cut off spent flower heads. 2. Allow leaves of daffodils and hyacinths to remain for six weeks after flowers have faded. Cut off at base. 3. Allow leaves of other bulbs to yellow naturally and then cut off at base. 4. Apply fertilizer after flowering in spring, possibly again in fall. Apply 10-10-10 at the rate of 2 pounds per 1000 square feet, or top -dress with compost 1" deep. Fall fertilization with a bulb fertilizer or mulching with 1" of compost is optional. Flower Rotation: 1. Bulbs: Remove the entire plant and bulb after flowers have faded or at the direction of the owner, and install new plants if included in contract. 2. Summer Annuals or Fall Plants: a. Dead heading: Pinch and remove dead flowers on annuals as necessary. b. Fertilizing Summer Annuals: Fertilize using one or two methods: Apply a slow -release fertilizer in May following manufacturer's recommendations. A booster such as 10-10-10 may be necessary in late summer. Or, apply liquid fertilizations of 20-20-20 water-soluble fertilizers, not to exceed 2 pounds of 20-20-20 per 100 gallons of water, monthly; or mulch with compost 1" deep. c. Removal: If fall plants are to be installed, summer annuals shall be left in the ground until the first killing frost and then removed, unless otherwise directed by the owner. Perennials: 1. After initial installation, if a time -released fertilizer has been incorporated during plant installation, no more fertilizer need be applied the first growing season. 2. The following year: a. Fertilize perennials with a slow -release fertilizer or any 50% organic fertilizer, or mulch perennials with compost 1" deep. b. Cut all deciduous perennials flush to the ground by March 1, if this was not done the previous fall, to allow new growth to develop freely. c. Mulch the perennial bed once in early spring at 1"-2" depth. If soil is bared in late fall, re -mulch lightly after ground is frozen to protect perennials. d. Inspect for insect or disease problems on perennials. Monitor and control slugs on hostas and ligularias. Powdery mildew on phlox, monardas, and asters can be prevented with properly timed fungicides or use of disease -resistant varieties. e. Weed perennial bed as specified in "WEEDING" above.. f. Prune branching species to increase density. Cut only the flowering stems after blooming. Do not remove the foliage. 3. The following fall cut back deteriorating plant parts unless instructed to retain for winter interest, e.g. Sedum Autumn Joy and ornamental grasses. 4. Long-term Care: a. Divide plants that overcrowd the space provided. Divide according to the species. Some need frequent dividing, e.g. asters and yarrow every two years; other rarely, if ever, e.g. peonies, hosta, and astilbe. b. For detailed information regarding the care of specific perennials, refer to All About Perennials by Ortho; Perennials: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy by Pamela Harper and Frederick McGouty, Hp Books Publisher; Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise on their Identification, Culture and Garden Attributes by Allan Armitage, Stipes Pub LLC. .fir, tMA� LAWN MAINTENANCE 1. Soil analysis performed annually to determine pH. If pH does not fall within specified range, adjust according to soil test recommendations. 2. Maintain proper fertility and pH levels of the soil to provide an environment conducive to turf vitality for cool season grasses 3. Mow warm and cool season on a regular basis and as season and weather dictates. Remove no more than the top 1/3 of leaf blade. Clippings on paved and bed areas will be removed. 4. Aerate warm season turf areas to maintain high standards of turf appearance. 5. Apply pre -emergent to turf in two applications in early February and early April to extend barrier. 6. Apply post emergent as needed to control weeds. 7. Mechanically edge curbs and walks. 8. Apply non -selective herbicide, to mulched bed areas and pavement and remove excess runners to maintain clean defined beds. TREE, GROUNDCOVER, AND SHRUB BED MAINTENANCE 1. Prune shrubs, trees and groundcover to encourage healthy growth and create a natural appearance. 2. Mulch to be applied in February/March with a half rate in late summer to top dress. 3. Apply pre -emergent herbicides in February and April. 4. Manual weed control to maintain clean bed appearance. 5. Apply fungicides and insecticides as needed to control insects and disease. 6. Ornamental shrubs, trees and groundcovers to be fertilized three (3) times per year with a balanced material (January/February, April/May, and October/November) 7. Edge all mulched beds. 8. Remove all litter and debris. GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1. Remove all man-made debris, blow edges. 2. Inspect grounds on a monthly basis and schedule inspection with Unit Operator. ip " tv +0 . 3 +0 . 4 t.5 / .3 Q 00 0 N N a N N ro E M ro m c a �r 0 T N N O N O ro ro 0 G ro E L ro a 0 rn n U W 0 I-- 0 s 0 W 0 z v 0 00 M U) .9 +3.4 +3.7 +6.9 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 3/4"-I'-T +0.3 I � .4 �0 ti 0 +0 . 4 .4 +� \ 3 /0.1 +0.2 / +V1 3 V /f +0.5 +0.8 I .3 f r r � r r 1 r rr rr r r 2.4 I �r r -- r 7 r -- r 2 --:f 1 r 0 I ' I Lh ' I Z 2.9 .5 I + 4 +p ------------------------ --------------------gip 0.0 0 . 1 - - . 3 - - -- -- --- - 1.83 f 0 . Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qty Label Arrangement LLF Description Mounting Hgt Lum. Lumens + 6 L SINGLE 1.000 CRUS SM-SC-LED-SPECIAL-30 9'-6" 1856 2 OG-2 ETR BACK -BACK 1.000 GSM-XX-400-MH-XX--SL-FG-XX-X 20'-0IF 21106 3 OG-1 ETR SINGLE 1.000 GSM-XX-400-MH-XX-SL-FG-XX-X 201_0" 21106 --�--� 4 OD-1 ETR SINGLE 1.000 KSF2 400M R4W 20'-0" 22229 ETR=EXISTING TO REMAIN Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Av /Min Max/Min Meal Delivery Canopy Illuminance Fc 5.70 7.9 1.8 3.17 4.39 Order Canopy Property Line Illuminance Illuminance Fc Fc 5.80 0.41 10.6 2.9 1.5 0.0 3.87 N.A. 7.07 N.A. Site Illuminance Fc 3.90 22.3 0.0 N.A. N.A. Catalog #: _ Prepared By: EACH OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP THAT EMITS 3,000 OR MORE INITIAL LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUMINAIRE AND SHALL BE ARRANGED OR SHIELDED TO REFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND AWAY FROM ADJACENT ROADS. