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ZMA200600001 Staff Report Zoning Map Amendment 2006-05-09
GV ALB4, '!4'111k!41 �IRG1N1V ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT Proposal: ZMA 06-01 Westhall Phase V Staff: Elaine K. Echols, AICP Planning Commission Work Session: Recommendation: May 9, 2006 Owners: Shiflett Farm LLC c/o Stonehaus Applicant: Stonehaus, WW Associates consulting engineer Acreage: 8.9 acres Rezone from: R-1 Residential to PRD Planned Residential Development TMP: TM 56H, Parcel A Proffers: No Location: Approximately 600 feet east of the end of Park Road (SR 1204)—See Attachments A and B By-right use: 9 single family units, up to 13 Magisterial District: White Hall with bonuses Requested # of Dwelling Units: 38 DA X RA Proposal: Zero Lot line Single Family DA Comp. Plan Designation: Community Residential of Crozet-- Neighborhood 3-CT4 - mixed residential and commercial uses (net 4.5 units per acre for Single family detached and attached units and duplexes; net 12 units per acre for townhouses and apartments; net 18 units per acre for mixed use). Neighborhood CT5 - mixed residential and commercial uses (net 12 units per acre for all housing types; net 18 units per acre for mixed use.CT5- ; CT1 & CT 2 Preservation Character of Property: Undeveloped and Use of Surrounding Properties: Mobile wooded home community and single family to north and west; other surrounding properties currently undeveloped but include future by- right phases of Westhall to the south and west. Purpose of Work Session: This rezoning was originally scheduled for a public hearing with the Planning Commission on May 9, 2006. Based on the issues raised by staff and status of revisions to the plans to address those issues, the applicant agreed a work session would be the best approach. Staff has identified several topic areas and questions to guide discussion: Conformity with Crozet Master Plan, Design ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 1 PC Work Session 5/9/06 and Layout, Streetscape of Eastern Avenue/Greenway Connections, and what impacts from this proposed development should be mitigated. Specifics of Proposal: The application plan (Attachment D) shows the desired layout with 33 single family detached zero lot line lots lining both sides of a proposed public road that runs north-south and 6 smaller affordable units on one lot with some facing the street and some adjacent to parking. The development is proposed as residential only with no mixed use. Amenities provided would include a tot lot and greenway trails. The applicant has also shown on-street parking for greenway trail head parking. Adjacent to the rezoning is an 80 foot wide right-of-way for future dedication as Eastern Avenue. This ROW is not included with the Westhall V rezoning application. Character of the Area/Planning and Zoning History: The applicant has provided a sheet in the Application Plan that shows existing conditions of the parcels as well as surrounding property uses. This parcel is the remainder of land from the subdivision applications that created Westhall Phases 1, II, Ill, and IV. It is immediately surrounded by the mobile home park to the west, an unnamed tributary of Lickinghole Creek along the northern boundary of the property and existing pasture and woods to the east. The site is mostly wooded. Westhall Phases I & II include properties zoned R4 and R6 and have final plat approval for 49 lots using clustering provisions. (See Attachment B for zoning districts.) Lot sizes range from 4,800 square feet to 15,000 square feet with nearly 30,000 square foot lots adjacent to Lickinghole Creek to the south. Westhall III is also zoned R6 and has preliminary plat approval for single family lots ranging in size from 4,500-6,500 square feet in size. Westhall Phase IV has preliminary site plan approval for 36 townhouse lots/units. These earlier phases of Westhall included an 80 foot wide right-of-way reservation for Eastern Avenue. (Attachment D) Cory Farm open space borders Westhall to the south, across Lickinghole Creek and Brookwood Subdivision is located across Park Road from Westhall. Conformity with the Comprehensive Plan Crozet Master Plan —Westhall V is located in the northeast quadrant of Crozet, east of Crozet Avenue and north of Lickinghole Creek. The location of the property in relation to the Master Plan is shown on the following page: ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 2 PC Work Session 5/9/06 vc,,er lorN11. pp :::::x MI WI , Rezo .41"Vt"' 1 * ‘ \ ...0"." a� 1 �i 1 .•� i - fir` ,♦ . . 40 l , ii '�' f I • .. #• 46)0 i himill i MP : 0 _ , IllhhiCitrib ,i \ ir',N Eastern ,it lc Crock k i '''''''"*"----...__ ...-----"--4. ta b\---eal The portion of the neighborhood that includes the area for Westhall V is very difficult to analyze. The reason for the difficulty is that the master plan map was not parcel based which can make the County's GIS system application difficult on small parcels or where several different land use categories are shown. In addition, road systems and development have taken place that are not in specific conformity with the master plan. No center has emerged to represent the CT5 area shown on the plan. Finally, the transect-based map was never intended to be used at the level of detail that it is being used because some of the boundaries are schematic and cannot be tied to any physical characteristics of the land. For these reasons, staff was unable to rely on a computerized breakdown and has done an analysis by hand of the transect zones reflected on the rezoning plan. Staff believes that the breakdown is as follows: ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 3 PC Work Session 5/9/06 Westhall Residential Crozet Master Plan Westhall V Density Net Area in Suggested Units Proposal Square Crozet Transect Density Feet Acreage Low Medium _ High Units Proposed CT 1 and CT 2 131680 3.00 0 0 0 13 CT 4 34467 0.80 3 9 14 7 90,000* _ 2.00 24 31 34 18 Total 8.90 27 40 51 38 For the CT 4 area, the above table was produced using 4.5 units an acre for minimum units and 12 units an acre for the medium density. High density would require mixed-use and be18 units per acre. The high end of density shown above would be with a mixed-use component. For the CT5 area, 50% of the area was expected in the master plan to be used for residential uses, so the net area was calculated at 50% rather than 80%. With this total, the low end for the CT5 area was calculated at 12 units per acre and the nigh end at 18 units per acre, which would also require mixed use. The medium density figure is the average of the low and high figures. The end result is that the proposed uses are higher than the low end of density, but less than the medium end of density. The low end would be 27 units and the medium end is 40 units. The proposal is for 38 units. For the CT1 &2 areas, no density was shown since the plan anticipates very low densities at 1 unit per 20 acres. The applicant is actually showing approximately 12 lots in the CT 1 & 2 area. While, in most circumstances showing lots in CT &2 areas would be problematic, most of this acreage was intended to be a greenbelt adjacent to Eastern Avenue. Part of the acreage was expected to be an undisturbed stream buffer adjacent to a tributary to Lickinghole Creek. The stream buffer is preserved on the property. The applicant has shown a 20 foot buffer along Eastern Ave. which will be discussed in more detail in this report. Applicable statements from the Crozet Master Plan for the eastern geographic sector of Crozet relevant to this site are identified below in italics. Staff comments relative to this project and the recommendations of the Crozet Master Plan follow some statements and some statements are nearby but not including the project area for this rezoning. Development for the area east of Crozet Avenue should focus on the construction of public amenities such as the school and parks in addition to the creation of roads and bridges. Specific recommendations and tasks for Crozet-East include the following: Construct Eastern Avenue, Main Street, and primary neighborhood streets within the two or three major properties available for new development. The applicant has planned neighborhood streets from the end of Park Road/Brookwood Road and Jamestown Court. A public road connection from Jamestown Court to the future Eastern Avenue and approximately 1,000 feet of 80 foot wide right-of-way reservation for the Eastern Avenue was provided with the first phase of the Westhall development. Construct Lickinghole Bridge on a time-line appropriate to demand. The County's CIP formerly included funding for engineering of Eastern Avenue and the Lickinghole Bridge. These two projects have now been included as part of the County's overall transportation ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 4 PC Work Session 5/9/06 study. Staff hopes to be able to share time frames for funding on this project at the Commission's meeting. Establish greenway trail (for pedestrians and bikes) from Lickinghole Creek Basin to Crozet Park and downtown. Previous phases of Westhall included a greenway pedestrian easement to Lickinghole Creek and along the eastern edge of the development. There is an opportunity with this rezoning to connect Lickinghole Creek and Cory Farm to the greenways that lead to Crozet Park and Downtown. The applicant has provided pedestrian easements along the eastern edge and northern edge of the project boundaries for the rezoning. Construct new neighborhood elementary school on time-line appropriate to demand, in general location shown on plan. A new neighborhood elementary school is shown on the Master Plan on the Con-Agra property north of Lickinghole Creek and south of Three Notch'd Road. A school is expected to be provided with a rezoning for that development. Area from that property would be requested to be reserved if a subdivision plat is submitted for by-right development. Construction of the school is expected at a future date when additional demand generates the need for the school. Explore and develop potential access points to Lickinghole Creek Basin. A greenway trail from this site can connect to the Lickinghole Basin and is shown by the applicant. Staff believes that the greenway trail can potentially be accommodated nearby on the sewer line easement and that the greenway shown on the plan is not necessary. Access to the greenway trail on the easement would be necessary and appears to be easy to accommodate with the development. Establish Eastern Park with public/private collaboration. The proposed Eastern Park is not on this property nor adjacent to this property. When development of the property to the east containing the area shown for Eastern Park on the Master Plan is proposed, the County hopes to secure the property for the park. Build the long anticipated north/south road east of Crozet Avenue (called Eastern Avenue in the Master Plan, formerly referred to as the 240/250 Connector). This baseline infrastructure improvement will involve a bridge over Lickinghole Creek, a bridge or underpass to cross the_CSX tracks to the north, and numerous connections to neighborhood streets. Construction phasing should begin from the south (Route 250). Aside from construction itself, truck traffic should not be allowed on this road. The private sector should be responsible for funding and building Eastern Avenue with the exception of Lickinghole Creek bridge. Eastern Avenue is shown adjacent to this development but not on the property proposed for the development. Staff requested that a portion of Eastern Avenue be constructed with this rezoning. The applicant declined stating that he was only a partial owner in the property to the east and if and when that property is proposed for development, in a rezoning scenario, the property can be secured for construction. Open Space Plan/Green Infrastructure Map: The Open Space Plan does not identify any significant environmental resources on the site, with the exception of the tributary to Lickinghole Creek at the western end of the property. As mentioned, Westhall is situated between Lickinghole Creek to the south and Crozet Park to the northwest. It is important to establish greenway 5 connections with this rezoning from Cory Farm/potentially Liberty Hall, if approved, to Claudius Crozet Park and Downtown Crozet to provide linkages that would be expected to be in place sooner than construction of Eastern Avenue. The Crozet Master Plan's Green Infrastructure Plan is shown below which illustrates important greenway connections. i,91.-- t,"; • 4iiiit4if, ,40, 7 .**-N".-41 '44-4;III • I , , .., . 4 1 '4 i ,. *44 s ,,' .: '' ?i,\,7 e• di' *.: . • : , a i ..:' 1.. ' ' '/ •. • % -..• %.#2.•- % ' ..,...•'-. # •:‘.4': '`&-,4,* : . • .. . . ‘•.• #,-, • 0101 ea% t • N/•► -.••' - .. ef° ail.► 1'• ,ho " • p . . T'' ivirist'"---"L— --:', t -. ' •• • . , • 4 it The applicant is offering an easement for an asphalt path to be located in the 20 foot buffer area. He is also offering a greenway and trail near the stream as well as a trailhead and parking near Eastern Avenue. He is providing trailhead parking. Staff will be making recommendations to the applicant for minor modifications to the the greenway and trail near the stream. Principles of the Neighborhood Model -- Conformity with the Neighborhood Model is assessed below. The proposal conforms to some but not all of the 12 Principles of the Neighborhood Model. Pedestrian Sidewalks are shown along streets both sides of Tremont street and on one Orientation side of the east-west road that stubs out at the Eastern Avenue right-of- way. The other side of this road is the stream buffer area and trail connections which staff believes may justify a request for a path on only one side of the street. Immediate pedestrian access near Eastern Avenue is not provided. This issue is discussed later in the report. Neighborhood The typical street section for the public road shows street trees. Friendly Streets and Paths Interconnected The area for rezoning ties into the Westhall network of streets that connect Streets and to Park Road and provide the opportunity for