HomeMy WebLinkAboutSE202300010 Correspondence 2023-03-07 (5)Requested
Existing Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Proposed Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Sec. 5.3.3
a. Manufactured homes shall consist of at least 4,500
Lots under 4,500 SF & less than 45' in width:
Minimum Lot
square feet, and shall have a width of at least 45 feet.
19-22, 24-28, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46-48, 50, 52, 55, 57-66, 68-70
Lots over 4,500 SF & less than 45' in width:
• 32, 35, 37, 40, 45, 49, 54, 71
Because the manufactured home park precedes the 1980 Zoning Ordinance,
The code is unclear where the width of the lot shall be measured. Taken at the
the homes were placed without lot delineation. Drafting of schematic lot area
15' front setback line from the private street ROW, all new lots would meet the
today indicates 36 `lots' that are both under 4,500 SF in area and less than
minimum 45' width.
45' in width and 8 `lots' that exceed 4,500 SF, but are less than 45' in width.
Adjustments of these lots would require moving the manufactured homes,
which can cost $5,000 per unit.
Sec. 5.3.4
d. The minimum distance between manufactured
Lot 8-11, 18-29, 32-65, 67-71 (total 55 lots)
Lot 5N
Location of
homes shall be 30 feet. The Albemarle County Fire
Marshal may require additional space between
manufactured homes if public water is not available
are 55 existing structures that do not have 30' of separation on all sides.
The structure on Lot 5N is approximately 21' from the existing structure on Lot
or is inadequate for fire protection.
11. The existing fire hydrant on Park Road is located within an ACSA easement
on Lot 5N.
Sec. 5.3.5
a. Manufactured homes and other structures shall be
Lot 12
Setbacks and
set back at least 50 feet from the right-of-way of an
existing public street.
The existing structure on Lot 12 is positioned approximately 33' from the
existing Park Road right-of-way.
b. Manufactured homes and other structures shall be
Lot 12-17, 30, 67-73 (total 14 lots)
set back at least 50 feet from the manufactured home
park property line when it is adjacent to a residential
or rural areas district.
There are 14 existing structures that are set back less than 50 feet from the
property line, where the property line is adjacent to a residential or rural
areas district. Lots 67-73 contain structures that are very close to the adjacent
property, with the existing structure on lot 67 located 1.1' from the property
line with tax map parcel 56-51. The location of these structures are pre-existing
and would not create an additional detriment on the neighboring parcel.
Lots 12-17 are adjacent to the Westhall subdivision, constructed in 2008. The
location of these structures are pre-existing to the creation of the adjacent
Crozet Mobile Home Communit
subdivision and would not create an additional detriment on the neighboring
Special Use Permit Waiver Matrix Supplemen
parcel. Furthermore, both the subject property and the adjacent Westhall
subdivision are zoned R-6; where a conventional R-6 development is required
TM P 56 4
to maintain a 20' rear setback, the 50' setback would require 70' of separation
Revised 06 March 202
between two structures of the same zoning. 70' of separation is not warranted
Submitted 13 October 202
between two R-6 communities.
prolecr. z i .ui t)
Existing Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Proposed Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Sec. 5.3.5
c. Manufactured homes and other structures shall
Lot 15-20, 22, 23, 30, 33, 44, 57, 60-65, 67, 68 (total 20 lots)
Setbacks and
be set back at least 15 feet from the right-of-way
of internal private streets, common walkways and
common recreational or service areas. This distance
The existing private road right-of-way is shown as 30' from the existing
may be increased to 25 feet for manufactured homes
centerline. With a 30' private ROW, there are a total of 20 existing lots that are
or structures at roadway intersections and along
set backless than 15' from the ROW. No lot encroaches into the ROW and
internal public streets
location of an existing structure less than 15' from the ROW has not and will
not inhibit safe and adequate access throughout the development.
d. Manufactured homes and other structures shall
Lot 48
be set back at least six feet from any manufactured
space lot line.
Due to the existing distances between the existing structures on Lots 48, 61,
and 62, the structure on Lot 48 encroaches into the 6' setback
Sec. 5.3.7
b. Markers for manufactured home lots. Each
All existing lots
All proposed lots
manufactured home lot shall be clearly defined on
required -
the ground by permanent markers. There shall be
posted and maintained in a conspicuous place on
All existing lots have an E911 number associated with each structure and each new lot will similarly have a new E911 number assigned.
home lots
each lot a number corresponding to the number of
each lot as shown on the site plan.
c. Outdoor living and storage areas. An outdoor living
There are some lots that do not have a paved outdoor living area.
All proposed lots
area shall be provided on each manufactured home
lot. At least 100 square feet shall be hard surfaced.
Storage buildings not to exceed 150 square feet
Some existing lots have a hardscaped outdoor living area, such as attached
The hardscaped outdoor living area is requested to be waived. Similar to the
shall be permitted in a designated area on each lot.
porches or deck areas. These areas have been added by the discretion of the
existing lots, if desired by the resident, outdoor living space may be added at the
Additional storage facilities may be provided in
tenant, if desired. Existing residents may not want a newly paved area within
discretion of the tenant.
their lot.
common areas.