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM LUMINAIRES ONTO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY IN RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL AREAS ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE HALF FOOTCANDLE. Date: ScotatsdalW) Legacy (CRUS SM) LED Surface Mount Canopy Luminaire ME C@ 1lP6U 4, 1r1"THE USA L1�'rED Lumen Package 5,000 - 22,000 Wattage Range 38 -152 Efficacy Range (LPW) 114 -156 QUICI(I INKS Weight Ibs(kg) 32 (14.5) Urdvrlrig FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Project: 'type: plmr�slcns Construction Electrical Warranty • Features a ultra -slim 11/16" profile die-cast High performance factory programmable LSI LED fixtures carry a 5-year warranty housing, with flat clear tempered glass lens driver features over -voltage, under (contact your LSI representative for mounted to a die formed steel housing with voltage, short-circuit and over temperature extended warranty options.) one conduit knockout and four mounting protection with integral 6kV surge Listings holes. Unit is water-resistant, sealed and protection that meets IEEE C62.41.2 and IP66 rated. Integral designed heat sink ANSI C82.77-5 Location Category C Low - UL and ETL listed to UL 1598, UL 8750 does not trap dirt and grime, ensuring cool standards. and other U.S. and International safety running performance over the life of the .Additional field replaceable IOkV surge standards. Suitable for wet locations. fixture. protection device that meets a minimum - Meets Buy American Act requirements. - Standard color is white and is finished Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE . IDA compliant with 3000K or lower color with LSI's DuraGrip'polyester powder coat C62.41.2) Is standard. temperature. process. DuraGrip withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or •Driver components are fully encased in - Designl.jghts Consortium (DLC) qualified peeling. potting for moisture resistance, Complies product. Not all versions of this product p with IEC and FCC standards. 0-10 V may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC • Luminaire assembly incorporates a pressure dimming supplied standard with all drive Qualified Products List at www.designlights. stabilizing vent breather to prevent seal currents, org/QPL to confirm which versions are fatigue and failure. Universal voltage power supply, 120-277 qualified. Optical System VAC, 50/60 HZ and 347-480 VAC, 50/60 • Features an array of select, mid -power, high HZ input. brightness, high efficiency LED; 3000K, -40°C to 550C (-40°F to 131°F) ambient 4000K, 5000K color temperature, 80 CRI operating temperature. (Varies based on (nominal), lumen package and mounting style see - Choice of Symmetric or Asymmetric Performance data for specifics.) distribution. Asymmetric provides a wider Minimum 60,000 to 100,000 hours distribution pattern. depending upon the ambient temperature • Six Lumen Packages: 5,000, 9,000, 10,000, of the Installation location (see 13,000, 18,000 and 22,000 Lumens, performance data for specifics.) Lsl Industries Inc.10000 Alliance Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 - www.lsi-industries.com Page 1/4 Rev. 09/22/20 (513) 372-3200 ' Q2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. SPEC.1064.A.0820 Type: ScottsdaieO Legacy LED Surface Mount Canopy Luminaire ORDERING GUIDE Back to Quick Links TYPICALORDEREXAMPLE: CRUS SM SC LED VHO 50 UNv WHT Special -Custom Prefix Distribution Light Source Orive Current Color Temperature Input Voltage Finish Options CRUS SM (Surface Mount) SC - Standard Symmetricl FL151 SLW - Super Low Wait VLW - Very Law Watt 50 - 5000K 40 4000K UNY - Universal Voltage (120- 277V) BRZ -Bronze IDFL - Diffused Lens AC - Asymmetric' LW - Low Watt 30 - 30o0K HLK - Black SS - Super Saver 347 - 480 Van HO - High Output VHO - Very High Output FOOTNOTES: 1. AC distribution utilizes a reflector which alters the look from a standard SC distribution. Accessory Ordering Information Description Order Number SSA Slope Surface Adaptor 52152 CLR 10"Toggle Cable Hangar TCH10 PERFORMANCE Back to Quick Links DELIVERED LUMENS 3000K CCT 40DOK CG7 5000K COT Lumen Package D(strltndlon Delivered Lumens Efficacy BUG Rating Delivered Lumens Efficacy BUG Rating Delivered Lumens Elficacy BUG Rating Wattage aG Z}1f1## ll9 tip 21l135 - # � 04 ilt! tit 22,jtD1 z �al B i.<L1D�G2 14.�. P G .. " t.T11D . ; 11 . �9 )BSV : 1a"', �_..HO SC 17889 143 83-1.10-G1 18346 1 146 113-UO-02 19071 152 B4-1.10-02 AC 14582 lie 83-1.10-G2 14955 119 83-UO-02 15546 124 83-UO-02 125 ��_ -�� -• hf;' ._,'A t#i6 : 12"u .::': 93YUtrG2 ;: #1T8# :a -1� �k�4i1+�2;. �-..!��.. 13t .�3t#aG2 � � SC 10457 144 B3-UO-G1 10724 148 . 83-UO-G1 11148 154 B3-UO-G1 LW AC 0146 126 81-U0-G2 9379 129 82-UO-G2 9749 134 B2-UO-G2 73 YLNI f itc lddt f21 11 Ct rBr f#}zt~1fa Sc 5585 146 52-UG-G1 5728 . . . .=�i-i� . . . . . . 150 B2-UO-01 5954 156 82-UO-G1 SLW AC 1 4884 128 B1 UO Gl 5009 131 B1-1,10-01 5207 136 Bt-UO-GI 38 5200 Buffington Rd. Atlanta Georgia, 30349-2998 Revisions: Mark Date By A. 0 SEAL THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION. INTERPLAN-9. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING INTERIOR DESIGN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 604 COURTLAND STREET SUITE 100 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 PH 407.645.5008 FX 407.629.9124 STORE - CANOPY ROLLOUT PROGRAM FSU 3187 1626 RICHMOND RD CH ARLOTTESVI LLE, VA 22911 SHEET TITLE VERSION: V7.025 ISSUE DATE: 11-2020 'LEDs are frequently updated therefore values are nominal F= 'Electrical data at 25C (77F). Actual wattage may differ by +/-10%. OPERATING TEMPERATURE tUmr;NPACriA4E,,`. _'w;pteUN11Kl3 _ htaaw , ;1 VHO MetaliWood Canopy 45 C 55 Metal/Wood Canopy 55 C Recommended Lumen Maintenance' CRUS SM VHO w�:''Arr►6fen#TampC, Idllllx, _r24il�r,! SQkkr� . '� 15k.hi1;; �. ~Sta�c�r. _ �' 0 C 10210 97% 92% 85% 84% It1Z4 W :11 t 20 C 1011. 