a future connection to ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 6 PC Work Session 5/9/06 Transportation Jamestown Court. Two connections from Westhall V to Eastern Avenue Networks have been provided. Parks and Open The applicant has provided open space along the stream buffer at the Space northern end of the property and has provided a 2,100 square foot tot lot, small picnic area, and trail head at the southern end. Open space in the southern area is primarily the stormwater detention pond. Parks and Recreation is pleased with the trailhead and 4 on-street parking spaces being shown for the trailhead. But, staff has concerns about the location of the tot lot so close to the stormwater detention pond. No information is provided on the quality of the stormwater area; fencing has been recommended by several members of the review team. This pocket park seems to be fairly crowded for the uses proposed. Staff believes that the second stormwater detention facility located on the north end could be accommodated, with care, in the open space across the street next to, but not disturbing, the stream buffer. The applicant could recover a building lot at this location and add area to the pocket park to make it more functional. Neighborhood There are two centers this project could relate: the emerging commercial Centers center to the south in Neighborhood 4 with the planned Blue Ridge Shopping Center and Clover Lawn and Claudius Crozet Park, located to the northwest of this site. Neighborhood 3 was intended to contain center as well. This is discussed on more detail later in the report. Buildings and The applicant has not indicated the intended number of stories of height for Spaces of Human the residences. The PRD zoning regulations indicate a limit of sixty-five Scale (65)feet with provisions that structures over thirty-five (35)feet in height be set back in addition to minimum yard requirements two (2)feet for each one (1)foot of height in excess of thirty-five (35)feet. Setbacks proposed are a 15 foot front setback; a 0-foot side yard setback for zero lot-line houses, and a 10 foot rear yard setback. Staff believes these setbacks are appropriate if adequate park area is provided for the units at the pocket park. Relegated Parking Information to illustrate that this principle has been met is not provided. The applicant has indicated that off-street parking will be provided but has not indicated whether the residential units will have garages or where parking will be located. For front-loaded units, staff suggests that garages be set back 18 feet. If garages aren't provided, the driveway should be at leastl8 feet long and outside of the r.o.w. so that the sidewalk is not blocked by parked cars. Parking for the affordable dwelling units facing the road appears to be relegated, although these units have no yard area. Mixture of Uses The applicant is providing only residential uses. This is a topic for further discussion later in the report. 7 Mixture of Housing The applicant has provided single family detached housing types ranging Types and from approximately 1700 to 2500 square feet in size. Six affordable units Affordability of two types, labeled "ADU" on the application plan, have been provided. Commitments to providing these units as affordable have not been made in the form of proffers. While 15% affordable housing has been provided, staff wonders whether the form is appropriate. This issue is discussed below. Redevelopment The site is currently undeveloped and this principle does not apply. Site Planning that The site does not appear to have any topographic issues. There will be Respects Terrain some grading adjacent to but not in the stream buffer. Clear Boundaries The project is located entirely with in the Community of Crozet so this with the Rural principle is not applicable. Areas Impacts The County's Community Facilities Plan, in conjunction with the Capital Improvements Program identifies the need for a library, schools, park, public safety and transportation improvements in Crozet. A list of projects for Crozet is below. The proposed development will generate part of the need for these facilities. Most approved rezonings for residential developments include commitments in the form of cash proffers to help offset the impacts of the development. The cash proffers generally are targeted to the kinds of needs described above and generally aren't offered for the proffered affordable units. Current County funded CIP items recommended by the Crozet Master Plan that relate to this project are: • New library: $5,378,000 • Additional High School capacity: $7,500,000 (all high schools) • New Crozet Elementary School: $12,388,000 Items not yet funded but recommended by the Master Plan for inclusion in future CIP budgets: • Eastern Avenue design and engineering: $500,000 • Eastern Avenue bridge: $4,000,000 • Recycling Center: $250,000. [Currently three recycling centers are recommended for county as a whole but specific locations have not been selected. Given the anticipated growth in the area, it is recommended that one of the centers be located in Crozet.] • Greenway development: Items recommended for private sector funding: or public/private collaboration: • Eastern Park: estimated $2,000,000 • Greenway development: estimated $30,000 per • Main Street at Crozet Avenue: $500, • Eastern Avenue: $4 million • Eastern Avenue underpass: $1 million • Main Street extensions: $2,500,000 • Bike/pedestrian improvements in developing neighborhoods 8 Streets The most significant impact this project will have is on neighborhood streets. Almost all of the streets in this area of Crozet, including the streets for the Westhall development, use Tabor Street as the entrance into and out of the development from Crozet Avenue. The applicant was asked to do a traffic study to analyze the impacts of the Westhall developments (phases I — IV) on existing streets. The study analyzed critical intersections based on the traffic that would be generated during the peak hour. The study shows that each of these intersections will operate at an acceptable level of service. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the connections to the future Eastern Avenue will divert a significant amount of traffic from these intersections. However, the study did not address the impact to the capacity of the existing streets. The study notes that the existing Park Road (Rte. 1204) ranges from 20.5 to 21 feet wide. Staff did some additional analysis and, based on the current VDOT Subdivision Street Requirements this width has a maximum capacity of 1750 vehicle trips per day. Based on the traffic generated by the by-right development of Phases I — IV the traffic volume on Park Road west of Claudius drive exceeds its capacity (see table below). With the additional traffic from Phase V, the capacity of Park Road will be exceeded until the street network is connected to the future Eastern Avenue. Total Trips Park Rd. Total Trips Park Rd. East of Claudius Dr. West of Claudius Dr. Predevelopment(VDT 2002 counts) 550 adt 1600 adt Add: Phases I— IV 1368 adt 2418 adt Add: Phase V 1776 adt 2826 adt With Connections to Eastern Ave. 1075 adt(*) 800 adt(*) (* based on the traffic splits assumed in the traffic study) To address the immediate impacts to Park Road, the pavement could be widened to at least 22 feet, as requested by VDOT with the subdivision plats for previous phases of Westhall. The end result, though, would just be to allow for faster traffic movement. The most effective solution would be the provision of additional means of access via the construction of Eastern Avenue. Environmental, Cultural, and Historic— No impacts on environmental, cultural, or historic resources, other than removal of trees, is expected with this development. The woods on the site are not noted as significant features on any County plans. Schools—The development is expected to generate approximately 15 students broken down as follows: 6 elementary school students, 4 middle school students, and 5 high school students. These students would likely attend Crozet Elementary School, which is above capacity based on summer 2005 estimates; Henley Middle School, which was below capacity based on the summer 2005 estimates; and Western Albemarle High School, which was at capacity based on estimates. The Schools division shifts populations between schools when issues of capacity can be dealt with by shifting the school district boundary lines. At present, no major issues have been raised by the Schools division relative to the additional school students being generated by the development. Fire, Rescue, Police—The Crozet Volunteer Fire Station and the Western Albemarle Rescue Station provide fire and rescue services to the area. The planned Ivy Area Station will also augment services provide by the two existing fire and rescue stations Crozet. Albemarle County 5th Street Office Building is contains the County's Police Department, although the police patrol all 9 areas of the County. Current policy of police services recommends an average response time of 10 minutes for all Development Areas. To this end, police satellite offices are recommended within a service sector to help achieve these desired response times to all police emergency calls. The possibility of an additional fire/rescue/police station is under consideration for the area in 2012. Utilities —Albemarle County Service Authority indicates that water and sewer service is available to serve the site. QUESTIONS FOR THE COMMISSION Density and Mix of Uses Does the Planning Commission find the proposal consistent with the Crozet Master Plan with regard to residential densities and use? The Neighborhood Model proposes mixed housing types and incorporating affordable units within the Development Areas. The Crozet Master Plan further specifies what housing types are fitting for each Crozet Transect within the Master Plan neighborhoods. Centers of neighborhoods are intended to have the highest densities, then less density from center to general and then edge areas. Centers are also intended to provide a mix of uses, including non-residential such as office and retail. The center for this neighborhood intended in the Master Plan was shown on both the east and west sides of future Eastern Avenue. Given the by-right development pattern of Westhall, no center has emerged as intended on the west side of future Eastern Avenue. Development patterns in the center area have been single family residential or equivalent to CT 3 land uses. The majority of the Westhall V site is designated CT 5, with portions of CT 4. The northern boundary and along the Eastern Avenue edge is shown as CT 1&2 for preservation. Staff believes it could be difficult for this property to develop the type of intensive center and transect the Master Plan intended for neighborhoods because of the by-right development pattern, the odd shape of the parcel, and because of the adjacent reserved right-of-way which has set up the alignment of Eastern Avenue. Staff wonders if a mixture of uses is necessary at this location and believes that the only kind of mixture of use would be live/work units, home office, commercial first floor with residential over, small first floor retail with residential over and civic/school uses. Such a mixture of use would necessitate a different zoning district than PRD. Staff believes that incorporation of non-residential uses into the development would make the development more in keeping with the master plan. However, given the development pattern already set for the adjacent properties, a mixture of uses is not essential. Density shown for the project is within the recommended overall density shown on the Master Plan. What is different is that it has been spread across the entire parcel rather than designed in the form shown on Master Plan. In this instance, staff does not believe the density and arrangement of density is problematic. The green strip of land shown on the Green Infrastructure Plan was intended to form a buffer along Eastern Avenue which has been provided on the plan. Staff believes that the proposal is consistent with the density expected in the Master Plan but not the mix of uses. Staff does not have major concerns about the lack of a mixed-use area since a mixed-use area could be accommodated across Eastern Avenue from the site. Staff requests that the Commission discuss this issue. 10 Layout and Design Is the layout and design appropriate? If not, how should it be improved? The approximately 9 acre property is rectangular shaped and approximately 300 feet wide. The lots are organized along Tremont Street with the affordable units clustered together on one lot on the west side of the street adjacent to the townhouse units of Westhall Ill. On the east side of the street, the applicant has placed the stormwater facilities on lots between residential lots and against future Eastern Avenue. Staff believes that there are two options for development of the area. One option would be to redesign the area and bring it more into conformity with the expectations for the mixed-use CT5 center. The other option would be to accept the existing general layout as being more in keeping with the existing approved by-right development and anticipate that a more intensive center will occur to the east in the future. Staff favors the second option because, with the exception of the affordable housing lot and stormwater management facilities, staff believes that the general layout is compatible with the proposed by-right development. Staff believes that the stormwater management facilities should be designed so that they are not in conflict with adjacent residential uses, the tot lot, or causing negative visual impacts to future Eastern Avenue. Regarding the location and form of the affordable housing, staff is concerned that having all six units on a single lot creates an enclave which is not supported by the Neighborhood Model. Additionally, staff is concerned that the units are just detached houses in a parking lot with no yards. Staff does not support the proposed location and design of the affordable housing area, but, staff recognizes