Any new storage buildings associated with the creation of the 14 new lots shall
Six existing storage buildings exceed 150 square feet. These existing storage
not exceed 150 square feet.
buildings are owned by the residents and are requested to remain.
Crozet Mobile Home Community
Special Use Permit Waiver Matrix Supplement
TMP 56-48
Revised 06 March 2023
Scbmi'ted 13 October 2022
Existing Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Proposed Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Sec. 5.3.8
a. Off-street parking. Off-street parking for
All existing lots
All proposed lots are proposed with gravel parking
manufactured homes, recreational uses and service
required -
areas shall be provided in accordance with section
4.12 of this ordinance. Parking for manufactured
home park
homes may be provided on individual lots, or in
convenient bays, in accordance with section 4.12.16.
While some existing lots have gravel parking areas, most residents park on the
Proposed lots shall have off-street parking areas within their designated lots,
Additional parking area for recreational vehicles
street. The manufactured home park has been established since the 1970s and
however, the material of these parking areas are proposed as gravel.
shall provided in a common area a rate one
has successfully managed parking without issue for decades. Please see images
space per ten units
of on -site parking below
b. Internal Street. A minimum right-of-way width of
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
40 feet shall be established on internal private streets
for the purpose of measuring setbacks. The right-of-
way shall be maintained clear of all obstructions
The existing private roads are shown with a 30' ROW. The existing private roads are pre-existing and proposed to remain.
Sec. 5.3.8b
Internal private streets shall be constructed to the following minimum standards:
2 Minimum typical section for all park streets that
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
required -
abut manufactured home sites where the lot frontage
home park -
(measured at the manufactured home setback line)
The private roads are pre-existing and proposed to remain. The minimum typical section indicates that the streets must be 20' in width with 3' of rolltop curb
General Design
is an average of less than 85 feet.
on both sides. Requiring nearly 2,800 LF of existing private roads to be improved, these standards would significantly increase construction costs for an existing
q 8 Y g P P g Y g
property that provides affordable housing for 73 households, as well as requiring several structures to be moved; moving a manufactured home can cost thousands
of dollar per unit. The median mortgage in Crozet is $432,600', household incomes need to be well over $100,000 to afford such a mortgage, and additional costs
such as property taxes and insurance further makes homes unaffordable. As these estimates are from 2020, the median mortgage is to have likely increased in
2022. Substantial construction costs for a property with an established affordable housing community would further exclude households that continue to be priced
out of Crozet, as well as the County. While non -single-family detached housing is steadily emerging in Crozet, many households greatly value the community, yard
space, and privacy that a manufactured home park can provide. Much of the community includes retired neighbors and many of the residents have lived within
the park for at least a few years.
Crozet Mobile Home Community
Special Use Permit I Waiver Matrix Supplement
TM P 56-48
Revised 06 March 2023
Submitted 13 October 2022
project: 21.075
52506 Financial Characteristics for Housing Units with a Mortgage, U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates S H I M P ENGINEERING, P.C.
Existing Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Proposed Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Sec. 5.3.8b
Internal private streets shall be constructed to the following minimum standards:
required -
home park -
General Design
3a. Streets with no on -street parking serving up to 50
manufactured home sites shall have a minimum
width of 20 feet. Streets with no on -street parking
serving more than 50 manufactured home sites
shall have a minimum width of 24 feet. Streets
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
The private roads are pre-existing and proposed to remain. Please see the discussion above for Sec. 5.3.8b(2). Furthermore, a minimum clear width of at least 22
with on -street parking shall have a minimum clear
feet will be provided. Gravel is proposed in areas where existing streets are less than 22 feet in width and would provide safe and adequate access throughout the
width of at least 22 feet, excluding parking space
site. A clear width of 22 feet would be sufficient per Engineering minimum recommendation.
3b. Pavement shall be prime and double seal bituminous
All pavement is existing (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha
No new streets proposed
surface treatment. Base shall be six inches of 21A or
21B aggregate base.
The private roads are pre-existing and proposed to remain.
3e. Minimum horizontal centerline curve radius is 250
Claudia Street, Alfred Street
No new streets proposed
Claudia Street is a private street that intersects with Agatha Street. From this intersection, Claudia Street runs approximately 480' east, before leading into a 90'
turn, terminating after 150' at its intersection with Alfred Street at another 900 turn. The horizontal centerline curve radius at these two turns are less than 250.
3g. Minimum radius of edge of pavement is 25 feet.
Intersection of Agatha Street and Adele Street
No new streets proposed
Intersection of Agatha Street and Alfred Street
Nearly all radii of existing edge of pavement is 25' or more. However, at the Agatha Street/Adele Street and Agatha Street/Alfred Street intersections, the radius
does not meet 25' However, for the Agatha Street/Adele Street intersection, based on the existing road network, few vehicular trips would make the right -turn
maneuver from Agatha Street to Adele Street. Very few vehicles would approach the site westbound on Park Road. Vehicles traveling from Route 250 and Interstate
64 would access the site eastbound on Park Road. To reach their homes on Adele Street, residents would travel eastbound on Park Road and take the first left turn
onto Adele Street. For the Agatha Street/Alfred Street intersection, the radius is approximately 22, which would sufficiently allow for a right -turn maneuver on a
low -speed residential street.