97% 92°% 88°% 84% f 300 102% 97% 92% 88% 84% 50 C 101% 94% 89% 83% 78% Recommended Lumen Mainlenance' CRUS SM SS 00 102% 97% 1 92% 88% 84% 20 C 102°% 97°% 92% 86% 84% ...''} 30 C 102°% 97% 92% 88% 84% << 50 C 101% 95% 91% 86% 1 82% Job N o. : 20.0979 S Store : 3187 0 Date : 11.2020 w W Drawn By : BM Z Checked By ; EAF LU VW- Z Sheet CD CD FOOTNOTES: m 1- Lumen maintenance values at 25'c are calculated per TM-21 based on LM-80 data and in -situ luminaire testing. �qt, 4SITE ` ` PHOTOMETRIC PLAN " O 2 - In accordance with IESNA TM-21-11. Projected Values represent interpolated value based on time durations that are within six times (6X) the IESNA LM-BO-03 total test duration (in hours) for the device `\`♦NN `10 under testing (DUT) i.e, the packaged LED). 3 - In accordance with IESNA TM-21-11, Calculated Values represent time durations that exceed six times NA LM-80-08 total test duration (in hours) for the device under testing (Du r) Le. the packaged LED). pp •� -Y to LS1 lndustrles Inc,10000 Alliance Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 - vvw a.lsi-industrles.com Page 2/4 Rev. 09/22/20 p (513) 372-3200 - U2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. SPEC.1064.A.0820E S U JONLOP - 05/02/2022 1:03:01 PM 10.0 +0.0 . .0 Q 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0. 3 . 6 10.5 +0.6 +0.5 +0.3 +0.2 +0.2 '0.1 +0.1 +0. 3 +0.2 +0.2 +0.3 +0.2 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 "0.0 -`0.0 +0.0 -+0.0 +0.0 `0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 r -+1 9 +1.0 +0.8 +0.8 + .5 +0.3 +0.2 +0.3 +0.5 +0.5 +0.6 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1 + .0 +0.0 + .0 +k o +0.0 + .0 +0.0 +0.1 + .4 +0.8 +1.1 +1.3 +Z.2 +1: +0.9 +0.7 .5 + +0.8 +1.0 +0.9 +0.8 +0.8 +0.4 +0.2 + -t +0. 0 +0.0 -+0.0 -'0.0 -,0.0 +0.0 +0. 0 +0. 0 +0. '0 Q�-O 0 �---+0.2____ +0. 5 +1. 0 .2 .4 +2.3 +4.2 +3.42'8 �1 8+1. 3 +1. 0 +'� + +1.4 +1.4 +1. 3 +1.4 +0. 7 +0. 3 +0.2� 1 +0.1 +0.0 -'0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. 0 IFUfi�j } .0 +0.0 +0.0 0 +0.0 fi=-�- . 5 +5.9 +4.4 +3. +1.6 + 7 +3.2 +3.0 :3 +1. 9 +1. 3 +o. +0.4 +0.2 +0.1 �+ -'0.0 -'0.0 -' + -9- Q 1 0.0 0.0 I + 0 :77- .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0 � .8 3 + 4 +7.0 �.4 +4. 5 �2.9 �' _ .0 +0.6 10.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 d + + + 0 +0 0.0 + + ; A� + + + + + -+ l 0. 0.0 +0.1 0 .7 .2 .9 t.6 < ,q � 0.1 t.0 t.9 �3.6 4: &� *8.3 4.2 +2.8 3.1 '2.5 .6 1.0 0. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.6- 0 '0. 0 .0 0 +0.0 + .0 +0.0 +0.1 +0. 5 .7 *4.'F *4 4� *4.2 *7.0 10.7 0 4 *7.6 .1 .0 .8 J.2 10.9 7 7 *4.2 2.7 +1.6 +1. 0 \ . 3 +o. 0010I / EX. TEL. PED. T ! Il o }0.0 +0.0 .0 +0.0 +0.1 +� +1.3 �`'1. ' *8 3 ! 0.0 .5 .0 .9 .9 9.1 10.0 12.6 1 �7.0 4.5 4, '� �� '2.8 + .8 +1.0 10.6 + + + 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 /,0.0 I EA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.1 0.1 0 �5 *8.9 t.8 A7.9 .0 t 3 - L .[YU0, 1 12. 10.3 t.2 .2 8.7 .6 4. '2. 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 z I v 9250j,, �� O G 1 - 0 '0.0 +0.0.1 OD1 1 +0.2 .6 7.7 t.1 t.4 t.5 1 �Q .8 8.0 t.1 0.6 � 0.3 t. t.7 t.1 t. 9 .0 + I'7. + +10.7 I 1.6 0.7 0.4 10+0.0 t0 \ I (0 + T0.0 +0. \ +0.2 +0.4 +1.0 *4.7 t.5 t.6 *4.5 *3.3 .2 4. 3 .4 *4.4 *4.5 t.8 t.9 t.7 t.1 �.3 t.1 t.2 t.3 1 .0 +4.1 1. 7 + 0 1 +0.0 � 1 +0.0 } .0 +0.1 1 +O. +0. 5 +1.3 �`Z. 5�� 1 *3.9 *4.9 *4.0 t.6 ;2.9 *4.0 *4.9 5 7 *4. 3 15.2 t. 0 t.1 t.7 *4.8 *4.9 .8 .4 +$ 4 +4. 3 .9 +0 8 +0. .2 + .1 +0.0 I P /+0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.3 6 + . 52.7 .0 X3.5 r3 6 t3 2 2 *4 7 *4 4 *3 5 *4 *4 7 *5 2 * 9 0 29 4 +5 � +0 +0 4 0 2 + 1 +0 0 +0. 0 +0. 0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.4 +0. 8 .7 5.0 � *4.2 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 + .2 +0.4 10.9 �1.8 *4.1 t.0 t.7 .0 +0.0 +0\Q +0.1 +0.2\ +0. 10.1 *4.6 t.6 t. 8 EX 15 I pG0 ' ESMNT• 2 0 B.1187, PG•28 6 t.9 t.8 *9.9 .4 +4.2 12.3 +0. +0.4 +0.2 �0.1 +0.0 I * I+ + + + 1+ 9 3 *8. 3 *7. 5 �.6 4. +3.1 1. 5 .9 -b 0. 0.1 0.1 +0.0 I I 8 I *8.1 *7.0 t.4 +1.8 +1.1 +0. 0.3 + +0.1 +0.0 -+0.0 OG2 I I 10 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 4.0 t.8 t.5 *7.1 *8.4 t.8 t.3 t.3 t.8 t2.2 t2.0 t.1 t.5 t.0 t.6 �7.4 �.0 t.2 .7 1.4 +0. 0.4 0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1 b.0 0\1 0.2 10. .7 t.1 x3 8 *3.5 4.2 4.4 4.1 *3.9 4.8 t.3 "22.0 �1.7 t2.5 t.9 t.0 t.0 *3.3 �`i x3, 5� +2.2 1.0 .5 +0. 0.1 0.1 +0.0 40.0 +0.0 0 0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0 �1.8 (� '2.5 �`Z.9 x3.6 *3. t. 1 . 6 4 .2 �1.7 1.9 "1.7 � .9 1.8 ! 4 0.7 +0.4 .2 0 1 0.1 0. +0.0 0.0 + . 0 +0.0 +a 1 1 +0.2 +�. 7 +2. 3. *4. *4. 3. "`2. 5 2. 0 .7 8 7 3 2 2 1 .9 +1. 1.2 +0. + +0.2 + -'0. 0 +0. I +0.0 �0.0 T W +0 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0. 0.3 +0.4 0.6 0.7. r6. 6 O 4.2 4.0 .5 8 0 1.8 +0.8 0.9 0.8.8 +0. 4 2 0.1 0.0 +0.00�0^ V 6G, +0. +0.0 0.0 0. 1 +0.2 'O. 3 +0.5 +3. 1 .1 .3 O� OJ OJ �3 a �7 0 4 �1.9 +1.1 + 0 +1 3 +1.6 +1. + .7 c e OH EX. VAR. WIDTH ACCESS EASEMENT \ +0.0 D. Q +�63 Pc. +�lr�-572 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 t. .3 t.4 0 i OH e 0 +3.1 +1.9 .3 +3.5 .3 +1.0 \ \ I OH(TYP) 0-0-� 1 � 9 .9 .3 4.1 �.4 t.4 *4.5 M 4.9 .1 3 � 6 .3 .4 4. 7 �> t.8 .0 .0 4.2 �.3 �.2 �.4 �OG2 +© +0: `0.0 +0.0 \+0.1 +0.1 +1 +0. +1. 1 * O L 0 ®1 J +4.3 '2.8 +4.5 +5.7.9 1 0 �.2 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0.1 0.1 +0.2 0.8 .4 1. �Z. 1.8 011 4.6 +2 4. 10.0 t.9 1.7 .4 0. \ \ OL I +0.0 +0.0 \ +� .0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .1 +0. +0. t.9 1. 3. �1.4 0� OJ .4 +16.2 +2.5 +0. 8 +0.4 +0. I +0.0 +0.0 {0 . .0 +0.0 `0.0 +0% +0.0 +0.1\ +0 . +0.4 .4 �1. 3 t2.1 `3 . .8 ° 6 . +7.2 '2. +1. 