that this kind of housing is currently constructed within the City of Charlottesville on Fifth Street near the train station. Since it is a new kind of affordable housing for the County, staff asks that the Commission comment on its appropriateness in this setting in Crozet. Eastern Avenue and Greenway Connection What type of treatment or orientation should the development have to the Eastern Avenue edge? How should this incorporate a greenway trail in advance of full road construction? The Crozet Master Plan recommends that Eastern Avenue be classified as an "Avenue" and that it not include through truck traffic. The design elements for an "Avenue" (per Crozet Master Plan) include two travel lanes, bike lanes, on-street parking, tree planting strips, sidewalks, and an optional planted median. The dimensions of these elements may also vary depending on the streets character and relationship to the adjacent development. On previous plats where Eastern Avenue has been reserved, an 80-foot right-of-way is shown. The 80-foot right-of-way on the adjoining parcel would be sufficient if it is ever dedicated and built. 11 AVENUE Avenues are two-lane thoroughfares that connect ■ to important places/spaces in the Center, may serve mixed use areas,function as a'main"street \ or secondary to a'main"street. Parking lanes are prowled and diagonal parking may be allowed ■ with the appropriate width Bikes lanes are gen- erally provided unless determined not applicable. ■ Avenues may include a center median to create linear park appearance --- 6' 0' 0- 4 1Db1z' 0' fair 4' tY a 0' DESIGN SPEED 25-35mph Min 2422-paring kin 20a7 pwag Minimum RU,t of vow M'•9e Lots 110 through 127 back up to what will be future Eastern Avenue, as Westhall has been planned so that lots within all phases adjacent to Eastern Avenue are oriented to the internal street network. Staff suggested to the applicant that a 30 foot landscaping buffer be provided behind the lots and asked the applicant to provide details of how the buffer would be provided. The applicant has shown a 20 foot buffer and a portion of that may be dedicated to the pedestrian trail. Staff believes that a significant buffer is needed along the backs of the lots adjacent to Eastern Avenue and that 20 feet with a pedestrian trail is not sufficient to screen the backs of the lots. However, since Eastern Avenue is expected to be 80 feet in width, part of that right-of-way could have a pedestrian trail as a substitute for a sidewalk if the Commission were to approve it. Staff believes that it is possible that a heavily vegetated buffer plus a path could be placed between the backs of the lots and the pavement for Eastern Avenue. Staff asks for the Commission to affirm this strategy. Staff also believes that, in order for any buffer on the backs of the lots to be permanent, the buffer must be in common area. Two things are missing from the description above that affect the development. First, as previously stated, dedication and building of Eastern Avenue is a future action that is contingent on the rezoning or platting of the adjoining parcel. The owner of Westhall Phase V is only a partial owner of the adjoining parcel and he has said he does not have control over the adjoining parcel. Because dedication of Eastern Avenue is necessary in order for sufficient width to be provided for both a buffer and pedestrian path, construction of the pedestrian path would have to be postponed. Parks and Recreation staff believes that having this path built as soon as possible is important to create important greenway connections for use by the public. Staff acknowledges that the r.o.w. for Eastern Avenue is located appropriately on the adjoining parcel, based on the current r.o.w. reservations for previous phases of Westhall. However, without commitments for constructing Eastern Avenue, the traffic impacts on the neighborhoods over which cars must travel and the need for the pedestrian path make staff wonder if approving this development at the present time is premature. Staff asks for guidance from the Commission on the timing of construction of Eastern Avenue relative to this development. Impacts and Proffers What impacts should be mitigated for this development? The applicant has not submitted a proffer statement but has shown the intent to provide 15% of the total number of residential units as affordable. Greenway trails and pedestrian easements have also been shown on the application plan. The Greenway Planner has suggested that the open space within the development be dedicated to the County since it will be an integral part of the overall greenway system. ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 12 PC Work Session 5/9/06 The additional residential units from this development will generate impacts to the street network, the County's schools, the need for Eastern Park, and other transportation-related improvements. Staff suggests that the impacts should be mitigated and recommends, in addition to a proffer for affordable housing cash proffers be provided for use with the County's Capital Improvements Program. Consideration should be given for contributions to construction of the Lickinghole Bridge, and/or Eastern Avenue. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Commission review the proposal and advise staff and the applicant on each topic highlighted in the report. The proposal is not yet scheduled for a public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A: Westhall Location Map ATTACHMENT B: Westhall Location Map-Aerial Photo ATTACHMENT C: Westhall Location Map-Zoning ATTACHMENT D: Westhall Application Plan ZMA 06-01 Westhall V 13 PC Work Session 5/9/06 Attachment A Albemarle County GIS-Web May 2, 2006 li ii k'''�..�. fit ,, # , _ e Crozet Park `�� ,, Ai"\, • 4 litte\ ; 't't\ite ,' hose **.h„. '1 WP/:414-(1. '' ,. ;' ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Ni -jj t ter 147 litk A1111 0 1 ielOtt\.\ ..... %. 4' .tip‘:51 �t *1190 ' % 7 v. Ak 010.1iVO 1 i >,\. 4 ':4"' p / • -,.to Hypo . It\ V‘tit. , ('iot, iokilt , ,,,,,„11.4 ,,, - , ,, ,, o, lk, , A.- l'-': 21,> * 1°4 itli t Tr 44,1411)& li / / Aill, 1,,, ' 00—--- — ii IA, wii,, /14/////1„. . , ) VAiyi:itc. e itkrik.ilir,,:olii .. / 4 , Ir. imr auk t IP fliPc4110 r 421 Feet >tt 2 3 ❑ Tax Map Grid ,, ��"""" hh �. 4 5�6 8 9+,10 11 Pi� County Parks I IIIII 3 14)15 16 17 18 19 20 21,22 f era‘' ill 24 25 26 77 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37.. -i)/.9 De-so/ 38 39 40441 42 43 44 454 47eg.49 50 Sr 1 , 3' J/ // ,�Aase // 52 53 64 56 jlNti57-58.59 60 61 62 r63 54 66�66 67 'A'/ T�!^C�ii/jl/(/ /// -� 68 69170 71 72 73 74 75+76 77 79 i79 80 81 82 Geographic Data Services ,1 I r Room 227 82,84 85 86 s7 88 89 9 91 92 t 95• .96 97 9899 10010110203 104106106 401 McIntire Road 14 /I v I I 1.e J Charlottesville,VA 22902 10711019 I10 I111 tip 1114 I11 116 117»,118 119 121 122 123124 All data is provided for graphic representation only The ?�- -�.c�.,,, County of Albemarle expressly disclaims all warranties of any 125 126.127 1281293030 113 type,expressed or implied,including,but not limited to,any ' I1A I I I I 32 16 warranty as to the accuracy of the data,merchantability,or 1 .3..A137 I fitness for a particular purpose. 