HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202300004 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2023-03-03County of Albemarle
March 3, 2023
Justin Shimp
912 East High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Justin@Shimp-En ing eering com
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 229024579
RE: SDP202300004 2305 Hunters Way Initial Site Plan — SRC Review Comments
Dear Mr Shimp:
The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments
from the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as
applicable, are attached:
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA)
Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should
not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that
will be required to be resolved prior to approval of the initial site plan.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information.
Syd Shoaf
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner) — Syd Shoaf, sshoaf(aAbemarle.org — Required changes:
Comments to be addressed prior to initial site plan approval:
1. [ (1)] County records show that the required $448.00 notification fee has not yet been paid. This
fee will need to be paid prior to Friday, March 17, 2023 in order for the initial site plan to be approved.
2. [18-4.2; 18-4.2.3 (b)] The site plan proposes structures, improvements, and land disturbing activities
within areas designated as critical slopes. This is not permitted unless a modification or waiver is
approved pursuant to Section 18-4.2.5. The applicant will need to revise the site plan so that no
improvements encroach into critical slopes, or a waiver will need to be approved by the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors. If the applicant pursues the waiver, a Special Exception application to
modify or waive the applicable requirements of Section 18-4.2 will need to be submitted for review, and
acted on by the Board to allow the development as currently proposed. Otherwise, the site plan will need
to be revised so that all applicable requirements of Section 18-4.2 are met.
Comments to be addressed prior to final site plan approval:
1. [32.5.2(a)] Please include a reference to the Initial Site Plan Number: SDP202100089 and include a place holder
for the Final Site Plan Number.
2. [32.5.2(a)] Please provide the total number of sheets at the bottom of the Sheet List Table on the Cover Sheet.
3. [General [32.5.2 (a)] Please add a reference to the following Special Use permits on the cover sheet:
SP199900068 and SP200100001.
4. [32.5.2 (a)] On the cover sheet, please add a reference to the Initial Site Plan application number:
5. [32.5.2 n] Parking areas on same lot as primary use; exception. All parking spaces shall be established on the
same lot with the primary use to which it is appurtenant, except as authorized by section 4.12.8. Prior to final
site plan approval, the applicant will need to draft a shared parking agreement pursuant to Section 4.12.10 in
order to utilize the parking spaces on TMP 79-4A that are currently shown as meeting the minimum requirements
for the use shown on the site plan. The shared parking agreement will need to be submitted, reviewed, and
approved through an Easement Plat application. The easement plat and shared parking agreement must be
recorded prior to final site plan approval. Final site plan must reference the recorded instrument number for the
shared parking agreement.
6. [32.5.2 (c)] Please be aware that if phase lines/phasing are not shown, all site improvements (landscaping,
lighting, parking for each building, etc.) will need to be installed on site before the first Certificate of Occupancy
can be issued for any building within the project. Staff strongly recommend the developer consider phasing
construction of the project. Phase lines can be shown on the final site plan.
7. [32.5.2 (e)] Please provide the existing landscape features as described in (c). It does not appear the
existing trees and/or landscaping are identified in the existing site layout sheet.
8. [32.5.2 (i)] On Sheets C4 and C5, please add a label for US Route 250 so that is consistent with the rest of the
9. [32.5.2 (k)] On Sheet C5, please add the name of the owner for the 20' drainage easement.
10. [32.5.2 (n), 4.12.13 (e)] Each site plan that depicts a commercial building of 4,000 gross square feet or more
shall provide a dumpster pad that does not impede any required parking or loading spaces, nor any pedestrian or
vehicular circulation aisles.
11. [32.5.2 (n), 4.12.13] Please identify the number of proposed loading spaces.
12. [32.5.2 (n), 4.12.18] Are the areas shown with trucks intended to be the official loading spaces that are required?
If so, the loading spaces will need to be dimensioned and delineated as required by the requirements in Section
13. [32.5.2 (n)] Please identify the height of the block retaining walls on Sheet C4.
14. [32.5.2 (n)] Please identify the proposed paving material types for all walks, parking lots, and driveways.
15. [32.6.2 (a)] Please provide the total number of sheets at the bottom of the Sheet List Table on the Cover Sheet.
16. [32.5.2(n)] Please identify and provide more information on any proposed dumpsters. Dumpster pads must meet
the design requirements identified in 4.12.19.
17. [ (a)(3)] Please provide a construction detail in plan and profile view of any proposed dumpster
enclosure. The detail should identify materials to be used, color, dimensions, etc. Please be aware that walls
used for screening must be a minimum of 6' in height.
18. [32.6.2 (d)] Please provide detailed plans for proposed water and sewer facilities.
19. [32.6.2 (e)] Please provide detailed construction drainage and grading plans.
20. [32.6.2 (h)] Please provide a signature panel for each member of the site review committee.