4 +0 . +0 2 EX.LIGHT POLE i O I 0i OA \ e e OG3 I +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. +0.0 +0.1 +0. +0. 1.6 *3.4 *3.8 0 ___ 8.5 t.7 .9 t.9 *3.1 3 9 +2.1 10.2 +5.8 +1 +1.2 +0.6 +f .2 OH( YP) 0 b.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + .0 +0.0 `0.0 -- 40 -+0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 D.8 .5 t2.6 ® .2 *4.3 - 1 .0 +1.3 �.9 46.6 +7.9 +0.6 +0.3 +0. \ 0 0 + + \,+O. +e0+ + +++ +.0 0.0 0.0 ODD - 0 0.0 0.0 +0.0 .0 0.0 0 +0. 0.1 'b.7 1. 4. �.4 �`3.3 r 3 +0. 3 +0.3 +0.4 +0.6 +2. 4. .4 +0. 0.2 0.1 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 �-- e e e X.15 CENTEL EASEL D. B. 1132, PG. 109 / \ (S fl. P. B. X1, PG. 1 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0/ 9-0- 0 0.0 0. 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +1.8 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.2 10.2 +0.3 +1 082 V8' Pii - 09 .5 +1 1 +0.3 --`U.0 .0 +0.0 TO.O \ EX. TEL. \ _ �+ + + + -IT + + + \ f 0 T + + + + + + + + + + + + +1.4 + + + +0.2 1 }0.0 0 +0.0 +0.0 f7 0 0.0 0.0 0.Oso�& 0 C,Q.QF- EX.1�-QA. TELE.O.O 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 .3 2. 8_ . I TGPH. CO. ESMT. ,�'x.SPRINT TC EX.15' CENTRAL TELE CO. EASEMENT -'� D.B. 530, PG. 293 PED. D. S. 1135, PG. 60 & 66 1�0.0 +0. 0 +0. 0 +0.0 A. +0.0 +0.0 +0 0' + . 0 +0.0 ED. +O -+0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 ;0.1 0.1 0+-10 0---+E} 0--_ __ -0_1_ _ +0.1 p . 2 + . 3 +0.6 + 0. 7 _____ +a. - aER-o T(?^ 0 +0 . --�-=0-. 0 C L OF EX. VA. EX.15 CENTEL ESMT C D.B. 1132, PG 109 + + + + o + '-0.0 + \ + + + + TELE. & TGPH. CO.P o . 07 + D.B. +1138, PG. +467-469 + + + + + + , + + + o.o O.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0� 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.o 0.0 8.o46a �o.© o.o o.o o.o o.0 0.0 (s4JQ.B. X/, Ago 104)-0.1 0.1 0.2 .3 0.3 2 0.1 o O.o 0.0 0.0 E TEL � \ PEX.ED. / T§1 C Tcf +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 + . 8�.0 +0.0 .} .0 +0.0 +0.0 + .0 +0.0 - +o.0- +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +o.o +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.1 +0.1 + .0 +0.0 +0.0 -+0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 -^ TC CEN ;��Or O- 0. 0 +0. +0. 0 +0.0 F . 0 +0. 0 +0. 0 +010 +0. 0 +0. 0 +0. 0 +0. 0 r0. 0 +0. 0 +0. 0 T0. 0 +0. 0 +o . 0 T0. 0 +o . 0 +0.0 +0.0 T e0 T0.0 T0. 0 +0. 0 r0. 0 + . 0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. 0 r0. 0 +QF ���M +0.0 �s�a �.1 0. � +0. 0 �+� o� 105, RW-201) k 4iN:m I V s SCALE: 1 "-20'-0" 0 10 20 30 40 SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE (LUMINAIRE) SCHEDULE CHICKiiiiiii=FIL-A MARK QTY SYMBOL MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER NO. LAMPS/TYPE SYL LAMP NO. LUMENS WATTS VOLTS MOUNTING HEIGHT LLF OD1 4 LITHONIA KSF2-400M-R4W-TB-SCWA-SP09-DBL-LPL 1-M400/PS/U/BT28 64320 38,000 EA 456 EA 120 20' 1 * OG1 2 LITHONIA KSF2-400M-R4SC-TB-SCWA-SP09-DBL-LPL 1-M400/PS/U/BT28 64320 38,000 EA 456 EA 120 20' 1 * OG2 2 <p • p> LITHONIA KSF2-400M-R4SC-TB-SCWA-SP09-DBL-LPL 1-M400/PS/U/BT28 64320 38,000 EA 456 EA 120 20' 1 * OG3 1 LITHONIA KSF2-400M-R3-TB-SCWA-SP09-HS-DBL-LPL 1-M400/PS/U/BT28 64320 38,000 EA 456 EA 120 20' 1 * OA t B SECURITY RWSC-50PMH-FT-BK-120 1-MP50/U/MED 64587 3,450 72 120 13'5" 1 OH 42 � COOPER RL460WH830PK (PROVIDED WITH CANOPY PACKAGE) INTERGRAL N/A 600 10.5 120 9'4" / 11'41$ 1 * OJ 10 SECURITY RWSC-50PMH-WD-BK-120 1-MP50/U/MED 64587 3,450 72 120 1315" 1 * OIL 2 � ECLIPSE TY20-WM-LEDD-3K- 1 20-ED-BK-ARM6-WET INTERGRAL N/A N/A 25 120 14' 1 POLE FIXTURE SCHEDULE MARK Q71' MANUFACTURER CATALOG NUMBER ANCHOR BOLT SET POLE BASE HEIGHT OPTIONS *OG/OD 9 LITHONIA SSS-18-4C-DM19/DM28-DBL ABSSS-4C 2' NOTES: 1. DRILL MOUNT THE ARMS/BRACKETS FOR THE LUMINAIRES TO THE POLES. 2. NOT USED * 3, THE ASTERIK (*) BESIDE THE FIXTURE MARK IN THE ABOVE SCHEDULE INDICATES THE FIXTURE IS ANON- PROTOTYPICAL LIGHT FIXTURE PER THE CFA NATIONAL PROTOTYPE. STATISTICS Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Calc Zone + 1.8 fc 19.2 fc 0.0 fc N / A N / A Parking Lot Summary X 5.3 fc 19.2 fc 0.4 fc 48.0:1 13.3:1 EACH OUTDOOR LUM I NA I RE EQUIPPED WITH A LAMP THAT EMITS 3)000 OR MORE INITIAL LUMENS SHALL BE A FULL CUTOFF LUM I NA I RE AND SHALL BE ARRANGED OR SHIELDED TO REFLECT LIGHT AWAY FROM ADJOINING RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND AWAY FROM ADJACENT ROADS. THE SPILLOVER OF LIGHTING FROM LUMINAIRES ONTO PUBLIC ROADS AND PROPERTY IN RESIDENTIAL OR RURAL ZONING D I STR 1 CTS SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE HALF FOOTCANDLE, -IEDULE )LE ® Catalog fA LITIV07VIA LAGMT17VO Number Notes FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE —Ideal for car lots, street lighting or parking areas. Type CONSTRUCTION —Rugged, .063" thick, aluminum rectilinear housing. Formed for weather -tight seal and integrity. Naturally anodized, extruded aluminum door frame with mitered corners, is retained with two J88" diameter hinge pins and secured with one quarter -turn, quick -release fastener. Weatherproof seal Area lighting 4@0 between housing and door frame is accomplished with an integrally designed, extruded silicone gasket that snaps into the door frame, and another gasket applied to the housing. IF 5 ;Z / Finish: Standard finish is dark bronze (DDB), polyester powder finish with other architectural colors available. OPTICS — Reflectors are anodized and segmented for superior uniformity and control. Reflectors attach with tool -less fasteners and are rotatable and Interchangeable, Five cutoff distributions available: Type II ad`way pe III (asymmetric), Type IV (forward throw, sharp cutoff),Type IV (wide, forward throw),Type METAL HALIDE: 250-40OW V(s uare),Le is.125"thick impact -resistant tempered glass with thermally applied silk-screened shield. LECTR AL Ballast: Constant wattage autotransformerfor 250-400W.Super CWApulse-start ballast HIGH PRESSURESODIUM:200-400W require W a (SCWA option). Super (WA (pulse start ballast), 88% efficient and EISA 15' t0 25' Mounting le. I.tioncorn t,Isrequire 250-40OW (SCWA option) for U.S. shipments only. CSA or INTL required ir pro t" ship 'de tl U.S. Specifications sts or 00 ctory-te d. EPA: 2.0 ft1(.28 in) (includes arm) Socketisp Blain, rizo ymo d ulbas odwtwith copper alloy, nickel-platedscrewshell and center Length: 24-19/32 (62.5) O contact. UL It 150 -600V. Vfldth:17-25/32 (62.5) II INSTALLATION=Ext edal nu for orw oun' is shipped in frxturecarton.Optional Depth: 8-5/16 (21.1) Arm—F— L --� mountings available. Ann:4 (10,2) Mounting option Drilling template LISTING — UL listed (standard). A Cer ed (see tions NOM rt d (s Options), UL listed for25°C *Weight:52 Ibs (23.6 kg) ambient temperature and wet locations.' 