1 1 yt33 135 138:4 1134 Aerial Imagery 0 2002 Commonwealth of Virginia-Maps are for internal use only. Attachment B Albemarle County GIS-Web May 1, 2006 IIIIIIIpk ilk ' ,,,i- IP ‘ . . 414. if r- --011-flPiii ''' ' '-r."""No -- -1,1%,..„ - -1-.- : -0) 00 I i k:i r i ..... :. - : • It • „4/''' k0.00.4 1,00k, .... . . . . . b . ...; - -: s • '•• '' '1 i-• YA f�, T•s y114. �, r �9 i . . y tic f plot .,i� \ Wvey _ 1 J , . t' •it / - ' Ns• m s Y + 1 i Y s r S ' t, .3. 1 r f. 1w '� ii , t. / `if • -.0 ' 681 Feet '. ik.: - _.—_ •—_ -_ .• .+ - �a .}—._-- .___._.-__.-_c__ —_ — Overview Roads 01 �tiLy�, 1 2 3 ❑ Road Bridges 2 4 5 6 8 9.10 11 1,1 ®III ••r I121 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2i.22 23 — Roads I Buildings 1b 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34i35 6'3377.. Driveways -�� ��: 1'373 39{44001}4-1 42 43 44 5446 4�7(48 49 5 rf51 E Parcels /RGIr\' 52,53r54 56■'57-588.59 60'61 62/63 64 65 66+67 68 6970 71 72173 74'75.76.77 78.79.80 81 82 Lakes and Reservoirs Geographic Data Services +I r Ponds Room 227 83t84 85 861„87 88 89 9 91 92•9394.95 Major Streams 401 McIntire Road i966 97 8 99I10010'10'2i 3I104105�106i Other Streams Charlottesville,VA 22902 1071018I1/'9 110I1 111 11,13 / ,�13 114 I11B 116 117 118 1191121 122 123 124 / / Maio Cll data prbear for graphiy redisclaims only Thesr,,,,n /O`/1/(rryl.•(fi�O� County of Albemarle expressly disclaims all warranties of any 125 26.127 12812930'1131 /'� r type,expressed or implied,including,but not limited to,any IA I f I I warranty as to the accuracy of the data,merchantability,or 1132,-13' t1 137I GJesfha'// PA age, fitness for a particular purpose 13/8.131_1J1 134 Aerial Imagery 2002 Commonwealth of Virginia-Maps are for internal use only Attachment C Albemarle County GIS-Web May 2, 2006 Crozet Park CLAUDIUS CROZET PARU IIIA \\:1\\111, 9 _r__.r....„------------\ , 9v. p i �FR7, , \ E�5j �o \ ,,p ti 1 �,i \--. �W 0 421 Feet _...___.... JII ❑ Tax Map Grid 4 OF At, .2 .fib '� 4y 4 5//��6.17 8 900 11 N II County Parks U!'�l©i r 12113 14J15 16 17 18 19221117211.2.3.�E� �l 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32�33 34135 36 37- ;,-` �� �'.- 38 39 40141 42 43 44 45/46 4/�7(48 49 501 �j v►r r9 �e s►9 n a�o n s t�R rjtr\� 52 5354 59 60 /62�63 �66.67 68 69li0 71 72-7 74 75" 78 r79 60 8142 Geographic Data Sevices I /tI ( `��„ 834 85 8687 88 89 90 91 92i939495�fQ,(�{r V1es�61uII 1 7`Us� Room227 r� / ts! 401 McIntire Road 98 97 9e 9910010110203104105106i Charlottesville,VA 22902 ?o I)9110111 113 11411,110 1118 119 121 22 1 123 124 All data is provided for graphic representation only. The 7�7l.r�^�I County of Albemarle expressly disclaims all warranties of any 125 1 127 12812930`131 type,expressed or implied,including,but not limited to,any ' IX I I I I ift warranty as to the accuracy of the data,merchantability,or 11321133 135 13.141371 in fitness for a particular purpose 13811�I 134 Aenal Imagery 2002 Commonwealth of Virginia-Maps are for internal use only l Attachment D 'N A S ONEIIAUS DEVEL01P...,V-..tE... .t -11NIA CO"UNT V� 13 --'��'MAIXDI�� -AL) A "7 - VI'Df WHITEHALL IYZAG1STERIAii, DISTRICT C^ "- - - STREET STREET JANUARY 23, 2006 TREE TREE a.s' � a.s' ' — 0.5S 6 52' R/W 5. APPLICATION 0.5' PLAN SIDEWALK TREE SIDEWALK LAWN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION POINT OF GRADE DESIGN -- --- - - - — - — 2.0" SM-9.5A SURFACE COURSE 3' BM-25.OA ASPHALT THE WESTHALL V PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED R-1/R-6 CLUSTER. 6" AGGREGATE BASE - - N A PORTION OF TMP 56H-A PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE TO PRD (PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT), ZERO LOT LINE, MATERIAL, TYPE 1, SIZE 21A / % rj \ � U� IS REQUESTED FOR THAT PORTION OF TMP 56H-A CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 AND SMALL PORTION ZONED R-6 CLUSTER CC-6 TACK COAT CC-6 6' TREE , c�b— Q cGT 1/4" = 1 PLAN SLOPE PLAN SLOPE LAWN 1 4" = 1' _ J C�11 1 4 = 1' TYP 1 a = 1 TYP PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION. TMP 56H-A Fi�� - C YARD REQUIREMENTS: FRONT = 15' 789; 235 f SIDE = o' SE�-SE DER ` �� REAR = 10' 0.5' PRIME COAT 0.5' �1 �/ BUILDING SEPARATION: 10' CLEAR 1 C C Z e t / �1 C BUILDING HEIGHT: 35' (TO MIDPOINT OF ROOF) 2' 12' 12' 2' 1 1.5' / O \ / 240 4� MARKET RATE DWELLING UNITS: 33 AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNITS: 6 TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION TOTAL UNITS: 39 NOT TO SCALE I O � 1 Rv DENSITY: 8.96 AC / 39 DU = 4.35 DU/AC I /���' I�TT� WES � 'V � NOTES: 1 1. 2 OFF STREET PARKING SPACES ARE TO BE PROVIDED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. FAMILY D DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION I B r O W n S V \G�\N ��� 2 ADUKETYPE:T2 3 IBEDROOM / 750-R1800 S.F25S SINGLE FAMIGYEDETACHED ETACHED CONTOUR (INTERVAL AS \ TYPE "A" 30'X30' FOOTPRINT 00- INDICTED ON SITE PLAN) v FIRE DEPARTMENT 12. �% TYPE "B" 25'x35' FOOTPRINT CONNECTION -- WMLL • 499.50 SPOT ELEVATION � DEVELOPER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST UNIT FOOTPRINT AND PRODUCT TYPE %v WATER/GATE VALVE 70 RESPOND TO MARKET TRENDS BUT THERE SHALL BE NO DECREASE IN THE UNIT NUMBER OF ApU'S. \ 250 � WOOD LINE 1c GAS VALVE v — — — CENTER/EDGE OF STREAM sA EXISTING SAN. SEWER MANHOLE Yancey �%_� c !� WESTHALL V DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY —X—X FENCE ST STORM SEWER MANHOLE 825 MIl'S 683 EDGE OF PAVEMENT DROP INLET ,_ v ` ___ TOTAL GROSS AREA TO BE REZONED = 8.96 Ac. / r �_ `� AREA OF PROPOSED ROADS = 1.57 Ac. ® - - PROPERTY LINE �� �- �C SANITARY CLEAN OUT AREA DEVOTED TO RESIDENTIAL USE = 7.39 Ac. (TOTAL AREA - AREA OF PROPOSED ROADS) ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE LIGHT POLE ABBREVIATIONS AREA OF RESIDENTIAL LOTS = 4.31 Ac. OHE --- OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE AC ACRE PRD ZONING REQUIRED OPEN SPACE = 25% � TELEPHONE POLE WITH ADU AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNIT NTS NOT TO SCALE VICINITY� MAP. GUY WIRE & ANCHOR BC BACK OF CURB O.C. ON CENTER OPEN SPACE PROVIDED = 2.58 Ac. OHT --- - OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE � POWER POLE r BM BENCH MARK PE POLYETHYLENE SCALE: F'= 3000' PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE PROVIDED IN THE AREA — 8" SAN SAN SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE C TREE C/C CENTER TO CENTER PROP PROPOSED DEVOTED TO RESIDENTIAL USE = (2.58 Ac./7.39 Ac.) = 34.9% 15" S.D. C G CURB AND GUTTER RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE STORM SEWER SHRUB CIP CAST IRON PIPE REQ'D REQUIRED OWNER/APPLICANT: SHIFLETT FARM, LLC CENTER LINE RT RIGHT C/O STONEHAUS 8'W WATER LINE 1412 SACHEM PLACE, SUITE 301 ^'PL IRON PIN FOUND CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE R/W RIGHT OF WAY CHARLOTTES`VILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 CO CLEAN OUT R-O-W RIGHT OF WAY 434-974-7588 - - UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL LINE IRON PIN SET CONC CONCRETE SS SANITARY SEWER ATTN: FRANK STONER - - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE BENCHMARK CY CUBIC YARDS ST STORM CURRENT ADJACENT DEVELOPMENTS (COUNTY PLAN/PLAT NUMBERS) DU DIAMETER STA STATION ��"EX `� SHEETS GAS - - GAS LINE � PAVEMENT DU DWELLING UNIT STD STANDARD WESTHALL I & IL..... SUB 2004-00042 I ' � - - — - - — - - — EASEMENT EL ELEVATION S/W SIDEWALK WPO 2005-00007 CONCRETE ELEC ELECTRIC TBA TO BE ABANDONED SUB 2005-00113 SETBACK 0 EX EXISTING TBR TO BE REMOVED DRAWING NO. SHE=T N0. ITLE PARKING SPACES WESTHALL IIL............ SUB 2006-0001 6 - - EXIST EXISTING TC TOP OF CURB FH FIRE HYDRANT TYP TYPICAL SUBWPO 2005-00086 SUB 2005-00146 CS-1 1 COVER SHEET GFS GROSS SQUARE FEET UG UNDERGROUND HB HORIZONTAL BEND UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WESTHALL IV.............SUB 2006-00017 G-1 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS HC HANDICAP WL WATERLINE SDP 2005-00119 INV INVERT W/M WATER METER WPO 2005-00087 C-1 3 CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT PLAN IPS IRON PIN SET WW WOVEN WIRE LEGEND NOTES: IPF IRON PIN FOUND YDS YARDS I /1 1. THE SIZE OF SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN. 6"V 6" VALVE LT LEFT LF LINEAR FEET 2. ALL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SHOWN MAY NOT BE USED. MH MANHOLE SWMI STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SO STORM DRAIN I ADDRESS COUNTY COMMENTS AWING 03/29/2006 WESTHALL V '"V1S10N NUMBER: W ENG1NEERS JLW A STONEHAUS DEVELOPMENT � SURVEYORS APPLICATION PLAN ------------ P- DRAWING PJUMBEF?: PLANNERS JLW T COVER SHEET ASSOCIATES _- NFW/OMJ ft JUML� R 147 Mill Ridge Road 1402 Gccobric Placc _. _ _ - I.ynohbo,g, Va24502 Ch-l"ll<a�iur. VA 22901 ... ".'Lt_ ir: .' DISCIPLINE: �SCA(f ?how: 434.5g2.6175 Pbow:.984.2700 N0. REVISION BY DATE NO. REVISION BY DATE www.wwa 9uciaIX .ncl 205161DO 5l6/CS-iLr,N CIVIL AS SHOWN 1-23-06 / 0/ 3 FILE: W:\Codd\205161.00\CONCEPT LAYOUT\516/CSI.dgn DATE: 16-Mar-06 16:35 Attachment D 1 I 1 I I I , ►----------- LEGEND \`�-, �, '1 '1 `, ♦\ \ � r ,� t, AREA OF TMP 56H-A REQUESTED TO BE 1 [fff ZONED PRD \, 'I �' ,' ,� �' +, ♦. �� \, '\ ', �, I, � ES✓' �I UR1Q Y AREA OF TMP 56H-A F \pAy LICKINC,HOLE CRE�'K, LLC % \\ \ \\ COB. 2014 `PG. lE R I DF A TO MAINTAIN EX. ZONING 10 GH ZONED R-6 TMP 56'97B N ZONED: R I ,` USE: VACANT ' i `� ZONE: RI Q E \ CURRENT ZONING _ _ R-Fi _ _ - VSE:VACANT I� 519'SY855 `o� DISTRICT BOUNDARY �� � �' 9 � 01 11 i p(�PftROX.LOCAT10N R-1 , / I ' \♦ . 8 . `` 1 \ \ + \ C(NNAM6D TRIBUTAAY I EXlTlNG t ` lICKINGHOLEIICR€EK BOUNDARY OF - - //'� / GRASSED r __ ; s,9��•,� / �` •.` t� J `t`` - ' TMP 56H-A PASTURE `• \ r �i2, \ .1 _-_ , 1 '\ '�>-- \ EXISTING -/ I I r r ♦ \♦ r' ' -,� , I •\���- -_ `\ \ \ `` \, \ \ ,� A. \ \ \ \ - _ _I = = - _ _- - 11 WOOD LINE i I I y r , r / , „� •• ' I \ i �• ' , ` \ ` \ Y ` `o • ` ` ♦ ` ` ♦ ` - = = - = = = - - - - - - - uMITS OF WESTHALL v ..-----'' �'t 1 , I \_ ; q.5 ,�-,- 1 Cl .-r ; rr '\ •1• i �1 I \� I \.2� `` S1J�V 1L.d(L,J/ /- ` / I W \� 307.72 A� _ R - I 652.56 �- 1 1 I C ,''T 0 1 ',� S. �`�.• _ _ 1 "" j,.,. fD PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT -.---.---'.-..' . . 3fzs. Pc.3as �- .. � 3p6 w_ ---� I I \ t f - I 1 \ dF. I r ,\ \ '. ♦ :� J r/.:. ,. � ! i 1. r y -.:_ I ,:t { \ 1r I p�.i i \ '' '!•r 1 ` ,\ ` i' _\i' �_-� Y i•�\/ •PIKE `,\ / 1 , 1 vi /.� I t j , 1 '.:: ♦ : ♦ : f : ,. Ir' __ v_. r r / _. - - , - P '��,yJ.•. •,,,.:' \ `I 1 .\ ; I� P�'%i / \ r I' ,�` i o , , r " PLANNED SITE DESIGN DENSITY: - y - t ,,, � " ". �Jj' '�-- ,' :1 �\ :1 \ 1 \cam'• - - �.- ('��r}\ __- :J �1,` � ` � IWEST L 636 TQTAL GROSS AREA 0TMP 56H A TO 8E' REZONED 8.96 AC. r ♦ � ,. - --„ kE'. -- -, ___..'; � / / 1JI \ -- "- - -;"� �` ' 1 /' ,��,-' _-'.• � i t - �, i Ai<?EA OF PROPOS 'D ROADS = 1.57r�1c. - _--__-__.� � -'` o ' ! -`y � --',' \ '\ ..��� �' '\ - -.ie', 1 , •a' - o- , E, r T ,CAI 3_ > + ,. •, r,,.✓ 8„-�" ;_--,�_''- 1 1 a I : r -_ Z] ' / 1 r .. v - - -' - - _ . ! 1; : - SIG ST�IArCE _ - , , \ , _ - -_ - ' Z AkEA ':DEVOTED TES RESIDENTIAL' Ut E - 7 (( A . �Fy rzs r�c.3os c 5 ,.:.: ,.�.. { ,.... ,;� ..J7 C ,..7 1� t rY- 4..1 , ,�/ L-AS T 1 , ROUTE 240 HOLDINGS L.L.C. LlCK/NGH4LE CREEK,liLC >'/ g N - 'I / h :.} r �. ice.. .'f" ` •\ : f , t f:.:.:r F : .•.: :.r-.. - --- \ _-. -"'- 6 f ! SSE DETAIL _ A - D.B. 312 PG. 3 2 \ , - \ , ri T TAL AREA AREA PfidOPOSED iN R A r t F, L t •Z-�_, - TMP 56 95 Z I t / i 9 O DS) �.B.2 33 PG.150 , ti y �RarlNc o G r a31 �2 t -' ± ,- \ �0 t t \,'� , _t .,FR AiN1N !7 p TMP 56H A \ ZONED: R I , r �'- ar X d AREA ;OF RESIDENTIAL La = 4.81 Ac. ------------------------------ ♦1 USE: W O 1 t : f 1 t - 7.s.- -:. -` ` __:_..__...:_ N ;: �.'.� � .---_ _ � ::: � •` t� 1 , , Y .• \ VACANT , � . , 'P � �4NE- R! \ \ RD ZONING ',REQUIRED QPEN SPACE': = 25% , USE: . ` `''�-� � -_� -_ , .. _ t�• - � � - ��. _ \ _y \ • I m ,•- r .r, r OPEN 'SPACE 'PROVIDED �' A + •• - \ , !� \PERCENTAGE'` (F OPEN SPACE PROVIDED IN THE AREA ♦ , t 1 , i : r. i .... ._ ,_ ,•, .- ' " _. :. :., l: 1 _ ,�' , ! I 1. . - ,, I , / I � \ DEVOtED TO RESIDENTIAL _ A 7 A o \ \• 1 , \. \ g o ,�� t € SE (28 c. f .39 c.) - 34:9i; , - - _ _ h /� 2 s.: :.4*t ��','� `��C/. `•'�i v � I p V.,, Ox 2 ` - - r' - - - - _ rkr E � * ti . I 1 t 1 t � \N° 1 . ` •��� + �,.^ �� �� �!. � '9 � ` � i 5..:-/ 11�: *' � t �,EaS �� , ., 1� 1 Y• 4 - ,' / ° P.'�'�� ' �y ...r.E•.tt�rr.�r �� 1 .,la.r. ' '1 ,, NO3'14'12'E 1 1 - , • ,5 _0� I '•\ ` '\' '� O1 /N05° D6'49j' E N3' 56 8 E H' �' 1` !� ! ,N75P 46'A"E 1 ,�" t 'L 3 , L / I `♦\ I I ! `'/ r' ,' / -6 ` ,'�- I' 1'` -6 ?�. .;4 1 , '� .I 45. 3 \ 1 ANIT t`�'\�O- O \ '` ', r ' 1 • ,SEW R q� •\<'\`'\- '\ , O , r �n I ,572 -'•�' 1 p ,�i , �r \`\ . I I. ,' �EE � •\ /' f I ' \\ ! ! ! �• / --- --- y/ /// � SS oR >j„' ;R 6� � �\LO 9 1 \�, Y � ' I LOT T4 i` , '\ l D9.3125; PG.30f6NT ' �\tt '� � / i \ , • 16 �• , ,, � , -{ �' ' ',b S' � 1 r I l r / APPROXIMATEI IUO / \ srREAM euaR Lp�- 5FL -FARM LLC m ` en iA '1 t 1 1 '1 ZV/Y �7� 1; -- OPEN PASTUR „-O"%• ',• L v t \ : R ENTIAL L0� MP 56- - 1♦ ; � � 1 � , ICHAR . HEVE R ll 953.E "P 1 2 US4 LO ! SE' EN �0T 5(-' �y ` G� ' '• a` \ \ \� r, `: , - ��: , �. / U5E.-IOSIDENTIAL CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS CHORD CHORD BEARING C-1 15'31'50" 281,90 1040DO 281.04 So4'3r43'E C-2 9417'45' 4/J4 25DO 36,66 S57'04'29 E C-3 04'17'44' 70,90 945,63 70B8 S/2'04'29'E C-4 221018 87D7 225.00 8653 I S25'18'31`E C-5 68'15'53' 35.74 30DO 33.67 N2'15'44 W C-6 86'29 59' 4529 30DO 41J1 N75'07'12'E C-7 9'26'30' 37.08 225.00 3704 S66'2r03'E C-8 Ir26'25' 99B4 500.00 99.67 575'19'OrW C-9 24-49'16' /12.63 260D0 111J5 S74'19'56E C-10 /08 33'02' 4557 2300 3734 N7'38 48'W C-!l 953r08' 41.66 2500 37.02 S85'36'43'E C-12 3'55'24' 17.80 250.00 17BO S35'53'27E C-l3 Or52'37' 34D7 1040.00 34D7 SO4'1O'3O'W C-14 9900100' 274B9 175.00 247.49 N59'13'22W C-15 04.47'25' 74B8 895.63 7486 N1r49'39'W C-16 8952'4r 1 3922 1 25.00 35-32 1 N35'19 5O'E 1 1OT Ol �6 y i 101 `\ 11 O `♦ 1 `Y''" -640--- �L /• Jl,� L1JN '�\'," DJit \ \,O'/ I 11._-1----------:.- , L.L • \ f ' \ � , 1 L I �. is �. .T1 _ - _ _ _ !