21. [32.6.2 (j)] Please provide a landscape plan that complies with Section 32.7.9.
22. [32.7.8 and 4.17] If any outdoor lighting is proposed, provide a lighting plan to be included with the final site
plan submission that complies with all applicable regulations specified in Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance.
This includes:
a. Provide footcandle measurements within the property and along all property lines. Use a light loss factor
of 1.0 to determine footcandles on site.
b. [4.17.4 (a)] Provide manufacturer cut -sheets for all proposed outdoor luminaires.
c. [4.17.4 (a)] All proposed outdoor luminaries exceeding 3,000 lumens must be full -cutoff fixtures. Please
provide documentation from the manufacturers that all fixtures will be full -cutoff.
d. Please state the pole height of all outdoor luminaires.
e. [4.17.4 (b)] Please add a note to which states "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits
3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect
light away from adjoining residential districts and adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from
luminaires onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one-half footcandle."
'Engineering has reviewed the ISP and offers these comments for final site plan (FSP) approval.
23. An approved WPO plan for proposed site plan improvements is required prior to FSP approval. Please submit
WPO plan using Camino portal, this link. [VSMP application /form, this link but pls. use Camino for first WPO
plan submittal.]
a. WPO plan bond must be posted prior to Grading Permit issuance.
b. SWM easement for proposed UG Detention systems /SWM facility outfall is required:
i. SWM facility easement plat review is a separate review and approval process. (Camino)
Application at this link. [Easement plat application at this link, but pls. use Camino for initial
easement plat submittal.]
ii. SWM easement recordation is required prior to WPO plan approval. SWM easement plat
requires deed, which CDD-Engineering will format once plat review comments are addressed.
iii. Ensure sufficient width for SWM easement, especially for underground detention located
between buildings. Reference easement diagram /easement width formula at ACDSM, p. 15. It
is unclear whether 38,000 SF warehouse building location allows adequate SWM facility
easement width, which depends on depth of detention system. Examine width requirement,
given possible impact on building placement.
iv. Provide SWM facility access easement across TMPs 07900-00-00-004PO and 07900-00-00-
004A0, from Hunters Way ROW to SWM easement. Show on easement plat.
v. Delineate and label public drainage easements to extend from each UG detention system (SWM
facility easement) to a receiving stream, or property boundary.
vi. Public drainage easement requires deed (separate from SWM facility deed), which CDD-
Engineering will format once plat review comments are addressed.
vii. Show and label SWM facility and public drainage easements on FSP.
viii. Provide instrument number ref. for SWM facility /public drainage deeds on the FSP.
24. Critical slopes (19,477 SF impact):
a. Engineering defers to Planning Division on whether proposed impact to critical slopes from proposed
improvements is permissible; ref. 18-4.2.3.a./b. At first glance, proposed impact to critical slopes
appears to require waiver (which may exist). Engineering recommends FSP identify legislative or
magisterial approval that allows proposed critical slope impact.
25. Provide LD-229 for proposed storm lines, and LD-204 for proposed storm inlets.
26. Provide storm profiles for storm lines /pipes. Label pipes /inlets.
27. FSP may not increase sheet runoff from site access high point, 387.5', into Hunter's Way unless increase is
evaluated as no adverse impact on downgradient properties. Design (WPO plan) must consider additional runoff
that reaches public ROW. Site access storm runoff appears designed to reach to Hunter's Way (public ROW),
then U.S. Rt. 250. Capture /conveyance of site access runoff to UG detention or discharge to existing 4' concrete
channel appear to be options, provided calculations (with WPO) indicate compliance with state stormwater water
quantity requirements, 9VAC25-870-66.'
Fire -Rescue
28. Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building
hereafter constructed or moved into or within a jurisdiction.
a. Fire apparatus access roads shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions
of the exterior wall of the first story ofthe building as measured by an approved route around the building
or facility. Please clarify if the southern entrance serving the smaller, lower building (southern) will
allow access to the warehouse structure proposed, to fulfill this requirement.
b. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet, exclusive of the
shoulders, except for approved security gates and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13
feet 6 inches.
c. Where the vertical distance between the grade plane and the highest roof surface exceeds 30 feet,
approved aerial fire apparatus access roads shall be provided. For purposes of this section, the highest
roof surface shall be determined by measurement to the eave of a pitched roof, the intersection of the
roof to the exterior wall, or the top of parapet walls, whichever is greater.
d. Aerial fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet, exclusive of
shoulders, in the immediate vicinity of the building or portion thereof. One or more of the required
access routes meeting this condition shall be located not less than 15 feet and not greater than 30 feet
from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building. The side of the
building on which the aerial fire apparatus access road is positioned shall be approved by the fire code
e. The grade of fire apparatus access roads shall be no more than 10 percent.
f. The required turning radius of a fire apparatus road is 25 feet.
g. Facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department
apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road with an asphalt, concrete or other approved
driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing up to 75,000 pounds,
in all weather conditions.
h. The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road shall be approved by the fire code
official. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation.
Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles. The
minimum required widths of fire apparatus access roads shall be maintained. Approved signs or other
notices and markings that include the words NO PARKING — FIRE LANE shall be provided for fire
apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit obstruction. These signs and/or markings are
required on both sides of fire apparatus access roads that are 20 to 26 feet wide and on one side of fire
apparatus access roads more than 26 feet wide and less than 32 feet wide.
Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet in height
shall not have fewer than two means of fire apparatus access for each structure.
k. Where two fire apparatus access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not
less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the lot or area to be
served, measured in a straight line between accesses.
29. This project is located in the ACSA service area and will require an appropriate number of hydrants based on
the required fire flow and at distance also based on the required fire flow. Please provide a note on the plan
indicating the required fire flow for the structures.
30. Provide a note on the plan indicating the available fire flow.
31. Please indicate the location of hydrants as required by comment # 2.
32. If the building is to be sprinklered, please indicate the location of the FDC and the hydrant within 100 feet of the
FDC, arranged so that when both in use, access to the building is not impeded.
33. During demolition and/or construction, the following fire prevention steps are required, so please note them on
the plan:
a. As found in the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, establish a written Fire Prevention Plan and
identify someone to serve as the Fire Prevention Superintendent to ensure site compliance with the plan.
b. Smoking shall be prohibited in areas where smoking is a hazard, and these areas shall be designated with
no smoking signs per Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
c. Areas where smoking can occur, shall have appropriate receptacles for discarded smoking materials per
Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
d. Contractor shall ensure the street names and building numbers are always plainly visible from the
frontage street during construction per the Virginia Statewide Fire Code.
e. Per the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, safe and efficient vehicular access for firefighting and
emergency operations shall be provided and maintained at all construction and demolition sites. This
includes provision of the required unobstructed access widths, a surface capable of supporting
emergency apparatus of up to 75,000 lbs. in all weather conditions, free of overhead obstructions from
13 ft. 6 inches and below, provide access to fire department connections within 100 feet of water
supply/hydrants and must provide for aerial access no closer than 15 ft. and no more than 30 ft. from the
access road to buildings over 30 feet tall. This access may be via permanent or temporary road as long
as the conditions listed, and they are properly identified/marked.
f. An approved water supply for firefighting operations shall be in place with unobstructed accessibility as
soon as combustible materials arrive on site.
g. Waste and combustible debris shall be removed from the building at the end of each day and disposed
of in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code.
h. Fire extinguishers shall be provided, with not less than one approved fire extinguisher at each stairwell,
on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated, in every storage and construction
shed and in areas of special; hazards, such as where flammable and combustible liquids are stored or
used, in accordance with the Virginia Statewide Fire Code.
i. Operations involving the use of cutting and welding shall comply with the Virginia Statewide Fire
Prevention Code and shall require a permit from the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office.
34. Please include contact information for the developer/owner in the form of a telephone number as well as an email
35. Please add a Latitude/Longitude coordinate at the intersection of the state roadway.
36. Please demonstrate the distance between the current southern entrance and the proposed entrance by
dimensioning from the end of the radius to the end of the radius
37. Please adjust your proposed entrance to follow the standard drawing shown in Figure 4-9 in Appendix F of the
VDOT Road Design Manual to include the taper at a rate of 48 to 1 with a 12' total width.
38. The radius of the south side of the entrance will need to be increased to 50' as shown on Table 4.3 in Appendix
of the VDOT Road Design Manual.
39. Please show the speed limit/design speed for Hunter's Way to use the sight distance as the comer clearance
40. Please demonstrate the intersectional sight distance both in the plan and profile view.
41. Please provide a profile view of the entrance.
42. Drainage calculations for the pipe and ditch lines in the right of way will be required.
43. Please add a chart box showing the VDOT standards by alpha -numeric designation as well as the description
and any revision dates. (i.e. CG-12-Curb Ramp-2019)
44. Please show the contours of the roadway and not the original ground showing through the roadway.
Please contact Syd Shoaf at the Department of Community Development at sshoaf(aaalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext.
3902 for further information.
Comments From Other Reviewers:
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — John Anderson, ianderson2@albemarle.org — Recommended
changes, please see above.
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — Howard Lagomarsino, hlaeomarsino@albemarle.org — Requested
changes, see above.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB) — Khristopher Taggart, ktageart@albemarle.org —
Recommended changes. Please see the attached ARB-2023-08 letter.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — John Winn, johnl.winn@vdot.vir ig nia.gov — Requested changes.
Please see above or the attached VDOT comment letter.