65 ra SPxx, RPxx, DA12P 5 Note: Spedficationssubject to change ivithoutnot/ce. *Weight All dimensions are inches ( configured iexample below.centimeters) unless WBxx, DA12WO 6 o( otherwise specified. WW;a 7 For shortest lea lines n ur n its Example: KSF2 OM R3 T WASP 4 LPI t o s t ti t , to a e prod usi a aided o�40 B SC 0 KSF2 ,V A .may. "3r �„ a.+ ... � .. ,'. .. .c ... z2 x ��.�Wv'-•'•.x S v: 1r.-:' � :.Ie : :. _ e. .�'�..s , € @ ,erg, 7 •K �f�+ w"',�" .. .'�1 c.... x.. ..y � ,_. ,...;� leers �Nvii' �G r r , 1' �-v'p�' .{." ., .^. ya,rr.. Y �,. - ;. . '.d?. ,xH - .k r .. .. � '.� :,;: a� '.»°3? s✓ i�r "�..k.,.�7. ., - «. r' �N ., "°-. .. ,-'3'- . ,- .,. �^,, -. �` r�`(A.t� x%`. �^4 �& gum t • :. .,r ^N"�tii '{, Alf . , Y � �,a�rt-'�, � �'u3t.P• W ...a'Cd��'�6SNYr3u''�+.`4a 120 347 KSF2 Metal halide R2 Type II roadway ank d netic T e Arm len th' Shipped separately 250MI 350M1,1'" R3 Type III asymmetric 2081 4801 nta Nattag SP uare pole 04 4"arm DA12P Degree arfn, pole 320M1•I 400M'-1 R45C Type IV forward 2406 TBr Olat — Roun ole 06 Varm DA12WB Degree arm, wall High pressure throw, sharp cutoff\\r 277 23050HZI "T: Wg bra t 09 9" aim KMA Mast arm adapter sodium' R0 Type IV wide, forward throw SCWA SuperC pu se- (( W — I dpo 0 12, KTMB Twin mounting bar 200S 4005 R55 Type Vsquare start ballast 2505 NOTE For shipments to U.S. territories, SCWA must be specified to comply with EISA. .- t�',S ',N =r'1 ... ,^.!ro.�.u•'.e �' Lam. . _v. �..i + . .4� ..,r..-.'i'"'F,.. .�d F-G`a.J;$.. r:. � n�"..} � ��5� •.,. ... �. .�*"-,.aC'" ....,.F{.;Y..+ ��kji`ak"x s ;fi,....i! ?k Y rye. '.�S sk ., n..,✓ :w -k. ��`-. --. �.. ,�,_. Sped installed in fixture EC Emergency circuit" hi ped separatelX13 (blank) Dark bronze C ros! P! m PER NEMA twist -lock receptacle (SA CSA Certified PE1 NEMA twist -lock PE(120,208,24OV) DWH White re tan s in ed only (no photocontrol) NOM NOM Certified' PE3 NEMA twist -lock PE (347V) DBL Black CRT Non 'ck ss la SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V) g INTL Available for MH probe -start PE4 NEMA twlst-lock PE (480V) DMB Medium protecti coating" n/a TB ,° shipping outside the U.S. PE7 NEMA twist -lock PE (277V) bronze OF Double fuse (208, 240, 48OV) n/a TB KW1 KlloWatch• 120V control relay12 SC Shorting cap for PER option DNA Natural QRS Quartz restrike system" KW4 KlloWatch' 277V control relaf 14,s HS House side shield (R2, R3} ' aluminum NiG�rrrilw FRIENDL QRSTD QRS time delay' �� REGCt California Title 20 effective 1/1/2010 VG Vandal guard'" L & Green Clbb6 s° altars, ro, i hr polldo e&u-flan .-. fi M V 4 - ' �,^ *: t+.:.lsv'`-` ,{(�yrrrr Lc}r rr�. p r;` :rs - t' ',. }w �Y.rFIIO,#irtl..::�dG' ?L� .z �ryg ,.�. .«.r. �:.�`.., ,". .,,,a_..., � x*''''. �..,_ > u,—.,- Tenon O.D. One Two@1800Two@90'13 19 Three@1200 Three@90°11 Four@900 2-3/8' (6) T1O-190 T20-280 T20-290 120-320 T20-390 120-490 2-7/8' (7.3) T25-190 T25-280 T25-290 125-320 T25-390 T25490 4-(10.2) T35-190 T35-280 T35-290 135-320 T35-390 T35490 OUTDOOR Notes drilling pattern. 1 Tftrse wattages the REMI option to be risen fa shipments irk C_Amla€ofTite2ooxrpbv25WVtftEGC1'srwtavaWj!h1347V r4VL 10 Must specify voltage. Notavailable withTB. 2 Use reduced jacketed lamp, 11 Maximum allowable wattage lamp included. 3 Must be ordered with SCWA. 12 YlloWatdt•contro6area'railableonlyvVah2505or400S. 4 These wattages donotcornplywith (alifomiaTite20regulation,. 13 May be ordered as an accessory. 5 Not available with SCWA. 14 Prefix with K51`2 when ordering as an accessory, 6 Must specify CWI for use in Canada, 15 Available with R2 and R3 distributlons only. 7 Optional multi -tap ballast (120, 208, 240, 277V); (120, 277, 16 Seewww lair .cotrJ )dOrskfadd&Mc,*Opw . 347V in Canada). 17 Black finish only, 8 Consultfactory for available wattages. 18 Must be specified. 9 Use 9" arm when two or more luminaires are oriented on a 90° 19 Must use RP09 orRP12. KSF2-M-S OD1: KSF2-400M—R4W—TB—"SCWA—SP09—DBL—LP1 OG1: KSF2-40OM—R4SC—TB—SCWA—SP09—DBL—LP1 OG2: KSF2-400M—R4SC—TB—SCWA—SP09—DBL—LP1 OG3: KSF2-40OM—R3—TB—SCWA—SP09—HS—DBL—LP1 location listing. The RL4 die-cast construction makes any housing AIR-T1TE for added HVAC savings and code compliance. SPECIFICATION FEATURES k ; MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Warranty Module -Trim Power Connections Cooper Lighting provides a five= i • Module construction includes LED connector is a non -screw year limited warranty on the RL4 LED, heat sink, reflector, lens, base luminaire disconnect LED. - baffle and trim ring offering easy installation with CpMPL1ANCEM'� • Durable die-cast aluminum the matching Halo H995 Series housings. Labels��,s N construction • Regressed baffle • LED Connector meets California . UUcUL Listed 1598 Luminaire 1, Heat sink designed to conduct Title-24 high -efficacy luminaire (with listed housings) UUcUL Listed far Damp heat away from the LED requirement for a non -screw LocationiL4�fsOWW ,l• keeping the junction temperatures below specified base socket, and where required to qualify as a ° UVctListed for Wet White maximums, even when high -efficacy luminaire . Location —Shower Applications fP65 Ingress Protection rated installed in insulated ceiling environments . The included