/ a _ _ - / / 1, i�( - 1 �\- \' --- , 1 NT$ '1N 0 r _ I � it / `I '•� ti � I i � 1\' , / � / r I �� 3 - - - - - - 1 8T.B_4_ - -+-N4947'54'E �` s� n%r I ,I,11----------- i 20D0 " ' ,� •./ \ \0 of ,l xi� 1 11LLdd 1, /1 \ � \ G`l I ;'•i. , � 1 `, 1 / \''� {) B.3 2 PG. 306 06'E 81.67 i \ 6 .'�i-`�C\�j\/,l0�1 O_:N.-,i \ �--' O 1 , it '1 \ \{,,o �(j >w•�\ \ % �i y ;_`, _1•r9 -"., , ,I t 11 ,111I;,',': - , L,�� '�°�,M (f` j!' •l ♦ \ (� y i t, '7 1., _z�'' , ao�`f� �?p' F It 29 STORM WATER <' r MANAGEMENT EASEMENT s'\�� �� `\ \ D.8.3l25 PG. 306\rn 0 /o (L O�\G� \ \ ! 3z37 IaE �, O tOT Il & 12 , , /`1 ; �� �o� ! • `��s. moo` / --- EARL M.JR & 43' n \'•� '' % L. DyANE SULLIVAN $\ 22.472 41 '16'E i /�' o DB. \1843 PG. 373 h \ TMP 56D-B-II \ a` USE:�RESIDENTIAL 901 to- \ O 2 oT i /'v \� j'' LOT l3 5g . O O/------_ 5619 � G \� IF T S AWIN IS �DUCTION o� -- -- N2s'Si-- J r � nl� r .�' WARREN J. � 0 / I 55 `r �^ ��� ���. 26W RE44 C.WEEKS \ _GRAP SCALE STiBE USED ROAD OAD Q P� �,P O `' \d .o <TM z G. / I \ '� 5 B !3 DETAJL 'A• o I , US Es D TI > 60 60 l ADRESS COUNTY COMMENTS. -_ - AWING 03/29/06 _ DESIGNED Br: PROJECT: WESTHALL V REVISION NUMBER: ENGINEERS JLw A STONEHAUS DEVELOPMENT � SURVEYORS DRAWN BY: APPLICATION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: CANNERS -_ TITLE: e . REVIEWED by: EXISTING CONDITIONS Gi-1 - - - --- -- - -... f HFW/DMJ L47M111Ridgc Road 14026 nbricr Pl.0 WWA NUMBER: FILE NAME: DISCIPLINE: ISM -ALE: DATE: SHEET NUMBER: Ynchbo g, Va 24502 Cha lotles"k, VA 22901 Phone: 434.582.6175 Phone: 434 9R4.2700 NO. REVISION BY DATE NO. REVISION BY DATE w.,�,�.,,-,�ass«iates.net 2051611 5161GOl.dgn CIVIL !" 6Q 1-23-06 2 OF 3 FILE:W:\Codd\205161D0\CONCEPT LAYOUT\5161GOldgn - l LANDSCAPE BUFFER NOTE: ` Attachment D 20' LANDSCAPE BUFFER. THE BUFFER SHALL INCLUDE (/) AN v \ / \ �� DENSIFO�MUS YEW HEDCIES \ INFORMAL MIX OF SCREENING TREES.LOOSELY STAGGERED.15 FEET ON -CENTER. (H) THE SAME SPECIES OF SCREENING TREES SHALL 8E \ p \ \ \ CLUSTERED IN GROUPS AND ALTERNATE GROUPS OF SCREENING TREES V I I �- Y SHALL BE PROVIDED TO CREATE A NATURALISTIC RURAL LANDSCAPE; = i al LARGE AND MEOIUM SHADE TREES SHALL BE INTERSPERSED \ LIC INGHOLE CREEK, LLC % - \ cp \ CHARLES \A. COBLE �� r �jF �1 Uri WW p7 / N D.B. C 35 O OF \ 1 \ \ \ 1 AMONG THE SCREENING TREES, (1v) CLUSTERS OF ORNAMENTAL TREES \ 1 TMP 56 53 I CD 1 I \ \ K'" �ON 1 1 X � SHALL BE PROVIDED IN GROUPS OF E's AND 5's. AND 1v1 TALL \ 1 ZONED: R-I J / 1 \ TMP R! I /00 -I 8 \ SHRUBS SHALL BE MASSED IN TO HELP INTEGRATE THE PROPOSED 1 USE: VACANT \ \ \ l l ; i / / i I i\� USE: VACANT / 'I \ PLANTINGS INTO A NATURALISTIC RURAL LANDSCAPE. APPROVED � 1 1� 1 1 \ 1 \ \ `�- PLANT SPECIES SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ` \ \ \UNJAMED TR/BUTAKY OF RECOMMENDED PLANTS UST AND THE BUFFER DESIGN SHALL BE / � LI KING HOLE CREEK SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF \� 1 1 II (APPROXIMATE \\ COUMUN17Y DEVELOPMENT. MAINTENANCE OF THE BUFFER SHALL BE \ \ 1 ! I RELOCATED STORM WATER \ \ q 8 \ \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 1 1 \ \ 1LOCATION ONLY! THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION. \ 1 I \ MANAGEMENT FACILITY -8" EXTENDED DETENTION W/FOREBAY 1g,{�1'IEr \ \ \ \ \ \ 8O' WIDE R-O-W 1 I v I i FUTURE 2401250 CONNEG�TOR 6PEN SPACE TRAIL TO BE PROVIDED WITHIN R-O-W PARCEL D v / 6' PEDESTRIAN 0, 98 AC. PROPOSED STORM WATER \ 7 / ( / TRAIL \ _ _ I \ \ \ 6,C�82 SF MANAGEMENT FACILITY "C" / \ 1 I 4 I V (BIO-FILTER) 00 �ULSirr1AN r_AS_,,4ENT D!8. J125 r'G.30 I 20'LANOSCAPE ;A)FFER — - — / - - I 36 63 2 ,1 / I \� 1 \�z I \ A - - 7- -- - - - 1- SEELANDSCAPE3VFFER NOT - ` - - - _ _ _ _ ° 63 1 I ROUTE 240 HOLDINGS, L.L.C. \ ^ I I 10' RE A,R Y A — — - — - - — —�` I 2 �1 / \ LOT 111 TMP 56-95 -- - - - - - — -- - j0 I �I ZONED: R-I I / I I I I I I I I I I/ I I I r' I , I 1 y ,J I i )' 6. / �� \ LOT 126 N/ _,Lo - USE: VACANT! / // I' I I I I 1 I I I /— -\ 8,682 SF I / 6' PEDESTRIAN I °' w LOT 11 LOT 1 'I 1 LOT 1 12 LOT 1 13 LOT 114 LOT 1 15 LOT 116 LOT 117 L T 118 LOT ! 1 tOT 120 LOT -121 LOT 122 LOT 123 LOT 124 LOT 125 ;L - , _ , , L« PICNIC \TABLE ! TRAIL I 5 085 SF" 15 C85 SF 15 085 SF 15.085 SF 15,085 SF 15,085 SF 15,085 SF 15,085 SF 5,0�5' SF 15.090 S� 5,140 SF 15,206 SF 5,273 S 15,339 SF I5,405 SF I 6,573 SF I I t — _ _ � 6 -SF,y \ + f + \ �' I l ' \ U'j'� ��-� I I I I I I I 1 \ TRNL = —�� \ GRAIL 81 W_ TR _ 2V 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 W I E S Ti L 1_---1 1 1 .;'MEADtl- TOT LOT \ \ �?\ SJGHf-,)J ST AA$CE LLl N _ _ .. —/l - — - -- - — — 645 — - -- — - — --- ` Y 2 100 ` I ti• ASEMNT II 1 Z w — — -- -- — -- -- - - 5.�.•i DB.312 PG. 2 ,OPEN SPACE I� .yM �Y�[L / a • 1 - - — -sir �• — - \ .( l�'� PARCEL C co Ll X n 1.06 Ac ,_,`a•� _= _ �. �✓ -I \ \ w � 46. 155 SF 1 d 7! \ g .r / I .- \r- v / T EMCNTSTREE (-50 R/W) - — .� % rs \ v v 1 i 6 I 5' FRONT YARD \S'�;; \ LOT �O. 1 Aou , ADu z �ADu 3 1 T y � v LOT 91 v TYPE A TYPE A TYPE A �p B !• _ \ \1 �� /' \ 5,616 SF �,377 \ \` \ S / / P' 6v I v� N SPACE v LOT 92 v v\ \ 25 ! / / LOT 05 LOT 10 LOT 103 LOT 102 tOT 101 LOT 100 LOT 99 LbT 98 1s' F 96-- 95 LOT 94 �\ c PARCEL a s,a SF yT r I '— 1-LO'T LOT 93 I 11 Acres / 5,�15 F 5,176 SF 5,176 SF 5076 SF 5;176 SF 5, 76 SF 5,176 SF 6,I902 SF 410 SF 5,442 SF 1 ,5,308 SF I %� I I I \ ( I I I 9;117 �F �4 122 SF I LOT 97" 1O' RIDDE I ADU 6 22,14$ SF TYDPE / / ,/ I / I TYPE A - - f —1� —\ — 1 / \ N • "°� \`\` / / 1�0�/ / 582. 6 / 10' REAR YARD t 3a zs3 ._ — L� / — Jfr 8 r '' \ \ \ \ i i /N75° 46'3� 'E I I I A 061497�� A\ V 1 v �/ 45.b3 END of INESTwAtL v / ��v � --�-- _ _ III v LOT 4 v v v v ;I / I �01' 14 ROAD / / ��-J / / - o \ 5729 5.1�. \o \ \, \ \ \ ,� RIHARD L. HEVENER Il e / °/ - - F \ \ \ \ \ � II '� I l � 13 / I / L-/ / l TMP 56-48 EXISTING PUMP STATION _ \ APPROXIMATE!I 100 I < I / \ STREAM' BUFFER / J I ZONED: R-6 TO BE ABANDONED /I 'r (� \ \ I r I I USE: RESIDENTIAL m \ f �� LC y \ \ / SIIIFF E T FARM LLC J v:.' e \ 494 S f '� b \ 1 (�� ,1 O.BA2953 .4/, 49 & 6,5 '0 6j A \� 1 1 �� I 6 n 1 OPEN P 29 3 a;,jL4S, USE: S /AL � — — \ � I I I I � /, � ��, � • �. , \ O 1 O'( 6 V � ,' ' 'III II ' I ,/ � _ � � ,v ����, v � �r ', 1 v v , �. •vvv�7 y � - � , v � V i1` \ \ FU�TUR� R0A0 (/ O Q9 A� , 0 V � 5u2 S•�C v y \V 0\ A � \ � / � 1 � � � 1— y \— \ 2 10 \— — \ \ / O LO \� 1 C,pNNECT10N I /, / 10 CO � ,, \/ -";fg l - /O'( !-r J I \ / / , E1�gt FCP \ ,�Y / IQ, \ /— / IV I cp V� / \ - I\y fir 4 � \ �i / _-h1a \\O 9S, \ \ (� I I. —— / (� \' 11�0J• IF THIS DRAWING IS A REDUCTION / GRAPHIC SCALE MUST BE USED SO' 0 50' / 0 / / z / , i I ADRESS COUNTY COMMENTS. AWING 03I29I06 1 �= oFsicroEo WEST1 ALL V er: I PROJF_CT: REVISION NUMBER: ENGINEERS JLw A STONEHAUS DEVELOPMENT L N0• BY I DATE I NO. REVISION © SURVEYORS PLANNERS ASSOCIATES -- --- DRAWN BY: JLW ---- REVIEWED BY: / APPLICATION PLAN DRAWING NUMBER: T F_ : _ CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT PLAN 147MITIRidge 450 1402Goelle,V 229 22901 Vu24502 ChnrLNtc.434. HFWIDMJ , , r FILE NAML: DISCIPLINE: SCALT: W'WA NUMBER: g4 Phone: 434.SR26175 Phone : 434.984.2700 Pboew: 43 w • . � ,r°s.a, 205161DO ID4T1 5161COI.DGN CIVIL C • 510` 1-23-06 � O