3h. Roadside ditches shall be designed to contain the
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
ten-year storm below the shoulder using Mannings
'W' of 0.06 if lined with grass.
The private roads are pre-existing and proposed to remain. The existing
drainage system does not pose any flooding issues for the property.
3j. Driveways shall be paved the same as streets to the
All existing lots
All proposed lots
right-of-way line. Aggregate base may be four inches
Most lots do not have separate driveways and will continue to park on -street.
As the existing lots sufficiently park on -street, all proposed lots will similarly park
on the street by their unit.
A. Curb drop inlets shall be placed along the tangent
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
portions of the street or at the points of curve at
intersections. Curb drop inlets shall be sized and
The private streets are pre-existing and proposed to remain. Curb drop inlets would require the installation of the curb and the existing private streets are a rural
located to prevent overtopping of the curb during
the ten-year storm. Curb drop inlets shall be VDOT
section. Any new land disturbance will comply with current VSMP regulations at the time of site plan.
DI-3A, 3B, or 3C with a type A' nose.
Existing Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Proposed Lots (Lots Not Meeting Regulation)
Sec. 5.3.8b
31. Storm sewers shall be designed in accordance with
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
required -
VDOT criteria
The private streets are pre-existing and proposed to remain. Any new land disturbance will comply with current VSMP regulations at the time of site plan.
3m. All construction and materials shall be in
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed
home park -
accordance with current VDOT road and bridge
The private streets are pre-existing and proposed to remain.
General Design
standards and specifications.
Notes [cont.]
Sec. 5.3.8
c. Recreation requirements. See section 4.16
Recreational equipment per Sec. 4.16 is not currently present on the property.
Recreational equipment per Sec. 4.16 is not proposed.
Per Sec. 4.16, 73 units would require two tot lots within a 4,000 sq. ft. fenced -in
required -
The manufactured home park is located on Park Road and is approximately 1000' east of the Claudius Crozet Park entrance. For pedestrian access, the subject
home park
property is immediately adjacent to the Jonna Street public ROW, which intersects with the Eastern Avenue public ROW. The special use permit proposes a trail
connection from the property to the Joanna Street ROW, within an access easement to ensure resident access. From Eastern Avenue, there is a public access trail
easement through Glenbrook's stormwater forest and open space easement lot, which provides direct access to the rear of Claudius Crozet Park Requiring private
recreational equipment on the property would require installation, maintenance, and insurance costs to be incurred, which would ultimately create additional
costs to residents. The private recreational equipment and the added costs are not necessary with the accessibility to public resources within the neighborhood
walking shed.
d. Pedestrian access. The requirements of section
All existing streets (Adele Street, Claudia Street, Alfred Street, Agatha Street)
No new streets proposed shall be met.
Sec. of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance states that the agent may require sidewalks on one or both sides of the street. The agent may require
additional sidewalks or pedestrian walkways between buildings, to adjacent properties, and, where appropriate, to private areas of recreation and open space,
and to offsite public areas of recreation and open space. Per Sec., it is in the agent's discretion to determine whether sidewalks would be required on the
property. As an established manufactured home park, the community has adequately facilitated pedestrian movement throughout the property without sidewalks
for over 40 years. Due to the existing geometry of the private streets without separate pedestrian infrastructure, vehicles travel at significantly lower speeds upon
entering the property and anticipate pedestrians within the shared space of the street. Furthermore, the private streets do not provide interparcel connectivityand
vehicles traveling on these roads are slowing down to find a parking space.
g. Landscaping and screening. The requirements of
All existing lots
All proposed lots
section 32.7.9 shall be met. In addition, screening
may be required in accordance with section
around the entire perimeter of the park, or part
Screeningaround the perimeter of the ark is not resent and is not proposed with the special use permit. The roe is surrounded b R-4 Residential, R-6
P P P P P P P property rtY y
thereof, except where adequate vegetation already
Residential, and Planned Residential Development; there is an R-2 Residential development across Park Road. Sec. -Screening of the Albemarle County
exists and a conservation plan has been submitted in
Zoning Ordinance describes that such landscaping is required in screening commercial and industrial development from rural areas, in screening parking areas
accordance with section
from residential and rural areas, features that may have negative visual impacts (loading areas, refuse areas, storage yards, detention ponds, and recreational
facilities), double frontage lots, and where historic properties may be impacted. As an existing manufactured home park that was established well before the
development of the surrounding properties, screening of this existing community is not warranted. The manufactured home park is an existing residential
development within a residential area. The existing density of the park is 5 DUA and the addition of 14 lots would bring the density to 6 DUA; where a zoning
map amendment to a dissimilar zoning or a special use permit for a more intense use may necessitate screening, this proposal seeks to bring an existing use in
conformance, with a proposed density within the existing zoning parameters.