E26 medium , May be installed in housings � + Halo finish options screw -base Edison adapter in direct contact with air - -Matte White paint finish {WH) provides easy retrofit of incandescent housings (see permeable insulation" and combustible material - Satin Nickel plated finish (SN) Housing Compatibility), Lens Ground Connection Qualification . ENERGY STARQqualified „ • Regressed lens • Impact -resistant polycarbonate + Separate grounding cable residential and commercial" r` • Convex form for lamp -like included on the RL4 module for attachment to the housing g • Can be used for State of during installation. Calif orrliaTitle 24 high efficacy luminaire compliance* • High lumen transmission Diffusing for even illumination LED Driver • Can be used for Washington State Energy Code RL460S ' MOUNTING • Dimmable driver is a 120 Volt, high efficiency, electronic (WSEC) and International Energy Satin Nickel Friction Blades supply providing DC Conservation Code • Precision formed spring blades power to the LED. (IECC) high efficacy luminaire 80CRI secure module to compatible p •Driver meets FCC EMI/RFI compliance p 2700K, 3000K and 3500K housings. • Friction blade design allows Consumer Level limits for use IC and AIR-TITE- 90CRi the RL4 to be installed in any in residential and commercial installations. Certified under ASTM-E283 2700K, 3000K and 3600K position within the housing aperture (360 degrees). , Driver features high power and listed UUcUL 1598 with compatible housings, may 4-Inch LEA Housing Compatibility factor, IowTHD, and has integral thermal protection in be used to meet insulated ceiling** and restricted alr-flow Recessed Retrofit See Housing Compatibility the event of over temperature requirements such as: Module -Trim section. or internal failure. • Washington State Energy LED • Driver mounts externally to Code (WSEC) • ColorTemperature (CCT)t the module, allowing future replacement, if needed. e International Energy Options: 2700K, 3000K, and Conservation Code (IECC) FOR USE IN Dimming • New York State Energy INSULATED CEILING • Color Rendering Index (CRI)( °rig Halo RL4 LED is designed Conservation Construction AND NON -INSULATED Options: 80 and 90 for dimming capability to 10% in normal operation Code {NY-ECCC) • State of California Title 24 CEILING RATED • LED is a chip on board design consisting of a multiple LED with standard 120V LED -Rated, "Recessed Luminaires in HOUSINGS package with proximity electronic low voltage, and Insulated Ceilings." phosphor coating to create rnany incandescent dimmers. HIGH EFFICACY L E D one virtual white light The LED module may also WITH INTEGRAL source for a productive dim to 5% nominal using DRIVER - DIMMABLE "cane of light" dimmers with low end trim adjustment. (Consult dimmer 2700K manufacturer for dimmer details. Note, some dimmers IECC ;WSECr " n V" ,= 4109 require a neutral in the wallbox.) 3000K * Qualified and compliant. Refer to ENERGY STAR® Qualified Products Ust and CEC (r24) Appliance Database for listings. rA" UZ "A 41WK %M 6WM , 8 3500K...., E,b rra'.r MX Y"K 41MK 9= fiWM ADV131345 COOPER Lighting Not for use with housings in direct contact with spray foam insulation. t See ordering information table for available models. November 15, 201310:57 AM , RL460WH830PK (PROVIDED WITH CANOPY PACKAGE) og fALIT"MMIA LAG"TIM0 Number Notes FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE —Square straight steel pole for up to 39-foot mounting height. 1Ype CONSTRUCTION —Weldable-grade, hot -rolled, commerdal-quality carbon steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55,000 ps! (I I -gauge), or 50,000 psi (7-gauge). Uniform wall thickness of .1196" or .1793". Shaft is one-piece with a full-length longitudinal high -frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross-section with flat sides, small corner radii and excellent torsional qua litles. Available shaft widths are Anchor Base Poles 4,5 and 6 inches. Anchor base Is fabricated from hot -rolled carbon steel plate conforming to ASTM A36, that meets or exceeds a minimum -yield strength of 36,000 psi. Base plate and shaft are dreumferentially welded top and bottom. "S Base cover is finished to match pole. S 5A A handhole having nominal dimensions of 3" x 5" for all shafts. Included is a cover with attachment screws. Top cap provided with all drill -mount and open top "PT" poles. Fasteners are high -strength galvanized, zinc -plated or stainless steel. SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL Finish: Must specify finish. Grounding: Provision located Immediately Inside handhole rim. Grounding hardware is not Included (provided by others). Anchor bolts: Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A-153. Made of steel rod having a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi. Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Actual performance may differ as a result of end -user environment and application. t ' ► + ' , + + Lead times will vary depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative. 1=1 Example: SSS 20 5C DM19 DDB SSS 1a . .- C F,+C 5` I.C�?§..e ...> 1i v«. '4.R yy r[Lnrs� � Hs• .✓—h.:: � +N -'�' 'ir'R,' =F/ -°V � 4� ,q� $ � i 9 Srh�: f '> a"� rt. .v5 � ""1.., '3 h ..5�o, .- � .�� �.��: �. MI ,p, .