Albemarle County Information Services (E911) — Andrew Slack, aslack@albemarle.org — No objection.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority —Dyon Vega, dvegarinavvan.org—No objection.
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) — Richard Nelson, melson@serviceauthority.org — Pending.
Comments/approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Virginia Department of Health (VDH) — Alan Mazurowski, alan.mazurowski@vdh.vir ie nia.gov — Pending.
Comments/approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Albemarle County Building Inspections — Betty Slough, bslou lgh@albemarle.org— Pending. Comments/approvals will
be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
,S.{.OF AL8
County of Albemarle
Community Development Department - Planning
March 2, 2023
Justin Shimp
Shimp Engineering
912 East High Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: ARB-2023-08: Hunters Way Initial (TMP 07900-00-00-004P0)
Dear Applicant,
Khris Taggart, Senior Planner I
Telephone: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3278
Staff has forwarded the following recommendations on the above -noted Initial Site Development Plan to the
agent for the Site Review Committee:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2), (3) and (5) and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the staff:
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: None.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None.
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The following items and all
items on the ARB Final Site Plan Checklist must be addressed:
1. Provide architectural designs with the next submittal.
2. Provide site sections to clarify the visibility of the proposed building from the EC street.
3. Update the plans to identify the locations of all accessory structures and equipment. Provide
detailed information on all equipment, including size, design, color, illumination, etc.
4. Include the standard mechanical equipment note on the architectural plans.
5. Show the outlines of any proposed roof -mounted equipment on the architectural elevations and
show the footprints on the roof plan.
6. Provide a lighting plan with the next submittal. Any new lighting for the building and the site should
be include on the plan.
7. Provide a complete landscaping plan with the next submittal.
8. Revise the site plan to show the existing trees along Hunters Way. Identify which trees will be
removed and which will remain.
9. Revise the site plan to show tree species and caliper size for the interior parking area trees.
10. Revise the site plan to show a planting area along the east side of the warehouse with sufficient
depth to accommodate trees.
11. Include the standard plan health note on the landscape plan in the next submittal.
12. Revise the existing site layout, demolition, and site layout plan to show the existing vegetation and
show what is being removed and what will remain.
13. Show tree protection fencing for any vegetation that is to remain coordinated throughout the site
plan set.
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms,
checklists and schedules are available on-line at https://www.albemarle.org/government/community-
development/apply-for/planning-and-site-development-applications. Please be certain that your ARB submittal
addresses all checklist items and the above -noted comments. If you have any questions concerning any of the
above, please feel free to contact me.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to contact me.
Khris Taggart, Senior Planner I
cc: WP Richmond Road, LLC, 224 14 St NW
401 McIntire Road, North Wing, I Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579
2430 Pine Forest Drive
Stephen C. Brich, P.E. COLONIAL HEIGHTS, VA 23834
COMMISSIONER www.VDOT.Virginia.gov
February 14, 2023
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn.: Syd Shoaf
Re: SDP2023-00004— 2305 Hunters Way Initial Site Plan
Mr. Shoaf
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section has reviewed the above referenced plans as submitted by Shimp Engineering, dated
January 17, 2023 and find the following;
1. Please include contact information for the developer/owner in the form of a telephone
number as well as an email address.
2. Please add a Latitude/Longitude coordinate at the intersection of the state roadway.
3. Please demonstrate the distance between the current southern entrance and the proposed
entrance by dimensioning from the end of the radius to the end of the radius
4. Please adjust your proposed entrance to follow the standard drawing shown in Figure 4-9
in Appendix F of the VDOT Road Design Manual to include the taper at a rate of 48 to 1
with a 12' total width.
5. The radius of the south side of the entrance will need to be increased to 50' as shown on
Table 4.3 in Appendix of the VDOT Road Design Manual.
6. Please show the speed limit/design speed for Hunter's Way to use the sight distance as the
corner clearance spacing.
7. Please demonstrate the intersectional sight distance both in the plan and profile view.
8. Please provide a profile view of the entrance.
9. Drainage calculations for the pipe and ditch lines in the right of way will be required.
10. Please add a chart box showing the VDOT standards by alpha -numeric designation as well
as the description and any revision dates. (i.e. CG-12-Curb Ramp-2019)
11. Please show the contours of the roadway and not the original ground showing through the
SDP2023-00004— 2305 Hunters Way hutial Site Plan
February 14, 2023
Page 2 of 2
12. Please show the pavement overlay limits onto Hunter's Way.
13. Please show a typical section of the proposed entrance.
14. Please add auto turn truck paths to demonstrate that the trucks can navigate the entrance
during ingress and egress.
15. Please add a traffic control plan for the installation of the entrance.
16. Please provide a comment response letter for your next submission.
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact John Winn at 540-881-0651.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
John Wilson, P.E.
Assistant Resident Engineer -Land Use
Charlottesville Residency