� _ Y� u ,mot ..l {4�, x.. � _:.I - Yam. SSS 10-39feet (Seebackpage.) Tenonmountln[t AERIS'4Suspend drill 5hippedinstalled Standard colors (Seebackpage.) PT Open top (includes '• mounting L/AB Lessanchorbalts DDB Dark bronze DM1 a 1 1 t o top cap) a 9 ° VD Vibration damper DWH White T20 2-3/8" O.D. (2" NPS) OM28AST 2 at 180' TP Tamper proof DBL Black T25 2-718" O.D. (2-1/2" NPS) OM29AST_ 2 at 900 HI-18Sxx Horizontal arm bracket DMB Medium bronze T30 3-1/2" O.D. (3" NPS) i DM39AST_ 3 at 900 (1 fixture)"'' DNA Natural aluminum T35 4" O.D. (3-1/2" NPS) DM49AST_ 4 at 90° FDLxx Festoon outlet less Classic colors Dril m untin 1 1OMERO" Suspend drill electrical" DSS Sandstone DM19 1 at 90 ° mountings,' CPL12xx 1/2" coupling' DGC Charcoal gray DM28 2 at 180° ': OMI9MRT 1 at 90° CPL34xx 3/4" coupling" DTG Tennis green ° DM28MRT_ 2 at 180° DM28 PL 2 at 180 with one side CPl1xx 1" coupling" DBR Bright red plugged DM29MRT_ 2 at 90 o NPL12xx 1/2" threaded nipple'DS8 OM29 2 at90* DM39MRT 3 at 900 NPL34xx 3/4" threaded nipple' Steel blue OM39 3 at 90 DM49MRT 4 at 900 NPL1xx 1' threaded nipple, Architectural colors (powder finish)" DM49 4at90° EHHxx Extrahandhole'', CSXjDSX/AERISrm /OMEROTv Drill 7 MAEX Matchexistiing m°u°tmg1 USPOPd United States point of DM19AS 1 at 90' manufacture, DM28AS 2at180° i IC Interior coating' DM29AS 2 at 90° DM39AS 3at90° DM49AS 4 at 90° NOTES: 5. Horizontal arm Is 18" x 2-3/8" O.D. tenon standard. 1. PTopen top poles intlude top cap. When ordering tenon mounting 6. Combination of tenon -top and drill mount includes extra and drill mounting for the same pole, follow this example; DM28/ handhole, T20. The combination includes a required extra handhole. 7. Must add original order number 2, The drilling template to be used for a particular luminalre depends g• Use when mlll certifications are required. on the luminalre that Is used. Refer to the Technical Data Section of 9. Provides the Outdoor Binder for Drillin9 Templates. lates. enhanced corrosion resistance. 3. Insert"1"or"2"to designate fixturesize;e.g,UM19AST2. 10. Additional colors available; see wwwlithonia.com/archcolors 4. Specify location and orientation when ordering option. or Architectural Colors brochure (Form No. 794.3). Powder finish standard. Spedfy the height in feet above base of pole. h=5and20ft=20rid 1�e "x . 5pedfy orientation from handhole (A,B,C,Dj leNol ofe 0rientdtlon dkrgrurn above 0 SSS-18-4C—DV19/DM28`'--DB HANDHOLE ORIENTATION C D B 1 1 , r� r, Y � r A Handhole IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES: • Do not erect poles without having fixtures installed. • Factory -supplied templates must be used when setting anchor bolts. Lithonla Ughting will not accept cairn for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use Uthonia Lighting fact templates. 0 +xJ aY p • if poles are stored outside, all protective wrapping must be removed Immediately upon delivery to prevent finish damage. • Uthonla Lighting is not responsible for the foundation design, POLE-SSS RL4 Series DIMENSIONS a 176. �nml 5,125" (130r tt�mm) J l ORDERING INFORMATION RL4 LED Module SAMPLE NUMBER: RLABOWH827PK Complete unit includes RL4 LED and Halo H995 series LED housing, or compatible 4" E26 screw based housing (see: Housing Compatibility). RL4 LED and housing to be ordered separately. Bo CRI RL460WH827PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 80 CRI, 2700K RL4803N827PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and tens, Satin Nickel Baffle and Ring, 80 CRI, 2700K RL460WH830PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 80 CRI, 3000K RL46OSN83OPK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, Satin Nickel Baffle and Ring, 80 CRI, 3000K RLA6OWH83SPK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 80 CRI, 3500K 90 CRI RL460WH927PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 90 CRI, 2700K RL460SN927PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, Satin Nickel Baffle and Ring, 90 CRI, 2700K AL46OWH93OPK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 90 CRI, 3000K RIA60SN934PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, Satin Nickel Baffle and Ring, 90 CRI, 3000K RL460WH936PK= 4" LED Retrofit Module with regressed baffle and lens, White Baffle and Ring, 90 CRI, 3500K HE26LED--Replacement screw base adapter (one Included with unit) LED Housing H9951CAT= 4" Dedicated LED Insulated Ceiling, AIR-TITE New Construction Housing with LED luminaire connector (high efficacy compliant) H996RICAT= 4" Dedicated LED Insulated Calling, AIR-TITE Remodel Housing with LED luminaire connector (high efficacy compliant) HOUSING COMPATiBILTY - E26 SCREi+Y BASE RETROFIT UL Listed All -Pro"" ET400ATSB, ET400RATSE3, E1400ATSB UUcUL Listed for installation in the following Halo and All -Pro 4" recessed E26 screw based and LED dedicated housings. HaloO H991CAT, H99FTAT, H99TAT, H9951CAT, H995RICAT Utilitech OR041CAT Thomas@ PS4 UL Classified Uthonia Lighting' L3, WR UL Classified for retrofit in the following 4" recessed Commercial Electric'"' HBR2000B E26 screw based housings. Juno® TC1, TC1 R Progress Lighting® P830-TG, P832-TG Juno,, Lithonla Lighting®, Thomas® Lighting, Progress* Lighting, Utilitech, and Commercial Electrloym and their product brand names, where identified above, are tradenames or trademarks of each respective company and Cooper makes no representations an these trademarks. Note: Specificadans and Dimensions subject to change without notice. Visit our web site at www.cooperligltting.com COOPER Lighting Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770,486.4800 FAX no 486.4801 _.Lighting www.cooperlighting.eom Cooper Lighting 6925 McLaughlin Rd. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5R 188 906.507.4000 FAX 905.668,7049 The RWSC Series radius wall sconce Offers maximum versatility with multiple light sources and finishes. The available combination of uplight/downlight washes the building facade while the radial soft form housing will complement similar architectural design elements. om FEATURES DIMENSIONS • Durable cast aluminum housing • Completely sealed, Flat tempered Available in various lighting glass lenses suitable for use in wet -,.. distributions For maximum versatility location • Integrated design eliminates high • Ships complete with larnp angle brightness g g • Luminaire finished in weatherproof powder -coat paint=,w rA- ORDERING INFORMATION SALE CffAL OG NUMBER 7.25" 18.0" 9.0" RWSC Serles wattage/Source Distribution Finish Voltage pgggi ON=,; 120 120 volt RWSC Radius Wall Sconce UD U /Dow li ht WD Downlight only (wide distribution)- standard 277 277 volt ' > ¢ PT Downlight on'ry (forward throw) MT Multi Tap 70PMH 70 watt pulse start metal halide 100PNIH 100 watt pulse start metal halide a 15OPMtl 150 watt pulse start metal halide De Dark Bronze OSL Quartz re -strike whit lamp 70HPS 70 watt high pressure sodium SK Black F Single fusing 100HPS 100 watt high pressure sodium WH White FF Double fusing 150HPS 150 watt high pressure sodium PS Platinum Silver EM12-1 1 MRII/MR16 two pin socket for 12v power 260F 26 watt quad tube Fluorescent (by others) 35w max. 35w MR11 lamp 32TrtF 32 watt triple tube fluorescent 1 Camultfaawy for other lamp nwtteage and sources. 1 Otherfinishesavailoble.Consultfactary• included. 420F 42 watt quad tube Fluorescent 3 Available In 120 volt only, 21EM121 2 MRII/MR16 two pin sockets for 12v 30LED 30 watt LED-' 4 Avallable Mffi WD dk-trlbudon anti. 5 Not for use with LED source. power (by others) 3 5vv max. 35w MR11 lamp included. EM Remote emergency ballast fluorescent only) i A HUBBELL LiGIMN0. INC. COMPANY Per-'JClt9'r?'!{ rice resigned Lighting Pm[lucts www.securitylighting.com 1085 Johnson Drive • Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 • TOLL FREE: 800-544-11848 • PHONE: 847-279-0627 • Fax: 847-279-0642 MF go & J99 M SpeCS FOR FIX"TURE "OA .. OA: RWSC-50PMH—FT—BK-120 (CUSTOM WATTAGE FOR CFA) OJ: RWSC-50PMH—WD—BK-120 (CUSTOM WATTAGE FOR CFA) Troy DECORATIVE SURFACE SERIES Pendant and Surface Family —DAMP LOCATION Cylinder Full Cut -Off — Dark Sky Fixture Fluorescent Double Twirl Tube I DTT (D PAR Metal Halide Down I PAR -MHO I 20139w Light Emitting Diode Uplight I LEDU I 15W We reserve the right to revise the design or components of any product without notice. --rl= ARRA Compliant t r )agJif�rt,r�rf�,'Yrr SPECIFICATIONS • BALLAST — For Compact Fluorescent Electronic Cold weather HPF is Standard. • HOUSING — Open heavy gauge aluminum cylinder in Powder Coat Finish applied over pre-treated surfaces. • LAMP — Double (DTT) or Triple Twin Tube CM) Compact Fluorescent— Ballast Must be Remote when choosing any CFL lamping; PAR 20 Metal Halide Down Light — BY OTHERS. LENS — .156' Clear Tempered Glass (85) is Standard. Optional .156' C73 Prismatic Tempered Glass (93). • MOUNTING — Surface or Pendant (specify length) Mount. Optional Swivel Pendant for INDOOR/DAMP Location Only (canopy included). • REFLECTOR — .032 Specular Aluminum Standard • SOCKET — Pulse -rated porcelain • UUULC Listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards - Suitable for wet locations. Troy Wall Mount- UP 8 DOWN light Series St le Lain /Qt /Watt ColorTe bolt 'e Pril ry/kmergVi Finish Options DE N OR Rl G GUIDE: 0 L h AGE oNr N5 SERIES TY = Troy Series YOL7 120 = 120 Volts earl pored Glass (Standard) 5 =D6��- 277 = 277 Volts 93 =3 Pri atic pored Glass SIZE 347 = 347 Volts (Consult factory) ARht R d Wall Mount 8 = 8" Tall (T diaJ "TalTall EB = Electronic Ballast 0 " Star and 16 = (7".) - A = ' Le Ext ed Ar 20 = 20' Tall (7" dia.) FINISH 03 - amp FI escen irnmin a STYLE (MOUNTING)Bronze BK = Black D7 01[ Io Oita mining 0-30° PEND = Pendant ,Mount— Standard 24' Stem PNA = Painted Natural Aluminum da ones acto Othe r ry (For Custom Stern Specify Length) WH = White DK = k S Op ueTop, ear 8 m Specify: STC = Static Canopy SWC = Swivel Canopy EMERGENCY BATTERY OP FION50 FUS = Single R Fus - n Fu Hold GLR = In Line F 'rig CM = Ceiling Mount No ansire rmergg=Purver (ACw DO Is provided V rD = Generator sfer Device if W,M = Wall Mount (requires ARM) FrxhrreVoitagg: 120V or 277V PolvefFeed UNB = Open Bolton d, In r Or REBm = Remote Electronic Ballast L&MPTYPE/LAMP QUANTITY/WATfAGE A--120V or 0=277V REL2 = Remote; TIT; 1-2 Lamp; 650 Lumens S3 = Swivel Pendant (with Canopy) Refer to Above Chart REL52 = Remote; Cold Weather (Bodine) WET = Wet Location LED COLOR TEMP DTT/TTT; 1-2 Lamp; up to 1250 Lim. 3K = 3000 K range 4K = 4000 K range 5K = 5000 K range 6K = 6000 K range EC ILI P ETH (2013 ise Lighting Inc, �y 9245 W, Ivanhoe Sf. l Schiller Park,, IL 60176 Decorative Surfface Series pg:161-V LIGHTING P. 847-260-03331 F:847-260-0344 I E: quotesoeclipsefightingfnc.curn I W. eclipseligfltingine.com Rev. )an 27, 2014 �0 ) TY20—WM—LEDD-3K-120—BK—ARM6—WET o 5 6 -.1.... ,♦1♦ w MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY, 91-611 CLEAR ABOVE PAVEMENT (SITE SPECIFIC) -CONTEXT VIEW. x. x - p 4'. w MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY, 9'-6" CLEAR ABOVE PAVEMENT (SITE SPECIFIC) -FRONT VIEW. ) Lj MATERIAL SAMPLES CANOPY DECK - UNDER51 DE FACE COMPANY: LANE 5UPPLY, INC. COLOR: LANE HI GH C L055 WHITE CANOPY L I GHT ,;SC - Standard Symmetric AC - Asymmetrl6 f 4W AC distribution utllizes a reflector which afters the look from a standard S distribution CANOPY ROOT COMPANY: LANE 5UPPLY, INC. COLOR: JET MATTE SLACK OVERHEAD PATIO HEATER LED CANOPY L I C HT - LEGACY (CRU5) 5UPREME 5CHWANK MODEL: LIGHT OUTPUT - CRU5 MODEL: 2552 N OUTDOOR COLOR: COOL WHITE I NDU5TR I AL MOUNTED WORK5TATION FAN TPI CORPORATION MODEL: U-I5-TE FAN 51 ZE : 15" MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY, 91-611 CLEAR ABOVE PAVEMENT (SITE SPECIFIC) -CONTEXT VIEW. MEAL DELIVERY CANOPY, 9'-6" CLEAR ABOVE PAVEMENT (SITE SPECIFIC) -FRONT VIEW. THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS WELL AS CHICK—FIL—A, INC. NAME AND LOGO, TRADEMARKS AND DESIGNS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF CHICK—FIL—A CORPORATION. ANY REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, DISCLOSURE AND/OR USE OF THESE MATERIALS (OR ANY PORTION OF THEM) WITHOUT CHICK—FIL—A'S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. esencia ■ 1743 E. McNair Drive, Suite 200 Tempe, Arizona 85283 Telephone 480-755-0959 TII pA C3 5 JEFFREY W. WINTER Lia No. 015908 �RCH1T8�'� 02-16-2023 Revision Schedule Rev Date By Description r N � � N � C) < � r Q Q 0 cy) O W W I J 0CL >- Z � p �w OU) 2 m17 �.. Z �-- U CD < Z U N .O d 1 Issue Date: 08-02-2021 Drawn By: TP/GA Job Number: 19060 Sheet Title: Materials & Products Scale: As indicated Sheet Number: A-4